Voluntary Action Camden

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VAC E-Bulletin 5th July 2024


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Spotlight  |   Features, News and Policy  |   Funding   |   Events and Training   |
Jobs and Volunteering   |   Surveys, Resources and Opportunities

Upcoming Training & Events

Our Annual General Meeting takes place next Monday at Camden Town Hall, and this year the theme for the meeting is: AI and the voluntary sector – Embracing the potential. We will be welcoming the Mayor of Camden who will introduce the event, as well as our guest speaker Jonathan Chevallier, CEO of Charity Digital.  We will be running some information stalls and serving up tasty food. Click the link below for more information.

More details in the Events and Training section

Every week VAC checks various sources for the latest funding opportunities relevant for Camden groups.

You can visit our website for a round up of the latest opportunities added this week:  Search for Funding – Voluntary Action Camden (vac.org.uk).

We’ve included a selection of the latest funds below but check out our new funding portal for many more opportunities.
If you need help sourcing or applying for funds, get in touch with our consultancy service, free for all Camden groups!

  •  The Society Foundation is an independent registered charity with a funding programme for organisations working in capacity building activities, staff training and development or external consultancy/support. Applications accepted until 8 July. 
  • Warburtons Community Grants programme welcomes applications from not-for-profit organisations with charitable purposes that are based and working in England, Scotland or Wales as long as their projects are addressing one of Warburtons’ priority areas.
  • Skinners’ Charity Foundation is offering grants for registered not-for-profit organisations across London and Kent to deliver projects that support NEET young people to move into employment or get employment-ready.


Find out more here: https://vac.org.uk/news-and-events/events/

Open to VAC Members only
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership


Women Speak: Hear their story, find your strength
Have you ever felt like gambling was taking control? You’re not alone. GamCare are running a free event for women only on Tue 16th July, online, where you can hear form women who have been through something similar.
•    Hear Nikki’s Story: Nikki Adams, who has been through her own journey with gambling, will share her experience in a video message.
•    Empower Each Other: Chat openly with other women who understand what you’re going through. Reserve your place here

Portraits of Camden LGBTQ Workshop
On Saturday 13th July, create your own portrait with fabric and be part of a huge quilt that tells the story of Camden. Join with forum+ at Portraits of Camden LGBTQ Workshop to freely explore your creativity, meet new people and celebrate Camden. Portraits of Camden is led by Camden resident, Joana Monteiro – PhD candidate at UAL London College of Fashion, Founder of Knit Up social enterprise, sustainable fashion and design expert. The workshop is free to join, for ages 18+ and bookings can be made here.

Queer Brown Stories’ Launch Party!
Join for the launch of ‘Queer Brown Stories’! Expect fun activities, food, music, and stalls showcasing community groups and artists. ‘Queer Brown Stories’ is a mural celebrating the diverse experiences of Queer South Asian existence within cities and explores the community’s hopes for the future of Camley Street – and is part of Camden Council’s inclusive development of the neighbourhood.
7th July, Camley Street Underpass Gallery, near 120 Camley Street, N1C 4PG

Young Camden Foundation’s Summer Party
YCF are celebrating their 7th birthday with a summer party – an evening filled with fun, laughter, and community spirit at Papier HQ in Camden. Including a raffle, refreshments and bubbly, performances by local talented performers and speeches, plus the opportunity to connect with community members, local businesses, councillors and young people and everyone in between. 
10th July, 39 Plender Street, NW1 0DT

Camden Council Community Health Event 
Camden Council is running a Community Health Event in Talacre Gardens on Saturday 13th July. Help is needed with setting up stalls, directing residents, organising live entertainment, supporting sports activities, collecting feedback, managing queues and note taking. Volunteers are needed from 10am and are expected to stay for a minimum of 2 hours. All volunteers will be provided with free food. In case of bad weather, the event will be rearranged to take place on Saturday 20th July. Please contact anita.khalil@camden.gov.uk for more information.

Camden New Town Community Festival 2024 
Bringing our community together: 20 July:  Jazz, poetry & “open mike” , 21 July: Family Day, both in Camden Square Gardens NW1.
Festival parade – 6 metre high Climbing Tower – Arts and Crafts – Children’s activities – Dance performances – Dr Bike – Face painting – food & refreshments – Green Corner – Healthy Living tent – local history – live music – • chess challenge – restart & sewing workshops – • Film Tent – stalls and information
To book a stall, volunteer or make a donation please contact the Festival Office on 020 7485 6827 or email festival.mlcc@yahoo.co.uk.

VAC are hiring a new CEO!
Sadly, VAC’s wonderful CEO, Keith Morgan, is leaving to take on a new opportunity. We’ve just posted a listing where you can find out more about the role and submit your application. We wish to hear from applicants with senior leadership skills, who have the knowledge and insights around infrastructure to ensure we meet the continued needs of our local communities. You will lead an experienced and passionate staff team with strong community links and diverse talents to meet the challenges for voluntary and community organisations in 21st century Camden.
Deadline: 26th July 2024.

Castlehaven Environmental Project Coordinator
Castlehaven Community Association are looking for a full-time Environmental Project Coordinator to help deliver climate-friendly community initiatives, environmental education sessions and assist with admin. The ideal candidate will have good knowledge of gardening & horticulture, experience delivering workshops, and the ability to inspire people of all ages & abilities. This is a 24-month fixed term contract. Applications close at Midnight Sunday 21st July 2024.

Age UK Camden Day Care Centre Manager 
Age UK Camden are looking for a skilled and experienced Day Care Centre Manager for the centre – Great Croft, for older people in Camden –  based in Kings Cross. Their centres provide a wide range of activities as well as being specialist Day Care Centres caring for older people with complex needs. The Day Care Centres also provide a hot lunch and a range of special events. The dedicated, specialist team support people with care needs, including those living with mild – moderate dementia and complex needs.
Closing date: Monday 8th July 2024

Age UK Camden Fundraising Manager 
Age UK Camden are looking for a dynamic, experienced Fundraising Manager who will manage a portfolio of work that ranges from Fundraising, Income Generation in areas such as the Charity Retail Shop, Marketing and Communications and Community and Corporate Engagement. The role also involves working closely with the CEO and the external bid writer who focuses on funding from Trusts and Grants
Closing date: Monday 15th July 2024 

Two Promoter Roles at People’s Museum Somers Town
Summer jobs – Story Bike: A chance to develop a new social action service from grounds up. Opportunity for an outgoing natural promoter keen to help less mobile people. Paid ‘Service Developer’ contract roles, cyclist and volunteer opportunities. More information about both roles here. Please contact with CV info@aspaceforus.club.

Little Village Baby Bank Manager
Do you have what it takes to lead an amazing team of staff and volunteers to make a big difference to families across London? Little Village are looking for a Baby Bank Manager who can unite and inspire members of the Camden Hub to help them to give more young children across the capital the things they need to thrive.
Deadline: 9th July 

Fundraising and Development Organiser for Xenia
Xenia are looking for the newest member of their staff team to drive growth forward. A small ambitious charity, Xenia work to enable refugee, asylum seeking, migrant and British women to connect as equals, engage with their local area, build community, explore heritage and the arts and find their voice. This 2 day per week role is right for you if you have a desire to work in a self-managing role, have a good understanding of migrant women’s lives, and an unwavering commitment to equality and inclusion. Feel free to email to find out more welcome@xenia.org.uk.
6th August

Street Storage (Homelessness Charity) Seeks Volunteer
Street Storage is the only UK charity providing free, accessible and safe storage for people experiencing homelessness. They are looking for someone to assist the team every Monday 10am – 4pm carrying out duties such as getting people’s bags and cases to and from the storage unit when they drop in for belongings, greeting people, offering refreshments and generally being on hand for staff and people using Street Storage alike. So a people person with a bit of muscle would be perfect! Please contact caroline.allouf@streetstorage.org.

Volunteering Opportunities at Abbey Community Centre
ACC are looking for volunteer befrienders to help reduce isolation by regularly visiting individuals over 60s in their homes and help provide ad hoc support. If you’re passionate in Children’s Services and family support, you can volunteer in assisting running creative and fun activities for under 5s whilst building relationships with their parents and carers. Other volunteering opportunities available, please contact vol-opps@abbeycc-kilburn.org.uk with any questions. 

NCL Health Alliance engagement on Long Term Conditions
The North and Central London Health Alliance are inviting expressions of interest from VCS organisations to take part in designing and testing an improved model of care for Long Term Conditions. This expression of interest seeks a provider (organisation or partnerships of organisations) with significant experience of leading patient / resident participation ideally with people who have a number of health conditions. This is an exploratory piece of work that will take place in 2 Primary Care Network locations as a pilot  to help inform future services. Contact social@vac.org.uk or dturnbull@vac.org.uk for the expression of interest form and/or for more information.

Free and low-cost activities for children and young people
Summer is here and there are lots of fantastic free and low-cost creative and performing arts, sports and physical activities, youth and play projects, as well as trips, on offer for children and young people in Camden. Check out Camden Rise website for the full programme of activities and opportunities. 

Whatimpact VCSE Survey
Whatimpact’s mission is to amplify the voice of the VCSE (Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise) sector. With the UK election approaching, they aim to gather data and provide a platform for VCSEs to share their perspectives on collaborating with the private sector. Whatimpact are inviting charities, community groups, and social enterprises across the UK to participate in their brief survey. Your feedback will help understand your current challenges and aspirations to enhance cross-sector collaboration.

Local VCS Newsletters

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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