Voluntary and Community Groups Respond
Many organisations have stepped up to respond to the crisis. Age UK Camden and London Irish Centre were quick to mobilise and have been ensuring that vulnerable older people are getting food parcels.
VAC has put together a Covid-19 Community Directory from your updates; We have also created a daily update page and resources pages.
The Community Directory shows how many local organisations have changed the way they work in order to support vulnerable residents during the crisis.
The Care Navigation and Social Prescribing system in Camden (Community Links run by VAC and Care Navigators run by AUC and Wish+ by the council) has been taking many more referrals from both GPs, self-referrals, and from concerned family members.
We are working with the Council, Volunteer Centre Camden and others to help local organisations access all the volunteers who have signed up to help.
The Food banks have been stretched to supply demand and over the Easter weekend the Red Cross restocked Camden Foodbanks that were running low.
So many local voluntary organisations and community groups have been active in support of their local community that they are too numerous to mention here. Rest assured that the sector’s swift response has been noted at national level. |