Voluntary Action Camden


We have always worked hard to provide comprehensive training programmes for our members. In response to the latest feedback from our membership survey, we are pleased to launch our new training offer for members. This new offer gives VAC members exclusive access to the following training programmes:

  • Child safeguarding
  • Vulnerable adults safeguarding
  • Safer recruitment
  • Introduction to good governance
  • Effective communication
  • Volunteer management
  • Fire safety and building compliance, and much more!

All the sessions will be added on the calendar below so you can book yourself on. If you’re not a VAC member, please sign-up here.

Most of our training is free to VAC members, but we will have limited spaces so book ASAP to avoid disappointment.


UPCOMING events and training

Latest Past Events

VAC Trustee Network – Fundraising tips for Trustees

We’ve been listening to members of the Trustees Network and have heard how important it is for you to learn more about fundraising to support your organisation. As such, we are cordially inviting you to this important workshop facilitated by experts in the field.

Recent events and training

If you would like more information about VAC events or training then contact Ricky Singh Tokhi rsingh@vac.org.uk.
