Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 7th July 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
7th July 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight our Strategy 2026, which defines our goals and will guide VAC in the coming years.

We also have our usual range of information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC is proud to present our new Strategy 2026 which will guide our organisation for the next 3 years.

We have been a part of the local voluntary and community sector for over a century and this comprehensive document speaks of a vision that works to support, enhance and connect the Camden VCS.

You can find all our priorities, our values, our approach and the impact we hope to achieve here

Camden Community Partner Fund 2024 to 2031
Camden Council’s Community Partner Fund is now open for applications. The deadline to submit a completed Expression of Interest form is 12 noon on Wednesday 20th September 2023.

The Fund is for Camden organisations who are deeply rooted in their communities and will provide unrestricted funding for seven years from April 2024 to March 2031.
More details about the fund including guidance notes and application form can be found here
The Community Partnership Team will be hosting three online sessions so organisations can find out more about the fund. To register for a session, please visit our website
If you have any further questions, please email vcs@camden.gov.uk

Junior Doctor Industrial Action 13 – 18 July: Choose the right NHS service
Information from North Central London NHS Integrated Care Board:

Strike action by junior doctors from Thursday 13th to Tuesday 18th July is likely to see appointments disrupted. Please attend your booked appointments unless you are told otherwise.
If you need medical help, please use NHS services wisely to make sure care is available to those who need it most.
Make sure you have enough of any medication you need, your local pharmacist can advise on common conditions and you can find your nearest at NHS.uk.
GP practices will continue to be open. If you have a health concern that is not life-threatening, support is available at NHS111 online or by phoning NHS 111.
If it is a life-threatening emergency such as serious illness or injury, you should still call 999.

Diabetes Health Talk
25th July: 11am – 12pm

Do you want to enhance your knowledge about Diabetes?
This engaging talk, delivered by an experienced health professional, will help you understand the challenges, and make a positive impact on your health.
For more information, contact healthaven@castlehaven.org.uk or call 020 7692 2238

London’s poverty rate is falling! But cautious celebration is recommended.
Between 2018/19 and 2021/22, the poverty rate has fallen from 28% to 25%. It’s now lower than at any other point since the current measure began in 1996/97
The fall in poverty has been spread across a range of demographic groups, but worryingly single pensioners have seen an increase of 2%
There’s been a sizeable reduction in the proportion of people in the private rented sector living in poverty
Rises in the National Minimum Wage and Real London Living Wage led to hourly pay increasing by 7.8% for the bottom 10% of earners between 2017 and 2022.

But cautious celebration is recommended – cost of renting in the capital has gone up. Here are some possible explanations as to why poverty rate in London has fallen:

People living in poverty have been priced out of London
Temporary uplift of Universal credit during the pandemic pulled people out of poverty – but it was only temporary
Social Metrics Commission’s framework found that 29% of Londoners in poverty are in deep and persistent poverty, compared to 16% in the rest of the UK

In summary, it is best to wait until next year’s poverty data is released before celebrating this news

Chadswell Healthy Living Centre Classes
Chadswell Healthy Living Centre would like to let you know, so you may plan if you are interested, about the following classes and services, starting in September.

Women Exercise Class 18+ – 10am – 11am on Tuesdays
Women Exercise Class 50+ – 11am – 12pm on Tuesdays

ESOL & Computer level 2 – 9.30am – 12pm on Tuesdays
ESOL Class Level 1 – 1.30pm – 3.30pm on Tuesdays

Maths Class – 10am – 12pm on Wednesdays

BAME Lunch Club Take Away Service – 1.30pm onwards on Wednesdays
To learn more about any of these, contact Sofina Razzaque on 0207 713 5545 or email Sofina.razzaque@kcbna.org.uk

Mind in Camden vacancy: Mental Health Primary Care Core Teams-Community Practice Lead
Closing Date – 12th July: 1.00pm

This is an exciting opportunity with Mind in Camden to create an innovative ‘co-production and learning programme’. This will be driven by two funded posts and embedded within Camden Core Teams. The two posts have been split across the two local VCS partners (Mind in Camden and Likewise). It is envisaged that there will be a strong partnership between the roles to achieve the desired outcomes of the programme.
To download an application pack or learn more, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822, or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Training Link vacancy: New Director
Closing date – Friday 28 July: 5pm.

Training Link is a basic skills training centre in Somers Town, supporting people finding work and fulfilling their potential. We are looking for a part-time Director to start in October 2023 with experience of voluntary sector management; strategy and policy development; finance; fundraising and managing staff.
£35 an hour for 7 hours a week. To arrange a discussion about the post, or for an application pack, email Peter Lush on director@traininglink.org.uk

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Announcing the Camden Trustee Network

Voluntary Action Camden and Volunteer Centre Camden are delighted to announce the launch of the Camden Trustee Network.
Our first event is titled ‘Good Governance in Difficult Times’.

This is an online event taking place from 5 – 6:30pm on Tuesday 18th July. It will be hosted by Keith Morgan from Voluntary Action Camden and Dominic Pinkney from the Volunteer Centre Camden.
They will be joined by Hilary Barnard from HBMC / HBRL Consulting as our guest speaker who will be sharing his thoughts on the subject, followed by a Q&A, discussions and an opportunity to network.

VAC and VCC recognise the enormous importance of trustees, and the immense contribution they provide to our sector. The Camden Trustee Network aims to bring together trustees from different local VCSE organisations to share their experiences, skills, knowledge, and ideas, and to facilitate peer support.

The event is open to trustees from across the Camden VCSE, for more information and to register, please click here

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Funding opportunity for places of worship
The protective security schemes for places of worship provide funding for places of worship and associated faith community centres that are vulnerable to hate crime. Through these schemes, vulnerable places of worship can apply for physical protective security measures, such as CCTV, secure fencing, and intruder alarms.

SAFE are delivering 2 free webinars to guide you through the process on Wednesday 28th June at 2pm and Monday 10th July at 7pm
To register for these webinars, please click here

Suicide Prevention Funding
The government is due to make available a £10 million grant fund for suicide prevention VCSE organisations in England across 2023-24 to 2024-25.

The broad purpose of the fund will be two-fold. Firstly, to support the VCSE sector to meet the increased demand, in part brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Cost of Living crisis. Secondly, to support development of innovative preventative activities/services aimed at people at elevated risk of suicide.
The aim is to launch the fund in the coming months.
If you are interested, please sign up to the “Find a Grant” portal, so that you receive notifications once it is launched. You can do so here

Voter ID Grants programme
As you may be aware, the Elections Act (2022) has come into force and brings with it unprecedented changes to our voting rights. Your support is needed to continue to reach under-registered and under-represented Londoners who could be disproportionately impacted.
GLA polling shows that almost 1 in 3 Londoners (32%) are still unaware of the forthcoming photo ID requirement in order to vote.

The GLA is launching phase two of the impartial Voter ID public awareness campaign. The campaign is run in coordination and collaboration with the Electoral Commission, all London borough electoral services and a broad civil society coalition.
Learn more here

Camden VCS Future Grants Programme Update
Camden Council will shortly be launching three exciting new funds, with funding due to go live from April 2024. The three funding streams are:

Community Partner Fund: providing long term funding for key VCS community partners in Camden. This is an investment in the whole organisation and for organisations who are embedded in our communities.
Community Impact Project Funds: project funding to work together to tackle some of the biggest social challenges faced by Camden’s communities.
Organisational Foundations Funds: including organisational development grants and funding for organisations who lead the capacity building of the sector.

A summary report outlining the approach that lead to the design of these funds can be found here
Details of these funds will be posted on our website and through our newsletter. For the latest announcements, please register here
If you have any upcoming network meetings we would be happy to attend and speak about future grants, please email vcs@camden.gov.uk

Hilden Charitable Fund Now Accepting UK Applications
Deadline: 4pm on Friday 7th July

The Hilden Charitable Fund is an endowed grant-making foundation and a registered charity. They fund smaller UK-based organisations delivering projects within the UK to support social justice and to tackle disadvantage in specific areas of focus – providing unrestricted, core or project funding. They also fund projects overseas in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
For more details, please click here

Night Shelter Transformation Fund
Rolling deadline
The government has announced a £3.3m funding boost for night shelters across England.
Shelters will use the funding, which is part of the Night Shelter Transformation Fund, to provide more beds and support services to homeless people.
To learn more, please click here

Engaged Environmental Science funding
Closing date for outlines: Wednesday 20th September

NERC Engaged Environmental Science funding opportunity is open for exemplar projects that demonstrate excellence in engaged environmental science research.
We welcome: •    environmental science research responding to both scientific and public needs •    equitable partnerships with charities and other intermediaries •    leaders in public engagement with research
Applications successfully shortlisted at outline stage will be provided with a partnership bursary and invited to submit a full application.
For full information, please see the UKRI Funding Finder and register for the webinar on Monday 3rd July 2023 at 11:30am.

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Camden Carers Open day
Friday 14th July at Greenwood 11am to 3pm

For the launch of our Health and Lifestyle Consolation external evaluation please join our trustees and staff to hear about the work we do.
This will be an opportunity to speak with carers about the services that are important to them and the current challenges they are facing, find out more about the services we offer, meet Camden Carers staff and Trustees, network and have lunch.
There will also be a selection of reports about carers available to take away
The launch of the report will be at 12.

If you are able to join us or have any questions please email allegra@camdencarers.org.uk 

Free training for careers in coffee with Well Grounded
Beginning on 25th July

Well Grounded’s next free 4-week coffee course, based in Camden, will be beginning soon. It includes barista skills and qualification, employability training, and a work placement.
This in-person training will be taking place at their Camden base (but is open to people from any borough).
There is also a 1 day course for Camden residents taking place on 13th July. Please email for more information on this.
Contact info@wellgroundedjobs.co.uk or apply via Google Forms

Camden New Town Community Festival
Saturday 15th July: 3.30 – 7.30pm and Sunday 16th July 12.00 – 7pm

On Saturday 15th there is Jazz, Folk, poetry and an open mike.
Sunday 16th is a Family day, with a parade, arts and crafts, children’s activities and much more.
Both days will be held at Camden Square Gardens, with the family day including the Playcentre.

If you would like to book a stall, volunteer or make a donation please contact the Festival office on 020 7485 6827 or email festival.mlcc@yahoo.co.uk

Community Health event
15th July: 12pm-5pm
Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event on Saturday 15th July, 12pm-5pm in Cumberland Market, Regents Park NW1 3QH

This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing and get people engaged in health services.
There will be various all age workshops, and entertainment as well as health and wellbeing related talks and activities.

Mama Youth Project: Media Employability Training
10th – 12th July or 14th – 16th August
Join Mama Youth Project at the Sky TV Campus, London to learn about the key skills required to enter a career in the media. There will be 2 days of free training followed by a 3rd day which is paid.
To learn more about eligibility, deadlines and to register your interest, please click here

Learning Disability Network London ‘Spotlight On’ Event
Thursday 13 July at The London Canal Museum, 6.30-8.30pm
LDN London would like to invite you to the first of our ‘Spotlight on’ events: a series of talks designed to raise awareness about important issues related to learning disabilities.
The topic of our first event is:
The Abuse of people with learning disabilities: ‘Assessment and treatment units – a scandal in plain sight’.
We will focus on the injustice of people with learning disabilities still being locked up in assessment and treatment units and how we can change this.
We have a fantastic line up of speakers for you: Alexis Quinn, Sara Ryan, George Julian and Amanda Topps. They will tell their own stories, give their expert opinions on the subject and open the floor to questions and debate.
For more information and to book tickets please click here

Queen’s Crescent Community Association (QCCA) vacancy: Fundraisers
QCCA in Gospel Oak is looking for two fundraisers to job share. One will look after Trusts, Funds and Foundations. The other will oversee Corporate Partners, Events and Individual Donors.
You will report to our CEO Foyezur Miah but work together on creating and delivering a three-year fundraising strategy for the charity.
If you are interested in one of these positions, please send a CV and covering letter to jobs@qcca.org.uk, or to ask for more information.

Calthorpe Community Garden vacancy: Administrator
Calthorpe Community Garden is seeking an experienced and driven office administrator to take ownership of business stream management as well as the charity’s office tasks.
This is a full time (fixed term contract) six month role with an aim to develop into a long term position at the charity, so we are looking for someone who is ready to become part of the team!
To learn more and apply, please click here

Mind in Camden vacancy: Resources Director
Applications are invited for this key leadership role in Mind in Camden, an innovative and highly respected mental health charity.
We are looking for someone with substantial management, administration and human resources experience to manage a small team of staff engaged in providing Admin, IT, HR and Premises support to the organisation.
The post holder will be joining our Finance Director, Operations Director, CEO and Service Managers in the Senior Management team.
We welcome diversity, and applications from experienced Office/HR/Admin Managers taking a step up into a more responsible position are welcome.

To download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

98 stackable chairs – Open to Offers!
Lauderdale House (Highgate Hill, Waterlow Park, London N6 5HG) have 96 stackable chairs available, they have a black metal frame with red fabric on the seats and backs. The condition of the red fabric varies, but is generally good (they have been used for weddings as recently as this month!).
We are open to offers for the chairs, and you are welcome to come and have a look at them before making an offer. They need to be removed on or around 13th July, however, as we will need the space for the new chairs.

The all-important specs:
Frame Width 50 cm.
Frame from front to back 52 cm.
Seat height 46 cm.
Overall height 84 cm.

Contact: Nathan Rasdall, marketing manager on nrasdall@lauderdale.org.uk or call 020 8348 8716

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 30th June 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
30th June 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight the launch of the Camden Trustee Network, a VAC and VCC collaboration for the support of trustees throughout the Camden VCSE.

We also have our usual range of information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

Announcing the Camden Trustee Network

Voluntary Action Camden and Volunteer Centre Camden are delighted to announce the launch of the Camden Trustee Network.
Our first event is titled ‘Good Governance in Difficult Times’.

This is an online event taking place from 5 – 6:30pm on Tuesday 18th July. It will be hosted by Keith Morgan from Voluntary Action Camden and Dominic Pinkney from the Volunteer Centre Camden.
They will be joined by Hilary Barnard from HBMC / HBRL Consulting as our guest speaker who will be sharing his thoughts on the subject, followed by a Q&A, discussions and an opportunity to network.

VAC and VCC recognise the enormous importance of trustees, and the immense contribution they provide to our sector. The Camden Trustee Network aims to bring together trustees from different local VCSE organisations to share their experiences, skills, knowledge, and ideas, and to facilitate peer support.

The event is open to trustees from across the Camden VCSE, for more information and to register, please click here

The  VAC AGM is happening this Tuesday, if you would like to register to join us, please click here
*Please be aware of the temporary closure of the Kentish Town Tube station as it may affect your travel plans – for full details see the News section below.

The Homecoming: Camden’s Windrush 75 Celebration
Free event happening at Talacre Town Green on Sunday 25th June: 12pm to 6pm.

Immerse yourself in a day filled with live music performances, showcasing the talents of local artists, engaging workshops on carnival and the history of sound systems, delicious Caribbean food vendors, arts and crafts stalls, and so much more.
The event has an amazing line up of artists, celebrating the vibrant cultural heritage and contributions of Camden’s Caribbean community.
Learn more here

Guide Dogs for the Blind talk
6th July: 1pm, Pancras Square Library

Have you ever wondered how Guide Dogs navigate? Or how they keep both themselves and their handlers safe?
If so, why not come along to this talk by Dave Kent on his 45 years working with these incredible guides.
You can also find out how to get involved in volunteering with us.
You can register to attend this free talk here

Camden Carers Open day
Friday 14th July at Greenwood 11am to 3pm

For the launch of our Health and Lifestyle Consolation external evaluation please join our trustees and staff to hear about the work we do.
This will be an opportunity to speak with carers about the services that are important to them and the current challenges they are facing, find out more about the services we offer, meet Camden Carers staff and Trustees, network and have lunch.
There will also be a selection of reports about carers available to take away
The launch of the report will be at 12.

If you are able to join us or have any questions please email allegra@camdencarers.org.uk

98 stackable chairs – Open to Offers!
Lauderdale House (Highgate Hill, Waterlow Park, London N6 5HG) have 96 stackable chairs available, they have a black metal frame with red fabric on the seats and backs. The condition of the red fabric varies, but is generally good (they have been used for weddings as recently as this month!).
We are open to offers for the chairs, and you are welcome to come and have a look at them before making an offer. They need to be removed on or around 13th July, however, as we will need the space for the new chairs.

The all-important specs:
Frame Width 50 cm.
Frame from front to back 52 cm.
Seat height 46 cm.
Overall height 84 cm.

Contact: Nathan Rasdall, marketing manager on nrasdall@lauderdale.org.uk or call 020 8348 8716

Free training for careers in coffee with Well Grounded
Beginning on 25th July

Well Grounded’s next free 4-week coffee course, based in Camden, will be beginning soon. It includes barista skills and qualification, employability training, and a work placement.
This in-person training will be taking place at their Camden base (but is open to people from any borough).
There is also a 1 day course for Camden residents taking place on 13th July. Please email for more information on this.
Contact info@wellgroundedjobs.co.uk or apply via Google Forms.

Queen’s Crescent Community Association (QCCA) vacancy: Fundraisers
QCCA in Gospel Oak is looking for two fundraisers to job share. One will look after Trusts, Funds and Foundations. The other will oversee Corporate Partners, Events and Individual Donors.
You will report to our CEO Foyezur Miah but work together on creating and delivering a three-year fundraising strategy for the charity.
If you are interested in one of these positions, please send a CV and covering letter to jobs@qcca.org.uk, or to ask for more information.

Calthorpe Community Garden vacancy: Administrator
Calthorpe Community Garden is seeking an experienced and driven office administrator to take ownership of business stream management as well as the charity’s office tasks.
This is a full time (fixed term contract) six month role with an aim to develop into a long term position at the charity, so we are looking for someone who is ready to become part of the team!
To learn more and apply, please click here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Camden Mela 2023: Celebrating the beauty of our culturally diverse community

The famous Camden Mela has been announced for 2023, promoting sustainability, community cohesion and better health.
It will be held on Sunday 2nd July: 12pm – 6pm on Coram’s Fields (93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN)

Arts & crafts, food stalls, live music & dance and a funfair come together at this community festival celebrating the richness of British cultural diversity. A marquee will provide health information and advice and there will be plenty of free family activities to keep kids busy.

Entry is free and every year 4000-5000 people attend
To learn more, please click here

Temporary Closure of Kentish Town Tube Station Information
Starting on Monday 26th June and lasting for approximately 12 months the Kentish Town Tube will be temporarily closed for improvement works. Kentish Town Thameslink station will remain open for use, and you can also reach Tufnell Park Tube station by bus or a short walk from Kentish Town station. No major disruptions are expected on these alternative routes during the station closure.

TfL are also using a new app and web tool called SitePodium to send updates and share progress. You can access the project page here
For further questions, to share concerns, or to sign up for email updates, please email KentishTownTubeStationProject@tfl.gov.uk
You can find further information, including detailed travel advice, here


VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk


Funding opportunity for places of worship
The protective security schemes for places of worship provide funding for places of worship and associated faith community centres that are vulnerable to hate crime. Through these schemes, vulnerable places of worship can apply for physical protective security measures, such as CCTV, secure fencing, and intruder alarms.

SAFE are delivering 2 free webinars to guide you through the process on Wednesday 28th June at 2pm and Monday 10th July at 7pm
To register for these webinars, please click here


Suicide Prevention Funding
The government is due to make available a £10 million grant fund for suicide prevention VCSE organisations in England across 2023-24 to 2024-25.

The broad purpose of the fund will be two-fold. Firstly, to support the VCSE sector to meet the increased demand, in part brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Cost of Living crisis. Secondly, to support development of innovative preventative activities/services aimed at people at elevated risk of suicide.
The aim is to launch the fund in the coming months.
If you are interested, please sign up to the “Find a Grant” portal, so that you receive notifications once it is launched. You can do so here


Voter ID Grants programme
As you may be aware, the Elections Act (2022) has come into force and brings with it unprecedented changes to our voting rights. Your support is needed to continue to reach under-registered and under-represented Londoners who could be disproportionately impacted.
GLA polling shows that almost 1 in 3 Londoners (32%) are still unaware of the forthcoming photo ID requirement in order to vote.

The GLA is launching phase two of the impartial Voter ID public awareness campaign. The campaign is run in coordination and collaboration with the Electoral Commission, all London borough electoral services and a broad civil society coalition.
Learn more here


Camden VCS Future Grants Programme Update
Camden Council will shortly be launching three exciting new funds, with funding due to go live from April 2024. The three funding streams are:

Community Partner Fund: providing long term funding for key VCS community partners in Camden. This is an investment in the whole organisation and for organisations who are embedded in our communities.
Community Impact Project Funds: project funding to work together to tackle some of the biggest social challenges faced by Camden’s communities.
Organisational Foundations Funds: including organisational development grants and funding for organisations who lead the capacity building of the sector.

A summary report outlining the approach that lead to the design of these funds can be found here
Details of these funds will be posted on our website and through our newsletter. For the latest announcements, please register here
If you have any upcoming network meetings we would be happy to attend and speak about future grants, please email vcs@camden.gov.uk


Hilden Charitable Fund Now Accepting UK Applications
Deadline: 4pm on Friday 7th July

The Hilden Charitable Fund is an endowed grant-making foundation and a registered charity. They fund smaller UK-based organisations delivering projects within the UK to support social justice and to tackle disadvantage in specific areas of focus – providing unrestricted, core or project funding. They also fund projects overseas in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
For more details, please click here


Night Shelter Transformation Fund
Rolling deadline
The government has announced a £3.3m funding boost for night shelters across England.
Shelters will use the funding, which is part of the Night Shelter Transformation Fund, to provide more beds and support services to homeless people.
To learn more, please click here


Engaged Environmental Science funding
Closing date for outlines: Wednesday 20th September

NERC Engaged Environmental Science funding opportunity is open for exemplar projects that demonstrate excellence in engaged environmental science research.
We welcome: •    environmental science research responding to both scientific and public needs •    equitable partnerships with charities and other intermediaries •    leaders in public engagement with research
Applications successfully shortlisted at outline stage will be provided with a partnership bursary and invited to submit a full application.
For full information, please see the UKRI Funding Finder and register for the webinar on Monday 3rd July 2023 at 11:30am.


To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

VAC Training: Virtual Introduction to Safeguarding for volunteers and new starters.
5th July: 1 – 2.30pm, online

We all have a responsibility to keep children and vulnerable adults safe. This introductory course is designed for volunteers and new staff who work both directly and indirectly for organisations or groups delivering services to children, young people or their families in Camden.
This training is suitable for anyone requiring the equivalent of a Level 1 safeguarding introduction; including volunteers, play and support staff, etc.
Learn more and sign up here


Pride in London is returning on Saturday 1st July.
The UK’s biggest, most diverse Pride. A home for every part of London’s LGBT+ community.
To find out everything you need to know about this year’s event, please click here


Camden New Town Community Festival
Saturday 15th July: 3.30 – 7.30pm and Sunday 16th July 12.00 – 7pm

On Saturday 15th there is Jazz, Folk, poetry and an open mike.
Sunday 16th is a Family day, with a parade, arts and crafts, children’s activities and much more.
Both days will be held at Camden Square Gardens, with the family day including the Playcentre.

If you would like to book a stall, volunteer or make a donation please contact the Festival office on 020 7485 6827 or email festival.mlcc@yahoo.co.uk


Community Health event
15th July: 12pm-5pm
Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event on Saturday 15th July, 12pm-5pm in Cumberland Market, Regents Park NW1 3QH

This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing and get people engaged in health services.
There will be various all age workshops, and entertainment as well as health and wellbeing related talks and activities.

UCL Community Research Network Boost Your Research + Evaluation! Mixer Event
UCL are bringing together small and grassroots voluntary and community organisations at Kentish Town Community Centre on Thursday 6th July: 5:30 – 7:30pm.
You will be able to meet organisation leaders in the same position as you, connect with UCL researchers and academics and learn about our support network with training opportunities and tailored support.
If you have any questions please contact molly.mccabe@ucl.ac.uk, or, to register, please click here


EcoCounts Workshop
1st July: 11 – 2pm at Finsbury Park, Space4
Join EcoCounts for an interactive climate workshop where we will delve into climate action & explore effective strategies for making a difference.
We want you to come with your lived experience and your ideas for action, to help us build strategies for a sustainable future.
This is open to all
To learn more and sign up, please click here


‘Enhancing delivery leaders for tomorrow’
4th July: Old Town Hall (29 The Broadway, London E15 4BQ) from 9:15 – 4pm, free to attend.

This early summer conference, organised by Compass Wellbeing CIC, is especially for parliamentary, NHS and local authority leaders and our partners in the voluntary, community and charitable sector.

The presentations, discussions and life course workshops will focus on how we can work in partnership to harnessing the power, influence, connections and passion of the voluntary and community sector in delivering crucial services to our communities.
Keynote speakers will include Marie Gabriel, chair of the North East London ICS, and Paul Calaminus, CEO of East London Foundation NHS Trust.

Each VCS organisation has been allocated a free space at the conference. Please register here and enter your unique access code.
If you don’t know your access code or are requesting an additional space for a colleague please email conference@compasswellbeing.co.uk to join our waiting list.


Free Bereavement Awareness training
Camden and Islington are running a free Bereavement Awareness training on 3rd July to anyone working in Camden.
Bereavement can leave people vulnerable and isolated, but an empathetic early response can help greatly. The course helps reduce stigma and give people the confidence to talk with bereaved people in a simple and empathetic way.
Courses are very popular and fill up fast, to secure your place, please click here


Mama Youth Project: Media Employability Training
10th – 12th July or 14th – 16th August
Join Mama Youth Project at the Sky TV Campus, London to learn about the key skills required to enter a career in the media. There will be 2 days of free training followed by a 3rd day which is paid.
To learn more about eligibility, deadlines and to register your interest, please click here


Learning Disability Network London ‘Spotlight On’ Event
Thursday 13 July at The London Canal Museum, 6.30-8.30pm
LDN London would like to invite you to the first of our ‘Spotlight on’ events: a series of talks designed to raise awareness about important issues related to learning disabilities.
The topic of our first event is:
The Abuse of people with learning disabilities: ‘Assessment and treatment units – a scandal in plain sight’.
We will focus on the injustice of people with learning disabilities still being locked up in assessment and treatment units and how we can change this.
We have a fantastic line up of speakers for you: Alexis Quinn, Sara Ryan, George Julian and Amanda Topps. They will tell their own stories, give their expert opinions on the subject and open the floor to questions and debate.
For more information and to book tickets please click here

The Philological Foundation Trustee Vacancy
The Philological Foundation makes grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
There is currently a vacancy for a new trustee and we are keen to recruit someone who can contribute to our work by bringing experience and knowledge of one or more of the following: The challenges facing young people and students today, Secondary schools in Camden and Westminster, Tertiary education and/ or Marketing and promotion
If you are interested in finding out more, please see our website.
The Chair of Trustees, Clio Whittaker, is also available for an informal chat, please email her at thephilological@gmail.com to arrange a date and time for a call.


A Space for Us Summer job opportunity: ‘Story Bike Taxi’ promoter
Part time hours 3 days – July/ August Wednesday to Saturdays (possibly of extension)

Are you outgoing? Enjoy speaking to people? Enjoy working outdoors? Why not get involved in an growing intergenerational initiative with a social purpose.
The role’s aim is to promote a new service and general outreach, training will be provided.
You need to be an enthusiastic outgoing person, fit and able to cycle, reliable, well organised, good with all ages, a ‘can do’ attitude, the ability to learn and make local connections, flexible and friendly.
To apply contact: info@aspaceforus.club with your CV and/ or email with experience/ why you’d like to do this, and your availability


Mind in Camden vacancy: Resources Director
Applications are invited for this key leadership role in Mind in Camden, an innovative and highly respected mental health charity.
We are looking for someone with substantial management, administration and human resources experience to manage a small team of staff engaged in providing Admin, IT, HR and Premises support to the organisation.
The post holder will be joining our Finance Director, Operations Director, CEO and Service Managers in the Senior Management team.
We welcome diversity, and applications from experienced Office/HR/Admin Managers taking a step up into a more responsible position are welcome.

To download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk


SHAK Vacancy: Project Manager (part-time, 9 month contract)
Closing date: 2nd July

SHAK are committed to increasing our long-term sustainability by strengthening our systems and processes and becoming more energy efficient.
We are looking to recruit a specialist to review/overhaul and strengthen our finance, monitoring, HR, Admin, ICT/facilities etc systems and processes and train SHAK team members in their use.
To learn more and apply, please click here


Third Age Project Vacancy: Deputy Manager
Closing Date: 2nd July

This is an exciting and rewarding full-time permanent position within a successful grassroots older people’s Charity who will support and act as a successor to the General Manager.
Third Age Project’s focus is in reducing social, economic, and health inequalities and empowering older people in taking on volunteering roles as co-producers of our services.
If you would like to view the job description please email tony@thirdageproject.org.uk
If you are interested, please submit a CV, and covering letter highlighting your skills and experience to the same email address.

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Latin American House vacancy
Closing date – 5th July

Level 3 Early Years Practitioner
Level 3 Early Years practitioner to join the team at its bilingual nursery, Centro Infantil Menchu.
The full job description and instructions on how to apply can be found here

Join Good Things Foundation’s Digital Inclusion Network
Good Things Foundation’s London Digital Inclusion Service, Get Online London, is made up of grassroots organisations across London that are all working to deliver digital inclusion support in their local communities.

If you’re a community organisation based in London that is, or wants to support your community members to get online and access the benefits of digital – then joining the service will help you do exactly that. It is free to join and offers a range of free services including:

Access to the National Databank and National Device Bank
Free training and resources
Networking opportunities
Access to our online learning platform, Learn My Way

The National Databank is giving free mobile data (as well as free calls and texts) to people who can’t afford their internet connection. By signing up to the network, you will be eligible to join and start giving out data vouchers.
So, if you’re an organisation based in London that wants to embed digital inclusion support, then participation is free and all you need to do is join the National Digital Inclusion Network
Find out more, and sign up here or contact hello@goodthingsfoundation.org for more information.

CAWH Announcement: Warm Hub temporarily closed
Due to unforeseen circumstances, CAWH are sorry to inform you that the Warm Hub is temporarily closed.
You are still welcome to come in for a tea / coffee and a chat.
They will keep you updated with any news regarding the Warm Hub reopening.

Suicide Awareness and Prevention Resources Page
Camden and Islington Councils have partnered with Islington Mind to develop a suicide awareness and prevention webpage to inform those working in local services.
Bringing a range of resources together in one place, the webpage aims to help local partners to embed their own suicide prevention plans, support and signpost people at risk, and develop their own knowledge of suicide and its risk factors.
To access the page, please click here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Twitter Twitter

Website Website

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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 23rd June 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
23rd June 2023

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VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight our upcoming AGM, which isn’t far away now!

It would also appear that the Summer events season is well and truly here, we have a bumper addition of the newsletter this week with a huge range of information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

To join us for our AGM, please click here

Camden VCS Future Grants Programme Update
Camden Council will shortly be launching three exciting new funds, with funding due to go live from April 2024. The three funding streams are:

·       Community Partner Fund: providing long term funding for key VCS community partners in Camden. This is an investment in the whole organisation and for organisations who are embedded in our communities.
·       Community Impact Project Funds: project funding to work together to tackle some of the biggest social challenges faced by Camden’s communities.
·       Organisational Foundations Funds: including organisational development grants and funding for organisations who lead the capacity building of the sector.

A summary report outlining the approach that helped us to design these funds can be found here
Details of these funds will be posted on our website and through our newsletter. For the latest announcements, please register here
If you have any upcoming network meetings we would be happy to attend and speak about future grants, please email vcs@camden.gov.uk

Join Good Things Foundation’s Digital Inclusion Network
Good Things Foundation’s London Digital Inclusion Service, Get Online London, is made up of grassroots organisations across London that are all working to deliver digital inclusion support in their local communities.

If you’re a community organisation based in London that is, or wants to support your community members to get online and access the benefits of digital – then joining the service will help you do exactly that. It is free to join and offers a range of free services including:

Access to the National Databank and National Device Bank
Free training and resources
Networking opportunities
Access to our online learning platform, Learn My Way

The National Databank is giving free mobile data (as well as free calls and texts) to people who can’t afford their internet connection. By signing up to the network, you will be eligible to join and start giving out data vouchers.
So, if you’re an organisation based in London that wants to embed digital inclusion support, then participation is free and all you need to do is join the National Digital Inclusion Network

Find out more, and sign up here or contact hello@goodthingsfoundation.org for more information.

VAC Training: Virtual Introduction to Safeguarding for volunteers and new starters.
5th July: 1 – 2.30pm, online

We all have a responsibility to keep children and vulnerable adults safe. This introductory course is designed for volunteers and new staff who work both directly and indirectly for organisations or groups delivering services to children, young people or their families in Camden.
This training is suitable for anyone requiring the equivalent of a Level 1 safeguarding introduction; including volunteers, play and support staff, etc.
Learn more and sign up here

Pride in London is returning on Saturday 1st July.
The UK’s biggest, most diverse Pride. A home for every part of London’s LGBT+ community.
To find out everything you need to know about this year’s event, please click here

Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of HMT Empires Windrush at Castlehaven
This Saturday, the 24th June, join Castlehaven Community Association to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Empire Windrush’s arrival in Britain. Come along from 12pm for a fun-filled day of family-friendly activities, Afro-Caribbean culture, music, food, dance, and history.
For more information about this event, please click here

Join The Outside Project for their annual sober picnic, Outsider Pride!
You’re invited to join the LGBTIQ+ Community Shelter and Centre, the Outside Project for their annual sober picnic, Outsider Pride, on Wednesday, 28th June at 12:30pm.
This year, the event will be held in the Castlehaven Community Association park to remember and honour the Homeless Queers of the Stonewall Riots.
For more information about Outsider Pride, please click here

Camden New Town Community Festival
Saturday 15th July: 3.30 – 7.30pm and Sunday 16th July 12.00 – 7pm

On Saturday 15th there is Jazz, Folk, poetry and an open mike.
Sunday 16th is a Family day, with a parade, arts and crafts, children’s activities and much more.
Both days will be held at Camden Square Gardens, with the family day including the Playcentre.

If you would like to book a stall, volunteer or make a donation please contact the Festival office on 020 7485 6827 or email festival.mlcc@yahoo.co.uk

Community Health event
15th July: 12pm-5pm
Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event on Saturday 15th July, 12pm-5pm in Cumberland Market, Regents Park NW1 3QH

This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing and get people engaged in health services.
There will be various all age workshops, and entertainment as well as health and wellbeing related talks and activities.

UCL Community Research Network Boost Your Research + Evaluation! Mixer Event
UCL are bringing together small and grassroots voluntary and community organisations at Kentish Town Community Centre on Thursday 6th July: 5:30 – 7:30pm.
You will be able to meet organisation leaders in the same position as you, connect with UCL researchers and academics and learn about our support network with training opportunities and tailored support.
If you have any questions please contact molly.mccabe@ucl.ac.uk, or, to register, please click here

Community Weekend
The Mayor’s Community Weekend will run from Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th June.
There will be a huge array of events and activities around London throughout the weekend – at least one in every borough! The events will celebrate and support the development of strong community relationships in the capital.
To find out more, please click here

EcoCounts Workshop
1st July: 11 – 2pm at Finsbury Park, Space4

Join EcoCounts for an interactive climate workshop where we will delve into climate action & explore effective strategies for making a difference.
We want you to come with your lived experience and your ideas for action, to help us build strategies for a sustainable future.
This is open to all
To learn more and sign up, please click here

‘Enhancing delivery leaders for tomorrow’
4th July: Old Town Hall (29 The Broadway, London E15 4BQ) from 9:15 – 4pm, free to attend.

This early summer conference, organised by Compass Wellbeing CIC, is especially for parliamentary, NHS and local authority leaders and our partners in the voluntary, community and charitable sector.

The presentations, discussions and life course workshops will focus on how we, as a group of leaders working across the statutory and Third Sector, can work in partnership and to the best effect in harnessing the power, influence, connections and passion of the voluntary and community sector in delivering crucial services to our communities.
Keynote speakers will include Marie Gabriel, chair of the North East London ICS, and Paul Calaminus, CEO of East London Foundation NHS Trust.

Each VCS organisation has been allocated a free space at the conference. Please register here and enter your unique access code.
If you don’t know your access code or are requesting an additional space for a colleague please email conference@compasswellbeing.co.uk to join our waiting list.

Youth Safety Week launches with multi-media competition awards
Camden Council has launched the fourth annual Camden Youth Safety Week – a series of events and activities for children, young people, parents, carers and professionals, running from 22nd to 28th June (with further events running into July).
Last Friday, the winners of Camden’s annual Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition, based on the theme ‘keeping children and young people in Camden safe’, were announced.
One of the two joint winners was from Mary’s charity. Read the full story and see their entries here.
For further information, please email: youthsafety@camden.gov.uk or click here

Free Bereavement Awareness training
Camden and Islington are running a free Bereavement Awareness training on 3rd July to anyone working in Camden.
Bereavement can leave people vulnerable and isolated, but an empathetic early response can help greatly. The course helps reduce stigma and give people the confidence to talk with bereaved people in a simple and empathetic way.
Courses are very popular and fill up fast, to secure your place, please click here

CAWH Announcement: Warm Hub temporarily closed
Due to unforeseen circumstances, CAWH are sorry to inform you that the Warm Hub is temporarily closed.
You are still welcome to come in for a tea / coffee and a chat.
They will keep you updated with any news regarding the Warm Hub reopening.

Suicide Awareness and Prevention Resources Page
Camden and Islington Councils have partnered with Islington Mind to develop a suicide awareness and prevention webpage to inform those working in local services.
Bringing a range of resources together in one place, the webpage aims to help local partners to embed their own suicide prevention plans, support and signpost people at risk, and develop their own knowledge of suicide and its risk factors.
To access the page, please click here

Mama Youth Project: Media Employability Training
10th – 12th July or 14th – 16th August
Join Mama Youth Project at the Sky TV Campus, London to learn about the key skills required to enter a career in the media. There will be 2 days of free training followed by a 3rd day which is paid.
To learn more about eligibility, deadlines and to register your interest, please click here

Palestine Festival
CADFA are hosting a summer Palestine Festival at Calthorpe Community Garden on Sunday 23rd June from 1 to 5pm. We will have a group of Palestinian women visitors in London at that time – and it’s also a time to celebrate nearly 20 years of Camden – Abu Dis links in a fun and educational way.

CADFA would like to invite local community organisations that would like to contribute to the afternoon to contact us at camdenabudis@btinternet.com

The Philological Foundation Trustee Vacancy
The Philological Foundation makes grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
There is currently a vacancy for a new trustee and we are keen to recruit someone who can contribute to our work by bringing experience and knowledge of one or more of the following: The challenges facing young people and students today, Secondary schools in Camden and Westminster, Tertiary education and/ or Marketing and promotion
If you are interested in finding out more, please see our website.
The Chair of Trustees, Clio Whittaker, is also available for an informal chat, please email her at thephilological@gmail.com to arrange a date and time for a call.

A Space for Us Summer job opportunity: ‘Story Bike Taxi’ promoter
Part time hours 3 days – July/ August Wednesday to Saturdays (possibly of extension)

Are you outgoing? Enjoy speaking to people? Enjoy working outdoors? Why not get involved in an growing intergenerational initiative with a social purpose.
The role’s aim is to promote a new service and general outreach, training will be provided.
You need to be an enthusiastic outgoing person, fit and able to cycle, reliable, well organised, good with all ages, a ‘can do’ attitude, the ability to learn and make local connections, flexible and friendly.
To apply contact: info@aspaceforus.club with your CV and/ or email with experience/ why you’d like to do this, and your availability.

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Camden Mela 2023: Celebrating the beauty of our culturally diverse community

The famous Camden Mela has been announced for 2023, promoting sustainability, community cohesion and better health.
It will be held on Sunday 2nd July: 12pm – 6pm on Coram’s Fields (93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN)

Arts & crafts, food stalls, live music & dance and a funfair come together at this community festival celebrating the richness of British cultural diversity. A marquee will provide health information and advice and there will be plenty of free family activities to keep kids busy.

Entry is free and every year 4000-5000 people attend

To learn more, please click here
To book a stall or for more information, please contact Nasim Ali OBE on nasim.ali@kcbna.org.uk or call 07852 223 403

Temporary Closure of Kentish Town Tube Station Information
Starting on Monday 26th June and lasting for approximately 12 months the Kentish Town Tube will be temporarily closed for improvement works. Kentish Town Thameslink station will remain open for use, and you can also reach Tufnell Park Tube station by bus or a short walk from Kentish Town station. No major disruptions are expected on these alternative routes during the station closure.

TfL are also using a new app and web tool called SitePodium to send updates and share progress. You can access the project page here
For further questions, to share concerns, or to sign up for email updates, please email KentishTownTubeStationProject@tfl.gov.uk
You can find further information, including detailed travel advice, here

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Engaged Environmental Science funding
Closing date for outlines: Wednesday 20th September
NERC Engaged Environmental Science funding opportunity is open for exemplar projects that demonstrate excellence in engaged environmental science research.

We welcome:
•    environmental science research responding to both scientific and public needs
•    equitable partnerships with charities and other intermediaries
•    leaders in public engagement with research

Applications successfully shortlisted at outline stage will be provided with a partnership bursary and invited to submit a full application.
For full information, please see the UKRI Funding Finder and register for the webinar on Monday 3rd July 2023 at 11:30am.

Hilden Charitable Fund Now Accepting UK Applications
Deadline: 4pm on Friday 7th July

The Hilden Charitable Fund is an endowed grant-making foundation and a registered charity. They fund smaller UK-based organisations delivering projects within the UK to support social justice and to tackle disadvantage in specific areas of focus – providing unrestricted, core or project funding. They also fund projects overseas in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
For more details, please click here

Night Shelter Transformation Fund
Rolling deadline
The government has announced a £3.3m funding boost for night shelters across England.
Shelters will use the funding, which is part of the Night Shelter Transformation Fund, to provide more beds and support services to homeless people.
To learn more, please click here

The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Learning Disability Network London ‘Spotlight On’ Event
Thursday 13 July at The London Canal Museum, 6.30-8.30pm

LDN London would like to invite you to the first of our ‘Spotlight on’ events: a series of talks designed to raise awareness about important issues related to learning disabilities.
The topic of our first event is:
The Abuse of people with learning disabilities: ‘Assessment and treatment units – a scandal in plain sight’.
We will focus on the injustice of people with learning disabilities still being locked up in assessment and treatment units and how we can change this.
We have a fantastic line up of speakers for you: Alexis Quinn, Sara Ryan, George Julian and Amanda Topps. They will tell their own stories, give their expert opinions on the subject and open the floor to questions and debate.
For more information and to book tickets please click here

Gambling Impacts and Recovery Virtual Event 
Tuesday 27th June: 10.30am – 12.30pm

Gambling addiction does not often exist in isolation, there are a wide range of related harms.
At this virtual event GamCare aim to raise awareness of organisations supporting those with lived experience of gambling and the impact the related harms can cause.
This webinar will include guest speakers from The Passage, Brent Service Users Council (B3) and those with lived experience of gambling and recovery.
To reserve your space, please click here

Hampstead Heath Community Fun Day
Join Heath Hands for a Community Fun Day and mini-Mela at the Parliament Hill Bandstand on Sunday 25th June from 2-6pm.
This FREE event will include live music from Banglar Shur and Lissenden Legends, face painting, henna, arts and crafts, nature activities and much more. Come and join in the fun and enjoy our green spaces.
For more information, please click here

Mind in Camden vacancy: Resources Director
Applications are invited for this key leadership role in Mind in Camden, an innovative and highly respected mental health charity.
We are looking for someone with substantial management, administration and human resources experience to manage a small team of staff engaged in providing Admin, IT, HR and Premises support to the organisation.
The post holder will be joining our Finance Director, Operations Director, CEO and Service Managers in the Senior Management team.
We welcome diversity, and applications from experienced Office/HR/Admin Managers taking a step up into a more responsible position are welcome.

To download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

SHAK Vacancy: Project Manager (part-time, 9 month contract)
Closing date: 2nd July

SHAK are committed to increasing our long-term sustainability by strengthening our systems and processes and becoming more energy efficient.
We are looking to recruit a specialist to review/overhaul and strengthen our finance, monitoring, HR, Admin, ICT/facilities etc systems and processes and train SHAK team members in their use.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Third Age Project Vacancy: Deputy Manager
Closing Date: 2nd July

This is an exciting and rewarding full-time permanent position within a successful grassroots older people’s Charity who will support and act as a successor to the General Manager.
Third Age Project’s focus is in reducing social, economic, and health inequalities and empowering older people in taking on volunteering roles as co-producers of our services.
If you would like to view the job description please email tony@thirdageproject.org.uk
If you are interested, please submit a CV, and covering letter highlighting your skills and experience to the same email address.

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Latin American House vacancy
Closing date – 5th July

Level 3 Early Years Practitioner
Level 3 Early Years practitioner to join the team at its bilingual nursery, Centro Infantil Menchu.
The full job description and instructions on how to apply can be found here

London Fire Brigade in Camden seeks Community Consultation panel
The London Fire Brigade in Camden is seeking volunteers to participate in a Community Consultation Panel with the Borough Commander on a quarterly basis to discuss how we deliver services in Camden.
We want to hear from local residents and business owners about how we’re doing and what we could do better.

If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in shaping the future of LFB in Camden, please email: BCCamden@london-fire.gov.uk

Covent Garden Dragon Hall Trust Advice Service
Covent Garden Dragon Hall Trust have started an Advice Service in Holborn & Covent Garden Ward in partnership with Covent Garden Community Centre and Mary Ward Legal.
If anyone needs advice on housing problems and rent arrears, debts including credit cards, council tax and utility arrears or advice on benefits and cost of living payments please contact us to book a session.

Email Natalie@dragonhall.org.uk or register your interest by filling in this form

Mayor of London announces major expansion for ULEZ support
The Mayor of London has announced that tens of thousands more Londoners, including all those receiving child benefit and small businesses in the capital, will be eligible for financial support to replace polluting vehicles from the end of July. This is part of a major extension of London’s biggest ever scrappage scheme ahead of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expanding across all London boroughs on 29th August 2023.
Check if your vehicle meets the ULEZ standards here

UN CRPD call for evidence
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) has issued a call for evidence. They are conducting a follow-up review of their 2016 inquiry into the UK and the recommendations they made at the time.
Organisations can submit written evidence to inform this follow-up review by the 1st August or they can share evidence in-person as part of the oral briefing on the 28th August.

If you would like more information on this, please contact the Secretariat for the UN CRPD at Jorge.araya@un.org or ohchr-crpd@un.org
To read the original report please click here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

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Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 16th June



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A slightly different newsletter this week…..

16th June 2023

Due to annual leave considerations, this week we have a different type of newsletter for you.

Our usual format for events, opportunities and information from around the Camden area will return next week, but today we want to celebrate the incredible work of our Community Links team.

Shining a Light on VAC’s Community Links Service

Run by our staff members Donna, Mandira and Nasrin, a team of volunteers, and in partnership with Age UK Camden, Wish Plus and the North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group, Community Links is a front door to the Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service in Camden.

Social Prescribing provides access to social wellbeing options which work alongside traditional healthcare to help boost the health and resilience of local residents.

Community Links works with referrals to promote such opportunities as friendship groups to combat loneliness, walking groups to help people get outside in a supportive environment, access to a ‘Chat and Link’ volunteer who will help you through the process and much more.

The whole initiative is setup to allow residents to find the foundations in the community that can help lead them to a balanced life which fulfils their needs and supports their dreams.

Image by ACAVA Shoots, 2023,
Donna (Service Manager), Margaret (Volunteer), Sharon (Volunteer) and Keith (Director) at one of our Community Links outreach sessions at Swiss Cottage Library.

The VAC Community Links team has excelled in this endeavour.

 What they do appears to be simple but is certainly not. Community Links staff and the volunteers who work with referrals will quietly listen, they will identify an individual’s needs and they will provide all the support and information necessary to allow that person to access the community services appropriate to them.

 This ability to listen is paramount to the success of the service. It is the most identified benefit that those who access the service both take away with them, and report back to us.

  Our team, and the wonderful volunteers who work with them, are finding that the systems they have implemented are working so well from the perspective of both those referred to the service, and those doing the referring, that it can be almost overwhelming.

It could not be accomplished as successfully as it is without the help of our volunteers. Volunteer week might have ended on 7th June, but the extraordinary work of volunteers continues throughout the country, in our borough, and, here at Voluntary Action Camden, as a vital part of the remarkable work of the Community Links team.

 The feedback we receive from Community Links clients is incredible. It so often speaks of those who felt invisible in this hurried world. Those looking for a little support. Those who just needed someone to open a door so they could walk through.

The Community Links Team is both experienced and composed. They help wherever they can, and we just wanted to say thank you.



Just a quick reminder that due to annual leave, there will be no newsletter on the 16th June. Our weekly newsletter will resume on Friday June 23rd.

Become a Member

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 9th June 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
9th June 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight some more of the details regarding our upcoming AGM.

We also have lots of information on a range of events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

*Please note that due to annual leave considerations there will not be a standard VAC Newsletter published next week (16th June).

VAC’s Upcoming AGM – further details
We announced a few weeks ago that the VAC AGM will be held on the 4th July 2023, 5:45pm – 8pm at the Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB.

Further to this, we are excited to announce that our guest speakers will be Hanad Mohamed, Director of Equalities and Community Strength at London Borough of Camden, and Sam Mercadante, Policy & Insight Manager at NCVO.
The focus this year will be the ‘Future of Camden VCSE sector’. It is a broad topic but one that we hope encourages positive thinking, despite the backdrop of difficult times.

Alongside our guest speakers there will be VAC updates and reports, a presentation on our 2023 – 2026 strategy plans, a Q&A, food, information stalls and the opportunity to network with fellow members of the Camden VCS.

It promises to be a truly interesting and informative event.

To register, please click here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk for more information.

NHS Strike Action Update: Choose the right NHS service for you and your family
Strike action is taking place Wednesday 14th June to Saturday 17th June that will affect NHS services.
Services are likely to be busier than normal and some hospital and GP appointments may be cancelled, but please attend your scheduled appointment if you haven’t been told it is cancelled.
It is important for people to prepare early where you can, to look after yourself, friends and family with any long-term health conditions and avoid any preventable trips to A&E.
It is equally important that residents who need urgent medical care come forward as normal, especially when someone is seriously ill or injured, or their life is at risk. If it is a life-threatening emergency such as serious illness or injury, you should still call 999.

NHS 111 online or calling 111 offers quick advice on the best option for you to get the care you need.
If you need advice from a pharmacist, use the NHS Find a Pharmacy site, which will be updated regularly.

Pride Picnic
On Saturday 17th June celebrate Pride Month in Camden at the forum+ Walk in Regent’s Park and picnic on Primrose Hill.
The walk will start in the beautiful Queen Mary’s Gardens and pass through Regent’s Park, down footpaths lined with pretty flowers and by the boating lake and fountains.
At the picnic spot on Primrose Hill we will enjoy food and drinks together, taking in the fantastic views of the London skyline. This special community event for Pride is free, for ages 18+ and for lgbtq+ people and friends.
Booking is essential, to do so, please click here

In addition forum+’s June newsletter is filled with Pride Month events for you to enjoy.

Camden & Islington Summer 23 Volunteering Fair
Wednesday 14th June, 12-2pm

Are you looking to volunteer in your local community?
Come along and meet local organisations recruiting volunteers at Kentish Town Community Centre, 17 Busby Place, NW5 2SP on Wednesday 14th June, 12-2pm.
This event is free to attend and there is no need to book, just pop in!

Temporary Closure of Kentish Town Tube Station Information
Starting on Monday 26th June and lasting for approximately 12 months the Kentish Town Tube will be temporarily closed for improvement works. Kentish Town Thameslink station will remain open for use, and you can also reach Tufnell Park Tube station by bus or a short walk from Kentish Town station. No major disruptions are expected on these alternative routes during the station closure.

Representatives from the project team will be available at the Kentish Town Tube station entrance on the following dates and times: Wednesday 7th, 14th, and 21st June 2023, from 2pm to 4pm and Thursday 8th, 15th, and 22nd June 2023, from 5pm to 7pm

TfL are also using a new app and web tool called SitePodium to send updates and share progress. You can access the project page here
For further questions, to share concerns, or to sign up for email updates, please email KentishTownTubeStationProject@tfl.gov.uk
You can find further information, including detailed travel advice, here

London Fire Brigade in Camden seeks Community Consultation panel
The London Fire Brigade in Camden is seeking volunteers to participate in a Community Consultation Panel with the Borough Commander on a quarterly basis to discuss how we deliver services in Camden.
We want to hear from local residents and business owners about how we’re doing and what we could do better.

If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in shaping the future of LFB in Camden, please email: BCCamden@london-fire.gov.uk

Learning Disability Network London ‘Spotlight On’ Event
Thursday 13 July at The London Canal Museum, 6.30-8.30pm

LDN London would like to invite you to the first of our ‘Spotlight on’ events: a series of talks designed to raise awareness about important issues related to learning disabilities.
The topic of our first event is:
The Abuse of people with learning disabilities: ‘Assessment and treatment units – a scandal in plain sight’.
We will focus on the injustice of people with learning disabilities still being locked up in assessment and treatment units and how we can change this.
We have a fantastic line up of speakers for you: Alexis Quinn, Sara Ryan, George Julian and Amanda Topps. They will tell their own stories, give their expert opinions on the subject and open the floor to questions and debate.
For more information and to book tickets please click here

Covent Garden Dragon Hall Trust Advice Service
Covent Garden Dragon Hall Trust have started an Advice Service in Holborn & Covent Garden Ward in partnership with Covent Garden Community Centre and Mary Ward Legal.
If anyone needs advice on housing problems and rent arrears, debts including credit cards, council tax and utility arrears or advice on benefits and cost of living payments please contact us to book a session.

Email Natalie@dragonhall.org.uk or register your interest by filling in this form

Gambling Impacts and Recovery Virtual Event 
Tuesday 27th June: 10.30am – 12.30pm

Gambling addiction does not often exist in isolation, there are a wide range of related harms.
At this virtual event GamCare aim to raise awareness of organisations supporting those with lived experience of gambling and the impact the related harms can cause.
This webinar will include guest speakers from The Passage, Brent Service Users Council (B3) and those with lived experience of gambling and recovery.
To reserve your space, please click here

Hampstead Heath Community Fun Day
Join Heath Hands for a Community Fun Day and mini-Mela at the Parliament Hill Bandstand on Sunday 25th June from 2-6pm.
This FREE event will include live music from Banglar Shur and Lissenden Legends, face painting, henna, arts and crafts, nature activities and much more. Come and join in the fun and enjoy our green spaces.
For more information, please click here

Small Charity Week: 19th – 23rd June
Small charities are the lifeblood of local communities, and collectively create a much needed patchwork of support for the wider society, and so, from the 19th to the 23rd June, the VCS celebrate Small Charity Week. It is designed to support, amplify, create connections and push for change. This year will focus on peer-to-peer learning, and champion co-creation at every level.

Head to the Small Charity Week website to learn more and get involved.

Mayor of London announces major expansion for ULEZ support
The Mayor of London has announced that tens of thousands more Londoners, including all those receiving child benefit and small businesses in the capital, will be eligible for financial support to replace polluting vehicles from the end of July. This is part of a major extension of London’s biggest ever scrappage scheme ahead of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expanding across all London boroughs on 29th August 2023.
Check if your vehicle meets the ULEZ standards here

Mind in Camden vacancy: Resources Director
Applications are invited for this key leadership role in Mind in Camden, an innovative and highly respected mental health charity.
We are looking for someone with substantial management, administration and human resources experience to manage a small team of staff engaged in providing Admin, IT, HR and Premises support to the organisation.
The post holder will be joining our Finance Director, Operations Director, CEO and Service Managers in the Senior Management team.
We welcome diversity, and applications from experienced Office/HR/Admin Managers taking a step up into a more responsible position are welcome.

To download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

SHAK Vacancy: Project Manager (part-time, 9 month contract)
Closing date: 2nd July

SHAK are committed to increasing our long-term sustainability by strengthening our systems and processes and becoming more energy efficient.
We are looking to recruit a specialist to review/overhaul and strengthen our finance, monitoring, HR, Admin, ICT/facilities etc systems and processes and train SHAK team members in their use.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Third Age Project Vacancy: Deputy Manager
Closing Date: 2nd July

This is an exciting and rewarding full-time permanent position within a successful grassroots older people’s Charity who will support and act as a successor to the General Manager.
Third Age Project’s focus is in reducing social, economic, and health inequalities and empowering older people in taking on volunteering roles as co-producers of our services.
If you would like to view the job description please email tony@thirdageproject.org.uk
If you are interested, please submit a CV, and covering letter highlighting your skills and experience to the same email address.

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Camden Mela 2023: Celebrating the beauty of our culturally diverse community

The famous Camden Mela has been announced for 2023, promoting sustainability, community cohesion and better health.
It will be held on Sunday 2nd July: 12pm – 6pm on Coram’s Fields (93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN)

Arts & crafts, food stalls, live music & dance and a funfair come together at this community festival celebrating the richness of British cultural diversity. A marquee will provide health information and advice and there will be plenty of free family activities to keep kids busy.

Entry is free and every year 4000-5000 people attend

To learn more, please click here
To book a stall or for more information, please contact Nasim Ali OBE on nasim.ali@kcbna.org.uk or call 07852 223 403

Charity Job salary report 2023
In their latest report CharityJob highlights how charity salaries have changed since the pandemic. The data is based on over 60,000 paid roles that were posted on their website last year. The report analyses average salaries by job type, experience level and charity size and compares this to data from 2019.
To read the report, please click here

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Camden Youth Social Action Grants of up to £5,000 available
Closing date: Midnight on Friday 23rd June

Camden Youth Council (CYC) have an exciting opportunity for young people in Camden to make a real difference through social action – by offering grants of up to £5,000 to help tackle three areas of concern for local young people.
These areas are: Young people’s safety, The environment & Skills for life – CV writing, finding a job, managing finances and how to secure a home in the future.
These three grant areas are aimed at young people aged 12 to 19, or up to 25 with a special educational need or disability, who live, work or go to school in Camden.
All applications must be supported by a partner organisation such as your school or youth club.
Find out more and download an application form here

Hilden Charitable Fund Now Accepting UK Applications
Deadline: 4pm on Friday 7th July

The Hilden Charitable Fund is an endowed grant-making foundation and a registered charity. They fund smaller UK-based organisations delivering projects within the UK to support social justice and to tackle disadvantage in specific areas of focus – providing unrestricted, core or project funding. They also fund projects overseas in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
For more details, please click here

Night Shelter Transformation Fund
Rolling deadline
The government has announced a £3.3m funding boost for night shelters across England.
Shelters will use the funding, which is part of the Night Shelter Transformation Fund, to provide more beds and support services to homeless people.
To learn more, please click here

The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Green City Projects Open Gardens: This Weekend
Green City Projects are delighted to invite you to visit 2 of our gardens:
Little Mix of a Garden, Kentish Town, 10th June 11.30am – 4pm.
This garden is the work of the Integrated Learning Disabilities gardening group.

St Paul’s Woodland Garden Project, Camden Square, 11th June 11.30am –

Here we work with a number of groups including people from St Pancras Hospital and the wider community.
Refreshments will be available to purchase on both days.
To learn more, please click here

UCL Community Research Network Boost Your Research + Evaluation! Mixer Event
The UCL Community Research Initiative are bringing together voluntary and community organisations at Kentish Town Community Centre on Thursday 6th July, 5.30pm – 7.30pm to:

Meet organisation leaders in the same position as you.
Connect with UCL researchers and academics.
Learn about our support network with training opportunities and tailored support.

To register, please click here
For any questions, please contact Molly from the UCL Community Research Initiative at molly.mccabe@ucl.ac.uk

Discover-Me Project from Laamiga
Staring: 12th June  6.30-8.30 pm

Are you a woman aged over 18 from a Black, Asian, minority ethnic, refugee and migrant background living in Camden and Islington?
Would you like to develop your self-confidence, communication and creativity skills?
Laamiga warmly invite you to join the Discover-Me Project.

There are monthly online webinars, starting on 12th June, 6.30-8.30pm, in storytelling, communication and creativity skills for women from minority ethnic, refugee, & migrant backgrounds aged over 18 in Camden and Islington.
For more information email info@laamiga.org with your name, email address and telephone number or call 0208 257 7317 and leave your contact details.

Stratford East Two for One ticket for Tambo and Bones
Join Tambo (Rhashan Stone) and Bones (Daniel Ward) on their journey from comedy double-act to hip-hop superstars, to activists in an America at the epicentre of the global Black Lives Matter movement.

The two for one (Band A and Band B) tickets are available for performances on the following dates: Fri 16th – Wed 21st June at 7.30pm.
To book please call the Box Office on 0208 534 0310 or click here, and use the promocode BONES241

Membership Development Officer
22.5 hours per week
Closing date: 14th June at 11.30pm
This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced, passionate, and dynamic individual to join Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) as the Membership Development Officer.
VAC is a membership organisation and crucial to the success of the role will be the ability to support our members to achieve their objectives.

For the full job description and to apply, please click here

British Library vacancy: Local Opportunities Programme Manager
Closing date: 16th June

This is an exciting new role with lots of scope for bringing your own ideas and flair to help The British Library further strengthen our relationships with local communities.
Based in our small but ambitious Community Engagement team, and working across the organisation, you will be responsible for the development and delivery of an exciting co-designed programme of tangible opportunities for local people.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Queens Crescent Fixing Factory looking for a volunteer admin assistant.
The Queens Crescent Fixing Factory is a community repair hub where people are able to get their electronic items fixed, learn repair skills and much more.
We are looking for admin volunteers to support us in our operations whilst gaining new skills and learning with us.
To read the job description please click here, and, if you’re interested email hello@fixingfactory.org

St Giles & St George Alms charity – Trustee Vacancy
Closing Date: Monday 12 June 2023
St Giles & St George Alms is an old parochial foundation based in the Bloomsbury and Covent Garden area. Our objective is to relieve poverty and we help local residents facing hardship in different ways:

– Almshouse accommodation for eight older women
– Grants for Individuals who need new/placement appliances and furniture
– Grants for Organisations supporting isolated older people or tackling homelessness.

We are particularly looking for someone who has prior experience of supporting older people and could become a champion for our Almshouse provision.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Latin American House vacancy
Closing date – 5th July

Level 3 Early Years Practitioner
Level 3 Early Years practitioner to join the team at its bilingual nursery, Centro Infantil Menchu.
The full job description and instructions on how to apply can be found here

UN CRPD call for evidence
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) has issued a call for evidence. They are conducting a follow-up review of their 2016 inquiry into the UK and the recommendations they made at the time.
Organisations can submit written evidence to inform this follow-up review by the 1st August or they can share evidence in-person as part of the oral briefing on the 28th August.

If you would like more information on this, please contact the Secretariat for the UN CRPD at Jorge.araya@un.org or ohchr-crpd@un.org
To read the original report please click here

Cancer Care Map Resources
Cancer Care Map provides a free to access, online directory of cancer care services in the UK. We list over 3,700 local and national support services and all information is checked and updated regularly

Find information on support for families, loved ones and carers as well as those living with cancer themselves
Find psychological and emotional support, health and wellbeing services, and practical help wherever you are in the UK

To access the directories, please click here
We are also available on Twitter and Instagram @CancerCareMap and find us on Facebook.com/CancerCareMap

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

Forwarded VAC newsletter by a colleague?

Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 2nd June 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
2nd June 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight the rapidly diminishing number of tickets remaining for the inaugural event of the VAC CEO Network…

We also have lots of information on a range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

The VAC CEO Network inaugural event almost sold out

On the 8th June, from 8.45am – 10.15am, VAC is launching the CEO Network with the event ‘Good Leadership in difficult times’

This breakfast meeting will be held at the British Library and tickets are almost sold out.

If you are a CEO, or otherwise titled leader, of a Camden VCS organisation and you would like to be a part of this opening event, an event where you will be free to network with your peers, share ideas, issues and support, and listen to our excellent guest speakers… Please sign up now, registration closes on the 6th June

You can find more information about both this event, and the benefits of the CEO Network here

Volunteers’ Week 2023
Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities. This years events began yesterday and run until 7th June.

To learn more and get involved, please click here

UCL Community Research Network Boost Your Research + Evaluation! Mixer Event
The UCL Community Research Initiative are bringing together voluntary and community organisations at Kentish Town Community Centre on Thursday 6th July, 5.30pm – 7.30pm to:

Meet organisation leaders in the same position as you.
Connect with UCL researchers and academics.
Learn about our support network with training opportunities and tailored support.

To register, please click here
For any questions, please contact Molly from the UCL Community Research Initiative at molly.mccabe@ucl.ac.uk

UN CRPD call for evidence
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) has issued a call for evidence. They are conducting a follow-up review of their 2016 inquiry into the UK and the recommendations they made at the time.
Organisations can submit written evidence to inform this follow-up review by the 1st August or they can share evidence in-person as part of the oral briefing on the 28th August.

If you would like more information on this, please contact the Secretariat for the UN CRPD at Jorge.araya@un.org or ohchr-crpd@un.org
To read the original report please click here

Green City Projects Open Gardens Weekend
Green City Projects are delighted to invite you to visit 2 of our gardens:
Little Mix of a Garden, Kentish Town, 10th June 11.30am – 4pm.
This garden is the work of the Integrated Learning Disabilities gardening group.

St Paul’s Woodland Garden Project, Camden Square, 11th June 11.30am –

Here we work with a number of groups including people from St Pancras Hospital and the wider community.
Refreshments will be available to purchase on both days.
To learn more, please click here

Volunteer Managers’ Forum
Thursday 8th June, 2-3pm: online

Book Now For everything you wanted to know about “DBS for Volunteer Managers”, a workshop from Volunteer Centre Camden.
The event is free to attend.
Learn more and sign up here

Charity Job salary report 2023
In their latest report CharityJob highlights how charity salaries have changed since the pandemic. The data is based on over 60,000 paid roles that were posted on their website last year. The report analyses average salaries by job type, experience level and charity size and compares this to data from 2019.
To read the report, please click here

Stratford East Two for One ticket for Tambo and Bones
Join Tambo (Rhashan Stone) and Bones (Daniel Ward) on their journey from comedy double-act to hip-hop superstars, to activists in an America at the epicentre of the global Black Lives Matter movement.

The two for one (Band A and Band B) tickets are available for performances on the following dates: Fri 16th – Wed 21st June at 7.30pm.
To book please call the Box Office on 0208 534 0310 or click here, and use the promocode BONES241

British Library vacancy: Local Opportunities Programme Manager
Closing date: 16th June

This is an exciting new role with lots of scope for bringing your own ideas and flair to help The British Library further strengthen our relationships with local communities.
Based in our small but ambitious Community Engagement team, and working across the organisation, you will be responsible for the development and delivery of an exciting co-designed programme of tangible opportunities for local people.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Queens Crescent Fixing Factory looking for a volunteer admin assistant.
The Queens Crescent Fixing Factory is a community repair hub where people are able to get their electronic items fixed, learn repair skills and much more.
We are looking for admin volunteers to support us in our operations whilst gaining new skills and learning with us.
To read the job description please click here, and, if you’re interested email hello@fixingfactory.org


Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Camden Mela 2023: Celebrating the beauty of our culturally diverse community

The famous Camden Mela has been announced for 2023, promoting sustainability, community cohesion and better health.
It will be held on Sunday 2nd July: 12pm – 6pm on Coram’s Fields (93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN)

Arts & crafts, food stalls, live music & dance and a funfair come together at this community festival celebrating the richness of British cultural diversity. A marquee will provide health information and advice and there will be plenty of free family activities to keep kids busy.

Entry is free and every year 4000-5000 people attend

To learn more, please click here
To book a stall or for more information, please contact Nasim Ali OBE on nasim.ali@kcbna.org.uk or call 07852 223 403


VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk


Camden Youth Social Action Grants of up to £5,000 available
Closing date: Midnight on Friday 23rd June

Camden Youth Council (CYC) have an exciting opportunity for young people in Camden to make a real difference through social action – by offering grants of up to £5,000 to help tackle three areas of concern for local young people.
These areas are: Young people’s safety, The environment & Skills for life – CV writing, finding a job, managing finances and how to secure a home in the future.
These three grant areas are aimed at young people aged 12 to 19, or up to 25 with a special educational need or disability, who live, work or go to school in Camden.
All applications must be supported by a partner organisation such as your school or youth club.
Find out more and download an application form here


Hilden Charitable Fund Now Accepting UK Applications
Deadline: 4pm on Friday 7th July

The Hilden Charitable Fund is an endowed grant-making foundation and a registered charity. They fund smaller UK-based organisations delivering projects within the UK to support social justice and to tackle disadvantage in specific areas of focus – providing unrestricted, core or project funding. They also fund projects overseas in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.
For more details, please click here


Night Shelter Transformation Fund
Rolling deadline
The government has announced a £3.3m funding boost for night shelters across England.
Shelters will use the funding, which is part of the Night Shelter Transformation Fund, to provide more beds and support services to homeless people.
To learn more, please click here


The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here


Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here


National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Save the date! – VAC AGM and Future of Camden VCSE Sector Event
VAC is delighted to announce that our in-person AGM will be held on 4th July 2023, 5:45pm – 8pm.
We will announce further details soon, but you can now register for your place and lock the date in your diary! You won’t want to miss this free event!
The event will be held at the Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB and include guest speakers, good food, networking and the launch of VAC 2026

To register, please click here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk for more information.


Art Club: Camden – A CSKX Studios and People’s Museum Somers Town project
Saturdays: 11am-1pm: Meet People’s Museum Somers Town – 52 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES

Beginning in June CSKX Studios and People’s Museum Somers Town are running a free weekly and holiday art workshops for young people aged 11-18yrs.
Workshops will include: Drawing and Painting, Street Art, Photography, Printing, and Gallery & Museum visits.
When and where possible the workshops will be held outdoors.
Workshops are free and basic materials will be supplied

To register interest or for further information from CSKX Studios please click here, or email info@cskx.org, or call 020 8001 5357
Or contact People’s Museum at info@aspaceforus.club
Alternatively, information and sign up sheets can also be picked up directly from the People’s Museum.


Sainsbury Wellcome Centre annual Lecture
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre will be hosting our annual SWC Lecture on Tuesday 6th June from 12-1pm in the SWC Lecture Theatre.

This year’s speaker will be Professor Stephen Reicher who will talk to us on:
The wrong psychology? What Covid-19 taught us about behavioural science in society.

“The Covid-19 pandemic taught us about the integral role of behavioural science (alongside other sciences) in responding to major societal challenges. However, by the same token, it showed us the costs of making erroneous assumptions about the drivers of action and the limitations of the perspectives currently dominant in Government behavioural science.”

The talk is open to all and free to attend, but a ticket is required.
To register, please click here


Discover-Me Project from Laamiga
Staring: 12th June  6.30-8.30 pm

Are you a woman aged over 18 from a Black, Asian, minority ethnic, refugee and migrant background living in Camden and Islington?
Would you like to develop your self-confidence, communication and creativity skills?
Laamiga warmly invite you to join the Discover-Me Project.

There are monthly online webinars, starting on 12th June, 6.30-8.30pm, in storytelling, communication and creativity skills for women from minority ethnic, refugee, & migrant backgrounds aged over 18 in Camden and Islington.
For more information email info@laamiga.org with your name, email address and telephone number or call 0208 257 7317 and leave your contact details.


Camden Private Renters Forum
On Thursday 8th June at 5pm, Camden is hosting a new Camden Private Renters Forum.
Many renters are not aware of their rights.
This forum will provide expert advice on how to negotiate rent increases, manage any issues with damp/mould, signpost to further help on the rising cost of living and explain what the Council can do to help.
Private renting can be difficult so it’s important that renters across Camden know how to access support and advice.
The forum will be hosted on Zoom and is open to anyone renting privately in Camden.
Residents can find out more information and register here


Free Youth Work & Youth Justice Training
Wipers Youth CIC is an award-winning social enterprise which specialises in working with vulnerable and disadvantaged young people.
We offer exceptional youth work and youth justice training courses, and have a limited number of free spaces available on the courses below:

Tuesday 6th June (virtual)
• Trauma and Child Criminal Exploitation 10am – 1pm
• Cultural Competency 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Wednesday 7th June (at Voluntary Action Islington, Kings Cross, 200A Pentonville Road, N1 9JP)
• Coaching and Mentoring Young People from 10am – 1pm
• Delivering Effective Group Work from 1:30pm – 4:30pm

To enquire about booking a space please email training@wipers.org.uk
Or, for more information please click here


Third Sector Fundraising Summit
6th – 7th June
This event will be held at Events@No6, London (from £95) or online (free) and will hear from UK charities on how to get the most from your fundraising strategy.
It is designed to offer you key insights into remaining creative and authentic with your fundraising strategy through a series of case studies, fireside chats, roundtable sessions and expert panel discussions.
Tickets are available here, in-person space is limited


Wild Camden Festival
London Wildlife Trust will be hosting the ‘Wild Camden Festival’ on 4th June at Camley Street Natural Park (N1C 4PW) between 12 & 4pm.
We will be celebrating World Environment Day and showcasing ways that local residents can take action towards sustainable living and using local green spaces to promote wellbeing.
We still have spaces for local organisations to run a stall or an activity showcasing their work.
Please contact Fiona at fmcgain@wildlondon.org.uk for further details

Membership Development Officer
22.5 hours per week
Closing date: 14th June at 11.30pm
This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced, passionate, and dynamic individual to join Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) as the Membership Development Officer.
VAC is a membership organisation and crucial to the success of the role will be the ability to support our members to achieve their objectives.

For the full job description and to apply, please click here

St Giles & St George Alms charity – Trustee Vacancy
Closing Date: Monday 12 June 2023
St Giles & St George Alms is an old parochial foundation based in the Bloomsbury and Covent Garden area. Our objective is to relieve poverty and we help local residents facing hardship in different ways:

– Almshouse accommodation for eight older women
– Grants for Individuals who need new/placement appliances and furniture
– Grants for Organisations supporting isolated older people or tackling homelessness.

We are particularly looking for someone who has prior experience of supporting older people and could become a champion for our Almshouse provision.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Vacancies at Latin American House
Latin American House is currently recruiting for the following three roles

Communities & Cultures Coordinator
To lead the implementation of its Communities & Cultures programme
Closing date – 8th June

Children & Young People Coordinator
To lead the implementation of its Children & Young People programme
Closing date – 7th June

Level 3 Early Years Practitioner
Level 3 Early Years practitioner to join the team at its bilingual nursery, Centro Infantil Menchu.
Closing date – 5th July

Full job descriptions and instructions on how to apply can be found here

Become a Trustee of SHAK
Closing date: 7th June
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Cancer Care Map Resources
Cancer Care Map provides a free to access, online directory of cancer care services in the UK. We list over 3,700 local and national support services and all information is checked and updated regularly

Find information on support for families, loved ones and carers as well as those living with cancer themselves
Find psychological and emotional support, health and wellbeing services, and practical help wherever you are in the UK

To access the directories, please click here
We are also available on Twitter and Instagram @CancerCareMap and find us on Facebook.com/CancerCareMap

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

Forwarded VAC newsletter by a colleague?

Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 26th May 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
26th May 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we are sorry to report on a sad loss for the Camden VCS Community

We continue to have lots of information on a range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

A sad loss.

It is with great sadness that we heard of the recent death of Sue Dowd. Sue was a valued member of the Voluntary Action Camden team, joining us when we were developing early approaches to social prescribing in the borough, and later working with the VAC Mental Health Champions.

Sue was a skilled and enthusiastic trainer who delivered accredited Royal Society of Public Health and Mental Health First Aid trainings for VAC’s then Health Advocate Volunteers. Over the years graduates of the training and volunteering eventually progressed into employment in health services or gained confidence to embark on Public Health degree courses and careers. The Community Links team at VAC, part of the successful Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service set up in 2018, all benefitted from Sue’s support.

Sue was an active Camden resident, and in semi-retirement pursued her love of creative writing by inspiring others, working with VAC, Mind in Camden and the London Irish Centre convening creative writing groups for residents with mental health challenges. Sue will be greatly missed but very much remembered for touching the lives and careers of those she worked with.

Camden Mela 2023: Celebrating the beauty of our culturally diverse community

The famous Camden Mela has been announced for 2023, promoting sustainability, community cohesion and better health.
It will be held on Sunday 2nd July: 12pm – 6pm on Coram’s Fields (93 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1DN)

Arts & crafts, food stalls, live music & dance and a funfair come together at this community festival celebrating the richness of British cultural diversity. A marquee will provide health information and advice and there will be plenty of free family activities to keep kids busy.

Entry is free and every year 4000-5000 people attend

To learn more, please click here
To book a stall or for more information, please contact Nasim Ali OBE on nasim.ali@kcbna.org.uk or call 07852 223 403

Art Club: Camden – A CSKX Studios and People’s Museum Somers Town project
Saturdays: 11am-1pm: Meet People’s Museum Somers Town – 52 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES

Beginning in June CSKX Studios and People’s Museum Somers Town are running a free weekly and holiday art workshops for young people aged 11-18yrs.
Workshops will include: Drawing and Painting, Street Art, Photography, Printing, and Gallery & Museum visits.
When and where possible the workshops will be held outdoors.
Workshops are free and basic materials will be supplied

To register interest or for further information from CSKX Studios please click here, or email info@cskx.org, or call 020 8001 5357
Or contact People’s Museum at info@aspaceforus.club
Alternatively, information and sign up sheets can also be picked up directly from the People’s Museum.

Cancer Care Map Resources
Cancer Care Map provides a free to access, online directory of cancer care services in the UK. We list over 3,700 local and national support services and all information is checked and updated regularly

Find information on support for families, loved ones and carers as well as those living with cancer themselves
Find psychological and emotional support, health and wellbeing services, and practical help wherever you are in the UK

To access the directories, please click here
We are also available on Twitter and Instagram @CancerCareMap and find us on Facebook.com/CancerCareMap

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre annual Lecture
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre will be hosting our annual SWC Lecture on Tuesday 6th June from 12-1pm in the SWC Lecture Theatre.

This year’s speaker will be Professor Stephen Reicher who will talk to us on:
The wrong psychology? What Covid-19 taught us about behavioural science in society.

“The Covid-19 pandemic taught us about the integral role of behavioural science (alongside other sciences) in responding to major societal challenges. However, by the same token, it showed us the costs of making erroneous assumptions about the drivers of action and the limitations of the perspectives currently dominant in Government behavioural science.”

The talk is open to all and free to attend, but a ticket is required.
To register, please click here

St Giles & St George Alms charity – Trustee Vacancy
Closing Date: Monday 12 June 2023
St Giles & St George Alms is an old parochial foundation based in the Bloomsbury and Covent Garden area. Our objective is to relieve poverty and we help local residents facing hardship in different ways:

– Almshouse accommodation for eight older women
– Grants for Individuals who need new/placement appliances and furniture
– Grants for Organisations supporting isolated older people or tackling homelessness.

We are particularly looking for someone who has prior experience of supporting older people and could become a champion for our Almshouse provision.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC CEO Network
Last week we announced that we are kicking off the launch of the new VAC CEO Network with an event entitled ‘Good leadership in difficult times’

This new network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE sector. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise sector leaders.

If you would like to know more, including the benefits and upcoming event information, please click here


VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here


Vietnamese Mental Health Service to close
Vietnamese Mental Health Service will close its operation from 30th September 2023.
From 15th May no new referral can be accepted.

The next 4 months will focus on the transitioning plan, assisting and supporting current users to access local mainstream Mental Health Services.
The Management Committee would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone for your support and assistance over the past 35 years.


VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Camden Youth Social Action Grants of up to £5,000 available
Closing date: Midnight on Friday 23rd June

Camden Youth Council (CYC) have an exciting opportunity for young people in Camden to make a real difference through social action – by offering grants of up to £5,000 to help tackle three areas of concern for local young people.
These areas are: Young people’s safety, The environment & Skills for life – CV writing, finding a job, managing finances and how to secure a home in the future.
These three grant areas are aimed at young people aged 12 to 19, or up to 25 with a special educational need or disability, who live, work or go to school in Camden.
All applications must be supported by a partner organisation such as your school or youth club.
Find out more and download an application form here

The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here

Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches New £3m Racial Equity Fund
Closing date: 31st May

Applications are now open for unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, supporting small charities and CICs led by and working with people who face inequity because of their race or ethnicity.  Around 40 grants will be awarded to focus on immediate and long-term support to help people break free from poverty.
To learn more, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Save the date! – VAC AGM and Future of Camden VCSE Sector Event
VAC is delighted to announce that our in-person AGM will be held on 4th July 2023, 5:45pm – 8pm.
We will announce further details soon, but you can now register for your place and lock the date in your diary! You won’t want to miss this free event!
The event will be held at the Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB and include guest speakers, good food, networking and the launch of VAC 2026

To register, please click here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk for more information.

Discover-Me Project from Laamiga
Staring: 12th June  6.30-8.30 pm

Are you a woman aged over 18 from a Black, Asian, minority ethnic, refugee and migrant background living in Camden and Islington?
Would you like to develop your self-confidence, communication and creativity skills?
Laamiga warmly invite you to join the Discover-Me Project.

There are monthly online webinars, starting on 12th June, 6.30-8.30pm, in storytelling, communication and creativity skills for women from minority ethnic, refugee, & migrant backgrounds aged over 18 in Camden and Islington.
For more information email info@laamiga.org with your name, email address and telephone number or call 0208 257 7317 and leave your contact details.

Camden Private Renters Forum
On Thursday 8th June at 5pm, Camden is hosting a new Camden Private Renters Forum.
Many renters are not aware of their rights.
This forum will provide expert advice on how to negotiate rent increases, manage any issues with damp/mould, signpost to further help on the rising cost of living and explain what the Council can do to help.
Private renting can be difficult so it’s important that renters across Camden know how to access support and advice.
The forum will be hosted on Zoom and is open to anyone renting privately in Camden.
Residents can find out more information and register here

Free Youth Work & Youth Justice Training
Wipers Youth CIC is an award-winning social enterprise which specialises in working with vulnerable and disadvantaged young people.
We offer exceptional youth work and youth justice training courses, and have a limited number of free spaces available on the courses below:

Tuesday 6th June (virtual)
• Trauma and Child Criminal Exploitation 10am – 1pm
• Cultural Competency 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Wednesday 7th June (at Voluntary Action Islington, Kings Cross, 200A Pentonville Road, N1 9JP)
• Coaching and Mentoring Young People from 10am – 1pm
• Delivering Effective Group Work from 1:30pm – 4:30pm

To enquire about booking a space please email training@wipers.org.uk
Or, for more information please click here

Third Sector Fundraising Summit
6th – 7th June
This event will be held at Events@No6, London (from £95) or online (free) and will hear from UK charities on how to get the most from your fundraising strategy.
It is designed to offer you key insights into remaining creative and authentic with your fundraising strategy through a series of case studies, fireside chats, roundtable sessions and expert panel discussions.
Tickets are available here, in-person space is limited

Wild Camden Festival
London Wildlife Trust will be hosting the ‘Wild Camden Festival’ on 4th June at Camley Street Natural Park (N1C 4PW) between 12 & 4pm.
We will be celebrating World Environment Day and showcasing ways that local residents can take action towards sustainable living and using local green spaces to promote wellbeing.
We still have spaces for local organisations to run a stall or an activity showcasing their work.
Please contact Fiona at fmcgain@wildlondon.org.uk for further details

Membership Development Officer
22.5 hours per week
Closing date: 14th June at 11.30pm
This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced, passionate, and dynamic individual to join Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) as the Membership Development Officer.
VAC is a membership organisation and crucial to the success of the role will be the ability to support our members to achieve their objectives.

For the full job description and to apply, please click here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Iam Irish Youth, Community and Playworker Sessional Vacancies.
Iam Irish are currently recruiting sessional Youth, Community and Playworkers for forthcoming projects.
For more information, or to apply with your CV, please email hello@iamirish.org

Vacancies at Latin American House
Latin American House is currently recruiting for the following three roles

Communities & Cultures Coordinator
To lead the implementation of its Communities & Cultures programme
Closing date – 8th June

Children & Young People Coordinator
To lead the implementation of its Children & Young People programme
Closing date – 7th June

Level 3 Early Years Practitioner
Level 3 Early Years practitioner to join the team at its bilingual nursery, Centro Infantil Menchu.
Closing date – 5th July

Full job descriptions and instructions on how to apply can be found here

Become a Trustee of SHAK
Closing date: 7th June
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

Forwarded VAC newsletter by a colleague?

Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Camden Newsletter – 19th May 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
19th May 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight an exciting new job opportunity with VAC!

We also have lots of information on a range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

We are hiring!

Membership Development Officer
22.5 hours per week
Closing date: 14th June at 11.30pm

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced, passionate, and dynamic individual to join Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) as the Membership Development Officer.
VAC is a membership organisation and crucial to the success of the role will be the ability to support our members to achieve their objectives.

For the full job description and to apply, please click here

Camden Youth Social Action Grants of up to £5,000 available
Closing date: Midnight on Friday 23rd June

Camden Youth Council (CYC) have an exciting opportunity for young people in Camden to make a real difference through social action – by offering grants of up to £5,000 to help tackle three areas of concern for local young people.
These areas are: Young people’s safety, The environment & Skills for life – CV writing, finding a job, managing finances and how to secure a home in the future.
These three grant areas are aimed at young people aged 12 to 19, or up to 25 with a special educational need or disability, who live, work or go to school in Camden.
All applications must be supported by a partner organisation such as your school or youth club.

Find out more and download an application form here

Discover-Me Project from Laamiga
Staring: 12th June  6.30-8.30 pm

Are you a woman aged over 18 from a Black, Asian, minority ethnic, refugee and migrant background living in Camden and Islington?
Would you like to develop your self-confidence, communication and creativity skills?
Laamiga warmly invite you to join the Discover-Me Project.

There are monthly online webinars, starting on 12th June, 6.30-8.30pm, in storytelling, communication and creativity skills for women from minority ethnic, refugee, & migrant backgrounds aged over 18 in Camden and Islington.
For more information email info@laamiga.org with your name, email address and telephone number or call 0208 257 7317 and leave your contact details.

Camden Private Renters Forum
On Thursday 8th June at 5pm, Camden is hosting a new Camden Private Renters Forum.
Many renters are not aware of their rights.
This forum will provide expert advice on how to negotiate rent increases, manage any issues with damp/mould, signpost to further help on the rising cost of living and explain what the Council can do to help.
Private renting can be difficult so it’s important that renters across Camden know how to access support and advice.
The forum will be hosted on Zoom and is open to anyone renting privately in Camden.
Residents can find out more information and register here

Free arthritis management advice
Central YMCA Club have partnered with Arthritis Action to offer a free Open Clinic to people living with Arthritis on Monday 22nd May.

The open clinic provides practical advice on how to reduce the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle choices, and will be held at Central YMCA Club, just 1 minute walk from Tottenham Court Road station.
Book your free 15-minute session with Dietitian Martin Lau here

Free Community Festival: “Zen in Mind”
Thursday May 25th, 12pm-5pm
At the Surma Community Centre (1 Robert Street, NW1 3JU)

The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you another of their monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. Open to all and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more.
Climb on board our big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety.
We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up.
For more information please click here

Vietnamese Mental Health Service to close
Vietnamese Mental Health Service will close its operation from 30th September 2023.
From 15th May no new referral can be accepted.

The next 4 months will focus on the transitioning plan, assisting and supporting current users to access local mainstream Mental Health Services.
The Management Committee would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone for your support and assistance over the past 35 years.

EcoCounts Climate Workshop
Saturday 20th May at 11am

Are you looking for a comprehensive overview of climate change science, based on the UN IPCC reports?
Climate Fresk is an engaging workshop that teaches and entertains and EcoCounts are running one tomorrow at Space4, 2nd Floor, 113-115 Fonthill Road, N4 3HH.
You can’t know too little or too much to appreciate this workshop.
For more details and to sign up, please click here

Free Youth Work & Youth Justice Training
Wipers Youth CIC is an award-winning social enterprise which specialises in working with vulnerable and disadvantaged young people.
We offer exceptional youth work and youth justice training courses, and have a limited number of free spaces available on the courses below:

Tuesday 6th June (virtual)
• Trauma and Child Criminal Exploitation 10am – 1pm
• Cultural Competency 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Wednesday 7th June (at Voluntary Action Islington, Kings Cross, 200A Pentonville Road, N1 9JP)
• Coaching and Mentoring Young People from 10am – 1pm
• Delivering Effective Group Work from 1:30pm – 4:30pm

To enquire about booking a space please email training@wipers.org.uk
Or, for more information please click here

Iam Irish Youth, Community and Playworker Sessional Vacancies.
Iam Irish are currently recruiting sessional Youth, Community and Playworkers for forthcoming projects.
For more information, or to apply with your CV, please email hello@iamirish.org

Vacancies at Latin American House
Latin American House is currently recruiting for the following three roles

Communities & Cultures Coordinator
To lead the implementation of its Communities & Cultures programme
Closing date – 8th June

Children & Young People Coordinator
To lead the implementation of its Children & Young People programme
Closing date – 7th June

Level 3 Early Years Practitioner
Level 3 Early Years practitioner to join the team at its bilingual nursery, Centro Infantil Menchu.
Closing date – 5th July

Full job descriptions and instructions on how to apply can be found here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

VAC CEO Network
Last week we announced that we are kicking off the launch of the new VAC CEO Network with an event entitled ‘Good leadership in difficult times’

This new network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE sector. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise sector leaders.

If you would like to know more, including the benefits and upcoming event information, please click here

London CVS Network Impact Report
This is the first ever collective impact report from the London CVS Network. It aims to spotlight the vital role of local CVSs (and other local infrastructure organisations) in connecting, supporting and strengthening the sector.

It shows the extensive reach of the network into communities through their own networks of voluntary and community groups. It highlights the number of organisations supported and represented by London’s infrastructure organisations. It spotlights activities over the course of an unprecedented year, with large sums leveraged into the wider sector. It also shows the potential that could be reached if there were similar organisations in every London borough.
Read the report here

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Women’s Urgent Support Fund
Round One Deadline 5pm Today.

Smallwood Trust is delivering this programme with £3 million in funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.
The programme will provide emergency funding which helps to meet the following objectives:
•    Women affected by the cost-of-living crisis and poverty gain confidence, tools, skills and support to build their financial resilience and improve their mental health.
•    Vital frontline jobs/roles and services are safeguarded or enhanced by the additional funding, allowing organisations to meet the increased need for their services.
Over two rounds of funding, the Trust aims to commit 50% of the grants to projects that support women experiencing racial inequality and/or women with disabilities.
Grants of £15,000 to £60,000 are available across three years.
To learn more, please click here

The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here

Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches New £3m Racial Equity Fund
Closing date: 31st May

Applications are now open for unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, supporting small charities and CICs led by and working with people who face inequity because of their race or ethnicity.  Around 40 grants will be awarded to focus on immediate and long-term support to help people break free from poverty.
To learn more, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Save the date! – VAC AGM and Future of Camden VCSE Sector Event
VAC is delighted to announce that our in-person AGM will be held on 4th July 2023, 5:45pm – 8pm.
We will announce further details soon, but you can now register for your place and lock the date in your diary! You won’t want to miss this free event!
The event will be held at the Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB and include guest speakers, good food, networking and the launch of VAC 2026

To register, please click here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk for more information.

Third Sector Fundraising Summit
6th – 7th June
This event will be held at Events@No6, London (from £95) or online (free) and will hear from UK charities on how to get the most from your fundraising strategy.
It is designed to offer you key insights into remaining creative and authentic with your fundraising strategy through a series of case studies, fireside chats, roundtable sessions and expert panel discussions.
Tickets are available here, in-person space is limited

Wild Camden Festival
London Wildlife Trust will be hosting the ‘Wild Camden Festival’ on 4th June at Camley Street Natural Park (N1C 4PW) between 12 & 4pm.
We will be celebrating World Environment Day and showcasing ways that local residents can take action towards sustainable living and using local green spaces to promote wellbeing.
We still have spaces for local organisations to run a stall or an activity showcasing their work.
Please contact Fiona at fmcgain@wildlondon.org.uk for further details

Stories of St James’ Burial Ground
An Historical Exhibition by Museum of London Archaeology.
9th May – 30th August

This event will explore the history of St James’ burial ground, archaeological
excavations at the site and the lives of local people buried there.
Open Mondays 10-6, Tuesdays 10-6, Thursdays 10-7, and alternate Saturdays 11-5
At Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
2nd Floor, Holborn Library
32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA
Admission is free

Making Every Contact Count Training
Camden Council provide free Making Every Contact Count training to anyone living and working in Camden.
MECC equips staff to have brief but beneficial conversations with residents, supporting their health and wellbeing in areas like lifestyles, finance and housing issues. We have still have spaces on our two main courses!

•    Good Conversations for Camden: 24/05/23 and 13/06/23
•    The Cost-of-Living Crisis and MECC: 17/05/23 and 06/06/23

You can learn more and book a place here

Online CVSL Conference: VCS response to the rise in cost of living
25th May: 9:30am – 3pm

Join the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) to explore the vital role the third sector is playing when it comes to supporting communities facing economic challenges. CVSL is an Academic Centre of Excellence and part of The Open University Business School. The conference will convene practitioners, policymakers, funders and researchers to discuss their experiences and share ideas on how the sector can support the communities facing the cost of living crisis.
This event will be held online and is free to all, book your free place here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Mind in Camden vacancy: Community Development Manager (28 hours/ week)
Closing Date: 24th May at 13.00pm

This is an exciting opportunity with Mind in Camden to lead and develop a Community Development Service as part of the new Camden Mental Health Alliance.
You will manage an established team and have experience of working with BME groups, community development and networking.
This is an opportunity to make a significant contribution to a new partnership and make a real difference to people’s wellbeing.
To find out more and download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Volunteer Drivers needed for Castlehaven Food Bank
Castlehaven Community Association is looking for friendly, reliable volunteers with their own car/van to pick up food from our suppliers and deliver it to the Food Bank in Camden Town on Wednesday mornings, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please email anna@castlehaven.org.uk to apply

Henna Asian Women’s Group vacancy: part-time Project Support Officer (3 days/21 hours)
Closing date: TODAY at 5 pm

Henna Asian Women’s Group are looking for a person who is a quick learner and can take their own initiative, someone who has admin skills to support the manager in providing excellent service to women, especially to older women.
This role will require you to be supportive and understanding, and be able to deal with any issues that may arise confidently.
12 months contract with the possibility of extension, depending on funding.
For more information, an application form, job description and personal specification, please email info@hennaorg.co.uk

Become a Trustee of SHAK
Closing date: 7th June
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Fitzrovia Community Centre looking for community partners
Fitzrovia Community Centre is looking for community partners to provide centre-based activities during the school summer holidays to complement a programme of off—site trips.
We are particularly looking for youth providers but are open to projects for all ages. There are 3 rooms available, a small garden, kitchen and use of IT and AV equipment.
Partners will need to have secured funding for delivery.
Please contact Donna at donna@fitzroviacommunitycentre.org or on 07403 099939 to arrange a visit.

Camden’s Windrush 75 Programme
22nd June 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the arrival of HMS Windrush in 1948.
This is a significant milestone; it is the last chance to honour the living pioneers but to also open a wider public conversation about the past, present and future of the UK.
As part of the programme, Camden’s Culture Team will be creating a series of podcasts which explores Camden’s Windrush generation past, present, and future and are inviting members of the community to participate throughout May.
For more information and to get involved please email culture@camden.gov.uk

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Website Website

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Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 12th May 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
12th May 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight a few of the ways that VAC is able to help your Camden VCS organisation connect with other groups across the borough.

We also have lots of information on a range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

Connecting in Camden
VAC is committed to helping foster collaboration and connection within the Camden Voluntary and Community Sector.

To this end we have our new VAC CEO Network, where the leaders of local VCS organisations can discuss their concerns and work together to overcome them.

We have our Community Organisations Directory, where you are able to search for, and connect with other groups working towards similar goals.

You are also able to contact us through our Consultancy Service. Here you are able to ask us anything about working to develop your VCS organisation, including help to build your network.

And, of course, you are able to use this newsletter to advertise and find your next exciting opportunity to connect in Camden.

Together we are all stronger

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
On Wednesday 17th May forum+ is hosting an online event for the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. The event will explore the importance of IDAHOBIT and will cover practical ways we can all support LGBTQ+ inclusion. forum+ will be in conversation with Rita Hirani, co-founder of legendary Club Kali, social entrepreneur and trainer. The event is an open and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ people, and allies, who are interested in learning about LGBTQ+ rights.
To register for this event, please click here

Third Sector Fundraising Summit
6th – 7th June
This event will be held at Events@No6, London (from £95) or online (free) and will hear from UK charities on how to get the most from your fundraising strategy.
It is designed to offer you key insights into remaining creative and authentic with your fundraising strategy through a series of case studies, fireside chats, roundtable sessions and expert panel discussions.
Tickets are available here, in-person space is limited

Wild Camden Festival
London Wildlife Trust will be hosting the ‘Wild Camden Festival’ on 4th June at Camley Street Natural Park (N1C 4PW) between 12 & 4pm.
We will be celebrating World Environment Day and showcasing ways that local residents can take action towards sustainable living and using local green spaces to promote wellbeing.
We still have spaces for local organisations to run a stall or an activity showcasing their work.
Please contact Fiona at fmcgain@wildlondon.org.uk for further details

Volunteer Managers’ Forum
Thursday 18th May, 10am online

Book Now For Peer Support and Networking at Volunteer Centre Camden’s Volunteer Managers’ Forum on Thursday 18th May, 10am (online).
It is free to attend and you choose the topics to discuss.
Learn more and sign up here

Health & Wellbeing Open Day
Tuesday 16th May: 11am – 1pm

Kings Cross Surgery will be hosting a Health & Wellbeing Open Day for all patients and the public on Tuesday 16th May between 11am and 1pm at the N1C Centre, Kings cross.
Come along and chat with members of practice staff, get free mini health checks and meet Camden Carers, the Camden Musculoskeletal (MSK) Service, the Camden Council Air Quality Programme, Pancras Square Leisure Centre staff, the Somali Youth Development Resource Centre, and Rethink who will provide information on mental illness.
Free Refreshments will be provided along with free kids activities.
Everyone is welcome

Camden’s Windrush 75 Programme
22nd June 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the arrival of HMS Windrush in 1948.
This is a significant milestone; it is the last chance to honour the living pioneers but to also open a wider public conversation about the past, present and future of the UK.
As part of the programme, Camden’s Culture Team will be creating a series of podcasts which explores Camden’s Windrush generation past, present, and future and are inviting members of the community to participate throughout May.
For more information and to get involved please email culture@camden.gov.uk

Stories of St James’ Burial Ground
An Historical Exhibition by Museum of London Archaeology.
9th May – 30th August

This event will explore the history of St James’ burial ground, archaeological
excavations at the site and the lives of local people buried there.
Open Mondays 10-6, Tuesdays 10-6, Thursdays 10-7, and alternate Saturdays 11-5
At Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
2nd Floor, Holborn Library
32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA
Admission is free

Mind in Camden vacancy: Community Development Manager (28 hours/ week)
Closing Date: 24/05/23 at 13.00pm

This is an exciting opportunity with Mind in Camden to lead and develop a Community Development Service as part of the new Camden Mental Health Alliance.
You will manage an established team and have experience of working with BME groups, community development and networking.
This is an opportunity to make a significant contribution to a new partnership and make a real difference to people’s wellbeing.
To find out more and download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Become a UCLH governor and help shape our future!
This year UCLH are seeking eight Trust members*, who are keen to represent the interests of our public, patient and carer communities, to join our Council of Governors.
Self-nominations open on Monday 15th May.
Find out more here or contact: uclh.members@nhs.net
*You can join the UCLH membership online here

Volunteer Drivers needed for Castlehaven Food Bank
Castlehaven Community Association is looking for friendly, reliable volunteers with their own car/van to pick up food from our suppliers and deliver it to the Food Bank in Camden Town on Wednesday mornings, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please email anna@castlehaven.org.uk to apply



Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here


VAC CEO Network
Last week we announced that we are kicking off the launch of the new VAC CEO Network with an event entitled ‘Good leadership in difficult times’

This new network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE sector. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise sector leaders.

If you would like to know more, including the benefits and upcoming event information, please click here


London CVS Network Impact Report
This is the first ever collective impact report from the London CVS Network. It aims to spotlight the vital role of local CVSs (and other local infrastructure organisations) in connecting, supporting and strengthening the sector.

It shows the extensive reach of the network into communities through their own networks of voluntary and community groups. It highlights the number of organisations supported and represented by London’s infrastructure organisations. It spotlights activities over the course of an unprecedented year, with large sums leveraged into the wider sector. It also shows the potential that could be reached if there were similar organisations in every London borough.
Read the report here


VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk


Women’s Urgent Support Fund
Round One Deadline 5pm 19th May 2023

Smallwood Trust is delivering this programme with £3 million in funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.
The programme will provide emergency funding which helps to meet the following objectives:
•    Women affected by the cost-of-living crisis and poverty gain confidence, tools, skills and support to build their financial resilience and improve their mental health.
•    Vital frontline jobs/roles and services are safeguarded or enhanced by the additional funding, allowing organisations to meet the increased need for their services.
Over two rounds of funding, the Trust aims to commit 50% of the grants to projects that support women experiencing racial inequality and/or women with disabilities.
Grants of £15,000 to £60,000 are available across three years.
To learn more, please click here


The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here


Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches New £3m Racial Equity Fund
Closing date: 31st May

Applications are now open for unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, supporting small charities and CICs led by and working with people who face inequity because of their race or ethnicity.  Around 40 grants will be awarded to focus on immediate and long-term support to help people break free from poverty.
To learn more, please click here


Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here


London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here


National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here



To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Save the date! – VAC AGM and Future of Camden VCSE Sector Event
VAC is delighted to announce that our in-person AGM will be held on 4th July 2023, 5:45pm – 8pm.
We will announce further details soon, but you can now register for your place and lock the date in your diary! You won’t want to miss this free event!
The event will be held at the Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB and include guest speakers, good food, networking and the launch of VAC 2026

To register, please click here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk for more information.


Making Every Contact Count Training
Camden Council provide free Making Every Contact Count training to anyone living and working in Camden.
MECC equips staff to have brief but beneficial conversations with residents, supporting their health and wellbeing in areas like lifestyles, finance and housing issues. We have still have spaces on our two main courses!

•    Good Conversations for Camden: 24/05/23 and 13/06/23
•    The Cost-of-Living Crisis and MECC: 17/05/23 and 06/06/23

You can learn more and book a place here


Bereavement Awareness Training
Camden Council are partnered with Cruse Bereavement care to provide a free bereavement awareness course to Camden staff and residents.
The course aims to provide participants with the confidence to talk to people who are bereaved in an empathetic way, finding the right words and providing simple signposting.
Previous sessions of the course have been highly popular, with 100+ participants attending each session and highly positive feedback.
Spaces fill up quickly, to book a place, please click here


Locality in-person event: Open day for racialised community groups
17th May: 10am-1pm
At Locality, 33 Corsham Street, London, N1 6DR

This will be a free, in-person half-day event to help increase the capacity for work around racial justice in London. The space will be for people from racialised groups to network and connect with each other whilst exploring topics relevant to their community organisations. There will be opportunities for peer support, 1-to-1 consultations with Locality staff, and specific thematic guidance around things like funding and addressing London’s Recovery Missions.
To find out more and book, please click here


Online CVSL Conference: VCS response to the rise in cost of living
25th May: 9:30am – 3pm

Join the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) to explore the vital role the third sector is playing when it comes to supporting communities facing economic challenges. CVSL is an Academic Centre of Excellence and part of The Open University Business School. The conference will convene practitioners, policymakers, funders and researchers to discuss their experiences and share ideas on how the sector can support the communities facing the cost of living crisis.
This event will be held online and is free to all, book your free place here


Camden Jobs and Skills Event
Thursday 18th May 2023, 10am – 3pm
Regents Place 10 Brock Street Regents Place, Camden London NW1 3FG

Are you interested in changing careers, finding a new role, or upskilling to access high-growth sectors? If so, this is an opportunity to network, meet local and inclusive employers and get the latest tips to give you the edge in the labour market.

•    Talk to employers, recruiters and training providers face-to-face
•    Network with dozens of professionals that will help you build your career
•    Have a specialist review your CV and provide improvement tips
•    Find local jobs and training courses
•    Attend pop-up workshops, delivered by recruitment specialists Matrix
•    Get a professional photo taken for your LinkedIn profile

To register, please click here
Or for further information, email goodwork@camden.gov.uk or call 0207 947 1666

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Third Age Project – New Job Opportunity as Deputy Manager
Closing Date: 15th May 2023

This is an exciting and rewarding full-time, permanent position within a successful grassroots older people’s Charity who will support and act as a successor to the General Manager, who has announced their retirement. Our focus is in reducing the stark social, economic, health inequalities that exist and empowering older people in taking on volunteering roles as co-producers of our services.
If you would like to view the job description please email tony@thirdageproject.org.uk
If interested, please submit a CV, and covering letter highlighting your skills and experience.

St Pancras Community Association vacancies:
Premises Manager (Full time)
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a highly motivated, experienced Premises Manager to ensure the Community Centre is maintained to the highest possible standards. The role includes undertaking all of the Centre’s Health and Safety requirements, as well as taking responsibility for our Hall Hire business.
For more information, and to apply please click here

Programme and Fundraising Manager (Full time)
St Pancras Community Centre are looking for an experienced Programme and Fundraising Manager, with well-honed project management skills to help us deliver our exciting programme of work, impressing both our partners and funders in the process.
For more information, and to apply please click here

Henna Asian Women’s Group vacancy: part-time Project Support Officer (3 days/21 hours)
Closing date: Friday 19th May 2023 at 5 pm

Henna Asian Women’s Group are looking for a person who is a quick learner and can take their own initiative, someone who has admin skills to support the manager in providing excellent service to women, especially to older women.
This role will require you to be supportive and understanding, and be able to deal with any issues that may arise confidently.
12 months contract with the possibility of extension, depending on funding.
For more information, an application form, job description and personal specification, please email info@hennaorg.co.uk

Mind in Camden vacancies:
Resources Director: Closing Date: 14/05/23 at 13.00pm
We are looking for someone with substantial management, administration and human resources experience to manage a small team of staff engaged in providing Admin, IT, HR and Premises support to the organisation.

Operations Director: Closing Date: 14/05/23 at 13.00pm
We are looking for an experienced service manager and leader to manage and develop services to take our operations, values and vision forward.

To learn more and apply for either role: download an application pack here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Culpeper Community Garden Islington Vacancy
Closing date: 15th May
Culpeper Community Garden Islington is seeking  a Community Gardener for 21hrs per week
For the full details, the job description and how to apply, please email gardenworker@gmail.com

Become a Trustee of SHAK
Closing date: 7th June
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Fitzrovia Community Centre looking for community partners
Fitzrovia Community Centre is looking for community partners to provide centre-based activities during the school summer holidays to complement a programme of off—site trips.
We are particularly looking for youth providers but are open to projects for all ages. There are 3 rooms available, a small garden, kitchen and use of IT and AV equipment.
Partners will need to have secured funding for delivery.
Please contact Donna at donna@fitzroviacommunitycentre.org or on 07403 099939 to arrange a visit.

Why friendship makes us healthier
As part of this article by the BBC, which looks at the health and wellbeing benefits of friendship, the author spoke to VAC staff member Donna Turnbull.
Alongside other contributors, Donna discusses social isolation and the benefits that social prescribing can have for those of all ages.
To read the full article, please click here

UCL Press Publication: Engaging Communities in City-Making
This publication aims to consider community voices in the co-production of urban environments and the outcomes this engagement can have in the processes and structures of city making.
It is a highly detailed and interesting read, and VAC staff have contributed to Chapter 7 “Collaborating for environmental justice: Somers Town air quality”
To read more, please click here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

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Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 5th May 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
5th May 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight a save the date for the upcoming VAC AGM!

We also have lots of information on a range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

Save the date! – VAC AGM and Future of Camden VCSE Sector Event

VAC is delighted to announce that our in-person AGM will be held on 4th July 2023, 5:45pm – 8pm.

We will announce further details soon, but you can now register for your place and lock the date in your diary! You won’t want to miss this free event!
The event will be held at the Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB and include guest speakers, good food, networking and the launch of VAC 2026

To register, please click here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk for more information.

VAC CEO Network
Last week we announced that we are kicking off the launch of the new VAC CEO Network with an event entitled ‘Good leadership in difficult times’

This new network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE sector. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise sector leaders.

If you would like to know more, including the benefits and upcoming event information, please click here

Why friendship makes us healthier
As part of this article by the BBC, which looks at the health and wellbeing benefits of friendship, the author spoke to VAC staff member Donna Turnbull.
Alongside other contributors, Donna discusses social isolation and the benefits that social prescribing can have for those of all ages.
To read the full article, please click here

UCL Press Publication: Engaging Communities in City-Making
This publication aims to consider community voices in the co-production of urban environments and the outcomes this engagement can have in the processes and structures of city making.
It is a highly detailed and interesting read, and VAC staff have contributed to Chapter 7 “Collaborating for environmental justice: Somers Town air quality”
To read more, please click here

Camden gears up for Coronation weekend
Camden is getting ready to celebrate the Coronation of The King and The Queen Consort with over 30 street parties set to be held across the borough.
There are also a number of free, open to all events and activities you can take part in with your family over the Coronation weekend.
Learn more here

Making Every Contact Count Training
Camden Council provide free Making Every Contact Count training to anyone living and working in Camden.
MECC equips staff to have brief but beneficial conversations with residents, supporting their health and wellbeing in areas like lifestyles, finance and housing issues. We have still have spaces on our two main courses!

•    Good Conversations for Camden: 24/05/23 and 13/06/23
•    The Cost-of-Living Crisis and MECC: 17/05/23 and 06/06/23

You can learn more and book a place here

Bereavement Awareness Training
Camden Council are partnered with Cruse Bereavement care to provide a free bereavement awareness course to Camden staff and residents.
The course aims to provide participants with the confidence to talk to people who are bereaved in an empathetic way, finding the right words and providing simple signposting.
Previous sessions of the course have been highly popular, with 100+ participants attending each session and highly positive feedback.
Spaces fill up quickly, to book a place, please click here

Fitzrovia Community Centre looking for community partners
Fitzrovia Community Centre is looking for community partners to provide centre-based activities during the school summer holidays to complement a programme of off—site trips.
We are particularly looking for youth providers but are open to projects for all ages. There are 3 rooms available, a small garden, kitchen and use of IT and AV equipment.
Partners will need to have secured funding for delivery.
Please contact Donna at donna@fitzroviacommunitycentre.org or on 07403 099939 to arrange a visit.

Third Age Project – New Job Opportunity as Deputy Manager
Closing Date: 15th May 2023

This is an exciting and rewarding full-time, permanent position within a successful grassroots older people’s Charity who will support and act as a successor to the General Manager, who has announced their retirement. Our focus is in reducing the stark social, economic, health inequalities that exist and empowering older people in taking on volunteering roles as co-producers of our services.
If you would like to view the job description please email tony@thirdageproject.org.uk
If interested, please submit a CV, and covering letter highlighting your skills and experience.

St Pancras Community Association vacancies:
Premises Manager (Full time)
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a highly motivated, experienced Premises Manager to ensure the Community Centre is maintained to the highest possible standards. The role includes undertaking all of the Centre’s Health and Safety requirements, as well as taking responsibility for our Hall Hire business.
For more information, and to apply please click here

Programme and Fundraising Manager (Full time)
St Pancras Community Centre are looking for an experienced Programme and Fundraising Manager, with well-honed project management skills to help us deliver our exciting programme of work, impressing both our partners and funders in the process.
For more information, and to apply please click here

Henna Asian Women’s Group vacancy: part-time Project Support Officer (3 days/21 hours)
Closing date: Friday 19th May 2023 at 5 pm

Henna Asian Women’s Group are looking for a person who is a quick learner and can take their own initiative, someone who has admin skills to support the manager in providing excellent service to women, especially to older women.
This role will require you to be supportive and understanding, and be able to deal with any issues that may arise confidently.
12 months contract with the possibility of extension, depending on funding.
For more information, an application form, job description and personal specification, please email info@hennaorg.co.uk

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

London CVS Network Impact Report
This is the first ever collective impact report from the London CVS Network. It aims to spotlight the vital role of local CVSs (and other local infrastructure organisations) in connecting, supporting and strengthening the sector.

It shows the extensive reach of the network into communities through their own networks of voluntary and community groups. It highlights the number of organisations supported and represented by London’s infrastructure organisations. It spotlights activities over the course of an unprecedented year, with large sums leveraged into the wider sector. It also shows the potential that could be reached if there were similar organisations in every London borough.
Read the report here

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Women’s Urgent Support Fund
Round One Deadline 5pm 19th May 2023

Smallwood Trust is delivering this programme with £3 million in funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.
The programme will provide emergency funding which helps to meet the following objectives:
•    Women affected by the cost-of-living crisis and poverty gain confidence, tools, skills and support to build their financial resilience and improve their mental health.
•    Vital frontline jobs/roles and services are safeguarded or enhanced by the additional funding, allowing organisations to meet the increased need for their services.
Over two rounds of funding, the Trust aims to commit 50% of the grants to projects that support women experiencing racial inequality and/or women with disabilities.
Grants of £15,000 to £60,000 are available across three years.
To learn more, please click here

The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here

Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches New £3m Racial Equity Fund
Closing date: 31st May

Applications are now open for unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, supporting small charities and CICs led by and working with people who face inequity because of their race or ethnicity.  Around 40 grants will be awarded to focus on immediate and long-term support to help people break free from poverty.
To learn more, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

The Ubele Initiative – The Phoenix Way
Closing date: 8th May

Grants up to £20,000 are available for Black and racially minoritised community organisations working with children and young people at risk of becoming involved in violence, that have or will suffer disruption to their programmes due to the current inflation and cost of living crisis. Successful organisations will be working with young people or women and girls who are at risk.
To learn more, please click here

National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Celebrate Castlehaven’s New Community Hub

Join Castlehaven Community Association for the opening of their new community space!
From 3-7pm today, there will be performances, games, and yummy food and drink for the whole family.
Everyone is welcome
To learn more, please click here

Your local Kentish Town community centre needs you!
On Sunday 7th May the Kentish Town Community Centre are hosting a street party to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles.
We are looking for team players who can help run our information point, run our bar, stop cars from coming down the road (Busby Place, which will be officially closed) and help us collect donations for our foodbank.
As a volunteer you will get a free lunch and a free specially printed Coronation t-shirt.
If you are interested please email alice@ktcc.org.uk and include your name, date of birth and phone number.

Locality in-person event: Open day for racialised community groups
17th May: 10am-1pm
At Locality, 33 Corsham Street, London, N1 6DR

This will be a free, in-person half-day event to help increase the capacity for work around racial justice in London. The space will be for people from racialised groups to network and connect with each other whilst exploring topics relevant to their community organisations. There will be opportunities for peer support, 1-to-1 consultations with Locality staff, and specific thematic guidance around things like funding and addressing London’s Recovery Missions.
To find out more and book, please click here

Online CVSL Conference: VCS response to the rise in cost of living
25th May: 9:30am – 3pm

Join the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) to explore the vital role the third sector is playing when it comes to supporting communities facing economic challenges. CVSL is an Academic Centre of Excellence and part of The Open University Business School. The conference will convene practitioners, policymakers, funders and researchers to discuss their experiences and share ideas on how the sector can support the communities facing the cost of living crisis.
This event will be held online and is free to all, book your free place here

Free online digital skills and leadership training
London South Bank University, through its Dagile project, is offering free online digital skills and leadership training to employed Londoners.
The training courses are accessible online 24/7 to fit around people’s busy schedules and is supported throughout by experienced tutors. The courses, covering IT Skills, Digital Marketing and Leadership are all accredited by OCN London.
To learn more, please click here

Camden Jobs and Skills Event
Thursday 18th May 2023, 10am – 3pm
Regents Place 10 Brock Street Regents Place, Camden London NW1 3FG

Are you interested in changing careers, finding a new role, or upskilling to access high-growth sectors? If so, this is an opportunity to network, meet local and inclusive employers and get the latest tips to give you the edge in the labour market.

•    Talk to employers, recruiters and training providers face-to-face
•    Network with dozens of professionals that will help you build your career
•    Have a specialist review your CV and provide improvement tips
•    Find local jobs and training courses
•    Attend pop-up workshops, delivered by recruitment specialists Matrix
•    Get a professional photo taken for your LinkedIn profile

To register, please click here
Or for further information, email goodwork@camden.gov.uk or call 0207 947 1666

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

The Philological Foundation Trustee vacancy
The Philological Foundation is an educational charity making grants to students and schools in Westminster and Camden.
We currently have a vacancy for a trustee and are keen to recruit someone who can contribute to our work by bringing experience and knowledge of one or more of the following: The challenges facing young people and students today, Secondary schools in Camden and Westminster, Tertiary education, Marketing and promotion
If you are interested in finding out more about us, please click here
The Chair of Trustees, Clio Whittaker, is also available for an informal chat, please email her at thephilological@gmail.com to arrange a date and time for a call.

The Royal Free Charity vacancy: Welfare Rights Advisor
This is a full-time role, 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday.
If you would like to view the job description please click here or email jobs@royalfreecharity.org
If interested, submit a CV, equal opportunity form and supporting statement addressing how you meet the criteria set out in the job description and person specification

Mind in Camden vacancies:
Resources Director: Closing Date: 14/05/23 at 13.00pm
We are looking for someone with substantial management, administration and human resources experience to manage a small team of staff engaged in providing Admin, IT, HR and Premises support to the organisation.

Operations Director: Closing Date: 14/05/23 at 13.00pm
We are looking for an experienced service manager and leader to manage and develop services to take our operations, values and vision forward.

To learn more and apply for either role: download an application pack here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Coram’s Fields Trustee vacancy
Coram’s Fields, a charity dedicated to supporting children and young people, is delighted to invite applications to join its Board of Trustees. We are looking for between 4-6 new Trustees to join our committed Board and are keen to hear from anyone who shares our enthusiasm for giving young people the best start in life.
More information and instruction on how to apply can be found here

Culpeper Community Garden Islington Vacancy
Closing date: 15th May
Culpeper Community Garden Islington is seeking  a Community Gardener for 21hrs per week
For the full details, the job description and how to apply, please email gardenworker@gmail.com

Become a Trustee of SHAK
Closing date: 7th June
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

The Servers’ Society Relocates to Whitechapel
The Servers’ Society UK Association which had been running guided meditation groups, groups for the study of the self, spiritual healing appointments and weekend events on wellbeing and spirituality in everyday life has relocated from 4 Carol Street, Camden to 15 Romford Street, Whitechapel.
The new location presents the opportunity to offer more services over more days.
To find out more, please click here

Do you want to diversify your board?
Getting on Board free practical guide: How to Diversify your Charity’s Board is aimed at charitable organisations, charitable networks, funders and federations that want to recruit and retain new and diverse trustees but do not have the skills to do so.
How to Diversify Your Charity’s Board: a practical guide offers a comprehensive overview of every stage charities need to address to organise and execute a successful recruitment and induction strategy.
There are case-studies, practical exercises, free templates and thought leadership pieces throughout. You can download it for free here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
A Space for us

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

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Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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