Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 25th November 2016

the Autumn Statement; North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan; the People’s Transformathon; Age UK Camden AGM; Camden Volunteer Awards; Get Together Camden; King’s Cross Story Palace; Camden Care Choices; Early Action Insights event on Mental Health; Counselling Space Needed; Transition Support Development Grant; MEWSO Newsletter; IKWRO True Honour Awards; + funding jobs, volunteers, events, training, offers and resources.
How will the Autumn Statement affect the voluntary sector?

Philip Hammond gave his first Autumn Statement yesterday and in it announced growth in the years testup to 2020-21 would be lower than previously predicted.
~ Banking fines – a further £102m will be committed over the next 4 years to support Armed Forces and Emergency Services charities
~ Tampon Tax Fund – £3m will go to Comic Relief to distribute to a range of women’s charities
~ Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme – will be amended to make it more accessible and flexible
~ Gift Aid Digital – will simplify the process for donors making digital donations
In NAVCA’s response, Neil Cleeveley, Chief Executive, said;
“On a day when all the talk is about the nation’s multi-billion pounds public finances, it is important to remember that small investments can make a huge difference to people’s lives. The Chancellor has acted in a disappointingly traditional manner. I would argue for a more radical approach to match these very changed times.”
“There is a growing consensus that inequality not only hurts people and communities but hampers long-term economic performance. As a society we need a debate about how we want wealth and power distributed. As part of this I would like the Chancellor to recognise the many ways in which charities support people to improve their own lives rather seeing charities’ relationship with the state being defined in terms of public service delivery.”
More reactions from the voluntary sector in Civil Society and The Guardian and NCVO.
A complete failure to mention health and social care has caused alarm among local authorities and the NHS. The Kings Fund said that “the government will have to look again…” Camden Council said “Today’s failure to address this crisis is as saddening as it is staggering.”


North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan
Camden Council have now held two public meetings about the STP. You can read a summary of the STP here or the full publication here. You can read the Leader of Camden Council’s statement here and Camden CCG statement about the STP here, Campaigners have raised concerns. A major consultation with patients, the public and VCS is expected soon. Navca’s advice for the voluntary sector can be found here. Two notable quotes about STPs are:
“locally, the best source of support for linking with the voluntary sector is frequently the council for voluntary services (CVS)…”
“In many ways, STPs represent a complex ‘workaround’ to the fragmentation and complexity introduced by the Health and Social Care Act”.

Introducing the People’s Transformathon – an Everyone Included™ Tier 4 event
Stanford Medicine X is excited to introduce The People’s Transformathon, hosted by the Edge NHS. The National Health Service (NHS), one of the worlds largest and highest ranked health care systems, is the first health care agency to host an Everyone Included™ Tier 4 event. This interactive, online event will begin on Monday, November 28th from 12PM to 8PM GMT.
The People’s Transformathon brings together patients, caregivers, providers and staff from around the world to connect, share and learn from each other. Through a panel discussion and a series of sessions based on the Six Principles for Engaging People and Communities, the Transformathon hopes to demonstrate the power of co-production in health care. There will be sessions on Equalities, Co Production, vcs partnerships etc. Participants will have to join the conversation through WebEx and on social media using the hashtag #CoPro2016 Learn More and Register.

Successful Age UK Camden AGM highlights the need for our work
At our AGM on 17 November, guest speaker, Janet Morrison, Chief Executive of Independent Age, an organisation that supports older people to live independently, said: “Thanks for the great community and amazing work. We all have lots to learn from you”. Janet was joined by Deputy Mayor of Camden, Councillor Richard Cotton who said that: “There’s never been a greater need for organisations like Age UK Camden”. Read the full story

Camden Volunteer Awards
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees at the Camden Volunteer Awards last night. You can catch up on the events on the VCC facebook page and at #2016CVA on twitter.

New magazine Get Together Camden for over 55s
Get Together Camden aims to raise awareness of Age UK Camden services and local social opportunities as well as being a useful tool to help people connect with their community. There’s thought provoking articles, information on activities and new places to discover.
Get in touch if you would like to be involved in the next edition Sassaka.amena@ageukcamden.org.uk

King’s Cross Story Palace and will run from January 2017 – December 2018
The King’s Cross Story Palace project will focus on the social and community heritage of the King’s Cross area, paying particular attention to the stories of underrepresented groups. The project will emphasise the experiences of long-term residents, newcomers, workers, revellers, local groups and organisations as well as significant events and sites of interest. It will highlight the stories of this key London area for those who have lived, worked and played there.
We will be hiring several new staff members the next few months, starting with two Community Officers and a Participation & Public Engagement Officer, to be based partially in our Clerkenwell offices and in King’s Cross. See jobs section below for full details. See https://www.historypin.org/en/

Camden adult social care has launched a new online marketplace: Camden Care Choices
Provider event Tuesday 29th November. You can attend one of the three sessions being held: 10am-11.30am, 11.30-1pm or 1.30-3pm. Come and find out more
Register for tickets at Eventbrite
If your organisation has not registered on the new Camden Care Choices yet, please kindly do so to ensure you are listed in the directory of services. The marketplace will allow users including resident and professionals to find the care and support services you are offering.
Please use the link below to register (and click the word “register” at the top of the tool bar). After registering you will need to validate your email within 7 days.
http://camdencarechoices.camden.gov.uk/ For enquiries please email ccc@camden.gov.uk

Early Action Insights event on Mental Health
The Early Action Task Force and Big Lottery Fund are hosting an insights event to launch a report looking at how we can act earlier to promote mental health and prevent mental illness.
Please join us for a discussion involving practitioners who are pioneering early action in practice, and policymakers working in the field of mental health. The event will be chaired by BLF Chief Executive Dawn Austwick and include presentations from Mancroft Advice Project and Haringey Thinking Space.
For more information, and to book a place contact Rosie rosalie.hayes@community-links.org

Counselling Space Needed
Street Talk which is an outreach counselling service for women in street based prostitution and women who have escaped from traffickers. Until recently we had pro bono office space and a counselling space, that has come to an end and we badly need both a space where we can see women for counselling as well as just one room as an office. Contact Pip hockton pippahockton@gmail.com

Camden Council’s Transition Support Development Grant
Are you affected by rent support transition funding? Have you applied for the Transition Support Development Grant? If you need confidential advice and support on how to take your plans forward contact Kevin or Simone at VAC, email knunan@vac.org.uk or shensby@vac.org.uk 020 7284 6550.

Middle Eastern Women & Society Organisation Newsletter and Celebration Event
You can view the latest edition of the Middle Eastern Women & Society Organisation Newsletter here.
Community Celebration: Green Towers Community Centre 7 Plevna Road Edmonton London N9 0BU
Saturday; 17 December 2016, Start: 12.00pm
DJ, Dance, entertainment for children and Food. Come along with your family members, children and friends. Food and drink available. Traditional Middle EasternFashion Show. Lots of entertainment.
Everybody is welcome! For more information please contact 07958145666

Camden Intergenerational Network Newsletter
Read the latest edition of the newsletter online here.

True Honour Awards 2017 Ceremony
IKWRO Celebrating individuals and organisations who take a stand against “honour” based violence
6-9pm Tuesday 7th March 2017, The University of Law, 2 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 4TY
Book at eventbrite.
Know a person or organisation who you think should be celebrated for taking a stand against
“honour” based violence? Nominate them for a True Honour Award here

St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre Celebrating Christmas Around the World
Saturday 17th December 12.00 – 3.00pm, 2 Ossulston Street, NW1
Festive fun, crafts, carols and dance performances. hello@thelivingcentre.org 07958 164725

Free HR Courses for Camden Organisations
The Communities and Third Sector team at Camden Council are offering Camden voluntary and community groups a series of HR training workshops. See Other Events section below for full details.

Camden Giving, VAC, Hopscotch, Kings Cross Construction Centre, Camden Carers Centre, Refugee Therapy Centre, Manor Gardens, Headway North London, Age UK Camden and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


What is Sustainability?
A new research report on Sustainability from IVAR looks at the way sustainability means different things to different funders and how to think more usefully about sustainability. Read more here.

Small charities ‘priced out of council contracts’
Small charities are being “priced out and scaled out” of bidding for local authority contracts and it is “inevitable” that charities will take over some local government services, local government representatives have told the Lords Select Committee on Charities.
Appearing before the committee, Daniel Hurford, head of policy at the Welsh Local Government Association, and Robert Light, a Kirklees councillor, both said that the funding cuts faced by councils and the shift from grants to contracts had had a negative impact on local charities.
Hurford said that despite a general understanding from the charity sector that local authorities were facing severe budget reductions, “there is increasing tension over how that funding is distributed to the sector”.
He said there was a risk that smaller organisations “are priced out and scaled out of the market” and the increasing focus on larger contracts with bigger organisations meant the charity sector risked losing “some of the value it brought as a body, both as a potential deliverer of services but also as a representative body, as an advocate and as having local community ties”.


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Heritage Lottery Young Roots
Grants from £10,000 to £50,000
Apply for a grant of £10,000-£50,000 to help young people aged 11 to 25 to explore their heritage, from green spaces, museums, and historic sites to language, local memories and youth culture. Full details at https://www.hlf.org.uk/looking-funding/our-grant-programmes/young-roots

GALAXY Hot Chocolate Fund opens on 7th November
Through the Fund, Galaxy will be donating seventy awards of £300 to warm hearted community projects and people. The fund is open from 7 November to 26th February. For information go to www.galaxyhotchocolate.com

Bright Ideas Fund is open
The Community Business Bright Ideas Fund aims to give your community group the support and tools to start setting up your community business. It will also give your group the early stage finance that you need need to carry out consultation with local people and feasibility studies to develop a community business idea the community wants and needs.
A programme of support and grants of up to £20,000 is available to develop your community business idea. See full details at the Locality website.

Food for London
In 2016/17 the Fund will shine a light on the disconnect between the high levels of food poverty that exist in London and the tonnes of surplus food that is thrown away, sent to anaerobic digestion or is fed to animals. Food for London will provide support to groups and charities who are using creative ways to repurpose surplus food or provide solutions to address hunger and food waste in London. Grants of between £1,000 and £20,000 are available to support work where there is clear evidence of benefit to those experiencing food poverty, disadvantage or isolation in London.
Full details and how to apply are available on the London Community Foundation website.


Governance in the Voluntary and Community Sector
18 May 2017 – 22 June 2017 6 Thursday evenings 17:30-20:30 in Camden
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the
knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. Full details at the Mary Ward website.

VAC’s Mental Health Training Programme for BMER groups
Are you a BMER group or do you work with BMER communities?
For more information about our any of our courses, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses are only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations working with BMER communities based in Camden, or which serve Camden BMER residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation. Contact mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk


.An introduction to intergenerational working
An intensive one-day training session ideal for people who would like to organise activities or projects which bring together older and younger people, improve their intergenerational practice or make their organisation or service more age-inclusive.
For staff, managers and volunteers in sheltered housing, resource centres, residential care, community work, youth work, education and teaching, early years settings, community arts, council departments and anyone else who would like to organise intergenerational events or improve their organisation’s intergenerational practice.
Wednesday 18 January 2-17 9.45am – 4.30pm. Free
Training and Development Centre, Crowndale Centre, 218-220 Eversholt Street, London NW1 1BD
To book your place go to www.camdentds.co.uk, search for the course and request a place.
For queries and to make bookings without an account, please email tdsonline@camden.gov.uk or contact Vanda Carter – vanda.carter@camden.gov.uk / 020 7974 2810.

The Camden Sensory Needs Forum ‘The Future of the Forum – Making Engagement Work
A forum for blind and partially sighted residents and residents who are d/Deaf, deaf-blind or hard of hearing.
A forum for family carers of people with sensory needs in Camden.
A forum that gives you direct links to Camden councillors as well as links to Council staff and staff from local health organisations.
The venue and meeting are fully accessible. British Sign language interpreters and a Speech to Text Reporter provided. Chaired by Councillor Sally Gimson 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm 1st December 2016 at Charlie Ratchford Centre, Belmont Street NW1 8HF
For transport to help you attend please contact: David Robinson at Camden Council tel: 020 7974 4239 mobile: 0791 755 9419 sms text only

Best practice working with and for older LGBT people workshop
Tuesday 6th December 10.am – 1pm at Lumen Church & Community Centre
Please register your details here https://equalitiesdec16.eventbrite.co.uk – where you will also find more information and the full programme

Do You Need Health and Safety Training?
VAC and London Hazards are planning health and safety training for community groups in Camden. We want to target those who may not have had such training before. Do you have staff, volunteers or users who could benefit from this training? The course could cover areas such as: The main UK health and safety laws; Who is responsible for health and safety at work; Who enforces health and safety; Basic risk assessment; Sources of information and support.
The training is free. To find out more contact Kevin – knunan@vac.org.uk

House of Memories dementia awareness
Workshops for family carers are being held at The British Museum on Thursday 1 December 2016. Run by National Museums Liverpool and commissioned by the Department of Health, workshops will take place twice-daily from 9:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm – 4:30pm.
Free places can be booked by emailing learning@liverpoolmuseums.org.uk or calling 0151 478 4240.

Camden SAPB safeguarding adults conference
Working together towards lives free from abuse – Wed 30 November 2016

This year’s conference will focus on how we can work together more efficiently and share information to keep Camden residents safe.
The conference will be an excellent opportunity for front-facing practitioners working with Camden communities to get together and share their experiences, as well as learn from each other’s practice.
The event is free to attend for anyone working or volunteering with Camden adults, Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, Coram Street, London WC1N 1HT 9:00-17:00. Book your place HERE.

Free HR training workshops for Camden voluntary and community groups
Free and will take place between 9.45 and 1pm at the Town Hall Judd Street.
The workshops are for managers and trustees of voluntary and community groups based in Camden.
Managing Misconduct Wednesday 16th November 2016
Handling Workplace Investigations Wednesday 7th December 2016
Staff Appraisals Thursday 12th January 2017
Managing Sickness Absence Thursday 9th February 2017
Managing Restructure Wednesday 15th March 2017
Managing Difficult Conversations at Work Wednesday 12th April 2017
The workshops will be run by Shirley Briggs. Shirley is an independent HR consultant. Her background is in social housing where she worked as a HR manager for a number of large housing associations. She is also a trained workplace mediator.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Camden Carers Centre seeks Project Manager, Working for Carers Programme
£22,400 per annum (£28,000 FTE) Fixed term to 30 September 2019 28 per week
Working in Camden and Central South London locations
Camden Carers Centre has an exciting opportunity for a Project Manager to develop, plan and implement the new Working for Carers programme. This project is jointly funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund.
The post holder will be responsible for developing a comprehensive employment support project for unemployed and economically inactive unpaid carers across Camden, Merton, Richmond, Kingston, Sutton, Wandsworth; Central South London. The project will need to include a range of activities that can be tailored to meet individual carers’ needs, including one-to-one support, peer and group activities and time-limited in-work support to enable sustainable employment. This project will be delivered as part of a wider programme of activity across all London boroughs aimed at developing an effective and replicable service delivery model for employability support services supporting unpaid carers.
Applicants must be willing to work outside of office hours to manage service delivery at sites across Camden, Merton, Richmond, Kingston, Sutton, Wandsworth (as required) and undergo screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
You can download an application pack from our website: www.camdencs.org.uk. If you have problems downloading the application pack you can request one via email: info@camdencarers.org.uk, or telephone 020 7428 8950
Closing date is 12am 4th December; interviews Monday 12th December at our offices in Chalk Farm

Historypin Community Officers wanted
Historypin and The Building Exploratory are looking for two experience community officers to help deliver a partnership project exploring the heritage of King’s Cross over the past 100 years.
King’s Cross Story Palace is a two year heritage engagement project supported by the National Lottery, through the Heritage Lottery Fund. Over the course of the project the team will work with partner organisations, individuals and communities in King’s Cross to engage diverse audiences and record their stories, research local history, deliver workshops, events and exhibitions, publications and a digital archive to be hosted on historypin.org.
We are looking for two Community Officers to work directly with audience groups and partners in the area. For full details on the project and the role please download the job pack:
To apply send your CV and a covering letter to recruitment@historypin.org by 9:00am Wednesday 30th November 2016. No agencies please.
Interview Dates: 7th, 8th or 9th December – first round / 14th, 15th or 16th December – second round.

Historypin seeks Participation and Public Engagement Officer
Participation and Public Engagement Officer, full time
Historypin and The Building Exploratory are looking for an experienced participation and public Engagement Officer to help deliver a partnership project exploring the heritage of King’s Cross over the past 100 years.
King’s Cross Story Palace is a two year heritage engagement project supported by the National Lottery, through the Heritage Lottery Fund. Over the course of the project the team will work with partner organisations, individuals and communities in King’s Cross to engage diverse audiences and record their stories, research local history, deliver workshops, events and exhibitions, publications and a digital archive to be hosted on historypin.org.
We are looking for a Participation and Public Engagement Officer to train volunteers and deliver public events. For full details on the project and the role please download the job pack:
To apply send your CV and a covering letter to recruitment@historypin.org by 9:00am Wednesday 30th November 2016. No agencies please.
Interview Dates: 7th, 8th or 9th December – first round / 14th, 15th or 16th December – second round

Director of Camden Giving Salary £40,000 (pro rata – 3 days per week)
Camden Giving is a place based giving initiative; a bottom-up, collaborative approach with the aspiration to make Camden a fairer and more inclusive place to live and work. It will raise and pool donations to support grassroots community initiatives. It will also establish a shared vision that includes community activism, volunteering, new opportunities to collaborate, goodwill and connections.
We are looking for an enthusiastic and experienced person who excels at working with individuals and organisations. You will also have excellent relationship building skills, experience of project management, identifying and securing income streams from various sources and the setting up a new organisation.
You will be supported by and work closely with the Steering Group, a committed group of people from the public, private, and voluntary sectors. The key focus of this post will be to build the Camden Giving network and assist in the setting up this new and dynamic initiative. Visit www.camdengiving.org.uk/jobs to apply. Closing Date Friday 2nd December.

Refugee Therapy Centre seeks Volunteer Administrative Assistant
Accountable to: Fundraising and Office Manager
Flexible Working Hours – minimum of up to 2 days a week
Opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10.00am – 7:00pm including one hour lunch
This is a varied and challenging post, providing secretarial and administrative support to a very busy charity. It is important that the post-holder is flexible, highly self-motivated and able to work to strict deadlines. Due to the nature of the work an appreciation of confidentiality at all times is essential. The successful applicant should be able to work with a wide range of people and have a welcoming disposition. S/he needs to have proven ability in secretarial skills, organisational capacity, IT familiarity, as well as an ability to efficiently time manage.
You will find the Job Pack here: http://www.refugeetherapy.org.uk/get-involved/volunteer.aspx
If you would like to apply as a volunteer, and are able to make a minimum of 6-8 months of committment, please complete the Volunteer Application and Equal Opportunities Form, and together with your CV and covering letter send it to us by post at:
Refugee Therapy Centre, 1A Leeds Place, Tollington Park, London, N4 3RF
For further information about volunteering opportunities, please send an email to info@refugeetherapy.org.uk
RTC is committed to Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults and will carry out enhance DBS and full pre-employment checks of selected candidates, as well as two references.

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre seeks Employment Advisor
35 hrs per week 3 year contract £28,183 incl. ILW
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Isabelle Terrisson, Senior Operations Manager. For all other details and an application pack, please contact Ruksana Begum, HR Administrator: Sunday 4th December 2016 at midnight.
Tel: 020 7388 8198 E-mail: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk Web:www.hopscotchawc.org.uk
Please do not send CVs as they will not be considered.

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre seeks Administrative and Finance Assistant
35 hrs per week 3 year contract £20,645 incl. ILW
Closing date: Monday 28th November 2016 at 23.59pm
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Isabelle Terrisson, Senior Operations Manager. For all other details and an application pack, please contact Ruksana Begum,
Tel: 020 7388 8198 E-mail: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk Web: www.hopscotchawc.org.uk

The Refugee Therapy Centre seeks Admin Assistant to the Director of Education & Training
Part-time Working Hours: Up to 2 days a week Salary: £18,000 pro rata
Closing Date for application: 5pm 28th November. Interviews: w/c 2nd December
With a keen eye for detail, strong organisational, IT and communication skills, the Administrative Assistant will provide administrative support to the Director of Education and Training in all areas of her work. The candidate has to be intuitive, flexible, with excellent secretarial skills, and be able to use MS software package to a high standard.
A job description and application pack with further information can be found on our
website: http://www.refugeetherapy.org.uk/get-involved/vacancies/administrativeassistant.aspx .

Age UK Camden seeks Campaigns and Communications Officer (Opening Doors London)
Contract to end June 2017 – will be extended subject to funding
S01 scp29-31 £29,133 – £30,830 pa pro rata 21 hours per week
Closing date 28th November 2016 midday, Interviews Monday Monday 5th December 2016
Opening Doors London is the largest provider of information and support services with and for older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans people in the United Kingdom. We aim to ensure that older LGBT* people live happier, healthier and independent lives free from prejudice and discrimination. Everything we do is informed by the lived experience of LGBT older people.
IPlease see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link in our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.

Volunteers are needed in GP practices!
Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) would like to hear from you! We are training volunteers to become Community Health Advocates in local GP practices.
• Do you live, work or volunteer in Camden?
• Would you like to support people in your community to improve their health and their access to services that will help them to maintain good health and wellbeing?
• Do you want to develop experience and skills in the field of public health?
• Can you commit at least 2 hours per week?
VAC is offering free Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) Level 1 training to those who want to volunteer their time to become Community Health Advocates. The RSPH Level 1 training is a two days course, with a 20 question multiple choice test at the end of the second day of training. It could provide a useful skill set and experience for people who may be interested in following a health related career path in the future.
After completing the training, VAC will support local teams of volunteers to act as links between community based services and GPs. You may wish to take advantage of additional opportunities to increase your knowledge, for example smoking cessation, cancer awareness, diabetes etc. In return for your commitment to the project for 2 hours a week we offer support, out of pocket expenses and other professional development opportunities.
For more information, please contact Mandira Manandhar, Health Advocate Volunteer Co-ordinator (Mon, Tues and Thurs) 020 7284 6550/07930669417 or email: mmanandhar@vac.org.uk
Peter Simonson on 020 7284 6550 or email: projectsupport@vac.org.uk
The RSPH training is provided FREE by on the understanding that participants are available to volunteer for the project and able to attend the regular training and support sessions.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or phone: 020 7278 4437

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Local Offer
The Local Offer sets out information about support for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families. During November 2016, we will be seeking your feedback on the Local Offer to see what you think about the Local Offer as a whole, as well as the website. What’s good, what’s not so good and how can it be improved.
If you’re a parent or carer, you can send your feedback online here.
If you’re a young person, you can send your feedback online here.
If you would like a paper version, a version in another format or for more information, you can email localoffer@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 6345. Visit www.localoffer.camden.gov.uk to find out more.

Looking for some new office accommodation?
Training Link has some office space available Monday to Wednesday starting in January. Can accommodate two people comfortably. Reasonable inclusive charge. Also suitable for 1-1s and small meetings. We are situated in Somers Town at the back of the British Library. Accessible building and excellent transport links. Interested? Email Peter Lush on director@traininglink.org.uk

Debt Advice Service Seeks VCS Partners
Within Camden the report estimates as many as 39,000 are struggling with money and bills.
Capitalise is a London wide free debt advice network of voluntary organisations which for the last 10 years has been delivering free face-to-face advice which is independent, accredited, non-judgmental.
We have a central Hub which anyone can ring to locate their nearest advice centre – Freephone 0808 164 2480 – and begin their journey to being debt free.
We are eager to work with the voluntary groups in Camden and identify how we can help any of your service users (or staff/volunteers) who may be struggling with money and bills.
To find out more about Capitalise we currently have some pages on the Toynbee Hall website (http://www.toynbeehall.org.uk/our-partners ) whilst our new site is being finalised (www.capitalise.org.uk) – If you would like discuss Capitalise, how we can work together or would like to have some posters sent to you please contact michael.dunlop@toynbeehall.org.uk

Camden Consultations
You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.

