Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 5th June 2015

Highlights: National Carers’ Week 2015; Pamper Day to Celebrate National Carers Week; Council Consultation with Voluntary and Community Sector – 5 Sessions; Annual Active For All – Give it a Go day; Charity Fair ; What’s in a Men’s Shed for you? Camden is 50 Years Old; Consultation with Older People in St Pancras and Somerstown; Get Ready for Refugee Week 2015; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


National Carers’ Week 2015
Monday 8th to Sunday 14th June is Carers’ Week in Camden with events all around the borough. For full details contact Camden Carers Centre; 020 7428 8950 or email: info@camdencs.org.uk or go to www.camdencs.org.uk/carers-week

8th to 15th June is Carers’ Week in Camden with events for unpaid carers around the borough.
Monday 8th – Deprivation of Liberty legal training, 10.30am – 12pm
Tuppence Worth (Central School of Speech and Drama) – Carers’ Week celebration event, 12 – 2pm
Tuesday 9th – Carers’ Week walk and picnic, 10.30am – 2pm
Wednesday 10th – Tuppence Worth (Central School of Speech and Drama) – Carers’ Week celebration event, 12 – 2pm
Carers’ Health and Wellbeing Fair, Centre 404, 404 Camden Road, N7 0SJ, 10.30am – 3pm
Thursday 11th – Memory Project Street Party for older and dementia carers (can be accompanied by their cared-for), 2 – 4.30pm
Performance piece by Face to Face, Festival of Soho theatre group , 4.30 – 6pm
Friday 12th – Pamper Day and health clinic at Age UK Camden
Tuppence Worth (Central School of Speech and Drama) – Carers Get Creative exhibition day, 10.30 am – 3.30pm: workshops, exhibitions and live showcase of work created by carers.
Yoga and relaxation, 1.30 – 2.30pm – for carers new to yoga.
For all Tuppence Worth events please contact Maeve Morgan on 020 7722 8183 or email tuppence.worthtc@gmail.com
For the Health and Wellbeing Fair (Weds 10th) ring Centre 404 on 020 7697 1336
For the Age UK Pamper Day phone Age UK Camden on 020 7278 5090
For all other events please contact Camden Carers Service on 020 7428 8950 or email info@camdencs.org.uk

Pamper Day to Celebrate National Carers Week
Do you know a carer who needs a treat? On Friday June 12th 2015 Age UK Camden and Women+Health are celebrating National Carers Week with a morning of pampering at Great Croft Resource Centre. Carers are encouraged to come along and put their feet up, but all are welcome! Those attending can get a head and neck massage, and have their hands painted with henna, and there is also the opportunity to attend a health clinic for any nagging health worries. Tea and coffee will be served and the morning will finish with a full lunch at 12noon.
10am —Registration, Tea & Coffee
10am-12pm—Henna painting
10.30am-12.30pm— Head & shoulder massage
11am-12pm Health Clinic with Ezra Burnette (Women+Health)
12pm-1pm Lunch
Please come and join us, 10am-1pm, at Great Croft Resource Centre, Age UK Camden, Cromer Street, Kings Cross, WC1H 8LF. Tel: 020 7278 5090

Camden Carers Service Presents: Face to Face Festival of Solo Theatre
Thursday 11th June
Camden carers and family members join us for this one-off live show in the Council Chambers, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street,WC1H 9JE. The performance will be taking place on Thursday 11th June. Please arrive at 4:30pm for a 5pm start. The play ends at 6pm followed by a questions and answers session for 30 minutes.
Light refreshments will be available. The event is free. For information and booking for this and other
Carers’ Week events in Camden, please ring Camden Carers Service on 020 7428 8950 or email info@camdencarers.org.uk

Council Consultation with Voluntary and Community Sector
The Council is seeking VCS views on alternative approaches to developing a new grants programme for the sector. Four options are proposed for comment which range from improving the current mixed-funding model to a more radical collective impact approach, co-ordinating a partnership around a geographic area or a theme. The sector’s views will be used to develop a preferred approach that is likely to be a mix of the options. The engagement document and survey are available here www.camden.gov.uk/vcsengagement
As part of the eight week engagement process, five informal sessions have been arranged to enable staff and trustees of VCS organisations to explore the options in the engagement paper ‘Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’ further. These run for a week from June 8th at various locations across Camden. Staff from both Camden Council and Voluntary Action Camden will be available.
· West Euston Partnership Monday 8th in the evening 5.30 to 7.30pm
· VAC: Tuesday 9th Lunchtime 12-2pm
· VAC Thursday 11th evening 5.30-7.30pm
· Holborn Library Training Room Wednesday 10th June lunchtime 12-2pm
· Abbey Community Centre Friday 12th lunch time 12-2pm
No need to book – just turn up. Contact VAC for any queries..

Tomorrow! Annual Active For All – Give it a Go day, we need you!
The Active for All- Give it a Go! day is a free, fun and inclusive day for disabled children and young people aged 0 – 25 and their families. Participants will have an opportunity to try a fantastic range of inclusive, new and adapted sports, dance and arts activities including: Adapted Cycling, Archery, Football, Dance, Badminton, Boccia, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Soft play, Arts and Crafts, Cricket, Athletics, New Age Kurling, arts and crafts
Saturday, 6 June, at Talacre Sports Centre, 10:45am to 4:15pm. More info here.
Calling Volunteers: Talacre need volunteers to help with all aspects of the day. Setting up and clearing up before and after the event, greeting the public, supporting sports sessions and activities (listed above), registration and reception desk, signposting activities and generally encouraging visitors to take part.
If you are interested in supporting part or all of the day, please email me. If you have a particular skill or area of interest (from the above information) please let me know and I will try to match you to it.
For more information about this opportunity, contact Jessica Neece on Jessica.neece@camden.gov.uk

Charity Fair from Directory of Social Change
30th June and 1st July, Holloway Road
Whatever your role in the sector, there is training for you here: Charityfair has 64 workshops, from only £35, covering a huge variety of topics including fundraising, management & leadership, marketing, governance, personal development, legal & finance, wellbeing, campaigning & lobbying and organisational support.
More information and booking at www.charityfair.org.uk.
We have 2 free workshop tickets for Camden groups. Contact Kevin at VAC stating name and date of the session you would like to attend and your name and organisation.

What’s in a Men’s Shed for you?
Thursday 2nd July at Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Street W1T 6AQ
A Men’s Shed is a workshop for making, mending and hobbies. Groups of retired men love them and have opened more than two a week in the UK in the last 6 months. If you are interested in supporting:
~ men’s health and wellbeing,
~ community development or skill sharing,
~ in material reuse or getting something unique made,
Come and meet some members and hear why even more Sheds are needed.
or more info visit www.menssheds.org.uk. To book on this free event follow this link to Eventbrite

National News
NAVCA is backing the cross-party call from the Local Government Association that there should be no further local government funding reductions.
A joint letter to the Observer said that further cuts would damage “services that bind our communities and protect the most vulnerable.” Neil Cleeveley, Chief Executive of NAVCA, said;
“NAVCA members know more than most the damage local government cuts are having on local communities. As well as creating hardship and suffering, cuts also mean local charities and community groups are less able to provide the support needed. We must resist further local government cuts.”
We are also interested in compiling a list of national MPs who are campaigning to protect local services.
We can use this as a resource to campaign against local cuts. Please send any examples to barney.mynott@navca.org.uk.
Social care crisis looks far from being resolved
A report being published by adult social care chiefs has warned of £1.1bn budget cuts to the sector. It comes after unendurable cutbacks in the last four years and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Service (ADASS) warns these further cuts will leave those in the greatest need vulnerable.
Residents Want Stronger Voice finds Survey. Full story at ITV.
The majority of people want to be more involved in decisions which affect their communities and would like more opportunities to help their neighbours, according to survey results commissioned by the charity Local Trust.
Local Trust’s survey results found that:
~ three quarters of us (76%) think residents are best placed to know what is needed in their community
~ two thirds (63%) are willing to help their neighbours and community if there are opportunities to do so
~ three in five (61%) would like to be given the opportunity to help decide how money from funders is spent.
DLA ends 30th June
The Disabled Living Fund is ending on 30th June and responsibility for funding tranfers to local authorities. In Control are collecting users experiences of the transition. Share your experience via the survey.
Disabled payment delay unlawful, judge rules
UK government took ‘unlawful and unacceptably long time’ to pay welfare benefits to two disabled people. The judge added: “There is a high duty on local authorities to act promptly, consistently and appropriately to recognize social welfare benefits. There can be no public interest in delays such as was the case here.” Full story in the Guardian.
A History of the Volunteer: how active citizenship became the big society
The Guardian examines the evolution, from medieval volunteer hospitals to ‘professional’ volunteer support, forever at the mercy of political rebranding.

Camden is 50 Years Old
The current London boroughs were created in 1965 and London Councils have celebrated the anniversary with a booklet and short film as well as a gallery and political almanac.

Ageing Better in Camden – Consultation with Older People in St Pancras and Somerstown
We want to hear the views of older people on a new project planned for the Somerstown and St Pancras area. The project aims to bring older people together to listen and promote the voices of older people and by doing so to tackle causes of isolation and loneliness.
Tea and coffee available from 1:45pm
10th June 2015 from 2 – 4:30 pm in St Pancras
This is a free event, but please RSVP to Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk or Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk or 020 7239 0400, to book your place.

Get Ready for Refugee Week 2015
15th – 21st June is Refugee Week. The theme of this year is ‘Celebrate’. Celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK. Did you know that The Voice star Rita Ora was a refugee? Or that the family of artist Lucien Freud moved to London in the 1930s to avoid persecution by the Nazis?
They are just two of the personalities highlighted by Traces Project, the first digital timeline to tell the untold history of artists who have sought safety in the UK from conflict and persecution.

Refugees – Rebuilding Lives in Camden
This walk explores the impact of Refugees on Camden, and shows how they have impacted on the history and life of the Borough.
All the ticket money for this walk goes to Amnesty International.
22nd June 2015 From 19:00 to 21:00
Starting from Mornington Crescent Underground Station, Eversholt Street, NW1 1BL
London Organiser: Footprints and Amnesty Mayfair & Soho group
Contact: ayeshamehta653@gmail.com Price £10

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Coram’s Fields, Volunteer Centre Camden, Age Uk Camden, People’s Centre for Change, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, MEWSO, Bedford House, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Vote for Kentish Town City Farm in Jewson’s Building Better Communities competition – your vote will help them win funding.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Volunteer Management Training from Volunteer Centre Camden
A full-day course on Tuesday 16 June
Presentation Skills Part One, is for those who fear public speaking and would like to gain confidence and a sense of calm to help you with this vital skill. Book via eventbrite.

Volunteers And The Law from Volunteer Centre Camden
A half-day session on Tuesday 7 July
The trainer is Mark Restall who has considerable expertise in this area. This is an essential beginners’ level course for everyone with concerns about involving volunteers safely and legally. Book via eventbrite.

Camden Patient & Public Engagement Group Open Meeting – Monday 8th June, 2pm – 4pm, St Pancras Hospital, Conference Hall
Please come along if you want to know more about the Camden Story (the health needs of local people, the outcomes reached and impact one year on) and the introduction of Mental Health Peer Mentoring which is supported by Voiceability. The operational meeting is scheduled to start at 4:15pm and the recently appointed Head of Communications and Engagement, Francesca McNeil, will be coming to the meeting to introduce herself.
Presentation 1: The Camden Story (2015)
Presenter: Richard Cartwright, Insights Manager, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
Presentation 2: Mental Health Peer Mentoring (Voiceability).
Presenter: Rachel Killick, Service user involvement advocate, Voiceability.
Please RSVP Edith Raie, CPPEG Administrator by email: Edith.Raie@camdenccg.nhs.uk or Tel: 0203 688 2044

Clean Break Information Day
Friday, 19 June 2015 19 June, 11am – 3pm
Clean Break is hosting an Information Day on Friday 19 June 2015 between 11am-3pm. We are a safe women-only theatre, education and new writing company based in Kentish Town, in the north-west of London. However on this occasion we welcome men who are working with women and are likely to make referrals to our service.
We offer free education and training in the arts specifically for women who have experience of the criminal justice system and/or are at risk of offending due to alcohol/substance misuse or mental heath needs. This is an invitation, for interested women, and you or your colleagues working with these women.
11-1.15pm: service providers only
1.15 – 3pm: prospective service users also welcome
Places are limited. To book your place: please email general@cleanbreak.org.uk for a booking form.
Clean Break, 2 Patshull Road, London, NW5 2LB

SYLVIA: The play about Sylvia Pankhurst, artist and suffragette
7pm – Friday 12 June 2015
Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London NW5 2DX 7pm Friday 12 June 2015 Wheelchair
Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, Kentish Town, London NW5 2DX
£3.50 unwaged & low-waged £7 higher waged no one turned away for lack of funds
Booking: contact@crossroadswomen.net or 020 7482 2496
Sign language interpreter to be confirmed No admission after 7.15pm

The Evelyn Oldfield Unit invites you to Conference for Research for Action and Influence Students and Refugee Week celebration
Thursday, 18th June 2015, 1.30-5.30pmat Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road
This event will see student presentations followed by cultural celebration of Refugee Week, including special guests, funders and politicians.
The researchers will present new thoughts and findings on issues faced by London’s migrants
The Evelyn Oldfield Unit is running the accredited Research for Action & Influence course, a 9 month programme for members of London’s refugee and migrant communities. This course will culminate in this conference whereby the groups present the findings of their research and actions as above.
To book a place please contact Alexandra Ceriu Tel: 0207 697 4105. Email: alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Black & Minority Ethnic Organisations Networking & skill-sharing event
Wednesday 10th June, 11am-1pm
We’d like to invite BME organisations in Camden to meet up for an informal event:
Kindly hosted by Zeena Nahi at the Somali Community Centre, 1-2 Lismore Circus, Gospel Oak, NW5 4QF
This will be a chance to get to know each other better and think about ways to work together in the future.
For more information, contact Shadin 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Community Evening View at the British Museum
Saturday 27th June 2015, 6.20pm – 9pm.
Camden community and voluntary sector group members are invited to an exclusive Community Evening View at the British Museum Both special exhibitions will be open that evening – Defining beauty: the body in ancient Greek art and the BP exhibition Indigenous Australia: enduring civilisation.
To book your free tickets* email hbahra@britishmuseum.org before Monday 8th June stating:
· Name of your group or organisation:
· Number of tickets required for each exhibition**
o Defining Beauty (maximum of 20 tickets)
o Indigenous Australia (maximum of 10 tickets)
· Preferred entry time for each exhibition between 6.20pm – 8.10pm:
· Postal address to send tickets to:
Tickets to this preview are limited and distributed on a first-come first-served basis. Group numbers may be limited due to demand.
Requests for tickets must be made by the group leader and only one request per organisation.
Please issue group members with a ticket for one exhibition only.

Action Learning Workshop for Older People’s Organisations
Older Londoners and Pension Reform
30th June 2015, 10:00-1:30pm
Salvation Army Community Church, 1 Princess Street, London SE1 6HH
Light Lunch will be served
Please confirm your attendance by registering here: https://olderlondonersandpensionreform.eventbrite.co.uk or emailing Janinealdridge@ageuklondon.org.uk or Telephone 020 7091 2594

Creating Connections 10
Monday 15th June, 6–8pm in the Front Quad Pavilion at University College London.
In celebration of our tenth event, Creating Connections 10 is taking Creativity and Collaboration as its twin themes. As with all previous Creating Connections, the aim of the event is to bring UCL’s academic staff and postgraduate researchers together with representatives of the community and voluntary sector (with a healthy sprinkling of arts, heritage and cultural organisations), to find areas of common interest and projects they can collaborate on. The evening is a mix of themed discussions in small groups with more informal networking.
Find out more and book your place by Monday 8th June

LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 from 09:30 to 15:30
One day conference aimed at senior Equality and Diversity Managers within the Further Education sector to disseminate findings of WMC LGBT project, The Humane Selfie, Life Gets Better Together, and share good practice.
Further details about the ECU Funded project at WMC can be found on this link http://www.wmcollege.ac.uk/pages/equality.aspx
Lunch and refreshment provided. Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Taking a deep breath: Cleaning up London’s air
Tuesday 7th July 2015 16:30 – 21:00 (including drinks + canapes)
St Bride Foundation, Bridge Lane, London, EC4Y 8EQ
London continues to suffer the effects of poor air quality leading to around 4,300 early deaths per year. With ClientEarth’s recent win at the Supreme Court over the UK Government’s failure to meet legal limits for air pollution and the Mayor’s announcement of an Ultra Low Emission Zone, change is in the air. However more still needs to be done to protect our health and that of all Londoners.
The event will include short presentations by fantastic speakers followed by workshops and networking and drinks. We have designed the evening so that you get the greatest opportunity to contribute your ideas and make useful connections.
Please confirm your attendance here. Contact Sam Jelliman s.jelliman@lsx.org.uk 02072349400 for information

New Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
You can take advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 9 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Volunteer Centre Camden seeks CEO
NJC pay scale 43, £40782 pro rata (including London Weighting) plus pension contribution. 30 hours per week (we can be flexible about how these hours are distributed throughout the week).
It’s a time of opportunity for Volunteer Centre Camden. As an organisation we want to change how we work, develop new partnerships and put Camden on the map as a centre of excellence for volunteering.
Our next CEO needs to have excellent fundraising skills, an ability to lead change and influence external partners. You will have a passion for volunteering which is infectious, we need others to be excited about volunteering and its potential.
Now is a crucial time for development. We have funding until March 2016. A key part of this role will be to develop partnerships and secure funding beyond March 2016.
We are looking for someone who can live and breathe our values; To work in partnership, deliver quality, adapt, be positive and be inclusive. You will be proactive and able to work with the Board of Trustees to develop and deliver amazing services.
With successful fundraising activity there will be the scope for this role to be extended beyond March 2015 on a full or part time basis. Details on our website; http://volunteercentrecamden.org.uk/we-are-recruiting-a-ceo/

Coram’s Fields seeks Sessional Play Worker
Coram’s Fields Out of School Club (OSC). Salary: £9.15 per hour
Hours Anticipated full-time during holiday periods, up to 15 hours during term time Coram’s Fields Out of School Club (OSC) is looking for exceptional individuals to become part of our dedicated team to help deliver our hugely successful OSC and holiday scheme programmes for young people aged 4-12 years.
If you are interested in applying for this role, please complete an application form, (Downloadable from the website) ensuring that you address the criteria outlined within it. All applications should be returned to Kate Gardner, Out of School Club Manager by 5pm on Monday 15th June. Applications are accepted by e-mail or in hard copy and should be submitted in the following way;
By e-mail to: kate.gardner@coramsfields.org.uk
By post to; Kate Gardner, Out of School Club Manager, Coram’s Fields, 93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN
Alternatively, if you have any questions about the role, please feel free to contact Kate for an
informal discussion on 020 3384 2212. More information on our services can be found at www.coramsfields.org

People’s Centre for Change seek Services and Volunteer Coordinator (Part time 16 hours)
Location: 10 minutes away from Kilburn tube station and from home
Salary: Pro rata of £22,292.00
People’s Centre for Change is committed to providing meaningful and life enhancing day opportunities for adults with severe learning disabilities, autism and/or complex needs, in an inclusive environment. We run pilot sessions once or two afternoons per week and are seeking to expand and recruit new members from the wider neighbourhood.
We are looking for a dynamic, enthusiastic and well organised person with the skills and vision to lead community building, coordinating activities and recruiting, training and managing a small team of volunteers. We need a warm, caring and energetic person with “can do” attitude and a strong commitment to an inclusive, flexible and creative service.
You will be confident and experienced in working a community setting and with people with learning disabilities and have an awareness the adult social care world. You will need excellent communication skills and a good standard of general education. Relevant professional qualifications are desirable but not essential.
If you are interested please email us so we can send you the Job Description and Person Specification and then send your CV and a personal statement to: peoplescentre4change@gmail.com
Closing date for applications: 22nd June 2015
Interviews will take place on 29th or 30th June 2015. This post is subject to a DBS check.

This summer The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust will be holding elections for its Council of Governors
Trust would like to invite as many members of the public to stand as possible. There are eleven seats for public members available.
Anyone over 18, with an interest in what we do can apply. Our Council of Governors is a collection of elected people – patients, carers, members of the public, students, staff and people from partner organisations. Anyone can become a Governor, meaning a variety of informed views and opinions influence the work we do. Our Governors work alongside the Board of Directors and are responsible for helping to shape our work. They make sure we continue to work for the benefit of patients and students.
You can also find out more information on our website: https://tavistockandportman.uk/GovernorElections, where you will find a ‘register your interest’ form and information on the time commitment and what we are looking for. We are also planning on running some drop in sessions in June and July, so keep an eye out on our website for future updates around these.
For more information about becoming a Governor or details on how to get a nomination form please contact Gervase Campbell, our Trust Secretary on: TSecretary@tavi-port.nhs.uk.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

MEWSO seeks Arabic and/or Kurdish speaking counsellor
MEWSO is a growing registered charity set up in 2010 to address the needs of women in Middle Eastern communities in the absence of priority placed on their needs within the community organisations mainly run by male and elder members of the communities.
MEWSo is currently looking for an Arabic and/or Kurdish speaking counsellor to provide this important service to the more and more clients who come to us for help every week.
As our clients are mainly refugee women from the Middle East who have suffered various traumas, often including domestic violence, it is very important for them to find a safe space to open up and someone to help them dealing with these traumas. For these reasons, the counsellor would need to be a female, and previous experience would be preferable.
We are looking for a sessional worker, days, times and amount of working hours will be discussed and arranged according to the needs and availability of both the counsellor and the clients.
The paying wage would be of £17ph. The position is open from now.
We would be very grateful if you could spread the word and advertise this position to someone you think could be interested.
If interested and you want more information, please contact MEWSo via email or on the phone and visit our website:
www.mewso.org email: office@mewso.org Tel: 07958145666

Bedford House seeks Volunteers
Nahida Chowdhury, the Senior Community Organiser based at Bedford House, Holborn, is looking for local volunteers to work alongside her and learn Community Organising skills. If you want more information or are interested in this opportunity please contact nahida.chowdhury@corganisers.org.uk

Hopscotch seeks Care Supervisor (Maternity Cover)
35 hrs per week (job share may be considered for the right candidates)
12 months, until July 2016 25,034 incl. ILW
Closing date: 11th June 2015
A confident and conscientious Bengali-speaking worker is required to provide supervision support to a challenging and rewarding service within Hopscotch. The Home Care service offers health and personal care to older people, those who are housebound and to adults with disabilities, to help support their independence and improve their quality of life.
We provide a specialist care service, with a particular focus on the South Asian community. Most of our carers are bilingual. This means they speak English and a range of languages including Bengali, Sylheti, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Arabic and Somali.
The Care Supervisor will be responsible for the efficient running of the service and making sure that all care plans are delivered accurately at all times. They will be responsible for quality checks, risk assessments and the training and supervision of a team of care workers. The majority of their time will be spent in the field. They will also be required to share responsibility with Care Coordinators for an emergency on-call service.
For an informal discussion about the post, jd and application please contact Melissa McClelland, Homecare Registered Manager at info@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

Accessible Leisure Centre Guide
A guide to accessible leisure centre facilities has been produced by Camden council.
You can also download a copy from the website: www.camden.gov.uk/disabilitysport

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 29th May 2015

Highlights: Council Consultation with Voluntary and Community Sector; Annual Active For All – Give it a Go day; Living Wage Friendly Funders; Charity Fair from Directory of Social Change; Celebrate Ageing Better in Camden; Volunteers Week 2015 1 – 7 June; National Carers’ Week 2014; Ageing Better in Camden – Consultation with Older People in St Pancras and Somerstown; SYLVIA: The play about Sylvia Pankhurst, artist and suffragette; Frontline Camden Drug and Alcohol User Involvement Group; Camden Patient & Public Engagement Group Open Meeting ; Clean Break Information Day; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Council Consultation with Voluntary and Community Sector
Camden Council launched an eight week engagement on Tuesday 19th May at Senate House. The event was attended by over 60 representatives from Camden’s sector. The Council is seeking VCS views on alternative approaches to developing a new grants programme for the sector. Four options are proposed for comment which range from improving the current mixed-funding model to a more radical collective impact approach, co-ordinating a partnership around a geographic area or a theme. The sector’s views will be used to develop a preferred approach that is likely to be a mix of the options. The engagement document and survey are available here www.camden.gov.uk/vcsengagement
The council is also organising with VAC a series of evening and lunch-time drop-in sessions across the borough the week of the 8th June.
Five informal sessions have been arranged to enable staff and trustees of VCS organisations to explore the options in the engagement paper ‘Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’ further. These run for a week from June 8th at various locations across Camden. Staff from both Camden Council and Voluntary Action Camden will be available.
· West Euston Partnership Monday 8th in the evening so 5.30 to 7.30pm
· VAC: Tuesday 9th Lunchtime 12-2pm
· VAC Thursday 11th evening 5.30-7.30pm
· Holborn Library Training Room Wednesday 10th June lunchtime 12-2pm
· Abbey Community Centre Friday 12th lunch time 12-2pm

Annual Active For All – Give it a Go day, we need you!
The Active for All- Give it a Go! day is a free, fun and inclusive day for disabled children and young people aged 0 – 25 and their families. Participants will have an opportunity to try a fantastic range of inclusive, new and adapted sports, dance and arts activities including: Adapted Cycling, Archery, Football, Dance, Badminton, Boccia, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Soft play, Arts and Crafts, Cricket, Athletics, New Age Kurling, arts and crafts
Saturday, 6 June, at Talacre Sports Centre, 10:45am to 4:15pm. More info here.
Calling Volunteers: Talacre need volunteers to help with all aspects of the day. Setting up and clearing up before and after the event, greeting the public, supporting sports sessions and activities (listed above), registration and reception desk, signposting activities and generally encouraging visitors to take part.
If you are interested in supporting part or all of the day, please email me. If you have a particular skill or area of interest (from the above information) please let me know and I will try to match you to it.
For more information about this opportunity, contact Jessica Neece on Jessica.neece@camden.gov.uk

Living Wage Friendly Funders
Launch 1st June, 11.30am-1pm.
The Living Wage Foundation are launching a new scheme, awarding a fair-trade badge for funders that align their grant making to the Living Wage.
For more information about the scheme from funders that have tried and tested the scheme please join the Living Wage Foundation at Resource for London on
Spaces are limited. Please RSVP to info@livingwage.org.uk

Charity Fair from Directory of Social Change
30th June and 1st July, Holloway Road
Whatever your role in the sector, there is training for you here: Charityfair has 64 workshops, from only £35, covering a huge variety of topics including fundraising, management & leadership, marketing, governance, personal development, legal & finance, wellbeing, campaigning & lobbying and organisational support.
More information and booking at www.charityfair.org.uk.
We have 2 free workshop tickets for unfunded Camden groups (less than £1500 turnover). Contact Kevin at VAC stating name and date of the session you would like to attend and your name and organisation.

Celebrate Ageing Better in Camden
Come and celebrate how far Ageing Better in Camden has come and meet the organisations who will be running projects for older people as part of the new Ageing Better in Camden programme. Find out more, and tell us your views.
Tea and coffee available from 3:45pm
Tuesday 2nd June 2015 from 4pm-6.30pm Near Euston Station
This is a free event, but please RSVP to Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk or Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk or 020 7239 0400, to book your place.

Volunteers Week 2015 1 – 7 June
It’s national Volunteers Week next week. Find out what’s one or add your own event to the events map. You can find out what is happening in Camden at the Volunteer Centre Camden website. Get general information on volunteering NCVO. Don’t forget to keep your volunteering voluntary – sign up and find out more at KVV. If you are a green group on Project Dirt you can find volunteers with the new volunteers tool. Find out more about volunteering in Camden on the Camden council website.

Volunteers Week Events in Camden
Evening Reception: Celebrating Volunteers

As part of National Volunteers’ Week, One Housing Group’s volunteer team is organising an evening reception on Thursday 4th June, 6.30-9pm at Arlington House NW1, to celebrate the role volunteers play in their communities and wider society.
Come along with your volunteers and enjoy a few short speeches, a raffle, a few awards and the opportunity to network with organisations who value and support volunteers.
Canapés and drinks will be served. Places are limited, so book now.
To book your place, contact Poppy Ayele at One Housing Group on 020 7428 4120.
Volunteers’ Week 2015 Volunteering Fair With One Housing Group
Looking for volunteers? Come and meet people who want to volunteer at our June volunteering fair which we are co-hosting with One Housing Group
Thursday 4th June, 11am-2pm at Arlington Conference Centre, 220 Arlington Road, NW1 7HE
A few places are still available. Book your place via eventbrite.
Please note the times have changed and the fair is now 11am-2pm.

National News
Implications of the Queens Speech for the Sector

The Queens Speech sets out the governments agenda for the coming year. It contained a number of bills that may impact on charities and the wider sector. NCVO has a summary of the main issues.
What Does the New Government Mean for Mental Health Services in Camden?
Frances Hasler, Director of Healthwatch Camden sets out her thoughts for the future in her blog.

National Carers’ Week 2014
Monday 8th to Sunday 14th June is Carers’ Week in Camden with events all around the borough. For full details contact Camden Carers Centre; 020 7428 8950 or email: info@camdencs.org.uk or go to www.camdencs.org.uk/carers-week

Celebrating National Carers Week
Friday 12th June 2015 10am-1pm
10am —Registration, Tea & Coffee
10am-12pm—Henna painting
10.30am-12.30pm— Head & shoulder massage
11am-12pm Health Clinic With Ezra Burnette (Women & Health)
12pm-1pm Lunch & Evaluation
At Great Croft Resource Centre. For more information please contact:
Age UK Camden, Cromer Street, WC1H 8LF. Centre Manager, Abul Choudhury: abul.Choudhury@ageukcamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7278 5090

Camden Carers Service Presents: Face to Face Festival of Solo Theatre
Thursday 11th June
Camden carers and family members join us for this one-off live show in the Council Chambers, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street,WC1H 9JE. The performance will be taking place on Thursday 11th June. Please arrive at 4:30pm for a 5pm start. The play ends at 6pm followed by a questions and answers session for 30 minutes.
Light refreshments will be available. The event is free. For information and booking for this and other
Carers’ Week events in Camden, please ring Camden Carers Service on 020 7428 8950 or email info@camdencarers.org.uk

Ageing Better in Camden – Consultation with Older People in St Pancras and Somerstown
We want to hear the views of older people on a new project planned for the Somerstown and St Pancras area. The project aims to bring older people together to listen and promote the voices of older people and by doing so to tackle causes of isolation and loneliness.
Tea and coffee available from 1:45pm
10th June 2015 from 2 – 4:30 pm om St Pancras
This is a free event, but please RSVP to Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk or Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk or 020 7239 0400, to book your place.

SYLVIA: The play about Sylvia Pankhurst, artist and suffragette
7pm – Friday 12 June 2015
Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London NW5 2DX 7pm Friday 12 June 2015 Wheelchair
Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, Kentish Town, London NW5 2DX
£3.50 unwaged & low-waged £7 higher waged no one turned away for lack of funds
Booking: contact@crossroadswomen.net or 020 7482 2496
Sign language interpreter to be confirmed No admission after 7.15pm

Frontline Camden Drug and Alcohol User Involvement Group
Do you / have you used Drug or Alcohol services in Camden? – What’s Good? Bad? Missing?
Come along and tell us your experience. A chance to influence how your treatment is delivered in Camden
The Conference Hall, St Pancras Hospital, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Open Forum 12.30 – 3 pm Thursday 4th June 2015
Everybody in Camden with a drug or alcohol history is welcome. But anyone too disruptive may be asked to leave.
This month’s focus: Prescribing (i.e. things like methadone scripts), and hearing from a manager in Camden’s prescribing service. Refreshments from 12.30 until 1pm
For any more information – please contact Dan or Rachel on 020 3355 7113 or 07770 014 109

Camden Patient & Public Engagement Group Open Meeting (Monday 8th June, 2pm – 4pm, St Pancras Hospital, Conference Hall)
Please come along if you want to know more about the Camden Story (the health needs of local people, the outcomes reached and impact one year on) and the introduction of Mental Health Peer Mentoring which is supported by Voiceability. The operational meeting is scheduled to start at 4:15pm and the recently appointed Head of Communications and Engagement, Francesca McNeil, will be coming to the meeting to introduce herself.
Presentation 1: The Camden Story (2015)
Presenter: Richard Cartwright, Insights Manager, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
Presentation 2: Mental Health Peer Mentoring (Voiceability).
Presenter: Rachel Killick, Service user involvement advocate, Voiceability.
Please RSVP Edith Raie, CPPEG Administrator by email: Edith.Raie@camdenccg.nhs.uk or Tel: 0203 688 2044

Clean Break Information Day
Friday, 19 June 2015 19 June, 11am – 3pm
Clean Break is hosting an Information Day on Friday 19 June 2015 between 11am-3pm. We are a safe women-only theatre, education and new writing company based in Kentish Town, in the north-west of London. However on this occasion we welcome men who are working with women and are likely to make referrals to our service.
We offer free education and training in the arts specifically for women who have experience of the criminal justice system and/or are at risk of offending due to alcohol/substance misuse or mental heath needs. This is an invitation, for interested women, and you or your colleagues working with these women.
11-1.15pm: service providers only
1.15 – 3pm: prospective service users also welcome
Places are limited. To book your place: please email general@cleanbreak.org.uk for a booking form.
Clean Break, 2 Patshull Road, London, NW5 2LB

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Age Uk Camden, People’s Centre for Change, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, MEWSO, Bedford House, Hopscotch, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Vote for Kentish Town City Farm in Jewson’s Building Better Communities competition – your vote will help them win funding.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.


The Evelyn Oldfield Unit invites you to Conference for Research for Action and Influence Students and Refugee Week celebration
Thursday, 18th June 2015, 1.30-5.30pmat Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road
This event will see student presentations followed by cultural celebration of Refugee Week, including special guests, funders and politicians.
The researchers will present new thoughts and findings on issues faced by London’s migrants
The Evelyn Oldfield Unit is running the accredited Research for Action & Influence course, a 9 month programme for members of London’s refugee and migrant communities. This course will culminate in this conference whereby the groups present the findings of their research and actions as above.
To book a place please contact Alexandra Ceriu Tel: 0207 697 4105. Email: alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

Personal Budgets and Direct Payments – Carers Meeting
Wednesday 3rd June 2015 10:30am – 1pm at Centre 404, 404 Camden Road, N7 0SJ
Do you find direct payments, personal budgets and financial assessments confusing and complicated?
Come along to our meeting to find out about:
– What a personal budget is and how it works
– What a direct payment is and how it works
– What choices are available
– How financial assessments are done (to be confirmed)
This meeting will be about direct payments and personal budgets for people with learning disabilities.
For more information contact Beth on: beths@centre404.org.uk tel: 020 7697 1336

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Black & Minority Ethnic Organisations Networking & skill-sharing event
Wednesday 10th June, 11am-1pm
We’d like to invite BME organisations in Camden to meet up for an informal event:
Kindly hosted by Zeena Nahi at the Somali Community Centre, 1-2 Lismore Circus, Gospel Oak, NW5 4QF
This will be a chance to get to know each other better and think about ways to work together in the future.
For more information, contact Shadin 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Camden Wellbeing Open Day
Tuesday 2nd June 12.30-5.30pm (lunch at 12.30pm)
Join us and learn what’s on offer for your wellbeing here in Camden
Here at The Hub, we work with an exciting and eclectic network of partners (like you) who we encourage to use our centre to give individuals access to rich and diverse opportunities both inside the centre and out in the community. For example, Geoff is eager to get fit, we help him to join a gym plus he takes part in yoga classes at The Hub, run by our partners.
There will be talks from Camden’s ‘approved provider’ partners, free taster sessions of The Hub’s holistic therapies and activities, stalls, and a hearty (and free!) lunch for all. Let’s create connections.
The Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG
Find us here: www.camdenhub.org.uk/contact RSVP to abigail.darton@hcct.org.uk

Community Evening View at the British Museum
Saturday 27th June 2015, 6.20pm – 9pm.
Camden community and voluntary sector group members are invited to an exclusive Community Evening View at the British Museum Both special exhibitions will be open that evening – Defining beauty: the body in ancient Greek art and the BP exhibition Indigenous Australia: enduring civilisation.
To book your free tickets* email hbahra@britishmuseum.org before Monday 8th June stating:
· Name of your group or organisation:
· Number of tickets required for each exhibition**
o Defining Beauty (maximum of 20 tickets)
o Indigenous Australia (maximum of 10 tickets)
· Preferred entry time for each exhibition between 6.20pm – 8.10pm:
· Postal address to send tickets to:
Tickets to this preview are limited and distributed on a first-come first-served basis. Group numbers may be limited due to demand.
Requests for tickets must be made by the group leader and only one request per organisation.
Please issue group members with a ticket for one exhibition only.

First Thursday London – June- Making an Impact
Thursday, June 4, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Making an Impact- and evidencing the difference your organisation makes.
Rose Maguire, a senior consultant from the New Economics Foundation on Impact Measurement.
Rosemary has extensive experience in providing clients, including local authorities, NHS organisations, national and local charities with bespoke outcome measurement frameworks and evaluations of their work.
The 2nd July sees us visiting Happy Computers to be hosted by the award winning Henry, who will be challenging us to become better employers, not least because that makes us better organisations
Sign up for First Thursday here. Or find out more on the First Thursday website.

Kentish Town Festival is back on Saturday 6th June 1pm-6.30pm
Join us on Saturday 6th June as Kentish Town is filled with colourful rhythms and sounds!
There will be live music, food & drink, sports tournament, bake-off, dance & crafts workshops, children’s area and much more. The festival’s Urban Jungle parade starts at 2pm. Free, open to all.
There will be a general volunteers’ meeting on Tuesday 2nd June between 5.30-7pm for anyone interested in helping out on the day. Email Isabelle@ktcc.org.uk for more information or visit www.ktcc.org.uk/events/kentish-town-festival-2015 for details of the event.

Action Learning Workshop for Older People’s Organisations
Older Londoners and Pension Reform
30th June 2015, 10:00-1:30pm
Salvation Army Community Church, 1 Princess Street, London SE1 6HH
Light Lunch will be served
Please confirm your attendance by registering here: https://olderlondonersandpensionreform.eventbrite.co.uk or emailing Janinealdridge@ageuklondon.org.uk or Telephone 020 7091 2594

Creating Connections 10
Monday 15th June, 6–8pm in the Front Quad Pavilion at University College London.
In celebration of our tenth event, Creating Connections 10 is taking Creativity and Collaboration as its twin themes. As with all previous Creating Connections, the aim of the event is to bring UCL’s academic staff and postgraduate researchers together with representatives of the community and voluntary sector (with a healthy sprinkling of arts, heritage and cultural organisations), to find areas of common interest and projects they can collaborate on. The evening is a mix of themed discussions in small groups with more informal networking.
Find out more and book your place by Monday 8th June

LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 from 09:30 to 15:30
One day conference aimed at senior Equality and Diversity Managers within the Further Education sector to disseminate findings of WMC LGBT project, The Humane Selfie, Life Gets Better Together, and share good practice.
Further details about the ECU Funded project at WMC can be found on this link http://www.wmcollege.ac.uk/pages/equality.aspx
Lunch and refreshment provided. Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Taking a deep breath: Cleaning up London’s air
Tuesday 7th July 2015 16:30 – 21:00 (including drinks + canapes)
St Bride Foundation, Bridge Lane, London, EC4Y 8EQ
London continues to suffer the effects of poor air quality leading to around 4,300 early deaths per year. With ClientEarth’s recent win at the Supreme Court over the UK Government’s failure to meet legal limits for air pollution and the Mayor’s announcement of an Ultra Low Emission Zone, change is in the air. However more still needs to be done to protect our health and that of all Londoners.
The event will include short presentations by fantastic speakers followed by workshops and networking and drinks. We have designed the evening so that you get the greatest opportunity to contribute your ideas and make useful connections.
Please confirm your attendance here. Contact Sam Jelliman s.jelliman@lsx.org.uk 02072349400 for information

New Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
You can take advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
To access the courses, visit
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.
The Safeguarding adults, and MCA and DoLS training sessions are fully subsidized, and are offered free of charge to all members of staff who provide services for adults at risk in Camden.

Theatro Technis proudly presents latest production “OH, DEMOCRACY”
A musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ “THE KNIGHTS” by Keith Murphy, George Eugeniou and Marco Aponte.
Back in 424 BC, when ARISTOPHANES wrote “THE KNIGHTS” it poked fun at the political leaders in Athens, the like of leather merchant Kleon, who put his own personal gains above the city’s interest. Now almost 2500 years later it is as relevant as ever.
Opens: 26th May 7.30pm
The play runs until 6th June, Sunday Matinees 5pm, no shows on Mondays
Tickets: £10/concession £8
26 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TT
Tel: 020 7387 6617 fax: 020 73832545
Email: info@theatrotechnis.com website: www.theatrotechnis.com

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 9 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


People’s Centre for Change seek Services and Volunteer Coordinator (Part time 16 hours)
Location: 10 minutes away from Kilburn tube station and from home
Salary: Pro rata of £22,292.00
People’s Centre for Change is committed to providing meaningful and life enhancing day opportunities for adults with severe learning disabilities, autism and/or complex needs, in an inclusive environment. We run pilot sessions once or two afternoons per week and are seeking to expand and recruit new members from the wider neighbourhood.
We are looking for a dynamic, enthusiastic and well organised person with the skills and vision to lead community building, coordinating activities and recruiting, training and managing a small team of volunteers. We need a warm, caring and energetic person with “can do” attitude and a strong commitment to an inclusive, flexible and creative service.
You will be confident and experienced in working a community setting and with people with learning disabilities and have an awareness the adult social care world. You will need excellent communication skills and a good standard of general education. Relevant professional qualifications are desirable but not essential.
If you are interested please email us so we can send you the Job Description and Person Specification and then send your CV and a personal statement to: peoplescentre4change@gmail.com
Closing date for applications: 22nd June 2015
Interviews will take place on 29th or 30th June 2015. This post is subject to a DBS check.

This summer The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust will be holding elections for its Council of Governors
Trust would like to invite as many members of the public to stand as possible. There are eleven seats for public members available.
Anyone over 18, with an interest in what we do can apply. Our Council of Governors is a collection of elected people – patients, carers, members of the public, students, staff and people from partner organisations. Anyone can become a Governor, meaning a variety of informed views and opinions influence the work we do. Our Governors work alongside the Board of Directors and are responsible for helping to shape our work. They make sure we continue to work for the benefit of patients and students.
You can also find out more information on our website: https://tavistockandportman.uk/GovernorElections, where you will find a ‘register your interest’ form and information on the time commitment and what we are looking for. We are also planning on running some drop in sessions in June and July, so keep an eye out on our website for future updates around these.
For more information about becoming a Governor or details on how to get a nomination form please contact Gervase Campbell, our Trust Secretary on: TSecretary@tavi-port.nhs.uk.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

MEWSO seeks Arabic and/or Kurdish speaking counsellor
MEWSO is a growing registered charity set up in 2010 to address the needs of women in Middle Eastern communities in the absence of priority placed on their needs within the community organisations mainly run by male and elder members of the communities.
MEWSo is currently looking for an Arabic and/or Kurdish speaking counsellor to provide this important service to the more and more clients who come to us for help every week.
As our clients are mainly refugee women from the Middle East who have suffered various traumas, often including domestic violence, it is very important for them to find a safe space to open up and someone to help them dealing with these traumas. For these reasons, the counsellor would need to be a female, and previous experience would be preferable.
We are looking for a sessional worker, days, times and amount of working hours will be discussed and arranged according to the needs and availability of both the counsellor and the clients.
The paying wage would be of £17ph. The position is open from now.
We would be very grateful if you could spread the word and advertise this position to someone you think could be interested.
If interested and you want more information, please contact MEWSo via email or on the phone and visit our website:
www.mewso.org email: office@mewso.org Tel: 07958145666

Bedford House seeks Volunteers
Nahida Chowdhury, the Senior Community Organiser based at Bedford House, Holborn, is looking for local volunteers to work alongside her and learn Community Organising skills. If you want more information or are interested in this opportunity please contact nahida.chowdhury@corganisers.org.uk

Hopscotch seeks Care Supervisor (Maternity Cover)
35 hrs per week (job share may be considered for the right candidates)
12 months, until July 2016 25,034 incl. ILW
Closing date: 11th June 2015
A confident and conscientious Bengali-speaking worker is required to provide supervision support to a challenging and rewarding service within Hopscotch. The Home Care service offers health and personal care to older people, those who are housebound and to adults with disabilities, to help support their independence and improve their quality of life.
We provide a specialist care service, with a particular focus on the South Asian community. Most of our carers are bilingual. This means they speak English and a range of languages including Bengali, Sylheti, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Arabic and Somali.
The Care Supervisor will be responsible for the efficient running of the service and making sure that all care plans are delivered accurately at all times. They will be responsible for quality checks, risk assessments and the training and supervision of a team of care workers. The majority of their time will be spent in the field. They will also be required to share responsibility with Care Coordinators for an emergency on-call service.
For an informal discussion about the post, jd and application please contact Melissa McClelland, Homecare Registered Manager at info@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Age UK Camden seeks Administrative Assistant
12 Month Contract (subject to review and extension)
Scale 4 £21,120- £23,145 plus 6% contributory pension.
This key position will operate the phone switchboard, responding to information enquiries (via the telephone, email and face to face). The role also involves completing various administrative tasks working with all our departments and the Senior Management Team and ensuring our back of house facilities are fully operational by ordering stock, managing room bookings and general house-keeping on a daily basis.
Essentials include: a general knowledge of issues and services relating to older people and their needs; experience of working on a busy reception; ability to multi-task dealing with competing priorities in a calm and efficient manner; administrative skills; IT literacy; and excellent communication skills.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am, Monday 1st June 2015
Interviews: Tuesday 9th June 2015

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

Camden Long Term Conditions Reference Group
Camden CCG are looking for members of the public to be involved in a reference group for planning for services for people with Long Term Conditions.
Involvement could be in the form of:
~ Online surveys
~ Telephone surveys
~ Focus groups for discussing particular issues or conditions
~ Being part of the project team for a particular Long Term Condition
~ Be interviewed to tell your story in more detail (case study).
We have a rewards and recognition policy to compensate you for your time.
If you would like to be part of this group, please email LTCinfo@camdenccg.nhs.uk

Nepal Appeal
On Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless. Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. Find out more and donate at the Disasters Emergency Committee website or at Pasa Puchah guthi UK or for blankets, tents and medicines you can drop your donation off at the Great Nepalese, Eversholt Street, NW1 (next to Euston station) from 11.00-2.30 Monday to Saturday.

Accessible Leisure Centre Guide
A guide to accessible leisure centre facilities has been produced by Camden council.
You can also download a copy from the website: www.camden.gov.uk/disabilitysport

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 22nd May 2015

Highlights: Council Consultation with Voluntary and Community Sector; Celebrate Ageing Better in Camden; Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch Event; Ready to Supply the City; Camden Consultations; Kentish Fleet Festival; Green News in Camden; Carers’ Week 2014; Black & Minority Ethnic Organisations Networking & skill-sharing event; Camden Wellbeing Open Day; Community Evening View at the British Museum; First Thursday London; Camden Long Term Conditions Reference Group; Kentish Town Festival; Celebrating National Carers Week; Personal Budgets and Direct Payments – Carers Meeting; Taking a deep breath: Cleaning up London’s air; Accessible Leisure Centre Guide; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Council Consultation with Voluntary and Community Sector
Camden Council launched an eight week engagement on Tuesday 19th May at Senate House. The event was attended by over 60 representatives from Camden’s sector. The Council is seeking VCS views on alternative approaches to developing a new grants programme for the sector. Four options are proposed for comment which range from improving the current mixed-funding model to a more radical collective impact approach, co-ordinating a partnership around a geographic area or a theme. The sector’s views will be used to develop a preferred approach that is likely to be a mix of the options. The engagement document and survey are available here www.camden.gov.uk/vcsengagement
The council is also organising with VAC a series of evening and lunch-time drop-in sessions across the borough the week of the 8th June.
Five informal ‘drop in’ sessions have been arranged to enable staff and trustees of VCS organisations to explore the options in the engagement paper ‘Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’ further. These run for a week from June 8th at various locations across Camden. Staff from both Camden Council and Voluntary Action Camden will be available, no ned to book please just turn up.
· West Euston Partnership Monday 8th in the evening so 5.30 to 7.30pm
· VAC: Tuesday 9th Lunchtime 12-2pm
· VAC Thursday 11th evening 5.30-7.30pm
· Holborn Library Training Room Wednesday 10th June lunchtime 12-2pm
· Abbey Community Centre Friday 12th lunch time 12-2pm

Celebrate Ageing Better in Camden
Come and celebrate how far Ageing Better in Camden has come and meet the organisations who will be running projects for older people as part of the new Ageing Better in Camden programme. Find out more, and tell us your views.
Tea and coffee available from 3:45pm
Tuesday 2nd June 2015 from 4pm-6.30pm Near Euston Station
This is a free event, but please RSVP to Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk or Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk or 020 7239 0400, to book your place.

Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch Event Wednesday, 27 May 2015, 5:30pm to 7:30pm
The Camden Centre, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE
An event to tell you about CDA the new user led organisation to represent deaf and disabled people in Camden. It will not be a discussion about the closure of DISC or the past but a focus on the way forward with the following Agenda.
• Why is CDA needed and what will its role be?
• Progress made so far to charitable status and what becoming a member will mean to you
• All your questions answered
• Becoming a member
Voluntary Action Camden is helping to organise this event on behalf of CDA.
To book a place please contact Ricky or Monica at VAC.
E-mail: acharles@vac.org.uk Fax: 020 7284 6551 Telephone: 020 7284 6553. Typetalk: 18001-020 7284 6555
This meeting will be fully accessible, but please let us know your access requirements when you book.

Ready to Supply the City
Do you want to supply the City?
Monday 1st June 2015 09:15am – 11.00am at Camden Council, 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4A
East London Business Place (ELBP) cordially invites you to the “Ready to Supply the City” launch in partnership with Camden Council.
The project will facilitate introductions between local suppliers and City businesses and their 1st and 2nd tier supply chains. If you require help, there will be one to one business support, workshops and seminars to enable appropriate micro, small and medium enterprises to get ready to supply the City.
Refreshments will be provided at the event, and this is also a great opportunity to network, so don’t forget your business cards
Places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis only. Please RSVP by return to: mohammed.alom@elbp.co.uk

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

Kentish Fleet Festival Sat 23rd & Sun 24th May
This weekend Kentish Town is host to the Kentish Fleet Festival with a vast range of events from crochet & knitting classes to jazz dance in the afternoon and music in the evening. There should be something for everyone. All listed on their website:
Arts, Music and Family events celebrating the undercurrent of creativity in Kentish Town

Green News in Camden
Project Dirt now has a monthly newsletter of all things green in Camden. You can view the newsletter online. To get your own copy, sign up for Project Dirt and subscribe.

Carers’ Week 2014
Monday 8th to Sunday 14th June is Carers’ Week in Camden with events all around the borough. For full details contact Camden Carers Centre; 020 7428 8950 or email: info@camdencs.org.uk or go to www.camdencs.org.uk/carers-week

Black & Minority Ethnic Organisations Networking & skill-sharing event
Wednesday 10th June, 11am-1pm
We’d like to invite BME organisations in Camden to meet up for an informal event:
Kindly hosted by Zeena Nahi at the Somali Community Centre, 1-2 Lismore Circus, Gospel Oak, NW5 4QF
This will be a chance to get to know each other better and think about ways to work together in the future.
For more information, contact Shadin 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Camden Wellbeing Open Day
Tuesday 2nd June 12.30-5.30pm (lunch at 12.30pm)
Join us and learn what’s on offer for your wellbeing here in Camden
Here at The Hub, we work with an exciting and eclectic network of partners (like you) who we encourage to use our centre to give individuals access to rich and diverse opportunities both inside the centre and out in the community. For example, Geoff is eager to get fit, we help him to join a gym plus he takes part in yoga classes at The Hub, run by our partners.
Join us on Tuesday 2 June to find out more about the range of opportunities available across the borough – there will be talks from Camden’s ‘approved provider’ partners, free taster sessions of The Hub’s holistic therapies and activities, stalls, and a hearty (and free!) lunch for all. Let’s create connections.
The Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG
Find us here: www.camdenhub.org.uk/contact
RSVP to abigail.darton@hcct.org.uk

Community Evening View at the British Museum
Saturday 27th June 2015, 6.20pm – 9pm.
Camden community and voluntary sector group members are invited to an exclusive Community Evening View at the British Museum Both special exhibitions will be open that evening – Defining beauty: the body in ancient Greek art and the BP exhibition Indigenous Australia: enduring civilisation.
To book your free tickets* email hbahra@britishmuseum.org before Monday 8th June stating:
· Name of your group or organisation:
· Number of tickets required for each exhibition**
o Defining Beauty (maximum of 20 tickets)
o Indigenous Australia (maximum of 10 tickets)
· Preferred entry time for each exhibition between 6.20pm – 8.10pm:
· Postal address to send tickets to:
Tickets to this preview are limited and distributed on a first-come first-served basis. Group numbers may be limited due to demand.
Requests for tickets must be made by the group leader and only one request per organisation.
It may be difficult to view both exhibitions on the same evening so please issue group members with a ticket for one exhibition only.

Ancient World! Family Discovery Day at the British Museum Saturday 20th June 2015 12.00 – 16.00.
Families can join us for a huge day of free and fabulous creative and “historical” activities. Make, see, touch, sign, learn, watch and laugh. Actors from Deafinitely Theatre, skeletons from the Grant Museum, artists from the October Gallery and many more will be on hand to take families on a historic voyage of exploration.
This event is fully accessible for families with deaf children and parents.

First Thursday London – June- Making an Impact
Thursday, June 4, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Making an Impact- and evidencing the difference your organisation makes.
We’ve got Rose Maguire, a senior consultant from the New Economics Foundation, urging us to get our act together about Impact Measurement.
Rosemary has extensive experience in providing clients, including local authorities, NHS organisations, national and local charities with bespoke outcome measurement frameworks and evaluations of their work. Rosemary is a skilled researcher, combining the academic rigor of quantitative analysis with strong qualitative research skills.
The 2nd July sees us visiting Happy Computers to be hosted by the award winning Henry, who will be challenging us to become better employers, not least because that makes us better organisations
Sign up for First Thursday here. Or find out more on the First Thursday website.

Camden Long Term Conditions Reference Group
Camden CCG are looking for members of the public to be involved in a reference group for planning for services for people with Long Term Conditions.
Involvement could be in the form of:
~ Online surveys
~ Telephone surveys
~ Focus groups for discussing particular issues or conditions
~ Being part of the project team for a particular Long Term Condition
~ Be interviewed to tell your story in more detail (case study).
We have a rewards and recognition policy to compensate you for your time.
If you would like to be part of this group, please email LTCinfo@camdenccg.nhs.uk

Kentish Town Festival is back on Saturday 6th June 1pm-6.30pm
Join us on Saturday 6th June as Kentish Town is filled with colourful rhythms and sounds!
There will be live music, food & drink, sports tournament, bake-off, dance & crafts workshops, children’s area and much more. The festival’s Urban Jungle parade starts at 2pm. Free, open to all.
There will be a general volunteers’ meeting on Tuesday 2nd June between 5.30-7pm for anyone interested in helping out on the day. Email Isabelle@ktcc.org.uk for more information or visit www.ktcc.org.uk/events/kentish-town-festival-2015 for details of the event.

Celebrating National Carers Week
Friday 12th June 2015 10am-1pm
10am —Registration, Tea & Coffee
10am-12pm—Henna painting
10.30am-12.30pm— Head & shoulder massage
11am-12pm Health Clinic With Ezra Burnette (Women & Health)
12pm-1pm Lunch & Evaluation
At Great Croft Resource Centre. For more information please contact:
Age UK Camden, Cromer Street, WC1H 8LF. Centre Manager, Abul Choudhury: abul.Choudhury@ageukcamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7278 5090

Personal Budgets and Direct Payments – Carers Meeting
Wednesday 3rd June 2015 10:30am – 1pm at Centre 404, 404 Camden Road, N7 0SJ
Do you find direct payments, personal budgets and financial assessments confusing and complicated?
Come along to our meeting to find out about:
– What a personal budget is and how it works
– What a direct payment is and how it works
– What choices are available
– How financial assessments are done (to be confirmed)
This meeting will be about direct payments and personal budgets for people with learning disabilities.
For more information contact Beth on: beths@centre404.org.uk tel: 020 7697 1336

Taking a deep breath: Cleaning up London’s air
Tuesday 7th July 2015 16:30 – 21:00 (including drinks + canapes)
St Bride Foundation, Bridge Lane, London, EC4Y 8EQ
London continues to suffer the effects of poor air quality leading to around 4,300 early deaths per year. With ClientEarth’s recent win at the Supreme Court over the UK Government’s failure to meet legal limits for air pollution and the Mayor’s announcement of an Ultra Low Emission Zone, change is in the air. However more still needs to be done to protect our health and that of all Londoners.
The event will include short presentations by fantastic speakers followed by workshops and networking and drinks. We have designed the evening so that you get the greatest opportunity to contribute your ideas and make useful connections.
Please confirm your attendance here. Contact Sam Jelliman s.jelliman@lsx.org.uk 02072349400 for information

Accessible Leisure Centre Guide
A guide to accessible leisure centre facilities has been produced by Camden council.
You can also download a copy from the website: www.camden.gov.uk/disabilitysport

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Age Uk Camden, Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, Mary Ward Legal Centre, The Working Men’s College, IKWRO, One Housing, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Vote for Kentish Town City Farm in Jewson’s Building Better Communities competition – your vote will help them win funding.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.


Fundraising Masterclass
29th May 2015, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm at London Voluntary Service Council
Are you worried about your fundraising? Would you like to know more about the different types of fundraising and which ones might be best for you?
Come to our Fundraising Masterclass by Peter Rosenvinge (Worshipful Company of Marketors).
This event is for London based voluntary & Community sector organisations who need help with their fundraising.
The event aims to:
~ Give an overview of the different types of fundraising
~ Suggest which types of fundraising are best suited to different causes
~ Give an opportunity for participants to ask practical questions about their own situation
~ Participants will be able to ask the speaker for one free follow up consultation/advisory meeting about their charity
For more information and booking go to www.lvsc.org.uk

Age UK London, Advice UK and London Council course: Strategic Planning
Free training course targeted at small older people’s organisations, pensioners’ fora and action groups
Reply/booking to zghods@ageuklondon.org.uk or 0207 820 6781
This workshop will give forums/groups more confidence in their strategic planning
to help strengthen fundraising opportunities
Thursday 28th May 2015; 10.30am – 2.00 pm (Lunch at 1.15pm)
At Age UK London, 21 St Georges Road, London SE1 6ES Tube Station: Elephant and Castle
This workshop will help you to build capacity in governance and strategic planning; explore and set up new
structures to strengthen your organisation which will play a key role in your fundraising plans.

Action Learning Workshop for Older People’s Organisations
Older Londoners and Pension Reform
30th June 2015, 10:00-1:30pm
Salvation Army Community Church, 1 Princess Street, London SE1 6HH
Light Lunch will be served
Please confirm your attendance by registering here: https://olderlondonersandpensionreform.eventbrite.co.uk or emailing Janinealdridge@ageuklondon.org.uk or Telephone 020 7091 2594

Creating Connections 10
Monday 15th June, 6–8pm in the Front Quad Pavilion at University College London.
In celebration of our tenth event, Creating Connections 10 is taking Creativity and Collaboration as its twin themes. As with all previous Creating Connections, the aim of the event is to bring UCL’s academic staff and postgraduate researchers together with representatives of the community and voluntary sector (with a healthy sprinkling of arts, heritage and cultural organisations), to find areas of common interest and projects they can collaborate on. The evening is a mix of themed discussions in small groups with more informal networking.
Find out more and book your place by Monday 8th June

Directory of Social Change Charity Fair
30th June and 1st July, Holloway Road
Whatever your role in the sector, there is training for you here: Charityfair has 64 workshops, from only £35, covering a huge variety of topics including fundraising, management & leadership, marketing, governance, personal development, legal & finance, wellbeing, campaigning & lobbying and organisational support.
More information and booking at www.charityfair.org.uk

Citywise Employability Training
Following the success of the 1st Deloitte Employability training day another team have asked to work with Citywise volunteers to provide training in employability skills for unemployed volunteers aged 50+.
This will be held on Friday 29th May 10.45am – 4pm and will provide one to one support to help improve employability skills.
We are planning two sessions to run concurrently: Preparing for Interview and CV clinic
In order for the day to be successful and for the volunteers to be able to structure their support to your individual needs we are asking volunteers to provide their CV in advance and some information about what type of paid employment they are looking for.
For more information or to book a place contact: Sue King: sue.king@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; Citywise@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; 020 3780 5910

LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 from 09:30 to 15:30
One day conference aimed at senior Equality and Diversity Managers within the Further Education sector to disseminate findings of WMC LGBT project, The Humane Selfie, Life Gets Better Together, and share good practice.
Further details about the ECU Funded project at WMC can be found on this link http://www.wmcollege.ac.uk/pages/equality.aspx
Lunch and refreshment provided. Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Big Lottery “Building Better Opportunities” Fund
This is a new fund for employability opening on 2 June 2015. It will be a two stage application process with very tight deadlines. (There will probably be a second round after that with a deadline in November.) This fund comes from the EU but it is not match funded – that is you receive the whole amount needed for the project.
It is not known how much organisations will be expected to apply for – but it will almost certainly be £500,000 or more and with a partnership including at least two other boroughs from the nine central London boroughs. It will be expected that partnerships will include the public sector and the VCS and could include businesses as well.
There will be a meeting for Camden VCS groups that would be interested in joining a partnership or partnerships to apply for this funding. The Council may well not have the resources to be the lead organisation in a partnership but staff are willing to facilitate the process. EU funded projects require a lot of work and very detailed reporting and this funding is probably best suited to organisations that already support residents into employment or significantly increase their chances of getting work.
Thursday 28 May 2015 at 3.15 for a prompt start at 3.30. The meeting will end at 5pm.
Committee Room 4 in the Old Town Hall, Judd Street.
For more information or to book a place contact frances.connelly@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 6457.

The Training and Development Service at the London Borough of Camden announce the launch of the new Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
You can take advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
To access the courses, visit
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.
The Safeguarding adults, and MCA and DoLS training sessions are fully subsidized, and are offered free of charge to all members of staff who provide services for adults at risk in Camden.

Train to Campaign offers low-cost, high quality campaign training workshops in central London to help you make a real impact.
Campaigning Essentials is a half day introduction to the core principles of effective campaigning. Whether you are new to campaigning, or have never had formal training in the basic building blocks of a good campaign, this workshop is for you.
Campaigning Essentials
Wed 3rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
Other upcoming workshops:
Perfect your campaign elevator pitch
Tue 23rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
How to influence and lobby Parliament
Thu 16th July 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
For information about other upcoming campaign training workshops visit www.traintocampaign.london

St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit Open Day & Camden Community Services Disability Awareness Event
Tuesday 26th May 2015 between 1:30pm and 4:30pm, St Pancras Hospital South Wing
St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit acts as a pivotal part of the transition and support for patients in their recovery journey back home from UCLH, the Royal Free, the Whittington and other acute hospitals. We are keen that the unit is seen as a local resource which our whole community is proud and as such I am delighted to invite you to our joint event on Tuesday the 26th May 2015.
This is an opportunity for you, colleagues and members of the local community to learn more about the first class rehabilitation our clinical staff provide at St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit. If you are free to attend please reply to Kathryn Ford, lead for Equalities and Diversities in Camden email kathrynford@nhs.net or telephone 020 3317 3776 by 7th May 2015 so she can confirm catering arrangements.

Theatro Technis proudly presents latest production “OH, DEMOCRACY”
A musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ “THE KNIGHTS” by Keith Murphy, George Eugeniou and Marco Aponte.
Back in 424 BC, when ARISTOPHANES wrote “THE KNIGHTS” it poked fun at the political leaders in Athens, the like of leather merchant Kleon, who put his own personal gains above the city’s interest. Now almost 2500 years later it is as relevant as ever.
Opens: 26th May 7.30pm
The play runs until 6th June, Sunday Matinees 5pm, no shows on Mondays
Tickets: £10/concession £8
26 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TT
Tel: 020 7387 6617 fax: 020 73832545
Email: info@theatrotechnis.com website: www.theatrotechnis.com

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 9 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Certitude seeks Travel Buddy Camden
Hourly rate: £8.61 Working hours: flexible
At Certitude, we believe everyone has the right to a good life including people with learning disabilities or mental health needs. As a leading London provider of personalised support, we work alongside people, their families, friends and carers to identify what a good life means to them and then help them achieve it.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals, to act as a Travel Buddy to provide support to other people with lived experience, by assisting them in using public transport, attending medical appointments, or attending a social activity that can help in their recovery. You will also work closely with Community Development Work Team in Camden, and have the opportunity for personal development
For more information and the application pack, please click here
Please note that a DBS check will be required for this role
Closing date: 30 May 2015 Interview date: week commencing 1 June 2015
Candidates should be available to start immediately

MEWSO seeks Arabic and/or Kurdish speaking counsellor
MEWSO is a growing registered charity set up in 2010 to address the needs of women in Middle Eastern communities in the absence of priority placed on their needs within the community organisations mainly run by male and elder members of the communities.
MEWSo is currently looking for an Arabic and/or Kurdish speaking counsellor to provide this important service to the more and more clients who come to us for help every week.
As our clients are mainly refugee women from the Middle East who have suffered various traumas, often including domestic violence, it is very important for them to find a safe space to open up and someone to help them dealing with these traumas. For these reasons, the counsellor would need to be a female, and previous experience would be preferable.
We are looking for a sessional worker, days, times and amount of working hours will be discussed and arranged according to the needs and availability of both the counsellor and the clients.
The paying wage would be of £17ph. The position is open from now.
We would be very grateful if you could spread the word and advertise this position to someone you think could be interested.
If interested and you want more information, please contact MEWSo via email or on the phone and visit our website:
www.mewso.org email: office@mewso.org Tel: 07958145666

Bedford House seeks Volunteers
Nahida Chowdhury, the Senior Community Organiser based at Bedford House, Holborn, is looking for local volunteers to work alongside her and learn Community Organising skills. If you want more information or are interested in this opportunity please contact nahida.chowdhury@corganisers.org.uk

Hopscotch seeks Care Supervisor (Maternity Cover)
35 hrs per week (job share may be considered for the right candidates)
12 months, until July 2016 25,034 incl. ILW
Closing date: 11th June 2015
A confident and conscientious Bengali-speaking worker is required to provide supervision support to a challenging and rewarding service within Hopscotch. The Home Care service offers health and personal care to older people, those who are housebound and to adults with disabilities, to help support their independence and improve their quality of life.
We provide a specialist care service, with a particular focus on the South Asian community. Most of our carers are bilingual. This means they speak English and a range of languages including Bengali, Sylheti, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Arabic and Somali.
The Care Supervisor will be responsible for the efficient running of the service and making sure that all care plans are delivered accurately at all times. They will be responsible for quality checks, risk assessments and the training and supervision of a team of care workers. The majority of their time will be spent in the field. They will also be required to share responsibility with Care Coordinators for an emergency on-call service.
For an informal discussion about the post, jd and application please contact Melissa McClelland, Homecare Registered Manager at info@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Age UK Camden seeks Programme Manager, (Job-Share)
Local Government Scale PO3 (c. £19.5-21k pa for 19 hour week)
Camden has been selected as one of 14 areas in England to deliver an innovative 6 year programme of support for isolated older people. Ageing Better in Camden is a local partnership of statutory, voluntary and private agencies and older people led by Age UK Camden. We require a dynamic job-share Programme Manager to: monitor recently appointed delivery partners; manage future tendering processes, support and develop the strategic partnership; manage part-time staff arranging support, training and events to delivery partners, older people and volunteers; manage ABC’s relationship with the Big Lottery and its evaluation and support agents.
Essential requirements: experience of working with older people; experience of engagement preferably co-production; knowledge of issues affecting older people including isolation; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong programme management skills including monitoring and evaluation and funder reporting; ability to deliver successful multi-agency partnership work; highly numerate and literate; ability to innovate, manage change and be solutions focussed.
AUC offers a contributory pension, and a season ticket or bicycle loan facility. The post is based at Tavis House, Tavistock Square with easy access via Euston and Kings Cross main lines or Russell Square tube.
For more details, all documents can be downloaded from our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date – 9:00am Monday, 1st June 2015; Interviews -18th June 2015. No agencies, no CVs.

Age UK Camden seeks Administrative Assistant
12 Month Contract (subject to review and extension)
Scale 4 £21,120- £23,145 plus 6% contributory pension.
This key position will operate the phone switchboard, responding to information enquiries (via the telephone, email and face to face). The role also involves completing various administrative tasks working with all our departments and the Senior Management Team and ensuring our back of house facilities are fully operational by ordering stock, managing room bookings and general house-keeping on a daily basis.
Essentials include: a general knowledge of issues and services relating to older people and their needs; experience of working on a busy reception; ability to multi-task dealing with competing priorities in a calm and efficient manner; administrative skills; IT literacy; and excellent communication skills.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am, Monday 1st June 2015
Interviews: Tuesday 9th June 2015

Kentish Town Community Centre is looking for an inspiring Chair of Trustees
Are you looking for a new challenge? Have you got an interest in local issues?
Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/about/current-vacancies for further details on all KTCC opportunities and to apply.

The Soup Kitchen seeks Part-Time Welcomer/Security Person
The Soup Kitchen at the American International Church in the West End requires a Welcomer who also monitors the behaviour of our service users. A part-time post on up to 5 mornings a week. Salary depends on experience.
The ideal candidate will be able to deal firmly but kindly with a wide variety of vulnerable individuals. Some experience of security work highly desirable but not essential.
A rewarding job as part of a small friendly team helping the homeless.
Closing date: 31 May 2015
For more info and a job description, pls go to www.amchurch.co.uk/soup-kitchen/
To be considered, send your CV and a covering letter to Miranda Suit: soupkitchendirector@hotmail.com

Age UK Camden seeks Advice Services Manager
Local Government Scale PO2 £33,579-£36,186, plus 6% contributory pension.
The Advice and Advocacy Manager post is an exciting opportunity for someone with a background in areas such as welfare rights, advocacy or care management , combined with management experience.
The postholder will manage the Age UK Camden (AUC) information, advice, support and advocacy (IAA) services and team. AUC’s IAA services are delivered by a staff and volunteer team in person (from the office, outreach venues, home visits), by phone, and online.
You will: manage staff and, via a deputy, direct the recruitment and management of volunteers; ensure that AUC’s and IAA funders’ targets are met; manage caseloads to ensure equity and challenge within the team; report to multiple funders; uphold the Advice Quality Mark standards lead development and innovation in the IAA team including assisting with funding applications and tenders.
The post is based at our head office in Tavistock Square, Camden. AUC offers a contributory pension, and season ticket or bicycle loan facility.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am Tuesday 26th May 2015 Interviews: Monday 1st June 2015

Mental Health Champions Project – Somali-speaking volunteers wanted
Voluntary Action Camden supports volunteer Mental Health Champions to engage with Camden-based BMER and faith communities. Key aims of the project are to (1) raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing either in the community or in the workplace (2) tackle stigma by starting conversations about mental health in a non-threatening way (e.g by using simple tools such as the Five Ways to Wellbeing) and (3) improve access to mental health services so that people receive help in a timely fashion. Our volunteer Mental Health Champions may be staff or volunteers from community organisations, or individuals interested in improving awareness about mental health.
We are very keen to recruit volunteers or community workers from the Somali community to join the Project. Contact VAC’s Mental Health Team on mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk if you are interested or would like to know more.

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Launching Comics in Schools
In partnership with a school in Camden, and with input from various people and organisations.
The site www.comicsinschools.org/ is a multimedia resource using issue-based comics and creative tools to understand and tackle barriers to achievement in schools, and we aim for it to be used in educational settings (across the UK and hopefully Europe) to explore similar issues and themes with young people from an intentionally broad point of view.
The resources, based on the themes and stories in the Meet the Somalis comics, reflect the visual and aural tradition of Somalia in a non-traditional way. They paint a richer and broader picture of issues which can be oversimplified and defined by these statistics and wider public attitudes.
We are quite proud that almost all of the resources have been made by young people.

Nepal Appeal
On Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless. Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. Find out more and donate at the Disasters Emergency Committee website or at Pasa Puchah guthi UK or for blankets, tents and medicines you can drop your donation off at the Great Nepalese, Eversholt Street, NW1 (next to Euston station) from 11.00-2.30 Monday to Saturday.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 15th May 2015

Highlights: Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch; Consultation on Future Camden Council and Voluntary and Community Sector Relationship; Directory of Social Change Charity Fair; Launching Comics in Schools; Fundraising Masterclass; Creating Connections 10; Free Tickets to Lord’s match; Celebrating Intergenerational Week; Consultation on proposed changes to the Council’s early education and childcare places and children centre services; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch Event Wednesday, 27 May 2015, 5:30pm to 7:30pm
The Camden Centre, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE
An event to tell you about CDA the new user led organisation to represent deaf and disabled people in Camden. It will not be a discussion about the closure of DISC or the past but a focus on the way forward with the following Agenda.
• Why is CDA needed and what will its role be?
• Progress made so far to charitable status and what becoming a member will mean to you
• All your questions answered
• Becoming a member
Voluntary Action Camden is helping to organise this event on behalf of CDA.
To book a place please contact Ricky or Monica at VAC.
E-mail: acharles@vac.org.uk Fax: 020 7284 6551 Telephone: 020 7284 6553. Typetalk: 18001-020 7284 6555
This meeting will be fully accessible, but please let us know your access requirements when you book.

Invitation to 19th May Event and Future Consultation Information re Partnership with the Voluntary and Community Sector:
Last week we reported the message from Coucillor Hai to the sector announcing the second stage of the consultation process with the VCS and the council’s aspiration for a “simpler, more strategic relationship that is focussed around the delivery of the Camden Plan.”
The first event which is part of this consultation process will take place on 19th May from 10am till 12.30pm in the Macmillan Hall, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU.
This is an important consultation and engagement event which will be presenting the different options and models we are currently looking at in regards to the new CTS (Communities and Third Sector) funding programme. We are particularly keen to have both funded and unfunded groups’ present at all upcoming consultations meetings, so please forward this onto other organisations currently unfunded by the Council who would be interested in attending.
If you would like to attend the upcoming consultation, require further information or if you wish to access the full version of Councillor Hai’s message please email, noor.al-baddawy@camden.gov.uk

Directory of Social Change Charity Fair
30th June and 1st July, Holloway Road
Whatever your role in the sector, there is training for you here: Charityfair has 64 workshops, from only £35, covering a huge variety of topics including fundraising, management & leadership, marketing, governance, personal development, legal & finance, wellbeing, campaigning & lobbying and organisational support.
More information and booking at www.charityfair.org.uk

Launching Comics in Schools
In partnership with a school in Camden, and with input from various people and organisations.
The site www.comicsinschools.org/ is a multimedia resource using issue-based comics and creative tools to understand and tackle barriers to achievement in schools, and we aim for it to be used in educational settings (across the UK and hopefully Europe) to explore similar issues and themes with young people from an intentionally broad point of view.
The resources, based on the themes and stories in the Meet the Somalis comics, reflect the visual and aural tradition of Somalia in a non-traditional way. They paint a richer and broader picture of issues which can be oversimplified and defined by these statistics and wider public attitudes.
We are quite proud that almost all of the resources have been made by young people.

National News
Election Promises
National Voices have collected all the Conservative election promises into one document. There are 6 pages of promises. You can read them all here.

Fundraising Masterclass
29th May 2015, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm at London Voluntary Service Council
Are you worried about your fundraising? Would you like to know more about the different types of fundraising and which ones might be best for you?
Come to our Fundraising Masterclass by Peter Rosenvinge (Worshipful Company of Marketors).
This event is for London based voluntary & Community sector organisations who need help with their fundraising.
The event aims to:
~ Give an overview of the different types of fundraising
~ Suggest which types of fundraising are best suited to different causes
~ Give an opportunity for participants to ask practical questions about their own situation
~ Participants will be able to ask the speaker for one free follow up consultation/advisory meeting about their charity
For more information and booking go to www.lvsc.org.uk

Creating Connections 10
Monday 15th June, 6–8pm in the Front Quad Pavilion at University College London.
In celebration of our tenth event, Creating Connections 10 is taking Creativity and Collaboration as its twin themes. As with all previous Creating Connections, the aim of the event is to bring UCL’s academic staff and postgraduate researchers together with representatives of the community and voluntary sector (with a healthy sprinkling of arts, heritage and cultural organisations), to find areas of common interest and projects they can collaborate on. The evening is a mix of themed discussions in small groups with more informal networking.
Find out more and book your place by Monday 8th June

Age UK Camden has Free Tickets to Lord’s for a Cricket ‘Memories Match’: Book
Are you a Cricket Fan? Are you over 60? Would you like FREE tickets to the Middlesex v Warwickshire LV County Championship Match at Lord’s on Monday 1st June? Better get in quick! The deadline for booking is Monday 18th May.
The Memories Match is organised by Lord’s Cricket, and is a chance to talk about old memories and create some new ones. It’s an opportunity to meet like-minded new people over a cup of tea at the Home of Cricket!
The day runs from 10am – 6pm with breaks for lunch and tea. Anyone is welcome to bring their own food and drink into Lord’s if they wish; however if you would like to treat yourself on the day, a range of drinks and snacks are on offer ranging between £2.20 – £6.50. There is the additional option of a sit-down lunch in Lord’s Tavern at a 10% discount by booking ahead.
There is also the opportunity to access the Museum at Lords for a discounted price of £1, or a tour of the grounds for a discounted fee of £8, again by booking ahead.
Please note that transport is not provided, so you would need to make your own arrangements to travel to and from the match.
If you would like to go, contact Jo by Monday 18th May by email jo.bartlett-hubbard@ageukcamden.org.uk or phone 020 7239 0400. Please include your name and phone number, confirm that you are over 60, and be sure to mention if you would like to take up the offer of the discounted sit-down lunch, museum entry or tour.

Celebrating Intergenerational Week at KTCC
Join us for great music, food, dance performances and free craft workshops open to all ages and abilities.
Taking place at Kentish Town Community Centre, 17 Busby Place (off Torriano Avenue), Kentish Town, London NW5 2SP
The event is wheelchair accessible. Free transport for the less mobile is available on a first come, first served basis. Email Isabelle@ktcc.org.uk or ring 020 7482 3212 for more information about the event.
See more at: http://www.projectdirt.com/apps/event/34287/

Consultation on proposed changes to the Council’s early education and childcare places and children centre services
The Council is proposing to make some changes to the services it provides for children under five and their families.
The proposals we are consulting on include:
· Increasing the number of free and subsidised early education and childcare places available to two year olds from low income families.
· Whether we take a phased approach to ending community nursery grants to voluntary and community sector organisations, but support these organisations to draw on national funding and develop new business models. We currently give grants to some organisations in Camden to contribute towards the cost of nursery provision, while others operate without this funding.
· Keeping children’s centre buildings open but making changes to children’s centre services, including changes to drop-in / stay and play sessions and some of the other services which are currently provided at our 14 children’s centres.
You can read more about the proposals and respond to the online consultation questions at www.camden.gov.uk/camdensurestart

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The latest edition of the mental health service user newsletter, Getting Better, is available online here www.voiceability.org/images/uploads/Mental_Health_newsletter_issue_3_spring_2015.pdf

Wellbeing Workshop for Carers
Do you provide unpaid support to someone who has a mental health problem, physical health needs, dementia, frailty or other disability? Come to a free workshop to find out what support is available for you.
Tuesday 12th May at 11am Camden Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG
~ Learn some simple everyday techniques to help improve your mental wellbeing
~ Access a range of free support: information, advice and advocacy, emotional support, leisure activities and support groups, breaks and respite, health checks. Opportunity to join the Camden Carers Network
~ Have the option of an hour’s mindfulness meditation to focus on yourself and your present
Refreshments provided. For more information or to book a place please contact Abigail Darton on 02072784437 or email abigail.darton@hcct.org.uk

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Age Uk Camden, Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, Mary Ward Legal Centre, The Working Men’s College, IKWRO, One Housing, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden project. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

Community Awards from OneFamily
OneFamily have 15 awards of £5,000 & four awards of £25,000 available for community projects, charities and clubs to access. Last year we awarded £125,000 to 18 community projects and we were delighted to receive votes from 68,000 individuals who wanted to support projects either close to home or close to their heart. We’ve committed £5 million over the next 5 years to make a difference in communities.
Projects need to be nominated by one of our customers. One in 12 UK families holds a policy with us so community groups may already know of somebody who can nominate their project. Nomination close at 9am on 26 May before a public vote will determine the winners. Voting opens at 10am on 2 June and closes at midday on 29 June.
You can find some of our winners stories and further information on our website – https://foundation.onefamily.com/community-awards

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.


Free Taster Programme from Camden Council and Catalyst, Tuesday 19th May 2015
‘Over the summer Community Catalysts are managing a project for Camden Council called the Taster Programme. The project hopes to re-establish and nurture connections between older and disabled people and their local community.
Camden has a high number of people who access day centres and they also have a large number of day centre buildings which are underutilised. These centres work well for some people but also have limitations. Referrals have fallen by 40% in the last year and anecdotal evidence suggests that people are looking for alternatives.
Many of the people who attend these centres have skills and knowledge that could be of real value to others in their community but which can go unrecognised and untapped.
Camden also has a large number of businesses, arts and heritage spaces, community and faith organisations and groups. Many of these organisations aim to connect with the whole community and to be inclusive. Some are facing a reduction in funding or support and would like an opportunity to develop their offer or open their space to more and different people.
The Taster Programme aims to support all this to come together.
Offering people who attend day centres a chance to explore alternatives and to try something different in a safe, supported way, without any risk to their current services (with support from day service staff if they need it)
Offering people with skills and knowledge a chance to share it with others in their community
Offering businesses, organisations, groups and institutions a chance to extend what they offer and develop their skills and capacity
Building a picture of community spaces that could be of value to everyone in Camden
We need to identify groups, organisations, businesses, agencies and initiatives that might:
Be willing to offer a ‘taster’ opportunity in June, July or August and/or
Have space available for use or hire and/or
Open up opportunities for older or disabled people to share their skills and knowledge
We’ll offer organisations like yours help to assess what you actually offer and to explore what you could. We’ll also offer you help to build skills and capacity if this is needed. We’ll broker links with older and disabled people and day service staff and support everyone involved.
We would love to see you at one of our short information sessions, however you must book your place below:
If you would like to find out more about the Taster Programme you need to book your place at one of the following short information sessions being run across Camden on the 19th May 2015.’
Please choose from one of the times and locations below (follow the link to secure your place):-
10:00am – 11:30pm – Lumen United Reformed Church & Community Centre
(88 Tavistock Place, WC1H 9RS)
12:00pm – 13:30pm – Lumen United Reformed Church & Community Centre
(88 Tavistock Place, WC1H 9RS)
15:30pm – 17:00pm – Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre
(Belmont Street, NW1 8HF)

Dying Matters Week 2015
Camden Carers Service is holding an event on 19 May to celebrate Dying Matters Week.
Dying Matters Week runs from Monday 18 to Sunday 24 May, and the event aims to encourage people to talk about dying, and their plans for their end of life.
This year’s theme is ‘talk, plan, live’ – aimed at encouraging people across the county to take the following five simple steps to make the end of their life better for them and their loved ones:
1. Write your will
2. Record your funeral wishes
3. Plan your future care and support
4. Consider registering as an organ donor
5. Tell your loved ones your wishes
Join Camden Carers Service on Tuesday 19 May Camden Carers Service to find out more about planning your end of life and to remember your loved ones:
Tuesday 19 May, 11am to 2pm at Granary Square, King’s Cross
Find out more dyingmatters.org 020 7428 8950/55

Citywise Employability Training
Following the success of the 1st Deloitte Employability training day another team have asked to work with Citywise volunteers to provide training in employability skills for unemployed volunteers aged 50+.
This will be held on Friday 29th May 10.45am – 4pm and will provide one to one support to help improve employability skills.
We are planning two sessions to run concurrently: Preparing for Interview and CV clinic
In order for the day to be successful and for the volunteers to be able to structure their support to your individual needs we are asking volunteers to provide their CV in advance and some information about what type of paid employment they are looking for.
For more information or to book a place contact: Sue King: sue.king@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; Citywise@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; 020 3780 5910

LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 from 09:30 to 15:30
One day conference aimed at senior Equality and Diversity Managers within the Further Education sector to disseminate findings of WMC LGBT project, The Humane Selfie, Life Gets Better Together, and share good practice.
Further details about the ECU Funded project at WMC can be found on this link http://www.wmcollege.ac.uk/pages/equality.aspx
Lunch and refreshment provided. Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Develop your skills in facilitating positive behaviour change
Camden and Islington Public Health fund this free, one-day course, specifically designed for professionals to develop skills in facilitating positive behaviour change when promoting healthy lifestyles across Camden and Islington.
“Addressing unhealthy lifestyle behaviours is a key intervention which will prevent long-term ill-health and improve outcomes. Promoting Change is an award winning training that will equip frontline staff with the skills and confidence to recognise and address these issues and support people to lead healthier lives.” -Julie Billett Director of Public Health for Camden and Islington.
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis so don’t delay – take the next step in your professional development and confirm your place today: https://promotingchangetraining.eventbrite.com
Contact Paula Prince at Whittington Health NHS for alternative dates or for more information: paula.prince@nhs.net or call 0207 527 1189

Big Lottery “Building Better Opportunities” Fund
This is a new fund for employability opening on 2 June 2015. It will be a two stage application process with very tight deadlines. (There will probably be a second round after that with a deadline in November.) This fund comes from the EU but it is not match funded – that is you receive the whole amount needed for the project.
It is not known how much organisations will be expected to apply for – but it will almost certainly be £500,000 or more and with a partnership including at least two other boroughs from the nine central London boroughs. It will be expected that partnerships will include the public sector and the VCS and could include businesses as well.
There will be a meeting for Camden VCS groups that would be interested in joining a partnership or partnerships to apply for this funding. The Council may well not have the resources to be the lead organisation in a partnership but staff are willing to facilitate the process. EU funded projects require a lot of work and very detailed reporting and this funding is probably best suited to organisations that already support residents into employment or significantly increase their chances of getting work.
Thursday 28 May 2015 at 3.15 for a prompt start at 3.30. The meeting will end at 5pm.
Committee Room 4 in the Old Town Hall, Judd Street.
For more information or to book a place contact frances.connelly@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 6457.

The Training and Development Service at the London Borough of Camden are delighted to announce the launch of the new Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
We recommend that you take full advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
To access the courses, visit
Upcoming safeguarding adults courses:
· Safeguarding adults awareness – theatre – 18 May 2015
· Minute taking for safeguarding enquiries – 9 June 2015
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.
The Safeguarding adults, and MCA and DoLS training sessions are fully subsidized, and are offered free of charge to all members of staff who provide services for adults at risk in Camden.

Train to Campaign offers low-cost, high quality campaign training workshops in central London to help you make a real impact.
Campaigning Essentials is a half day introduction to the core principles of effective campaigning. Whether you are new to campaigning, or have never had formal training in the basic building blocks of a good campaign, this workshop is for you.
Campaigning Essentials
Wed 3rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
Other upcoming workshops:
Perfect your campaign elevator pitch
Tue 23rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
How to influence and lobby Parliament
Thu 16th July 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
For information about other upcoming campaign training workshops visit www.traintocampaign.london

St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit Open Day & Camden Community Services Disability Awareness Event
Tuesday 26th May 2015 between 1:30pm and 4:30pm, St Pancras Hospital South Wing
St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit acts as a pivotal part of the transition and support for patients in their recovery journey back home from UCLH, the Royal Free, the Whittington and other acute hospitals. We are keen that the unit is seen as a local resource which our whole community is proud and as such I am delighted to invite you to our joint event on Tuesday the 26th May 2015.
This is an opportunity for you, colleagues and members of the local community to learn more about the first class rehabilitation our clinical staff provide at St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit. If you are free to attend please reply to Kathryn Ford, lead for Equalities and Diversities in Camden email kathrynford@nhs.net or telephone 020 3317 3776 by 7th May 2015 so she can confirm catering arrangements.

Theatro Technis proudly presents latest production “OH, DEMOCRACY”
A musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ “THE KNIGHTS” by Keith Murphy, George Eugeniou and Marco Aponte.
Back in 424 BC, when ARISTOPHANES wrote “THE KNIGHTS” it poked fun at the political leaders in Athens, the like of leather merchant Kleon, who put his own personal gains above the city’s interest. Now almost 2500 years later it is as relevant as ever.
Opens: 26th May 7.30pm
The play runs until 6th June, Sunday Matinees 5pm, no shows on Mondays
Tickets: £10/concession £8
26 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TT
Tel: 020 7387 6617 fax: 020 73832545
Email: info@theatrotechnis.com website: www.theatrotechnis.com

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 9 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

VCC Volunteer Management Training
Dealing With Difficult Situations With Volunteers and is for those of you who have the basics, but worry about handling tricky or uncomfortable situations with volunteers. This is also a half-day course on Thursday 21st May and you can book via eventbrite here.
Five free early-bird tickets for organisations that involve volunteers in Camden, and £59+bf for everyone else.

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Bedford House seeks Volunteers
Nahida Chowdhury, the Senior Community Organiser based at Bedford House, Holborn, is looking for local volunteers to work alongside her and learn Community Organising skills. If you want more information or are interested in this opportunity please contact nahida.chowdhury@corganisers.org.uk

Hopscotch seeks Care Supervisor (Maternity Cover)
35 hrs per week (job share may be considered for the right candidates)
12 months, until July 2016 25,034 incl. ILW
Closing date: 11th June 2015
A confident and conscientious Bengali-speaking worker is required to provide supervision support to a challenging and rewarding service within Hopscotch. The Home Care service offers health and personal care to older people, those who are housebound and to adults with disabilities, to help support their independence and improve their quality of life.
We provide a specialist care service, with a particular focus on the South Asian community. Most of our carers are bilingual. This means they speak English and a range of languages including Bengali, Sylheti, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Arabic and Somali.
The Care Supervisor will be responsible for the efficient running of the service and making sure that all care plans are delivered accurately at all times. They will be responsible for quality checks, risk assessments and the training and supervision of a team of care workers. The majority of their time will be spent in the field. They will also be required to share responsibility with Care Coordinators for an emergency on-call service.
For an informal discussion about the post, jd and application please contact Melissa McClelland, Homecare Registered Manager at info@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Age UK Camden seeks Programme Manager, (Job-Share)
Local Government Scale PO3 (c. £19.5-21k pa for 19 hour week)
Camden has been selected as one of 14 areas in England to deliver an innovative 6 year programme of support for isolated older people. Ageing Better in Camden is a local partnership of statutory, voluntary and private agencies and older people led by Age UK Camden. We require a dynamic job-share Programme Manager to: monitor recently appointed delivery partners; manage future tendering processes, support and develop the strategic partnership; manage part-time staff arranging support, training and events to delivery partners, older people and volunteers; manage ABC’s relationship with the Big Lottery and its evaluation and support agents.
Essential requirements: experience of working with older people; experience of engagement preferably co-production; knowledge of issues affecting older people including isolation; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong programme management skills including monitoring and evaluation and funder reporting; ability to deliver successful multi-agency partnership work; highly numerate and literate; ability to innovate, manage change and be solutions focussed.
AUC offers a contributory pension, and a season ticket or bicycle loan facility. The post is based at Tavis House, Tavistock Square with easy access via Euston and Kings Cross main lines or Russell Square tube.
For more details, all documents can be downloaded from our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date – 9:00am Monday, 1st June2015; Interviews -18th June 2015. No agencies, no CVs.

Age UK Camden seeks Administrative Assistant
12 Month Contract (subject to review and extension)
Scale 4 £21,120- £23,145 plus 6% contributory pension.
This key position will operate the phone switchboard, responding to information enquiries (via the telephone, email and face to face). The role also involves completing various administrative tasks working with all our departments and the Senior Management Team and ensuring our back of house facilities are fully operational by ordering stock, managing room bookings and general house-keeping on a daily basis.
Essentials include: a general knowledge of issues and services relating to older people and their needs; experience of working on a busy reception; ability to multi-task dealing with competing priorities in a calm and efficient manner; administrative skills; IT literacy; and excellent communication skills.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am, Monday 1st June 2015
Interviews: Tuesday 9th June 2015

Kentish Town Community Centre is looking for an inspiring Chair of Trustees
Are you looking for a new challenge? Have you got an interest in local issues?
Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/about/current-vacancies for further details on all KTCC opportunities and to apply.

The Soup Kitchen seeks Part-Time Welcomer/Security Person
The Soup Kitchen at the American International Church in the West End requires a Welcomer who also monitors the behaviour of our service users. A part-time post on up to 5 mornings a week. Salary depends on experience.
The ideal candidate will be able to deal firmly but kindly with a wide variety of vulnerable individuals. Some experience of security work highly desirable but not essential.
A rewarding job as part of a small friendly team helping the homeless.
Closing date: 31 May 2015
For more info and a job description, pls go to www.amchurch.co.uk/soup-kitchen/
To be considered, send your CV and a covering letter to Miranda Suit: soupkitchendirector@hotmail.com

Age UK Camden seeks Advice Services Manager
Local Government Scale PO2 £33,579-£36,186, plus 6% contributory pension.
The Advice and Advocacy Manager post is an exciting opportunity for someone with a background in areas such as welfare rights, advocacy or care management , combined with management experience.
The postholder will manage the Age UK Camden (AUC) information, advice, support and advocacy (IAA) services and team. AUC’s IAA services are delivered by a staff and volunteer team in person (from the office, outreach venues, home visits), by phone, and online.
You will: manage staff and, via a deputy, direct the recruitment and management of volunteers; ensure that AUC’s and IAA funders’ targets are met; manage caseloads to ensure equity and challenge within the team; report to multiple funders; uphold the Advice Quality Mark standards lead development and innovation in the IAA team including assisting with funding applications and tenders.
The post is based at our head office in Tavistock Square, Camden. AUC offers a contributory pension, and season ticket or bicycle loan facility.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am Tuesday 26th May 2015 Interviews: Monday 1st June 2015

Mental Health Champions Project – Somali-speaking volunteers wanted
Voluntary Action Camden supports volunteer Mental Health Champions to engage with Camden-based BMER and faith communities. Key aims of the project are to (1) raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing either in the community or in the workplace (2) tackle stigma by starting conversations about mental health in a non-threatening way (e.g by using simple tools such as the Five Ways to Wellbeing) and (3) improve access to mental health services so that people receive help in a timely fashion. Our volunteer Mental Health Champions may be staff or volunteers from community organisations, or individuals interested in improving awareness about mental health.
We are very keen to recruit volunteers or community workers from the Somali community to join the Project. Contact VAC’s Mental Health Team on mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk if you are interested or would like to know more.

The Mary Ward Legal Centre seeks a public legal education project volunteer
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is seeking a volunteer to help with its public legal education project on welfare benefits for community groups and residents in Camden. You would need to be able to commit to one day a week. You will help with preparing materials, attending presentations, making follow up phone calls as part of evaluation, and with general administration of the project.
You will get experience in these aspects as well as some general social security knowledge. You will need general IT & office skills and an interest in advice and welfare benefits, but no particular specialist knowledge.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is based in Holborn, and you will be required to attend presentations at locations around Camden.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre will cover travel and lunch expenses.
To find out more contact Alban Hawksworth alban.hawksworth@marywardlegal.org.uk telephone 020 7269 5444

Onehouseing seeks Care Assistant – Extra Care for Older People
Full-time, part-time, flexible hours and night work £15,370 pa pro rata, Camden, London
We are currently recruiting Care Assistants to assist and enable our customers with day-to-day tasks and provide personal care for older people. You will be required to provide residents with the highest standard of care and support in accordance with their personally tailored plan.
We will offer you ongoing guidance and training, both formal and informal. You will work towards the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care and will be part of a friendly, highly supportive team.
To apply please register with our careers website www.onehousinggroup.co.uk/careers – and upload a CV and supporting statement of no more than two pages, outlining how your skills and experience meet our needs.

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


NHS 111/OOH – Online Survey
We would really like to hear your experience of using NHS 111 or Camden’s out of hours GP service. Please click on the following link if you would like to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NCL111_OOH
We are also holding some more stakeholder engagement events throughout May, which will give local patients the opportunity to discuss their experience with the existing services and hear more about the proposals for a new, integrated service. In Camden, the event will take place on Wednesday 13 May from 18.00 – 20.00 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall. There is a full list of the events, as well as directions to each event, on the Camden CCG website

Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community
The government seeks views to strengthen rights of people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues to enable them to live independently.
This consultation closes at 29 May 2015 11:45pm. Full details a gov.uk

Nepal Appeal
On Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless. Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. Find out more and donate at the Disasters Emergency Committee website or at Pasa Puchah guthi UK or for blankets, tents and medicines you can drop your donation off at the Great Nepalese, Eversholt Street, NW1 (next to Euston station) from 11.00-2.30 Monday to Saturday.

NHS 111 and out-of-hours GP Services in north central London
NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in north central London are working to improve the local NHS 111 service. This includes integrating the NHS 111 service and the GP out-of-hours services to enable them to work better.
We will be holding public engagement events across north central London as an opportunity to hear from you. All residents are invited to come along and share their views and experiences of existing services so that we can work together towards developing the best possible service.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 8th May 2015

Highlights: Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch Event; Camden Council Consultation Event; LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College; Camden Deaf Awareness day; Camden Election Results; Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community; Community conversation on dog control; Kentish Town Community Centre; Building resilience via tree of life; Citywise Employability Training; NHS 111/OOH – Online Survey; Wellbeing Workshop for Carers; ; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Camden Disability Action (CDA) Launch Event Wednesday, 27 May 2015, 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Small Hall, The Camden Centre, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE
An event to tell you about CDA the new user led organisation to represent deaf and disabled people in Camden. It will not be a discussion about the closure of DISC or the past but a focus on the way forward with the following Agenda.
• Why is CDA needed and what will its role be?
• Progress made so far to charitable status and what becoming a member will mean to you
• All your questions answered
• Becoming a member
Voluntary Action Camden is helping to organise this event on behalf of CDA.
To book a place please contact Ricky or Monica at VAC.
E-mail: acharles@vac.org.uk Fax: 020 7284 6551 Telephone: 020 7284 6553. Typetalk: 18001-020 7284 6555
This meeting will be fully accessible, but please let us know your access requirements when you book.

Invitation to 19th May Event and Future Consultation Information re Partnership with the Voluntary and Community Sector:
Last week we reported the message from Coucillor Hai to the sector announcing the second stage of the consultation process with the VCS and the council’s aspiration for a “simpler, more strategic relationship that is focussed around the delivery of the Camden Plan.”
The first event which is part of this consultation process will take place on 19th May from 10am till 12.30pm in the Macmillan Hall, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU.
This is an important consultation and engagement event which will be presenting the different options and models we are currently looking at in regards to the new CTS (Communities and Third Sector) funding programme. We are particularly keen to have both funded and unfunded groups’ present at all upcoming consultations meetings, so please forward this onto other organisations currently unfunded by the Council who would be interested in attending.
If you would like to attend the upcoming consultation, require further information or if you wish to access the full version of Councillor Hai’s message please email, noor.al-baddawy@camden.gov.uk

LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 from 09:30 to 15:30
One day conference aimed at senior Equality and Diversity Managers within the Further Education sector to disseminate findings of WMC LGBT project, The Humane Selfie, Life Gets Better Together, and share good practice.
Further details about the ECU Funded project at WMC can be found on this link http://www.wmcollege.ac.uk/pages/equality.aspx
Lunch and refreshment provided. Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

National News
Camden Election Results
Holborn and St Pancras gets its first new MP since 1979 as Sir Keir Starmer is elected MP in Holborn and St Pancras. Tulip Siddiq won the seat in the north of the borough, billed as the country’s most marginal general election contest, by 1138 votes. The former councillor replaces the retiring Glenda Jackson.
General Election
Civil Society asked a range of civil society leaders for their reactions – which ranged from “an appalling result” to “we expect great things”. Full details at Civil Society. NCVO have a blog on the implications for the voluntary sector that is worth reading.
On the eve of the election NCVO’s CEO issued a letter to the voluntary sector that is stronger and clearer than much that sector leaders have said in recent years. He warned politicians against seeking “novelty and quick fixes”. And said that “too often grants are seen as a dull relic of the past: they should be seen as the risk capital of the future.” He also takes aim at the concerted efforts of politicians to stifle the sectors voice saying “far from courting popularity, our role and our duty must often be to bring to attention things that people do not want to hear.” The letter also contains some bleak warnings: “we must find a way to get on and get through without government, as we so often have. We’re not without power, nor resources ourselves. I wonder therefore if we lack confidence?” Ultimately he presents a vision of “a civil society unafraid of holding to account those with power, speaking up for those without it, and supporting those who want to create their own future.” On equality he argues for the living wage and urges civil society to take a lead in “looking at the ratio between their median and highest salaries.”

Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community
The government seeks views to strengthen rights of people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues to enable them to live independently.
This consultation closes at 29 May 2015 11:45pm. Full details a gov.uk

Commissioning for Health Resources
There is a great deal of interest at the moment in how the VCS can support the wider health agenda. A number of useful resources are available:
The South East Commissioning Support Unit are developing case studies and good practice on their website. The case studies include VAC’s Volunteer Health Advocates amongst many others. Video case studies coming soon.
The Hear network have gathered a number of case studies to demonstrate innovative ways of tackling inequalities in health. Available on the London for All website.
Rights Info
have produced a useful and accessible guide to Human Rights and Health giving useful examples and case studies linked to the relevant convention articles.

Community conversation on dog control
Camden Council is inviting you to share your views on dog control in Camden.
Join in the community conversation on Sunday 17 May from 2pm to 4pm at the Arlington Conference Centre, 220 Arlington Road, NW1 7HE.
The Council want as many people as possible to give them their views on issues around dog control.
please let the Community Safety Service know if you would like to attend either by email: communitysafety@camden.gov.uk or by phone: 020 7974 2915 by Wednesday 13 May.

Kentish Town Community Centre
KTCC have a full programme of events and activities coming up – including the Kentish Town festival on 6th June Full details available here. Sign up if you would like to volunteer, have a stall or get involved by emailing: projects@ktcc.org.uk.
And Celebrating Intergenerational Week at KTCC Saturday 16th May, 1pm – 5pm
Come on down to KTCC on Saturday 16th May to celebrate Intergenerational Week. There’ll be performances, workshops, dancing, music and food.
Free – all welcome, from ages 3 to 103! Free transport is available for local people with restricted mobility. For further information please visit http://bit.ly/1xFdbub or ring Isabelle on 020 7482 3212..

Building resilience via tree of life 6 weeks course
Tuesday 12 May – 30 June 2015
12:00 – 3:00pm Islington Central Library
Free spaces available 12 and19 May; 2, 9, 23 and 30 June
Aims of the course are to relate to strength, values, aspirations and qualities by identifying skills and resources within ourselves. Goal planning is part of the sessions to overcome difficulties in the storms of life.
Please call Tel: (020) 3317 6904 or email recovery.college@candi.nhs.uk

Citywise Employability Training
Following the success of the 1st Deloitte Employability training day another team have asked to work with Citywise volunteers to provide training in employability skills for unemployed volunteers aged 50+.
This will be held on Friday 29th May 10.45am – 4pm and will provide one to one support to help improve employability skills.
We are planning two sessions to run concurrently: Preparing for Interview and CV clinic
In order for the day to be successful and for the volunteers to be able to structure their support to your individual needs we are asking volunteers to provide their CV in advance and some information about what type of paid employment they are looking for.
For more information or to book a place contact: Sue King: sue.king@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; Citywise@volunteeringmatters.org.uk; 020 3780 5910

NHS 111/OOH – Online Survey
We would really like to hear your experience of using NHS 111 or Camden’s out of hours GP service. Please click on the following link if you would like to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NCL111_OOH
We are also holding some more stakeholder engagement events throughout May, which will give local patients the opportunity to discuss their experience with the existing services and hear more about the proposals for a new, integrated service. In Camden, the event will take place on Wednesday 13 May from 18.00 – 20.00 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall. There is a full list of the events, as well as directions to each event, on the Camden CCG website

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

Wellbeing Workshop for Carers
Do you provide unpaid support to someone who has a mental health problem, physical health needs, dementia, frailty or other disability? Come to a free workshop to find out what support is available for you.
Tuesday 12th May at 11am Camden Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG
~ Learn some simple everyday techniques to help improve your mental wellbeing
~ Access a range of free support: information, advice and advocacy, emotional support, leisure activities and support groups, breaks and respite, health checks. Opportunity to join the Camden Carers Network
~ Have the option of an hour’s mindfulness meditation to focus on yourself and your present
Refreshments provided. For more information or to book a place please contact Abigail Darton on 02072784437 or email abigail.darton@hcct.org.uk

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Age Uk Camden, Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, Mary Ward Legal Centre, The Working Men’s College, IKWRO, One Housing, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden project. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

Summerversity Contract Opportunities
Islington Council invites suitably experienced organisations to submit proposals to deliver high quality, engaging and innovative summer courses and activities for young people aged 13 + to be delivered as part of the Summerversity programme 2015.
Successful providers will be required to deliver free social, recreational and educational activities for young people aged 13+ providing opportunities for formal accreditation where appropriate. The aim of the programme is to engage young people in a range of stimulating courses and activities over their summer holiday that will develop their skills and interests, raise their ambitions and aspirations and expose them to the new experiences that will capture their imagination and creative ideas.
If you wish to apply for this opportunity please obtain an application form from isyp@islington.go.uk and return by 12 noon, 18 May 2015.
For an informal discussion about this opportunity please contact Luiza Mattausch on 020 7527 5947.

Community Awards from OneFamily
OneFamily have 15 awards of £5,000 & four awards of £25,000 available for community projects, charities and clubs to access. Last year we awarded £125,000 to 18 community projects and we were delighted to receive votes from 68,000 individuals who wanted to support projects either close to home or close to their heart. We’ve committed £5 million over the next 5 years to make a difference in communities.
Projects need to be nominated by one of our customers. One in 12 UK families holds a policy with us so community groups may already know of somebody who can nominate their project. Nomination close at 9am on 26 May before a public vote will determine the winners. Voting opens at 10am on 2 June and closes at midday on 29 June.
You can find some of our winners stories and further information on our website – https://foundation.onefamily.com/community-awards

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
There are a few places left on Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector starting in May.
14th May 2015 – 25th June 2015 (£71/£25) 7 Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for trustees / management committee members or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of the committee of a voluntary or community sector organisation.
* Introduction to the Role of a Trustee/Managemet Committee Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.


Develop your skills in facilitating positive behaviour change
Camden and Islington Public Health fund this free, one-day course, specifically designed for professionals to develop skills in facilitating positive behaviour change when promoting healthy lifestyles across Camden and Islington.
“Addressing unhealthy lifestyle behaviours is a key intervention which will prevent long-term ill-health and improve outcomes. Promoting Change is an award winning training that will equip frontline staff with the skills and confidence to recognise and address these issues and support people to lead healthier lives.” -Julie Billett Director of Public Health for Camden and Islington.
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis so don’t delay – take the next step in your professional development and confirm your place today: https://promotingchangetraining.eventbrite.com
Contact Paula Prince at Whittington Health NHS for alternative dates or for more information: paula.prince@nhs.net or call 0207 527 1189

Big Lottery “Building Better Opportunities” Fund
This is a new fund for employability opening on 2 June 2015. It will be a two stage application process with very tight deadlines. (There will probably be a second round after that with a deadline in November.) This fund comes from the EU but it is not match funded – that is you receive the whole amount needed for the project.
It is not known how much organisations will be expected to apply for – but it will almost certainly be £500,000 or more and with a partnership including at least two other boroughs from the nine central London boroughs. It will be expected that partnerships will include the public sector and the VCS and could include businesses as well.
There will be a meeting for Camden VCS groups that would be interested in joining a partnership or partnerships to apply for this funding. The Council may well not have the resources to be the lead organisation in a partnership but staff are willing to facilitate the process. EU funded projects require a lot of work and very detailed reporting and this funding is probably best suited to organisations that already support residents into employment or significantly increase their chances of getting work.
Thursday 28 May 2015 at 3.15 for a prompt start at 3.30. The meeting will end at 5pm.
Committee Room 4 in the Old Town Hall, Judd Street.
For more information or to book a place contact frances.connelly@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 6457.

North London roadshow event in partnership with Together North London and London Voluntary Service Council in Haringey on 20th May.
The event will aim to:
· Inform organisations about European Social Fund (ESF) and the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) programme including the role of the London Enterprise Panel (LEP) and its priorities, the role of the opt-In organisations, target client groups, terms of grants, activities and geography
· Highlight the potential opportunities for Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) delivery, the need for sub regional partnerships and the opportunities to develop sub regional partnerships and / or consortia
· Discuss the risks and requirements of the funding particularly for smaller organisations. Highlight issues around due diligence and financial requirements for ESF; monitoring and claims; cash flow; partnership readiness; evidencing your outcomes
· Let organisations know how they can be kept informed of what is happening and where they can they find out more.
This event compliments the previous event and is ideal for VCS organisations contemplating partnership working.
Further information and booking details are available here

The Training and Development Service at the London Borough of Camden are delighted to announce the launch of the new Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
We recommend that you take full advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
To access the courses, visit
Upcoming safeguarding adults courses:
· Addressing Financial and Material Abuse – 14 May 2015
· Safeguarding and mate crime, hate crime and cuckooing – 14 May 2015
· Advanced application of the Mental Capacity Act – 15 May 2015
· Safeguarding adults awareness – theatre – 18 May 2015
· Minute taking for safeguarding enquiries – 9 June 2015
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.
The Safeguarding adults, and MCA and DoLS training sessions are fully subsidized, and are offered free of charge to all members of staff who provide services for adults at risk in Camden.

Train to Campaign offers low-cost, high quality campaign training workshops in central London to help you make a real impact.
Campaigning Essentials is a half day introduction to the core principles of effective campaigning. Whether you are new to campaigning, or have never had formal training in the basic building blocks of a good campaign, this workshop is for you.
Campaigning Essentials
Wed 3rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
Other upcoming workshops:
Perfect your campaign elevator pitch
Tue 23rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
How to influence and lobby Parliament
Thu 16th July 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
For information about other upcoming campaign training workshops visit www.traintocampaign.london

St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit Open Day & Camden Community Services Disability Awareness Event
Tuesday 26th May 2015 between 1:30pm and 4:30pm, St Pancras Hospital South Wing
St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit acts as a pivotal part of the transition and support for patients in their recovery journey back home from UCLH, the Royal Free, the Whittington and other acute hospitals. We are keen that the unit is seen as a local resource which our whole community is proud and as such I am delighted to invite you to our joint event on Tuesday the 26th May 2015.
This is an opportunity for you, colleagues and members of the local community to learn more about the first class rehabilitation our clinical staff provide at St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit. If you are free to attend please reply to Kathryn Ford, lead for Equalities and Diversities in Camden email kathrynford@nhs.net or telephone 020 3317 3776 by 7th May 2015 so she can confirm catering arrangements.

SOAS Concert Series and World Music Summer School
Full Concert series details available here. Full course programme and how to apply on the SOAS website.
Ensemble Alash Monday 11 May 2015
Astonishing music from the heart of Siberia

St Mungo’s Broadway Camden Mental Health Services invites you to Mental Health Awareness Week Festival – In the Park
Friday 15 May 2015, 11:30am- 4pm, 12 Camley St, London N1C 4PW
RSVP: matthew.blakemore@mungosbroadway.org.uk
For more info contact Salina on 07739 195 333 or Matt on 07736 886 959
BBQ, music, comedy, speakers, stalls and more
Alcohol free event. Open to everyone

Camden Intergenerational Week – 9 to 17 May
Camden Intergenerational Week 2015 brings all ages together for a week of fun, free events to encourage and celebrate interaction between young and old.
From 9 to 17 May 2015 events are being held by organisations and groups across the borough, to bring people of all ages together.
There will be something for everyone – from dancing and discussion, bingo and knitting, crafts and gardening, singing and films. There will be performances, workshops and activities that young and old can enjoy together.
The ‘mini-festival’ is being organised by residents and local partner organisations including Age UK Camden, Haverstock School and Camden Community Nurseries, with the aim of creating positive connections between generations in Camden.
Further information and full listings of the 26 intergenerational events happening during the Week can be found on the project website – www.camdenintergenerationalweek2015.org.uk. or call: 020 7974 2810
Listings of the events which are open to the public can also be found on the Camden Council website.

Improving access to urgent care in Camden
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working with Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington CCG’s to integrate the existing urgent care services across north central London. By integrating the services provided by the NHS 111 telephone service and GP out-of-hours across the five boroughs, patients will more easily be able to access urgent care. This will mean they receive the best care, from the best person, in the right place, at the right time.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk
or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

Theatro Technis proudly presents latest production “OH, DEMOCRACY”
A musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ “THE KNIGHTS” by Keith Murphy, George Eugeniou and Marco Aponte.
Back in 424 BC, when ARISTOPHANES wrote “THE KNIGHTS” it poked fun at the political leaders in Athens, the like of leather merchant Kleon, who put his own personal gains above the city’s interest. Now almost 2500 years later it is as relevant as ever.
Opens: 26th May 7.30pm
The play runs until 6th June, Sunday Matinees 5pm, no shows on Mondays
Tickets: £10/concession £8
26 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TT
Tel: 020 7387 6617 fax: 020 73832545
Email: info@theatrotechnis.com website: www.theatrotechnis.com

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 9 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

Courses at Maiden Lane Community Centre
Presents two new courses
Create a website with WordPress
Thursdays 10.00 – 11.45am 30th April to 16th July
Computing for beginners
Thursdays 1.00 – 3.00pm 30th April to 16th July
Maiden Lane Community Centre, 156 St Pauls Crescent, NW1 9XZ.
Register now for a free place Tel: 0207 267 9586

VCC Volunteer Management Training
Dealing With Difficult Situations With Volunteers and is for those of you who have the basics, but worry about handling tricky or uncomfortable situations with volunteers. This is also a half-day course on Thursday 21st May and you can book via eventbrite here.
Five free early-bird tickets for organisations that involve volunteers in Camden, and £59+bf for everyone else.

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Minding the Gap service: Young People’s Worker
12-18 month fixed term contract
We are seeking eight young people with exceptional personal skills and high motivation to be part of delivering a new health and wellbeing service being developed for 16-24 year olds in Camden
The Brandon Centre and The Anna Freud Centre are part of a unique partnership between leading providers and young people in Camden to provide a holistic, integrated service where young people can go for mental health support and practical advice, and also get help accessing other services. Managed by Catch22, the service includes a new youth base for young people on Finchley Road, co-designed with young people, and also two outreach teams of Young People’s Workers operating out of this youth base and in the community. This will be available for all young people in Camden, but will particularly reach out to young people who do not readily engage with services.
Closing date for applications: 5pm on 19th May 2015. To apply, please send a cover letter and a detailed CV to either admin@brandoncentre.org.uk or to vacancy@annafreud.org.
Provisional interview date: 5th June 2015.
You can download a job description at either www.annafreud.org/vacancies or www.brandoncentre.org.uk. If you require further information, please contact Geoffrey Baruch, Director of the Brandon Centre on 020 7267 4792 or Peter Fuggle, Head of Programme for Clinical Services of the Anna Freud Centre on 020 7794 2313.

Kentish Town Community Centre is looking for an inspiring Chair of Trustees
Are you looking for a new challenge? Have you got an interest in local issues?
Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/about/current-vacancies for further details on all KTCC opportunities and to apply.

The Soup Kitchen seeks Part-Time Welcomer/Security Person
The Soup Kitchen at the American International Church in the West End requires a Welcomer who also monitors the behaviour of our service users. A part-time post on up to 5 mornings a week. Salary depends on experience.
The ideal candidate will be able to deal firmly but kindly with a wide variety of vulnerable individuals. Some experience of security work highly desirable but not essential.
A rewarding job as part of a small friendly team helping the homeless.
Closing date: 31 May 2015
For more info and a job description, pls go to www.amchurch.co.uk/soup-kitchen/
To be considered, send your CV and a covering letter to Miranda Suit: soupkitchendirector@hotmail.com

Age UK Camden seeks Advice Services Manager
Local Government Scale PO2 £33,579-£36,186, plus 6% contributory pension.
The Advice and Advocacy Manager post is an exciting opportunity for someone with a background in areas such as welfare rights, advocacy or care management , combined with management experience.
The postholder will manage the Age UK Camden (AUC) information, advice, support and advocacy (IAA) services and team. AUC’s IAA services are delivered by a staff and volunteer team in person (from the office, outreach venues, home visits), by phone, and online.
You will: manage staff and, via a deputy, direct the recruitment and management of volunteers; ensure that AUC’s and IAA funders’ targets are met; manage caseloads to ensure equity and challenge within the team; report to multiple funders; uphold the Advice Quality Mark standards lead development and innovation in the IAA team including assisting with funding applications and tenders.
The post is based at our head office in Tavistock Square, Camden. AUC offers a contributory pension, and season ticket or bicycle loan facility.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am Tuesday 26th May 2015 Interviews: Monday 1st June 2015

Mental Health Champions Project – Somali-speaking volunteers wanted
Voluntary Action Camden supports volunteer Mental Health Champions to engage with Camden-based BMER and faith communities. Key aims of the project are to (1) raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing either in the community or in the workplace (2) tackle stigma by starting conversations about mental health in a non-threatening way (e.g by using simple tools such as the Five Ways to Wellbeing) and (3) improve access to mental health services so that people receive help in a timely fashion. Our volunteer Mental Health Champions may be staff or volunteers from community organisations, or individuals interested in improving awareness about mental health.
We are very keen to recruit volunteers or community workers from the Somali community to join the Project. Contact VAC’s Mental Health Team on mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk if you are interested or would like to know more.

The Mary Ward Legal Centre seeks a public legal education project volunteer
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is seeking a volunteer to help with its public legal education project on welfare benefits for community groups and residents in Camden. You would need to be able to commit to one day a week. You will help with preparing materials, attending presentations, making follow up phone calls as part of evaluation, and with general administration of the project.
You will get experience in these aspects as well as some general social security knowledge. You will need general IT & office skills and an interest in advice and welfare benefits, but no particular specialist knowledge.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is based in Holborn, and you will be required to attend presentations at locations around Camden.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre will cover travel and lunch expenses.
To find out more contact Alban Hawksworth alban.hawksworth@marywardlegal.org.uk telephone 020 7269 5444

Onehouseing seeks Care Assistant – Extra Care for Older People
Full-time, part-time, flexible hours and night work £15,370 pa pro rata, Camden, London
We are currently recruiting Care Assistants to assist and enable our customers with day-to-day tasks and provide personal care for older people. You will be required to provide residents with the highest standard of care and support in accordance with their personally tailored plan.
We will offer you ongoing guidance and training, both formal and informal. You will work towards the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care and will be part of a friendly, highly supportive team.
To apply please register with our careers website www.onehousinggroup.co.uk/careers – and upload a CV and supporting statement of no more than two pages, outlining how your skills and experience meet our needs.

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Nepal Appeal
On Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless. Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. Find out more and donate at the Disasters Emergency Committee website or at Pasa Puchah guthi UK or for blankets, tents and medicines you can drop your donation off at the Great Nepalese, Eversholt Street, NW1 (next to Euston station) from 11.00-2.30 Monday to Saturday.

NHS 111 and out-of-hours GP Services in north central London
NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in north central London are working to improve the local NHS 111 service. This includes integrating the NHS 111 service and the GP out-of-hours services to enable them to work better.
We will be holding public engagement events across north central London as an opportunity to hear from you. All residents are invited to come along and share their views and experiences of existing services so that we can work together towards developing the best possible service.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 1st May 2015

Highlights: Important Announcement from Camden Council; Nepal Appeal; NHS 111 and out-of-hours GP Services; Create Your Own Poster; Women and Health Art Exhibition; Big Lottery “Building Better Opportunities” Fund; Commissioning for Health Resources; launch of our new Care Act e-learning training platform; Trustee Training from VAC; Camden CCG’s Mental Health Investment Programme; Mayday Festival at Kentish Town City Farm; NSUN network for mental health; NHS 111/OOH – Online Survey; First Thursday London; Wellbeing Workshop for Carers; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


An Important Announcement from Camden Council and Invitation to 19th May Event and Future Consultation Information re Partnership with the Voluntary and Community Sector:
A message from Councillor Hai (Cabinet Member for Customers, Communities & Culture):
“Back in December we asked for input on what needs to change in the face of the significant financial challenges faced by the Council. By 2017, our funding from central government will have been cut in half and unfortunately that means change is unavoidable. Then, at the end of January, we met with a wider group of organisations, including organisations that do not receive financial support from the Council. This meeting further explored a number of the issues raised in December. Those at the meeting also told us that for next stage in the process, we should ‘put options on the table’. While things may have seemed quiet since then, we have been working to develop those options and we now wish to move to the next stage of the process. Over the coming weeks we will be running a number of engagement events where we will look at four options for the Council’s future core VCS investment strategy and how they meet our aspirations of a simpler, more strategic relationship that is focussed around the delivery of the Camden Plan.
The options are set across a pretty broad range – from the radical to the status quo (though all will involve a reduction in the total funding envelope). However we are not simply engaging in a consultation process on the options. We want to do more work on the options with you, so it is inevitable that they will change during the engagement process.”
The first event which is part of this consultation process will take place on 19th May from 10am till 12.30pm in the Macmillan Hall, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU.
This is an important consultation and engagement event which will be presenting the different options and models we are currently looking at in regards to the new CTS (Communities and Third Sector) funding programme. We are particularly keen to have both funded and unfunded groups’ present at all upcoming consultations meetings, so please forward this onto other organisations currently unfunded by the Council who would be interested in attending.
If you would like to attend the upcoming consultation, require further information or if you wish to access the full version of Councillor Hai’s message please email, noor.al-baddawy@camden.gov.uk

Nepal Appeal
On Saturday 25 April a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless. Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. Find out more and donate at the Disasters Emergency Committee website or at Pasa Puchah guthi UK or for blankets, tents and medicines you can drop your donation off at the Great Nepalese, Eversholt Street, NW1 (next to Euston station) from 11.00-2.30 Monday to Saturday.

NHS 111 and out-of-hours GP Services in north central London
NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in north central London are working to improve the local NHS 111 service. This includes integrating the NHS 111 service and the GP out-of-hours services to enable them to work better.
We will be holding public engagement events across north central London as an opportunity to hear from you. All residents are invited to come along and share their views and experiences of existing services so that we can work together towards developing the best possible service.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

Create Your Own Poster
The Movement Against Xenophobia are currently running the I am an Immigrant poster campaign around London. You can get involved and create your own poster here.

Women and Health Art Exhibition
Saturday 2nd – Monday 4th May. 11am to 6pm. 4 Carol Street, London NW1.

Big Lottery “Building Better Opportunities” Fund
This is a new fund for employability opening on 2 June 2015. It will be a two stage application process with very tight deadlines. (There will probably be a second round after that with a deadline in November.) This fund comes from the EU but it is not match funded – that is you receive the whole amount needed for the project.
It is not known how much organisations will be expected to apply for – but it will almost certainly be £500,000 or more and with a partnership including at least two other boroughs from the nine central London boroughs. It will be expected that partnerships will include the public sector and the VCS and could include businesses as well.
The priority groups are:
· Carers
· Economically Inactive BAME Women
· People with common mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression
· Some lone parents
· People over 24 with a long term health problems or a disability
· There will be funding for refugees at a later date
There will be a meeting for Camden VCS groups that would be interested in joining a partnership or partnerships to apply for this funding. The Council may well not have the resources to be the lead organisation in a partnership but staff are willing to facilitate the process. EU funded projects require a lot of work and very detailed reporting and this funding is probably best suited to organisations that already support residents into employment or significantly increase their chances of getting work.
There will be a meeting for organisations interested in applying for this funding on:
Thursday 28 May 2015 at 3.15 for a prompt start at 3.30. The meeting will end at 5pm.
Committee Room 4 in the Old Town Hall, Judd Street.
If you would like more information or wish to book a place please contact frances.connelly@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 6457.

North London roadshow event in partnership with Together North London and London Voluntary Service Council in Haringey on 20th May.
The event will aim to:
· Inform organisations about European Social Fund (ESF) and the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) programme including the role of the London Enterprise Panel (LEP) and its priorities, the role of the opt-In organisations, target client groups, terms of grants, activities and geography
· Highlight the potential opportunities for Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) delivery, the need for sub regional partnerships and the opportunities to develop sub regional partnerships and / or consortia
· Discuss the risks and requirements of the funding particularly for smaller organisations. Highlight issues around due diligence and financial requirements for ESF; monitoring and claims; cash flow; partnership readiness; evidencing your outcomes
· Let organisations know how they can be kept informed of what is happening and where they can they find out more.
This event compliments the previous event and is ideal for VCS organisations contemplating partnership working.
Further information and booking details are available here

National News
Charities Caught Supporting Political Party
Although every charity knows that they can engage in political activity so long as it is aimed at furthering the organisation’s charitable purposes, party political activity is not acceptable. So it came as a surpise when the Telegraph’s letter from 500 small businesses supporting the conservatives included four charities. The Charity Commission sprang into action writing to the charities concerned requiring them to ‘remedy the situation swiftly’ and a spokesman for the commission said: “Signing a letter in support of a political party is not a legitimate activity for a charity”. Surprisingly the conservative MPs who are usually very vocal in criticizing perceived political activity by charities (going as far as referring Oxfam to the Charity Commission over a tweet) have been completely silent. Full story at Third Sector.

Commissioning for Health Resources
There is a great deal of interest at the moment in how the VCS can support the wider health agenda. A number of useful resources are available:
The South East Commissioning Support Unit are developing case studies and good practice on their website. The case studies include VAC’s Volunteer Health Advocates amongst many others. Video case studies coming soon.
The Hear network have gathered a number of case studies to demonstrate innovative ways of tackling inequalities in health. Available on the London for All website.
Rights Info
have produced a useful and accessible guide to Human Rights and Health giving useful examples and case studies linked to the relevant convention articles.

The Training and Development Service at the London Borough of Camden are delighted to announce the launch of our new Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
We recommend that you take full advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
To access the courses, visit
Upcoming safeguarding adults courses:
· Addressing Financial and Material Abuse – 14 May 2015
· Safeguarding and mate crime, hate crime and cuckooing – 14 May 2015
· Advanced application of the Mental Capacity Act – 15 May 2015
· Safeguarding adults awareness – theatre – 18 May 2015
· Minute taking for safeguarding enquiries – 9 June 2015
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.
The Safeguarding adults, and MCA and DoLS training sessions are fully subsidized, and are offered free of charge to all members of staff who provide services for adults at risk in Camden.

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
14th May 2015 – 25th June 2015 (£71/£25) 7 Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for trustees / management committee members. See VAC events section for more details.

Camden CCG’s Mental Health Investment Programme is holding an informal event for mental health service users and carers. Wednesday 6 May 2015 15.00 – 17.00 at Camden Peoples’ Theatre
We would like to invite those who have inputted into the programme, or would like to in the future, to join us to celebrate our first year.
At the event, there will be an opportunity to find out more about the new mental health services and programmes that are available in Camden. You will also be able to learn how to become involved in the ongoing work of the programme.
There will be food and refreshments provided and a creative theatrical performance to enjoy.
As there are limited spaces please let us know if you would like to attend by emailing your name and any accessibility or dietary requirements to engagement@camdenccg.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 2034. You must RSVP in order to attend.

Mayday Festival at Kentish Town City Farm Sunday 3 May 1-4pm.
Rides, Face Painting, Bake Off, Barbecue, Live music. A chance to see the latest kids and piglets. More details at the Kentish Town City Farm website.

NSUN network for mental health
NSUN network for mental health is an independent, service-user-led charity that connects people with experience of mental health issues to give us a stronger voice in shaping policy and services. NSUN is currently recruiting experts to an alliance of Mental Health Advisors. You can view the NSUN manifesto on their website.

NHS 111/OOH – Online Survey
We would really like to hear your experience of using NHS 111 or Camden’s out of hours GP service. Please click on the following link if you would like to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NCL111_OOH
We are also holding some more stakeholder engagement events throughout May, which will give local patients the opportunity to discuss their experience with the existing services and hear more about the proposals for a new, integrated service. In Camden, the event will take place on Wednesday 13 May from 18.00 – 20.00 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall. There is a full list of the events, as well as directions to each event, on the Camden CCG website

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog
The BBC has gathered links to it’s recent progammes on the NHS into one page.

First Thursday London
Developing a campaigning mindset Thursday, 7th May 2015, 6:00 – 8:00pm
This month sees us back at Camden Town Hall and welcoming Andrew Hadfield, Director and founder of Mavin Communications. From May’s First Thursday, you will learn how to
~ think, live and breathe like a campaigner
~ build a strategy from a single objective
~ integrate different channels towards this goal
~ how to measure success
Sign up at eventbrite to attend or join up through MeetUp.

Wellbeing Workshop for Carers
Do you provide unpaid support to someone who has a mental health problem, physical health needs, dementia, frailty or other disability? Come to a free workshop to find out what support is available for you.
Tuesday 12th May at 11am Camden Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG
~ Learn some simple everyday techniques to help improve your mental wellbeing
~ Access a range of free support: information, advice and advocacy, emotional support, leisure activities and support groups, breaks and respite, health checks. Opportunity to join the Camden Carers Network
~ Have the option of an hour’s mindfulness meditation to focus on yourself and your present
Refreshments provided. For more information or to book a place please contact Abigail Darton on 02072784437 or email abigail.darton@hcct.org.uk

Really Classical Relay
Tuesday 5th May. Doors open 6:00pm // Concert begins 7:30pm
St Marylebone Parish Church, 17 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LT
Join us at the Camden Society’s Spring fundraiser for the Great Escape, our holiday for people with learning disabilities.
Tickets now on sale. General: £10 // Member: £8 // SU entry: £5 Contact 020 7485 8177 or admin@thecamdensociety.co.uk to book

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Age Uk Camden, Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, Mary Ward Legal Centre, The Working Men’s College, IKWRO, One Housing, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden project. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

Summerversity Contract Opportunities
Islington Council invites suitably experienced organisations to submit proposals to deliver high quality, engaging and innovative summer courses and activities for young people aged 13 + to be delivered as part of the Summerversity programme 2015.
Successful providers will be required to deliver free social, recreational and educational activities for young people aged 13+ providing opportunities for formal accreditation where appropriate. The aim of the programme is to engage young people in a range of stimulating courses and activities over their summer holiday that will develop their skills and interests, raise their ambitions and aspirations and expose them to the new experiences that will capture their imagination and creative ideas.
If you wish to apply for this opportunity please obtain an application form from isyp@islington.go.uk and return by 12 noon, 18 May 2015.
For an informal discussion about this opportunity please contact Luiza Mattausch on 020 7527 5947.

Community Awards from OneFamily
OneFamily have 15 awards of £5,000 & four awards of £25,000 available for community projects, charities and clubs to access. Last year we awarded £125,000 to 18 community projects and we were delighted to receive votes from 68,000 individuals who wanted to support projects either close to home or close to their heart. We’ve committed £5 million over the next 5 years to make a difference in communities.
Projects need to be nominated by one of our customers. One in 12 UK families holds a policy with us so community groups may already know of somebody who can nominate their project. Nomination close at 9am on 26 May before a public vote will determine the winners. Voting opens at 10am on 2 June and closes at midday on 29 June.
You can find some of our winners stories and further information on our website – https://foundation.onefamily.com/community-awards

Olswang Green Seed Fund 2015
Overall £34.2k – up to £3k per project – will go to creative environmental projects that have real social benefits and are based in *Camden* or *Reading*.
If you have won or applied before and are operating in these areas, consider re-applying. New applications are obviously welcome too. The deadline is midnight on 8th May 2015.
More detail here: www.projectdirt.com/olswangfund
You can view the winners from last year on www.projectdirt.com/olswang

Two New Grants from Locality
First Steps
First Steps gives small community groups the freedom to develop action plans to improve their neighbourhood.
First Steps areas will receive support to decide upon practical actions to make positive changes in their community.
The programme offers 115 communities the opportunity to work together to decide what they do and don’t like and what can be changed.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/first-steps/ for more details.
Community Economic Development
The Community Economic Development (CED) programme is a new initiative designed for local community groups and organisations who want to take a lead in shaping their economies for the benefit of local communities.
If you belong to a community that wants to work towards seeing real economic change in your area – whether this is in food, housing, finance, energy or any other local economic opportunities – then the CED programme will set you on the right path.
The programme provides specialist support, advice and grant funding to help residents, local business and public sector organisations to work together to develop the best ideas to strengthen the local economy.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/community-economic-development/ for more details.

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
There are a few places left on Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector starting in May.
14th May 2015 – 25th June 2015 (£71/£25) 7 Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for trustees / management committee members or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of the committee of a voluntary or community sector organisation.
* Introduction to the Role of a Trustee/Managemet Committee Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.

New VAC Training Programme

  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings


Train to Campaign offers low-cost, high quality campaign training workshops in central London to help you make a real impact.
Campaigning Essentials is a half day introduction to the core principles of effective campaigning. Whether you are new to campaigning, or have never had formal training in the basic building blocks of a good campaign, this workshop is for you.
Campaigning Essentials
Wed 3rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
Other upcoming workshops:
Perfect your campaign elevator pitch
Tue 23rd June 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
How to influence and lobby Parliament
Thu 16th July 2015 | 1.15 – 5pm
For information about other upcoming campaign training workshops visit www.traintocampaign.london

St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit Open Day & Camden Community Services Disability Awareness Event
Tuesday 26th May 2015 between 1:30pm and 4:30pm, St Pancras Hospital South Wing
St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit acts as a pivotal part of the transition and support for patients in their recovery journey back home from UCLH, the Royal Free, the Whittington and other acute hospitals. We are keen that the unit is seen as a local resource which our whole community is proud and as such I am delighted to invite you to our joint event on Tuesday the 26th May 2015.
This is an opportunity for you, colleagues and members of the local community to learn more about the first class rehabilitation our clinical staff provide at St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit. If you are free to attend please reply to Kathryn Ford, lead for Equalities and Diversities in Camden email kathrynford@nhs.net or telephone 020 3317 3776 by 7th May 2015 so she can confirm catering arrangements.

SOAS Concert Series and World Music Summer School
Full Concert series details available here. Full course programme and how to apply on the SOAS website.
Ensemble Alash Monday 11 May 2015
Astonishing music from the heart of Siberia

St Mungo’s Broadway Camden Mental Health Services invites you to Mental Health Awareness Week Festival – In the Park
Friday 15 May 2015, 11:30am- 4pm, 12 Camley St, London N1C 4PW
RSVP: matthew.blakemore@mungosbroadway.org.uk
For more info contact Salina on 07739 195 333 or Matt on 07736 886 959
BBQ, music, comedy, speakers, stalls and more
Alcohol free event. Open to everyone

Camden Intergenerational Week – 9 to 17 May
Camden Intergenerational Week 2015 brings all ages together for a week of fun, free events to encourage and celebrate interaction between young and old.
From 9 to 17 May 2015 events are being held by organisations and groups across the borough, to bring people of all ages together.
There will be something for everyone – from dancing and discussion, bingo and knitting, crafts and gardening, singing and films. There will be performances, workshops and activities that young and old can enjoy together.
The ‘mini-festival’ is being organised by residents and local partner organisations including Age UK Camden, Haverstock School and Camden Community Nurseries, with the aim of creating positive connections between generations in Camden.
Further information and full listings of the 26 intergenerational events happening during the Week can be found on the project website – www.camdenintergenerationalweek2015.org.uk. or call: 020 7974 2810
Listings of the events which are open to the public can also be found on the Camden Council website.

Improving access to urgent care in Camden
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working with Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington CCG’s to integrate the existing urgent care services across north central London. By integrating the services provided by the NHS 111 telephone service and GP out-of-hours across the five boroughs, patients will more easily be able to access urgent care. This will mean they receive the best care, from the best person, in the right place, at the right time.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk
or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

Theatro Technis proudly presents latest production “OH, DEMOCRACY”
A musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ “THE KNIGHTS” by Keith Murphy, George Eugeniou and Marco Aponte.
Back in 424 BC, when ARISTOPHANES wrote “THE KNIGHTS” it poked fun at the political leaders in Athens, the like of leather merchant Kleon, who put his own personal gains above the city’s interest. Now almost 2500 years later it is as relevant as ever.
Opens: 26th May 7.30pm
The play runs until 6th June, Sunday Matinees 5pm, no shows on Mondays
Tickets: £10/concession £8
26 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TT
Tel: 020 7387 6617 fax: 020 73832545
Email: info@theatrotechnis.com website: www.theatrotechnis.com

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 9 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

Courses at Maiden Lane Community Centre
Presents two new courses
Create a website with WordPress
Thursdays 10.00 – 11.45am 30th April to 16th July
Computing for beginners
Thursdays 1.00 – 3.00pm 30th April to 16th July
Maiden Lane Community Centre, 156 St Pauls Crescent, NW1 9XZ.
Register now for a free place Tel: 0207 267 9586

VCC Volunteer Management Training
Dealing With Difficult Situations With Volunteers and is for those of you who have the basics, but worry about handling tricky or uncomfortable situations with volunteers. This is also a half-day course on Thursday 21st May and you can book via eventbrite here.
Five free early-bird tickets for organisations that involve volunteers in Camden, and £59+bf for everyone else.

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Age UK Camden seeks Advice Services Manager
Local Government Scale PO2 £33,579-£36,186, plus 6% contributory pension.
The Advice and Advocacy Manager post is an exciting opportunity for someone with a background in areas such as welfare rights, advocacy or care management , combined with management experience.
The postholder will manage the Age UK Camden (AUC) information, advice, support and advocacy (IAA) services and team. AUC’s IAA services are delivered by a staff and volunteer team in person (from the office, outreach venues, home visits), by phone, and online.
You will: manage staff and, via a deputy, direct the recruitment and management of volunteers; ensure that AUC’s and IAA funders’ targets are met; manage caseloads to ensure equity and challenge within the team; report to multiple funders; uphold the Advice Quality Mark standards lead development and innovation in the IAA team including assisting with funding applications and tenders.
The post is based at our head office in Tavistock Square, Camden. AUC offers a contributory pension, and season ticket or bicycle loan facility.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am Tuesday 26th May 2015 Interviews: Monday 1st June 2015

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre seeks Care worker
Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre is a well established voluntary organisation that provides a range of services to South Asian women in and around Camden. We provide information and advice, support and advocacy, education and training and a range of services to children and families.
Hopscotch is currently recruiting. Care Workers
Part time, flexible hours and night work. Permanent
Hopscotch is looking to recruit male and female care workers to join our Homecare team.
Applicants must have an interest in adult social care and a willingness to provide personal care and assistance. A basic level of spoken and written English is required. The ability to speak Bengali, Somali, Urdu or another community language is desirable.
No qualifications are required as you will receive free accredited training (NVQ 2 in Health & Social Care), as well as on the job training and support once employed. DBS checks will be paid for by Hopscotch.
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Melissa McClelland Homecare Manager. For all other details and an application form, please contact Ruksana:
Tel: 020 7388 8198 E-mail: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Mental Health Champions Project – Somali-speaking volunteers wanted
Voluntary Action Camden supports volunteer Mental Health Champions to engage with Camden-based BMER and faith communities. Key aims of the project are to (1) raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing either in the community or in the workplace (2) tackle stigma by starting conversations about mental health in a non-threatening way (e.g by using simple tools such as the Five Ways to Wellbeing) and (3) improve access to mental health services so that people receive help in a timely fashion. Our volunteer Mental Health Champions may be staff or volunteers from community organisations, or individuals interested in improving awareness about mental health.
We are very keen to recruit volunteers or community workers from the Somali community to join the Project. Contact VAC’s Mental Health Team on mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk if you are interested or would like to know more.

The Mary Ward Legal Centre seeks a public legal education project volunteer
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is seeking a volunteer to help with its public legal education project on welfare benefits for community groups and residents in Camden. You would need to be able to commit to one day a week. You will help with preparing materials, attending presentations, making follow up phone calls as part of evaluation, and with general administration of the project.
You will get experience in these aspects as well as some general social security knowledge. You will need general IT & office skills and an interest in advice and welfare benefits, but no particular specialist knowledge.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is based in Holborn, and you will be required to attend presentations at locations around Camden.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre will cover travel and lunch expenses.
To find out more contact Alban Hawksworth alban.hawksworth@marywardlegal.org.uk telephone 020 7269 5444

Primary Care Navigators Administration Officer
£23,658 – £25,620pa (Sc5) pro rata 14 hour per week £9,463.20 – £10,248pa, contributory pension, fixed term till 31 March 2017.
Following a tender, Age UK Camden with its partner Camden Carers Service is delivering the exciting new Primary Care Navigation Service for Camden Clinical Commissioning Group until March 2017. The six Navigators will support those aged 60 + with long term conditions to access timely care and community support services.
The successful candidate will provide administrative support to the Care Navigators Team. The post holder in conjunction with the manager will implement administrative system to support the Service including maintaining the Client database systems and contribute to efficient and effective administrative processes across the Care Navigation Service.
The post is based at Age UK Camden head office in Camden and some travel around the borough is required. AUC offers a contributory pension, and season ticket or bicycle loan facility. For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9am, Tuesday 5th May 2015. Interviews: Monday 11th May 2015

The Working Men’s College have a number of vacancies
E-Learning Development Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Get into Learning – Curriculum Manager (0.6 f.t.e) Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum pro rata
Business and ICT – Curriculum Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Fashion and Craft – Curriculum Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Art and Design – Curriculum Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Closing date for all the above posts is 12 noon on Friday 8th May 2015.
Interviews for the above posts will be held week commencing 18th May.
Head of Human Resources (0.5 f.t.e.) Up to £50,000 per annum pro-rata for 0.5 f.t.e. post
Closing date for the Head of HR post is 12 noon on Thursday 7th May 2015.
Interviews for the Head of HR will be held on 14th May.
For further details and to apply for one of the above posts please submit your application via our website: www.wmcollege.ac.uk or contact Jo Turner on: 0207 255 4728 or via email: JoT@wmcollege.ac.uk

IKWRO seeks Senior Training Officer
Senior Training Officer (4.5 days/week), Salary £30,928 (pro-rata)
The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) is a registered charity (number 1104550) which supports Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls living in the UK who are facing “honour” based violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and domestic violence.
IKWRO’s services include advice, advocacy, information and counselling support to individual women and girls; training programmes for professionals, women and girls and community members; specific services such as ESOL, volunteering; campaigning for better laws and policies to protect women’s rights and social events.
As Senior Training Officer, you will take the lead to develop targeted training materials, deliver training to a wide range of audience, coordinate and supervise training programmes and coordinate and run partnership work with several other partners in the UK and Europe.
Above post is open to women only (Exemption under the Equality Act 2010 Schedule 9, Part 1).
For an application pack please send an email to jobs@ikwro.org.uk, or visit our website at www.ikwro.org.uk.
Closing date: 06 May 2015

Age UK Camden seeks Advocacy Officer
Salary: SO1, SCP 29, £28,845pa 35 hours per week, Fixed Term Contract for 6 months
Personalisation Support In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It provides Direct Payments support to disabled people under the age of 65 in Camden.
The Advocacy Officer will be working with disabled people under the age of 65 who currently receive financial support from the Independent Living Fund. Your role will be to provide advocacy to this group of service users when they face reassessment of their care needs following the closure of the fund.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link or on the website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email recruitment@ageukcamden.org.uk.
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9am on 5th May 2015 and interviews will be held on Thursday, 7th May 2015.

Onehouseing seeks Care Assistant – Extra Care for Older People
Full-time, part-time, flexible hours and night work £15,370 pa pro rata, Camden, London
We are currently recruiting Care Assistants to assist and enable our customers with day-to-day tasks and provide personal care for older people. You will be required to provide residents with the highest standard of care and support in accordance with their personally tailored plan.
We will offer you ongoing guidance and training, both formal and informal. You will work towards the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care and will be part of a friendly, highly supportive team.
To apply please register with our careers website www.onehousinggroup.co.uk/careers – and upload a CV and supporting statement of no more than two pages, outlining how your skills and experience meet our needs.

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


New Camden Clinical Commissioning Group mental health service user and carer working group.
The group, led two project support managers with lived experience of the mental health system, will work to put service-user and carer opinions, thoughts and ideas at the centre of mental health services in Camden.
The working group will meet monthly – as well as there being opportunities for members to sit on working groups of various projects within the CCG. The working group itself will help to define its role, but some ideas for the kind of things they will do are:
· Organise events, research and outreach to engage the wider service-user and carer community
· Be part of developing projects on mental health in the CCG
· Raise concerns, worries or risks about mental health services in Camden – and work with us to address these.
If this sounds like something you might be interested please email Lindsay Riddoch (Project Support manager at Camden CCG) on mhinvolvement@camdenccg.nhs.uk. In your email please include your name and contact details – Lindsay will then get in touch with more information about the working group.”

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 24th April 2015

Highlights: Camden Intergeneration Week 2015; How to Demonstrate Your Impact; Mental Health Champions Project – Somali-speaking volunteers wanted; BMER Mental Health Information and Netowkring Session; The Tea & Tour Exhibition & Open Day; Small Office Available at VAC; OurCamden membership; Mental Health Awareness Week Festival; Low Cost Trustee Training; Free Swimming for the Over 60s; mental health service user and carer working group; SOAS Concert Series and World Music Summer School; St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit Open Day; Women and Health Art Exhibition; NHS 111 and out-of-hours GP Services; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Camden Intergeneration Week 2015
A partnership of about 40 Camden groups and organisations, large and small, are organising intergenerational activities and events from 9 to 17 May 2015.
Further information and full listings of the 26 intergenerational events happening during the Week can be found on the project website – www.camdenintergenerationalweek2015.org.uk.
Listings of the events which are open to the public can also be found on the Camden Council website.

How to Demonstrate Your Impact – places still available
This course will give you an overview of how to collect and present evidence on your organisation’s impact using quantitative and qualitative methods. It will give examples of best practice for collecting and presenting data. It will also inform you on how you can share the knowledge you have of the local community so that it will be considered as part of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, which informs decisions about local services.
At Voluntary Action Camden, 293 – 299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ
Thursday 30th April 2015 for 9:30am to 12:30pm
To book please contact Ricky Singh Tokhi or Monica Crooks on acharles@vac.org.uk or call on 020 7284 6553

Mental Health Champions Project – Somali-speaking volunteers wanted
Voluntary Action Camden supports volunteer Mental Health Champions to engage with Camden-based BMER and faith communities. Key aims of the project are to (1) raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing either in the community or in the workplace (2) tackle stigma by starting conversations about mental health in a non-threatening way (e.g by using simple tools such as the Five Ways to Wellbeing) and (3) improve access to mental health services so that people receive help in a timely fashion. Our volunteer Mental Health Champions may be staff or volunteers from community organisations, or individuals interested in improving awareness about mental health.
We are very keen to recruit volunteers or community workers from the Somali community to join the Project. Contact VAC’s Mental Health Team on mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk if you are interested or would like to know more.
BMER Mental Health Information and Netowkring Session – Mon 27th April
Reminder – the next BMER Mental Health Information and Networking Session will take place at the Roundhouse on Monday 27th April (2.30pm – 5.00pm). Confirm your attendance to Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk.

The Tea & Tour Exhibition & Open Day
• The most educational and thought-provoking Islamic Exhibition in the UK
• Guided tours of one of the biggest Mosques in London
• Role of the Mosque within the Community
• Multimedia presentations, videos & Islamic antiques
• Refreshments and food from the Muslim World
• Your opportunity to ask questions about ANYTHING on Islam
30th April 2015 from 11am to 9pm
Holborn Muslim Community & Welfare Association,
33 Brookes Court, Baldwins Gardens, London EC1N 7RR
Biscuits and yummy snacks will be served and a guided tour provided. We will also have a grand exhibition on the Life of Muhammad on display.

Small Office Available at VAC
VAC has a self contained office to let (space for 2 or 3 desks). Heating/cooling, wifi etc included. It is a good sized office (12 square metres / 120 square feet) located in VAC’s building in Kentish Town with excellent transport links to all parts of Camden borough.
£550 per month. Contact Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk

Have you got a product or service you are looking to sell?
At OurCamden we are very keen to support local charities and social enterprises in growing their business. We believe that we can help.
If you’ve got a service or product that you are looking to sell to individuals, then why not do a special offer for OurCamden members?
It could be discount of hire of your space for a party, a special deal on catering from your food service, or your care service…. whatever it is, we are sure we can help you promote your business idea and gain new customers.
We now have over 600 members. That’s 600 people who get our fortnightly email newsletter. That’s potentially 600 new customers.
And that’s not all. We’ll promote your product or service on Facebook and Twitter as well as give you a listing on our members deals directory. It’s free.
Email members@ourcamden.org or give us a call on 0203 488 0020

National News
Voluntary Sector and Health – Findings of Major Study Published
NAVCA has published the findings of the Health and Care Voluntary Sector Survey, the largest charity survey of 2014. The findings show that local health bodies need to do more to engage with the local voluntary sector.
Key findings:
Joint Strategic Needs Assessments
Only 35% said they had been involved whilst 54% had not.
Health & Wellbeing boards
There were similar findings for health and wellbeing boards. 32% said they were able to influence their health and wellbeing board(s) and 53% had not been able to.
Clinical Commissioning Groups
The survey found that CCGs are more likely to engage with charities. 51% agreed that the CCG had engaged with their organisation whilst 40% disagreed.
National initiatives
The survey asked whether national initiatives had a positive effect. Change for Life received the best rating for making a positive difference.
Manifesto Roundup

The Guardian has a summary of what the parties have promised the voluntary sector in their manifestos.

St Mungo’s Broadway Camden Mental Health Services invites you to Mental Health Awareness Week Festival – In the Park
Friday 15 May 2015, 11:30am- 4pm, 12 Camley St, London N1C 4PW
RSVP: matthew.blakemore@mungosbroadway.org.uk
For more info contact Salina on 07739 195 333 or Matt on 07736 886 959
BBQ, music, comedy, speakers, stalls and more
Alcohol free event. Open to everyone

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
There are a few places left on Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector starting in May.
14th May 2015 – 25th June 2015 (£71/£25) 7 Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for trustees / management committee members or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of the committee of a voluntary or community sector organisation.
* Introduction to the Role of a Trustee/Managemet Committee Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Free Swimming for the Over 60s
You can swim for free weekdays from 7am to 12 noon at Kentish Town Sports Centre, Oasis Sports Centre, Pancras Square Leisure Centre and Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre.
To find out more visit
Pancras Square Leisure Centre, 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG
Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre, Adelaide Road, NW3 3NF
Oasis Sports Centre, Endell Street, WC2H 9AG
Kentish Town Sports Centre, Grafton Road, NW5 3DU
Health Walks
Free weekly walks to explore your local area and boost your energy.
Walks starting from Euston, Queen’s Crescent, Granary Square and Hampstead Heath.
For details visit

New Camden Clinical Commissioning Group mental health service user and carer working group.
The group, led two project support managers with lived experience of the mental health system, will work to put service-user and carer opinions, thoughts and ideas at the centre of mental health services in Camden.
The working group will meet monthly – as well as there being opportunities for members to sit on working groups of various projects within the CCG. The working group itself will help to define its role, but some ideas for the kind of things they will do are:
· Organise events, research and outreach to engage the wider service-user and carer community
· Be part of developing projects on mental health in the CCG
· Raise concerns, worries or risks about mental health services in Camden – and work with us to address these.
If this sounds like something you might be interested please email Lindsay Riddoch (Project Support manager at Camden CCG) on mhinvolvement@camdenccg.nhs.uk. In your email please include your name and contact details – Lindsay will then get in touch with more information about the working group.”

SOAS Concert Series and World Music Summer School
Full Concert series details available here. Full course programme and how to apply on the SOAS website.
Abdoulaye Samb and Minnjiraby Thursday 30 April 2015
Senegalese Music with an Open Heart
Ensemble Alash Monday 11 May 2015
Astonishing music from the heart of Siberia

St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit Open Day & Camden Community Services Disability Awareness Event
Tuesday 26th May 2015 between 1:30pm and 4:30pm, St Pancras Hospital South Wing
St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit acts as a pivotal part of the transition and support for patients in their recovery journey back home from UCLH, the Royal Free, the Whittington and other acute hospitals. We are keen that the unit is seen as a local resource which our whole community is proud and as such I am delighted to invite you to our joint event on Tuesday the 26th May 2015.
This is an opportunity for you, colleagues and members of the local community to learn more about the first class rehabilitation our clinical staff provide at St Pancras Rehabilitation Unit. If you are free to attend please reply to Kathryn Ford, lead for Equalities and Diversities in Camden email kathrynford@nhs.net or telephone 020 3317 3776 by 7th May 2015 so she can confirm catering arrangements.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog
The BBC has gathered links to it’s recent progammes on the NHS into one page.

Women and Health Art Exhibition
Saturday 2nd – Monday 4th May. 11am to 6pm. 4 Carol Street, London NW1.

NHS 111 and out-of-hours GP Services in north central London
NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in north central London are working to improve the local NHS 111 service. This includes integrating the NHS 111 service and the GP out-of-hours services to enable them to work better.
We will be holding public engagement events across north central London as an opportunity to hear from you. All residents are invited to come along and share their views and experiences of existing services so that we can work together towards developing the best possible service.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

West Hampstead Community Association, Voiceability, Buna, Kentish Town Community Centre, New Horizons Youth Centre, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

Summerversity Contract Opportunities
Islington Council invites suitably experienced organisations to submit proposals to deliver high quality, engaging and innovative summer courses and activities for young people aged 13 + to be delivered as part of the Summerversity programme 2015.
Successful providers will be required to deliver free social, recreational and educational activities for young people aged 13+ providing opportunities for formal accreditation where appropriate. The aim of the programme is to engage young people in a range of stimulating courses and activities over their summer holiday that will develop their skills and interests, raise their ambitions and aspirations and expose them to the new experiences that will capture their imagination and creative ideas.
If you wish to apply for this opportunity please obtain an application form from isyp@islington.go.uk and return by 12 noon, 18 May 2015.
For an informal discussion about this opportunity please contact Luiza Mattausch on 020 7527 5947.

Community Awards from OneFamily
OneFamily have 15 awards of £5,000 & four awards of £25,000 available for community projects, charities and clubs to access. Last year we awarded £125,000 to 18 community projects and we were delighted to receive votes from 68,000 individuals who wanted to support projects either close to home or close to their heart. We’ve committed £5 million over the next 5 years to make a difference in communities.
Projects need to be nominated by one of our customers. One in 12 UK families holds a policy with us so community groups may already know of somebody who can nominate their project. Nomination close at 9am on 26 May before a public vote will determine the winners. Voting opens at 10am on 2 June and closes at midday on 29 June.
You can find some of our winners stories and further information on our website – https://foundation.onefamily.com/community-awards

Olswang Green Seed Fund 2015
Overall £34.2k – up to £3k per project – will go to creative environmental projects that have real social benefits and are based in *Camden* or *Reading*.
If you have won or applied before and are operating in these areas, consider re-applying. New applications are obviously welcome too. The deadline is midnight on 8th May 2015.
More detail here: www.projectdirt.com/olswangfund
You can view the winners from last year on www.projectdirt.com/olswang

Two New Grants from Locality
First Steps
First Steps gives small community groups the freedom to develop action plans to improve their neighbourhood.
First Steps areas will receive support to decide upon practical actions to make positive changes in their community.
The programme offers 115 communities the opportunity to work together to decide what they do and don’t like and what can be changed.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/first-steps/ for more details.
Community Economic Development
The Community Economic Development (CED) programme is a new initiative designed for local community groups and organisations who want to take a lead in shaping their economies for the benefit of local communities.
If you belong to a community that wants to work towards seeing real economic change in your area – whether this is in food, housing, finance, energy or any other local economic opportunities – then the CED programme will set you on the right path.
The programme provides specialist support, advice and grant funding to help residents, local business and public sector organisations to work together to develop the best ideas to strengthen the local economy.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/community-economic-development/ for more details.

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust
New Grant Opportunity for Tackling Poverty in North Campden
£50,000 is to be allocated by the trustees of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust to one or two projects for up to two years. This is to achieve some long term impact on and change in poverty in the Trust’s area of benefit (the old metropolitan borough of Hampstead.) This may be either by preventing problems or reducing their incidence. e.g. poor outcomes in children’s health and education, child care provision, security of housing tenure, reducing debt.
The Trust is keen to facilitate collaborative working amongst its beneficiary organisations. Clarity of outcomes will be needed for funding of any project, together with the organisation’s ability to demonstrate those outcomes.
1. An outline of the project and applicant organisation to reach us for shortlisting by 6th May 2015. (one side of A4)
2. Shortlisting Panel to meet week commencing 11th May 2015.
3. Inform short listed applicants week commencing 18t May 2015 and invite more detailed applications by 1st July 2015.
4. Review of applications by Grants Committee on 22nd July 2015.
5. Details of grant award to be conveyed to organisations on 30th July 2015.
For an informal discussion please contact Sheila Taylor, Director & Clerk to the Trustees on 0207 435 1570. Further details about the work of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust, you can visit their website on www.hwct.org.uk.

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.

New VAC Training Programme

  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Improving access to urgent care in Camden
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working with Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington CCG’s to integrate the existing urgent care services across north central London. By integrating the services provided by the NHS 111 telephone service and GP out-of-hours across the five boroughs, patients will more easily be able to access urgent care. This will mean they receive the best care, from the best person, in the right place, at the right time.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk
or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

Camden CCG’s Mental Health Investment Programme is holding an informal event for mental health service users and carers. Wednesday 6 May 2015 15.00 – 17.00 at Camden Peoples’ Theatre
We would like to invite those who have inputted into the programme, or would like to in the future, to join us to celebrate our first year.
At the event, there will be an opportunity to find out more about the new mental health services and programmes that are available in Camden. You will also be able to learn how to become involved in the ongoing work of the programme.
There will be food and refreshments provided and a creative theatrical performance to enjoy.
As there are limited spaces please let us know if you would like to attend by emailing your name and any accessibility or dietary requirements to engagement@camdenccg.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 2034. You must RSVP in order to attend.

Theatro Technis proudly presents latest production “OH, DEMOCRACY”
A musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ “THE KNIGHTS” by Keith Murphy, George Eugeniou and Marco Aponte.
Back in 424 BC, when ARISTOPHANES wrote “THE KNIGHTS” it poked fun at the political leaders in Athens, the like of leather merchant Kleon, who put his own personal gains above the city’s interest. Now almost 2500 years later it is as relevant as ever.
Opens: 26th May 7.30pm
The play runs until 6th June, Sunday Matinees 5pm, no shows on Mondays
Tickets: £10/concession £8
26 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TT
Tel: 020 7387 6617 fax: 020 73832545
Email: info@theatrotechnis.com website: www.theatrotechnis.com

Camden People’s Theatre present Stand Up and Down
A man tries to get out of a personal predicament by going into comedy. Things go well for a while – but soon he’s finding it harder to make people laugh. Might this be to do with something inside himself? At a drop-in centre for people with psychological problems, he starts to see himself and society in a different way…
The Stand Up and Down raises awareness of mental health as a social issue. One in four people will be affected by psychological problems at some point in their life. Des Marshall writer, Harry Meacher director sees theatre as a creative way of addressing these concerns.
Tue 09 Jun 2015 – Sun 21 Jun 2015, 7.30pm and 4pm on Sundays at Camden People’s Theatre, 58 – 60 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY, Tickets: £12 / 10.
Box Office – 0207 419 4841 www.cptheatre.co.uk

Courses at Maiden Lane Community Centre
Presents two new courses
Create a website with WordPress
Thursdays 10.00 – 11.45am 30th April to 16th July
Computing for beginners
Thursdays 1.00 – 3.00pm 30th April to 16th July
Maiden Lane Community Centre, 156 St Pauls Crescent, NW1 9XZ.
Register now for a free place Tel: 0207 267 9586

VCC Volunteer Management Training
We have two training courses for volunteer managers, both of which are fundamental to any successful volunteering programme.
The first course, Introduction to Volunteer Management: The Essentials, is for everyone who is new to volunteer management. It is a half day course on Wednesday 29th April and you can book via eventbrite here.
The second course is Dealing With Difficult Situations With Volunteers and is for those of you who have the basics, but worry about handling tricky or uncomfortable situations with volunteers. This is also a half-day course on Thursday 21st May and you can book via eventbrite here.
Both courses have five free early-bird tickets for organisations that involve volunteers in Camden, and £59+bf for everyone else.

Love Your Lungs campaign taking place in Camden in May of this year
Led by Camden Clinical Commissioning Group in partnership with the British Lung Foundation, the campaign aims to raise awareness of COPD, encourage early diagnosis and reduce emergency hospital admissions.
The seven awareness and screening events can be found in the following locations:
Tuesday, 5th May Sainsbury’s, Finchley Road 10am-4pm
Wednesday, 6th May Sainsbury’s, Camden Town 10am-4pm
Thursday, 7th May Sainsbury’s Local, Kentish Town 9.30am-12.30pm
Tuesday, 12th May Morrisons, Chalk Farm 10am-4pm
Wednesday, 13th May Tesco Metro, Caledonian Road, Kings Cross 10am-4pm
TBC Sainsbury’s, Kilburn High Road 10am-4pm
Tuesday, 19th May Sainsbury’s Local, Pentoville Road, Kings Cross 9.30am-12.30pm
If you have any queries about the Love Your Lungs campaign, please contact Farha Sonvadi, Project Assistant at the British Lung Foundation.
T: 020 7688 6025 E: Farha.sonvadi@blf.org.uk

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in April, May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects including;
~ Accounting & Finance
~ Corporate Partnerships
~ Demonstrating Impact
~ Fundraising
~ Governance
~ IT
~ Law
~ Marketing + much more
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


The Mary Ward Legal Centre seeks a public legal education project volunteer
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is seeking a volunteer to help with its public legal education project on welfare benefits for community groups and residents in Camden. You would need to be able to commit to one day a week. You will help with preparing materials, attending presentations, making follow up phone calls as part of evaluation, and with general administration of the project.
You will get experience in these aspects as well as some general social security knowledge. You will need general IT & office skills and an interest in advice and welfare benefits, but no particular specialist knowledge.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre is based in Holborn, and you will be required to attend presentations at locations around Camden.
The Mary Ward Legal Centre will cover travel and lunch expenses.
To find out more contact Alban Hawksworth alban.hawksworth@marywardlegal.org.uk telephone 020 7269 5444

Primary Care Navigators Administration Officer
£23,658 – £25,620pa (Sc5) pro rata 14 hour per week £9,463.20 – £10,248pa, contributory pension, fixed term till 31 March 2017.
Following a tender, Age UK Camden with its partner Camden Carers Service is delivering the exciting new Primary Care Navigation Service for Camden Clinical Commissioning Group until March 2017. The six Navigators will support those aged 60 + with long term conditions to access timely care and community support services.
The successful candidate will provide administrative support to the Care Navigators Team. The post holder in conjunction with the manager will implement administrative system to support the Service including maintaining the Client database systems and contribute to efficient and effective administrative processes across the Care Navigation Service.
Candidates will come from a service orientated setting with a minimum of two years in an administration role, have excellent computer skills, good communicator, and able to work in a multi-disciplinary team. High level of accuracy and attention to detail as well as excellent organisational and time management skills are required.
It is important that the candidate promotes a culture that values, protects and uses information for the success of the organisation and benefit of its clients/patients
The post is based at Age UK Camden head office in Camden and some travel around the borough is required. AUC offers a contributory pension, and season ticket or bicycle loan facility. For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9am, Tuesday 5th May 2015. Interviews: Monday 11th May 2015

The Working Men’s College have a number of vacancies
E-Learning Development Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Get into Learning – Curriculum Manager (0.6 f.t.e) Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum pro rata
Business and ICT – Curriculum Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Fashion and Craft – Curriculum Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Art and Design – Curriculum Manager Salary £32,142 – £36,162 per annum
Closing date for all the above posts is 12 noon on Friday 8th May 2015.
Interviews for the above posts will be held week commencing 18th May.
Head of Human Resources (0.5 f.t.e.) Up to £50,000 per annum pro-rata for 0.5 f.t.e. post
Closing date for the Head of HR post is 12 noon on Thursday 7th May 2015.
Interviews for the Head of HR will be held on 14th May.
For further details and to apply for one of the above posts please submit your application via our website: www.wmcollege.ac.uk or contact Jo Turner on: 0207 255 4728 or via email: JoT@wmcollege.ac.uk

IKWRO seeks Senior Training Officer
Senior Training Officer (4.5 days/week), Salary £30,928 (pro-rata)
The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) is a registered charity (number 1104550) which supports Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls living in the UK who are facing “honour” based violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and domestic violence.
IKWRO’s services include advice, advocacy, information and counselling support to individual women and girls; training programmes for professionals, women and girls and community members; specific services such as ESOL, volunteering; campaigning for better laws and policies to protect women’s rights and social events.
As Senior Training Officer, you will take the lead to develop targeted training materials, deliver training to a wide range of audience, coordinate and supervise training programmes and coordinate and run partnership work with several other partners in the UK and Europe.
Above post is open to women only (Exemption under the Equality Act 2010 Schedule 9, Part 1).
For an application pack please send an email to jobs@ikwro.org.uk, or visit our website at www.ikwro.org.uk.
Closing date: 06 May 2015

Age UK Camden seeks Advocacy Officer
Salary: SO1, SCP 29, £28,845pa 35 hours per week, Fixed Term Contract for 6 months
Personalisation Support In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It provides Direct Payments support to disabled people under the age of 65 in Camden.
The Advocacy Officer will be working with disabled people under the age of 65 who currently receive financial support from the Independent Living Fund. Your role will be to provide advocacy to this group of service users when they face reassessment of their care needs following the closure of the fund.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link or on the website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email recruitment@ageukcamden.org.uk.
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9am on 5th May 2015 and interviews will be held on Thursday, 7th May 2015.

Age UK Camden seeks Female Day Care Officer- Henderson Court Resource Centre
Local Government Scale Sc4 £21,120-£23,145pa plus weekend allowance plus 6% contributory pension.
You will share responsibility within the centre team for a comprehensive service of care and support for service users. The post involves key working a number of older members with complex care needs, including dementia; leading / participating in all activities and outings; personal care, and all related recording and administration.
Essentials: good understanding of the issues and needs affecting older people, including those with dementia, flexible and willing to learn, ability to provide personal care and physical support to older people, ability to report and record relevant information, good communication and IT skills.
Owing to the under-representation of female staff in the centre, the privacy and dignity considerations for personal care requirements, this post is designated female only under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (7(2) (b)).
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 12pm, 1st May 2015. Interviews: 14th May 2015.

Care Assistant – Extra Care for Older People
Full-time, part-time, flexible hours and night work £15,370 pa pro rata, Camden, London
We are currently recruiting Care Assistants to assist and enable our customers with day-to-day tasks and provide personal care for older people. You will be required to provide residents with the highest standard of care and support in accordance with their personally tailored plan.
We will offer you ongoing guidance and training, both formal and informal. You will work towards the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care and will be part of a friendly, highly supportive team.
To apply please register with our careers website www.onehousinggroup.co.uk/careers – and upload a CV and supporting statement of no more than two pages, outlining how your skills and experience meet our needs.

New Project to Enable BAME Volunteers
Capital Volunteers is a new project, funded by City Bridge, that will enable BAME young people (aged 18-30) to be better equipped to volunteer and to maximise the opportunity presented to them in their placement.
Through a combination of 1-2-1 support, development workshops, goal setting and appropriate volunteering placements the programme will
~ assist young people to: realise their potential
~ support them with their personal development
~ help them to develop core competencies for any work environment
As well as individuals the project will also support and strengthen established BAME organisations in London to be better placed to take on volunteers and to maximise this resource.
We will also host workshops for BAME organisations that currently use or intend to use volunteers
For more information contact: Tebussum@bteg.co.uk

Volunteers wanted CRI Services in Camden
CRI is a charity for people whose lives have been affected by substance misuse. CRI supports its clients through structured day programmes including group work, 1-1 key working, counselling and alternative therapies. Volunteers will be trained to eventually manage a small, low risk caseload.
Camden DIP is CRI’s criminal justice service in the Borough. Working closely with the police, prisons and probation the aim is to support clients who are involved in the criminal justice system to reduce their drug use and offending. Volunteer opportunities are also available in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact;
Jane.robinson@cri.org.uk Mobile: 07554435207

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Keep Volunteering Voluntary
Following a successful event “Workfare and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation” the meeting, organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council, called on voluntary organisations to:
• use the KVV resources to promote understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• sign up to support the Keep Volunteering Voluntary campaign and promote it among member organisations.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be at Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk)

Office Space to Rent
In a rural farm environment located in the heart of North West London? This office is the place for you.
A good sized office (12 square metres / 129 square feet) located on the first floor of Kentish Town City Farm’s farmhouse building which is available furnished or unfurnished depending upon your needs.
They offer all the facilities you’d expect of a modern office and come with all your broadband and comms infrastructure setup and ready to go.
• Good sized office space (12 sq m / 129 sq ft): available Furnished or Unfurnished.
• Located in a city farm – giving a taste of the countryside in the middle of a bustling city.
• £500 a month with electricity, broadband and heating inclusive.
Contact Gareth Maddocks [gemaddocks@gmail.com]

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 17th April 2015

Highlights: Informal event for mental health service users and carers; How to Demonstrate Your Impact; Improving access to urgent care in Camden; Office Space Available at VAC; Inclusive Bowls Club at Parliament Hill; Trustee Training from VAC; Mental Health Awareness Week 2015; Camden Adult Community Learning Information and Enrollment Day; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Camden CCG’s Mental Health Investment Programme is holding an informal event for mental health service users and carers. Wednesday 6 May 2015 15.00 – 17.00 at Camden Peoples’ Theatre
We would like to invite those who have inputted into the programme, or would like to in the future, to join us to celebrate our first year.
At the event, there will be an opportunity to find out more about the new mental health services and programmes that are available in Camden. You will also be able to learn how to become involved in the ongoing work of the programme.
There will be food and refreshments provided and a creative theatrical performance to enjoy.
As there are limited spaces please let us know if you would like to attend by emailing your name and any accessibility or dietary requirements to engagement@camdenccg.nhs.uk or call 020 3688 2034. You must RSVP in order to attend.

How to Demonstrate Your Impact
This course will give you an overview of how to collect and present evidence on your organisation’s impact using quantitative and qualitative methods. It will give examples of best practice for collecting and presenting data. It will also inform you on how you can share the knowledge you have of the local community so that it will be considered as part of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, which informs decisions about local services.
Venue: Voluntary Action Camden, 293 – 299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ
2nd Floor Training Room – Buzzer 5
Thursday 30th April 2015 for 9:30am to 12:30pm
To book please contact Ricky Singh Tokhi or Monica Crooks on acharles@vac.org.uk or call on 020 7284 6553

Improving access to urgent care in Camden
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working with Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington CCG’s to integrate the existing urgent care services across north central London. By integrating the services provided by the NHS 111 telephone service and GP out-of-hours across the five boroughs, patients will more easily be able to access urgent care. This will mean they receive the best care, from the best person, in the right place, at the right time.
There is no need to RSVP, please just turn up; we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions about the events, please contact feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk
or call 020 3688 1615.
Stephens House and Gardens, 17 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QE
Monday, 18 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Wednesday, 13 May 2015, 18:00 – 20:00.

Small Office Available at VAC
VAC has a self contained office to let (space for 2 or 3 desks). Heating/cooling, wifi etc included. It is a good sized office (12 square metres / 120 square feet) located in VAC’s building in Kentish Town with excellent transport links to all parts of Camden borough.
£550 per month. Contact Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk

Inclusive Bowls Club at Parliament Hill
Parliament Hill Bowls Club will be open from Saturday, 18th April. The club has a specially adapted wheelchair for participants and the club is inclusive of people with disabilities. There will be a small fee associated with the sessions, please contact the club directly (contact details below) for price information.
Contact 020 8 441 0013 or email Derek on d.mennell@btinternet.com or Paul on paul.mennell@btinternet.com

National News
Manifesto Roundup

Political parties have used this week to launch their election manifestos. NAVCA has summarised them:
The Conservatives say they will make volunteering for three days a year a workplace entitlement for people working in large companies and the public sector. They will also grow the National Citizen Service.
Labour say they will support the National Citizen Service, reinstate Sure Start Centres and repeal the lobbying act.
The Lib Dems have promised to review the lobbying act, open public procurement for charities and extend Freedom of Information requests to cover private companies providing public services, which is likely to include charities.
Greens and UKIP have also launched manifestos.
The BBC have produced brief ‘at-a-glance’ guides to each manifesto which can be found on the BBC website.

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14th May 2015 – 25th Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2015 on 15th May
St. Mungo’s Broadway Camden Mental Health Service is organising an outdoor event to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week 2015 where service providers, clients, the local community and everyone involved in supporting our clients can get together.
The event will take place at Camley Street Nature Reserve. Camley is a nature reserve in the middle of Kings Cross. It’s a beautiful habitat for people seeking respite from the buzz of the city around them. Nature has been proved to have a positive effect on mental health, and we want to encourage our clients to become familiar with their surroundings and use the resources already available to them within Camden.
Background: Every year the Mental Health Foundation helps to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues. Mental Health Awareness Week aims to change our understanding of mental health problems, promote mental health and encourage recovery.
This year the theme for Mental Health Awareness week is MINDFULNESS.
The event will be for Camden by Camden, using the skills and resources we already have in the community. Most of the tasters will be offered by local service providers and will be open to everyone: carers, befrienders, family members and local people. The idea is to encourage the development of supportive communities.
Our Aims
• To promote good mental health by exploring Mindfulness and its benefits.
• To act as a platform for information on community and local services; to develop new partnerships and strengthening existing ones.
• To raise awareness of services on offer in Camden and encourage the use of those services both to clients and to everyone involved on our clients’ support.
• To promote inclusion, recovery and wellbeing.
For more information contact St Mungo’s Broadway Community Bridge Builders:
salina.faro@mungosbroadway.org.uk or matthew.blakemore@mungosbroadway.org.uk

Camden Adult Community Learning Information and Enrollment Day
Wednesday 22nd April 9.00am to 4.00pm
Adult Learning Centre, Netley Campus 72-76 Stanhope Street, London, NW1 3EX or
Richard Cobden Learning Centre, Camden Street, London, NW1 0LJ
Computers for beginners – Keeping your children safe on the internet – Save money and time online – Family Learning – English – and more …
Crèche available for some courses
For course brochure www.camden.gov.uk/adultlearning
Phone 020 7974 2148 New learners please bring ID

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog
The BBC has gathered links to it’s recent progammes on the NHS into one page.

West Hampstead Community Association, Voiceability, Buna, Kentish Town Community Centre, New Horizons Youth Centre, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Summerversity Contract Opportunities
Islington Council invites suitably experienced organisations to submit proposals to deliver high quality, engaging and innovative summer courses and activities for young people aged 13 + to be delivered as part of the Summerversity programme 2015.
Successful providers will be required to deliver free social, recreational and educational activities for young people aged 13+ providing opportunities for formal accreditation where appropriate. The aim of the programme is to engage young people in a range of stimulating courses and activities over their summer holiday that will develop their skills and interests, raise their ambitions and aspirations and expose them to the new experiences that will capture their imagination and creative ideas.
If you wish to apply for this opportunity please obtain an application form from isyp@islington.go.uk and return by 12 noon, 18 May 2015.
For an informal discussion about this opportunity please contact Luiza Mattausch on 020 7527 5947.

Community Awards from OneFamily
OneFamily have 15 awards of £5,000 & four awards of £25,000 available for community projects, charities and clubs to access. Last year we awarded £125,000 to 18 community projects and we were delighted to receive votes from 68,000 individuals who wanted to support projects either close to home or close to their heart. We’ve committed £5 million over the next 5 years to make a difference in communities.
Projects need to be nominated by one of our customers. One in 12 UK families holds a policy with us so community groups may already know of somebody who can nominate their project. Nomination close at 9am on 26 May before a public vote will determine the winners. Voting opens at 10am on 2 June and closes at midday on 29 June.
You can find some of our winners stories and further information on our website – https://foundation.onefamily.com/community-awards

Olswang Green Seed Fund 2015
Overall £34.2k – up to £3k per project – will go to creative environmental projects that have real social benefits and are based in *Camden* or *Reading*.
If you have won or applied before and are operating in these areas, consider re-applying. New applications are obviously welcome too. The deadline is midnight on 8th May 2015.
More detail here: www.projectdirt.com/olswangfund
You can view the winners from last year on www.projectdirt.com/olswang

Two New Grants from Locality
First Steps
First Steps gives small community groups the freedom to develop action plans to improve their neighbourhood.
First Steps areas will receive support to decide upon practical actions to make positive changes in their community.
The programme offers 115 communities the opportunity to work together to decide what they do and don’t like and what can be changed.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/first-steps/ for more details.
Community Economic Development
The Community Economic Development (CED) programme is a new initiative designed for local community groups and organisations who want to take a lead in shaping their economies for the benefit of local communities.
If you belong to a community that wants to work towards seeing real economic change in your area – whether this is in food, housing, finance, energy or any other local economic opportunities – then the CED programme will set you on the right path.
The programme provides specialist support, advice and grant funding to help residents, local business and public sector organisations to work together to develop the best ideas to strengthen the local economy.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/community-economic-development/ for more details.

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust
New Grant Opportunity for Tackling Poverty in North Campden
£50,000 is to be allocated by the trustees of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust to one or two projects for up to two years. This is to achieve some long term impact on and change in poverty in the Trust’s area of benefit (the old metropolitan borough of Hampstead.) This may be either by preventing problems or reducing their incidence. e.g. poor outcomes in children’s health and education, child care provision, security of housing tenure, reducing debt.
The Trust is keen to facilitate collaborative working amongst its beneficiary organisations. Clarity of outcomes will be needed for funding of any project, together with the organisation’s ability to demonstrate those outcomes.
1. An outline of the project and applicant organisation to reach us for shortlisting by 6th May 2015. (one side of A4)
2. Shortlisting Panel to meet week commencing 11th May 2015.
3. Inform short listed applicants week commencing 18t May 2015 and invite more detailed applications by 1st July 2015.
4. Review of applications by Grants Committee on 22nd July 2015.
5. Details of grant award to be conveyed to organisations on 30th July 2015.
For an informal discussion please contact Sheila Taylor, Director & Clerk to the Trustees on 0207 435 1570. Further details about the work of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust, you can visit their website on www.hwct.org.uk.

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

A new community fund giving away up to £25,000 for projects that will make a real difference to local communities.
This is ideal for small charities, if you have an idea for a new project, or there’s an existing project that would benefit from additional funding, it’s well worth getting involved to help secure vital funds for your cause.
The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding for projects to help enhance local communities. You can apply for funding to support all kinds of projects, as long as it is for the greater good of the community. To qualify, your project must make a positive difference to people’s lives in one of the following categories:
~ Health, disability and wellbeing
~ Supporting the younger generation
~ Supporting the older generation
~ Community support
There are four different funding levels you can apply for, ranging from £1,000 to up to £25,000. The projects will be put forward to a public vote, with the most popular going through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.
The fund has now launched. You can find out more information on the Aviva Community Fund website.
Some key dates for the competition:
1. Submissions will open on 24th March, until 30th April
2. Voting opens on 1st May – 30th May, so this will be the time to get busy promoting your project to as many friends and family as possible to secure their votes
3. The most-voted for projects asking for up to £1,000 will secure their funding. The projects asking for up to £5,000 or more with the most votes will go through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training Thursday 4th June and Thursday 11th June 2015
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
To book your place please go to: https://vac.org.uk/event/mental-health-first-aid-mhfa-2-day-course/
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.

New VAC Training Programme

  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Courses at Maiden Lane Community Centre
Presents two new courses
Create a website with WordPress
Thursdays 10.00 – 11.45am 30th April to 16th July
Computing for beginners
Thursdays 1.00 – 3.00pm 30th April to 16th July
Maiden Lane Community Centre, 156 St Pauls Crescent, NW1 9XZ.
Register now for a free place Tel: 0207 267 9586

VCC Volunteer Management Training
We have two training courses for volunteer managers, both of which are fundamental to any successful volunteering programme.
The first course, Introduction to Volunteer Management: The Essentials, is for everyone who is new to volunteer management. It is a half day course on Wednesday 29th April and you can book via eventbrite here.
The second course is Dealing With Difficult Situations With Volunteers and is for those of you who have the basics, but worry about handling tricky or uncomfortable situations with volunteers. This is also a half-day course on Thursday 21st May and you can book via eventbrite here.
Both courses have five free early-bird tickets for organisations that involve volunteers in Camden, and £59+bf for everyone else.

Love Your Lungs campaign taking place in Camden in May of this year
Led by Camden Clinical Commissioning Group in partnership with the British Lung Foundation, the campaign aims to raise awareness of COPD, encourage early diagnosis and reduce emergency hospital admissions.
The seven awareness and screening events can be found in the following locations:
Tuesday, 5th May Sainsbury’s, Finchley Road 10am-4pm
Wednesday, 6th May Sainsbury’s, Camden Town 10am-4pm
Thursday, 7th May Sainsbury’s Local, Kentish Town 9.30am-12.30pm
Tuesday, 12th May Morrisons, Chalk Farm 10am-4pm
Wednesday, 13th May Tesco Metro, Caledonian Road, Kings Cross 10am-4pm
TBC Sainsbury’s, Kilburn High Road 10am-4pm
Tuesday, 19th May Sainsbury’s Local, Pentoville Road, Kings Cross 9.30am-12.30pm
If you have any queries about the Love Your Lungs campaign, please contact Farha Sonvadi, Project Assistant at the British Lung Foundation.
T: 020 7688 6025 E: Farha.sonvadi@blf.org.uk

VAC BMER Mental Health Information and Networking Session Monday 27th April
From 2.30pm to 5.00pm at the Roundhouse (Clore Room), 100a Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8EH.
The Session is open to all Camden-based organisations and individuals interested in mental health, including service users, service providers, voluntary and community organisations. There will be speakers from the Roundhouse’s Youth Policy and Engagement Team, Camden Carers Service and Camden Mental Health Commissioners. There will also be plenty of time for networking.
Further details and an agenda will be circulated soon. All are welcome. Email mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk
See all the latest Mental Health events on the VAC website.

Do-it Masterclass – Wednesday 22nd April 2015 from 10am – 1pm
Come along to our hands-on session for volunteer coordinators who haven’t managed to sign up to the new Do-it on Wednesday 22nd April, 10am-1pm at Training Link in Somers Town.
The aim of the session will be to get you signed up to the website and give you a chance to explore the new Do-it and how it can be used to add, amend and delete your own opportunities, and start recruiting volunteers to support your organisation.
There will be three 1-hour sessions; 10am, 11am or 12pm. Booking is via Eventbrite, where you can choose which time you would like to attend.
And the masterclass will take place at Training Link, 54-56 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES.

Young People For Inclusion Networking Event
Monday 27th April, 1pm – 4pm Free
Young People for Inclusion are a group of young disabled people aged 13 to 25 living in London.
Y.P.F.I are hosting a networking event at KTCC to bring together young people and organisations offering inclusive activities in Camden.
Come along to learn about activities, groups and services available.
For more information please click here or contact Jennifer.

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euston Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in April, May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Notice of Visually Impaired in Camden Annual General Meeting 2015
Tuesday 21 April 2015 from 2-4pm
At Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR
RSVP to Rosemary Tel: 07980 328 959. Thank you. (Note: The AGM is open to VIC members only.)
Membership of VIC is £7. Cheques should be made payable to Visually Impaired in Camden and sent to VIC, c/o Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, NW1 1EE.

Green Camden & Project Dirt Celebration Event
18:15 to 20:00, Thursday 23rd April
Castlehaven Community Association, The Community Centre, 21 Castlehaven Road, London NW1 8RU
Do you love Project Dirt? Then this is the event for you!
Come along and celebrate an evening dedicated to our great projects and followers. We’ll also be showcasing some of our local success stories in our latest film, followed by refreshments and networking at the end.
Places are limited, so to avoid disappointment reserve your place here.

Help shape volunteering services in Camden: Focus group for black & minority ethnic organisations
Volunteer Centre Camden are evaluating the service we provide for black and minority ethnic (BME) organisations in Camden, and want to make sure we are using our funding in the most helpful way.
This event will be a focus group discussion where you will be able to tell us what help you need to successfully involve volunteers, and what the Volunteer Centre can do for you. Bring all of your ideas – we’ll be very happy to hear them!
Interested groups can read more and sign up at www.bme-camden.eventbrite.com
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 10am – 1pm, including tasty lunch: Location on request
For more information please contact Shadin Dowson-Zeidan: 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


IKWRO seeks Senior Training Officer
Senior Training Officer (4.5 days/week), Salary £30,928 (pro-rata)
The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) is a registered charity (number 1104550) which supports Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls living in the UK who are facing “honour” based violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and domestic violence.
IKWRO’s services include advice, advocacy, information and counselling support to individual women and girls; training programmes for professionals, women and girls and community members; specific services such as ESOL, volunteering; campaigning for better laws and policies to protect women’s rights and social events.
As Senior Training Officer, you will take the lead to develop targeted training materials, deliver training to a wide range of audience, coordinate and supervise training programmes and coordinate and run partnership work with several other partners in the UK and Europe.
Above post is open to women only (Exemption under the Equality Act 2010 Schedule 9, Part 1).
For an application pack please send an email to jobs@ikwro.org.uk, or visit our website at www.ikwro.org.uk.
Closing date: 06 May 2015

Age UK Camden seeks Advocacy Officer
Salary: SO1, SCP 29, £28,845pa 35 hours per week, Fixed Term Contract for 6 months
Personalisation Support In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It provides Direct Payments support to disabled people under the age of 65 in Camden.
The Advocacy Officer will be working with disabled people under the age of 65 who currently receive financial support from the Independent Living Fund. Your role will be to provide advocacy to this group of service users when they face reassessment of their care needs following the closure of the fund.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link or on the website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email recruitment@ageukcamden.org.uk.
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9am on 5th May 2015 and interviews will be held on Thursday, 7th May 2015.

Age UK Camden seeks Female Day Care Officer- Henderson Court Resource Centre
Local Government Scale Sc4 £21,120-£23,145pa plus weekend allowance plus 6% contributory pension.
You will share responsibility within the centre team for a comprehensive service of care and support for service users. The post involves key working a number of older members with complex care needs, including dementia; leading / participating in all activities and outings; personal care, and all related recording and administration.
Essentials: good understanding of the issues and needs affecting older people, including those with dementia, flexible and willing to learn, ability to provide personal care and physical support to older people, ability to report and record relevant information, good communication and IT skills.
Owing to the under-representation of female staff in the centre, the privacy and dignity considerations for personal care requirements, this post is designated female only under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (7(2) (b)).
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 12pm, 1st May 2015. Interviews: 14th May 2015.

Care Assistant – Extra Care for Older People
Full-time, part-time, flexible hours and night work £15,370 pa pro rata, Camden, London
We are currently recruiting Care Assistants to assist and enable our customers with day-to-day tasks and provide personal care for older people. You will be required to provide residents with the highest standard of care and support in accordance with their personally tailored plan.
We will offer you ongoing guidance and training, both formal and informal. You will work towards the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care and will be part of a friendly, highly supportive team.
To apply please register with our careers website www.onehousinggroup.co.uk/careers – and upload a CV and supporting statement of no more than two pages, outlining how your skills and experience meet our needs.

New Project to Enable BAME Volunteers
Capital Volunteers is a new project, funded by City Bridge, that will enable BAME young people (aged 18-30) to be better equipped to volunteer and to maximise the opportunity presented to them in their placement.
Through a combination of 1-2-1 support, development workshops, goal setting and appropriate volunteering placements the programme will
~ assist young people to: realise their potential
~ support them with their personal development
~ help them to develop core competencies for any work environment
As well as individuals the project will also support and strengthen established BAME organisations in London to be better placed to take on volunteers and to maximise this resource.
We will also host workshops for BAME organisations that currently use or intend to use volunteers
For more information contact: Tebussum@bteg.co.uk

Coffee Volunteer Wanted
Buna Oromia Coffee, the newly opened organic and Fairtrade coffee at 13 Brecknock road, N7 needs your support.
We are looking for a volunteer to work at our small cafe. Travel expenses paid. Contact Demissie Tulu at d2robi@yahoo.co.uk.

Hilldrop Area Community Association Seeks Head of Centre
£30,000 – £35,000 per annum (21 hours pro-rata) Job reference 15/01 21 hours per week
The post of Head of Centre offers an exciting opportunity to lead the next phase of development for an estate-based, multi-purpose community centre that has been at the heart of the St George’s Ward in Islington for over 30 years. Currently designated as a Community Hub with a remit to join-up local services to maximise the offer to local residents, the HACA has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for local residents, and grow the potential of smaller local organisations.
It is essential that you have excelled at working with local communities and can demonstrate how you have previously managed successful community centres or worked at a senior level in delivering community development programmes. Your ability to foster good community partnerships, and your influencing and public relations skills are also key in relation to achieving community buy in and raising the profile of the Centre.
We encourage you to seek an application pack by email hilldropca.info@gmail.com quoting relevant reference number.
Closing date for applications: Monday 20th April 2015 at 17:00pm
Interviews will be held on: Wednesday 29th April 2015
Hilldrop Area Community Association is an equal opportunity employer

VAC seeks Trustees
Voluntary Action Camden wants to recruit some new trustees. In particular the Executive Committee is looking for people who have knowledge of the needs of different communities, strategic planning, marketing, finance and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. This is a great opportunity to develop your own skills and knowledge by working with an organisation that is well respected and renowned to be an example of good practice and innovation.
To find out more about VAC visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
Please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your contribution please email knunan@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6557.

Volunteering Opportunities at VAC
Voluntary Action Camden is seeking to increase its capacity to provide tailor made support to voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises. We are looking for people with skills and experience in the areas of governance, fundraising, financial management, business planning and the setting up of new organisations.
To find out more about VAC and the services it offers visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
If you are interested in contributing, on a paid or voluntary basis, please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk . If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your possible contribution please email Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk or telephone 020 7284 6557.

Volunteers wanted CRI Services in Camden
CRI is a charity for people whose lives have been affected by substance misuse. CRI supports its clients through structured day programmes including group work, 1-1 key working, counselling and alternative therapies. Volunteers will be trained to eventually manage a small, low risk caseload.
Camden DIP is CRI’s criminal justice service in the Borough. Working closely with the police, prisons and probation the aim is to support clients who are involved in the criminal justice system to reduce their drug use and offending. Volunteer opportunities are also available in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact;
Jane.robinson@cri.org.uk Mobile: 07554435207

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Keep Volunteering Voluntary
Following a successful event “Workfare and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation” the meeting, organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council, called on voluntary organisations to:
• use the KVV resources to promote understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• sign up to support the Keep Volunteering Voluntary campaign and promote it among member organisations.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk)

Office Space to Rent
In a rural farm environment located in the heart of North West London? This office is the place for you.
A good sized office (12 square metres / 129 square feet) located on the first floor of Kentish Town City Farm’s farmhouse building which is available furnished or unfurnished depending upon your needs.
They offer all the facilities you’d expect of a modern office and come with all your broadband and comms infrastructure setup and ready to go.
• Good sized office space (12 sq m / 129 sq ft): available Furnished or Unfurnished.
• Located in a city farm – giving a taste of the countryside in the middle of a bustling city.
• £500 a month with electricity, broadband and heating inclusive.
Contact Gareth Maddocks [gemaddocks@gmail.com]

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 10th April 2015

Highlights: Primary Care Navigators; Camden Patient & Public Engagement Group Meeting; Trustee Training from VAC; Health and Safety training for hard to reach communities; Love Your Lungs campaign; VAC BMER Mental Health Information and Networking Session; Project to Enable BAME Volunteers; engaging older men; Community Health Advocate Volunteers; Camden Adult Community Learning Information and Enrollment Day; Training Link Open Day; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


New Primary Care Navigators Service launches
Following a tender, Age UK Camden will be running the new Primary Care Navigators service, going live in late April 2015. The roles of care navigators are to improve older patients’ use of care and support services, reducing inappropriate use of the NHS and supporting appropriate use through co-ordination of outpatient appointments and linking practices to local services.
The service is funded by Camden Clinical Commissioning Group, and based at 6 locations in the borough. From these bases, the Care Navigators will link to other GP practices via a “hub and spoke” model:
• South Camden Centre for Health (Main hub)
• Abbey Medical Centre
• Bloomsbury Surgery
• Caversham Group Practice
• Hampstead Group Practice
• Parliament Hill Medical Centre
Initially, referrals to the service will be through GPs via the EMIS system. The service is for those aged 60+ with long-term health conditions who live in Camden (though it is expected the focus will be on those aged 75+). As well as practice staff, care navigators will also link closely to Council care managers and the health advocates managed by Voluntary Action Camden.
The Care Navigators Manager is Sharleen Rudolf, who has been seconded to Age UK Camden from Camden Carers Centre. For more information contact: Sharleen.Rudolf@AgeUKCamden.org.uk

Camden Patient & Public Engagement Group Meeting
Monday 13th April, 2pm – 4pm, St Pancras Hospital, Conference Hall
You will find attached the agenda for the next CPPEG open meeting. Please come along if you want to know more about accessing general practice and the introduction of care navigators which is supported by Age UK Camden.
Presentation 1: Accessing General Practice (delivering 8 to 8, 7 days a week)
Presenter: Dr Craig Seymour, Clinical Leadership (Darzi) Fellow , Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
Presentation 2: Care Navigators supporting Camden General Practices (Age UK Camden working in partnership with Camden CCG).
Presenter: Sharleen Rudolf, Care Navigator Lead, Age UK Camden
Please RSVP Martin Emery, Community Ownership Manager by email: martin.emery@camdenccg.nhs.uk or Tel: 0203 688 1755

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14th May 2015 – 25th Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Health and Safety training for hard to reach communities
Aimed at migrant workers, unpaid carers, cleaners and people working in the hospitality industry. Some of the most marginalised people – probably working long hours, in dangerous conditions and on low pay.
Health & Safety Essentials helps you stay safe. 16th April 9.45am-1pm at VAC. Free. See training section below.

National News
Right to Volunteer?
As we go to press the Prime Minister has resurrected the Big Society and announced paid leave for volunteering for three days per year. Initial clarifications have been to exclude trades union activity and also to only count volunteering for a registered charity. By next week we hope to have further clarification on this proposal.

Love Your Lungs campaign taking place in Camden in May of this year
Led by Camden Clinical Commissioning Group in partnership with the British Lung Foundation, the campaign aims to raise awareness of COPD, encourage early diagnosis and reduce emergency hospital admissions.
The seven awareness and screening events can be found in the following locations:
Tuesday, 5th May Sainsbury’s, Finchley Road 10am-4pm
Wednesday, 6th May Sainsbury’s, Camden Town 10am-4pm
Thursday, 7th May Sainsbury’s Local, Kentish Town 9.30am-12.30pm
Tuesday, 12th May Morrisons, Chalk Farm 10am-4pm
Wednesday, 13th May Tesco Metro, Caledonian Road, Kings Cross 10am-4pm
TBC Sainsbury’s, Kilburn High Road 10am-4pm
Tuesday, 19th May Sainsbury’s Local, Pentoville Road, Kings Cross 9.30am-12.30pm
If you have any queries about the Love Your Lungs campaign, please contact Farha Sonvadi, Project Assistant at the British Lung Foundation.
T: 020 7688 6025 E: Farha.sonvadi@blf.org.uk

VAC BMER Mental Health Information and Networking Session Monday 27th April
From 2.30pm to 5.00pm at the Roundhouse (Clore Room), 100a Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8EH.
The Session is open to all Camden-based organisations and individuals interested in mental health, including service users, service providers, voluntary and community organisations. There will be speakers from the Roundhouse’s Youth Policy and Engagement Team, Camden Carers Service and Camden Mental Health Commissioners. There will also be plenty of time for networking.
Further details and an agenda will be circulated soon. All are welcome. Email mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk
See all the latest Mental Health events on the VAC website.

New Project to Enable BAME Volunteers
Capital Volunteers is a new project, funded by City Bridge, that will enable BAME young people (aged 18-30) to be better equipped to volunteer and to maximise the opportunity presented to them in their placement.
Through a combination of 1-2-1 support, development workshops, goal setting and appropriate volunteering placements the programme will
~ assist young people to: realise their potential
~ support them with their personal development
~ help them to develop core competencies for any work environment
As well as individuals the project will also support and strengthen established BAME organisations in London to be better placed to take on volunteers and to maximise this resource.
We will also host workshops for BAME organisations that currently use or intend to use volunteers
For more information contact: Tebussum@bteg.co.uk

Free engaging older men training and inspiration session for staff + volunteers on Friday 17 April
If you have any staff and/or volunteers who would like some training and inspiration on great techniques for engaging older men in your activities and services, Abbey Community Centre in Kilburn is hosting a FREE session on Friday 17th April between 10am and 2.00pm.
The session is being delivered by Older Men Engagement Expert, Roger Jones, Coordinator of the older men’s wellbeing network: http://oldermenswellbeing.co.uk/ and is supported with funding provided by Age UK National.
There are six places available in total. You, your staff, your volunteers are welcome to places, and there is no cost other than your firm commitment to the time and the day of the session.
This is the second session Abbey Community Centre has hosted. Please book a place ASAP as spaces are limited.
Contact Laura Wigzell, CTC Coordinator at Abbey Community Centre laura@abbeycc-kilburn.org.uk tel: 07447 932 564 or 020 3397 4583.

Community Health Advocate Volunteers – Spaces Available
• Do you live, work or volunteer in Camden?
• Would you like to support people in your community to improve their health and their access to services that will help them to maintain good health and wellbeing?
• Do you want to develop experience and skills in the field of public health?
• Can you commit at least 2 hours per week?
Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) would like to hear from you. We are training volunteers to become Community Health Advocates in local GP practices and VAC is offering free Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) Level 1 training to those who want to volunteer their time to become Community Health Advocates.
The next course will be run on 20th and 27th April 2015 at 9.30 a.m. at VAC’s offices 293 – 299 Kentish Town Road. This will be followed by a support session on 18th May. For an informal chat about the role and work please contact:
Mandira Manandhar (Mon, Tues and Thurs) 020 7284 6573 or email:mmanandhar@vac.org.uk
or Peter Simonson on projectsupport@vac.org.uk

Camden Adult Community Learning Information and Enrollment Day
Wednesday 22nd April 9.00am to 4.00pm
Adult Learning Centre, Netley Campus 72-76 Stanhope Street, London, NW1 3EX or
Richard Cobden Learning Centre, Camden Street, London, NW1 0LJ
Computers for beginners – Keeping your children safe on the internet – Save money and time online – Family Learning – English – and more …
Crèche available for some courses
For course brochure www.camden.gov.uk/adultlearning
Phone 020 7974 2148 New learners please bring ID

Training Link Open Day
Thursday 16 April 2015 11am to 7pm 54–56 Phoenix Road NW1 1ES (Near Euston & St Pancras stations)
Come along and find out about our courses and projects:
Catering, Food Safety & Hygiene, Customer Care, Introduction to First Aid, Computing, Adult Literacy
One–to–one learning with a volunteer tutor.
Training Link also has some volunteering opportunities. Email:
admin@traininglink.org.uk for more information, or visit our website.
Small classes – Friendly supportive atmosphere – Accessible building, but we do not have a crèche – No fees except for ECDL – Call in and find out more
Weekly free internet café & drop in every Tuesday 3.30pm to 5.30pm
More information: 020-7383-5405 or email: admin@traininglink.org.uk web: www.traininglink.org.uk

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog
The BBC has gathered links to it’s recent progammes on the NHS into one page.

West Hampstead Community Association, Voiceability, Buna, Kentish Town Community Centre, New Horizons Youth Centre, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Olswang Green Seed Fund 2015
Overall £34.2k – up tp £3k per project – will go to creative environmental projects that have real social benefits and are based in *Camden* or *Reading*.
If you have won or applied before and are operating in these areas, consider re-applying. New applications are obviously welcome too. The deadline is midnight on 8th May 2015.
More detail here: www.projectdirt.com/olswangfund
You can view the winners from last year on www.projectdirt.com/olswang

Two New Grants from Locality
First Steps
First Steps gives small community groups the freedom to develop action plans to improve their neighbourhood.
First Steps areas will receive support to decide upon practical actions to make positive changes in their community.
The programme offers 115 communities the opportunity to work together to decide what they do and don’t like and what can be changed.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/first-steps/ for more details.
Community Economic Development
The Community Economic Development (CED) programme is a new initiative designed for local community groups and organisations who want to take a lead in shaping their economies for the benefit of local communities.
If you belong to a community that wants to work towards seeing real economic change in your area – whether this is in food, housing, finance, energy or any other local economic opportunities – then the CED programme will set you on the right path.
The programme provides specialist support, advice and grant funding to help residents, local business and public sector organisations to work together to develop the best ideas to strengthen the local economy.
Click http://mycommunity.org.uk/programme/community-economic-development/ for more details.

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust
New Grant Opportunity for Tackling Poverty in North Campden
£50,000 is to be allocated by the trustees of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust to one or two projects for up to two years. This is to achieve some long term impact on and change in poverty in the Trust’s area of benefit (the old metropolitan borough of Hampstead.) This may be either by preventing problems or reducing their incidence. e.g. poor outcomes in children’s health and education, child care provision, security of housing tenure, reducing debt.
The Trust is keen to facilitate collaborative working amongst its beneficiary organisations. Clarity of outcomes will be needed for funding of any project, together with the organisation’s ability to demonstrate those outcomes.
Trustees would be keen to maintain a close relationship with all grant recipients.
Details of the Grant Allocation Timetable are listed below;
1. An outline of the project and applicant organisation to reach us for shortlisting by 6th May 2015. (one side of A4)
2. Shortlisting Panel to meet week commencing 11th May 2015.
3. Inform short listed applicants week commencing 18t May 2015 and invite more detailed applications by 1st July 2015.
4. Review of applications by Grants Committee on 22nd July 2015.
5. Details of grant award to be conveyed to organisations on 30th July 2015.
For an informal discussion please contact Sheila Taylor, Director & Clerk to the Trustees on 0207 435 1570. Further details about the work of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust, you can visit their website on www.hwct.org.uk.

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
If you would like to sign up to the mailing list and receive information about how to apply, you can register here: http://bit.ly/1GiO8wo
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

A new community fund giving away up to £25,000 for projects that will make a real difference to local communities.
This is ideal for small charities, if you have an idea for a new project, or there’s an existing project that would benefit from additional funding, it’s well worth getting involved to help secure vital funds for your cause.
The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding for projects to help enhance local communities. You can apply for funding to support all kinds of projects, as long as it is for the greater good of the community. To qualify, your project must make a positive difference to people’s lives in one of the following categories:
~ Health, disability and wellbeing
~ Supporting the younger generation
~ Supporting the older generation
~ Community support
There are four different funding levels you can apply for, ranging from £1,000 to up to £25,000. The projects will be put forward to a public vote, with the most popular going through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.
The fund has now launched. You can find out more information on the Aviva Community Fund website.
Some key dates for the competition:
1. Submissions will open on 24th March, until 30th April
2. Voting opens on 1st May – 30th May, so this will be the time to get busy promoting your project to as many friends and family as possible to secure their votes
3. The most-voted for projects asking for up to £1,000 will secure their funding. The projects asking for up to £5,000 or more with the most votes will go through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Do-it Masterclass – Wednesday 22nd April 2015 from 10am – 1pm
Come along to our hands-on session for volunteer coordinators who haven’t managed to sign up to the new Do-it on Wednesday 22nd April, 10am-1pm at Training Link in Somers Town.
The aim of the session will be to get you signed up to the website and give you a chance to explore the new Do-it and how it can be used to add, amend and delete your own opportunities, and start recruiting volunteers to support your organisation.
There will be three 1-hour sessions; 10am, 11am or 12pm. Booking is via Eventbrite, where you can choose which time you would like to attend.
And the masterclass will take place at Training Link, 54-56 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES.

Young People For Inclusion Networking Event
Monday 27th April, 1pm – 4pm Free
Young People for Inclusion are a group of young disabled people aged 13 to 25 living in London.
Y.P.F.I are hosting a networking event at KTCC to bring together young people and organisations offering inclusive activities in Camden.
Come along to learn about activities, groups and services available.
For more information please click here or contact Jennifer.

When the love affair ends’
An exploration of what lies beneath the total collapse which women often experience when a love affair ends.
Presented by Barbara Fletchman Smith
Barbara Fletchman Smith is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice and senior member of the British Psychotherapy Foundation. She comes from a background of child and family, and psychiatric social work in the public and voluntary sectors. She has published two books (2000 and 2011) and has a long standing interest in the consequences for individuals and families of total devotion to the profit motive, which is at the heart of slavery.”
Saturday 30th May 2015 10am for 10.30am – 12:30 noon
Manor Gardens Training Room 10 Manor gardens , London, N7 6JS.
Fees: Free to all members of WTC and Accept
£20 in advance (details of payment given when place confirmed).
£25 (on the door) subject to availability.
If you wish to attend please email the Centre at appointments@womenstherapycentre.co.uk

Housing Crisis?
Tuesday 21 April 2015 Registration: 6pm Debate: 6.30pm. Followed by a drinks and canapé reception
The Eliot Room, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB
An invitation to attend a free debate discussing Social Housing issues
Chair: Thul Khan, Housing Solicitor, Osbornes Solicitors LLP with panellists:
Cllr Matthew Bennett, Lambeth, Cabinet Member for Housing (Labour)
Cllr John Moss, Waltham Forest, Larkswood Ward (Conservative)
Cllr Judith Blakeman, Kensington and Chelsea, Notting Dale Ward (Labour)
Connor Johnston, Barrister, Garden Court Chambers
Further panellists to be announced
To secure your place at this debate please RSVP to events@osbornes.net

Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euson Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in April, May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
The second part will be a creatively facilitated engagement event where refugee women and mainstream women’s services come together to look at what each other is doing, how to improve connections, referrals and communication, facilitating future work and building access to services.
This event is open to representatives from interested London-based mainstream/ statutory agencies and refugee / asylum-seeking women from community organisations who wish to build connections/ new therapy projects.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Setting up a Social/Community Enterprise workshop
Friday 17th April 2015, 9:30am – 4:30pm, Camden
Are you interested in setting up a social enterprise or community business venture which can:
· Sustainably generate an income for your organization or charity?
· Gainfully employ the skills and energies of your members and supporters?
Then attend this workshop and benefit from the practical insights of what it takes to successfully launch and establish a social enterprise or community business venture.
The Setting Up A Social/Community Enterprise Workshop will cover the core areas that need to be addressed to make a success of your social/community enterprise.
The cost of attending this course is £45 per person.
To reserve your place, register your interest, or to learn more about the workshop, email Community Business Venture at : cbvtraining1@gmail.com

Notice of Visually Impaired in Camden Annual General Meeting 2015
Tuesday 21 April 2015 from 2-4pm
At Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR
The AGM will include presentation of the Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2014-15 (which will be distributed to members nearer the time) and the election of the Steering Committee for 2015-16.
Light refreshments will be provided. To help with catering please let Rosemary know if you will be attending the AGM, Tel: 07980 328 959. Thank you. (Note: The AGM is open to VIC members only.)
If you have not already done so, it is now time to renew your membership of VIC. The cost is £7, but donations are always welcome! Membership entitles you to subsidised outings, Christmas lunch and events plus 12 newsletters (packed full of news and information) per year. Cheques should be made payable to Visually Impaired in Camden and sent to VIC, c/o Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, NW1 1EE.

London Hazards Health and Safety training targeted at hard to reach communities
Targeted in particular at migrant workers, unpaid carers, cleaners and people working in the hospitality industry. Some of the most marginalised people – probably working long hours, in dangerous conditions and on low pay.
Health & Safety Essentials
16th April 9.45am-1pm at VAC
Too many people are working in dangerous and unhealthy conditions – and often working long hours for low pay. Job insecurity pushes people to keep their heads down and just get on with the job, even if it’s risking their health. Lots of people may not have the help and support of a trade union. If this sounds like you, then make that change. Attend the London Hazards Centre training and have some fun learning about your rights and how to enforce them. What you will get from the Training:
Main Health & safety legislation – you will be able to identify the main H&S laws
Who is responsible for Health and safety – you will have knowledge of employer and employee responsibilities
Enforcing health & safety – you will be able to identify the principle organisations that enforce H&S
Basic risk assessment – you will be able to recognise risks – learners will be able to carry out a risk assessment
For more information or to book a place please email Paul mail@lhc.org.uk

Green Camden & Project Dirt Celebration Event
18:15 to 20:00, Thursday 23rd April
Castlehaven Community Association, The Community Centre, 21 Castlehaven Road, London NW1 8RU
Do you love Project Dirt? Then this is the event for you!
Green Camden would like to thank you to all of you for being part of our network on Project Dirt, sharing your ideas and helping us grow and develop to provide you with the best green information around.
Come along and celebrate an evening dedicated to our great projects and followers. We’ll also be showcasing some of our local success stories in our latest film, followed by refreshments and networking at the end.
Places are limited, so to avoid disappointment reserve your place here.

Help shape volunteering services in Camden: Focus group for black & minority ethnic organisations
Volunteer Centre Camden are evaluating the service we provide for black and minority ethnic (BME) organisations in Camden, and want to make sure we are using our funding in the most helpful way.
This event will be a focus group discussion where you will be able to tell us what help you need to successfully involve volunteers, and what the Volunteer Centre can do for you. Bring all of your ideas – we’ll be very happy to hear them!
Interested groups can read more and sign up at www.bme-camden.eventbrite.com
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 10am – 1pm, including tasty lunch: Location on request
For more information please contact Shadin Dowson-Zeidan: 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Community Association for West Hampstead seeks Manager
We are a lively and ambitious community organisation – are you the person to lead it?
£19,200 per annum inc London Weighting (FTE £32,000) for 21 hours/week plus 3% contributory pension
We are seeking an energetic and motivated Manager to continue to develop the work of the Association.
The Manager will seek out and take advantage of opportunities to develop new services and activities; manage a range of projects in a number of community venues; manage staff, resources and finances; and raise funds to ensure CAWH’s financial sustainability. The new post holder will be supported by a staff team, a committed board of trustees and skilled volunteers.
Closing date: Monday 13 April 2015 9am. Interviews: Tuesday 21 April 2015
Download recruitment pack from www.westhampsteadcc.org.uk, or contact Community Association for West Hampstead, 17 Dornfell St, London NW6 1QN,Tel: 020 7794 3729; email: info@westhampsteadcc.org.uk

Voiceability Camden Peer Mentoring Pilot Service seeks:
Peer Mentor Co-Ordinator
30 hours per week, £23,299 – £28,299 (pro rata) per annum (inclusive of Inner London Weighting)
To work directly with people with lived experience of mental health problems in Camden. To take an active and meaningful part in the development, delivery and co-ordination of a of a peer mentoring project that improves the quality of life of those delivering and receiving support. The jobholder will be directly responsible for organising 200 peer mentor/mentee engagements over a year, developing and maintaining the service and supporting those involved.
For more information regarding this role or to download an application pack please visit www.voiceability.org or email recruitment@voiceability.org or telephone Dawn Bozok (01223) 555820
Closing date: midnight 12 April 2015. Interviews: 22 and 23 April 2015
Volunteer Peer Mentors

Peer mentors provide one to one short term support and encouragement to people with mental health problems in Camden, to help them regain their confidence and independence.
Opportunities are available for people to use their lived experience of mental health problems to create a short term, supportive and understanding relationship with someone who requires support. You will work with people to identify what you can support them with, and together help them to achieve an improved quality of life. You could be helping someone do things like:
• Accesssing more formal services
• Finding support that works for them in the community
• Regaining confidence and independence.
You will be required to work independently and safely in varied situations, to be able to keep boundaries and support mentees to achieve change in a supportive, non judgmental way. You will need to record the mentee’s progress, and to work with VoiceAbility in reporting on the progress of this pilot.
For more information, contact Rachel or Alex on 0207 3355 7113 or email Rachel.killick@voiceability.org

Coffee Volunteer Wanted
Buna Oromia Coffee, the newly opened organic and Fairtrade coffee at 13 Brecknock road, N7 needs your support.
We are looking for a volunteer to work at our small cafe. Travel expenses paid. Contact Demissie Tulu at d2robi@yahoo.co.uk.

Hilldrop Area Community Association Seeks Head of Centre
£30,000 – £35,000 per annum (21 hours pro-rata) Job reference 15/01 21 hours per week
The post of Head of Centre offers an exciting opportunity to lead the next phase of development for an estate-based, multi-purpose community centre that has been at the heart of the St George’s Ward in Islington for over 30 years. Currently designated as a Community Hub with a remit to join-up local services to maximise the offer to local residents, the HACA has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for local residents, and grow the potential of smaller local organisations.
It is essential that you have excelled at working with local communities and can demonstrate how you have previously managed successful community centres or worked at a senior level in delivering community development programmes. Your ability to foster good community partnerships, and your influencing and public relations skills are also key in relation to achieving community buy in and raising the profile of the Centre.
We encourage you to seek an application pack by email hilldropca.info@gmail.com quoting relevant reference number.
Closing date for applications: Monday 20th April 2015 at 17:00pm
Interviews will be held on: Wednesday 29th April 2015
Hilldrop Area Community Association is an equal opportunity employer

VAC seeks Trustees
Voluntary Action Camden wants to recruit some new trustees. In particular the Executive Committee is looking for people who have knowledge of the needs of different communities, strategic planning, marketing, finance and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. This is a great opportunity to develop your own skills and knowledge by working with an organisation that is well respected and renowned to be an example of good practice and innovation.
To find out more about VAC visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
Please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your contribution please email knunan@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6557.

Volunteering Opportunities at VAC
Voluntary Action Camden is seeking to increase its capacity to provide tailor made support to voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises. We are looking for people with skills and experience in the areas of governance, fundraising, financial management, business planning and the setting up of new organisations.
To find out more about VAC and the services it offers visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
If you are interested in contributing, on a paid or voluntary basis, please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk . If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your possible contribution please email Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk or telephone 020 7284 6557.

Volunteers wanted CRI Services in Camden
CRI is a charity for people whose lives have been affected by substance misuse. CRI supports its clients through structured day programmes including group work, 1-1 key working, counselling and alternative therapies. Volunteers will be trained to eventually manage a small, low risk caseload.
Camden DIP is CRI’s criminal justice service in the Borough. Working closely with the police, prisons and probation the aim is to support clients who are involved in the criminal justice system to reduce their drug use and offending. Volunteer opportunities are also available in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact;
Jane.robinson@cri.org.uk Mobile: 07554435207

Looking for a challenging and rewarding role?
New Horizon Youth Centre works with young homeless/vulnerable people in Kings Cross and is seeking volunteers to support its youth work and advice services from Monday to Sunday. We provide training, support, lunch, travel expenses and the chance to work alongside dynamic and creative team and client group.
Contact us now to find out more
Email info@nhyouthcentre.org.uk or call 0207 388 5560. www.nhyouthcentre.org.uk/

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Good Practice Case Studies – Co-production and Innovation in Health and Care
LVSC has published a new report to help you build on partnership work and co-production between you, other organisations and sectors. Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) may also find this document helpful whilst tendering for contracts or applying for grants. It will also be useful to commissioners, policy makers and Health & Wellbeing Boards when seeking evidence of effective co-production and innovation and the new models of care programme.
The case studies featured in this new LVSC report show the effectiveness of co-production and collaboration between the VCS, policy makers, hospitals and commissioners. They also demonstrate that co-production can increase patient outcomes through preventative approaches in tackling health and care needs, improving health and care by using innovative approaches, and saving the NHS money.

Trust for London Highlights London’s Wealth Gap
The Trust for London has highlighted a number of reports on its website that show a picture of inequality growing in the capital including new LSE research that show Falling incomes hit poorest Londoners hardest, and a report on the impact of inequality in young Londoners. A recent Observer editorial comments on this crisis.

Keep Volunteering Voluntary
Following a successful event “Workfare and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation” the meeting, organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council, called on voluntary organisations to:
• use the KVV resources to promote understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• sign up to support the Keep Volunteering Voluntary campaign and promote it among member organisations.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk)

Office Space to Rent
In a rural farm environment located in the heart of North West London? This office is the place for you.
A good sized office (12 square metres / 129 square feet) located on the first floor of Kentish Town City Farm’s farmhouse building which is available furnished or unfurnished depending upon your needs.
They offer all the facilities you’d expect of a modern office and come with all your broadband and comms infrastructure setup and ready to go.
• Good sized office space (12 sq m / 129 sq ft): available Furnished or Unfurnished.
• Located in a city farm – giving a taste of the countryside in the middle of a bustling city.
• £500 a month with electricity, broadband and heating inclusive.
Contact Gareth Maddocks [gemaddocks@gmail.com]

New Mental Health Carer and User Group
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is setting up a mental health service user and carer steering group. The group, led by two project support managers with lived experience of mental health services in Camden, will work with us to make sure service user and carer opinions, thoughts and ideas are at the centre of mental health services in Camden.
The steering group will meet monthly. There will also be opportunities for members to sit on working groups of various projects within the CCG. The steering group itself will help to define its role, but some ideas for the kind of things they will do are:
• Organise events, research and outreach to engage the wider service user and carer community in the work of the CCG.
• Be part of developing mental health projects with the CCG.
• Raise concerns, worries or risks about mental health services in Camden – and help address these.
This is a new and exciting project, so there will be plenty of opportunities to make it your own!
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please get in touch with Lindsay (Project Support Manager) at mhinvolvement@camdenccg.nhs.uk or on 0203 688 2084 for more information and how to apply.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 20th March 2015

Highlights: Ageing Better in Camden Success; Keep Volunteering Voluntary; Invitation to the Camden Community Education Provider Network FIRST network event; Low Cost Trustee Training; Healthwatch Camden Digest; Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan; Consultation on Staying Healthier Longer; First Thursday London; Budget News; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Ageing Better in Camden Success
The final hurdle with the Big Lottery Fund has been passed and so the tendering process can now start in earnest ready for the launch of services in September.
The revised timetable is here. There are further details at the end of this e-bulletin.
If you have any queries about this please do contact either Corinna Hyman (Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk) or Julia Shelley (Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk).

Keep Volunteering Voluntary
Following a successful event “Workfare and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation” the meeting, organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council, called on voluntary organisations to:
• use the KVV resources to promote understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• sign up to support the Keep Volunteering Voluntary campaign and promote it among member organisations.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk)

Invitation to the Camden Community Education Provider Network FIRST network event
Thursday 26th March 2015 1-5pm (1pm lunch for 2pm start)
This event is a launch for workforce development network and will provide the opportunity to learn more about the Camden Community Education Provider Network (CEPN), meet key people and contribute to the direction of the CEPN through networking, hearing about pilot integration projects and joining facilitated discussion.
The event will take place at Danubius Hotel Regent Park, 18 Lodge Road, St. John’s Wood , NW8 7JT London. Please follow this link for more information about the venue http://www.danubiushotels.com/our-hotels-london/danubius-hotel-regents-park.
We hope you will join us, please register by emailing Naiara Labaca: NLabaca@TavistockConsulting.co.uk

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14th May 2015 – 25th Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Care Act public meeting
Camden Council are hosting a public meeting on the Care Act in Camden.
Wednesday 25 March, 6 to 7.30pm at Charlie Ratchford resource centre, Belmont Street, NW1 8HF
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, Cllr Pat Callaghan will open the meeting.
A presentation on the changes and a question and answer session will then follow.
If you need to assistance to attend or take part in this meeting please phone 020 7974 1801 or email careact@camden.gov.uk

Healthwatch Camden Digest
latest news and information digest here.

15 Minute Advice Sessions
Avadis Solicitors offer 15 minute advice sessions at Camden Law Community Centre every Monday as well as advice sessions at Haverstock School, Queens Crescent Community Centre and Castlehaven Community Centre. Tel: 0207 267 8864

Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan and SEA
The draft Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan will be launched on Monday 16 March for a 6-week consultation with everyone who lives or works in The Kentish Town Forum Area and statutory bodies. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) will also be launched then for a 6-week consultation. The consultation ends on Monday 27 April 2015.
From Monday 16 March you can see the Kentish Town Draft Neighbourhood Plan and the SEA on the KTNF website: www.ktnf.org
You can leave comments about the draft Plan on the KTNF website or by emailing: secretaryatktnf@yahoo.co.uk
You can look at a hard copy of the Plan and leave hand-written comments in Kentish Town Library; in Kentish Town Community Centre, Busby Place or in the Somali Youth Centre, Dowdney Close.

National News
The Budget
have produced a budget briefing and a shorter ‘5 Things You Need to Know’ briefing. There is also useful coverage in Civil Society which gave an overall gloomy assessment and said that “The themes have remained constant for the last decade at least: a lack of sensible long-term funding for solving social problems, a failure to recognise the need for commissioning reform, and a need for effective early intervention funding.” There was some good news for military charities, search and rescue charities, uniformed youth charities and air ambulance charities. However, sector leaders were “shocked” there’s no mention of the promised Local Sustainability Fund – a £40M fund that has been promised for some time and backed by the last three ministers.
Kevin Curley: Infrastructure withers without local funding
The Independent Commission on the Future of Local Infrastructure urges local government and other commissioning bodies to provide core funding for local infrastructure groups, says Kevin in Third Sector. Caroline Schwaller, chair of Navca, says clinical commissioning groups should also fund the core cost of CVSs
Markets Aren’t Working
Kathy Evans, CEO of Children England, says Charities, voluntary groups and the public sector are symbiotic and market competition is eroding our collective resources and our sense of common cause. Public sector markets don’t function to generate cost-effective and high quality public services. Two thoughtful reads from an alternative to the usual sector leaders who dominate the news.

“Mecca: The Sacred City” – Panel Discussion Tuesday, 31 March 2015 from 18:30 to 20:00
British Muslims for Secular Democracy
Join us for what promises to be a lively discussion about Professor Ziauddin Sardar’s latest book: “Mecca: The Sacred City.”
Ziauddin Sardar, an internationally renowned writer, broadcaster and cultural critic, is Director of Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies, East West University, Chicago, and Chair of the Muslim Institute. He is the author of over 50 books, including Reading the Qur’an, Desperately Seeking Paradise, and Balti Britain. His most recent book is “Mecca: The Sacred City.” A former columnist on the New Statesman, he is the editor of Critical Muslim and Consulting Editor of Futures, the monthly journal of policy, planning and cultural studies. Professor Sardar is well known as a public intellectual and appears frequently on radio and television.
Dr John Slight is a Research Fellow in History at St. John’s College, University of Cambridge. Slight’s broad research interest is the history of the Red Sea region, this area’s links with the wider world since c.1850, and the relationship between British imperialism and the Muslim world. This includes imperial interactions with Islamic religious practices, the Middle East during the First World War, and the consequences of imperial policies on the global expansion of Islam.
Chaired by Nasreen Rehman, Chair of British Muslims for Secular Democracy. Book places here.

Consultation on Staying Healthier Longer
Camden Public Health and Adult Social Care are working on developing information which will help people in Camden to stay healthy and independent for longer.
We want to involve residents in developing this information so that we can be certain that it will be a useful resource for everyone to use.
If you are aged between 55 and 75 and are interested in being part of a focus group at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre, Belmonmt Street NW1 8HF
11am on Thursday 2nd April 2015 or you would like further information, please contact Fahim on 020 7974 6345 or email him at Fahim.ahmed@camden.gov.uk

First Thursday London April – Using social media to build your business
Thursday, April 2, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
This month sees us back at The British Library with Debbie Clarke from Heard Media and Tricia Richards from Castlehaven Community Association. And it’s all about how to use Social Media to grow your business.
Debbie has helped a number of Camden community organisations develop their social media media strategy. She has a great understanding of how community organisations, social enterprises and small businesses can use facebook, twitter and a whole host of other platforms to get your brand, your service and your products out there.
One of the organisations Debbie is working with is Castlehaven Community Association and so we’re going to be hearing from Tricia Richards, their Operations Manager, about how it has worked in practice for them.
Book your free place at eventbrite.

The CarAf Centre, Kentish Town Community Centre, The Evelyn Oldfield Unit, New Horizons Youth Centre, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

A new community fund giving away up to £25,000 for projects that will make a real difference to local communities.
This is ideal for small charities, if you have an idea for a new project, or there’s an existing project that would benefit from additional funding, it’s well worth getting involved to help secure vital funds for your cause.
The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding for projects to help enhance local communities. You can apply for funding to support all kinds of projects, as long as it is for the greater good of the community. To qualify, your project must make a positive difference to people’s lives in one of the following categories:
~ Health, disability and wellbeing
~ Supporting the younger generation
~ Supporting the older generation
~ Community support
There are four different funding levels you can apply for, ranging from £1,000 to up to £25,000. The projects will be put forward to a public vote, with the most popular going through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.
The fund launches on 24th March. You can find out more information on the Aviva Community Fund website.
Some key dates for the competition:
1. Submissions will open on 24th March, until 30th April
2. Voting opens on 1st May – 30th May, so this will be the time to get busy promoting your project to as many friends and family as possible to secure their votes
3. The most-voted for projects asking for up to £1,000 will secure their funding. The projects asking for up to £5,000 or more with the most votes will go through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.

The Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust has funding available for vulnerable children
For children (0-18 years), where the parent or carer works / has previously worked, in any aspect of the UK fashion and textile industry. (This is very broad reaching and even covers employees that work in supermarkets that sell clothing!)
We have two different grant types, as follows: (grants typically start at £150)
Wellbeing grants for items including essential items (including clothing, bedding and white goods) therapies, respite activities, mobility equipment, specialist clothing and adaptations to the home.
Education grants for items including specialist tutorial support, learning tools (including specialist tools, books and course equipment), school necessities (including uniform and sports equipment), transport costs and school fees*
*Applications for support with school fees are considered where the state education system has been unable to meet the young person’s needs, and there is no alternative state school.
To make an application, we ask that the parent or carer meets the following criteria:
1. The child must be aged between 0-18 yrs.
2. The parent or full time carer, must currently work or have previously worked in the UK fashion and textile industry
3. The parent is able to show that there is no state provision for the needs of their children

Camden Prevention Challenge: Improving mental health
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. The £750,000 is equally funded by Camden Council, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group and Camden & Islington Foundation Trust.
Camden’s Adult Mental Health Commissioners are hosting 3 events in March to get ideas from mental health service users, providers, carers and practitioners how the money should be best spent.
Ways to contribute:
1. Post comments/ideas on We are Camden webpage
2. Join us at conversation events taking place in March below- please RVSP rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk – places are limited.
3. Contact a Mental Health Commissioner or member of the Mental Health and Substance Misuse Commissioning Team
Conversation one: How can we enable people with mental and physical health to take part in physical activities and music?
Conversation two: What can help people take charge of their mental health?
Queen’s Crescent Community Centre, 45 Ashdown Crescent, London NW5 4QE
Monday 23 March, 2 to 4pm
Conversation three: What would make it easier for people to take part in community activities and opportunities?
Bedford House Gym, Holborn Community Association,35 Emerald Street, London WC1N 3Q
Monday 30 March, 1 to 3pm
After 9th March, Richard Elphick, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner –– richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 8545
Julia Chappell, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner – julia.chappell@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 6651
Rosemary Howes, Mental Health Placement and Performance Co-ordinator in Mental Health Commissioning Team – rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 5070

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
The second part will be a creatively facilitated engagement event where refugee women and mainstream women’s services come together to look at what each other is doing, how to improve connections, referrals and communication, facilitating future work and building access to services.
This event is open to representatives from interested London-based mainstream/ statutory agencies and refugee / asylum-seeking women from community organisations who wish to build connections/ new therapy projects.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Getting Neighbourhood Planning Off the Ground
The Bartlett School of Planning & Just Space. Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Organised by the UCL’s Bartlett School of Planning and JustSpace this workshop event brings together the experience of six London’s neighbourhood forums and of the students and researchers who have worked with them to influence planning policy through the preparation of neighbourhood plans.
Register to participate (free) at: https://eventbrite.com/event/16099505053
Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act in 2010 with the intention to devolve some plan-making powers to local communities. But the preparation of a neighbourhood plan requires access to technical expertise, time and financial resources that are not always available to local communities. These are especially needed in London where neighbourhoods are under intense pressure from new development and regeneration.
At this event you will hear from six London neighbourhood forums about their experience of commissioning technical support from UCL’s students and researchers. The event is organised around six thematic workshops, which focus on learning how to kick-start the preparation of neighbourhood plans and how to organise local knowledge on:
There is a webpage on the UCL-JustSpace website and an Eventbrite page

Climate Change: new directions for local action
13:00, Saturday 28th March to 14:45, Sunday 29th March UCL, Gordon St., London WC1H 0AY
The Climate Coalition and the Low Carbon Communities Network (LCCN) are holding a major conference in London over the weekend of March 28 / 29th 2015. This will bring together people from local action groups across the UK with national NGOs as well as local government and support agencies.
We invite you to help shape this event and to take part. The next year will be a critical one for work on climate change in the UK. The general election and the UN Paris conference will be key events, while issues round divestment, fracking, and renewable energy will also be focal points for action.
Action at a local level will be an essential part of this work. The conference will look at how local action can thrive, with local activists and national NGOs working on issues. Full details at Project Dirt.

Using Data to Support the JSNA and Influence Commissioning
27th March from 10am – 1pm (registration from 9.30am). Conference room Voluntary Action Islington (2nd floor)
Public Health England has developed a number of tools which display suites of indicators for different aspects of health and wellbeing using software called fingertips. These profiles are a rich source of indicators across a range of health and wellbeing themes and have been designed to support JSNA and commissioning to improve health and wellbeing, and reduce inequalities.
This training organised by LVSC and led by Public Health England is mainly intended for voluntary & community sector (VCS) and Healthwatch reps on the Health & Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) but the wider VCS sector is also very welcome to register.
Training objectives:
~ To develop an understanding of the broad range of indicators and datasets available within the fingertips tools.
~ To be able to use the tools to understand how local authorities compare with others and what has happened over time.
~ To be able to export the dataset behind the tools and use locally.
If you register for this training, you will need to bring a laptop as this is a hands-on training session.

Setting up a Social/Community Enterprise workshop
Friday 17th April 2015, 9:30am – 4:30pm, Camden
Are you interested in setting up a social enterprise or community business venture which can:
· Sustainably generate an income for your organization or charity?
· Gainfully employ the skills and energies of your members and supporters?
Then attend this workshop and benefit from the practical insights of what it takes to successfully launch and establish a social enterprise or community business venture.
The Setting Up A Social/Community Enterprise Workshop will cover the core areas that need to be addressed to make a success of your social/community enterprise.
Topics covered will include:
· Having a Quality Idea
· The Leadership skills needed to successfully implement your idea
· The essential first steps you need to take
· How to prepare a business plan
· Legal structures to consider
· Managing People
· Marketing
· Finance
The cost of attending this course is £45 per person.
To reserve your place, register your interest, or to learn more about the workshop, email Community Business Venture at : cbvtraining1@gmail.com

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board meeting will be held on Thursday 26 March,
6.30 for a 7.00 pm start, Committee Rooms 5 & 6, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD.
The meeting will be in two parts; in the first part we will look at what’s being done to reduce Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence in Camden. You will be able to find out how it’s being tackled in the Borough and about the support available to victims and witnesses:
• Chief Superintended Richard Tucker, Head of Camden Police, will provide a report on policing in the Borough.
• There will be a question and answer session where you can raise issues of concern in your area.
Food and refreshments will be available from 6.30 to 7.00 pm.

Hampstead & Kilburn Parliamentary Constituency ‘Hustings’ Meeting, Tuesday 24th March, 7.15pm, at the Tricycle Theatre
Age UK Camden is helping to organise a hustings event where all the prospective parliamentary candidates for Hampstead & Kilburn will talk about their election promises, and answer questions from constituents. All five prospective parliamentary candidates have accepted (Labour, Conservative, Libdem, Green, UKIP), and Geoff Martin, (editor of the Ham & High), is chairing the event. As there is expected to be very a closely-fought battle for the Hampstead & Kilburn seat, this is sure to be an interesting evening and we are expecting a lively debate!
There is an opportunity to pre-log any questions you may have for the panel, and there will also be cards available on the night for questions to be written out, as well as ample opportunity for questions from the floor in the auditorium. The hustings meeting is a joint venture between Age UK Camden, Age UK Brent and the Tricycle Theatre’s Young Company, and as such will be an intergenerational event, and we invite you to continue the evening afterwards in the café with all three organisations.
If you would like to attend, please email Jo at Age UK Camden on Jo.Bartlett-Hubbard@ageukcamden.org.uk, or call her on 020 7239 0400, telling her how many tickets you would like, whether you have any access requirements, and including any questions you would like logged for the panel of candidates.
At 7.15pm on Tuesday 24th March 2015 at Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, London, NW6 7JR

Concert in Aid of Caritas Westminster
JS Back, Psalm 51, Venice Chamber Orchestra, Wednesday 25th March at 8pm at St Anselm and St Cecilia Church, Kingsway, WC2. £10 in advance www.bit.ly/Bach51

Notice of Visually Impaired in Camden Annual General Meeting 2015
Tuesday 21 April 2015 from 2-4pm
At Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR
The AGM will include presentation of the Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2014-15 (which will be distributed to members nearer the time) and the election of the Steering Committee for 2015-16.
Light refreshments will be provided. To help with catering please let Rosemary know if you will be attending the AGM, Tel: 07980 328 959. Thank you.
(Note: The AGM is open to VIC members only.)
Membership Renewal 2015-16
If you have not already done so, it is now time to renew your membership of VIC. The cost is £7, but donations are always welcome! Membership entitles you to subsidised outings, Christmas lunch and events plus 12 newsletters (packed full of news and information) per year. All round terrific value! Cheques should be made payable to Visually Impaired in Camden and sent to VIC, c/o Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, NW1 1EE.

Discover Recovery, Camden’s annual community celebration of recovery.
Wednesday March 25th 11am-4pm. At Arlington Conference Centre (220 Arlington Rd, NW1 7HE)
This will be a celebration and promotion of recovery opportunities and achievements across the borough, with those in recovery at its heart.
The event will be hosted by a partnership of Camden recovery services, including CRI, SHP and NHS foundation Trust, and featuring:
· info stalls by recovery organisations throughout Camden
· programme workshops/tasters
· speakers sharing their recovery story
· recognition awards to recovery role models
· poetry, live music, T-shirt printing, artwork display
· refreshments provided by Camden’s Recovery Cafe (Royal College Street) And much more.

London Hazards Health and Safety training targeted at hard to reach communities
Targeted in particular at migrant workers, unpaid carers, cleaners and people working in the hospitality industry. Some of the most marginalised people – probably working long hours, in dangerous conditions and on low pay.
Health & Safety Essentials
31 March, April 7th, 9th April and 16th April 9.45am-1pm at VAC
Do you want to know your rights when it comes to health & safety?
Do you know who is responsible for enforcing health & safety?
Too many people are working in dangerous and unhealthy conditions – and often working long hours for low pay. Job insecurity pushes people to keep their heads down and just get on with the job, even if it’s risking their health. Lots of people may not have the help and support of a trade union. If this sounds like you, then make that change. Attend the London Hazards Centre training and have some fun learning about your rights and how to enforce them. What you will get from the Training:
Main Health & safety legislation – you will be able to identify the main H&S laws
Who is responsible for Health and safety – you will have knowledge of employer and employee responsibilities
Enforcing health & safety – you will be able to identify the principle organisations that enforce H&S
Basic risk assessment – you will be able to recognise risks – learners will be able to carry out a risk assessment
Sources of advice, information & support.
For more information or to book a place please email Paul mail@lhc.org.uk

Green Camden & Project Dirt Celebration Event
18:15 to 20:00, Thursday 23rd April
Castlehaven Community Association, The Community Centre, 21 Castlehaven Road, London NW1 8RU
Do you love Project Dirt? Then this is the event for you!
Green Camden would like to thank you to all of you for being part of our network on Project Dirt, sharing your ideas and helping us grow and develop to provide you with the best green information around.
Come along and celebrate an evening dedicated to our great projects and followers. We’ll also be showcasing some of our local success stories in our latest film, followed by refreshments and networking at the end.
Places are limited, so to avoid disappointment reserve your place here.

Help shape volunteering services in Camden: Focus group for black & minority ethnic organisations
Volunteer Centre Camden are evaluating the service we provide for black and minority ethnic (BME) organisations in Camden, and want to make sure we are using our funding in the most helpful way.
This event will be a focus group discussion where you will be able to tell us what help you need to successfully involve volunteers, and what the Volunteer Centre can do for you. Bring all of your ideas – we’ll be very happy to hear them!
Interested groups can read more and sign up at www.bme-camden.eventbrite.com
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 10am – 1pm, including tasty lunch: Location on request
For more information please contact Shadin Dowson-Zeidan: 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

‘It’s A Bake Off!’ at Kentish Town Community Centre Saturday 28th March 1.30-5pm.
Bring in cakes to enter or just turn up for some lunch, an egg hunt and tea party. Free, open to all. Bakers must sign up in advance. Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/events for more information. 17 Busby Place, NW5 2SP
Kentish Town Community Cente are also looking for one-off volunteers and Festival Events Assistants, details can be found here https://do-it.org/organisations/kentish-town-community-centre.

Whole Systems Change – co-producing new models of health and care in London
16th April from 2pm till 5pm at Human Rights Action Centre
Take part in LVSC’s exciting new event which will explore co-production between the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities, patient bodies and the statutory and academic sectors in shaping and delivering new models of primary and community care as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View and the Better Health for London report.
The event aims are to:
• Understand the complexities of the current health and care system and the need for change.
• Explore the role of the of the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities and patient bodies in shaping and co-producing the new models of primary and community care as set out in the Five Year Forward View and Better Health for London
There will be interactive workshops on developing a health and care roadmap and manifesto.
Confirmed speaker: Dr Sam Everington, Chair Tower Hamlets CCG. Dr Everington also leads national work on primary care-driven care models and service redesign and is a member on the King’s Fund Board.
Other speakers to be confirmed. Link to registration

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



The CarAf Centre is seeking to appoint an Centre Manager
Salary PO 33 £28,127 (inc of LW) 35hrs per week
The Centre Manager plays a key role in the senior Management Team, you will be responsible for supervising project managers and ensuring the responsible for the smooth running and delivery of The CarAf Centre services. You will be responsible for the supervision of project managers, fundraising and monitoring reports.
The Centre Manager will be required to represent the charity at strategic meetings, forums and events. You will also responsible for the marketing and PR, and social media promotions of The CarAf Centre. We are looking for a dynamic, experienced and innovative individual who strives on challenges and creating new opportunities.
To apply please click the link: www.thecarafcentre.org.uk/about/vacancies download an application form, guidelines and job description for the position above, please complete and return to:
PERSONNEL, The CarAf Centre, 27-30 Cheriton, Queens Crescent, London NW5
Closing Date: Fri 27th March 2015 @ 5pm

Kentish Town Community Centre is recruiting a Centre Manager
Kentish Town Community Centre seeks an inspirational and strategically-minded Centre Manager to formulate and lead the implementation of revised strategies and fundraising/business initiatives in its expanded and improved premises.
For more information or to apply, please visit:
Closing Date: 24th March 2015, 5pm. Interviews: 31st March 2015

The Evelyn Oldfield Unit (EOU) wants to recruit five new Trustees,
EOU is looking to attract applications from individuals with a background in finance, human resources, law, public relations and fundraising experience and/or knowledge of grass roots community development and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. If you are interested in joining us and would like to know more, you can visit our website at www.evelynoldfield.co.uk or contact our Director, Mulat Haregot on mulat@evelynoldfield.co.uk or call on 0207 697 4101.
To apply: Please send your CV and covering letter outlining your reasons for applying to:
Mulat Haregot, Director and Company Secretary, Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA or email: mulat@evelynoldfield.co.uk
Closing date for applications is 31st March 2015; interviews will take place shortly after.

Hilldrop Area Community Association Seeks Head of Centre
£30,000 – £35,000 per annum (21 hours pro-rata) Job reference 15/01 21 hours per week
The post of Head of Centre offers an exciting opportunity to lead the next phase of development for an estate-based, multi-purpose community centre that has been at the heart of the St George’s Ward in Islington for over 30 years. Currently designated as a Community Hub with a remit to join-up local services to maximise the offer to local residents, the HACA has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for local residents, and grow the potential of smaller local organisations.
It is essential that you have excelled at working with local communities and can demonstrate how you have previously managed successful community centres or worked at a senior level in delivering community development programmes. Your ability to foster good community partnerships, and your influencing and public relations skills are also key in relation to achieving community buy in and raising the profile of the Centre.
We encourage you to seek an application pack by email hilldropca.info@gmail.com quoting relevant reference number.
Closing date for applications: Monday 20th April 2015 at 17:00pm
Interviews will be held on: Wednesday 29th April 2015
Hilldrop Area Community Association is an equal opportunity employer

VAC seeks Trustees
Voluntary Action Camden wants to recruit some new trustees. In particular the Executive Committee is looking for people who have knowledge of the needs of different communities, strategic planning, marketing, finance and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. This is a great opportunity to develop your own skills and knowledge by working with an organisation that is well respected and renowned to be an example of good practice and innovation.
To find out more about VAC visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
Please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your contribution please email knunan@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6557.

Volunteering Opportunities at VAC
Voluntary Action Camden is seeking to increase its capacity to provide tailor made support to voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises. We are looking for people with skills and experience in the areas of governance, fundraising, financial management, business planning and the setting up of new organisations.
To find out more about VAC and the services it offers visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
If you are interested in contributing, on a paid or voluntary basis, please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk . If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your possible contribution please email Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk or telephone 020 7284 6557.

Volunteers wanted CRI Services in Camden
CRI is a charity for people whose lives have been affected by substance misuse. CRI supports its clients through structured day programmes including group work, 1-1 key working, counselling and alternative therapies. Volunteers will be trained to eventually manage a small, low risk caseload.
Camden DIP is CRI’s criminal justice service in the Borough. Working closely with the police, prisons and probation the aim is to support clients who are involved in the criminal justice system to reduce their drug use and offending. Volunteer opportunities are also available in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact;
Jane.robinson@cri.org.uk Mobile: 07554435207

Looking for a challenging and rewarding role?
New Horizon Youth Centre works with young homeless/vulnerable people in Kings Cross and is seeking volunteers to support its youth work and advice services from Monday to Sunday. We provide training, support, lunch, travel expenses and the chance to work alongside dynamic and creative team and client group.
Contact us now to find out more
Email info@nhyouthcentre.org.uk or call 0207 388 5560. www.nhyouthcentre.org.uk/

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Office Space to Rent
In a rural farm environment located in the heart of North West London? This office is the place for you.
A good sized office (12 square metres / 129 square feet) located on the first floor of Kentish Town City Farm’s farmhouse building which is available furnished or unfurnished depending upon your needs.
They offer all the facilities you’d expect of a modern office and come with all your broadband and comms infrastructure setup and ready to go.
• Good sized office space (12 sq m / 129 sq ft): available Furnished or Unfurnished.
• Located in a city farm – giving a taste of the countryside in the middle of a bustling city.
• £500 a month with electricity, broadband and heating inclusive.
Contact Gareth Maddocks [gemaddocks@gmail.com]

Lunch Time Football
For 5-a-side & 9-a-side Football
www.hireapitch.com/camden 020 3589 6019 for bookings
Monday to Friday Lunchtime Pitches 12-3pm

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.

Ageing Better in Camden Update 11th March 2015
1. Tendering Process
If you are thinking of applying for any of the tenders already published PLEASE FILL IN PART A ON PAGE 2 of the ‘INVITATION TO TENDER’ AND RETURN. Do not leave this until the submission deadline, because as soon as we receive it you will be included in all the email dialogue between Ageing Better in Camden Programme Managers and other bidders. If you don’t fill it in, you won’t be on the email list for that tender, and will not receive this information which will assist you in preparing your tender. This information will not be sent out to our general mailing list but only to organisations that have completed the Acknowledgment of Tender Form’ .
2. General Update
Ageing Better in Camden submitted a Project Plan to the Big Lottery in December 2015. They have been reviewing it since then, and we hope it will be ‘signed off’ by the end of March. We took a view to press ahead with tendering during this period, because we wanted to start the programme in 1 July 2015.
During this time the Big Lottery have asked over 60 questions, of varying depth, had many phone calls and documentation reviews. One of the issues they wanted Ageing Better in Camden to review was our tendering and procurement. Ageing Better in Camden (unlike some of the Ageing Better areas in other parts of the UK) had wanted to have an open process of procurement, in which all organisations could compete fairly for the projects within the programme. This was supported by the Big Lottery, however they were concerned that Age UK Camden (the lead partner and the Lottery contract holder) could not employ the programme managers to write the specifications and then Age UK apply for the bids. While the Ageing Better in Camden Board supported by colleagues at London Borough of Camden and Camden Clinical Commissioning group, were confident in the internal practices and procedures between the programme managers and the Age UK Camden staff, the Big Lottery were uncomfortable about this potential conflict of interest. The Big Lottery asked Ageing Better in Camden to suspend the tendering and procurement process.
Therefore the Ageing Better in Camden Strategic Board decided along with the Big Lottery that Age UK Camden would not bid for any contracts; however, Age UK Camden would receive the funding for ‘partnership and training’ and ‘LGBT Community Action’ subject to a ”health check” and value for money test. Both services will be overseen by a small working group from the Strategic Board consisting of older people and expert professionals. It is expected that with both services Age UK Camden will not be the sole delivery agency, but will work in partnership with other Camden organisations. These two services were selected for different reasons: The ‘Partnership and Training’ because it complements the work of the Programme Management and the ‘core’ work of the contract; the ‘LGBT Community Action’ because Opening Doors London (based within Age UK Camden) is the lead provider of services to older LGBT people in North London. Opening Doors London are expected to work in partnership with other providers, a meeting of all interested parties will be arranged soon.
Ageing Better in Camden are sorry that this change has had to be made to the published programme of tenders, there have been difficult decisions to make. However, we believe this course of action is the fairest and the most pragmatic to serve the isolated and older people in Camden, and has been approved by the Big Lottery.
The revised timetable is here.
If you have any queries about this please do contact either Corinna Hyman (Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk) or Julia Shelley (Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk).
Please refer to http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/ for updates.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.
