Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 9th February 2018


VAC Weekly Newsletter
9th February 2018

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Have your say in the Camden support needs survey; Deaf blind information day; Guide to Living Better in Camden; CCG Adult Commissioning Information; Supplementary Schools Newsletter; Supporting People – Connecting Communities; Capacity Building Bulletin + training, events, funding opportunities, jobs and volunteering + more


Camden Council’s review of the support needs of community and voluntary groups

We invite you to take part in a very important survey that is being carried out to review the support needed by voluntary and community groups, including small groups, to carry out their job well.
A questionnaire has been put together and everyone is being asked to complete it. The questionnaire only has 8 questions and should not take too long to do.
The results of the questionnaire will be used to write a report that will guide what support is available to voluntary and community groups, including small groups, in the future.  So, it is important for everyone  to complete and submit the survey to make sure all ideas and requests for support are taken into account.
The link to the survey is https://www.questionpro.com/t/AiRIZbSQr
Your participation is completely voluntary – your responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported in a way that will not identify you. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.
If you have questions about the survey, or the wider review, please contact John Griffiths at john.griffiths@rocketsciencelab.co.uk.

Deafblind Information Day Wednesday June 27th 2018

Following the first Deafblind Information Day in London last year, Deaf Blind UK are very pleased to invite you to join us this year for a day which we hope will be even bigger and better than before. This year will be Deafblind UK’s 90th birthday, so we want to let even more people know about what we can offer them and to tell people about the services and activities available to them in London.
This year we are in Camden and have secured a lovely accessible venue, the Pirate Castle. We will be open to the public from 11 am to 2 pm and would like exhibitors to arrive by 10 am to set up.
To secure a table contact Sue Sintonsmith sue.sintonsmith@deafblind.org.uk – there is no charge for a table.

Get your guide to living better in Camden

Do you have an existing medical condition? Are you a carer? Or do you just need a bit of help to keep active and healthy? Our updated Camden Companion booklet could be right up your street.
‘The Camden Companion – Your essential guide to healthy living in Camden’ is your free guide to staying healthy and independent.
The new booklet is packed full of helpful tips and information to help you manage your health and is your guide to the wellbeing, advice and support services that are available to you across the borough.
You download a copy from Camden Council website.
To be sent a copy by post, or order copies for your organisation or community centre, please email camden.companion@camden.gov.uk.

CCG Adult Commissioning

Following the end of the joint commissioning arrangements between the council and the CCG, the CCG have published a table of adult commissioning CCG contacts.

‘Support of Supervision of Volunteers’ Workshop

Join us for our next Best Practice Plus volunteer management workshop (which includes lunch) for volunteer managers everywhere.
Effective support and supervision of volunteers is key to a successful volunteer programme.
In one morning, this workshop will cover:
~ The difference between general support and structured supervision
~ Different methods of delivering support and supervision
~ Tips on preparing for and running a supervision session
~ Practicing some of the skills required to offer volunteers effective support and supervision
~ Any concerns you might have on conducting supervision sessions
Check out all of the details and book your place via Eventbrite.

Camden Supplementary Schools’ Newsletter

Issue no.1 of the Camden Supplementary Schools’ Newsletter is available here. This is a new monthly newsletter with weekly updates dedicated to supporting you as a Camden supplementary school with advice, links and useful information.

Supporting People, Connecting Communities

Camden Care Choices is the council’s central online directory of care and support-related services. The council want to involve as many local organisations as possible over the coming months as we improve and better coordinate the way such information and advice is provided in Camden. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions or would like to be involved in this work, please email Jamie.spencer@camden.gov.uk.

Capacity building bulletin

The Capacity Building Bulletin provides up to date information on funding, policy and training for the community and voluntary sector from the Council. The latest edition is available here.

Camden Can Innovation Fund – closing date – 13th February 2018 – see Funding section for full details

Camden Disability Action

Catch up with the latest news from Camden Disability Action.


Life expectancy in Britain has fallen so much that a million years of life could disappear by 2058 – why?

Buried deep in a note towards the end of a recent bulletin published by the British government’s statistical agency was a startling revelation. On average, people in the UK are now projected to live shorter lives than previously thought. Full story here

The Latest Edition of the Council’s Funding Bulletin can be found here.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Camden Community Festival Fund 2018

The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities. This year the fund is managed by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. Download the application here
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. Download the application here
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The deadline for completed applications is: 23:59 on Wednesday 28th February 2018

Camden Can Innovation Fund – closing date – 13th February 2018

The closing date for applying to the Camden Can Innovation Fund is Tuesday 13 February 2018.
The fund offers grants of up to £25,000 to projects that will help tackle the complex issues behind obesity.  It will support the development of innovative projects created by Camden organisations and residents that will help people across the borough stay a healthy weight. Each project must be able to be put into practice and have a direct benefit to people who live in Camden.
For more information or to apply, please visit camden.gov.uk/camdencaninnovationfund

Comic Relief – Core Strength

This 12-month programme is responding to the growing need of small locally-led groups to cover their day-to-day costs. The aim is to provide funding for groups’ core costs – meaning expenditure that is not connected to delivering projects but focusing on investing in the organisation as a whole, such as basic running costs. We know securing core funding can be tough and want to use this programme to help support those doing much needed work in their local communities.
Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available for organisations with an annual income of £100,000 or under in the last financial year.
Deadline for Round 2 applications is 26th February 2018 by 5pm.
Round 3 opens on 16th April 2018, deadline for applications 28th May 2018
For more information contact 020 7582 5117 or applications@londoncf.org.uk or go to the LCF website.

Building a Stronger Britain Together Programme

There are both in-kind and grant funding opportunities available under the Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) programme. This is a Home Office funded scheme which supports projects delivering any of the following outcomes:
· Increased sense of belonging and civic participation at the local level
· More resilient communities
· Fewer people holding attitudes, beliefs and feelings that oppose shared values
The programme aims to help groups who work to create more resilient communities to expand their reach and influence. Two forms of supports are available:
1. In-kind support: examples include social media training; materials to help fund-raising drives; help building a website; making films; tools for groups to expand their reach; advice on PR and media strategies; communications training for staff.
2. Grants: targeted funding for specific projects with demonstrable outcomes which provide a positive alternative to extremist voices.
Website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/building-a-stronger-britain-together
Please contact Nyree Moore (nyree.moore@camden.gov.uk / 07771572976) for further information and support with the application process.

BBC Children in Need Small Grants

Grants of up to £10,000 (per year, for up to three years) are available to not for profit organisations working to support children and young people who are experiencing disadvantage.  The deadline for applications is Thurs 1st March.  Go to the BBC Children in Need website for full details.

Camden Giving

Camden Giving have published the timetable for the various grants programmes they will be offering over the coming 12 months. There are 6 programmes in total. You can view the full timetable here.

Healthy Minds Programme with Mind in Camden

There is a full programme of activities taking place at the Living Centre as part of the Healthy Minds programme. Full details on the VAC training calendar.

Voluntary Action Camden working in partnership with Mary Ward Centre.

Project Management. Introductory Certificate. The APM Fundamentals Qualification. (www.apm.org.uk)

15th February – 29 March. 7 meetings.
This course is for people who want skills in project management that could be applied in business or other environments. It is for those wishing to gain a broad understanding of the principles of the profession. Final assessment is by a short multiple-choice online exam. The course syllabus details are available on the Association for Project Management website – www.apm.org.uk.
Thursdays 18.00 – 20.30.  £425. Concessions £173. Bursaries also available, subject to application, to part or all of the costs of the course.
For further information and to apply please contact Rahul Miah. rahul.miah@marywardcentre.ac.uk 020 7269 6042

Governance in the Voluntary and Community Sector

VAC and Mary Ward offer this short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. Full details on the Mary Ward Centre website.

Get Ready for GDPR: A Practical Workshop for Camden Community Groups

Both courses are now full.  If there is sufficient demand we will add a further date in March.

A Coaching and Mentoring Network

VAC, in partnership with residents and small businesses, has successfully set up a network of experienced and qualified coaches and mentors. This service is available free of charge, for up to six sessions, and is open to anyone involved in the voluntary and community sector in Camden.
The recruitment and matching process is about to commence. So, if you are interested in taking advantage of this offer, or you have staff, trustees or volunteers that may be interested, please contact Simone Hensby at VAC on 7284 6550. shensby@vac.org.uk

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/

Domestic Violence Intervention Project Conference

Working With The Whole: Gendered responses for children and young people impacted by domestic abuse
Tuesday 27th February 2018, 10.00-16.30
Resource for London, 356 Holloway Rd, London N7 6PA
With one in five children witnessing some form of domestic abuse and an increasing number of young people experiencing domestic abuse in their close relationships, it’s vital that children and young people are given a space to be heard and supported.
Join us in exploring the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people within a gendered analysis of violence against women and girls. Do all children and young people experience domestic abuse in the same ways? What are the existing and emerging good practices in working with children and young people affected by domestic abuse? How does domestic abuse experienced by children and young people interact with other forms of violence and abuse?  How can we ensure children and young people’s voices are heard?
Lunch and refreshments will be provided and there will also be time for networking.
For further information and a conference registration form, please contact Nathalie Ewing at Nathalie@dvip.org.

Resilient Families Training (aimed at front line professionals working with parents and young people regarding online safety, radicalisation and extremism)

Free training opportunities (dates below) around online safety, radicalisation and extremism. The training will be delivered by ParentZone who specialise in training around digital safety and will run from 10am to 3pm.  Topics covered include:
· Working with families to respond to the specific risk of online radicalisation and extremism, suitable for parenting practitioners and community leaders already working with parents.
· The day will give an overview of online risk and harm with specific information on supporting parents to respond to the risk of online radicalisation and extremism.
· The course will equip professionals with the skills they need to support confident digital parenting, raising both parents’ and children’s resilience online.
· Includes an introduction to the Resilient Families online parenting course and post-course access to the Resilient Families course as PowerPoint presentations.
Staff are also given PowerPoints, videos and handouts to enable them to deliver the Resilient Families programme to parents.
Two training dates available:
14th February 2018; training held in room 10.10 Kiln, 5 Pancras Square – 2 spaces left
22nd February 2018; training held in Committee Room 4, Town Hall – 10 spaces left
Please contact Karina Kaur to book: Karina.Kaur@camden.gov.uk

WEP AGM 15th February

The West Euston Partnership (WEP) cordially invites you to WEP’s Annual General Meeting.  Taking place on Thursday 15 February 2018, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, at WEP 29 – 31 Hampstead Road, NW1.
There will be refreshments from 6:45 pm.
Please RSVP, as soon as possible to sharon@westeuston.org

Free Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training for voluntary sector staff

If you work in Camden or Islington, you can access this FREE training to help you to signpost and support your clients to get the help they need earlier.
MECC training is about helping you to spot those opportunities in the thousands of conversations that you are already having with residents locally, having the confidence and skills to raise issues appropriately, and help you to signpost to further support                                                                                                                                   MECC training is available for free for voluntary sector organisations in Camden. The training includes:
– An e-learning module which focuses on awareness of needs, brief advice and signposting (40 minutes)
– Face to face training focusing on recognition of needs, brief advice, signposting and practicing skills for having a MECC conversation (3.5 hours)
New training dates have recently been released:  https://www.camdenmecc.org.uk/courses
We now offer bespoke MECC training for your teams, where we can deliver the training at your office, and tailor the training to suit your team’s needs. To book a bespoke session please contact mecc@islington.gov.uk

The Living Centre seeks Manager

30hrs per week  £40, 000 pro-rata
Somers Town Community Association is in a very exciting phase of its development. We are an ambitious and well respected “go to”, charity based in the heart of the Kings Cross “Knowledge Quarter” in London. We have a very strong, relationship with our local community and stakeholders and are proud of our central role in many partnerships and consortia.
We are now recruiting for a Living Centre Manager to help make this happen.
This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated person to make their mark and be part of one of the most amazing new facilities to be developed in Somers Town for generations.
The successful candidate will:-
Have at least two years’ proven experience of managing a front line community facility/building
Have a minimum of two years’ experience working directly with community groups in a paid or voluntary capacity; managing and developing community services, projects, or activities.
Have experience of fundraising inclusive of Local Authority, Trust & Foundation, Contract and CSR
Need to demonstrate the ability to work with and engage key stakeholders at every level, whilst understanding the complexity of diverse inner city communities
Have experience of developing and implementing strategies to achieve organizational objectives
Have excellent communication skills, oral and written and the ability to communicate effectively with and report to community groups and a wide range of stakeholders
Have experience of managing financial budgetsand successfully managed, developed and supported staff
Email: sarah@somerstown.org.uk  for an application pack
Closing date 25th February 2018 at midnight. Interviews w/c 5th March 2018

The Hampstead, Wells and Campden Trust

Trust Case Worker/Development Worker
part time – 20 hours per week salary equivalent to £30,000 p.a. for a full time equivalent of 35 hours
A role for an experienced part time Case Worker/Development Worker to effect the Trust’s grant making in North Camden for individuals in need including administering small additional pensions for older people; to promote awareness of the Trust’s grant making among voluntary and public sector agencies in the area; and to advise the Trust on development of its grant making policy.
The successful applicant will be a self-starter with good communication/IT skills and the ability to manage a large workload.
For further information see the Trust’s website (www.hwct.org.uk) and contact Sheila Taylor, Director and Clerk to the Trustees, The Hampstead Wells & Campden Trust, 62 Rosslyn Hill, London, NW3 1ND, tel: 020 7435 1570, email: sheila@hwct.co.uk  Closing date  6th March 2018

HCA Arts Manager Vacancy

Holborn Community Association is looking for an experienced arts manager who can develop our arts services across the organisation. You will involve and engage our community, experiment, and ultimately build sustainability across our arts services in the longer term so we reach more children, young people, families, adults and older people.
For further information, please download the application form and  job description from our website
Applications should be submitted by 5pm on Monday 26th February
Interviews will be held on Tuesday 6th March.

SHAK seeks Chair and Trustees

Shak (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate* in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London.
The new chair will be required to lead the current board in its role as a governing body: setting strategy and ensuring exemplary governance and fiscal control.
They will need to be able to inspire and motivate whilst showing sensitivity. They will need to understand the external environment and be able to identify opportunities for Shak to grow and develop.
The charity is also planning to appoint two new trustees to complement the current board in its role as a governing body: setting strategy and ensuring exemplary governance and fiscal control.
The charity is keen to bring additional skills to its board through the appointment of individuals who ideally have a background in one of the following areas:
Marketing, PR and Communications; Health and Wellbeing; Youth Work; Learning
Ideally the candidate would be someone with an understanding of charities and the voluntary sector.
Most importantly they will have strategic expertise and understanding of good governance.
Candidates will need to have or be willing to undertake a DBS check and child protection training.
Deadline for applications is: Friday 23rd February. Interviews will be the week beginning 5th March.
Contact Jo Simpson at jo@ep-uk.org who will  send you the Information Pack and Job Description.

Paiwand is hiring

We are looking for an immigration advisor to join our team. You must be trained to OISC Level 3 and have experience. Send your CV and cover letter to almira.hussain@paiwand.com if you’d like to apply.
Closing date 14th February. For further details please see :

Elfrida Rathbone Camden seeks volunteers

Community Connector
Are you a parent or carer living in Camden? Have you ever thought of helping other parents by sharing tips, interesting activities happening in your community, and places to go with your family? Camden Futures is recruiting parent volunteers to become Community Connectors. Free training sessions for you to develop key skills for the Community Connectors’ role and responsibilities will take place on Friday 23rd February and Friday 2nd March. Travel expenses and lunch will be provided. For a full role description please go to our website: http://www2.elfridacamden.org.uk/work-with-us/volunteering-for-erc/.
To apply, please contact Myrvete by e-mail, myrvete@elfridacamden.org.uk or by phone on 02074241639.

Citizens Advice Camden is seeking Trustees including a Treasurer

CAB are looking for a number of new Trustees, including a Treasurer, to be responsible for the overall direction, vision and strategy of Citizens Advice Camden. We are seeking people who can provide governance, leadership and enthusiasm to lead Citizens Advice Camden into the future.
To apply send your CV with a letter of application to lisa.yates@camdencabservice.org.uk. The closing date for applications is 16 February 2018. Interviews will be held in the week commencing 26 February. Please state if there are any dates that week you are not available.

North Camden Zone Seeks New Steering Group Chair

We are looking for a Chair of the North Camden Zone Steering Group who is passionate about improving the life outcomes for children and young people in Camden. You may be a community leader or senior professional with an in depth knowledge and /or experience of the issues that affect children and young people. You are interested in a collaborative approach involving the community and professionals, and implementing place based systems change.
If you would like to find out more please follow this link. The closing date is 23rd of February 2018.

Office Space to let at Clean Break in Kentish Town

Clean Break have  office spaces available for short term lease, as well as hot-desking space, meeting rooms, therapy rooms and studios for hire. We also offer women-only work spaces.  We will provide broadband and phone lines, and can offer some office furniture and desktop PCs, as well as discounted rates on rehearsal and meeting spaces.  Contact Rachel studios@cleanbreak.org.uk or call 020 7482 8600.

Desk Space to Rent

The Office has 30 fixed desks with additional hot desks, lockers, breakout space, a meeting room, teleconferencing equipment, presentation equipment, bike storage.
Prices are £350pcm for each desk, £150pcm for hot desks (or a combination of these) with no VAT to add.
See www.bloom.space or contact jack@bloom.space call 07711502041

Cosy office to let in friendly Kilburn community centre.

Just £60 per week including fitted desks, internet access, two white/notice boards, and generous wall storage. Great for 2 people, and okay for 3. Near various tubes, rail links and buses. Interested? Please contact: reception@abbeycc-kilburn.org.uk . Abbey Community Centre, NW6 4DJ.

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29 – 31 Hampstead Road, London, NW1 3JA

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