We also made a soft launch of our directory which can be found here: https://directory.vac.org.uk/gsp
What is Green Social Prescribing?
How to use VAC’s new Green Social Prescribing Directory, and how to list your activities.
Parks for Health and developing new activities
Hear about Green Social Prescribing in action from local organisations
You can add your activities to the Green Social Prescribing Directory here
Other information from the chat:
- Heath’s page (in development) on access and heath connections: https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/green-spaces/hampstead-heath/hampstead-heath-accessibility
- There is a Show on social prescribing in March at the South bank starting I believe on the 4th March
- Camden SPLW Peer Support Group and we currently meet every other Tuesday 9.30-10.30 at Castlehaven. If any other SPs would like to join please contact Alison.David1@nhs.net or Jo Lynch jo.lynch@nhs.net
- Castlehaven Community Association Green Prescription contact Cathy Graham cathrine@castlehaven.org.uk or call 07443274572. We are hosting a Camden SPLW Peer Support Meeting on Tues 8th March 9.30am-10.30am. You are more than welcome to attend. Please check our website for more information: www.castlehaven.org,uk
- https://socialprescribingacademy.org.uk/thriving-communities/network/
- For community info, info on the various routes in to the Heath’s social offer, health connections etc: https://www.heath-hands.org.uk/community
- London Plus – London Social Prescribing Network for charities and community groups across the region for all things social prescribing. To find out more about us, what we do and to receive our newsletter click here to sign up https://londonplus.org/london-plus-social-prescribing-network or you can contact at social.prescribing@londonplus.org