Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 16th October 2015

The London Fairness Commission; Wellbeing After Serving in the Armed Forces; Service User representative on IAPT evaluation panel; DSC Fundraising Fair; Office to Let at VAC; National Grandparents Day; Take Back the City; Recovery College Courses ; Wild Bunch Halloween Party; Women’s Circle Free Confidential Support for Women; Camden50 Volunteering Awards; Torriano Poetry; An introduction to intergenerational working; + jobs, volunteers, events, training, offers and resources.
Latest from VAC
The London Fairness Commission – Have Your Say
The London Fairness Commission has been established to convene the first citywide debate on fairness in 100 years. Launched in June this year, the Commission has so far asked Londoners to consider how they view fairness, whether London is a fair city, and what should be done to make London fairer. They have recently published an Interim Report, reflecting their findings and setting a series of fairness dilemmas for Londoners. The Commission’s recommendations will be published in March, and will be designed to influence the incoming Mayor.
The commissioners are very keen to hear from both the voluntary sector and those who volunteer within their local community, individuals who work in the community sector, or is a member of a local community group, and are holding two Open Space events on Monday 9th November, Museum of London, Terrace Gallery, 10am to 4pm or 6 pm to 8.30pm. Details of the event and booking can be found here.
For further information please contact – lisa@lvsc.org.uk


Medicine for Members Expert Talks: Wellbeing After Serving in the Armed Forces
Come and find out what challenges veterans, reservists and their families face, how you can help, and why it’s always worth health professionals asking the question ‘Have you served..?’
Open to staff, service users and the general public.
Monday 26 October 2015 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Conference Hall, St Pancras Hospital, 4 St Pancras Way, London, NW1 0PE
Refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP to communications@candi.nhs.uk or call 020 3317 7082.

Needed: Service User representative on IAPT evaluation panel
‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ (IAPT) is a national programme to improve access to talking therapy treatment. The current contract for providing this in Camden comes to an end 31 March 2017. We are in the process of redesigning the service to ask people to bid to provide it. We need to make sure that when bids are being scored, service user views are at the centre. We are therefore seeking two people to sit on the evaluation panel that scores each bid.
The role will involve reading various documents, individually assessing and scoring bids and actively participating in group discussions with commissioners, clinicians and other professional colleagues. You will be reimbursed and supported in the role. We are looking for people who:
– Have lived experience of common mental health problems, and accessing IAPT services in Camden
– Are willing to commit to a minimum of 3 months engagement with a procurement process
– Are willing to represent the views of people with common mental health conditions
– Have good communication skills and are able and willing to read, sometimes complex, documents.
Sound like you? Please email mhinvolvement@camdenccg.nhs.uk or call 0203 688 2084 to express an interest by Monday 9th November 2015.

DSC Fundraising Fair 19 & 20 November
Two days of practical fundraising training and information for fundraisers at all levels.
Get inspired by 34 workshops covering a wide variety of key fundraising topics: from In-Memory Giving, Ethical Issues in Fundraising and Events Fundraising, through to Stress Management, Digital Fundraising, Telling Stories and Building Relationships. Whether you are just starting out or are an experienced fundraising director, there is a workshop just for you.
You’ll get the tools and techniques to help you raise more funds, to better serve those you help. You can find further information here. Resource Ctr, Holloway Road.

Office with Consulting Rooms to Let – Good Price, Great Location
VAC has a medium size office to let that would suit a small organisation needing space for approximately 4 or 5 desks. Unusually, we are able to offer a up to 4 private consulting rooms as well. Conveniently located in Kentish Town will all usual mod cons. Contact Kevin at VAC knunan@vac.org.uk

National Grandparents Day
A wonderful intergenerational event now in its 8th year!
Tuesday 27th October 2015
11am—1pm: Make Do & Mend, Traditional Games, The Big 1940s Quiz
1.00pm—2.00 pm: free community lunch
2pm—4 pm: Family Bingo with prizes,Fashion Show, afternoon tea, 1940s Singalong with the Wraggle Taggle Band
West Euston Time Bank, H Pod, Cumberland Market, London NW1 3RH
Phone: 020 7383 4382

Take Back the City
Take Back the City is generating a manifesto for London by meeting with local groups – full details on the website and this 2 minute film about what we’re doing.
We’re meeting 100 groups of people over the next few months to find out what they want to see included in our People’s Manifesto. So far the most popular demands are affordable housing and a living wage. Action on police racism, free transport, open and free green space, and lower tuition fees have also come up as popular demands. You can enter your demands here.

Recovery College Courses Still Available October – December 2015
Being involved
Understanding Anxiety
Men and Masculinity and more.
Please email us if you want to be sent the new prospectus for courses starting in January 2016
4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Tel: 020 3317 6904 email: recovery.college@candi.nhs.uk
Opening hours10.00am – 4.00pm

Wild Bunch Halloween Party
Thursday 29th October 7 – 11pm at Electrowekz, 7 Torrens Street, EC1V 1NQ
Wheelchair access, over 18s only, £5 on the door.
More information at Siren 020 7359 7443 email siren@elfrida.com

Women’s Circle Free Confidential Support for Women
FRF (Faith Regen Foundation) is a Female led charity that has 14 years’ experience in helping women to move forward in their lives, gain new qualifications and achieve goals.
Receive professional support and gain information, advice and guidance. Get access to specialist services such as housing, welfare and legal advice.
Free Training 10 week ESOL course 5 day accredited Vocational Courses including: Customer Care, Health and Safety, and Food Hygiene.
Careers Advice: Our trained, bilingual female Advisors are here to help with your CV, interview techniques, job applications, work experience and IT skills.
Know your Rights: Our Female support worker offers help for women experiencing family issues.
Please call Julia on 0207 650 3043, alternatively email: julia@thefrf.org
Office address: 4th Floor, LMC, 46 Whitechapel Road, E1 1JX www.thefrf.org

Last Chance – Camden50 Volunteering Awards – closing date 21 October
Youth volunteer nominations needed. There is still time to apply for a prestigious award as a Camden50 volunteer. We have already received some fantastic nominations from a very wide range of charities, organisations and individuals – so now is the time for you too to let us know about a Camden volunteer who is making a real difference. The judging panel will include: The Mayor of Camden Councillor Larraine Revah, Tulip Siddiq MP, Keir Starmer MP and members of the Camden Youth Panel. Further information from the Camden50 website at Camden.gov.uk/camden50volunteeringawards or email volunteering@camden.gov.uk or call 0207 974 6457.

Torriano Poetry
At Torriano Meetinghouse Sunday October 18th, 7.30pm. Guest readers: Graham Burchell ,Selina Rodrigues, Chris Dodd and Cheryl Moskowitz. Poets from the floor welcome. £5/£4 according to pocket. More details at the website.

Federation for Community Development Learning Community Development National Occupational Standards
The new summary and tree poster for the Community Development National Occupational Standards 2015 are available to download from www.fcdl.org.uk

An introduction to intergenerational working
An intensive one-day training session ideal for people who would like to organise activities or projects which bring together older and younger people, improve their intergenerational practice or make their organisation or service more age-inclusive.
The day will be of particular interest to staff, managers and volunteers in sheltered housing, resource centres, residential care, community work, youth work, education and teaching, early years settings, community arts, council departments and anyone else who would like to organise intergenerational events or improve their organisation’s intergenerational practice.
Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 9.45am – 4.45pm
Book soon. Free. For further information or to book a place, contact:
vanda.carter@camden.gov.uk / 020 7974 2810

International women’s conference ‘Caring, Survival and Justice vs the Tyranny of the Market’
Saturday 14 – Sunday 15 November, which the Global Women’s Strike and Women of Colour (GWS) are organising with support from Single Mothers’ Self-Defence, WinVisible and other groups.
See the Conference webpage for speakers, sessions, tickets. Please get in touch if you would like to come and would need a place to stay.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1478279442476169/

Bank Paperwork
Has your bank recently asked you to complete unnecessary paperwork or jump through bureacratic hoops in relation to your group’s or organisation’s account? If you’ve had a recent experience drop us an email in confidence to Knunan@vac.org.uk

Free training, outings and events for unpaid carers in Camden
For a full list of events of carers in Camden please visit the Camden Carers website.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Mildmay Community, Solace Women’s Aid, Homestart Camden, North London Rape Crisis, VAC, Age UK Camden and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


Charities are not getting enough say in local services
Power is being devolved to a local level and traditional “social contracts” are being broken up but the charity sector is not getting enough say in what replaces them according to delegates at a recent conference. Full report at Civil Society.

Tackle Root Causes Rather Than Papering Over the Cracks
A new study says more funders should support innovative or risky projects if they want to tackle the root causes of social problems and not just plug funding gaps.

Call for Integrated Health and Social Care System
Peter Beresford has set out the case for an integrated approach to Health and Social Care in a letter to the Guardian.

Kids Company Back in the News
Civil Society report that Camila Batmanghelidjh, chief executive of defunct charity Kids Company, and its chair Alan Yentob, faced widespread accusations of mismanagement during a three-hour hearing into the closure of their charity. The Guardian was also unimpressed with their performance and said that an opportunity was missed to ‘give clear, concise communications about how it worked and – crucially – what it achieved’. The best response so far is Karl Wilding’s NCVO blog where he points out just how atypical Kids Company were. Not just the extraordinarily amounts of money they received but her closeness to the political establishment (she is even an adviser to Ian Duncan Smith’s, Centre for Social Justice). The public and MPs might not want to believe it but most charities are ‘by and large financially salient, well governed and administratively sound.’


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in Camden Town with Primrose Hill Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from a property development in Camden Town with Primrose Hill Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance.
This opportunity relates only to money provided to improve community facilities, it does not relate to S106 money received for other purposes, such as infrastructure and parks and open spaces.
The community building or facility must be one of the following:
• Owned by the organisation
• Occupied on a long-term lease
• Owned by the council
If your voluntary & community sector organisation would like to make a proposal for S106 capital money for community facilities, and your premises and service provision fits these criteria, please contact jeff.hopwood@camden.gov.uk or adam.demosthenous@camden.gov.uk.
A proposal form will be supplied, to easily enable response to the following:
• A brief description of the proposal, including how much money you are seeking – an estimate is fine at this stage
• Any relevant deadlines
The form will also ask for information about:
• How an allocation would ensure that the recipient’s facilities / services are available for the local community
• Whether the organisation or facility has received S106 Community Facilities funding before
• Whether the capital project has any match funding or pledges of match funding
• How the proposal will address Camden Plan priorities and the Council’s investment tests:
Proposal forms will need to be returned by the 6th November 2015, officers intend to consider the proposals during November, and discuss with ward members and relevant Cabinet Members. Decisions are expected to be made by the beginning of December. Further information please contact the named officers above.

Stepping Stones Fund
All interested charities and social enterprises in the Greater London area are invited to an information session about the Stepping Stones Fund, a £1m social investment readiness grant programme of City Bridge Trust and UBS.
The second round of the Fund is now open for applications. This programme provides grants and risk finance to enterprising organisations that wish to prepare themselves for social investment in order to improve their social outcomes. There are three strands you can consider:
1. obtain capacity building support that will help you better access social investment in the future
2. pilot new ways, ideas or business models aiming for better social outcomes
3. secure risk finance that can catalyse a social investment package.
The deadline for applications is 12 o’clock on 16th November, 2015.
For more information and to register for a place on:
29th October

Free Sport
About FreeSport – FreeSport is part of the Mayor’s Sports Legacy Programme, enabling organisations and community groups to apply for grants between £400 and £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners. We fund activities of all kinds of activities from football or rugby to circus or ‘chairobics’!
Projects must:
· Provide a minimum of 8 hours activity, with 70% of participants taking part in at least six hours.
· Ensure that 10% of participants consider themselves to have an impairment, disability or need assistance to take part in activities.
· Aim for 20% of participants being inactive (not done any physical exercise for four weeks) prior to taking part in the sessions.
We offer guidance and support to applicants about how they can deliver these targets. FreeSport aims to inspire people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport, but also to inspire organisations to run sports sessions more regularly.
How to apply – It’s a straight forward process and we have lots of information for those who may never have applied for a grant before. Applications open until 26 October 2015 – Midday. FreeSport activities must take place between the 15 January 2016 and 15 April 2016.
To find out more about FreeSport, you can visit: www.london.gov.uk/freesport

The Edge Fund
The Edge Fund support work run by and for communities facing discrimination and injustice. We fund work carried out by individuals and grassroots groups in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England that find it difficult to get funding elsewhere. Specifically, we fund work that challenges abuses of power and aims to change society by bringing an end to the systems that cause injustice. While applicants may be working on short term reforms, ​we are looking for applicants that ultimately aim to end or replace these systems with a just alternative, rather than trying to improve or reform them.
To apply for a grant of up to £3,000 you need to answer 5 questions in no more than 2 pages. The deadline for applications is 5pm Sunday 25 October. Read more.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


Health and Safety for Marginalized Communities 26th November, am, free
Too many people are working in dangerous and unhealthy conditions – and often working long hours for low pay. Job insecurity pushes people to keep their heads down and just get on with the job, even if it’s risking their health. Lots of people may not have the help and support of a trade union. If this sounds like you, then make that change. Attend the VAC/London Hazards Centre training and have some fun learning about your rights and how to enforce them.
Targeted in particular at migrant workers, unpaid carers, cleaners and people working in the hospitality industry. Some of the most marginalised people – probably working long hours, in dangerous conditions and on low pay. More information and booking at the VAC website.

VAC’s Mental Health Training Programme for BMER groups
Are you a BMER group or do you work with BMER communities? If so, then our Mental Health Training Programme is for you! Our next courses are as follows:
• Mental Health First Aid (two-day course: 22nd and 29th October)
• Stigma and Mental Health (half-day workshop: 2nd November)
• Youth Mental Health First Aid (two-day course: 12th and 19th November)
• Introduction to Mental Health Awareness (one day workshop: 9th December)
• Mental Health First Aid (two-day course: 9th and 16th February 2016)
For more information about our any of our courses, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations working with BMER communities based in Camden, or which serve Camden BMER residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation. If you have any queries, please contact us on our team email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk

VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).


Upbeat & Kings Cross Timebank & present: Kings Cross Open Mic – Halloween Spooktacular
Friday 30th October 2015 6-9 pm at
The Crypt Holy Cross Church Cromer Street WC1H 8JU. World Music, International Dance & Special Guests. Come along to perform, dress up or just to enjoy the evening.Everyone welcome.
Entry: £2.50 or 3 time-credits(Free for performers) Ticket includes free food.
Any proceeds made will go towards running the next Open Mic event
For more information contact Lucia – T: 07762151783 E: upbeat@upbeatmusic.org

Kentish Town Community Centre Annual General Meeting and Bake-off!
Saturday 24th October 12.15pm – 4pm
We’re excited to announce our next Bake-Off happening alongside our Annual General Meeting. Hear what we’ve been up to, suggest things KTCC should focus on over 2016 and eat some tasty cake. A special children’s category means everyone can get baking this Autumn, so get practicing! Free, open to all. http://www.ktcc.org.uk/

A Patient Group meeting at Camden CCG that has been organised for patients with a Long Term condition.
The Patient Group has been organised for the 19th October from 5.30pm – 7.30pm in ROOM 4LM1, 4th Floor Stephenson House, Camden CCG, 75 Hampstead Road. Food and Refreshments will be provided. Anyone who is available to come at this time will be very welcome. Notify reception that you have arrived for the Camden Care Planning Patient Group and you will be taken up to the room
If interested you can contact Ade by email ( Adetola.Adeniran@camdenccg.nhs.uk).

Ageing Better in Camden Launch 12th November 2015
This morning only event aims to answer all your questions about Ageing Better in Camden – what it is; what it offers; how you can get involved. It is open to all and is aimed particularly at older people and people and organisations working with older people. It will have workshops, information stalls and introductory speeches. Please register at ageingbetterincamden@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 02072390400.
Ageing Better in Camden has published the Invitation to Tender information for the St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project. Please fill in the form to register your interest in tendering (and you will receive emails of any questions and answers that other bidders post). Deadline back 19th November 2pm. http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/

Young Women and the Construction Industry – Participants and Partners Needed + Event on 26th October
Budding Builders is a Construction Youth Trust programme which helps to remove barriers to employment by providing young people with an opportunity to learn new, demand-led skills in a variety of different trades; offer CSCS card training and support; and clear progression routes into work or further training.
There is a course in Camden starting the 26th of October, in partnership with Kings Cross Construction Skills Centre. The aim is to target young women who are considering the industry as a career. The course will provide an introduction to the trades, raise awareness about the industry, support and advise the women with future plans and opportunities. We pride ourselves on making the industry accessible to all and inspire people to go beyond our short courses. The course will be led by an experienced female carpenter and we will have female guest speakers to talk to our budding female operatives.
The success of our projects depends on the partnerships we create. We are seeking organisations that would like to refer women onto our October course and organisations who would like to act as our community practical partner for our 2016 projects. Please get in contact with Nicola Mason on 0207 467 9540 or nicola.mason@constructionyouth.org.uk

Inspiring Trusteeship – a governance conference for London, Greater London Volunteering
Monday, 16 November 2015 from 10:00 to 16:00
City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, SE1 2AA, London, United Kingdom
Inspiring Trusteeship is our free event for everyone interested in the governance of London’s voluntary and community sector.
Join us and over 200 other delegates for: plenary sessions with Dr Alice Maynard, the Association of Chairs and other speakers looking at new perspectives on governance, and looking at what makes an effective Chair/CEO relationship; workshops on legal issues affecting Trustees, and tips on recruiting Trustees; and a networking lunch to meet with people involved in charity governance from across London, in a marketplace of organisations able to provide you with information and support on charity governance.
To register click here

Volunteering Fairs
Autumn is one of the most popular times of the year for people wanting to start volunteering.
Wednesday 21st October 12-2pm at the Working Men’s College
To book your place and to find our more information have a look at Eventbrite

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


The Evelyn Oldfield Unit Is recruiting 2 part-time posts
Research for Action and Influence Tutor (Ref: RAI)
Women’s Development Worker [Supporting Women Project] (Ref: SWP)
The Evelyn Oldfield Unit is a high profile refugee and migrant-led second-tier organisation at the forefront of developing the capacity of the refugee and migrant sector. The Unit is passionate about the values of gender equality, cultural diversity, community leadership and creating a step change towards more inclusive services for refugee and migrant clients of the refugee, migrant and mainstream voluntary sector.
We are looking for 2 energetic and organised people who are highly passionate in working with people from different cultural backgrounds to join the small team of the charity. Both posts are part-time:
• Research for Action + Influence Tutor 2 ½ days – 17 ½ hours per week (Ref: RAI)
• Women’s Development Worker [Supporting Women Project] 3 days – 21 hours per week (Ref: SWP)
The Research for Action and Influence Tutor will lead on the accredited research programme comprising 3 modules (research, action and influence and presentation skills). He/ she will co-ordinate, deliver, monitor and evaluate the project.
The female* Women’s Development Worker [Supporting Women Project] will design, co-ordinate, deliver, monitor and evaluate the project Supporting Women Project.
Both posts are fixed term until the 31st of July 2016.
*NB the post-holder for the Supporting Women Project must be female as per the funder’s requirements. The post is exempt under the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1.
Salary: Scale PO2 pt35 – £33,583 including ILW pro-rata
For an application pack, please email to mulat@evelynoldfield.co.uk or please send a 65p A4 SAE to the Director, Evelyn Oldfield Unit (EOU), 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA
or download the packs from here

Mildmay Community Parntership seeks Centre Assistant
Closing Date: Friday 30th October 2015
Hours: 15 per week – £10/hour Fixed Term Contract: 12 months Mildmay Community Partnership is a membership organisation and registered charity working with and for the community of Mildmay, a ward of Islington in north London. MCP manages the Mildmay Community Centre, an award-winning Passivhaus building available to hire for events, training and community projects. This is an exciting opportunity to join the organisation at a key point in its development. Working alongside the Centre Manager you would help to ensure that the Mildmay Community Centre is a vibrant, well-managed facility that operates for the benefit of local residents.
The Centre Assistant needs to be self-reliant, energetic able to work on their own initiative and to prioritise activities. The ongoing success of the Centre will depend heavily on the organisational skills of the Centre Assistant and their ability to communicate effectively with all members of the community.
To apply, send your CV and a covering letter outlining your suitability, when you are available and your motivation for the role by email to mildmaycp@gmail.com (with the subject line ‘Re: Application for Centre Assistant’).

Solace seeks Volunteers
Complex Needs Refuge Support Volunteer
We are looking for a volunteer to work in our Complex Needs Refuge in Camden. This is an extremely varied role which includes helping with the day to day running of the refuge and supporting women with complex needs affected by Domestic/Sexual Violence. The right volunteer must have an understanding and experience working with women affected by Domestic/Sexual Violence, Mental Health and Substance Misuse.
Please contact Ammarah Ahmad for the information pack and application form. The deadline to submit applications is by 5pm on Wednesday 28th October 2015. Email: volunteering@solacewomensaid.org Tel: 020 7619 1350
Psychology Project Volunteer
This is an exciting new role to develop a Psychologically Informed Practice (Environments) at our Complex needs refuge. This role gives the successful candidate the opportunity to take ownership of a project that actively assists our refuge to support our service users with complex needs on the road to recovery and independence. It will help develop research skills and practical application of knowledge in a live environment. A Psychology qualification ideally degree or above and awareness of the impact of Domestic and Sexual Violence is essential for this role.
Please contact Ammarah Ahmad for the information pack and application form. The deadline to submit applications is by 5pm on Wednesday 28th October 2015. Email: volunteering@solacewomensaid.org Tel: 020 7619 1350

Home Start Camden seeks Volunteers
Are you a parent or do you have parenting experience? Would you like to enhance your skills to offer friendship and support to families with young children? Can you give 3-4 hours weekly, to visit a family with young children who may be going through a difficult time?
Family Support Volunteer
Next Preparation Course Starting 17th November to 10th December
Every Tuesday & Thursday in Kentish Town
Certificates awarded & expenses paid
For information pack ring 020 7424 1603 email: info@homestartcamden.org

North London Rape Crisis seeks helpline volunteers
Volunteers needed to provide support to women and girls age 13+ who have experienced any form of sexual violence at any time in their lives. The volunteers will be required to commit to 12 months post training and to attend a 9 week training course on Fridays from 4th December 2015 to 12th February 2016 excluding the two bank holidays in December. You are required to attend 80% of the sessions to be able to proceed to working on the helpline. You will need to have an interest in working with survivors of sexual violence and will have the opportunity to work towards an OCN accredited qualification for ‘Professionals Working in the Sexual Violence Sector’ at level 2 or 3.
Please contact Ammarah Ahmad for the information pack and application form. The deadline to submit applications is by 5pm on Monday 26th October 2015.
Ammarah: Email: volunteering@solacewomensaid.org Tel: 020 7619 1350

The Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime currently have some vacancies for Camden’s Independent Custody Visitors Scheme
Details about the role and how to apply are on the MOPAC website.
Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) are members of the local community who volunteer to visit police stations unannounced to check on the treatment and welfare of people held in police custody. Their recommendations can require the police to make improvements for the welfare of detainees. Working as part of a local panel, they play a valuable role in maintaining public confidence in this important area of policing.

Age UK Camden seeks Personal Health Budgets Direct Payments Support Worker
(17.5 hours per week) Fixed Term Contract up to 30th September 2016
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£30,525pa pro rata for 17.5 hours £14,422.50-£15,262.50 plus 6% contributory pension.
Personalisation Support In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It is a new venture, which has been set up to provide Direct Payments support to under 65’s in Camden until a new disability user led organisation is established.
You will promote the direct payments service, with particular emphasis on Personal Health Budgets for Mental Health service users and also assist in providing support to disabled people, including those with learning difficulties, under 65 years of age, mental health service users, and parents of Disabled Children who wish to receive or are receiving direct payments from the London Borough of Camden.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link to our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9 am on Monday 19th October 2015 and interviews will be held on Friday 30th October 2015.

Somers Town Community Association seeks Operations Manager
Permanent position £35,000 (Pro Rata £30,000) per annum 30hrs a week.
You will have the skills to identify and implement a diverse range of enterprise models whilst also providing leadership. You will demonstrate the ability to support and develop the competence and expertise of our staff team, particularly our youth and community café teams. This represents an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated Operations Manager to make their mark, help shape, strengthen and expand our services.
The successful candidate will have excellent written and verbal communication with strong organisational skills and the ability to prioritise, plan and manage workload effectively.
Email: admin@somerstown.org.uk or telephone 0207 388 6088 for a full application pack – Closing date 30 October 2015 at 5.00pm

Volunteer Vacancy at VAC
Do you live, work or volunteer in Camden? Would you like to support people in your community to improve their health and their access to services that will help them to maintain good health and wellbeing? Do you want to develop experience and skills in the field of public health? Can you commit at least 2 hours per week?
VAC is offering free Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) Level 1 training to those who want to volunteer their time to become Community Health Advocates. The RSPH Level 1 training is a two days course, with a 20 question multiple choice test at the end of the second day of training. It could provide a useful skill set and experience for people who may be interested in following a health related career path in the future.
After completing the training, VAC will support local teams of volunteers to act as links between community based services and GPs. You may wish to take advantage of additional opportunities to increase your knowledge, for example smoking cessation, cancer awareness, diabetes etc.
In return for your commitment to the project for 2 hours a week we offer support, out of pocket expenses and other professional development opportunities. Details on the VAC website.
Mandira Manandhar (Mon, Tues and Thurs) 020 7284 6573 or email: mmanandhar@vac.org.uk
Peter Simonson (Mon and Thurs) 020 7284 6568 or email: projectsupport@vac.org.uk

Budding Builders from Construction Youth Trust
Budding Builders is a Construction Youth Trust programme which helps to remove barriers to employment by providing young people with an opportunity to learn new, demand-led skills in a variety of different trades; offer CSCS card training and support; and clear progression routes into work or further training.
There is a course in Camden starting the 26th of October, in partnership with Kings Cross Construction Skills Centre. The aim is to target young women who are considering the industry as a career. The course will provide an introduction to the trades, raise awareness about the industry, support and advise the women with future plans and opportunities. We pride ourselves on making the industry accessible to all and inspire people to go beyond our short courses. The course will be led by an experienced female carpenter and we will have female guest speakers to talk to our budding female operatives.
The success of our projects depends on the partnerships we create. We are seeking organisations that would like to refer women onto our October course and organisations who would like to act as our community practical partner for our 2016 projects. Please get in contact with Nicola Mason on 0207 467 9540 or nicola.mason@constructionyouth.org.uk

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector Consultation
LB Camden’s consultation can be found here. The proposals can be found in a downloadable document here. You can give your views directly to the council via an online questionnaire.

Camden Consultations
Other consultations out at the moment include a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.

