Social Prescribing is a phrase that covers all sorts of work that connects health service users with their community. We launched a Social Prescribing Learning Network (SPLN) in 2019 for all the groups and organisations involved. This is a perfect opportunity to find out more about the social prescribing initiatives in the borough and how we can all play a part. The network hosts events 3 -4 times a year and supports VCS organisations on a one-to-one basis to engage with social prescribing.
Subscribe to the Camden Social Prescribing Learning Network here.
The Network’s aims are to:
Share learning and data from the referral process: need; demand; new opportunities; barriers; evidence for activity / service development.
Help build capacity: support to VCS groups engaging with social prescribing on context; service / opportunity development; resourcing; networking.
Engage with research and development in social prescribing and the impact on health and wellbeing.
Engage with and influence the development and implementation of social prescribing and related policy.