Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 18th August 2017

Kitchen Social; MEWSo Conference: Women and Displacement; HARP Connect – Housing, Advice, Resettlement and Prevention Connect; Phoenix Garden Agricultural Show and St Giles Fayre; Patients who have used Dermatology Services across Camden; Somers Town Medical Centre Open Day; Family Support Volunteer course; Holocaust Memorial Day Resources: Techno How? Using Technology to Enhance Older Age; + funding, jobs, volunteers, events, training, offers and resources.
Kitchen Social Hubs – New Initiative from the Mayor

Kitchen Social a new programme being rolled out By the Mayor’s Fund for London, which we hope you will find of interest. The main aims of the programme is to tackle issues of children going hungry, being isolated and falling behind in their education during the holiday periods.
The Challenge
500,000 London children struggle for food during the school holidays. With no free school meals or teacher support, hunger and social isolation are a reality for many young Londoners.
Teachers report malnourished children returning to school after the holidays having fallen behind compared to their peers. Many young people will never claw back this learning and health disadvantage to fulfil their potential.
How does Kitchen Social help?
Kitchen Social works with mainly open access, local community based organisations, to create an environment where children, young people and their families and carers can feel comfortable to play, explore new ideas, make new friends, learn and get a good balanced meal during the holidays.
What do we expect from a hub?
• Open access
• Provide a safe, fun environment
• Have all the statutory policies around children safety and
• 20 days of food provision throughout the year during the holidays
• Provide a family setting for their meals
• Invite parents to participate
• Collect data
To help hubs reach the right level of readiness and quality we will provide a support package:
· Holiday Provision Handbook and Training
· Cooking Handbook
· Volunteer Management Handbook
· Funding £3600 (£1200 per year for three years)
· Web based resources
· Networking opportunities
· Campaign for statutory funding
If you believe this programme would be of interest to your or your partners contact Miguel Gonzalez, Project Manager – Holiday Provision Programme MGonzalez@mayorsfundforlondon.org.uk
T: 020 7983 4254 M: 07706896741 www.mayorsfundforlondon.org.uk


MEWSo Conference: Women and Displacement
This seminar will discuss the impact on women who are or have been uprooted and displaced due to a variety of reasons. The practical and psychological effects of displacement are often very individual, and are influenced by the individual’s stage of life.
· Aging in Exile, Parizad Bathai, Psychotherapist (Register UKCP) , has over 10 years’ experience working with refugee women in the UK
· Research on Migrant and refugee women, Dr Elena Vacchelli, University of Greenwich
· A life in exile by Halaleh Taheri
· Storyteller; A woman who has been supported by MEWSo
Guests will leave with a better understanding of why MEWSo exists, the help they provide to those suffering from the psychological consequences of displacement and the vital advice they provide to those aiming to build new lives in a new country.
Please book your place, by email to office@mewso.org.
5th October 2017, 6-8pm at Macquarie Bank Limited, 28 Ropemaker St, EC2Y9HD, London. Free.

HARP Connect – Housing, Advice, Resettlement and Prevention Connect
The service works with clients in prison and release, Probation/ CRC, Local authorities and GP’s providing ongoing support in the community. It will provide real continuity of support and should have a real impact on bringing re-offending down across London.
This service will aim to have a workers based in 4 regions delivering a PAN London service. The regions will be North West, North East, South East and South West London. The workers will be based in Prisons, Probation and the community. Our aim is to offer advice and practical support to ex-offenders who may experience housing difficulties and other complex needs when they are released from custody and beyond. We work closely with community services and other agencies to secure the best possible outcome for ex-offenders.
If an offender has a tenancy, we work to secure it and offer support and advice. If it is a new tenancy we support with sourcing various things i.e. help with furniture and white goods. If an offender has nowhere to live, we try to find them somewhere to stay, or give them appropriate advice as well as escorting them to their local councils and advocating on their behalf. We also have a focus on other aspects of clients lives, family mediation, employment, volunteering, meaningful use of time, debt and budgeting, providing move on training over 8 weeks in house, Recovery College.
Please contact Ogechi.Ojih@mungos.org or on 07889 535 849

The 8th Phoenix Garden Agricultural Show and St Giles Fayre
Saturday 2nd September in St. Giles Churchyard, 12-6pm
Admission is free though we ask a small donation at the door
This will be our first show since the reopening of the garden following an 18 month closure while we built our new purpose-built community building, and carried out extensive landscaping work.
This year we are bringing back all of our old favourites, including the London Pride Morris men, Miller’s Ark rare breed farm animals, West London Beekeepers, and the West End WI. We will also have a traditional Punch and Judy show for kids, this year performed by David Wilde.
There will be stalls from local community groups and charities, and a ticketed raffle with prizes donated from local businesses.

Patient Call – Patients who have used Dermatology Services across Camden (and North Central London) 12th September, 17:00 – 19:00
Dr Morgan and Steve Crouch would like to invite patients in Camden to a meeting to discuss their experiences around dermatology services. The meeting would focus on their experiences of current services and to discuss what patients would like for future services. We are looking for patients who have used dermatological services over the last 2 years.
RSVP to Martin Emery (email: martin.emery@nhs.net or telephone 0203 688 1755).
The meeting will be held at Camden Clinical Commissioning Group, Stephenson House, 75 Hampstead Road, London, NW1 2PL

Somers Town Medical Centre Open Day
Thursday the 31st August 2.00pm-4.00pm. This event aims to raise awareness about Health and Wellbeing services available to patients and general local residents, open for all to attend.
Free refreshments at the event for all who attend.
77-83 Chalton Street, London, NW1 1HY

Family Support Volunteer
Are you a parent, grandparent or have parenting experience? Can you give 3 – 4 hours weekly to visit a family with young children who may be going through a difficult time?
Enhance your skills with our training, supervision and fulfilling volunteer role
Next Preparation Course Starting 19th September to 12th October
Every Tuesday & Thursday 9.45 am to 2.45 pm
Certificates awarded & expenses paid
For information pack ring 020 7424 1603 email: info@homestartcamden.org

Holocaust Memorial Day – 27th January 2018
Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) takes place on 27 January each year, and is the day for everyone to remember the millions of people murdered in the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution, and in the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
The annual theme for HMD 2018 is ‘The Power of Words’.
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust offers a range of free resources to help you organize your event within your community or organisation. From film screenings to discussion groups, art exhibitions to music nights – there are infinite ways to commemorate HMD. HMD can provide you a free resource pack – which will be published on 13th September – and various other resources available on the website: www.hmd.org.uk/page/resources-your-activity
For Further support contact 07949 714790 or susanna.greaterlondon@hmd.org.uk
If interested in organising an event you can come along to a free workshop to find out more and access the support of both the Regional and National HMDT teams face-to-face. The London workshops will be at Resource for London, Holloway Road. The workshops are free.
Thursday 28th Sept, 10am-1pm: Sign up at Eventbrite
Thursday 28th Sept, 5.30-8pm: Sign up at Eventbrite

Techno How? Using Technology to Enhance Older Age
Thurs 7 September, 1:30pm – 4pm at Age UK Camden, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square WC1H
A free event aims to share ideas about how technology can enhance life for older people in Camden.
We will explore the world of the Amazon Echo, create digital art using iPads and hear about how tech has changed people’s lives. And don’t worry – the practical sessions are for everyone. You do not need to be a techno wiz to join in!
This free event is for anyone who is working or volunteering with older people, anyone interested in sharing their ideas around technology in later life and of course to all older people who live in the Borough of Camden. Please do share this invitation with others who might be interested in attending.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to ageingbetterincamden@ageukcamden.org.uk or phone 020 7239 0400 by Friday 25th August 2017. Spaces allocated on a first come first served basis.

Camden Patient Participation Groups
Read the latest news about the Camden PPG here.

Ageing Better in Camden
Ageing Better in Camden is a partnership of older people and Camden organisations, working together to tackle social isolation and loneliness among older people. Read the latest update here.

Camden Carers Service
Camden Carers Service (CCS) offers advice, support and activities for family and other unpaid carers across the borough. Help is just a phone call away on 020 7428 8950 or email info@camdencarers.org.uk – read more about our services at www.camdencs.org.uk or www.facebook.com

Healthwatch Camden
View the latest news and views from Healthwatch Camden here.

Camden Capacity Building Bulletin
The February Capacity Building Bulletin is available here.

Volunteer Centre Camden
For all things volunteering contact VCC. You can read the latest VCC news here.

Camden Giving, Age UK Camden and Kings Cross Jobs are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Impact Management Programme
Grants of up to £50,000 to charities and social enterprises to improve their impact and sustainability
Impact Management Programme – Expressions of Interest
The Impact Management Programme, funded by the Access Foundation and Power to Change. The programme offers a total of £1.8m of funding to charities and social enterprises to help them manage their impact capabilities and diversify through access to social investment and contracts.
The grant combines accredited training, grant funding and support to help organizations develop the systems required to meet the needs of investors or commissioners. Support will also be offered in developing all stages of the application. Find out more about IARS here
If you wish to work with us and apply for a grant contact Andriana Ntziadima – IARS Programme Development Manager at a.ntziadima@iars.org.uk by the 30thAugust 2017.

Sportivate funding is back for a final round
Sportivate funding is making £300,000 available for grassroots sport in London
London Sport are delighted to announce a final Sportivate funding round with £300,000 now available for projects targeting inactive young people. Full details at londonsport.org

Regent’s Place Community Fund – closing date 1 September
Applications for the second year of The Regent’s Place Community Fund open on 26 June 2017. Grants are for £1,000 to £10,000. This fund is for organisations in the Regents Place (Euston Road) area. Applying for the Fund is simple. Whether you have already received a grant from the Fund last year or you are a brand new applicant, all you need to do is head to the London Community Foundation website and fill out their online application form for the Regent’s Place Community Fund.

Trust for London and City Bridge Trust launch £100,000 Crowdfunding initiative to tackle poverty and inequality in London
In collaboration with Crowdfunder and The Social Innovation Partnership, Trust for London and City Bridge Trust have launched a new £100,000 fund available to organisations using crowdfunding to raise funds and deliver projects which will address inequality and lift people out of poverty in the capital.
The Improving life for Londoners fund will provide up to 50% of the target (to a maximum of £10,000), with projects expected to raise at least the first 25% from the crowd.
The fund is keen to support charitable work that:
~ Provides practical solutions to support people on low incomes
~ Addresses local problems in creative ways
~ Is led by communities that will benefit from the work
If you think your organisation fits, check out our Crowdfunder page.
Do you want to know more about crowdfunding, and how to run a crowdfunding project? You can sign up to crowdfunding workshops online here.

BBC Children in Need Main Grants Programme 2017 Deadlines Announced
Large grants of over £10,000 are available to support projects for up to three years. Not-for-profit organisations in the UK can apply if they are supporting children and young people of 18 years and under who are experiencing disadvantage through:
~ Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.
~ Any kind of disability.
~ Behavioural or psychological difficulties.
~ Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
2017 Deadlines for applications: 1 September, and 1 December 2017.
Please visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/3XW7FvN20PD3xr2c1T62Xly/main-grants for more information.


VAC Communications Survey 2017
Please spare us 10 minutes of your time to let us know what you think. Do you prefer email, twitter or facebook? Do you find everything you need on our website? How would you like the e-bulletin to develop – should it organisations to communicate with each other, or communicate across sectors? Are you getting enough information or too much? Let us know by completing this brief survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VXLYDKK. You time is appreciated and will help us improve what we do for you.

HR Support in Camden
VAC provides free HR advice and support to Camden voluntary organisations employing staff. Get in touch to discuss your HR consultancy needs, from recruitment to redundancy and everything in-between. VAC’s HR support aims to help trustees and managers understand employment law and to have robust HR procedures that reflect good practice so fewer workplace issues arise, and HR crises are averted or managed effectively. Call Kevin on 020 7284 6557 or email knunan@vac.org.uk

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/


The Camden Society Autumn Term Courses
The Camden Society have published their brochure for Autumn term courses for adults with learning disabilities starting from late September 2017
All courses are free. Courses are not limited to those living in Camden Borough, we are open to all.
We are very proud of our courses and feel they are hugely beneficial to our learners. They can only run, however, if we hit our minimum referral numbers for classes.
We hope to have all referrals signed up by Friday 15th September.
For a copy of the brochure or if you require further information, including further easy read information or have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in contact via 020 7485 8177 or community@thecamdensociety.co.uk

The Age of Creativity Festival 2017
1st – 14th October at Venues across England
Creativity and culture is good for you, particularly in later life. The Age of Creativity Festival will celebrate an eclectic programme of national, regional, local and community events from across England. The festival fortnight will shine a light on the diverse work that is going on up and down the country and raise the profile of what we do with a collective voice. Get involved: ageofcreativity.co.uk

Business Disability Forum Courses
Disability in the workplace
9:30am – 11:30am on 11 October 2017 at Camden Town Hall
Mental health at work
9:30am – 11:30am on 25 October 2017 at Camden Town Hall
The sessions are for chief executives, directors, line managers and HR colleagues. Two places are available per organisation however we will increase this if capacity permits.
T: 020 7089 2404 emilyj@businessdisabilityforum.org.uk web: www.businessdisabilityforum.org.uk

Camden Intergenerational Week 2017
Camden Intergenerational Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of the great multi-generational events and activities going on in Camden. For more information, to get involved and run an activity or get your activity listed in our programme, email Corinna Gray at ageingbetterincamden@ageukcamden.org.uk or call 020 7239 0400.

Moneytalk Camden North – final subsidised Financial Education Facilitator Training Courses
Final dates in Camden.
Moneytalk Camden North is a project based on the award winning financial literacy resource Made of Money, developed by anti-poverty charity Quaker Social Action. It aims to help groups talk about money and its impact on their lives, as well as learn vital money management skills.
Our last 2-day comprehensive training course is on 4th & 11th October click here to find out more and download a booking form. Contact: mtcn@qsa.org.uk tel: 020 8983 5047

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Latin American Women’s Rights Service Vacancies
LAWRS are currently recruiting:
VAWG Outreach and Prevention Coordinator
VAWG Advocacy and Prevention Coordinator
Employment Rights Advisor
See the LAWRS website for full details.

The Francis Crick Institute seeks cleaners
3 Cleaners, 5:30am to 9:30am Mon – Fri hourly rate is £9.75.
Closing Date: 23rd August 2017
Contact Parma Sira with your CV T: 020 7641 2696 parmasira@crossriverpartnership.org

Camden Giving is Recruiting a Deputy Director and Grants Support Coordinator Apprentice
Assistant Director

£32,000-£35,000 Full time
We are looking for a creative and enthusiastic person to become our Assistant Director. This person will be responsible for the operational management of Camden Giving, this is a varied role requiring flexibility, tasks will include managing grants, marketing, fundraising, partnership development, administration and volunteer management.
Application deadline: Midnight 13th September 2017
Please email a CV and Cover Letter explaining why you would like this role and telling us about your relevant experience. Applications and queries should be emailed to director@camdengiving.org.uk
Grants Support Co-Ordinator Apprentice
£17,745 Full time
This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a new charity and whilst working studying towards achieving an Advanced Apprenticeship in Business Administration. This role is available to an 16+ year old Camden resident, Camden care leaver or former Camden secondary school student (who is eligible to work in the UK).
Application deadline: Midnight 13th September 2017
Applications must be made though the Camden Apprentice page.
Camden Giving

IKWRO is recruiting
IKWRO is recruiting an Afghan Adviser and Outreach Worker to work with Dari and Farsi speaking women and girls.
Could this post be for you or do you know someone who could be perfect for the role who you could share this information with?
The post is open to women only and is exempt under the Sex Discrimination Act 7(2) (d) and (e) and the Race Relations Act 5(2) (d) 1976.
Download the application pack here.
Closing date: 4th September 2017. Interview date: 7th September 2017

AgeUKCamden seeks Primary Care Navigator
Local Government Scale SO1 £29,424 – £31,141 pa fixed term contract to March 2018 plus weekend allowance plus 6% contributory pension. (This post may be extended subject to funding)
The Navigator will support those aged 60+ with long term conditions and their carers to access timely care and community support services. Close work with GPs and other practice staff is required as is accurate record keeping using IT systems. Through timely intervention and care co-ordination, unnecessary hospital admissions, GP appointments and residential placements will be reduced.
The successful candidate will come from an information/advice, social care or health background, must be computer literate, an excellent communicator, and able to work in a multi-disciplinary team. Experience of person centred planning and of working with volunteers is desirable. It is important that a candidate promotes a culture that values, protects and uses information for the success of the organisation and benefit of its clients/patients
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. A secondment may be considered but no CVs, no agencies. Closing date: Tuesday 22nd August 2017 – 10 am

Kings Cross Jobs
You can view a constantly changing range of job vacancies on the Kings Cross website. For the latest news on jobs sign up to job alerts.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance
Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) is a partnership between three agencies; Standing Together Against Domestic Violence (STADV), Peabody and Gentoo.
DAHA’s mission is to improve the housing sector’s response to domestic abuse through the introduction and adoption of an established set of standards and an accreditation process.
DAHA have been recognised by the Home Office for their work on a national level and have received funding from London Councils, to offer free workshops to housing providers around the 8 standards they have developed including; policy & procedure, inclusivity & accessibility, partnership working and holding perpetrators to account.
These workshops will offer an opportunity on how to implement award winning best practice & guidance into Housing Provider’s processes, learn about DAHA’s accreditation procedure including new online toolkit & resource centre and how housing providers can benefit from the free dedicated business support we offer.
Some of the benefits for Housing Providers;
– Increase confidence of frontline workers to identify domestic abuse & easily report it
– Learn about the costs of domestic abuse on Housing sector and providers
– Work on homelessness prevention and tenancy sustainment
– Decrease associated anti-social behaviour & noise nuisance cases
– Boost 3 R’s (Rent/Repairs/Relets) – less financial abuse, less perpetrator damage, less managed moves
– Quicker case resolution time
– Building response for staff into HR policy and procedure
– Proven increase in customer satisfaction
– Saving lives – on average 2 women a week are murdered in England and Wales
Your support in reaching providers in your borough is greatly appreciated and will enable us to ensure we are sharing best practice widely and further helping survivors of domestic abuse.
To find out more information and to receive updates please contact our Development Manager:
Aisha Sharif: a.sharif@standingtogether.org.uk web www.dahalliance.org.uk

Accounting Templates for Charitable Companies
The Charity Commission, in partnership with Companies House, has produced accounts templates for charitable companies with an income of under £500,000. The templates aim to help companies submit the right information and help them to save time. The templates can be downloaded at www.gov.uk

Camden Consultations
You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.

