We’ve pulled together various information from across Camden which might be helpful for your community group.
Camden Community Directories
- Directory of Community Groups in Camden
- Directory of Community room space
- Directory of Green Social Prescribing activities (outdoor, healthy activates)
Facts and Figures
- A Camden Overview
- A Profile of Camden VCS
- Camden Data: Evidence and Research – Toolkit Page
- Camden Health Information
- Camden Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- Camden Open Data Portal
- Camden Ward Profiles
- Public Health England Camden Profile 2018
Local Infrastructure Orgs
- Camden Community Centre’s Consortium (C4)
- Camden Disability Action
- Camden Giving
- Healthwatch Camden
- The Infrastructure Alliance
- Voluntary Action Camden
- Volunteer Centre Camden
- Young Camden Foundation
Local Funders
- Camden Funders Page
- Camden Giving
- Camden Music Trust
- Community Festival Fund
- Edward Harvist Charity
- Emanuel Vincent Harris Trust
- Richard Reeves Foundation
- St Andrew Holborn Charity
- The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust
- Young Camden Foundation
- VAC Funding Pages