Voluntary Action Camden

Camden social prescribing learning network (SPLN)

Social Prescribing is a phrase that covers all sorts of work that connects health service users with their community. We launched a Social Prescribing Learning Network (SPLN) in 2019 for all the groups and organisations involved.  This is a perfect opportunity to find out more about the social prescribing initiatives in the borough and how we can all play a part. The network hosts events 3 -4 times a year and supports VCS organisations on a one-to-one basis to engage with social prescribing.

Subscribe to the Camden Social Prescribing Learning Network here.

The Network’s aims are to:

  • Share learning and data from the referral process: need; demand; new opportunities; barriers; evidence for activity / service development.
  • Help build capacity: support to VCS groups engaging with social prescribing on context; service / opportunity development; resourcing; networking.
  • Engage with research and development in social prescribing and the impact on health and wellbeing.
  • Engage with and influence the development and implementation of social prescribing and related policy.

More Information

To find out more about the SPLN, contact Donna Turnbull dturnbull@vac.org.uk

SPLN is hosted by VAC as part of the social prescribing collaboration with North Central London CCG,  Age UK Camden and London Borough of Camden’s Wish Plus.


If you’d like to know more about the Camden Social Prescribing Network then please contact Donna Turnbull at dturnbull@vac.org.uk.
