Voluntary Action Camden

Strategic Projects

The Voluntary Action Camden team take on projects that build evidence and agency for local causes and strategic influence.

We can support voluntary groups and organisations to develop projects and take action. We can also join forces to run projects related to key strategic themes that impact on Camden communities. Our areas of focus for a number of years have been Health Inequalities, Environmental Justice and Health Transformation. Our team are well placed to respond to local needs and crises as they arise.

Building voluntary sector voice and community influence  requires a holistic and joined up approach to working with others. Here are some examples of current or recent projects that support this work.

Health inequalities 

The Health Inequalities Network supports grassroots BAME, people with disabilities  and other marginalised communities in Camden by connecting them with health providers and policy makers.

Environmental justice

This work is aimed at strengthening the voice of local people to address the negative impacts of planning and development on community health and wellbeing. 


VAC has been engaged the in development and change happening in health services for decades. 

thriving communities

Thriving Communities is a collaboration between the National Academy for Social Prescribing, National charities and CVS’ (Council for Voluntary Services) across the country.

space to connect

Space to Connect is a collaboration with the Cooperative Foundation and VCS organisations across England to support community groups struggling to access affordable space.


To find out more about our strategic work and projects contact Donna Turnbull dturnbull@vac.org.uk
