Voluntary Action Camden

Becoming a VAC trustee

The Board of Trustees is VAC’s governing body and sets the overall strategy and direction of the organisation. They are also responsible for the efficient and lawful governance of VAC.

The Board of Trustees is elected annually. Members of the Board are nominated by VAC Members in accordance with the requirements of the Memorandum and Article of Association (our governing document).

The Board of Trustees employs a paid Executive Director to oversee the daily management of the organisation and to deliver the organisation’s aims and objectives.

Some of the roles of a trustee include:

  • To ensure that the charity remains true to its mission and values
  • To determine its strategy
  • To act as the point of final accountability for its actions and those of its representatives and staff
  • To safeguard its assets

While Trustees often bring a wealth of skills and experience to the table, becoming a Trustee or Board Member often has unexpected benefits, for example, gaining extra skills, aiding professional development and networking with colleagues.

Who are VAC’s Trustees?

VAC’s Board of Trustees comprises 10 individuals (8 trustees and 2 observers) with experience of working in the voluntary and community sector. They have considerable knowledge of the borough of Camden and the needs and concerns of local residents. Together they bring to VAC a wide range of skills and expertise, from communications to community development, senior management, human resources, strategic planning and financial services.

Keith Morgan

If you feel you have something to offer VAC as a Trustee then we would love to hear from you. The Board of Trustees are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and you must be a VAC Member to stand. The Board have powers to co opt members between AGMs.

To find out more contact Keith morgan Executive Director at kmorgan@vac.org.uk.
