Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 8th May 2015

Highlights: Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch Event; Camden Council Consultation Event; LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College; Camden Deaf Awareness day; Camden Election Results; Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community; Community conversation on dog control; Kentish Town Community Centre; Building resilience via tree of life; Citywise Employability Training; NHS 111/OOH – Online Survey; Wellbeing Workshop for Carers; ; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch Event Wednesday, 27 May 2015, 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Small Hall, The Camden Centre, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE
An event to tell you about CDA the new user led organisation to represent deaf and disabled people in Camden. It will not be a discussion about the closure of DISC or the past but a focus on the way forward with the following Agenda.
• Why is CDA needed and what will its role be?
• Progress made so far to charitable status and what becoming a member will mean to you
• All your questions answered
• Becoming a member
Voluntary Action Camden is helping to organise this event on behalf of CDA.
To book a place please contact Ricky or Monica at VAC.
E-mail: acharles@vac.org.uk Fax: 020 7284 6551 Telephone: 020 7284 6553. Typetalk: 18001-020 7284 6555
This meeting will be fully accessible, but please let us know your access requirements when you book.

Invitation to 19th May Event and Future Consultation Information re Partnership with the Voluntary and Community Sector:
Last week we reported the message from Coucillor Hai to the sector announcing the second stage of the consultation process with the VCS and the council’s aspiration for a “simpler, more strategic relationship that is focussed around the delivery of the Camden Plan.”
The first event which is part of this consultation process will take place on 19th May from 10am till 12.30pm in the Macmillan Hall, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU.
This is an important consultation and engagement event which will be presenting the different options and models we are currently looking at in regards to the new CTS (Communities and Third Sector) funding programme. We are particularly keen to have both funded and unfunded groups’ present at all upcoming consultations meetings, so please forward this onto other organisations currently unfunded by the Council who would be interested in attending.
If you would like to attend the upcoming consultation, require further information or if you wish to access the full version of Councillor Hai’s message please email, noor.al-baddawy@camden.gov.uk

LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 from 09:30 to 15:30
One day conference aimed at senior Equality and Diversity Managers within the Further Education sector to disseminate findings of WMC LGBT project, The Humane Selfie, Life Gets Better Together, and share good practice.
Further details about the ECU Funded project at WMC can be found on this link http://www.wmcollege.ac.uk/pages/equality.aspx
Lunch and refreshment provided. Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

National News
Camden Election Results
Holborn and St Pancras gets its first new MP since 1979 as Sir Keir Starmer is elected MP in Holborn and St Pancras. Tulip Siddiq won the seat in the north of the borough, billed as the country’s most marginal general election contest, by 1138 votes. The former councillor replaces the retiring Glenda Jackson.
General Election
Civil Society asked a range of civil society leaders for their reactions – which ranged from “an appalling result” to “we expect great things”. Full details at Civil Society. NCVO have a blog on the implications for the voluntary sector that is worth reading.
On the eve of the election NCVO’s CEO issued a letter to the voluntary sector that is stronger and clearer than much that sector leaders have said in recent years. He warned politicians against seeking “novelty and quick fixes”. And said that “too often grants are seen as a dull relic of the past: they should be seen as the risk capital of the future.” He also takes aim at the concerted efforts of politicians to stifle the sectors voice saying “far from courting popularity, our role and our duty must often be to bring to attention things that people do not want to hear.” The letter also contains some bleak warnings: “we must find a way to get on and get through without government, as we so often have. We’re not without power, nor resources ourselves. I wonder therefore if we lack confidence?” Ultimately he presents a vision of “a civil society unafraid of holding to account those with power, speaking up for those without it, and supporting those who want to create their own future.” On equality he argues for the living wage and urges civil society to take a lead in “looking at the ratio between their median and highest salaries.”

Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community
The government seeks views to strengthen rights of people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues to enable them to live independently.
This consultation closes at 29 May 2015 11:45pm. Full details a gov.uk

Commissioning for Health Resources
There is a great deal of interest at the moment in how the VCS can support the wider health agenda. A number of useful resources are available:
The South East Commissioning Support Unit are developing case studies and good practice on their website. The case studies include VAC’s Volunteer Health Advocates amongst many others. Video case studies coming soon.
The Hear network have gathered a number of case studies to demonstrate innovative ways of tackling inequalities in health. Available on the London for All website.
Rights Info
have produced a useful and accessible guide to Human Rights and Health giving useful examples and case studies linked to the relevant convention articles.

Community conversation on dog control
Camden Council is inviting you to share your views on dog control in Camden.
Join in the community conversation on Sunday 17 May from 2pm to 4pm at the Arlington Conference Centre, 220 Arlington Road, NW1 7HE.
The Council want as many people as possible to give them their views on issues around dog control.
please let the Community Safety Service know if you would like to attend either by email: communitysafety@camden.gov.uk or by phone: 020 7974 2915 by Wednesday 13 May.

Kentish Town Community Centre
KTCC have a full programme of events and activities coming up – including the Kentish Town festival on 6th June Full details available here. Sign up if you would like to volunteer, have a stall or get involved by emailing: projects@ktcc.org.uk.
And Celebrating Intergenerational Week at KTCC Saturday 16th May, 1pm – 5pm
Come on down to KTCC on Saturday 16th May to celebrate Intergenerational Week. There’ll be performances, workshops, dancing, music and food.
Free – all welcome, from ages 3 to 103! Free transport is available for local people with restricted mobility. For further information please visit http://bit.ly/1xFdbub or ring Isabelle on 020 7482 3212..

Building resilience via tree of life 6 weeks course
Tuesday 12 May – 30 June 2015
12:00 – 3:00pm Islington Central Library
Free spaces available 12 and19 May; 2, 9, 23 and 30 June
Aims of the course are to relate to strength, values, aspirations and qualities by identifying skills and resources within ourselves. Goal planning is part of the sessions to overcome difficulties in the storms of life.
Please call Tel: (020) 3317 6904 or email recovery.college@candi.nhs.uk

Citywise Employability Training
Following the success of the 1st Deloitte Employability training day another team have asked to work with Citywise volunteers to provide training in employability skills for unemployed volunteers aged 50+.
This will be held on Friday 29th May 10.45am – 4pm and will provide one to one support to help improve employability skills.
We are planning two sessions to run concurrently: Preparing for Interview and CV clinic
In order for the day to be successful and for the volunteers to be able to structure their support to your individual needs we are asking volunteers to provide their CV in advance and some information about what type of paid employment they are looking for.
For more information or to book a place contact: Sue King: sue.king@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; Citywise@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; 020 3780 5910

NHS 111/OOH – Online Survey
We would really like to hear your experience of using NHS 111 or Camden’s out of hours GP service. Please click on the following link if you would like to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NCL111_OOH
We are also holding some more stakeholder engagement events throughout May, which will give local patients the opportunity to discuss their experience with the existing services and hear more about the proposals for a new, integrated service. In Camden, the event will take place on Wednesday 13 May from 18.00 – 20.00 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall. There is a full list of the events, as well as directions to each event, on the Camden CCG website

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

Wellbeing Workshop for Carers
Do you provide unpaid support to someone who has a mental health problem, physical health needs, dementia, frailty or other disability? Come to a free workshop to find out what support is available for you.
Tuesday 12th May at 11am Camden Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG
~ Learn some simple everyday techniques to help improve your mental wellbeing
~ Access a range of free support: information, advice and advocacy, emotional support, leisure activities and support groups, breaks and respite, health checks. Opportunity to join the Camden Carers Network
~ Have the option of an hour’s mindfulness meditation to focus on yourself and your present
Refreshments provided. For more information or to book a place please contact Abigail Darton on 02072784437 or email abigail.darton@hcct.org.uk

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Age Uk Camden, Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, Mary Ward Legal Centre, The Working Men’s College, IKWRO, One Housing, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden project. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

Summerversity Contract Opportunities
Islington Council invites suitably experienced organisations to submit proposals to deliver high quality, engaging and innovative summer courses and activities for young people aged 13 + to be delivered as part of the Summerversity programme 2015.
Successful providers will be required to deliver free social, recreational and educational activities for young people aged 13+ providing opportunities for formal accreditation where appropriate. The aim of the programme is to engage young people in a range of stimulating courses and activities over their summer holiday that will develop their skills and interests, raise their ambitions and aspirations and expose them to the new experiences that will capture their imagination and creative ideas.
If you wish to apply for this opportunity please obtain an application form from isyp@islington.go.uk and return by 12 noon, 18 May 2015.
For an informal discussion about this opportunity please contact Luiza Mattausch on 020 7527 5947.

Community Awards from OneFamily
OneFamily have 15 awards of £5,000 & four awards of £25,000 available for community projects, charities and clubs to access. Last year we awarded £125,000 to 18 community projects and we were delighted to receive votes from 68,000 individuals who wanted to support projects either close to home or close to their heart. We’ve committed £5 million over the next 5 years to make a difference in communities.
Projects need to be nominated by one of our customers. One in 12 UK families holds a policy with us so community groups may already know of somebody who can nominate their project. Nomination close at 9am on 26 May before a public vote will determine the winners. Voting opens at 10am on 2 June and closes at midday on 29 June.
You can find some of our winners stories and further information on our website – https://foundation.onefamily.com/community-awards

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
There are a few places left on Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector starting in May.
14th May 2015 – 25th June 2015 (£71/£25) 7 Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for trustees / management committee members or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of the committee of a voluntary or community sector organisation.
* Introduction to the Role of a Trustee/Managemet Committee Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.


Develop your skills in facilitating positive behaviour change
Camden and Islington Public Health fund this free, one-day course, specifically designed for professionals to develop skills in facilitating positive behaviour change when promoting healthy lifestyles across Camden and Islington.
“Addressing unhealthy lifestyle behaviours is a key intervention which will prevent long-term ill-health and improve outcomes. Promoting Change is an award winning training that will equip frontline staff with the skills and confidence to recognise and address these issues and support people to lead healthier lives.” -Julie Billett Director of Public Health for Camden and Islington.
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis so don’t delay – take the next step in your professional development and confirm your place today: https://promotingchangetraining.eventbrite.com
Contact Paula Prince at Whittington Health NHS for alternative dates or for more information: paula.prince@nhs.net or call 0207 527 1189

Big Lottery “Building Better Opportunities” Fund
This is a new fund for employability opening on 2 June 2015. It will be a two stage application process with very tight deadlines. (There will probably be a second round after that with a deadline in November.) This fund comes from the EU but it is not match funded – that is you receive the whole amount needed for the project.
It is not known how much organisations will be expected to apply for – but it will almost certainly be £500,000 or more and with a partnership including at least two other boroughs from the nine central London boroughs. It will be expected that partnerships will include the public sector and the VCS and could include businesses as well.
There will be a meeting for Camden VCS groups that would be interested in joining a partnership or partnerships to apply for this funding. The Council may well not have the resources to be the lead organisation in a partnership but staff are willing to facilitate the process. EU funded projects require a lot of work and very detailed reporting and this funding is probably best suited to organisations that already support residents into employment or significantly increase their chances of getting work.
Thursday 28 May 2015 at 3.15 for a prompt start at 3.30. The meeting will end at 5pm.
Committee Room 4 in the Old Town Hall, Judd Street.
For more information or to book a place contact frances.connelly@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 6457.

North London roadshow event in partnership with Together North London and London Voluntary Service Council in Haringey on 20th May.
The event will aim to:
· Inform organisations about European Social Fund (ESF) and the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) programme including the role of the London Enterprise Panel (LEP) and its priorities, the role of the opt-In organisations, target client groups, terms of grants, activities and geography
· Highlight the potential opportunities for Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) delivery, the need for sub regional partnerships and the opportunities to develop sub regional partnerships and / or consortia
· Discuss the risks and requirements of the funding particularly for smaller organisations. Highlight issues around due diligence and financial requirements for ESF; monitoring and claims; cash flow; partnership readiness; evidencing your outcomes
· Let organisations know how they can be kept informed of what is happening and where they can they find out more.
This event compliments the previous event and is ideal for VCS organisations contemplating partnership working.
Further information and booking details are available here

The Training and Development Service at the London Borough of Camden are delighted to announce the launch of the new Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
We recommend that you take full advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
To access the courses, visit
Upcoming safeguarding adults courses:
· Addressing Financial and Material Abuse – 14 May 2015
· Safeguarding and mate crime, hate crime and cuckooing – 14 May 2015
· Advanced application of the Mental Capacity Act – 15 May 2015
· Safeguarding adults awareness – theatre – 18 May 2015
· Minute taking for safeguarding enquiries – 9 June 2015
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.
The Safeguarding adults, and MCA and DoLS training sessions are fully subsidized, and are offered free of charge to all members of staff who provide services for adults at risk in Camden.

Train to Campaign offers low-cost, high quality campaign training workshops in central London to help you make a real impact.
Campaigning Essentials is a half day introduction to the core principles of effective campaigning. Whether you are new to campaigning, or have never had formal training in the basic building blocks of a good campaign, this workshop is for you.
Campaigning Essentials
Wed 3rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
Other upcoming workshops:
Perfect your campaign elevator pitch
Tue 23rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
How to influence and lobby Parliament
Thu 16th July 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
For information about other upcoming campaign training workshops visit www.traintocampaign.london

St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit Open Day & Camden Community Services Disability Awareness Event
Tuesday 26th May 2015 between 1:30pm and 4:30pm, St Pancras Hospital South Wing
St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit acts as a pivotal part of the transition and support for patients in their recovery journey back home from UCLH, the Royal Free, the Whittington and other acute hospitals. We are keen that the unit is seen as a local resource which our whole community is proud and as such I am delighted to invite you to our joint event on Tuesday the 26th May 2015.
This is an opportunity for you, colleagues and members of the local community to learn more about the first class rehabilitation our clinical staff provide at St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit. If you are free to attend please reply to Kathryn Ford, lead for Equalities and Diversities in Camden email kathrynford@nhs.net or telephone 020 3317 3776 by 7th May 2015 so she can confirm catering arrangements.

SOAS Concert Series and World Music Summer School
Full Concert series details available here. Full course programme and how to apply on the SOAS website.
Ensemble Alash Monday 11 May 2015
Astonishing music from the heart of Siberia

St Mungo’s Broadway Camden Mental Health Services invites you to Mental Health Awareness Week Festival – In the Park
Friday 15 May 2015, 11:30am- 4pm, 12 Camley St, London N1C 4PW
RSVP: matthew.blakemore@mungosbroadway.org.uk
For more info contact Salina on 07739 195 333 or Matt on 07736 886 959
BBQ, music, comedy, speakers, stalls and more
Alcohol free event. Open to everyone

Camden Intergenerational Week – 9 to 17 May
Camden Intergenerational Week 2015 brings all ages together for a week of fun, free events to encourage and celebrate interaction between young and old.
From 9 to 17 May 2015 events are being held by organisations and groups across the borough, to bring people of all ages together.
There will be something for everyone – from dancing and discussion, bingo and knitting, crafts and gardening, singing and films. There will be performances, workshops and activities that young and old can enjoy together.
The ‘mini-festival’ is being organised by residents and local partner organisations including Age UK Camden, Haverstock School and Camden Community Nurseries, with the aim of creating positive connections between generations in Camden.
Further information and full listings of the 26 intergenerational events happening during the Week can be found on the project website – www.camdenintergenerationalweek2015.org.uk. or call: 020 7974 2810
Listings of the events which are open to the public can also be found on the Camden Council website.

Improving access to urgent care in Camden
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working with Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington CCG’s to integrate the existing urgent care services across north central London. By integrating the services provided by the NHS 111 telephone service and GP out-of-hours across the five boroughs, patients will more easily be able to access urgent care. This will mean they receive the best care, from the best person, in the right place, at the right time.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk
or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

Theatro Technis proudly presents latest production “OH, DEMOCRACY”
A musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ “THE KNIGHTS” by Keith Murphy, George Eugeniou and Marco Aponte.
Back in 424 BC, when ARISTOPHANES wrote “THE KNIGHTS” it poked fun at the political leaders in Athens, the like of leather merchant Kleon, who put his own personal gains above the city’s interest. Now almost 2500 years later it is as relevant as ever.
Opens: 26th May 7.30pm
The play runs until 6th June, Sunday Matinees 5pm, no shows on Mondays
Tickets: £10/concession £8
26 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TT
Tel: 020 7387 6617 fax: 020 73832545
Email: info@theatrotechnis.com website: www.theatrotechnis.com

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 9 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

Courses at Maiden Lane Community Centre
Presents two new courses
Create a website with WordPress
Thursdays 10.00 – 11.45am 30th April to 16th July
Computing for beginners
Thursdays 1.00 – 3.00pm 30th April to 16th July
Maiden Lane Community Centre, 156 St Pauls Crescent, NW1 9XZ.
Register now for a free place Tel: 0207 267 9586

VCC Volunteer Management Training
Dealing With Difficult Situations With Volunteers and is for those of you who have the basics, but worry about handling tricky or uncomfortable situations with volunteers. This is also a half-day course on Thursday 21st May and you can book via eventbrite here.
Five free early-bird tickets for organisations that involve volunteers in Camden, and £59+bf for everyone else.

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Minding the Gap service: Young People’s Worker
12-18 month fixed term contract
We are seeking eight young people with exceptional personal skills and high motivation to be part of delivering a new health and wellbeing service being developed for 16-24 year olds in Camden
The Brandon Centre and The Anna Freud Centre are part of a unique partnership between leading providers and young people in Camden to provide a holistic, integrated service where young people can go for mental health support and practical advice, and also get help accessing other services. Managed by Catch22, the service includes a new youth base for young people on Finchley Road, co-designed with young people, and also two outreach teams of Young People’s Workers operating out of this youth base and in the community. This will be available for all young people in Camden, but will particularly reach out to young people who do not readily engage with services.
Closing date for applications: 5pm on 19th May 2015. To apply, please send a cover letter and a detailed CV to either admin@brandoncentre.org.uk or to vacancy@annafreud.org.
Provisional interview date: 5th June 2015.
You can download a job description at either www.annafreud.org/vacancies or www.brandoncentre.org.uk. If you require further information, please contact Geoffrey Baruch, Director of the Brandon Centre on 020 7267 4792 or Peter Fuggle, Head of Programme for Clinical Services of the Anna Freud Centre on 020 7794 2313.

Kentish Town Community Centre is looking for an inspiring Chair of Trustees
Are you looking for a new challenge? Have you got an interest in local issues?
Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/about/current-vacancies for further details on all KTCC opportunities and to apply.

The Soup Kitchen seeks Part-Time Welcomer/Security Person
The Soup Kitchen at the American International Church in the West End requires a Welcomer who also monitors the behaviour of our service users. A part-time post on up to 5 mornings a week. Salary depends on experience.
The ideal candidate will be able to deal firmly but kindly with a wide variety of vulnerable individuals. Some experience of security work highly desirable but not essential.
A rewarding job as part of a small friendly team helping the homeless.
Closing date: 31 May 2015
For more info and a job description, pls go to www.amchurch.co.uk/soup-kitchen/
To be considered, send your CV and a covering letter to Miranda Suit: soupkitchendirector@hotmail.com

Age UK Camden seeks Advice Services Manager
Local Government Scale PO2 £33,579-£36,186, plus 6% contributory pension.
The Advice and Advocacy Manager post is an exciting opportunity for someone with a background in areas such as welfare rights, advocacy or care management , combined with management experience.
The postholder will manage the Age UK Camden (AUC) information, advice, support and advocacy (IAA) services and team. AUC’s IAA services are delivered by a staff and volunteer team in person (from the office, outreach venues, home visits), by phone, and online.
You will: manage staff and, via a deputy, direct the recruitment and management of volunteers; ensure that AUC’s and IAA funders’ targets are met; manage caseloads to ensure equity and challenge within the team; report to multiple funders; uphold the Advice Quality Mark standards lead development and innovation in the IAA team including assisting with funding applications and tenders.
The post is based at our head office in Tavistock Square, Camden. AUC offers a contributory pension, and season ticket or bicycle loan facility.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am Tuesday 26th May 2015 Interviews: Monday 1st June 2015

Mental Health Champions Project – Somali-speaking volunteers wanted
Voluntary Action Camden supports volunteer Mental Health Champions to engage with Camden-based BMER and faith communities. Key aims of the project are to (1) raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing either in the community or in the workplace (2) tackle stigma by starting conversations about mental health in a non-threatening way (e.g by using simple tools such as the Five Ways to Wellbeing) and (3) improve access to mental health services so that people receive help in a timely fashion. Our volunteer Mental Health Champions may be staff or volunteers from community organisations, or individuals interested in improving awareness about mental health.
We are very keen to recruit volunteers or community workers from the Somali community to join the Project. Contact VAC’s Mental Health Team on mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk if you are interested or would like to know more.

The Mary Ward Legal Centre seeks a public legal education project volunteer
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is seeking a volunteer to help with its public legal education project on welfare benefits for community groups and residents in Camden. You would need to be able to commit to one day a week. You will help with preparing materials, attending presentations, making follow up phone calls as part of evaluation, and with general administration of the project.
You will get experience in these aspects as well as some general social security knowledge. You will need general IT & office skills and an interest in advice and welfare benefits, but no particular specialist knowledge.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is based in Holborn, and you will be required to attend presentations at locations around Camden.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre will cover travel and lunch expenses.
To find out more contact Alban Hawksworth alban.hawksworth@marywardlegal.org.uk telephone 020 7269 5444

Onehouseing seeks Care Assistant – Extra Care for Older People
Full-time, part-time, flexible hours and night work £15,370 pa pro rata, Camden, London
We are currently recruiting Care Assistants to assist and enable our customers with day-to-day tasks and provide personal care for older people. You will be required to provide residents with the highest standard of care and support in accordance with their personally tailored plan.
We will offer you ongoing guidance and training, both formal and informal. You will work towards the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care and will be part of a friendly, highly supportive team.
To apply please register with our careers website www.onehousinggroup.co.uk/careers – and upload a CV and supporting statement of no more than two pages, outlining how your skills and experience meet our needs.

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Nepal Appeal
On Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless. Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. Find out more and donate at the Disasters Emergency Committee website or at Pasa Puchah guthi UK or for blankets, tents and medicines you can drop your donation off at the Great Nepalese, Eversholt Street, NW1 (next to Euston station) from 11.00-2.30 Monday to Saturday.

NHS 111 and out-of-hours GP Services in north central London
NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in north central London are working to improve the local NHS 111 service. This includes integrating the NHS 111 service and the GP out-of-hours services to enable them to work better.
We will be holding public engagement events across north central London as an opportunity to hear from you. All residents are invited to come along and share their views and experiences of existing services so that we can work together towards developing the best possible service.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.
