Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 23rd September 2016


Age UK Camden’s Online Directory; Camden Carers Centre has moved; Celebrating 50 Years of Henderson Court; Free HR Courses for Camden Organisations; Opportunity for capital funding in King’s Cross; Talk for Health Men Only Programme; Age UK London events and digital workshops for older peoples groups; Free Employability Training for Your Volunteers; Fastlaners helps 18 – 25 year olds + funding jobs, volunteers, events, training, offers and resources.

Are you looking for older people’s services in Camden?

Then look no further than Age UK Camden’s Online Directory.
The Online Directory is a simple search tool to find information about care, health, housing, money, leisure and other Camden-based services for older people. As well as browsing the listings, you can download useful factsheets and leaflets at the touch of a button.
Although the Online Directory is regularly updated, the list not exhaustive. If you think something should be added or you notice something is missing, please do let us know. Email: online.directory@ageukcamden.org.uk or call us on 020 7239 0400.


Farewell Kentish Town
From the end of September Voluntary Action Camden will be based in the same building as West Euston Partnership at 29- 31 Hampstead Rd, London NW1 3JA. Email addresses and phone numbers remain the same.

Camden Carers Centre has moved
We can now be found at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre, Belmont Street, NW1 8HF. We have our own dedicated offices, including quiet space for counselling, health checks and carers’ assessments. Our phone number, email addresses and website remain the same, so you can still get in touch at info@camdencarers.org.uk or 020 7428 8950. You can also find out about our activities for unpaid carers in Camden at http://www.camdencs.org.uk/activities and follow our news on Facebook (www.facebook.com/Camdencarersservice) and Twitter (twitter.com/CamdenCarers)

Celebrating 50 Years of Henderson Court
Saturday 1st October 12 – 4pm, 102 Fitzjohns Ave, NW3
Photography Exhibition, Food and Drink, Bolder Choir, Live Music www.ageukcamden.org.uk

Free HR Courses for Camden Organisations
The Communities and Third Sector team at Camden Council are pleased to be able to offer Camden voluntary and community groups a series of HR training workshops. The workshops are free and will take place between 9.45 and 1pm at the Town Hall Judd Street. See Other Events section below for full details.

Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in King’s Cross Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from a property development in King’s Cross Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers. See ‘Offers’ below section for details.

Talk for Health Men Only Programme
The FREE 4.5 day Talk for Health programme enables wellbeing and good relationships by teaching:
Open and truthful talking
Empathic listening
Basic counselling skills
Tools for better relationships
After the training, you gain access to a network of support groups.
It’s for men who want to take care of their wellbeing and is FREE for those living in Islington and Camden as it is NHS-funded.
Book a place on a taster session: email info@talkforhealth.co.uk,
call us on 07826 148 461, or text ‘call me’ and we will get in touch with you.

Age UK London events and digital workshops for older peoples groups
Music & Memories with SPOTIFY volunteers, Tuesday 27th September from 11am until 1pm
Taking place at: SPOTIFY, 4TH Floor, 25 Argyll Street, London W1F 7TU
For more information https://spotifytechytea.eventbrite.co.uk
Older Private Renters in London Wednesday 28th September from 10.30 until 1pm
Taking place at: Age UK London, 6th Floor, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA
For more information and the full programme http://privaterenters28sept.eventbrite.co.uk
Equalities training – older LGBT best practice Friday 30th Sept from 10.30am to 2pm with lunch
Taking place at: Age UK, 2nd Floor, Room B, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9NA
For more information http://equalitiesolgbtsept16.eventbrite.co.uk
If any of these sessions are of interest please get in touch with Sharon Tynan at Age UK London on 0207 820 6776 or email stynan@ageuklondon.org.uk

Free Employability Training for Your Volunteers
International property group Lendlease is running an Office Insights workshop at their London head office for volunteers in Camden.
The training will take place on: Wednesday 5th October, 10am-2pm near Euston Square / Warren Street Stations
Full details are on the website. The training includes lunch, and places are limited.
Contact catherine@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk for more information or to book a place.

Fastlaners helps 18 – 25 year olds looking for support to get into work
Fastlaners is a 2 week programme designed to equip participants with the knowledge, networks, skills, and confidence to improve their job prospects and find meaningful employment. Participants meet professionals from a range of industries, building their employability skills and personal development: they receive mentoring, participate in mock interviews, network with recruitment professionals, and develop the confidence to secure fulfilling employment.
In addition to two weeks of full-time workshops and opportunities to meet employers, Fastlaners also offers participants ongoing support to find work. Our Fastlaners Programme Coordinator will work on a one-to-one basis to identify well-suited vacancies, support with application and interview prep, and then be on hand with any work-based questions participants may have.
We are looking for 30 young people aged 18-25 who are looking for some support to get into work to join our programme. Participants must be 18 – 25 years old, able to attend sessions in central London; have existing qualifications (A-Levels, or equivalent, as a minimum); be currently unemployed (those on zero-hours contracts may be accepted if they meet other criteria)
uprising.org.uk/fastlaners, or email: fastlaners@uprising.org.uk, twitter; @Fastlaners
The deadline is September 23rd and the programme starts on Monday 3rd October.

Ageing Better In Camden
Read the latest Ageing Better in Camden newsletter here.

Camden Patient Participation Groups Newsletter
Read the latest Camden Patent Participation Groups Newsletter online here.

Coram’s Fields, Macmillan, Evelyn Oldfield, Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre; Age UK Camden and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


Libor Grants Under Fire
Money from Libor fines is being given to charities by the treasury in an opaque process that is increasingly coming under fire. Though it does give an insight into what the current government consider to be ‘good’ charities; The funding is to be used to “support military and emergency services charities and other related good causes that represent those that demonstrate the very best of values”
Read more here and here. .


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

OCS and Nesta announce £4m for older people’s volunteering projects
The Office for Civil Society and Nesta have launched three grant funds totalling £4m to encourage people over 50 to volunteer.
All three funds are open to organisations to apply for funding for and are the first to be funded through the second phase of the Centre for Social Action.
The three funds are:
~ The Second Half Fund – Sharing Time and Talents for Life: grants of up to £250,000 to support the growth of new ways of mobilising the time and talents of people aged over 50.
~ Join In Stay In: grants of up to £50,000 and significant non-financial support from behavioural science experts for organisations to undertake randomised controlled trials to understand what works best to encourage volunteers to continue to give their time regularly.
~ Give More Get More – Exploring Intensive Volunteering: grants of up to £100,000 to support organisations to trial intensive volunteering placements for people over 50 – approaching or in retirement – that work alongside public services. More details at the Gov website.

The Institute of Fundraising is hosting an event at City Hall on the 9th of November to help small charities to try and overcome their fundraising challenges.
Charities in London are vital for local communities, but many smaller charities are also facing a tough funding climate. This event at London City Hall is a chance for small charities from across the capital to hear fundraising experts talk about how best to fundraise from the public, and offer practical guidance and support to help raise funds for their work.
The event will be a mixture of presentations and workshops, hearing and learning from experts and peers in London’s charity sector on:
• How best to engage with those who may be willing to provide large one off donations to your charity.
• How best to ask members of the public for small, regular donations to support your cause.
• How to improve your community events and one off public fundraising activities.
The event is open to all small charities based within London completely free of charge. Spaces are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Charities can register at the following link: http://www.institute-of-fundraising.org.uk/events-and-training/iofevents/conferences/small-charities-in-london-achieving-great-fundraising-in-your/.

Bringing people together
Origin Housing is a charitable housing and care provider, founded in the 1920’s as a slum clearance organisation but with a belief that “housing is not enough”.
Crowdfunder is working with Origin Housing to bring people together and build stronger communities in the north London and Hertfordshire area.
We have £13,500 of extra funding to distribute to projects that make those neighbourhoods a great place to live.
Add your idea to Crowdfunder and gather support to prove its potential impact.
When you hit 25% of your target, you could get up to 50% of your total fundraising target – up to £1,000. And once you hit your target, you can make your idea happen and make a difference.Find out more at http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/plus/origin/origin-housing

Celebrate – A New Grants Programme from the Big Lottery Fund
When was the last time your local community came together? Grants of between £300 and £10,000 for groups to hold one off events or activities which celebrate their local community.
You could celebrate something from your community’s history or a local hero. Or maybe it could a chance to bring people together to get to know their neighbours better. Full details on the Big Lottery Website.

Deutsche Bank Small Grants Fund
If you are a charity, voluntary or community group with an income of less than £250,000 per annum and you need funding for work focusing on increasing social inclusion and improving well being, this fund may be able to help.
The focus of the Small Grants Fund is to help society’s most disadvantaged and communities on the ground.
Projects may fall into any of the following areas:
~ Projects that promote social inclusion, reduce isolation and disadvantage and improve access to services;
~ Projects that advance people’s physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
~ Projects that maximize people’s ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity
The maximum grant size is £5,000. The application is online here.


VAC’s Mental Health Training Programme for BMER groups
Are you a BMER group or do you work with BMER communities?
For more information about our any of our courses, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations working with BMER communities based in Camden, or which serve Camden BMER residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation. Contact mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk

VAC has a programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).


Camden Safer Neighbourhoods Board Volunteers Fair and AGM
Wednesday 26 October, 6.30 pm, in the Council Chamber, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. Come and find out what volunteering opportunities there are available in your area to help reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.
If you are a member of a voluntary/community organisation involved with crime prevention or crime reduction and you would like to recruit new volunteers, please email Peter Ward .

Tai Chi/ Chi Kung Demystified -move breath and meditate
Every Wednesday, 11:00-12:30 at YMCA oneKX 120 Cromer St, London WC1H 8BS – FREE
No need to book – just come along. Breath, relax, energise all ages and levels of experience welcome come along and see if it suits you. The classes are being supported by camden community sport and physical activity officer Andrew Gilbert.

October Volunteer Managers’ Forum + Lunch
18th October, 10.30am-2pm at Kentish Town Community Centre, 17 Busby Place, NW5 2SP
Join us at our next volunteer managers’ forum where we will look at all things volunteer management.
This forum will follow the ‘unconference’ format, which means you are the event organisers / participants on the day. You get out what you put in – so come prepared to muck in.
Integral to the forum will be meeting (and networking with) other volunteer managers in Camden – and lunch is included. Full details and book your free tickets on Eventbrite.

Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) – Camden Public Event – Invitation from local NHS and social care leaders
29th September 2016 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the The Camden Centre, Town Hall, Judd Street, WC1H
Health and social care services across the country are looking to the future. NHS England has asked commissioners and providers to develop local plans to improve your health and wellbeing; to enhance the quality of services you receive at the same time as reducing costs. Not an easy challenge!
But a challenge nevertheless that Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington are trying to address through the development of a North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan. The plan will affect all of us, so local leaders aims to listen to local peoples’ views as part of its development and to involve local people in designing the changes as they take shape.
Senior members of the Sustainability and Transformation Plan Board, from Camden Council, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group and local NHS hospital trusts, would like to invite you to a public information meeting. This is an opportunity to find out more and ask questions about the Plan, its ambition and its impact on you and your community, and how you can be involved further.
You do not have to register to attend. If you have any accessibility requirements, including access arrangements for d/Deaf and disabled people, contact Denise Shaw on denise.shaw6@nhs.net.

Deaf Achieve
This is a Big Lottery funded project that will continue to deliver free workshops, health groups, job clubs, travel groups, financial capability training and one to one support until 2018. The end of February saw the completion of our first year. We are now well into our second year. These are for the deaf community, aged 18-65, living in any of the London boroughs. If want to know more information about Deaf Achieve please contact: deafachieve2@royaldeaf.org.uk.” also our website links http://www.royaldeaf.org.uk/news/sdfsd/

Creative Writing Course for brain injury survivors.
A series of six classes in October and November to help you learn more about the process of creative writing and appreciate your own ability to write creatively in some way. The course is intended to help you discover how to communicate through writing in a way that suits you by exploring what creative writing is, who writes creatively, why people write, where people write and how you can find your own way to write creatively.
To participate please email daniel.forsythe@headwaynorthlondon.org. £10 for the six classes.
St. Pancras Community Asoc, 67 Plender Street, NW1. 1:30 – 3:00 Thursdays 6 Oct – 17 Nov

Celebrating Parents and Carers Event
Free family fun day – ‘Healthy Lives and Healthy Minds’
Saturday 22nd October 2016, 2pm – 5pm
Haverstock School, 24 Haverstock Hill, NW3 2BQ
Please read this event brief before filling in the form
Every year we have our Celebrating Parents (in its 11th year) event during Parents week and we invite the Mayor and the Cabinet member for Children Schools and Families. This year’s theme for the event is ‘Healthy Lives and Healthy Minds’.

Black History Month at the British Library
On Thursday 6th October the British Library will host an evening of performances, lectures and discussion celebrating Black History Month, hosted by the British Library Labs Project and Eccles Centre for American Studies. The Library is offering a limited number of FREE tickets to Camden Residents. Get in touch with Emma.Morgan@bl.uk or 07595 464 363 for more details or to book.

Camden SAPB safeguarding adults conference
Working together towards lives free from abuse – 30 November 2016

This year’s conference will focus on how we can work together more efficiently and share information to keep Camden residents safe.
The conference will be an excellent opportunity for front-facing practitioners working with Camden communities to get together and share their experiences, as well as learn from each other’s practice.
A detailed conference programme will be circulated closer to the date. The event is free to attend for anyone working or volunteering with Camden adults, but we strongly advise booking your place early to avoid missing out.
The details of the event are as follows:
Wednesday, 30th November 2016
Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, Coram Street, London WC1N 1HT
09:00-17:00. Please arrive promptly, registration starts at 9am.
Book your place HERE.

Free HR training workshops for Camden voluntary and community groups
Many small to medium sized organisations do not have the resources to directly purchase HR support on an ongoing basis. In our experience, badly handled employment issues in small to medium sized organisations can destabilise the organisation and affect its delivery.
A robust HR function enables organisations to be more sustainable by strengthening the leadership of an organisation, supporting staff, trustees and volunteers effectively and by preventing crises.
The Communities and Third Sector team at Camden Council are pleased to be able to offer Camden voluntary and community groups a series of HR training workshops. The workshops are free and will take place between 9.45 and 1pm at the Town Hall Judd Street.
The workshops are for managers and trustees of voluntary and community groups based in Camden. To book a place on the workshops that you would like to attend, please click on the Eventbrite links.
HR Essentials Wednesday 28th September 2016
The aim of this workshop is to raise the awareness of potential and new employers about employment legislation and good practice in the workplace.
Managing Poor Performance through Capability Wednesday 19th October 2016
This workshop will focus on managing employees who are underperforming due to lack of capability
Managing Misconduct Wednesday 16th November 2016
This workshop will focus on managing employees who are underperforming due to misconduct
The training will reflect the ACAS Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures.
Handling Workplace Investigations Wednesday 7th December 2016
There are many occasions when an employer may wish to undertake an internal investigation including as part of the disciplinary and grievance process
Staff Appraisals Thursday 12th January 2017
Appraisal is a two-way process of looking backwards to analyse past job performance, and looking forward into the future with a view to improving future performance.
The overall objective of an effective appraisal scheme should be to help each employee to maximise his or her job performance for the joint benefit of the employee and the organisation.
Managing Sickness Absence Thursday 9th February 2017
The aim of this workshop is to increase managers’ confidence and ability to manage staff absence.
Managing Restructure Wednesday 15th March 2017
Many voluntary and community organisations are considering some kind of restructuring in response to the current economic climate. This might include closing a team, amalgamating core functions, general downsizing or some sort of relocation.
Managing Difficult Conversations at Work Wednesday 12th April 2017
Most of us dislike confrontation; we sometimes avoid it which can often lead to even more difficulty, misunderstandings and possible conflict.
In the current climate of continued economic uncertainty, we may find ourselves working with reduced budgets, constant organisational change and ongoing performance issues, as people try to make sense of all this.
The workshops will be run by Shirley Briggs. Shirley is an independent HR consultant. Her background is in social housing where she worked as a HR manager for a number of large housing associations. She managed the PEACe (HR) service at LVSC from 2006-2016 supporting many hundreds of voluntary and community organisations with HR and employment law advice, consultancy and training. She is also a trained workplace mediator.

Camden Intergenerational Network
Thursday 29th September 2016 at Age UK Camden, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square WC1H 9NA from 10am-12pm. Please email items for the agenda to Corinna Gray by Friday 16th September 2016.
Keep in touch via Ageing Better in Camden’s dedicated CIN web page.
Read the full network newsletter here.

‘Made of Money’ is running a 2 day Facilitator Training in London on 5th – 6th October 2016
We also offer ‘in house’ trainings for any organisation or group of organisations to suit you.
‘Made of Money’ is an award winning financial literacy resource, developed by anti-poverty charity Quaker Social Action. It aims to help groups talk about money and its impact on their lives, as well as learn vital money management skills. It is ideal to help front line workers offer support to those on low income, particularly in the run up to the introduction of Universal Credit, and welfare benefit changes.
The cost per person for the 2-day training, (incl lunch), depending on the size of your organisation (£100 for small organisations).
You will also need a set of workshop resources, charged at a subsidised rate of £115. This gives you everything you need to run Made of with groups and 1:1 sessions. (These can be shared within the organisation or between groups of organisations)
Contact mompartner@qsa.org.uk

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Holborn Community Association have two vacancies
Administrator (PT)
who will take on administration and finance duties across all three HCA sites.
An opportunity has arisen to join Holborn Community Association, a growing & exciting community charity in WC1 – a great location to work in. We are seeking a team player who will bring a clear head and systematic approach to their duties across HCA – including administration, reception and finance responsibilities. Most importantly you’ll be enthusiastic about the work that we do and the community we work with. In return we can offer a varied role in a great, fun place to work.
Due to redevelopment plans for our Bedford House site we are currently advertising this role on a short term basis although there may be opportunity for extension following the period detailed in the contract.
Hours per week: 30 Salary: NJC Scale pt 19 currently £21,781 pro rata (inclusive of London weighting)
Fixed term contract October 2016 – 31 March 2017.
Full DBS (CRB) check will be required
Closing Date: Monday 3rd October 2016 at 12 noon.
Interviews will be held Thursday 13th October 2016
who will take on caretaker duties across all three HCA sites.
Following the retirement of our current caretaker Holborn Community Association is seeking a new caretaker. Working across all three of our centres you will be able to take on general repairs, cleaning and arranging specific work with contractors. Most importantly you’ll be enthusiastic about the work that we do and the community we work with. In return we can offer a varied role in a fun place to work.
Due to redevelopment plans for our Bedford House site we are currently advertising this role on a short term basis although there may be opportunity for extension following the initial period
Hours per week: 22 Salary: 18,612 per annum (pro rata) NJC Scale pt 11
Fixed term contract October 2016 – 31 March 2017.
Full DBS (CRB) check will be required. Closing Date: Monday 3rd October 2016 at 12 noon.
Information packs and application forms are available on our website www.holborncommunity.co.uk or by emailing admin@holborncommunity.co.uk

Opening Doors London seeks Memory Club Group Coordinator for older LGBT* people
Approx. 10 hours per month Zero hours contract £15.49
Closing Date: Friday 30th September 2016 – 9 am
Opening Doors London is seeking to recruit a Memory Club Group Coordinator for older LGBT* people.
The purpose of the role is to deliver a structured and facilitated memory and dementia support group by coordinating a varied, interesting and accessible programme of training, talks and cultural activities for Opening Doors London service users, including opportunities for peer support. The support group is for people with dementia, their carers, family and friends.
With the help of volunteers you will be responsible for setting up and managing social groups, organising activities, speakers and volunteers, arranging venues and refreshments.
If you are interested in applying for this role, please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link in our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange (KOVE) seeks Assistant Co-ordinator
32 hours per month. (£4,438 – eight months) Initial contract from 1stNovember 2016 to 30th June 2017
KOVE requires an Assistant Coordinator to help with organising its community projects. KOVE is a registered charity and we are committed to raising the voice of older people in the Kilburn and West Hampstead area. We are a dynamic community-action initiative, working in partnership with Ageing Better in Camden, funded by the Big Lottery.
The Purpose of the job:
• To engage with and encourage older people to participate in KOVE activities and projects
• On occasions to work with and deputise for the KOVE Coordinator at meetings
• To organise activities and projects
• To assist with the planning of KOVE’s Ageing Better programme.
KOVE’s dynamic community programme includes Bench to Bench walks, cinema club, community forums for older people, the KOVEwatchers initiative and campaigning on issues that older people have raised e.g. the need for community seating, safer road crossings, community toilet scheme and accessible public transport.
This post is based on the successful applicant working freelance. Monthly payments will be made on receipt of an invoice. The post holder will be responsible for his/her own income tax and national insurance contributions.
For application information please contact: Mel Wright, KOVE Coordinator: mel.wright@kove.org.uk

Coram’s Fields Seeks 2 Workers
Sessional Youth Worker and Sessional Sports Worker
Hours: Evenings (as and when required) Rate: £9.40 per hour
This is a fantastic opportunity for a highly motivated individual who shares our passion for helping all young people to reach their potential to join our Youth and Sport Team. Coram’s Fields is a well-established, independent Children’s Charity located in the London Borough of Camden which delivers a range of high quality services for young people aged 6-19 years old.
If you require further information about the roles or wish to apply please contact Jonathan: jonathan@coramsfields.org.uk or naz@coramsfields.org.uk
Closing date: 12 pm Friday 7th October 2016
Interview date: week beginning Monday 10th October 2016 (TBC) www.coramsfields.org

2016 Camden Volunteer Awards – nominations invited
Volunteer Centre Camden are hosting the 2016 Camden Volunteer Awards at the Camden Centre in King’s Cross on Thursday 24 November.
The evening will be a celebration of the achievements of Camden’s volunteers. Camden organisations can nominate one or two individual volunteers or one group of volunteers. The closing date for nominations is 5pm on Thursday 27 October. Volunteers can be nominated online. If you need a paper form, please email Sheila Norris at sheila@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk or call 020 7424 9990.

Macmillan Volunteers Wanted
Can you spare a few hours a week to provide practical and emotional support at a difficult time to someone affected by cancer so they can start to feel more in control? Make your time matter so that no one in Camden and Islington faces cancer alone. The support you give can either be one off or once a week for up to 12 weeks. Visits last approximately 1-2hours per week.
Support from our Buddies could include:
• A listening ear and someone to talk to
• Having a chat and a cup of tea
• Simple household tasks eg ironing
• Light shopping
• Accompanying the person affected by cancer to a local cafe or public place
• Signposting other services in the community
For further information regarding this volunteer opportunity visit our volunteer village:
Call: 07860 950 922 Email: nlondonbuddies@macmillan.org.uk

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre recruiting a number of Posts
Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre is currently recruiting for an exciting new Big Lottery/ESF funded employment project. I would be grateful if you could forward the vacancies on to your contacts.
Please see below for details:
Employer Engagement Worker
35 hrs per week 3 year contract £32,200 incl. ILW
Closing date: Wednesday 5th October 2016 at 12.00pm
Administrative and Finance Assistant
35 hrs per week 3 year contract £20,645 incl. ILW
Closing date: Wednesday 5th October 2016 at 12.00pm
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Isabelle Terrisson, Senior Operations Manager. For all other details and an application pack, please contact Ruksana Begum:
Tel: 020 7388 8198 E-mail: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk Web: www.hopscotchawc.org.uk

Trustees Wanted
Volunteer Centre Camden are seeking trustees and a treasurer. Contact dominic@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk if you are interested.

Opening Doors London seeks Community Outreach Officer [LGBT* Connect]
7 hours per week Hourly rate: £15.49
Area to be covered: London Borough of Camden
Opening Doors London (ODL) is the largest service working with and for older LGBT* people in the UK, and is in a unique position to assess the need for, and impact of, focused work with this largely under recognised and often marginalised group. This is an exciting opportunity to join the ODL team as we have just become a charity with our own Board of Trustees and are looking to develop our services across the whole of London.
We are recruiting a worker to support work with older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* (LGBT*) people in and around the London borough of Camden as part of the LGBT* Connect project.
LGBT* Connect is a partnership of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* (LGBT*) people and a number of Camden organisations, working together to reconnect older LGBT* people to local networks, both to improve their wellbeing and to strengthen local communities.
With the help of your line manager and volunteers you will work with members of the older LGBT* community to help them to set up and manage social groups. You will have a focus on finding isolated individuals within and around Camden who may not have heard of the service. You will also be responsible for leading on the collection and inputting of monitoring and evaluation data for the project.
If you are interested in this role please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date: Monday 26th September 2016 – 9.15 am

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or phone: 020 7278 4437

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in King’s Cross Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from a property development in King’s Cross Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance.
This opportunity relates only to money provided to improve community facilities, it does not relate to S106 money received for other purposes, such as infrastructure and parks and open spaces.
The community building or facility must be one of the following:
• Owned by the organisation
• Occupied on a long-term lease
• Owned by the council
If your voluntary & community sector organisation would like to make a proposal for S106 capital money for community facilities, and your premises and service provision fits these criteria, please contact jeff.hopwood@camden.gov.uk and adam.demosthenous@camden.gov.uk (please use both to ensure a swift response).
A proposal form will be supplied, to easily enable response to the following:
• A brief description of the proposal, including how much money you are seeking – an estimate is fine at this stage
• Any relevant deadlines
The form will also ask for information about:
• How an allocation would ensure that the recipient’s facilities are available for the local community
• Whether the organisation or facility has received S106 Community Facilities funding before
• Whether the capital project has any match funding or pledges of match funding
• How the proposal will address Camden Plan priorities and the Council’s investment tests:
Proposal forms will need to be returned by the 14th October 2016, officers intend to consider the proposals during October, and discuss with ward members and relevant Cabinet Members. Decisions are expected to be made by the beginning of November. Queries to Jeff or Adam as above

Camden Consultations
You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.

