Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin – 25th November 2022


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
25th November 2022

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This week we spotlight the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service who can link residents to help during the cost of living crisis.

We also have a reminder about the upcoming VAF on the cost of living challenges and information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

The Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service is here to help with the cost of living crisis.

Alongside our upcoming Voluntary Action Forum on Tuesday 29th November, which will discuss the cost of living crisis and the challenges we are all facing, we would like to remind you all that the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service can help residents to access the local services that they may need, including help with issues related to the cost of living.

The VAC team works in partnership with Age UK Camden, Wish Plus and the North Central London Integrated Care Board and is available for both self referral or the referral of another who may be in need of some assistance.

To learn more or contact the service, please click here

VAC Cost-of-Living Forum 
Tuesday 29th November, Online: 11am – 1:15pm

Before we have begun to recover from the impact of the pandemic, the voluntary and community sector is faced with another crisis that will have even more profound and damaging effects.
The cost-of-living crisis threatens the continued resilience of the VCS sector, and VAC is calling for cross-sector unity and resistance to the much-anticipated reduction in public spending.

In October, VAC launched a member survey to better understand how the crisis is impacting the VCS, how community organisations are responding, and what further support the sector needs to tackle this new challenge.

Following a review of the survey results, VAC is holding a forum discussion with guest speakers from the sector to share the results of the survey, explore the challenges the VCS is facing and begin to identify practical and reliable solutions.

Learn more and register your free place hereplease be aware that if you are unable to book a spot, please check back later on, we are in the process of adding additional places.

The Children’s Society Report: Young People with SEND Experiences of School Exclusions
The Children’s Society has published A Report on Young People with SEND Experiences of School Exclusions. The report is informed by young people with SEND who have experienced exclusions and concludes with recommendations for schools, local authorities and government.
You can read the report here

To supplement the learning within the report, The Children’s Society are holding a series of webinars. The practitioner focused webinar will be on 30th November 2022.
To register for this event, please click here

Free Childrens Yoga classes for Camden residents aged 5-11
Saturday 26th November, 3rd ,10th and 17th December: 11am-12pm at Old Diorama Arts Centre NW1 3FE

These classes give children the opportunity to explore yoga through breathing exercises, poses, partner work, games and meditation. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water. Yoga mats will be provided.

To book a place, please email cherylreynald@yahoo.co.uk or message 07838214534.

Could you foster a Camden child?
Have you got space in your heart and home to foster a Camden child? Camden needs more people who are willing to provide our vulnerable children with care, stability and consistency.
Camden residents who foster are exempt from paying council tax, as well as receiving generous financial support, specialist training and an allocated social worker.

Visit camden.gov.uk/fostering, email fostering@camden.gov.uk, call 020 7974 1283 or 0800 028 1436 (freephone) to find out more.

The Royal Free Charity is looking for musicians
The Royal Free Charity is looking for musicians to play at a Christmas party for hospital volunteers!
Whether it’s with festive tunes or classical accompaniment, we would love to say thank you to our volunteers who work so hard to support the hospital patients and staff.
The party is on Tuesday 13th December, 2-4pm, at the Pears Building (NW3).
If you are available, please contact Rebecca.McMahon@royalfreecharity.org

Calling all local performers, choirs and community groups
Castlehaven Community Association is looking for performers to showcase their talents at their annual winter festival, WinterFest, on the 9th of December.
The performance can be anything from dance, music, magic or theatre – as long as it’s family-friendly.

If you’re interested in participating, please email scott@castlehaven.org.uk

UCL’s students putting their research skills to good use
UCL’s Community Research Initiative recently held the first in-person Community Research Clinic for voluntary & community sector organisations to access research support from their friendly neighbourhood university!
Over 40 PhD students, already with great research skills, underwent training in consultancy skills on 10th November 2022. Now new trainee consultants, they were ready to work with the clinic’s first ‘clients’ during a fantastic afternoon where ideas were turned into project briefs.

Read all about it here

A meeting for d/Deaf and hard of hearing people in the Community
Monday 5th December: 5:30pm – 7:30pm at The Greenwood Centre 37 Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB

University College London Hospital (UCLH) Transformation and Patient Experience teams have arranged a meeting for d/Deaf and hard of hearing people who use the hospital.
It’s an opportunity to share insights about the experience of using UCLH services and discussing any improvements that can be made.

Numbers are limited and priority will be for d/Deaf and hard of hearing community members. Hearing members of the community will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis

Please email uclh.ppi@nhs.net and let us know what communication support you may need to attend.

Henna Asian Womens Group
Henna Asian Womens Group provides a range of ways to connect with other people. Our services include exercise, music & singing, ESOL, Art & Craft, Henna Support Group, Chai with Henna and the Wellbeing Hub.
It is also a place for you to also get information and support.

The Henna Asian Womens Group AGM will be on the 5th of December 2022 from 1pm – 3pm. Please call us on 0207 372 9860 to confirm your attendance before 28th November.

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
VAC recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Voluntary Community Sector.

We are collating information and resources to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis. To find out more, click here

Camden Infrastructure Alliance: Cost-of-Living Crisis Joint Statement 

The Camden Infrastructure Alliance – Voluntary Action Camden, C4 and Volunteer Centre Camden – have published a joint statement urgently calling for targeted financial government support for the Voluntary and Community Sector in the face of the cost-of-living crisis.

We are deeply concerned about the additional pressures of a cold winter on Camden’s already overstretched community services.

To read the full statement, please click here

Cost-of-Living Support in Camden 

Everyone is likely to need a bit of help this winter, so if you’re struggling, please reach out for help. Camden Council offers support with debt, mental health, food, rising energy bills, finding a job and more.

Learn more here or call Camden Council on 020 7974 4444 (Option 9).

London’s Borough Poverty Profile 2022 

Trust for London has published an analysis of borough-level poverty in London, with new figures covering five years of data up to 2019/20. The report reveals that the impact of housing costs to poverty rates is acutely apparent within London at borough level.

Camden is among the top 10 boroughs where housing costs are having the biggest impact on poverty rates.

Read more here

Community Infrastructure Levy Funds

Closing date: Monday 19th Dec 2022

When new building projects take place in Camden, the developers are usually charged a fee known as the Community Infrastructure Levy. Camden Council is asking for your views and ideas to make sure local CIL funds are spent on the things most important to you.

Have your say here

Camden Estate Parking Changes 

Camden Council wants to hear your views on proposed changes to how parking is managed on Camden Council’s housing estates. The current system means it’s difficult to control parking on estates, and permit holders find it increasingly difficult to find a parking space.

Have your say on proposed changes here

Camden Local Plan Review 

Work has started on reviewing the Camden Local Plan 2017, which provides the framework for managing development in the borough. This is your opportunity to shape the future of Camden.

The engagement on the Local Plan Review is open from the 4th November 2022 to the 13th January 2023. This will inform the preparation of a draft Local Plan to be published in 2023.

Click here to have your say.

Local Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Abbey Community Centre Newsletter
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

VAC administered Google Grants

The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

BBC Children in Need: Emergency Essentials 

The BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme grants items to vulnerable children and young people facing a crisis, such as a bed to sleep in, or a cooker to provide a hot meal. In response to the cost-of-living crisis, the programme has introduced new items to form an individual package of support, tailored to each household’s needs. The new items include small kitchen appliances and items to help keep the individual warm.

Learn more here

CDA Social and Community Fund
Closing date: 1st December 2022
Central District Alliance have launched the second round of the Social and Community Fund via ActionFunder. The fund will support charities and organisations in Camden with grants of up to £3,000.
Learn more here

BBC Children in Need Core Costs Grant
BBC Children in Need is offering core cost grants to support essential organisational and administrative spending. Core costs include key expenses required to keep your organisation running. This funding stream has no application deadline – you can apply at any time.

Learn more here

Lloyd’s of London Foundation Grant

Closing date: 11th December 2022
Applications are now open for the Lloyd’s of London Foundation’s 2023 charity partnerships – this is an opportunity for charities to apply for a grant to support projects in the areas of employability, social mobility, mental health, climate and disaster avoidance and relief.
Learn more here

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust 

The principal objectives of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust are the alleviation of poverty and the advancement of health in the Trust’s area of benefit. They make grants to organisations, individuals and families.

Learn more here

North London Community Fund 

Closing date: 11pm on 16th December 2022

NLWA has established the North London Community Fund to support waste prevention initiatives in the north London area. This fund provides community-based (non-profit making) organisations with funding to develop new approaches to reduce waste and/or extend the reach and impact of existing waste prevention activity in north London.

Learn more here

Camden Childcare Grant 

If you’re a lone parent in Camden and you’re interested in looking for a new job, to re-enter employment, or want to expand your skillset by attending training or education sessions, you may be eligible for a grant worth up to £1,500 to cover childcare costs while attending job interviews, training or education sessions.

Learn more here

Propel Funding
Propel is a new fund launched by London Funders to enable organisations to explore, develop and lead collaborative approaches to tackle some of London’s biggest challenges. It has three priorities: A New Deal for Young People; Building Strong Communities and Robust Safety Net.
Learn more here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Gambling and Related Harms Webinar 

Tuesday 29th Nov: 10 – 11.30am

The subject of gambling and its associated harms is acknowledged by experts as a serious health issue, with far reaching consequences. It negatively affects finances, mental health and relationships, not just for the gambler but for the those around them. If you would like to know more about gambling addiction and related harms, please join this free, CPD-accredited webinar.

Sign up here

Inclusive Education: Unheard Voices Panel 
Tuesday 6th Dec at the Greenwood Centre: 5:30 – 8pm

Inclusive Education: Unheard Voices is an event for SEN/education professionals and social care workers, organised by young people with learning disabilities and concerning their experience in education. The panel will feature young people, SEN specialists and an audience discussion.
Register your free place here

St Pancras Community Association Christmas Fayre 

Saturday 10th Dec at 67 Plender Street: 11am – 4pm

SPCA is excited to announce their first ever Christmas Fayre. Bring your family and enjoy a whole host of festivities, including stalls, music, food, drinks and Santa’s Grotto.

Learn more here

Castlehaven Community Association: WinterFest Returns  

Friday 9th Dec: 3:30 – 7pm

Castlehaven Community Association’s festive extravaganza, WinterFest, is returning! Come along for a jam-packed afternoon of festive fun, stalls, performances and a mince pie or two.

If you’re a local business, organisation or community group that would like to run a stall, perform or volunteer at WinterFest, please contact info@castlehaven.co.uk

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Castlehaven Community Association Vacancies 

Closing date: 5th December

Environmental Project Assistant (FT – £24k)

Health Haven Community Health Worker (FT – £27k)

Health Haven Project Manager (FT –  £33k)
Learn more and apply here

VoiceAbility: Peer Mentors Needed 

VoiceAbility is urgently seeking volunteers to support people who are struggling with their mental health in Camden. Are you a good listener, non-judgemental, empathetic & understanding? Do you have lived experience of mental health challenges? If so, you could volunteer as a Peer Mentor.

Learn more here or contact volunteering@voiceability.org

Compost Newham Vacancies 

Compost Newham is recruiting two roles to lead its Compost Newham project, a bespoke programme of working to support Newham’s Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector to grow and thrive. The work aims to offer a programme of development support including: capacity building, network development, events and training and building cross-sector relationships.

For more information, click here or contact mailto:anne@compostlondon.org.uk

Healthwatch Camden Vacancy: Research & Administrative Officer (PT) 

Healthwatch Camden is hiring a part-time Research & Administrative Officer to work on providing an information service for Healthwatch Camden, helping to ensure that it is readily accessible, and effectively directing people to the support or advice they need.

To apply, email your CV to info@healthwatchcamden.co.uk

SPCA Vacancy: Community Cafe Manager (PT) 

SPCA are seeking someone to manage and run their Community Café and team of volunteers. The manager will also promote the café in the community by arranging activities in the café setting.

To learn more and apply, click here

Long Covid survey
The Community Links team at VAC are working with the University of Southampton to facilitate a study into Long Covid. If you had, or think you had, Covid 3 or more months ago and yet continue to experience symptoms that are not explained by any other health conditions the study would like to talk to you about your experiences.

Symptoms can include, but are not limited to: exhaustion, memory or concentrations issues, breathlessness, persistent headaches and muscle aches, chest tightness, palpitations, dizziness and sleep disturbance.
As a token of appreciation there is a £15 shopping voucher available for participation.

The Community Links team at VAC can also assist Camden residents with access to the long covid clinic at UCLH.
For further information please contact Nasrin at nrashid@vac.org.uk or Donna Clutterbuck at LongCovid@soton.ac.uk or call/text  “Long Covid Research’’ on 07721520243.

London Community Foundation: Community Heroes

The London Community Foundation is calling for community groups to celebrate their staff and volunteers. To get involved, share a photograph of your nominated staff member with a few words about the person and why they are a hero. Use the hashtag #HeroesOfLondon and tag @London_cf on Twitter.

Learn more here

Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Outdoor Interventions 

Natural England is leading a cross-government research project to understand how practitioners, policy makers and providers evaluate the health and wellbeing benefits of outdoor interventions. This work aims to better understand current approaches to evaluations, and how data on the health and wellbeing benefits can be collected more effectively and consistently to support decision-making.

Share your thoughts in a survey here

WAVE in a Box Resource 

WAVE in a Box is a resource created by WAVE for Change that offers support to those who want to create activities for people with and without learning disabilities to socialise together. This includes online resources packed with learning, downloadable assets and practical guidance. You will receive membership to WAVEmaker Forum, where you can meet like-minded people who want to see more vibrant, mixed-ability activities in their communities.

Learn more here

‘Warm Welcome’ Spaces in Camden 

To help everyone stay warm this winter, ‘warm welcome’ spaces are available across Camden. You’ll find them in libraries, children’s centres and other community buildings across the borough. Everyone is invited to come in, relax and meet up with others in a safe and warm place.

Find a warm space here

Single Parent of Biracial Children Support Group 
IamIrish welcomes single parents of biracial children of Irish descent to join an online support group. Groups take place once a week and are free and child-friendly.
To sign up, contact Murray at community@iamirish.org

Community Kitchen & Warm Space  

SPCA are proud to announce the opening of their new Community Kitchen & Warm Space at St Pancras Community Association, 67 Plender Street. Come alone or with your family to get a free meal and join in with activities.

To learn more, click here

SPCA Boutique: Winter Warmers 

Free winter clothes are available at a new boutique on the ground floor of St Pancras Community Association, 67 Plender Street.

Donations of clean winter clothes and blankets are welcomed.

To learn more, click here

Winter Wellness Project 

The Elizabeth House Winter Wellness Project supports older council tenants to keep warm and well during the winter. From October 2022, if you are over 65, Elizabeth House can help you access grants and support to keep your home warm, access flu jabs, learn about local activities and more.

For more information, click here

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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