Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 16th March 2018


VAC Weekly Newsletter
16th March 2018

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources


Draft Environmental Justice Report and videos; St Patrick’s Day; Older People and Mental Health Consultation; FGM Survivors Group; Board Games at Hpod; KTCC Healthy Families Day; Supplementary Schools Newlsetter; Recovery College Enrolling now; Special Parents Day + training, events, funding opportunities, jobs and volunteering + more


The Environmental Justice Project

A collaboration between Voluntary Action Camden, Somers Town Neighbourhood Forum, University College London and the Environmental Law Foundation.
The purpose of the project is to strengthen the voice of local people who want to address the negative impacts of construction and development on their health and well-being and examine the evidence through an Environmental Justice Inquiry. The Inquiry focused on the Euston Area because of the number of current and proposed developments, including national mega projects like HS2 and Crossrail 2. Read the report so far and view videos made by local activists here.

St Patrick’s Day Activities

The London Irish Centre has a full week of activities to celebrate St Patrick’s day. See the calendar of events here.

Adult Community Learning Health & Wellbeing event

Today at the Living Centre NW1 (end of the Crick building on Ossulston Street). Come along and meet providers from around the borough. Finishes at 2pm.

Older People Consultation on Mental Health Services 21 March 2018

NHS England is improving the delivery of services  to older people with mental health issues.This is an opportunity to share your views and experiences.
Wednesday 21 March, 10.30am – 12.30pm in Hampstead – near the tube
To thank you for your time, Ageing Better in Camden, c/o Age UK Camden will be giving out £20 M&S vouchers, but you will need to register first by calling: 020 7239 0400 and speak to Harriett Young or send an email to: ageingbetterincamden@ageukcamden.gov.uk .  We can offer transport to those with mobility difficulties who want to come, please let us know.

Somali Speakers FGM Survivors Group

A 12 week therapy group for Somali speaking adult women from any borough who have survived FGM.
12 – 2pm Fridays. Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre. Contact admin@nafsiyat.org.uk or wajiha.ali@nhs.net

Fun Board Games

Thursday 22 March at Hpod, Cumberland Market, NW1 3RH
Free Lunch, Come and join in.  Games provided of bring your favourite.
For more information contact diana@westeuston.org

Kentish Town Community Centre Healthy Families Day

Wednesday 4th April at 17 Busby Place, Kentish Town, NW5 2SP
In association with Maiden Lane Community Centre
Come and join us between 12noon – 4pm for lots of activities including; Free Taster Sessions; Martial Arts; Pilates; Hatha Yoga; Free Tea and Coffee

Camden Supplementary Schools

Read Issue no.2 of the Camden Supplementary Schools’ Newsletter. This is a new monthly newsletter with weekly updates dedicated to supporting Camden supplementary schools with advice, links and useful information. Contact Suzie Yassin for more details suzie.yassin@camden.gov.uk

The Recovery College opens Summer enrolments

On Monday 16 March the college opens for enrolments for courses in the Summer term (April to July).
The Summer 2018 calendar can be viewed here – www.candi.nhs.uk/recoverycollege

Special Parents Day: Annual parents day on Friday 23rd March, 10am at Ort House in Camden

Get together with other Camden parents of children and young people (0-25 yrs) with SEND and get your voice heard.
Camden Special Parents Forum are holding a Special Parents Feedback Day for you to give your views on the services that affect you and your family.
To find out more: Email: maria.schultz@kids.org.uk Text: 07826 671 523 Call: KIDS on 020 7359 3635

The Thyroid Trust Events

We wanted to remind everyone of our March event details so you can book and to share details of two exciting speakers confirmed for later in the year.
24 March – Sanjana Balu,Sense About Science, on Research Conversations
22 September – Mr Fausto Palazzo a talk on The Evolution of Thyroid Surgery
24 November – Dr Anthony Toft talk about The Management of Hypothyroidism.
At Crown Court Church, Russell Street, Covent Garden, WC2
Please book now for March via the link on the website

Camden Disability Action

Catch up with the latest news from Camden Disability Action.


New Study Shows Powerful Relationship Between Vibrant Voluntary Sector and Crime.

An incredible study of 264 US cities over 20 years shows the link between levels of crime and numbers of voluntary organisations. The effect means that In short: in a city with 100,000 residents, if you establish another 10 charities or community groups, regardless of their purpose, you get a 9% drop in the murder rate and a 6% fall in violent crime and 4% reduction in burglary.  And the voluntary and community groups don’t even have to be conciously addressing crime issues. Full story in the New York Times.

The Latest Edition of the Council’s Funding Bulletin can be found here.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.


Looking for support to find funding?  VAC has the full version of Grantfinder, an online programme that let’s you search for sources of funding.
A member of VAC staff will sit down with you for an hour to show you how to use it and make the most of Grantfinder.  This is a free service for Camden voluntary and community sector groups.  To book your slot contact Ricky at acharles@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.
To get an idea of what Grantfinder can do take a look at the simplified version available here.

Camden Giving

Camden Giving have published the timetable for the various grants programmes they will be offering over the coming 12 months. There are 6 programmes in total. You can view the full timetable here. The KX Fund 2018 opens on 3rd April for grants up to £10,000.

Clarion Futures –  Community Grants Programme until Monday 9th April

Clarion is the largest housing group in the country. Through its Community Grants Programme – managed by Groundwork – it awards grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 to charities, community organisations and voluntary groups for projects which primarily benefit its residents.
To get updated information on how to apply and to see the criteria, please visit  Clarion Community Grants Programme or contact Katie McNie– Groundwork info@groundwork.org.uk

Building a Stronger Britain Together Programme

A Home Office funded scheme which supports projects delivering:
· Increased sense of belonging and civic participation at the local level
· More resilient communities
· Fewer people holding attitudes, beliefs & feelings that oppose shared values
Website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/building-a-stronger-britain-together
Please contact Nyree Moore (nyree.moore@camden.gov.uk / 07771572976)

Healthy Minds Programme with Mind in Camden

There is a full programme of activities taking place at the Living Centre as part of the Healthy Minds programme. Full details on the VAC training calendar.

How Do You Write a Successful Grant Application?

How Do You Write a Successful Grant Application?
Part 2 will be focusing on how to work out the cost of the service, how to draw up a budget and produce a cash flow. Wednesday 21st March, 2pm to 5pm
at the Mary Ward Centre, 42, Queen Square, WC1. Book at  Eventbrite.
Contact Simone Hensby shensby@vac.org.uk. 020 7284 6555

Basic Risk Assessment Course

Voluntary Action Camden 21 March 2018
Do you want to know how to carry out a risk assessment? Do you have responsibility for managing health & safety where you work? This 3-hour basic risk assessment training could be what you are looking for.
• For people with health and safety responsibilities in voluntary organisations
• For staff and volunteers of community groups
• For recent arrivals and migrants who want to know about risk assessment
If you run a community group or local charity the course covers all you need to know about carrying risk assessments. Book at eventbrite

Voluntary Action Camden working in partnership with Mary Ward Centre.

Governance in the Voluntary and Community Sector

VAC and Mary Ward offer this short course for members of governing bodies or anybody who is interested in developing the knowledge and skills required to be a member of a governing body in the voluntary or community sector. With the knowledge gained from this course you can become an effective participant in the governance of new and existing organisations. Full details on the Mary Ward Centre website.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/

New Event Digital Skills Gap

What is the role of the youth sector in supporting the development of digital skills for young people? This session will offer the opportunity to review existing digital skills gap data, explore a range of developments underway, and options for the future. The event takes place on Friday 23rd March 2018 at Soapbox. Register for this event here

Swish at Queen’s Crescent Market

Come to our Camden clothes swap on Saturday 17 March from 11am. If you don’t know what swishing is, find out more at camden.gov.uk/swish
Bring and swap clean, wearable clothes and shoes.
11 to 11.30am donate clothes. 12 noon to 1.30pm find something new to you.
No damaged clothes that have holes or stains
Why not take the opportunity to have a look round the market?
The Swish is outdoor event, so timings may change if the weather’s bad.

Meet the Churches Together in Hampstead Community Sponsorship Team.

Guest speakers will talk about the scheme and the refugee crisis. Learn how to get involved.  Refreshments provided.
18th March, 2.30 – 4.30pm at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, 4 Holly Walk, Hampstead

Voluntary Action Camden AGM Tues 20 March 6 – 8pm

Hear about VAC’s work and our plans for the future. Please let us know if you are coming by contacting acharles@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 5660

CORC Regional Seminar Series 2018

‘Should mental health service seek to cure mental ill health? If not, what are they there for?’
Join us to discuss what the research can tell us about whether children and young people are being helped by mental health services. Contribute to the debate about how we respond to the data, how we define and measure a positive outcome, and how we communicate the scope and focus of treatment.
Open to mental health and education professionals, service leads, commissioners and anyone interested in the future of children and young people’s mental health services.
25 April: London. CORC, Jordan House, 47 Brunswick Place, London N1 6EB
For more information, please go to our website: http://www.corc.uk.net/training-events/

Camden Family Members Reference Group

A group for all carers of an adult with a learning disability in Camden
Wednesday 21 March 2018 10:30am – 12:30pm followed by a light lunch
More details / RSVP contact: philippar@centre404.org.uk Tel: 020 7697 1336

Free Sports and Fencing at Handyside Sports Hall

Sundays, Boys and Girls 12 – 16 years from 1 – 2.30pm.  At Handyside Sports Pitch. Free
Contact Mus Turay: 07500 421944 or email info@protouchsa.co.uk

Money Skills for people with English as a Second Language – London

Practise your spoken English and learn how to improve your money management skills with these practical workshops, which will also offer you valuable tips about saving money. You will learn about bills and budgeting, banking in the UK, Welfare Benefits and Payslips.
Mary Ward Legal Centre is running these workshops in partnership with community organisations.
To find out more email: Financial.capability@marywardlegal.org.uk

Financial capability – Train the trainer – London

2 day course – London 19th & 20th March and 23rd & 24th May (other dates available on our websites)
If you support clients on a low income, this practical course will enable you to run our financial capability course, as well as gain the skills and knowledge to incorporate financial education into your existing work.
Find out more at the Quaker Social Action website.

VAC is Recruiting – Community Partnership Adviser

VAC, in partnership with Camden’s Safeguarding Children Board and the London Borough of Camden, is seeking to recruit an experienced person to be responsible for the delivery of the Community Partnership Advisory Service.
You will be responsible for increasing the knowledge and awareness of safeguarding matters within BME communities and faith groups.This will involve the building of strong working relationships and the co-design and delivery of safeguarding training. The emphasis will also be on the development of robust cross sector working and the equipping of statutory agencies to understand the role that communities play in safeguarding children.
You must have experience of working with or in children’s services and/or child protection services, partnership working and a successful track record of working with BME, communities and faith groups on sensitive issues.
Further information and application packs can be downloaded from our website.
Closing date: Noon Friday, 23rd March.  Interview date: Wednesday, 4th April.

Little Village seeks Director and Referrals Manager

Little Village works like a foodbank but for clothes, toys and equipment for babies and children up to the age of 5 years.  Since January 2017 Little Village has helped over 500 families living below the poverty line in Camden. We are now recruiting a Director and a Referrals Manager – both paid, part-time roles. Working largely from our HQ, based at Somers Town Community Association (NW1), the successful candidate will be an organised, creative and determined self starter, keen to help us grow and support as many families as we can. The roles are part of Little Village `Camden’s operating committee and are key in ensuring the effective running and sustainability of the charity.
Further information: https://littlevillagehq.org/camden-is-recruiting/
Closing Date: Midnight 26th March. Interview Dates: 9th April (onwards)

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre is recruiting an Employment Development Advisor

21hrs per week for 2 years with a possibility of extension
£16,909.80 incl. ILW pro rata (FT equivalent £28,183 incl. ILW)
Closing date: 6th April 2018 at 5:00pm
For an informal discussion about the post, contact Nezahat Cihan, Director. For all other details and an application pack, please contact Ruksana Begum, HR Administrator: Tel: 020 7388 8198 or E-mail: recruitment@hopscotchawc.org.uk web: www.hopscotchawc.org.uk
Please do not send CVs as they will not be considered.  Hopscotch recruitment is carried out in line with the safer recruitment practices

QCCA tutoring position

Volunteer Maths or Science Tutor to support 15-16 year old students in maths/science as they prepare for their GCSE exams.
Find out more on the QCCA website. Please contact: Jamie@qcca.org.uk  with a CV and brief cover letter to apply or for more information.
Successful volunteers will be subject to an enhanced DBS check.

Volunteer Cycling Buddies needed

Silver Cycling is a new initiative to encourage older people to cycle in Regents’ Park.  It is particularly aimed at people 60+ who may be isolated and lonely.
Starting in April, it will be run on Tuesdays 11 – 2 pm in Regent’s Park. Anyone coming alone will be offered a companion cyclist to go with them.  You will be helping to get the bikes ready and cycling with them in the park.
You need to be available on Tuesdays from 10.30 – 2.30 pm and will be required to have a DBS check for this role. Contact Diana Young: 020 7388 7932 x1203 or diana@westeuston.org.​

The Thanet Youth & Community Centre seeks Centre Manager

Appx 15 hours per week, flexible hours, £21 per hour.
Email victoria@thethanet.com for information pack and application form.
Application deadline 9am on Monday 19 March.
This post is subject to an enhanced DBS check and satisfactory references.

Volunteer Opportunities with Solace Women’s Aid

Sessional Group Volunteer CHTSS
Availability Running 3-9 sessions per year on Tuesday mornings or Friday afternoons
Do you have a skill or talent that you would love to share with female survivors of domestic abuse? The content of our groups is flexible and range from creative skills, performance, writing, health & wellbeing. The idea candidate must have the appropriate qualifications & training.
Sessional Group Volunteer Complex Needs Refuge
Availability Running 3-12 sessions per year currently on Tuesdays or Wednesdays
We are looking for enthusiastic women to run interesting sessions at our women’s refuge. If you have any skill or talent then apply for this role. The idea candidate must have the appropriate qualifications & training. We are interested to hear your suggestions for our groups.
Refuge Support Volunteer
Availability 1 – 3 days per week
We are looking for an approachable volunteer with good interpersonal skills, self-motivated and able to carry out tasks unsupervised, flexible and interested in Domestic and Sexual Violence and it’s impact on women and children. This is an extremely varied role, helping with the day to day running of the refuge and supporting women and children affected by Domestic and Sexual Violence.
Children & Families Assistant
Availability 1 – 2 days per week
The children & families assistant will be supporting the day to day running of the children’s service. This may include: Supporting women to attend appointments, draw up activity timetables, running groups, keep records of all activities and making contact with women via telephone. Experience of working with children is required.
To apply please complete the application and monitoring form on the website.  Deadline 4th April.
Please note that the volunteer opportunities are open to women only (exempt under the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1), and that these volunteer roles are exempt from the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974 and subject to enhanced DBS checks.

History Pin seeks Marketing & Project Coordinator 60%

Start Date: April 2018.  Closing date: 19th March.
Fixed term contract until end of November 2018, with possibility for extension
£24,000 – £26,000, Mon – Fri, some evening / weekend work may be required
Place of Work: Historypin, London Please see this link for full details.

Can you help? Venue needed for Summer 2019 for Anne Frank exhibition

The Anne Frank Trust are an education charity who empower young people through education to challenge prejudice and discrimination.
The Anne Frank Trust are looking for a venue for their “Anne Frank + You” exhibition in Camden in Summer 2019, following the delivery of educational programmes in schools. The exhibition takes a unique look at Anne Frank’s life and diary and then raises issues of racism, conflict and identity in Britain today. The space needed is 100m2 space with a 2.5m ceiling height. For more information contact sarab@annefrank.org.uk

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