Voluntary Action Camden

Thriving Communities

Thriving Communities is a collaboration between the National Academy for Social Prescribing, National charities and CVS’ (Council for Voluntary Services) across the country.  At regional level VAC are the lead body for North Central London ICS (integrated care system) boroughs, and a member of the London Partners Group hosted by London Plus.


The purpose of the programme is to develop social prescribing through learning, networking and building collaborations. VAC host a Learning Together group of VCS organisations from the 5 NCL boroughs, and work closely with CVS leads and London Plus, to develop and strengthen the VCS social prescribing offer. This includes developing and securing  resources for the sector to deliver on this key area of the NHS long term plan

More Information


You can access the Thriving Communities Learning Network here

You can access help and support related to social prescribing here (Clearing House form?? Or my email?)


To find out more about the Thriving Communities Network, contact Donna Turnbull dturnbull@vac.org.uk

About the Fund

The Thriving Communities Fund will support local voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise projects that bring together place-based partnerships to improve and increase the range and reach of available social prescribing community activities – especially for those people most impacted by COVID 19 and health inequalities.

More Details

Please click here for more details.


They are expected to commence on 15 March 2021, and end on 31 March 2022.
