Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 28th April 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
28th April 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight the first event to launch the new VAC CEO Network which is designed to connect and support the leaders of the VCSE sector

We also have lots of information on a range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC CEO Network launch event: Good leadership in difficult times
8th June, 8:45 – 10:15am.

We are kicking off the launch of the new VAC CEO Network with an event entitled ‘Good leadership in difficult times’.
It is a breakfast event and will be held at The British Library.

The CEO Network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE sector. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise sector leaders.

This event will explore the importance and value of building resilience, enhancing your coping skills and extending your perspective during challenging times.
We will be joined by guest speaker Jane Ide, Chief Executive of ACEVO who will be sharing her thoughts on the subject. We will also have a Q&A session facilitated by Rashid Iqbal, Chief Executive of The Winch.

The event will be followed by an opportunity for attendees to have a guided tour of the British Library exhibition.
To purchase your free ticket, please click here

RCN strike: Choose the right NHS service for you and your family
The Royal College of Nursing has announced that members will take strike action from Sunday 30th April to Monday 1st May 2023. This period includes a bank holiday Monday. This will impact some hospitals but not all in Camden and Islington.
Nurses make up a significant proportion of the NHS workforce so there is likely to be a great impact upon local services.
If you need medical assistance this bank holiday weekend, please choose NHS services wisely to make sure care is available to patients who need it most.
This includes using 111 online as the first port of call for health needs and continuing to only use 999 if it is a life-threatening emergency.

University College London Hospital is working hard to maintain safe care for their most critically ill patients who are in hospital during the strike.
UCLH will provide care in its emergency department for patients with a life-threatening illness or injury only. Please see their website for public information on the services provided.
The NHS is asking patients to choose services wisely over this period and take simple steps to help ensure care is available to patients who need it most.

In addition, some GP and dental services will be available over the bank holiday weekend. If you have a health concern, try to contact your local practice, or use the NHS 111 online service for quick health advice.

Ahead of the bank holiday weekend, please make sure you have enough of any medication you need as some pharmacies may have different opening hours or be closed. Use the NHS Find a Pharmacy site, which will be updated regularly.

Celebrate Castlehaven’s New Community Hub
Friday 5th May

Join Castlehaven Community Association for the opening of their new community space!
From 3-7pm on Friday 5th May, there will be performances, games, and yummy food and drink for the whole family.
Everyone is welcome
To learn more, please click here

London CVS Network Impact Report
This is the first ever collective impact report from the London CVS Network. It aims to spotlight the vital role of local CVSs (and other local infrastructure organisations) in connecting, supporting and strengthening the sector.

It shows the extensive reach of the network into communities through their own networks of voluntary and community groups. It highlights the number of organisations supported and represented by London’s infrastructure organisations. It spotlights activities over the course of an unprecedented year, with large sums leveraged into the wider sector. It also shows the potential that could be reached if there were similar organisations in every London borough.
Read the report here

The Servers’ Society Relocates to Whitechapel
The Servers’ Society UK Association which had been running guided meditation groups, groups for the study of the self, spiritual healing appointments and weekend events on wellbeing and spirituality in everyday life has relocated from 4 Carol Street, Camden to 15 Romford Street, Whitechapel.
The new location presents the opportunity to offer more services over more days.
To find out more, please click here

Your local Kentish Town community centre needs you!
On Sunday 7th May the Kentish Town Community Centre are hosting a street party to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles.
We are looking for team players who can help run our information point, run our bar, stop cars from coming down the road (Busby Place, which will be officially closed) and help us collect donations for our foodbank.
As a volunteer you will get a free lunch and a free specially printed Coronation t-shirt.
If you are interested please email alice@ktcc.org.uk and include your name, date of birth and phone number.

Do you want to diversify your board?
Getting on Board free practical guide: How to Diversify your Charity’s Board is aimed at charitable organisations, charitable networks, funders and federations that want to recruit and retain new and diverse trustees but do not have the skills to do so.
How to Diversify Your Charity’s Board: a practical guide offers a comprehensive overview of every stage charities need to address to organise and execute a successful recruitment and induction strategy.
There are case-studies, practical exercises, free templates and thought leadership pieces throughout. You can download it for free here

The Philological Foundation Trustee vacancy
The Philological Foundation is an educational charity making grants to students and schools in Westminster and Camden.
We currently have a vacancy for a trustee and are keen to recruit someone who can contribute to our work by bringing experience and knowledge of one or more of the following: The challenges facing young people and students today, Secondary schools in Camden and Westminster, Tertiary education, Marketing and promotion
If you are interested in finding out more about us, please click here
The Chair of Trustees, Clio Whittaker, is also available for an informal chat, please email her at thephilological@gmail.com to arrange a date and time for a call.

The Royal Free Charity vacancy: Welfare Rights Advisor
This is a full-time role, 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday.
If you would like to view the job description please click here or email jobs@royalfreecharity.org
If interested, submit a CV, equal opportunity form and supporting statement addressing how you meet the criteria set out in the job description and person specification

Mind in Camden vacancies:
Resources Director: Closing Date: 14/05/23 at 13.00pm
We are looking for someone with substantial management, administration and human resources experience to manage a small team of staff engaged in providing Admin, IT, HR and Premises support to the organisation.

Operations Director: Closing Date: 14/05/23 at 13.00pm
We are looking for an experienced service manager and leader to manage and develop services to take our operations, values and vision forward.

To learn more and apply for either role: download an application pack here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here


VCSE Health and Wellbeing Cost of Living Crisis guidance
The VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance has launched guidance on ‘Tackling the cost of living crisis and impacts on health and wellbeing: Key actions health and care policy makers, commissioners and provider organisations can take’. The resource brings together insights from across the sector and discusses how the cost of living crisis is having a significant impact on health and wellbeing with particularly acute challenges being faced by groups who already face health inequalities.
You can read the guidance here


VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk


Women’s Urgent Support Fund
Round One Deadline 5pm 19th May 2023

Smallwood Trust is delivering this programme with £3 million in funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.
The programme will provide emergency funding which helps to meet the following objectives:
•    Women affected by the cost-of-living crisis and poverty gain confidence, tools, skills and support to build their financial resilience and improve their mental health.
•    Vital frontline jobs/roles and services are safeguarded or enhanced by the additional funding, allowing organisations to meet the increased need for their services.
Over two rounds of funding, the Trust aims to commit 50% of the grants to projects that support women experiencing racial inequality and/or women with disabilities.
Grants of £15,000 to £60,000 are available across three years.
To learn more, please click here


The Philological Foundation grants
The Philological Foundation provides grants to students and schools in Camden and Westminster.
It helps schools enable children to take part in school journeys or to provide special benefits such as playground equipment, library books or musical instruments.
Grants are available for young people under the age of 26 whose families cannot provide them with financial support.
To learn more, please click here


Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches New £3m Racial Equity Fund
Closing date: 31st May

Applications are now open for unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, supporting small charities and CICs led by and working with people who face inequity because of their race or ethnicity.  Around 40 grants will be awarded to focus on immediate and long-term support to help people break free from poverty.
To learn more, please click here


Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here


London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here



The Ubele Initiative – The Phoenix Way
Closing date: 8th May

Grants up to £20,000 are available for Black and racially minoritised community organisations working with children and young people at risk of becoming involved in violence, that have or will suffer disruption to their programmes due to the current inflation and cost of living crisis. Successful organisations will be working with young people or women and girls who are at risk.
To learn more, please click here


National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here



To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Disability Oversight Panel Meeting
Tuesday 2nd May: 6.10pm – 8.10pm
At The Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB
This Disability Oversight Panel meeting will provide an opportunity to talk about Transport
We will hear about how the Council and Transport for London support d/Deaf and Disabled residents.

Registration: If you would like to come, please let us know by 26th April 2023 at: DisabilityOversightPanel@Camden.gov.uk

Transport: If you require travel assistance to attend the meeting, please let us know by 26th April at DisabilityOversightPanel@Camden.gov.uk Or call 020 7974 4476
There will be BSL Interpreters and a Speech to Text Reporter available at this meeting


Locality in-person event: Open day for racialised community groups
17th May: 10am-1pm
At Locality, 33 Corsham Street, London, N1 6DR

This will be a free, in-person half-day event to help increase the capacity for work around racial justice in London. The space will be for people from racialised groups to network and connect with each other whilst exploring topics relevant to their community organisations. There will be opportunities for peer support, 1-to-1 consultations with Locality staff, and specific thematic guidance around things like funding and addressing London’s Recovery Missions.
To find out more and book, please click here


Your Community, Your Imperial – scholarships for students of Black heritage
Imperial has created new scholarships for students of Black heritage as part of a £10 million investment to drive inclusivity of Black and underrepresented students, with a long-term vision of creating a legacy of Black scientists and researchers.
Find out more about these opportunities, the scholarships and life at Imperial by registering your interest here


Online CVSL Conference: VCS response to the rise in cost of living
25th May: 9:30am – 3pm

Join the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) to explore the vital role the third sector is playing when it comes to supporting communities facing economic challenges. CVSL is an Academic Centre of Excellence and part of The Open University Business School. The conference will convene practitioners, policymakers, funders and researchers to discuss their experiences and share ideas on how the sector can support the communities facing the cost of living crisis.
This event will be held online and is free to all, book your free place here


Community Health Event – Camden Council and NHS
29th April, 12:00pm – 4:00pm
At: Lismore Circus, 1-2 Lismore Circus, NW5 4QF

As part of our long-term health inequalities work, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event in Lismore Circus.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing, and to get more people engaged in health services.
This event will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and more.


Free online digital skills and leadership training
London South Bank University, through its Dagile project, is offering free online digital skills and leadership training to employed Londoners.
The training courses are accessible online 24/7 to fit around people’s busy schedules and is supported throughout by experienced tutors. The courses, covering IT Skills, Digital Marketing and Leadership are all accredited by OCN London.
To learn more, please click here


Camden Jobs and Skills Event
Thursday 18th May 2023, 10am – 3pm
Regents Place 10 Brock Street Regents Place, Camden London NW1 3FG

Are you interested in changing careers, finding a new role, or upskilling to access high-growth sectors? If so, this is an opportunity to network, meet local and inclusive employers and get the latest tips to give you the edge in the labour market.

•    Talk to employers, recruiters and training providers face-to-face
•    Network with dozens of professionals that will help you build your career
•    Have a specialist review your CV and provide improvement tips
•    Find local jobs and training courses
•    Attend pop-up workshops, delivered by recruitment specialists Matrix
•    Get a professional photo taken for your LinkedIn profile

To register, please click here
Or for further information, email goodwork@camden.gov.uk or call 0207 947 1666

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Coram’s Fields Trustee vacancy
Coram’s Fields, a charity dedicated to supporting children and young people, is delighted to invite applications to join its Board of Trustees. We are looking for between 4-6 new Trustees to join our committed Board and are keen to hear from anyone who shares our enthusiasm for giving young people the best start in life.
More information and instruction on how to apply can be found here

Culpeper Community Garden Islington Vacancy
Closing date: 15th May
Culpeper Community Garden Islington is seeking  a Community Gardener for 21hrs per week
For the full details, the job description and how to apply, please email gardenworker@gmail.com

Street Storage Are Recruiting For A Referral Support Worker
Applications close midnight Sunday 30th April

Street Storage is an ambitious and innovative homelessness charity providing free, accessible storage for people experiencing homelessness. Founded in 2019, we have grown exponentially in the past 18 months and have developed a strong reputation in the sector and the homelessness community.
We are looking for a Referral Support Worker (full time) to work on site at our storage units in Camden and Hackney (soon to be Highbury & Islington) and to support our existing Referral & Outreach Manager with the management of referrals, appointments, drop in times and storage administration.

For a full JD/further details about the application process please click here

Become a Trustee of SHAK
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Celebrating and Collecting Camden’s Black History
Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre have published a new news item on our web page about the new Camden Black History Hub and the “Hidden Voices” project which they hope will result in the addition of new archives of Camden’s Black history for the collections of Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre.
Read the article here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 21st April 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
21st April 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight our green social prescribing directory, helping you to get out and about on Camden’s green spaces.

We also have lots of information on a range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

The VAC Green directory
With the blue sky high above us and a fresh breeze keeping us cool it would seem that Spring is finally here.

We spend so much of our lives surrounded by brickwork and concrete, but not too far lies the green freedom of Camden’s parks and green spaces.

If you click on our Green Social Prescribing directory, linked below, you will find a wide range of activities and social opportunities including walking groups, community gardening projects, finding the art in nature and much more.

If you want to get out and about in your free time, take a look now.
To learn more, please click here

Disability Oversight Panel Meeting
Tuesday 2nd May: 6.10pm – 8.10pm
At The Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB
This Disability Oversight Panel meeting will provide an opportunity to talk about Transport
We will hear about how the Council and Transport for London support d/Deaf and Disabled residents.

Registration: If you would like to come, please let us know by 26th April 2023 at: DisabilityOversightPanel@Camden.gov.uk

Transport: If you require travel assistance to attend the meeting, please let us know by 26th April at DisabilityOversightPanel@Camden.gov.uk Or call 020 7974 4476
There will be BSL Interpreters and a Speech to Text Reporter available at this meeting

Locality in-person event: Open day for racialised community groups
17th May: 10am-1pm
At Locality, 33 Corsham Street, London, N1 6DR

This will be a free, in-person half-day event to help increase the capacity for work around racial justice in London. The space will be for people from racialised groups to network and connect with each other whilst exploring topics relevant to their community organisations. There will be opportunities for peer support, 1-to-1 consultations with Locality staff, and specific thematic guidance around things like funding and addressing London’s Recovery Missions.
To find out more and book, please click here

Your Community, Your Imperial – scholarships for students of Black heritage
Imperial has created new scholarships for students of Black heritage as part of a £10 million investment to drive inclusivity of Black and underrepresented students, with a long-term vision of creating a legacy of Black scientists and researchers.
Find out more about these opportunities, the scholarships and life at Imperial by registering your interest here

Online CVSL Conference: VCS response to the rise in cost of living
25th May: 9:30am – 3pm

Join the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) to explore the vital role the third sector is playing when it comes to supporting communities facing economic challenges. CVSL is an Academic Centre of Excellence and part of The Open University Business School. The conference will convene practitioners, policymakers, funders and researchers to discuss their experiences and share ideas on how the sector can support the communities facing the cost of living crisis.
This event will be held online and is free to all, book your free place here

VCSE Health and Wellbeing Cost of Living Crisis guidance
The VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance has launched guidance on ‘Tackling the cost of living crisis and impacts on health and wellbeing: Key actions health and care policy makers, commissioners and provider organisations can take’. The resource brings together insights from across the sector and discusses how the cost of living crisis is having a significant impact on health and wellbeing with particularly acute challenges being faced by groups who already face health inequalities.
You can read the guidance here

Community Health Event – Camden Council and NHS
29th April, 12:00pm – 4:00pm
At: Lismore Circus, 1-2 Lismore Circus, NW5 4QF

As part of our long-term health inequalities work, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event in Lismore Circus.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing, and to get more people engaged in health services.
This event will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and more.

Free online digital skills and leadership training
London South Bank University, through its Dagile project, is offering free online digital skills and leadership training to employed Londoners.
The training courses are accessible online 24/7 to fit around people’s busy schedules and is supported throughout by experienced tutors. The courses, covering IT Skills, Digital Marketing and Leadership are all accredited by OCN London.
To learn more, please click here

EcoCounts Climate Workshop
Tuesday 25th April: 6.30pm in Finsbury Park
Do you want a comprehensive overview of the whole climate change science, based on the UN IPCC reports?
Climate Fresk is an engaging, well-thought-out workshop that teaches and entertains with the next one happening on Tuesday 25th at 6:30pm in Finsbury Park.
Climate change is something that should be considered in every decision we make – you can’t know too little or too much to appreciate this workshop.
To learn more and sign up, please click here

Celebrating and Collecting Camden’s Black History
Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre have published a new news item on our web page about the new Camden Black History Hub and the “Hidden Voices” project which they hope will result in the addition of new archives of Camden’s Black history for the collections of Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre.
Read the article here

Coram’s Fields Trustee vacancy
Coram’s Fields, a charity dedicated to supporting children and young people, is delighted to invite applications to join its Board of Trustees. We are looking for between 4-6 new Trustees to join our committed Board and are keen to hear from anyone who shares our enthusiasm for giving young people the best start in life.
More information and instruction on how to apply can be found here

Culpeper Community Garden Islington Vacancy
Closing date: 15th May
Culpeper Community Garden Islington is seeking  a Community Gardener for 21hrs per week
For the full details, the job description and how to apply, please email gardenworker@gmail.com

Street Storage Are Recruiting For A Referral Support Worker
Applications close midnight Sunday 30th April

Street Storage is an ambitious and innovative homelessness charity providing free, accessible storage for people experiencing homelessness. Founded in 2019, we have grown exponentially in the past 18 months and have developed a strong reputation in the sector and the homelessness community.
We are looking for a Referral Support Worker (full time) to work on site at our storage units in Camden and Hackney (soon to be Highbury & Islington) and to support our existing Referral & Outreach Manager with the management of referrals, appointments, drop in times and storage administration.

For a full JD/further details about the application process please click here


Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

Links to Local VCS Newsletters has been moved to the end of this newsletter

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Women’s Urgent Support Fund
Round One Deadline 5pm 19th May 2023

Smallwood Trust is delivering this programme with £3 million in funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.
The programme will provide emergency funding which helps to meet the following objectives:
•    Women affected by the cost-of-living crisis and poverty gain confidence, tools, skills and support to build their financial resilience and improve their mental health.
•    Vital frontline jobs/roles and services are safeguarded or enhanced by the additional funding, allowing organisations to meet the increased need for their services.
Over two rounds of funding, the Trust aims to commit 50% of the grants to projects that support women experiencing racial inequality and/or women with disabilities.
Grants of £15,000 to £60,000 are available across three years.
To learn more, please click here

Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches New £3m Racial Equity Fund
Closing date: 31st May

Applications are now open for unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, supporting small charities and CICs led by and working with people who face inequity because of their race or ethnicity.  Around 40 grants will be awarded to focus on immediate and long-term support to help people break free from poverty.
To learn more, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

The Ubele Initiative – The Phoenix Way
Closing date: 8th May

Grants up to £20,000 are available for Black and racially minoritised community organisations working with children and young people at risk of becoming involved in violence, that have or will suffer disruption to their programmes due to the current inflation and cost of living crisis. Successful organisations will be working with young people or women and girls who are at risk.
To learn more, please click here

National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Camden Jobs and Skills Event
Thursday 18th May 2023, 10am – 3pm
Regents Place 10 Brock Street Regents Place, Camden London NW1 3FG

Are you interested in changing careers, finding a new role, or upskilling to access high-growth sectors? If so, this is an opportunity to network, meet local and inclusive employers and get the latest tips to give you the edge in the labour market.

•    Talk to employers, recruiters and training providers face-to-face
•    Network with dozens of professionals that will help you build your career
•    Have a specialist review your CV and provide improvement tips
•    Find local jobs and training courses
•    Attend pop-up workshops, delivered by recruitment specialists Matrix
•    Get a professional photo taken for your LinkedIn profile

To register, please click here
Or for further information, email goodwork@camden.gov.uk or call 0207 947 1666

IT HUB for local Disabled people at the Greenwood Centre.
Camden Disability Action will be running an IT HUB at the Greenwood Centre every Monday (bar the Bank Holiday Mondays) from 5pm to 9pm in the main foyer/reception area from now until 12th June 2023.
The IT HUB offers a warm space to local Disabled people and their friends, family and support workers. People who register on arrival, will have free use of laptops with accessible equipment plus Wi-Fi. Tea and Coffee will be provided.

To learn more, e-mail: reception@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk, call 0203 833 1111, or drop in to us at The Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB

Talk for Health events:
Talk for Health is running a peer counselling skills programme from Friday, 21st April for 4 consecutive Fridays between 10am – 4pm at Cripplegate Foundation.
Our Programme teaches the skills of authentic talking, empathic listening and managing a group. This enables all our graduates to go on and join or set up their own ongoing groups for connection and wellbeing.
To find out more and register, please click here

Talk for Health also have an Online Special on Breathwork with practical breathing exercises to help connect the body and the mind on Wednesday, 19th April from 6pm – 8pm
To find out more and register, please click here

Celebrate Earth Day at Castlehaven
Enjoy nature-themed activities for the entire family in Castlehaven’s Community Park from 10am – 2:30pm TOMORROW.
Activities include, a scavenger hunt, making clay tree faces, hanging decorations, and making a wishing tree.
This drop-in event is free; no registration is needed. Children will need to be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please email our Environmental team at environmentalteam@castlehaven.org.uk

Startup School for Seniors
This fully sponsored, eight-week e-Learning course is specifically designed for aspiring entrepreneurs aged 50+ in London.
Starting on 11th May, you’ll learn from entrepreneur Suzanne Noble and business coach Mark Elliott as they guide you through the process of starting a successful business of any type. Alongside the main programme is the opportunity to join their sector-specific courses aimed at Creative and Green Economy businesses.
It is a chance to learn, network and get your business off the ground.
To find out more and register, please click here

The Story of Holborn and it’s Music Halls in Ten Songs
Performed by The Good Companions
Thursday 27th April: 6pm – 7.30pm
At Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2nd Floor, Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA

Between 1860 and 1940 Holborn was at the heart of London’s music scene. The Holborn Empire was among the most popular theatres in the city and its stars were household names.
Join the Good Companions for a musical romp through Holborn’s colourful and dramatic history, with rousing, singalong performances of the era’s classic songs.
Admission is free

Free Community Leadership Course
Starting Tuesday April 25th at St. Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre

This free, 5-week course is for Camden volunteers, VCF staff and residents (without a UK degree) who wish to develop their confidence, skills, and knowledge of community work.
Taught by Birkbeck tutors, the course covers topics such as community engagement and development, wellbeing and resilience, and project evaluation. These sessions are a great opportunity to meet others in the sector and network.
To sign up or learn more about eligibility, please click here or email a.hetherton@bbk.ac.uk with any questions.

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Programme and Fundraising Manager (Full time)
Closing date: 24th April

St Pancras Community Centre are looking for an experienced Programme and Fundraising Manager, with well-honed project management skills to help us deliver our exciting programme of work, impressing both our partners and funders in the process.
To learn more, please click here

Third Age Project vacancy: Deputy Manager
This is an exciting and rewarding full-time, permanent position within a successful grassroots older people’s Charity who will support and act as a successor to the General Manager.
We focus on reducing social, economic, health inequalities and empowering older people in taking on volunteering roles as co-producers of our services.
To view the job description please email tony@thirdageproject.org.uk and if you are interested, please submit a CV, and covering letter highlighting your skills and experience to the same address.

Become a Trustee of SHAK
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Earthquake Support Group
Roj Women provides group sessions in Turkish for those who were affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The sessions will be facilitated by two therapists to offer a safe space to think and talk about the impact of earthquakes on the community.
1st Group is for women on Mondays 17-24 April & 1 May at 11:30am at Selby Centre
2nd Group is for everyone on Sundays 16-23 & 30 April at 1:30pm at Kurdish Community Centre

Interested in saving money and energy?
Come along to Castlehaven Community Centre from 11am – 12:30pm on the 27th April for a free advice session with Camden Think & Do and Power Up North London.
Learn the tips and tricks that can help you save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and make your home more energy efficient.
For more information, please email ellie@thinkanddocamden.org.uk

Camden Libraries fine amnesty
Please return your overdue library books to any of the Camden Libraries before 30th June and all existing fines on the returned books will be waived.

North London Cares social clubs
Each month North London Cares run free social clubs in the community, either outdoors or in a local venue, online and on the phone.
We understand that being involved and connected can look different for everyone and hope there is something coming up this month that appeals to you.
To find out more please click here or call 0207 118 3838 – option 1 for Social Clubs.

Volunteer Week 2023
Volunteers’ Week 2023 (1st -7th June) is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities.
This year’s website is now live and it is full of information and resources, have a look here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

Forwarded VAC newsletter by a colleague?

Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 14th April 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
14th April 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight a reminder that VAC is here to support the Camden VCS through our Consultancy Service.

We also have a bumper issue, stuffed full of information on a huge range of local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Consultancy Service
This week we would like to remind you about our Consultancy Service which is designed to help and advise every new and existing Camden Voluntary and Community Sector Organisation.

Please contact us with any questions or issues you might be facing and, whether they are large or small, we will endeavour to do all we can to guide you on your path.

VAC is here to support the Camden VCS.
Contact us here

Camden Council VCS Grants Programme (2024-2031) Survey
Closing date: Thursday 20th April

Camden Council would like to hear your views on their new 7 year funding programme. The results of the survey will be used to inform the design of this £4 million-per-year grants programme.
The survey is anonymous and takes about 20 minutes to complete.
You can complete the survey here

Camden Jobs and Skills Event
Thursday 18th May 2023, 10am – 3pm
Regents Place 10 Brock Street Regents Place, Camden London NW1 3FG

Are you interested in changing careers, finding a new role, or upskilling to access high-growth sectors? If so, this is an opportunity to network, meet local and inclusive employers and get the latest tips to give you the edge in the labour market.

•    Talk to employers, recruiters and training providers face-to-face
•    Network with dozens of professionals that will help you build your career
•    Have a specialist review your CV and provide improvement tips
•    Find local jobs and training courses
•    Attend pop-up workshops, delivered by recruitment specialists Matrix
•    Get a professional photo taken for your LinkedIn profile

To register, please click here
Or for further information, email goodwork@camden.gov.uk or call 0207 947 1666

IT HUB for local Disabled people at the Greenwood Centre.
Camden Disability Action will be running an IT HUB at the Greenwood Centre every Monday (bar the Bank Holiday Mondays) from 5pm to 9pm in the main foyer/reception area from now until 12th June 2023.
The IT HUB offers a warm space to local Disabled people and their friends, family and support workers. People who register on arrival, will have free use of laptops with accessible equipment plus Wi-Fi. Tea and Coffee will be provided.

To learn more, e-mail: reception@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk, call 0203 833 1111, or drop in to us at The Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB

West Hampstead Memory Cafe
Wednesday 19th April: 1.30pm – 3.30pm
At West Hampstead Community Centre, 17 Dornfell Street. NW6 1QN

This free event is funded by Right at Home and is an afternoon of lunch, coffee and Art and Movement for those aged over 60 who live with memory challenges.
Carers and family members are also welcome.
For more information please call 0203 921 1111 or email camden.hampstead@rightathome.co.uk

Talk for Health events:
Talk for Health is running a peer counselling skills programme from Friday, 21st April for 4 consecutive Fridays between 10am – 4pm at Cripplegate Foundation.
Our Programme teaches the skills of authentic talking, empathic listening and managing a group. This enables all our graduates to go on and join or set up their own ongoing groups for connection and wellbeing.
To find out more and register, please click here

Talk for Health also have an Online Special on Breathwork with practical breathing exercises to help connect the body and the mind on Wednesday, 19th April from 6pm – 8pm
To find out more and register, please click here

Earthquake Support Group
Roj Women provides group sessions in Turkish for those who were affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The sessions will be facilitated by two therapists to offer a safe space to think and talk about the impact of earthquakes on the community.
1st Group is for women on Mondays 17-24 April & 1 May at 11:30am at Selby Centre
2nd Group is for everyone on Sundays 16-23 & 30 April at 1:30pm at Kurdish Community Centre

Interested in saving money and energy?
Come along to Castlehaven Community Centre from 11am – 12:30pm on the 27th April for a free advice session with Camden Think & Do and Power Up North London.
Learn the tips and tricks that can help you save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and make your home more energy efficient.
For more information, please email ellie@thinkanddocamden.org.uk

Celebrate Earth Day at Castlehaven
Enjoy nature-themed activities for the entire family in Castlehaven’s Community Park from 10am – 2:30pm on Saturday 22nd April.
Activities include, a scavenger hunt, making clay tree faces, hanging decorations, and making a wishing tree.
This drop-in event is free; no registration is needed. Children will need to be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please email our Environmental team at environmentalteam@castlehaven.org.uk

Camden Libraries fine amnesty
Please return your overdue library books to any of the Camden Libraries before 30th June and all existing fines on the returned books will be waived.

Startup School for Seniors
This fully sponsored, eight-week e-Learning course is specifically designed for aspiring entrepreneurs aged 50+ in London.
Starting on 11th May, you’ll learn from entrepreneur Suzanne Noble and business coach Mark Elliott as they guide you through the process of starting a successful business of any type. Alongside the main programme is the opportunity to join their sector-specific courses aimed at Creative and Green Economy businesses.
It is a chance to learn, network and get your business off the ground.
To find out more and register, please click here

North London Cares social clubs
Each month North London Cares run free social clubs in the community, either outdoors or in a local venue, online and on the phone.
We understand that being involved and connected can look different for everyone and hope there is something coming up this month that appeals to you.
To find out more please click here or call 0207 118 3838 – option 1 for Social Clubs.

Volunteer Week 2023
Volunteers’ Week 2023 (1st -7th June) is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities.
This year’s website is now live and it is full of information and resources, have a look here

The Story of Holborn and it’s Music Halls in Ten Songs
Performed by The Good Companions
Thursday 27th April: 6pm – 7.30pm
At Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2nd Floor, Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA

Between 1860 and 1940 Holborn was at the heart of London’s music scene. The Holborn Empire was among the most popular theatres in the city and its stars were household names.
Join the Good Companions for a musical romp through Holborn’s colourful and dramatic history, with rousing, singalong performances of the era’s classic songs.
Admission is free

The next talk in the Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
Tuesday 18th April: 7.30pm
The next talk in the Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre will be by John Conen on “The Bombing of London 1940-41 – The Blitz and its Impact on the Capital”.
For more details, please click here

Programme and Fundraising Manager (Full time)
Closing date: 24th April

St Pancras Community Centre are looking for an experienced Programme and Fundraising Manager, with well-honed project management skills to help us deliver our exciting programme of work, impressing both our partners and funders in the process.
To learn more, please click here

Third Age Project vacancy: Deputy Manager
This is an exciting and rewarding full-time, permanent position within a successful grassroots older people’s Charity who will support and act as a successor to the General Manager.
We focus on reducing social, economic, health inequalities and empowering older people in taking on volunteering roles as co-producers of our services.
To view the job description please email tony@thirdageproject.org.uk and if you are interested, please submit a CV, and covering letter highlighting your skills and experience to the same address.

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

Camden’s Windrush 75 Programme
22nd June 2023 marks the 75 anniversary of the arrival of HMS Windrush in 1948.
This is a significant milestone; it is the last chance to honour the living pioneers but to also open a wider public conversation about the past present and future of the UK.
As part of the programme, Camden’s Culture Team will be creating a series of podcasts which explores Camden’s Windrush generation, past, present, and future and are inviting members of the community to participate throughout May.
For more information and to get involved please email culture@camden.gov.uk

Cost of Living Document
London Plus’ cost of living support and resources document is filled with useful resources for those experiencing difficulties as a result of the the cost of living crisis. It is always being updating, so it’s worth checking to see if there’s anything new

Cost of Living Good Practice
London Plus also have an organisational good practice document, which spotlights some of the great work from the sector, helping to mitigate the impact of the cost of living crisis. If you have anything useful that could be added to these documents, please contact Henry at info@londonplus.org

Food Aid Resources
The London’s Lifelines website now has a page dedicated to food aid resources, specifically for organisations providing food to those hardest hit by the crisis. It’s still in the early stages and they are looking for more content to add, so if you are a food aid organisation and would like us to include any information, please contact lvsg@londonplus.org

Links to Local VCS Newsletters has been moved to the end of this newsletter

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Lloyds Bank Foundation Launches New £3m Racial Equity Fund
Closing date: 31st May

Applications are now open for unrestricted grants from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, supporting small charities and CICs led by and working with people who face inequity because of their race or ethnicity.  Around 40 grants will be awarded to focus on immediate and long-term support to help people break free from poverty.
To learn more, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

Cost of Living Support for Youth Organisations
Rolling deadline

Charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations delivering high-quality youth provision whose work is being hindered, curtailed, or cut back due to rising core costs can apply for funding to address these unprecedented demands.
UK Youth, in partnership with Pears Foundation, is offering unrestricted multi-year grants for charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 to help them cover rising prices and increased costs due to the cost-of-living crisis.
To learn more, please click here

National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Free Community Leadership Course
Starting Tuesday April 25th at St. Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre

This free, 5-week course is for Camden volunteers, VCF staff and residents (without a UK degree) who wish to develop their confidence, skills, and knowledge of community work.
Taught by Birkbeck tutors, the course covers topics such as community engagement and development, wellbeing and resilience, and project evaluation. These sessions are a great opportunity to meet others in the sector and network.
To sign up or learn more about eligibility, please click here or email a.hetherton@bbk.ac.uk with any questions.

Free Arthritis Management Group Workshop
Thursday 20th April: 11.30am – 1.30pm

Central YMCA have partnered with Arthritis Action to offer a free group workshop for people living with Arthritis.
The workshop provides practical advice on how to reduce the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle choices, and will be held at Central YMCA KX, just a 5-minute walk from Kings Cross St Pancras station.
Book your place on this free group workshop here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Heath Hands vacancy: Office Assistant (part-time)
Closing date: 19th April
Heath Hands are recruiting for a part-time Office Assistant to join our staff team on Hampstead Heath. You will work in one of the most amazing green spaces in London, helping with administration, communications and the delivery of our volunteering, conservation and community programmes.
To learn more, please click here

Become a Trustee of SHAK
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

Forwarded VAC newsletter by a colleague?

Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Quarterly Update to Members and Subscribers – March 2023



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Quarterly Update to Members and Subscribers

31st March 2023

With the clocks changing and lighter days ahead, we have been reflecting on our work over the winter months and want to share with you some of our future priorities coming into Spring 2023. Keep reading to find out more!

Three things happening this year that you should know about

For the past few months, we have been surveying our members to develop a picture of their needs and expectations for 2023/24. Don’t worry if you haven’t responded yet, you still have time  – follow this link to tell us what you think https://www.tfaforms.com/5039347. All responses will be entered into a prize draw to win £100 shopping vouchers for your organisation! Good luck!

So far, your feedback has helped us with deciding three new things to do in 2023/24.

Number 1 – Investing in our VCS Leaders

What you told us
You’ve been finding novel ways of working, and embracing improvisation and learning to tackle the challenges facing communities over the past few years. It has been, and continues to be, a hugely challenging and exhausting period that has taken its toll on staff.

As CEO’s/Directors being a leader can sometimes be an isolating experience. You are tasked with responding to external factors that are often out of your control, and managing pressures and expectations that can often feel overwhelming.

How can VAC help?
It is time to invest in our VCSE sector leaders. We are launching ‘VCSE CEO Network’ in May. The Network is for leaders of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Camden who want to meet to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE sector.

The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop VCSE sector leaders. We will be discussing the big strategic issues facing your organisation, sharing leadership experiences with each other, and seeking the advice and support of our peers.

The Network is free for VAC members that are leading a VCSE organisation in Camden.

Keep an eye out in our future newsletters to find out more and register for our first Network event in June where we will be joined by Jane Ide, Chief Executive of ACEVO.

Number 2 – Investing in Trustees

What you told us
Your trustees are integral to your organisation and critical to the quality of community service provision in the borough. You want them to receive more support to fulfil their roles to the best of their ability, and you want more ways to recognise and celebrate the value that they bring.

How can VAC Help?
In partnership with Volunteer Centre Camden (VCC) and London Borough of Camden, we are launching a ‘VCSE Trustees Network’.

In November 2022, VAC and VCC hosted a Trustee event, sponsored by London Borough of Camden. The event coincided with national Trustees’ Week (7th-11th November) to celebrate and recognise the contributions trustees make. Following on from this successful event, we have designed a new Network that will bring together trustees from different VSCE organisations in Camden to share experiences, good practice, ideas and offer peer support.

The Network is free for trustees of VSCE organisations in Camden.

Keep an eye out in our future newsletters to find out more and to register for our first Network event in June.

Number 3 – Supporting the Camden Voluntary and Community Sector

What you told us
You have continued to demonstrate, with limited resources the important role you play in keeping communities connected, safe and healthy. But this is probably your toughest period in decades because of sequential crisis (pandemic, cost-of-living, record levels of inflation) that have left you enervated. You need more investment in the sector. You want better access to relevant and cost-effective training. You want to be able to speak to an expert confidentially when you have a challenge or if things go wrong.

How can VAC help?
In January, we launched our rebranded Consultancy service. Whether you are just getting started or already established we can help you with:

  • Setting up the group and registering as the correct legal structure
  • Drafting your constitution
  • Getting your safeguarding, governance, financial, IT and management practices and policies in shape
  • Fundraising
  • Finding the right workspace
  • Project development advice
  • Building connections and influence
  • Working better with data, and much more!

In the summer, we are looking forward to launching our new training programme in partnership with several of our partners. The training programme will include:

  • Child safeguarding
  • Vulnerable adults safeguarding
  • Safer recruitment
  • Introduction to good governance
  • Effective communication
  • Volunteer management
  • Fire safety and building compliance, and much more!

In June, we will be relaunching our fundraising support package for VAC members. This will include a year-long programme of events including, ‘Meet the Funders’, fundraising webinars, 1-2-1 funding application surgeries, and measuring impact workshops.

Other things you should know about:

VAC AGM and VAC 2026

You are cordially invited to our AGM on 4th July 2023, 6 – 8pm. This is a great opportunity to find out about our work, what we’ve achieved, and hear about our plans for the future. Look out for a ‘Save the date’ dropping in your inbox soon.

VAC 2026 is our new three-year strategy that we are launching at our AGM in July. We have worked with our members and partners to create a new vision for VAC. Together we want to develop and support a vibrant civil society that underpins a high quality of life in Camden.

We want Camden to be place where everyone can get involved in driving positive change. This means creating a fairer Camden, safeguarding the voluntary and community sector, and amplifying the voice of Camden’s voluntary, community sector.

Join us at our AGM to find out more and get your copy of our strategy.

Camden VCSE sector Community Resilience

Over the next few months, we will be conducting a review of learning from recent emergency responses. During the pandemic several valuable partnerships were formed which contributed to a robust response. However, at the beginning it was clear that there were insufficiencies in how information about community services including, emergency response was being stored and made available to residents and VCSE sector.

We also needed better communication and coordination between statutory services and VCSE sector in the early stages. Our review of learning will assess the impact of various initiatives that aim to improve the preparedness of the community for emergencies. This will help us to develop a response framework as a guide to how Camden VCSE sector and London Borough of Camden will work together to respond to all types of disasters and emergencies.

Look out for more information about how you can get involved in shaping the framework.

Camden Community Vaccine Champion Project

Last year, in partnership with C4 we launched a fund to help tackle vaccine hesitancy and contribute to addressing key wider health and wellbeing needs that have been impacted by COVID-19.

This year, we are pleased to have distributed 6 more grants to community groups and organisations bringing the total number of grant recipients to 13, and the total grant amount to £127,325. This year, we focused on engaging smaller, less know community groups and organisations through our Cultural Advocacy  and Community Safety Partnership programmes.

Examples of projects funded include:

  • Somers Town Community Association – Bespoke activities across Somers Town to identify the barriers that prevent local people taking up the vaccine and engaging with other health services such as, breast cancer screening and smear tests, female menopause, osteoporosis, testicular cancer, dementia, and mental health.
  • Henna Asian Women’s Group – Targeted group discussions with BAME communities about the ingredients of the vaccine to show that they are not haram, or contravening any faith, and how and where to get vaccinated or become a vaccine ambassador.
  • Kentish Town City Farm – Sharing expert knowledge about food production and agriculture to increase awareness and understanding of how viruses spread with specific reference to animals living in dense populations.


Camden Council VCS Grants Programme
(2024-2031) Survey

Camden Council would like to hear your views on their new 7 year funding programme. The results of the survey will be used to inform the design of this £4 million per year grants programme.

You can complete the survey here à Camden Future Grants Programme Survey by Thursday 20th April 2023. The survey is anonymous and takes 20 minutes to complete.

As you can see, we have a busy year ahead and are looking forward to seeing you throughout the Spring and at our upcoming events!

All the best from the VAC Team.



Just a quick reminder that due to Easter break, there will be no newsletter on the 7th April. Our weekly newsletter will resume on Friday April 14th.

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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 24th March 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
24th March 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight the fact that there will not be a standard VAC newsletter for the next two weeks, this format will return on 14th April.

We also have information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.

Learn more here

Newsletter announcement
Please be aware that there will not be a standard VAC newsletter published on Friday 31st March or Friday 7th April.

Next week we will have a quarterly update, and, due to the Easter break, there will not be a newsletter the following week.

The newsletter will return on 14th April.

Free Community Leadership Course
Starting Tuesday April 25th at St. Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre

This free, 5-week course is for Camden volunteers, VCF staff and residents (without a UK degree) who wish to develop their confidence, skills, and knowledge of community work.
Taught by Birkbeck tutors, the course covers topics such as community engagement and development, wellbeing and resilience, and project evaluation. These sessions are a great opportunity to meet others in the sector and network.
To sign up or learn more about eligibility, please click here or email a.hetherton@bbk.ac.uk with any questions.

Coronation Champions Awards and Coronation Big Lunch
To mark the Coronation of Their Majesties, The Coronation Champions Awards, with the support of Her Majesty The Queen Consort, will celebrate and recognise inspiring volunteers who have made an exceptional difference in their communities.
To learn more and nominate a volunteer, please click here

Little Amal comes to Camden for a festival of hope and art
In a year when Passover, Easter and Ramadan coincide, Little Amal, a ‘global symbol of human rights,’ returns to London to meet multi-faith communities across Camden.
Little Amal, a 12-foot puppet of a 10 year old Syrian refugee child carries a message of hope for displaced people everywhere, especially children who have been separated from their families.
To find out more information on the different events and how you can get involved – at home, within the community as well as on the day, please click here

SPACE4 Finsbury Park – Free masterclass
27th March: 6pm – 8pm
This free masterclass focuses on career advice and being interview ready.

These sessions are for those looking to get back into work, those looking for a new role and anyone wanting to brush up on interview skills that could be applied to networking or presenting.

It is an opportunity to master the tools to come across more confidently during an interview, explore what interviewers really want and to work on voice and body language skills.
Everyone welcome, please sign up here ( if you can’t pay the £5 deposit please contact natasha@outlandish.com and we will send you a free registration link)

Invitation: meeting on tackling the climate and ecological crises
Greenwood Centre – Tuesday, 28 March 7pm–9pm
Extinction Rebellion (XR) Camden is inviting representatives of all Camden-based groups and organisations with the aim to join forces in tackling local and global climate and ecological issues – together we can have more of an impact.
Points of discussion: The “Big One” – an ambitious, peaceful project to bring 100,000 people onto the streets of Westminster – 21 to 24 April. Plus local relationship and alliance building.
To register, please click here or for more information please email camdenxr@gmail.com

Free Legal Advice Workshop: How to protect your business
28th March, 7 – 8:30pm, St Pancras Community Association, 67 Plender Street, NW1 0LB
Join SPCA for this free workshop to learn how to protect the valuable assets in your business. Covering topics such as copyrights, trademarks and NDAs

Opening of new nature interpretation centre on Hampstead Heath
Heath Hands are opening a new nature interpretation centre at the Kenwood Dairy from 1st April. If you’re out for a walk with the nicer weather, why not pop in on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday to find out more about nature and wildlife on the Kenwood Estate and wider Heath?
To find out more, please click here

Free Arthritis Management Group Workshop
Thursday 20th April: 11.30am – 1.30pm

Central YMCA have partnered with Arthritis Action to offer a free group workshop for people living with Arthritis.
The workshop provides practical advice on how to reduce the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle choices, and will be held at Central YMCA KX, just a 5-minute walk from Kings Cross St Pancras station.
Book your place on this free group workshop here

Half Price Tickets Offer for Gone Too Far! at Stratford East Theatre
Stratford East Theatre have allocated some half priced tickets for Bola Agbaje’s Olivier Award-winning play Gone too far!
A comic and vibrant play that examines identity and heritage.
You can get 50% off Band A (£32.50) and Band B (£22.50) seats for performances on Fri 24th – Mon 27th March and Wed 29th Mar – Sat 1st April.

To book tickets please call the Box Office on 0208 534 0310 or click here and use promo code GTF50

Old Diorama Arts Centre vacancies
Old Diorama Arts Centre (ODAC) is an arts creation and community centre, and is currently recruiting two roles:

Project Producer: Stories of Regent’s Park Estate (deadline 2nd April) – coordinating and delivering the Story Trail community engagement, artistic commissions and installation, and supports the delivery of Regent’s Park Estate Community Festival. For more information please click here

Fundraising Manager (deadline 11th April) – seeking an experienced and strategic fundraiser to join our small but ambitious team, to expand our fundraising capacity and contribute to income diversification plans. For more information please click here

The Children’s Society vacancy: Project Worker
The Children’s Society is looking to recruit a determined, engaging person to join our dynamic, ambitious team in our Stride Service.
A key part of this role will be to reduce harm to boys and young men who have been affected by trafficking, exploitation or those who have been missing, by ensuring they are given better support to improve their mental health and wellbeing, increase their understanding of past/current exploitation, increase young person safety through joint working with police, local authority and voluntary organisations to give them better access to protection

For more information please click here

Heath Hands vacancies:
Do you want a varied role in a friendly team on Hampstead Heath?
Heath Hands are recruiting for a project officer (3 days a week, deadline 26th March), an office assistant (2 days a week, deadline 21st April) and some session leaders (casual contracts, deadline 3rd April).
Check out the vacancies here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

Sector Infrastructure Funding Report
Voluntary sector infrastructure bodies perform vital roles supporting and enabling voluntary and community organisations, both locally and at a national level. This report from 360 Giving explores how the voluntary sector infrastructure has changed over the last 12 years, particularly by looking at its finances and funding. It highlights a number of challenges around the funding of these organisations.

To read more, including a summary of the key conclusions, please click here

Camden’s Windrush 75 Programme
22nd June 2023 marks the 75 anniversary of the arrival of HMS Windrush in 1948.
This is a significant milestone; it is the last chance to honour the living pioneers but to also open a wider public conversation about the past present and future of the UK.
As part of the programme, Camden’s Culture Team will be creating a series of podcasts which explores Camden’s Windrush generation, past, present, and future and are inviting members of the community to participate throughout May.
For more information and to get involved please email culture@camden.gov.uk

Cost of Living Document
London Plus’ cost of living support and resources document is filled with useful resources for those experiencing difficulties as a result of the the cost of living crisis. It is always being updating, so it’s worth checking to see if there’s anything new

Cost of Living Good Practice
London Plus also have an organisational good practice document, which spotlights some of the great work from the sector, helping to mitigate the impact of the cost of living crisis. If you have anything useful that could be added to these documents, please contact Henry at info@londonplus.org

Food Aid Resources
The London’s Lifelines website now has a page dedicated to food aid resources, specifically for organisations providing food to those hardest hit by the crisis. It’s still in the early stages and they are looking for more content to add, so if you are a food aid organisation and would like us to include any information, please contact lvsg@londonplus.org

Links to Local VCS Newsletters has been moved to the end of this newsletter

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Go! London Partnership
Expressions of interest deadline: 28th March

The purpose of Go! London is to use the power of sport and physical activity to transform the lives of young Londoners. The focus is on under-served children and young people aged 4-24, those at a higher risk of poverty, social exclusion and discrimination.
To discover more about the initiatives this fund, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

Hong Kong Community Fund
Closing date: 27th March

The Greater London Authority (GLA) has launched the Hong Kong Community Fund for 2023, following on from the success of the Welcoming Hongkongers Fund.
The fund aims to support Hongkongers, to make them feel welcomed and build a sense of belonging in their new communities in London.
For more information, including details on an online application support session, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

Cost of Living Support for Youth Organisations
Rolling deadline

Charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations delivering high-quality youth provision whose work is being hindered, curtailed, or cut back due to rising core costs can apply for funding to address these unprecedented demands.
UK Youth, in partnership with Pears Foundation, is offering unrestricted multi-year grants for charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 to help them cover rising prices and increased costs due to the cost-of-living crisis.
To learn more, please click here

Grants to Improve Accommodation for Domestic Abuse Survivors
The Mayor of London, working in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is offering a new programme supporting safe, psychologically informed environments (PIE) for survivors of domestic abuse
To learn more, please click here (login required)

National Lottery Awards for All
This is a quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000.
This programme is here to support communities with the things that are important to them, including mitigating the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and supporting them as they seek to recover, rebuild and grow following the Covid-19 pandemic.
To learn more, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Become a Families for Life Community Champion – free training
Find out how volunteering can boost your CV and job prospects, and help share information about free, fun and healthy lifestyle programmes for families.
Join Camden Learning’s free five-week training for parents and carers who want to be Families For Life Community Champions – the course starts on Tuesday 25 April.

For more information, please email syria.chowdhury@camden.gov.uk or call 07734 603 060.

Free ‘Making Every Contact Count’ training
The council is providing free Making Every Contact Count training courses to all staff, volunteers and residents working or living in Camden.
Even short conversations can be used to help to someone who is struggling. MECC is designed to help you to make the most of everyday conversations with residents, and support them with whatever challenges they may be facing.
To view the courses and book, please click here

Free Community Festival at the Likewise Community Centre – “Zen in Mind”
Thursday 30th March, 12pm-5pm

The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you another of their monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. The festival is open to all and all the activities are free: free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more.
Climb on board the big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety. We have something for everyone.
No need to book – just turn up.
For more information, please click here

SWC brain workshop
Have you ever walked passed the big, wavy building on Howland Street and wondered what research goes on there?
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre are designing some fun things about the brain to display to the public. They want to know what local people think, feel, know (and want to know!) about how the brain works.

Join a Brain Workshop on 28th or 29th March. No experience required, £50 voucher for attending.
To find out more and register, please click here

Good Work Camden: Supporting refugees into council vacancies
28th March: 12.30 – 2pm
At 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG

In collaboration with Camden Council’s HR department, Good Work Camden is delivering an insight session to support refugees into council vacancies.
The session will:
Provide an overview of Camden Council job applications, including reasonable adjustments.
Give you an overview of how to apply to temporary work with the council through our Talent Pool.
Share live vacancies with hiring managers in attendance.
An interview tips and mock interview session to support your journey into work.
Insight in to the benefits of an apprenticeship and how to apply.

Translators will also be available.
For further information, please click here or contact jobhub@camden.gov.uk to register

NHS and Camden Council: Community Health Event
Saturday 25th March: 12pm-4pm
Location: Lismore Circus, 1-2 Lismore Circus, NW5 4QF

As part of our long-term health inequalities work, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event in Lismore Circus.
This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing and get people engaged in health services.

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Mind in Camden vacancy – Community Development Manager
Closing Date: 3rd April at 1.00pm

This is an exciting opportunity with Mind in Camden to lead and develop a Community Development Service as part of the new Camden Mental Health Alliance.
Taking ownership of our the newly rebranded Community Development Service that works with local BME communities, you will ensure that we continue to reach under-served communities.
To learn more and download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Become a Trustee of SHAK
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Talk for Health vacancy: Programme Manager
Closing date: 13th April

Talk for Health is a small, innovative and award-winning mental health social enterprise on a mission to make therapy accessible to all.
We teach people the skills of therapeutic talk and enable them to participate and/or lead in a network of ongoing groups to support theirs and others mental wellbeing.
We are looking for a Programme Manager who will lead on our service operations across Camden and Islington.
To learn more and apply, please click here

SPCA Vacancy: Caretaker Cleaner (Part-time)
Closing date: 31st March
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a reliable and energetic Caretaker/Cleaner to join our part-time caretaking team.
For more information and to apply please click here

Litter picking and the Great British Spring Clean
Help keep Camden clean by taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean from 17th March to 2nd April.
If you’re organising a community litter pick then Camden Veolia can provide litter picking equipment.
To find out more, please click here

Young People for Inclusion
Young People for Inclusion is re-launching on 31st March 2023!
YPFI is a youth group for 16- to 25-year-olds who are disabled, learning disabled or neurodivergent: we run activity based sessions combined with life skills, independence building and youth empowerment, and we support young disabled people to create change in the community.
Delivered by Elfrida Rathbone, and based at Somers Town Community Association once every 2 weeks until summer.
Contact andy@elfridacamden.org.uk, and see the webpage for more info and dates.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Website Website

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Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 17th March 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
17th March 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight a little about our history from which we have learned so much about Camden. It is the first foundation of the knowledge and support we are able to provide today.

We also have information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.

Learn more here

Who we are, who we have been?

This week we would like to spotlight our story. It is a long story, but it is one that has always had the wellbeing and love of the community at its heart.

VAC developed from the social reform movements of the 19th Century. It was a period when there was no code of governance and no guidance for charitable groups, just a sense of doing what was right for the poorest in the community.
Our earliest predecessor, the Hampstead Council for Social Welfare, was setup to coordinate these efforts and it worked so well that it was quickly adopted in other areas.
In the 1930’s local focus shifted from providing relief to the poor to improving society and hygiene, and working to address the wider causes of poverty.

Between the 1930s and the 1980’s we periodically changed our name to properly reflect our activities. In 1965 the borough of Camden was created and in the 1980s we moved to Kings Cross and became Voluntary Action Camden where we specialised in facilitating partnerships, instigating collaborative work and acting as an intermediary between the community and the public sector.

Now based in Kentish Town, we continue to be here for you, to help to develop and support the Camden VCS and to do what we can to strengthen our beloved borough.

If you would like to read an expanded version of our story, please click here

Sector Infrastructure Funding Report
Voluntary sector infrastructure bodies perform vital roles supporting and enabling voluntary and community organisations, both locally and at a national level. This report from 360 Giving explores how the voluntary sector infrastructure has changed over the last 12 years, particularly by looking at its finances and funding. It highlights a number of challenges around the funding of these organisations.

To read more, including a summary of the key conclusions, please click here

Career Advice Workshop
Thursday 23 March: 11-12:30pm
At Sidings Community Centre, 150 Brassey Road, NW6 2BA

Camden Council are running a free workshop to help you land your dream job.
If you’re in need of some expert career advice, head over to Sidings Community Centre for the LinkedIn workshop. Our team will provide support with the basics of looking for new opportunities, how to create a professional LinkedIn profile, building a social network and much more.

If you’re interested, please contact jobhub@camden.gov.uk or call 0207 974 1666 for more information and how to register.

Become a Families for Life Community Champion – free training
Find out how volunteering can boost your CV and job prospects, and help share information about free, fun and healthy lifestyle programmes for families.
Join Camden Learning’s free five-week training for parents and carers who want to be Families For Life Community Champions – the course starts on Tuesday 25 April.

For more information, please email syria.chowdhury@camden.gov.uk or call 07734 603 060.

Somers Town Future Neighbourhoods 2030
Support for your Future Neighbourhoods projects and ideas.
STCA, Camden Council and University of the Arts London are working with local organisations to deliver a 12 week design-led course that supports Somers Town residents to develop their Climate Action ideas towards deliverable and funding-ready purposes.

If you are interested, please email jobhub@somerstown.org.uk or join us at:
A Lunchtime Workshop: The Living Centre (2 Ossulston St. NW1 1DF)
Monday 20th March.
To RSVP to this event, please contact info@thelivingcentre.org

Litter picking and the Great British Spring Clean
Help keep Camden clean by taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean from 17th March to 2nd April.
If you’re organising a community litter pick then Camden Veolia can provide litter picking equipment.
To find out more, please click here

Free ‘Making Every Contact Count’ training
The council is providing free Making Every Contact Count training courses to all staff, volunteers and residents working or living in Camden.
Even short conversations can be used to help to someone who is struggling. MECC is designed to help you to make the most of everyday conversations with residents, and support them with whatever challenges they may be facing.
To view the courses and book, please click here

Free Community Festival at the Likewise Community Centre – “Zen in Mind”
Thursday 30th March, 12pm-5pm

The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you another of their monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. The festival is open to all and all the activities are free: free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more.
Climb on board the big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety. We have something for everyone.
No need to book – just turn up.
For more information, please click here

Camden’s Windrush 75 Programme
22nd June 2023 marks the 75 anniversary of the arrival of HMS Windrush in 1948.
This is a significant milestone; it is the last chance to honour the living pioneers but to also open a wider public conversation about the past present and future of the UK.
As part of the programme, Camden’s Culture Team will be creating a series of podcasts which explores Camden’s Windrush generation, past, present, and future and are inviting members of the community to participate throughout May.
For more information and to get involved please email culture@camden.gov.uk

SWC brain workshop
Have you ever walked passed the big, wavy building on Howland Street and wondered what research goes on there?
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre are designing some fun things about the brain to display to the public. They want to know what local people think, feel, know (and want to know!) about how the brain works.

Join a Brain Workshop on 28th or 29th March. No experience required, £50 voucher for attending.
To find out more and register, please click here

Young People for Inclusion
Young People for Inclusion is re-launching on 31st March 2023!
YPFI is a youth group for 16- to 25-year-olds who are disabled, learning disabled or neurodivergent: we run activity based sessions combined with life skills, independence building and youth empowerment, and we support young disabled people to create change in the community.
Delivered by Elfrida Rathbone, and based at Somers Town Community Association once every 2 weeks until summer.
Contact andy@elfridacamden.org.uk, and see the webpage for more info and dates.

West Hampstead Community Centre free bimonthly Coffee morning
Tuesday 21st March from 11am to 12:30pm

Please come along and join Beatrice for the regular free bimonthly Coffee morning on Tuesday 21st March from 11am to 12:30pm at the West Hampstead Community Centre. It is an opportunity to find out what’s on and to tell us what you want to happen.
You are welcome afterwards to join our free warm hub from 12:00 to 2pm, our very own cook Holly makes delicious vegetarian homemade soup from Monday to Thursday .
We hope to see you there!

Mind in Camden vacancy – Community Development Manager
Closing Date: 3rd April at 1.00pm

This is an exciting opportunity with Mind in Camden to lead and develop a Community Development Service as part of the new Camden Mental Health Alliance.
Taking ownership of our the newly rebranded Community Development Service that works with local BME communities, you will ensure that we continue to reach under-served communities.
To learn more and download an application pack, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Become a Trustee of SHAK
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) is a resident led charity based on the iconic Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn ward of Camden NW London, an area of high rates of deprivation and poverty but big potential. Our mission is to enable young people and adults to overcome barriers to economic and social inclusion.

We are seeking new trustees with skills in the areas of safeguarding, fundraising, strategy development etc. . We are particularly interested in increasing representation at board level from minority communities
To learn more and apply, please click here

Talk for Health vacancy: Programme Manager
Closing date: 13th April

Talk for Health is a small, innovative and award-winning mental health social enterprise on a mission to make therapy accessible to all.
We teach people the skills of therapeutic talk and enable them to participate and/or lead in a network of ongoing groups to support theirs and others mental wellbeing.
We are looking for a Programme Manager who will lead on our service operations across Camden and Islington.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

Cost of Living Document
London Plus’ cost of living support and resources document is filled with useful resources for those experiencing difficulties as a result of the the cost of living crisis. It is always being updating, so it’s worth checking to see if there’s anything new

Cost of Living Good Practice
London Plus also have an organisational good practice document, which spotlights some of the great work from the sector, helping to mitigate the impact of the cost of living crisis. If you have anything useful that could be added to these documents, please contact Henry at info@londonplus.org

Food Aid Resources
The London’s Lifelines website now has a page dedicated to food aid resources, specifically for organisations providing food to those hardest hit by the crisis. It’s still in the early stages and they are looking for more content to add, so if you are a food aid organisation and would like us to include any information, please contact lvsg@londonplus.org

FSI announces closure
Trustees at the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) have announced that they will be formally winding up the infrastructure charity, due to funding issues. FSI had recently partnered with NCVO to deliver the legacy of the Small Charities Coalition, after it closed down in 2022
To learn more, please click here

Links to Local VCS Newsletters has been moved to the end of this newsletter

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Go! London Partnership
Expressions of interest deadline: 28th March

The purpose of Go! London is to use the power of sport and physical activity to transform the lives of young Londoners. The focus is on under-served children and young people aged 4-24, those at a higher risk of poverty, social exclusion and discrimination.
To discover more about the initiatives this fund supports and the information sessions happening in the coming week, please click here

Climate Action Fund – Energy and Climate
This funding aims to inspire and support communities across the UK to address the energy and climate crisis. We’re looking for projects that show how communities can address climate change while tackling the energy challenges through community-led climate action.
To learn more, please click here

Hong Kong Community Fund
Closing date: 27th March

The Greater London Authority (GLA) has launched the Hong Kong Community Fund for 2023, following on from the success of the Welcoming Hongkongers Fund.
The fund aims to support Hongkongers, to make them feel welcomed and build a sense of belonging in their new communities in London.
For more information, including details on an online application support session, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

Cost of Living Support for Youth Organisations
Rolling deadline

Charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations delivering high-quality youth provision whose work is being hindered, curtailed, or cut back due to rising core costs can apply for funding to address these unprecedented demands.
UK Youth, in partnership with Pears Foundation, is offering unrestricted multi-year grants for charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 to help them cover rising prices and increased costs due to the cost-of-living crisis.
To learn more, please click here

Grants to Improve Accommodation for Domestic Abuse Survivors
The Mayor of London, working in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is offering a new programme supporting safe, psychologically informed environments (PIE) for survivors of domestic abuse
To learn more, please click here (login required)

Transforming Futures Fund
Closing date: 20th March

Funding to help create positive, lasting change for transgender people in England.
For more details, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

VAC Free Safeguarding Training Course:
Safeguarding Advanced: Developing Knowledge and Understanding (in-person)
Wednesday 22nd March at Saint Pancras Community Association: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Aimed at increasing existing safeguarding knowledge for those who have had no safeguarding training in the last two years and need a refresher.
Designed for volunteers, supplementary schools, VCS groups and organisations delivering services to under 18’s and their families in Camden. Lunch and refreshments provided.
To register your place, or for more information, contact Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, VAC Community Safeguarding Lead at dogunyemi@vac.org.uk

Cost of Living Bus Event at Castlehaven
22nd March: 11am – 3pm

On Wednesday 22nd, Castlehaven Community Association are holding a Cost of Living Advice Bus Event in partnership with Camden Council at 23 Castlehaven Road, London NW1 8RU
Citizen Advice Bureaux (CAB), Mary Ward Legal Advice, Rent Arrears, Castlehaven services and lots more will be attending and you will be able to ask for 1-2-1 advice on a range of topics. These might include: Help with cost-of-living crisis funding applications, help with debt, help with energy bills, help with rent arrears and support with food.

If you cannot attend this date, there are other COL bus events happening in the borough, find out more here

Good Work Camden: Supporting refugees into council vacancies
28th March: 12.30 – 2pm
At 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG

In collaboration with Camden Council’s HR department, Good Work Camden is delivering an insight session to support refugees into council vacancies.
The session will:
Provide an overview of Camden Council job applications, including reasonable adjustments.
Give you an overview of how to apply to temporary work with the council through our Talent Pool.
Share live vacancies with hiring managers in attendance.
An interview tips and mock interview session to support your journey into work.
Insight in to the benefits of an apprenticeship and how to apply.

Translators will also be available.
For further information, please click here or contact jobhub@camden.gov.uk to register

Free online training: Managing Access and Inclusion
21st March: 10am-12pm

This training is provided by the ASAS service (Access and Sustainability Advisory Service). The ASAS service primarily focuses on helping registered charities make their premises more accessible for people with a variety of different disabilities including physical, visual and hearing impairments.
The training will focus on: the principles of inclusive design, understanding different access needs, the Equality Act & legislation, access guide, access audit & design appraisals and support and resources for London based charities.
If you would like to attend, please contact ASAS@cae.org.uk

NHS and Camden Council: Community Health Event
Saturday 25th March: 12pm-4pm
Location: Lismore Circus, 1-2 Lismore Circus, NW5 4QF

As part of our long-term health inequalities work, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event in Lismore Circus.
This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing and get people engaged in health services.

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

The Royal Free Charity vacancy: Young Volunteers Programme Manager
This is a full-time role, 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday that requires attendance in the office and travel between RFC sites (Chase Farm, Barnet, Finchley Memorial and Hampstead hospitals).

If you would like to view the job description please click here or email jobs@royalfreecharity.org
If interested, please submit a CV, equal opportunity form and supporting statement addressing how you meet the criteria set out in the job description and person specification.

Castlehaven Community Association vacancy: Ageactivity 60+ Project Co-ordinator
Closing date: 20th March

CCA is looking for a caring, organised person to deliver their over 60’s programme, Ageactivity 60+. This is a part-time role with a 12-month contract, perfect for someone who has experience working with older people.
Find out more about the role and how to apply, please click here

SPCA Vacancy: Caretaker Cleaner (Part-time)
Closing date: 31st March
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a reliable and energetic Caretaker/Cleaner to join our part-time caretaking team.
For more information and to apply please click here

Trustee Opportunity at HWCT
Closing date: 20th March

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust (HWCT) makes grants benefiting people in the northwest of Camden. We are seeking Trustees to help the charity soundly navigate its future while providing as much help as we can to voluntary groups and services working locally and to people in need in our community.
For more information, please click here

Affordable Spaces for Rent in Kilburn
Need a space for an event, activity, or class? Or a place to work, whether on an ad-hoc or permanent basis? Are you looking for a local and accessible space?

Latin American House offers a range of bright, recently renovated spaces, with prices ranging between £28 and £55 an hour. We are conveniently located in Kilburn close to several transport connections, and are always happy to discuss any accommodations you may require.
Please click here to find out more about our spaces. Remember that voluntary organisations in Camden can also rent a space at Latin American House for free with VAC’s Google Grants scheme.

The Players of St. Peter seeking to rent storage area
The Players of St. Peter has been performing Medieval Mystery Plays for over 70 years and keeping alive an important English tradition. Since its inception in 1946 the group has performed pre-Reformation plays updated for a modern audience. Now based at St. Saviour’s church, South Hampstead, we welcome new actors and backstage helpers of all abilities. If you would like to join us please get in touch.

We are currently seeking to rent about 75 square feet of storage in the area to house our collection of costumes and props. If you are able to help then please get in touch at: info@theplayersofstpeter.org.uk

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 10th March 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
10th March 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight the VAC Cost-of-Living resource page which we work hard to keep continually updated.

We also have information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.

Learn more here

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
The cost-of-living crisis remains a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

VAC works hard to keep our cost-of-living resource page continually updated as part of our efforts to help community groups and residents in Camden navigate through the crisis.

To find out more on the support available, which includes information about local warm hubs, local assistance schemes, Council resources and more, please click here

VAC Free Safeguarding Training Course:
Safeguarding Advanced: Developing Knowledge and Understanding (in-person)
Wednesday 22nd March at Saint Pancras Community Association: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Aimed at increasing existing safeguarding knowledge for those who have had no safeguarding training in the last two years and need a refresher.
Designed for volunteers, supplementary schools, VCS groups and organisations delivering services to under 18’s and their families in Camden. Lunch and refreshments provided.
To register your place, or for more information, contact Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, VAC Community Safeguarding Lead at dogunyemi@vac.org.uk

Clean Air Action Plan launch
Today: 12-3pm at Doreen Bazell Hall, 1 Goldington Street, NW1 1UG

Camden Council are inviting everyone to come along today to the launch of the new Camden Clean Air Action Plan.
Clean air is so important for all of our health and our plan sets out what we will do over the next four years to realise our vision for a borough where no one suffers poor health because of the air they breathe.
Find out more about what we’re doing to improve air quality and what you can do, too – and enjoy some free, delicious local food.
To register your place, please click here

Affordable Spaces for Rent in Kilburn
Need a space for an event, activity, or class? Or a place to work, whether on an ad-hoc or permanent basis? Are you looking for a local and accessible space?

Latin American House offers a range of bright, recently renovated spaces, with prices ranging between £28 and £55 an hour. We are conveniently located in Kilburn close to several transport connections, and are always happy to discuss any accommodations you may require.
Please click here to find out more about our spaces. Remember that voluntary organisations in Camden can also rent a space at Latin American House for free with VAC’s Google Grants scheme.

Cost of Living Bus Event at Castlehaven
22nd March: 11am – 3pm

On Wednesday 22nd, Castlehaven Community Association are holding a Cost of Living Advice Bus Event in partnership with Camden Council at 23 Castlehaven Road, London NW1 8RU
Citizen Advice Bureaux (CAB), Mary Ward Legal Advice, Rent Arrears, Castlehaven services and lots more will be attending and you will be able to ask for 1-2-1 advice on a range of topics. These might include: Help with cost-of-living crisis funding applications, help with debt, help with energy bills, help with rent arrears and support with food.

If you cannot attend this date, there are other COL bus events happening in the borough, find out more here

Migrant Voice Media Lab
16th March: 3pm to about 7.30pm.
At the Migrant Voice office: VAI, 200A Pentonville Road, London N1 9JP

Migrant Voice are running a Media Lab on 16th March aimed at migrants (migrant workers, asylum seekers, refugees etc).
The focus of this session will be on learning how to “use social media to tell your story and raise awareness on issues you care about”.
There will be a number of workshops with experts and professionals along with mentoring sessions for participants.

Find more information and to register, please click here
For any questions, please contact ismail@migrantvoice.org

Good Work Camden: Supporting refugees into council vacancies
28th March: 12.30 – 2pm
At 5 Pancras Square, N1C 4AG

In collaboration with Camden Council’s HR department, Good Work Camden is delivering an insight session to support refugees into council vacancies.
The session will:
Provide an overview of Camden Council job applications, including reasonable adjustments.
Give you an overview of how to apply to temporary work with the council through our Talent Pool.
Share live vacancies with hiring managers in attendance.
An interview tips and mock interview session to support your journey into work.
Insight in to the benefits of an apprenticeship and how to apply.

Translators will also be available.
For further information, please click here or contact jobhub@camden.gov.uk to register

The Players of St. Peter seeking to rent storage area
The Players of St. Peter has been performing Medieval Mystery Plays for over 70 years and keeping alive an important English tradition. Since its inception in 1946 the group has performed pre-Reformation plays updated for a modern audience. Now based at St. Saviour’s church, South Hampstead, we welcome new actors and backstage helpers of all abilities. If you would like to join us please get in touch.

We are currently seeking to rent about 75 square feet of storage in the area to house our collection of costumes and props. If you are able to help then please get in touch at: info@theplayersofstpeter.org.uk

The French Connection
Excavations at St Pancras Burial Ground 2002-03
An illustrated talk by Phillip Emery
Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 6pm at Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2nd Floor, Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA

In 2002 and 2003, during the construction of the Channel Tunnel Railway Link, archaeological works took place at St Pancras burial ground. In this talk, Phillip A. Emery FSA, who led the excavations, describes the findings and how they shed light on the diversity of the local population during the rapid urbanisation and industrialisation of the nineteenth century, with, among those buried, refugees from the French Revolution.
Admission is Free

The Royal Free Charity vacancy: Young Volunteers Programme Manager
This is a full-time role, 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday that requires attendance in the office and travel between RFC sites (Chase Farm, Barnet, Finchley Memorial and Hampstead hospitals).

If you would like to view the job description please click here or email jobs@royalfreecharity.org
If interested, please submit a CV, equal opportunity form and supporting statement addressing how you meet the criteria set out in the job description and person specification.

Castlehaven Community Association vacancy: Ageactivity 60+ Project Co-ordinator
Closing date: 20th March

CCA is looking for a caring, organised person to deliver their over 60’s programme, Ageactivity 60+. This is a part-time role with a 12-month contract, perfect for someone who has experience working with older people.
Find out more about the role and how to apply, please click here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Future VCS Grants Programme (2024-2031)
Camden Council has made a clear financial commitment to our voluntary and community sector – agreeing in the annual budget to continue an investment of £4m per year in grant programmes from April 2024 to March 2031.

“Working with you as our partners with our communities is central to our ambitions for the borough, helping to develop thriving and resilient communities, promoting community cohesion, addressing poverty and inequality, and improving quality of life for residents.” (Camden Council)

Future investment will include multi-year core grant programmes and project funding and they will be working with the sector to make sure that investment meets the needs of the community.

Local Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Abbey Community Centre Newsletter
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Hong Kong Community Fund
Closing date: 27th March

The Greater London Authority (GLA) has launched the Hong Kong Community Fund for 2023, following on from the success of the Welcoming Hongkongers Fund.
The fund aims to support Hongkongers, to make them feel welcomed and build a sense of belonging in their new communities in London.
For more information, including details on an online application support session, please click here

London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants
Closing date: Thursday 1st June – 5:00pm

Is your charity tackling health inequalities?
London Catalyst’s ‘Partners for Health’ grants are now open for applications for projects that can demonstrate:
Positive outcomes for people facing significant barriers to health.
A new approach or thoughtful development of service.
Partnership between health and community organisations
For more information, please click here

Cost of Living Support for Youth Organisations
Rolling deadline

Charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations delivering high-quality youth provision whose work is being hindered, curtailed, or cut back due to rising core costs can apply for funding to address these unprecedented demands.
UK Youth, in partnership with Pears Foundation, is offering unrestricted multi-year grants for charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 to help them cover rising prices and increased costs due to the cost-of-living crisis.
To learn more, please click here

Grants to Improve Accommodation for Domestic Abuse Survivors
The Mayor of London, working in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is offering a new programme supporting safe, psychologically informed environments (PIE) for survivors of domestic abuse
To learn more, please click here (login required)

Transforming Futures Fund
Closing date: 20th March

Funding to help create positive, lasting change for transgender people in England.
For more details, please click here

Building Strong Communities Fund
Round Three of the Building Strong Communities Fund is now open to receive applications until 1pm on Monday 13th March 2023.

The total funding pot is £200,000 and is made up of microgrants of between £1k to £6k. Microgrants are available for equity led groups with an annual turnover of £0 to £50k to support communities most impacted by Covid-19.
To learn more and apply, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Salsa & DJ Party: SPCA Fundraising Event
Saturday 11th March: 7pm – 10.45pm at St Pancras Community Association

Join us for a night of Salsa dancing with Pat M’Bella E followed by DJ Chrystilize playing all your favourite dance tunes!
This fundraising is for our Community Kitchen & Warm Space, which is thriving and we need to keep it going. We can do this with your help!
There are limited tickets at the door, so book now!

Free online training: Managing Access and Inclusion
21st March: 10am-12pm

This training is provided by the ASAS service (Access and Sustainability Advisory Service). The ASAS service primarily focuses on helping registered charities make their premises more accessible for people with a variety of different disabilities including physical, visual and hearing impairments.
The training will focus on: the principles of inclusive design, understanding different access needs, the Equality Act & legislation, access guide, access audit & design appraisals and support and resources for London based charities.
If you would like to attend, please contact ASAS@cae.org.uk

NHS and Camden Council: Community Health Event
Saturday 25th March: 12pm-4pm
Location: Lismore Circus, 1-2 Lismore Circus, NW5 4QF

As part of our long-term health inequalities work, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event in Lismore Circus.
This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing and get people engaged in health services.

Free Safeguarding Training
Far Right Awareness and Counter Narrative Training open to all voluntary sector organisations and groups in Camden.
Delivered in a 1 hour session, this training is specifically aimed at showing the impact far-right extremism has on families and what can be done to support them
If you would like to sign up for this session please click on the link (sign up to log-in)

•    Right Wing Extremism Awareness and Counter Narrative Training- Wednesday 15 March- 1pm- 3pm – online

Learn how to be a community reporter!
Camden Disability Action is running its Community Reporter Training programme on 23rd March, 30th March and 6th April from 1pm-3pm.

The training supports Disabled people in Camden to use phones, video and chat-apps to tell powerful stories about things that impact us, like the cost of living crisis.
You will also be offered one-one mentoring support.

If you would like to join, please contact Tom McDonough on tom@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk or call 0203 833 1111 or SMS 07908 746927
To see some examples of our current reporters’ stories, please click here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Royal Free Charity Vacancy: Welfare Rights Supervisor (full time)
Closing date: 13th March
Responsible for delivering sector-leading support, this role will sit at the heart of a successful team, whose core part is to provide a professional and efficient welfare rights advice service.
To view the job description please click here or email jobs@royalfreecharity.org

SPCA Vacancies:
Caretaker Cleaner (Part-time)
Closing date: 31st March
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a reliable and energetic Caretaker/Cleaner to join our part-time caretaking team.
For more information and to apply please click here

Receptionist and Assistant to the Director (Full time)
Closing date: 15th March
St Pancras Community Association is looking for a Receptionist who will be the first point of contact for our Centre.
For more information, and apply please click here

Premises Manager – Full time
Closing date: 15th March
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a highly motivated, experienced Premises Manager to ensure the Community Centre is maintained to the highest possible standards.
For more information, and to apply please click here

SHAK Vacancy: Youth Centre Manager
Closing date: 17th March

SHAK is a resident led charity based on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn Ward of Camden, London, dedicated to supporting residents and young people living in an area of high deprivation.
We are looking for a talented and enthusiastic individual to manage and further develop the ARC youth club, coordinating youth activities and programmes based on and around the huge Alexandra & Ainsworth estate in NW London.

Learn more and apply here

Trustee Opportunity at HWCT
Closing date: 20th March

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust (HWCT) makes grants benefiting people in the northwest of Camden. We are seeking Trustees to help the charity soundly navigate its future while providing as much help as we can to voluntary groups and services working locally and to people in need in our community.
For more information, please click here

Holloway Neighbourhood Group vacancy: Chief Executive
Closing date: 13th March

Holloway Neighbourhood Group runs a well-established mental health service (the Stress Project) and a busy community centre (the Old Fire Station). We are seeking an experienced charity manager as our new Chief Executive to take responsibility for fundraising, financial management, strategic planning, and leading a committed and experienced team of staff and volunteers.

To learn more please click here

Voluntary Action Camden Annual Members Review
Understanding how we can better meet the needs of our Members is very important to us.

We have put together our Members questionnaire as an opportunity for you to feed back to us on the things we have done well – and the things that could have gone better in 2022/23
It is also an opportunity for us to check what support your organisation needs from us, and that the services we provide are fit-for-purpose in an ever changing, diverse and challenging landscape.

If you are a VAC member please check your inboxes for the questionnaire and upon its return to us you will be entered into our prize draw for £100 for your organisation.

Become a school governor in Camden
On National School Governors’ Awareness Day (28th February), we said thank you to our governors here in Camden who work hard to improve the educational outcomes and experiences of local children and young people.

Could you make a positive impact on a school in Camden? Hear what some of our Camden school governors have to say on what they enjoy most about this important volunteering role, as well as the importance of us having diverse governing bodies that represent our community, in this short film
Find out more and apply here

Affordable, convenient office space
The Winch is a charity working with local young people in Camden and nearby areas since 1973.  We work to build strong ties between local people and create more opportunities for them to find their place and feel like they belong in our community. The Winch has been a constant presence in the lives of so many children, young people and adults.
There is affordable, convenient office space at the heart of the community.
For more information, please click here

Youth Safety Multimedia Competition
Deadline for funded entries: 5pm on 10th March

Camden’s Youth Safety Multimedia Competition aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden. There is funding for up to 10 local organisations to use a maximum of £500 each to develop their multimedia project. We’re inviting creative or multimedia projects, based on the theme ‘Keeping children and young people in Camden safe’.
See previous examples here.

We encourage organisations to make joint applications – in particular, larger organisations working with smaller groups. Please complete and submit a short (downloadable form) – Expression of Interest Form – and email the form to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk
If you don’t need funding for your project, you have until 5th June 2023 to enter the competition

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 3rd March 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
3rd March 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight our Annual Members Questionnaire and the £100 you could win in our prize draw on its return.

We also have information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

Voluntary Action Camden Annual Members Review

Understanding how we can better meet the needs of our Members is very important to us.

We have put together our Members questionnaire as an opportunity for you to feed back to us on the things we have done well – and the things that could have gone better in 2022/23

It is also an opportunity for us to check what support your organisation needs from us, and that the services we provide are fit-for-purpose in an ever changing, diverse and challenging landscape.

If you are a VAC member please check your inboxes for the questionnaire and upon its return to us you will be entered into our prize draw for £100 for your organisation.

Future VCS Grants Programme (2024-2031)
Camden Council has made a clear financial commitment to our voluntary and community sector – agreeing in the annual budget to continue an investment of £4m per year in grant programmes from April 2024 to March 2031.

“Working with you as our partners with our communities is central to our ambitions for the borough, helping to develop thriving and resilient communities, promoting community cohesion, addressing poverty and inequality, and improving quality of life for residents.” (Camden Council)

Future investment will include multi-year core grant programmes and project funding and they will be working with the sector to make sure that investment meets the needs of the community.

Become a school governor in Camden
On National School Governors’ Awareness Day (28th February), we said thank you to our governors here in Camden who work hard to improve the educational outcomes and experiences of local children and young people.

Could you make a positive impact on a school in Camden? Hear what some of our Camden school governors have to say on what they enjoy most about this important volunteering role, as well as the importance of us having diverse governing bodies that represent our community, in this short film
Find out more and apply here

Events at West Hampstead Community Centre
The Reintroduction of Hedgehogs in West Hampstead – a talk by Dr Stephen Barabas tonight from 19:30.
There are only a few tickets left! Book your place here

The British Museum presents: Extraordinary Everyday – a special object handling event for art and history lovers! Organised in conjunction with The British Museum and WHeart. An event will be held on Monday, 6th March from 13:30.
It’s free and open to all!

Salsa & DJ Party: SPCA Fundraising Event
Saturday 11th March: 7pm – 10.45pm at St Pancras Community Association

Join us for a night of Salsa dancing with Pat M’Bella E followed by DJ Chrystilize playing all your favourite dance tunes!
This fundraising is for our Community Kitchen & Warm Space, which is thriving and we need to keep it going. We can do this with your help!
There are limited tickets at the door, so book now!

Free online training: Managing Access and Inclusion
21st March: 10am-12pm

This training is provided by the ASAS service (Access and Sustainability Advisory Service). The ASAS service primarily focuses on helping registered charities make their premises more accessible for people with a variety of different disabilities including physical, visual and hearing impairments.
The training will focus on: the principles of inclusive design, understanding different access needs, the Equality Act & legislation, access guide, access audit & design appraisals and support and resources for London based charities.
If you would like to attend, please contact ASAS@cae.org.uk

Affordable, convenient office space
The Winch is a charity working with local young people in Camden and nearby areas since 1973.  We work to build strong ties between local people and create more opportunities for them to find their place and feel like they belong in our community. The Winch has been a constant presence in the lives of so many children, young people and adults.
There is affordable, convenient office space at the heart of the community.
For more information, please click here

NHS and Camden Council: Community Health Event
Saturday 25th March: 12pm-4pm
Location: Lismore Circus, 1-2 Lismore Circus, NW5 4QF

As part of our long-term health inequalities work, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event in Lismore Circus.
This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, family activities and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing and get people engaged in health services.

NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board wants to talk to people aged 35+ to hear their experiences of NHS Maternity and Neonatal care in North Central London.

We are looking at ways to improve maternity, neonatal, and children and young people’s NHS services. Over the past 18 months, the NHS has looked at how services work today and developed some ideas for how they might work better in the future.
We are committed to making sure that the right care is available for all people and communities in our area.
We will be hosting an online discussion for people aged 35+ on Thursday 9th March at 19:00. You can register here if you would like to attend or read further information.
If you have any questions, please email nclicb.startwell@nhs.net

Royal Free Charity Vacancy: Welfare Rights Supervisor (full time)
Closing date: 13th March
Responsible for delivering sector-leading support, this role will sit at the heart of a successful team, whose core part is to provide a professional and efficient welfare rights advice service.
To view the job description please click here or email jobs@royalfreecharity.org

SPCA Vacancy: Caretaker Cleaner (Part-time)
Closing date: 31st March

St Pancras Community Association are looking for a reliable and energetic Caretaker/Cleaner to join our part-time caretaking team.
For more information and to apply please click here

Pop-up Social Prescribing!
8th March: 11am to 1pm at Swiss Cottage Library, 88 Avenue Road, NW3

Come along and have a chat with the Community Links team from Camden’s Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service and find out more about social prescribing, how it works, and what is on offer in your area.

Or perhaps you’d like to volunteer with us? Find out about Community Links volunteers and opportunities to join our scheme to support volunteers into social prescribing careers.

For more information please email Donna at dturnbull@vac.org.uk

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
VAC recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Voluntary Community Sector.

Full of information and resources to help community groups and residents in Camden keep up to date as they navigate through the crisis. To find out more, click here

Local Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Abbey Community Centre Newsletter
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring voluntary and community sector organisation.

Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Cost of Living Support for Youth Organisations
Rolling deadline

Charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations delivering high-quality youth provision whose work is being hindered, curtailed, or cut back due to rising core costs can apply for funding to address these unprecedented demands.
UK Youth, in partnership with Pears Foundation, is offering unrestricted multi-year grants for charitable and not-for-profit youth organisations with an annual turnover of less than £500,000 to help them cover rising prices and increased costs due to the cost-of-living crisis.

To learn more, please click here

Grants to Improve Accommodation for Domestic Abuse Survivors
The Mayor of London, working in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is offering a new programme supporting safe, psychologically informed environments (PIE) for survivors of domestic abuse

To learn more, please click here (login required)

Transforming Futures Fund
Closing date: 20th March

Funding to help create positive, lasting change for transgender people in England.
For more details, please click here

Building Strong Communities Fund
Round Three of the Building Strong Communities Fund is now open to receive applications until 1pm on Monday 13th March 2023.

The total funding pot is £200,000 and is made up of microgrants of between £1k to £6k. Microgrants are available for equity led groups with an annual turnover of £0 to £50k to support communities most impacted by Covid-19.

To learn more and apply, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Free Safeguarding Training
Far Right Awareness and Counter Narrative Training open to all voluntary sector organisations and groups in Camden.
Delivered in a 1 hour session, this training is specifically aimed at showing the impact far-right extremism has on families and what can be done to support them
If you would like to sign up for any of the sessions below, please click on the links (sign up to log-in)

•    Family Matters – Far Right Extremism (Lunch & Learn)- Wednesday 8 March- 11:30am- 12:30pm  – in person
•    Family Matters – Far Right Extremism (Lunch & Learn)- Wednesday 8 March- 1pm- 3pm – in person
•    Right Wing Extremism Awareness and Counter Narrative Training- Wednesday 15 March- 1pm- 3pm – online

Learn how to be a community reporter!
Camden Disability Action is running its Community Reporter Training programme on 23rd March, 30th March and 6th April from 1pm-3pm.

The training supports Disabled people in Camden to use phones, video and chat-apps to tell powerful stories about things that impact us, like the cost of living crisis.
You will also be offered one-one mentoring support.

If you would like to join, please contact Tom McDonough on tom@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk or call 0203 833 1111 or SMS 07908 746927
To see some examples of our current reporters’ stories, please click here

Hampstead Theatre’s free acting and writing programme for Camden residents
Hampstead Theatre is offering Camden residents free acting and writing activities this spring.

Following the success of last year’s Community Creates programme, Hampstead Theatre will be running two ten-week programmes in acting and writing every Tuesday and Thursday starting in March. The programmes are free to attend for Camden residents.
The Community Creates programme starts at Hampstead Theatre from 14th March and 16th March. The Writing and Acting programmes are free to attend, but places must be booked in advance.

For further details please click here, or call 020 7722 9301.

Irish History Month 2023
1st – 31st March at the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith

As part of Irish History Month this year, I am Irish are proud to showcase the #IamIrish Portrait Exhibition after its Global travels!

Since 2016, the exhibition has visited numerous countries, highlighting the rich culture and diversity of those with Irish Heritage. It is now back in London and you are welcome to come along and view it at the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith throughout March.

Event for girls and young women to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023
Camden’s Integrated Youth Support Service is hosting an event for girls and young women to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023.

The event is open to girls and young women aged 11 to 18, and up to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities. It will be held on Saturday 4th March, from 11am to 5pm, at Somers Town Youth Centre, 134 Chalton Street, NW1 1RX.
Register for the event and sign-up up for the free activities here

Well Together coffee morning – and meet our new organiser
At West Hampstead Community Centre starting on Tuesday 7th March from 11am to 12:30pm, and continuing every fortnight

This is an informal meet up around a cup of tea and biscuits to get to know people in the area and meet Beatrice, the New Keeping Well Organiser.
Come to tell us what you would like to see organised in the future and find out what we have available; meet your neighbours and enjoy good company

Invitation to Refer Individuals for Peer Mentor Training with VoiceAbility
Training will take place across four days, the next dates are 7th, 10th, 14th & 17th March.

At VoiceAbility we are committed to providing support to individuals who are facing mental health challenges. Our volunteer peer mentor program pairs individuals with a mentor who has lived experience of mental health challenges and can offer a supportive and understanding relationship.

You may have clients who would benefit from this program and who are able to offer their support. If you have someone in mind, please encourage them to apply, by requesting an application from camden.peermentoring@voiceability.org

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Volunteers needed at Fitzrovia Community Centre
Fitzrovia Community Centre is a community centre serving residents living in Camden and Westminster and we are looking for local volunteers to support the running of the Centre. If you are interested in:

•    Salesforce/database admin experience
•    Reception cover
•    Gardening
•    Maintenance work

Please email Gaby at gaby@fitzroviacommunitycentre.org

SPCA Vacancies:
Receptionist and Assistant to the Director (Full time)
Closing date: 15th March
St Pancras Community Association is looking for a Receptionist who will be the first point of contact for our Centre.
For more information, and apply please click here

Premises Manager – Full time
Closing date: 15th March
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a highly motivated, experienced Premises Manager to ensure the Community Centre is maintained to the highest possible standards.
For more information, and to apply please click here

SHAK Vacancy: Youth Centre Manager
Closing date: 17th March

SHAK is a resident led charity based on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn Ward of Camden, London, dedicated to supporting residents and young people living in an area of high deprivation.
We are looking for a talented and enthusiastic individual to manage and further develop the ARC youth club, coordinating youth activities and programmes based on and around the huge Alexandra & Ainsworth estate in NW London.

Learn more and apply here

Trustee Opportunity at HWCT
Closing date: 20th March

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust (HWCT) makes grants benefiting people in the northwest of Camden. We are seeking Trustees to help the charity soundly navigate its future while providing as much help as we can to voluntary groups and services working locally and to people in need in our community.
For more information, please click here

Holloway Neighbourhood Group vacancy: Chief Executive
Closing date: 13th March

Holloway Neighbourhood Group runs a well-established mental health service (the Stress Project) and a busy community centre (the Old Fire Station). We are seeking an experienced charity manager as our new Chief Executive to take responsibility for fundraising, financial management, strategic planning, and leading a committed and experienced team of staff and volunteers.

To learn more please click here

Vacancies at Mind in Camden:
Mental Health Link Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Healthy Start – help to buy healthy food
Are you on low income and pregnant or have a child aged 3 or under?

You can get financial help to buy fruit, vegetables, pulses, milk, and infant formula for you and your family. You’ll be sent a prepaid card with weekly top-ups to spend on Healthy Start items.
To find out more and to apply, go to the Healthy Start website here

For help applying, visit your local Children’s Centre.
To find your local centre click here or call 0800 731 0232 or 0800 389 5789

Could you share your home with someone that needs support?
Shared Lives placement is different and the support you provide will depend on you and your life, and the person that you want to share your home with.
You do not need any qualifications as our carers comes from all different walks of life and join Shared Lives. All we ask is that you have a spare room.
We offer extensive training, lots of support and a generous package of around £25,000.

To find out more please click here or email sharedlives@camden.gov.uk

Youth Safety Multimedia Competition
Deadline for funded entries: 5pm on 10th March

Camden’s Youth Safety Multimedia Competition aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden. There is funding for up to 10 local organisations to use a maximum of £500 each to develop their multimedia project. We’re inviting creative or multimedia projects, based on the theme ‘Keeping children and young people in Camden safe’.
See previous examples here.

We encourage organisations to make joint applications – in particular, larger organisations working with smaller groups. Please complete and submit a short (downloadable form) – Expression of Interest Form – and email the form to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk
If you don’t need funding for your project, you have until 5th June 2023 to enter the competition

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

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Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 24th February 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
24th February 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight our continually updated directories of Camden VCS organisations, funding, room hire and green social prescribing.

We also have information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Directories
Looking for a local VCS organisation that provides the support you need?

Looking for a collaboration with like-minded groups working towards similar goals?

Looking for rooms to hire or, as winter slowly starts to recede, activities available on our local green spaces?

We hold a range of continually updated and detailed directories where you just might find exactly what you are looking for!

Have a look here

Pop-up Social Prescribing!
8th March: 11am to 1pm at Swiss Cottage Library, 88 Avenue Road, NW3

Come along and have a chat with the Community Links team from Camden’s Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service and find out more about social prescribing, how it works, and what is on offer in your area.

Or perhaps you’d like to volunteer with us? Find out about Community Links volunteers and opportunities to join our scheme to support volunteers into social prescribing careers.

For more information please email Donna at dturnbull@vac.org.uk

Free Safeguarding Training
Far Right Awareness and Counter Narrative Training open to all voluntary sector organisations and groups in Camden.
Delivered in a 1 hour session, this training is specifically aimed at showing the impact far-right extremism has on families and what can be done to support them
If you would like to sign up for any of the sessions below, please click on the links (sign up to log-in)

•    Family Matters – Far Right Extremism (Lunch & Learn)- Wednesday 8 March- 11:30am- 12:30pm  – in person
•    Family Matters – Far Right Extremism (Lunch & Learn)- Wednesday 8 March- 1pm- 3pm – in person
•    Right Wing Extremism Awareness and Counter Narrative Training- Wednesday 15 March- 1pm- 3pm – online

Learn how to be a community reporter!
Camden Disability Action is running its Community Reporter Training programme on 23rd March, 30th March and 6th April from 1pm-3pm.

The training supports Disabled people in Camden to use phones, video and chat-apps to tell powerful stories about things that impact us, like the cost of living crisis.
You will also be offered one-one mentoring support.

If you would like to join, please contact Tom McDonough on tom@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk or call 0203 833 1111 or SMS 07908 746927

To see some examples of our current reporters’ stories, please click here

Healthy Start – help to buy healthy food
Are you on low income and pregnant or have a child aged 3 or under?

You can get financial help to buy fruit, vegetables, pulses, milk, and infant formula for you and your family. You’ll be sent a prepaid card with weekly top-ups to spend on Healthy Start items.
To find out more and to apply, go to the Healthy Start website here

For help applying, visit your local Children’s Centre.
To find your local centre click here or call 0800 731 0232 or 0800 389 5789

Could you share your home with someone that needs support?
Shared Lives placement is different and the support you provide will depend on you and your life, and the person that you want to share your home with.
You do not need any qualifications as our carers comes from all different walks of life and join Shared Lives. All we ask is that you have a spare room.
We offer extensive training, lots of support and a generous package of around £25,000.

To find out more please click here or email sharedlives@camden.gov.uk

Hampstead Theatre’s free acting and writing programme for Camden residents
Hampstead Theatre is offering Camden residents free acting and writing activities this spring.

Following the success of last year’s Community Creates programme, Hampstead Theatre will be running two ten-week programmes in acting and writing every Tuesday and Thursday starting in March. The programmes are free to attend for Camden residents.
The Community Creates programme starts at Hampstead Theatre from 14th March and 16th March. The Writing and Acting programmes are free to attend, but places must be booked in advance.

For further details please click here, or call 020 7722 9301.

Irish History Month 2023
1st – 31st March at the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith

As part of Irish History Month this year, I am Irish are proud to showcase the #IamIrish Portrait Exhibition after its Global travels!

Since 2016, the exhibition has visited numerous countries, highlighting the rich culture and diversity of those with Irish Heritage. It is now back in London and you are welcome to come along and view it at the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith throughout March.

Event for girls and young women to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023
Camden’s Integrated Youth Support Service is hosting an event for girls and young women to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023.

The event is open to girls and young women aged 11 to 18, and up to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities. It will be held on Saturday 4th March, from 11am to 5pm, at Somers Town Youth Centre, 134 Chalton Street, NW1 1RX.
Register for the event and sign-up up for the free activities here

Well Together coffee morning – and meet our new organiser
At West Hampstead Community Centre starting on Tuesday 7th March from 11am to 12:30pm, and continuing every fortnight

This is an informal meet up around a cup of tea and biscuits to get to know people in the area and meet Beatrice, the New Keeping Well Organiser.
Come to tell us what you would like to see organised in the future and find out what we have available; meet your neighbours and enjoy good company

Invitation to Refer Individuals for Peer Mentor Training with VoiceAbility
Training will take place across four days, the next dates are 7th, 10th, 14th & 17th March.

At VoiceAbility we are committed to providing support to individuals who are facing mental health challenges. Our volunteer peer mentor program pairs individuals with a mentor who has lived experience of mental health challenges and can offer a supportive and understanding relationship.

You may have clients who would benefit from this program and who are able to offer their support. If you have someone in mind, please encourage them to apply, by requesting an application from camden.peermentoring@voiceability.org

Volunteers needed at Fitzrovia Community Centre
Fitzrovia Community Centre is a community centre serving residents living in Camden and Westminster and we are looking for local volunteers to support the running of the Centre. If you are interested in:

•    Salesforce/database admin experience
•    Reception cover
•    Gardening
•    Maintenance work

Please email Gaby at gaby@fitzroviacommunitycentre.org

SPCA Vacancies:
Receptionist and Assistant to the Director (Full time)
Closing date: 15th March
St Pancras Community Association is looking for a Receptionist who will be the first point of contact for our Centre.
For more information, and apply please click here

Premises Manager – Full time
Closing date: 15th March
St Pancras Community Association are looking for a highly motivated, experienced Premises Manager to ensure the Community Centre is maintained to the highest possible standards.
For more information, and to apply please click here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
VAC recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Voluntary Community Sector.

We are collating information and resources to help community groups and residents in Camden keep up to date as they navigate through the crisis. To find out more, click here

Charity Commission’s social media guidance
You may have seen the draft Charity Commission social media guidance, which was published earlier this week. The aim of the guidance is to help trustees develop ‘appropriate shared understanding of the charity’s use of social media and the particular risks it can bring,’ and to encourage charities to, ‘adopt a policy on social media as a way to set their charity’s approach.’
This article is a response and contains all the information needed to learn more

Local Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Abbey Community Centre Newsletter
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring voluntary and community sector organisation.

Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Camden Community Vaccine Project: Round 2
VAC and the C4 Consortium are inviting community groups and organisations in Camden, including unincorporated associations, to design new and expand existing initiatives to encourage vaccine take-up in the borough. This includes tackling misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccine programmes.
*Please note: while this fund is officially closed, we are still happy to receive applications
If you are interested in applying for this funding, or would just like to find out more, please click here

Community Festival Grant
Application deadline: 28th February

Camden Council have opened up their community festival funding applications for 2023.
This funding is for community organisations in Camden that are planning community events this year. The Fund welcomes applications from partnerships between multiple groups that demonstrate a commitment to community cohesion and improving inter-community relationships.

Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £2,000
For any queries and for the application form, please contact the Camden Events Service at events@camden.gov.uk

Migrant Advice and Support Fund
Closing date: Monday 27 February at 9am
The Mayor of London is offering funding to frontline organisations providing specialist advice and/or holistic support to migrant Londoners.
Learn more here

Love Camden: Community Festival Funding 

Closing date: 28th February 2023

Camden Council are delighted to announce that they are opening funding applications for local Community Festivals and Events. Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £2,000.

Learn more here

Building Strong Communities Fund
Round Three of the Building Strong Communities Fund is now open to receive applications until 1pm on Monday 13 March 2023.

The total funding pot is £200,000 and is made up of microgrants of between £1k to £6k. Microgrants are available for equity led groups with an annual turnover of £0 to £50k to support communities most impacted by Covid-19.

To learn more and apply, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

Volunteer Managers’ Forum
Tuesday 28th Feb at 2pm: Online

Volunteer Centre Camden is hosting a Volunteer Managers’ Forum. Participants will benefit from peer support and networking and can choose the topics to discuss.

Register your place here

Scams Prevention & Support Awareness from Age UK Camden
Age UK Camden are delivering Scams Prevention & Support Awareness across Camden through group presentations or one-to-one Scams Awareness Sessions.
They are able advise on different types of scams and offer tips on staying safe. The service is available to Camden residents aged 50+.
If this is of interest to you or your group please email:
and/or paul.webley@ageukcamden.org.uk to arrange a suitable date and time that works for you.

New Make Every Contact Count (MECC) Courses available
New dates have been added for the Cost of Living Crisis and MECC course, and the Good Conversations for MECC course throughout February and March, both of which will help you learn how to use day to day interactions to better support residents who may be struggling.

Courses are free to staff working in Camden and Islington, to book a place click here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Santé Refugee Mental Health Access Project Vacancies
Santé Refugee Mental Health Access Project is a small local NGO. We support refugees & asylum seekers.

We are looking for volunteers in the following roles:
. Treasurer/Bookkeeper
.  Administrative assistant
.  Befriender/caseworker/advocate

Further information is available on request: Call 020 7482 2903 or email Santeproject44@gmail.com
To learn more about the Santé project, please click here

Friends of University College London Hospitals volunteer role
The Friends of University College London Hospitals, a registered charity, need a volunteer to maintain and grow a membership/mailing list and carry out other administrative tasks, working mainly with the chair of the trustees in the first place.
A desk and work station is provided at the hospital. Time commitment is hard to estimate, but it is expected to be up to one day a week.
The role would suit someone with experience of work in healthcare. Good IT skills essential. Apply with brief CV to uclh.friendsofuclh@nhs.net.

SHAK Vacancy: Youth Centre Manager
SHAK is a resident led charity based on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn Ward of Camden, London, dedicated to supporting residents and young people living in an area of high deprivation.
We are looking for a talented and enthusiastic individual to manage and further develop the ARC youth club, coordinating youth activities and programmes based on and around the huge Alexandra & Ainsworth estate in NW London.

Learn more and apply here

Trustee Opportunity at HWCT
Deadline 20th March

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust (HWCT) makes grants benefiting people in the northwest of Camden. We are seeking Trustees to help the charity soundly navigate its future while providing as much help as we can to voluntary groups and services working locally and to people in need in our community.
For more information, please click here

One Kilburn Activators
‘SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Partnership) are recruiting 3 new roles in Kilburn.
Know somebody local to Kilburn? Are they looking for a role to help and support their Community?
SHAK are looking for brilliant people for some brilliant roles.

For more info and to apply please click here

Let me know (LMK) is looking for a new Chief Executive
Closing date: 2nd March
Let Me Know (LMK) is a London-based education charity working with young people to prevent domestic violence, relationship abuse and sexual assault. We are led by survivors, parents and activists and we’re committed to creating a world where domestic violence, relationship abuse and sexual assault no longer exist, and where young people can build happy lives through healthy relationships.
This is an exciting opportunity to succeed our two co-founders and become LMK’s first Chief Executive.You’ll oversee our scaling-up journey, ensuring we’re in great shape for a strong future.

To learn more, please click here

Holloway Neighbourhood Group vacancy: Chief Executive
Closing date: 13th March

Holloway Neighbourhood Group runs a well-established mental health service (the Stress Project) and a busy community centre (the Old Fire Station). We are seeking an experienced charity manager as our new Chief Executive to take responsibility for fundraising, financial management, strategic planning, and leading a committed and experienced team of staff and volunteers.

To learn more please click here

Vacancies at Mind in Camden:
Mental Health Link Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Young people’s mental health survey launched
Camden Youth Council want to find out more about the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Camden, as well as local mental health services and support that young people rely on.
Children and young people aged 12 to 19 – or those aged up to 25 with a special educational need or disability – who live or go to school in Camden are invited to respond to this survey before 28th April. It is anonymous and confidential. There’s also an optional prize draw to win £20. Please share this survey with young people that your organisation works with.

Camden Childhood Immunisations Survey
please respond before 28 February

Camden Council and our NHS partners would like to understand more about how parents make decisions around childhood vaccinations, regardless of whether they have chosen to have their children vaccinated or not, or if they are just unsure.
The views of our communities are important to us and will help us to improve our services for parents and carers throughout Camden, and provide relevant, key public health information for our communities, especially around specific issues that impact on childhood vaccination.

This survey is for Camden residents with children aged 0 to 5. Please share with families that your organisations works with.
If you have any questions, please email CIPHAdmin@islington.gov.uk

Youth Safety Multimedia Competition
Deadline for funded entries: 5pm on 10th March

Camden’s Youth Safety Multimedia Competition aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden. There is funding for up to 10 local organisations to use a maximum of £500 each to develop their multimedia project. We’re inviting creative or multimedia projects, based on the theme ‘Keeping children and young people in Camden safe’.
See previous examples here.

We encourage organisations to make joint applications – in particular, larger organisations working with smaller groups. Please complete and submit a short (downloadable form) – Expression of Interest Form – and email the form to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk
If you don’t need funding for your project, you have until 5th June 2023 to enter the competition

Could you foster a Camden child?
Do you have space in your home and heart to foster a Camden child? We need more people who are willing to provide our vulnerable children with care, stability and consistency. Camden residents who foster are exempt from paying council tax, as well as receiving generous financial support, specialist training and an allocated social worker.

Watch our short animated video, visit camden.gov.uk/fostering, email fostering@camden.gov.uk, call 020 7974 6783 or 0800 028 1436 (freephone) to find out more.

Henna Asian Women’s Group
We provide a platform for people to connect through our hybrid services whether it’s exercise, music & singing, ESOL, Art & Craft, Traditional Games Session, Henna Support Group, Chai with Henna, Befriending, Counselling, Advocacy & Signpost and the Wellbeing Hub.
A hot meal and warm space are provided on Mon & Wed to support local residents in Kilburn and beyond during cost of living crisis.
Call on 0207 372 9860 or email Info@hennaorg.co.uk to learn more

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

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Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden Newsletter – 17th February 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
17th February 2023

Become a Member

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box above and join us today


This week we spotlight a date for your diary – on the 8th March the Community Links team will be holding a pop up event at Swiss Cottage Library where you can learn about social prescribing and what is on offer in your area.

We also have information on a range of other local events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring voluntary and community sector organisation.

Learn more here

Pop-up Social Prescribing!
8th March: 11am to 1pm at Swiss Cottage Library, 88 Avenue Road, NW3

Come along and have a chat with the Community Links team from Camden’s Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service and find out more about:

•    Community activities and support in your local area

•    What’s on offer at the library (And join up!)

•    What social prescribing is, and how it works in Camden

Or perhaps you’d like to volunteer with us? Find out about Community Links volunteers and opportunities to join our scheme to support volunteers into social prescribing careers.

The team are looking forward to meeting you – don’t forget some ID and proof of address if you’d like to join the library!

For more information please email Donna at dturnbull@vac.org.uk

Community Festival Grant
Application deadline: 28th February

Camden Council have opened up their community festival funding applications for 2023.
This funding is for community organisations in Camden that are planning community events this year. The Fund welcomes applications from partnerships between multiple groups that demonstrate a commitment to community cohesion and improving inter-community relationships.

Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £2,000
For any queries and for the application form, please contact the Camden Events Service at events@camden.gov.uk

Young people’s mental health survey launched
Camden Youth Council want to find out more about the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Camden, as well as local mental health services and support that young people rely on.
Children and young people aged 12 to 19 – or those aged up to 25 with a special educational need or disability – who live or go to school in Camden are invited to respond to this survey before 28th April. It is anonymous and confidential. There’s also an optional prize draw to win £20. Please share this survey with young people that your organisation works with.

Camden Childhood Immunisations Survey
please respond before 28 February

Camden Council and our NHS partners would like to understand more about how parents make decisions around childhood vaccinations, regardless of whether they have chosen to have their children vaccinated or not, or if they are just unsure.
The views of our communities are important to us and will help us to improve our services for parents and carers throughout Camden, and provide relevant, key public health information for our communities, especially around specific issues that impact on childhood vaccination.

This survey is for Camden residents with children aged 0 to 5. Please share with families that your organisations works with.
If you have any questions, please email CIPHAdmin@islington.gov.uk

Youth Safety Multimedia Competition
Deadline for funded entries: 5pm on 10th March

Camden’s Youth Safety Multimedia Competition aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden. There is funding for up to 10 local organisations to use a maximum of £500 each to develop their multimedia project. We’re inviting creative or multimedia projects, based on the theme ‘Keeping children and young people in Camden safe’.
See previous examples here.

We encourage organisations to make joint applications – in particular, larger organisations working with smaller groups. Please complete and submit a short (downloadable form) – Expression of Interest Form – and email the form to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk
If you don’t need funding for your project, you have until 5th June 2023 to enter the competition

Could you foster a Camden child?
Do you have space in your home and heart to foster a Camden child? We need more people who are willing to provide our vulnerable children with care, stability and consistency. Camden residents who foster are exempt from paying council tax, as well as receiving generous financial support, specialist training and an allocated social worker.

Watch our short animated video, visit camden.gov.uk/fostering, email fostering@camden.gov.uk, call 020 7974 6783 or 0800 028 1436 (freephone) to find out more.

Volunteer Managers’ Forum
Tuesday 28th Feb at 2pm: Online

Volunteer Centre Camden is hosting a Volunteer Managers’ Forum. Participants will benefit from peer support and networking and can choose the topics to discuss.

Register your place here

Henna Asian Women’s Group
We provide a platform for people to connect through our hybrid services whether it’s exercise, music & singing, ESOL, Art & Craft, Traditional Games Session, Henna Support Group, Chai with Henna, Befriending, Counselling, Advocacy & Signpost and the Wellbeing Hub.
A hot meal and warm space are provided on Mon & Wed to support local residents in Kilburn and beyond during cost of living crisis.
Call on 0207 372 9860 or email Info@hennaorg.co.uk to learn more

Santé Refugee Mental Health Access Project Vacancies
Santé Refugee Mental Health Access Project is a small local NGO. We support refugees & asylum seekers.

We are looking for volunteers in the following roles:
. Treasurer/Bookkeeper
.  Administrative assistant
.  Befriender/caseworker/advocate

Further information is available on request: Call 020 7482 2903 or email Santeproject44@gmail.com
To learn more about the Santé project, please click here

Friends of University College London Hospitals volunteer role
The Friends of University College London Hospitals, a registered charity, need a volunteer to maintain and grow a membership/mailing list and carry out other administrative tasks, working mainly with the chair of the trustees in the first place.
A desk and work station is provided at the hospital. Time commitment is hard to estimate, but it is expected to be up to one day a week.
The role would suit someone with experience of work in healthcare. Good IT skills essential. Apply with brief CV to uclh.friendsofuclh@nhs.net.

SHAK Vacancy: Youth Centre Manager
SHAK is a resident led charity based on the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate in the Kilburn Ward of Camden, London, dedicated to supporting residents and young people living in an area of high deprivation.
We are looking for a talented and enthusiastic individual to manage and further develop the ARC youth club, coordinating youth activities and programmes based on and around the huge Alexandra & Ainsworth estate in NW London.

Learn more and apply here

Trustee Opportunity at HWCT
Deadline 20th March

The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust (HWCT) makes grants benefiting people in the northwest of Camden. We are seeking Trustees to help the charity soundly navigate its future while providing as much help as we can to voluntary groups and services working locally and to people in need in our community.
For more information, please click here

One Kilburn Activators
‘SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Partnership) are recruiting 3 new roles in Kilburn.
Know somebody local to Kilburn? Are they looking for a role to help and support their Community?
SHAK are looking for brilliant people for some brilliant roles.

For more info and to apply please click here

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

VAC Cost-of-Living Crisis Resource
VAC recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is a huge concern for families, businesses, and the Voluntary Community Sector.

We are collating information and resources to help community groups and residents in Camden keep up to date as they navigate through the crisis. To find out more, click here

Charity Commission’s social media guidance
You may have seen the draft Charity Commission social media guidance, which was published earlier this week. The aim of the guidance is to help trustees develop ‘appropriate shared understanding of the charity’s use of social media and the particular risks it can bring,’ and to encourage charities to, ‘adopt a policy on social media as a way to set their charity’s approach.’
This article is a response and contains all the information needed to learn more

Local Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
London Sport (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
Abbey Community Centre Newsletter
Heath Hands
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

VAC administered Google Grants
The VAC administered Google Grants scheme is still ongoing.

VAC have been funded by Google to provide up to £300 per quarter for small organisations looking to book one-off spaces to work in or to hold community sessions and training, and up to £600 for the ongoing rent of office and hot desking space.

It is available to small voluntary or community sector organisation with income under £150,000 a year looking to book a venue in Camden.

To find out more, please click here
or get in contact with Ricky at Rsingh@vac.org.uk

Camden Community Vaccine Project: Round 2
VAC and the C4 Consortium are inviting community groups and organisations in Camden, including unincorporated associations, to design new and expand existing initiatives to encourage vaccine take-up in the borough. This includes tackling misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccine programmes.
*Please note: while this fund is officially closed, we are still happy to receive applications
If you are interested in applying for this funding, or would just like to find out more, please click here

Migrant Advice and Support Fund
Closing date: Monday 27 February at 9am
The Mayor of London is offering funding to frontline organisations providing specialist advice and/or holistic support to migrant Londoners.
Learn more here

Love Camden: Community Festival Funding 

Closing date: 28th February 2023

Camden Council are delighted to announce that they are opening funding applications for local Community Festivals and Events. Applications are welcome for grants of £200 to £2,000.

Learn more here

Building Strong Communities Fund
Round Three of the Building Strong Communities Fund is now open to receive applications until 1pm on Monday 13 March 2023.

The total funding pot is £200,000 and is made up of microgrants of between £1k to £6k. Microgrants are available for equity led groups with an annual turnover of £0 to £50k to support communities most impacted by Covid-19.

To learn more and apply, please click here

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here

Other available funders include:

VAC Free Safeguarding Training Courses 

What better way to start the new year than refreshing your organisation’s essential safeguarding skills?

Safeguarding Advanced: Developing Knowledge and Understanding (in-person) 

Wednesday 22nd March at Saint Pancras Community Association: 9:30am – 3:30pm

Aimed at increasing existing safeguarding knowledge for those who have had no safeguarding training in the last two years and need a refresher.

Designed for volunteers, supplementary schools, VCS groups and organisations delivering services to under 18’s and their families in Camden. Lunch and refreshments provided.

To register your place, or for more information, contact Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, VAC Community Safeguarding Lead at dogunyemi@vac.org.uk

Scams Prevention & Support Awareness from Age UK Camden
Age UK Camden are delivering Scams Prevention & Support Awareness across Camden through group presentations or one-to-one Scams Awareness Sessions.
They are able advise on different types of scams and offer tips on staying safe. The service is available to Camden residents aged 50+.
If this is of interest to you or your group please email:
and/or paul.webley@ageukcamden.org.uk to arrange a suitable date and time that works for you.

Introductory Networking Session
Locality are opening their Corsham Street office to community groups led by racialised people, with two sessions coming up in February and May. This will be an in-person, half-day offer to help increase the capacity for work around racial justice in London.
This session will be a chance to connect with others and find out what the London Spotlight programme has to offer.

Please consider coming along to this half-day in Old Street on 22nd February from 10am-1pm or contact liba.ravindran@locality.org.uk.

Salsa & DJ Party: SPCA Fundraising Event
Saturday 11th March: 7pm – 10.45pm at St Pancras Community Association
Join us for a night of Salsa dancing with Pat M’Bella E followed by DJ Chrystilize playing all your favourite dance tunes!
This fundraising is for our Community Kitchen & Warm Space, which is thriving and we need to keep it going. We can do this with your help!
There are limited tickets at the door, so book now!

Free 6 Week Media Training for young London residents at SKY TV Campus
Closing date: Tuesday 21st February
At MAMA Youth Program we are looking for younger people (18-30) interested in a career in the media industry. Through this 6-week intensive digital media training at Sky TV Campus, they will have lunch and travel expenses provided as well as lessons in production that grant instant industry connections.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Read about some of MAMA Youth Project’s success stories here

New Make Every Contact Count (MECC) Courses available
New dates have been added for the Cost of Living Crisis and MECC course, and the Good Conversations for MECC course throughout February and March, both of which will help you learn how to use day to day interactions to better support residents who may be struggling.

Courses are free to staff working in Camden and Islington, to book a place click here

Social Prescribers Innovators Programme  
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Let me know (LMK) is looking for a new Chief Executive
Closing date: 2nd March
Let Me Know (LMK) is a London-based education charity working with young people to prevent domestic violence, relationship abuse and sexual assault. We are led by survivors, parents and activists and we’re committed to creating a world where domestic violence, relationship abuse and sexual assault no longer exist, and where young people can build happy lives through healthy relationships.
This is an exciting opportunity to succeed our two co-founders and become LMK’s first Chief Executive.You’ll oversee our scaling-up journey, ensuring we’re in great shape for a strong future.

To learn more, please click here

Queen’s Crescent Community Association (QCCA) is recruiting a part-time food-bank co-ordinator.
Last year QCCA regularly supported around 100 people with our largely volunteer-led service. Due to increased demand because of the cost-of-living crisis, we now need someone to run it for larger numbers (and help us nurture the advice and guidance service that runs alongside). The role is for 16 hours a week, at £15 per hour.

Email jobs@qcca.org.uk or find our more here

Vacancy: Treasurer for Gospel Oak Action Link Youth Club (GOAL YC)
GOAL YC is seeking to appoint a new Honorary Treasurer to play a key role in supporting our activities.
We are a volunteer-led charity providing a range of free activities for young people working in partnership with Queen’s Crescent Community Association.

This is a voluntary post and we especially welcome local applications so please contact (even for just an informal chat to see if it might suit you) our chair of Trustees Adrian Mars on adrian@adrianmars.com or Dinah Gallop, our current Treasurer on dinah.gallop@blueyonder.co.uk who can also provide more details about the position.

Single Homeless Project are recruiting peer mentors
Closing date: 22nd February
Single Homeless Project are recruiting peer mentors for projects in Camden, Islington and Westminster – lived experience of substance use, mental health, homelessness or an offending history is essential.

For further details and an application pack please contact peermentoring@shp.org.uk

Pilates Tutor Wanted to Inspire Local People
Castlehaven Community Association is looking for qualified tutors to deliver weekly Pilates and Creative Writing sessions to the local Camden community. Classes need to be delivered within work hours on weekdays. If you, or someone you know, is interested in empowering local people to reach their full potential, please email scott@castlehaven.org.uk

Holloway Neighbourhood Group vacancy: Chief Executive
Holloway Neighbourhood Group runs a well-established mental health service (the Stress Project) and a busy community centre (the Old Fire Station). We are seeking an experienced charity manager as our new Chief Executive to take responsibility for fundraising, financial management, strategic planning, and leading a committed and experienced team of staff and volunteers.

To learn more please click here

Guaranteed jobs in coffee through Well Grounded course
Well Grounded’s next free 8-week coffee traineeship has a guaranteed job for all those who complete the course. It includes technical barista skills and accreditation, employability training, and a paid work placement.

The course will begin on 21st February, with in-person training taking place at their East London Academy (but is open to Londoners from any borough).

Contact info@wellgroundedjobs.co.uk for more information or here

Vacancies at Mind in Camden:
Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Mental Health Link Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Community Mental Health Welfare Rights Development Worker
To find out more please click here or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Warm space at Lauderdale House
Lauderdale House is opening its doors this winter to anyone in search of a warm space. There will be tables set up for studying, free wifi and a quiet craft area.
The sessions run until 28 March, and take place on Tuesdays (3.30pm – 7.30pm) and Saturdays (10am – 2pm). No need to book in advance!
Everyone is welcome, but please note under 15s must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling aged 18+

To learn more, please click here

New Warm Spaces Initiative
Castlehaven Community Association has teamed up with The Pirate Castle and the London Irish Centre to provide free hot soup, warm spaces, activities, and one-to-one advice sessions for the local community

To find out more, please click here

Warm Hub at West Hampstead Community Centre
West Hampstead Community Centre offers a free warm space and a hot bowl of soup to anyone who needs it.
They are located on 17 Dornfell Street, NW6 1QN. The Warm Hub is open Monday to Thursday between 12:00 and 14:00. Everyone is welcome.
The Warm Hub is sponsored by Camden Council and The Hampstead Wells & Campden Trust

Roj Emergency Relief Campaign
Roj Women’s Association are launching an Emergency Relief Campaign to support civil society organizations that are providing immediate help and support to the people affected by the earthquakes in Turkey.
To support those in need please send your contribution directly to the bank account: IBAN: GB32 BUKB 2044 8620 4203 87 SWIFTBIC BUKBGB22 or by using this PayPal link
To learn more about Roj Women’s Association, please click here

Free Whiteboard available
Elfrida Rathbone Camden has an unwanted, unopened 150 cm x 100 cm (WxH) Whiteboard Drywipe Magnetic with Pen Tray and Aluminium Trim, which costs £81.34 from Amazon. We are happy to give it away to free to a Camden charity that can collect it.
Please email info@elfridacamden.org.uk if you are interested.

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition. The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

Join us on social media

Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

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Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox

Copyright © 2021 |Voluntary Action Camden | All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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