Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 13th March 2015

Highlights: Camden Community Festivals Fund; Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre; Concert in Aid of Caritas Westminster; Live web chat on the Care Act; Lunch Time Football; Mytime Active; Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board meeting; Hampstead & Kilburn Parliamentary Constituency ‘Hustings’ Meeting; Workfare’ and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation; Ageing Better in Camden Update; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Hurry – Closing Monday – Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500.
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000.
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The application process is open from Monday 19th January 2015.
The deadline for completed applications is: 6pm on Thursday 16th March 2015
Full details and links to the forms can be found at https://www.vac.org.uk/camden-community-festivals-fund/
If you would like more information and/or to be sent hard copies of the application forms and the guidelines please contact acharles@vac.org.uk. Tel. 020 7284 6553. Fax. 020 7284 6551. VAC, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Please note your grant is only administered by VAC. For all other aspects of your event please contact Camden Council’s events team. events@camden.gov.uk. Tel: 020 7974 5633.

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14th May 2015 – 25th Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Concert in Aid of Caritas Westminster
JS Back, Psalm 51, Venice Chamber Orchestra, Wednesday 25th March at 8pm at St Anselm and St Cecilia Church, Kingsway, WC2. £10 in advance www.bit.ly/Bach51

Live web chat on the Care Act – Tuesday 17 March, 1 to 2pm
On Tuesday 17 March, Camden Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, Councillor Pat Callaghan will be hosting a live web chat on the Care Act in Camden – to answer any questions you may have on what is changing and what the changes mean for people who use services and carers.
The web chat will be hosted at wearecamden.org/careact
To take part in the discussion you will need to register with We Are Camden – then simply log in on the day to post a comment.
If you can’t take part in the live discussion you can submit a question in advance by emailing careact@camden.gov.uk.
Councillor Callaghan will try to answer as many questions as possible during the session.
You will also be able to view the discussion online afterwards.
Find out more about the Care Act Visit: camden.gov.uk/careact Email: careact@camden.gov.uk Phone: 020 7974 4444
Also Care Act courses are available to book onto via TDSOnline and have a choice of dates and times in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions or if you need help making your booking please contact the training support team:
TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk tel 020 7974 4467/ 3701/ 2821

Lunch Time Football
For 5-a-side & 9-a-side Football
www.hireapitch.com/camden 020 3589 6019 for bookings
Monday to Friday Lunchtime Pitches 12-3pm

Mytime Active are currently running Apples & Pears Healthy Lifestyle and Child Weight Management programmes across the borough of Camden.
Our free services are open to 0-18 years (including postnatal women) and are targeted and child identified as being above a healthy weight. We also provide free workforce training on ‘Raising the Issue of Weight’ which provides front line children’s staff with the knowledge and skills to learn how to sensitively raise the issue of weight with families. We are currently delivering programmes in community venues across the borough and are keen to integrate ourselves into the community as much as possible and link with local organisations. If you would like to find out more about our services or work in partnership together, please contact Ellie Chapman (ellie.chapman@mytimeactive.co.uk/07714 077409).

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board meeting will be held on Thursday 26 March,
6.30 for a 7.00 pm start, Committee Rooms 5 & 6, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD.
The meeting will be in two parts; in the first part we will look at what’s being done to reduce Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence in Camden. You will be able to find out how it’s being tackled in the Borough and about the support available to victims and witnesses:
• Officers from Camden will be providing a presentation on the ‘Know it’s not too late’ initiative aimed at older victims.
• There will be a tabletop exercise allowing attendees to think about how it feels to be a victim of domestic violence and abuse.
During the second part of the meeting we will be finding out about the proposed late night levy and policing across the Borough:
• Camden Council’s Community Safety Team will be a presentation on the consultation currently under way about the introduction of a late night levy.
• Chief Superintended Richard Tucker, Head of Camden Police, will provide a report on policing in the Borough.
• There will be a question and answer session where you can raise issues of concern in your area.
Food and refreshments will be available from 6.30 to 7.00 pm.

Hampstead & Kilburn Parliamentary Constituency ‘Hustings’ Meeting, Tuesday 24th March, 7.15pm, at the Tricycle Theatre
Age UK Camden is helping to organise a hustings event where all the prospective parliamentary candidates for Hampstead & Kilburn will talk about their election promises, and answer questions from constituents. All four prospective parliamentary candidates have accepted, and Geoff Martin, (editor of the Ham & High), is chairing the event. As there is expected to be very a closely-fought battle for the Hampstead & Kilburn seat, this is sure to be an interesting evening and we are expecting a lively debate!
There is an opportunity to pre-log any questions you may have for the panel, and there will also be cards available on the night for questions to be written out, as well as ample opportunity for questions from the floor in the auditorium. The hustings meeting is a joint venture between Age UK Camden, Age UK Brent and the Tricycle Theatre’s Young Company, and as such will be an intergenerational event, and we invite you to continue the evening afterwards in the café with all three organisations.
If you would like to attend, please email Jo at Age UK Camden on Jo.Bartlett-Hubbard@ageukcamden.org.uk, or call her on 020 7239 0400, telling her how many tickets you would like, whether you have any access requirements, and including any questions you would like logged for the panel of candidates.
At 7.15pm on Tuesday 24th March 2015 at Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road, London, NW6 7JR.

National News
The Charity Commission seems to be going beyond its brief
Debra Allcock Tyler has sparked some debate in the sector by asking if it is right that the regulator should seek to influence the funding decisions of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust because of a media storm. Full story on Third Sector.

Voluntary Groups, ‘Workfare’ and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation
Thursday 19th March 12.30-3pm LIFT Islington, 45 White Lion Street, London N1 9PW
The ‘Help to Work Programme’ (introduced last April) is specifically designed to attract the involvement of charities and voluntary groups.
The meeting on the 19th March is organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council. It will provide an opportunity to:
• Spread information about the Help to Work Programme and the ways in which it is being rolled out by the DWP, primes and their subcontractors (including testimony from claimants who have been affected);
• Share information and experiences between participants who have had contact with the Programme;
• Gain greater understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• Help to decide what further action can be taken.
This event will be of particular relevance for volunteer centres, advice agencies, food banks, employment support projects, those operating charity shops and local Councils for Voluntary Services.
The event is free and includes lunch. Please arrive at 12.30pm for a 1pm start to the meeting. You can find out more and register for the event here.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk) and Boycott Workfare (http://www.boycottworkfare.org/) websites.

Ageing Better in Camden Update 11th March 2015
1. Tendering Process
If you are thinking of applying for any of the tenders already published PLEASE FILL IN PART A ON PAGE 2 of the ‘INVITATION TO TENDER’ AND RETURN. Do not leave this until the submission deadline, because as soon as we receive it you will be included in all the email dialogue between Ageing Better in Camden Programme Managers and other bidders. If you don’t fill it in, you won’t be on the email list for that tender, and will not receive this information which will assist you in preparing your tender. This information will not be sent out to our general mailing list but only to organisations that have completed the Acknowledgment of Tender Form’ .
2. General Update
Ageing Better in Camden submitted a Project Plan to the Big Lottery in December 2015. They have been reviewing it since then, and we hope it will be ‘signed off’ by the end of March. We took a view to press ahead with tendering during this period, because we wanted to start the programme in 1 July 2015.
During this time the Big Lottery have asked over 60 questions, of varying depth, had many phone calls and documentation reviews. One of the issues they wanted Ageing Better in Camden to review was our tendering and procurement. Ageing Better in Camden (unlike some of the Ageing Better areas in other parts of the UK) had wanted to have an open process of procurement, in which all organisations could compete fairly for the projects within the programme. This was supported by the Big Lottery, however they were concerned that Age UK Camden (the lead partner and the Lottery contract holder) could not employ the programme managers to write the specifications and then Age UK apply for the bids. While the Ageing Better in Camden Board supported by colleagues at London Borough of Camden and Camden Clinical Commissioning group, were confident in the internal practices and procedures between the programme managers and the Age UK Camden staff, the Big Lottery were uncomfortable about this potential conflict of interest. The Big Lottery asked Ageing Better in Camden to suspend the tendering and procurement process.
Therefore the Ageing Better in Camden Strategic Board decided along with the Big Lottery that Age UK Camden would not bid for any contracts; however, Age UK Camden would receive the funding for ‘partnership and training’ and ‘LGBT Community Action’ subject to a ”health check” and value for money test. Both services will be overseen by a small working group from the Strategic Board consisting of older people and expert professionals. It is expected that with both services Age UK Camden will not be the sole delivery agency, but will work in partnership with other Camden organisations. These two services were selected for different reasons: The ‘Partnership and Training’ because it complements the work of the Programme Management and the ‘core’ work of the contract; the ‘LGBT Community Action’ because Opening Doors London (based within Age UK Camden) is the lead provider of services to older LGBT people in North London. Opening Doors London are expected to work in partnership with other providers, a meeting of all interested parties will be arranged soon.
Ageing Better in Camden are sorry that this change has had to be made to the published programme of tenders, there have been difficult decisions to make. However, we believe this course of action is the fairest and the most pragmatic to serve the isolated and older people in Camden, and has been approved by the Big Lottery.
The revised timetable is here.
If you have any queries about this please do contact either Corinna Hyman (Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk) or Julia Shelley (Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk).

Book Sale This Saturday
Tomorrow – Saturday 14 March, 11am to 3 pm at St Pancras Community Association Centre at 30 Camden Street, London NW1 (opposite the Sports Pitches behind Richard Cobden School).
Come and browse a great selection of second hand books. Prices 25p to £2. Entrance fee 50p which includes tea or coffee. All proceeds to help fund Women and Health in Carol Street and St Pancras Community Association (SPCA).

The March edition of the Capacity Building Bulletin is Available Now.
Camden have implemented some changes in this month’s bulletin to make it easier to use. These include taking out the ‘Funders’ section of the bulletin and keeping it as a separate PDF (There are links to this PDF on the same page as the bulletin and within the bulletin itself with alerts on upcoming deadlines).We have added in a ‘Highlights’ section for funding/training/event opportunities that we believe would be particularly valuable to the sector.
It is important for organisations to note that the bulletin operates as a complementary supplement to the VAC newsletter and that the primary purpose of the bulletin is to promote funding and training opportunities for the sector.
The Third Sector Team would appreciate hearing some feedback on the following:
– The new format of the bulletin
– Any information that you think should or shouldn’t be in the bulletin
– Any further changes we could make to the format of the bulletin
– General feedback on other aspects of the bulletin that you would like to comment on
Please send all feedback to me at this email address – noor.al-baddawy@camden.gov.uk

UK Deaf Sport, New Horizons Youth Centre, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Tender Education & Arts- A call for new partners. Increasing our Social Impact
Following the successful recruitment of our first two Social Franchise Partners in Hull and Kent, Tender is now inviting expressions of interest from organisations who would like to join the partnership of a national response to violence prevention in the lives of young people.
Tender is a London charity, working to end domestic abuse and sexual coercion and violence through arts-based prevention programmes in schools, youth centres, Pupil Referral Units and Youth Offending Teams.
We are now ready to share this model with more partners across the UK. We are looking to work with like minded organisations with a track record of funded programme delivery and ideally, existing relationships with schools and out-of-school settings.
To obtain an information document giving full details of the social franchise system, please email Susie McDonald, susie@tender.org.uk, marking your email ‘Tender Social Franchise’.

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

A new community fund giving away up to £25,000 for projects that will make a real difference to local communities.
This is ideal for small charities, if you have an idea for a new project, or there’s an existing project that would benefit from additional funding, it’s well worth getting involved to help secure vital funds for your cause.
The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding for projects to help enhance local communities. You can apply for funding to support all kinds of projects, as long as it is for the greater good of the community. To qualify, your project must make a positive difference to people’s lives in one of the following categories:
~ Health, disability and wellbeing
~ Supporting the younger generation
~ Supporting the older generation
~ Community support
There are four different funding levels you can apply for, ranging from £1,000 to up to £25,000. The projects will be put forward to a public vote, with the most popular going through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.
The fund launches on 24th March. You can find out more information on the Aviva Community Fund website.
Some key dates for the competition:
1. Submissions will open on 24th March, until 30th April
2. Voting opens on 1st May – 30th May, so this will be the time to get busy promoting your project to as many friends and family as possible to secure their votes
3. The most-voted for projects asking for up to £1,000 will secure their funding. The projects asking for up to £5,000 or more with the most votes will go through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.

The Camden Hive – A new crowdfunding website to help you make Camden even better
Have an idea to make Camden even better? Need funding? The Camden Hive page on the crowdfunding website Spacehive brings together projects for the public good by people who live, work or play in Camden. Your idea needs to be in Camden, costed and open to the public. Choose a fundraising target and how long to run your campaign. Then upload an explanation of your idea plus photos or a video and get a totaliser showing the time left and who has pledged money so far. Use your networks, social media, email and the press to attract pledges of support. If you hit your target in your chosen period, you get the money to start work and Spacehive take a small sum for costs and Paypal charges. As with most crowdfunding sites, if your project misses its target no-one’s account is debited, but you may still get publicity and in-kind support. More info at Project Dirt
On Tuesday 10 March Spacehive is running a workshop to show how to create a project on the Camden Hive, 6-8pm at the council’s new premises at 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG. To book, email nick.wilson-young@camden.gov.uk

The Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust has funding available for vulnerable children
For children (0-18 years), where the parent or carer works / has previously worked, in any aspect of the UK fashion and textile industry. (This is very broad reaching and even covers employees that work in supermarkets that sell clothing!)
We have two different grant types, as follows: (grants typically start at £150)
Wellbeing grants for items including essential items (including clothing, bedding and white goods) therapies, respite activities, mobility equipment, specialist clothing and adaptations to the home.
Education grants for items including specialist tutorial support, learning tools (including specialist tools, books and course equipment), school necessities (including uniform and sports equipment), transport costs and school fees*
*Applications for support with school fees are considered where the state education system has been unable to meet the young person’s needs, and there is no alternative state school.
To make an application, we ask that the parent or carer meets the following criteria:
1. The child must be aged between 0-18 yrs.
2. The parent or full time carer, must currently work or have previously worked in the UK fashion and textile industry
3. The parent is able to show that there is no state provision for the needs of their children

Ageing Better in Camden Announce Invitations to Tender
Ageing Better in Camden has now published the Invitation for Tender Documentation for the Digital Inclusion Project and the Intergenerational Activities Project on the Age UK Camden website. Ageing Better apologise for the delay. http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/.
Please note that there is an ‘Acknowledgement of Tender Form’ in the ‘Invitation for Tender Documentation’.
Ageing Better in Camden need to receive this form, so that you can be included in the clarification dialogue between Ageing Better in Camden and other bidders about the tendering documentation and process.
The revised timetable for the tendering process is also on the website.
Please note that the Intergenerational Activities Project now covers children (under 18 years old) AND younger adults (18 – 40 year olds) across Camden.
Please refer to http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/ for updates.

Camden Prevention Challenge: Improving mental health
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. The £750,000 is equally funded by Camden Council, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group and Camden & Islington Foundation Trust.
Camden’s Adult Mental Health Commissioners are hosting 3 events in March to get ideas from mental health service users, providers, carers and practitioners how the money should be best spent.
Ways to contribute:
1. Post comments/ideas on We are Camden webpage
2. Join us at conversation events taking place in March below- please RVSP rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk – places are limited.
3. Contact a Mental Health Commissioner or member of the Mental Health and Substance Misuse Commissioning Team
Conversation one: How can we enable people with mental and physical health to take part in physical activities and music?
Conversation two: What can help people take charge of their mental health?
Queen’s Crescent Community Centre, 45 Ashdown Crescent, London NW5 4QE
Monday 23 March, 2 to 4pm
Conversation three: What would make it easier for people to take part in community activities and opportunities?
Bedford House Gym, Holborn Community Association,35 Emerald Street, London WC1N 3Q
Monday 30 March, 1 to 3pm
After 9th March, Richard Elphick, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner –– richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 8545
Julia Chappell, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner – julia.chappell@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 6651
Rosemary Howes, Mental Health Placement and Performance Co-ordinator in Mental Health Commissioning Team – rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 5070

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction
  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


AgeUKCamden Retirement Planning Training
Plan Ahead this New Year – Don’t accidentally leave your assets to the tax man or a distant relative not seen for 40 years. Age UK Camden is encouraging older people to take some time this New Year to ‘Plan Ahead’ to ensure that all financial and legal matters are in order. The charity is running a series of information events where people can find out more about personal wealth planning, tax including inheritance tax, trusts, pensions, investments, and much more.
The information sessions, which will be held on the 18th March 2015 at 11.30am in West Hampstead Library, Dennington Park Road, London NW6 1AU and on the 21st May 2015 at 14.30 in Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA will provide older people with the opportunity to speak to qualified financial and legal advisors, who can assist people to arrange their legal and financial matters, including wills, tax planning, inheritance tax and equity release.
There will also be a series of “pop-up” events across Camden which will inform older people of all of the aspects of financial and legal planning that they need to be aware of, followed by one-to-one appointments to discuss their individual situations. On legal planning, powers of attorney are a useful option for many to consider, and on finances planning ahead for the cost of care is a worry to many.
To attend one of the information sessions, or to find out more about the Plan Ahead project, Contact the Advice team on 020 7837 3777 or duty@ageukcamden.org.uk

Notice of Visually Impaired in Camden Annual General Meeting 2015
Tuesday 21 April 2015 from 2-4pm
At Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR
The AGM will include presentation of the Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2014-15 (which will be distributed to members nearer the time) and the election of the Steering Committee for 2015-16.
Light refreshments will be provided. To help with catering please let Rosemary know if you will be attending the AGM, Tel: 07980 328 959. Thank you.
(Note: The AGM is open to VIC members only.)
Membership Renewal 2015-16
If you have not already done so, it is now time to renew your membership of VIC. The cost is £7, but donations are always welcome! Membership entitles you to subsidised outings, Christmas lunch and events plus 12 newsletters (packed full of news and information) per year. All round terrific value! Cheques should be made payable to Visually Impaired in Camden and sent to VIC, c/o Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, NW1 1EE.

Discover Recovery, Camden’s annual community celebration of recovery.
Wednesday March 25th 11am-4pm. At Arlington Conference Centre (220 Arlington Rd, NW1 7HE)
This will be a celebration and promotion of recovery opportunities and achievements across the borough, with those in recovery at its heart.
The event will be hosted by a partnership of Camden recovery services, including CRI, SHP and NHS foundation Trust, and featuring:
· info stalls by recovery organisations throughout Camden
· programme workshops/tasters
· speakers sharing their recovery story
· recognition awards to recovery role models
· poetry
· live music
· T-shirt printing
· artwork display
· refreshments provided by Camden’s Recovery Cafe (Royal College Street) And much more.

London Hazards Health and Safety training targeted at hard to reach communities
Targeted in particular at migrant workers, unpaid carers, cleaners and people working in the hospitality industry. Some of the most marginalised people – probably working long hours, in dangerous conditions and on low pay.
Health & Safety Essentials
31 March, April 7th, 9th April and 16th April 9.45am-1pm at VAC
Do you want to know your rights when it comes to health & safety?
Do you know who is responsible for enforcing health & safety?
Too many people are working in dangerous and unhealthy conditions – and often working long hours for low pay. Job insecurity pushes people to keep their heads down and just get on with the job, even if it’s risking their health. Lots of people may not have the help and support of a trade union. If this sounds like you, then make that change. Attend the London Hazards Centre training and have some fun learning about your rights and how to enforce them. What you will get from the Training:
Main Health & safety legislation – you will be able to identify the main H&S laws
Who is responsible for Health and safety – you will have knowledge of employer and employee responsibilities
Enforcing health & safety – you will be able to identify the principle organisations that enforce H&S
Basic risk assessment – you will be able to recognise risks – learners will be able to carry out a risk assessment
Sources of advice, information & support.
For more information or to book a place please email Paul mail@lhc.org.uk

Help shape volunteering services in Camden: Focus group for black & minority ethnic organisations
Volunteer Centre Camden are evaluating the service we provide for black and minority ethnic (BME) organisations in Camden, and want to make sure we are using our funding in the most helpful way.
This event will be a focus group discussion where you will be able to tell us what help you need to successfully involve volunteers, and what the Volunteer Centre can do for you. Bring all of your ideas – we’ll be very happy to hear them!
Interested groups can read more and sign up at www.bme-camden.eventbrite.com
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 10am – 1pm, including tasty lunch: Location on request
For more information please contact Shadin Dowson-Zeidan: 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Bloomsbury Babies is growing up, Monday, 16 March 2015 from 10:00 to 12:00
Of course we still love babies, but now we offer lots of great flexible working services for parents….Join us for a fun and informative morning of networking and the launch of our new website:
– free creche
– Julie MacDonald, Al Jazeera presenter and mumpreneur talks about her blog ‘The Daily Juggle’
– our Parent-Cubator entrepreneurs showcase their new businesses.
– business experts provide 1:1 advice for start ups and free lancers
Do you have questions about Bloomsbury Beginnings Launch Event with TV Presenter Julie MacDonald? Contact Bloomsbury Beginnings. Book at Eventbrite

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

‘It’s A Bake Off!’ at Kentish Town Community Centre Saturday 28th March 1.30-5pm.
Bring in cakes to enter or just turn up for some lunch, an egg hunt and tea party. Free, open to all. Bakers must sign up in advance. Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/events for more information. 17 Busby Place, NW5 2SP
Kentish Town Community Cente are also looking for one-off volunteers and Festival Events Assistants, details can be found here https://do-it.org/organisations/kentish-town-community-centre.

Lunchtime Volunteering Fair with Volunteer Centre Camden
Looking for volunteers? Come and meet people who want to volunteer at our next volunteering fair
Thursday 19th March, 12-2pm
Clarence Way Hall, Bradfield Court Off Hawley Road, NW1 8RN
Check out all of the details here. And book your place via eventbrite here.

Whole Systems Change – co-producing new models of health and care in London
16th April from 2pm till 5pm at Human Rights Action Centre
Take part in LVSC’s exciting new event which will explore co-production between the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities, patient bodies and the statutory and academic sectors in shaping and delivering new models of primary and community care as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View and the Better Health for London report.
The event aims are to:
• Understand the complexities of the current health and care system and the need for change.
• Explore the role of the of the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities and patient bodies in shaping and co-producing the new models of primary and community care as set out in the Five Year Forward View and Better Health for London
There will be interactive workshops on developing a health and care roadmap and manifesto.
Confirmed speaker: Dr Sam Everington, Chair Tower Hamlets CCG. Dr Everington also leads national work on primary care-driven care models and service redesign and is a member on the King’s Fund Board.
Other speakers to be confirmed. Link to registration

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Hilldrop Area Community Association Seeks Head of Centre
£30,000 – £35,000 per annum (21 hours pro-rata) Job reference 15/01 21 hours per week
The post of Head of Centre offers an exciting opportunity to lead the next phase of development for an estate-based, multi-purpose community centre that has been at the heart of the St George’s Ward in Islington for over 30 years. Currently designated as a Community Hub with a remit to join-up local services to maximise the offer to local residents, the HACA has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for local residents, and grow the potential of smaller local organisations.
It is essential that you have excelled at working with local communities and can demonstrate how you have previously managed successful community centres or worked at a senior level in delivering community development programmes. Your ability to foster good community partnerships, and your influencing and public relations skills are also key in relation to achieving community buy in and raising the profile of the Centre.
We encourage you to seek an application pack by email hilldropca.info@gmail.com quoting relevant reference number.
Closing date for applications: Monday 20th April 2015 at 17:00pm
Interviews will be held on: Wednesday 29th April 2015
Hilldrop Area Community Association is an equal opportunity employer

Job opportunity – Carers’ Training and Activities Co-ordinator
We are looking to appoint a Training and Activities Co-ordinator who will develop, co-ordinate and deliver an exciting and comprehensive programme of training and activities that will meet the needs of carers in the borough.
An application pack can be downloaded by going to http://www.camdencs.org.uk/get-involved or by emailing info@camdencarers.org.uk or by telephoning 020 7428 8950.
The closing date for applications is Sunday 22nd March. Interview will be held on Thursday 2nd April.

VAC seeks Trustees
Voluntary Action Camden wants to recruit some new trustees. In particular the Executive Committee is looking for people who have knowledge of the needs of different communities, strategic planning, marketing, finance and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. This is a great opportunity to develop your own skills and knowledge by working with an organisation that is well respected and renowned to be an example of good practice and innovation.
To find out more about VAC visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
Please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your contribution please email knunan@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6557.

Volunteering Opportunities at VAC
Voluntary Action Camden is seeking to increase its capacity to provide tailor made support to voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises. We are looking for people with skills and experience in the areas of governance, fundraising, financial management, business planning and the setting up of new organisations.
To find out more about VAC and the services it offers visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
If you are interested in contributing, on a paid or voluntary basis, please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk . If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your possible contribution please email Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk or telephone 020 7284 6557.

Volunteers wanted CRI Services in Camden
CRI is a charity for people whose lives have been affected by substance misuse. CRI supports its clients through structured day programmes including group work, 1-1 key working, counselling and alternative therapies. Volunteers will be trained to eventually manage a small, low risk caseload.
Camden DIP is CRI’s criminal justice service in the Borough. Working closely with the police, prisons and probation the aim is to support clients who are involved in the criminal justice system to reduce their drug use and offending. Volunteer opportunities are also available in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact;
Jane.robinson@cri.org.uk Mobile: 07554435207

Creating Deaf Sport Coaches
For a limited time UK Deaf Sport are offering financial support for people who want to become coaches in deaf sport.
The aim of the bursary is to increase the numbers of coaches in deaf grass roots sport
Ideally you will be a person who is deaf or hard of hearing or somebody from the deaf community who wants to be involved in coaching people who are deaf or hard of hearing in sport.
We are looking for people who want to begin coaching by taking their first level 1 qualification and those looking to progress from level 1 to level 2
The coach bursary scheme is open for a limited time only from 1st February to 20th of March 2015.
Applications must use the form and be submitted either in writing or via e mail to the National Participation Officer no later than 20th March 2015. Click here to find out more.

Looking for a challenging and rewarding role?
New Horizon Youth Centre works with young homeless/vulnerable people in Kings Cross and is seeking volunteers to support its youth work and advice services from Monday to Sunday. We provide training, support, lunch, travel expenses and the chance to work alongside dynamic and creative team and client group.
Contact us now to find out more
Email info@nhyouthcentre.org.uk or call 0207 388 5560. www.nhyouthcentre.org.uk/

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Camden Carers Service seeks Befrienders
Would you like to help older carers around the borough of Camden have a better social life too? Do you value older people? Do you have time available in the day? Are you friendly and reliable?
Camden Carers Service is launching a new project to provide befriending and support for our older carers. We are looking to recruit volunteers interested in befriending from a range of backgrounds, varying life experiences and across all ages. People who are friendly, patient, good listeners and understanding will be spending time with carers on a weekly basis for a couple of hours or so.
Volunteering with CCS as a befriender means you provide support (typically up to 12 weeks) for older carers after the initial introduction process. You will need to be able to visit your befriendees regularly for minimum of 3 hours per week. DBS check required. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information contact tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


The Best Ever Case for Grants – NHS England Produces Ground Breaking Guidance on Grants
We all know that grants are a fundamentally important part of the funding mix for voluntary sector organisations. A new publication from NHS England is a great new tool to make the case to commissioners.
Bite-size Guide to Grants aims to support clinical commissioners to better understand grants and can be used in your work with CCGs. It outlines the benefits and principles of providing grant funding for the voluntary sector and suggests practical steps for commissioners about using grants to support priorities.
NHS England worked with some of the strategic partners, including NAVCA, to produce the guide. It has been published alongside a non-mandatory grant agreement which CCGs are able to use and adapt. NHS England has said that they are committed to working with voluntary sector partners to develop this agreement over the coming year and to publish other resources to support commissioners to work with the sector. Please draw the attention of your commissioners to this important guide. More information at Faith Action. David Ainsworth, Deputy Editor, Charity Finance has written an interesting article in support of grants as well, and decrying the governments attitude to them.

Room sought by Drukpa UK (to rent)
Drukpa UK is a registered charity which aims to promote public education about Buddhism, particularly but not exclusively, Tibetan Buddhism. It aims to benefit society by relieving poverty, sickness and distress around the world, providing financial help and assistance.
Drukpa UK operated from premises in Primrose Hill where it delivered Qi-gong and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (non religious) classes for the local community, as well as teaching and practice sessions on Buddhism.
Unfortunately, we had to leave the premises in September 2014 as the building was being demolished for new housing. Drukpa UK is seeking a room to rent (at least 20ft x 20ft) and space for keeping certain items such as cushions, plates, etc. preferably in a small locked cupboard.
If you feel you can help please contact london@drukpa.org.uk

New Draft Local Plan
The new Local Plan, like a neighbourhood plan, has to follow a statutory process which takes some time. This is the first formal stage in the process and we will produce an amended version of the plan towards the end of the year for further consultation before submitting to the Planning Inspectorate for public examination. The new Local Plan is not therefore expected to be adopted until 2016. Until the Local Plan is adopted by the Council, the basic condition requirement for conformity with the Council’s strategic policies continues to apply to our existing policy documents. Any implications of the emerging local plan on neighbourhood plans can be discussed as part of on-going engagement between the Council and individual forums.
Some of the updated evidence we have gathered to inform the review of the Council’s planning policies may be helpful for your work if you have not already seen it and is available on the web site under ‘evidence base’. www.camden.gov.uk/localplan
There will be some community group meetings as part of the consultation on the draft Local Plan, where there will be an opportunity to discuss the proposed changes in more detail. An invitation email will be sent out soon.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 6th March 2015

Highlights: Live web chat on the Care Act; Care and support information day; VAC’s New Website and Annual Report; International Women’s Day; Voluntary Groups, ‘Workfare’ and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation; The Best Ever Case for Grants; Camden Intergenerational week; Help shape volunteering services in Camden; Combating Hate Crimes and Xenophobia through Restorative Justice ; London Hazards Health and Safety training; Book Sale; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Live web chat on the Care Act – Tuesday 17 March, 1 to 2pm
On Tuesday 17 March, Camden Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, Councillor Pat Callaghan will be hosting a live web chat on the Care Act in Camden – to answer any questions you may have on what is changing and what the changes mean for people who use services and carers.
The web chat will be hosted at wearecamden.org/careact
To take part in the discussion you will need to register with We Are Camden – then simply log in on the day to post a comment.
If you can’t take part in the live discussion you can submit a question in advance by emailing careact@camden.gov.uk.
Councillor Callaghan will try to answer as many questions as possible during the session.
You will also be able to view the discussion online afterwards.
Find out more about the Care Act Visit: camden.gov.uk/careact Email: careact@camden.gov.uk Phone: 020 7974 4444
Also Care Act courses are available to book onto via TDSOnline and have a choice of dates and times in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions or if you need help making your booking please contact the training support team:
TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk tel 020 7974 4467/ 3701/ 2821

Care and support information day – Wednesday 11 March 2015
Find out how care and support is changing in Camden and the help available to you at an information day at Swiss Cottage library.
To mark the launch of new Camden Care Choices website – your first stop for information and advice about care and support – an information day is being held for you to find out about the information, advice and wide range of support available to you in the borough.
Drop in anytime throughout the day to:
• learn about Camden Care Choices, the marketplace directory and online needs assessment
• find out about the Care Act and how it will affect you
• meet local organisations including Age UK Camden, Camden Carers and many more to find out about the range of services they offer
• speak to social care staff
• get free money advice, a free NHS health check and much more
Wednesday 11 March 10am to 4pm – drop in any time at Swiss Cottage library, 88 Avenue Road, London NW3
For more information about the event: Email: careact@camden.gov.uk Phone: 020 7974 6345

VAC’s New Website and Annual Report
Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) works to support people and organisations to have the confidence to respond effectively to the challenges that we all now face.
To strengthen the quality of VAC’s work a new web site has been developed and we would like to invite you to tell us what you think about it. We would really value your feedback. Just follow this link https://vac.org.uk/ and email your thoughts to alexcharles@vac.org.uk
I am also attaching a link to VAC’s Annual Report for 2013/14.
The report details the value of VAC’s work and the voluntary and community sector set against four investment tests.

International Women’s Day
At West Hampstead Women’s Centre, Wednesday 11th March 2015, 1-3pm Celebration, 3-4pm AGM
Music, food, raffle & performances
Come and celebrate international women’s day with us, have fun and enjoy yourself!
Members Free. Non Members £5 Donation
Help us to keep providing good services by renewing your membership!
West Hampstead Women’s Centre, 26 – 30 Cotleigh Road, West Hampstead, London, NW6 2NP Tel: 020 7328 7389 Email: info@whwc.org.uk Website: www.whwc.org.uk

This Sunday is International Women’s Day at Torriano Meeting House
3pm Sunday 8th March: Heroines of the Revolution, a celebratory theatrical event from the New Factory of the Eccentric Actor. Free.
7.30pm Torriano Poetry: Guest poets are Lisa Kelly and David Floyd. Readers from the floor welcome. £5/£4 according to pocket

International Women’s Day Celebration 8th March
Celebrate International Women’s Day at an evening (6.30 to 9.00) dedicated to the plight of women and children in the Middle East fleeing war, rape, death and fundamentalism in the second decade of 21st century.
Come along with your family members and friends and enjoy a memorable evening.
Hanley Crouch Community Association The Laundry Sparsholt Road London N19 4EL Buses: W7, W3, 210, 91 Overground: Crouch Hill

The Best Ever Case for Grants – NHS England Produces Ground Breaking Guidance on Grants
We all know that grants are a fundamentally important part of the funding mix for voluntary sector organisations. A new publication from NHS England is a great new tool to make the case to commissioners.
Bite-size Guide to Grants aims to support clinical commissioners to better understand grants and can be used in your work with CCGs. It outlines the benefits and principles of providing grant funding for the voluntary sector and suggests practical steps for commissioners about using grants to support priorities.
NHS England worked with some of the strategic partners, including NAVCA, to produce the guide. It has been published alongside a non-mandatory grant agreement which CCGs are able to use and adapt. NHS England has said that they are committed to working with voluntary sector partners to develop this agreement over the coming year and to publish other resources to support commissioners to work with the sector. Please draw the attention of your commissioners to this important guide. More information at Faith Action. David Ainsworth, Deputy Editor, Charity Finance has written an interesting article in support of grants as well, and decrying the governments attitude to them.

National News
Angry Reaction to Further Government Attacks on the Sector’s Voice
Charities and other organisations will not be allowed to use Department for Communities and Local Government grants to lobby Parliament, government or political parties, Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said last week.
In a statement published on gov.uk, Pickles said that using taxpayers’ funds to lobby government wastes public money and undermines transparency. LibDem and Labour MPs reacted angrily and denounced Eric Pickles’ assertion that charities would be stripped of grants if they campaigned against government, and said they would reverse such measures if they held power after the election. Lisa Nandy MP said “We’re learning nothing here,” she said. “We’ve had the shambles of the Lobbying Act and now we have this” Sector Leaders also condemned Pickles – Acevo said this is “squalid… It misunderstands our role in ensuring effective policy making in government.” The most powerful advocate of the sector’s role in speaking up for our members and users came from NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens who said that voluntary organisations are the “eyes and ears and advocates for change”. He said that the state should never trade away sector’s campaigning role for participation.
Fighting for the soul of the voluntary sector
IRR News has commented on the ways in which privatisation, subcontracting and marketisation are infiltrating voluntary groups in the race and refugee sectors, potentially changing priorities and presenting challenges. Full article availabe on the IRR website.
Opposing Views on the Value of Data
Data is often pointless, dangerous and counterproductive says DSC chief
Charities spend too much time collecting and measuring data and should rely more on their personal understanding of beneficiaries, Debra Allcock Tyler, chief executive of the Directory of Social Change told a data seminar yesterday. Allcock Tyler said charities need to challenge funders that ask for sets of data.
“Never provide data just because a funder asks us for it,” she said. “If somebody says to you ‘give me the evidence’, the first questions you should ask is, ‘what do you want to know? What is it you are trying to find out? Who is going to read it and what are they going to do with it’.
“Because half of the time you are spending all this time, effort and energy trying to produce information that isn’t going to be read by anybody, which isn’t used by anybody but it has just ticked a box. We have got to challenge that.
On the other hand an article on funders and open data in Alliance magazine, ‘Time for open data!’, says that
Data, effectively captured and sensibly used, can transform the way funders and charities do business – they just need the courage to grab the chance.
The article gives some examples of what has happened so far and what funders could still do.

Voluntary Groups, ‘Workfare’ and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation
Thursday 19th March 12.30-3pm LIFT Islington, 45 White Lion Street, London N1 9PW
The ‘Help to Work Programme’ (introduced last April) is specifically designed to attract the involvement of charities and voluntary groups.
The meeting on the 19th March is organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council. It will provide an opportunity to:
• Spread information about the Help to Work Programme and the ways in which it is being rolled out by the DWP, primes and their subcontractors (including testimony from claimants who have been affected);
• Share information and experiences between participants who have had contact with the Programme;
• Gain greater understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• Help to decide what further action can be taken.
This event will be of particular relevance for volunteer centres, advice agencies, food banks, employment support projects, those operating charity shops and local Councils for Voluntary Services.
The event is free and includes lunch. Please arrive at 12.30pm for a 1pm start to the meeting. You can find out more and register for the event here.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk) and Boycott Workfare (http://www.boycottworkfare.org/) websites.

Camden Intergenerational week 2015 planning meeting
Wednesday 11 March, 3-5pm at Age UK Camden, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA.
Do come along to meet other CIW partners, share your ideas and event plans and help to shape Camden Intergenerational Week.

Help shape volunteering services in Camden: Focus group for black & minority ethnic organisations
Volunteer Centre Camden are evaluating the service we provide for black and minority ethnic (BME) organisations in Camden, and want to make sure we are using our funding in the most helpful way.
This event will be a focus group discussion where you will be able to tell us what help you need to successfully involve volunteers, and what the Volunteer Centre can do for you. Bring all of your ideas – we’ll be very happy to hear them!
Interested groups can read more and sign up at www.bme-camden.eventbrite.com
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 10am – 1pm, including tasty lunch: Location on request
For more information please contact Shadin Dowson-Zeidan: 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Bloomsbury Babies is growing up, Monday, 16 March 2015 from 10:00 to 12:00
Of course we still love babies, but now we offer lots of great flexible working services for parents….Join us for a fun and informative morning of networking and the launch of our new website:
– free creche
– Julie MacDonald, Al Jazeera presenter and mumpreneur talks about her blog ‘The Daily Juggle’
– our Parent-Cubator entrepreneurs showcase their new businesses.
– business experts provide 1:1 advice for start ups and free lancers
Do you have questions about Bloomsbury Beginnings Launch Event with TV Presenter Julie MacDonald? Contact Bloomsbury Beginnings. Book at Eventbrite

Combating Hate Crimes and Xenophobia through Restorative Justice
Monday 13th April – SOAS University of London
The IARS International Institute is happy to announce its Spring international lecture “Combating Hate Crimes and Xenophobia through Restorative Justice” due to be held on the 13th April (18:00 – 20:00) at the DLT Room at SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG. The lecture will be given by guest international restorative justice expert Professor Marelize Schoeman (University of South Africa) and hate crime specialist Dr. Mark Walters (University of Sussex). This interactive lecture will be chaired by IARS’ Founder and Director, Dr. Theo Gavrielides who has published extensively in the area of hate crime and restorative justice.
Attendance is FREE for IARS Members. If you are not a member and you wish to join follow the link or contact contact@iars.org.uk.
General Tickets can be purchased by donating through the Big Give as all proceeds will go to our charity. Minimum cost is £12, but guests are kindly encouraged to consider a higher donation. The ticket includes refreshments, Certificate of Attendance and access to the venue. Student tickets are available for £5 (student ID required to be presented on the day). Please do state your email address when making your payment on Big Give in order to receive your booking confirmation.

London Hazards Health and Safety training targeted at hard to reach communities
Targeted in particular at migrant workers, unpaid carers, cleaners and people working in the hospitality industry. Some of the most marginalised people – probably working long hours, in dangerous conditions and on low pay.
Health & Safety Essentials
31 March, April 7th, 9th April and 16th April 9.45am-1pm at VAC
Do you want to know your rights when it comes to health & safety?
Do you know who is responsible for enforcing health & safety?
Too many people are working in dangerous and unhealthy conditions – and often working long hours for low pay. Job insecurity pushes people to keep their heads down and just get on with the job, even if it’s risking their health. Lots of people may not have the help and support of a trade union. If this sounds like you, then make that change. Attend the London Hazards Centre training and have some fun learning about your rights and how to enforce them. What you will get from the Training:
Main Health & safety legislation – you will be able to identify the main H&S laws
Who is responsible for Health and safety – you will have knowledge of employer and employee responsibilities
Enforcing health & safety – you will be able to identify the principle organisations that enforce H&S
Basic risk assessment – you will be able to recognise risks – learners will be able to carry out a risk assessment
Sources of advice, information & support.
For more information or to book a place please email Paul mail@lhc.org.uk

Book Sale
Saturday 14 March, 11am to 3 pm at St Pancras Community Association Centre at 30 Camden Street, London NW1 (opposite the Sports Pitches behind Richard Cobden School).
Come and browse a great selection of second hand books. Prices 25p to £2. Entrance fee 50p which includes tea or coffee. All proceeds to help fund Women and Health in Carol Street and St Pancras Community Association (SPCA).

The March edition of the Capacity Building Bulletin is Available Now.
We have implemented some changes in this month’s bulletin to make it easier to use. These include taking out the ‘Funders’ section of the bulletin and keeping it as a separate PDF (There are links to this PDF on the same page as the bulletin and within the bulletin itself with alerts on upcoming deadlines).We have added in a ‘Highlights’ section for funding/training/event opportunities that we believe would be particularly valuable to the sector.
It is important for organisations to note that the bulletin operates as a complementary supplement to the VAC newsletter and that the primary purpose of the bulletin is to promote funding and training opportunities for the sector.
The Third Sector Team would appreciate hearing some feedback on the following:
– The new format of the bulletin
– Any information that you think should or shouldn’t be in the bulletin
– Any further changes we could make to the format of the bulletin
– General feedback on other aspects of the bulletin that you would like to comment on
Please send all feedback to me at this email address – noor.al-baddawy@camden.gov.uk

UK Deaf Sport, New Horizons Youth Centre, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

A new community fund giving away up to £25,000 for projects that will make a real difference to local communities.
This is ideal for small charities, if you have an idea for a new project, or there’s an existing project that would benefit from additional funding, it’s well worth getting involved to help secure vital funds for your cause.
The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding for projects to help enhance local communities. You can apply for funding to support all kinds of projects, as long as it is for the greater good of the community. To qualify, your project must make a positive difference to people’s lives in one of the following categories:
~ Health, disability and wellbeing
~ Supporting the younger generation
~ Supporting the older generation
~ Community support
There are four different funding levels you can apply for, ranging from £1,000 to up to £25,000. The projects will be put forward to a public vote, with the most popular going through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.
The fund launches on 24th March. You can find out more information on the Aviva Community Fund website.
Some key dates for the competition:
1. Submissions will open on 24th March, until 30th April
2. Voting opens on 1st May – 30th May, so this will be the time to get busy promoting your project to as many friends and family as possible to secure their votes
3. The most-voted for projects asking for up to £1,000 will secure their funding. The projects asking for up to £5,000 or more with the most votes will go through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.

The Camden Hive – A new crowdfunding website to help you make Camden even better
Have an idea to make Camden even better? Need funding? The Camden Hive page on the crowdfunding website Spacehive brings together projects for the public good by people who live, work or play in Camden. Your idea needs to be in Camden, costed and open to the public. Choose a fundraising target and how long to run your campaign. Then upload an explanation of your idea plus photos or a video and get a totaliser showing the time left and who has pledged money so far. Use your networks, social media, email and the press to attract pledges of support. If you hit your target in your chosen period, you get the money to start work and Spacehive take a small sum for costs and Paypal charges. As with most crowdfunding sites, if your project misses its target no-one’s account is debited, but you may still get publicity and in-kind support. More info at Project Dirt
On Tuesday 10 March Spacehive is running a workshop to show how to create a project on the Camden Hive, 6-8pm at the council’s new premises at 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG. To book, email nick.wilson-young@camden.gov.uk

The Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust has funding available for vulnerable children
For children (0-18 years), where the parent or carer works / has previously worked, in any aspect of the UK fashion and textile industry. (This is very broad reaching and even covers employees that work in supermarkets that sell clothing!)
We have two different grant types, as follows: (grants typically start at £150)
Wellbeing grants for items including essential items (including clothing, bedding and white goods) therapies, respite activities, mobility equipment, specialist clothing and adaptations to the home.
Education grants for items including specialist tutorial support, learning tools (including specialist tools, books and course equipment), school necessities (including uniform and sports equipment), transport costs and school fees*
*Applications for support with school fees are considered where the state education system has been unable to meet the young person’s needs, and there is no alternative state school.
To make an application, we ask that the parent or carer meets the following criteria:
1. The child must be aged between 0-18 yrs.
2. The parent or full time carer, must currently work or have previously worked in the UK fashion and textile industry
3. The parent is able to show that there is no state provision for the needs of their children

Ageing Better in Camden Announce Invitations to Tender
Ageing Better in Camden has now published the Invitation for Tender Documentation for the Digital Inclusion Project and the Intergenerational Activities Project on the Age UK Camden website. Ageing Better apologise for the delay. http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/.
Please note that there is an ‘Acknowledgement of Tender Form’ in the ‘Invitation for Tender Documentation’.
Ageing Better in Camden need to receive this form, so that you can be included in the clarification dialogue between Ageing Better in Camden and other bidders about the tendering documentation and process.
The revised timetable for the tendering process is also on the website.
Please note that the Intergenerational Activities Project now covers children (under 18 years old) AND younger adults (18 – 40 year olds) across Camden.
Please refer to http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/ for updates.

Camden Prevention Challenge: Improving mental health
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. The £750,000 is equally funded by Camden Council, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group and Camden & Islington Foundation Trust.
Camden’s Adult Mental Health Commissioners are hosting 3 events in March to get ideas from mental health service users, providers, carers and practitioners how the money should be best spent.
Ways to contribute:
1. Post comments/ideas on We are Camden webpage
2. Join us at conversation events taking place in March below- please RVSP rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk – places are limited.
3. Contact a Mental Health Commissioner or member of the Mental Health and Substance Misuse Commissioning Team
Conversation one: How can we enable people with mental and physical health to take part in physical activities and music?
Camden’s Mental Health Wellbeing Centre, The Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, London, NW6 3SG
Wednesday 11 March, 2 to 4pm
Conversation two: What can help people take charge of their mental health?
Queen’s Crescent Community Centre, 45 Ashdown Crescent, London NW5 4QE
Monday 23 March, 2 to 4pm
Conversation three: What would make it easier for people to take part in community activities and opportunities?
Bedford House Gym, Holborn Community Association,35 Emerald Street, London WC1N 3Q
Monday 30 March, 1 to 3pm
After 9th March, Richard Elphick, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner –– richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 8545
Julia Chappell, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner – julia.chappell@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 6651
Rosemary Howes, Mental Health Placement and Performance Co-ordinator in Mental Health Commissioning Team – rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 5070

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The application process is open from Monday 19th January 2015.
The deadline for completed applications is: 6pm on Monday 16th March 2015
Full details and links to the forms can be found at https://www.vac.org.uk/camden-community-festivals-fund/
If you would like more information and/or to be sent hard copies of the application forms and the guidelines please contact acharles@vac.org.uk. Tel. 020 7284 6553. Fax. 020 7284 6551. VAC, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Please note your grant is only administered by VAC. For all other aspects of your event please contact Camden Council’s events team. events@camden.gov.uk. Tel: 020 7974 5633.

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction
  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

‘It’s A Bake Off!’ at Kentish Town Community Centre Saturday 28th March 1.30-5pm.
Bring in cakes to enter or just turn up for some lunch, an egg hunt and tea party. Free, open to all. Bakers must sign up in advance. Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/events for more information. 17 Busby Place, NW5 2SP
Kentish Town Community Cente are also looking for one-off volunteers and Festival Events Assistants, details can be found here https://do-it.org/organisations/kentish-town-community-centre.

Lunchtime Volunteering Fair with Volunteer Centre Camden
Looking for volunteers? Come and meet people who want to volunteer at our next volunteering fair
Thursday 19th March, 12-2pm
Clarence Way Hall, Bradfield Court Off Hawley Road, NW1 8RN
Check out all of the details here. And book your place via eventbrite here.

Discover Recovery, Camden’s annual community celebration of recovery.
Wednesday March 25th 11am-4pm. At Arlington Conference Centre (220 Arlington Rd, NW1 7HE)
This will be a celebration and promotion of recovery opportunities and achievements across the borough, with those in recovery at its heart.
The event will be hosted by a partnership of Camden recovery services, including CRI, SHP and NHS foundation Trust, and featuring:
· info stalls by recovery organisations throughout Camden
· programme workshops/tasters
· speakers sharing their recovery story
· recognition awards to recovery role models
· poetry
· live music
· T-shirt printing
· artwork display
· refreshments provided by Camden’s Recovery Cafe (Royal College Street) And much more.

Whole Systems Change – co-producing new models of health and care in London
16th April from 2pm till 5pm at Human Rights Action Centre
Take part in LVSC’s exciting new event which will explore co-production between the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities, patient bodies and the statutory and academic sectors in shaping and delivering new models of primary and community care as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View and the Better Health for London report.
The event aims are to:
• Understand the complexities of the current health and care system and the need for change.
• Explore the role of the of the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities and patient bodies in shaping and co-producing the new models of primary and community care as set out in the Five Year Forward View and Better Health for London
• Agree a draft health and care manifesto outline for London.
The event is for:
• London’s voluntary & community sector (VCS)
• Healthwatch organisations
• National, regional and local policy makers and commissioners
• Academic Health Science Networks and Clinical Senates
• Health Education England (including the London HEEs)
There will be interactive workshops on developing a health and care roadmap and manifesto.
Confirmed speaker: Dr Sam Everington, Chair Tower Hamlets CCG. Dr Everington also leads national work on primary care-driven care models and service redesign and is a member on the King’s Fund Board.
Other speakers to be confirmed. Link to registration

Children England and Engage London: Rising to the Leadership Challenge with Children at Heart. The event will include networking lunch after the main session. Free to attend.
Friday 13th March 9.30 -12.30 at The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, Vauxhall SE11 5RR
Children are affected by almost every decision adults make – by families, by communities and by government. They suffer the impact of economic and social problems but they rely on us to work out what should be done about it. In the run up to the General Election, it’s time to get the message out to politicians that children –20% of the UK population but without a vote – should be at the heart of plans for the future. As a sector we need to rise to this challenge, develop leadership collaboration across the region, and call on decision-makers to ‘Put Children at Heart.’
This morning will be an opportunity to hear a range of perspectives on leadership from the sector, share your thinking on rising to the challenge, develop leadership collaboration across the capital, and get involved with the Children at Heart campaign.
More information here http://www.childrenengland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Rising-to-the-Leadership-Challenge-with-Children-at-Heart1.pdf Free to attend
Booking: http://subscribercrm.childrenengland.org.uk/Event-Booking/EventId/1157

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14 May 2015 – 18 Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



VAC seeks Trustees
Voluntary Action Camden wants to recruit some new trustees. In particular the Executive Committee is looking for people who have knowledge of the needs of different communities, strategic planning, marketing, finance and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. This is a great opportunity to develop your own skills and knowledge by working with an organisation that is well respected and renowned to be an example of good practice and innovation.
To find out more about VAC visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
Please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your contribution please email knunan@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6557.

Volunteering Opportunities at VAC
Voluntary Action Camden is seeking to increase its capacity to provide tailor made support to voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises. We are looking for people with skills and experience in the areas of governance, fundraising, financial management, business planning and the setting up of new organisations.
To find out more about VAC and the services it offers visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
If you are interested in contributing, on a paid or voluntary basis, please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk . If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your possible contribution please email Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk or telephone 020 7284 6557.

Volunteers wanted CRI Services in Camden
CRI is a charity for people whose lives have been affected by substance misuse. CRI supports its clients through structured day programmes including group work, 1-1 key working, counselling and alternative therapies. Volunteers will be trained to eventually manage a small, low risk caseload.
Camden DIP is CRI’s criminal justice service in the Borough. Working closely with the police, prisons and probation the aim is to support clients who are involved in the criminal justice system to reduce their drug use and offending. Volunteer opportunities are also available in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact;
Jane.robinson@cri.org.uk Mobile: 07554435207

Creating Deaf Sport Coaches
For a limited time UK Deaf Sport are offering financial support for people who want to become coaches in deaf sport.
The aim of the bursary is to increase the numbers of coaches in deaf grass roots sport
Ideally you will be a person who is deaf or hard of hearing or somebody from the deaf community who wants to be involved in coaching people who are deaf or hard of hearing in sport.
We are looking for people who want to begin coaching by taking their first level 1 qualification and those looking to progress from level 1 to level 2
The coach bursary scheme is open for a limited time only from 1st February to 20th of March 2015.
Applications must use the form and be submitted either in writing or via e mail to the National Participation Officer no later than 20th March 2015. Click here to find out more.

Looking for a challenging and rewarding role?
New Horizon Youth Centre works with young homeless/vulnerable people in Kings Cross and is seeking volunteers to support its youth work and advice services from Monday to Sunday. We provide training, support, lunch, travel expenses and the chance to work alongside dynamic and creative team and client group.
Contact us now to find out more
Email info@nhyouthcentre.org.uk or call 0207 388 5560. www.nhyouthcentre.org.uk/

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Camden Carers Service seeks Befrienders
Would you like to help older carers around the borough of Camden have a better social life too? Do you value older people? Do you have time available in the day? Are you friendly and reliable?
Camden Carers Service is launching a new project to provide befriending and support for our older carers. We are looking to recruit volunteers interested in befriending from a range of backgrounds, varying life experiences and across all ages. People who are friendly, patient, good listeners and understanding will be spending time with carers on a weekly basis for a couple of hours or so.
Volunteering with CCS as a befriender means you provide support (typically up to 12 weeks) for older carers after the initial introduction process. You will need to be able to visit your befriendees regularly for minimum of 3 hours per week. DBS check required. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information contact tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Room sought by Drukpa UK (to rent)
Drukpa UK is a registered charity which aims to promote public education about Buddhism, particularly but not exclusively, Tibetan Buddhism. It aims to benefit society by relieving poverty, sickness and distress around the world, providing financial help and assistance.
Drukpa UK operated from premises in Primrose Hill where it delivered Qi-gong and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (non religious) classes for the local community, as well as teaching and practice sessions on Buddhism.
Unfortunately, we had to leave the premises in September 2014 as the building was being demolished for new housing. Drukpa UK is seeking a room to rent (at least 20ft x 20ft) and space for keeping certain items such as cushions, plates, etc. preferably in a small locked cupboard.
If you feel you can help please contact london@drukpa.org.uk

New Draft Local Plan
The new Local Plan, like a neighbourhood plan, has to follow a statutory process which takes some time. This is the first formal stage in the process and we will produce an amended version of the plan towards the end of the year for further consultation before submitting to the Planning Inspectorate for public examination. The new Local Plan is not therefore expected to be adopted until 2016. Until the Local Plan is adopted by the Council, the basic condition requirement for conformity with the Council’s strategic policies continues to apply to our existing policy documents. Any implications of the emerging local plan on neighbourhood plans can be discussed as part of on-going engagement between the Council and individual forums.
Some of the updated evidence we have gathered to inform the review of the Council’s planning policies may be helpful for your work if you have not already seen it and is available on the web site under ‘evidence base’. www.camden.gov.uk/localplan
There will be some community group meetings as part of the consultation on the draft Local Plan, where there will be an opportunity to discuss the proposed changes in more detail. An invitation email will be sent out soon.

Do you want to take you passion for your charity and use it to speak for your charity?
Society Speakers is a fun an exciting club, not for profit, public speaking club mainly (but not totally) aimed at people who work for charities. It’s an amazing way to improve your public speaking and leadership skills. We meet in Fitzrovia twice a month, when you can learn and practice your public speaking in a friendly and supportive environment.
As a guest, it’s free to visit.
www.societyspeakers.org – email: awareness@societyspeakers.org

OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’ button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to make OneCamden better.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 27th February 2015

Highlights: New Draft Local Plan; Fairtrade Fortnight; Over 50s and Domestic Violence; Hate crime knowledge sharing event; Camden Community Festivals Fund; Kentish Town Community Centre Activities; Awards for All/Reaching Communities- One to One Support for Camden Groups; Finding Carnegie Playing Fields; Care and support information day; Open Forum; Decentralise in Camden; Independent Disability Advisor Group members; Superfast Broadband Vouchers; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


New Draft Local Plan
The new Local Plan, like a neighbourhood plan, has to follow a statutory process which takes some time. This is the first formal stage in the process and we will produce an amended version of the plan towards the end of the year for further consultation before submitting to the Planning Inspectorate for public examination. The new Local Plan is not therefore expected to be adopted until 2016. Until the Local Plan is adopted by the Council, the basic condition requirement for conformity with the Council’s strategic policies continues to apply to our existing policy documents. Any implications of the emerging local plan on neighbourhood plans can be discussed as part of on-going engagement between the Council and individual forums.
Some of the updated evidence we have gathered to inform the review of the Council’s planning policies may be helpful for your work if you have not already seen it and is available on the web site under ‘evidence base’. www.camden.gov.uk/localplan
There will be some community group meetings as part of the consultation on the draft Local Plan, where there will be an opportunity to discuss the proposed changes in more detail. An invitation email will be sent out soon.

It’s Fairtrade Fortnight 23 February – 8 March
Celelebrating the impact of Fairtrade and turning a spotlight on the producers who grow the products we love.
Fairtrade Fortnight sees the premiere of a thought provoking 13-minute film – Fairtrade Matters – focusing on tea farmers in rural Malawi.
For more details and to get involved visit www.fairtrade.org.uk

Over 50s and Domestic Violence
Organisations in Camden who may be reaching out to women aged 50 – 77, living in Camden, who may be suffering from domestic abuse are invited to this event. Tuesday 3rd March at 10am at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square. Following on from last year’s successful ‘know it isn’t love’ campaign aimed at 16 – 25yr olds, this new campaign hopes to do the same for the over 50s. Please rsvp to Cynthia Akinsanya, email: Cynthia.Akinsanya@camden.gov.uk

Hate crime knowledge sharing event on 18 March 2015
Do you come into contact with victims of hate crime through your work?
The Camden hate crime knowledge sharing event on Wednesday 18 March is aimed at frontline practitioners and their managers to build confidence in recognising hate crime and supporting third party reporting.
Keynote speeches will be given by Sir Keir Starmer KC, QC, former director of public prosecutions who specialises in human rights law, and Trevor Phillips, current deputy chair of the Board of the National Equality Standard and former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Further experts will include Les Moran, Professor of Law at Birkbeck, University of London and Detective Chief Inspector Andrew Packer from the Metropolitan Police Service.
There will be workshops that cover a variety of themes including faith, LGBT, people with disabilities, race, intersectionality, women and supporting victims of hate crime. These workshops will be delivered by specialist organisations including Tell MAMA, Community Security Trust, Camden LGBT Forum, Camden People First, The Monitoring Group, Vision Sense and Victim Support.
The event takes place at Senate House from 10am to 4pm.
If you would like to attend, please request a place by Friday 27 February.
Any questions, please contact charles.braddick-southgate@camden.gov.uk community cohesion officer

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Once again funding is available for community festivals in Camden. The fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC). See the ‘Funding’ section below for full details.

National News
The Coalition’s Social Policy Record: Policy, Spending and Outcomes 2010-2015
Youngest children and poorer households worst hit by Coalition’s selective cuts, according to major new report.
Poorer groups have been worst affected by changes to direct taxes, benefits and tax credits despite the Coalition’s promise that the rich would carry the burden of austerity, according to a major new report from LSE and the Universities of Manchester and York. As a result, poverty has been increasing and will get worse in the next five years. Read more here.
Let’s design support systems on the assumption everyone is deserving
Debra Allcock Tyler laments the insidious creep of Victorian paternalistic attitudes to charity and the return to ideas of the deserving and undeserving poor. Full article in Third Sector.

‘It’s A Bake Off!’ at Kentish Town Community Centre Saturday 28th March 1.30-5pm.

Bring in cakes to enter or just turn up for some lunch, an egg hunt and tea party. Free, open to all. Bakers must sign up in advance. Visit www.ktcc.org.uk/events for more information. 17 Busby Place, NW5 2SP
Kentish Town Community Cente are also looking for one-off volunteers and Festival Events Assistants, details can be found here https://do-it.org/organisations/kentish-town-community-centre.

Awards for All/Reaching Communities- One to One Support for Camden Groups
VAC and BIG will be offering further one to one support sessions for Camden groups applying for Awards for All and Reaching Communities in 2015. They will take place on 23rd March. Please contact Ricky or Monica acharles@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6550 to book your 45min session. You will need to send in your completed draft by 16th March.

Finding Carnegie Playing Fields
88 years ago the Carnegie UK Trust gave the equivalent of £10million to help create, protect and improve playing fields. Today, you can help us bring the records on these fields up to date. We have already done some of the legwork with a pilot project. Read more about the fields we have found here.
Help find out about the rest.

Care and support information day – Wednesday 11 March 2015
Find out how care and support is changing in Camden and the help available to you at an information day at Swiss Cottage library.
To mark the launch of new Camden Care Choices website – your first stop for information and advice about care and support – an information day is being held for you to find out about the information, advice and wide range of support available to you in the borough.
Drop in anytime throughout the day to:
• learn about Camden Care Choices, the marketplace directory and online needs assessment
• find out about the Care Act and how it will affect you
• meet local organisations including Age UK Camden, Camden Carers and many more to find out about the range of services they offer
• speak to social care staff
• get free money advice, a free NHS health check and much more
Wednesday 11 March 10am to 4pm – drop in any time at Swiss Cottage library, 88 Avenue Road, London NW3
For more information about the event: Email: careact@camden.gov.uk Phone: 020 7974 6345

Open Forum 12.30 – 3.30 pm Thursday 5th March 2015
The Conference Hall, St Pancras Hospital 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE
Do you / have you used Drug or Alcohol services in Camden? – What’s Good? Bad? Missing?
Come along and tell us your experience – A chance to influence how your treatment is delivered in Camden.
Presentations from the Hep C trust, the alcohol service and the BBV nurse from C&IFT. Everybody in Camden with a drug or alcohol history is welcome! But anyone too disruptive may be asked to leave.
Refreshments from 12.30 until 1pm. For any more information – please contact Alex or Rachel on 020 3355 7113 or 07770 014 109

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Do you want to take you passion for your charity and use it to speak for your charity?
Society Speakers is a fun an exciting club, not for profit, public speaking club mainly (but not totally) aimed at people who work for charities. It’s an amazing way to improve your public speaking and leadership skills. We meet in Fitzrovia twice a month, when you can learn and practice your public speaking in a friendly and supportive environment.
As a guest, it’s free to visit.
www.societyspeakers.org – email: awareness@societyspeakers.org

Healthwatch Camden
Out now – the Weekly News & Info digest 20/02/15 and the Director’s Blog

Independent Disability Advisor Group members
Transport for London are recruiting people to join their Independent Disability Advisory Group (IDAG).
They want disabled people who live in the capital, are strategic thinkers and can influence services.
The role is paid and is for 30 days a year, during three years.
The role of the Independent Disability Advisory Group (IDAG) is to review key policies including TfL’s business plan and flagship projects, as well as recommend guiding principles to ensure that we succeed in promoting equality for disabled people in London. They hold five Sub-Regional Mobility forums twice a year which are chaired by an Advisory Member.
They want to be as diverse as the city we represent and welcome applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith or disability.
For further information about these roles and to obtain an application pack, contact: Email idag@tfl.gov.uk Telephone 020 3054 7165. The closing date 13th March 2015. Interviews will be held during March.

Superfast Broadband Vouchers
Super Connected Cities enables organisations (includes SME, registered charities, social enterprises or sole traders) to apply for up to £3000 of funding for a faster broadband connection. This will enable participating organisations to transfer data quickly, work in the cloud and access high speed broadband (usually of 30Mbit/s or more) to increase productivity.
The voucher scheme offer ends on 31 March 2014. More details at the Super Connected Cities website.

The Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

UK Deaf Sport, New Horizons Youth Centre, Holborn Community Association, VAC, Castlehaven Community Association, Hillside Clubhouse, Henna Asian Women’s Group, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

The Camden Hive – A new crowdfunding website to help you make Camden even better
Have an idea to make Camden even better? Need funding? The Camden Hive page on the crowdfunding website Spacehive brings together projects for the public good by people who live, work or play in Camden. Your idea needs to be in Camden, costed and open to the public. Choose a fundraising target and how long to run your campaign. Then upload an explanation of your idea plus photos or a video and get a totaliser showing the time left and who has pledged money so far. Use your networks, social media, email and the press to attract pledges of support. If you hit your target in your chosen period, you get the money to start work and Spacehive take a small sum for costs and Paypal charges. As with most crowdfunding sites, if your project misses its target no-one’s account is debited, but you may still get publicity and in-kind support. More info at Project Dirt
On Tuesday 10 March Spacehive is running a workshop to show how to create a project on the Camden Hive, 6-8pm at the council’s new premises at 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG. To book, email nick.wilson-young@camden.gov.uk

The Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust has funding available for vulnerable children
For children (0-18 years), where the parent or carer works / has previously worked, in any aspect of the UK fashion and textile industry. (This is very broad reaching and even covers employees that work in supermarkets that sell clothing!)
We have two different grant types, as follows: (grants typically start at £150)
Wellbeing grants for items including essential items (including clothing, bedding and white goods) therapies, respite activities, mobility equipment, specialist clothing and adaptations to the home.
Education grants for items including specialist tutorial support, learning tools (including specialist tools, books and course equipment), school necessities (including uniform and sports equipment), transport costs and school fees*
*Applications for support with school fees are considered where the state education system has been unable to meet the young person’s needs, and there is no alternative state school.
To make an application, we ask that the parent or carer meets the following criteria:
1. The child must be aged between 0-18 yrs.
2. The parent or full time carer, must currently work or have previously worked in the UK fashion and textile industry
3. The parent is able to show that there is no state provision for the needs of their children

Ageing Better in Camden Announce Invitations to Tender
Ageing Better in Camden has now published the Invitation for Tender Documentation for the Digital Inclusion Project and the Intergenerational Activities Project on the Age UK Camden website. Ageing Better apologise for the delay. http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/.
Please note that there is an ‘Acknowledgement of Tender Form’ in the ‘Invitation for Tender Documentation’.
Ageing Better in Camden need to receive this form, so that you can be included in the clarification dialogue between Ageing Better in Camden and other bidders about the tendering documentation and process.
The revised timetable for the tendering process is also on the website.
Please note that the Intergenerational Activities Project now covers children (under 18 years old) AND younger adults (18 – 40 year olds) across Camden.
Please refer to http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/ for updates.

Camden Prevention Challenge: Improving mental health
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. The £750,000 is equally funded by Camden Council, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group and Camden & Islington Foundation Trust.
Camden’s Adult Mental Health Commissioners are hosting 3 events in March to get ideas from mental health service users, providers, carers and practitioners how the money should be best spent.
Ways to contribute:
1. Post comments/ideas on We are Camden webpage
2. Join us at conversation events taking place in March below- please RVSP rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk – places are limited.
3. Contact a Mental Health Commissioner or member of the Mental Health and Substance Misuse Commissioning Team
Conversation one: How can we enable people with mental and physical health to take part in physical activities and music?
Camden’s Mental Health Wellbeing Centre, The Hub, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, London, NW6 3SG
Wednesday 11 March, 2 to 4pm
Conversation two: What can help people take charge of their mental health?
Queen’s Crescent Community Centre, 45 Ashdown Crescent, London NW5 4QE
Monday 23 March, 2 to 4pm
Conversation three: What would make it easier for people to take part in community activities and opportunities?
Bedford House Gym, Holborn Community Association,35 Emerald Street, London WC1N 3Q
Monday 30 March, 1 to 3pm
After 9th March, Richard Elphick, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner –– richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 8545
Julia Chappell, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner – julia.chappell@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 6651
Rosemary Howes, Mental Health Placement and Performance Co-ordinator in Mental Health Commissioning Team – rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 5070

Capital Clean-up Grant and Kit
Anyone from community groups to charities, youth groups to small businesses can now apply for grants of between £500 and £1,500, or a clean-up kit, to bring volunteers together and get involved in Capital Clean-up 2015
See more at: http://www.projectdirt.com/cluster/capitalcleanup/#!/journal_entry/33925

Home Office – Child and Adult Victim Sexual Abuse Support Fund
Grants are available for registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales providing local or national services to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services.
The Sexual Abuse Support Fund is aimed at non-statutory organisations in England and Wales providing support to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services. Organisations can provide local services or national services.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

Home Office – Child Abuse Inquiry Support Fund
New one-off fund with a deadline of 2 March 2015 (5pm).
Grants are available to registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales which have experienced an increase in demand as a direct result of the announcement of the Child Abuse Inquiry on 7 July 2014.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The application process is open from Monday 19th January 2015.
The deadline for completed applications is: 6pm on Thursday 16th March 2015
Full details and links to the forms can be found at https://www.vac.org.uk/camden-community-festivals-fund/
If you would like more information and/or to be sent hard copies of the application forms and the guidelines please contact acharles@vac.org.uk. Tel. 020 7284 6553. Fax. 020 7284 6551. VAC, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Please note your grant is only administered by VAC. For all other aspects of your event please contact Camden Council’s events team. events@camden.gov.uk. Tel: 020 7974 5633.

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are ?25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction
  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Lunchtime Volunteering Fair with Volunteer Centre Camden
Looking for volunteers? Come and meet people who want to volunteer at our next volunteering fair
Thursday 19th March, 12-2pm
Clarence Way Hall, Bradfield Court Off Hawley Road, NW1 8RN
Check out all of the details here. And book your place via eventbrite here.

Discover Recovery, Camden’s annual community celebration of recovery.
Wednesday March 25th 11am-4pm. At Arlington Conference Centre (220 Arlington Rd, NW1 7HE)
This will be a celebration and promotion of recovery opportunities and achievements across the borough, with those in recovery at its heart.
The event will be hosted by a partnership of Camden recovery services, including CRI, SHP and NHS foundation Trust, and featuring:
· info stalls by recovery organisations throughout Camden
· programme workshops/tasters
· speakers sharing their recovery story
· recognition awards to recovery role models
· poetry
· live music
· T-shirt printing
· artwork display
· refreshments provided by Camden’s Recovery Cafe (Royal College Street) And much more.

Whole Systems Change – co-producing new models of health and care in London
16th April from 2pm till 5pm at Human Rights Action Centre
Take part in LVSC’s exciting new event which will explore co-production between the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities, patient bodies and the statutory and academic sectors in shaping and delivering new models of primary and community care as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View and the Better Health for London report.
The event aims are to:
• Understand the complexities of the current health and care system and the need for change.
• Explore the role of the of the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities and patient bodies in shaping and co-producing the new models of primary and community care as set out in the Five Year Forward View and Better Health for London
• Agree a draft health and care manifesto outline for London.
The event is for:
• London’s voluntary & community sector (VCS)
• Healthwatch organisations
• National, regional and local policy makers and commissioners
• Academic Health Science Networks and Clinical Senates
• Health Education England (including the London HEEs)
There will be interactive workshops on developing a health and care roadmap and manifesto.
Confirmed speaker: Dr Sam Everington, Chair Tower Hamlets CCG. Dr Everington also leads national work on primary care-driven care models and service redesign and is a member on the King’s Fund Board.
Other speakers to be confirmed. Link to registration

Children England and Engage London: Rising to the Leadership Challenge with Children at Heart. The event will include networking lunch after the main session. Free to attend.
Friday 13th March 9.30 -12.30 at The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, Vauxhall SE11 5RR
Children are affected by almost every decision adults make – by families, by communities and by government. They suffer the impact of economic and social problems but they rely on us to work out what should be done about it. In the run up to the General Election, it’s time to get the message out to politicians that children –20% of the UK population but without a vote – should be at the heart of plans for the future. As a sector we need to rise to this challenge, develop leadership collaboration across the region, and call on decision-makers to ‘Put Children at Heart.’
This morning will be an opportunity to hear a range of perspectives on leadership from the sector, share your thinking on rising to the challenge, develop leadership collaboration across the capital, and get involved with the Children at Heart campaign.
More information here http://www.childrenengland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Rising-to-the-Leadership-Challenge-with-Children-at-Heart1.pdf Free to attend
Booking: http://subscribercrm.childrenengland.org.uk/Event-Booking/EventId/1157

International Women’s Day Celebration 8th March
Celebrate International Women’s Day at an evening dedicated to the plight of women and children in the Middle East fleeing war, rape, death and fundamentalism in the second decade of 21st century.
Come along with your family members and friends and enjoy a memorable evening.
6.30 Welcome
7.00 Violence in the region and its consequences for women & children
7.30 Live performance
8:00 Dinner
9.00- 11.00 Dance with DJ music
Hanley Crouch Community Association The Laundry Sparsholt Road London N19 4EL Buses: W7, W3, 210, 91 Overground: Crouch Hill

Voluntary Groups, ‘Workfare’ and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation
Thursday 19th March 12.30-3pm LIFT Islington, 45 White Lion Street, London N1 9PW
The ‘Help to Work Programme’ (introduced last April) is specifically designed to attract the involvement of charities and voluntary groups.
The meeting on the 19th March is organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council. It will provide an opportunity to:
• Spread information about the Help to Work Programme and the ways in which it is being rolled out by the DWP, primes and their subcontractors (including testimony from claimants who have been affected);
• Share information and experiences between participants who have had contact with the Programme;
• Gain greater understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• Help to decide what further action can be taken.
This event will be of particular relevance for volunteer centres, advice agencies, food banks, employment support projects, those operating charity shops and local Councils for Voluntary Services.
The event is free and includes lunch. Please arrive at 12.30pm for a 1pm start to the meeting. You can find out more and register for the event here.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk) and Boycott Workfare (http://www.boycottworkfare.org/) websites.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Equalities Support Programme for voluntary and community organisations working with children, young people and families
Do you want to provide services that better meet the needs of your local communities and different equalities groups? This programme introduces local voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) in London to the Engage London Equality Act Toolkit. This course will be very helpful for individuals in these VCOs with a policy, engagement or equalities remit or those with an interest in helping these VCOs improve equal opportunities in service delivery.
The session will enable participants to:
• Assist your local voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) to use the Engage London Toolkit, and other equalities resources, in planning your work
• Improve the capacity of your VCOs to identify the needs of groups that may face discrimination or inequalities in accessing services
• Consider how your VCOs can deliver services that are better able to meet the needs of equalities groups
Wednesday 11th March 9.45 – 16.30
Race Equality Foundation, Unit 22 Deane House Studios, 27 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB
engagelondon@childrenengland.org.uk Web: www.childrenengland.org.uk/engagelondon/

Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14 May 2015 – 18 Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Free Speech, surveillance and human rights: uniting London in response to the Charlie Hebdo Atrocities
Tuesday 3rd March 7pm at Highgate Library and Civic and Cultural Centre

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange, the British Society of Gerontology, and London Borough of Camden present The first Kilburn Debate of 2015: Kilburn – your lifetime neighbourhood?
What policy changes would encourage us to ‘age in place’?
9.30am– 4.30pm Tuesday, 3rd March, 2015
Morning: Older peoples’ contribution to research
Passing by or by-passing: Intergenerational use of public space; Professor Sheila Peace, Open University
How older people are helping change the street environment; Rita Newton, Senior lecturer, Salford University
1.30–2.30pm: Films by KOVE and other local older film-makers
Afternoon: New developments – London and Kilburn
The London picture and lessons from other cities; Professor Colin Haylock, Newcastle University, Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, member Mayor’s Design Advisory Group;
Making changes to Kilburn High Rd: a case study; Jacqueline Saunders, Principal Traffic Planner, Camden
Kingsgate Resource Centre for Older People, 208 Webheath, Palmerston Road NW6 2JU
This free event is open to users of the Centre, local residents of any age, British Society of Gerontology members, service professionals and anyone with an interest in the issues under discussion. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For information and to register, contact: John Miles (07817 424356 johnmiles68@yahoo.co.uk) or Mel Wright (07539 390786 mel.wright@kove.org.uk)

Working with Complex Needs: Free Training Offer for Camden Based Groups
Clean Break is offering FREE training workshops to health, social care and voluntary sector organisations working in Camden in February – March 2015
Designed to help you reflect on and identify successful strategies to support women with complex needs, this training is ideal for frontline staff, managers, volunteers, advice workers, support staff and others who want to improve their practice. This bespoke package uses short play Sounds Like An Insult, performed by graduates of Clean Break’s theatre education programme, as a stimulus for discussion and critical reflection. Commissioned by Clean Break in association with NOMS and the Department of Health, Sounds Like An Insult explores the experiences of women offenders with complex mental health needs, and the challenges of diagnosis and treatment within the criminal justice system. Following the performance, we engage participants through creative techniques to explore the challenges and opportunities of working with women who may have complex mental health needs, addiction and/or experience of the criminal justice system and who often, as a result, struggle to access or remain engaged in services.
We will be running these free two hour training workshops in Camden, throughout February and March 2015. We can work with groups of up to 30 and may be able to offer multiple workshops for organisations which have larger numbers to accommodate.
If you would like to discuss your organisation’s specific needs or ask questions about the workshop, or to book a session, please email Ros Terry ros.terry@cleanbreak.org.uk. More information at www.cleanbreak.org.uk

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Creating Deaf Sport Coaches
For a limited time UK Deaf Sport are offering financial support for people who want to become coaches in deaf sport.
The aim of the bursary is to increase the numbers of coaches in deaf grass roots sport
Ideally you will be a person who is deaf or hard of hearing or somebody from the deaf community who wants to be involved in coaching people who are deaf or hard of hearing in sport.
We are looking for people who want to begin coaching by taking their first level 1 qualification and those looking to progress from level 1 to level 2
The coach bursary scheme is open for a limited time only from 1st February to 20th of March 2015.
Applications must use the form and be submitted either in writing or via e mail to the National Participation Officer no later than 20th March 2015. Click here to find out more.

Looking for a challenging and rewarding role?
New Horizon Youth Centre works with young homeless/vulnerable people in Kings Cross and is seeking volunteers to support its youth work and advice services from Monday to Sunday. We provide training, support, lunch, travel expenses and the chance to work alongside dynamic and creative team and client group.
Contact us now to find out more
Email info@nhyouthcentre.org.uk or call 0207 388 5560. www.nhyouthcentre.org.uk/

Holborn Community Association have a vacancy:
Senior Administrator who will lead on administrative functions across all three HCA sites.
Are you an organised person with administrative experience and excellent computer skills? An opportunity has arisen to join Holborn Community Association, a growing & exciting community charity in WC1 – a great location to work in.
We need someone who has:
 Minimum 2 years experience working in an administration role
 High level of accuracy, organisation and attention to detail
 Excellent IT skills including use of Microsoft software and ideally Google Apps
 Willingness to work flexibly
Hours per week: 25. Salary: £21,675 pro rata (NJC Scale pt 19). Full DBS (CRB) check will be required
Information pack and application form available on our website www.holborncommunity.co.uk or by emailing admin@holborncommunity.co.uk
Closing Date: Monday 2nd March 2015 at 12 pm
Interviews will be held: Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th March 2015

Castlehaven Community Association seeks Environmental & Community Projects Officer
Are you passionate about engaging communities in environmental projects? Do you have experience of project managing community lead food growing/ wildlife/ conservation/ landscape projects? Would you like to work for a thriving community association in the heart of Camden Town?
Hours: 25 Hours per week (5 days x 5 hours inc alternate weekends)
Salary: £21,675 (Scale 4-19) Pro Rata for 25 hours per week £11.91 per hour
At Castlehaven we have four acres of urban green space just off Camden high street. We have been working to transform it into a vibrant and loved park space that is rich in biodiversity, providing opportunities for the local community to learn about gardening, food growing and environmental issues. We are looking for a self motivated, proactive and creative individual to manage the environmental projects and open space at the Castlehaven Community Association.
Application closing date: Sunday 1st March 2015. Interviews will take place on Friday 6th March 2015.
Download Application Form & Job Description www.castlehaven.org.uk or email Anita Lake on anita@castlehaven.org.uk for an application pack, tel: 020 7485 3386

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Mental Health Community Development Worker £26,342 – Islington based
Hillside Clubhouse is a dynamic mental health charity in North London. Our community development service works at a strategic level with the local authority, NHS and community organisations to identify and address barriers faced by people from excluded communities (including BMER, LGBT and faith) accessing mental health and community based services. The postholder will also provide direct support to individuals to access services including talking therapies and supportive services. Experience of working with people and organisations to influence change will be essential as will an in depth knowledge of issues facing excluded communities in accessing services. You will also need to develop a clear understanding of and referral pathways into local services and be able to enable individuals to access them.
For an application pack please email gsell@hillsideclubhouse.org.uk or telephone 020 7700 6408.
Closing date: Monday 2 March 2015 More details at www.hillsideclubhouse.org.uk

Camden Carers Service seeks Befrienders
Would you like to help older carers around the borough of Camden have a better social life too? Do you value older people? Do you have time available in the day? Are you friendly and reliable?
Camden Carers Service is launching a new project to provide befriending and support for our older carers. We are looking to recruit volunteers interested in befriending from a range of backgrounds, varying life experiences and across all ages. People who are friendly, patient, good listeners and understanding will be spending time with carers on a weekly basis for a couple of hours or so.
Volunteering with CCS as a befriender means you provide support (typically up to 12 weeks) for older carers after the initial introduction process. You will need to be able to visit your befriendees regularly for minimum of 3 hours per week. DBS check required. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information contact tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Henna Asian Women’s Group Befriending Service 2015
Henna Asian Women’s Group is opening their Befriending service to all individuals that are in need for extra help to improve their social circle in the new year. We will reach out to the most vulnerable individuals that live in any Borough of London. Henna volunteers will pay regular weekly visits to clients and support them into taking steps to come out of the home and access different services.
We are recruiting both Male and Female volunteers to become Befrienders on this project. If you have a few hours to spare each week, would like to gain experience in the health and social care sector or simply just want to give something back to the community then please contact us.
Contact Ammarah Ahmad, ammarah_hennaorg@yahoo.co.uk, Telephone: 020 7372 9860, Volunteer Coordinator, Henna Asian Women’s Group, www.hennaorg.co.uk

Skillshare is an easy way to find skilled people to support your organisation. What sort of skills are on your wish list? Current skills on offer include: furniture restoration, photography, Nia technique instructor and food and textiles teacher, plus many more. Thirty local organisations are already signed up and accessing our database of skilled volunteers. The last volunteer we placed was a photographer who is going to be taking photographs of Camden for two local organisations.
For more information contact SkillShare, skillshare@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or 020 7424 9990.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Feedback from 27th January Event 2015: ‘Developing a new relationship between the Council and the voluntary sector’
Voluntary and Community Sector representatives were invited to an event at the Camden Centre which was held on the morning of 27th January. The event was the second in a process by which we are looking at how the Council and the VCS can better work together in partnership in the context of the financial challenge facing the Council.
The aim was for a working event focussed on further developing a model of our relationship for the future. Both the structure of the event and the themes discussed were developed from an event launching this process on 5th December 2014.
Please find attached the notes of the workshop discussions and next steps. The notes can also be located at https://www.wearecamden.org/tackling-the-financial-challenge-with-the-vcs/ should you want to add further comments.

HR Advice for Camden Groups from VAC
VAC is offering Camden VCS groups a free service every Thursday to answer HR related queries, by telephone or e-mail. As well as dealing with one-off queries, free of charge, on Thursdays, we can also offer an “Expert Critical Friend” package, which provides 3.5 hours of support at a cost of £150, for you to use as, when and where you need it. This package is suitable if managers or trustees need more substantial help with:
~ Drafting or reviewing HR policies and procedures
~ Support to work through difficult situations, eg. redundancy, disciplinary issues
~ Coaching on dealing with a number of HR issues
~ Training to improve practical HR knowledge throughout your organisation
Contact Caroline Jepson by e-mail at cjepson@vac.org.uk or by telephone: 020 7284 6564

OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’ button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to make OneCamden better.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 20th February 2015

Highlights: The Camden Hive; Fairtrade Fortnight; Know It’s Not Too Late; Camden Community Festivals Fund; Voluntary Groups, ‘Workfare’ and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation; Choose the right treatment.Rising to the Leadership Challenge with Children at Heart; International Women’s Day; Making the Media Work for You; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Feedback from 27th January Event 2015: ‘Developing a new relationship between the Council and the voluntary sector’
Voluntary and Community Sector representatives were invited to an event at the Camden Centre which was held on the morning of 27th January. The event was the second in a process by which we are looking at how the Council and the VCS can better work together in partnership in the context of the financial challenge facing the Council.
The aim was for a working event focussed on further developing a model of our relationship for the future. Both the structure of the event and the themes discussed were developed from an event launching this process on 5th December 2014.
Please find attached the notes of the workshop discussions and next steps. The notes can also be located at https://www.wearecamden.org/tackling-the-financial-challenge-with-the-vcs/ should you want to add further comments.

The Camden Hive – A new crowdfunding website to help you make Camden even better
Have an idea to make Camden even better? Need funding? The Camden Hive page on the crowdfunding website Spacehive brings together projects for the public good by people who live, work or play in Camden. Your idea needs to be in Camden, costed and open to the public. Choose a fundraising target and how long to run your campaign. Then upload an explanation of your idea plus photos or a video and get a totaliser showing the time left and who has pledged money so far. Use your networks, social media, email and the press to attract pledges of support. If you hit your target in your chosen period, you get the money to start work and Spacehive take a small sum for costs and Paypal charges. As with most crowdfunding sites, if your project misses its target no-one’s account is debited, but you may still get publicity and in-kind support. More info at Project Dirt
On Tuesday 10 March Spacehive is running a workshop to show how to create a project on the Camden Hive, 6-8pm at the council’s new premises at 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG. To book, email nick.wilson-young@camden.gov.uk

It’s Fairtrade Fortnight 23 February – 8 March
For more details and to get involved visit www.fairtrade.org.uk

Know It’s Not Too Late
Organisations in Camden who may be reaching out to women aged 50 – 77, living in Camden, who may be suffering from domestic abuse are invited to this event. Tuesday 3rd March at 10am at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square. Following on from last year’s successful ‘know it isn’t love’ campaign aimed at 16 – 25yr olds, this new campaign hopes to do the same for the over 50s. Please rsvp to Cynthia Akinsanya, email: Cynthia.Akinsanya@camden.gov.uk

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Once again funding is available for community festivals in Camden. The fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC). See the ‘Funding’ section below for full details.

Voluntary Groups, ‘Workfare’ and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation
Thursday 19th March 12.30-3pm LIFT Islington, 45 White Lion Street, London N1 9PW
The ‘Help to Work Programme’ (introduced last April) is specifically designed to attract the involvement of charities and voluntary groups.
The meeting on the 19th March is organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council. It will provide an opportunity to:
• Spread information about the Help to Work Programme and the ways in which it is being rolled out by the DWP, primes and their subcontractors (including testimony from claimants who have been affected);
• Share information and experiences between participants who have had contact with the Programme;
• Gain greater understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• Help to decide what further action can be taken.
This event will be of particular relevance for volunteer centres, advice agencies, food banks, employment support projects, those operating charity shops and local Councils for Voluntary Services.
The event is free and includes lunch. Please arrive at 12.30pm for a 1pm start to the meeting. You can find out more and register for the event here.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk) and Boycott Workfare (http://www.boycottworkfare.org/) websites.

National News
Young people required to do 30 hours a week of free charity work under Conservative plans
Unemployed young people will be required to work 30 hours a week for free for charities and community services across the UK or lose benefits, Prime Minister David Cameron said today. But charity sector leaders have reacted with caution to the claim, with some saying the plans are not thought through and that charities should refuse to be involved, and others saying that it has the potential to be effective but needs to be distinguished carefully from volunteering.
“But clearly this plan is not thought through – voluntary work isn’t free for the organisations which offer it, and by its very nature it can’t happen if people are compelled to do it.”
Jay Kennedy, director of policy and research for the Directory of Social Change advised charities to “steer clear” of the scheme. See the comments below the article for even more forthright opinions including some incredulity that a party political pledge involving the sector has been made without any consultation with the sector.
Review of Social Value Act Reached Disappointing Conclusion
A government review of the social value act has rejected extending the legislation to goods and works but has recommended that the act be better promoted and amended to take into account changes to EU procurement rules according to Third Sector. Navca questions if the recommendations will send a strong enough message to the public bodies choosing to ignore it. Navca says “It will be important that Cabinet Office sends out a stronger message, that all public bodies are expected to incorporate social value into their commissioning processes. If it does not, social value will still not have got off the ground in some areas by the time of the next recommended review in two years’ time.
The Future of Local Infrastructure
After nearly a year in the making Change for Good, the report of the Independent Commission on the Future of Local Infrastructure, was published. All appeared to accept the Commission’s principle message that infrastructure merits investment. As the report makes clear “the message to funders is invest”; just as spending on physical infrastructure is an investment is necessary to deliver economic prosperity, so investment on community infrastructure can help funders (independent and public) deliver their social objectives. For an alternative view on the underlying issues read Colin Rochester’s blog on Third Sector.
Less than 33p in every £100 of government grants goes to independent charities.
As grants to charities disappear, to be replaced by contracts, it it revealed that grants totaling 300x the amount charities received are given to the corporate sector. The government gave independent charities grants totaling less than half a billion pounds out of a a total grants budget of £147bn in the last financial year (roughly a sixth of all central government spending.)
However a Civil Society News analysis of these figures found that organisations in the charity and community sectors received only around £1.52bn. Of this, around £1.04bn went to charities which are also non-departmental public bodies or have other close links to government. Only £480m went to charities which are not linked to government. 109 grants to private sector bodies were alone worth a total of £14.6bn – around nine times as much as the charity sector. Full story at Civil Society.

Choose the right treatment.
If you’re injured or ill, the NHS provides a range of services to help you get well.You can get faster and better treatment by choosing the NHS service that can best treat your symptoms. This will help us reduce the
pressure on services like A&E so they can help those people in most need. Remember: A&E is for life-threatening illnesses and injuries only. Visit NHS Choices www.nhs.uk for more information.

Children England and Engage London: Rising to the Leadership Challenge with Children at Heart. The event will include networking lunch after the main session. Free to attend.
Friday 13th March 9.30 -12.30 at The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, Vauxhall SE11 5RR
Children are affected by almost every decision adults make – by families, by communities and by government. They suffer the impact of economic and social problems but they rely on us to work out what should be done about it. In the run up to the General Election, it’s time to get the message out to politicians that children –20% of the UK population but without a vote – should be at the heart of plans for the future. As a sector we need to rise to this challenge, develop leadership collaboration across the region, and call on decision-makers to ‘Put Children at Heart.’
This morning will be an opportunity to hear a range of perspectives on leadership from the sector, share your thinking on rising to the challenge, develop leadership collaboration across the capital, and get involved with the Children at Heart campaign.
More information here http://www.childrenengland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Rising-to-the-Leadership-Challenge-with-Children-at-Heart1.pdf Free to attend
Booking: http://subscribercrm.childrenengland.org.uk/Event-Booking/EventId/1157

International Women’s Day Celebration 8th March
Join us to celebrate International Women’s Day at an evening dedicated to the plight of women and children in the Middle East fleeing war, rape, death and fundamentalism in the second decade of 21st century.
Come along with your family members and friends and enjoy a memorable evening.
6.30 Welcome
7.00 Violence in the region and its consequences for women & children
7.30 Live performance
8:00 Dinner
9.00- 11.00 Dance with DJ music
Hanley Crouch Community Association The Laundry Sparsholt Road London N19 4EL Buses: W7, W3, 210, 91 Overground: Crouch Hill

Need a Shed?
Camden Lock Village development will begin soon. As a result there are sheds embellished with the creative skills of a variety of street artists that need a new home.
Are there any youth or community groups out there that would like to adopt these sentimental miniature chalets? Email Ashed@camdenmarket.com to register your interest and to view the sheds on February 24th.

Making the Media Work for You: A Free Guide for Civil Society Organisations
Making the Media Work for You is a new publication and resource by the European Journalism Centre specifically designed for civil society organisation communicators. Co-authored by veteran Reuters journalists Lisa Essex and Oliver Wates, and social media whiz Brandon Oelofse of Vuselela Media, the Guide provides practical, cost-effective strategies for organisations that seek to raise and maintain their visibility and impact both in the real and virtual worlds. It also tackles some of the common misconceptions so often found between journalists and civil society organisations. Free download (53 pages).

The LFBU have called for further strike action in relation to the national pension dispute.
The strike will take place for 24 hours starting at 7am on Wednesday, 25 February until 7am on Thursday, 26 February.
The LFB contingency arrangements in place are similar to those that have been in place during the previous strikes. Further details can be found by clicking here: http://www.london-fire.gov.uk/contingency-plan.asp .

The Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Holborn Community Association, Castlehaven Community Association, Kentish Town Community Centre, Hillside Clubhouse, Camden Carers Service, Camden Federation of Private Tenants, Henna Asian Women’s Group, Kentish Town City Farm, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Crowdfunding for Camden Organisations
Camden Hive is a page on the Spacehive site where local ideas can be seen in one place. Projects need to be costed, based in Camden and open to the public. Spacehive check that your project is viable and for the public good. You sign an agreement to spend the money raised on the proposed project. You upload photos or video of the proposed project and create a totaliser showing the time left to hit the target and who has pledged money so far. If a project reaches its target in the chosen period, your organisation receives the money and Spacehive take a small sum to cover costs and Paypal charges. Like most crowdfunding sites, if a project misses its target the project doesn’t get the money, but can still get publicity and in-kind support.

The Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust has funding available for vulnerable children
For children (0-18 years), where the parent or carer works / has previously worked, in any aspect of the UK fashion and textile industry. (This is very broad reaching and even covers employees that work in supermarkets that sell clothing!)
We have two different grant types, as follows: (grants typically start at £150)
Wellbeing grants for items including essential items (including clothing, bedding and white goods) therapies, respite activities, mobility equipment, specialist clothing and adaptations to the home.
Education grants for items including specialist tutorial support, learning tools (including specialist tools, books and course equipment), school necessities (including uniform and sports equipment), transport costs and school fees*
*Applications for support with school fees are considered where the state education system has been unable to meet the young person’s needs, and there is no alternative state school.
To make an application, we ask that the parent or carer meets the following criteria:
1. The child must be aged between 0-18 yrs.
2. The parent or full time carer, must currently work or have previously worked in the UK fashion and textile industry
3. The parent is able to show that there is no state provision for the needs of their children

Awards for All/Reaching Communities- One to One Support for Camden Groups
VAC and BIG will be offering further one to one support sessions for Camden groups applying for Awards for All and Reaching Communities in 2015. They will take place on 23rd March. Please contact Ricky or Monica acharles@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6550 to book your 45min session. You will need to send in your completed draft by 16th March.

Ageing Better in Camden Announce Invitations to Tender
Ageing Better in Camden has now published the Invitation for Tender Documentation for the Digital Inclusion Project and the Intergenerational Activities Project on the Age UK Camden website. Ageing Better apologise for the delay. http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/.
Please note that there is an ‘Acknowledgement of Tender Form’ in the ‘Invitation for Tender Documentation’.
Ageing Better in Camden need to receive this form, so that you can be included in the clarification dialogue between Ageing Better in Camden and other bidders about the tendering documentation and process.
The revised timetable for the tendering process is also on the website.
Please note that the Intergenerational Activities Project now covers children (under 18 years old) AND younger adults (18 – 40 year olds) across Camden.
Please refer to http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/ for updates.

Do you want to be part of the challenge to improve mental health in Camden?
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. We want to work with you to develop ideas for how to best spend the funding.
We have created this fund because promoting good mental health is one of the biggest challenges that is facing Camden. There are over 36,000 people living with common mental health problems in the borough.
We want to hear your thoughts and ideas on mental health and how the fund should be used.
There will be a ‘conversation’ event on Thursday 12th February from 9:30 – 12:00 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall.
This is open to anybody, especially people with mental health problems, carers, providers and practitioners who wish to help us develop a shared approach to mental health prevention.
This will be the first of many chances to get involved and develop this support with us.
If you are interested please email Richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk or phone on 020 7974 8545. You can also send us your thoughts online at: www.wearecamden.org/mentalhealth

Capital Clean-up Grant and Kit
Anyone from community groups to charities, youth groups to small businesses can now apply for grants of between £500 and £1,500, or a clean-up kit, to bring volunteers together and get involved in Capital Clean-up 2015
See more at: http://www.projectdirt.com/cluster/capitalcleanup/#!/journal_entry/33925

Home Office – Child and Adult Victim Sexual Abuse Support Fund
Grants are available for registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales providing local or national services to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services.
The Sexual Abuse Support Fund is aimed at non-statutory organisations in England and Wales providing support to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services. Organisations can provide local services or national services.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

Home Office – Child Abuse Inquiry Support Fund
New one-off fund with a deadline of 2 March 2015 (5pm).
Grants are available to registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales which have experienced an increase in demand as a direct result of the announcement of the Child Abuse Inquiry on 7 July 2014.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

BIG puts another £10m into programme to help charities win contracts and take investment
The Big Lottery Fund has doubled the amount of funding available through its grants programme to help charities win contracts and investment (ie take on debt). Read the story at Civil Society or find out more at the BIG Potential website.

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The application process is open from Monday 19th January 2015.
The deadline for completed applications is: 6pm on Thursday 16th March 2015
Full details and links to the forms can be found at https://www.vac.org.uk/camden-community-festivals-fund/
If you would like more information and/or to be sent hard copies of the application forms and the guidelines please contact acharles@vac.org.uk. Tel. 020 7284 6553. Fax. 020 7284 6551. VAC, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Please note your grant is only administered by VAC. For all other aspects of your event please contact Camden Council’s events team. events@camden.gov.uk. Tel: 020 7974 5633.

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are ?25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Do you support or work with unpaid carers? Would you like to host a free wellbeing session for carers at your centre?
Voluntary Action Camden is working in partnership with Camden Carers Service (CCS) to reach “hidden carers” who are not currently accessing CCS’s services. We can offer a short wellbeing session giving carers some simple everyday techniques to help improve their mental wellbeing. The session will also give them the opportunity to sign up for the range of free support offered by Camden Carers Service.
An unpaid carer is someone who supports a family member, close friend or neighbour, who would not manage without their help. The person cared for could be an adult or a child with:
• a medical or long-term condition
• physical or learning disability
• sensory impairment
• dementia
• mental health condition
• substance dependency
If you are in touch with carers in your area and can invite them to a small group session on your premises, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. To be eligible, carers should live or work in Camden, or support someone who lives in Camden.

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Free training, outings and events for unpaid carers in Camden, from Friday 20th to 27th February
Friday 20th Feb: Mental health carers’ support group, 10.30am – 12.30pm, Peckwater Resource Centre, 6 Peckwater Street, NW5 2TX. A monthly group for carers of people with mental health problems. Ring 020 7428 8950 for details or just drop in.
Yoga class, for carers of all abilities, Fri 20th, 1.30 – 2.30pm. Booking essential; please call 020 7428 8950 or email yoni@camdencarers.org.uk
Sunday 22nd February: Bargain book sale! CCS partner, Centre 404, is hosting a book sale from 12 – 2pm to raise funds for children’s parties. A huge selection, both fiction and non-fiction, for all ages, from 50p to £2.50. All books are either new or ex-promotional. Centre 404, 404 Camden Road, N7 0SJ – all welcome.
Monday 23rd February: A few places still available for The Memory Project, a fortnightly course for people with dementia and their carer or a close relative, 2-4pm. To book or find out more call Zakeera on 020 7428 8950 or email zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Tuesday 24th February: Dementia carers’ group, 11am – 1pm. A monthly group open to any carer in Camden who supports someone with dementia, combining support, information and an activity or invited speaker. Members define how the group runs and who is invited to speak. To book a place please call 020 7428 8950 or email Zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Art as Therapy seeks to explore how art can help the individual connect to universal aspects of the human experience. Next group meets 1 – 3pm. All unpaid carers in Camden welcome. Ring Sitara on 020 7428 8950 or email sitara@camdencarers.org.uk for details or to book.
Wednesday 25th February: Carers and former carers social support group, 10.30 am – 12pm. Activities include occasional invited speakers and days out. The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 2nd floor meeting room, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, NW5 2TJ. Ring 020 7428 8950 for more information or just drop in.
Guided tour of British Museum for older carers, dementia carers and cared-for, 10.30am – 1.30pm. Carers may bring their cared-for or attend alone. To book a place please call 020 7428 8950 or email Zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Thursday 26th February: Special event: Life Outside Caring fair, 10am – 4pm. Lots of interesting activities, stalls and information to find something different to do outside of the caring role! To book a place please call Yoni on 020 7428 8950 or email Yoni@camdencarers.org.uk
Coffee morning for carers of people with learning disabilities, 10.30am – 12pm. A coffee morning for carers of children and adults with learning disabilities. Please call 020 7428 8950 or email charitym@centre404.org.uk if you would like to attend.
Friday 27th February: Leisure afternoon for people with dementia and their carers, 2 – 4pm. An event for people with dementia and their carers; older carers can also participate, with or without the person they care for. Enjoy games, discussions and interactive activities like painting, baking and singing along to classic songs led by live saxophone and guitar. To book a place please call 020 7428 8950 or email Zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk

Equalities Support Programme for voluntary and community organisations working with children, young people and families
Do you want to provide services that better meet the needs of your local communities and different equalities groups? This programme introduces local voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) in London to the Engage London Equality Act Toolkit. This course will be very helpful for individuals in these VCOs with a policy, engagement or equalities remit or those with an interest in helping these VCOs improve equal opportunities in service delivery.
The session will enable participants to:
• Assist your local voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) to use the Engage London Toolkit, and other equalities resources, in planning your work
• Improve the capacity of your VCOs to identify the needs of groups that may face discrimination or inequalities in accessing services
• Consider how your VCOs can deliver services that are better able to meet the needs of equalities groups
Wednesday 11th March 9.45 – 16.30
Race Equality Foundation, Unit 22 Deane House Studios, 27 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB
engagelondon@childrenengland.org.uk Web: www.childrenengland.org.uk/engagelondon/

Headway North London – Dates for your diary
Peer Support Group @ Swiss Cottage Community Centre. Every first Tuesday of the month: 4.30 – 6pm
A facilitated session bringing together brain injury survivors in a safe, open environment. Next meetings on March 3, April 7, May 5
Headway @ Kingsgate Community Centre. Every Tuesday: 1.30 – 3.30pm
Weekly IT Skills session in the Computer Suite – call 020 7625 3236 to check before attending
The Drop In service continues to be held on the second Tuesday of the month (1.30 – 15.30pm) – call 020 7625 3236 to check before attending
Monthly Evening Meeting @ Crossfield Centre. Every third Wednesday of the month: 7 – 9pm
Upcoming dates: March 18, April 15, May 20
Carer support is available by appointment. Please call us on 020 7625 3236 if you would like to make an appointment. Helpline; 020 7372 4477

Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14 May 2015 – 18 Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

The Development and Integration of the NHS 111 and GP Out of Hours Services
You may be interested in attending this event if you want to give your views on the current services and how we can provide the most efficient and effective services for you in the future.
Monday 23 February at 17.30 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, NW1 0PE
RSVP to Caroline Straker, CPPEG administrator by telephone or email Tel: 020 3688 2044 Email: engagement@camdenccg.nhs.uk

Free Speech, surveillance and human rights: uniting London in response to the Charlie Hebdo Atrocities
Tuesday 3rd March 7pm at Highgate Library and Civic and Cultural Centre

Let’s chat
Do you want more confidence speaking English? Do you want to practise speaking with other people from your local area?
Every Mon – 9th Feb till 2nd Mar from 3 – 4pm
Every Thurs – 12th Feb till Mar 5th from 4.30 – 5.30pm
At The Haven, 23 Castlehaven Rd, London NW1 Call 020 7485 3386 for more information

NCiFoundations Fundrasing Event
NCiFoundations, a registered charity (RCN 1151520), based in Camden is having its 1st fund-raising event on Saturday the 28th of February 2015 from 11am-4pm, venue at: 14 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG.The event will be to raise funds to support desperate orphans in Kenya and Uganda who are in desperate need of clothing, feeding, education sponsor and creating an awareness to end Female Genital Mutilation. Our event will also be promoting NCiFoundations other aims and objectives which involve supporting UK Local community projects to enhance and protect our UK local borough community.
At the event we will be showcasing beautiful handcraft artworks made by the orphans
For more information please visit our website: www.ncifoundations.org.
Email: info@ncifoundations.org . Tel: +44(0) 7900928873. Also interested sponsors please do get in touch as well. Venue: 141 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG (11-4pm) nearest station to venue is Warren Street Station.

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange, the British Society of Gerontology, and London Borough of Camden present The first Kilburn Debate of 2015: Kilburn – your lifetime neighbourhood?
What policy changes would encourage us to ‘age in place’?
9.30am– 4.30pm Tuesday, 3rd March, 2015
Morning: Older peoples’ contribution to research
Passing by or by-passing: Intergenerational use of public space; Professor Sheila Peace, Open University
How older people are helping change the street environment; Rita Newton, Senior lecturer, Salford University
1.30–2.30pm: Films by KOVE and other local older film-makers
Afternoon: New developments – London and Kilburn
The London picture and lessons from other cities; Professor Colin Haylock, Newcastle University, Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, member Mayor’s Design Advisory Group;
Making changes to Kilburn High Rd: a case study; Jacqueline Saunders, Principal Traffic Planner, Camden
Kingsgate Resource Centre for Older People, 208 Webheath, Palmerston Road NW6 2JU
This free event is open to users of the Centre, local residents of any age, British Society of Gerontology members, service professionals and anyone with an interest in the issues under discussion. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For information and to register, contact: John Miles (07817 424356 johnmiles68@yahoo.co.uk) or Mel Wright (07539 390786 mel.wright@kove.org.uk)

Islington Mind’s LGBT service – open Information day – part of LGBT History Month 24th Feb 11 – 3pm
Introducing the unique pan-London service that is offered every Tuesday to the LGBT community. At 35 Ashley Road, N19 3AG. Programme for the day includes:
Information about Outcome; Yoga; Drama; Art workshops; Animation workshops; Ear acupuncture; Head massage; Taster therapies with MSH – grooming and holistic clinic.
Best Curry in town (FOR £3), raffle and many other surprises…
RSVP: sigal.avni@islington.mind.org

Working with Complex Needs: Free Training Offer for Camden Based Groups
Clean Break is offering FREE training workshops to health, social care and voluntary sector organisations working in Camden in February – March 2015
Designed to help you reflect on and identify successful strategies to support women with complex needs, this training is ideal for frontline staff, managers, volunteers, advice workers, support staff and others who want to improve their practice. This bespoke package uses short play Sounds Like An Insult, performed by graduates of Clean Break’s theatre education programme, as a stimulus for discussion and critical reflection. Commissioned by Clean Break in association with NOMS and the Department of Health, Sounds Like An Insult explores the experiences of women offenders with complex mental health needs, and the challenges of diagnosis and treatment within the criminal justice system. Following the performance, we engage participants through creative techniques to explore the challenges and opportunities of working with women who may have complex mental health needs, addiction and/or experience of the criminal justice system and who often, as a result, struggle to access or remain engaged in services.
We will be running these free two hour training workshops in Camden, throughout February and March 2015. We can work with groups of up to 30 and may be able to offer multiple workshops for organisations which have larger numbers to accommodate.
If you would like to discuss your organisation’s specific needs or ask questions about the workshop, or to book a session, please email Ros Terry ros.terry@cleanbreak.org.uk. More information at www.cleanbreak.org.uk

Housing allocation consultation 2015
There will be a special lunchtime briefing for people working in the voluntary sector on Monday 23rd February at 11.30am-1pm at: 5 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG
To book a place, please contact Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
If your organisation has a regular meeting (either with staff or service users) and you would like a member of the housing allocation consultation team to attend to give a presentation on the proposed changes to the scheme and answer any questions, please contact either Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
For more information, to book a place for a workshop or the special briefing or to arrange another meeting, please contact:
• Zoe Goldblum, Senior Policy Officer, Zoe.Goldblum@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 4544.
• Giovanni Bruggi, Business Support Officer, Giovanni.Bruggi@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 5519

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Holborn Community Association have a vacancy:
Senior Administrator who will lead on administrative functions across all three HCA sites.
Are you an organised person with administrative experience and excellent computer skills? An opportunity has arisen to join Holborn Community Association, a growing & exciting community charity in WC1 – a great location to work in.
We need someone who has:
 Minimum 2 years experience working in an administration role
 High level of accuracy, organisation and attention to detail
 Excellent IT skills including use of Microsoft software and ideally Google Apps
 Willingness to work flexibly
Hours per week: 25. Salary: £21,675 pro rata (NJC Scale pt 19). Full DBS (CRB) check will be required
Information pack and application form available on our website www.holborncommunity.co.uk or by emailing admin@holborncommunity.co.uk
Closing Date: Monday 2nd March 2015 at 12 pm
Interviews will be held: Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th March 2015

Castlehaven Community Association seeks Environmental & Community Projects Officer
Are you passionate about engaging communities in environmental projects? Do you have experience of project managing community lead food growing/ wildlife/ conservation/ landscape projects? Would you like to work for a thriving community association in the heart of Camden Town?
Hours: 25 Hours per week (5 days x 5 hours inc alternate weekends)
Salary: £21,675 (Scale 4-19) Pro Rata for 25 hours per week £11.91 per hour
At Castlehaven we have four acres of urban green space just off Camden high street. We have been working to transform it into a vibrant and loved park space that is rich in biodiversity, providing opportunities for the local community to learn about gardening, food growing and environmental issues. We are looking for a self motivated, proactive and creative individual to manage the environmental projects and open space at the Castlehaven Community Association.
Application closing date: Sunday 1st March 2015. Interviews will take place on Friday 6th March 2015.
Download Application Form & Job Description www.castlehaven.org.uk or email Anita Lake on anita@castlehaven.org.uk for an application pack, tel: 020 7485 3386

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Kentish Town Community Centre’s Youth Service is recruiting Youth Workers:
Youth Worker x 1 (10 hours / Evening Work)
The successful applicant will be working across the youth projects, supporting the Youth team in the planning, delivery and monitoring of the projects. The successful applicant will have good experience of delivering sessions, direct one to one work, the ability to design and implement content, a belief in the potential of young people and the ability to build a rapport with young people.
Youth Worker x 2 (Bank Staff)
This role is strictly for bank staff and applicants would need to be available to work as and when necessary to support delivering the needs of the projects (i.e. during staff absence etc). Occasionally this may mean being notified on the day of which you are required to work. This is a great opportunity for individuals seeking to gain wider experience within the field of youth work.
Both roles require: L2 qualification in Youth Work or relevant equivalent, Sound understanding of Safeguarding procedures.
Contact Halima Begum, Youth Project’s Manager, Kentish Town Community Centre, 17 Busby Place, London NW5 2SP T: 07763 433041 / 020 7482 3212 E: halima@ktcc.org.uk

Mental Health Community Development Worker £26,342 – Islington based
Hillside Clubhouse is a dynamic mental health charity in North London. Our community development service works at a strategic level with the local authority, NHS and community organisations to identify and address barriers faced by people from excluded communities (including BMER, LGBT and faith) accessing mental health and community based services. The postholder will also provide direct support to individuals to access services including talking therapies and supportive services. Experience of working with people and organisations to influence change will be essential as will an in depth knowledge of issues facing excluded communities in accessing services. You will also need to develop a clear understanding of and referral pathways into local services and be able to enable individuals to access them.
For an application pack please email gsell@hillsideclubhouse.org.uk or telephone 020 7700 6408.
Closing date: Monday 2 March 2015 More details at www.hillsideclubhouse.org.uk

Mary Ward Centre has a Childcare Tutor Vacancy
The tutor will be expected to take responsibility for planning the course, within the framework of Centre policy and practice, as well as teach the course.
The successful applicant will hold a recognised qualification, or have extensive experience, in childcare.and have proven experience in adult education, or relevant experience in leading groups of adults.
Application forms are available from our website: www.marywardcentre.ac.uk, and interviews will take place on Tuesday February 24th 2015.
Please send in your completed application form, including the supporting statement saying how you meet each of the points listed in the Person Specification, by Monday February 16th 2015. Application forms should be sent to Mandy Yu, at Mandy.Yu@marywardcentre.ac.uk

Camden Carers Service seeks Volunteer Co-ordinator
CSS are a consortium of two organisations and would like to increase the number of volunteers we involve as well as the range of volunteering roles. This is where you would come in. You will help us think about what volunteer roles would be useful, write the role outlines, promote and recruit to these roles. Additionally, you will help to make sure that all our volunteers are comfortable with what they are doing and check in with them regularly. Arranging social events for our volunteers and encouraging our service users to volunteer will be part of parcel of your time with us.
As well, our volunteer procedures need streamlining and perhaps updating too. So your contribution here would be most welcome.
Mentoring from an experienced Volunteer Manager is on offer as well as being part of a new consortium. You will gain people management skills, so useful when seeking employment. CCS supports personal development, so you will have the opportunity to take full advantage of everything they have to offer. Through Volunteer Centre Camden you will have access to the Central London volunteer centres volunteer management training, to include an introduction to volunteer management and support and supervision of volunteers. CCS offers safe-guarding training and also has access to further training through London Borough of Camden.
Travel and lunch expanses paid. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

Camden Carers Service seeks Befrienders
Would you like to help older carers around the borough of Camden have a better social life too? Do you value older people? Do you have time available in the day? Are you friendly and reliable?
Camden Carers Service is launching a new project to provide befriending and support for our older carers. We are looking to recruit volunteers interested in befriending from a range of backgrounds, varying life experiences and across all ages. People who are friendly, patient, good listeners and understanding will be spending time with carers on a weekly basis for a couple of hours or so.
Volunteering with CCS as a befriender means you provide support (typically up to 12 weeks) for older carers after the initial introduction process. You will need to be able to visit your befriendees regularly for minimum of 3 hours per week. DBS check required. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information contact tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Henna Asian Women’s Group Befriending Service 2015
Henna Asian Women’s Group is opening their Befriending service to all individuals that are in need for extra help to improve their social circle in the new year. We will reach out to the most vulnerable individuals that live in any Borough of London. Henna volunteers will pay regular weekly visits to clients and support them into taking steps to come out of the home and access different services.
We are recruiting both Male and Female volunteers to become Befrienders on this project. If you have a few hours to spare each week, would like to gain experience in the health and social care sector or simply just want to give something back to the community then please contact us.
Contact Ammarah Ahmad, ammarah_hennaorg@yahoo.co.uk, Telephone: 020 7372 9860, Volunteer Coordinator, Henna Asian Women’s Group, www.hennaorg.co.uk

Skillshare is an easy way to find skilled people to support your organisation. What sort of skills are on your wish list? Current skills on offer include: furniture restoration, photography, Nia technique instructor and food and textiles teacher, plus many more. Thirty local organisations are already signed up and accessing our database of skilled volunteers. The last volunteer we placed was a photographer who is going to be taking photographs of Camden for two local organisations.
For more information contact SkillShare, skillshare@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or 020 7424 9990.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Free NHS Health Checks
NHS health checks are offered once every five years to people aged between 40 and 74 years (or 30 to 74 if you are South Asian), to assess heart health and the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia.
Having a regular health check means a better chance of preventing or catching any potential conditions before they become serious.
The check takes about 20 to 30 minutes and includes measuring height, weight, blood pressure and checking your cholesterol with a simple blood test.
Results are then explained and guidance will be given as to the steps that can be taken towards living a healthier lifestyle.
If you are Camden resident, and registered with a GP, ask at your local surgery, call 0203 633 2609 / 0800 917 0976, or click on the link below to book an appointment at a place near you.
More information at healthycamden.com/healthchecks

HR Advice for Camden Groups from VAC
VAC is offering Camden VCS groups a free service every Thursday to answer HR related queries, by telephone or e-mail. As well as dealing with one-off queries, free of charge, on Thursdays, we can also offer an “Expert Critical Friend” package, which provides 3.5 hours of support at a cost of £150, for you to use as, when and where you need it. This package is suitable if managers or trustees need more substantial help with:
~ Drafting or reviewing HR policies and procedures
~ Support to work through difficult situations, eg. redundancy, disciplinary issues
~ Coaching on dealing with a number of HR issues
~ Training to improve practical HR knowledge throughout your organisation
Contact Caroline Jepson by e-mail at cjepson@vac.org.uk or by telephone: 020 7284 6564

Visiting the VCS
Starting in early 2015 the Community and Third Sector team would like spend a bit more time working more closely with Camden’s voluntary and community organisations to see at first hand some of the challenges – as well as the achievements – that you face. The team would like you to invite one person from our team who will work from your building or office for one day per month for three months (or longer if all goes well!). We will bring our laptops – all we will need is a table or desk and access to your wi fi – perhaps there would be space in your reception area. We will be getting on with our own work – but happy to lend a hand informally if needed. Hopefully this will enable the Community and Third Sector team and VCS colleagues to get to know each other better and help us have a better understanding of some of your day to day work. If you are interested in taking part please email Noor.Al-Baddawy@camden.gov.uk or call her on 020 7974 6626.

OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’ button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to make OneCamden better.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 27th February 2015

Highlights: Ageing Better in Camden Update; New Funding for Camden; New Mental Health Carer and User Group; Final Conversation of the Prevention Challenge; Crossroads Women’s Centre Hustings; Low Cost Trustee Training; Housing Crisis?; Benefit for Santé; Planning health services for north central London; Co-production and Innovation in Health and Care; Trust for London Highlights London’s Wealth Gap; Consultation on Staying Healthier Longer; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


New Funding for Camden
A number of new funds are launching including small grants (£1500) from Freesport, encouraging sports participation including non sport organisations; Hampstead Wells and Campden want to fund two major projects in their area to tackle poverty. Aviva community fund opens for small grants soon. See Funding section below.

Ageing Better in Camden Update
The Big Lottery has signed off the Project Plan so the funding for the Programme is confirmed and we will work to make sure we are all ready to start delivering the agreed programme from 1st July followed by formal launch of Ageing Better in Camden at our first annual event in the autumn.
The first Ageing Better in Camden delivery agency has been appointed. Kilburn Older Voices Exchange (Kove) will be working on the Kilburn Community Action Project.
3. Tender programme
• The application deadlines for both the Intergenerational Activities Project and the Digital Inclusion Project have passed. We are now in the process of appraising the bids we have received and will announce the successful delivery partners as soon as possible
• The closing date for the Men’s Action Project is 5.00pm on 1st April 2015.
• The closing date for Community Connectors is 5.00pm on 15th April 2015
• We are now working on plans for the delivery of the LGBT Engagement Project with Opening Doors London and other partners.
• We are also working with the Ageing Better Strategic Board members and other partners to develop our plans for developing the wider partnership, including events and training.
4. Programme Evaluation
The complexity of the evaluation has led to slow progress in advertising the tender for the Camden evaluation. This will now be advertised during April. Our apologies to potential providers who have been waiting for this.
If you have any queries about this please do call (020 7239 0400) or email either Corinna Hyman (Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk) or Julia Shelley (Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk).

New Mental Health Carer and User Group
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is setting up a mental health service user and carer steering group. The group, led by two project support managers with lived experience of mental health services in Camden, will work with us to make sure service user and carer opinions, thoughts and ideas are at the centre of mental health services in Camden.
The steering group will meet monthly. There will also be opportunities for members to sit on working groups of various projects within the CCG. The steering group itself will help to define its role, but some ideas for the kind of things they will do are:
• Organise events, research and outreach to engage the wider service user and carer community in the work of the CCG.
• Be part of developing mental health projects with the CCG.
• Raise concerns, worries or risks about mental health services in Camden – and help address these.
This is a new and exciting project, so there will be plenty of opportunities to make it your own!
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please get in touch with Lindsay (Project Support Manager) at mhinvolvement@camdenccg.nhs.uk or on 0203 688 2084 for more information and how to apply.

Final Conversation of the Prevention Challenge on Monday
Monday 30th March – from 2pm till 4pm
At Clarence TRA Hall, Bradfield Court, Hawley Road, Camden, London, NW1 8RN
At our next event
– we’ll present some of what we think we’ve heard so far to see if we’re on the right lines
– we’ll think about how we can try and make sure what we develop is accessible to all of Camden’s communities
– we’ll discuss some ideas of how the Council and providers can work together to achieve our shared goals
– we’ll develop an idea or two that we haven’t had a chance to look at yet
We will be providing a buffet at this event. Please let us know if you need support to attend.
If you would like to come on Monday please RSVP rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk or leave a message on https://www.wearecamden.org/mentalhealth/

Raise your concerns. Ask your questions.
With a few weeks to the election, women have asked us to host a meeting.
Tuesday 31 March 2015 6pm ALL WELCOME Crossroads Women’s Centre
25 Wolsey Mews, Kentish Town, NW5 2DX
Confirmed speakers:
Natalie Bennett, Green Party candidate for Holborn & St Pancras
Others to be confirmed
Some concerns women told us about ● Austerity hitting women, children and people with disabilities hardest ● Unaffordable rents ● Access to GPs, A&E and alternative therapies ● Hospital care and shortage of nurses ● Homecare ● Support for mothers and other carers ● Pay equity and a living wage ● Benefit sanctions ● Family-friendly working hours ● Problems with the policing of rape and domestic violence ● Mothers losing child custody ● Fuel prices ● Green energies ● Sexist and racist attacks on immigrants ● Detention and destitution of asylum seekers ● Imprisonment of vulnerable women and children ● And more . . .
contact@crossroadswomen.net Tel: 020 7482 2496

Low Cost Trustee Training from VAC and Mary Ward Centre
Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14th May 2015 – 25th Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Housing Crisis?
Tuesday 21 April 2015 Registration: 6pm Debate: 6.30pm. Followed by a drinks and canapé reception
The Eliot Room, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB
An invitation to attend a free debate discussing:
Social Housing Shortage
Out of Area Placements or “Social Cleansing”
Standards of Social Housing
What does the Future Hold?
Chair: Thul Khan, Housing Solicitor, Osbornes Solicitors LLP with panellists:
Cllr Matthew Bennett, Lambeth, Cabinet Member for Housing (Labour)
Cllr John Moss, Waltham Forest, Larkswood Ward (Conservative)
Cllr Judith Blakeman, Kensington and Chelsea, Notting Dale Ward (Labour)
Connor Johnston, Barrister, Garden Court Chambers
Further panellists to be announced
To secure your place at this debate please RSVP to events@osbornes.net

A benefit party to celebrate: Santé’s 10th birthday
Monday, April 13 at The Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Avenue, London NW5 2RX. Time: 7pm–11pm.
We are raising funds for the Santé Refugee Mental Health Project. Entrance: minimum donation £5, asylum seekers free.
► BAR African food
► Entertainment from 7.30pm Music Sean Taylor (folk blues) Mamadee Cissay (African acoustic) Poetry Paul Birtill
RSVP by April 6 to appletonruth@msn.com; 020 7482 2903

National News
Commission on the Voluntary Sector & Ageing
The Commission on the Voluntary Sector & Ageing was established to put ageing on the agenda of the voluntary sector and has now published the final report ‘Decision Time’.
The huge demographic shifts we are experiencing in our society present risks and opportunities for all charities, funders, social enterprises and other voluntary organisations—not just those working with older people. By stimulating discussion and exchanges on this shift and how best to respond, we have been working to help the sector adapt and ensure it can thrive in 2033. More on the commission’s website.
The Value of Local Infrastructure
NAVCA’s Neil Cleeveley has added his voice to those arguing for support for local infrastructure. Navca want to encourage “sensible conversations between funders, public bodies, and infrastructure bodies” about how to support local voluntary organisations, and how to grow community engagement and involvement. Cleeveley dismisses the suggestion that the infrastructure sector needs radical change, but says it needs to think carefully about the “big challenge” “We know we are entering quite a difficult time and we need to think about how we work collectively to face up to the challenge of fewer resources and increasing demand,” he says.
One “huge role for infrastructure” is supporting local charities build the right relationships with other funders and commissioners, he says. Another is in championing early intervention. “One of the things we worry about a lot is how to shift resources from acute services, which make people to better, to preventing problems in the first place,” he says.
One problem he highlights is that the benefits from these services often accrue years down the line, making them difficult to justify to commissioners under pressure from funding cuts and an ageing population.
“It’s a difficult argument to win, but one I think we have to win,” he says. He argues that infrastructure organisations provide services which are extremely valuable to many parties, but which most of them cannot or will not pay for directly. He says often with infrastructure organisations, the value they bring is long-term, in-depth knowledge, rather than specific services.
One danger, he says, is that the value of that knowledge will not be realised until it is gone. Full story in Civil Society

Can you help plan health services for north central London?
Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are seeking representatives to help with plans to improve local urgent care services. We want to bring together the local out-of-hours GP services with the NHS 111 24-hour telephone service to improve experience of using and accessing urgent care services, making sure everyone receives the best care, from the best person, in the right place, at the right time.
We are forming a Patient and Public Reference Group (PPRG), and are seeking representatives from the five boroughs to work with us as part of the procurement process, looking at the plans and specifications for the proposed integrated service. If you would like to be involved, please fill in the application here: http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/website/about/patient-reference-group.htm by 31 March. There will be a selection process to decide the membership of the group. If you have any questions, please contact us at feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk

Good Practice Case Studies – Co-production and Innovation in Health and Care
LVSC has published a new report to help you build on partnership work and co-production between you, other organisations and sectors. Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) may also find this document helpful whilst tendering for contracts or applying for grants. It will also be useful to commissioners, policy makers and Health & Wellbeing Boards when seeking evidence of effective co-production and innovation and the new models of care programme.
The case studies featured in this new LVSC report show the effectiveness of co-production and collaboration between the VCS, policy makers, hospitals and commissioners. They also demonstrate that co-production can increase patient outcomes through preventative approaches in tackling health and care needs, improving health and care by using innovative approaches, and saving the NHS money.

Trust for London Highlights London’s Wealth Gap
The Trust for London has highlighted a number of reports on its website that show a picture of inequality growing in the capital including new LSE research that show Falling incomes hit poorest Londoners hardest, and a report on the impact of inequality in young Londoners. A recent Observer editorial comments on this crisis.

Consultation on Staying Healthier Longer
Camden Public Health and Adult Social Care are working on developing information which will help people in Camden to stay healthy and independent for longer.
We want to involve residents in developing this information so that we can be certain that it will be a useful resource for everyone to use.
If you are aged between 55 and 75 and are interested in being part of a focus group at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre, Belmont Street NW1 8HF
11am on Thursday 2nd April 2015 or you would like further information, please contact Fahim on 020 7974 6345 or email him at Fahim.ahmed@camden.gov.uk

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.

Voiceability, Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, Buna, The CarAf Centre, Kentish Town Community Centre, The Evelyn Oldfield Unit, New Horizons Youth Centre, VAC, CRI, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust
New Grant Opportunity for Tackling Poverty in North Campden
£50,000 is to be allocated by the trustees of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust to one or two projects for up to two years. This is to achieve some long term impact on and change in poverty in the Trust’s area of benefit (the old metropolitan borough of Hampstead.) This may be either by preventing problems or reducing their incidence. e.g. poor outcomes in children’s health and education, child care provision, security of housing tenure, reducing debt.
The Trust is keen to facilitate collaborative working amongst its beneficiary organisations. Clarity of outcomes will be needed for funding of any project, together with the organisation’s ability to demonstrate those outcomes.
Trustees would be keen to maintain a close relationship with all grant recipients.
Details of the Grant Allocation Timetable are listed below;
1. An outline of the project and applicant organisation to reach us for shortlisting by 6th May 2015. (one side of A4)
2. Shortlisting Panel to meet week commencing 11th May 2015.
3. Inform short listed applicants week commencing 18t May 2015 and invite more detailed applications by 1st July 2015.
4. Review of applications by Grants Committee on 22nd July 2015.
5. Details of grant award to be conveyed to organisations on 30th July 2015.
For an informal discussion please contact Sheila Taylor, Director & Clerk to the Trustees on 0207 435 1570. Further details about the work of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust, you can visit their website on www.hwct.org.uk.

FreeSport offers grants up to £1500
FreeSport – part of the Mayor of London’s sport legacy programme – enables organisations and community groups of all shapes and sizes to apply for grants of up to £1,500 to run free sports activities for Londoners.
The next round of funding opens on 15 April 2015.
FreeSport is about inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try a new sport or activity, but importantly, it’s also about inspiring organisations who may never have done anything sporty before, and to spark their interest to run regular sport sessions. In previous FreeSport rounds we have funded a huge variety of activities ranging from traditional sports like football or rugby through to circus skills and ‘chairobics’
Applications are straight forward and we have lots of information to guide applicants who may never have applied for a grant before.
If you would like to sign up to the mailing list and receive information about how to apply, you can register here: http://bit.ly/1GiO8wo
For more information on the FreeSport grant, you can visit the website which is: www.London.gov.uk/freesport

London Catalyst and the Hospital Saturday Fund have come together to launch a new ‘Partners for Health’ grant programme.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be considered for social action projects tackling the effects of poverty and health inequalities in London. ‘Partners for Health’ is open to community groups that can demonstrate a thoughtful response to local needs and partnership with an expert health agency. There is a particular interest in the areas of mental health and addiction.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 29 May 2015. The application form and guidance can be downloaded at www.londoncatalyst.org.uk/grants/ – click on the ‘Partners For Health’ link in the opening paragraph of our Special Interest Grants.

A new community fund giving away up to £25,000 for projects that will make a real difference to local communities.
This is ideal for small charities, if you have an idea for a new project, or there’s an existing project that would benefit from additional funding, it’s well worth getting involved to help secure vital funds for your cause.
The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding for projects to help enhance local communities. You can apply for funding to support all kinds of projects, as long as it is for the greater good of the community. To qualify, your project must make a positive difference to people’s lives in one of the following categories:
~ Health, disability and wellbeing
~ Supporting the younger generation
~ Supporting the older generation
~ Community support
There are four different funding levels you can apply for, ranging from £1,000 to up to £25,000. The projects will be put forward to a public vote, with the most popular going through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.
The fund launches on 24th March. You can find out more information on the Aviva Community Fund website.
Some key dates for the competition:
1. Submissions will open on 24th March, until 30th April
2. Voting opens on 1st May – 30th May, so this will be the time to get busy promoting your project to as many friends and family as possible to secure their votes
3. The most-voted for projects asking for up to £1,000 will secure their funding. The projects asking for up to £5,000 or more with the most votes will go through to the Finals to be judged by the judging panel.

The Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust has funding available for vulnerable children
For children (0-18 years), where the parent or carer works / has previously worked, in any aspect of the UK fashion and textile industry. (This is very broad reaching and even covers employees that work in supermarkets that sell clothing!)
We have two different grant types, as follows: (grants typically start at £150)
Wellbeing grants for items including essential items (including clothing, bedding and white goods) therapies, respite activities, mobility equipment, specialist clothing and adaptations to the home.
Education grants for items including specialist tutorial support, learning tools (including specialist tools, books and course equipment), school necessities (including uniform and sports equipment), transport costs and school fees*
*Applications for support with school fees are considered where the state education system has been unable to meet the young person’s needs, and there is no alternative state school.
To make an application, we ask that the parent or carer meets the following criteria:
1. The child must be aged between 0-18 yrs.
2. The parent or full time carer, must currently work or have previously worked in the UK fashion and textile industry
3. The parent is able to show that there is no state provision for the needs of their children

Camden Prevention Challenge: Improving mental health
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. The £750,000 is equally funded by Camden Council, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group and Camden & Islington Foundation Trust.
Camden’s Adult Mental Health Commissioners are hosting 3 events in March to get ideas from mental health service users, providers, carers and practitioners how the money should be best spent.
Ways to contribute:
1. Post comments/ideas on We are Camden webpage
2. Join us at conversation events taking place in March below- please RVSP rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk – places are limited.
3. Contact a Mental Health Commissioner or member of the Mental Health and Substance Misuse Commissioning Team
Conversation three: What would make it easier for people to take part in community activities and opportunities?
Bedford House Gym, Holborn Community Association,35 Emerald Street, London WC1N 3Q
Monday 30 March, 1 to 3pm
Richard Elphick, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner –– richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 8545
Julia Chappell, Strategic Mental Health Commissioner – julia.chappell@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 6651
Rosemary Howes, Mental Health Placement and Performance Co-ordinator in Mental Health Commissioning Team – rosemary.howes@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 5070

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 6th May: Project Management Starter
  • 14th May: Governance/Trustees 6 evenings

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Learn to Build a Website
Free introductory sessions at West Euson Partnership or St Luke’s Community Centre. Various dates in April, May, June. Contact Jed Keenan on 07950963069 or email jed.keenan@aliteracyprogramme.org. Further information and booking at www.eliteracyprogramme.org

First Thursday London April – Using social media to build your business
Thursday, April 2, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
This month sees us back at The British Library with Debbie Clarke from Heard Media and Tricia Richards from Castlehaven Community Association. And it’s all about how to use Social Media to grow your business.
Debbie has helped a number of Camden community organisations develop their social media media strategy. She has a great understanding of how community organisations, social enterprises and small businesses can use facebook, twitter and a whole host of other platforms to get your brand, your service and your products out there.
One of the organisations Debbie is working with is Castlehaven Community Association and so we’re going to be hearing from Tricia Richards, their Operations Manager, about how it has worked in practice for them.
Book your free place at eventbrite.

Training with Relate (Harrow)
Are you feeling the effects of a significant life change? Are you looking to set and achieve new goals for yourself but feel unable to? Would you like to improve your self confidence?
Taking Charge of Your Life is a short course which can help you manage change and loss, set achievable goals and rebuild self-confidence.
No formal qualifications are needed. You should be able to understand and express yourself in English.
What is included on the course?
• Understanding assertiveness and how it can help you
• Identifying your own personal strengths and building self-confidence
• Developing your personal support network
• Setting yourself achievable goals and drawing up your life plan
16, 23 & 30 April, plus 7 May 2015 at Relate in Harrow Times: 10am to 12.30pm
Full Price £75 FREE places available for anyone who is unwaged
To apply for a free place please contact us.
If you would like to apply for the course contact Relate training relate_training@yahoo.co.uk

Fund Bidding Support Workshop
9.30am-1.15pm Age UK London Offices, First Floor, 21 St Georges Road, London, SE1 6ES
Free training event on fundraising targeted at small older people’s organisations in London.
This workshop aims to introduce small organisations to principles of fundraising and how to appeal to funders, help them identify sources of funding and give guidance on how to write successful bids.
Please register for this event at the following link http://fundbidding22april.eventbrite.co.uk
or email janinealdridge@ageuklondon.org.uk or call 020 7091 2594 if you have any questions. Lunch and refreshments will be served.

“Mecca: The Sacred City” – Panel Discussion Tuesday, 31 March 2015 from 18:30 to 20:00
British Muslims for Secular Democracy
Join us for what promises to be a lively discussion about Professor Ziauddin Sardar’s latest book: “Mecca: The Sacred City.”
Ziauddin Sardar, an internationally renowned writer, broadcaster and cultural critic, is Director of Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies, East West University, Chicago, and Chair of the Muslim Institute. He is the author of over 50 books, including Reading the Qur’an, Desperately Seeking Paradise, and Balti Britain. His most recent book is “Mecca: The Sacred City.” A former columnist on the New Statesman, he is the editor of Critical Muslim and Consulting Editor of Futures, the monthly journal of policy, planning and cultural studies. Professor Sardar is well known as a public intellectual and appears frequently on radio and television.
Dr John Slight is a Research Fellow in History at St. John’s College, University of Cambridge. Slight’s broad research interest is the history of the Red Sea region, this area’s links with the wider world since c.1850, and the relationship between British imperialism and the Muslim world. This includes imperial interactions with Islamic religious practices, the Middle East during the First World War, and the consequences of imperial policies on the global expansion of Islam.
Chaired by Nasreen Rehman, Chair of British Muslims for Secular Democracy. Book places here.

Mental health engagement event
This session has been designed to bring together refugee women’s projects with mainstream women’s groups. The first part of the session will be dedicated to examining current issues faced by refugee women and innovative solutions, with a presentation by Middlesex University’s Elena Vacchelli on support for refugee women.
The second part will be a creatively facilitated engagement event where refugee women and mainstream women’s services come together to look at what each other is doing, how to improve connections, referrals and communication, facilitating future work and building access to services.
This event is open to representatives from interested London-based mainstream/ statutory agencies and refugee / asylum-seeking women from community organisations who wish to build connections/ new therapy projects.
13th of May 2014 1.30pm-5.00pm A venue in Islington to be confirmed.
We can cover the travel costs of refugee and asylum-seeking women.
For further information or bookings, please call / email Alexandra Ceriu at alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk 0207 697 4105.

Getting Neighbourhood Planning Off the Ground
The Bartlett School of Planning & Just Space. Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Organised by the UCL’s Bartlett School of Planning and JustSpace this workshop event brings together the experience of six London’s neighbourhood forums and of the students and researchers who have worked with them to influence planning policy through the preparation of neighbourhood plans.
Register to participate (free) at: https://eventbrite.com/event/16099505053
Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act in 2010 with the intention to devolve some plan-making powers to local communities. But the preparation of a neighbourhood plan requires access to technical expertise, time and financial resources that are not always available to local communities. These are especially needed in London where neighbourhoods are under intense pressure from new development and regeneration.
At this event you will hear from six London neighbourhood forums about their experience of commissioning technical support from UCL’s students and researchers. The event is organised around six thematic workshops, which focus on learning how to kick-start the preparation of neighbourhood plans and how to organise local knowledge on:
There is a webpage on the UCL-JustSpace website and an Eventbrite page

Climate Change: new directions for local action
13:00, Saturday 28th March to 14:45, Sunday 29th March UCL, Gordon St., London WC1H 0AY
The Climate Coalition and the Low Carbon Communities Network (LCCN) are holding a major conference in London over the weekend of March 28 / 29th 2015. This will bring together people from local action groups across the UK with national NGOs as well as local government and support agencies.
We invite you to help shape this event and to take part. The next year will be a critical one for work on climate change in the UK. The general election and the UN Paris conference will be key events, while issues round divestment, fracking, and renewable energy will also be focal points for action.
Action at a local level will be an essential part of this work. The conference will look at how local action can thrive, with local activists and national NGOs working on issues. Full details at Project Dirt.

Setting up a Social/Community Enterprise workshop
Friday 17th April 2015, 9:30am – 4:30pm, Camden
Are you interested in setting up a social enterprise or community business venture which can:
· Sustainably generate an income for your organization or charity?
· Gainfully employ the skills and energies of your members and supporters?
Then attend this workshop and benefit from the practical insights of what it takes to successfully launch and establish a social enterprise or community business venture.
The Setting Up A Social/Community Enterprise Workshop will cover the core areas that need to be addressed to make a success of your social/community enterprise.
Topics covered will include:
· Having a Quality Idea
· The Leadership skills needed to successfully implement your idea
· The essential first steps you need to take
· How to prepare a business plan
· Legal structures to consider
· Managing People
· Marketing
· Finance
The cost of attending this course is £45 per person.
To reserve your place, register your interest, or to learn more about the workshop, email Community Business Venture at : cbvtraining1@gmail.com

Notice of Visually Impaired in Camden Annual General Meeting 2015
Tuesday 21 April 2015 from 2-4pm
At Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR
The AGM will include presentation of the Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2014-15 (which will be distributed to members nearer the time) and the election of the Steering Committee for 2015-16.
Light refreshments will be provided. To help with catering please let Rosemary know if you will be attending the AGM, Tel: 07980 328 959. Thank you.
(Note: The AGM is open to VIC members only.)
Membership Renewal 2015-16
If you have not already done so, it is now time to renew your membership of VIC. The cost is £7, but donations are always welcome! Membership entitles you to subsidised outings, Christmas lunch and events plus 12 newsletters (packed full of news and information) per year. All round terrific value! Cheques should be made payable to Visually Impaired in Camden and sent to VIC, c/o Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, NW1 1EE.

London Hazards Health and Safety training targeted at hard to reach communities
Targeted in particular at migrant workers, unpaid carers, cleaners and people working in the hospitality industry. Some of the most marginalised people – probably working long hours, in dangerous conditions and on low pay.
Health & Safety Essentials
31 March, April 7th, 9th April and 16th April 9.45am-1pm at VAC
Do you want to know your rights when it comes to health & safety?
Do you know who is responsible for enforcing health & safety?
Too many people are working in dangerous and unhealthy conditions – and often working long hours for low pay. Job insecurity pushes people to keep their heads down and just get on with the job, even if it’s risking their health. Lots of people may not have the help and support of a trade union. If this sounds like you, then make that change. Attend the London Hazards Centre training and have some fun learning about your rights and how to enforce them. What you will get from the Training:
Main Health & safety legislation – you will be able to identify the main H&S laws
Who is responsible for Health and safety – you will have knowledge of employer and employee responsibilities
Enforcing health & safety – you will be able to identify the principle organisations that enforce H&S
Basic risk assessment – you will be able to recognise risks – learners will be able to carry out a risk assessment
Sources of advice, information & support.
For more information or to book a place please email Paul mail@lhc.org.uk

Green Camden & Project Dirt Celebration Event
18:15 to 20:00, Thursday 23rd April
Castlehaven Community Association, The Community Centre, 21 Castlehaven Road, London NW1 8RU
Do you love Project Dirt? Then this is the event for you!
Green Camden would like to thank you to all of you for being part of our network on Project Dirt, sharing your ideas and helping us grow and develop to provide you with the best green information around.
Come along and celebrate an evening dedicated to our great projects and followers. We’ll also be showcasing some of our local success stories in our latest film, followed by refreshments and networking at the end.
Places are limited, so to avoid disappointment reserve your place here.

Help shape volunteering services in Camden: Focus group for black & minority ethnic organisations
Volunteer Centre Camden are evaluating the service we provide for black and minority ethnic (BME) organisations in Camden, and want to make sure we are using our funding in the most helpful way.
This event will be a focus group discussion where you will be able to tell us what help you need to successfully involve volunteers, and what the Volunteer Centre can do for you. Bring all of your ideas – we’ll be very happy to hear them!
Interested groups can read more and sign up at www.bme-camden.eventbrite.com
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 10am – 1pm, including tasty lunch: Location on request
For more information please contact Shadin Dowson-Zeidan: 020 7424 9990 shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk

Camden Deaf Awareness day – all welcome
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 9am to 4pm Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9AU
It’s the first Camden Deaf Awareness Day. Explore the challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing residents and find out more about the support available across the borough. It’s a chance to exchange stories, experiences and ideas and look at how we can work together better. The day will include VIP speakers, a question time session and stalls from local and national organisations.
Communication support will be provided including BSL interpreters, Lip speakers, a Palantypist and T-Loop.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer on the day please contact Asif Iqbal, at asif.iqbal@camden.gov.uk
or call 020 7974 4444. Typetalk: 18001 020 7974 4444 TexBox: 020 7974 6866

Whole Systems Change – co-producing new models of health and care in London
16th April from 2pm till 5pm at Human Rights Action Centre
Take part in LVSC’s exciting new event which will explore co-production between the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities, patient bodies and the statutory and academic sectors in shaping and delivering new models of primary and community care as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View and the Better Health for London report.
The event aims are to:
• Understand the complexities of the current health and care system and the need for change.
• Explore the role of the of the voluntary & community sector (VCS), local communities and patient bodies in shaping and co-producing the new models of primary and community care as set out in the Five Year Forward View and Better Health for London
There will be interactive workshops on developing a health and care roadmap and manifesto.
Confirmed speaker: Dr Sam Everington, Chair Tower Hamlets CCG. Dr Everington also leads national work on primary care-driven care models and service redesign and is a member on the King’s Fund Board.
Other speakers to be confirmed. Link to registration

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Decentralise in Camden
The Camden Climate Change Alliance will be hosting a half day event on Thursday 21 May – ‘Decentralise In Camden’ – to bring together local organisations who are interested in understanding and contributing to Camden’s vision for decentralised energy networks. With knowledgeable speakers and case studies, the event will provide an opportunity for attendees to understand the benefits of implementing or connecting to an energy network, to learn about the various projects delivered to date and most importantly, what will be going on in Camden in over the coming years.
If your organisation would be interested in finding out more about the ‘Decentralise in Camden’ event, register your interest by emailing camdencca@camden.gov.uk and we’ll keep you updated.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Voiceability Camden Peer Mentoring Pilot Service seeks Volunteer Peer Mentors
Peer mentors provide one to one short term support and encouragement to people with mental health problems in Camden, to help them regain their confidence and independence.
Opportunities are available for people to use their lived experience of mental health problems to create a short term, supportive and understanding relationship with someone who requires support. You will work with people to identify what you can support them with, and together help them to achieve an improved quality of life. You could be helping someone do things like:
• Accesssing more formal services
• Finding support that works for them in the community
• Regaining confidence and independence.
You will be required to work independently and safely in varied situations, to be able to keep boundaries and support mentees to achieve change in a supportive, non judgmental way. You will need to record the mentee’s progress, and to work with VoiceAbility in reporting on the progress of this pilot.
For more information, contact Rachel or Alex on 0207 3355 7113 or email Rachel.killick@voiceability.org

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre seeks Finance and Resources Manager
Finance and Resources Manager
35 hrs per week (job share or part time may be considered for the right candidate) 33,586 incl. ILW
Closing date: 13th April 2015, 5pm
Further details and application forms can be found on Charity Jobs, http://www.charityjob.co.uk/jobs/finance-and-resources-manager/379503?tsId=8
Alternatively, contact Ruksana by email: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Coffee Volunteer Wanted
Buna Oromia Coffee, the newly opened organic and Fairtrade coffee at 13 Brecknock road, N7 needs your support.
We are looking for a volunteer to work at our small cafe. Travel expenses paid. Contact Demissie Tulu at d2robi@yahoo.co.uk.

The CarAf Centre is seeking to appoint an Centre Manager
Salary PO 33 £28,127 (inc of LW) 35hrs per week
The Centre Manager plays a key role in the senior Management Team, you will be responsible for supervising project managers and ensuring the responsible for the smooth running and delivery of The CarAf Centre services. You will be responsible for the supervision of project managers, fundraising and monitoring reports.
The Centre Manager will be required to represent the charity at strategic meetings, forums and events. You will also responsible for the marketing and PR, and social media promotions of The CarAf Centre. We are looking for a dynamic, experienced and innovative individual who strives on challenges and creating new opportunities.
To apply please click the link: www.thecarafcentre.org.uk/about/vacancies download an application form, guidelines and job description for the position above, please complete and return to:
PERSONNEL, The CarAf Centre, 27-30 Cheriton, Queens Crescent, London NW5
Closing Date: Fri 27th March 2015 @ 5pm

The Evelyn Oldfield Unit (EOU) wants to recruit five new Trustees,
EOU is looking to attract applications from individuals with a background in finance, human resources, law, public relations and fundraising experience and/or knowledge of grass roots community development and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. If you are interested in joining us and would like to know more, you can visit our website at www.evelynoldfield.co.uk or contact our Director, Mulat Haregot on mulat@evelynoldfield.co.uk or call on 0207 697 4101.
To apply: Please send your CV and covering letter outlining your reasons for applying to:
Mulat Haregot, Director and Company Secretary, Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA or email: mulat@evelynoldfield.co.uk
Closing date for applications is 31st March 2015; interviews will take place shortly after.

Hilldrop Area Community Association Seeks Head of Centre
£30,000 – £35,000 per annum (21 hours pro-rata) Job reference 15/01 21 hours per week
The post of Head of Centre offers an exciting opportunity to lead the next phase of development for an estate-based, multi-purpose community centre that has been at the heart of the St George’s Ward in Islington for over 30 years. Currently designated as a Community Hub with a remit to join-up local services to maximise the offer to local residents, the HACA has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for local residents, and grow the potential of smaller local organisations.
It is essential that you have excelled at working with local communities and can demonstrate how you have previously managed successful community centres or worked at a senior level in delivering community development programmes. Your ability to foster good community partnerships, and your influencing and public relations skills are also key in relation to achieving community buy in and raising the profile of the Centre.
We encourage you to seek an application pack by email hilldropca.info@gmail.com quoting relevant reference number.
Closing date for applications: Monday 20th April 2015 at 17:00pm
Interviews will be held on: Wednesday 29th April 2015
Hilldrop Area Community Association is an equal opportunity employer

VAC seeks Trustees
Voluntary Action Camden wants to recruit some new trustees. In particular the Executive Committee is looking for people who have knowledge of the needs of different communities, strategic planning, marketing, finance and above all a willingness to explore new ways of working. This is a great opportunity to develop your own skills and knowledge by working with an organisation that is well respected and renowned to be an example of good practice and innovation.
To find out more about VAC visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
Please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your contribution please email knunan@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6557.

Volunteering Opportunities at VAC
Voluntary Action Camden is seeking to increase its capacity to provide tailor made support to voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises. We are looking for people with skills and experience in the areas of governance, fundraising, financial management, business planning and the setting up of new organisations.
To find out more about VAC and the services it offers visit our website www.vac.org.uk or have a look at our last annual report click here https://vac.org.uk/our-work/annual-report/
If you are interested in contributing, on a paid or voluntary basis, please send your CV to Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk . If you would like to discuss the work of VAC in greater detail and your possible contribution please email Kevin Nunan knunan@vac.org.uk or telephone 020 7284 6557.

Volunteers wanted CRI Services in Camden
CRI is a charity for people whose lives have been affected by substance misuse. CRI supports its clients through structured day programmes including group work, 1-1 key working, counselling and alternative therapies. Volunteers will be trained to eventually manage a small, low risk caseload.
Camden DIP is CRI’s criminal justice service in the Borough. Working closely with the police, prisons and probation the aim is to support clients who are involved in the criminal justice system to reduce their drug use and offending. Volunteer opportunities are also available in this service.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact;
Jane.robinson@cri.org.uk Mobile: 07554435207

Looking for a challenging and rewarding role?
New Horizon Youth Centre works with young homeless/vulnerable people in Kings Cross and is seeking volunteers to support its youth work and advice services from Monday to Sunday. We provide training, support, lunch, travel expenses and the chance to work alongside dynamic and creative team and client group.
Contact us now to find out more
Email info@nhyouthcentre.org.uk or call 0207 388 5560. www.nhyouthcentre.org.uk/

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Keep Volunteering Voluntary
Following a successful event “Workfare and Benefits Sanctions: The Perils of Participation” the meeting, organised jointly by KVV, Greater London Volunteering and the London Voluntary Services Council, called on voluntary organisations to:
• use the KVV resources to promote understanding and awareness about the effects of workfare and benefits sanctions;
• sign up to support the Keep Volunteering Voluntary campaign and promote it among member organisations.
More information on Help to Work and Work fare can be on the Keep Volunteering Voluntary (www.kvv.org.uk)

Office Space to Rent
In a rural farm environment located in the heart of North West London? This office is the place for you.
A good sized office (12 square metres / 129 square feet) located on the first floor of Kentish Town City Farm’s farmhouse building which is available furnished or unfurnished depending upon your needs.
They offer all the facilities you’d expect of a modern office and come with all your broadband and comms infrastructure setup and ready to go.
• Good sized office space (12 sq m / 129 sq ft): available Furnished or Unfurnished.
• Located in a city farm – giving a taste of the countryside in the middle of a bustling city.
• £500 a month with electricity, broadband and heating inclusive.
Contact Gareth Maddocks [gemaddocks@gmail.com]

Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan and SEA
The draft Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan will be launched on Monday 16 March for a 6-week consultation with everyone who lives or works in The Kentish Town Forum Area and statutory bodies. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) will also be launched then for a 6-week consultation. The consultation ends on Monday 27 April 2015.
From Monday 16 March you can see the Kentish Town Draft Neighbourhood Plan and the SEA on the KTNF website: www.ktnf.org
You can leave comments about the draft Plan on the KTNF website or by emailing: secretaryatktnf@yahoo.co.uk
You can look at a hard copy of the Plan and leave hand-written comments in Kentish Town Library; in Kentish Town Community Centre, Busby Place or in the Somali Youth Centre, Dowdney Close.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 13th February 2015

Highlights: The Development and Integration of the NHS 111 and GP Out of Hours Services; Awards for All/Reaching Communities – One to One Support for Camden Groups; Camden Community Festivals Fund; Need a Shed?; Recovery College for Camden and Islington Open day; Free Wellbeing Session for Carers; Equalities Support Programme for Voluntary and Community Organisations Working with Children, Young People and Families; Headway North London; Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector; Re-energising Camden; Valentines Wild Bunch; New VAC Website; Crowdfunding for Camden Organisations; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Ageing Better in Camden Announce Invitations to Tender
Ageing Better in Camden has now published the Invitation for Tender Documentation for the Digital Inclusion Project and the Intergenerational Activities Project on the Age UK Camden website. Ageing Better apologise for the delay. http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/.
Please note that there is an ‘Acknowledgement of Tender Form’ in the ‘Invitation for Tender Documentation’.
Ageing Better in Camden need to receive this form, so that you can be included in the clarification dialogue between Ageing Better in Camden and other bidders about the tendering documentation and process.
The revised timetable for the tendering process is also on the website.
Please note that the Intergenerational Activities Project now covers children (under 18 years old) AND younger adults (18 – 40 year olds) across Camden.
Please refer to http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/ for updates.

The Development and Integration of the NHS 111 and GP Out of Hours Services
You may be interested in attending this event if you want to give your views on the current services and how we can provide the most efficient and effective services for you in the future.
Monday 23 February at 17.30 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, NW1 0PE
RSVP to Caroline Straker, CPPEG administrator by telephone or email Tel: 020 3688 2044 Email: engagement@camdenccg.nhs.uk

Awards for All/Reaching Communities- One to One Support for Camden Groups
VAC and BIG will be offering further one to one support sessions for Camden groups applying for Awards for All and Reaching Communities in 2015. They will take place on 23rd March. Please contact Ricky or Monica acharles@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6550 to book your 45min session. You will need to send in your completed draft by 16th March.

LGBT History Month
February is LGBT history month. Find out more at the website, where you can download resources, find events and upload your own events.

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Once again funding is available for community festivals in Camden. The fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC). See the ‘Funding’ section below for full details.

National News
Independence Panel: ‘The future of an independent voluntary sector is at serious risk’
Charities now face a “barrage of attacks on their freedom to defend the most vulnerable” which have grown more serious in each of the last four years, the Panel on the Independence of the Voluntary Sector has said in its final report today.
In the report, An independent mission: The voluntary sector in 2015, the Panel says it is particularly concerned about the sector’s independence of voice, which has come under attack from government ministers and MPs. Read the full story at Civil Society and Third Sector. The report highlights the phenomenon of political attacks on civil society worldwide which Civicus has previously warned about.
Campaigning has been under sustained attack from many conservative MPs and journalists and the Charity Commission gave a weak verdict on a recent complaint against Oxfam by a conservative MP raising fears that campaigning rules may be re-written. Read more in Civil Society.
The Independence Commission is the third of three major inquiries into the sector’s future and should not be confused with the recent Inquiry into the Future of Voluntary Services, run by the National Coalition for Independent Action or the Independent Commission on the Future of Local Infrastructure set up by NAVCA.
The Public Sector Needs to Realise the Voluntary Sector Does not Mean Free
There’s a lack of understanding around the real cost of things if the voluntary sector comes to the rescue when things are difficult says the Guardian.
Civil Exchange Explores the Future of the Sector
Voluntary sector leaders have been joining in a debate about the future of the voluntary sector in a series of blogs – featured below – and a published collection of essays, Making Good: the future of the voluntary sector.

Healthwatch Camden’s latest e-News Digest is available here.

Need a Shed?
Camden Lock Village development will begin soon. As a result there are sheds embellished with the creative skills of a variety of street artists that need a new home.
Are there any youth or community groups out there that would like to adopt these sentimental miniature chalets? Email Ashed@camdenmarket.com to register your interest and to view the sheds on February 24th.

Recovery College for Camden and Islington Open Day Monday 16th February 2015, 10.00 – 3.00pm.
This will be an opportunity for you to visit the college, meet Tutors, register, ask about courses and look around the library.
A Recovery College brings together two sets of expertise – professional and lived experience – in a co-production college environment with the same systems as other educational establishments.
Email: recovery.college@candi.nhs.uk Web: www.candi.nhs.uk/recoverycollege
4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE Tel: 020 3317 6904/6905

Do you support or work with unpaid carers? Would you like to host a free wellbeing session for carers at your centre?
Voluntary Action Camden is working in partnership with Camden Carers Service (CCS) to reach “hidden carers” who are not currently accessing CCS’s services. We can offer a short wellbeing session giving carers some simple everyday techniques to help improve their mental wellbeing. The session will also give them the opportunity to sign up for the range of free support offered by Camden Carers Service.
An unpaid carer is someone who supports a family member, close friend or neighbour, who would not manage without their help. The person cared for could be an adult or a child with:
• a medical or long-term condition
• physical or learning disability
• sensory impairment
• dementia
• mental health condition
• substance dependency
If you are in touch with carers in your area and can invite them to a small group session on your premises, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. To be eligible, carers should live or work in Camden, or support someone who lives in Camden.

Equalities Support Programme for voluntary and community organisations working with children, young people and families
Do you want to provide services that better meet the needs of your local communities and different equalities groups? This programme introduces local voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) in London to the Engage London Equality Act Toolkit. This course will be very helpful for individuals in these VCOs with a policy, engagement or equalities remit or those with an interest in helping these VCOs improve equal opportunities in service delivery.
The session will enable participants to:
• Assist your local voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) to use the Engage London Toolkit, and other equalities resources, in planning your work
• Improve the capacity of your VCOs to identify the needs of groups that may face discrimination or inequalities in accessing services
• Consider how your VCOs can deliver services that are better able to meet the needs of equalities groups
Wednesday 11th March 9.45 – 16.30
Race Equality Foundation, Unit 22 Deane House Studios, 27 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB
engagelondon@childrenengland.org.uk Web: www.childrenengland.org.uk/engagelondon/

Headway North London – Dates for your diary
Peer Support Group @ Swiss Cottage Community Centre. Every first Tuesday of the month: 4.30 – 6pm
A facilitated session bringing together brain injury survivors in a safe, open environment. Next meetings on March 3, April 7, May 5
Headway @ Kingsgate Community Centre. Every Tuesday: 1.30 – 3.30pm
Weekly IT Skills session in the Computer Suite – call 020 7625 3236 to check before attending
The Drop In service continues to be held on the second Tuesday of the month (1.30 – 15.30pm) – call 020 7625 3236 to check before attending
Monthly Evening Meeting @ Crossfield Centre. Every third Wednesday of the month: 7 – 9pm
Upcoming dates: March 18, April 15, May 20
Carer support is available by appointment. Please call us on 020 7625 3236 if you would like to make an appointment. Helpline; 020 7372 4477

Governance In The Voluntary And Community Sector
14 May 2015 – 18 Jun 2015 (£71/£25) Thursdays, 17:30-20:30
A short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. This is not a qualification course.
Areas covered:
* Introduction to the Role of a Governing Body Member
* Developing Governance – Responsibilities and Accountability
* Governance – Strategy and Structures
Find out more and book at the Mary Ward Centre website. For questions about the course contact Kevin Nunan.

Re-energising Camden – Collaborative Investment In Community Energy
Keep up to date with the re-energising Camden initiative to bring green energy to schools and third sector organisations. Read the new blog from Cllr Gimson and view the presentations from the event.

Valentines Wild Bunch Tuesday 17th February.
We are honoured to have Bobo BlackStar return – he’s a fabulous reggae performer – guaranteed to rock the live room. Hear some great music from our fab DJs. Better than sitting at home watching adverts on TV.
Wild Bunch has officially grown up now – we’re 18 years old this year but look out for Junior Wild Bunch Club coming soon for 13 – 19 year olds, bringing on the next generation of Wild Bunch talent.
£5 entry, Electrowekz, 7 Torrens St, EC1. Wheelchair access, over 18s. Contact siren@elfrida.com

New VAC Website
The new VAC website is now available at www.vac.org.uk. The new site has been redisigned following consultation with users. We hope you find it easier to find what you are looking for. New features include integrated event booking using eventbrite that enables users to pay for training online; a new, improved directory of organisations, more examples of our work; clearer text and better integration with twitter and facebook. Do let us have any feedback on the new site at vac@vac.org.uk

The Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Kentish Town Community Centre, Hillside Clubhouse, Ethiopean Community In Britain, Kingsgate Community Centre, Camden Carers Service, Camden Federation of Private Tenants, Henna Asian Women’s Group, Kentish Town City Farm, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Crowdfunding for Camden Organisations
Camden Hive is a page on the Spacehive site where local ideas can be seen in one place. Projects need to be costed, based in Camden and open to the public. Spacehive check that your project is viable and for the public good. You sign an agreement to spend the money raised on the proposed project. You upload photos or video of the proposed project and create a totaliser showing the time left to hit the target and who has pledged money so far. If a project reaches its target in the chosen period, your organisation receives the money and Spacehive take a small sum to cover costs and Paypal charges. Like most crowdfunding sites, if a project misses its target the project doesn’t get the money, but can still get publicity and in-kind support.

Do you want to be part of the challenge to improve mental health in Camden?
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. We want to work with you to develop ideas for how to best spend the funding.
We have created this fund because promoting good mental health is one of the biggest challenges that is facing Camden. There are over 36,000 people living with common mental health problems in the borough.
We want to hear your thoughts and ideas on mental health and how the fund should be used.
There will be a ‘conversation’ event on Thursday 12th February from 9:30 – 12:00 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall.
This is open to anybody, especially people with mental health problems, carers, providers and practitioners who wish to help us develop a shared approach to mental health prevention.
This will be the first of many chances to get involved and develop this support with us.
If you are interested please email Richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk or phone on 020 7974 8545. You can also send us your thoughts online at: www.wearecamden.org/mentalhealth

Capital Clean-up Grant and Kit
Anyone from community groups to charities, youth groups to small businesses can now apply for grants of between £500 and £1,500, or a clean-up kit, to bring volunteers together and get involved in Capital Clean-up 2015
See more at: http://www.projectdirt.com/cluster/capitalcleanup/#!/journal_entry/33925

Home Office – Child and Adult Victim Sexual Abuse Support Fund
Grants are available for registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales providing local or national services to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services.
The Sexual Abuse Support Fund is aimed at non-statutory organisations in England and Wales providing support to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services. Organisations can provide local services or national services.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

Home Office – Child Abuse Inquiry Support Fund
New one-off fund with a deadline of 2 March 2015 (5pm).
Grants are available to registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales which have experienced an increase in demand as a direct result of the announcement of the Child Abuse Inquiry on 7 July 2014.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

BIG puts another £10m into programme to help charities win contracts and take investment
The Big Lottery Fund has doubled the amount of funding available through its grants programme to help charities win contracts and investment (ie take on debt). Read the story at Civil Society or find out more at the BIG Potential website.

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The application process is open from Monday 19th January 2015.
The deadline for completed applications is: 6pm on Thursday 16th March 2015
Full details and links to the forms can be found at https://www.vac.org.uk/camden-community-festivals-fund/
If you would like more information and/or to be sent hard copies of the application forms and the guidelines please contact acharles@vac.org.uk. Tel. 020 7284 6553. Fax. 020 7284 6551. VAC, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Please note your grant is only administered by VAC. For all other aspects of your event please contact Camden Council’s events team. events@camden.gov.uk. Tel: 020 7974 5633.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust- Bid for Better
The Bid for Better membership engagement scheme awards grants of up to £400 towards activities or equipment to improve patient experience, promote mental wellbeing or make our services more accessible.
As well as Trust service users, we would like to encourage bids from external organisations whose service users would be benefitted in any of the above ways.
Your idea should benefit two or more patients or service users. If you would like to apply for up to £400 for your project or idea then we will ask you to complete an application form giving us all as much detail as possible.
You can apply online http://www.tavistockandportman.nhs.uk/about-us/join-us/patient-and-public-involvement-ppi/bid-better/apply-bid-better-funding
or you can request a form by post or email by contacting the PPI team.
The closing date for applications is Thursday 5th March 2015.
To be considered for funding you must be a Member of the Trust. If you are not a member already it is really easy to join.
If you have questions about the process or need help to complete your application form, a member of the PPI team will be more than happy to assist you. Please contact us by telephone or email or you can pop into the PPI office on the ground floor of the Tavistock Centre.
Email: PPI@tavi-port.nhs.uk Telephone: 020 8938 2059

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are ?25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 17th February: Budgeting for your Project
  • 18th February: Project Management
  • 19th February: Project Management Starter
  • 6th March: Fundraising and Income Generation Strategy
  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction
  • 31st March: Introduction to Social Enterprise and Business Planning

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Get Help to Get Online at Camden Libraries
Camden Libraries provide hands-on support if you need help to use computers and get online, access services, register for housing, use HomeSwapper, apply for benefits, get money advice, search for jobs and much more.
There are courses to suit various levels. Ask at these sessions or visit camden.gov.uk/adultlearning
Simply drop in at any of these weekly sessions:
• Kentish Town Library Tuesdays, 10am to 1pm, or Fridays, 2pm to 4pm
• Crowndale Centre Wednesdays, 10am to 2pm
• Pancras Square Library Wednesdays, 10am to 12noon

Free Speech, surveillance and human rights: uniting London in response to the Charlie Hebdo Atrocities
Tuesday 3rd March 7pm at Highgate Library and Civic and Cultural Centre

Camden Carers’ Service
Free training, outings and events for unpaid carers in Camden
A group for carers and former carers in Camden meets 2nd and 4th Weds in Kentish Town. Next meeting 25th Feb, 10.30 – 12pm. Ring 020 7428 8950 for details.
Monday 16 Feb: Planning for Change training, 10am – 1 pm. Designed for carers wishing to make a change in the balance between their caring and non-caring life, or whose caring role has ended. For more information or to book please call Sitara on 020 7428 8950 or email sitara@camdencarers.org.uk
Memory Project, 2 – 4pm: a fortnightly group for people with dementia and their carer or close relative to create individual memory projects of their choice. To book a place please call Zakeera on 020 7428 8950 or email zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Tuesday 17 Feb: Older carers’ outing to the Wellcome Institute, 10am – 1pm. For older carers of 70+ with or without their cared-for, and people with dementia and their carers .To book a place please call Zakeera on 020 7428 8950 or email zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Wednesday 18 Feb: A monthly group for carers of 70+ which gives support and information, 11am – 1pm. To book a place please call 020 7428 8950 or email Zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Thursday 19 Feb: Art social workshop, 2.30 – 4.30pm. A space to socialise and be artistic under the guidance of a group leader. To book a place please call Yoni on 020 7428 8950 or email Yoni@camdencarers.org.uk

Let’s chat
Do you want more confidence speaking English? Do you want to practise speaking with other people from your local area?
Every Mon – 9th Feb till 2nd Mar from 3 – 4pm
Every Thurs – 12th Feb till Mar 5th from 4.30 – 5.30pm
At The Haven, 23 Castlehaven Rd, London NW1 Call 020 7485 3386 for more information

NCiFoundations Fundrasing Event
NCiFoundations, a registered charity (RCN 1151520), based in Camden is having its 1st fund-raising event on Saturday the 28th of February 2015 from 11am-4pm, venue at: 14 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG.The event will be to raise funds to support desperate orphans in Kenya and Uganda who are in desperate need of clothing, feeding, education sponsor and creating an awareness to end Female Genital Mutilation. Our event will also be promoting NCiFoundations other aims and objectives which involve supporting UK Local community projects to enhance and protect our UK local borough community.
At the event we will be showcasing beautiful handcraft artworks made by the orphans
For more information please visit our website: www.ncifoundations.org.
Email: info@ncifoundations.org . Tel: +44(0) 7900928873. Also interested sponsors please do get in touch as well. Venue: 141 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG (11-4pm) nearest station to venue is Warren Street Station.

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange, the British Society of Gerontology, and London Borough of Camden present The first Kilburn Debate of 2015: Kilburn – your lifetime neighbourhood?
What policy changes would encourage us to ‘age in place’?
9.30am– 4.30pm Tuesday, 3rd March, 2015
Morning: Older peoples’ contribution to research
Passing by or by-passing: Intergenerational use of public space; Professor Sheila Peace, Open University
How older people are helping change the street environment; Rita Newton, Senior lecturer, Salford University
1.30–2.30pm: Films by KOVE and other local older film-makers
Afternoon: New developments – London and Kilburn
The London picture and lessons from other cities; Professor Colin Haylock, Newcastle University, Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, member Mayor’s Design Advisory Group;
Making changes to Kilburn High Rd: a case study; Jacqueline Saunders, Principal Traffic Planner, Camden
Kingsgate Resource Centre for Older People, 208 Webheath, Palmerston Road NW6 2JU
This free event is open to users of the Centre, local residents of any age, British Society of Gerontology members, service professionals and anyone with an interest in the issues under discussion. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For information and to register, contact: John Miles (07817 424356 johnmiles68@yahoo.co.uk) or Mel Wright (07539 390786 mel.wright@kove.org.uk)

Islington Mind’s LGBT service – open Information day – part of LGBT History Month 24th Feb 11 – 3pm
Introducing the unique pan-London service that is offered every Tuesday to the LGBT community. At 35 Ashley Road, N19 3AG. Programme for the day includes:
Information about Outcome; Yoga; Drama; Art workshops; Animation workshops; Ear acupuncture; Head massage; Taster therapies with MSH – grooming and holistic clinic.
Best Curry in town (FOR £3), raffle and many other surprises…
RSVP: sigal.avni@islington.mind.org

Working with Complex Needs: Free Training Offer for Camden Based Groups
Clean Break is offering FREE training workshops to health, social care and voluntary sector organisations working in Camden in February – March 2015
Designed to help you reflect on and identify successful strategies to support women with complex needs, this training is ideal for frontline staff, managers, volunteers, advice workers, support staff and others who want to improve their practice. This bespoke package uses short play Sounds Like An Insult, performed by graduates of Clean Break’s theatre education programme, as a stimulus for discussion and critical reflection. Commissioned by Clean Break in association with NOMS and the Department of Health, Sounds Like An Insult explores the experiences of women offenders with complex mental health needs, and the challenges of diagnosis and treatment within the criminal justice system. Following the performance, we engage participants through creative techniques to explore the challenges and opportunities of working with women who may have complex mental health needs, addiction and/or experience of the criminal justice system and who often, as a result, struggle to access or remain engaged in services.
We will be running these free two hour training workshops in Camden, throughout February and March 2015. We can work with groups of up to 30 and may be able to offer multiple workshops for organisations which have larger numbers to accommodate.
If you would like to discuss your organisation’s specific needs or ask questions about the workshop, or to book a session, please email Ros Terry ros.terry@cleanbreak.org.uk. More information at www.cleanbreak.org.uk

Camden Chinese Community Centre New Year Celebration Saturday 14th February at 11am to 3pm.
The event will be held at The Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9BT. The nearest tube station will be at Kings Cross St Pancras. Please click here for a map.
11:00am to 12:30pm (Chinese Food & Handicrafts Stalls) 12:30pm to 3.00pm (Variety Show)
Admission Ticket : Adult (£5), Child (£2) *A £12 family ticket for 2 adults and 2 children (under 12) will be available
Tickets are available at the Centre in advance and at the door. Tickets are limited, first come first served.
Telephone no: 020 7388 8883 Email: silvia.chui@camdenccc.co.uk
At the event there will be lion dancing, acrobats, magic show, Chinese opera & New Year songs, Chinese traditional & folk dance, Peking noodles making demonstration and raffle draw.
There will be a raffle draw at the event, raffle tickets are sold for £1 each.
First prize for the raffle draw includes one return ticket to Hong Kong (sponsored by See Woo Group)
2nd prize £388 banquet at Phoenix Palace Restaurant
3rd prize banquet at Sushi Bento
4th prize £188 banquet at New Joy King Lau.

Housing allocation consultation 2015
There will be a special lunchtime briefing for people working in the voluntary sector on Monday 23rd February at 11.30am-1pm at: 5 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG
To book a place, please contact Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
If your organisation has a regular meeting (either with staff or service users) and you would like a member of the housing allocation consultation team to attend to give a presentation on the proposed changes to the scheme and answer any questions, please contact either Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
For more information, to book a place for a workshop or the special briefing or to arrange another meeting, please contact:
• Zoe Goldblum, Senior Policy Officer, Zoe.Goldblum@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 4544.
• Giovanni Bruggi, Business Support Officer, Giovanni.Bruggi@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 5519

Camden CCG and Cancer Research UK are delivering a cancer awareness workshop for individuals who work or volunteer within the Camden community.
This is particularly relevant for those who work with people at risk of developing cancer, such as the elderly. The workshop empowers volunteers and community members in Camden with the knowledge, skills and confidence to talk about Cancer.
By attending the workshop you will:
~ Increase your knowledge of key messages around cancer prevention, screening and early diagnosis
~ Build your confidence to talk to the public about cancer
~ Help you to encourage people to make lifestyle changes, access local services and visit their GP promptly with any concerns
The workshop will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 on Thursday, 19 February 2015 at St Pancras Hospital.
The event is sponsored by Camden CCG’s Long Term Conditions and Cancer programme. Free.
To book a ticket or for more information contact ltceducation@camdenccg.nhs.uk or telephone 0203 688 2071.

Camden Carers Service Events
Most events, outings, training and other activities are open to all carers who are registered with us, unless stated for a particular group by condition, or other criteria. Please check with CCS if in doubt about your eligibility for an event or activity.
1. Outings and Guided Tours – We offer a selection of activities around London all of which are available for free for carers.
2. Carers Yoga – fortnightly classes for carers of all abilities. Wear loose fitting clothes
3. Benefits Training with Mary Ward – a 3-session course on offer to both Male Carers and also to all Carers in partnership with Mary Ward Legal Centre. The course offer hands on advice and experience with how to use websites, talk on the phone with benefits officers and raise your benefits claims in a manner that gets results.
4. 1st Aid Training with St John’s Ambulance – A new scheme to train carers around London.
5. Art Social Workshop – A space to socialise and get artistic.
6. Mindfulness for Carers– 2-session introduction course for Carers by Robert Mitcham. Robert runs weekly mindfulness sessions on Monday evenings in Euston that are free for all carers.
7. Male Carers Group – a new group for Male Carers. The aim of the group is to provide a space for Male Carers to be men while offering tools for energy maintenance and carer related training.
We also have two very SPECIAL EVENTS: Thursday 26th February – Life Outside Caring Fair – lots of interesting activities, stalls and information for you to find something different to do outside your caring role – with lunch! Tuesday 3rd March – Special Interactive Training Day on Keeping Safe whilst Caring – with Kevin Morgan and Nick Llewellyn bringing the issues to life. There are many more events – please see the website for further details. www.camdencs.org.uk

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

Kentish Town Community Centre’s Youth Service is recruiting Youth Workers:
Youth Worker x 1 (10 hours / Evening Work)
The successful applicant will be working across the youth projects, supporting the Youth team in the planning, delivery and monitoring of the projects. The successful applicant will have good experience of delivering sessions, direct one to one work, the ability to design and implement content, a belief in the potential of young people and the ability to build a rapport with young people.
Youth Worker x 2 (Bank Staff)
This role is strictly for bank staff and applicants would need to be available to work as and when necessary to support delivering the needs of the projects (i.e. during staff absence etc). Occasionally this may mean being notified on the day of which you are required to work. This is a great opportunity for individuals seeking to gain wider experience within the field of youth work.
Both roles require: L2 qualification in Youth Work or relevant equivalent, Sound understanding of Safeguarding procedures.
Contact Halima Begum, Youth Project’s Manager, Kentish Town Community Centre, 17 Busby Place, London NW5 2SP T: 07763 433041 / 020 7482 3212 E: halima@ktcc.org.uk

Mental Health Community Development Worker £26,342 – Islington based
Hillside Clubhouse is a dynamic mental health charity in North London. Our community development service works at a strategic level with the local authority, NHS and community organisations to identify and address barriers faced by people from excluded communities (including BMER, LGBT and faith) accessing mental health and community based services. The postholder will also provide direct support to individuals to access services including talking therapies and supportive services. Experience of working with people and organisations to influence change will be essential as will an in depth knowledge of issues facing excluded communities in accessing services. You will also need to develop a clear understanding of and referral pathways into local services and be able to enable individuals to access them.
For an application pack please email gsell@hillsideclubhouse.org.uk or telephone 020 7700 6408.
Closing date: Monday 2 March 2015 More details at www.hillsideclubhouse.org.uk

Mary Ward Centre has a Childcare Tutor Vacancy
The tutor will be expected to take responsibility for planning the course, within the framework of Centre policy and practice, as well as teach the course.
The successful applicant will hold a recognised qualification, or have extensive experience, in childcare.and have proven experience in adult education, or relevant experience in leading groups of adults.
Application forms are available from our website: www.marywardcentre.ac.uk, and interviews will take place on Tuesday February 24th 2015.
Please send in your completed application form, including the supporting statement saying how you meet each of the points listed in the Person Specification, by Monday February 16th 2015. Application forms should be sent to Mandy Yu, at Mandy.Yu@marywardcentre.ac.uk

Kingsgate Community Centre seeks:
Deputy Youth Worker: £18,000 27hrs a week

2 x Sessional Play worker: £9 p/h 25hrs a week
The role of the Deputy Youth Worker is to assist the Community Play Youth Development Manager with the planning and delivery of an exciting programme of activities for the children and young people who live in the Ward of Kilburn, as well as face to face work with children and young people. You will have the chance to lead on projects.
You will be required to work during the term time and holidays and some evenings.
The role of Sessional Play Workers is to assist the Deputy Youth worker with the delivery of an innovative range of activities, and engage in face to face work with children and young people.
You will be required to work initially during the Holidays and subsequently term time.
We are after our workers to get involved and work with the transitional age range 8 – 14yrs.
Although we would prefer our candidates to have a professional qualification in Youth Work or Level 2 in Play Work; relevant experience in the field or other related professions will be accepted.
We do not accept CV’s as part of our application process.
Kingsgate Community Association is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and families and all posts are subject to enhanced CRB disclosure.
Closing date: 20th February 2015. Interview: 9th March 2015
To request an application pack please email: info@kingsgatecc.org.uk or 0207 328 9480

The Ethiopian Community in Britain is recruiting a Part Time Co-ordinator
– The post holder will be responsible for the management of the day to day activities of the Ethiopian Community in Britain to achieve its overall aims and objectives.
– The post holder is expected to carry out duties of a level of responsibility appropriate to the post
– The post holder will also be expected to deputise in other areas with a similar level of responsibility as and when required by the Board of Trustees.
Gross annual salary: £10,000.- (21 hours per week for 1 year with a possibility of extension subject to availability of funding)
Closing Date for Application: 19th February 2015 at 4pm.
For application pack, please send an A4 size envelope with 80p SAE to: Ethiopian Community in Britain, 2A Lithos Road, London NW3 6EF or interested applicants can collect the pack from the office Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm
For more information on the job advert, please contact:
Mr Alemahu Dessie, email: postmaster@ethiopiancommunity.co.uk ; tel: 020 7794 4265

Camden Carers Service seeks Volunteer Co-ordinator
CSS are a consortium of two organisations and would like to increase the number of volunteers we involve as well as the range of volunteering roles. This is where you would come in. You will help us think about what volunteer roles would be useful, write the role outlines, promote and recruit to these roles. Additionally, you will help to make sure that all our volunteers are comfortable with what they are doing and check in with them regularly. Arranging social events for our volunteers and encouraging our service users to volunteer will be part of parcel of your time with us.
As well, our volunteer procedures need streamlining and perhaps updating too. So your contribution here would be most welcome.
Mentoring from an experienced Volunteer Manager is on offer as well as being part of a new consortium. You will gain people management skills, so useful when seeking employment. CCS supports personal development, so you will have the opportunity to take full advantage of everything they have to offer. Through Volunteer Centre Camden you will have access to the Central London volunteer centres volunteer management training, to include an introduction to volunteer management and support and supervision of volunteers. CCS offers safe-guarding training and also has access to further training through London Borough of Camden.
Travel and lunch expanses paid. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

Camden Carers Service seeks Befrienders
Would you like to help older carers around the borough of Camden have a better social life too? Do you value older people? Do you have time available in the day? Are you friendly and reliable?
Camden Carers Service is launching a new project to provide befriending and support for our older carers. We are looking to recruit volunteers interested in befriending from a range of backgrounds, varying life experiences and across all ages. People who are friendly, patient, good listeners and understanding will be spending time with carers on a weekly basis for a couple of hours or so.
Volunteering with CCS as a befriender means you provide support (typically up to 12 weeks) for older carers after the initial introduction process. You will need to be able to visit your befriendees regularly for minimum of 3 hours per week. DBS check required. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information contact tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Henna Asian Women’s Group Befriending Service 2015
Henna Asian Women’s Group is opening their Befriending service to all individuals that are in need for extra help to improve their social circle in the new year. We will reach out to the most vulnerable individuals that live in any Borough of London. Henna volunteers will pay regular weekly visits to clients and support them into taking steps to come out of the home and access different services.
We are recruiting both Male and Female volunteers to become Befrienders on this project. If you have a few hours to spare each week, would like to gain experience in the health and social care sector or simply just want to give something back to the community then please contact us.
Contact Ammarah Ahmad, ammarah_hennaorg@yahoo.co.uk, Telephone: 020 7372 9860, Volunteer Coordinator, Henna Asian Women’s Group, www.hennaorg.co.uk

Skillshare is an easy way to find skilled people to support your organisation. What sort of skills are on your wish list? Current skills on offer include: furniture restoration, photography, Nia technique instructor and food and textiles teacher, plus many more. Thirty local organisations are already signed up and accessing our database of skilled volunteers. The last volunteer we placed was a photographer who is going to be taking photographs of Camden for two local organisations.
For more information contact SkillShare, skillshare@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or 020 7424 9990.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Free NHS Health Checks
NHS health checks are offered once every five years to people aged between 40 and 74 years (or 30 to 74 if you are South Asian), to assess heart health and the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia.
Having a regular health check means a better chance of preventing or catching any potential conditions before they become serious.
The check takes about 20 to 30 minutes and includes measuring height, weight, blood pressure and checking your cholesterol with a simple blood test.
Results are then explained and guidance will be given as to the steps that can be taken towards living a healthier lifestyle.
If you are Camden resident, and registered with a GP, ask at your local surgery, call 0203 633 2609 / 0800 917 0976, or click on the link below to book an appointment at a place near you.
More information at healthycamden.com/healthchecks

HR Advice for Camden Groups from VAC
VAC is offering Camden VCS groups a free service every Thursday to answer HR related queries, by telephone or e-mail. As well as dealing with one-off queries, free of charge, on Thursdays, we can also offer an “Expert Critical Friend” package, which provides 3.5 hours of support at a cost of £150, for you to use as, when and where you need it. This package is suitable if managers or trustees need more substantial help with:
~ Drafting or reviewing HR policies and procedures
~ Support to work through difficult situations, eg. redundancy, disciplinary issues
~ Coaching on dealing with a number of HR issues
~ Training to improve practical HR knowledge throughout your organisation
Contact Caroline Jepson by e-mail at cjepson@vac.org.uk or by telephone: 020 7284 6564

Visiting the VCS
Starting in early 2015 the Community and Third Sector team would like spend a bit more time working more closely with Camden’s voluntary and community organisations to see at first hand some of the challenges – as well as the achievements – that you face. The team would like you to invite one person from our team who will work from your building or office for one day per month for three months (or longer if all goes well!). We will bring our laptops – all we will need is a table or desk and access to your wi fi – perhaps there would be space in your reception area. We will be getting on with our own work – but happy to lend a hand informally if needed. Hopefully this will enable the Community and Third Sector team and VCS colleagues to get to know each other better and help us have a better understanding of some of your day to day work. If you are interested in taking part please email Noor.Al-Baddawy@camden.gov.uk or call her on 020 7974 6626.

OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’ button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to make OneCamden better.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 6th February 2015

Highlights: Improving mental health in Camden; New VAC Website; Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer; CPPEG open meeting; Re-energising Camden; One to One Support for Lottery Grants for Camden Groups; LGBT History Month; Camden Community Festivals Fund; Voter Registration Day; Ageing Better in Camden announces delay to invitations to tender; Camden Carers’ Service Activities; Keib Thomas Community Development Memorial Lecture; Volunteer Centre Events in February; Camden Mental Health Peer Mentoring Pilot Service; Getting Online at Camden Libraries; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Do you want to be part of the challenge to improve mental health in Camden?
£750k has been identified to develop new preventative support for people with mental health problems in Camden. We want to work with you to develop ideas for how to best spend the funding.
We have created this fund because promoting good mental health is one of the biggest challenges that is facing Camden. There are over 36,000 people living with common mental health problems in the borough.
We want to hear your thoughts and ideas on mental health and how the fund should be used.
There will be a ‘conversation’ event on Thursday 12th February from 9:30 – 12:00 at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall.
This is open to anybody, especially people with mental health problems, carers, providers and practitioners who wish to help us develop a shared approach to mental health prevention.
This will be the first of many chances to get involved and develop this support with us.
If you are interested please email Richard.elphick@camden.gov.uk or phone on 020 7974 8545. You can also send us your thoughts online at: www.wearecamden.org/mentalhealth

New VAC Website
The new VAC website is now available at www.vac.org.uk. The new site has been redisigned following consultation with users. We hope you find it easier to find what you are looking for. New features include integrated event booking using eventbrite that enables users to pay for training online; a new, improved directory of organisations, more examples of our work; clearer text and better integration with twitter and facebook. Do let us have any feedback on the new site at vac@vac.org.uk

VAC seeks Database and Website Data Entry Volunteer
Are you good with data entry and would like to learn more about using online databases and website? We are looking for a new volunteer to carry on this valuable work. Ideally you will be able to offer 2 days per week – 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday). The main role is to:
~ To update and maintain information on the Client Database and ensure the accuracy of all data recorded.
~ To provide data-entry support to enter core VAC and VAC project work, outcomes and evaluations on the database and / or other monitoring software e.g. MS Excel.
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest training opportunities from VAC and latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
Find out more on our website or contact Alex Charles alexcharles@vac.org.uk Tel: 020 7284 6562

CPPEG open meeting, Monday 9th February, 14:00 – 16:00
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall. The presentations will cover unscheduled care, the future of out of hours & 111 followed by an update on Long Terms Conditions & Cancer Care.
Presentation 1: Unscheduled Care, and The future of Out of Hours & 111
Speaker: Sharon Barrington, Deputy Director, Strategy & Planning, CCG
Presentation 2: Update on Long Term Conditions & Cancer Programme
Speaker: Sally Mackinnon, Commissioning Programme Lead, Long Term Conditions and Cancer, CCG
To attend please RSVP Caroline Straker (email: Caroline.Straker@camdenccg.nhs.uk / Tel: 020 3688 2044)

Re-energising Camden – Collaborative Investment In Community Energy
Keep up to date with the re-energising Camden initiative to bring green energy to schools and third sector organisations. Find out more on the Project Dirt website.

Awards for All/Reaching Communities- One to One Support for Camden Groups
VAC and BIG will be offering further one to one support sessions for Camden groups applying for Awards for All and Reaching Communities in 2015. They will take place on 23rd March. Please contact Ricky or Monica acharles@vac.org.uk tel 020 7284 6550 to book your 45min session. You will need to send in your completed draft by 16th March.

LGBT History Month
February is LGBT history month. Find out more at the website, where you can download resources, find events and upload your own events.

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Once again funding is available for community festivals in Camden. The fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC). See the ‘Funding’ section below for full details.

Rock ‘n Roll Rescue
Camden’s latest charity shop is dedicated to all things musical and aims to raise money for local organisations. Founder, Knox, has featured on BBC Radio London (about 1.30 min in) and the Camden New Journal. Find out more on their facebook page.

Voter Registration Day
How you register to vote has changed and as a result many are now feared to be missing from the electoral register, especially young people and minorities. Find out how to encourage registration at Bite the Ballot.

Ageing Better in Camden announces delay to invitations to tender
Ageing Better in Camden had planned to issue invitations to tender on 4th February for:
• Digital Inclusion Project
• LGBT Community Action
These have been delayed while we get agreement from the Big Lottery, but we hope to be in a position to publish them in the next few days. Our intention is to keep to our published timetable. Please accept our sincere apologies for this delay.
Also please note Ageing Better in Camden is making an amendment to the previously advertised information about the Intergenerational Work. There is now £42501 available for a two year contract, 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2017. This work will connect socially isolated and lonely older people in Camden with children and also with younger adults.
Please refer to http://www.ageuk.org.uk/camden/ageing-better-in-camden/ for updates.

National News
Charities to Get £1.2M to Help with A&E Crisis
Contracts for charities to support accident and emergency departments during periods of winter pressure have been announced this week. The Cabinet Office is providing £1.2m in grant funding from to Age UK, Red Cross and the Royal Voluntary Service who will mobilise volunteers in the 29 most under-pressure accident and emergency departments for 12 weeks from today. The story does not appear to have been picked up in the mainstream media but you can read more at Civil Society.
Shawcross Reappointment ‘Grave Concern’
Acevo has attacked the reappointment of William Shawcross as chair of the Charity Commission as a “grave concern” and questioned whether the proper processes were followed. The announcement was made without warning, eight months before Shawcross’s first three-year term as chair would have ended in October and leaves a coalition appointee in place three years into the new government. Cabinet Office say “no rules had been broken”.Full story at Civil Society and Third Sector magazines.
Charity leaders conspire in bleak future for Voluntary Services as ‘servants of the government’ claims The National Coalition for Independent Action (NCIA)
In a blistering critique of the threats posed to the values and work of the voluntary sector, voluntary groups are challenged to fight for the rights of the people they serve, protect their own independence and resist the privatisation of public services. NCIA, a network of voluntary sector workers, also accuses leadership bodies and major charities of squandering the unique respect and radical space that charities and voluntary groups have occupied in British society, by allowing themselves to become the willing servants of government and of private corporations as they take over public services.
Based on extensive research over the last year, NCIA’s Inquiry shows how voluntary services have been “re-engineered” to serve and support cuts in services and spending, and assist the outsourcing of what’s left. In the process, the voice of charities, whose duty is to speak out against and oppose these catastrophic changes, has been silenced by the co-option and compromise of bidding for contracts and acceptance of ‘marketplace’ values.
NCIA’s report Fight or Fright: Voluntary Services in 2015, has been welcomed by voluntary organisations, including the Refugee Council and Children England. More on the story at Third Sector.

Camden Carers’ Service
Free training, outings and events for unpaid carers in Camden
Monday 9 Feb: Camden Carers Voice meets quarterly to campaign and lobby for carers’ rights. It is carer-led, drawing on everyone’s skills, talents and abilities. Next meeting 10am – 1pm, Argenta House, 1 Aspern Grove, Belsize Park, NW3 2AF – the focus will be on mental health services. Ring Beth on 020 7697 1336 for more details or to book a place.
Benefits training for male carers with Mary Ward legal centre, 2 – 3.30pm. Ring Yoni on 020 7428 8950 or email yoni@camdencarers.org.uk to book.
Tuesday 10 Feb: Art as Therapy seeks to explore how art can help the individual connect to universal aspects of the human experience. Next group meets 1 – 3pm. All unpaid carers in Camden welcome. Ring Sitara on 020 7428 8950 or email sitara@camdencarers.org.uk for details or to book.
Male carers group, 2 – 4pm. A space for male carers to be men whilst offering tools for energy maintenance and carer-related training. To book a place please call Yoni on 020 7428 8950 or email yoni@camdencarers.org.uk
Wednesday 11 Feb: Work Club – completing application forms. For carers wishing to return to the workplace, 10am – 12pm. Call Sitara on 020 7428 8950 or email sitara@camdencarers.org.uk for details or to join.
A group for carers and former carers in Camden meets 2nd and 4th Weds in Kentish Town. Next meetings 11th and 25th Feb, 10.30 – 12pm. Ring 020 7428 8950 for details.
Thursday 12 Feb: Guided Tour of British Museum, 2 – 4pm, open to all carers. To book a place please call Yoni on 020 7428 8950 or email yoni@camdencarers.org.uk
Monday 16 Feb: Planning for Change training, 10am – 1 pm. Designed for carers wishing to make a change in the balance between their caring and non-caring life, or whose caring role has ended. For more information or to book please call Sitara on 020 7428 8950 or email sitara@camdencarers.org.uk
Memory Project, 2 – 4pm: a fortnightly group for people with dementia and their carer or close relative to create individual memory projects of their choice. To book a place please call Zakeera on 020 7428 8950 or email zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Tuesday 17 Feb: Older carers’ outing to the Wellcome Institute, 10am – 1pm. For older carers of 70+ with or without their cared-for, and people with dementia and their carers .To book a place please call Zakeera on 020 7428 8950 or email zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Wednesday 18 Feb: A monthly group for carers of 70+ which gives support and information, 11am – 1pm. To book a place please call 020 7428 8950 or email Zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
Thursday 19 Feb: Art social workshop, 2.30 – 4.30pm. A space to socialise and be artistic under the guidance of a group leader. To book a place please call Yoni on 020 7428 8950 or email Yoni@camdencarers.org.uk

Keib Thomas Community Development Memorial Lecture – Re-asserting the right to be heard:
Manifesto for Organising Community Development for Social and Political Change – Post May 2015
Date & Time: Wednesday 11 February 2015, 6.00 pm to 8.45pm with Prof John Diamond
At London Metropolitan University, Henry Thomas Room TG30, Tower Building, 166-220 Holloway Road, London, N7 8DB. Booking required: http://keibthomas.eventbrite.co.uk
Find out about the Community Development Network London. Contact Matt Scott on 020 8692 8784 or 07827 258 411 or email Matt Scott
This event is open to anyone with an interest in community development. It is a forum for workers and practitioners. This forum is for Community Development Workers/Practitioners (volunteer or paid) from all sectors working with communities in London. Managers, policy workers and academics and students are also welcome.

Volunteer Centre Events in February
10th February: February Volunteering Fair @ Working Men’s College for Men and Women
11th February: Volunteer Management Training: Recruiting and Supporting Volunteers @ Clean Break Theatre Company
19th February: Influencing Up Training for Volunteer Coordinators
Find out more at the website: http://volunteercentrecamden.org.uk/events-2/

Camden Mental Health Peer Mentoring Pilot Service
VoiceAbility are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a contract by Camden CCG to deliver a Camden Mental Health Peer Mentoring Pilot Service. As such we will be recruiting a project Coordinator who has lived experience of mental health problems and we will also be recruiting a team of 36 volunteer peer mentors , the application process will be published shortly. We will be working with service providers and support agencies to identify those who will benefit from having someone who has lived experience to help them identify and meet a specific need or goal. Service user will be at the heart of the project design, creating publicity resources and delivering the peer support on the ground. We look forward to moving this exciting initiative forward and will be distributing further information in due course.
VoiceAbility, United House, North Road, London, N7 9DP www.voiceability.org

Free Speech, surveillance and human rights: uniting London in response to the Charlie Hebdo Atrocities
Tuesday 3rd March 7pm at Highgate Library and Civic and Cultural Centre

Get Help to Get Online at Camden Libraries
Camden Libraries provide hands-on support if you need help to use computers and get online, access services, register for housing, use HomeSwapper, apply for benefits, get money advice, search for jobs and much more.
There are courses to suit various levels. Ask at these sessions or visit camden.gov.uk/adultlearning
Simply drop in at any of these weekly sessions:
• Kentish Town Library Tuesdays, 10am to 1pm, or Fridays, 2pm to 4pm
• Crowndale Centre Wednesdays, 10am to 2pm
• Pancras Square Library Wednesdays, 10am to 12noon

The Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Kentish Town Community Centre, Hillside Clubhouse, Ethiopean Community In Britain, Kingsgate Community Centre, Camden Carers Service, Camden Federation of Private Tenants, Henna Asian Women’s Group, Kentish Town City Farm, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Capital Clean-up Grant and Kit
Anyone from community groups to charities, youth groups to small businesses can now apply for grants of between £500 and £1,500, or a clean-up kit, to bring volunteers together and get involved in Capital Clean-up 2015
See more at: http://www.projectdirt.com/cluster/capitalcleanup/#!/journal_entry/33925

Home Office – Child and Adult Victim Sexual Abuse Support Fund
Grants are available for registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales providing local or national services to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services.
The Sexual Abuse Support Fund is aimed at non-statutory organisations in England and Wales providing support to victims of sexual abuse to help meet the increased demand on those services. Organisations can provide local services or national services.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

Home Office – Child Abuse Inquiry Support Fund
New one-off fund with a deadline of 2 March 2015 (5pm).
Grants are available to registered charities and other voluntary and community sector organisations in England and Wales which have experienced an increase in demand as a direct result of the announcement of the Child Abuse Inquiry on 7 July 2014.
Deadline: 2 March 2015 (5pm). It is expected that successful applicants will be notified by the end of March 2015.
Link to guidelines: http://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/sexual-abuse-victims-fund (NB Norfolk are administering the fund – it is open to all regions).

BIG puts another £10m into programme to help charities win contracts and take investment
The Big Lottery Fund has doubled the amount of funding available through its grants programme to help charities win contracts and investment (ie take on debt). Read the story at Civil Society or find out more at the BIG Potential website.

Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The application process is open from Monday 19th January 2015.
The deadline for completed applications is: 6pm on Thursday 16th March 2015
Full details and links to the forms can be found at https://www.vac.org.uk/camden-community-festivals-fund/
If you would like more information and/or to be sent hard copies of the application forms and the guidelines please contact acharles@vac.org.uk. Tel. 020 7284 6553. Fax. 020 7284 6551. VAC, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Please note your grant is only administered by VAC. For all other aspects of your event please contact Camden Council’s events team. events@camden.gov.uk. Tel: 020 7974 5633.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust- Bid for Better
The Bid for Better membership engagement scheme awards grants of up to £400 towards activities or equipment to improve patient experience, promote mental wellbeing or make our services more accessible.
As well as Trust service users, we would like to encourage bids from external organisations whose service users would be benefitted in any of the above ways.
Your idea should benefit two or more patients or service users. If you would like to apply for up to £400 for your project or idea then we will ask you to complete an application form giving us all as much detail as possible.
You can apply online http://www.tavistockandportman.nhs.uk/about-us/join-us/patient-and-public-involvement-ppi/bid-better/apply-bid-better-funding
or you can request a form by post or email by contacting the PPI team.
The closing date for applications is Thursday 5th March 2015.
To be considered for funding you must be a Member of the Trust. If you are not a member already it is really easy to join.
If you have questions about the process or need help to complete your application form, a member of the PPI team will be more than happy to assist you. Please contact us by telephone or email or you can pop into the PPI office on the ground floor of the Tavistock Centre.
Email: PPI@tavi-port.nhs.uk Telephone: 020 8938 2059

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are ?25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

MH First Aid Places Available
There are a couple of places left on VAC’s next Mental Health First Aid course which takes place over two full days on Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February (10am to 5pm both days).
Places are open to staff and volunteers from Camden-based organisations at a heavily subsidised rate of only £25 per person. If you would like to book a place, please contact Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk.

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 16th – 23rd February: Mental Health First Aid
  • 17th February: Budgeting for your Project
  • 18th February: Project Management
  • 19th February: Project Management Starter
  • 6th March: Fundraising and Income Generation Strategy
  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction
  • 31st March: Introduction to Social Enterprise and Business Planning

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/


Let’s chat
Do you want more confidence speaking English? Do you want to practise speaking with other people from your local area?
Every Mon – 9th Feb till 2nd Mar from 3 – 4pm
Every Thurs – 12th Feb till Mar 5th from 4.30 – 5.30pm
At The Haven, 23 Castlehaven Rd, London NW1 Call 020 7485 3386 for more information

NCiFoundations Fundrasing Event
NCiFoundations, a registered charity (RCN 1151520), based in Camden is having its 1st fund-raising event on Saturday the 28th of February 2015 from 11am-4pm, venue at: 14 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG.The event will be to raise funds to support desperate orphans in Kenya and Uganda who are in desperate need of clothing, feeding, education sponsor and creating an awareness to end Female Genital Mutilation. Our event will also be promoting NCiFoundations other aims and objectives which involve supporting UK Local community projects to enhance and protect our UK local borough community.
At the event we will be showcasing beautiful handcraft artworks made by the orphans
For more information please visit our website: www.ncifoundations.org.
Email: info@ncifoundations.org . Tel: +44(0) 7900928873. Also interested sponsors please do get in touch as well. Venue: 141 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG (11-4pm) nearest station to venue is Warren Street Station.

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange, the British Society of Gerontology, and London Borough of Camden present The first Kilburn Debate of 2015: Kilburn – your lifetime neighbourhood?
What policy changes would encourage us to ‘age in place’?
9.30am– 4.30pm Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015
Morning: Older peoples’ contribution to research
Passing by or by-passing: Intergenerational use of public space; Professor Sheila Peace, Open University
How older people are helping change the street environment; Rita Newton, Senior lecturer, Salford University
1.30–2.30pm: Films by KOVE and other local older film-makers
Afternoon: New developments – London and Kilburn
The London picture and lessons from other cities; Professor Colin Haylock, Newcastle University, Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, member Mayor’s Design Advisory Group;
Making changes to Kilburn High Rd: a case study; Jacqueline Saunders, Principal Traffic Planner, Camden
Kingsgate Resource Centre for Older People, 208 Webheath, Palmerston Road NW6 2JU
This free event is open to users of the Centre, local residents of any age, British Society of Gerontology members, service professionals and anyone with an interest in the issues under discussion. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For information and to register, contact: John Miles (07817 424356 johnmiles68@yahoo.co.uk) or Mel Wright (07539 390786 mel.wright@kove.org.uk)

Islington Mind’s LGBT service – open Information day – part of LGBT History Month 24th Feb 11 – 3pm
Introducing the unique pan-London service that is offered every Tuesday to the LGBT community. At 35 Ashley Road, N19 3AG. Programme for the day includes:
Information about Outcome; Yoga; Drama; Art workshops; Animation workshops; Ear acupuncture; Head massage; Taster therapies with MSH – grooming and holistic clinic.
Best Curry in town (FOR £3), raffle and many other surprises…
RSVP: sigal.avni@islington.mind.org

Working with Complex Needs: Free Training Offer for Camden Based Groups
Clean Break is offering FREE training workshops to health, social care and voluntary sector organisations working in Camden in February – March 2015
Designed to help you reflect on and identify successful strategies to support women with complex needs, this training is ideal for frontline staff, managers, volunteers, advice workers, support staff and others who want to improve their practice. This bespoke package uses short play Sounds Like An Insult, performed by graduates of Clean Break’s theatre education programme, as a stimulus for discussion and critical reflection. Commissioned by Clean Break in association with NOMS and the Department of Health, Sounds Like An Insult explores the experiences of women offenders with complex mental health needs, and the challenges of diagnosis and treatment within the criminal justice system. Following the performance, we engage participants through creative techniques to explore the challenges and opportunities of working with women who may have complex mental health needs, addiction and/or experience of the criminal justice system and who often, as a result, struggle to access or remain engaged in services.
We will be running these free two hour training workshops in Camden, throughout February and March 2015. We can work with groups of up to 30 and may be able to offer multiple workshops for organisations which have larger numbers to accommodate.
If you would like to discuss your organisation’s specific needs or ask questions about the workshop, or to book a session, please email Ros Terry ros.terry@cleanbreak.org.uk. More information at www.cleanbreak.org.uk

Tricycle Takeover 2015
A weeklong event in which the Tricycle Young Company takeover The Tricycle Theatre for an entire week. There will be workshops, theatre, film, music and poetry by both emerging and established artists. This year’s Tricycle Takeover coincides with the upcoming elections and gives a voice to the political views of young people, many of whom are heading to the ballot box for the first time. The week provides young people with an amazing opportunity to learn, develop, and can act as a brilliant platform to support those at the start of their career. Equally importantly, it is a week of brilliant performance for everyone.

Camden Chinese Community Centre New Year Celebration Saturday 14th February at 11am to 3pm.
The event will be held at The Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9BT. The nearest tube station will be at Kings Cross St Pancras. Please click here for a map.
11:00am to 12:30pm (Chinese Food & Handicrafts Stalls) 12:30pm to 3.00pm (Variety Show)
Admission Ticket : Adult (£5), Child (£2) *A £12 family ticket for 2 adults and 2 children (under 12) will be available
Tickets are available at the Centre in advance and at the door. Tickets are limited, first come first served.
Telephone no: 020 7388 8883 Email: silvia.chui@camdenccc.co.uk
At the event there will be lion dancing, acrobats, magic show, Chinese opera & New Year songs, Chinese traditional & folk dance, Peking noodles making demonstration and raffle draw.
There will be a raffle draw at the event, raffle tickets are sold for £1 each.
First prize for the raffle draw includes one return ticket to Hong Kong (sponsored by See Woo Group)
2nd prize £388 banquet at Phoenix Palace Restaurant
3rd prize banquet at Sushi Bento
4th prize £188 banquet at New Joy King Lau.

Housing allocation consultation 2015
There will be a special lunchtime briefing for people working in the voluntary sector on Monday 23rd February at 11.30am-1pm at: 5 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG
To book a place, please contact Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
If your organisation has a regular meeting (either with staff or service users) and you would like a member of the housing allocation consultation team to attend to give a presentation on the proposed changes to the scheme and answer any questions, please contact either Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
For more information, to book a place for a workshop or the special briefing or to arrange another meeting, please contact:
• Zoe Goldblum, Senior Policy Officer, Zoe.Goldblum@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 4544.
• Giovanni Bruggi, Business Support Officer, Giovanni.Bruggi@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 5519

Camden CCG and Cancer Research UK are delivering a cancer awareness workshop for individuals who work or volunteer within the Camden community.
This is particularly relevant for those who work with people at risk of developing cancer, such as the elderly. The workshop empowers volunteers and community members in Camden with the knowledge, skills and confidence to talk about Cancer.
By attending the workshop you will:
~ Increase your knowledge of key messages around cancer prevention, screening and early diagnosis
~ Build your confidence to talk to the public about cancer
~ Help you to encourage people to make lifestyle changes, access local services and visit their GP promptly with any concerns
The workshop will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 on Thursday, 19 February 2015 at St Pancras Hospital.
The event is sponsored by Camden CCG’s Long Term Conditions and Cancer programme. Free.
To book a ticket or for more information contact ltceducation@camdenccg.nhs.uk or telephone 0203 688 2071.

Community Voices for Health (CV4H) Network event Monday 9th February 2015, 2 – 5pm
Help us shape our future health priorities at Conference room, Voluntary Action Islington
• Provide an overview of LVSC and University of East London discussions with UCL Partners
• Explain more about the UCL Partners programme and hear from Fiona McKenzie, Patient Experience and User Involvement Project Manager for London Cancer, the Integrated Cancer System for North Central and North East London and West Essex within UCL Partners.
• Report on VCS impact on reducing Health Inequalities – feed-back from conference and next steps?
• Help to shape potential future priorities for CV4H in the context of UCL Partners’ programme, as well as inform LVSC’s strategic health programme through its membership of Regional Voices.
I hope you will join us. If you aren’t currently a member of the network (or aren’t sure if you are) but would like to come to the event, please contact Sandra van der Feen, LVSC: sandra@lvsc.org.uk in the first instance.

Camden Carers Service Events
Most events, outings, training and other activities are open to all carers who are registered with us, unless stated for a particular group by condition, or other criteria. Please check with CCS if in doubt about your eligibility for an event or activity.
1. Outings and Guided Tours – We offer a selection of activities around London all of which are available for free for carers.
2. Carers Yoga – fortnightly classes for carers of all abilities. Wear loose fitting clothes
3. Benefits Training with Mary Ward – a 3-session course on offer to both Male Carers and also to all Carers in partnership with Mary Ward Legal Centre. The course offer hands on advice and experience with how to use websites, talk on the phone with benefits officers and raise your benefits claims in a manner that gets results.
4. 1st Aid Training with St John’s Ambulance – A new scheme to train carers around London.
5. Art Social Workshop – A space to socialise and get artistic.
6. Mindfulness for Carers– 2-session introduction course for Carers by Robert Mitcham. Robert runs weekly mindfulness sessions on Monday evenings in Euston that are free for all carers.
7. Male Carers Group – a new group for Male Carers. The aim of the group is to provide a space for Male Carers to be men while offering tools for energy maintenance and carer related training.
We also have two very SPECIAL EVENTS: Thursday 26th February – Life Outside Caring Fair – lots of interesting activities, stalls and information for you to find something different to do outside your caring role – with lunch! Tuesday 3rd March – Special Interactive Training Day on Keeping Safe whilst Caring – with Kevin Morgan and Nick Llewellyn bringing the issues to life. There are many more events – please see the website for further details. www.camdencs.org.uk

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Kentish Town Community Centre’s Youth Service is recruiting Youth Workers:
Youth Worker x 1 (10 hours / Evening Work)
The successful applicant will be working across the youth projects, supporting the Youth team in the planning, delivery and monitoring of the projects. The successful applicant will have good experience of delivering sessions, direct one to one work, the ability to design and implement content, a belief in the potential of young people and the ability to build a rapport with young people.
Youth Worker x 2 (Bank Staff)
This role is strictly for bank staff and applicants would need to be available to work as and when necessary to support delivering the needs of the projects (i.e. during staff absence etc). Occasionally this may mean being notified on the day of which you are required to work. This is a great opportunity for individuals seeking to gain wider experience within the field of youth work.
Both roles require: L2 qualification in Youth Work or relevant equivalent, Sound understanding of Safeguarding procedures.
Contact Halima Begum, Youth Project’s Manager, Kentish Town Community Centre, 17 Busby Place, London NW5 2SP T: 07763 433041 / 020 7482 3212 E: halima@ktcc.org.uk

Mental Health Community Development Worker £26,342 – Islington based
Hillside Clubhouse is a dynamic mental health charity in North London. Our community development service works at a strategic level with the local authority, NHS and community organisations to identify and address barriers faced by people from excluded communities (including BMER, LGBT and faith) accessing mental health and community based services. The postholder will also provide direct support to individuals to access services including talking therapies and supportive services. Experience of working with people and organisations to influence change will be essential as will an in depth knowledge of issues facing excluded communities in accessing services. You will also need to develop a clear understanding of and referral pathways into local services and be able to enable individuals to access them.
For an application pack please email gsell@hillsideclubhouse.org.uk or telephone 020 7700 6408.
Closing date: Monday 2 March 2015 More details at www.hillsideclubhouse.org.uk

Mary Ward Centre has a Childcare Tutor Vacancy
The tutor will be expected to take responsibility for planning the course, within the framework of Centre policy and practice, as well as teach the course.
The successful applicant will hold a recognised qualification, or have extensive experience, in childcare.and have proven experience in adult education, or relevant experience in leading groups of adults.
Application forms are available from our website: www.marywardcentre.ac.uk, and interviews will take place on Tuesday February 24th 2015.
Please send in your completed application form, including the supporting statement saying how you meet each of the points listed in the Person Specification, by Monday February 16th 2015. Application forms should be sent to Mandy Yu, at Mandy.Yu@marywardcentre.ac.uk

Kingsgate Community Centre seeks:
Deputy Youth Worker: £18,000 27hrs a week

2 x Sessional Play worker: £9 p/h 25hrs a week
The role of the Deputy Youth Worker is to assist the Community Play Youth Development Manager with the planning and delivery of an exciting programme of activities for the children and young people who live in the Ward of Kilburn, as well as face to face work with children and young people. You will have the chance to lead on projects.
You will be required to work during the term time and holidays and some evenings.
The role of Sessional Play Workers is to assist the Deputy Youth worker with the delivery of an innovative range of activities, and engage in face to face work with children and young people.
You will be required to work initially during the Holidays and subsequently term time.
We are after our workers to get involved and work with the transitional age range 8 – 14yrs.
Although we would prefer our candidates to have a professional qualification in Youth Work or Level 2 in Play Work; relevant experience in the field or other related professions will be accepted.
We do not accept CV’s as part of our application process.
Kingsgate Community Association is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and families and all posts are subject to enhanced CRB disclosure.
Closing date: 20th February 2015. Interview: 9th March 2015
To request an application pack please email: info@kingsgatecc.org.uk or 0207 328 9480

The Ethiopian Community in Britain is recruiting a Part Time Co-ordinator
– The post holder will be responsible for the management of the day to day activities of the Ethiopian Community in Britain to achieve its overall aims and objectives.
– The post holder is expected to carry out duties of a level of responsibility appropriate to the post
– The post holder will also be expected to deputise in other areas with a similar level of responsibility as and when required by the Board of Trustees.
Gross annual salary: £10,000.- (21 hours per week for 1 year with a possibility of extension subject to availability of funding)
Closing Date for Application: 19th February 2015 at 4pm.
For application pack, please send an A4 size envelope with 80p SAE to: Ethiopian Community in Britain, 2A Lithos Road, London NW3 6EF or interested applicants can collect the pack from the office Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm
For more information on the job advert, please contact:
Mr Alemahu Dessie, email: postmaster@ethiopiancommunity.co.uk ; tel: 020 7794 4265

Camden Carers Service seeks Volunteer Co-ordinator
CSS are a consortium of two organisations and would like to increase the number of volunteers we involve as well as the range of volunteering roles. This is where you would come in. You will help us think about what volunteer roles would be useful, write the role outlines, promote and recruit to these roles. Additionally, you will help to make sure that all our volunteers are comfortable with what they are doing and check in with them regularly. Arranging social events for our volunteers and encouraging our service users to volunteer will be part of parcel of your time with us.
As well, our volunteer procedures need streamlining and perhaps updating too. So your contribution here would be most welcome.
Mentoring from an experienced Volunteer Manager is on offer as well as being part of a new consortium. You will gain people management skills, so useful when seeking employment. CCS supports personal development, so you will have the opportunity to take full advantage of everything they have to offer. Through Volunteer Centre Camden you will have access to the Central London volunteer centres volunteer management training, to include an introduction to volunteer management and support and supervision of volunteers. CCS offers safe-guarding training and also has access to further training through London Borough of Camden.
Travel and lunch expanses paid. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

Camden Carers Service seeks Befrienders
Would you like to help older carers around the borough of Camden have a better social life too? Do you value older people? Do you have time available in the day? Are you friendly and reliable?
Camden Carers Service is launching a new project to provide befriending and support for our older carers. We are looking to recruit volunteers interested in befriending from a range of backgrounds, varying life experiences and across all ages. People who are friendly, patient, good listeners and understanding will be spending time with carers on a weekly basis for a couple of hours or so.
Volunteering with CCS as a befriender means you provide support (typically up to 12 weeks) for older carers after the initial introduction process. You will need to be able to visit your befriendees regularly for minimum of 3 hours per week. DBS check required. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information contact tamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950

Kentish Town City Farm is recruiting a Trustee.
The City Farm is a long established Camden organisation and is looking for a new addition to the board of trustees. Please contact Rachel@ktcityfarm.org.uk for information

£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk

Trustee / Management Committee Member for Camden Federation of Private Tenants
We need enthusiastic and committed individuals to contribute to the development and growth of our small but important housing charity, which gives a voice to vulnerable and disadvantaged private renters, who now make up over a third of Camden’s households
We particularly need people with skills, knowledge and experience in one or more of
the following areas, but an interest in private tenants’ issues, commitment and reliability are also important:
Fundraising; Communications; Marketing; Social Media
Full details at Do-it.org.uk

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Henna Asian Women’s Group Befriending Service 2015
Henna Asian Women’s Group is opening their Befriending service to all individuals that are in need for extra help to improve their social circle in the new year. We will reach out to the most vulnerable individuals that live in any Borough of London. Henna volunteers will pay regular weekly visits to clients and support them into taking steps to come out of the home and access different services.
We are recruiting both Male and Female volunteers to become Befrienders on this project. If you have a few hours to spare each week, would like to gain experience in the health and social care sector or simply just want to give something back to the community then please contact us.
Contact Ammarah Ahmad, ammarah_hennaorg@yahoo.co.uk, Telephone: 020 7372 9860, Volunteer Coordinator, Henna Asian Women’s Group, www.hennaorg.co.uk

Skillshare is an easy way to find skilled people to support your organisation. What sort of skills are on your wish list? Current skills on offer include: furniture restoration, photography, Nia technique instructor and food and textiles teacher, plus many more. Thirty local organisations are already signed up and accessing our database of skilled volunteers. The last volunteer we placed was a photographer who is going to be taking photographs of Camden for two local organisations.
For more information contact SkillShare, skillshare@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or 020 7424 9990.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


HR Advice for Camden Groups from VAC
VAC is offering Camden VCS groups a free service every Thursday to answer HR related queries, by telephone or e-mail. As well as dealing with one-off queries, free of charge, on Thursdays, we can also offer an “Expert Critical Friend” package, which provides 3.5 hours of support at a cost of £150, for you to use as, when and where you need it. This package is suitable if managers or trustees need more substantial help with:
~ Drafting or reviewing HR policies and procedures
~ Support to work through difficult situations, eg. redundancy, disciplinary issues
~ Coaching on dealing with a number of HR issues
~ Training to improve practical HR knowledge throughout your organisation
Contact Caroline Jepson by e-mail at cjepson@vac.org.uk or by telephone: 020 7284 6564

A new online mental health support service now available for Camden residents
Big White Wall offers a secure environment for Camden residents to address mental health problems.
Big White Wall has two services available to Camden residents, plus a range of tools that allow users to manage themselves more effectively.
1. Support Network – this online, fully moderated peer support community is accessible by anyone over the age of 16 and is available 24/7. This is an anonymous service and allows an individual access for a period of up to six months.
2. Live Therapy – provides online 1-to-1 therapy using audio, webcam and instant messaging via a secure platform for people over the age of 18. To access this service, an individual will need to provide personal details. On average, people will access 10 therapy sessions (50 minutes each), however this will be reviewed should the individual require more. If an individual is deemed unsuitable for Live Therapy, they will be referred to an alternative service. More details here.
Both services work on a self-referral basis which means Big White Wall gives Camden residents the opportunity to take control, allowing them to feel better, sooner.
To access this support, people in Camden simply need to enter their postcode at www.bigwhitewall.com

Visiting the VCS
Starting in early 2015 the Community and Third Sector team would like spend a bit more time working more closely with Camden’s voluntary and community organisations to see at first hand some of the challenges – as well as the achievements – that you face. The team would like you to invite one person from our team who will work from your building or office for one day per month for three months (or longer if all goes well!). We will bring our laptops – all we will need is a table or desk and access to your wi fi – perhaps there would be space in your reception area. We will be getting on with our own work – but happy to lend a hand informally if needed. Hopefully this will enable the Community and Third Sector team and VCS colleagues to get to know each other better and help us have a better understanding of some of your day to day work. If you are interested in taking part please email Noor.Al-Baddawy@camden.gov.uk or call her on 020 7974 6626.

OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’ button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to make OneCamden better.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 30th January 2015

News From VAC
Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 30th January 2015
Highlights: CPPEG Open Meeting; Camden Community Festivals Fund; HR Advice for Camden Groups from VAC; Working with Complex Needs: Free Training Offer for Camden Based Groups; A new online mental health support service; Tricycle Takeover 2015 ; Get the flu jab ; Islington Mind’s LGBT service – open Information day ; Charity Commission Filing Deadline Tomorrow; Kilburn – your lifetime neighbourhood?; Grassroots 2015 Fundraiser Party for the Edge Fund; How people effect change; Kentish Town Bike Workshop; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.
CPPEG open meeting Monday 9th February (14:00 – 16:00)
St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall. The presentations will cover unscheduled care, the future of out of hours & 111 followed by an update on Long Terms Conditions & Cancer Care.
Presentation 1: Unscheduled Care, and The future of Out of Hours & 111
Speaker: Sharon Barrington, Deputy Director, Strategy & Planning, CCG
Presentation 2: Update on Long Term Conditions & Cancer Programme
Speaker: Sally Mackinnon, Commissioning Programme Lead, Long Term Conditions and Cancer, CCG
To attend please RSVP Caroline Straker (email: Caroline.Straker@camdenccg.nhs.uk / Tel: 020 3688 2044)
Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
See the ‘Funding’ section below for full details.
HR Advice for Camden Groups from VAC
VAC is offering Camden VCS groups a free service every Thursday to answer HR related queries, by telephone or e-mail. As well as dealing with one-off queries, free of charge, on Thursdays, we can also offer an “Expert Critical Friend” package, which provides 3.5 hours of support at a cost of £150, for you to use as, when and where you need it. This package is suitable if managers or trustees need more substantial help with:
~ Drafting or reviewing HR policies and procedures
~ Support to work through difficult situations, eg. redundancy, disciplinary issues
~ Coaching on dealing with a number of HR issues
~ Training to improve practical HR knowledge throughout your organisation
Contact Caroline Jepson by e-mail at cjepson@vac.org.uk or by telephone: 020 7284 6564
Working with Complex Needs: Free Training Offer for Camden Based Groups
Clean Break is offering FREE training workshops to health, social care and voluntary sector organisations working in Camden in February – March 2015
Designed to help you reflect on and identify successful strategies to support women with complex needs, this training is ideal for frontline staff, managers, volunteers, advice workers, support staff and others who want to improve their practice. This bespoke package uses short play Sounds Like An Insult, performed by graduates of Clean Break’s theatre education programme, as a stimulus for discussion and critical reflection. Commissioned by Clean Break in association with NOMS and the Department of Health, Sounds Like An Insult explores the experiences of women offenders with complex mental health needs, and the challenges of diagnosis and treatment within the criminal justice system. Following the performance, we engage participants through creative techniques to explore the challenges and opportunities of working with women who may have complex mental health needs, addiction and/or experience of the criminal justice system and who often, as a result, struggle to access or remain engaged in services.
We will be running these free two hour training workshops in Camden, throughout February and March 2015. We can work with groups of up to 30 and may be able to offer multiple workshops for organisations which have larger numbers to accommodate.
If you would like to discuss your organisation’s specific needs or ask questions about the workshop, or to book a session, please email Ros Terry ros.terry@cleanbreak.org.uk. More information at www.cleanbreak.org.uk
A new online mental health support service now available for Camden residents
Big White Wall offers a secure environment for Camden residents to address mental health problems.
Big White Wall has two services available to Camden residents, plus a range of tools that allow users to manage themselves more effectively.
1. Support Network – this online, fully moderated peer support community is accessible by anyone over the age of 16 and is available 24/7. This is an anonymous service and allows an individual access for a period of up to six months.
2. Live Therapy – provides online 1-to-1 therapy using audio, webcam and instant messaging via a secure platform for people over the age of 18. To access this service, an individual will need to provide personal details. On average, people will access 10 therapy sessions (50 minutes each), however this will be reviewed should the individual require more. If an individual is deemed unsuitable for Live Therapy, they will be referred to an alternative service. More details here.
Both services work on a self-referral basis which means Big White Wall gives Camden residents the opportunity to take control, allowing them to feel better, sooner.
To access this support, people in Camden simply need to enter their postcode at www.bigwhitewall.com
Tricycle Takeover 2015
A weeklong event in which the Tricycle Young Company takeover The Tricycle Theatre for an entire week. There will be workshops, theatre, film, music and poetry by both emerging and established artists. This year’sTricycle Takeover coincides with the upcoming elections and gives a voice to the political views of young people, many of whom are heading to the ballot box for the first time. The week provides young people with an amazing opportunity to learn, develop, and can act as a brilliant platform to support those at the start of their career. Equally importantly, it is a week of brilliant performance for everyone.
Get the flu jab
If you’re eligible for the flu vaccine, don’t put it off, get it now. Camden Council is urging everyone entitled to a free flu jab to get it as soon as they can. It is vital that those who are eligible have the flu vaccine annually as it protects against different strains of flu which evolve each year.
You can get a free flu jab if you are:
• over 65
• have a long-term health condition – particularly chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease or those with a weakened immune system
• pregnant
• aged two to four (given via a nasal spray vaccination which is quick, effective and painless)
• a carer.
Other than vaccination, the best way to prevent the spread of flu is to have good hand and respiratory hygiene measures. It’s easy to remember – Catch it, Bin it, Kill it – carry tissues and use them to catch coughs or sneezes, then to bin the tissues and to kill the germs by washing our hands.
Book an appointment with your GP pr book an appointment at a local pharmacy
Find out more camden.gov.uk
National News
Social care funding in a ‘ridiculous situation’, says LGA head
The Head of LGA calls for an extra £1.1bn of funding for councils to maintain a ‘civilised level of care’
Advice on Campaigning
Kevin Curley, the former CEO of Navca shares his 10 questions to test and score a charity campaign
Action on Hearing Loss Campaigns
Today saw the launch of the report, Under Pressure, which shows that audiology services across much of the UK are struggling to cope in the face of budget cuts and increased demand.
Action on Hearing loss have made it easy for you to take action to protect your vital hearing loss services,.
Islington Mind’s LGBT service – open Information day – part of LGBT History Month 24th Feb 11 – 3pm
We will open our door to all and introduce the unique pan-London service that we offer every Tuesday to our LGBT community. Join us at 35 Ashley Road, N19 3AG. Programme for the day includes:
Information about Outcome; Yoga; Drama; Art workshops; Animation workshops; Ear acupuncture; Head massage; Taster therapies with MSH – grooming and holistic clinic.
Best Curry in town (FOR £3), raffle and many other surprises…
RSVP: sigal.avni@islington.mind.org
Charity Commission Filing Deadline Tomorrow
Be prepared, 31 January is the deadline for most charities to submit their annual return and accounts to theCharity Commission (10 months after the end of your financial year). This is a vital way to remain accountable to the public. The Guardian has a useful guide.
Kilburn Older Voices Exchange, the British Society of Gerontology, and London Borough of Camden present The first Kilburn Debate of 2015: Kilburn – your lifetime neighbourhood?
What policy changes would encourage us to ‘age in place’?
9.30am- 4.30pm Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015
Morning: Older peoples’ contribution to research
Passing by or by-passing: Intergenerational use of public space; Professor Sheila Peace, Open University
How older people are helping change the street environment; Rita Newton, Senior lecturer, Salford University
1.30-2.30pm: Films by KOVE and other local older film-makers
Afternoon: New developments – London and Kilburn
The London picture and lessons from other cities; Professor Colin Haylock, Newcastle University, Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, member Mayor’s Design Advisory Group;
Making changes to Kilburn High Rd: a case study; Jacqueline Saunders, Principal Traffic Planner, Camden
Kingsgate Resource Centre for Older People, 208 Webheath, Palmerston Road NW6 2JU
This free event is open to users of the Centre, local residents of any age, British Society of Gerontology members, service professionals and anyone with an interest in the issues under discussion. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For information and to register, contact: John Miles (07817 424356 johnmiles68@yahoo.co.uk) or Mel Wright (07539 390786 mel.wright@kove.org.uk)
Camden Carers’ Service:
Free training, outings and events for unpaid carers in Camden
Mindfulness for carers, Mon 2 Feb, 2 – 3.30pm. An introductory course. To book a place please call Yoni on 020 7428 8950 or email Yoni@camdencarers.org.uk
Leisure Afternoon for people with dementia and their carers, Tue 3 Feb, 2 – 4pm. Older carers can also participate, with or without the person they care for. Enjoy games, discussions and interactive activities like painting, baking and singing along to classic songs led by live saxophone and guitar.
Call 020 7428 8950 or email Zakeera@camdencarers.org.uk
NEW! Creative writing group for older carers of 70+, Wed 4 Feb, 10am – 12pm. Phone 020 7428 8950 or emailzakeera@camdencarers.org.uk to book.
Get behind the Grassroots 2015 Fundraiser Party for the Edge Fund
Saturday, January 31, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM
2014 was a year to be remembered for the Edge Fund’s work, but this year we can do better! Let’s make 2015 the year of grassroots action and people determining their own futures. If you want to have a real impact with your donation, support groups that are free enough, bold enough and optimistic enough to think big. Book your Fundraiser Party place here. More details in the Guardian.
How people effect change: a free and public panel discussion at UCL
Thursday, 26 February 2015 from 18:00 to 19:15
Want to follow your ethics and make a change? People are already doing so in countless ways: through community action, political and legislative systems and the market, to name a few.
These diverse panellists will be speaking about the change they have effected or are hoping to effect and how they’re doing it.
Professor Jane Holder (Chair) University College London
Raising awareness of environmental injustices through academic and personal work
Charles Keidan and Rebecca Steinfeld, Individual campaigners,Launching political and legal challenge to ban on opposite-sex civil partnerships
Jonathan Smith, Fairtrade Foundation, Making it easy for consumers to buy ethically
Pliny Soocoormanee, Peter Tatchell Foundation, Mobilising communities to speak out for civil and human rights
Dr Fiona Vera-Gray, Rape Crisis South London, Harnessing online methods and the voices of the general public to end violence against women and girls
Liam Barrington-Bush, Focus E15 Campaign, Organising direct action and local campaigns to fight for affordable housing in East London
Followed by a public reception at UCL.
This event is free and open to the public, but please order a ticket as we have limited capacity.
Kentish Town Bike Workshop
Monday 2nd February 6.30 to 8.30pm
Location Kentish Town Health Centre, 2 Bartholomew Road NW5 2AJ (map)
Bring your bike and learn how to fix it yourself. Mechanics will be there to check your bike and to give you advice about fixing it. Plus tea and cake while you wait!
See more at Project Dirt
The Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin
Ethiopean Community In Britain, Kingsgate Community Centre, Camden CCG, Camden Carers Service, Elfrida Rathbone, Mayu, Camden Federation of Private Tenants, Henna Asian Women’s Group, Kentish Town City Farm, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.
Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk
You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.
Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.
You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new
See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Awards for All – One to One Support for Camden Groups
VAC and BIG will be offering further one to one support sessions for Camden groups applying for awards for all in 2015. They will take place on 23rd March. Further details in next week’s e-bulletin.
Camden Community Festivals Fund
Camden Council is supporting this grants programme in recognition of the contribution made by community festivals and events to strengthening Camden communities and in developing a rich culture and economy within the borough.
The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. A copy of the application form can be downloaded here.
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The application process is open from Monday 19th January 2015.
The deadline for completed applications is: 6pm on Thursday 16th March 2015
Full details and links to the forms can be found at https://www.vac.org.uk/camden-community-festivals-fund/
If you would like more information and/or to be sent hard copies of the application forms and the guidelines please contact acharles@vac.org.uk. Tel. 020 7284 6553. Fax. 020 7284 6551. VAC, 293-299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Please note your grant is only administered by VAC. For all other aspects of your event please contact Camden Council’s events team. events@camden.gov.uk. Tel: 020 7974 5633.
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust- Bid for Better
The Bid for Better membership engagement scheme awards grants of up to £400 towards activities or equipment to improve patient experience, promote mental wellbeing or make our services more accessible.
As well as Trust service users, we would like to encourage bids from external organisations whose service users would be benefitted in any of the above ways.
Your idea should benefit two or more patients or service users. If you would like to apply for up to £400 for your project or idea then we will ask you to complete an application form giving us all as much detail as possible.
You can apply online http://www.tavistockandportman.nhs.uk/about-us/join-us/patient-and-public-involvement-ppi/bid-better/apply-bid-better-funding
or you can request a form by post or email by contacting the PPI team.
The closing date for applications is Thursday 5th March 2015.
To be considered for funding you must be a Member of the Trust. If you are not a member already it is really easy to join.
If you have questions about the process or need help to complete your application form, a member of the PPI team will be more than happy to assist you. Please contact us by telephone or email or you can pop into the PPI office on the ground floor of the Tavistock Centre.
Email: PPI@tavi-port.nhs.uk Telephone: 020 8938 2059
The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund
The Galaxy hot Chocolate Fund is open for applications again, offering small grants to help small, local community groups and charities across the UK and Ireland.
Now in its fourth year, the Fund will distribute five £300 awards each week, one of which will be for the applicant that attracts the most support on the Fund’s website that week.
The Fund is open for entries until 23 February 2015.
Applications for funds from the Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund can be made here.
Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk
Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/
VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are ?25 for members (unless otherwise stated).
Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015
New VAC Training Programme
  • 16th – 23rd February: Mental Health First Aid
  • 17th February: Budgeting for your Project
  • 18th February: Project Management
  • 19th February: Project Management Starter
  • 6th March: Fundraising and Income Generation Strategy
  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction
  • 31st March: Introduction to Social Enterprise and Business Planning
Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/
Camden Chinese Community Centre New Year Celebration Saturday 14th February at 11am to 3pm.
The event will be held at The Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, London, WC1H 9BT. The nearest tube station will be at Kings Cross St Pancras. Please click here for a map.
11:00am to 12:30pm (Chinese Food & Handicrafts Stalls) 12:30pm to 3.00pm (Variety Show)
Admission Ticket : Adult (£5), Child (£2) *A £12 family ticket for 2 adults and 2 children (under 12) will be available
Tickets are available at the Centre in advance and at the door. Tickets are limited, first come first served.
Telephone no: 020 7388 8883 Email: silvia.chui@camdenccc.co.uk
At the event there will be lion dancing, acrobats, magic show, Chinese opera & New Year songs, Chinese traditional & folk dance, Peking noodles making demonstration and raffle draw.
There will be a raffle draw at the event, raffle tickets are sold for £1 each.
First prize for the raffle draw includes one return ticket to Hong Kong (sponsored by See Woo Group)
2nd prize £388 banquet at Phoenix Palace Restaurant
3rd prize banquet at Sushi Bento
4th prize £188 banquet at New Joy King Lau.
Free Skills Conference for Small Charities: 11th February 2015, London
The FSI’s Skill Conference is coming back to London on February 11th 2015, providing 160 places for small charities to access a range of expert speakers on a variety of topics essential to effective working. Delegates will take away relevant and practical skills from a choice of four interactive workshops throughout the day. Topics include HR and Management, Law, IT, Finance, Governance, Policy, Strategy and Planning and Impact Measurement. It fills up fast, so book your free place today to access this fantastic training opportunity.
Visit http://www.thefsi.org/services/conferences/skills-conference/ for more information and bookings.
First Thursday London Thursday, February 5, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Back at The British Library, this month’s event is all about Social Finance and Investment.
We’ve got a great speaker; Caroline Forster is the Group Director of Investments and Deputy Chief Executive of the Social Investment Business Foundation.
Caroline will be sharing some of her thoughts about social finance, how it can help grow your business and help realise the potential in your business.
As ever, there will also be the usual news updates and the opportunity to meet like minded people.
At The Business & Innovation Centre The British Library Click here to register.
Housing allocation consultation 2015
There will be a special lunchtime briefing for people working in the voluntary sector on Monday 23rd February at 11.30am-1pm at: 5 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG
To book a place, please contact Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
If your organisation has a regular meeting (either with staff or service users) and you would like a member of the housing allocation consultation team to attend to give a presentation on the proposed changes to the scheme and answer any questions, please contact either Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
For more information, to book a place for a workshop or the special briefing or to arrange another meeting, please contact:
• Zoe Goldblum, Senior Policy Officer, Zoe.Goldblum@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 4544.
• Giovanni Bruggi, Business Support Officer, Giovanni.Bruggi@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 5519
Camden Learning Disabilities Forum Wednesday 4th February, 6pm – 8pm
At Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre, Belmont Street Chalk Farm, NW1 8HF.
Topics for discussion we will be :
• Learning about computers
• The Care Act
• A Camden Financial Challenge update
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact:
Rena Toufexis, Engagement Coordinator, Telephone: 020 7974 3265 Rena.Toufexis@camden.gov.uk
Camden CCG and Cancer Research UK are delivering a cancer awareness workshop for individuals who work or volunteer within the Camden community.
This is particularly relevant for those who work with people at risk of developing cancer, such as the elderly. The workshop empowers volunteers and community members in Camden with the knowledge, skills and confidence to talk about Cancer.
By attending the workshop you will:
~ Increase your knowledge of key messages around cancer prevention, screening and early diagnosis
~ Build your confidence to talk to the public about cancer
~ Help you to encourage people to make lifestyle changes, access local services and visit their GP promptly with any concerns
The workshop will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 on Thursday, 19 February 2015 at St Pancras Hospital.
The event is sponsored by Camden CCG’s Long Term Conditions and Cancer programme. Free.
To book a ticket or for more information contact ltceducation@camdenccg.nhs.uk or telephone 0203 688 2071.
Creating Connections 9
Thursday 5th February 6 – 8pm, UCL Main Quad Events Venue, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT
Creating Connections is our regular networking event that brings together university staff and postgraduate students with representatives from community organisations, charities, residents’ groups, social enterprises and statutory organisations. The evening is a mixture of themed discussions in small groups with more informal hob-nobbing; the aim is to find areas of common interest and collaborative working.
Our February event will have a particular focus on the commissioning of public services. It will be of value to anyone interested in how the higher education and the voluntary & community sectors can collaborate.
Note that the event is a short networking event for people interested in the theme issues – a starting point for finding like-minded people you might want to collaborate with. It’s intended for experts, beginners and everyone in between. It’s not a conference and there won’t be long plenary speeches or workshops!
Light refreshments will be provided. Register at uclu.org/creating-connections
Community Voices for Health (CV4H) Network event Monday 9th February 2015, 2 – 5pm
Help us shape our future health priorities at Conference room, Voluntary Action Islington
This half day event is aimed at CV4H members [see also below for non members]. It will:
• Provide an overview of LVSC and University of East London discussions with UCL Partners
• Explain more about the UCL Partners programme and hear from Fiona McKenzie, Patient Experience and User Involvement Project Manager for London Cancer, the Integrated Cancer System for North Central and North East London and West Essex within UCL Partners.
• Report on VCS impact on reducing Health Inequalities – feed-back from conference and next steps?
• Help to shape potential future priorities for CV4H in the context of UCL Partners’ programme, as well as inform LVSC’s strategic health programme through its membership of Regional Voices.
• Help to shape future priorities for VCS engagement to inform LVSC strategic priorities.
I hope you will join us. If you aren’t currently a member of the network (or aren’t sure if you are) but would like to come to the event, please contact Sandra van der Feen, LVSC: sandra@lvsc.org.uk in the first instance.
Camden Carers Service Events
Most events, outings, training and other activities are open to all carers who are registered with us, unless stated for a particular group by condition, or other criteria. Please check with CCS if in doubt about your eligibility for an event or activity.
1. Outings and Guided Tours – We offer a selection of activities around London all of which are available for free for carers.
2. Carers Yoga – fortnightly classes for carers of all abilities. Wear loose fitting clothes
3. Benefits Training with Mary Ward – a 3-session course on offer to both Male Carers and also to all Carers in partnership with Mary Ward Legal Centre. The course offer hands on advice and experience with how to use websites, talk on the phone with benefits officers and raise your benefits claims in a manner that gets results.
4. 1st Aid Training with St John’s Ambulance – A new scheme to train carers around London.
5. Art Social Workshop – A space to socialise and get artistic.
6. Mindfulness for Carers- 2-session introduction course for Carers by Robert Mitcham. Robert runs weekly mindfulness sessions on Monday evenings in Euston that are free for all carers.
7. Male Carers Group – a new group for Male Carers. The aim of the group is to provide a space for Male Carers to be men while offering tools for energy maintenance and carer related training.
We also have two very SPECIAL EVENTS: Thursday 26th February – Life Outside Caring Fair – lots of interesting activities, stalls and information for you to find something different to do outside your caring role – with lunch! Tuesday 3rd March – Special Interactive Training Day on Keeping Safe whilst Caring – with Kevin Morgan and Nick Llewellyn bringing the issues to life. There are many more events – please see the website for further details. www.camdencs.org.uk
“An Introduction to Intergenerational Working” – training day Tuesday 3 February 2015
This session run by Camden adult social care will be of particular interest to community workers, youth workers, school teaching staff, early years staff, care staff in sheltered housing, resource centres or residential work, community arts workers and anyone else in Camden who would like to begin to organise intergenerational events or improve their intergenerational practice.
The session is ideal for people who have recently started intergenerational work who would like to organise activities or events for Camden intergenerational week 2015.
The session is free for anyone who works, lives, volunteers or studies in the Borough of Camden.
For further information or to book a place, contact:
Rena Toufexis, Engagement coordinator, Camden adult social care
Email: rena.toufexis@camden.gov.uk / Tel: 020 7974 3265
Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.
Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Kingsgate Community Centre seeks:
Deputy Youth Worker: £18,000 27hrs a week

2 x Sessional Play worker: £9 p/h 25hrs a week
The role of the Deputy Youth Worker is to assist the Community Play Youth Development Manager with the planning and delivery of an exciting programme of activities for the children and young people who live in the Ward of Kilburn, as well as face to face work with children and young people. You will have the chance to lead on projects.
You will be required to work during the term time and holidays and some evenings.
The role of Sessional Play Workers is to assist the Deputy Youth worker with the delivery of an innovative range of activities, and engage in face to face work with children and young people.
You will be required to work initially during the Holidays and subsequently term time.
We are after our workers to get involved and work with the transitional age range 8 – 14yrs.
Although we would prefer our candidates to have a professional qualification in Youth Work or Level 2 in Play Work; relevant experience in the field or other related professions will be accepted.
We do not accept CV’s as part of our application process.
Kingsgate Community Association is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and families and all posts are subject to enhanced CRB disclosure.
Closing date: 20th February 2015. Interview: 9th March 2015
To request an application pack please email: info@kingsgatecc.org.uk or 0207 328 9480
The Ethiopian Community in Britain is recruiting a Part Time Co-ordinator
– The post holder will be responsible for the management of the day to day activities of the Ethiopian Community in Britain to achieve its overall aims and objectives.
– The post holder is expected to carry out duties of a level of responsibility appropriate to the post
– The post holder will also be expected to deputise in other areas with a similar level of responsibility as and when required by the Board of Trustees.
The Candidate Profile:
– A commitment to promote the aims and objectives of the ECB
– A GSCE level education with 4 years relevant experience or a Degree level education with 2 years relevant experience.
– Ability to develop and manage various community-based projects and raise funds
– Ability to liaise with and negotiate with various statutory and non-statutory bodies
– Experience of managing Volunteers, facilities and resources
– Excellent communication skills both in English and Amharic
– A sound knowledge of Charity Organisations and various relevant legislations
– Ability to use own initiative and prioritise conflicting demands of the role
– A good organisational and administrative skills and ability to use the Microsoft Office packages
– Understanding and commitment to equal opportunities
Gross annual salary: £10,000.- (21 hours per week for 1 year with a possibility of extension subject to availability of funding)
Closing Date for Application: 19th February 2015 at 4pm.
For application pack, please send an A4 size envelope with 80p SAE to: Ethiopian Community in Britain, 2A Lithos Road, London NW3 6EF or interested applicants can collect the pack from the office Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm
For more information on the job advert, please contact:
Mr Alemahu Dessie, email: postmaster@ethiopiancommunity.co.uk ; tel: 020 7794 4265
Camden CCG seeks part-time carer for someone who has mental health problems
As a CCG, we are committed to designing and developing services which our residents tell us they need and we know we can’t do this in isolation. To help us succeed in our innovative mental health programme we are looking to recruit a part time Programme Support Manager (PSM) who has lived experience of providing care for someone who has mental health issues.
Working closely with another PSM, this role will coordinate all service user and carer involvement related to the programme and act as the conduit between the CCG and the wider service user/carer networks across Camden.
This is an exciting opportunity to be involved in a cutting edge transformational portfolio which will change the way mental health services are delivered across Camden, improving outcomes for service users and providing value for money for the NHS.
This is a 10 month fixed term post, secondments are welcomed. Successful applicants must have:
~ Experience of providing care for someone who has experienced mental health problems.
~ Experience in supporting the use of Camden mental health services.
~ Experience of carer involvement within mental health services in Camden.
~ A knowledge of health and social care services in Camden.
~ An understanding of service user and carer involvement in health and social care.
“Please note, this position will be subject to NHS standard pre-employment checks, which include reference checks, ID check, Disclosure and Barring Service (criminal record) check and Occupational Health screening. If you have any questions about these checks, please speak to the HR department at NELCSU”
Closing Date: 02/02/15 Interview Date: week commencing: 16/02/15
For full details, please visit: http://jobs.nelondoncsu.nhs.uk/job/v350873
Camden Carers Service seeks Volunteer Co-ordinator
CSS are a consortium of two organisations and would like to increase the number of volunteers we involve as well as the range of volunteering roles. This is where you would come in. You will help us think about what volunteer roles would be useful, write the role outlines, promote and recruit to these roles. Additionally, you will help to make sure that all our volunteers are comfortable with what they are doing and check in with them regularly. Arranging social events for our volunteers and encouraging our service users to volunteer will be part of parcel of your time with us.
As well, our volunteer procedures need streamlining and perhaps updating too. So your contribution here would be most welcome.
Mentoring from an experienced Volunteer Manager is on offer as well as being part of a new consortium. You will gain people management skills, so useful when seeking employment. CCS supports personal development, so you will have the opportunity to take full advantage of everything they have to offer. Through Volunteer Centre Camden you will have access to the Central London volunteer centres volunteer management training, to include an introduction to volunteer management and support and supervision of volunteers. CCS offers safe-guarding training and also has access to further training through London Borough of Camden.
Travel and lunch expanses paid. Contact Camden Carers Service for further informationtamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950
Camden Carers Service seeks Befrienders
Would you like to help older carers around the borough of Camden have a better social life too? Do you value older people? Do you have time available in the day? Are you friendly and reliable?
Camden Carers Service is launching a new project to provide befriending and support for our older carers. We are looking to recruit volunteers interested in befriending from a range of backgrounds, varying life experiences and across all ages. People who are friendly, patient, good listeners and understanding will be spending time with carers on a weekly basis for a couple of hours or so.
Volunteering with CCS as a befriender means you provide support (typically up to 12 weeks) for older carers after the initial introduction process. You will need to be able to visit your befriendees regularly for minimum of 3 hours per week. DBS check required. Contact Camden Carers Service for further information contacttamari@camdencarers.org.uk Tell: 02074288950
Elfrida Rathbone Camden seeks Sessional Advocacy Caseworker
£15.51 hourly rate 0 hours contract (minimum 7 hours per week with possibility of additional hours)
Job purpose to provide casework, advice and advocacy to the following groups and individuals; parents of children with SEND, adults and CYP with disabilities and vulnerable families.
• To support the running of weekly drop-in support sessions
• To coordinate and supervise drop-in support and advise volunteers.
Closing date: Monday 2nd February 2015 (midnight)
Further details and application form at Elfrida Rathbone Camden website.
Fairtrade Volunteer Wanted
Mayu with Fairtrade Camden Network are supporting coffee farmers in Oromia, Ethiopia. The new caffe and show room for organic and single origin coffee now opened in 13 Brecknock road, London N7 0BL. Volunteers are needed in the coffee shop to promote Fairtrade and ethical trading. Contact Demissie Tulu email:d2robi@yahoo.co.uk
Kentish Town City Farm is recruiting a Trustee.
The City Farm is a long established Camden organisation and is looking for a new addition to the board of trustees. Please contact Rachel@ktcityfarm.org.uk for information
£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk
Trustee / Management Committee Member for Camden Federation of Private Tenants
We need enthusiastic and committed individuals to contribute to the development and growth of our small but important housing charity, which gives a voice to vulnerable and disadvantaged private renters, who now make up over a third of Camden’s households
We particularly need people with skills, knowledge and experience in one or more of
the following areas, but an interest in private tenants’ issues, commitment and reliability are also important:
Fundraising; Communications; Marketing; Social Media
Full details at Do-it.org.uk
Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity onTrading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.
Henna Asian Women’s Group Befriending Service 2015
Henna Asian Women’s Group is opening their Befriending service to all individuals that are in need for extra help to improve their social circle in the new year. We will reach out to the most vulnerable individuals that live in any Borough of London. Henna volunteers will pay regular weekly visits to clients and support them into taking steps to come out of the home and access different services.
We are recruiting both Male and Female volunteers to become Befrienders on this project. If you have a few hours to spare each week, would like to gain experience in the health and social care sector or simply just want to give something back to the community then please contact us.
Contact Ammarah Ahmad, ammarah_hennaorg@yahoo.co.uk, Telephone: 020 7372 9860, Volunteer Coordinator, Henna Asian Women’s Group, www.hennaorg.co.uk
Skillshare is an easy way to find skilled people to support your organisation. What sort of skills are on your wish list? Current skills on offer include: furniture restoration, photography, Nia technique instructor and food and textiles teacher, plus many more. Thirty local organisations are already signed up and accessing our database of skilled volunteers. The last volunteer we placed was a photographer who is going to be taking photographs of Camden for two local organisations.
For more information contact SkillShare, skillshare@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or 020 7424 9990.
CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC andAge UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk
Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/vacancies/
Mary Ward Legal Centre offers free Debt Advice
Worried about your debts and bills? Want free confidential help to sort these out? Want to know your options without getting further into debt? Credit card debts; Bailiffs; Bankruptcy; Utility debts; Rent or mortgage arrears; Council tax arrears
Mary ward legal centre is an independent charity based in Holborn offering free, confidential and independent debt advice. To access this free service Call 020 7269 0292 or drop into the Mary Ward Legal Centre Monday to Friday between 10-1 or 2-4. 10 Great Turnstile, WC1V 7JU (off High Holborn). www.marywardlegal.org.uk
Camden People First hate and mate crime community project
Camden Peole First offer 1 to 1 support from the office in Camden. We give hate and mate crime workshops on Mondays. To find out more about Camden People First. call 020 73 88 20 07 or email:info@camdenpeoplefirst.co.uk or come to 215 Eversholt Street (Ampthill Square), London NW1 1DE
Visiting the VCS
Starting in early 2015 the Community and Third Sector team would like spend a bit more time working more closely with Camden’s voluntary and community organisations to see at first hand some of the challenges – as well as the achievements – that you face. The team would like you to invite one person from our team who will work from your building or office for one day per month for three months (or longer if all goes well!). We will bring our laptops – all we will need is a table or desk and access to your wi fi – perhaps there would be space in your reception area. We will be getting on with our own work – but happy to lend a hand informally if needed. Hopefully this will enable the Community and Third Sector team and VCS colleagues to get to know each other better and help us have a better understanding of some of your day to day work. If you are interested in taking part please email Noor.Al-Baddawy@camden.gov.uk or call her on 020 7974 6626.
Hate Crime Survey
Camden Council is conducting research to help us learn more about the impact of hate crime in Camden. Hate crime and hate incidents are when someone is targeted because of personal characteristics. This could be because of race, faith, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity. You can help by taking part in our online survey, and passing this message on to colleagues and users of your organisation who would be interested in giving their views on hate crime in Camden: wearecamden.org/hatecrimesurvey
OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to makeOneCamden better.
FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership form which can be downloaded from the VAC website or you can enter your details via our sector survey here.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 16th January 2015

News From VAC
Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 16th January 2015

Highlights: Visiting the VCS; Housing allocation consultation 2015; Camden Learning Disabilities Forum; Camden Council VCS Engagement; Ageing Better in Camden; Setting up Parish Councils ; VoiceAbility Dual Diagnosis Report; Camden People First hate and mate crime; SOAS Concert Series; First Thursday London ; Waccess; Superfast Broadband Vouchers; Camden Dear BSL Event; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Visiting the VCS
Starting in early 2015 the Community and Third Sector team would like spend a bit more time working more closely with Camden’s voluntary and community organisations to see at first hand some of the challenges – as well as the achievements – that you face. The team would like you to invite one person from our team who will work from your building or office for one day per month for three months (or longer if all goes well!). We will bring our laptops – all we will need is a table or desk and access to your wi fi – perhaps there would be space in your reception area. We will be getting on with our own work – but happy to lend a hand informally if needed. Hopefully this will enable the Community and Third Sector team and VCS colleagues to get to know each other better and help us have a better understanding of some of your day to day work. If you are interested in taking part please email Noor.Al-Baddawy@camden.gov.uk or call her on 020 7974 6626.

Housing allocation consultation 2015
There will be a special lunchtime briefing for people working in the voluntary sector on Monday 23rd February at 11.30am-1pm at: 5 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG
To book a place, please contact Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
If your organisation has a regular meeting (either with staff or service users) and you would like a member of the housing allocation consultation team to attend to give a presentation on the proposed changes to the scheme and answer any questions, please contact either Zoe Goldblum or Giovanni Bruggi (see below).
For more information, to book a place for a workshop or the special briefing or to arrange another meeting, please contact:
• Zoe Goldblum, Senior Policy Officer, Zoe.Goldblum@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 4544.
• Giovanni Bruggi, Business Support Officer, Giovanni.Bruggi@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 5519

Camden Learning Disabilities Forum Wednesday 4th February, 6pm – 8pm
At Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre, Belmont Street Chalk Farm, NW1 8HF.
Topics for discussion we will be :
• Learning about computers
• The Care Act
• A Camden Financial Challenge update
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact:
Rena Toufexis, Engagement Coordinator, Telephone: 020 7974 3265 Rena.Toufexis@camden.gov.uk

Camden Council VCS Engagement
Message from Cllr Abdul Hai, Cabinet Member for Customers, Communities & Culture: The voluntary and community sector in Camden makes an enormous contribution in supporting local communities and helping us as a Council deliver for our residents. However, as a sector you have told us that our relationships are not as clear or consistent they might be. Also, we face significant financial challenges. By 2017, our funding from central government will have been cut in half. The scale of these cuts mean that changes to our funding arrangements with the sector will be unavoidable.
In early December we invited the VCS organisations we currently fund to give us their perspective on our current relationship and what needs to change to ensure we are able to work together more effectively in the future. The workshop was well attended, with over 70 people including staff and trustees from the invited organisations, Council Cabinet members, and senior council officers. A summary of what the VCS attendees told us is at http://www.wearecamden.org/tackling-the-financial-challenge-with-the-vcs/
We wish to use that feedback to begin a process where together we redesign our relationship to deliver better outcomes in our local communities. The process will include organisations we do not support financially as well as those we currently fund.
The next event will take place at the Camden Centre, on 27th January between 9.30 and 12.30. If you want to attend, please contact noor.al-baddawy@camden.gov.uk . This engagement process will run until the end of March, so if you cannot attend you will not have missed your opportunity to contribute – just let us know and you will receive feedback from the event and notification of how to get involved in the future.
We greatly appreciate the sector’s contribution to our aims and I hope you will take the opportunity to get involved, whether we fund you or not.

Ageing Better in Camden, funded by the Big Lottery, will be advertising tenders for contracts from January 2014:
· Community Connectors (volunteers support isolated older people to re-engage with their local communities)
· Intergenerational Projects
· Men’s Projects
· Digital Inclusion Projects (tablet training)
· Evaluation of the Programme
· LGBT Asset Based Community Development
· Other aspects of the programme including work with the Bangladeshi community, and neighbourhood approaches (Somers Town & St Pancras; Gospel Oak and Haverstock; Regents Park; and one area to be identified) will be tendered at a later date
These will be advertised from January 23rd 2014 onwards in VAC bulletin and on Age UK Camden’s website. VAC has offered to hold a ‘register of partners’. If you are interested in bidding for a tender with Ageing Better in Camden as a partner you can register that interest with VAC, who will share your details with other interested organisations. Please note that Ageing Better in Camden is seeking to contract with one organisation or consortia per contract. If you enter into a partnership you will need to decide which organisation is responsible for legal, financial and delivery matters within your partnership. If you want to be on the ‘register of partners,’ please contact Ricky or Monica on 02072846550, or download the form here.
In addition if you are looking to develop an intergenerational project application, Camden adult social care can offer advice, training and networking to support you to find local partners, and help you to plan and run your intergenerational activities and programmes. Contact: Vanda Carter, Intergenerational development officer vanda.carter@camden.gov.uk / 020 7974 2810.
For more information on Ageing Better in Camden please visit www.ageukcamden.org.uk or contact corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk or Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk

Setting up Parish Councils in London Neighbourhoods on 22nd January 2015 1-3pm
VAC will be hosting a seminar about setting up Parish Councils in London neighbourhoods.
National Association of Local Councils (NALC) will explain changes that will make it easier for Neighbourhood Planning Forums to become Parish Councils, and how community groups can access funds to support new campaigns.
We will also hear from groups who have just received grants to explore the feasibility of Parish Councils in their neighbourhoods in Camden and Southwark. Further details will be sent out in early January! You can contact Donna Turnbull to book a place. Email dturnbull@vac.org.uk Tel: 0207 284 6567

VoiceAbility Dual Diagnosis Report Published
Camden service users, supported by VoiceAbility, have been working on a dual diagnosis project. It has brought together people with experience of mental health and substance use issues to look at the support they have received from local health and social care services.
The research found that it was often difficult for service users to get support for their mental health issues and substance use issues at the same time. This sometimes resulted in people not wanting to be open about the different issues they have for fear it may affect the support they receive.
Recommendations made by the group include:
· To support frontline staff to help service users feel they can be honest about their experiences
· To make greater efforts to engage people at different stages of their recovery
· To explore a ‘no wrong door’ service that can support people with a dual diagnosis
· To conduct further research into the experiences of people with dual diagnosis
The project’s full report is launched today (available online here).

Camden People First hate and mate crime community project
Camden Peole First offer 1 to 1 support from the office in Camden. We give hate and mate crime workshops on Mondays. To find out more about Camden People First. call 020 73 88 20 07 or email: info@camdenpeoplefirst.co.uk or come to 215 Eversholt Street (Ampthill Square), London NW1 1DE

SOAS Concert Series in 2015
Friday 16 January 2015 LONDON SACRED HARP: Early Music from the New World
Friday 23 January 2015 OLCAY BAYIR:Anatolian Song Sketches
Friday 06 February 2015 A OCA:Earthy yet Sophisticated Amazonian Traditions
Monday 23 February 2015 UK CHINESE MUSIC ENSEMBLE: The Sound of Silk and Bamboo
Monday 16 March 2015 JYOTSNA SRIKANTH: Carnatic Nomad with a Violin
Thursday 23 April 2015 LONDON KLEZMER QUARTET: Fresh and Timeless: Klezmer As We Love It!
SOAS World Music Summer School. In June/July 2015 the SOAS Music Dpt will run again its successful World Music Summer School. The course programme will be announced in February.
Check www.soas.ac.uk/summermusicschool for details and updates. Enquiries: E musicevents@soas.ac.uk, T 020 7898 4500

First Thursday London Thursday, February 5, 2015 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Back at The British Library, this month’s event is all about Social Finance and Investment.
We’ve got a great speaker; Caroline Forster is the Group Director of Investments and Deputy Chief Executive of the Social Investment Business Foundation.
Caroline will be sharing some of her thoughts about social finance, how it can help grow your business and help realise the potential in your business.
As ever, there will also be the usual news updates and the opportunity to meet like minded people.
At The Business & Innovation Centre The British Library Click here to register.

A Youth Club Event as part of Disabled Access Day on Saturday 17th January, 4 – 6pm at Wac Arts. Open to all young people 12 – 18 years old. Games, table tennis, drumming and more.
RSVP to Kate kate.watson@wacarts.co.uk

Superfast Broadband Vouchers
Super Connected Cities enables organisations (includes SME, registered charities, social enterprises or sole traders) to apply for up to £3000 of funding for a faster broadband connection. This will enable participating organisations to transfer data quickly, work in the cloud and access high speed broadband (usually of 30Mbit/s or more) to increase productivity.
The voucher scheme offer ends on 31 March 2014. More details at the Super Connected Cities website.

Are you Deaf from Camden? Do you use BSL?
Come and tell us what you think about GP Services for Deaf people in Camden
Local people have told Healthwatch Camden that it can be difficult to communicate with GP practices when you are Deaf.
We are keen find out more by talking to people who are Deaf. We’d like to know about the ways in which being Deaf may make it more difficult for you to access the GP services to which you are entitled. Do you have suggestions for what might make things easier?
Friday 23rd January 2015, 10am – 12 noon at Voluntary Action Camden, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
293-299 Kentish Town Road, London, NW5 2TJ
Discussion will be conducted in BSL. BSL interpreters provided.
To register please contact: Graham Welton, BDA at cdolondon@bda.org.uk or Anna Wright, Healthwatch Camden anna.wright@healthwatchcamden.co.uk

The Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Women’s Therapy Centre, Camden Federation of Private Tenants, Kentish Town City Farm, Kentish Town Community Centre, Henna Asian Women’s Group and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in:
1) Holborn & Covent Garden Ward
2) Kings Cross Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from property developments in both of the wards above, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance.
This opportunity relates only to money provided to improve community facilities, it does not relate to S106 money received for other purposes, such as infrastructure and parks and open spaces.
If you would like to make a proposal for S106 capital money for community facilities, and your premises and service provision fits these criteria, please provide a brief description:
• How much money you are seeking – an estimate is fine at this stage
• What it will be used for
• Any relevant deadlines
• Please provide a brief statement that relates to each of these criteria:
• Any allocation needs to ensure that the recipient’s facilities / services are available for the local community to mitigate impact of the development that provides the S106 money.
• Has the organisation / facility received S106 Community Facilities funding before? If yes, when, how much and for what purpose?
• Does the capital project requiring support have any match funding or pledges of match funding?
• How the improvement or expansion of the existing community facility meet Camden Plan priorities (www.camden.gov.uk/camdenplan) and the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy four investment tests (www.camden.gov.uk/ccm/content/council-and-democracy/publications-and-finances/twocolumn/camden-financial-challenge-.en?page=3).
• Is the community facility one of the following:
o Owned by the organisation?
o Occupied on a long-term lease?
o Owned by the council?
• Recipients should allow their services to be accessible to the whole community.
Please provide this by the 30th of January, officers intend to consider the proposals during February, and discuss with relevant ward councillors and Cabinet Members.
Note that there are two separate processes, one for each ward.
For Kings Cross Ward, please contact adam.demosthenous@camden.gov.uk
For Holborn & Covent Garden Ward, please contact jeff.hopwood@camden.gov.uk

Origin Housing Community Chest grant programme.
You can apply for grants of up to £500 for a projects in neighbourhoods where Origin Housing has homes. The application process is extremely quick, simple and completely on-line. The application literally takes 5-10 minutes to complete. We are particularly interested in funding projects that fall within one of these three themes:
1. Building stronger communities
2. Celebrating our heritage
3. Gardening and environmental
For more information, including application guidelines, detailed criteria and the application form please visit our website here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/community/community-grants-programme.aspx
If you have any queries or would like to have an informal chat about a project please get in touch with Jon Foster, Resident Involvement & Community Initiatives Coordinator, Origin Housing. Tel: 020 7209 9267 Mobile: 07872 002 353 email: jon.foster@originhousing.org.uk
Please click here to see a map showing where Origin Housing has homes.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 30th January. Please get your applications in early to avoid disappointment, as the next round of applications won’t open until April 2015.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust- Bid for Better
The Bid for Better membership engagement scheme awards grants of up to £400 towards activities or equipment to improve patient experience, promote mental wellbeing or make our services more accessible.
As well as Trust service users, we would like to encourage bids from external organisations whose service users would be benefitted in any of the above ways.
Your idea should benefit two or more patients or service users. If you would like to apply for up to £400 for your project or idea then we will ask you to complete an application form giving us all as much detail as possible.
You can apply online http://www.tavistockandportman.nhs.uk/about-us/join-us/patient-and-public-involvement-ppi/bid-better/apply-bid-better-funding
or you can request a form by post or email by contacting the PPI team.
The closing date for applications is Thursday 5th March 2015.
To be considered for funding you must be a Member of the Trust. If you are not a member already it is really easy to join.
If you have questions about the process or need help to complete your application form, a member of the PPI team will be more than happy to assist you. Please contact us by telephone or email or you can pop into the PPI office on the ground floor of the Tavistock Centre.
Email: PPI@tavi-port.nhs.uk Telephone: 020 8938 2059

The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund
The Galaxy hot Chocolate Fund is open for applications again, offering small grants to help small, local community groups and charities across the UK and Ireland.
Now in its fourth year, the Fund will distribute five £300 awards each week, one of which will be for the applicant that attracts the most support on the Fund’s website that week.
The Fund is open for entries until 23 February 2015.
Applications for funds from the Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund can be made here.

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are ?25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 22nd January: Project Management Starter
  • 29th January: Effective Minute Taking
  • 16th – 23rd February: Mental Health First Aid
  • 17th February: Budgeting for your Project
  • 18th February: Project Management
  • 19th February: Project Management Starter
  • 6th March: Fundraising and Income Generation Strategy
  • 13th March: Project Management Introduction
  • 31st March: Introduction to Social Enterprise and Business Planning

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/

Introduction to Volunteering workshop, Tuesday 20th January
There are still some spaces left at this participatory workshop next week. We will be looking at different ways of getting involved in the local community, the benefits that come from giving your time to help others, and practical ways to go about this. We’ll also hear from a current volunteer, and there’ll be a chance to sign up on the day for one of a range of exciting local opportunities. Snacks and drinks provided.
Tuesday 20th January, 10am – 12pm, 1A Arts Centre, 1A Roseberry Avenue, Clerkenwell, EC1R 4SR
To sign up, contact
Shadin Dowson-Zeidan, BME Project Worker at Volunteer Centre Camden:
shadin@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk | 020 7424 9990
or Hanif Ahmed, Bangladeshi Community Outreach Worker at Holborn Community Association:
hanif.ahmed@holborncommunity.co.uk | 020 7405 2370 Ext 3

Mental Health Forum, Tuesday 27th January 2015 at 6pm – 8pm
In the Conference Hall, Conference Centre, St Pancras Hospital.
Topics for discussion:
~ Assuring quality in services at the Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust – Colin Plant, Director of Integrated Care
~ The Prevention Fund – Richard Elphick/Julia Chappell. Strategic Commissioning Team Mental Health Camden Council
Chair: Councillor Maeve McCormack
Do you need help to travel to and from the forum or to take part? If so, please contact Rena Toufexis by Thursday 22 January 2015; Telephone: 020 7974 3265; Email: rena.toufexis@camden.gov.uk; Text Phone: 020 7974 6866

Camden CCG and Cancer Research UK are delivering a cancer awareness workshop for individuals who work or volunteer within the Camden community.
This is particularly relevant for those who work with people at risk of developing cancer, such as the elderly. The workshop empowers volunteers and community members in Camden with the knowledge, skills and confidence to talk about Cancer.
By attending the workshop you will:
~ Increase your knowledge of key messages around cancer prevention, screening and early diagnosis
~ Build your confidence to talk to the public about cancer
~ Help you to encourage people to make lifestyle changes, access local services and visit their GP promptly with any concerns
The workshop will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 on Thursday, 19 February 2015 at St Pancras Hospital.
The event is sponsored by Camden CCG’s Long Term Conditions and Cancer programme. Free.
To book a ticket or for more information contact ltceducation@camdenccg.nhs.uk or telephone 0203 688 2071.

Creating Connections 9
Thursday 5th February 6 – 8pm, UCL Main Quad Events Venue, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT
Creating Connections is our regular networking event that brings together university staff and postgraduate students with representatives from community organisations, charities, residents’ groups, social enterprises and statutory organisations. The evening is a mixture of themed discussions in small groups with more informal hob-nobbing; the aim is to find areas of common interest and collaborative working.
Our February event will have a particular focus on the commissioning of public services. It will be of value to anyone interested in how the higher education and the voluntary & community sectors can collaborate.
Themes will include:
~ Criminal Justice / Rights & Advice services
~ Health
~ Education
~ Innovation
~ Social Enterprise
~ The changing face of commissioning
Note that the event is a short networking event for people interested in these issues – a starting point for finding like-minded people you might want to collaborate with. It’s intended for experts, beginners and everyone in between. It’s not a conference and there won’t be long plenary speeches or workshops!
Light refreshments will be provided. Register at uclu.org/creating-connections

Community Voices for Health (CV4H) Network event Monday 9th February 2015, 2 – 5pm
Help us shape our future health priorities at Conference room, Voluntary Action Islington
This half day event is aimed at CV4H members [see also below for non members]. It will:
• Provide an overview of LVSC and University of East London discussions with UCL Partners
• Explain more about the UCL Partners programme and hear from Fiona McKenzie, Patient Experience and User Involvement Project Manager for London Cancer, the Integrated Cancer System for North Central and North East London and West Essex within UCL Partners.
• Report on VCS impact on reducing Health Inequalities – feed-back from conference and next steps?
• Help to shape potential future priorities for CV4H in the context of UCL Partners’ programme, as well as inform LVSC’s strategic health programme through its membership of Regional Voices.
• Help to shape future priorities for VCS engagement to inform LVSC strategic priorities.
I hope you will join us. If you aren’t currently a member of the network (or aren’t sure if you are) but would like to come to the event, please contact Sandra van der Feen, LVSC: sandra@lvsc.org.uk in the first instance.

The Living Centre: supplier day 30th January 2015
The Wellcome Trust, Gibbs Building, 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE
From the Crick’s inception, engaging with the local community and being a good neighbour has been a priority. To help achieve our goals, we’ve been developing plans for an exciting new venture: a community space in the Crick, independent from the institute – called the Living Centre – that will be run in partnership with the community.
The Crick will be looking for an organisation or consortium to run the Living Centre, and is planning to hold a half-day workshop with interested suppliers to help in the development of the specification and evaluation for the procurement of an operator for the Living Centre.
Organisations who are interested in attending the supplier day can find more information by emailing tenders@crick.ac.uk There is more information on the website.

Volunteer Centre Camden Volunteering Fairs
Evening volunteering fair on Wednesday 21st January, 6-7.30pm at Swiss Cottage Library.
Lunchtime fair on Wednesday 14th January, 12-2pm at Arlington Conference Centre.
Daytime fair details here.
Evening fair details here.
If you want to volunteer, just turn up on the day – there is no need to book.
If you are an organisation, please book your place by email or phone 020 7424 9990.

Living History at the Crossroads Women’s Centre
Friday 23 January 2015 6 – 9pm
Crossroads Story Film Screening (7pm)
The multi-racial Crossroads Women’s Centre started as a Wages for Housework Campaign squat near Euston station in 1975. This new film traces the different buildings and activities of the Centre over 40 years up to its current home in Kentish Town. A much-used drop-in and community resource, it now hosts over 15 groups.
Created by young people as a training project the film includes archive photographs, a pop-up book, film clips, interviews with some of the founders and users, and more.
Made Possible by Squatting Exhibition Opening (6pm)
Made Possible by Squatting presents “an archive of histories and stories of how Londoners have met their need for housing through squatting the empty buildings which fill our city.”
From housing homeless families, war veterans and survivors of domestic violence to enabling community shops and cafes, advice centres of all kinds, and a Really Free School, MPBS celebrates the energy and creativity of the squatting movement against the backdrop of recent government criminalisation of squatting residential buildings.
Sections of the original exhibition from September 2013 will be on display at the Women’s Centre after the opening night from 26th January 2015 to 6th of February 2015. Monday to Friday 1-6pm, Wednesday 1-7pm.
Sing-along with June Turvey (8pm)
We are honoured to have June perform at our Centre. She is the legendary pianist at the Duke of Kendal Pub on Sundays, a wonderful reminder of a time when almost every pub in London had its own piano and community singing.
Drinks and refreshments.
Crossroads Women’s Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London NW5 2DX
contact@crossroadswomen.net or tel: 020 7482 2496

Camden Carers Service Events
Most events, outings, training and other activities are open to all carers who are registered with us, unless stated for a particular group by condition, or other criteria. Please check with CCS if in doubt about your eligibility for an event or activity.
1. Outings and Guided Tours – We offer a selection of activities around London all of which are available for free for carers.
2. Carers Yoga – fortnightly classes for carers of all abilities. Wear loose fitting clothes
3. Benefits Training with Mary Ward – a 3-session course on offer to both Male Carers and also to all Carers in partnership with Mary Ward Legal Centre. The course offer hands on advice and experience with how to use websites, talk on the phone with benefits officers and raise your benefits claims in a manner that gets results.
4. 1st Aid Training with St John’s Ambulance – A new scheme to train carers around London.
5. Art Social Workshop – A space to socialise and get artistic.
6. Mindfulness for Carers- 2-session introduction course for Carers by Robert Mitcham. Robert runs weekly mindfulness sessions on Monday evenings in Euston that are free for all carers.
7. Male Carers Group – a new group for Male Carers. The aim of the group is to provide a space for Male Carers to be men while offering tools for energy maintenance and carer related training.
We also have two very SPECIAL EVENTS: Thursday 26th February – Life Outside Caring Fair – lots of interesting activities, stalls and information for you to find something different to do outside your caring role – with lunch! Tuesday 3rd March – Special Interactive Training Day on Keeping Safe whilst Caring – with Kevin Morgan and Nick Llewellyn bringing the issues to life. There are many more events – please see the website for further details. www.camdencs.org.uk

NCiFoundations Fundrasing Event
NCiFoundations, a registered charity (RCN 1151520), based in Camden is having its 1st fund-raising event on Saturday the 28th of February 2015 from 11am-4pm, venue at: 14 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG.The event will be to raise funds to support desperate orphans in Kenya and Uganda who are in desperate need of clothing, feeding, education sponsor and creating an awareness to end Female Genital Mutilation. Our event will also be promoting NCiFoundations other aims and objectives which involve supporting UK Local community projects to enhance and protect our UK local borough community.
At the event we will be showcasing beautiful handcraft artworks made by the orphans
For more information please visit our website: www.ncifoundations.org.
Email: info@ncifoundations.org . Tel: +44(0) 7900928873. Also interested sponsors please do get in touch as well. Venue: 141 Cleveland Street W1T 6QG (11-4pm) nearest station to venue is Warren Street Station.

Re-energising Camden Event
Collaborative investment in local green projects
Wednesday 28 January, 4.00pm-8.30pm at Arup’s Offices (near Warren Street Station)
The Camden Climate Change Alliance is hosting an event that will bring together businesses, schools and community groups who want to work collaboratively to explore and develop low carbon energy projects in Camden.
For more information and to reserve your free place at the event, please register. A range of specialists will be showcasing just how green energy can strengthen your core business operations whilst offering financial and carbon benefits. The event will combine case studies, knowledgeable speakers and the latest policy developments to provide your business with the tools and support you need to collaborate in low carbon initiatives.
For more information and to reserve your free place at the event, please register online via the Eventbrite page.
If you have any questions, please email camdencca@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 3901.
We hope to see you at the event!

Volunteer Centre Camden: AGM, Volunteer Coordinators’ Forum and Trustee Speed-Matching: Tuesday 27th January 2015
Full details will be announced in the coming weeks.
As always we promise to give you good food, and good networking opportunities.

“An Introduction to Intergenerational Working” – training day Tuesday 3 February 2015
This session run by Camden adult social care will be of particular interest to community workers, youth workers, school teaching staff, early years staff, care staff in sheltered housing, resource centres or residential work, community arts workers and anyone else in Camden who would like to begin to organise intergenerational events or improve their intergenerational practice.
The session is ideal for people who have recently started intergenerational work who would like to organise activities or events for Camden intergenerational week 2015.
The session is free for anyone who works, lives, volunteers or studies in the Borough of Camden.
For further information or to book a place, contact:
Rena Toufexis, Engagement coordinator, Camden adult social care
Email: rena.toufexis@camden.gov.uk / Tel: 020 7974 3265

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Elfrida Rathbone Camden seeks Sessional Advocacy Caseworker
£15.51 hourly rate 0 hours contract (minimum 7 hours per week with possibility of additional hours)
Job purpose to provide casework, advice and advocacy to the following groups and individuals; parents of children with SEND, adults and CYP with disabilities and vulnerable families.
• To support the running of weekly drop-in support sessions
• To coordinate and supervise drop-in support and advise volunteers.
Closing date: Monday 2nd February 2015 (midnight)
Further details and application form at Elfrida Rathbone Camden website.

Fairtrade Volunteer Wanted
Mayu with Fairtrade Camden Network are supporting coffee farmers in Oromia, Ethiopia. The new caffe and show room for organic and single origin coffee now opened in 13 Brecknock road, London N7 0BL. Volunteers are needed in the coffee shop to promote Fairtrade and ethical trading. Contact Demissie Tulu email: d2robi@yahoo.co.uk

The Ethiopian Community in Britain is recruiting a Part Time Co-ordinator
– The post holder will be responsible for the management of the day to day activities of the Ethiopian Community in Britain to achieve its overall aims and objectives.
– The post holder is expected to carry out duties of a level of responsibility appropriate to the post
– The post holder will also be expected to deputise in other areas with a similar level of responsibility as and when required by the Board of Trustees.
The Candidate Profile:
– A commitment to promote the aims and objectives of the ECB
– A GSCE level education with 4 years relevant experience or a Degree level education with 2 years relevant experience.
– Ability to develop and manage various community-based projects and raise funds
– Ability to liaise with and negotiate with various statutory and non-statutory bodies
– Experience of managing Volunteers, facilities and resources
– Excellent communication skills both in English and Amharic
– A sound knowledge of Charity Organisations and various relevant legislations
– Ability to use own initiative and prioritise conflicting demands of the role
– A good organisational and administrative skills and ability to use the Microsoft Office packages
– Understanding and commitment to equal opportunities
Gross annual salary: £10,000.- (21 hours per week for 1 year with a possibility of extension subject to availability of funding)
Closing Date for Application: 20 January 2015 at 4pm.
For application pack, please send an A4 size envelope with 80p SAE to: Ethiopian Community in Britain, 2A Lithos Road, London NW3 6EF or interested applicants can collect the pack from the office Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm
For more information on the job advert, please contact:
Mr Alemahu Dessie, email: postmaster@ethiopiancommunity.co.uk ; tel: 020 7794 4265

Women’s Therapy Centre seek Office and Operations Manager (female)
We are looking for an experienced candidate to join Women’s Therapy Centre as an Office and Operations Manager. With strong management, written communication, interpersonal and IT skills, you will be working in a fast-paced therapeutic charity and have proven ability to multitask and be able to work under pressure.
Section 158 of the Equality Act 2010 applies to this post.
To apply for the post please visit our website on: www.womenstherapycentre.co.uk
Closing date: Monday 19th January 2015 by 5pm
Interview date: Wednesday 28th January 2015
Salary £27,666 pro rata for 31 hours per week

Kentish Town City Farm is recruiting a Trustee.
The City Farm is a long established Camden organisation and is looking for a new addition to the board of trustees. Please contact Rachel@ktcityfarm.org.uk for information

£3000 AGE grant for employers recruiting an apprentice – available for six months only
Between January and June 2015, London-based employers of 250 staff or fewer can access a grant of £3,000 if they choose to recruit an apprentice aged 16-24. The grant is available exclusively to employers who have not recruited an apprentice in the last twelve months. Grants are available after the apprentice has been in post for thirteen weeks.
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to tackle skills shortages, helping organisations across all industries to harness fresh talent.
For advice on accessing the grant and support in recruiting an apprentice in recruiting an apprentice, please contact the Camden Apprenticeships team on 0207 974 1736 or email apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk

Trustee / Management Committee Member for Camden Federation of Private Tenants
We need enthusiastic and committed individuals to contribute to the development and growth of our small but important housing charity, which gives a voice to vulnerable and disadvantaged private renters, who now make up over a third of Camden’s households
We particularly need people with skills, knowledge and experience in one or more of
the following areas, but an interest in private tenants’ issues, commitment and reliability are also important:
Fundraising; Communications; Marketing; Social Media
Full details at Do-it.org.uk

Business Planning Consultant at Kentish Town Community Centre
Kentish Town Community Centre is seeking to employ a consultant to provide support in developing a new 3-year business plan and fundraising strategy to increase the organisation’s long term sustainability. The consultant would also be required to facilitate a strategic planning day with staff and trustees in the new year, analyse the existing operational structure of the organisation, understand the needs identified in the local area, and make recommendations where necessary.
For more information or to apply, please visit the KTCC Website, contact the Centre on 020 7482 3212, or email cliff@ktcc.org.uk.
Closing date: 20th January 2015

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Henna Asian Women’s Group Befriending Service 2015
Henna Asian Women’s Group is opening their Befriending service to all individuals that are in need for extra help to improve their social circle in the new year. We will reach out to the most vulnerable individuals that live in any Borough of London. Henna volunteers will pay regular weekly visits to clients and support them into taking steps to come out of the home and access different services.
We are recruiting both Male and Female volunteers to become Befrienders on this project. If you have a few hours to spare each week, would like to gain experience in the health and social care sector or simply just want to give something back to the community then please contact us.
Contact Ammarah Ahmad, ammarah_hennaorg@yahoo.co.uk, Telephone: 020 7372 9860, Volunteer Coordinator, Henna Asian Women’s Group, www.hennaorg.co.uk

Skillshare is an easy way to find skilled people to support your organisation. What sort of skills are on your wish list? Current skills on offer include: furniture restoration, photography, Nia technique instructor and food and textiles teacher, plus many more. Thirty local organisations are already signed up and accessing our database of skilled volunteers. The last volunteer we placed was a photographer who is going to be taking photographs of Camden for two local organisations.
For more information contact SkillShare, skillshare@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or 020 7424 9990.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/vacancies/


Hate Crime Survey
Camden Council is conducting research to help us learn more about the impact of hate crime in Camden. Hate crime and hate incidents are when someone is targeted because of personal characteristics. This could be because of race, faith, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity. You can help by taking part in our online survey, and passing this message on to colleagues and users of your organisation who would be interested in giving their views on hate crime in Camden: wearecamden.org/hatecrimesurvey

Pop Up Volunteering
Once a week, VCC will pop-up somewhere across the borough to let people know about volunteering and how we can help them get started. If you have a venue we could use, or if there’s anything else you’d like to know about pop-ups, contact Rupal by email, phone 020 7424 9990.

Camden Housing Services Survey
You may be asked to take part in a Camden Council survey next month. The Survey of tenants and residents (STAR) will be asking a randomly selected group of over 7,000 people for their views on the council’s housing services. If you’re asked to take part, you’ll receive a survey and letter with further details in January. The survey opens on 12 January and runs until 16 February. Results will be released in the first week of April – and these help Camden to measure satisfaction levels, listen to your feedback and benchmark services for future years. More information is on Camden’s website

Tricycle Theatre Special Offer: Secret Theatre’s A Series Of Increasingly Impossible Acts 12 – 31 January 2015.
Returning to London due to popular demand and following excellent reviews. It would be of particular interest to theatre fans and young people and community centres. Young people under 26 can join our new Trike membership scheme for FREE which will give them reduced price £10 tickets to A Series Of Increasingly Impossible Acts and a FREE workshop with Lyric Artistic Director Sean Holmes, Associate Director Ellen McDougal or playwright Caroline Bird.
We also have a joint booking offer available when you book for both A Series Of Increasingly Impossible Acts and the hilarious one-woman show, Happy Birthday Without You.
Book by phone on 020 7328 1000 or online at www.tricycle.co.uk

OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’ button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to make OneCamden better.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership form which can be downloaded from the VAC website or you can enter your details via our sector survey here.

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin – 19th December 2014

News From VAC
Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 19th December 2014

Highlights: Ageing Better in Camden; Setting up Parish Councils in London Neighbourhoods; Supporting wellbeing in times of austerity; 1,000 Shovels; Camden’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy workshops; Torriano solstice celebration; Camden housing services survey; Camden Chinese Community Centres carers project; Prince’s Trust Team; Post-Christmas ‘Re-gifting’; Sportivate; People’s Health Trust; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Seasons Greetings to all our readers. This is the last VAC e-bulletin of 2014. The next one will be on Friday 9th January 2015. The VAC offices will be closed from Christmas Day to New Year’s day inclusive.

Ageing Better in Camden, funded by the Big Lottery, will be advertising tenders for contracts from January 2014:
· Community Connectors (volunteers support isolated older people to re-engage with their local communities)
· Intergenerational Projects
· Men’s Projects
· Digital Inclusion Projects (tablet training)
· Evaluation of the Programme
· LGBT Asset Based Community Development
· Other aspects of the programme including work with the Bangladeshi community, and neighbourhood approaches (Somers Town & St Pancras; Gospel Oak and Haverstock; Regents Park; and one area to be identified) will be tendered at a later date
These will be advertised from January 23rd 2014 onwards in VAC bulletin and on Age UK Camden’s website. VAC has offered to hold a ‘register of partners’. If you are interested in bidding for a tender with Ageing Better in Camden as a partner you can register that interest with VAC, who will share your details with other interested organisations. Please note that Ageing Better in Camden is seeking to contract with one organisation or consortia per contract. If you enter into a partnership you will need to decide which organisation is responsible for legal, financial and delivery matters within your partnership. If you want to be on the ‘register of partners,’ please contact Ricky or Monica on 02072846550, or download the form here.
All those who have completed the expression of interest questionnaire will be invited to an information and networking event on Thursday 15th January at 10am.
In addition if you are looking to develop an intergenerational project application, Camden adult social care can offer advice, training and networking to support you to find local partners, and help you to plan and run your intergenerational activities and programmes. Contact: Vanda Carter, Intergenerational development officer vanda.carter@camden.gov.uk / 020 7974 2810.
For more information on Ageing Better in Camden please visit www.ageukcamden.org.uk or contact corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk or Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk

Supporting wellbeing in times of austerity – the real value of the community and voluntary sector.
Report to Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee from Healthwatch Camden and Voluntary Action Camden
A report was made in response to an invitation to make presentations related to the council’s financial strategy. It outlines the potential for community and voluntary organisations to play a constructive role in underpinning the quality of life. It draws on discussions with voluntary organisations involved in supporting people who use health and social care services. It offers examples of good use of community organisations to serve local people and to bring new resources into the borough ). It also includes brief discussion of unhelpful commissioning practices that have made it harder for local organisations to play a role.

Setting up Parish Councils in London Neighbourhoods on 22nd January 2015 1-3pm
VAC will be hosting a seminar about setting up Parish Councils in London neighbourhoods.
National Association of Local Councils (NALC) will explain changes that will make it easier for Neighbourhood Planning Forums to become Parish Councils, and how community groups can access funds to support new campaigns.
We will also hear from groups who have just received grants to explore the feasibility of Parish Councils in their neighbourhoods in Camden and Southwark. Further details will be sent out in early January! You can contact Donna Turnbull to book a place. Email dturnbull@vac.org.uk Tel: 0207 284 6567

1,000 Shovels to Help Local Communities Over the Winter
Community help at a local level will really help to keep Camden moving. The shovels are completely free of charge and are available to groups such as tenant and resident associations, volunteer groups and local business groups.
Shovels are available to be picked up in person from Regis Road recycling and re-use centre, Kentish Town, NW5 3EW. Shovels are also available for collection from 211 Arlington Road, NW1 &HD. You can pick the shovels up between 10am and 3pm from Monday to Friday. You will need to leave your contact details and information on where the shovels will be used.
A maximum of four shovels per group is allowed. If groups need more than four then they will need to contact environmental services on 020 7974 4444. Shovels can be kept but unfortunately can’t be replaced if lost.

Camden’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2014-17 – Consulting the voluntary and community sector
You are invited to one of two workshops to talk about the priorities for Camden’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Either: 17th December 2014
5pm to 7pm at Voluntary Action Camden 2nd Floor Training Room
293 – 299 Kentish Town Road NW5 2TJ
Or: 19th December 2014
10am to 12pm at the St Pancras Community Association Meeting Room
30 Camden St, London NW1 0LG
For more details and to book, contact: Ricky S Tokhi on 020 7284 6553 or Email acharles@vac.org.uk

Come All Ye, a Torriano solstice celebration
21st December – 6pm Come All Ye, a solstice celebration, bring poetry, music, stories, friends, food, drink to share. Contact Gianna Lapini for menu co-ordination, let her know what you are bringing and she can counterbalance the mincepies email: giannalapini@hotmail.com

National News
NAVCA supports MPs call for better commissioning

NAVCA has welcomed the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee report on transforming contract management. The report contains the findings of the Committee’s inquiry into government contracting of £90 billion of public services. The report says that the government is over-reliant on a small number of contractors, is failing to monitor contracts to get value for money and that the ethical standards of the large contractors have been found wanting. Full details here.

Camden Housing Services Survey
You may be asked to take part in a Camden Council survey next month. The Survey of tenants and residents (STAR) will be asking a randomly selected group of over 7,000 people for their views on the council’s housing services. If you’re asked to take part, you’ll receive a survey and letter with further details in January. The survey opens on 12 January and runs until 16 February. Results will be released in the first week of April – and these help Camden to measure satisfaction levels, listen to your feedback and benchmark services for future years. More information is on Camden’s website

Get involved with Camden Chinese Community Centres new carers project
Are you an unpaid carers who living in Camden, providing unpaid support to someone who has physical health needs, frailty, dementia, mental health problems or other disability?
Camden Chinese Community Centre is running a new project supporting Chinese cares living in Camden.
If so, there are lots of activities to get involved with to help improve your health and wellbeing including:
· Free advocacy and advisory support.
· Free haircuts
· Free trips
· Free ESOL, singing classes, Chinese painting, Mandarin class, flower arranging and cookery classes
To find out more information or get involved please contact us at info@camdenccc.co.uk or call us on 020 7388 8883. You can also find out more information on our facebook page www.facebook.com/camdenccc.

Camden Council Opening Times
All Camden services, including Contact Camden – the customer service team – will be open as normal over the festive period, apart from a small number of services listed here. In an emergency, call 020 7974 444 (24 hours a day).

Opportunity for 16 – 25 year olds to take part in 12 week Programme.
Prince’s Trust Team is a 12-week personal development course, offering work experience, a qualification in employment, teamwork and community skills, practical skills, mentoring, community projects and a one week residential. More than 70% of unemployed participants go on to jobs, training or education within three months of completing. Through building their confidence and motivation, team members are encouraged to think about their futures; this includes preparing a post-programme development plan.
Young people join a team of up to 18 participants. A team typically comprises around 16 unemployed people and one or two employed people sponsored by their employers.
During the 12 week programme, Team members: Spend a week away at a residential activity centre; Undertake a project based in their local community; Complete a work placement; Participate in a team challenge, involving caring for others; Stage a team presentation, during which they recount their experiences and receive their achievement certificates.
Eligibility: Young people aged 16 – 25:
Especially if they are part of The Trust’s other target groups, which are: people leaving care, young offenders, educational underachievers and the long term unemployed
If you know someone that might be interested in joining our upcoming teams please contact either Team Leader monique.morgan@epiccic.org.uk/ 07739314180 or Assistant Team Leader nathaniel.forte@epiccic.org.uk/ 07534398828/07713711540 for more information.

Post-Christmas ‘Re-gifting’ Give & Take
Beat the January blues by coming along to the Transition Dartmouth Park Give & Take. Bring along any presents you’d like to exchange, and take away something you prefer.
During the event you’ll learn more about setting up a community energy company and the Transition Dartmouth Park’s local food growing initiative. The event will finish with an open ideas session for 2015.
For more information visit the Give & Take event page.
2-4pm, Sunday 11 January, Highgate Library Civic and Cultural Centre, Croftdown Road, N19 5DH

Camden Frontline service user newsletter.
You can view the latest edition of the newsletter online.

The Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Kentish Town Community Centre, IARS, West Hampstead Women’s Centre, Henna Asian Women’s Group and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust- Bid for Better
The Bid for Better membership engagement scheme awards grants of up to £400 towards activities or equipment to improve patient experience, promote mental wellbeing or make our services more accessible.
As well as Trust service users, we would like to encourage bids from external organisations whose service users would be benefitted in any of the above ways.
Your idea should benefit two or more patients or service users. If you would like to apply for up to £400 for your project or idea then we will ask you to complete an application form giving us all as much detail as possible.
You can apply online http://www.tavistockandportman.nhs.uk/about-us/join-us/patient-and-public-involvement-ppi/bid-better/apply-bid-better-funding
or you can request a form by post or email by contacting the PPI team.
The closing date for applications is Thursday 5th March 2015.
To be considered for funding you must be a Member of the Trust. If you are not a member already it is really easy to join.
If you have questions about the process or need help to complete your application form, a member of the PPI team will be more than happy to assist you. Please contact us by telephone or email or you can pop into the PPI office on the ground floor of the Tavistock Centre.
Email: PPI@tavi-port.nhs.uk Telephone: 020 8938 2059

MOPAC Victims Fund from London Community Foundation
The London Community Foundation is is launching The MOPAC Victims Fund to benefit victims of crime across London. The aim of the Fund is to build the capacity and maximise the potential of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to help ensure the continued and improved provision of vital services to support victims of crime.
Grants of between £10,000 and £80,000 are available to cover any costs relating to work which builds the capacity of organisations working to support victims of crime. This could include assistance with fundraising, recruiting and training volunteers and staff training.
If you have any queries then please contact me directly on sam@londoncf.org.uk or 020 7582 5117.

The Sportivate Programme applications for 1st April 2015 – 31st March 2016 is now open for all.
This is opportunity to local community and voluntary sector organisations across the borough who may wish to use sport and physical activity to meet local community’s needs.
The deadline for this round of application is Monday 5th January 2015. There are three other rounds available for applying for Sportivate in 2015. They are in April, June and fourth round application (date to be confirmed).
Please visit the link below for further details and relevant documents on Sportivate.

People’s Health Trust
Active Communities in Greater London is a funding programme for local people wanting to create fairer places to grow, live, work and age.
Using money raised by HealthHope through The Health Lottery, People’s Health Trust is looking to invest in projects that support people living in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Camden.
Active Communities is a funding programme for not-for-profit groups with an income of less than £350,000 a year, seeking investment of between £5,000 and £50,000 for projects lasting up to two years. The projects should take place within a small area for a small group of people, such as 20 or 30 streets or a couple of villages.
The closing date for applications is 1pm on 14 January 2015.
To apply for funding, visit www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk.

Camden Primary Care Mental Health: Team around the Practice
Camden CCG is seeking a suitably qualified provider to develop a holistic service to patients with mental health needs across our 37 GP practices. This will include:
• psychological interventions
• social prescribing
• care coordination
• education and training.
Camden has a rich tapestry of services for patients with mental health needs and we are looking to develop this local intelligence within a Lead Provider model. The contract value is capped at £4.6m over a four year period and the service is expected to commence in May 2015. This is a new service and TUPE will not apply.
Through a restricted procurement process, the CCG seeks to identify a qualified and experienced provider to deliver a service which supports GPs and other practice staff to improve outcomes of people with mental health needs.
More information can be found at:
Prequalification questionnaire is available via the Contracts Finder portal here.

The Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund
The Galaxy hot Chocolate Fund is open for applications again, offering small grants to help small, local community groups and charities across the UK and Ireland.
Now in its fourth year, the Fund will distribute five £300 awards each week, one of which will be for the applicant that attracts the most support on the Fund’s website that week.
The Fund is open for entries until 23 February 2015.
Applications for funds from the Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund can be made here.

New grant programme to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying
Details of a new grant programme to support projects that tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying were announced by the Department for Education in partnership with the Government Equalities Office.
You can find full details of the grant programme here.

Camden Carers Service Urgent Brief Breaks
Every carer knows when things reach a critical pitch and the pressure valve is about to blow.
That’s when you may need an Urgent Brief Break!
If you provide unpaid care for someone who lives in the London Borough of Camden then you may be eligible
Referrals can be made by a Professional or you can refer yourself
For more information please call Angela 020 7428 8950 or email referrals@camdencarer.org.uk

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are ?25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental Health First Aid Training at VAC
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a nationally approved two-day course, designed for anyone without specialist mental health training. The course promotes awareness of mental health issues, and trains non-mental health professionals to recognise those affected by mental health problems and to offer initial help and guidance towards professional support. This can lead to improved outcomes for those affected, their families, friends, colleagues and employers.
Participants will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course.
Do you have any questions or want to book a place?
Contact the Mental Health Team at Voluntary Action Camden:
Maureen Brewster on mbrewster@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6563
Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6565
Sue Dowd on sdowd@vac.org.uk or 020 7284 6559
Next course dates: Monday 16th February and Monday 23rd February 2015

New VAC Training Programme

  • 14th January: Business Start Up for Social Enterprise
  • 15th January: ILM Leadership qualification
  • 22nd January: Project Management Starter
  • 29th January: Effective Minute Taking

Dementia Friends Information Sessions
Would you like to improve your understanding of dementia and what it might be like to live with the condition?
People with dementia sometimes need a helping hand to go about their daily lives and feel included in their local community. Dementia Friends is about raising awareness and encouraging people to do the small things that can make a difference to people living with dementia – from helping someone find the right bus to spreading the word about dementia. The initiative, run by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to create a network of one million Dementia Friends across England by 2015.
Dementia Friends Information Sessions are short, interactive and fun. If you would like VAC to run a session for your organisation or community group, please contact Ann Wolfe on awolfe@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6565. For more information see the Dementia Friends website: http://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/

Free Skills Conference for Small Charities: 11th February 2015, London
The FSI’s Skill Conference is coming back to London on February 11th 2015, providing 160 places for small charities to access a range of expert speakers on a variety of topics essential to effective working. Delegates will take away relevant and practical skills from a choice of four interactive workshops throughout the day. Topics include HR and Management, Law, IT, Finance, Governance, Policy, Strategy and Planning and Impact Measurement. It fills up fast, so book your free place today to access this fantastic training opportunity.
Visit http://www.thefsi.org/services/conferences/skills-conference/ for more information and bookings.

Re-energising Camden Event
Collaborative investment in local green projects
Wednesday 28 January, 4.00pm-8.30pm at Arup’s Offices (near Warren Street Station)
The Camden Climate Change Alliance is hosting an event that will bring together businesses, schools and community groups who want to work collaboratively to explore and develop low carbon energy projects in Camden.
For more information and to reserve your free place at the event, please register. A range of specialists will be showcasing just how green energy can strengthen your core business operations whilst offering financial and carbon benefits. The event will combine case studies, knowledgeable speakers and the latest policy developments to provide your business with the tools and support you need to collaborate in low carbon initiatives.
For more information and to reserve your free place at the event, please register online via the Eventbrite page.
If you have any questions, please email camdencca@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 3901.
We hope to see you at the event!

Welcome Training Workshops London based services and the British Museum;
January 2015 Welcome Training Workshop for Mental Health Services
Workshop theme; Making the museum accessible| working with groups in the museum| Object handling and gallery based activities| Cultural identity and literacy| Leaning Activities & Resources
Workshop dates to choose from are as follows; Friday 16th Jan 5:00pm – 8:00pm OR Thursday 29th Jan 2:30pm – 5:30pm OR Saturday 31st Jan 12:00pm – 3:00pm
March 2015 Welcome Training Workshop for ESOL, migrant and refugee groups
Workshop theme; Making the museum accessible| working with groups in the Museum| Connecting Cultures| Leaning Activities & Resources
Workshop dates to choose from are as follows; Monday 9th Mar 12:00pm – 4:00pm or Friday 13th Mar 4:00pm – 8:00pm or Saturday 14th Mar 12:00pm – 4:00pm
For further information or to book a workshop please contact Danielle Dewsbury DDewsbury@britishmuseum.ac.uk 0207 323 8398

Volunteer Centre Camden: AGM, Volunteer Coordinators’ Forum and Trustee Speed-Matching: Tuesday 27th January 2015
Full details will be announced in the coming weeks.
As always we promise to give you good food, and good networking opportunities.

“An Introduction to Intergenerational Working” – training day Tuesday 3 February 2015
This session run by Camden adult social care will be of particular interest to community workers, youth workers, school teaching staff, early years staff, care staff in sheltered housing, resource centres or residential work, community arts workers and anyone else in Camden who would like to begin to organise intergenerational events or improve their intergenerational practice.
The session is ideal for people who have recently started intergenerational work who would like to organise activities or events for Camden intergenerational week 2015.
The session is free for anyone who works, lives, volunteers or studies in the Borough of Camden.
For further information or to book a place, contact:
Rena Toufexis, Engagement coordinator, Camden adult social care
Email: rena.toufexis@camden.gov.uk / Tel: 020 7974 3265

Training to work for Relate in London?
Relate London North West will be offering the Diploma in Relationship counselling (level 5) in Harrow starting March 2015.
This course, accredited by the CPCAB (Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body) provides training for practitioners wishing to work as relationship counsellors with Relate and other organisations. A Level 4 counselling qualification and previous working experience are required to enroll on the course.
The taught element of the programme consists of 13 days study and students must also complete 50 hours of clinical work with a Relate centre which should be completed within one year.
Relate London North West works in eight London boroughs and will be looking for placement students to work in the boroughs of Camden, Islington and Westminster in particular. Other Relate centres may also be able to offer placements and need to be contacted by students directly. For more details of the course including dates, cost and and how to apply:
or email info@relatelondonnw.org.uk

New management course starting in the New Year at Mary Ward Centre
Need to boost your performance as a team member and make the transition from working in a team to leading a team? Why not take the first step to qualifying in community and voluntary sector management? Take an internationally recognised Institute of Leadership and Management qualification. This new short Certificate in Team Leading course is delivered in a classroom with a tutor to teach, guide and assist your learning. It may be free or at a subsidised cost but you will need to commit your time. Please follow this link to complete a short assessment form and return it by email. To download the form Click here

Living Together with Dementia? A new intervention
Living Together with Dementia is designed to improve communication and promote engagement with everyday activities. Living Together with Dementia is a free service funded by Camden Council, and is carried out by trained therapists and professionals who specialise in dementia care. This service is about having the opportunity to talk and does not involve any medical procedures. Meetings will take place either at your home or
at The Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships, which is near Warren Street Station in central London.
Contact Us If you are interested in taking part and helping us develop this intervention, or would like more information please call 0207 380 1950 or email hwilliamson@tccr.org.uk

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk



Business Planning Consultant at Kentish Town Community Centre
Kentish Town Community Centre is seeking to employ a consultant to provide support in developing a new 3-year business plan and fundraising strategy to increase the organisation’s long term sustainability. The consultant would also be required to facilitate a strategic planning day with staff and trustees in the new year, analyse the existing operational structure of the organisation, understand the needs identified in the local area, and make recommendations where necessary.
For more information or to apply, please visit the KTCC Website, contact the Centre on 020 7482 3212, or email cliff@ktcc.org.uk.
Closing date: 20th January 2015

IARS Internship opportunity: Fundraising Events Assistant
IARS is looking for a Fundraising events assistant intern who will support the organisation with fundraising events for the Abused No More project with refugee and asylum-seeking women. The role will also involve exploring alternate fundraising options for the project.
Each role is designed to challenge the intern and allow them the chance to gain an insightful introduction to life within an international think-tank. This internship offers rich and high quality experience that will enhance future job prospects.
Role: Events management intern (fundraising)
Start date: ASAP (after 19th January) Days/ hours to volunteer: 1-2 days a week (flexible)
Duration: For 3 months with possibility for renewal Expenses: Up to £12 a day for lunch and travel
Benefits: Training in the form of staff seminars, personal development plans, CV review scheme, guaranteed interview scheme when paid opportunities become available.
· Position would suit a graduate/postgraduate who is looking to pursue a role in fundraising or someone seeking commercial experience;
· Good IT skills, particularly excel and website content management systems;
· Good written, oral and communication skills;
· Work well independently;
· Able to take a proactive approach to undertaking further relevant tasks independently;
· Interest in migration, gender and refugee issues.
Application process: Applicants are requested to send a CV and covering letter to contact@iars.org.uk. Please state “Fundraising events assistant (Internship)” in the subject line.
You can find more information by following the link to the application pack.
Deadline: 12 January 2015. Interview date: 16 January 2015

Female Volunteer Development Worker
21 hours per week £ 24,880 pro rata (Includes LW)
To run our Volunteer Development Project and to support and train our volunteers.
For an application pack contact West Hampstead Women’s Centre on 020 7328 7389 or email begona@whwc.org.uk
Section 7 of the Sex Discrimination Act applies
Charity number: 3919511
Closing date: 16th January 2015 at 5.00 pm

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Henna Asian Women’s Group Befriending Service 2015
Henna Asian Women’s Group is opening their Befriending service to all individuals that are in need for extra help to improve their social circle in the new year. We will reach out to the most vulnerable individuals that live in any Borough of London. Henna volunteers will pay regular weekly visits to clients and support them into taking steps to come out of the home and access different services.
We are recruiting both Male and Female volunteers to become Befrienders on this project. If you have a few hours to spare each week, would like to gain experience in the health and social care sector or simply just want to give something back to the community then please contact us.
Contact Ammarah Ahmad, ammarah_hennaorg@yahoo.co.uk, Telephone: 020 7372 9860, Volunteer Coordinator, Henna Asian Women’s Group, www.hennaorg.co.uk

Skillshare is an easy way to find skilled people to support your organisation. What sort of skills are on your wish list? Current skills on offer include: furniture restoration, photography, Nia technique instructor and food and textiles teacher, plus many more. Thirty local organisations are already signed up and accessing our database of skilled volunteers. The last volunteer we placed was a photographer who is going to be taking photographs of Camden for two local organisations.
For more information contact SkillShare, skillshare@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or 020 7424 9990.

CamdenPAs – personal assistants in health and social care
A new website www.camdenpas.org.uk has been created in partnership with HCCT, Camden Council, DISC and Age UK Camden to boost the market of health and social care personal assistant and provide more choice for the employers of PAs.
CamdenPAs is new way for those wanting to employ a personal assistant to find a PA who meets their interests and needs. Employers can look through PA profiles or post their own advertisement to specify what they are looking for.
The site is also an opportunity for those with an interest/experience in health and social care roles to promote themselves in this expanding market. The site is an exciting, flexible opportunity to gain entry into employment since more and more people have personal budgets and direct payments and are becoming employers. It
is also an opportunity for trainees or those who have worked as unpaid carers.
The site matches Personal Assistants with potential employers. It allows PAs to add ‘profiles’ promoting their skills, experience and interests. They can also view and respond to the ‘ads’ of those wanting to employ a PA.
Access CamdenPAs at: www.camdenpas.org.uk
If you have any questions do get in touch via the email below, or contact DISC and Age UK Camden who can assist potential employers interested in recruiting PAs or creating their ad. contact@camdenpas.org.uk

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/vacancies/


Camden Telecare
Telecare is Camden’s community alarm service. It provides equipment to help at risk people in the borough get help in an emergency. Most of those helped are frail elderly or disabled people, but others are eligible too, for example people at risk of harassment or domestic violence. For more information at Telecare call 020 7974 5877 or visit the web page: camden.gov.uk/carelinetelecare

Tricycle Theatre Special Offer: Secret Theatre’s A Series Of Increasingly Impossible Acts 12 – 31 January 2015.
Returning to London due to popular demand and following excellent reviews. It would be of particular interest to theatre fans and young people and community centres. Young people under 26 can join our new Trike membership scheme for FREE which will give them reduced price £10 tickets to A Series Of Increasingly Impossible Acts and a FREE workshop with Lyric Artistic Director Sean Holmes, Associate Director Ellen McDougal or playwright Caroline Bird.
We also have a joint booking offer available when you book for both A Series Of Increasingly Impossible Acts and the hilarious one-woman show, Happy Birthday Without You.
Book by phone on 020 7328 1000 or online at www.tricycle.co.uk

Desk Space for Hire
The Gorilla Organization currently has desk space available to rent at its offices in Primrose Hill for one to three people working for registered charities or non-profit organisations.
The overall office is the size of a small shop on two floors, with the desk space in question located in the basement. The office has its own kitchen and bathroom facilities. Internet connection can be shared. Rent is negotiable, depending on the number of desks required.
Please call 020 7916 4974 and ask for Jillian.

Office to rent
Camden Cypriot Women’s Centre have a room available at their building in Kentish Town.
The first floor room is a little over 4.5m x 4.5m (approx 21 square meters), and so can easily accommodate four desks.
The room is well decorated, has its own lockable door, has good natural light and inbuilt floor to ceiling shelving on one wall. Some other furniture may be available. There is another similar sized room on the third floor which can be hired on an hourly basis for meetings, training or workshops.
The building has full disabled access and is located five minutes from Kentish Town Tube and Thameslink station. Buses 134, 214, C2 and 393 stop nearby
Rent is £600 per calendar month and includes heating, lighting, hot water and full access to kitchen facilities.
For more information contact Koula Ioannou on 020 7267 7194 or koula@ccwo.org.uk

Desk Space at Latin American House
The Latin American House (LAH) offers a space and support for Latin Americans, Spanish and Portuguese speakers and other communities in London. The Association, which has been in existence for over 30 years, runs a community centre with a range of services.
LAH has a room to hire at the moment with space for four or more desks.
£433 per month (utility bills included) contact: admin@casalatina.org.uk

OneCamden is the website to help you access Voluntary and Community Sector support in Camden. Find support to help you volunteer, or find volunteers; support for your voluntary organisation (from charity registration to Community Accountancy); or get advice on starting a Social Enterprise. There are links and resources on this site and links to the partner’s sites. If you would like to request support use the ‘Get Help’ button on the top right to let us know what support you need and we will be in touch.
This is a new initiative for Camden so do let us know what you think, or if you have any suggestions to make OneCamden better.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than ?1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership form which can be downloaded from the VAC website or you can enter your details via our sector survey here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.


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