Voluntary Action Camden

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VAC E-Bulletin 12th July 2024


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VAC Chief Executive Vacancy

As we mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we are hiring for a new Chief Executive to replace our outgoing CEO Keith Morgan. You can find out more information about the role and submit your application here. In the meantime, here are a three reasons from him about why you should apply to the role:

1.   VAC is at the forefront of the voluntary community sector in Camden. It has a proud history of serving communities in Camden, and it is well positioned as a strategic leader for the sector. ‘With great power comes great responsibility’ and VAC has never shied away from this. You will be joining VAC at a pivotal moment as it broadens its membership offer and deepens its relationship with the council through 7 years of secured core funding.

2.   VAC’s staff and trustees are passionate about their work and committed to seeing the organisation grow. Through the toughest of times the team has shown resilience and vision. They know why they are here and what needs to be done to achieve the organisations aims and objectives. You will be inheriting an unmatched team of skilled, diverse and collaborative individuals.

3.   We Make Camden. The voluntary and community sector in Camden is strong with over 2,000 organisations. The sector embodies Camden’s popular image of being rebellious and pioneering. VAC’s members are supportive and engaged and will guide you through this exciting new chapter. 

“I’ve had a great time at VAC, and I know you will too. Every day was different but was always filled with examples of how we are improving the lives of our community”.

Our Annual Report for 2023 is here! We’re really excited for you to find out about all the work we’ve been doing over the last year, from our Community Action Research Project to the new Innovation Award we launched for recruiting residents to volunteer in our Care navigation service. You can also learn about the partnerships we’ve build with amazing non-profit groups across Camden to support our diverse communities and provide fundamental services where they are needed.

Introductions from our chair of Trustees Benaifer Bhandari and our CEO Keith Morgan give insights on our key achievements and successes in 2023, as well as the challenges we’ve faced. These are also reflected by our broader look at the sector and a statement on workforce challenges and the climate emergency from Camden Council’s Head of Community Partnerships John Muir.

Our report introduces you to the key groups and networks we lead, such as the CEO network, New Group network and Ukraine Refugee Response. There’s also information on how we represent the sector at key strategic partnership groups. We end on a look to the future, with 12 key plans for our work going forward.

To read the report, click here!

Sector leaders respond to Election results
Key charitable groups and leaders have given their reactions to Labour’s win in last week’s general election. Organisations such as NCVO, CFG, Bond and Hospice UK urged the new government to recognise the need for an improved relationship with the charity sector and support an area that contributes so much to the fabric of civil society.

Report analyses charities’ relationship with technology
The new Charity Digital Skills Report for 2024 has been released, which gives insights into how charities are using technology. The report suggests that broadly, the sector is becoming more and more comfortable using digital skills and new technologies such as AI, but that barriers remain that prevent progress, and smaller charities have significantly less digital capacity than larger ones.

Income from fundraising events raised £132m in 2023
Research on the UK’s 25 largest charity-owned mass participation events grew 16% in 2023 compared with the previous year, new research has shown. The resurgence included £77m raised by the four biggest events, showing the public appeal of mass fundraising events especially since the end of Covid related restrictions. 

Every week VAC checks various sources for the latest funding opportunities relevant for Camden groups.

You can visit our website for a round up of the latest opportunities added this week:  Search for Funding – Voluntary Action Camden (vac.org.uk).

We’ve included a selection of the latest funds below but check out our new funding portal for many more opportunities.
If you need help sourcing or applying for funds, get in touch with our consultancy service, free for all Camden groups!


Find out more here: https://vac.org.uk/news-and-events/events/

Open to VAC Members only
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Let’s talk about Disability – and build a movement for change!

Join Camden Disability Action on Wednesday 17th July at the Greenwood Centre in Kentish Town, NW5 1LB for an afternoon of insightful presentations , networking and guest speakers. This in-person event is a great place to start if you want to partner with CDA or if you are Camden resident with an impairment or health condition and want to get involved. Find out more and reserve your place here

Henna Asian Women’s Group celebrate South Asian Heritage Month
As part of the South Asian Heritage Month, Henna Asian Women’s Group is celebrating an event on the 5th August at 12 pm-3 pm at the Crowndale Centre, 218 Eversholt St, NW1 1BD. Attendees of the South Asian Heritage Week event can expect a rich and diverse experience that celebrates vibrant cultures, traditional food, and musical entertainment. RSVP on 07752681828 info@hennaorg.co.uk.

SPCA Family Funday & Joining Camden Fringe
Join St Pancras Community Association for a FREE afternoon of family fun on Saturday 20th July, with bouncy castles, music, games, a BBQ and More. No need to book, just come along.
Then, on Wednesdays + Saturdays, 3-21 of August. 7:30 – 8:30 PM, SPCA are opening its doors to run some comedy nights with Square Go Comedy! Tickets are £8 and there will be drinks available. Find out more here

Holborn Community Memory Cafe
Holborn Community are hosting a new weekly creative session happening for Older Adults called Memory Cafe, starting Monday 29th July (2pm-4pm). This is the first of 9 weekly creative and reminiscence sessions for older adults. Carers are welcome to attend and participate in these sessions. Email andrew@holborncommunity.co.uk to book your tickets.

A Space for Us @ Somers Town Festival 
Join in the history area of the Somers Town Festival along Phoenix Road to celebrate the centenary of St Pancras Housing with: an outdoor social housing exhibition; radical bookstall; retro music by JF Whitney; films indoors; and FREE rides on the Storybike! Saturday 13th July, 12-6.30pm.

The Zen Project Free Community Festival 
The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you one of a series of monthly festivals on to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. Open to all and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more. Climb on board the big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety. We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up. More information here.
Thursday 18th July, Likewise in Swiss Cottage, 8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG 

Women Speak: Hear their story, find your strength
Have you ever felt like gambling was taking control? You’re not alone. GamCare are running a free event for women only on Tue 16th July, online, where you can hear form women who have been through something similar.
•    Hear Nikki’s Story: Nikki Adams, who has been through her own journey with gambling, will share her experience in a video message.
•    Empower Each Other: Chat openly with other women who understand what you’re going through. Reserve your place here

Portraits of Camden LGBTQ Workshop
On Saturday 13th July, create your own portrait with fabric and be part of a huge quilt that tells the story of Camden. Join with forum+ at Portraits of Camden LGBTQ Workshop to freely explore your creativity, meet new people and celebrate Camden. Portraits of Camden is led by Camden resident, Joana Monteiro – PhD candidate at UAL London College of Fashion, Founder of Knit Up social enterprise, sustainable fashion and design expert. The workshop is free to join, for ages 18+ and bookings can be made here.

Camden Council Community Health Event 
Camden Council is running a Community Health Event in Talacre Gardens on Saturday 13th July. Help is needed with setting up stalls, directing residents, organising live entertainment, supporting sports activities, collecting feedback, managing queues and note taking. Volunteers are needed from 10am and are expected to stay for a minimum of 2 hours. All volunteers will be provided with free food. In case of bad weather, the event will be rearranged to take place on Saturday 20th July. Please contact anita.khalil@camden.gov.uk for more information.

Camden New Town Community Festival 2024 
Bringing our community together: 20 July:  Jazz, poetry & “open mike” , 21 July: Family Day, both in Camden Square Gardens NW1.
Festival parade – 6 metre high Climbing Tower – Arts and Crafts – Children’s activities – Dance performances – Dr Bike – Face painting – food & refreshments – Green Corner – Healthy Living tent – local history – live music – • chess challenge – restart & sewing workshops – • Film Tent – stalls and information
To book a stall, volunteer or make a donation please contact the Festival Office on 020 7485 6827 or email festival.mlcc@yahoo.co.uk.

VAC are hiring a new CEO!
Sadly, VAC’s wonderful CEO, Keith Morgan, is leaving to take on a new opportunity. We’ve just posted a listing where you can find out more about the role and submit your application. We wish to hear from applicants with senior leadership skills, who have the knowledge and insights around infrastructure to ensure we meet the continued needs of our local communities. You will lead an experienced and passionate staff team with strong community links and diverse talents to meet the challenges for voluntary and community organisations in 21st century Camden.
Deadline: 26th July 2024.

Mind in Camden – Healthy Minds Community Engagement and Development Worker
Would you like to be a part of an expanding community mental health programme which transforms the lives of socially isolated people in Camden? Are you personable, approachable and socially committed to fostering community through meaningful activities? Mind in Camden are seeking a community engagement and development worker to support the delivery of our active service.
Closing date: Monday 29th of July at 1.00pm

Age UK Camden Volunteering & HR Coordinator
Age UK Camden is looking to recruit a skilled and experienced Coordinator to support their Volunteering and HR functions. Our Volunteers are integral to how we deliver services in Camden. The successful candidate will:
•    Be responsible for the co-ordination and effective management of volunteer services in the Age UK Camden Group (inc subsidiaries) including recruitment, placement, induction and ongoing support and training as well as record keeping/report producing via the database.
•    Support the HR Function of Age UK Camden (including subsidiaries currently Age UK City of London). Reporting to the Head of HR and Central Services.

Castlehaven Environmental Project Coordinator
Castlehaven Community Association are looking for a full-time Environmental Project Coordinator to help deliver climate-friendly community initiatives, environmental education sessions and assist with admin. The ideal candidate will have good knowledge of gardening & horticulture, experience delivering workshops, and the ability to inspire people of all ages & abilities. This is a 24-month fixed term contract. Applications close at Midnight Sunday 21st July 2024.

People’s Museum Somers Town – Story Bike & Art Club 
Summer jobs – Story Bike: A chance to develop a new social action service from grounds up. Opportunity for an outgoing natural promoter keen to help less mobile people. Paid ‘Service Developer’ contract roles, cyclist and volunteer opportunities. More information about both roles here. Please contact with CV info@aspaceforus.club.

Saturday Art Club Job Opportunity: Develop our Saturday Art Club! We are looking for a creative and responsible individual who would enjoy mentoring to promote and run our Saturday Art Club for all ages. Help develop art skills & confidence, and build community ties. Apply with CV and why you are interested in this: info@aspaceforus.club.

Fundraising and Development Organiser for Xenia
Xenia are looking for the newest member of their staff team to drive growth forward. A small ambitious charity, Xenia work to enable refugee, asylum seeking, migrant and British women to connect as equals, engage with their local area, build community, explore heritage and the arts and find their voice. This 2 day per week role is right for you if you have a desire to work in a self-managing role, have a good understanding of migrant women’s lives, and an unwavering commitment to equality and inclusion. Feel free to email to find out more welcome@xenia.org.uk.
6th August

Volunteering Opportunities at Abbey Community Centre
ACC are looking for volunteer befrienders to help reduce isolation by regularly visiting individuals over 60s in their homes and help provide ad hoc support. If you’re passionate in Children’s Services and family support, you can volunteer in assisting running creative and fun activities for under 5s whilst building relationships with their parents and carers. Other volunteering opportunities available, please contact vol-opps@abbeycc-kilburn.org.uk with any questions. 

Camden Women’s Safety Survey
We want Camden to be a safe place for everyone, but sadly, we know too many women don’t feel safe when they’re out and about on our streets. We’d like to hear the experiences of women and girls in Camden to understand how safe you feel living, working and travelling in our borough. The survey should take up to five to six minutes and will build on the work from our first survey in 2022. Survey link here. The survey closes on 7th Oct 2024. For more information, please contact savannah.ray@camden.gov.uk.

IMPACT Network Coordinator
Camden are looking to recruit 8-10 members, including people who receive care and support, carers, front-line staff, funders/decision-makers and relevant service providers to join the IMPACT Network. The Camden Network will be focusing on involving people in strategic decision-making. There will be 4 local network meetings in total over a six-month period. People with lived experience will receive a £75 Reward and Recognition payment for their involvement for each of the sessions and food, refreshments and travel costs to the meeting will be covered. If this is something you or someone you know would like to take part in, or if you have any questions, please contact freyja.banks@camden.gov.uk.

Healthwatch Camden survey for women and girls
Healthwatch Camden is conducting research into conditions related to menstrual health, specifically Endometriosis, a condition affecting 1 in 10 women and girls. They are inviting women and girls living in Camden to share their menstrual health experience through a short survey. If you have endometriosis or suspected symptoms, they invite you for an in-person or online interview where you will be reimbursed for your time. Any information you share is completely anonymous and confidential. Contact at info@healthwatchcamden.co.uk.

Local VCS Newsletters

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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