Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 31st July 2015

Highlights: Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment; New Fund Makes £1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action; Ageing Better in Camden meeting about St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project; Deaf Accessible Events at Shuffle Festival; Queen’s Crescent Summer Festival 2015; BBC Disability Season; Tennis for blind and partially sighted people; Camden Summer programme 2015; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is being updated, and to ensure that the JSNA represents the voice of residents and local communities there is a process for the Voluntary and Community Sector to contribute information. One of the methods identified for obtaining data from the VCS is a Call for Evidence, which is asking organisations to submit any information they have on local needs and services. Please follow the link for the proforma for the Call for Evidence.

New Fund Makes £1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action.
£1.26m is available nationally. Applications will close on August 28. There is no minimum and maximum size of grant available. See ‘Funding’ section below for full details.

Ageing Better in Camden meeting about St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project
Ageing Better in Camden is holding a briefing and discussion meeting on Monday 10th August, 3:30 – 5:30 pm to look at the St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project Specification. This project aims to:
~ Build a group of active and involved older people working together to improve their lives and their community
~ Create an environment where older participants are less lonely and socially isolated
~ Improve the lives and community of people living in St Pancras and Somerstown.
The ITT documentation will be published in September 2015 and the project is due to start 1st April 2016 and the contract is for 2 years. The value of the contract is £93,000. If you want to attend the meeting or have more information on the project please contact Julia Shelley 02072390400 on Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk

Deaf Accessible Events at Shuffle Festival
Saturday 1st August 12pm till late. Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, Southern Grove, London E3 4PX. Deaf Access via BS interpreters and live captioning will be available on Saturday for selected events. More information from deafvisionsuk@gmail.com

BBC Disability Season
The BBC has a season of programmes on disability and has a dedicated website bringing together links to articles, clips and programmes. Go to Defying the Label.

Queen’s Crescent Summer Festival 2015
Saturday 8th August 12pm-5pm
QC Summer Festival is back for its’ 14th year with the theme ‘Family and Healthy Living’!
International food, family entertainment, fairground rides, fun activities for all.
Bring the whole family!
QCCA, 45 Ashdown Crescent, LONDON NW5 4QE Tel: 020 7267 6635

Tennis for blind and partially sighted people
Liven up your Friday evenings – come and play sound ball tennis at The Globe Tennis Club
190A Haverstock Hill, NW3 2AL behind Belsize Park tube station [Northern line] Buses C11, 168 and 268
We can meet and guide people to the tennis club from Belsize Park tube station, Hampstead Heath Overground station or nearest bus stops.
Every other Friday: 31st July; 14th and 28th August; 11th and 25th September and so on… From 6pm to 8pm
Sessions are FREE. Equipment and coaching provided. Please wear tennis or tennis-like footwear.
Sessions followed by a social get-together.
Want to know more? Phone Rosemary on 07980 328 959 or email: Rosemary@somerstown.org.uk

London Councils Grants Programme Consultation 2017 – 2021
This consultation exercise will help London Councils decide whether the grants programme should continue past March 2017 and if it does what the priorities of the programme should be from 1 April 2017.
The consultation will also inform London Councils’ decisions on any future budget and allocation of resources to projects that deliver the priorities.
This consultation will also inform an equalities impact assessment. The Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies to tackle disadvantage and discrimination[i].Particular groups are covered against discrimination as they have protected characteristics. As such London Councils must must have due regard to effects of these decisions on the nine protected equalities groups. See more at the London Councils website.

Summer programme 2015
Camden Council has put together an action-packed schedule of activities for all the family to enjoy. There are dozens of free and low cost events across the borough to get involved in.
From BMX to free swimming sessions for residents, there’s something sporty for everyone.
If you’re looking for inspiration, you can Discover a new world with one of the many exhibitions and talks taking place at libraries, museums and galleries, or soak in the atmosphere at community festivals, screenings and live performances with friends and family to Discover a new delight.
If you fancy broadening your skills, then Discover a new talent with one of our creative and instructional workshops. Or stay close to home and Discover what’s on your doorstep with a free guided walk, or by making the most of the sunshine in one of our stunning parks or open spaces.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Camden this year, you can also Discover Camden 50 with a range of special events. So, whether you want to keep the kids entertained during the holidays, or just explore more of what’s on offer near you, the summer programme offers everything you need this sunny season.
Check out LoveCamden.org/discover for full details of events and activities
Follow @LoveCamden on Twitter for the latest updates
For more details on Camden 50, log on to Camden.gov.uk/camden50

VAC Response to Council’s Engagement Process
VAC has responded to: ‘Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector. Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’. You can read the response on the VAC website.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

SHAK, Age Uk Camden, Voiceability, Camden Hub, Holborn Community Association, Women and Girls Network, Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

£1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action.
The money is provided by a combination of the Pears Foundation, UK Community Foundations (UKCF) and the government, and the fund will eventually make £1.77m available. £1.26m is available nationally.
Applications will close on August 28. There is no minimum and maximum size of grant available.
For more information and to apply go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-youth-social-action-fund-expressions-of-interest

The Jack Petchey Foundation small grants for youth programmes
The Small Grants Fund allows those organisations who are running the Achievement Award Scheme well, to apply for a small grant of up to £750 to enhance their work with young people.
Please note that you must already be running the Achievement Award in your school or club, AND you must have recently nominated a Leader Award winner too. For more information on this see How to Apply.

Cabinet Office launches £20m Local Sustainability Fund after long delay
The Office for Civil Society has announced the launch of its £20m Local Sustainability Fund, which will give grants of between £20,000 and £100,000 to around 250 small and medium-sized organisations.
However the fund has taken 15 months to deliver, is half the size it was originally expected to be, and faces criticism over a “ridiculously short” application window.
The £20m fund will be delivered through the Big Lottery Fund and will be available to around 250 high-impact charities and social enterprises. Charities interested in applying can do so through an online diagnostic tool, and must do so by 26 July.
Charities will also be eligible for support from local businesses, with the OCS saying that all grant recipients expected to establish a “strong volunteering relationship with a local businesses”. Full story in Civil Society.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
The next CPPEG open meeting is on Monday 10th August (St Pancras Hospital, Conference Hall).
The presentations at the open meeting are as follows:
Presentation 1: Developing commissioning intentions for 2015/16
Presenter: Melody Woolcock, Assistant Director of Commissioning, Camden CCG
Presentation 2: NHS 111 /Out-of-hours engagement & procurement update
Presenter: Ebun Eno—Amooquaye, Project Manager NHS 111, Camden CCG
Presentation 3: Supporting people & families living with Dementia
Presenter: Tracey McDermott, Dementia Befriending Service Coordinator – Age UK Camden & Philip Darby, Strategic Commissioner, Camden Council/Camden CCG (presenter subject to change)
To RSVP you can contact Edith Raie Senior CPPEG administrator by
Email: edith.raie@camdenccg.nhs.uk or Telephone: 020 3688 2044

Free English Classes
Would you like to speak English better? Then come to our free classes.
Every Monday 6pm-8pm at The Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA
Please contact Alexandra for more information on 0207 697 4105 alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

Disabled Girls Football in Somerstown
There will be girls only football sessions taking place for disabled young girls between the age of 11 and 19 at Somerstown Youth Centre. Beginners and players of all experience and ability levels are welcome, the sessions are free of charge and the coaches will all be female.
Sessions will take place every Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm and the first session and sign up is 1st August.
This is a great opportunity for any girls who are interested in playing football. The session organiser Becki, is also happy to meet any potential players who are nervous to join to discuss the sessions.
Contact Becki directly (becki@somerstown.org.uk) if you have any questions or want to join the sessions.

Learning Disability Awareness training session on 5th August 2015.
Training runs from 1pm – 5pm at the Camden Training and Development Service at the Crowndale Centre.
The training is delivered by Training people, a group of adults from Camden who are experts about what it’s like to live with a learning disability, because they are people with learning disabilities.
Training People have several years of experience delivering training in Camden, working with social care workers, NHS staff, third sector staff and volunteers, as well as council employees.
Designed and delivered entirely by people with learning disability, this training looks at how attitudes and barriers in society can affect people with a learning disability and ways to overcome these things together. Through a series of interactive exercises participants will explore effective communication, empowering support and the importance of choice and control.
For more information on the course (not bookings) email sarah@advocacyproject.org.uk or call 07946 505 064.
To make a booking contact Camden Training and Development Service at tdsonline@camden.gov.uk or visit http://www.camdentds.co.uk

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Age UK Camden PSIC is seeking 3 posts:
Personal Health Budgets Direct Payments Support Worker (17.5 hours per week) 12 Months Fixed Term Contract
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa pro rata for 17.5 hours £14,422.50-£15,661.50 plus 6% contributory pension.
Direct Payments Support Worker 2 Posts
35 hours per week, Fixed Term Contract for 9 months and 3 Months
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa plus 6% contributory pension.
Personalisation Service In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It is a new venture, having been set up following the collapse of the previous provider of Direct Payments support to under 65’s in Camden.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link to our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9am on Monday 17 August and interviews will be held on Monday, 24th August 2015.

SHAK seeks P/T Employment & Learning Worker
21hrs per week. Salary: £27,300 pa (pro rata)
Shak (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London. Our mission is to increase local community confidence and support disadvantaged young people and adults by increasing their life opportunities. We do this by identifying and meeting local needs with a range of opportunities in areas of lifelong learning, youth activities, community involvement, employment support, advice and guidance, volunteering, events etc.
The post holder will be working at “The SHELL Centre”, a community learning centre on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in NW London Camden Borough, Kilburn ward. The centre was established in 2003 and has good reputation of engaging successfully with the local community especially disadvantaged groups.
Email your CV and a covering letter explaining how you feel you meet the job profile criteria to: johnboyle@shakonline.co.uk
Closing date: 5 pm on 17th August 2015. Interviews held during the week beginning August 24th.

Two Opportunities for User Involvement from Voiceability
We are looking for service users to join a strategic service user involvement team who will input into shaping service delivery in Camden.
Mental health or substance use service users will play a key part in monitoring the performance of service providers, and in deciding which organisations provide services in Camden.
Applications are encouraged from as wide a range as possible of drug, alcohol or mental health service users in Camden.
In particular, there is an opportunity now for drug service users to apply to be on the tender panel for applications wanting to provide drug treatment services in Camden. We need to receive applications for this opportunity by Wednesday 5th August.
If you would like to apply to be a strategic service user involvement representative, please email camdenuserinvolvement@voiceability.org or phone 020 3355 7113 to tell us a little about:
• The skills you can bring to the role
• Why you want to do this
• Your lived experience and services you may have accessed
• If you are interested in tendering, contract monitoring, or both.

Camden Hub seeks Project Assistant
Be an instrumental part of an innovative project tackling mental ill health in Camden within the Bengali, Black, and Irish communities. We are looking for people who take initiative, can think creatively, and, most importantly, are confident to engage with people. If you are from any of these communities, then your grassroots knowledge, insights and network will be invaluable.
We put people first and will be connecting with them on their terms, wherever they feel most comfortable: clubs or cafes, mosques or churches, college or university, at home or on the go. Having identified people and places, you’ll help to run “mutual learning sessions”. These informal meetups will allow each community to come up with their own original ideas for raising mental health awareness and reducing stigma. Harnessing this energy and insight, you’ll then go on to co produce (together) the most popular and exciting ones.
What you’ll do
~ Investigate and identify where people come together, eg, social clubs, cafes, parent groups, and places of worship;
~ Make contact and create relationships;
~ Meet with individuals and groups. Have informal discussions and “mutual learning workshops” to gain insights and ideas.
~ Later in the project, run “codesign & coproduction sessions” where you’ll help to follow through on ideas people have had, eg, produce a film, create a leaflet, run a popup music studio at schools
You can be involved in a big way: meeting with lots of people, helping to surface many ideas and then helping to see them through.
Or, you may prefer to engage with just one or two groups of people: perhaps you are well situated to meet up with your local barber shop, pub, or youth club, where you’re confident you can get people talking and creating ideas.
Contact Kumar from Camden Hub (camdenhub.org.uk) on 020 7278 4437 or kumar.grant@hcct.org.uk.

HCA seeks a Fundraising and Income Development Manager
The purpose of the post is to raise at least £50,000, to enable the Holborn Community Association (HCA) to continue and develop its activities, whether through involvement with local businesses or residents, expansion of income from HCA’s activities or otherwise
We expect the successful candidate to present a viable plan for achieving the aims of the project and to develop and implement the plan, in co-ordination with the existing team.
The Job Specs and Application forms are available on our (www.holborncommunity.co.uk) or they can email on admin@holborncommunity.co.uk or call us on 02074052370.
The closing date is Monday 3rd August 10 a.m. with interviews on Thursday 2oth August

Part-Time Advice Worker (female applicants only) (apply by 3rd August 2015)
21 hours per week, £25,500 per annum pro rata
Women and Girls Network (WGN) is recruiting for a highly motivated, organised and experienced Advice Worker to our Advice Service, delivered as part of the Angelou partnership. You will have a proven track record of working within a multi-agency setting, delivering specialist advice and casework support within a feminist, empowering framework for women and girls who are experiencing domestic/sexual violence and abuse. Additionally, you will have a working knowledge, understanding and experienced of civil and criminal remedies and the criminal justice process, specifically in relation to domestic/sexual violence and abuse.
To download application packs please go to http://www.wgn.org.uk/join-us/jobs
Deadline for Applications 12pm, Monday 3rd of August. Interviews will be held week commencing 10th of August.
The above post is exempt under the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1

Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks Volunteers
The Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group is a new group that meets at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre. The group is looking for a number of volunteers and trustees:
2 Trustees
A Treasurer
A Secretary
A volunteer coordinator
A fundraising volunteer
Ideally you should have some knowledge and/or experience of strokes. For more information and to apply please contact Felix Mboko at minorities.strokeaphasia@gmail.com

Age UK Camden seeks Partnership Development Officer, 30 hours per week
Local Government Scale PO1 (£27,563-£29,468pa for 30 hour week)
We require a Partnership Development Officer to: support the engagement of older people in the partnership, to promote asset based mapping and community development and to support our delivery agencies in their work.
Essential requirements: experience of community building; experience of engagement preferably co-production; knowledge of issues affecting older people including isolation; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to deliver successful multi-agency partnership work; highly numerate and literate; ability to innovate and work creatively.
Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator, 21 hours per week; Local Government Scale 5 (£14,195-£15,372pa for 21 hour week)
We require a Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator to provide administrative and communications support to the Ageing Better in Camden programme, and to support our work in monitoring our activities and achievements.
Essential requirements: at least two years’ experience of working in an administration role; excellent IT skills including databases; good verbal and written communication skills, understanding of issues affecting older people including isolation
AUC offers a contributory pension, and a season ticket or bicycle loan facility. The post is based at Tavis House, Tavistock Square with easy access via Euston and Kings Cross main lines or Russell Square tube.
For more details, all documents can be downloaded from our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date – 9:00am Monday, 10th August 2015 Interviews -24th and 25th August 2015.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Take part in the Camden future libraries consultation
Camden Council has launched a future libraries consultation to review how savings of £800,000 could be made in the delivery of library services across the borough. Although there is less money available, this is a good opportunity to have your say on how future spending should be prioritised in order to create a modern library service that best supports all library users. Get involved by completing the survey online at camden.gov.uk/futurelibraries or pick up a copy from your local library. The consultation closes on Tuesday 6 October 2015.

Improving musculoskeletal services in Camden
Camden CCG would like to get to know what people think of the current services and what they feel could be improved. To complete the survey please click on the following Link: https://feedback.camdenccg.nhs.uk/strategy-and-planning/copy-of-copy-of-improving-musculoskeletal-services
Patients and carers have until the 31st July to complete the survey.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders describe a variety of conditions that affect the muscles, bones and joints in many different parts of the body. Musculoskeletal services include trauma, orthopaedics, rheumatology, and pain management, as well as rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and orthotics.

Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service across North Central London
We want to hear about your experiences of the current services and your views and contributions on the proposals and how we can commission the best 111/OOH service for the residents of Camden (inc Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington). The draft NHS 111/OOH service specification can be read here: http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/website/about/service-specification.htm
Whether you are a patient resident or a community organisation you can write to us or fill in the questionnaire at the back of the proposal document to:
NHS 111/Out of houses, Communications Department, NEL Commissioning Support Unit, 75 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU
Or alternatively you can email your comments to feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call the communications team at 0203 688 1615
You can also fill in the questionnaire online at http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/about/questionnaire.htm.
For further information about the procurement process or to read the background documents, please take a look at our website at: Camden CCG www.camdenccg.nhs.uk

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.
