Voluntary Action Camden

Participants list for this session here
Voluntary Action Camden Forum Presentation

At this forum we spoke about a new fundraising support with BAME organisations in Camden and a new Health Inequalities Network

We also broke up to small groups and discussed 3 question, below are some of the answers that were given:

1. What do you think the priorities of the HI Network should be going forward?

· Small groups struggling – support for these to have a voice
· Organisational Development needed to make a difference.
· Access to funding difficult, so this project is timely
· Organisations just want to exist / continue to exist – many have disappeared in the last 10 years.
· Dispel the idea / current narrative, that smaller community groups are not sustainable because of lack of support

2. What do you want to get from the HIN for your organisation/community?

· Training for volunteers – lots of people in the community with free time who want to help but can’t get access to training.
· Safer recruitment of volunteers – standard and quality of work that’s involved, not any and every one can / should volunteer.
· Technology / digital tech training – most don’t know how to use Zoom / smart devices / have assess / basic web design – pages they can share information.
· Volunteers are another way of getting information out to the community so this needs to be utilised.
· Better connectivity on what’s working / not working with NHS – empty sessions / better promotion of services from GP’s.
· What NHS / Public services are doing currently – a place to get updates and feedback our comments.

3. How do you want to engage with HIN? Type of communications, frequency of meetings etc

· Pandemic highlighted new ways of working, but we still need to meet when we can safely / reconnect.
· Current Zoom meetings days / times / duration not easy for all to engage and we need to find the right balance.
· Virtual meeting fatigue – adding to the problem of mental health.
· People sitting in meeting after meeting talking and nothing gets done.
· Work more in partnership; bigger organisations making bids with smaller, as this is how many have been sustained throughout the pandemic.
· An email hub where we can connect and share / create fundraising ideas / links.
· Trust: faith / cultural leaders connecting in and disseminating information to communities better.
