Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 23rd February 2018


VAC Weekly Newsletter
23rd February 2018

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources


The Role of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Health, Free Sports Activities at Handyside, Youth Safety Consultation, New Cancer Website, Money Skills for People with English as a Second Language, North Camden Early Years Network + training, events, funding opportunities, jobs and volunteering + more


The Role of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Health and Social Care

The Kings Fund has launched a major report on the role of volunteering in health and social care and VAC’s Health Advocates project features as one of the case studies in the social prescribing section. The report highlights the profound implications for health that these new approaches can have but also looks at the practical things that make them work –  the importance of building partnerships and relationships across (and within) sectors, recognition of resource implications (not free but with potentially large returns on modest investment) and a valuable opportunity to build bridges between health services and the community.  There is an interactive website where you can find out more and download the report.  A recent Guardian article on the contribution of community to good health shows the level of interest that this movement is getting right now.

New Courses from VAC

Writing Successful Grant Applications, Health and Safety Essentials, Risk Assessment, Getting Ready for GDPR.  See the VAC Events section below.

Free Sports and Fencing Activities at Handyside Sports Hall

Sundays, Boys and Girls 12 – 16 years from 1 – 2.30pm.  At Handyside Sports Pitch. Free
Contact Mus Turay: 07500 421944 or email info@protouchsa.co.uk

Turning the Big C into a ‘small c’

New look website for north and east London to help spot cancer early launched by UCLH Cancer Collaborative. Residents and workers in north and east London are being urged to visit the re-launched website www.smallc.org.uk – to learn more about the signs and symptoms of the most common cancers and help turn the Big C into a ‘small c’.

Youth Safety in Camden

We’ve launched a Youth Safety Taskforce to help young people stay safe in Camden and examine the underlying causes of youth violence.
Camden has seen an eight per cent rise in knife crime with injuries in the last year, according to the latest official crime figures, with young people often the victims of violent crime. The Camden Youth Safety Taskforce has been set up to help us understand, prevent and ultimately reduce violence amongst young people, including knife crime, in the borough.
We are keen to hear from young people themselves, young adults, local parents and professionals who work with young people, as well as residents.
Have your say in the Online Survey
Closes 5 Mar 2018. Contact shane.fitzgerald@camden.gov.uk 020 7974 4444

Money Skills for people with English as a Second Language – London

Practise your spoken English and learn how to improve your money management skills with these practical workshops, which will also offer you valuable tips about saving money. You will learn about bills and budgeting, banking in the UK, Welfare Benefits and Payslips.
And for those who don’t need to practice their English we also run Money Skills interactive courses, with tips and useful information about increasing your income.
Mary Ward Legal Centre is running these workshops in partnership with community organisations around Camden and beyond.
To find out more email: Financial.capability@marywardlegal.org.uk

North Camden Early Years Network

Thu 8 March 2018, 1 – 3, Belsize Community Library, Antrim Grove, NW3
Following the success of our first meeting, North Camden Zone and the Camden Sure Start Integrated Early Years Service are organising the second meeting of the North Camden Early Years Network. The meeting will focus on vulnerable families and their challenges in accessing services and explore ideas around how organisations can mitigate these challenges.
Sign up at Eventbrite

Camden Disability Action

Catch up with the latest news from Camden Disability Action.


Consensus to improve collaboration between health and policing

A consensus has today been launched which outlines an agreement between policing, health and voluntary sector partners to work together to improve people’s health and wellbeing, prevent crime and protect the most vulnerable people in England.
It provides a focus for the police service, health and social care services and voluntary and community sector to use shared capabilities and resources more effectively with a particluar focus on prevention and intervention.
Full details here.

The Latest Edition of the Council’s Funding Bulletin can be found here.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Mayor announces a brand new £45million fund to help young Londoners

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today announced that he is creating a brand new £45million fund to help young Londoners – particularly those who are at risk of getting caught up in crime. It should be the Government’s job to fund services and activities for young people in London, but it has abdicated its responsibilities.
Sadiq’s new Young Londoners Fund will see £15m invested in each of the next three years, beginning in April. Full details in the Mayor’s press release.

Camden Community Festival Fund 2018 – deadline soon!

The fund is to sustain and develop Camden’s rich culture, its strong communities and dynamic partnerships by supporting quality, creative events, projects and activities.
Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £5000 for:
~ Small-scale events with a capacity of under 500 people, the maximum amount that can be applied for is £500. Download the application here
~ Larger-scale events with a capacity of 500 people or more the maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. Please note the average is £1,000. Download the application here
A copy of the detailed guideline can be downloaded here.
The deadline for completed applications is: 23:59 on Wednesday 28th February 2018

Building a Stronger Britain Together Programme

This is a Home Office funded scheme which supports projects delivering any of the following outcomes:
· Increased sense of belonging and civic participation at the local level
· More resilient communities
· Fewer people holding attitudes, beliefs & feelings that oppose shared values
The programme aims to help groups who work to create more resilient communities to expand their reach and influence.
Website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/building-a-stronger-britain-together
Please contact Nyree Moore (nyree.moore@camden.gov.uk / 07771572976)

BBC Children in Need Small Grants

Grants of up to £10,000 (per year, for up to three years) are available to not for profit organisations working to support children and young people who are experiencing disadvantage.  The deadline for applications is Thurs 1st March.  Go to the BBC Children in Need website for full details.

Camden Giving

Camden Giving have published the timetable for the various grants programmes they will be offering over the coming 12 months. There are 6 programmes in total. You can view the full timetable here.

Healthy Minds Programme with Mind in Camden

There is a full programme of activities taking place at the Living Centre as part of the Healthy Minds programme. Full details on the VAC training calendar.

The draft Euston Area Environmental Justice Evidence will be presented on 28th February at Basil Jellicoe Hall, Drummond Crescent, NW1 1LE. 6.30pm – 8.45pm.

See the film from the Autumn events and  interviews with local residents. Give your feedback after the report presentation – this is a working draft so you will have an opportunity to comment and contribute to the final document.
Get a progress update on the actions identified at the Autumn events.
This presentation has been planned so that you can use the report to talk to local election candidates about the environmental and health improvements you want to see in Camden. Please encourage your local councillors and election candidates to attend!
Please book if you can. Via email to dturnbull@vac.org.uk or on Eventbrite.

How Do You Write a Successful Grant Application?

How Do You Write a Successful Grant Application?
Find out the secrets by coming along to a practical workshop and learn about all of the dos and don’ts!
In March we are doing 2 half days as part 1 and part 2
Part 1 will be focusing on how to write the application – Wednesday 14th March, 2pm to 5pm
Part 2 will be focusing on how to work out the cost of the service, how to draw up a budget and produce a cash flow. Wednesday 21st March, 2pm to 5pm
at the Mary Ward Centre, 42, Queen Square, London WC1N 3AQ
Book at Eventbrite
Contact Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. 020 7284 6555

Health and Safety Essentials

Voluntary Action Camden 14 March 2018
Do you have responsibilities for health and safety where you work? Do you want to know your rights when it comes to health and safety? Come along to the ‘Health and Safety Essentials’ training at Voluntary Action Camden and learn about your rights and how to enforce them. You get a certificate at the end of the course.
The training is ideal for people new to health and safety or those wanting to refresh their knowledge. The course also covers all the requirements for running a community group safely. In particular, migrant workers or recent arrivals in the UK will gain important knowledge about their rights.
Working in a safe environment is a basic human right. Find out how to be safe and avoid ill health at work. Book here

Basic Risk Assessment Course

Voluntary Action Camden 21 March 2018
Do you want to know how to carry out a risk assessment? Do you have responsibility for managing health & safety where you work? This 3-hour basic risk assessment training could be what you are looking for. The course is ideal for:
• People with health and safety responsibilities in voluntary sector organisations
• Staff and volunteers of community groups
• Recent arrivals and migrant workers who want to know the basics of risk assessment
If you run a community group or local charity the course covers all you need to know about carrying risk assessments. Book at eventbrite

Voluntary Action Camden working in partnership with Mary Ward Centre.

Governance in the Voluntary and Community Sector

VAC and Mary Ward offer this short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. Full details on the Mary Ward Centre website.

Get Ready for GDPR: A Practical Workshop for Camden Community Groups

Both courses are full.  If there is sufficient demand we will add a further date in March.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/

Free Courses at West Euston Partnership

Interview Skills
Every Monday from 26th Feb to 26th March (5 sessions) 10.30am – 12.15pm
H-pod, Cumberland Market (next to Regents Park Practice), London NW1
You will learn new techniques, take part in mock interviews, role playing games and confidence building exercises.
To take part, you must be: unemployed or working less than 16 hours a week and able to attend ALL five sessions
Mighty Oaks Confidence Building Course
Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th February 10am – 12.30pm
Monday 5th and Wednesday 7th March 10am – 12.30pm
Venue: West Euston Partnership, 29-31 Hampstead Road, London NW1 3JA
Our qualified coach will help you gain a more positive mindset and take action to achieve your goals
For more information watch this short video: https://vimeo.com/254303571
To take part, you must be: unemployed or working less than 16 hours a week and able to attend ALL four sessions.
If you’d like to book a place on either of the above courses, please contact David Hermanstein on 07908845154 or david.hermanstein@camden.gov.uk
Employer Engagement Workshop hosted by Women Like Us
Thursday 8th March at West Euston Partnership, 10am – 2pm
This is a FREE workshop for Employment Advisers who broker jobs on behalf of their clients. The workshop will equip participants with new skills to help source and create jobs for those who can’t work full-time. It is ideal for Advisers who work with parents, people with disabilities, older people, people with long term health conditions, unpaid carers or individuals who simply need to balance work and life.
The workshop is informative, interactive, and practical and uses case studies
For more information please contact, Poornima Kirloskar-Saini – poornima@womenlikeus.org.uk

Celebrating Refugee Women’s Activism

8th March, 6.30 – 9pm. The panel invites you to explore the side of the refugee crisis with hope and high esteem of a better future, not only for refugee women but for our communities to live in peace and harmony.
Looking at the impact of conflicts and war on women, with reference to the experiences of refugee women from Congo, Algeria, Iran, Yemen and Lybia, attendees will have the opportunity to learn and ask questions about how we can work together towards justice, human rights and participation for women who seek sanctuary in the UK. Book at Eventbrite

Financial capability – Train the trainer – London

Gain the financial capability skills and knowledge to better support your clients, with this interactive, practical and fun training.
2 day course – London
If you support clients on a low income, this practical course will enable you to run our award winning financial capability course, as well as gain the skills and knowledge to incorporate financial education into your existing work.
Find out more at the Quaker Social Action website.

Free Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training for voluntary sector staff

If you work in Camden or Islington, you can access this FREE training to help you to signpost and support your clients to get the help they need earlier.
MECC training is about helping you to spot those opportunities in the thousands of conversations that you are already having with residents locally, having the confidence and skills to raise issues appropriately, and help you to signpost to further support.
MECC training is available for free for voluntary sector organisations in Camden. The training includes:
– An e-learning module which focuses on awareness of needs, brief advice and signposting (40 minutes)
– Face to face training focusing on recognition of needs, brief advice, signposting and practicing skills for having a MECC conversation (3.5 hours)
New training dates have recently been released:  https://www.camdenmecc.org.uk/courses
We offer bespoke MECC training for your teams and can deliver the training at your office, and tailor the training to suit your team’s needs. To book a bespoke session please contact mecc@islington.gov.uk

The Hampstead, Wells and Campden Trust

Trust Case Worker/Development Worker
part time – 20 hours per week salary equivalent to £30,000 p.a. for a full time equivalent of 35 hours
A role for an experienced part time Case Worker/Development Worker to effect the Trust’s grant making in North Camden for individuals in need including administering small additional pensions for older people; to promote awareness of the Trust’s grant making among voluntary and public sector agencies in the area; and to advise the Trust on development of its grant making policy.
The successful applicant will be a self-starter with good communication/IT skills and the ability to manage a large workload.
For further information see the Trust’s website (www.hwct.org.uk) and contact Sheila Taylor, Director and Clerk to the Trustees, The Hampstead Wells & Campden Trust, 62 Rosslyn Hill, London, NW3 1ND, tel: 020 7435 1570, email: sheila@hwct.co.uk  Closing date  6th March 2018

Camden Carers Service seeks Dementia Service Coordinator

Camden Carers Service is looking to appoint a Dementia Service Coordinator to contribute towards the excellent work undertaken by us already.
You will be delivering a comprehensive and quality information, support and advocacy service for dementia carers alongside developing and delivering a meaningful programme of activities and training for dementia carers and their cared for.
Click here to download an application pack.
Closing date: 26th February 2018 Interview date: 5th March 2018
For more information please contact Jill Pay (Breaks and Activities Service Manager) on 020 7428 8950.

Sante Project

Looking for Befrienders for vulnerable asylum seekers.  Do you have two hours a week to visit with someone, have a coffee and listen to their problems?  Can you do casework and report back to supervisor?  Opportunities to learn Asylum Law, Mental Health issues and what it means to Advocate for someone.  Service users are scattered throughout London so you may need to travel and attend Training.  Languages useful but not essential.
Apply to: Ruth Appleton, Co-ordinator, 020 7482 2903 or go to our website www.santeproject.org.uk and complete the Volunteer Application form online.

Camden Council’s review of the support needs of community and voluntary groups

Please take part in a very important survey that is being carried out to review the support needed by voluntary and community groups, including small groups, to carry out their job well.  There are only eight questions.
The results of the  will be used to guide what support is available to voluntary and community groups, including small groups, in the future.  So, it is important for everyone  to complete and submit the survey to make sure all ideas and requests for support are taken into account.
The link to the survey is https://www.questionpro.com/t/AiRIZbSQr
Responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported in a way that will not identify you.
If you have questions about the survey, or the wider review, please contact John Griffiths at john.griffiths@rocketsciencelab.co.uk.

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Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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