Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 14th August 2015

Highlights: VCS Engagement Feedback from Camden Council; VAC Survey; Ageing Better in Camden: St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project; Prince’s Trust Team Programme; The Lab Project at Kingsgate Workshops; New Evelyn Oldfield Unit Research for Action and Influence Course; Consultations launched into voluntary sector role in health and care; Volunteer Management Training; LivingWell Day at KTCC; Made of Money training; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


VCS Engagement Feedback from Camden Council
A message from Fiona McKeith.”Thank you for taking the time to respond to the engagement paper ‘Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector: Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’.
One hundred and six people from eighty-four organisations responded to the paper at several events.
You can now view an overview of responses to the paper here, as well as a spreadsheet showing all the comments made at the Senate House and drop-in events, and notes of the discussion held at the VCS Strategic Forum.
Next steps: We will use the feedback generated by the engagement paper to inform a single synthesised proposal which will be formally consulted on in autumn 2015. A consultation document clearly explaining the proposed option will support this process.
The consultation process will run for six weeks. Recommendations will then be sent to the Council’s December Cabinet for a decision.”
You can read VAC’s original response on behalf of the sector on the VAC website.

Help Us Help You – Complete the VAC Survey
VAC provides a range of services and support to the voluntary and community sector and social enterprises in Camden. With further cuts and policy changes anticipated in Camden the knock on effect to local organisations is going to be challenging.
We would appreciate it if you could complete our short questionnaire to help VAC understand what support or services you are likely to need from VAC over the next couple of years and how we can help best advocate on your behalf for the sector.
The survey consists of 13 short questions and shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. You can also opt to keep your responses anonymous if you prefer to do so.
You can complete the survey via the following Survey Monkey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5ZLH8M6
Or on our website, at: https://vac.org.uk/influence/surveys-and-polls/survey-what-support-do-you-need-from-vac/
All completed surveys will be entered into a prize draw for a £20.00 cash prize!

Ageing Better in Camden: St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project
A briefing meeting for interested organisations was held on 10th August. If you would like the powerpoint from that meeting, please contact Judy Harrington on judy.harrington@ageukcamden.org.uk.
This project aims to:
· Build a group of active and involved older people working together to improve their lives and their community
· Create an environment where older participants are less lonely and socially isolated
· Improve the lives and community of people living in St Pancras and Somerstown.
The ITT documentation will be published w/b 28th September 2015
The deadline for submission will be 19th November 2pm.
There will be an interview for applications shortlisting, with a panel consisting of older people and Ageing Better in Camden Strategic Board members or appointees, the fortnight beginning 30th November 2015.
The successful organisation will be informed by the end of December 2015, with a project start date of 1st April 2016.
If any of you want any support working up a partnership bid, or looking at working in partnership, Kevin Nunan at VAC is able to provide support. Please email him on knunan@vac.org.uk
Please contact Judy Harrington judy.harrington@ageukcamden.org.uk or Corinna Hyman Corinna.hyman@ageukcamden.org.uk

Prince’s Trust Team Programme
The next Prince’s Trust TEAM Programme at Canalside Activity Centre is starting on 21/09/15.
For 16-25 years old; Unemployed or not in education or training; Available to attend a 12 week course full time
Team is a 12-week personal development course that will help you to develop your employability skills and to move into education, employment or training.
· Get a nationally recognised qualification: “Certificate in Employment, TEAMWORK AND Community Skills”( Entry Level 3, Level 1 or 2)
· Enrol as a student at LCBT college
· Five-day team-building residential
· Two-week work experience placement
· Community project and team challenges
· A better chance of moving into a job, education or training
· The chance to make a difference in your community – and big boost to your confidence!
For information, please do not hesitate to contact Mustapha Elmsioui mustapha.elmsioui@epiccic.org.uk

The Lab Project at Kingsgate Workshop Trust 14th – 21st August
The Lab Project is a month long series of Arts-Science events on the theme of Multisensory perception in art. The overall project is called The Lab Project a is the culmination of a research and development process that has involved multidisciplinary knowledge exchange and interactive workshops.

New Evelyn Oldfield Unit Research for Action and Influence Course 2015-16
Accredited London Region Open College Network, Level 3
Are you interested in working towards a qualification whilst gaining some useful and practical skills in research and presentation skills? Then this course is for you.
Starting from October, we will run 22 half-day sessions spread over 9 months. We will support RMCO representatives to gain the skills and confidence to be able to research issues of refugee and migrant communities including education, training and employment, welfare and social concerns.
The course will be structured around a series of formal training sessions together with self-led personal projects and optional course visits.
The training is free. Participants will benefit from mentor support, tutorials and one to one support from the tutor.
Eligibility and how to apply:
This is a course for refugees and migrants only. Applicants must be active in a refugee or migrant community organisation working in London (this can be paid or voluntary). English levels have to be sufficient to manage independent report writing. Applicants will be selected based on their likelihood to have most impact on their communities and commitment to the course.
Please contact Alexandra, EOU administrator on 020 7697 4100 / Alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk for further information and/ or to request an application form.

NHS England: Consultations launched into voluntary sector role in health and care
Two new consultations will help to determine the future of voluntary sector involvement in health and care.
As part of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) review, respondents from the voluntary and health and social care sectors will give their views on the current state of partnership working, and how closer collaboration could be fostered.
The second consultation will also seek views on the role and effectiveness of the government’s current ‘voluntary sector investment partnership’ suite of grants.
Commissioned by the Department of Health, NHS England, and Public Health England, the VCSE review is overseen by its advisory group of representatives including those from the voluntary sector.
Both consultations will remain open until Friday 6 November and are available to complete below:
Link to the consultation: VCSE Review – Discussion Paper on the Voluntary Sector Investment Programme
Link the the consultation: VCSE Review – Discussion paper on the challenges and solutions to better investment in and partnership with the VCSE sector

National News
NAVCA response to Third Party Campaigning review
“In response to the Review of Third Party Campaigning we would like to reiterate our opposition to the Act as we have done throughout its entire Parliamentary passage. It creates unnecessary red tape for charities and community groups and discourages the healthy discourse that democracy needs.
The Act also gives the impression that some politicians do not like charities.
The Government has failed to explain or demonstrate the threat to democracy the act intends to deal with.
In a climate of austerity the Government needs to consider the proportionality of this legislation and how much it has cost the Electoral Commission to regulate.
We also call for a simplification of the guidance (which currently comprises an overwhelming 133 pages of information).
“This act is a dog’s dinner. Its origins were in the lobbying scandals involving MPs but it was used to attack charity campaigning. Although the Government is trying to improve it – and Lord Hodgson is a good person to try and do this – they would be better just scrapping it entirely.”
Kids Company Folds
Kids Company has been wound up. The saga says much about government and the public’s lack of knowledge of charities. A staff member tells what it was like to work there. Another ex staff member gives a better picture of the situation than most journalists have managed.
Former Charity Commissioner Satirizes Current Political Ignorance of Charity Campaigning
Andrew Purkis casts a humourous eye over charity campaigning in Civil Society magazine.

Volunteer Management Training
VCC’s Measuring The Impact of Your Volunteering Programme training course will give you practical, user-friendly tools to help you do just that.
Measuring The Impact Of Your Volunteering Programme For Beginners
Thursday 1st October 10am-1pm @ The Wellcome Trust in Euston
You will receive a copy of the NCVO measuring impact toolkit (£35) to take away. With that in mind, free places will be £35+booking fee and the rest will be £94+booking fee.
To book your place and to find our more information have a look at Eventbrite.

LivingWell Day at KTCC
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 10am – 4pm Free
Relax at Kentish Town Community Centre this September with a free day of activities to feed mind and body.
FREE crèche for Under 5s, meditation, yoga and much more!
– Meditation for Beginners 10.30am and 4pm
– Five Ways to Well-Being 11.15am
Explore 5 ways to improve your wellbeing with one of Voluntary Action Camden‘s Mental Health Champions
– Yoga for Beginners 12pm
– Lunch + Talk on Nutrition 1pm
– Vital Dance + Development 2.15pm
– Art + Music Session 2pm
– Sleep Talk 3.15pm
Tips on getting a good night’s sleep by one of Voluntary Action Camden‘s Mental Health Champions.
This day is open to carers, parents or guardians with young children, and anyone who suffers from anxiety or stress. Drop-ins welcome.
The centre is wheelchair accessible. If you require additional on-site assistance please ring 020 7482 3212
The creche will operate on a first come first served basis between 10am-1pm. To register your interest or to help out on the day please email isabelle@ktcc.org.uk. More information on the KTCC website.

Want to get involved with study on immigration?
The aim of this study is to assess the people’s views on immigration. The study is looking for:
1) Native Britons who currently live in LONDON (born and raised in the UK; have not lived outside of UK for an extended time)
2) Recent Immigrants who currently live in LONDON (from any country; in the UK for 5 YEARS OR LESS; have not previously lived in the UK).
Provide your opinions on immigration
Read a short article about immigration and answer some question about the article
Answer some general questions about your community (where you live) and yourself (personal opinions, demographics). This study is online and will take about 20-25 minutes to complete.
As thanks, participants will be given a £10 e-voucher (Amazon) or have the option of donating their payment to UNICEF UK. For additional information about the study and to determine eligibility please contact Naledi Hollbruegge at k.n.hollbruegge@qmul.ac.uk

Age UK Camden shortlisted for two prestigious awards
Age UK Camden has been shortlisted for two awards, one is for volunteering and UK wide, the other for marketing is Europe-wide. Firstly Geraldine McCarthy is “in the frame” for the Third Sector Awards 2015 in the Volunteer Manager of the Year category. The winners will be announced at a prestigious black tie dinner on 24th September. More here: http://www.thirdsectorexcellenceawards.com/shortlist-2015
Secondly, Opening Doors London (ODL), the ground-breaking regional Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) service based at Age UK Camden, has been shortlisted for the European Diversity Awards for Marketing Campaign of the Year. Winners will be announced at the ceremony on 30th September. More here: http://europeandiversityawards.com/shortlist-2015/
Requests for more information to Jo Bartlett-Hubbard please.

Free Furniture to Camden Groups
A local firm is giving away 6 desks and chairs, mini fridges and filing cabinets.
To be collected by the end of August.
Contact Tara Ansari :tara762003@yahoo.co.uk

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Camden Carers Centre, Camden Society, SHAK, Age Uk Camden, Voiceability, Camden Hub, Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

£1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action.
The money is provided by a combination of the Pears Foundation, UK Community Foundations (UKCF) and the government, and the fund will eventually make £1.77m available. £1.26m is available nationally.
Applications will close on August 28. There is no minimum and maximum size of grant available.
For more information and to apply go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-youth-social-action-fund-expressions-of-interest

The Jack Petchey Foundation small grants for youth programmes
The Small Grants Fund allows those organisations who are running the Achievement Award Scheme well, to apply for a small grant of up to £750 to enhance their work with young people.
Please note that you must already be running the Achievement Award in your school or club, AND you must have recently nominated a Leader Award winner too. For more information on this see How to Apply.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Made of Money
Tues 22nd & Wed 23rd September2015
Award-winning financial education project, offered as two day facilitator training
We’ll equip you to deliver flexible content around savings, credit, debt, communication,
coping with consumer culture, and children & money
Sliding costs from £100 to £350; in-house trainings also available
100% of trained facilitators would recommend Made of Money to other organisations
Made of Money is a project of Quaker Social Action (QSA) www.quakersocialaction.org.uk/madeofmoney

Camden People First will be having a green space event on 17th August
This event will share knowledge and experiences on Disability hate and mate crime, in efforts to bring awareness, educate and help put a stop to disability hate and mate crime; especially within the local community.
The event will be held in Harrington Square Gardens on 17th August from 11am to 3pm, and we aim to have stalls set up from local service providers. The event is aimed at service users as well as the local community and general public.

Promoting Change Training
Our enthusiastic trainers have designed this course specifically for professionals across Camden and Islington, and will focus on guiding and supporting learning opportunities by challenging you, reinforcing involvement and maintaining an energetic pace throughout the programme.
By attending the course you will:
· Gain an insight into the key health promotion messages for smoking, healthy eating, physical activity and alcohol consumption
· Understand how to effectively raise the topic of health behaviours in your conversations
· Learn how to effectively shape behaviours to support a healthy lifestyle and encourage independence
· Explore the best way to put these skills and strategies into practice within the context of your own role
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis so don’t delay – take the next step in your professional development and confirm your place today: http://promotingchangetraining.eventbrite.com
Contact Paula Prince at Whittington Health NHS for dates or for more information:
Email: paula.prince@nhs.net Telephone: 0207 527 1189. Free. I day. 7, 10 or 30 September.

Camden Ageing Network Meeting
Councillor Larraine Revah Camden’s Champion for Older people invites you to attend the Camden Ageing Network 2-4pm on 9th September 2015 in The Council Chamber, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, WC1
The meeting provides an opportunity for you to hear and ask questions about many new projects and initiatives
The meeting will include update from
• Camden’s older peoples commissioner
• Age UK Camden on new projects and initiatives in Camden for older citizens
• Kilburn Older Voices Exchange presents what KOVE is currently doing with Ageing Better Camden and to show their new film A Nice Cup of Tea.
• Community Programmes: provision for local adults at the British Museum
Plus more to be confirmed. Please call: 0207 974 1459 if you require further information

Training from HEAR
Supporting LGBT+ Asylum Seekers and Refugees – 10 September 2015

10am to 1pm (arrival from 9.30am). Voluntary Action Islington/LVSC, 200a Pentonville Road, N1 9JP (close to Kings Cross station). Trainer: Jess McIntyre, Reach Out.
This training develops themes and topics from other popular HEAR training on supporting refugees and asylum seekers and on supporting LGB people and Trans Awareness, and reflects HEAR’s commitment to training on more complex intersectional topics. This training is for anybody that may work with or support asylum seekers or refugees. Learn, in a supportive and open learning environment, how to provide safe spaces for vulnerable people with complex needs.
Trans Awareness – 7 October 2015
10am-1pm (arrival from 9.30am) Roots and Shoots, Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington, SE11 6DN (near Lambeth North tube station). Trainer: Lee Gale. This training is back by popular demand!
This workshop will be an interactive session that aims to increase your understanding of identities and language used in Trans communities, to increase your confidence when supporting Trans people and create awareness of Trans people’s experiences. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and explore these topics in a friendly and supportive environment. This training is organised in partnership with HEAR’s London for All partners LVSC.
Gender Recognition Act – 4 November 2015
10am-1pm (arrival from 9.30am) Fitzrovia Community Centre, 6 Foley Street, W1W 6DL (Central London, West End, close Googe Street and Tottenham Court Road). Trainer: Lee Gale.
Whatever your type of service or beneficiary group you will at some point find that trans people are included amongst those who need your service or support. As well as a broader awareness of trans issues, it is important to be aware of the relevant equalities legislation. The Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) is a very important piece of legislation for the rights of trans people in the UK. It enables many trans people to get legal recognition of their affirmed gender and allows them to change their birth certificate to reflect this, giving privacy rights and dignity to people in the UK. This session for London voluntary and community organisations and groups aims to give a brief introduction to the current European situation for legal recognition of trans people, what the GRA covers and who it protects, and how to make sure that you and your organisation comply with this legislation and the law. This training is organised in partnership with HEAR’s London for All partners LVSC. To book your place please email the HEAR Coordinator: hear@reap.org.uk stating your name, organisation, organisation postcode, and whether you have any access or dietary requirements or book online.

Street Step Employability Academy
Street Step is an employability charity that supports 16-24 year olds to get into work, education or training. Our programme provides an opportunity to develop skills, gain qualifications, and get fit through dance and fitness – all while having fun. All of this is happening at the Platform (Hornsey Road Baths, 2 Tiltman Place, off Hornsey Road, London, N7 7EE).
Our Academy has a rolling intake, meaning a young person can join when it’s right for them. Street Step Academy includes:
~ Employability skills and work placements
~ Employability and healthy living qualifications
~ Maths and English qualifications
~ Dance fitness, fun and friends!
~ In-work support once you’ve found a job
You can find out more and get in touch by visiting http://www.streetstep.co.uk/london
If you or a young person would like to learn more about us, come and join us at the Street Step Social. It will run Monday – Thursday at 1:30.
We also run FREE dance fitness classes every Wednesday at 2:30!
For more information – kate.harrison@streetstep.co.uk or 07580 995477

Camden Summer programme 2015
Camden Council has put together an action-packed schedule of activities for all the family to enjoy. There are dozens of free and low cost events across the borough to get involved in.
From BMX to free swimming sessions for residents, there’s something sporty for everyone.
If you’re looking for inspiration, you can Discover a new world with one of the many exhibitions and talks taking place at libraries, museums and galleries, or soak in the atmosphere at community festivals, screenings and live performances with friends and family to Discover a new delight.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Camden this year, you can also Discover Camden 50 with a range of special events. So, whether you want to keep the kids entertained during the holidays, or just explore more of what’s on offer near you, the summer programme offers everything you need this sunny season.
Check out LoveCamden.org/discover for full details of events and activities
Follow @LoveCamden on Twitter for the latest updates
For more details on Camden 50, log on to Camden.gov.uk/camden50

Tennis for blind and partially sighted people
Liven up your Friday evenings – come and play sound ball tennis at The Globe Tennis Club
190A Haverstock Hill, NW3 2AL behind Belsize Park tube station [Northern line] Buses C11, 168 and 268
We can meet and guide people to the tennis club from Belsize Park tube station, Hampstead Heath Overground station or nearest bus stops.
Every other Friday: 14th and 28th August; 11th and 25th September and so on… From 6pm to 8pm
Sessions are FREE. Equipment and coaching provided. Please wear tennis or tennis-like footwear.
Sessions followed by a social get-together.
Want to know more? Phone Rosemary on 07980 328 959 or email: Rosemary@somerstown.org.uk

Free English Classes
Would you like to speak English better? Then come to our free classes.
Every Monday 6pm-8pm at The Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA
Please contact Alexandra for more information on 0207 697 4105 alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Volunteer Role and VAC to Update Website and Database
This role is ideally suited to someone who wants to learn how to edit and update a website using WordPress. It is also suited to anyone looking to gain some experience of volunteering in an office environment with a view to finding or returning to employment. No prior experience is necessary or required as training will be given.
Role Title: Website and Data Entry Volunteer
Responsible to: ICT Training and Communications Support Worker
Salary Scale: Voluntary position
Hours: 1-2 days per week – max 14 hours/week (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Location: VAC, 293 – 299 Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2TJ.
Role Purpose
~ To keep the VAC website up-to-date with the latest funding opportunities as they relate to the local Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.
~ To update and maintain information on the organisation database, as and when required.
~ To provide other data-entry and administrative assistance to the ICT training and communication support worker and other staff, as and when required.
To apply please forward a CV and cover letter to alexcharles@vac.org.uk more details at www.vac.org.uk

Camden Carers Centre seeks Time for Change Young Adult Carer Project Worker
We are looking to appoint a Young Adult Carer (YAC) Project Worker as part of our exiting 2 year Time for Change project. This worker will take a lead role in identifying YACS from all communities throughout Camden, to develop meaningful and ongoing relationships with appropriate agencies, to raise awareness of needs and rights of YACS resulting in YACS being referred for support.
We are looking for someone with excellent communication and organisational skills and the ability to prioritise their workload. This role would suit someone who can work on their own initiative, whist still being part of a friendly and supportive team. Experience in a similar role would be an advantage, but we are also interested in applicants with transferable skills and a positive attitude.
You must have excellent communication skills and knowledge of issues that impact on carers. It is essential that you are able to work with people from local diverse communities and an enhanced DBS check will be essential.
Salary: £28,280.00 p.a. pro rata x 21 hours per week in year 1 x 14 hours per week in year 2
An application pack can be downloaded by from our website, please visit www.camdencs.org.uk/get-involved or by emailing info@camdencarers.org.uk.
Closing date: Midnight, Sunday 23rd August 2015. Interviews: Thursday 3rd September 2015
For more information about the job please call Caroline Allouf Support & Information Service Manager on 020 7428 8956 or email caroline@camdencarers.org.uk

The Camden Society needs your help this August
Each August, the Camden Society organises the Great Escape, a week-long activity holiday for people with learning disabilities and autism. To make the Great Escape happen, we need your help! We are looking for volunteers who can help with setting up and taking down the campsite at either end of the holiday and help with preparations in Kentish Town on Sunday 16th August. This is a fantastic opportunity to help make someone’s holiday happen by giving a few hours of your time and we hope have a lot of fun in the process. If you would like to know more, please contact Kate. whittle@thecamdensociety.co.uk or call 020 7485 8177.

Age UK Camden PSIC is seeking 3 posts:
Personal Health Budgets Direct Payments Support Worker (17.5 hours per week) 12 Months Fixed Term Contract
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa pro rata for 17.5 hours £14,422.50-£15,661.50 plus 6% contributory pension.
Direct Payments Support Worker 2 Posts
35 hours per week, Fixed Term Contract for 9 months and 3 Months
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa plus 6% contributory pension.
Personalization Service In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It is a new venture, having been set up following the collapse of the previous provider of Direct Payments support to under 65’s in Camden.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link to our web site www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9am on Monday 17 August and interviews will be held on Monday, 24th August 2015.

SHAK seeks P/T Employment & Learning Worker
21hrs per week. Salary: £27,300 pa (pro rata)
Shack (South Hempstead and Wilbur Community Partnership) is a charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Airworthy estate in the Wilbur ward of Camden NW London. Our mission is to increase local community confidence and support disadvantaged young people and adults by increasing their life opportunities. We do this by identifying and meeting local needs with a range of opportunities in areas of lifelong learning, youth activities, community involvement, employment support, advice and guidance, volunteering, events etc.
The post holder will be working at “The SHELL Centrex”, a community learning centre on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in NW London Camden Borough, Kilburn ward. The centre was established in 2003 and has good reputation of engaging successfully with the local community especially disadvantaged groups.
Email your CV and a covering letter explaining how you feel you meet the job profile criteria to: johnboyle@shakonline.co.uk
Closing date: 5 pm on 17th August 2015. Interviews held during the week beginning August 24th.

Camden Hub seeks Project Assistant
Be an instrumental part of an innovative project tackling mental ill health in Camden within the Bengali, Black, and Irish communities. We are looking for people who take initiative, can think creatively, and, most importantly, are confident to engage with people. If you are from any of these communities, then your grassroots knowledge, insights and network will be invaluable.
We put people first and will be connecting with them on their terms, wherever they feel most comfortable: clubs or cafes, mosques or churches, college or university, at home or on the go. Having identified people and places, you’ll help to run “mutual learning sessions”. These informal meetups will allow each community to come up with their own original ideas for raising mental health awareness and reducing stigma. Harnessing this energy and insight, you’ll then go on to co produce (together) the most popular and exciting ones.
What you’ll do
~ Investigate and identify where people come together, eg, social clubs, cafes, parent groups, and places of worship;
~ Make contact and create relationships;
~ Meet with individuals and groups. Have informal discussions and “mutual learning workshops” to gain insights and ideas.
~ Later in the project, run “codesign & coproduction sessions” where you’ll help to follow through on ideas people have had, eg, produce a film, create a leaflet, run a popup music studio at schools
You can be involved in a big way: meeting with lots of people, helping to surface many ideas and then helping to see them through.
Or, you may prefer to engage with just one or two groups of people: perhaps you are well situated to meet up with your local barber shop, pub, or youth club, where you’re confident you can get people talking and creating ideas.
Contact Kumar from Camden Hub (camdenhub.org.uk) on 020 7278 4437 or kumar.grant@hcct.org.uk.

Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks Volunteers
The Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group is a new group that meets at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre. The group is looking for a number of volunteers and trustees:
2 Trustees
A Treasurer
A Secretary
A volunteer coordinator
A fundraising volunteer
Ideally you should have some knowledge and/or experience of strokes. For more information and to apply please contact Felix Mboko at minorities.strokeaphasia@gmail.com

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


The Francis Crick Institute, 2015 Winter Workshops Call for Proposals
The Francis Crick Institute will be a world leading centre for biomedical research. Due to open in the King’s Cross area of London in 2016, the Crick is a partnership between Cancer Research UK, the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, University College London (UCL), King’s College London and Imperial College London.
In the run-up to the festive season, the Crick’s Communications and Engagement team is looking to deliver a programme of engaging and creative workshops with schools and community groups. It is envisaged that the project will bring the community together and allow people to explore science in a fun and accessible way, drawing links between creativity, art and science.
We invite proposals from companies or individuals to develop and deliver the following:
~ An arts-based workshop that can be delivered to local community and primary school groups. Participants should be able to create tangible objects, which can be taken home or incorporated into a collaborative piece for display.
The workshops will be delivered between mid-November and mid-December
A maximum of 10 workshops will be delivered in venues specified by the Crick. Groups will be recruited in September.
Each workshop should last no longer than 60 minutes (given the target age range we envision them being shorter than this).
The workshop should be tailored to Years 1 – 2 (5 – 7 year olds) and be easily modifiable to family groups.
The Crick will be responsible for recruiting our target primary schools and community groups.
The workshops will be delivered at the participating schools and community centres. All will take place in the Kings Cross and Euston area, within one mile of the Crick.
In some instances, two workshops will be delivered on the same day at the same school.
The workshop should relate to an aspect of biology and/or biomedical research, and highlight the importance of creativity in scientific discovery.
The workshop should be delivered by the applicant, although the Crick is able to provide some support. For example we can provide volunteers to help with the delivery and assist with the scientific content.
Applicants are welcome to submit proposals for new workshop ideas, or for workshops that have been run in the past. If the latter is the case please include in your application any outputs from previous projects, such as photographs or evaluative findings.
A fee of up to £3000 is available for the successful applicant to cover development time, materials, travel costs and delivery of the workshops.
Please provide in your application:
A description of the workshop
The scientific content to be explored
Ideas for evaluation of the workshop
A detailed budget. Please include your costs per workshop, based on travelling to schools/community groups in Euston and Kings Cross and delivering the workshop 10 times to groups of up to 30.
The deadline for proposals is 5pm Wednesday 26 Aug 2015.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview at our offices in Euston, London during the week commencing 31 August 2015.
For further information or to submit a proposal, please contact Melanie Davies at the Francis Crick Institute: melanie.davies@crick.ac.uk, or 0207 611 2213.

London Councils Grants Programme Consultation 2017 – 2021
This consultation exercise will help London Councils decide whether the grants programme should continue past March 2017 and if it does what the priorities of the programme should be from 1 April 2017.
The consultation will also inform London Councils’ decisions on any future budget and allocation of resources to projects that deliver the priorities.
This consultation will also inform an equalities impact assessment. The Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies to tackle disadvantage and discrimination[i].Particular groups are covered against discrimination as they have protected characteristics. As such London Councils must must have due regard to effects of these decisions on the nine protected equalities groups. See more at the London Councils website.

Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is being updated, and to ensure that the JSNA represents the voice of residents and local communities there is a process for the Voluntary and Community Sector to contribute information. One of the methods identified for obtaining data from the VCS is a Call for Evidence, which is asking organisations to submit any information they have on local needs and services. Please follow the link for the proforma for the Call for Evidence.

Take part in the Camden future libraries consultation
Camden Council has launched a future libraries consultation to review how savings of £800,000 could be made in the delivery of library services across the borough. Although there is less money available, this is a good opportunity to have your say on how future spending should be prioritised in order to create a modern library service that best supports all library users. Get involved by completing the survey online at camden.gov.uk/futurelibraries or pick up a copy from your local library. The consultation closes on Tuesday 6 October 2015.

Improving musculoskeletal services in Camden
Camden CCG would like to get to know what people think of the current services and what they feel could be improved. To complete the survey please click on the following Link: https://feedback.camdenccg.nhs.uk/strategy-and-planning/copy-of-copy-of-improving-musculoskeletal-services
Patients and carers have until the 31st July to complete the survey.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders describe a variety of conditions that affect the muscles, bones and joints in many different parts of the body. Musculoskeletal services include trauma, orthopaedics, rheumatology, and pain management, as well as rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and orthotics.

Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service across North Central London
We want to hear about your experiences of the current services and your views and contributions on the proposals and how we can commission the best 111/OOH service for the residents of Camden (inc Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington). The draft NHS 111/OOH service specification can be read here: http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/website/about/service-specification.htm
Whether you are a patient resident or a community organisation you can write to us or fill in the questionnaire at the back of the proposal document to:
NHS 111/Out of houses, Communications Department, NEL Commissioning Support Unit, 75 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU
Or alternatively you can email your comments to feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call the communications team at 0203 688 1615
You can also fill in the questionnaire online at http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/about/questionnaire.htm.
For further information about the procurement process or to read the background documents, please take a look at our website at: Camden CCG www.camdenccg.nhs.uk

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 7th August 2015

Highlights: Ageing Better in Camden meeting about St Pancras and Somerstown; The Francis Crick Institute, 2015 Winter Workshops Call for Proposals; Want to get involved with study on immigration?; Promoting Change Training; Family Fun day; Camden Ageing Network Meeting; Camden People First Event; Highgate Day Centre Open Day; Free Furniture offer; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Ageing Better in Camden meeting about St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project
Ageing Better in Camden is holding a briefing and discussion meeting on Monday 10th August, 3:30 – 5:30 pm to look at the St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project Specification. This project aims to:
~ Build a group of active and involved older people working together to improve their lives and their community
~ Create an environment where older participants are less lonely and socially isolated
~ Improve the lives and community of people living in St Pancras and Somerstown.
The ITT documentation will be published in September 2015 and the project is due to start 1st April 2016 and the contract is for 2 years. The value of the contract is £93,000. If you want to attend the meeting or have more information on the project please contact Julia Shelley 02072390400 on Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk

Queen’s Crescent Summer Festival 2015
Saturday 8th August 12pm-5pm
QC Summer Festival is back for its’ 14th year with the theme ‘Family and Healthy Living’!
International food, family entertainment, fairground rides, fun activities for all.
QCCA, 45 Ashdown Crescent, LONDON NW5 4QE Tel: 020 7267 6635

National News
Top Recruitment Agency Alarmed at Persistent Politicised Attacks on Sector
In a hard hitting article, Trashing the Charity Sector, Charity People warn that the sector needs to start pushing back: “We need to see a concerted campaign to both defend the charity sector from misleading and inaccurate attacks on its work, and to promote the work that it does to keep the wheels on the civil society bus. Unless we start to see some kind of push back from the sector, it will continue to make it a challenging environment to bring talented trustees, staff and volunteers into. We rely on people prepared to give their time and expertise to organisations that they would have traditionally been proud of. Trash that excellent reputation and we risk losing the very people who have the ability to transform it.”
With Friends Like These (again)
As if on cue William Shawcross the Chief Charity Commissioner has given an interview to the Times (you will have to pay to read it) in which he is very critical of the sector. Shawcross is a former Times Journalist whose own wife thinks he’s never had a real job in his life. Civil Society lists his many gaffes, hostility to the sector, lack of knowledge of the sector and concludes that William Shawcross has spoken out too stridently, and too often. SCVO have gone further and called on him to resign.
Petition to Improve the Charity Commission Website
Recently changes have made it difficult to navigate the Charity Commission website. Charity solicitors, Withers, have finally run out of patience and started a petition to persuade the Charity Commission to fix the problems.
If You Sup With the Devil…
Kids Company has been all over the news. They were reliant on corporates and the great and good for funding, as well as our fickle media for publicity. It has all gone wrong suddenly. Much has been written about them but little is worth reading. One exception is Gaby Hinsliff’s article in the Guardian.

The Francis Crick Institute, 2015 Winter Workshops Call for Proposals
In the run-up to the festive season, the Crick’s Communications and Engagement team is looking to deliver a programme of engaging and creative workshops with schools and community groups. It is envisaged that the project will bring the community together and allow people to explore science in a fun and accessible way, drawing links between creativity, art and science. Full details in the final section below.

Want to get involved with study on immigration?
The aim of this study is to assess the people’s views on immigration. The study is looking for:
1) Native Britons who currently live in LONDON (born and raised in the UK; have not lived outside of UK for an extended time)
2) Recent Immigrants who currently live in LONDON (from any country; in the UK for 5 YEARS OR LESS; have not previously lived in the UK).
Provide your opinions on immigration
Read a short article about immigration and answer some question about the article
Answer some general questions about your community (where you live) and yourself (personal opinions, demographics). This study is online and will take about 20-25 minutes to complete.
As thanks, participants will be given a £10 e-voucher (Amazon) or have the option of donating their payment to UNICEF UK. For additional information about the study and to determine eligibility please contact Naledi Hollbruegge at k.n.hollbruegge@qmul.ac.uk

Promoting Change Training
Our enthusiastic trainers have designed this course specifically for professionals across Camden and Islington, and will focus on guiding and supporting learning opportunities by challenging you, reinforcing involvement and maintaining an energetic pace throughout the programme.
By attending the course you will:
· Gain an insight into the key health promotion messages for smoking, healthy eating, physical activity and alcohol consumption
· Understand how to effectively raise the topic of health behaviours in your conversations
· Learn how to effectively shape behaviours to support a healthy lifestyle and encourage independence
· Explore the best way to put these skills and strategies into practice within the context of your own role
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis so don’t delay – take the next step in your professional development and confirm your place today: http://promotingchangetraining.eventbrite.com
Contact Paula Prince at Whittington Health NHS for dates or for more information:
Email: paula.prince@nhs.net Telephone: 0207 527 1189. Free. I day. 7, 10 or 30 September.

Family Fun Day Thursday 13th August 2015 12:00 – 4:00pm
Sidings Community Centre, 150 Brassey Road, London NW6 2BA
Photography competition – see camden.gov.uk/50photos
Free Health Checks – Please check web link for eligibility – http://www.healthycamden.com/community
Free raffle with your chance to win 3-month leisure passes
• Bouncy castle, face painting, games and craft activities
• Sports activities including exercise taster sessions
• Energy efficiency advice
• Come and find out more about the Tenants and Residents Association (TRA);
• Free lunch and a fruit and vegetable goodie bag
For more information visit camden.gov.uk/familyfunday

Camden Ageing Network Meeting
Councillor Larraine Revah Camden’s Champion for Older people invites you to attend the Camden Ageing Network 2-4pm on 9th September 2015 in The Council Chamber, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, WC1
The meeting provides an opportunity for you to hear and ask questions about many new projects and initiatives
The meeting will include update from
• Camden’s older peoples commissioner
• Age UK Camden on new projects and initiatives in Camden for older citizens
• Kilburn Older Voices Exchange presents what KOVE is currently doing with Ageing Better Camden and to show their new film A Nice Cup of Tea.
• Community Programmes: provision for local adults at the British Museum
Plus more to be confirmed. Please call: 0207 974 1459 if you require further information

Camden People First will be having a green space event on 17th August
This event will share knowledge and experiences on Disability hate and mate crime, in efforts to bring awareness, educate and help put a stop to disability hate and mate crime; especially within the local community.
The event will be held in Harrington Square Gardens on 17th August from 11am to 3pm, and we aim to have stalls set up from local service providers. The event is aimed at service users as well as the local community and general public. I

VAC Response to Council’s Engagement Process
VAC has responded to: ‘Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector. Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’. You can read the response on the VAC website.

Free Furniture to Camden Groups
A local firm is giving away 6 desks and chairs, mini fridges and filing cabinets.
To be collected by the end of August.
Contact Tara Ansari :tara762003@yahoo.co.uk

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Camden Carers Centre, Camden Society, SHAK, Age Uk Camden, Voiceability, Camden Hub, Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

£1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action.
The money is provided by a combination of the Pears Foundation, UK Community Foundations (UKCF) and the government, and the fund will eventually make £1.77m available. £1.26m is available nationally.
Applications will close on August 28. There is no minimum and maximum size of grant available.
For more information and to apply go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-youth-social-action-fund-expressions-of-interest

The Jack Petchey Foundation small grants for youth programmes
The Small Grants Fund allows those organisations who are running the Achievement Award Scheme well, to apply for a small grant of up to £750 to enhance their work with young people.
Please note that you must already be running the Achievement Award in your school or club, AND you must have recently nominated a Leader Award winner too. For more information on this see How to Apply.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Training from HEAR
Supporting LGBT+ Asylum Seekers and Refugees – 10 September 2015

10am to 1pm (arrival from 9.30am). Voluntary Action Islington/LVSC, 200a Pentonville Road, N1 9JP (close to Kings Cross station). Trainer: Jess McIntyre, Reach Out.
This training develops themes and topics from other popular HEAR training on supporting refugees and asylum seekers and on supporting LGB people and Trans Awareness, and reflects HEAR’s commitment to training on more complex intersectional topics. This training is for anybody that may work with or support asylum seekers or refugees. Learn, in a supportive and open learning environment, how to provide safe spaces for vulnerable people with complex needs.
Deaf Awareness Workshop – 16 September 2015
10am-1pm (arrival from 9.30am) Canada Water Culture Space (Canada Water Library), 21 Surrey Quays Road, SE16 7AR (immediately adjacent Canada Water Jubilee line and London Overground station). Trainers: Community ID.
An exciting opportunity to take part in a free half day training on Deaf Awareness led by deaf people from the Community ID team. Learn about the different and sometimes confusing terminology around hearing impairment, deaf culture, tips on working with deaf people and those with different levels of hearing impairment, and how to work with BSL interpreters. A supportive environment where you can learn and ask questions with those who have direct experience of deafness.
Trans Awareness – 7 October 2015
10am-1pm (arrival from 9.30am) Roots and Shoots, Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington, SE11 6DN (near Lambeth North tube station). Trainer: Lee Gale. This training is back by popular demand!
This workshop will be an interactive session that aims to increase your understanding of identities and language used in Trans communities, to increase your confidence when supporting Trans people and create awareness of Trans people’s experiences. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and explore these topics in a friendly and supportive environment. This training is organised in partnership with HEAR’s London for All partners LVSC.
Gender Recognition Act – 4 November 2015
10am-1pm (arrival from 9.30am) Fitzrovia Community Centre, 6 Foley Street, W1W 6DL (Central London, West End, close Googe Street and Tottenham Court Road). Trainer: Lee Gale.
Whatever your type of service or beneficiary group you will at some point find that trans people are included amongst those who need your service or support. As well as a broader awareness of trans issues, it is important to be aware of the relevant equalities legislation. The Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) is a very important piece of legislation for the rights of trans people in the UK. It enables many trans people to get legal recognition of their affirmed gender and allows them to change their birth certificate to reflect this, giving privacy rights and dignity to people in the UK. This session for London voluntary and community organisations and groups aims to give a brief introduction to the current European situation for legal recognition of trans people, what the GRA covers and who it protects, and how to make sure that you and your organisation comply with this legislation and the law. This training is organised in partnership with HEAR’s London for All partners LVSC. To book your place please email the HEAR Coordinator: hear@reap.org.uk stating your name, organisation, organisation postcode, and whether you have any access or dietary requirements or book online.

Street Step Employability Academy
Street Step is an employability charity that supports 16-24 year olds to get into work, education or training. Our programme provides an opportunity to develop skills, gain qualifications, and get fit through dance and fitness – all while having fun. All of this is happening at the Platform (Hornsey Road Baths, 2 Tiltman Place, off Hornsey Road, London, N7 7EE).
Our Academy has a rolling intake, meaning a young person can join when it’s right for them. Street Step Academy includes:
~ Employability skills and work placements
~ Employability and healthy living qualifications
~ Maths and English qualifications
~ Dance fitness, fun and friends!
~ In-work support once you’ve found a job
You can find out more and get in touch by visiting http://www.streetstep.co.uk/london
If you or a young person would like to learn more about us, come and join us at the Street Step Social. It will run Monday – Thursday at 1:30.
We also run FREE dance fitness classes every Wednesday at 2:30!
For more information – kate.harrison@streetstep.co.uk or 07580 995477

Camden Summer programme 2015
Camden Council has put together an action-packed schedule of activities for all the family to enjoy. There are dozens of free and low cost events across the borough to get involved in.
From BMX to free swimming sessions for residents, there’s something sporty for everyone.
If you’re looking for inspiration, you can Discover a new world with one of the many exhibitions and talks taking place at libraries, museums and galleries, or soak in the atmosphere at community festivals, screenings and live performances with friends and family to Discover a new delight.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Camden this year, you can also Discover Camden 50 with a range of special events. So, whether you want to keep the kids entertained during the holidays, or just explore more of what’s on offer near you, the summer programme offers everything you need this sunny season.
Check out LoveCamden.org/discover for full details of events and activities
Follow @LoveCamden on Twitter for the latest updates
For more details on Camden 50, log on to Camden.gov.uk/camden50

Tennis for blind and partially sighted people
Liven up your Friday evenings – come and play sound ball tennis at The Globe Tennis Club
190A Haverstock Hill, NW3 2AL behind Belsize Park tube station [Northern line] Buses C11, 168 and 268
We can meet and guide people to the tennis club from Belsize Park tube station, Hampstead Heath Overground station or nearest bus stops.
Every other Friday: 14th and 28th August; 11th and 25th September and so on… From 6pm to 8pm
Sessions are FREE. Equipment and coaching provided. Please wear tennis or tennis-like footwear.
Sessions followed by a social get-together.
Want to know more? Phone Rosemary on 07980 328 959 or email: Rosemary@somerstown.org.uk

Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
The next CPPEG open meeting is on Monday 10th August (St Pancras Hospital, Conference Hall).
The presentations at the open meeting are as follows:
Presentation 1: Developing commissioning intentions for 2015/16
Presenter: Melody Woolcock, Assistant Director of Commissioning, Camden CCG
Presentation 2: NHS 111 /Out-of-hours engagement & procurement update
Presenter: Ebun Eno—Amooquaye, Project Manager NHS 111, Camden CCG
Presentation 3: Supporting people & families living with Dementia
Presenter: Tracey McDermott, Dementia Befriending Service Coordinator – Age UK Camden & Philip Darby, Strategic Commissioner, Camden Council/Camden CCG (presenter subject to change)
To RSVP you can contact Edith Raie Senior CPPEG administrator by
Email: edith.raie@camdenccg.nhs.uk or Telephone: 020 3688 2044

Free English Classes
Would you like to speak English better? Then come to our free classes.
Every Monday 6pm-8pm at The Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA
Please contact Alexandra for more information on 0207 697 4105 alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Camden Carers Centre seeks Time for Change Young Adult Carer Project Worker
We are looking to appoint a Young Adult Carer (YAC) Project Worker as part of our exiting 2 year Time for Change project. This worker will take a lead role in identifying YACS from all communities throughout Camden, to develop meaningful and ongoing relationships with appropriate agencies, to raise awareness of needs and rights of YACS resulting in YACS being referred for support.
We are looking for someone with excellent communication and organisational skills and the ability to prioritise their workload. This role would suit someone who can work on their own initiative, whist still being part of a friendly and supportive team. Experience in a similar role would be an advantage, but we are also interested in applicants with transferable skills and a positive attitude.
You must have excellent communication skills and knowledge of issues that impact on carers. It is essential that you are able to work with people from local diverse communities and an enhanced DBS check will be essential.
Salary: £28,280.00 p.a. pro rata x 21 hours per week in year 1 x 14 hours per week in year 2
An application pack can be downloaded by from our website, please visit www.camdencs.org.uk/get-involved or by emailing info@camdencarers.org.uk.
Closing date: Midnight, Sunday 23rd August 2015. Interviews: Thursday 3rd September 2015
For more information about the job please call Caroline Allouf Support & Information Service Manager on 020 7428 8956 or email caroline@camdencarers.org.uk

The Camden Society needs your help this August
Each August, the Camden Society organises the Great Escape, a week-long activity holiday for people with learning disabilities and autism. To make the Great Escape happen, we need your help! We are looking for volunteers who can help with setting up and taking down the campsite at either end of the holiday and help with preparations in Knish Town on Sunday 9 and Sunday 16 August. This is a fantastic opportunity to help make someone’s holiday happen by giving a few hours of your time and we hope have a lot of fun in the process. If you would like to know more, please contact Kate. whittle@thecamdensociety.co.uk or call 020 7485 8177.

Age UK Camden PSIC is seeking 3 posts:
Personal Health Budgets Direct Payments Support Worker (17.5 hours per week) 12 Months Fixed Term Contract
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa pro rata for 17.5 hours £14,422.50-£15,661.50 plus 6% contributory pension.
Direct Payments Support Worker 2 Posts
35 hours per week, Fixed Term Contract for 9 months and 3 Months
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa plus 6% contributory pension.
Personalization Service In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It is a new venture, having been set up following the collapse of the previous provider of Direct Payments support to under 65’s in Camden.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link to our web site www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9am on Monday 17 August and interviews will be held on Monday, 24th August 2015.

SHAK seeks P/T Employment & Learning Worker
21hrs per week. Salary: £27,300 pa (pro rata)
Shack (South Hempstead and Wilbur Community Partnership) is a charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Airworthy estate in the Wilbur ward of Camden NW London. Our mission is to increase local community confidence and support disadvantaged young people and adults by increasing their life opportunities. We do this by identifying and meeting local needs with a range of opportunities in areas of lifelong learning, youth activities, community involvement, employment support, advice and guidance, volunteering, events etc.
The post holder will be working at “The SHELL Centrex”, a community learning centre on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in NW London Camden Borough, Kilburn ward. The centre was established in 2003 and has good reputation of engaging successfully with the local community especially disadvantaged groups.
Email your CV and a covering letter explaining how you feel you meet the job profile criteria to: johnboyle@shakonline.co.uk
Closing date: 5 pm on 17th August 2015. Interviews held during the week beginning August 24th.

Two Opportunities for User Involvement from Voiceability
We are looking for service users to join a strategic service user involvement team who will input into shaping service delivery in Camden.
Mental health or substance use service users will play a key part in monitoring the performance of service providers, and in deciding which organisations provide services in Camden.
Applications are encouraged from as wide a range as possible of drug, alcohol or mental health service users in Camden.
In particular, there is an opportunity now for drug service users to apply to be on the tender panel for applications wanting to provide drug treatment services in Camden. We need to receive applications for this opportunity by Wednesday 5th August.
If you would like to apply to be a strategic service user involvement representative, please email camdenuserinvolvement@voiceability.org or phone 020 3355 7113 to tell us a little about:
• The skills you can bring to the role
• Why you want to do this
• Your lived experience and services you may have accessed
• If you are interested in tendering, contract monitoring, or both.

Camden Hub seeks Project Assistant
Be an instrumental part of an innovative project tackling mental ill health in Camden within the Bengali, Black, and Irish communities. We are looking for people who take initiative, can think creatively, and, most importantly, are confident to engage with people. If you are from any of these communities, then your grassroots knowledge, insights and network will be invaluable.
We put people first and will be connecting with them on their terms, wherever they feel most comfortable: clubs or cafes, mosques or churches, college or university, at home or on the go. Having identified people and places, you’ll help to run “mutual learning sessions”. These informal meetups will allow each community to come up with their own original ideas for raising mental health awareness and reducing stigma. Harnessing this energy and insight, you’ll then go on to co produce (together) the most popular and exciting ones.
What you’ll do
~ Investigate and identify where people come together, eg, social clubs, cafes, parent groups, and places of worship;
~ Make contact and create relationships;
~ Meet with individuals and groups. Have informal discussions and “mutual learning workshops” to gain insights and ideas.
~ Later in the project, run “codesign & coproduction sessions” where you’ll help to follow through on ideas people have had, eg, produce a film, create a leaflet, run a popup music studio at schools
You can be involved in a big way: meeting with lots of people, helping to surface many ideas and then helping to see them through.
Or, you may prefer to engage with just one or two groups of people: perhaps you are well situated to meet up with your local barber shop, pub, or youth club, where you’re confident you can get people talking and creating ideas.
Contact Kumar from Camden Hub (camdenhub.org.uk) on 020 7278 4437 or kumar.grant@hcct.org.uk.

Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks Volunteers
The Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group is a new group that meets at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre. The group is looking for a number of volunteers and trustees:
2 Trustees
A Treasurer
A Secretary
A volunteer coordinator
A fundraising volunteer
Ideally you should have some knowledge and/or experience of strokes. For more information and to apply please contact Felix Mboko at minorities.strokeaphasia@gmail.com

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


The Francis Crick Institute, 2015 Winter Workshops Call for Proposals
The Francis Crick Institute will be a world leading centre for biomedical research. Due to open in the King’s Cross area of London in 2016, the Crick is a partnership between Cancer Research UK, the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, University College London (UCL), King’s College London and Imperial College London.
In the run-up to the festive season, the Crick’s Communications and Engagement team is looking to deliver a programme of engaging and creative workshops with schools and community groups. It is envisaged that the project will bring the community together and allow people to explore science in a fun and accessible way, drawing links between creativity, art and science.
We invite proposals from companies or individuals to develop and deliver the following:
~ An arts-based workshop that can be delivered to local community and primary school groups. Participants should be able to create tangible objects, which can be taken home or incorporated into a collaborative piece for display.
The workshops will be delivered between mid-November and mid-December
A maximum of 10 workshops will be delivered in venues specified by the Crick. Groups will be recruited in September.
Each workshop should last no longer than 60 minutes (given the target age range we envision them being shorter than this).
The workshop should be tailored to Years 1 – 2 (5 – 7 year olds) and be easily modifiable to family groups.
The Crick will be responsible for recruiting our target primary schools and community groups.
The workshops will be delivered at the participating schools and community centres. All will take place in the Kings Cross and Euston area, within one mile of the Crick.
In some instances, two workshops will be delivered on the same day at the same school.
The workshop should relate to an aspect of biology and/or biomedical research, and highlight the importance of creativity in scientific discovery.
The workshop should be delivered by the applicant, although the Crick is able to provide some support. For example we can provide volunteers to help with the delivery and assist with the scientific content.
Applicants are welcome to submit proposals for new workshop ideas, or for workshops that have been run in the past. If the latter is the case please include in your application any outputs from previous projects, such as photographs or evaluative findings.
A fee of up to £3000 is available for the successful applicant to cover development time, materials, travel costs and delivery of the workshops.
Please provide in your application:
A description of the workshop
The scientific content to be explored
Ideas for evaluation of the workshop
A detailed budget. Please include your costs per workshop, based on travelling to schools/community groups in Euston and Kings Cross and delivering the workshop 10 times to groups of up to 30.
The deadline for proposals is 5pm Wednesday 26 Aug 2015.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview at our offices in Euston, London during the week commencing 31 August 2015.
For further information or to submit a proposal, please contact Melanie Davies at the Francis Crick Institute: melanie.davies@crick.ac.uk, or 0207 611 2213.

London Councils Grants Programme Consultation 2017 – 2021
This consultation exercise will help London Councils decide whether the grants programme should continue past March 2017 and if it does what the priorities of the programme should be from 1 April 2017.
The consultation will also inform London Councils’ decisions on any future budget and allocation of resources to projects that deliver the priorities.
This consultation will also inform an equalities impact assessment. The Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies to tackle disadvantage and discrimination[i].Particular groups are covered against discrimination as they have protected characteristics. As such London Councils must must have due regard to effects of these decisions on the nine protected equalities groups. See more at the London Councils website.

Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is being updated, and to ensure that the JSNA represents the voice of residents and local communities there is a process for the Voluntary and Community Sector to contribute information. One of the methods identified for obtaining data from the VCS is a Call for Evidence, which is asking organisations to submit any information they have on local needs and services. Please follow the link for the proforma for the Call for Evidence.

Take part in the Camden future libraries consultation
Camden Council has launched a future libraries consultation to review how savings of £800,000 could be made in the delivery of library services across the borough. Although there is less money available, this is a good opportunity to have your say on how future spending should be prioritised in order to create a modern library service that best supports all library users. Get involved by completing the survey online at camden.gov.uk/futurelibraries or pick up a copy from your local library. The consultation closes on Tuesday 6 October 2015.

Improving musculoskeletal services in Camden
Camden CCG would like to get to know what people think of the current services and what they feel could be improved. To complete the survey please click on the following Link: https://feedback.camdenccg.nhs.uk/strategy-and-planning/copy-of-copy-of-improving-musculoskeletal-services
Patients and carers have until the 31st July to complete the survey.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders describe a variety of conditions that affect the muscles, bones and joints in many different parts of the body. Musculoskeletal services include trauma, orthopaedics, rheumatology, and pain management, as well as rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and orthotics.

Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service across North Central London
We want to hear about your experiences of the current services and your views and contributions on the proposals and how we can commission the best 111/OOH service for the residents of Camden (inc Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington). The draft NHS 111/OOH service specification can be read here: http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/website/about/service-specification.htm
Whether you are a patient resident or a community organisation you can write to us or fill in the questionnaire at the back of the proposal document to:
NHS 111/Out of houses, Communications Department, NEL Commissioning Support Unit, 75 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU
Or alternatively you can email your comments to feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call the communications team at 0203 688 1615
You can also fill in the questionnaire online at http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/about/questionnaire.htm.
For further information about the procurement process or to read the background documents, please take a look at our website at: Camden CCG www.camdenccg.nhs.uk

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 31st July 2015

Highlights: Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment; New Fund Makes £1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action; Ageing Better in Camden meeting about St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project; Deaf Accessible Events at Shuffle Festival; Queen’s Crescent Summer Festival 2015; BBC Disability Season; Tennis for blind and partially sighted people; Camden Summer programme 2015; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is being updated, and to ensure that the JSNA represents the voice of residents and local communities there is a process for the Voluntary and Community Sector to contribute information. One of the methods identified for obtaining data from the VCS is a Call for Evidence, which is asking organisations to submit any information they have on local needs and services. Please follow the link for the proforma for the Call for Evidence.

New Fund Makes £1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action.
£1.26m is available nationally. Applications will close on August 28. There is no minimum and maximum size of grant available. See ‘Funding’ section below for full details.

Ageing Better in Camden meeting about St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project
Ageing Better in Camden is holding a briefing and discussion meeting on Monday 10th August, 3:30 – 5:30 pm to look at the St Pancras and Somerstown Community Action Project Specification. This project aims to:
~ Build a group of active and involved older people working together to improve their lives and their community
~ Create an environment where older participants are less lonely and socially isolated
~ Improve the lives and community of people living in St Pancras and Somerstown.
The ITT documentation will be published in September 2015 and the project is due to start 1st April 2016 and the contract is for 2 years. The value of the contract is £93,000. If you want to attend the meeting or have more information on the project please contact Julia Shelley 02072390400 on Julia.shelley@ageukcamden.org.uk

Deaf Accessible Events at Shuffle Festival
Saturday 1st August 12pm till late. Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, Southern Grove, London E3 4PX. Deaf Access via BS interpreters and live captioning will be available on Saturday for selected events. More information from deafvisionsuk@gmail.com

BBC Disability Season
The BBC has a season of programmes on disability and has a dedicated website bringing together links to articles, clips and programmes. Go to Defying the Label.

Queen’s Crescent Summer Festival 2015
Saturday 8th August 12pm-5pm
QC Summer Festival is back for its’ 14th year with the theme ‘Family and Healthy Living’!
International food, family entertainment, fairground rides, fun activities for all.
Bring the whole family!
QCCA, 45 Ashdown Crescent, LONDON NW5 4QE Tel: 020 7267 6635

Tennis for blind and partially sighted people
Liven up your Friday evenings – come and play sound ball tennis at The Globe Tennis Club
190A Haverstock Hill, NW3 2AL behind Belsize Park tube station [Northern line] Buses C11, 168 and 268
We can meet and guide people to the tennis club from Belsize Park tube station, Hampstead Heath Overground station or nearest bus stops.
Every other Friday: 31st July; 14th and 28th August; 11th and 25th September and so on… From 6pm to 8pm
Sessions are FREE. Equipment and coaching provided. Please wear tennis or tennis-like footwear.
Sessions followed by a social get-together.
Want to know more? Phone Rosemary on 07980 328 959 or email: Rosemary@somerstown.org.uk

London Councils Grants Programme Consultation 2017 – 2021
This consultation exercise will help London Councils decide whether the grants programme should continue past March 2017 and if it does what the priorities of the programme should be from 1 April 2017.
The consultation will also inform London Councils’ decisions on any future budget and allocation of resources to projects that deliver the priorities.
This consultation will also inform an equalities impact assessment. The Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies to tackle disadvantage and discrimination[i].Particular groups are covered against discrimination as they have protected characteristics. As such London Councils must must have due regard to effects of these decisions on the nine protected equalities groups. See more at the London Councils website.

Summer programme 2015
Camden Council has put together an action-packed schedule of activities for all the family to enjoy. There are dozens of free and low cost events across the borough to get involved in.
From BMX to free swimming sessions for residents, there’s something sporty for everyone.
If you’re looking for inspiration, you can Discover a new world with one of the many exhibitions and talks taking place at libraries, museums and galleries, or soak in the atmosphere at community festivals, screenings and live performances with friends and family to Discover a new delight.
If you fancy broadening your skills, then Discover a new talent with one of our creative and instructional workshops. Or stay close to home and Discover what’s on your doorstep with a free guided walk, or by making the most of the sunshine in one of our stunning parks or open spaces.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Camden this year, you can also Discover Camden 50 with a range of special events. So, whether you want to keep the kids entertained during the holidays, or just explore more of what’s on offer near you, the summer programme offers everything you need this sunny season.
Check out LoveCamden.org/discover for full details of events and activities
Follow @LoveCamden on Twitter for the latest updates
For more details on Camden 50, log on to Camden.gov.uk/camden50

VAC Response to Council’s Engagement Process
VAC has responded to: ‘Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector. Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’. You can read the response on the VAC website.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

SHAK, Age Uk Camden, Voiceability, Camden Hub, Holborn Community Association, Women and Girls Network, Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

£1m Available for Charities Working to Support and Encourage Youth Social Action.
The money is provided by a combination of the Pears Foundation, UK Community Foundations (UKCF) and the government, and the fund will eventually make £1.77m available. £1.26m is available nationally.
Applications will close on August 28. There is no minimum and maximum size of grant available.
For more information and to apply go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-youth-social-action-fund-expressions-of-interest

The Jack Petchey Foundation small grants for youth programmes
The Small Grants Fund allows those organisations who are running the Achievement Award Scheme well, to apply for a small grant of up to £750 to enhance their work with young people.
Please note that you must already be running the Achievement Award in your school or club, AND you must have recently nominated a Leader Award winner too. For more information on this see How to Apply.

Cabinet Office launches £20m Local Sustainability Fund after long delay
The Office for Civil Society has announced the launch of its £20m Local Sustainability Fund, which will give grants of between £20,000 and £100,000 to around 250 small and medium-sized organisations.
However the fund has taken 15 months to deliver, is half the size it was originally expected to be, and faces criticism over a “ridiculously short” application window.
The £20m fund will be delivered through the Big Lottery Fund and will be available to around 250 high-impact charities and social enterprises. Charities interested in applying can do so through an online diagnostic tool, and must do so by 26 July.
Charities will also be eligible for support from local businesses, with the OCS saying that all grant recipients expected to establish a “strong volunteering relationship with a local businesses”. Full story in Civil Society.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
The next CPPEG open meeting is on Monday 10th August (St Pancras Hospital, Conference Hall).
The presentations at the open meeting are as follows:
Presentation 1: Developing commissioning intentions for 2015/16
Presenter: Melody Woolcock, Assistant Director of Commissioning, Camden CCG
Presentation 2: NHS 111 /Out-of-hours engagement & procurement update
Presenter: Ebun Eno—Amooquaye, Project Manager NHS 111, Camden CCG
Presentation 3: Supporting people & families living with Dementia
Presenter: Tracey McDermott, Dementia Befriending Service Coordinator – Age UK Camden & Philip Darby, Strategic Commissioner, Camden Council/Camden CCG (presenter subject to change)
To RSVP you can contact Edith Raie Senior CPPEG administrator by
Email: edith.raie@camdenccg.nhs.uk or Telephone: 020 3688 2044

Free English Classes
Would you like to speak English better? Then come to our free classes.
Every Monday 6pm-8pm at The Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA
Please contact Alexandra for more information on 0207 697 4105 alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

Disabled Girls Football in Somerstown
There will be girls only football sessions taking place for disabled young girls between the age of 11 and 19 at Somerstown Youth Centre. Beginners and players of all experience and ability levels are welcome, the sessions are free of charge and the coaches will all be female.
Sessions will take place every Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm and the first session and sign up is 1st August.
This is a great opportunity for any girls who are interested in playing football. The session organiser Becki, is also happy to meet any potential players who are nervous to join to discuss the sessions.
Contact Becki directly (becki@somerstown.org.uk) if you have any questions or want to join the sessions.

Learning Disability Awareness training session on 5th August 2015.
Training runs from 1pm – 5pm at the Camden Training and Development Service at the Crowndale Centre.
The training is delivered by Training people, a group of adults from Camden who are experts about what it’s like to live with a learning disability, because they are people with learning disabilities.
Training People have several years of experience delivering training in Camden, working with social care workers, NHS staff, third sector staff and volunteers, as well as council employees.
Designed and delivered entirely by people with learning disability, this training looks at how attitudes and barriers in society can affect people with a learning disability and ways to overcome these things together. Through a series of interactive exercises participants will explore effective communication, empowering support and the importance of choice and control.
For more information on the course (not bookings) email sarah@advocacyproject.org.uk or call 07946 505 064.
To make a booking contact Camden Training and Development Service at tdsonline@camden.gov.uk or visit http://www.camdentds.co.uk

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Age UK Camden PSIC is seeking 3 posts:
Personal Health Budgets Direct Payments Support Worker (17.5 hours per week) 12 Months Fixed Term Contract
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa pro rata for 17.5 hours £14,422.50-£15,661.50 plus 6% contributory pension.
Direct Payments Support Worker 2 Posts
35 hours per week, Fixed Term Contract for 9 months and 3 Months
Local Government Scale SO1 £28,845-£31,323pa plus 6% contributory pension.
Personalisation Service In Camden (PSIC) is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden. It is a new venture, having been set up following the collapse of the previous provider of Direct Payments support to under 65’s in Camden.
If you are interested in the above vacancy please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link to our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 9am on Monday 17 August and interviews will be held on Monday, 24th August 2015.

SHAK seeks P/T Employment & Learning Worker
21hrs per week. Salary: £27,300 pa (pro rata)
Shak (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London. Our mission is to increase local community confidence and support disadvantaged young people and adults by increasing their life opportunities. We do this by identifying and meeting local needs with a range of opportunities in areas of lifelong learning, youth activities, community involvement, employment support, advice and guidance, volunteering, events etc.
The post holder will be working at “The SHELL Centre”, a community learning centre on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in NW London Camden Borough, Kilburn ward. The centre was established in 2003 and has good reputation of engaging successfully with the local community especially disadvantaged groups.
Email your CV and a covering letter explaining how you feel you meet the job profile criteria to: johnboyle@shakonline.co.uk
Closing date: 5 pm on 17th August 2015. Interviews held during the week beginning August 24th.

Two Opportunities for User Involvement from Voiceability
We are looking for service users to join a strategic service user involvement team who will input into shaping service delivery in Camden.
Mental health or substance use service users will play a key part in monitoring the performance of service providers, and in deciding which organisations provide services in Camden.
Applications are encouraged from as wide a range as possible of drug, alcohol or mental health service users in Camden.
In particular, there is an opportunity now for drug service users to apply to be on the tender panel for applications wanting to provide drug treatment services in Camden. We need to receive applications for this opportunity by Wednesday 5th August.
If you would like to apply to be a strategic service user involvement representative, please email camdenuserinvolvement@voiceability.org or phone 020 3355 7113 to tell us a little about:
• The skills you can bring to the role
• Why you want to do this
• Your lived experience and services you may have accessed
• If you are interested in tendering, contract monitoring, or both.

Camden Hub seeks Project Assistant
Be an instrumental part of an innovative project tackling mental ill health in Camden within the Bengali, Black, and Irish communities. We are looking for people who take initiative, can think creatively, and, most importantly, are confident to engage with people. If you are from any of these communities, then your grassroots knowledge, insights and network will be invaluable.
We put people first and will be connecting with them on their terms, wherever they feel most comfortable: clubs or cafes, mosques or churches, college or university, at home or on the go. Having identified people and places, you’ll help to run “mutual learning sessions”. These informal meetups will allow each community to come up with their own original ideas for raising mental health awareness and reducing stigma. Harnessing this energy and insight, you’ll then go on to co produce (together) the most popular and exciting ones.
What you’ll do
~ Investigate and identify where people come together, eg, social clubs, cafes, parent groups, and places of worship;
~ Make contact and create relationships;
~ Meet with individuals and groups. Have informal discussions and “mutual learning workshops” to gain insights and ideas.
~ Later in the project, run “codesign & coproduction sessions” where you’ll help to follow through on ideas people have had, eg, produce a film, create a leaflet, run a popup music studio at schools
You can be involved in a big way: meeting with lots of people, helping to surface many ideas and then helping to see them through.
Or, you may prefer to engage with just one or two groups of people: perhaps you are well situated to meet up with your local barber shop, pub, or youth club, where you’re confident you can get people talking and creating ideas.
Contact Kumar from Camden Hub (camdenhub.org.uk) on 020 7278 4437 or kumar.grant@hcct.org.uk.

HCA seeks a Fundraising and Income Development Manager
The purpose of the post is to raise at least £50,000, to enable the Holborn Community Association (HCA) to continue and develop its activities, whether through involvement with local businesses or residents, expansion of income from HCA’s activities or otherwise
We expect the successful candidate to present a viable plan for achieving the aims of the project and to develop and implement the plan, in co-ordination with the existing team.
The Job Specs and Application forms are available on our (www.holborncommunity.co.uk) or they can email on admin@holborncommunity.co.uk or call us on 02074052370.
The closing date is Monday 3rd August 10 a.m. with interviews on Thursday 2oth August

Part-Time Advice Worker (female applicants only) (apply by 3rd August 2015)
21 hours per week, £25,500 per annum pro rata
Women and Girls Network (WGN) is recruiting for a highly motivated, organised and experienced Advice Worker to our Advice Service, delivered as part of the Angelou partnership. You will have a proven track record of working within a multi-agency setting, delivering specialist advice and casework support within a feminist, empowering framework for women and girls who are experiencing domestic/sexual violence and abuse. Additionally, you will have a working knowledge, understanding and experienced of civil and criminal remedies and the criminal justice process, specifically in relation to domestic/sexual violence and abuse.
To download application packs please go to http://www.wgn.org.uk/join-us/jobs
Deadline for Applications 12pm, Monday 3rd of August. Interviews will be held week commencing 10th of August.
The above post is exempt under the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1

Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks Volunteers
The Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group is a new group that meets at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre. The group is looking for a number of volunteers and trustees:
2 Trustees
A Treasurer
A Secretary
A volunteer coordinator
A fundraising volunteer
Ideally you should have some knowledge and/or experience of strokes. For more information and to apply please contact Felix Mboko at minorities.strokeaphasia@gmail.com

Age UK Camden seeks Partnership Development Officer, 30 hours per week
Local Government Scale PO1 (£27,563-£29,468pa for 30 hour week)
We require a Partnership Development Officer to: support the engagement of older people in the partnership, to promote asset based mapping and community development and to support our delivery agencies in their work.
Essential requirements: experience of community building; experience of engagement preferably co-production; knowledge of issues affecting older people including isolation; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to deliver successful multi-agency partnership work; highly numerate and literate; ability to innovate and work creatively.
Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator, 21 hours per week; Local Government Scale 5 (£14,195-£15,372pa for 21 hour week)
We require a Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator to provide administrative and communications support to the Ageing Better in Camden programme, and to support our work in monitoring our activities and achievements.
Essential requirements: at least two years’ experience of working in an administration role; excellent IT skills including databases; good verbal and written communication skills, understanding of issues affecting older people including isolation
AUC offers a contributory pension, and a season ticket or bicycle loan facility. The post is based at Tavis House, Tavistock Square with easy access via Euston and Kings Cross main lines or Russell Square tube.
For more details, all documents can be downloaded from our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date – 9:00am Monday, 10th August 2015 Interviews -24th and 25th August 2015.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Take part in the Camden future libraries consultation
Camden Council has launched a future libraries consultation to review how savings of £800,000 could be made in the delivery of library services across the borough. Although there is less money available, this is a good opportunity to have your say on how future spending should be prioritised in order to create a modern library service that best supports all library users. Get involved by completing the survey online at camden.gov.uk/futurelibraries or pick up a copy from your local library. The consultation closes on Tuesday 6 October 2015.

Improving musculoskeletal services in Camden
Camden CCG would like to get to know what people think of the current services and what they feel could be improved. To complete the survey please click on the following Link: https://feedback.camdenccg.nhs.uk/strategy-and-planning/copy-of-copy-of-improving-musculoskeletal-services
Patients and carers have until the 31st July to complete the survey.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders describe a variety of conditions that affect the muscles, bones and joints in many different parts of the body. Musculoskeletal services include trauma, orthopaedics, rheumatology, and pain management, as well as rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and orthotics.

Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service across North Central London
We want to hear about your experiences of the current services and your views and contributions on the proposals and how we can commission the best 111/OOH service for the residents of Camden (inc Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington). The draft NHS 111/OOH service specification can be read here: http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/website/about/service-specification.htm
Whether you are a patient resident or a community organisation you can write to us or fill in the questionnaire at the back of the proposal document to:
NHS 111/Out of houses, Communications Department, NEL Commissioning Support Unit, 75 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU
Or alternatively you can email your comments to feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call the communications team at 0203 688 1615
You can also fill in the questionnaire online at http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/about/questionnaire.htm.
For further information about the procurement process or to read the background documents, please take a look at our website at: Camden CCG www.camdenccg.nhs.uk

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 24th July 2015

Highlights: Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment; Take part in the Camden future libraries consultation; BSL Access to 111 and 999; Improving musculoskeletal services in Camden; Two Opportunities for User Involvement from Voiceability; The BBC invites you to take part in a science demonstration; Camden Clinical Commissioning Group Open Meeting; Free English Classes; Girls Football in Somerstown; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Contribute to the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is being updated, and to ensure that the JSNA represents the voice of residents and local communities there is a process for the Voluntary and Community Sector to contribute information. One of the methods identified for obtaining data from the VCS is a Call for Evidence, which is asking organisations to submit any information they have on local needs and services. Please follow the link for the proforma for the Call for Evidence.

Take part in the Camden future libraries consultation
Camden Council has launched a future libraries consultation to review how savings of £800,000 could be made in the delivery of library services across the borough. Although there is less money available, this is a good opportunity to have your say on how future spending should be prioritised in order to create a modern library service that best supports all library users. Get involved by completing the survey online at camden.gov.uk/futurelibraries or pick up a copy from your local library. The consultation closes on Tuesday 6 October 2015.

BSL Access to 111 and 999
There is a pilot is underway for the NHS Health Advice line NHS 111 to be accessible with British Sign language (BSL).Full details are available here www.signhealth.org.uk/nhs111-now-bsl/
At the moment there is no BSL service to access emergency services through 999. Deaf people can use texts from mobiles to 999, but the mobiles must be registered in advance. This can be done through this link www.emergencysms.org.uk/registering_your_mobile_phone.php

VAC Response to Council’s Engagement Process
VAC has responded to: ‘Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector. Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’. You can read the response on the VAC website.

Improving musculoskeletal services in Camden
Camden CCG would like to get to know what people think of the current services and what they feel could be improved. To complete the survey please click on the following Link: https://feedback.camdenccg.nhs.uk/strategy-and-planning/copy-of-copy-of-improving-musculoskeletal-services
Patients and carers have until the 31st July to complete the survey.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders describe a variety of conditions that affect the muscles, bones and joints in many different parts of the body. Musculoskeletal services include trauma, orthopaedics, rheumatology, and pain management, as well as rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and orthotics.

Two Opportunities for User Involvement from Voiceability
We are looking for service users to join a strategic service user involvement team who will input into shaping service delivery in Camden.
Mental health or substance use service users will play a key part in monitoring the performance of service providers, and in deciding which organisations provide services in Camden.
Applications are encouraged from as wide a range as possible of drug, alcohol or mental health service users in Camden.
In particular, there is an opportunity now for drug service users to apply to be on the tender panel for applications wanting to provide drug treatment services in Camden. We need to receive applications for this opportunity by Wednesday 5th August.
If you would like to apply to be a strategic service user involvement representative, please email camdenuserinvolvement@voiceability.org or phone 020 3355 7113 to tell us a little about:
• The skills you can bring to the role
• Why you want to do this
• Your lived experience and services you may have accessed
• If you are interested in tendering, contract monitoring, or both.

National News
Tabloid attacks on fundraising are an attempt to hamper campaigning, says Bubb
“It is perhaps questionable why this issue is being pursued so vehemently in some papers,” he said. “Surely it couldn’t be anything to do with duffing us up so we feel less able to be robust in our campaigning?” Full story in Civil Society magazine.
One Step Forward and Two Steps Back
The Daily Mail has finally admitted that charities were not to blame for Olive Cooke’s death. However, the Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson, has been accused of talking “ill-informed drivel” after he accused RSPB and RSPCA of not delivering services as part of his wider war on charity campaigning. On the other hand he is clearly a supporter of full-cost-recovery as he was found to have claimed 9p for a 350 yard car journey and 60p towards maintenance of his bicycle. Story in Civil Society and the Metro.
Civicus 2015 State of Civil Society Report Published
The report warns that “67 years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guaranteed our freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly and association, 6 out of 7 humans live in countries where these freedoms were under threat. And even the most mature democracies are not exempt.” Read the report here.

The BBC invites you to take part in a science demonstration to be broadcast on BBC One.
Working with scientists from King’s College London, the BBC is looking for people over 65 from the London area to take part in a demonstration of how non-strenuous physical activity can benefit our cognitive health (such as our memory and ability to solve problems) in older age.
We want to see how a 10-week program of manageable, fun and surprising physical activity can improve cognition and brain health.
If you are over 65 and don’t currently take part in regular exercise but would like to find out how small changes could benefit your brain, then we would love to hear from you!
To find out more and to apply please email: patricia.reece@bbc.co.uk Or call: 0141 422 6795

Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
The next CPPEG open meeting is on Monday 10th August (St Pancras Hospital, Conference Hall).
The presentations at the open meeting are as follows:
Presentation 1: Developing commissioning intentions for 2015/16
Presenter: Melody Woolcock, Assistant Director of Commissioning, Camden CCG
Presentation 2: NHS 111 /Out-of-hours engagement & procurement update
Presenter: Ebun Eno—Amooquaye, Project Manager NHS 111, Camden CCG
Presentation 3: Supporting people & families living with Dementia
Presenter: Tracey McDermott, Dementia Befriending Service Coordinator – Age UK Camden & Philip Darby, Strategic Commissioner, Camden Council/Camden CCG (presenter subject to change)
To RSVP you can contact Edith Raie Senior CPPEG administrator by
Email: edith.raie@camdenccg.nhs.uk or Telephone: 020 3688 2044

Free English Classes
Would you like to speak English better? Then come to our free classes.
Every Monday 6pm-8pm at The Evelyn Oldfield Unit, Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA
Please contact Alexandra for more information on 0207 697 4105 alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

Disabled Girls Football in Somerstown
There will be girls only football sessions taking place for disabled young girls between the age of 11 and 19 at Somerstown Youth Centre. Beginners and players of all experience and ability levels are welcome, the sessions are free of charge and the coaches will all be female.
Sessions will take place every Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm and the first session and sign up is 1st August.
This is a great opportunity for any girls who are interested in playing football. The session organiser Becki, is also happy to meet any potential players who are nervous to join to discuss the sessions.
Contact Becki directly (becki@somerstown.org.uk) if you have any questions or want to join the sessions.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Irish Elderly Advice Network, Age Uk Camden, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Cabinet Office launches £20m Local Sustainability Fund after long delay
The Office for Civil Society has announced the launch of its £20m Local Sustainability Fund, which will give grants of between £20,000 and £100,000 to around 250 small and medium-sized organisations.
However the fund has taken 15 months to deliver, is half the size it was originally expected to be, and faces criticism over a “ridiculously short” application window.
The £20m fund will be delivered through the Big Lottery Fund and will be available to around 250 high-impact charities and social enterprises. Charities interested in applying can do so through an online diagnostic tool, and must do so by 26 July.
Charities will also be eligible for support from local businesses, with the OCS saying that all grant recipients expected to establish a “strong volunteering relationship with a local businesses”. Full story in Civil Society.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


‘Celebrating Parents – Resilience in Camden’ fun day for families on Saturday, October 24th from 1 – 5 pm at Haverstock School.
Every year we have our Celebrating Parents (in its 10th year) event during Parents week and we invite the Mayor and the Cabinet member for Children Schools and Families. This year the event will be slightly different as we are looking at ‘Resilience in Camden’.
Everyone’s lives have ups and downs. Resilience is the ability to bounce back when faced with challenges in your life. Resilience also comes from supportive relationships with family members, peers and communities that help people cope.
Camden Council is exploring new ways to better serve its residents. The new Resilient Families Programme aims to support families early enough to prevent problems escalating by focusing on what families need to be resilient, giving support in the right way, at the right time, empowering them to improve their own situation by developing community networks, unlocking alternative community resources and relooking at the role of public services. Schools, health, police and the voluntary and community sector are key partners.
If you would like a stall at the event please complete the booking form attached and return it to David Robinson at david.robinson@camden.gov.uk

Learning Disability Awareness training session on 5th August 2015.
Training runs from 1pm – 5pm at the Camden Training and Development Service at the Crowndale Centre.
The training is delivered by Training people, a group of adults from Camden who are experts about what it’s like to live with a learning disability, because they are people with learning disabilities.
Training People have several years of experience delivering training in Camden, working with social care workers, NHS staff, third sector staff and volunteers, as well as council employees.
Designed and delivered entirely by people with learning disability, this training looks at how attitudes and barriers in society can affect people with a learning disability and ways to overcome these things together. Through a series of interactive exercises participants will explore effective communication, empowering support and the importance of choice and control.
For more information on the course (not bookings) email sarah@advocacyproject.org.uk or call 07946 505 064.
To make a booking contact Camden Training and Development Service at tdsonline@camden.gov.uk or visit http://www.camdentds.co.uk

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

Vital Youth and the Hospital Club Foundation present Master The Word, a Spoken Word project aimed at young people 16-24.
#MasterTheWord is a creative development project that uses creative techniques and practical interventions to explore the power of language communication and (self) presentation.
Spoken Word Workshops all 1pm- 4pm Cost: FREE
Week 3: Tues 28th, Weds 29th & Thurs 30th July
Week 4 – Recording days 4th & 5th August
Venue: The Hospital Club, Covent Garden, 24 Endell Street, London WC2H 9HQ
For further information call 020 7245 2269/1 e: vitalyouth@vitalregen.org
As well as creative learning and enhancing their skills, the young people complete the arts award qualification and are supported with progression opportunities into employment, apprenticeships or further training.

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Home-Start Camden
Are you a parent or do you have parenting experience? Would you like to enhance your skills to offer friendship and support to families with young children? Can you give 3-4 hours weekly, to visit a family with young children who may be going through a difficult time?
Next accredited training course:
Two week course from 15th June to 25th June From 9.45am to 2.30pm. Four days per week Monday – Thursday Certificates awarded & expenses paid
For information pack ring 0207 424 1603 email: info@homestartcamden.org web: www.homestartcamden.org

Camden Hub seeks Project Assistant
Be an instrumental part of an innovative project tackling mental ill health in Camden within the Bengali, Black, and Irish communities. We are looking for people who take initiative, can think creatively, and, most importantly, are confident to engage with people. If you are from any of these communities, then your grassroots knowledge, insights and network will be invaluable.
We put people first and will be connecting with them on their terms, wherever they feel most comfortable: clubs or cafes, mosques or churches, college or university, at home or on the go. Having identified people and places, you’ll help to run “mutual learning sessions”. These informal meetups will allow each community to come up with their own original ideas for raising mental health awareness and reducing stigma. Harnessing this energy and insight, you’ll then go on to co produce (together) the most popular and exciting ones.
What you’ll do
● Investigate and identify where people come together, eg, social clubs, cafes, parent groups, and places of worship;
● Make contact and create relationships;
● Meet with individuals and groups. Have informal discussions and “mutual learning workshops” to gain insights and ideas.
● Later in the project, run “codesign & coproduction sessions” where you’ll help to follow through on ideas people have had, eg, produce a film, create a leaflet, run a popup music studio at schools
You can be involved in a big way: meeting with lots of people, helping to surface many ideas and then helping to see them through.
Or, you may prefer to engage with just one or two groups of people: perhaps you are well situated to meet up with your local barber shop, pub, or youth club, where you’re confident you can get people talking and creating ideas.
Contact Kumar from Camden Hub (camdenhub.org.uk) on 020 7278 4437 or kumar.grant@hcct.org.uk.

HCA seeks a Fundraising and Income Development Manager
The purpose of the post is to raise at least £50,000, to enable the HCA to continue and develop its activities, whether through involvement with local businesses or residents, expansion of income from HCA’s activities or otherwise
We expect the successful candidate to present a viable plan for achieving the aims of the project and to develop and implement the plan, in co-ordination with the existing team.
The Job Specs and Application forms are available on our (www.holborncommunity.co.uk) or they can email on admin@holborncommunity.co.uk or call us on 02074052370.
The closing date is Monday 3rd August 10 a.m. with interviews on Thursday 2oth August

Part-Time Advice Worker (female applicants only) (apply by 3rd August 2015)
21 hours per week, £25,500 per annum pro rata
Women and Girls Network (WGN) is recruiting for a highly motivated, organised and experienced Advice Worker to our Advice Service, delivered as part of the Angelou partnership. You will have a proven track record of working within a multi-agency setting, delivering specialist advice and casework support within a feminist, empowering framework for women and girls who are experiencing domestic/sexual violence and abuse. Additionally, you will have a working knowledge, understanding and experienced of civil and criminal remedies and the criminal justice process, specifically in relation to domestic/sexual violence and abuse.
To download application packs please go to http://www.wgn.org.uk/join-us/jobs
Deadline for Applications 12pm, Monday 3rd of August. Interviews will be held week commencing 10th of August.
The above post is exempt under the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9, Part 1

Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks Volunteers
The Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group is a new group that meets at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre. The group is looking for a number of volunteers and trustees:
2 Trustees
A Treasurer
A Secretary
A volunteer coordinator
A fundraising volunteer
Ideally you should have some knowledge and/or experience of strokes. For more information and to apply please contact Felix Mboko at minorities.strokeaphasia@gmail.com

Moroccan Women’s Centre seeks Domestic Violence Advocate/Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA)
Job Share (2 days per week). Up to £27k per annum (pro rata)
Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Centre is a charity which serves the needs of Moroccan and Arabic-speaking women and their families in Kensington & Chelsea and London-wide.
We are seeking a highly-skilled, well-organised, confident individual able to take on a job share role (2 days per week) working directly with our Arabic-speaking IDVA to support vulnerable women who have experienced recent or historical domestic violence and abuse.
The applicant must demonstrate a very good understanding of domestic violence and its impact on families, particularly within Arabic-speaking communities with at least two years’ experience of working with this or similar client groups.
The applicant must have a degree level of education, be IT literate and fluent in English. Excellent oral and written communication skills and be experienced in working within a multi-agency framework to provide direct and dedicated advocacy support to women within and outside the criminal justice system.
The application pack is available to download from the Al-Hasaniya website
If you require further information please email Esma Dukali at esma@al-hasaniya.org.uk
This role is subject to enhanced DBS check and suitable references and is open to women only under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Section 7(2).
The post holder will be based at the Al-Hasaniya centre with some co-location within partnerships based in Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and RBKC.
Deadline will be midday, Wednesday 29th July 2015 and we hope to interview the shortlisted candidates on Friday 21st August and/or Monday 24th August.

Age UK Camden seeks Partnership Development Officer, 30 hours per week
Local Government Scale PO1 (£27,563-£29,468pa for 30 hour week)
We require a Partnership Development Officer to: support the engagement of older people in the partnership, to promote asset based mapping and community development and to support our delivery agencies in their work.
Essential requirements: experience of community building; experience of engagement preferably co-production; knowledge of issues affecting older people including isolation; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to deliver successful multi-agency partnership work; highly numerate and literate; ability to innovate and work creatively.
Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator, 21 hours per week; Local Government Scale 5 (£14,195-£15,372pa for 21 hour week)
We require a Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator to provide administrative and communications support to the Ageing Better in Camden programme, and to support our work in monitoring our activities and achievements.
Essential requirements: at least two years’ experience of working in an administration role; excellent IT skills including databases; good verbal and written communication skills, understanding of issues affecting older people including isolation
AUC offers a contributory pension, and a season ticket or bicycle loan facility. The post is based at Tavis House, Tavistock Square with easy access via Euston and Kings Cross main lines or Russell Square tube.
For more details, all documents can be downloaded from our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date – 9:00am Monday, 10th August 2015 Interviews -24th and 25th August 2015.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service across North Central London
We want to hear about your experiences of the current services and your views and contributions on the proposals and how we can commission the best 111/OOH service for the residents of Camden (inc Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington).
Whether you are a patient resident or a community organisation you can write to us or fill in the questionnaire at the back of the proposal document to:
NHS 111/Out of houses, Communications Department, NEL Commissioning Support Unit, 75 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU
Or alternatively you can email your comments to feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call the communications team at 0203 688 1615
You can also fill in the questionnaire online at http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/about/questionnaire.htm.
For further information about the procurement process or to read the background documents, please take a look at our website at: Camden CCG www.camdenccg.nhs.uk

Free NHS Health Check
Over 6,800 Camden residents had a free NHS Health Check last year – have you had yours?
If you are aged between 40 and 74 years (or 30 to 74 if you are South Asian) you can have a free health check once every five years to assess your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia.
A health check can detect potential problems before they do real damage and you can be referred to other services that will support you in changing your life for the better.
If you are Camden resident, and registered with a GP, ask at your local surgery, call 0203 633 2609 / 0800 917 0976, or click on the link below to book an appointment at a place near you.
More information healthycamden.com/healthchecks

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

To subscribe to this e-bulletin just send an email to info@vac.org.uk with your request, name, organisation and email address

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 16th July 2015

Highlights: VAC Response to Council’s Engagement Process; Free Beach Party Invites for Volunteers; ‘Celebrating Parents – Resilience in Camden’ fun day; The M&S Energy Community Energy Fund; Open Meeting of CBUG – Camden Borough User Group; Learning Disability Awareness training session 5th August; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


VAC Response to Council’s Engagement Process
A Response from VAC to: ‘Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector. Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’.
You can read the response on the VAC website.

Free Beach Party Invites for Volunteers
Thirty Camden volunteers are invited to attend the Camden50 Summer Party at the Roundhouse Beach on Monday 3 August 2015. If you would like a Free Ticket please email frances.connelly@camden.gov.uk by 24 July. First come first served! More info about the event here: http://camden50.co.uk/events/camden50-summer-party/

‘Celebrating Parents – Resilience in Camden’ fun day for families on Saturday, October 24th from 1 – 5 pm at Haverstock School.
Every year we have our Celebrating Parents (in its 10th year) event during Parents week and we invite the Mayor and the Cabinet member for Children Schools and Families. This year the event will be slightly different as we are looking at ‘Resilience in Camden’.
Everyone’s lives have ups and downs. Resilience is the ability to bounce back when faced with challenges in your life. Resilience also comes from supportive relationships with family members, peers and communities that help people cope.
Camden Council is exploring new ways to better serve its residents. The new Resilient Families Programme aims to support families early enough to prevent problems escalating by focusing on what families need to be resilient, giving support in the right way, at the right time, empowering them to improve their own situation by developing community networks, unlocking alternative community resources and relooking at the role of public services. Schools, health, police and the voluntary and community sector are key partners.
If you would like a stall at the event please complete the booking form attached and return it to David Robinson at david.robinson@camden.gov.uk

Camden New Town Community Festival
Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July 2015. Bringing our community together in Camden Square Gardens. Entertainment for people of all ages from diverse cultures.
Activities: Green corner; Healthy living tent; Live Music; Dance Performance; Jazz, Folk & Poetry in the Garden; Bring a poem for the Poetry Wall. Saturday 18th 4.00pm – 8.30pm
Sunday 19th July 2015 Family Day 12noon – 6:30 pm
To book a stall, volunteer or make donations; contact the Festival
Office on: 0207 267 9586 or email: festival.mlcc@yahoo.co.uk

National News
Charities lost out on £300m of rate relief last year
NCVO have calculated that Local Authorities are now giving out only 12.5% of the discretionary rate relief available. Charities are pressing the government to raise the mandatory rate relief to 100%. Full story in Civil Society magazine.
Charities Under Attack (Again)
It’s Scams Awareness Month and The Chartered Trading Standards Institute warn that 4 million people are scammed each year, up 25% since 2013 and an unknown number are victims of rogue traders. Scammers are targeting the elderly and desperate. However, the Government have announced that they will be introducing legislation “to protect the vulnerable from aggressive fundraisers and rogue charities” instead. This follows weeks of tabloid attacks on charities including personal attacks on named charity staff in the Daily Mail. The Sun has now attacked the Alzheimer’s Disease Society for employing staff. You can read the response in the Guardian. Though an anonymous director of fundraising admits to doubts about the methods used by the very small number of national charities that are employing commercial fundraisers and who may be damaging the sector as a whole’s reputation.
As the sector comes under attack an article in the Huffington Post calls on the sector to get more political.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Irish Elderly Advice Network, Age Uk Camden, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

The M&S Energy Community Energy Fund.
If you’re a not for private profit organisation that wants to use renewable energy to provide community benefits, this is your chance to try to secure funding. Whether you’re a community energy group, a sports club or simply an organisation that wants to have a positive impact on the environment, we want to hear from you.
Our funding will be awarded to renewable energy projects in Great Britain who can demonstrate they have the support of their local community.
To take part, simply complete the online application form by Wednesday 29th July.

Cabinet Office launches £20m Local Sustainability Fund after long delay
The Office for Civil Society has announced the launch of its £20m Local Sustainability Fund, which will give grants of between £20,000 and £100,000 to around 250 small and medium-sized organisations.
However the fund has taken 15 months to deliver, is half the size it was originally expected to be, and faces criticism over a “ridiculously short” application window.
The £20m fund will be delivered through the Big Lottery Fund and will be available to around 250 high-impact charities and social enterprises. Charities interested in applying can do so through an online diagnostic tool, and must do so by 26 July.
Charities will also be eligible for support from local businesses, with the OCS saying that all grant recipients expected to establish a “strong volunteering relationship with a local businsses”. Full story in Civil Society.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Silence Makes Violence, 24th July 2015
Uncovering the mental health issues caused by emotional abuse
Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are overlooked or go unnoticed. Domestic violence is commonly associated with visible physical abuse. But what about the silent violence? Mental and emotional abuse remains hidden. It’s time to uncover the mask.
Bring awareness to mental health issues. Help women recognize the signs of emotional abuse
13:00-16:00pm Refreshments at 13:00 workshop begins at 13:30
Workshop funded by Finsbury Park Ward of Islington
Workshop location: 86 Durham Rd. London N7 7Dt Email: office@mewso.org

Open Meeting of CBUG – Camden Borough User Group
Supporting mental health service user involvement in the borough of Camden. Do you/ have you used mental health services in Camden? What’s Good? Bad? Missing? Come along and tell us your experiences
A chance to influence how treatment is delivered in Camden. Anyone in Camden with a mental health history or current experience is welcome Open CBUG meeting.
Tuesday 21st July 2015, 11am St Pancras Hospital Conference Centre, 4 St Pancras Way, NW1 0PE
Topics this month:
~ Smoking Cessation policy at Camden & Islington NHS
~ Recovery College
Contact Dan or Alex on: 020 3355 7113 or 07776 769 315 Or email dan.slee@voiceability.org

Learning Disability Awareness training session on 5th August 2015.
Training runs from 1pm – 5pm at the Camden Training and Development Service at the Crowndale Centre.
The training is delivered by Training people, a group of adults from Camden who are experts about what it’s like to live with a learning disability, because they are people with learning disabilities.
Training People have several years of experience delivering training in Camden, working with social care workers, NHS staff, third sector staff and volunteers, as well as council employees.
Designed and delivered entirely by people with learning disability, this training looks at how attitudes and barriers in society can affect people with a learning disability and ways to overcome these things together. Through a series of interactive exercises participants will explore effective communication, empowering support and the importance of choice and control.
This training is recommended for any staff who work with people with a learning disability, either as a main part of their job or who may come into contact with people with a learning disability from time to time.
For more information on the course (not bookings) email sarah@advocacyproject.org.uk or call 07946 505 064.
To make a booking contact Camden Training and Development Service at tdsonline@camden.gov.uk or visit http://www.camdentds.co.uk

Women’s Resource Centre Training Events:
Making the Case: Equalities And Human Rights
Monday 27 July
This training will help you increase your knowledge of the pieces of current human rights and equalities documents that are referred to in the UK, raise your awareness of how they are relevant to your service users and give you the skills to use them to make the case for your organisation and the services you provide.
This training covers: The Equalities Act 2010, the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011, CEDAW and using Judicial Review.
This course is funded and specific groups can attend for free. This training is FREE and open to all Voluntary and Community organisations and Social Enterprises based in London.
To register: http://thewomensresourcecentre.org.uk/events/making-the-case-equalities-and-human-rights-7/

Making Tracks: Improving Employability Support for People with Physical Disabilities and HIV
Tuesday 22nd July 10.30am-12.30pm at the Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, 50- 52 Hampstead Road, NW1
We would like to steer an initiative to develop an effective employment network to support those people with Physical Disabilities/HIV into employment.
We know there are several organisations that support, represent and advocate for disabled people in the borough. If you are a member of one of these groups, we would like to take this opportunity to begin to coordinate our work. We would also like to hear from Employers, Service Users and Camden Residents that have Physical Disabilities/HIV.
For further details or to RSVP, contact Nikki at Hopscotch
Tel: 020 7388 8198 EMAIL: nikki.mcnaught@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Crick Update
If you’re local to the Crick, come along to the next Community Update – Tues 21st July, Somers Town Community Association, rsvp to info@crick.ac.uk

The Spark 2015: A Free week of discussion, workshops, film, poetry music 20 – 26 July
All looking at how we can build positive change here in the UK and around the world
Find out more & register at www.thesparkspace.org
This free-to-attend week of events takes place at the Brady Arts Centre, Whitechapel, London, from 20th – 26th July. Each day runs from 10am – 9pm.
There will be sessions on a wide range of topics from ‘How gentrification affects communities and what we can do about it’, to ‘The Colonial Past & Present and the fight for our future’, ‘How to make your own short film… on your mobile!’, to ‘Write your own spoken word poetry,’ to ‘Stop and Search training for young people’, and many, many more. Full timetable & register at www.thesparkspace.org/timetable

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

Vital Youth and the Hospital Club Foundation present Master The Word, a Spoken Word project aimed at young people 16-24.
#MasterTheWord is a creative development project that uses creative techniques and practical interventions to explore the power of language communication and (self) presentation.
Spoken Word Workshops all 1pm- 4pm Cost: FREE
Week 2: Tues 21st, Weds 22nd & Thurs 23rd July
Week 3: Tues 28th, Weds 29th & Thurs 30th July
Week 4 – Recording days 4th & 5th August
Venue: The Hospital Club, Covent Garden, 24 Endell Street, London WC2H 9HQ
For further information call 020 7245 2269/1 e: vitalyouth@vitalregen.org
As well as creative learning and enhancing their skills, the young people complete the arts award qualification and are supported with progression opportunities into employment, apprenticeships or further training opportunities.

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group seeks Volunteers
The Stroke and Aphasia Minorities Support Group is a new group that meets at Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre. The group is looking for a number of volunteers and trustees:
2 Trustees
A Treasurer
A Secretary
A volunteer coordinator
A fundraising volunteer
Ideally you should have some knowledge and/or experience of strokes. For more information and to apply please contact Felix Mboko at minorities.strokeaphasia@gmail.com

Moroccan Women’s Centre seeks Domestic Violence Advocate/Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA)
Job Share (2 days per week). Up to £27k per annum (pro rata)
Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Centre is a charity which serves the needs of Moroccan and Arabic-speaking women and their families in Kensington & Chelsea and London-wide.
We are seeking a highly-skilled, well-organised, confident individual able to take on a job share role (2 days per week) working directly with our Arabic-speaking IDVA to support vulnerable women who have experienced recent or historical domestic violence and abuse.
The applicant must demonstrate a very good understanding of domestic violence and its impact on families, particularly within Arabic-speaking communities with at least two years’ experience of working with this or similar client groups.
The applicant must have a degree level of education, be IT literate and fluent in English. Excellent oral and written communication skills and be experienced in working within a multi-agency framework to provide direct and dedicated advocacy support to women within and outside the criminal justice system.
The application pack is available to download from the Al-Hasaniya website
If you require further information please email Esma Dukali at esma@al-hasaniya.org.uk
This role is subject to enhanced DBS check and suitable references and is open to women only under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Section 7(2).
The post holder will be based at the Al-Hasaniya centre with some co-location within partnerships based in Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and RBKC.
Deadline will be midday, Wednesday 29th July 2015 and we hope to interview the shortlisted candidates on Friday 21st August and/or Monday 24th August.

Age UK Camden seeks Partnership Development Officer, 30 hours per week
Local Government Scale PO1 (£27,563-£29,468pa for 30 hour week)
We require a Partnership Development Officer to: support the engagement of older people in the partnership, to promote asset based mapping and community development and to support our delivery agencies in their work.
Essential requirements: experience of community building; experience of engagement preferably co-production; knowledge of issues affecting older people including isolation; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to deliver successful multi-agency partnership work; highly numerate and literate; ability to innovate and work creatively.
Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator, 21 hours per week; Local Government Scale 5 (£14,195-£15,372pa for 21 hour week)
We require a Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator to provide administrative and communications support to the Ageing Better in Camden programme, and to support our work in monitoring our activities and achievements.
Essential requirements: at least two years’ experience of working in an administration role; excellent IT skills including databases; good verbal and written communication skills, understanding of issues affecting older people including isolation
AUC offers a contributory pension, and a season ticket or bicycle loan facility. The post is based at Tavis House, Tavistock Square with easy access via Euston and Kings Cross main lines or Russell Square tube.
For more details, all documents can be downloaded from our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date – 9:00am Monday, 10th August 2015 Interviews -24th and 25th August 2015.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service across North Central London
We want to hear about your experiences of the current services and your views and contributions on the proposals and how we can commission the best 111/OOH service for the residents of Camden (inc Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington).
Whether you are a patient resident or a community organisation you can write to us or fill in the questionnaire at the back of the proposal document to:
NHS 111/Out of houses, Communications Department, NEL Commissioning Support Unit, 75 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU
Or alternatively you can email your comments to feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call the communications team at 0203 688 1615
You can also fill in the questionnaire online at http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/about/questionnaire.htm.
For further information about the procurement process or to read the background documents, please take a look at our website at: Camden CCG www.camdenccg.nhs.uk

Free NHS Health Check
Over 6,800 Camden residents had a free NHS Health Check last year – have you had yours?
If you are aged between 40 and 74 years (or 30 to 74 if you are South Asian) you can have a free health check once every five years to assess your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia.
A health check can detect potential problems before they do real damage and you can be referred to other services that will support you in changing your life for the better.
If you are Camden resident, and registered with a GP, ask at your local surgery, call 0203 633 2609 / 0800 917 0976, or click on the link below to book an appointment at a place near you.
More information healthycamden.com/healthchecks

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 10th July 2015

Highlights: VAC Submits Response to Council’s Engagement Process; Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Event for Users; Wild Bunch Club; The Budget; Camden New Town Community Festival; Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service; Learning Disability Awareness training session on 5th August; Be Scams Aware; Capital Spending Opportunity For VCS Organisations in Frognal and Fitzjohns; Open Meeting of CBUG – Camden Borough User Group; Silence Makes Violence, 24th July; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


VAC Submits Response to Council’s Engagement Process
A Response from VAC to: ‘Camden Council and Camden’s Voluntary and Community Sector. Investing in a Sustainable Strategic Relationship’.
VAC will be submitting a response on behalf of the VCS by the deadline of 12th July 2015. Throughout the engagement period, which ran from the 18th May to the 12th July 2015, VAC worked with the Council’s Third Sector Team to run a series of seminars at which the four funding models put forward were discussed. VAC also held three further meetings for the voluntary and community sector. This work included an analysis of the strategic challenges that we all face in Camden and the fit between the strategic vision and the four options presented. The options were found not to fit well with the strategic vision and work was undertaken to develop a more suitable option, Option Five. You can read the latest draft of the response on the VAC website. The final draft will be available on 12th July 2015.

Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Event for Users
Thursday 16th July, 11am-1pm
Room 11.10, 5 Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG
“Camden’s Centre for Independent Living (CIL) will be based at Greenwood Place – a new community resource centre being built in Kentish Town, due to open in January 2018.
We have engaged and consulted widely in the past which was extremely useful. Building on that, we are now ready to move into the next stage of the project and would like to start thinking about the CIL in more detail. We want the CIL to be user-led.
In partnership with Camden Disability Action, a new umbrella organisation to represent deaf and disabled people in Camden, we would like to invite you to join us at this event to talk about:
• What the CIL space within the new Greenwood building should look like
We will show you the latest copies of the floor plans and ask what you think of them
• What services the CIL should provide
We will ask you what services you think people with disabilities need in Camden today and in the future to be able to live more independently
• How can people with disabilities lead the development of the CIL
We will also be able to tell you more about our timescales for the project.”
Places at this event are limited and we will need to know your name in advance to prepare your visitor badge, so you must book your place by 5pm on Tuesday 14th July by calling Ellie Chesterman on 0207 974 3178 or email: eleanor.chesterman@camden.gov.uk
Please get in touch to discuss any access or communication requirements you may have.
We will send you confirmation of your place by email or by post.

Health and Safety for Marginalized Communities
Wednesday, July 15 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm | Free
Last chance! The course will give you Health & Safety essentials. A few spaces left. More information and bookings on the VAC website.

Wild Bunch Club
Tuesday 14th July at Electrowerkz. 7 – 11pm. Tickets £5 on the door. At 7 Torrens Street. Wheelchair access, over 18s only. Contact Siren 020 7359 7443.

National News
Civil Society review the Chancellor’s budget and reported that the Budget was silent on key issues facing the sector such as Gift Aid reform, irrecoverable VAT, and the continuing necessity for food banks. NCVO have a round up of the main budget implications for the sector. As well as direct implications there will be implications for many of the sectors users and members. There is more in depth look at some of the implications in this NCVO blog. There is controversy that the Chancellor has renamed the National Minimum Wage to the Living Wage which has left the Living Wage Foundation in an awkward spot: ‘delight’ that the issue is being addressed, but there is silence on a number of issues: questions over how it is calculated, no mention of London, under 25s aren’t covered, what affect will tax credit changes have? Full response at the Living Wage Foundation. In an interesting blog post the Charity Finance Group highlight some issues for the sector (including business rates review) that will not be clarified until later. Not least the proposed right to buy charity assets (otherwise known as Housing Associations Tenants ‘right to buy’) which has thrown up an additional problem for the chancellor (as if confiscation of charity assets wasn’t a big enough problem); that the Housing Association debt will have to be reclassified as Public Sector Net Debt adding about £60 billion to it.
Interestingly, both the Economist and the Spectator were unimpressed. The Economist said “cutting benefits to the very poor while reducing inheritance tax for the wealthy is indefensible.” The spectator says “it is not surprising that the changes overall are regressive – ie, taking much more from poorer households than richer ones. Poorer households have done worse than those in the middle and upper middle parts of the income distribution”.

Camden New Town Community Festival
Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July 2015. Bringing our community together in Camden Square Gardens. Entertainment for people of all ages from diverse cultures.
Activities: Green corner; Healthy living tent; Live Music; Dance Performance; Jazz, Folk & Poetry in the Garden; Bring a poem for the Poetry Wall. Saturday 18th 4.00pm – 8.30pm
Sunday 19th July 2015 Family Day 12noon – 6:30 pm
To book a stall, volunteer or make donations; contact the Festival
Office on: 0207 267 9586 or email: festival.mlcc@yahoo.co.uk

Consultation on Proposals to commission an integrated NHS 111 & GP Out of Hours (111/OOH) service across North Central London
We want to hear about your experiences of the current services and your views and contributions on the proposals and how we can commission the best 111/OOH service for the residents of Camden (inc Barnet, Enfield, Haringey and Islington).
Whether you are a patient resident or a community organisation you can write to us or fill in the questionnaire at the back of the proposal document to:
NHS 111/Out of houses, Communications Department, NEL Commissioning Support Unit, 75 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU
Or alternatively you can email your comments to feedback@nelcsu.nhs.uk or call the communications team at 0203 688 1615
You can also fill in the questionnaire online at http://www.camdenccg.nhs.uk/about/questionnaire.htm.
For further information about the procurement process or to read the background documents, please take a look at our website at: Camden CCG www.camdenccg.nhs.uk

Age UK Camden Scoops Four Awards
In the last month, Age UK Camden has won four awards for its work with older people in and around Camden.
1 Age UK Camden was given a prestigious award for using London’s green space to improve the well-being of local residents and its service users. Awarded the runner up prize of £1,000 in the ‘Growing Localities’ Awards, run by the City Bridge Trust with the Corporation of London and Lemos and Crane. The award was for a garden based at Great Croft Resource Centre in Kings Cross.
2 it received Best Innovation in Volunteering by the Age England Association for its work in developing the Corporate Social Responsibility relationships with business partners.
3 Age UK Camden’s regional Opening Doors London service was included in the 2015 Pride Power List honouring those in the LGBT community who have made a significant impact.
4 Age UK Camden’s CEO Gary Jones was invited to become a Fellow of the RSA “in light of (his) outstanding work at Age UK Camden, supporting and providing services to older citizens of Camden.”
More details at www.ageukcamden.org.uk and www.openingdoorslondon.org.uk

Learning Disability Awareness training session on 5th August 2015.
Training runs from 1pm – 5pm at the Camden Training and Development Service at the Crowndale Centre.
The training is delivered by Training people, a group of adults from Camden who are experts about what it’s like to live with a learning disability, because they are people with learning disabilities.
Training People have several years of experience delivering training in Camden, working with social care workers, NHS staff, third sector staff and volunteers, as well as council employees.
Designed and delivered entirely by people with learning disability, this training looks at how attitudes and barriers in society can affect people with a learning disability and ways to overcome these things together. Through a series of interactive exercises participants will explore effective communication, empowering support and the importance of choice and control.
This training is recommended for any staff who work with people with a learning disability, either as a main part of their job or who may come into contact with people with a learning disability from time to time.
For more information on the course (not bookings) email sarah@advocacyproject.org.uk or call 07946 505 064.
To make a booking contact Camden Training and Development Service at tdsonline@camden.gov.uk or visit http://www.camdentds.co.uk

Be Scams Aware
July is Scams Awareness Month. Learn to spot the signs and protect yourself and others.
Look out for the following warning signals to help you stay safe
• If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is – be wary
• Did you buy a ticket? If not, you can’t win anything
• You shouldn’t have to pay anything to get a prize
• Contacted out of the blue? Be suspicious
• Resist pressure to make an immediate decision – don’t be rushed
• Ignore job adverts that request money in advance
• Never send money to someone you have never met
• If in doubt, don’t reply. Bin it, delete it, or hang up
• Genuine computer firms do not make unsolicited phone calls to help you fix your computer
• If your bank rings you and you suspect a scam, hang up – then either wait five minutes to clear the line, or use another phone to call your bank
• Your bank will never phone or attend your home to collect cash, your pin, payment card or chequebook if you are a victim of fraud. Nor will they ask you to transfer money to a new account for fraud reasons.
More information at : http://news.camden.gov.uk/be-scams-aware/

Capital Spending Opportunity For VCS Organisations in Frognal and Fitzjohns
The Council has received money from a property development in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance. The money is available for capital projects for community facilities. Deadline for proposals is Friday 17th July.
For more information, including LB Camden contact details, see last week’s e-bulletin (scroll to the bottom).

Open Meeting of CBUG – Camden Borough User Group
Supporting mental health service user involvement in the borough of Camden. Do you/ have you used mental health services in Camden? What’s Good? Bad? Missing? Come along and tell us your experiences
A chance to influence how treatment is delivered in Camden. Anyone in Camden with a mental health history or current experience is welcome Open CBUG meeting.
Tuesday 21st July 2015, 11am St Pancras Hospital Conference Centre, 4 St Pancras Way, NW1 0PE
Topics this month:
~ Smoking Cessation policy at Camden & Islington NHS
~ Recovery College
Contact Dan or Alex on: 020 3355 7113 or 07776 769 315 Or email dan.slee@voiceability.org

Silence Makes Violence, 24th July 2015
Uncovering the mental health issues caused by emotional abuse
Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are overlooked or go unnoticed. Domestic violence is commonly associated with visible physical abuse. But what about the silent violence? Mental and emotional abuse remains hidden. It’s time to uncover the mask.
Bring awareness to mental health issues. Help women recognize the signs of emotional abuse
13:00-16:00pm Refreshments at 13:00 workshop begins at 13:30
Workshop funded by Finsbury Park Ward of Islington
Workshop location: 86 Durham Rd. London N7 7Dt Email: office@mewso.org

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Irish Elderly Advice Network, Age Uk Camden, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

The M&S Energy Community Energy Fund.
If you’re a not for private profit organisation that wants to use renewable energy to provide community benefits, this is your chance to try to secure funding. Whether you’re a community energy group, a sports club or simply an organisation that wants to have a positive impact on the environment, we want to hear from you.
Our funding will be awarded to renewable energy projects in Great Britain who can demonstrate they have the support of their local community.
To take part, simply complete the online application form by Wednesday 29th July.

Camden Economic Growth Fund – supporting Camden residents with mental health conditions and with learning disabilities
Working together with Jobcentre Plus, Camden’s Economic Growth Fund will be soon be opening applications for projects to support Camden residents who are long-term unemployed to access and retain employment, specifically focusing on supporting 1) Camden residents with mental health conditions and 2) Camden residents with learning disabilities.
– Residents with mental health conditions – there will be a strong focus on using Individual Placement Support principles, working with residents with common mental health conditions and those with more severe and enduring conditions and working closely with existing health and employment provision. Up to £150,000 will be available per project.
– Residents with learning disabilities – there will be a particular focus on employer engagement and job carving, with up to £50,000 available.
The application process will open end July, with projects starting in September.
An event with further details of the funding requirements and application process will be held on Friday 17th July, 10am at Camden Old Town Hall (on Judd Street). To book a place, please contact Morelda Nanton (morelda.nanton@camden.gov.uk) before 14th July. Capacity will be limited.

Cabinet Office launches £20m Local Sustainability Fund after long delay
The Office for Civil Society has announced the launch of its £20m Local Sustainability Fund, which will give grants of between £20,000 and £100,000 to around 250 small and medium-sized organisations.
However the fund has taken 15 months to deliver, is half the size it was originally expected to be, and faces criticism over a “ridiculously short” application window.
The £20m fund will be delivered through the Big Lottery Fund and will be available to around 250 high-impact charities and social enterprises. Charities interested in applying can do so through an online diagnostic tool, and must do so by 26 July.
Charities will also be eligible for support from local businesses, with the OCS saying that all grant recipients expected to establish a “strong volunteering relationship with a local businsses”. Full story in Civil Society.

The Big Lottery Fund has announced a new £45m grant fund to increase the capacity of organisations that support women and girls.
The grant-maker said the scheme, which does not have an official name but is being referred to as the women and girls initiative, will offer grants of between £150,000 and £750,000 to somewhere between 60 and 70 organisations in England over the next three to five years.
The BLF said the fund would support existing projects and new work to increase the provision of services for at-risk girls and women.
It said that projects for women and girls were under pressure because more people were looking for support while the projects themselves were suffering from reduced investment because of cuts.
Expressions of interest must be received by the BLF by 16 July 2015.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Free training, outings and events for unpaid carers in Camden, from Friday 10th to Friday 17th July
Friday 10th July
Yoga and relaxation, 1.30 – 2.30pm
‘Crafternoon’ – arts and crafts for older carers of 60+, 1.30 – 4.30pm
Monday 13th
Camden Amblers: easy walking in Camden’s parks and squares, 10.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday 14th
Camden Carers Voice (CCV) meeting on welfare benefits, 10.30 – 1pm, Argenta House, Aspern grove, NW3
Reel Local film session, 1.30 – 3pm, hosted by Kilburn Older Voices (KOVE)
Male carers’ group, 2 – 4pm
Wednesday 15th
Carers’ group – monthly for all carers, 10.30am – 12pm
Garden Party, 12 – 3pm
Thursday 16th
Mindfulness session, 11am – 1pm
Drama group, 2 – 4pm
Friday 17th
Monthly mental health carers’ group, 10.30am – 12.30pm, Peckwater Resource Centre, 6 Peckwater Street, NW5
020 7428 8950 for more details or to book – except Camden Carers Voice (CCV) meeting and Garden Party – ring Beth Smith on 020 7697 1336, and for Reel Local film session call KOVE on 07539 390 786

Women’s Resource Centre Training Events:
Finance Planning for Your Organisation Workshop

Tuesday 14 July 2015
This training uses practical exercises to focus on your organisation and the financial documents you need. The course will give you the knowledge and tools to understand and develop the following financial information:
· Balance sheet
· Cashflow forecasting
· Profit and loss accounts
· Full cost recovery budget
· Break even point
This course is funded and specific groups can attend for free. This training is FREE and open to all Voluntary and Community organisations and Social Enterprises based in London.
To register: http://thewomensresourcecentre.org.uk/events/finance-planning-for-your-organisation-2/
Participatory Methods: Monitoring and Evaluation
Friday 17 July
Participants will be introduced to the differences between conventional Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) (with emphasis on gathering and reporting data to funders and policy makers) and Participatory M&E (as a learning process that responds to the need of information and involvement of project implementers and people affected by the projects). They will learn to identify specific ways of facilitating participatory M&E processes, to integrate qualititave and participatory methods and new creative techniques used in participatory M&E.
This course is funded and specific groups can attend for free.These courses are FREE If you are an organisation or project based in London working with those affected by sexual and domestic violence.
To register: http://thewomensresourcecentre.org.uk/events/participatory-methods-monitoring-and-evaluation/
Making the Case: Equalities And Human Rights
Monday 27 July
This training will help you increase your knowledge of the pieces of current human rights and equalities documents that are referred to in the UK, raise your awareness of how they are relevant to your service users and give you the skills to use them to make the case for your organisation and the services you provide.
This training covers: The Equalities Act 2010, the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011, CEDAW and using Judicial Review.
This course is funded and specific groups can attend for free. This training is FREE and open to all Voluntary and Community organisations and Social Enterprises based in London.
To register: http://thewomensresourcecentre.org.uk/events/making-the-case-equalities-and-human-rights-7/

Making Tracks: Improving Employability Support for People with Physical Disabilities and HIV
Tuesday 22nd July 10.30am-12.30pm at the Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, 50- 52 Hampstead Road, NW1
We would like to steer an initiative to develop an effective employment network to support those people with Physical Disabilities/HIV into employment.
We know there are several organisations that support, represent and advocate for disabled people in the borough. If you are a member of one of these groups, we would like to take this opportunity to begin to coordinate our work. We would also like to hear from Employers, Service Users and Camden Residents that have Physical Disabilities/HIV.
For further details or to RSVP, contact Nikki at Hopscotch
Tel: 020 7388 8198 EMAIL: nikki.mcnaught@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Crick Update
If you’re local to the Crick, come along to the next Community Update – Tues 21st July, Somers Town Community Association, rsvp to info@crick.ac.uk

Age UK London AstraZeneca Techy Tea Party
14 July, 2pm to 4pm at: Guoman Grosvenor Hotel, 101 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 0SJ
This is a great opportunity for members of groups, forums and older peoples organisations across London to discover how social media eg Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Skype etc. can help save money, cut costs and work smarter by using these many free resources that are available on the internet. There will be tablet computers available to use on the day.
Booking is via the event brite link http://techyteaastrazeneca.eventbrite.co.uk

The Spark 2015: A Free week of discussion, workshops, film, poetry music 20 – 26 July
All looking at how we can build positive change here in the UK and around the world
Find out more & register at www.thesparkspace.org
This free-to-attend week of events takes place at the Brady Arts Centre, Whitechapel, London, from 20th – 26th July. Each day runs from 10am – 9pm.
There will be sessions on a wide range of topics from ‘How gentrification affects communities and what we can do about it’, to ‘The Colonial Past & Present and the fight for our future’, ‘How to make your own short film… on your mobile!’, to ‘Write your own spoken word poetry,’ to ‘Stop and Search training for young people’, and many, many more. Full timetable & register at www.thesparkspace.org/timetable

Older People’s Manifesto for London Mayoral Elections 2016 Consultation Event
Age UK London will be publishing an Older People’s Manifesto ahead of the 2015 London Mayoral Elections and we want to know what you think should be included.
We want to hear about the issues that concern you and you will get the opportunity, through table discussions, to input into the age UK London Mayoral Election 2015 Manifesto.
The Manifesto will only cover issues that are under Mayoral authority.
Thursday 16th July, 14.00pm-16.30pm, at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8EP (entrance on the A400 between Bucknall Street and Shaftesbury Avenue)
Tea and biscuits will be provided. Entry to this event is free, but you must register online at:
For more information or to register offline contact Danny Elliott:
Email: delliott@ageuklondon.org.uk Tel: 020 7820 6778

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

Vital Youth and the Hospital Club Foundation present Master The Word, a Spoken Word project aimed at young people 16-24.
#MasterTheWord is a creative development project that uses creative techniques and practical interventions to explore the power of language communication and (self) presentation.
Spoken Word Workshops all 1pm- 4pm Cost: FREE
Week 1: Tues 14th, Weds 15th & Thurs 16th July
Week 2: Tues 21st, Weds 22nd & Thurs 23rd July
Week 3: Tues 28th, Weds 29th & Thurs 30th July
Week 4 – Recording days 4th & 5th August
Venue: The Hospital Club, Covent Garden, 24 Endell Street, London WC2H 9HQ
For further information call 020 7245 2269/1 e: vitalyouth@vitalregen.org
As well as creative learning and enhancing their skills, the young people complete the arts award qualification and are supported with progression opportunities into employment, apprenticeships or further training opportunities.

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Age UK Camden seeks Partnership Development Officer, 30 hours per week
Local Government Scale PO1 (£27,563-£29,468pa for 30 hour week)
We require a Partnership Development Officer to: support the engagement of older people in the partnership, to promote asset based mapping and community development and to support our delivery agencies in their work.
Essential requirements: experience of community building; experience of engagement preferably co-production; knowledge of issues affecting older people including isolation; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; ability to deliver successful multi-agency partnership work; highly numerate and literate; ability to innovate and work creatively.
Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator, 21 hours per week; Local Government Scale 5 (£14,195-£15,372pa for 21 hour week)
We require a Training, Events and Monitoring Administrator to provide administrative and communications support to the Ageing Better in Camden programme, and to support our work in monitoring our activities and achievements.
Essential requirements: at least two years’ experience of working in an administration role; excellent IT skills including databases; good verbal and written communication skills, understanding of issues affecting older people including isolation
AUC offers a contributory pension, and a season ticket or bicycle loan facility. The post is based at Tavis House, Tavistock Square with easy access via Euston and Kings Cross main lines or Russell Square tube.
For more details, all documents can be downloaded from our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk.
Closing date – 9:00am Monday, 10th August 2015 Interviews -24th and 25th August 2015.

Welfare and Administrator Irish Elderly Advice Network
Job Title – Welfare and Administrator (Maternity cover – September 2015 to March 2016)
Days: Part time, 3 days per week, Salary £14,400 per annum, (Full time equivalent £24,000)
This job includes providing welfare advice to clients, high level administrative support to the Director, two caseworkers and our Board of Trustees, and administrative support for the cultural and community development work of the charity. The job will be mostly based in Camden (in our office in the London Irish Centre) and will also be in Tottenham (in our office in Haringey Irish Centre).
To apply for this role, please send a CV and a covering letter/email to Alice Kennedy, Chair of Irish Elderly Advice Network, at chair@irishelders.org.uk
Closing date is Tuesday 14th July. Interviews will take place in the week of 20th–24th July. Start date is 1st week of September.

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre is currently recruiting.
Senior Operations Manager
Hours: 35 hrs per week Salary:£35,340 – £38,154 (depending on experience)
Closing date: 19th July 2015
Care Coordinator
Hours: 35 hrs per week Salary:£23,122
Closing date: 12th July 2015
Further details and application forms can be found on Charity Jobs, links provided above. Alternatively, contact Ruksana at Hopscotch by email: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Free NHS Health Check
Over 6,800 Camden residents had a free NHS Health Check last year – have you had yours?
If you are aged between 40 and 74 years (or 30 to 74 if you are South Asian) you can have a free health check once every five years to assess your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia.
A health check can detect potential problems before they do real damage and you can be referred to other services that will support you in changing your life for the better.
If you are Camden resident, and registered with a GP, ask at your local surgery, call 0203 633 2609 / 0800 917 0976, or click on the link below to book an appointment at a place near you.
More information healthycamden.com/healthchecks

Plan Zheroes – creating Zero Food Waste
Every year the UK Food industry sends 1.6 million tonnes of surplus food to landfill, while there are 4 million people living in food poverty.
Plan Zheroes connects businesses with surplus food to local charities that need it. Using an online map, the businesses and charities can post details of their location and the type of food they offer/ need.
Do you know of any charities that need food, or volunteers who can help with transport?
For more information see www.planzheroes.org, or contact Plan Zheroes at info@planzheroes.org

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 3rd July 2015

Highlights: Final Engagement event for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only; Fitzrovia Garden Party; Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Event for Users; supporting Camden residents with mental health conditions and with learning disabilities; Crick Update; Improving Employability Support for People with Physical Disabilities and HIV; Plan Zheroes – creating Zero Food Waste; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Final Engagement event for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only
Tuesday 7th July 5.30pm – 7.00pm. At VAC offices, 299 Kentish Town Rd, NW5
The Council is seeking VCS views on alternative approaches to developing a new grants programme for the sector. Four options are proposed for comment which range from improving the current mixed-funding model to a more radical collective impact approach, co-ordinating a partnership around a geographic area or a theme. The sector’s views will be used to develop a preferred approach that is likely to be a mix of the options. The engagement document and survey are available here www.camden.gov.uk/vcsengagement
As part of the eight week engagement process, Voluntary Action Camden has organised events for the sector only, with no council officers present, in order to give the sector an opportunity for a full and frank discussion. This is the final one. Please email Ricky/Monica, Building Administrator to book your place.

Fitzrovia Garden Party Featuring live music from Upbeat
July 4th 12-4pmFitzrovia Community Centre, 2 Foley Street, London W1W 6DL http://www.upbeatmusic.org/

Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Event for Users
Thursday 16th July, 11am-1pm
Room 11.10, 5 Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG
“Camden’s Centre for Independent Living (CIL) will be based at Greenwood Place – a new community resource centre being built in Kentish Town, due to open in January 2018.
We have engaged and consulted widely in the past which was extremely useful. Building on that, we are now ready to move into the next stage of the project and would like to start thinking about the CIL in more detail. We want the CIL to be user-led.
In partnership with Camden Disability Action, a new umbrella organisation to represent deaf and disabled people in Camden, we would like to invite you to join us at this event to talk about:
• What the CIL space within the new Greenwood building should look like
We will show you the latest copies of the floor plans and ask what you think of them
• What services the CIL should provide
We will ask you what services you think people with disabilities need in Camden today and in the future to be able to live more independently
• How can people with disabilities lead the development of the CIL
We will also be able to tell you more about our timescales for the project.”
Places at this event are limited and we will need to know your name in advance to prepare your visitor badge, so you must book your place by 5pm on Tuesday 14th July by calling Ellie Chesterman on 0207 974 3178 or email: eleanor.chesterman@camden.gov.uk
Please get in touch to discuss any access or communication requirements you may have.
We will send you confirmation of your place by email or by post.

Camden Economic Growth Fund – supporting Camden residents with mental health conditions and with learning disabilities
Working together with Jobcentre Plus, Camden’s Economic Growth Fund will be soon be opening applications for projects to support Camden residents who are long-term unemployed to access and retain employment, specifically focusing on supporting 1) Camden residents with mental health conditions and 2) Camden residents with learning disabilities.
– Residents with mental health conditions – there will be a strong focus on using Individual Placement Support principles, working with residents with common mental health conditions and those with more severe and enduring conditions and working closely with existing health and employment provision. Up to £150,000 will be available per project.
– Residents with learning disabilities – there will be a particular focus on employer engagement and job carving, with up to £50,000 available.
The application process will open end July, with projects starting in September.
An event with further details of the funding requirements and application process will be held on Friday 17th July, 10am at Camden Old Town Hall (on Judd Street). To book a place, please contact Morelda Nanton (morelda.nanton@camden.gov.uk) before 14th July. Capacity will be limited.

National News
Commission attitude to campaigning ‘sullies UK reputation’ round the world, says former Charity Commissioner
The Charity Commission and the Conservative government have “sullied the UK’s reputation for exemplary regulation of civil society” by limiting charities’ right to campaign, a former Commission board member has said.
Andrew Purkis, a former chief executive of several charities, chair of ActionAid UK and a board member of the Commission until 2010, wrote in a blog published yesterday that after attending a meeting of ActionAid charities from around the world, he saw similarities between the attitudes of authorities in the UK and “tin pot governments and their cronies around the world” who attempted to limit charities’ ability to speak out against mistreatment of the poor by the government.
“Smear, threaten, restrain and repress: that’s the formula, and the UK authorities have started to model it since 2012,” Purkis wrote. “A relatively gentle version, compared with some, but unmistakeably from the same stable.”
He said he was particularly concerned by the attitude of William Shawcross, chair of the Commission, who complained about the “politicisation” of charities, and Gwythian Prins, a Commission board member, who said charities should “stick to their knitting” rather than campaigning. Story in Civil Society. Today’s revelations of meddling by government in Kids Company after critical comments by the founder reinforces the point.
Charity Commission report finds high levels of support for things the Charity Commission wants

Directory of Social Change says that “a new report into levels of trust and confidence in the Charity Commission among charities and the public was published this week.
The report concluded that 69% of the public think that the Commission should be funded fully or partly by charities. This is in stark contrast to the view among charities, with 68% of them opposing any such move.
The report also bizarrely claimed that there is ‘universal’ support among charities and the general public for more powers for the Commission, which are laid out in the new Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill. This simply isn’t true – especially because the Bill contains many new powers, but the polling question only mentioned two”. Full details here. DSC’s response to charging charities for registration is here.
Even in America there is shock at the growing intolerance in Europe to Refugees and Migrants
A long op-ed piece in the New York Times says “Europe’s current response to refugees shows unmistakable backsliding on that commitment. Immigration has become such a contentious issue that it is tearing apart what remains of the European project and its facade of solidarity.” Full article here.
Greenwood Place Gets a Mention
In a Guardian article on the loss of community, industry and amenity space to luxury home development, Greenwood Place gets a brief mention in a wide-ranging article titled “London, The City that Ate Itself.”

Crick Update
If you’re local to the Crick, come along to our next Community Update – Tues 21st July, Somers Town Community Association, rsvp to info@crick.ac.uk

Making Tracks: Improving Employability Support for People with Physical Disabilities and HIV
Tuesday 22nd July 10.30am-12.30pm at the Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre, 50- 52 Hampstead Road, NW1
We would like to steer an initiative to develop an effective employment network to support those people with Physical Disabilities/HIV into employment.
We know there are several organisations that support, represent and advocate for disabled people in the borough. If you are a member of one of these groups, we would like to take this opportunity to begin to coordinate our work. We would also like to hear from Employers, Service Users and Camden Residents that have Physical Disabilities/HIV.
For further details or to RSVP, contact Nikki at Hopscotch
Tel: 020 7388 8198 EMAIL: nikki.mcnaught@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Plan Zheroes – creating Zero Food Waste
Every year the UK Food industry sends 1.6 million tonnes of surplus food to landfill, while there are 4 million people living in food poverty.
Plan Zheroes connects businesses with surplus food to local charities that need it. Using an online map, the businesses and charities can post details of their location and the type of food they offer/ need.
Do you know of any charities that need food, or volunteers who can help with transport?
For more information see www.planzheroes.org, or contact Plan Zheroes at info@planzheroes.org

Employment Support Day Thursday 9 July 2015
Employment opportunities and speed interviews available on the day
Hear success stories from people who have got into work and guest speakers from:
Access to Work
Mental Health Support Scheme
The Recovery College
Other support agencies.
Working can have a positive effect on your mental health wellbeing. With the right support in the right job, you can enjoy a fulfilling and lasting career
Free advice and information on training, in work support, volunteering, employment options and benefits.
Conference Hall, St Pancras Hospital 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE, 10am to 4pm. Refreshments

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Hopscotch, The Latin American House’s Menchú Nursery, Street Step, C4, Helios Health, Year Here, Volunteer Centre Camden, Age Uk Camden, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Cabinet Office launches £20m Local Sustainability Fund after long delay
The Office for Civil Society has announced the launch of its £20m Local Sustainability Fund, which will give grants of between £20,000 and £100,000 to around 250 small and medium-sized organisations.
However the fund has taken 15 months to deliver, is half the size it was originally expected to be, and faces criticism over a “ridiculously short” application window.
The £20m fund will be delivered through the Big Lottery Fund and will be available to around 250 high-impact charities and social enterprises. Charities interested in applying can do so through an online diagnostic tool, and must do so by 26 July.
Charities will also be eligible for support from local businesses, with the OCS saying that all grant recipients expected to establish a “strong volunteering relationship with a local businsses”. Full story in Civil Society.

The Big Lottery Fund has announced a new £45m grant fund to increase the capacity of organisations that support women and girls.
The grant-maker said the scheme, which does not have an official name but is being referred to as the women and girls initiative, will offer grants of between £150,000 and £750,000 to somewhere between 60 and 70 organisations in England over the next three to five years.
The BLF said the fund would support existing projects and new work to increase the provision of services for at-risk girls and women.
It said that projects for women and girls were under pressure because more people were looking for support while the projects themselves were suffering from reduced investment because of cuts.
Expressions of interest must be received by the BLF by 16 July 2015.

The Good Neighbourhood Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 per year over two years, are available to support work benefitting people aged 18 or over in the following areas: Health and/or Wellbeing and Inclusion
Proposals must promote or encourage integration and/or inclusion through project delivery. This could include:
~ Health and wellbeing projects that bring people of different backgrounds, faiths, gender, cultures, sexuality, ages together through the group’s work
~ Projects with a health/wellbeing focus that are actively tackling issues such as exclusion and isolation
Funding is available for projects, or core funding for organisations whose work fits with the fund themes, and funding is available to continue existing work, and/or for new work or pilots.
Income Threshold: Organisations must have an average annual income of less than £200,000
Priority will be given to:
~ Small organisations working to support a defined local community
~ Resident or user led groups
~ Organisations demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of their community
~ Work which shows innovation for either the organisation and/or sector
~ Organisations which are able to provide volunteering/engagement opportunities for MyLotto24 staff
Deadline: 5pm, Monday 7th September 2015. Full details at London Community Foundation

Money Advice Trust – Innovation Grants Programme Open
The Money Advice Trust Innovation Grants Programme offers grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to three years to charitable organisations in the UK.
Funding is available for projects that demonstrate innovative practice and meet either aim 1 or 2 whilst assisting the Trust in achieving aim 3:
Empower individuals and microbusinesses to tackle their debts and improve financial health.
Support staff in charities across the UK to provide effective debt and/or money advice.
Improve the UK’s money and debt environment through the dissemination of successful innovative practice from funded projects.
The Trust is looking for project proposals that demonstrate how they will support individuals or microbusinesses who are in severe financial hardship, who are financially excluded and/or who are hard to reach to:
Increase their financial literacy.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 4 July 2015 (midnight).
Further information is Here

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


Age UK London AstraZeneca Techy Tea Party
14 July, 2pm to 4pm at: Guoman Grosvenor Hotel, 101 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 0SJ
This is a great opportunity for members of groups, forums and older peoples organisations across London to discover how social media eg Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Skype etc. can help save money, cut costs and work smarter by using these many free resources that are available on the internet. There will be tablet computers available to use on the day.
Booking is via the event brite link http://techyteaastrazeneca.eventbrite.co.uk

The Spark 2015: A Free week of discussion, workshops, film, poetry music 20 – 26 July
All looking at how we can build positive change here in the UK and around the world
Find out more & register at www.thesparkspace.org
This free-to-attend week of events takes place at the Brady Arts Centre, Whitechapel, London, from 20th – 26th July. Each day runs from 10am – 9pm.
There will be sessions on a wide range of topics from ‘How gentrification affects communities and what we can do about it’, to ‘The Colonial Past & Present and the fight for our future’, ‘How to make your own short film… on your mobile!’, to ‘Write your own spoken word poetry,’ to ‘Stop and Search training for young people’, and many, many more. Full timetable & register at www.thesparkspace.org/timetable

Learn to do Your Poems Justice
A Workshop with Eve Pearce (LGSM Speech & Drama) Tuesday 7 July 2015, 7pm – 9.30pm
Reduce your stage nerves, project with presence and let your poems speak!
For poets, and anyone wishing to increase their confidence in public speaking. Using your own and other work by well known poets, we will work on:
Breathing – Projection – Posture – Connecting with the audience – Using the imagination – Stage presence
Eve Pearce is a veteran actress who has played leading parts with the RSC and National Theatre and made countless appearances on TV and film. Her first poetry collection ‘Capturing Snowflakes’ (Greenheart Press) was published in 2012, following her pamphlet ‘Woman in Winter’ (Hearing Eye).
Venue: Torriano Meeting House, Torriano Avenue, Kentish Town NW5 2RX
Nearest Tube: Kentish Town; Buses: 134, C2, 390 and 393
Cost: £12, £9 concessions
Doors open: 6.30pm for 7pm start. Please be prompt.
Please bring two copies of a poem you’d like to work on
To book a place: telephone 01424 719570 or email david@socialspider.com

Older People’s Manifesto for London Mayoral Elections 2016 Consultation Event
Age UK London will be publishing an Older People’s Manifesto ahead of the 2015 London Mayoral Elections and we want to know what you think should be included.
We want to hear about the issues that concern you and you will get the opportunity, through table discussions, to input into the age UK London Mayoral Election 2015 Manifesto.
The Manifesto will only cover issues that are under Mayoral authority.
Thursday 16th July, 14.00pm-16.30pm, at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8EP (entrance on the A400 between Bucknall Street and Shaftesbury Avenue)
Tea and biscuits will be provided. Entry to this event is free, but you must register online at:
For more information or to register offline contact Danny Elliott:
Email: delliott@ageuklondon.org.uk Tel: 020 7820 6778

Volunteers And The Law from Volunteer Centre Camden
A half-day session on Tuesday 7 July
The trainer is Mark Restall who has considerable expertise in this area. This is an essential beginners’ level course for everyone with concerns about involving volunteers safely and legally. Book via eventbrite.

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

Vital Youth and the Hospital Club Foundation present Master The Word, a Spoken Word project aimed at young people 16-24.
#MasterTheWord is a creative development project that uses creative techniques and practical interventions to explore the power of language communication and (self) presentation.
Spoken Word Workshops all 1pm- 4pm Cost: FREE
Week 1: Tues 14th, Weds 15th & Thurs 16th July
Week 2: Tues 21st, Weds 22nd & Thurs 23rd July
Week 3: Tues 28th, Weds 29th & Thurs 30th July
Week 4 – Recording days 4th & 5th August
Venue: The Hospital Club, Covent Garden, 24 Endell Street, London WC2H 9HQ
For further information call 020 7245 2269/1 e: vitalyouth@vitalregen.org
As well as creative learning and enhancing their skills, the young people complete the arts award qualification and are supported with progression opportunities into employment, apprenticeships or further training opportunities.

Recovery College Courses
Spaces are available on the following courses:
Better Money Management: Margerete Centre, 07/07/2015, 11am – 4pm
Introduction to Anxiety: Working Men’s College, 08/07/2015, 10.30am – 1pm
Introduction to Recovery: Arlington House, 16/07/2015, 10am – 3.30pm
Contact Oyindamola.babalola@candi.nhs.uk or recovery.college@candi.nhs.uk
www.candi.nhs.uk/recoverycollege 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE Tel: 020 3317 6904/6905

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Welfare and Administrator Irish Elderly Advice Network
Job Title – Welfare and Administrator (Maternity cover – September 2015 to March 2016)
Days: Part time, 3 days per week, Salary £14,400 per annum, (Full time equivalent £24,000)
This job includes providing welfare advice to clients, high level administrative support to the Director, two caseworkers and our Board of Trustees, and administrative support for the cultural and community development work of the charity. The job will be mostly based in Camden (in our office in the London Irish Centre) and will also be in Tottenham (in our office in Haringey Irish Centre).
To apply for this role, please send a CV and a covering letter/email to Alice Kennedy, Chair of Irish Elderly Advice Network, at chair@irishelders.org.uk
Closing date is Tuesday 14th July. Interviews will take place in the week of 20th–24th July. Start date is 1st week of September.

Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre is currently recruiting.
Senior Operations Manager
Hours: 35 hrs per week Salary:£35,340 – £38,154 (depending on experience)
Closing date: 19th July 2015
Care Coordinator
Hours: 35 hrs per week Salary:£23,122
Closing date: 12th July 2015
Further details and application forms can be found on Charity Jobs, links provided above. Alternatively, contact Ruksana at Hopscotch by email: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk.

The Latin American House’s Menchú Nursery is recruiting:
We are looking for a full-time qualified nursery nurse (level 3 or Equivalent) to join our experienced staff team who provide high-quality Bilingual education and care in a unique multicultural environment.
Hours of work: 35hrs per week. £16,653 per year (gross salary), Kilburn, London
Full details of this position are available from: www.casalatina.org.uk/vacancies
Closing date for applications is 17:00 on 10 july 2015. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Interviews will be held on 23 july 2015

Ageing Better in Camden Community Connectors
A unique opportunity has arisen to work with C4, a diverse, successful and developing network of community centres in Camden – a great area we are working to make even better.
Are you up for the challenge of playing a key role in establishing and delivering an exciting new Lottery funded project to tackle isolation and loneliness among older people through encouraging their participation and connection to local networks? We are now recruiting five Area Coordinators.
Hours per week: 35. Two year initial contract, potential extension to six years
Salary: £28,845 including Inner London Weighting (SCP 29 NJC scale)
Full DBS (CRB) check will be required
Information pack and application form available on our website:
or by emailing: camdencommunityconnectors@gmail.com
Closing Date: Thursday 9th July 2015 at 10 a.m.
Interviews will be held: 14th to 17th of July 2015

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from a property development in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance.
This opportunity relates only to money provided to improve community facilities, it does not relate to S106 money received for other purposes, such as infrastructure and parks and open spaces.
The community building or facility must be one of the following:
• Owned by the organisation
• Occupied on a long-term lease
• Owned by the council
If your voluntary & community sector organisation would like to make a proposal for S106 capital money for community facilities, and your premises and service provision fits these criteria, please contact jeff.hopwood@camden.gov.uk or adam.demosthenous@camden.gov.uk.
A proposal form will be supplied, to easily enable response to the following:
• A brief description of the proposal, including how much money you are seeking – an estimate is fine at this stage
• Any relevant deadlines
The form will also ask for information about:
• How an allocation would ensure that the recipient’s facilities / services are available for the local community
• Whether the organisation or facility has received S106 Community Facilities funding before
• Whether the capital project has any match funding or pledges of match funding
• How the proposal will address Camden Plan priorities and the Council’s investment tests:
o www.camden.gov.uk/camdenplan
o www.camden.gov.uk/ccm/content/council-and-democracy/publications-and-finances/twocolumn/camden-financial-challenge-.en?page=3.
Proposal forms will need to be returned by the 17th July, officers intend to consider the proposals during July and August, and discuss with ward members and relevant Cabinet Members. Decisions are expected to be made by the beginning of September.

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 26th June 2015

Highlights: £20M Local Sustainability Fund Launched; Engagement event for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only; Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Engagement Event; Opening Doors London recognised in the Pride Power List 2015; VAC’s Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training ; How should the government prepare for an ageing population; Age UK London Techy Tea Party; The Spark 2015 events; Fitzrovia Garden Party; Charity Fair; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Engagement event for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only
30th June 2pm – 4pm. At VAC offices, 299 Kentish Town Rd, NW5
The Council is seeking VCS views on alternative approaches to developing a new grants programme for the sector. Four options are proposed for comment which range from improving the current mixed-funding model to a more radical collective impact approach, co-ordinating a partnership around a geographic area or a theme. The sector’s views will be used to develop a preferred approach that is likely to be a mix of the options. The engagement document and survey are available here www.camden.gov.uk/vcsengagement
As part of the eight week engagement process, Voluntary Action Camden has organised these two events for the sector only, with no council officers present, in order to give the sector an opportunity for a full and frank discussion. Please email Ricky/Monica, Building Administrator to book your place.

Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Engagement Event
Thursday 2nd July, 2-5pm, Room 10.10, 5 Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG
“Camden’s Centre for Independent Living will be based at Greenwood Place – a new community resource centre being built in Kentish Town, due to open in January 2018.
The purpose of this event is to bring together representatives from a range of voluntary and community sector organisations who have an interest in coproducing this service. It will include discussions around:
• What the CIL space within the resource centre should look like
We will be providing copies of floor plans and looking at the best use of the space
• What services the CIL should provide
We would like the CIL service offer to be as varied and inclusive as possible
• How the CIL should be run
We would like to canvas your opinions on a management model
It will also be an opportunity to discuss the visions for both the Greenwood centre and the CIL service, and to share likely timescales.”
Places are limited and confirmed names will be required to gain access to the building.
Please book your place by calling Ellie Chesterman on 0207 974 3178 or email: eleanor.chesterman@camden.gov.uk
We will send you confirmation of your place by email or by post.
Please also get in touch if you have any access or communication requirements.

New £20m Local Sustainability Fund Announced
Yesterday the Cabinet Office finally announced the Local Sustainability Fund. The fund has been talked about by Ministers since 2013 and was initially thought to be £60M, then in 2014 there was a consultation on a £40M fund. You can find out more at http://vcsediagnostic.org.uk/
The webste requires you to login and then complete a diagnostic tool and an eligibility tool to find out if you are eligible. The site requires you to register and complete the diagnostic tool as apparently “many organisations which provide much needed services to local communities don’t always have the capacity, skills or tools to identify how they need to change and plan for the future.” The site warns that the diagnostic tool “takes about an hour to complete.”

Opening Doors London recognised in the Pride Power List 2015
Opening Doors London, the regional LGBT older people’s service based at Age UK Camden and run in partnership with Age UK London has been recognised in the Pride Power List 2015.
See the full list at http://www.worldpridepowerlist.com/
Opening Doors also feature in an article in The Guardian

Places are available on VAC’s next Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training course.
Thursday 2nd July and Thursday 9th July (9.30am to 5pm both days).
This internationally recognised course will be of interest to parents, youth workers, teachers, those who support young people, or anyone who wants to learn about mental health. Full details in the ‘VAC Events’ section below.

National News
Camden Police on the BBC
This week’s edition of The Met: Policing London featured Camden storyline. View again on the BBC iplayer.
Disabled people’s rights threatened by government cuts, campaigners warn
A letter signed by more than 100 charities and the Mencap president, Brian Rix, said decades of advances for those with learning disabilities could be lost. Full story in the Guardian. As part of protests marking the closure of the Independent Living Fund there were protests in Westminster where police and protesters clashed according to the Independent and even coverage on the BBC.
Volunteers are fantastic – but it’s wrong for Martyn Lewis to say they are always the cheaper choice
Awarding public sector contracts to volunteering groups is all well and good, but it needs to be properly thought through – and costed. Full story in the Daily Telegraph.

Sector Pulls in Millions into the borough
In response to the council’s current consultation with the sector, the Camden New Journal has published a letter that points out that the voluntary sector in Camden pulls in many millions into the borough from external sources, using the Council’s funding as seed corn. The letter warns that some organisations will fold if they are not able to adequately plan for the future.

How should the government prepare for an ageing population?
The Guardian’s Big Ageing Population Debate series has explored these issues and as an extension to the project, we’re hosting an event in London on Tuesday 7 July 2015. The event, chaired by Patrick Butler, the Guardian’s editor of society, health and education policy, will feature an expert panel who will discuss the above questions and more. Full details on the Guardian website.

Age UK London AstraZeneca Techy Tea Party
14 July, 2pm to 4pm at: Guoman Grosvenor Hotel, 101 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 0SJ
This is a great opportunity for members of groups, forums and older peoples organisations across London to discover how social media eg Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Skype etc. can help save money, cut costs and work smarter by using these many free resources that are available on the internet. There will be tablet computers available to use on the day.
Booking is via the event brite link http://techyteaastrazeneca.eventbrite.co.uk

The Spark 2015: A Free week of discussion, workshops, film, poetry music 20 – 26 July
All looking at how we can build positive change here in the UK and around the world
Find out more & register at www.thesparkspace.org
This free-to-attend week of events takes place at the Brady Arts Centre, Whitechapel, London, from 20th – 26th July. Each day runs from 10am – 9pm.
There will be sessions on a wide range of topics from ‘How gentrification affects communities and what we can do about it’, to ‘The Colonial Past & Present and the fight for our future’, ‘How to make your own short film… on your mobile!’, to ‘Write your own spoken word poetry,’ to ‘Stop and Search training for young people’, and many, many more. Full timetable & register at www.thesparkspace.org/timetable

Learn to do Your Poems Justice
A Workshop with Eve Pearce (LGSM Speech & Drama) Tuesday 7 July 2015, 7pm – 9.30pm
Reduce your stage nerves, project with presence and let your poems speak!
For poets, and anyone wishing to increase their confidence in public speaking. Using your own and other work by well known poets, we will work on:
Breathing – Projection – Posture – Connecting with the audience – Using the imagination – Stage presence
Eve Pearce is a veteran actress who has played leading parts with the RSC and National Theatre and made countless appearances on TV and film. Her first poetry collection ‘Capturing Snowflakes’ (Greenheart Press) was published in 2012, following her pamphlet ‘Woman in Winter’ (Hearing Eye).
Venue: Torriano Meeting House, Torriano Avenue, Kentish Town NW5 2RX
Nearest Tube: Kentish Town; Buses: 134, C2, 390 and 393
Cost: £12, £9 concessions
Doors open: 6.30pm for 7pm start. Please be prompt.
Please bring two copies of a poem you’d like to work on
To book a place: telephone 01424 719570 or email david@socialspider.com

Fitzrovia Garden Party Featuring live music from Upbeat
July 4th 12-4pmFitzrovia Community Centre, 2 Foley Street, London W1W 6DL http://www.upbeatmusic.org/

Charity Fair from Directory of Social Change
30th June and 1st July, Holloway Road
Whatever your role in the sector, there is training for you here: Charityfair has 64 workshops, from only £35, covering a huge variety of topics including fundraising, management & leadership, marketing, governance, personal development, legal & finance, wellbeing, campaigning & lobbying and organisational support.
More information and booking at www.charityfair.org.uk.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Hopscotch, The Latin American House’s Menchú Nursery, Street Step, C4, Helios Health, Year Here, Volunteer Centre Camden, Age Uk Camden, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Fundraising opportunities for small charities The Brandenburg Choral Festival of London
The Brandenburg Choral Festival of London is offering small charities the opportunity to raise funds by selling tickets to its choral concerts this Autumn.
Charities raise funds by selling tickets to their supporters for a concert selected from the Festival programme and retaining a share (up to 50%) of the value of tickets sold. There are 22 concerts to choose from, ranging from Fauré and Brahms Requiems to concerts featuring jazz, folk and soul, and all are held at prestigious central London venues including St Martin-in-theFields, St Clement Danes, Temple Church and the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy. A maximum of two charities will be allocated to a concert. Each charity will be given its own allocation of tickets, separate from the main box office allocation, and there is no financial commitment to pay for any unsold tickets. Reception opportunities are available at most concerts.
This is the third year the Festival has been running the fundraising initiative; to date, over 70 small charities have participated including: The AMAR Foundation, Respond, Dyslexia Research Trust, The Circle Works and Prader Willi Syndrome Association UK.
Interested charities should get in touch with Brandenburg straight away as the process of allocating concerts to charities for this Autumn will begin on 22 June.
Further information For details, including a copy of the ‘Fundraising with Brandenburg’ leaflet and a list of the Autumn Series concerts, please contact:
Claudia Jenkins, Development Officer – Brandenburg Choral Festival of London
Email: dev@brandenburg.org.uk Phone: 07973 564533 / 01372 209817
Information about the Festival, including a list of charity partners, can be found at:
www.brandenburg.org.uk. Follow on Twitter: @BrandenburgFest

Statement from the Big Lottery Regarding Applications in Camden for Older People’s Projects
“Some voluntary organisations have been wondering if the Big Lottery Ageing Better in Camden funding prevents them from applying to the Big Lottery for their own older people’s projects and services. The answer is ‘NO! Keep Applying!’
The Big Lottery Reaching Communities Programme assess each application on its merits and its fit with the programme requirements, considering its awareness and links with other activities already taking place in the area. This often includes whether applications are complementary to other investments that we have already made within an area and where suitable other services that are being delivered.
It is highly unlikely that an application to Reaching Communities or our other open programmes would be rejected solely on the basis of Ageing Better or other funding being awarded to the same area, unless there was clear duplication. If anyone has any examples of Ageing Better in Camden being the sole reason they weren’t funded for another project, please let Ageing Better in Camden know and they will raise the issue with their Big Lottery Funding Officer.”

Money Advice Trust – Innovation Grants Programme Open
The Money Advice Trust Innovation Grants Programme offers grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to three years to charitable organisations in the UK.
Funding is available for projects that demonstrate innovative practice and meet either aim 1 or 2 whilst assisting the Trust in achieving aim 3:
Empower individuals and microbusinesses to tackle their debts and improve financial health.
Support staff in charities across the UK to provide effective debt and/or money advice.
Improve the UK’s money and debt environment through the dissemination of successful innovative practice from funded projects.
The Trust is looking for project proposals that demonstrate how they will support individuals or microbusinesses who are in severe financial hardship, who are financially excluded and/or who are hard to reach to:
Increase their financial literacy.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 4 July 2015 (midnight).
Further information is Here

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Places are available on VAC’s next Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training course.
This will take place over two full days on Thursday 2nd July and Thursday 9th July (9.30am to 5pm both days).
This internationally recognised course will be of interest to parents, youth workers, teachers, those who support young people, or anyone who wants to learn more about mental health.
The YMHFA course will teach you to:
• Spot the early signs of a mental health problem in a young person
• Feel confident helping a young person experiencing a problem
• Provide help on a first aid basis
• Help protect a young person who might be at risk of harm
• Help prevent a mental illness from getting worse
• Help a young person recover faster
• Guide a young person towards the right support
• Reduce the stigma of mental health problems
Participants will receive a copy of the YMHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
The training is highly subsidised at only £25 per person. To book your place and pay by card via Evenbrite please go to: https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.


Older People’s Manifesto for London Mayoral Elections 2016 Consultation Event
Age UK London will be publishing an Older People’s Manifesto ahead of the 2015 London Mayoral Elections and we want to know what you think should be included.
We want to hear about the issues that concern you and you will get the opportunity, through table discussions, to input into the age UK London Mayoral Election 2015 Manifesto.
The Manifesto will only cover issues that are under Mayoral authority.
Thursday 16th July, 14.00pm-16.30pm, at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8EP (entrance on the A400 between Bucknall Street and Shaftesbury Avenue)
Tea and biscuits will be provided. Entry to this event is free, but you must register online at:
For more information or to register offline contact Danny Elliott:
Email: delliott@ageuklondon.org.uk Tel: 020 7820 6778

Volunteers And The Law from Volunteer Centre Camden
A half-day session on Tuesday 7 July
The trainer is Mark Restall who has considerable expertise in this area. This is an essential beginners’ level course for everyone with concerns about involving volunteers safely and legally. Book via eventbrite.

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

Vital Youth and the Hospital Club Foundation present Master The Word, a Spoken Word project aimed at young people 16-24.
#MasterTheWord is a creative development project that uses creative techniques and practical interventions to explore the power of language communication and (self) presentation.
Spoken Word Workshops all 1pm- 4pm Cost: FREE
Week 1: Tues 14th, Weds 15th & Thurs 16th July
Week 2: Tues 21st, Weds 22nd & Thurs 23rd July
Week 3: Tues 28th, Weds 29th & Thurs 30th July
Week 4 – Recording days 4th & 5th August
Venue: The Hospital Club, Covent Garden, 24 Endell Street, London WC2H 9HQ
For further information call 020 7245 2269/1 e: vitalyouth@vitalregen.org
As well as creative learning and enhancing their skills, the young people complete the arts award qualification and are supported with progression opportunities into employment, apprenticeships or further training opportunities.

Recovery College Courses
Spaces are available on the following courses:
Storytelling & Narratives: Arlington House, 02/07/2015, 1pm – 4pm
Stigma and Discrimination: Arlington House, 03/07/2015, 10am -3.30pm
Better Money Management: Margerete Centre, 07/07/2015, 11am – 4pm
Introduction to Anxiety: Working Men’s College, 08/07/2015, 10.30am – 1pm
Introduction to Recovery: Arlington House, 16/07/2015, 10am – 3.30pm
Contact Oyindamola.babalola@candi.nhs.uk or recovery.college@candi.nhs.uk
www.candi.nhs.uk/recoverycollege 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE Tel: 020 3317 6904/6905

CancerSupportGroup Camden
Did you know there is a thriving Cancer Support Group (Camden) for patients and carers who have been affected by cancer?
We meet once a month at Kentish Town Health Centre, courtesy of the James Wigg Practice. We are an informal group of cancer patients
willing to share the good and not so good experiences we have been through – and we don’t just talk about cancer! Do come and join us.
Get in touch with us to find out more: veronicabrinton@gmail.com 020 77226740
or Anne Caffell 07907799248

Camden Frontline monthly forum, an opportunity for service users with a drug or alcohol history
· feedback on services
· hear about developments in drug and alcohol services in Camden
· meet other service users
· have their voice heard.
There are refreshments from 12:30pm – 1pm, and this month we will be hearing from managers at Camden Health Improvement Practice, a GP surgery for homeless people, with support for those with substance use issues in Camden.
The Forum is on Thursday 2nd July, 12:30pm at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, NW1

Healthwatch Camden Board Meeting – Monday 29th June 2015 – Arlington Conference Centre
The next Healthwatch Camden board meeting is being held in public.
You are invited to attend, to hear about our progress and to ask questions about our work. The main items on the agenda will be the presentation of our annual report, and the launch of our ‘Start here…’ guide. We will also be considering a priority assessment for our work in mental health and getting an update on other work. Papers for the meeting will be on our website one week before the meeting and copies will be available at the meeting.
Refreshments will be available from 6pm. Please let us know if you will be attending, so that we can cater for the right number. The venue is wheelchair accessible and has a hearing loop. Please let us know if you have other access requirements, so we can make arrangements in good time.
Please register your attendance & any requirements at: Email: info@healthwatchcamden.co.uk / Tel: 020 7284 6586

What’s in a Men’s Shed for you?
Thursday 2nd July at Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Street W1T 6AQ
A Men’s Shed is a workshop for making, mending and hobbies. Groups of retired men love them and have opened more than two a week in the UK in the last 6 months. If you are interested in supporting:
~ men’s health and wellbeing,
~ community development or skill sharing,
~ in material reuse or getting something unique made,
Come and meet some members and hear why even more Sheds are needed.
or more info visit www.menssheds.org.uk. To book on this free event follow this link to Eventbrite

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre is currently recruiting.
Senior Operations Manager
Hours: 35 hrs per week Salary:£35,340 – £38,154 (depending on experience)
Closing date: 19th July 2015
Care Coordinator
Hours: 35 hrs per week Salary:£23,122
Closing date: 12th July 2015
Further details and application forms can be found on Charity Jobs, links provided above. Alternatively, contact Ruksana at Hopscotch by email: info@hopscotchawc.org.uk.

The Latin American House’s Menchú Nursery is recruiting:
We are looking for a full-time qualified nursery nurse (level 3 or Equivalent) to join our experienced staff team who provide high-quality Bilingual education and care in a unique multicultural environment.
Hours of work: 35hrs per week. £16,653 per year (gross salary), Kilburn, London
Full details of this position are available from: www.casalatina.org.uk/vacancies
Closing date for applications is 17:00 on 10 july 2015. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Interviews will be held on 23 july 2015

Street Step is launching its employability and dance fitness Academy on 29 June.
Street Step is an employability charity that supports 16-24 year olds to get into work, education or training. Our programme provides an opportunity to develop skills, gain qualifications, and get fit – all while having fun. All of this is happening at the Platform (Hornsey Road Baths, 2 Tiltman Place, off Hornsey Road, London, N7 7EE).
Our Academy has a rolling intake, meaning a young person can join when it’s right for them. Street Step Academy includes:
~ Employability skills and work placements
~ Employability and healthy living qualifications
~ Maths and English qualifications
~ Dance fitness, fun and friends!
~ In-work support once you’ve found a job
You can find out more and get in touch by visiting http://www.streetstep.co.uk/london
If you or a young person would like to learn more about us, come and join us at the Street Step Social. It will run Monday – Thursday at 1:30.
We also run FREE dance fitness classes every Wednesday at 2:30, starting Wednesday 24th June 2015
Please feel free to Email me for more information – kate.harrison@streetstep.co.uk

Age UK Camden seeks Individual Assessor Counsellor/Psychotherapist
(Locum contract £90-£100 per day depending on experience and qualification)
Age UK Camden is looking for Locum Assessors for individual therapy. The successful candidates must be accredited/registered (or eligible) counsellors/psychotherapists, preferably in personal therapy and with a psychodynamic background.
Age UK Camden has been offering individual and group psychotherapy for more than eighteen years. During this period the counselling service has gone through many changes. Currently, it is being funded by the NHS through the Camden Psychological Therapies Services and in partnership with three additional organisations (Nafsiyat, Bereavement Service Camden and Women & Health).
We offer time-limited individual and group counselling and psychotherapy. The number of sessions offered to a client for individual therapy is based on the initial consultation, i.e. the assessment, which identifies the client’s needs.
Our services are available to any Camden resident aged 55 and over, irrespective of ethnic and cultural background or sexual orientation. We also counsel people with dementia in the early stages and have a service to help couples where a partner has dementia. We can do home visits in cases where people are mobility impaired.
The post is based at Age UK Camden head office and some travel around the borough is required.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: Wednesday, 1st July 2015 at 9:00am Interviews: Wednesday, 8th July 2015

Ageing Better in Camden Community Connectors
A unique opportunity has arisen to work with C4, a diverse, successful and developing network of community centres in Camden – a great area we are working to make even better.
Are you up for the challenge of playing a key role in establishing and delivering an exciting new Lottery funded project to tackle isolation and loneliness among older people through encouraging their participation and connection to local networks? We are now recruiting five Area Coordinators.
Hours per week: 35. Two year initial contract, potential extension to six years
Salary: £28,845 including Inner London Weighting (SCP 29 NJC scale)
Full DBS (CRB) check will be required
Information pack and application form available on our website:
or by emailing: camdencommunityconnectors@gmail.com
Closing Date: Thursday 9th July 2015 at 10 a.m.
Interviews will be held: 14th to 17th of July 2015

Helios Health seeks Volunteer Coordinator
Salary £9000 (part time)
Location Camden, London, Greater London
Volunteer Co-ordinator This post is funded by the Big Lottery in order to help us recruit, train and support our volunteers. The successful applicant will join our Core Team to help deliver long-term programmes of holistic health care and well-being, as well as support for our team of volunteers and practitioners in general. Post: Volunteer Co-ordinator Payment: £14.70 per hour Hours of work: 14 hours per week – hours can be flexible – Flexible between 9.30am – 7pm- Monday – Friday Contractual Period: 12 months contract. Location of work: The Helios Centre, 116 Judd St, WC1 H 9NS Annual leave: on pro rata basis, as per statutory requirement Responsible to: Management team Notice period: 1 month both ways (after probation period)
To apply go to the Charity Job website.

Year Hear seek Graduate Volunteers
The Year Here programme is a post-graduate course in social innovation; we recruit brilliant graduates and challenge them to spend a year applying themselves to society’s toughest problems.
Frontline service sits at the heart of our programme and we are currently on the hunt for new placements for our graduates. Find out more here www.yearhere.org/hostafellow.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Four new Equality and Diversity Forum leaflets to help voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations use the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) in their work.
~ How to use the Equality Act 2010: A guide for voluntary and community organisations (revised June 2015)
~ How to use the Public Sector Equality Duty: A guide for voluntary and community organisations
~ The Public Sector Equality Duty and ‘due regard’
~ Glossary of key terms in equality law
These leaflets are all available on the Equality and Diversity Forum website in PDF and Microsoft Word versions. We hope you find them useful and please email us at info@edf.org.uk if you would like us to send them to you in an alternative format.

Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from a property development in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance.
This opportunity relates only to money provided to improve community facilities, it does not relate to S106 money received for other purposes, such as infrastructure and parks and open spaces.
The community building or facility must be one of the following:
• Owned by the organisation
• Occupied on a long-term lease
• Owned by the council
If your voluntary & community sector organisation would like to make a proposal for S106 capital money for community facilities, and your premises and service provision fits these criteria, please contact jeff.hopwood@camden.gov.uk or adam.demosthenous@camden.gov.uk.
A proposal form will be supplied, to easily enable response to the following:
• A brief description of the proposal, including how much money you are seeking – an estimate is fine at this stage
• Any relevant deadlines
The form will also ask for information about:
• How an allocation would ensure that the recipient’s facilities / services are available for the local community
• Whether the organisation or facility has received S106 Community Facilities funding before
• Whether the capital project has any match funding or pledges of match funding
• How the proposal will address Camden Plan priorities and the Council’s investment tests:
o www.camden.gov.uk/camdenplan
o www.camden.gov.uk/ccm/content/council-and-democracy/publications-and-finances/twocolumn/camden-financial-challenge-.en?page=3.
Proposal forms will need to be returned by the 17th July, officers intend to consider the proposals during July and August, and discuss with ward members and relevant Cabinet Members. Decisions are expected to be made by the beginning of September.

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 19th June 2015

Highlights: Engagement events for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only; Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Engagement Event; Disability Awareness Training from YPFI; Youth Mental Health First Aid; new Equality and Diversity Forum leaflets; Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward; Get cycling for summer with Bike Week 2015; Volunteers And The Law from Volunteer Centre Camden; Charity Fair ; Table Top and Book Sale; The Brandenburg Choral Festival Fundraising Opportunities; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Engagement events for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only
23rd June 5.30 – 7.30pm or 30th June 2pm – 4pm. At VAC offices, 299 Kentish Town Rd, NW5
The Council is seeking VCS views on alternative approaches to developing a new grants programme for the sector. Four options are proposed for comment which range from improving the current mixed-funding model to a more radical collective impact approach, co-ordinating a partnership around a geographic area or a theme. The sector’s views will be used to develop a preferred approach that is likely to be a mix of the options. The engagement document and survey are available here www.camden.gov.uk/vcsengagement
As part of the eight week engagement process, Voluntary Action Camden has organised these two events for the sector only, with no council officers present, in order to give the sector an opportunity for a full and frank discussion. Please email Ricky/Monica, Building Administrator to book your place.

Camden’s Centre for Independent Living Engagement Event
Thursday 2nd July, 2-5pm, Room 10.10, 5 Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG
“Camden’s Centre for Independent Living will be based at Greenwood Place – a new community resource centre being built in Kentish Town, due to open in January 2018.
The purpose of this event is to bring together representatives from a range of voluntary and community sector organisations who have an interest in coproducing this service. It will include discussions around:
• What the CIL space within the resource centre should look like
We will be providing copies of floor plans and looking at the best use of the space
• What services the CIL should provide
We would like the CIL service offer to be as varied and inclusive as possible
• How the CIL should be run
We would like to canvas your opinions on a management model
It will also be an opportunity to discuss the visions for both the Greenwood centre and the CIL service, and to share likely timescales.”
Places are limited and confirmed names will be required to gain access to the building.
Please book your place by calling Ellie Chesterman on 0207 974 3178 or email: eleanor.chesterman@camden.gov.uk
We will send you confirmation of your place by email or by post.
Please also get in touch if you have any access or communication requirements.

Disability Awareness Training from YPFI
We can train you or your organisation in Disability Awareness, help you make your service accessible for people with disabilities, or support you to set up your own Youth Participation group. The training is delivered by young disabled people from Camden and surrounding boroughs.
YPFI aims to stay in contact with organisations who receive their training to build enduring and positive relationships. By delivering these training programs we hope to improve the lives of disabled people and increase inclusion in London. Find out more at the Elfrida Rathbone YPFI website or come to the Free Taster Day on Friday 10th July at Kentish Town Community Centre from 10am-1pm.
You are invited to join us to find out more about what we offer, speak to organisations who have received the training we run and take part in activities designed to raise awareness of disability, inclusion and accessibility.
Please contact YPFI to book a place and find out more ypfi@elfridacamden.org.uk Tel: 020 7424 1601

Places are available on VAC’s next Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training course.
Thursday 2nd July and Thursday 9th July (9.30am to 5pm both days).
This internationally recognised course will be of interest to parents, youth workers, teachers, those who support young people, or anyone who wants to learn about mental health. Full details in the ‘VAC Events’ section below.

National News
Punk rocker protests the inappropriate use of procurement rules
Sami Helle is best known as the bass player for the Finnish punk rock band PKN, who recently performed the shortest ever song at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. Recently he spoke to the European Parliament and challenged the European Union’s Public Procurement Directive because of the way it is being used to push people with disabilities around. Full story in Huffington Post. Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) published new guidance to councils on contracting for flexible support. This guide makes clear that people should either get the chance to control their own budget (a direct payment) or be supported to pick a service provider who will manage their budget for them.
What gets communities off the couch and on to the street to protest?
Sometimes neighbours merely grumble at a grievance – other times they’re up in arms. The Guardian takes a look at the factors that motivate neighbours to take action.

Four new Equality and Diversity Forum leaflets to help voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations use the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) in their work.
~ How to use the Equality Act 2010: A guide for voluntary and community organisations (revised June 2015)
~ How to use the Public Sector Equality Duty: A guide for voluntary and community organisations
~ The Public Sector Equality Duty and ‘due regard’
~ Glossary of key terms in equality law
These leaflets are all available on the Equality and Diversity Forum website in PDF and Microsoft Word versions. We hope you find them useful and please email us at info@edf.org.uk if you would like us to send them to you in an alternative format.

Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from a property development in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance.
This opportunity relates only to money provided to improve community facilities. See ‘Offers, Resources and Announcements’ section at the end of the e-bulletin.

Get cycling for summer with Bike Week 2015
With Bike Week 2015 just around the corner, Camden Council is reminding residents about the exciting series of events on offer this year. Running from Saturday 13 to Sunday 21 June 2015, Bike Week is an annual opportunity to promote cycling, and show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life by encouraging ‘everyday cycling for everyone’. The first event is Camden is on 15 June with a further seven events in the borough during the week. Full details on the Camden Council website.

Volunteers And The Law from Volunteer Centre Camden
A half-day session on Tuesday 7 July
The trainer is Mark Restall who has considerable expertise in this area. This is an essential beginners’ level course for everyone with concerns about involving volunteers safely and legally. Book via eventbrite.

Charity Fair from Directory of Social Change
30th June and 1st July, Holloway Road
Whatever your role in the sector, there is training for you here: Charityfair has 64 workshops, from only £35, covering a huge variety of topics including fundraising, management & leadership, marketing, governance, personal development, legal & finance, wellbeing, campaigning & lobbying and organisational support.
More information and booking at www.charityfair.org.uk.
We have 2 free workshop tickets for Camden groups. Contact Kevin at VAC stating name and date of the session you would like to attend and your name and organisation.

Table Top and Book Sale
Saturday 20 June, 11am to 3 pm, at St Pancras Community Association Centre at 30 Camden Street, London NW1 (opposite the Sports Pitches behind Richard Cobden School). Table Top Sale bargains and a great selection of second hand books to browse -prices 25p to £2. Entrance fee 50p which includes tea or coffee. Proceeds to help fund Women and Health in Carol Street and St Pancras Community Association (SPCA).
Free entry from 10 am for people renting a Table Top (at £3.50).
Tables will be available on a First Come First Served basis.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

Street Step, National Community Land Trusts Network, C4, Helios Health, Voicability, Year Here, Volunteer Centre Camden, Age Uk Camden, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Fundraising opportunities for small charities The Brandenburg Choral Festival of London
The Brandenburg Choral Festival of London is offering small charities the opportunity to raise funds by selling tickets to its choral concerts this Autumn.
Charities raise funds by selling tickets to their supporters for a concert selected from the Festival programme and retaining a share (up to 50%) of the value of tickets sold. There are 22 concerts to choose from, ranging from Fauré and Brahms Requiems to concerts featuring jazz, folk and soul, and all are held at prestigious central London venues including St Martin-in-theFields, St Clement Danes, Temple Church and the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy. A maximum of two charities will be allocated to a concert. Each charity will be given its own allocation of tickets, separate from the main box office allocation, and there is no financial commitment to pay for any unsold tickets. Reception opportunities are available at most concerts.
This is the third year the Festival has been running the fundraising initiative; to date, over 70 small charities have participated including: The AMAR Foundation, Respond, Dyslexia Research Trust, The Circle Works and Prader Willi Syndrome Association UK.
Interested charities should get in touch with Brandenburg straight away as the process of allocating concerts to charities for this Autumn will begin on 22 June.
Further information For details, including a copy of the ‘Fundraising with Brandenburg’ leaflet and a list of the Autumn Series concerts, please contact:
Claudia Jenkins, Development Officer – Brandenburg Choral Festival of London
Email: dev@brandenburg.org.uk Phone: 07973 564533 / 01372 209817
Information about the Festival, including a list of charity partners, can be found at:
www.brandenburg.org.uk. Follow on Twitter: @BrandenburgFest

Statement from the Big Lottery Regarding Applications in Camden for Older People’s Projects
“Some voluntary organisations have been wondering if the Big Lottery Ageing Better in Camden funding prevents them from applying to the Big Lottery for their own older people’s projects and services. The answer is ‘NO! Keep Applying!’
The Big Lottery Reaching Communities Programme assess each application on its merits and its fit with the programme requirements, considering its awareness and links with other activities already taking place in the area. This often includes whether applications are complementary to other investments that we have already made within an area and where suitable other services that are being delivered.
It is highly unlikely that an application to Reaching Communities or our other open programmes would be rejected solely on the basis of Ageing Better or other funding being awarded to the same area, unless there was clear duplication. If anyone has any examples of Ageing Better in Camden being the sole reason they weren’t funded for another project, please let Ageing Better in Camden know and they will raise the issue with their Big Lottery Funding Officer.”

Money Advice Trust – Innovation Grants Programme Open
The Money Advice Trust Innovation Grants Programme offers grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to three years to charitable organisations in the UK.
Funding is available for projects that demonstrate innovative practice and meet either aim 1 or 2 whilst assisting the Trust in achieving aim 3:
Empower individuals and microbusinesses to tackle their debts and improve financial health.
Support staff in charities across the UK to provide effective debt and/or money advice.
Improve the UK’s money and debt environment through the dissemination of successful innovative practice from funded projects.
The Trust is looking for project proposals that demonstrate how they will support individuals or microbusinesses who are in severe financial hardship, who are financially excluded and/or who are hard to reach to:
Increase their financial literacy.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 4 July 2015 (midnight).
Further information is Here

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.

Places are available on VAC’s next Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training course.
This will take place over two full days on Thursday 2nd July and Thursday 9th July (9.30am to 5pm both days).
This internationally recognised course will be of interest to parents, youth workers, teachers, those who support young people, or anyone who wants to learn more about mental health.
The YMHFA course will teach you to:
• Spot the early signs of a mental health problem in a young person
• Feel confident helping a young person experiencing a problem
• Provide help on a first aid basis
• Help protect a young person who might be at risk of harm
• Help prevent a mental illness from getting worse
• Help a young person recover faster
• Guide a young person towards the right support
• Reduce the stigma of mental health problems
Participants will receive a copy of the YMHFA manual and certificate on completion of the course. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
The training is highly subsidised at only £25 per person. To book your place and pay by card via Evenbrite please go to: https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any questions please contact the Mental Health Team on: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk or call 020 7284 6550.


Vital Youth and the Hospital Club Foundation present Master The Word, a Spoken Word project aimed at young people 16-24.
#MasterTheWord is a creative development project that uses creative techniques and practical interventions to explore the power of language communication and (self) presentation.
Spoken Word Workshops all 1pm- 4pm Cost: FREE
Week 1: Tues 14th, Weds 15th & Thurs 16th July
Week 2: Tues 21st, Weds 22nd & Thurs 23rd July
Week 3: Tues 28th, Weds 29th & Thurs 30th July
Week 4 – Recording days 4th & 5th August
Venue: The Hospital Club, Covent Garden, 24 Endell Street, London WC2H 9HQ
For further information call 020 7245 2269/1 e: vitalyouth@vitalregen.org
As well as creative learning and enhancing their skills, the young people complete the arts award qualification and are supported with progression opportunities into employment, apprenticeships or further training opportunities.

Recovery College Courses
Spaces are available on the following courses:
Storytelling & Narratives: Arlington House, 02/07/2015, 1pm – 4pm
Stigma and Discrimination: Arlington House, 03/07/2015, 10am -3.30pm
Better Money Management: Margerete Centre, 07/07/2015, 11am – 4pm
Introduction to Anxiety: Working Men’s College, 08/07/2015, 10.30am – 1pm
Introduction to Recovery: Arlington House, 16/07/2015, 10am – 3.30pm
Contact Oyindamola.babalola@candi.nhs.uk or recovery.college@candi.nhs.uk
www.candi.nhs.uk/recoverycollege 4 St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE Tel: 020 3317 6904/6905

Refugees – Rebuilding Lives in Camden
This walk explores the impact of Refugees on Camden, and shows how they have impacted on the history and life of the Borough.
All the ticket money for this walk goes to Amnesty International.
22nd June 2015 From 19:00 to 21:00
Starting from Mornington Crescent Underground Station, Eversholt Street, NW1 1BL
London Organiser: Footprints and Amnesty Mayfair & Soho group
Contact: ayeshamehta653@gmail.com Price £10

Upbeat & Kings Cross Timebank Presents: Kings Cross Open Mic Summer Sizzler
Friday 26th June 2015 6-9 pm at
The Crypt Holy Cross Church Cromer Street WC1H 8JU
World Music, International Dance & Special Guests. Come along to perform, dress up or just to enjoy the evening. Everyone welcome.
Entry: £2.50 or 3 time-credits (Free for performers) Ticket includes free food.
Any proceeds made will go towards running the next Open Mic event. For more information contact
Lucia – T: 07762151783 E: upbeat@upbeatmusic.org
Jonathan – T: 02072784437 E: jonathan.bowles@hcct.org.uk

CancerSupportGroup Camden
Did you know there is a thriving Cancer Support Group (Camden) for patients and carers who have been affected by cancer?
We meet once a month at Kentish Town Health Centre, courtesy of the James Wigg Practice. We are an informal group of cancer patients
willing to share the good and not so good experiences we have been through – and we don’t just talk about cancer! Do come and join us.
Get in touch with us to find out more: veronicabrinton@gmail.com 020 77226740
or Anne Caffell 07907799248

Camden Frontline monthly forum, an opportunity for service users with a drug or alcohol history
· feedback on services
· hear about developments in drug and alcohol services in Camden
· meet other service users
· have their voice heard.
There are refreshments from 12:30pm – 1pm, and this month we will be hearing from managers at Camden Health Improvement Practice, a GP surgery for homeless people, with support for those with substance use issues in Camden.
The Forum is on Thursday 2nd July, 12:30pm at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, NW1

Healthwatch Camden Board Meeting – Monday 29th June 2015 – Arlington Conference Centre
The next Healthwatch Camden board meeting is being held in public.
You are invited to attend, to hear about our progress and to ask questions about our work. The main items on the agenda will be the presentation of our annual report, and the launch of our ‘Start here…’ guide. We will also be considering a priority assessment for our work in mental health and getting an update on other work. Papers for the meeting will be on our website one week before the meeting and copies will be available at the meeting.
Refreshments will be available from 6pm. Please let us know if you will be attending, so that we can cater for the right number. The venue is wheelchair accessible and has a hearing loop. Please let us know if you have other access requirements, so we can make arrangements in good time.
Please register your attendance & any requirements at: Email: info@healthwatchcamden.co.uk / Tel: 020 7284 6586

Visually Impaired in Camden (VIC) outing to the Caldwell Lavender Farm 21st July
The coach will leave from Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR at 10am and will arrive back at the community centre at around 6.30pm.
The cost will be £10.00 (payable on the day) with one companion at the same rate; this includes the coach and entry to & a guided tour of Caldwell Lavender Farm.
To join VIC and for more information abut the trip please call Rosemary on 07980 328 959

What’s in a Men’s Shed for you?
Thursday 2nd July at Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Street W1T 6AQ
A Men’s Shed is a workshop for making, mending and hobbies. Groups of retired men love them and have opened more than two a week in the UK in the last 6 months. If you are interested in supporting:
~ men’s health and wellbeing,
~ community development or skill sharing,
~ in material reuse or getting something unique made,
Come and meet some members and hear why even more Sheds are needed.
or more info visit www.menssheds.org.uk. To book on this free event follow this link to Eventbrite

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Street Step is launching its employability and dance fitness Academy on 29 June.
Street Step is an employability charity that supports 16-24 year olds to get into work, education or training. Our programme provides an opportunity to develop skills, gain qualifications, and get fit – all while having fun. All of this is happening at the Platform (Hornsey Road Baths, 2 Tiltman Place, off Hornsey Road, London, N7 7EE).
Our Academy has a rolling intake, meaning a young person can join when it’s right for them. Street Step Academy includes:
~ Employability skills and work placements
~ Employability and healthy living qualifications
~ Maths and English qualifications
~ Dance fitness, fun and friends!
~ In-work support once you’ve found a job
You can find out more and get in touch by visiting http://www.streetstep.co.uk/london
If you or a young person would like to learn more about us, come and join us at the Street Step Social. It will run Monday – Thursday at 1:30.
We also run FREE dance fitness classes every Wednesday at 2:30, starting Wednesday 24th June 2015
Please feel free to Email me for more information – kate.harrison@streetstep.co.uk

Age UK Camden seeks Individual Assessor Counsellor/Psychotherapist
(Locum contract £90-£100 per day depending on experience and qualification)
Age UK Camden is looking for Locum Assessors for individual therapy. The successful candidates must be accredited/registered (or eligible) counsellors/psychotherapists, preferably in personal therapy and with a psychodynamic background.
Age UK Camden has been offering individual and group psychotherapy for more than eighteen years. During this period the counselling service has gone through many changes. Currently, it is being funded by the NHS through the Camden Psychological Therapies Services and in partnership with three additional organisations (Nafsiyat, Bereavement Service Camden and Women & Health).
We offer time-limited individual and group counselling and psychotherapy. The number of sessions offered to a client for individual therapy is based on the initial consultation, i.e. the assessment, which identifies the client’s needs.
Our services are available to any Camden resident aged 55 and over, irrespective of ethnic and cultural background or sexual orientation. We also counsel people with dementia in the early stages and have a service to help couples where a partner has dementia. We can do home visits in cases where people are mobility impaired.
The post is based at Age UK Camden head office and some travel around the borough is required.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: Wednesday, 1st July 2015 at 9:00am Interviews: Wednesday, 8th July 2015

National Community Land Trusts (CLT) Network is Recuiting:
One is for a part-time Communications and Membership Officer, 3 days a week, at £25,000 to £27,000 (pro-rata) + pension and benefits, for a one year fixed term contract with a possible extension.
For this role we are looking for someone with communications experience to join the team and devise and deliver the Network’s communications strategy and support the Network’s drive to increase membership. For this role we would be open to considering some home-working.
There is more information and how to apply in the job pack that you can download from the advert webpage.
The other vacancy is for a part-time Administrator, 2 days a week, at £20,000-£22,000 (pro-rata) + pension and benefits, again for a one year fixed term contract.
For the Administrator role we are looking for someone with previous experience in an administrative role, including financial administration, and in delivering high quality customer service. The postholder will provide essential administrative support to the organisation and help ensure the smooth running of the Network.
Click here for a link to the advert.
The deadline for applications is 9am Monday 29th June. If anyone is interested and wants to find out more they can give my colleague Gemma Tighe a call on 020 3764 1840 or drop us an email at info@communitylandtrusts.org.uk.
The National CLT Network is a small national charity based in Farringdon, central London. We currently have a staff team of 2.5 members of staff. For more information ago to www.communitylandtrusts.org.uk.

Ageing Better in Camden Community Connectors
A unique opportunity has arisen to work with C4, a diverse, successful and developing network of community centres in Camden – a great area we are working to make even better.
Are you up for the challenge of playing a key role in establishing and delivering an exciting new Lottery funded project to tackle isolation and loneliness among older people through encouraging their participation and connection to local networks? We are now recruiting five Area Coordinators.
Hours per week: 35. Two year initial contract, potential extension to six years
Salary: £28,845 including Inner London Weighting (SCP 29 NJC scale)
Full DBS (CRB) check will be required
Information pack and application form available on our website:
or by emailing: camdencommunityconnectors@gmail.com
Closing Date: Thursday 9th July 2015 at 10 a.m.
Interviews will be held: 14th to 17th of July 2015

Helios Health seeks Volunteer Coordinator
Salary £9000 (part time)
Location Camden, London, Greater London
Volunteer Co-ordinator This post is funded by the Big Lottery in order to help us recruit, train and support our volunteers. The successful applicant will join our Core Team to help deliver long-term programmes of holistic health care and well-being, as well as support for our team of volunteers and practitioners in general. Post: Volunteer Co-ordinator Payment: £14.70 per hour Hours of work: 14 hours per week – hours can be flexible – Flexible between 9.30am – 7pm- Monday – Friday Contractual Period: 12 months contract. Location of work: The Helios Centre, 116 Judd St, WC1 H 9NS Annual leave: on pro rata basis, as per statutory requirement Responsible to: Management team Notice period: 1 month both ways (after probation period)
To apply go to the Charity Job website.

AgeUKCamden seeks Advice Team Manager
Local Government Scale PO2 £33,579-£36,186, plus 6% contributory pension.
The Advice Team Manager post is an exciting opportunity for a manager who is dynamic, focussed and a multitasker to make a real difference to the lives of older people in Camden You’ll need a background in areas such as welfare rights, advice or care management, and have spent at least 2 years successfully managing a team of staff and/or volunteers.
The postholder will manage the Age UK Camden (AUC) information, advice, support and advocacy (IAA) services and team. AUC’s IAA services are delivered by a staff and volunteer team in person (from the office, outreach venues, home visits), by phone, and online.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am Monday 29th June 2015 Interviews: Monday 6th July 2015

Voicability seeks User Involvement Advocate
VoiceAbility supports people who face disadvantage or discrimination to have a voice that counts. Providing advocacy and user involvement services across England, VoiceAbility is a growing organisation working with people who are vulnerable or marginalised to raise their voices and have their rights respected.
Position: User Involvement Advocate
Location: Camden, London
Hours: 37.5 hours per week
Salary: £23,299 0k – £28,299k per annum inclusive of Inner London Weighting
Closing Date for Applications: 23rd June
Interview Date: 30th June and 1st July
The User Involvement Advocate will work directly with people with lived experience of substance misuse and / or mental ill health to help strengthen voice, champion rights and improve services. The role is to reach widely within the service user community to consult on lived experience, recruit volunteers and support peer to peer initiatives. More information and application form at the Voicability website.

Year Hear seek Graduate Volunteers
The Year Here programme is a post-graduate course in social innovation; we recruit brilliant graduates and challenge them to spend a year applying themselves to society’s toughest problems.
Frontline service sits at the heart of our programme and we are currently on the hunt for new placements for our graduates. Find out more here www.yearhere.org/hostafellow.

Volunteer Centre Camden seeks CEO
NJC pay scale 43, £40782 pro rata (including London Weighting) plus pension contribution. 30 hours per week (we can be flexible about how these hours are distributed throughout the week).
It’s a time of opportunity for Volunteer Centre Camden. As an organisation we want to change how we work, develop new partnerships and put Camden on the map as a centre of excellence for volunteering.
Our next CEO needs to have excellent fundraising skills, an ability to lead change and influence external partners. You will have a passion for volunteering which is infectious, we need others to be excited about volunteering and its potential.
Now is a crucial time for development. We have funding until March 2016. A key part of this role will be to develop partnerships and secure funding beyond March 2016.
We are looking for someone who can live and breathe our values; To work in partnership, deliver quality, adapt, be positive and be inclusive. You will be proactive and able to work with the Board of Trustees to develop and deliver amazing services.
With successful fundraising activity there will be the scope for this role to be extended beyond March 2015 on a full or part time basis. Details on our website; http://volunteercentrecamden.org.uk/we-are-recruiting-a-ceo/

This summer The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust will be holding elections for its Council of Governors
Trust would like to invite as many members of the public to stand as possible. There are eleven seats for public members available.
Anyone over 18, with an interest in what we do can apply. Our Council of Governors is a collection of elected people – patients, carers, members of the public, students, staff and people from partner organisations. Anyone can become a Governor, meaning a variety of informed views and opinions influence the work we do. Our Governors work alongside the Board of Directors and are responsible for helping to shape our work. They make sure we continue to work for the benefit of patients and students.
You can also find out more information on our website: https://tavistockandportman.uk/GovernorElections, where you will find a ‘register your interest’ form and information on the time commitment and what we are looking for. We are also planning on running some drop in sessions in June and July, so keep an eye out on our website for future updates around these.
For more information about becoming a Governor or details on how to get a nomination form please contact Gervase Campbell, our Trust Secretary on: TSecretary@tavi-port.nhs.uk.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Opportunity for capital funding for VCS organisations in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward
The Council is in receipt of money arising from a property development in Frognal and Fitzjohns Ward, as a result of Section 106 (S106) obligations on property developers, under Camden’s Planning Guidance.
This opportunity relates only to money provided to improve community facilities, it does not relate to S106 money received for other purposes, such as infrastructure and parks and open spaces.
The community building or facility must be one of the following:
• Owned by the organisation
• Occupied on a long-term lease
• Owned by the council
If your voluntary & community sector organisation would like to make a proposal for S106 capital money for community facilities, and your premises and service provision fits these criteria, please contact jeff.hopwood@camden.gov.uk or adam.demosthenous@camden.gov.uk.
A proposal form will be supplied, to easily enable response to the following:
• A brief description of the proposal, including how much money you are seeking – an estimate is fine at this stage
• Any relevant deadlines
The form will also ask for information about:
• How an allocation would ensure that the recipient’s facilities / services are available for the local community
• Whether the organisation or facility has received S106 Community Facilities funding before
• Whether the capital project has any match funding or pledges of match funding
• How the proposal will address Camden Plan priorities and the Council’s investment tests:
o www.camden.gov.uk/camdenplan
o www.camden.gov.uk/ccm/content/council-and-democracy/publications-and-finances/twocolumn/camden-financial-challenge-.en?page=3.
Proposal forms will need to be returned by the 17th July, officers intend to consider the proposals during July and August, and discuss with ward members and relevant Cabinet Members. Decisions are expected to be made by the beginning of September.

Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 12th June 2015

Highlights: Engagement events for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only ; It’s Refugee Week 2015; Refugees – Rebuilding Lives in Camden; The Evelyn Oldfield Unit Conference – Research for Action and Influence Students and Refugee Week celebration; Camden is 50 Years Old; Legal challenge launched over cut in affordable homes in King’s Cross; Get cycling for summer with Bike Week 2015; Hampstead Summer Festival Over 60s Art Competition; Kings Cross Open Mic Summer Sizzler; Table Top and Book Sale; plus news, funding, events, jobs, volunteering and more.


Engagement events for Voluntary and Community Organisations Only
23rd June 5.30 – 7.30pm or 30th June 2pm – 4pm. At VAC offices, 299 Kentish Town Rd, NW5
The Council is seeking VCS views on alternative approaches to developing a new grants programme for the sector. Four options are proposed for comment which range from improving the current mixed-funding model to a more radical collective impact approach, co-ordinating a partnership around a geographic area or a theme. The sector’s views will be used to develop a preferred approach that is likely to be a mix of the options. The engagement document and survey are available here www.camden.gov.uk/vcsengagement
As part of the eight week engagement process, Voluntary Action Camden has organised two events for the sector only, with no council officers present, in order to give the sector an opportunity for a full and frank discussion. Please email Ricky/Monica, Building Administrator to book your place.

It’s Refugee Week 2015
15th – 21st June is Refugee Week. The theme of this year is ‘Celebrate’. Celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK. Did you know that The Voice star Rita Ora was a refugee? Or that the family of artist Lucien Freud moved to London in the 1930s to avoid persecution by the Nazis?
They are just two of the personalities highlighted by Traces Project, the first digital timeline to tell the untold history of artists who have sought safety in the UK from conflict and persecution.

Refugees – Rebuilding Lives in Camden
This walk explores the impact of Refugees on Camden, and shows how they have impacted on the history and life of the Borough.
All the ticket money for this walk goes to Amnesty International.
22nd June 2015 From 19:00 to 21:00
Starting from Mornington Crescent Underground Station, Eversholt Street, NW1 1BL
London Organiser: Footprints and Amnesty Mayfair & Soho group
Contact: ayeshamehta653@gmail.com Price £10

The Evelyn Oldfield Unit invites you to a Conference for Research for Action and Influence Students and Refugee Week celebration
Thursday, 18th June 2015, 1.30-5.30pmat Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road
This event will see student presentations followed by cultural celebration of Refugee Week, including special guests, funders and politicians.
The researchers will present new thoughts and findings on issues faced by London’s migrants
The Evelyn Oldfield Unit is running the accredited Research for Action & Influence course, a 9 month programme for members of London’s refugee and migrant communities. This course will culminate in this conference whereby the groups present the findings of their research and actions as above.
To book a place please contact Alexandra Ceriu Tel: 0207 697 4105. Email: alexandra@evelynoldfield.co.uk

National News
With Friends Like These
Acevo’s chief executive has criticised the chair of the Charity Commission’s comments about the sector being in ‘crisis’, and accused him of undermining the sector.
In his blog post, No, we ain’t in crisis!, Stephen Bubb, chief executive of Acevo said that he found it “disappointing” that Shawcross would use a word like “crisis” to describe the sector in the wake of the death of Olive Cooke.
Bubb said that he expected the regulator to “rise above the noise of the tabloids, and make the public case for charities’ work”, but instead accused Shawcross of “following the lead set by lurid coverage in the press”.
“I certainly don’t think it is the chair of the Charity Commission’s job to court national controversy for the sector he is mandated to support”, he said. Full Story in Civil Society.

Channel 4’s Dementiaville reports on a radical approach to dementia. One in three people in the UK will be affected by dementia, with many travelling back to memories from long ago. This series plays detective, seeking who each person once was – and who they are now. Details on the Channel 4 website.
Psychological Services In Job Centres
The BBC report on the government’s plans to co-locate IABT (Increased Access to Psychological Therapy) staff in Jobcentres together with an increase in provision of online CBT aimed at up to 40000 people. The first trial starts in South London this week.

Camden is 50 Years Old
The current London boroughs were created in 1965 and London Councils have celebrated the anniversary with a booklet and short film as well as a gallery and political almanac.
As part of the celebrations Camden is holding a Fun Day in Ampthill Square TOMORROW Saturday 13th June from 1-4pm. All welcome. Entertainment, arts, theatre, sports etc. camden50.co.uk

Legal challenge launched over cut in affordable homes on King’s Cross regeneration site
The Camden New Journal has reported that Camden Council is facing a legal battle over its decision to allow a property company to reduce the number of social homes built on the £2billion King’s Cross development.
Lawyers this week launched a challenge against the move – which will see the percentage of affordable housing fall to around 33 per cent – and said that the decision should not have been taken behind closed doors, without any public consultation. There is an online petition started by Camden residents here.

Get cycling for summer with Bike Week 2015
With Bike Week 2015 just around the corner, Camden Council is reminding residents about the exciting series of events on offer this year. Running from Saturday 13 to Sunday 21 June 2015, Bike Week is an annual opportunity to promote cycling, and show how cycling can easily be part of everyday life by encouraging ‘everyday cycling for everyone’. The first event is Camden is on 15 June with a further seven events in the borough during the week. Full details on the Camden Council website.

Hampstead Summer Festival Invitation to take part in the 5th Annual Over 60s Art Competition
The theme is ‘Magic on the Heath’ – and can include any ‘magical ‘aspect of Hampstead Heath, its landscape, people, its spirit and atmosphere or simply the ideas and feelings it sparks in us.
Entry is free and medium and style is up to you.
All shortlisted entries will be exhibited in one of the marquees at the Festival Art Village by Whitestone Pond on Sunday June 21st. Prizes:
The Phil Ward Prize £100
‘Taster’ Lesson at the Hampstead School of Art
Vouchers for art materials and framing
All shortlisted entries also eligible for Best of Show Catto Prize £200
JUdging on Sunday 21st June. Prizes Presented on Sunday 5th July
Deadline for entries: 5PM Friday 19th June 2015.
To register your intention to enter and enquiries contact Annie Ward tel: 07710 907431 or email: art@hampsteadsummerfestival.com

Upbeat & Kings Cross Timebank & present: Kings Cross Open Mic Summer Sizzler
Friday 26th June 2015 6-9 pm at
The Crypt Holy Cross Church Cromer Street WC1H 8JU
World Music, International Dance & Special Guests. Come along to perform, dress up or just to enjoy the evening. Everyone welcome.
Entry: £2.50 or 3 time-credits (Free for performers) Ticket includes free food.
Any proceeds made will go towards running the next Open Mic event. For more information contact
Lucia – T: 07762151783 E: upbeat@upbeatmusic.org
Jonathan – T: 02072784437 E: jonathan.bowles@hcct.org.uk

Table Top and Book Sale
Saturday 20 June, 11am to 3 pm, at St Pancras Community Association Centre at 30 Camden Street, London NW1 (opposite the Sports Pitches behind Richard Cobden School). Table Top Sale bargains and a great selection of second hand books to browse -prices 25p to £2. Entrance fee 50p which includes tea or coffee. Proceeds to help fund Women and Health in Carol Street and St Pancras Community Association (SPCA).
Free entry from 10 am for people renting a Table Top (at £3.50).
Tables will be available on a First Come First Served basis.

Healthwatch Camden
Latest Information DIgest is on the Healthwatch Camden website.
Catch up with the latest Camden news and what’s happening on Our Blog

The Camden Capacity Building Bulletin is produced monthly, targeting the community and voluntary sector in Camden. It provides up to date/recently live information and news on funding and training. To access the latest information please follow the Link www.camden.gov.uk/cbbulletin

C4, Helios Health, Voicability, Year Here, Coram’s Fields, Volunteer Centre Camden, Age Uk Camden, People’s Centre for Change, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, and Camden PA are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

Camden Shares. The website for exchanges in Camden. www.camdenshares.org.uk

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Statement from the Big Lottery Regarding Applications in Camden for Older People’s Projects
“Some voluntary organisations have been wondering if the Big Lottery Ageing Better in Camden funding prevents them from applying to the Big Lottery for their own older people’s projects and services. The answer is ‘NO! Keep Applying!’
The Big Lottery Reaching Communities Programme assess each application on its merits and its fit with the programme requirements, considering its awareness and links with other activities already taking place in the area. This often includes whether applications are complementary to other investments that we have already made within an area and where suitable other services that are being delivered.
It is highly unlikely that an application to Reaching Communities or our other open programmes would be rejected solely on the basis of Ageing Better or other funding being awarded to the same area, unless there was clear duplication. If anyone has any examples of Ageing Better in Camden being the sole reason they weren’t funded for another project, please let Ageing Better in Camden know and they will raise the issue with their Big Lottery Funding Officer.”

Money Advice Trust – Innovation Grants Programme Open
The Money Advice Trust Innovation Grants Programme offers grants of up to £30,000 per year for up to three years to charitable organisations in the UK.
Funding is available for projects that demonstrate innovative practice and meet either aim 1 or 2 whilst assisting the Trust in achieving aim 3:
Empower individuals and microbusinesses to tackle their debts and improve financial health.
Support staff in charities across the UK to provide effective debt and/or money advice.
Improve the UK’s money and debt environment through the dissemination of successful innovative practice from funded projects.
The Trust is looking for project proposals that demonstrate how they will support individuals or microbusinesses who are in severe financial hardship, who are financially excluded and/or who are hard to reach to:
Increase their financial literacy.
The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 4 July 2015 (midnight).
Further information is Here

Building Better Opportunities
Building Better Opportunities brings together money from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund 2014-2020 to provide joint investment in local projects that tackle poverty and promote social inclusion.
The programmes in London include support for economically inactive and long term unemployed women from BAME communities, as well as for those with caring responsibilities. It also includes an intermediate labour market (ILM) programme for people with disabilities who have spent long periods out of work.
In addition to the Project Outlines, additional information for each of these programmes can be found here on the London Enterprise Panel’s website.
Assessment of applications to the Big Lottery Fund will include consideration of how well applications address the information published in the additional information documents as well as in the Project Outlines.
The Big Lottery Fund Project Outlines can be accessed here.
While details about the application process can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Monday 3rd August.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2015 Now Open
Skipton Building Society launched its award-winning Grassroots Giving programme in 2013 to help celebrate its 160th anniversary. That year we gave away 160 pots of £500 to deserving community-based organisations across the UK. This year 162 £500 awards will be made. Note that this is aimed at small community groups and excludes registered charities. Skipton have also published some useful resources. Full details and FAQ here.

Don’t forget that there is a dedicated page on Spacehive just for Camden projects. And set up costs are free to Camden groups. Find out more at Spacehive Camden.

The Origin Housing Community Grants Programme
The 2015/16 programme is now open, with the first deadline being Monday 29 June.
Everything you need to apply can be found online here: http://www.originhousing.org.uk/communitygrants.aspx
We welcome all applications for projects that will benefit our residents and customers, and fit into one or more of the following themes:
Building Stronger Communities
Gardening Food and Environmental
Celebrating Heritage
Origin anticipate spending all the budget in this first round. The deadline is 29 June.

Don’t forget to sign up to Funding Central for free email funding alerts. Go to www.fundingcentral.org.uk/


VAC has a full programme of courses coming up: Click here to find out more. All courses are £25 for members (unless otherwise stated).

Mental health courses and workshops from VAC
To book your place, please go to https://vac.org.uk/events/category/health-mental-health/. Click on the course you are interested in and follow the instructions to book your place and pay by card (if applicable). The charge for our Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid training courses is heavily subsidised at only £25 per person. All other mental health workshops are free.
Please note that VAC can only accept bookings from organisations based in Camden or which serve Camden residents. Places are limited on each course to a maximum of two people per organisation.
If you have any queries about our training, please contact us on our new email address: mentalhealthteam@vac.org.uk.


CancerSupportGroup Camden
Did you know there is a thriving Cancer Support Group (Camden) for patients and carers who have been affected by cancer?
We meet once a month at Kentish Town Health Centre, courtesy of the James Wigg Practice. We are an informal group of cancer patients
willing to share the good and not so good experiences we have been through – and we don’t just talk about cancer! Do come and join us.
Get in touch with us to find out more: veronicabrinton@gmail.com 020 77226740
or Anne Caffell 07907799248

Camden Frontline monthly forum, an opportunity for service users with a drug or alcohol history
· feedback on services
· hear about developments in drug and alcohol services in Camden
· meet other service users
· have their voice heard.
There are refreshments from 12:30pm – 1pm, and this month we will be hearing from managers at Camden Health Improvement Practice, a GP surgery for homeless people, with support for those with substance use issues in Camden.
The Forum is on Thursday 2nd July, 12:30pm at St Pancras Hospital Conference Hall, 4 St Pancras Way, NW1

Healthwatch Camden Board Meeting – Monday 29th June 2015 – Arlington Conference Centre
The next Healthwatch Camden board meeting is being held in public.
You are invited to attend, to hear about our progress and to ask questions about our work. The main items on the agenda will be the presentation of our annual report, and the launch of our ‘Start here…’ guide. We will also be considering a priority assessment for our work in mental health and getting an update on other work. Papers for the meeting will be on our website one week before the meeting and copies will be available at the meeting.
Refreshments will be available from 6pm. Please let us know if you will be attending, so that we can cater for the right number. The venue is wheelchair accessible and has a hearing loop. Please let us know if you have other access requirements, so we can make arrangements in good time.
Please register your attendance & any requirements at: Email: info@healthwatchcamden.co.uk / Tel: 020 7284 6586

Visually Impaired in Camden (VIC) outing to the Caldwell Lavender Farm 21st July
The coach will leave from Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, NW3 3NR at 10am and will arrive back at the community centre at around 6.30pm.
The cost will be £10.00 (payable on the day) with one companion at the same rate; this includes the coach and entry to & a guided tour of Caldwell Lavender Farm.
To join VIC and for more information abut the trip please call Rosemary on 07980 328 959

Charity Fair from Directory of Social Change
30th June and 1st July, Holloway Road
Whatever your role in the sector, there is training for you here: Charityfair has 64 workshops, from only £35, covering a huge variety of topics including fundraising, management & leadership, marketing, governance, personal development, legal & finance, wellbeing, campaigning & lobbying and organisational support.
More information and booking at www.charityfair.org.uk.
We have 2 free workshop tickets for Camden groups. Contact Kevin at VAC stating name and date of the session you would like to attend and your name and organisation.

What’s in a Men’s Shed for you?
Thursday 2nd July at Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Street W1T 6AQ
A Men’s Shed is a workshop for making, mending and hobbies. Groups of retired men love them and have opened more than two a week in the UK in the last 6 months. If you are interested in supporting:
~ men’s health and wellbeing,
~ community development or skill sharing,
~ in material reuse or getting something unique made,
Come and meet some members and hear why even more Sheds are needed.
or more info visit www.menssheds.org.uk. To book on this free event follow this link to Eventbrite

Volunteer Management Training from Volunteer Centre Camden
A full-day course on Tuesday 16 June
Presentation Skills Part One, is for those who fear public speaking and would like to gain confidence and a sense of calm to help you with this vital skill. Book via eventbrite.

Volunteers And The Law from Volunteer Centre Camden
A half-day session on Tuesday 7 July
The trainer is Mark Restall who has considerable expertise in this area. This is an essential beginners’ level course for everyone with concerns about involving volunteers safely and legally. Book via eventbrite.

Clean Break Information Day
Friday, 19 June 2015 19 June, 11am – 3pm
Clean Break is hosting an Information Day on Friday 19 June 2015 between 11am-3pm. We are a safe women-only theatre, education and new writing company based in Kentish Town, in the north-west of London. However on this occasion we welcome men who are working with women and are likely to make referrals to our service.
We offer free education and training in the arts specifically for women who have experience of the criminal justice system and/or are at risk of offending due to alcohol/substance misuse or mental heath needs. This is an invitation, for interested women, and you or your colleagues working with these women.
11-1.15pm: service providers only
1.15 – 3pm: prospective service users also welcome
Places are limited. To book your place: please email general@cleanbreak.org.uk for a booking form.
Clean Break, 2 Patshull Road, London, NW5 2LB

London for All
London for All / LVSC have a full programme of courses available for the voluntary sector. Go to the London for All website for full details.

Community Evening View at the British Museum
Saturday 27th June 2015, 6.20pm – 9pm.
Camden community and voluntary sector group members are invited to an exclusive Community Evening View at the British Museum Both special exhibitions will be open that evening – Defining beauty: the body in ancient Greek art and the BP exhibition Indigenous Australia: enduring civilisation.
To book your free tickets* email hbahra@britishmuseum.org before Monday 8th June stating:
· Name of your group or organisation:
· Number of tickets required for each exhibition**
o Defining Beauty (maximum of 20 tickets)
o Indigenous Australia (maximum of 10 tickets)
· Preferred entry time for each exhibition between 6.20pm – 8.10pm:
· Postal address to send tickets to:
Tickets to this preview are limited and distributed on a first-come first-served basis. Group numbers may be limited due to demand.
Requests for tickets must be made by the group leader and only one request per organisation.
Please issue group members with a ticket for one exhibition only.

Creating Connections 10
Monday 15th June, 6–8pm in the Front Quad Pavilion at University College London.
In celebration of our tenth event, Creating Connections 10 is taking Creativity and Collaboration as its twin themes. As with all previous Creating Connections, the aim of the event is to bring UCL’s academic staff and postgraduate researchers together with representatives of the community and voluntary sector (with a healthy sprinkling of arts, heritage and cultural organisations), to find areas of common interest and projects they can collaborate on. The evening is a mix of themed discussions in small groups with more informal networking.
Find out more and book your place by Monday 8th June

LGBT Inclusion Conference at Camden Working Men’s College
Tuesday, 16 June 2015 from 09:30 to 15:30
One day conference aimed at senior Equality and Diversity Managers within the Further Education sector to disseminate findings of WMC LGBT project, The Humane Selfie, Life Gets Better Together, and share good practice.
Further details about the ECU Funded project at WMC can be found on this link http://www.wmcollege.ac.uk/pages/equality.aspx
Lunch and refreshment provided. Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Taking a deep breath: Cleaning up London’s air
Tuesday 7th July 2015 16:30 – 21:00 (including drinks + canapes)
St Bride Foundation, Bridge Lane, London, EC4Y 8EQ
London continues to suffer the effects of poor air quality leading to around 4,300 early deaths per year. With ClientEarth’s recent win at the Supreme Court over the UK Government’s failure to meet legal limits for air pollution and the Mayor’s announcement of an Ultra Low Emission Zone, change is in the air. However more still needs to be done to protect our health and that of all Londoners.
The event will include short presentations by fantastic speakers followed by workshops and networking and drinks. We have designed the evening so that you get the greatest opportunity to contribute your ideas and make useful connections.
Please confirm your attendance here. Contact Sam Jelliman s.jelliman@lsx.org.uk 02072349400 for information

New Care Act e-learning training platform, MeLearning.
The courses available through the platform have been especially designed for the needs of Adult Social Care practitioners. They provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge of the Care Act, and count towards your CPD
You can take advantage of the wide variety of modules on separate aspects of the Care Act available through the platform, to ensure your knowledge is up to date. The courses can be accessed free of charge by all Council employees, as well as members of partner organisations.
If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at TDSOnline@camden.gov.uk
or by calling 020 7974 3701/ 020 7974 2821.
We also provide bespoke, on site Safeguarding adults awareness training sessions. If you have members of staff who require the Basic Awareness safeguarding adults course (Level II), our Safeguarding adults training officer, Jacqui Robertson, can come to your institution and deliver the session.

Camden Carers’ Service
Has a full range of events and activities for unpaid carers in Camden. Find out more on the Camden Carers’ Service website www.camdencs.org.uk/activities

Big Advice Day, June 16th, London – completely free 1:1 advice sessions with expert advisors
Big Advice Day is a day of free support for small charities as part of Small Charity Week 2015. The day consists of 1:1 hour long sessions with expert advisors; you choose the topics you’re interested in and we’ll match you to suitable advisors. We have advisors with expertise across a whole range of subjects
The day is completely free to attend includes refreshments. You can attend in person or access advice via phone or Skype. Those attending on the day will also benefit from a range of free workshops.
If you would like to attend Big Advice Day and you are a registered charity with a turnover of under £1.5m per year then sign up here by 18th May.

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Ageing Better in Camden Community Connectors
A unique opportunity has arisen to work with C4, a diverse, successful and developing network of community centres in Camden – a great area we are working to make even better.
Are you up for the challenge of playing a key role in establishing and delivering an exciting new Lottery funded project to tackle isolation and loneliness among older people through encouraging their participation and connection to local networks? We are now recruiting five Area Coordinators.
Hours per week: 35. Two year initial contract, potential extension to six years
Salary: £28,845 including Inner London Weighting (SCP 29 NJC scale)
Full DBS (CRB) check will be required
Information pack and application form available on our website:
or by emailing: camdencommunityconnectors@gmail.com
Closing Date: Thursday 9th July 2015 at 10 a.m.
Interviews will be held: 14th to 17th of July 2015

Helios Health seeks Volunteer Coordinator
Salary £9000 (part time)
Location Camden, London, Greater London
Volunteer Co-ordinator This post is funded by the Big Lottery in order to help us recruit, train and support our volunteers. The successful applicant will join our Core Team to help deliver long-term programmes of holistic health care and well-being, as well as support for our team of volunteers and practitioners in general. Post: Volunteer Co-ordinator Payment: £14.70 per hour Hours of work: 14 hours per week – hours can be flexible – Flexible between 9.30am – 7pm- Monday – Friday Contractual Period: 12 months contract. Location of work: The Helios Centre, 116 Judd St, WC1 H 9NS Annual leave: on pro rata basis, as per statutory requirement Responsible to: Management team Notice period: 1 month both ways (after probation period)
To apply go to the Charity Job website.

AgeUKCamden seeks Advice Team Manager
Local Government Scale PO2 £33,579-£36,186, plus 6% contributory pension.
The Advice Team Manager post is an exciting opportunity for a manager who is dynamic, focussed and a multitasker to make a real difference to the lives of older people in Camden You’ll need a background in areas such as welfare rights, advice or care management, and have spent at least 2 years successfully managing a team of staff and/or volunteers.
The postholder will manage the Age UK Camden (AUC) information, advice, support and advocacy (IAA) services and team. AUC’s IAA services are delivered by a staff and volunteer team in person (from the office, outreach venues, home visits), by phone, and online.
For further details and an application form visit our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk or email jobs@ageukcamden.org.uk or telephone 020 7239 0400. No CVs, no agencies please.
Closing date: 9:00am Monday 29th June 2015 Interviews: Monday 6th July 2015

Voicability seeks User Involvement Advocate
VoiceAbility supports people who face disadvantage or discrimination to have a voice that counts. Providing advocacy and user involvement services across England, VoiceAbility is a growing organisation working with people who are vulnerable or marginalised to raise their voices and have their rights respected.
Position: User Involvement Advocate
Location: Camden, London
Hours: 37.5 hours per week
Salary: £23,299 0k – £28,299k per annum inclusive of Inner London Weighting
Closing Date for Applications: 23rd June
Interview Date: 30th June and 1st July
The User Involvement Advocate will work directly with people with lived experience of substance misuse and / or mental ill health to help strengthen voice, champion rights and improve services. The role is to reach widely within the service user community to consult on lived experience, recruit volunteers and support peer to peer initiatives. More information and application form at the Voicability website.

Year Hear seek Graduate Volunteers
The Year Here programme is a post-graduate course in social innovation; we recruit brilliant graduates and challenge them to spend a year applying themselves to society’s toughest problems.
Frontline service sits at the heart of our programme and we are currently on the hunt for new placements for our graduates. Find out more here www.yearhere.org/hostafellow.

Volunteer Centre Camden seeks CEO
NJC pay scale 43, £40782 pro rata (including London Weighting) plus pension contribution. 30 hours per week (we can be flexible about how these hours are distributed throughout the week).
It’s a time of opportunity for Volunteer Centre Camden. As an organisation we want to change how we work, develop new partnerships and put Camden on the map as a centre of excellence for volunteering.
Our next CEO needs to have excellent fundraising skills, an ability to lead change and influence external partners. You will have a passion for volunteering which is infectious, we need others to be excited about volunteering and its potential.
Now is a crucial time for development. We have funding until March 2016. A key part of this role will be to develop partnerships and secure funding beyond March 2016.
We are looking for someone who can live and breathe our values; To work in partnership, deliver quality, adapt, be positive and be inclusive. You will be proactive and able to work with the Board of Trustees to develop and deliver amazing services.
With successful fundraising activity there will be the scope for this role to be extended beyond March 2015 on a full or part time basis. Details on our website; http://volunteercentrecamden.org.uk/we-are-recruiting-a-ceo/

Coram’s Fields seeks Sessional Play Worker
Coram’s Fields Out of School Club (OSC). Salary: £9.15 per hour
Hours Anticipated full-time during holiday periods, up to 15 hours during term time Coram’s Fields Out of School Club (OSC) is looking for exceptional individuals to become part of our dedicated team to help deliver our hugely successful OSC and holiday scheme programmes for young people aged 4-12 years.
If you are interested in applying for this role, please complete an application form, (Downloadable from the website) ensuring that you address the criteria outlined within it. All applications should be returned to Kate Gardner, Out of School Club Manager by 5pm on Monday 15th June. Applications are accepted by e-mail or in hard copy and should be submitted in the following way;
By e-mail to: kate.gardner@coramsfields.org.uk
By post to; Kate Gardner, Out of School Club Manager, Coram’s Fields, 93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN
Alternatively, if you have any questions about the role, please feel free to contact Kate for an
informal discussion on 020 3384 2212. More information on our services can be found at www.coramsfields.org

People’s Centre for Change seek Services and Volunteer Coordinator (Part time 16 hours)
Location: 10 minutes away from Kilburn tube station and from home
Salary: Pro rata of £22,292.00
People’s Centre for Change is committed to providing meaningful and life enhancing day opportunities for adults with severe learning disabilities, autism and/or complex needs, in an inclusive environment. We run pilot sessions once or two afternoons per week and are seeking to expand and recruit new members from the wider neighbourhood.
We are looking for a dynamic, enthusiastic and well organised person with the skills and vision to lead community building, coordinating activities and recruiting, training and managing a small team of volunteers. We need a warm, caring and energetic person with “can do” attitude and a strong commitment to an inclusive, flexible and creative service.
You will be confident and experienced in working a community setting and with people with learning disabilities and have an awareness the adult social care world. You will need excellent communication skills and a good standard of general education. Relevant professional qualifications are desirable but not essential.
If you are interested please email us so we can send you the Job Description and Person Specification and then send your CV and a personal statement to: peoplescentre4change@gmail.com
Closing date for applications: 22nd June 2015
Interviews will take place on 29th or 30th June 2015. This post is subject to a DBS check.

This summer The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust will be holding elections for its Council of Governors
Trust would like to invite as many members of the public to stand as possible. There are eleven seats for public members available.
Anyone over 18, with an interest in what we do can apply. Our Council of Governors is a collection of elected people – patients, carers, members of the public, students, staff and people from partner organisations. Anyone can become a Governor, meaning a variety of informed views and opinions influence the work we do. Our Governors work alongside the Board of Directors and are responsible for helping to shape our work. They make sure we continue to work for the benefit of patients and students.
You can also find out more information on our website: https://tavistockandportman.uk/GovernorElections, where you will find a ‘register your interest’ form and information on the time commitment and what we are looking for. We are also planning on running some drop in sessions in June and July, so keep an eye out on our website for future updates around these.
For more information about becoming a Governor or details on how to get a nomination form please contact Gervase Campbell, our Trust Secretary on: TSecretary@tavi-port.nhs.uk.

Are you looking to employ an assistant to help with your care needs? CamdenPAs can help you.
CamdenPAs.org.uk is a new service that makes it easy to find a personal assistant (PA) and puts you in control of your care and support.
If you have care needs, you can employ a PA to help you to live as independently as possible.
PAs can carry out a wide range of tasks, as agreed with you, to help with things such as washing, getting dressed, cooking, and supporting you to go out and about.
CamdenPAs features an online ‘marketplace’ for you to browse through a list of profiles of PAs in the borough. Profiles give details about the services they provide, their skills, experience and personal interests.
You can look through the list to find suitable matches and choose someone you like to help support you.
When you find a match you can contact the PA to arrange an interview and see how you get on. If you like them you can then work out contract details such as hours, duties and wages, and hire them.
If you do not find anyone suitable, you can set up your own a profile describing your requirements and interests, for PAs to look through and contact you.
You can employ a PA whether you receive a direct payment or fund your own care. If you receive direct payments you can get support with the employment from Personalised Support In Camden or AgeUK Camden.
Become a PA
If you’re a PA looking for work or are just starting out, CamdenPAs can help you. As well as helping you finding a job, the site features advice on looking for work, becoming a PA and where to get training.
Why not set up your profile today? Find out more, visit: camdenpas.org.uk or p hone: 020 7278 4437

Socially Responsible Recruiting
A new, award-winning skills matching service that connects employers with skilled and experienced people to do one-off or part-time jobs has launched in Camden, with a strong social benefit ethic.
“There is a very large number of people in Camden who are fantastically skilled and work-ready but are off the radar to employers because they’re not looking for full-time work and aren’t constantly scouring the job ads,” says Jonathan Collie, founder of Trading Times.
These people are highly skilled over 50s, and family carers. Trading Times brings them to you. It’s free to candidates. It costs you only £35, and only when you are connected to the perfect candidates.
Paul Fordham of Abbey Community Centre in Camden said: “”We posted our occasional job opportunity on Trading Times because we at the Abbey Community Centre recognise the value of the flexibility that can come with age. Trading Times offers a tailored means to directly target opportunities at an older group that the vast majority of other job sites simply do not seem to tap.”
Register at https://tradingtimes.org.uk/ and let Trading Times match you with the right local people for your needs.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/


Camden Consultations
Various consultations are out at the moment including a consultation on Camden Future Libraries and Camden VCS strategy and changes to early education and childcare and children’s centre services. You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

Accessible Leisure Centre Guide
A guide to accessible leisure centre facilities has been produced by Camden council.
You can also download a copy from the website: www.camden.gov.uk/disabilitysport

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now join for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.


To get discounts on training, room hire and many more benefits click here to join Voluntary Action Camden


If you have an item for the e-bulletin, please email it to Kevin Nunan, knunan@vac.org.uk with a note of which section you would like it to appear under.
