Voluntary Action Camden

Out of School Setting Podcast


Podcast Link between VAC’s Safeguarding lead Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, Suzie Yassin and Jane Murphy from Camden here:

The National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE) is a strategic and support organisation for community-led supplementary schools and the wider community education sector across England. We are a national champion for excellence, innovation and partnership in out-of-school settings.

To access support and training you can subscribe through the NRCSE website


The National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE) in Partnership with John Lyon’s Charity and Young People’s Foundations, is launching a webinar series entitled ‘London’s Out of School Settings Rise to the Challenge’. Presented by and for London’s diverse out-of-school settings offering educational opportunities to children and young people in the capital, these webinars will be of interest to all those working with community organisations to supplement children’s education.

This three-part webinar series is an opportunity to hear from invited speakers and out-of-school settings about how to meet the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic and adapt to new ways of working. Each webinar will offer practical ideas, advice and best practice with a chance to ask questions. (add poster)

OOSS Webinar One: Adapting to Lockdown and Restrictions

Wednesday 2nd December 2020

11:00 – 12:00

Register FREE: https://oosswebinarone.eventbrite.co.uk

OOSS Webinar Two: Safe and Effective Delivery

Thursday 3rd December 2020

11:00 – 12:00

Register FREE: https://oosswebinartwo.eventbrite.co.uk

OOSS Webinar Three: ‘Looking to the Future’ and Funding

Thursday 10th December 2020

11:00 – 12:00

Register FREE: https://oosswebinarthree.eventbrite.co.uk


Out-of-school settings, like other parts of the sector, should be following Government’s updated “Protective measures for after-school clubs and other out-of-school settings” and encouraging others, such as parents with children that would usually attend their settings, to do the same.

To find out how the current National restrictions are affecting out-of-school settings . Click on this link
The Department for Education (DfE) has published a new safeguarding code of practice to help providers of clubs, tuition and activities for children understand their safeguarding responsibilities, based on current legal requirements and what is considered to be good safeguarding practice.

The guidance encourages providers to review their practices under 4 sections:

health and safety
child protection and safeguarding
suitability of staff and volunteers
In addition, the DfE has published guidance for parents and carers to help them choose a safer setting for their child. Providers are encouraged to proactively speak to parents about safeguarding and support them in answering any questions they may have about their policies.


Camden Learning supports out-of-school settings through the Camden Supplementary Schools Forum which meets termly (currently via Zoom). To register for upcoming forums or for further support, email suzie.yassin@camden.gov.uk or jane.murphy@camden.gov.uk
