Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 3rd February 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
3rd February 2023

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VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring voluntary and community sector organisation.

Learn more here


This week we spotlight our latest update on some of the ongoing activities of the VAC staff team and a glimpse into a few of our plans for the future

We also have information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

As February dawns the VAC team are very much back into the swing of our work with, and for, Camden Voluntary and Community groups and our partners across the sector.

January was another full month with the launch of our Consultancy Service, our community projects – Community Links and Cultural Advocacy as well as providing Safeguarding training – continuing their busy schedules and the consideration of our future plans.

We have written about this in more detail in our latest update and if you would like to learn more about what VAC has been up to, please click here

Free family nature half term activities on Hampstead Heath
Join Heath Hands for a free family nature walk on Saturday 11th February at 10am and drop in nature activities on the 11th from 1-3pm – find out more here

And if your community or youth group would like a free activity on the Heath or in Kenwood during half-term (e.g. nature crafts, fire lighting, bird watching etc.) do get in touch at info@heath-hands.org.uk

The Royal Free Charity and UCLH online talks for 16-18 year olds
The Royal Free Charity are collaborating with UCLH to host a series of online talks ‘Alternative Pathways into the NHS’, which are designed for 16-18 year olds and about the many different careers available in the NHS.
The talks will shed light on a range of careers in the NHS, beyond just medicine and nursing, and the first will take place on 14th February with the Head of Apprenticeships at the Royal Free Hospital, Paul Marijetic.

If you are interested in attending, please sign up here

Climate event at Phoenix Court
7th February: 2pm – 5pm

Phoenix Court regularly host community days where we bring together neighbouring organisations and close partners to workshop how we can collectively respond to live global issues with a local lens.
At this event we plan to spend time discussing the Climate crisis. We’d like to bring together people who have live projects responding to the crisis to hear about the work they are doing and we will facilitate breakout sessions to get input from people who we know will have thoughtful and relevant insights.

If you are able to attend please RSVP to rachel@phoenixcourt.co, and we’ll share more details next week.

New Make Every Contact Count (MECC) Courses available
New dates have been added for the Cost of Living Crisis and MECC course, and the Good Conversations for MECC course throughout February and March, both of which will help you learn how to use day to day interactions to better support residents who may be struggling.

Courses are free to staff working in Camden and Islington, to book a place click here

Warm Hub at West Hampstead Community Centre
West Hampstead Community Centre offers a free warm space and a hot bowl of soup to anyone who needs it.
They are located on 17 Dornfell Street, NW6 1QN. The Warm Hub is open Monday to Thursday between 12:00 and 14:00. Everyone is welcome.
The Warm Hub is sponsored by Camden Council and The Hampstead Wells & Campden Trust

Guaranteed jobs in coffee through Well Grounded course
Well Grounded’s next free 8-week coffee traineeship has a guaranteed job for all those who complete the course. It includes technical barista skills and accreditation, employability training, and a paid work placement.

The course will begin on 21st February, with in-person training taking place at their East London Academy (but is open to Londoners from any borough).

Contact info@wellgroundedjobs.co.uk for more information or here

Vacancies at Mind in Camden:
Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Mental Health Link Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Community Mental Health Welfare Rights Development Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Resources Team Assistant
To find out more please click here or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Alliance Network CMS Administrator
To find out more please click here or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
VAC recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Voluntary Community Sector.

We are collating information and resources to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis. To find out more, click here

Energy Bills Discount Scheme 

The Government has announced a new Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) to run from 1 April 2023 for eligible non-domestic consumers in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The scheme is available to all non-domestic contracts, including voluntary sector organisations and charities. The discount will be automatically applied.

Learn more here

Proposed Updates to the Euston Area Plan 

Camden Council is consulting on proposed updates to the Euston Area Plan (EAP) – a planning document that will help to shape the future of the Euston area. The Council wants to hear your views on the proposed updates to the EAP. You can review the suggested changes and share your views online via the Council’s Commonplace website here

Local Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Abbey Community Centre Newsletter
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Camden Community Vaccine Project: Round 2

VAC and the C4 Consortium are inviting community groups and organisations in Camden, including unincorporated associations, to design new and expand existing initiatives to encourage vaccine take-up in the borough. This includes tackling misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccine programmes.

If you are interested in applying for this funding, or would just like to find out more, please click here

Migrant Advice and Support Fund
Closing date: Monday 27 February at 9am
The Mayor of London is offering funding to frontline organisations providing specialist advice and/or holistic support to migrant Londoners.
Learn more here

Love Camden: Community Festival Funding 

Closing date: 28th February 2023

Camden Council are delighted to announce that they are opening funding applications for local Community Festivals and Events. Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £2,000.

Learn more here

Building Strong Communities Fund 

Closing date: 13th March 2023

The Mayor of London is offering funding for London equity-led voluntary and community sector organisations to enable communities to shape their recovery from COVID-19, through community-led projects that help meet certain outcomes.

Learn more here

London Community Energy Fund 

Closing date: 5th February 2023

The London Community Energy Fund provides much-needed support to get community energy projects up and running and deployed faster to reboot the economy and benefit hard-hit communities.

Learn more here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

VAC Free Safeguarding Training Courses 

What better way to start the new year than refreshing your organisation’s essential safeguarding skills?

VAC is offering 2 FREE safeguarding training sessions over the coming months:

Virtual Introduction to Safer Recruitment for Small Organisations and Community Groups 

Tuesday 21st February 2023: 10am – 11:30am

Register your place here

Safeguarding Advanced: Developing Knowledge and Understanding (in-person) 

Wednesday 22nd March at Saint Pancras Community Association: 9:30am – 3:30pm

Aimed at increasing existing safeguarding knowledge for those who have had no safeguarding training in the last two years and need a refresher.

Designed for volunteers, supplementary schools, VCS groups and organisations delivering services to under 18’s and their families in Camden. Lunch and refreshments provided.

To register your place, or for more information, contact Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, VAC Community Safeguarding Lead at dogunyemi@vac.org.uk

SPCA Volunteer Fest 

Thurs 2nd March: 11am – 1pm at St Pancras Community Association

Get the experience you need to further or start your career by volunteering with the SPCA. Come to the Volunteer Fest this March to hear from volunteers about the benefits of their roles at the centre, from meeting new people to upskilling in the area they’re interested in.

Register your place here

Volunteer Managers’ Forum  

Tuesday 28th Feb at 2pm: Online

Volunteer Centre Camden is hosting a Volunteer Managers’ Forum. Participants will benefit from peer support and networking and can choose the topics to discuss.

Register your place here

LIFT: Intro to Coding Course 

Application closing date: 5th February 2023

LIFT Intro to Coding is a 6-week beginner’s programme designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to start a career in the thriving world of software development. No prior coding experience is needed. You will gain core skills in software development and build a portfolio to show to prospective employers.

Find out more here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

SPCA Community Café Manager Vacancy (PT) 

Manage and run our Community Café and team of volunteers and help promote it within the community by arranging activities within the café setting.

Our new Community Café will provide a warm space, healthy eating options at a low cost, as well as a range of other community benefits such as reduced social isolation and skills development.

Learn more here

LDN London: Trustee Vacancy 

Learning Disability Network London is proud to have been supporting learning disabled Londoners for over 60 years. They are looking for a new Trustee with the enthusiasm, creativity and commitment to join their board of Trustees.

Learn more here

Education Gardener and Coordinator Vacancy 

Closing date: Monday 13th Feb at 9am

Global Generation is looking for someone who is passionate about involving the community in connecting to nature and gardening. As the Education Gardener and Coordinator, you will be responsible for engaging local children, young people, families and volunteers in Global Generation’s outdoor learning projects.

Learn more here

Long Covid Survey
The Community Links team at VAC are working with the University of Southampton to facilitate a study into Long Covid. If you had, or think you had, Covid 3 or more months ago and yet continue to experience symptoms that are not explained by any other health conditions, the study would like to talk to you about your experiences.

Symptoms can include, but are not limited to: exhaustion, memory or concentrations issues, breathlessness, persistent headaches and muscle aches, chest tightness, palpitations, dizziness and sleep disturbance.
As a token of appreciation, a £25 shopping voucher is available for participation.

The Community Links team at VAC can also assist Camden residents with access to the long covid clinic at UCLH.
For further information please contact Nasrin at nrashid@vac.org.uk or Donna Clutterbuck at LongCovid@soton.ac.uk or call/text  “Long Covid Research’’ on 07721520243.

Camden Youth Safety Multimedia Competition

This annual competition aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden. It is part of Camden Youth Safety Week, which will be held this summer. Up to 10 organisations will receive a maximum of £500 each to develop their multimedia project.

Camden Council invites expressions of interest for creative or multimedia projects, based on the theme of ‘Keeping Children and Young People in Camden Safe’, before 27th February.

Learn more here

Free Immigration Law Advice Clinic 

Weds 15th Feb at St Pancras Community Association: 2-4:30pm

An immigration solicitor from The University of Westminster will deliver a short presentation on an aspect of immigration law and follow with a Q&A session. Come with your questions about immigration and get advice. No registration necessary.

Coram’s Fields: Nursery Spaces Available 

Places are still available at Coram’s Fields Nursery for children starting this year. The nursery provides full-day childcare for up to 36 children aged 2-5 years old. The team delivers high-quality childcare with access to their seven-acre park.

Learn more here

Camden Council: Free Co-Working Space 

Camden Council has partnered with LABS to offer up to 10 free co-working spaces to start-ups, SMEs and established businesses in Camden. The aim of this scheme is to support growth and break down one of the barriers between business owners and their goals.

Learn more and apply here

Youth Nature Wellbeing Project on Hampstead Heath 

Heath Hands is launching a pilot project inviting young people aged 13-16 who struggle with school attendance to take part in nature activities on Hampstead Heath. The new project aims to promote mental wellbeing and practical skills through a combination of hands-on conservation work, nature art activities and forest-school style experiences. Sessions will run in February/March 2023.

Learn more here

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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