Voluntary Action Camden

Informal volunteering and social action

Get involved in your community! There are so many ways to take part, enriching your life and the lives of others. On this page you’ll find lots of ideas for informal volunteering.


We collate volunteering opportunities from voluntary and community groups across the borough and advertise positions in our weekly newsletter. 


Search for a local community group

You can search our directories by name, topic, beneficiaries, postcode and ward. Once you’ve found some local groups that match your area of interest you can get in touch.

Find a local street party or community festival. You can volunteer to help out, or join the organising committee.

Or why not organise one yourself – we have lots of advice and information on how to do it.

Get involved with Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing is the new buzz word for improving the health and well-being of people by linking them into non-clinical services, particularly services offered by  voluntary and community groups. Community Links volunteers in Camden help local people find and connect with those services. You can find out more about about becoming a volunteer or social prescribing on our website.

Find out what’s on

at your local community centre with Recommend Me.

If you want to campaign about something locally

you can find lots of resources on the Campaigning Central website. Or try the international youth focussed campaign website dosomething.org. There are lots of local campaigns to get involved in – from supporting comprehensive education, to improving air quality, from supporting libraries to campaigning on body image. Have a look on our directory of local organisations, or search twitter, Meetup and local noticeboards to find out about local campaigns.

If sharing and swapping is more your thing..

then why not join Comoodle or a local Free Cycle group (there are 3 in Camden). Find other ideas for sharing and swopping at thepeoplewhoshare.com.

If you just want to volunteer

there’s a Timebank in West Euston, look in Jobs and Volunteers section of the VAC weekly newsletter, or you can search Simply Connect. Or take a look at our Volunteering page for formal volunteering opportunities.

If you can’t find a community group..

you can start your own. Gather some like-minded people and get started. We have lots of advice on getting started or fill in this form to request one-to-one support from VAC.

There are lots of ways to get involved online. Find a group on MeetUp – or start your own. Sign a petition at change.org or download the Buycott app for concious consumerism.

Still in need of inspiration?

Why not start your own Book Group, do some Guerilla Gardening, or become a gappista and fix your own potholes? Or start with a small, achievable action at Small Actions Today.


If you’d like any advice about volunteering or social action please contact Mandira Manandhar mmanandhar@vac.org.uk
