Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden Vaccine Special

VAC Vaccine Special

8th February 2021

Vaccine Update and Webinar

Camden’s lead for vaccination of the frontline social care workforce in the borough has sent an email that sets out key information on eligibility for vaccination under this priority cohort, information on a Q&A session where you can find out more, and an email address to contact Camden in relation to any queries.
The email sets out who is eligible under the social care workforce definition and has details of the DHSC Definition and exclusions.  You can read the email here.
Camden will be hosting a webinar talk and Q&A on Tuesday 9th February at 9.30am about the vaccination roll out under the social care workforce priority group. Leads in VCS organisations are encouraged to attend, and can join on Tuesday by clicking this link.

Healthwatch Camden Vaccination Q&A

Healthwatch Camden hosts online Q&A event on the Covid-19 vaccination in Camden. Tuesday, 16th February 2021 5.30 to 7.00
This will be your opportunity to ask questions regarding the Covid-19 vaccination rollout in Camden, the different vaccines available, how you will be invited to get vaccinated and any other concerns regarding the vaccine.
Panel of experts –
Dr Louise Jones, Healthwatch Camden Chair (meeting facilitator)
Piers Simey, Acting Director Camden & Islington Public Health
Dr Ammara Hughes, Partner Bloomsbury Surgery & Clinical Director Central Camden PCN
Dr Archana Tina Agrawal, Museum Practice
Dr Frances Baawuah, Brondesbury Medical Centre
Register now and ask your question –
~ Via Zoom by clicking on this link to register
~ By calling us: 020 7383 2402 (to register to access the event via landline)
~ By emailing at shelly.khan@healthwatchcamden.co.uk
For more information, please visit the website.

Vaccine Resources

The full recording of the recent London Bangladeshi Community Information webinar can be viewed on Youtube.
Camden Council have information in other languages and formats.
NHS  warning poster of some scans in relation to the programme.
DCMS has produced a Covid-19 Vaccine Comms Pack.
Camden BSL Vaccine information and Update here.
Resources to help overcome vaccine reluctance:
BAME celebrities call out vaccine misinformation
Call-to-action: vaccine roll-out priorities’ from Runnymede Trust
Easy read guide to vaccinations (and other Covid related guides)
MPs from various South Asian backgrounds have recorded messages in support of vaccination.
British Islamic Medical Association Covid-19 Answering the Myths
National Institute for Health Research COVID and Me Vaccine Dramas (Including one story on family influence on attitudes in Urdu, Bengali and Punjabi)

Detailed Health Updates

There are some regular health updates for those who want more detail.  Every Tuesday at 5pm, Healthy London Partnership and the GLA host a detailed hour with Professor Kevin Fenton. A recent event can be found here.  To sign up contact  community.engagement@london.gov.uk
The ZOE Covid-19 Vaccine Project run by Kings College and the NHS has regular webinars and briefings going into more detail.  Previous webinars are on YouTube.

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