Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 20th October 2023

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
20th October 2023

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box below and join us today

Become a Member

This week we spotlight:

  • NEW Training for Members
  • VAC seeks new Treasurer to join our Board of Trustees
  • We also have our usual information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Training for Members

  • SAFEGUARDING for Volunteers and New Starters – Online Workshop: Wednesday, 1st November 13:00 – 14:30 – FREE
  • CAMDEN TRUSTEE NETWORK: Trustee Recruitment Online Workshop: Tuesday, 7th November 18:00 – 19:00 – FREE
  • VIRTUAL INTRODUCTION TO GDPR for those new to or needing a refresher on GDPR theory: Tuesday 21st November 13:30 -14:40 – FREE
  •  COMPLYING WITH GDPR – for those with responsibilities for managing GDPR: Tuesday, 28th November 14:00-15:00 – FREE

See details and book a place in our Events and Training section
New VAC training coming up – details to be published soon 

Join our Board of Trustees – VAC seeks Treasurer

Are you passionate about making a real difference to voluntary community sector, and communities? Do you have skills, networks and a new perspective that can drive a small but ambitious charity towards its aim?

We are seeking a new trustee to take on the exciting role of Treasurer to join our experienced and passionate Board of Trustees. We are looking for someone who will liaise with relevant staff, committee members and/or volunteers to ensure the financial viability of the organisation.

Find out more on our website: https://vac.org.uk/vacancies/treasurer-of-board-of-trustees/


Embrace charities in public services rather than treat them as a ‘difficult relative’, NPC chief says at the New Philanthropy Capital’s conference 
NPC is the think tank and consultancy for the social sector. As a think tank, NPC conducts research and produces reports on social issues and the role that the social sector can play in tackling them. NPC Chief Executive Dan Corry also suggests a ‘civil society test’ where all new policies would be assessed to see whether they could be delivered more efficiently by charities and other social organisations. 

Camden Talks Data event
Taking place on Wednesday, 8th November, from 5.45pm to 7.30pm at Pancras Square Library, 5 Pancras Square N1C 4AG.

This event is an opportunity to have an open discussion about how we collect and use data ethically to improve services for Camden residents. You don’t need any special knowledge about data or technology to take part. There will be presentations and Q&A sessions covering:
•            How data matching has been used to help allocate the Cost-of-Living Fund.
•            How sentiment analysis helps to give us a better understanding of feedback from our Housing tenant engagement.
•            The new Camden Council staff policy around the use of emerging generative AI technologies like ChatGPT.

Please reserve your spot by clicking the link. If you have any access requirements, additional needs or cannot access the Eventbrite booking link please let us know by emailing: participation@camden.gov.uk

The Volunteer Centre Camden calculates ‘The Monetary Value of Charity Trustees’
The Report calculates the total monetary value of volunteer charity trustees in England and Wales at £33.17billion.
The report has some statistics that are relevant for Camden and London:
Monetary value of Trustees in Camden: £145 million
Total value of all Volunteering in Camden: £1.3 billion
Check out the full report here: https://volunteercentrecamden.org.uk/just-published-october-2023-the-monetary-value-of-trustees/

Affordable, Convenient Office Space in the Heart of the Community

The Winch is a charity that has been working with young people in Camden and nearby areas since 1973. We are currently seeking new tenants for our two office spaces located in Swiss Cottage. We have two well-lit, spacious rooms that can accommodate 2-8 people.  Email roomhire@thewinch.org or call us at 0207 586 8731 for more information.

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Friday newsletter. 

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more

NCVO Almanac 2023 now live | Latest data on charities’ finances, volunteers, workforce:

Total charity income fell for the first time in 10 years
The voluntary sector’s workforce has declined by 4% over the last year.
There has been a slight decrease in the number of voluntary organisations in the UK.
Just under a fifth of voluntary sector organisations work in social services. Voluntary organisations are spread fairly evenly across the country, but most of the biggest organisations are based in London and the south.
The voluntary sector contributes about £20bn to the UK’s GDP
For more information go to Executive summary

Tipping Point: The Cost of Living Crisis – report by VCS Emergencies Partnership

This report describes some of the ways the voluntary and community sector (VCS) has been responding to the challenge of the cost of living crisis, focusing on the early part of 2023. It draws out insights, knowledge and practical ideas to help inform future preparedness and response to an ongoing crisis that will escalate again as winter approaches.
You can read the report here.

Second Cost Of Living payment – Communicating Help for Households toolkit

Eligible households will receive the second Cost of Living Payment of £300 between 31 October and 19 November. The third payment of £299 will be paid by Spring 2024.
The DWP has produced a Cost of Living Stakeholder toolkit to help you communicate the upcoming payment to the people you support. The toolkit includes information about the eligibility criteria, details about how and when payments will be made and a range of materials for your organisations to use to ensure people have access to the right information.

Register your space on the Warm Welcome map

The Warm Welcome campaign is led by a coalition of over 50 charitable organisations, delivered by Good Faith Partnership in collaboration with partners and the Warm Welcome Spaces. During the worst cost-of-living crisis in 70 years, the Warm Welcome Campaign emerged as a collective response to build a movement for a fairer and friendlier society by supporting warm and welcoming spaces in every community in the UK.
If you’re running a Warm Space, register your location with the Warm Welcomes map. Every space needs to re-register, even if you were part of the campaign last year. 

Register Your Space

Sign-up to Camden’s Warm Welcome (WW) Pledge

A huge thank you to all our VCS orgs who registered as WW hosts in 2022. It’s great to see the varied offer across the Borough. We have over 50 listed warm welcome hosts on our WW Webpage –  Warm spaces in Camden – Camden Council – including council services, children centres and libraries alongside our VCS partners, Faith groups and Arts and Culture. If you are interested in signing up to the WW pledge – information is available here Sign-up to Camden’s Warm Welcome Pledge (office.com) or contact Sally.Kikaya@Camden.gov.uk

Social Prescribing Link Worker Survey

The NHS England Social Prescribing Team has published this year’s annual Social Prescribing Link Worker (SPLW) survey, which gives SPLWs the opportunity to share their experiences and perspectives of their role over the last 12 months on topics including:

  • Employment
  • Training, Development and Supervision
  • Equipment and System Access
  • SPLW Role and Skills

Please share the survey with colleagues and wider networks. The survey is open until Friday 3rd November 2023.
If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to email england.socialprescribing@nhs.net.

Every week VAC checks various sources for the latest funding opportunities relevant for Camden groups.
You can visit our website for a round up of the latest opportunities added this week:  https://vac.org.uk/our-services/fundraising/current-funding-opportunities/

If you need help sourcing or applying for funds, get in touch with our consultancy service, free for all Camden groups!

North London Community Fund – open for applications
The fund for 2024-25 will be awarded through two rounds. In this first round, we will award up to £150,000 of the overall budget. Organisations can apply for a small award, up to £5,000 or medium award, up to £15,000. The second round of funding will open early next year, when we will award the remaining £100,000 to two large scale projects.
Information required to make an application:
North London Community Fund webpage
North London Community Fund FAQs document
Funding guidance document
Online application form
Event listing for online Q&A webinar for potential applicants on the 30 October 2023
Event listing for online Q&A webinar for potential applicants on the 13 November 2023
Organisations are welcome to contact us directly with questions or for application support by email to wastepreventionteam@nlwa.gov.uk

Deadline for the first round is 15th December 2023, 1 pm.

Funding to Support Refugee Children and Young People (England) – apply by 1st November 2023

Local authorities and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations based in England can apply for funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – Children and Young People’s Resettlement Fund.

The fund was introduced to support children and young people who have come to the UK under one of the following schemes:

  • The Homes for Ukraine scheme
  • The Ukraine Family scheme
  • The Ukraine Extension scheme
  • The Afghan citizens resettlement scheme
  • The Hong Kong British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) visa scheme

A total of £2.5 million is available and will be made available over 2023 to 2025.                  Link:

Somers Town Big Local Festive Events Fund

Somers Town Big Local has launched a Festive Events Fund to support projects and activities taking place from October 17th 2023 to January 10th 2024. Grants of £250-£3,000 are available for community events that promote partnership working and are open to a diverse group of Somers Town residents. Decisions will be provided within two weeks of the application being received.
Applications must be submitted by December 21st, 2023

For more info and to apply: https://forms.gle/ngatdadMbktxPwjF7

Cultural Bridge Fund is open – apply by 22 November 2023

Cultural Bridge is a unique investment programme between all UK arts councils and leading German cultural institutions that supports the development of cross-border partnerships. Partnerships must be bi-lateral, including at least one German partner and one UK partner
The funding is for activity that starts from April 2024 and is completed by March 2025.
For further information on how to obtain this fund go to
Funding | Cultural Bridge (cultural-bridge.info)
For general enquiries:

UK organisations contact:
Lorna Palmer
Programme Manager, Cultural Bridge

German organisations contact:
Tabea Deckers
Fonds Soziokultur e.V.

The deadline for applications is 22 November 2023 (5pm).

Camden 4 Community – Funding alerts and news for the VCSE 

You can find more funding news and information about funders and grants on VAC website at 

Open to VAC Members only
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Introduction to Safeguarding for Volunteers and New Starters  – Virtual workshop, Wednesday, 1st November: 1pm – 2:30pm – FREE
This introductory course is designed for volunteers and new staff who work both directly and indirectly for organisations or groups delivering services to children, young people or their families in Camden.

All sessions will be held virtually, so please make sure you have access to Zoom online or the App beforehand .

To book follow the link and instructions on VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/event/virtual-introduction-to-safeguarding-for-volunteers-and-new-starters-4/

Camden Trustee Network: Trustee Recruitment Workshop
Tuesday, November 7 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm  – FREE
Join us ONLINE  at our Trustee Recruitment Workshop for the Camden Trustee Network which we are co-hosting with our partners at Volunteer Centre Camden on Tuesday 7th November, 6-7pm online. (Zoom link TBA for those who sign up for the event).
This workshop will cover all aspects of trustee recruitment from identifying needs, how to promote the role and tips for onboarding/induction.

Virtual Introduction to GDPR Virtual workshop, Tuesday 21st November: 1:30 – 2:30pm – FREE

All organisations and groups that manage, hold or process data are subject to GDPR.

GDPR applies to any personal data you collect, including volunteers and employees and the law requires you to provide a reason as to why your charity / organisation is collecting and storing this information.

This virtual workshop aims to provide you with basic knowledge and understanding of UK GDPR and how to ensure compliance. It is suitable for those completely new to GDPR or for those looking for a short refresher.

To book follow the link and instructions on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/event/virtual-introduction-to-gdpr/

Managing and Complying with GDPR – Virtual workshop, Tuesday 28th November: 2-3pm – FREE
Are you the person directly responsible for managing GDPR at your organisation and ensuring your compliance with current legislation? Do you advise, induct or provide support to colleagues on the proper collecting and processing of users’ personal data and information? If there is a problem relating to data protection to people turn to you to sort it out?

This online workshop aims to provide you with up to date knowledge and understanding of the UK GDPR and how to ensure compliance.

To book follow the link and instructions on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/event/managing-and-complying-with-gdpr/


Real Talk – young people’s debate for 16 to 21-year-olds in Camden

Real Talk is a debate for 16 to 21-year-olds who live or go to school in Camden, or attend a youth centre here.

This free early evening event offers a safe space for young people to express their opinions and challenge preconceptions on topics that matter most to them. It is being held from 5pm to 7.30pm on Thursday 9 November at the Crowndale Centre, 218 Eversholt Street NW1. Young people can find out more and book a free place here.

Black History Month Celebration
at the Irish Cultural Centre – Hammersmith – London – Sunday 29th October at 6 pm 
Join IamIrish at the Irish cultural centre for a FREE evening of performance, culture and community to celebrate Black History Month. The evening will take place on Sunday 29th October from 6pm-9pm.

Young Camden Foundation events
Speed Networking Event

Our Speed-Networking event is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and explore potential collaborations within the youth work field. There will be refreshments provided. Our last speed-networking event completely sold out, so make sure to come along! 

Leading Inclusive Futures Through Technology

LIFT is a four borough partnership programme, with Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Camden and Islington Council.
LIFT aims to support residents from each borough to look at career opportunities within Life Sciences, Tech and the creative industries. We also offer business support or employment support in these sectors.  LIFT is available for people aged 18 and above from the 4 LIFT boroughs. We have a great pool of opportunities on our portal. Contact the LIFT team today for support: Cina.Aissa@islington.gov.uk 

Survivors Can Shine are looking for a motivated and value-driven part time Project Coordinator – closing date 06/11/23

This is an exciting opportunity to join our fast-growing organisation. You will be working with the Founder / Director of Survivors Can Shine to effectively deliver our ‘I Shine, Speak Out – Ambassadors for Change’ Project and create positive change in the lives of children & young people.
Hours Part time 18 hours a week over 3 days (with potential to become a FT permanent role) 
Deadline: 06/11/23                                                                                                  
To learn more and apply, please click here.

Latin American House is recruiting for a new Director
Hours of Work: F/T 35 hrs per weekStarting Salary: £42,000 (Gross)Closing date for applications: 13th November 2023 at 23:59To find a complete Job Description and instructions on how to apply click on the link 

Apply Now

Mind in Camden Trustee recruitment
We are affiliated to National Mind along with over 100 other local Minds across England and Wales, but we are an independent charity with our own Board of Trustees. We have about 35 staff and up to 80 volunteers. We are based in Camden Town, London. For more details about what we do see: www.mindincamden.org.uk
To ask for more details and the Trustee role description email Brian Dawn at bdawn@mindincamden.org.uk
Ideally, we would like you to commit to a minimum of two years.

VCS Strategic Lead | Camden Consortium of Community Centres (C4)
Camden Community Centres Consortium (C4) brings together community and voluntary sector partners across Camden. C4 improves the living conditions and mental and physical well-being of people in Camden. They are looking for someone with expert skills in fundraising, and someone experienced operating at a strategic level with extensive knowledge and contacts across the Camden voluntary, statutory and community sectors. Part-time, 2 year contract, £49,000 per year FTE. Deadline 7 November. More info

Community Engagement Officer | Camden High Line
 The Camden Highline is a proposed public park and garden walk, transforming the disused railway between Camden Town and King’s Cross into a new green artery for London. They are looking for an enthusiastic and driven Community Engagement Officer to join their team. The role will focus primarily on delivering a new scheme of work called ‘Camden Highline – Tracking the Heritage’, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF). As Community Engagement Officer, you will report to the CEO and work alongside a project team. If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please submit a 60-second cover video along with your CV to jobs@camdenhighline.com
18 month fixed-term contract, £28,000+benefits.
Deadline 27 October       More info.

UCL VOLUNTEERING FAIR WAS A SUCCESS – register by 22 October for the next one!
Thank you for everyone who participated in the UCL Volunteering Fair last week – it was so great to see so many of you in one place (well, two)! We hope it was useful for your organisations and you had a fun time chatting with our students. We have more events  coming up, VCS organisations welcome!
don’t forget to apply to our Volunteering Fair in November before the 22nd of October!
The next fair will take place on the 21st of November (it’s a Tuesday!), 12-3pm in the South Cloisters.
Any questions contact csenge.gabeli@ucl.ac.uk

Age UK Camden and VAC Social Prescribers Innovators Programme 
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this venture.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWSH newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs
Castlehaven Community Association (sign up)
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 13th October


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
13th October 2023

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box below and join us today

Become a Member

This week we spotlight:

  • VAC Training for Members
  • VAC Camden New Groups Network
  • VAC and VCC Trustee Network
  • VAC CEO Network
  • We also have our usual information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Training for Members

  • Thinking of setting up a CIC: Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm   
  • Introduction for Volunteers and New Starters – Virtual Workshop: Wednesday, 1st November 13:00 – 14:30

See details and book a place in our Events and Training section

Camden New Groups Network
If you are thinking about starting up a charity , community group or social enterprise get in touch with VAC by emailing Vania at  vguetova@vac.org.uk .
Whether you think of starting a new group, incorporating an organisation, are drafting your Articles of Association or have recently registered your organisation and are developing a fundraising strategy, this group is for you. VAC is inviting you to participate in the Networks inaugural meeting (coming soon!) to discuss our  peer support
 and the Terms of Reference of the Network. This is a closed group to anyone who we have supported over the past year and to new starting up groups that have joined VAC recently.

Camden Trustee Network
VAC and VCC have launched the Camden Trustee Network which brings together trustees from different Camden VCSE organisations to share experience, good practice, ideas and offer peer support. If you are a trustee in Camden, this group is for you! Find out more on our website: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/forums-and-networks/camden-trustee-network/. We encourage all trustee’s in Camden to sign up to our trustee community of practice group, a private online space to connect with other trustees and access dedicated resources for trustees

Camden CEO Network
Similar to the trustee network, the CEO Network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector leaders. Find out more on our website: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/forums-and-networks/camden-ceo-network/. You can also join our dedicated CEO Community of Practice group for access to a dedicated email group to share information, best practice and insights, including access to a quarterly round up of relevant news and guidance and resources for current and aspiring CEO’s.

The Volunteer Centre Camden calculates ‘The Monetary Value of Charity Trustees’
The Report calculates the total monetary value of volunteer charity trustees in England and Wales at £33.17billion.
The report has some statistics that are relevant for Camden and London:
Monetary value of Trustees in Camden: £145 million
Total value of all Volunteering in Camden: £1.3 billion
Check out the full report here: https://volunteercentrecamden.org.uk/just-published-october-2023-the-monetary-value-of-trustees/

Affordable, Convenient Office Space in the Heart of the Community

The Winch is a charity that has been working with young people in Camden and nearby areas since 1973. We are currently seeking new tenants for our two office spaces located in Swiss Cottage. We have two well-lit, spacious rooms that can accommodate 2-8 people.  Email roomhire@thewinch.org or call us at 0207 586 8731 for more information.

Major Coventry grant-giving organisation completes takeover and £1.2 million asset transfer of Birmingham charity

A major grant-giving organisation has completed the takeover and £1.2 million asset transfer of a Birmingham charity and has spoken out about the support that community foundations can offer struggling charities and trusts.

Heart of England Community Foundation has completed the takeover of South Birmingham Friends Institute to provide it with a lasting legacy of supporting disadvantaged communities in the West Midlands.

The transfer of assets included £1.2 million as well as five residential properties each valued at £280,000, which has been transferred into the Foundation’s endowment as a named fund.

Refugee charity appoints new chief

The refugee employment charity Breaking Barriers has appointed Ciara Devlin as its next chief executive. Devlin, who has spent almost 18 years in a variety of roles at the homelessness charity Crisis, will succeed Matt Powell, who founded Breaking Barriers in 2015. 

Breaking Barriers said that by 2030 it hoped to more than triple its annual income to £15m, increase staff numbers from 80 to more than 300 as part of plans to support 4,000 refugees per year, up from 1,000. 

Arts Council England​ (ACE)​ announced a grant of £24 million for the English National Opera​ (ENO)​ for April 2024 to March 2026, and a longer timeframe for the ENO to complete the establishment of a new main base outside the capital.

During the 2024-26 period, the ENO will develop an artistic programme in the new city, whilst transitioning to a new business model, which will see the company deliver a substantial opera season every year in London while developing a significant performance and engagement programme in their new city. The ENO plans to confirm the location of the new city in December this year.  
The London Assembly has formally objected to Arts Council England’s decision to force the English National Opera (ENO) to move from the capital.

The Royal Parks – Be mindful in nature…

Join us on a series of free accessible guided ecotherapy sessions to disconnect from the day and reconnect with yourself and nature. With a wide range of experience working with people with a variety of conditions ecotherapist Mimi, will lead you through practicing mindfulness in a peaceful pocket of The Regent’s Park.

For more information and to book a place visit https://royalparks.org.uk/whats-on/accessible-guided-ecotherapy-01102023                                                           Accessible Guided Ecotherapy | The Royal Parks

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Friday newsletter. 

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more

Total charity income fell for the first time in 10 years

The UK Civil Society Almanac, published today by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, shows that total UK voluntary sector income was £56.9bn in 2020/21, down £1.8bn from the previous year. 

The NCVO warned that the reduction showed the voluntary sector was facing its own “long Covid effect”, which left many charities vulnerable to the cost-of-living crisis. 

The reduction comes despite a rise in income from the government, due in part to initiatives including the furlough scheme, which enabled many organisations to continue paying staff while services were closed due to the pandemic. 

The NCVO’s data shows public donations remained the largest income source at £26.4bn but this was down by 14 per cent on the previous year. 

Sector income down for the first time in 10 years, research finds | Third Sector

New Charity Commission social media guidance

The RSPB has recently been in the news following their post on X (formerly Twitter) calling government ministers ‘liars’.

The post was in response to government plans to change the rules on water protection restrictions for housing developments. RSPB’s chief executive later apologised.

The Charity Commission has since shared new social media guidance for charities.

New trustee guides

The Charity Commission has launched a range of 5-minute guides for trustees.

The guides are designed to help trustees manage the demands of running a charity. They cover key topics to help improve your knowledge and understanding of essential trustee duties. You can also test your knowledge with their new trustee quiz.

London’s Lifelines & Christmas Food Aid
Christmas is crucial for food aid organisations – they need people to help provide for hungry Londoners and prevent surplus food going to waste. In the coming months, London’s Lifelines will be promoting food aid volunteering in London to help get enough volunteers for the busy festive period, and are looking for content to share. See this thread for more details, and follow their account for updates.

Consultation on Section 75 NHS Act 2006 – pooled budgets

 Section 75 enables NHS bodies and local authorities to enter into partnerships that allow their health-related functions to be delivered by the other body, and to establish and run pooled funds to do so. DHSC are consulting on whether the scope of section 75 should be widened to include additional health related functions of local authorities and NHS bodies; whether DHSC should widen the range of organisations that can enter into these arrangements; how DHSC can strengthen or simplify the governance of s75; and whether there are barriers to further use that could be addressed via legislative changes. You can read the full DHSC survey here. 

Consultation on pre-employment checks for health and care volunteers
This DHSC consultation seeks views on the proposal to remove the statutory requirement for a full employment history when appointing volunteers in health and care settings. NAVCA intends to respond to the consultation broadly welcoming this proposal, but encouraging volunteers to be formally asked about the skills from employment and other sources that they bring into volunteering in health and social care.   You can read the full consultation here.

Stroke Association Communication Support Group for Camden
Venue space required to host a free group for stroke survivors.
When: Weekly accessible use for no longer than 3 hours, once a week  for apprx.15 people
Where: A site in Camden borough. Venue specs and available amenities to be discussed and agreed.
Please contact: Caroline.Fitzgibbon@stroke.org.uk, Stroke Support Coordinator on 07717 275824

Every week VAC checks various sources for the latest funding opportunities relevant for Camden groups.
You can visit our website for a round up of the latest opportunities added this week:  https://vac.org.uk/our-services/fundraising/current-funding-opportunities/

If you need help sourcing or applying for funds, get in touch with our consultancy service, free for all Camden groups!

The Vision Fund supports projects that are designed to improve the experience of being blind or partially sighted or at risk of sight loss in the UK.
A National Resilience Fund is open to organisations across the UK, who can apply for up to £10,000 of unrestricted funding.
Please use https://www.tfaforms.com/5085756  to submit your application. Deadline: 31 October 2023, 11:59 pm. Please get in touch with the Vision Fund team by emailing grants@visionfoundation.org.uk if you have ideas but are not sure if they fit our criteria, or if you would like any help with the application process.

A new name for City Bridge Trust
We are excited to inform you that City Bridge Trust and our wider charity, Bridge House Estates, have come together under a new brand name. As of 26 September, we are now operating as City Bridge Foundation, a name chosen to reflect our dual role as a bridge owner and major player in the capital’s charity sector. The City of London Corporation will remain our sole trustee, and our relationships with funded organisations will not be materially impacted. We’re also encouraging grant-holders to promote their partnership with City Bridge Foundation, including on their website, in the media and on social channels.

City Bridge Foundation Reopens Small Grants Programme

VCSE sector organisations across Greater London can apply for funding to deliver projects and activities that benefit the environment, disabled people, older people, LGBTQIA+ communities, and migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

City Bridge Foundation (formerly known as City Bridge Trust) is offering small grants of up to £20,000 per year for up to five years for voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector groups across Greater London.
Applications can be submitted at any time. 
For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact

Tackling loneliness and isolation for the blind and partially sighted

This new funding from Fight For Sight and Vision Foundation aims to support organisations whose work will improve the experience of being blind and partially sighted in the UK.
With grants of up to £30,000, this funding programme is dedicated to reducing the levels of loneliness and / or isolation experienced by blind and partially sighted Londoners.
The new fund launched on Monday 2 October, 2023.
More information: www.visionfoundation.org.uk
The Tackling Loneliness and Isolation in London Fund is co-funded by City Bridge Foundation.

Funding Available to Support Refugee Children and Young People (England)

Local authorities and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations based in England can apply for funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – Children and Young People’s Resettlement Fund.

The fund was introduced to support children and young people who have come to the UK under one of the following schemes:

  • The Homes for Ukraine scheme
  • The Ukraine Family scheme
  • The Ukraine Extension scheme
  • The Afghan citizens resettlement scheme
  • The Hong Kong British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) visa scheme

A total of £2.5 million is available and will be made available over two years.

  • £800,000 in 2023 to 2024
  • £1.7 million in 2024 to 2025

The grant can be used to fund projects that support the children and young people.

The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 1 November 2023.

Camden 4 Community – Funding alerts and news for the VCSE  –   https://funding.idoxopen4community.co.uk/camdencommunity

You can find more funding news and information about funders and grants on VAC website at 

Open to VAC Members only
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Thinking of setting up a CIC                                                      Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm
CIC (Community Interest Company) is the often the first organisational structure community groups decide upon.
In this workshop, participants can expect to hear from a local CIC about the journey to registration, discuss the pros and cons, ask questions, and help one another decide if this is an option for your group.
To book a place follow the link:

Introduction to Safeguarding for Volunteers and New Starters  – Virtual workshop, Wednesday, 1st November: 1pm – 2:30pm
This introductory course is designed for volunteers and new staff who work both directly and indirectly for organisations or groups delivering services to children, young people or their families in Camden.

All sessions will be held virtually, so please make sure you have access to Zoom online or the App beforehand .

To book follow the link and instructions on VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/event/virtual-introduction-to-safeguarding-for-volunteers-and-new-starters-4/


GALA FUNDRAISING CONCERT  on Saturday the 14th October at 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm at West Hampstead Primary School, Dornfell Street NW6 1QL
Book your tickets for the Gala Fundraising Concert! It will be a special evening celebrating talented local artists while helping to raise much needed funds for your local community centre. Holly Penfield will perform as the headliner of the show, and Michael Simkins – an actor and CAWH Patron – will serve as a compere!
We have received a generous donation from a local businessman, who paid for 10 tickets to be given out for FREE!

We look forward to seeing you there! BOOK on EVENTBRITE by searching CAWH Gala concert or you can pay at the door. 

Talk For Health is a social enterprise improving mental health
Key Upcoming Events: 
Free peer-to-peer Counselling Programme: Starting on the 17th November.
On the Full Talk for Health Peer Counselling Programme, you will deepen your knowledge and skills as well as have space to practise the four key learning areas of Talk for Health: open and truthful talking, empathic listening, basic counselling skills and how to set up an ongoing group to take care of your own wellbeing and enable others to take care of theirs.
The dates and times for this programme are: 
Friday 17 November 2023 from 10:30 – 16:30
Friday 24 November 2023 from 10:30 – 16:30
Friday 1 December 2023 from 10:30 – 16:30
Friday 8 December 2023 from 10:30 – 16:30
Click here to join our programme on Eventbrite. 

Free Taster sessions to explore learning areas of our full programme. 
Taster sessions are FREE and help people to find out if Talk for Health is right for them.
The next dates for Tasters are: 
Wednesday 1 November 2023 from 11:00 – 13:00 (ONLINE) Click here to sign up
Wednesday 7 February 2023 from 14:00 – 16:00 (ONLINE) Click here to sign up

Black History Month Celebration
at the Irish Cultural Centre – Hammersmith – London – Sunday 29th October @ 6 pm 
Join IamIrish at the Irish cultural centre for a FREE evening of performance, culture and community to celebrate Black History Month. The evening will take place on Sunday 29th October from 6pm-9pm. This years Black History month theme is “Celebrating our Sisters” and we have an incredible line up of Black and Mixed Black Irish performers to celebrate the amazing talent of our community. Hosted by Louise Durand join us for poetry, music, singing and a live podcast interview with Sara Keenan (Out of Sight). We also have an Open Mic section as part of the evening dedicated to our audience to share something of their own (so bring along poems, instruments and dancing shoes if you would like to share something!)
You can book tickets here : https://irishculturalcentre.co.uk/event/iamirish-x-icc-black-history-month-celebration/

Free fully funded practitioner training to support all families to learn about money

No specialist knowledge is needed to attend any workshop running up to December 2023 

This free 90-minute workshop for practitioners working with families offers a new inclusive family approach to learning about money. The approach supports children aged 3-7 with a focus on diverse needs, including autism spectrum disorders and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

The training is funded by the Money and Pensions Service and delivered by Campaign for Learning.

Find out more and book your funded place: https://www.campaign-for-learning.org.uk/Web/CFL/Events/Inclusive_FinEd.aspx 

Looking at sharpening your skills in Regulation Financial Planning? The Verve Foundation is running a new cohort, and it’s free for candidates. Find out more on their website

Youth programmes on Hampstead Heath
Heath Hands’ term-time youth programmes have restarted on Hampstead Heath – these include youth volunteering on Saturday mornings (10am-12pm) and our youth wellbeing programme for young people struggling with school attendance (Friday mornings 10am-12pm). We also run free nature outings for youth groups. Find out more about all of these here.


Further Than The Edge are offering FREE theatre tickets to see The Morphea at the Bloomsbury Festival thanks to support from CamdenGiving.                                                   Sat 14th and Sun 15th October at 5pm at  Studio Theatre, RADA, WC1E 7EX

If you’re a group or organisation, or a member of one, that works with Camden communities and would like to be part of this initiative, get in touch with us asap! contact@furtherthantheedge.com 

Young Camden Foundation events
Speed Networking Event

Our Speed-Networking event is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and explore potential collaborations within the youth work field. There will be refreshments provided. Our last speed-networking event completely sold out, so make sure to come along! 

Mind in Camden Trustee recruitment
We are affiliated to National Mind along with over 100 other local Minds across England and Wales, but we are an independent charity with our own Board of Trustees. We have about 35 staff and up to 80 volunteers. We are based in Camden Town, London. For more details about what we do see: www.mindincamden.org.uk
We are looking for people who are committed to promoting a none-medical model of metal health and are supportive of the values (and ethics) of the organisation.
To ask for more details and the Trustee role description by emailing Brian Dawn at bdawn@mindincamden.org.uk
Ideally, we would like you to commit to a minimum of two years.

The Winch is hiring for Head of Communities (Maternity Cover)  

  • Are you passionate about communities being in the driving seat?
  • Do you know how to support and develop people to lead with confidence?
  • Are you excited by the opportunity to build a shared understanding of what matters to communities?

For more information: https://thewinch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Head-of-Communities-Manager-Job-Pack-Maternity-Cover.docx-1.pdf

Abbey Community Centre 
Centre Administrator, part-time, with specific responsibility for room bookings

We are looking for a part-time Centre Administrator with specific responsibility for room bookings, a key operational role within a friendly and supportive staff team.
Salary: £7,886 – £8,571 actual (£23,000 – £25,000 FTE) paid holidays (30 days annually pro-rata), auto enrolment pension
Hours: Onsite; 3- 4 days per week, for total of 12 hours. Either 3 days, for 4 hours, 1.30-5.30 or 4 days for 3 hours between 2- 5.00 pm. On occasion you may be required to work until 6-6.30 pm.
Full details on our website: https://abbeycc-kilburn.org.uk/vacancies


Street Storage is recruiting a Chair of Trustees
Street Storage is an ambitious and innovative homelessness charity. The only charity of its kind in the U.K., we provide free, accessible storage for people experiencing homelessness. Founded in 2019, we have grown exponentially in the last few years and developed a strong reputation in the sector and the homelessness community. We are now going national for the first time ever!
We are looking for a competent and confident person to lead the Board and to oversee the strategy of the organisation.
If you are interested, please have a look at our Volunteer page for more details including a full Role Description. If you are STILL interested, please send Street Storage’s Director Rachel Woolf a copy of your CV and a cover letter to rachel.woolf@streetstorage.org by Tuesday 24th October.
Phone screenings and interviews will likely take place w/c 6th November

NCVO are looking for a successor for the outgoing chair of the NCVO finance and commercial committee The NCVO Treasurer will step away in Autumn 2024. Find out more about the role and apply. 

The People’s Museum Somers Town is looking for volunteers
The People’s Museum Somers Town has made a space for the ‘Radical Reformer Uncommon People’s histories of an area at risk from development, recording change now, as well as saving working class heritage. We are looking for volunteers for the role of  Refill & Reuse Educator – Save the planet and get others to refill glasses and bottles so we don’t keep using plastics! Flexible hours at weekends/ Fridays. Expenses paid and commission on sales. Location: Outdoor King’s Cross market.                                      Email: diana@aspaceforus.club                            www.aspaceforus.club

Ascension Trust – Bridge Watch – Suicide Prevention Programme
A new programme is being delivered by the Ascension Trust in partnership with a range of stakeholders including the RNLI, Police, Port of London Authority, and the NHS, and working across several mental health charities.
The project aims to train and develop volunteers to act as a ‘physical presence’ around the bridges of the Thames, to identify and support those who are at risk of self-harm and suicide by listening, understanding, talking, and working with a team to provide support needed to help them.
If you are interested in finding out more, express your interest here

Social Media volunteer for Further Than The Edge             
We are a theatre production and performance group Further Than The Edge. We’re looking for a Social Media volunteer for our production The Morphea in October at the Bloomsbury Festival. A good opportunity if you want to get involved in the arts sector. We’re a small, friendly team and can provide references. Interested? Contact Rowenna at: artists@furtherthantheedge.com

Mill Lane Garden Centre Vacancy: Seasonal Staff
Mill Lane Garden Centre is a West Hampstead based social enterprise garden centre, providing training and learning to people with a learning disability.
We’re looking for friendly and outgoing people to work at our garden centre from the end of November until just before Christmas. This position involves supporting with Christmas tree deliveries, moving, and packing Christmas trees all whilst providing excellent customer service to the local community.
For more information, please click here

Age UK Camden and VAC Social Prescribers Innovators Programme 
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWSH newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs
Castlehaven Community Association (sign up)
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 6th October 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
6th October 2023

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box below and join us today

Become a Member

This week we spotlight:

  • VAC Training for Members
  • VAC and VCC Trustee Network
  • VAC CEO Network
  • VAC Camden New Groups Network
  • We also have our usual information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC Training for Members

  • Signposting and Safeguarding Support – NSPCC Camden Virtual Workshop Thursday 12th of October 13:00 – 14:00
  • Thinking of setting up a CIC: Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm   
  • Introduction for Volunteers and New Starters – Virtual Workshop: Wednesday, 1st November 13:00 – 14:30

See details and book a place in our Events and Training section

Camden Trustee Network
VAC and VCC have launched the Camden Trustee Network which brings together trustees from different Camden VCSE organisations to share experience, good practice, ideas and offer peer support. If you are a trustee in Camden, this group is for you! Find out more on our website: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/forums-and-networks/camden-trustee-network/. We encourage all trustee’s in Camden to sign up to our trustee community of practice group, a private online space to connect with other trustees and access dedicated resources for trustees

Camden CEO Network
Similar to the trustee network, the CEO Network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector leaders. Find out more on our website: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/forums-and-networks/camden-ceo-network/. You can also join our dedicated CEO Community of Practice group for access to a dedicated email group to share information, best practice and insights, including access to a quarterly round up of relevant news and guidance and resources for current and aspiring CEO’s.

Camden New Groups Network
We know the importance of having someone to talk to when you are just starting out, so whether you have recently registered your organisation; are drafting your Articles of Association; or developing a fundraising strategy, this group is for you. This is a closed group to anyone who we have supported over the past year. Please email vguetova@vac.org.uk today to join the Camden New Group Network and participate in its inaugural meeting coming soon.         

Flexible, affordable meeting spaces for hire 

Located just around the corner from King’s Cross Station, our eco-friendly conference suite is easy to find and offers great value for money for charities and other organisations. Book an NCVO meeting room. 

CATAYLST BLOG: Putting your charity on the map and improving your mission

Mapping is a way to look at your organisation’s data with a literal bird’s eye view. It can: 

  • Support fundraising;
  • Provide an overview of how your outreach is distributed;
  • Evidence where services have the greatest impact;
  • And reveal how you could streamline your operations or resources.

Discover tools and guides that the social sector can use for mapping. Examples from Sobus, Citizens Advice Lewisham, and Material Focus will help you tackle major risks.

The Royal Parks – Be mindful in nature…

Join us on a series of free accessible guided ecotherapy sessions to disconnect from the day and reconnect with yourself and nature. With a wide range of experience working with people with a variety of conditions ecotherapist Mimi, will lead you through practicing mindfulness in a peaceful pocket of The Regent’s Park.

For more information and to book a place visit https://royalparks.org.uk/whats-on/accessible-guided-ecotherapy-01102023                                                           Accessible Guided Ecotherapy | The Royal Parks

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Friday newsletter. 

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board
The Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board (CSNB) is made up of community organisations who would like to help make Camden a safer place to live, work and visit.  The Board organises events and projects related to this and works with the Police and Council.  The pandemic interrupted many of these activities and we would like to renew our connection with you all.  Please register to join (its free) at https://tinyurl.com/CSNB101.  More information is in our newsletter which can be seen here.

London’s Lifelines & Christmas Food Aid
Christmas is crucial for food aid organisations – they need people to help provide for hungry Londoners and prevent surplus food going to waste. In the coming months, London’s Lifelines will be promoting food aid volunteering in London to help get enough volunteers for the busy festive period, and are looking for content to share. See this thread for more details, and follow their account for updates.

Consultation on Section 75 NHS Act 2006 – pooled budgets

 Section 75 enables NHS bodies and local authorities to enter into partnerships that allow their health-related functions to be delivered by the other body, and to establish and run pooled funds to do so. DHSC are consulting on whether the scope of section 75 should be widened to include additional health related functions of local authorities and NHS bodies; whether DHSC should widen the range of organisations that can enter into these arrangements; how DHSC can strengthen or simplify the governance of s75; and whether there are barriers to further use that could be addressed via legislative changes. You can read the full DHSC survey here. 

Consultation on pre-employment checks for health and care volunteers
This DHSC consultation seeks views on the proposal to remove the statutory requirement for a full employment history when appointing volunteers in health and care settings.

NAVCA intends to respond to the consultation broadly welcoming this proposal, but encouraging volunteers to be formally asked about the skills from employment and other sources that they bring into volunteering in health and social care.   You can read the full consultation here.

Stroke Association Communication Support Group for Camden
Venue space required to host a free group for stroke survivors.
When: Weekly accessible use for no longer than 3 hours, once a week  for apprx.15 people
Where: A site in Camden borough. Venue specs and available amenities to be discussed and agreed.
Please contact: Caroline.Fitzgibbon@stroke.org.uk, Stroke Support Coordinator on 07717 275824

Every week VAC checks various sources for the latest funding opportunities relevant for Camden groups.
You can visit our website for a round up of the latest opportunities added this week:  https://vac.org.uk/our-services/fundraising/current-funding-opportunities/

If you need help sourcing or applying for funds, get in touch with our consultancy service, free for all Camden groups!

A new name for City Bridge Trust
We are excited to inform you that City Bridge Trust and our wider charity, Bridge House Estates, have come together under a new brand name. As of 26 September, we are now operating as City Bridge Foundation, a name chosen to reflect our dual role as a bridge owner and major player in the capital’s charity sector. The City of London Corporation will remain our sole trustee, and our relationships with funded organisations will not be materially impacted. We’re also encouraging grant-holders to promote their partnership with City Bridge Foundation, including on their website, in the media and on social channels.

Tackling loneliness and isolation for the blind and partially sighted

This new funding from Fight For Sight and Vision Foundation aims to support organisations whose work will improve the experience of being blind and partially sighted in the UK.
With grants of up to £30,000, this funding programme is dedicated to reducing the levels of loneliness and / or isolation experienced by blind and partially sighted Londoners.
The new fund launched on Monday 2 October, 2023.
More information: www.visionfoundation.org.uk
The Tackling Loneliness and Isolation in London Fund is co-funded by City Bridge Foundation.

Funding Available to Support Refugee Children and Young People (England)

Local authorities and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations based in England can apply for funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – Children and Young People’s Resettlement Fund.

The fund was introduced to support children and young people who have come to the UK under one of the following schemes:

  • The Homes for Ukraine scheme
  • The Ukraine Family scheme
  • The Ukraine Extension scheme
  • The Afghan citizens resettlement scheme
  • The Hong Kong British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) visa scheme

A total of £2.5 million is available and will be made available over two years.

  • £800,000 in 2023 to 2024
  • £1.7 million in 2024 to 2025

The grant can be used to fund projects that support the children and young people.

The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 1 November 2023.

Open to VAC Members only
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Thinking of setting up a CIC                                                      Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm
CIC (Community Interest Company) is the often the first organisational structure community groups decide upon.
In this workshop, participants can expect to hear from a local CIC about the journey to registration, discuss the pros and cons, ask questions, and help one another decide if this is an option for your group.
To book a place follow the link:

Free fully funded practitioner training to support all families to learn about money

No specialist knowledge is needed to attend any workshop running up to December 2023 

This free 90-minute workshop for practitioners working with families offers a new inclusive family approach to learning about money. The approach supports children aged 3-7 with a focus on diverse needs, including autism spectrum disorders and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

The training is funded by the Money and Pensions Service and delivered by Campaign for Learning.

Find out more and book your funded place: https://www.campaign-for-learning.org.uk/Web/CFL/Events/Inclusive_FinEd.aspx 

The NSPCC Hub for London and South East -Signposting and Safeguarding Support in Camden  – Virtual Workshop
Thursday 12th October: 1pm – 2pm

The NSPCC Hub for London and South East is based in Camden, and through the hub model, they deliver campaigns, school services and direct services, in collaboration with families, partners, schools, social services, the local community and other organisations.

Amy Campo McEvoy – NSPCC’S Relationship Manager, will explain how the national charity aims to work with more people, reach more children and make the biggest impact they can to stop child abuse and neglect, and how organisations in Camden can work with NSPCC.   
To Book:                                                                          https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/signposting-and-safeguarding-support-in-camden-tickets-726816657187?aff=oddtdtcreator

Introduction to Safeguarding for Volunteers and New Starters  – Virtual workshop, Wednesday, 1st November: 1pm – 2:30pm
This introductory course is designed for volunteers and new staff who work both directly and indirectly for organisations or groups delivering services to children, young people or their families in Camden.

All sessions will be held virtually, so please make sure you have access to Zoom online or the App beforehand .

To book follow the link and instructions on VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/event/virtual-introduction-to-safeguarding-for-volunteers-and-new-starters-4/


Looking at sharpening your skills in Regulation Financial Planning? The Verve Foundation is running a new cohort, and it’s free for candidates. Find out more on their website

Youth programmes on Hampstead Heath
Heath Hands’ term-time youth programmes have restarted on Hampstead Heath – these include youth volunteering on Saturday mornings (10am-12pm) and our youth wellbeing programme for young people struggling with school attendance (Friday mornings 10am-12pm). We also run free nature outings for youth groups. Find out more about all of these here.

Hedgehog Friendly Heath
Heath Hands has a new project working with local residents, community groups and schools to improve wildlife connectivity around Hampstead Heath for hedgehogs (and other species).  Find out more about our project and get involved here.
You can also support Heath Hands’ hedgehog crowdfunder to help support this work protecting North London’s key population of hedgehogs and a more wildlife-friendly space – for every £1 donated, Aviva donates £2 as part of the Save our Wild Isles community fund.

Rooms for hire at Holborn House, Holborn Community Association
Two spaces suitable for team away days, workshops or short-term office rental. The Green room for up to 10 people, £25 an hour, discount for smaller charities. The workspace for up to 4 people, £20 an hour. We are fully accessible with lift. Wi-Fi and refreshments available. Both rooms have flexible spaces with natural daylight. Enquires to Admin@holborncommunity.co.uk


Further Than The Edge are offering FREE theatre tickets to see The Morphea at the Bloomsbury Festival thanks to support from CamdenGiving.                                                   Sat 14th and Sun 15th October at 5pm at  Studio Theatre, RADA, WC1E 7EX

If you’re a group or organisation, or a member of one, that works with Camden communities and would like to be part of this initiative, get in touch with us asap! contact@furtherthantheedge.com 

Free adult community learning courses – enrolling now
Do you want to:

  • Gain a qualification and improve your digital skills to find work?
  • Improve your reading, writing and English speaking?
  • Support your child with their schoolwork?
  • Gain a childcare qualification?
  • Learn more about your wellbeing and local area                                                        Check out free adult community learning courses in Camden – enrolling now

Young Camden Foundation events

Autism & SEND Training 

Join Young Camden Foundation for a comprehensive training session led by the Autism Hub, focused on Autism and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This workshop is perfect for youth workers, educators, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how to support young people with Autism. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and make a positive impact on the lives of young people in our community.

Speed Networking Event

Our Speed-Networking event is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and explore potential collaborations within the youth work field. There will be refreshments provided. Our last speed-networking event completely sold out, so make sure to come along! 

Remix Dance – free street dance classes
Old Diorama Arts Centre, in Regent’s Place NW1, is seeking participants for their boys-only and older group classes (ages 11 and above).Their dance teacher, Boogie, is an original member of the renowned street dance group, Flawless. The Remix Dance classes will be working on a showcase that will be performed at The Place dance venue in King’s Cross in November.
For more information, please contact Participation Manager, Mariam Hassan – mariam@olddiorama.com, 020 3951 8983, or 07361 862 104.

UCL SOCIAL HACKATHON     Applications are open
We’ve just opened our applications for our Social Hackathons taking place between the 6th and the 10th of November, from 10am-4pm.
These are one-day events in which the successful organisations get a group of UCL student volunteers to come up with practical solutions to a community/business need or problem. If you’re successful in your application, you’ll also get £500 from us to help turn the volunteers’ ideas from the hackathon day into a reality!
Please make sure to read our Info for Organisations page for more details.
If you want to apply to take part in our Social Hackathons, please do so here by Sunday the 8th of October.  
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time before the deadline-
Volunteering Service

World Mental Health Day
Is on the 10th October, and Camden Council is providing a free mental health trainings to staff and residents.

Camden Council have two trainings coming up across October and November, but places go quickly so click the links to book your spot!

  • Managing Stress: Understand the impact of stress on our wellbeing and how to manage it.
  • Mental Health for Managers: Learn about mental ill-health in the context of the workplace and how to support an employee.

Not Just A Conference- Embrace the unique brain injury way of life
#embracethechaos’ is a unique insight into the complexities of brain injury, led by experts with lived experience alongside specialists within the field.
Not Just a Conference is open to professionals who work with people living with brain injury, to feel empowered and curious.
Thursday, 19th October
£30 / £10 – concession
Sign up by following: Not Just a Conference – Headway East London

Abbey Community Centre 
Centre Administrator, part-time, with specific responsibility for room bookings

We are looking for a part-time Centre Administrator with specific responsibility for room bookings, a key operational role within a friendly and supportive staff team.
Salary: £7,886 – £8,571 actual (£23,000 – £25,000 FTE) paid holidays (30 days annually pro-rata), auto enrolment pension
Hours: Onsite; 3- 4 days per week, for total of 12 hours. Either 3 days, for 4 hours, 1.30-5.30 or 4 days for 3 hours between 2- 5.00 pm. On occasion you may be required to work until 6-6.30 pm.
Full details on our website: https://abbeycc-kilburn.org.uk/vacancies

British Somali Community are seeking a dynamic, proactive, part-time Development and Operations Manager
British Somali Community is a refugee women-led charity with a 30-year history of delivering much needed services in education, family support, advocacy, and health programmes to the community. We are seeking a dynamic, proactive, part-time Development and Operations Manager to oversee, grow and develop our organisation to continue to serve our community as we deal with an increase in demand for our services post pandemic and with the rise in the Cost-of-Living crisis.
Deadline: 9/10/2023

 Find our more: https://uk.indeed.com/job/development-and-operations-manager-46e746c07dbee0a3      

Camden Council is recruiting

There is a new job opportunity of Volunteer Coordinator in the Camden Volunteer and Engagement team.
Closing date: Monday 9th October 2023 at 23:59
Interviews to be held: Week commencing 23rd October 2023
Click here to view job on external site
or copy paste the link below in your browser:

Volunteer Coordinator – LBC ORC Career Site Careers (oraclecloud.com)

Street Storage is recruiting a Chair of Trustees
Street Storage is an ambitious and innovative homelessness charity. The only charity of its kind in the U.K., we provide free, accessible storage for people experiencing homelessness. Founded in 2019, we have grown exponentially in the last few years and developed a strong reputation in the sector and the homelessness community. We are now going national for the first time ever!
We are looking for a competent and confident person to lead the Board and to oversee the strategy of the organisation.
If you are interested, please have a look at our Volunteer page for more details including a full Role Description. If you are STILL interested, please send Street Storage’s Director Rachel Woolf a copy of your CV and a cover letter to rachel.woolf@streetstorage.org by Tuesday 24th October.
Phone screenings and interviews will likely take place w/c 6th November

NCVO are looking for a successor for the outgoing chair of the NCVO finance and commercial committee The NCVO Treasurer will step away in Autumn 2024. Find out more about the role and apply. 

Fitzrovia Youth in Action is looking for a new Chairperson to lead the charity  
We are looking for people who reflect the community in which we work and who have a range of skills and experiences. We would love to hear from Camden residents or people who work in Camden, although this is not an essential requirement.  To find out more, please visit http://www.fya.org.uk/fya-chair-person-recruitment/. If you have any questions, or would like to talk about the role, please contact our current Chair Natalie Speranza on natalie.speranza@gmail.com.
Please submit a CV, including an email explaining why you are interested in the role to info@fya.org.uk. The closing date for applications is Sunday 8th October 2023

The People’s Museum Somers Town is looking for volunteers
The People’s Museum Somers Town has made a space for the ‘Radical Reformer Uncommon People’s histories of an area at risk from development, recording change now, as well as saving working class heritage. We are looking for volunteers for the role of  Refill & Reuse Educator – Save the planet and get others to refill glasses and bottles so we don’t keep using plastics! Flexible hours at weekends/ Fridays. Expenses paid and commission on sales. Location: Outdoor King’s Cross market.                                      Email: diana@aspaceforus.club                            www.aspaceforus.club

Single Homeless Project
SHP is open to recruit new peer mentor volunteers.
If you have lived experience of substance use, mental health, homelessness and the criminal justice system and are now in a stable place in your recovery and would like to give back through volunteering, please contact peermentoring@shp.org.uk for an application pack.

The deadline for applications is 5pm Tuesday 10th October.

Ascension Trust – Bridge Watch – Suicide Prevention Programme
A new programme is being delivered by the Ascension Trust in partnership with a range of stakeholders including the RNLI, Police, Port of London Authority, and the NHS, and working across several mental health charities.
The project aims to train and develop volunteers to act as a ‘physical presence’ around the bridges of the Thames, to identify and support those who are at risk of self-harm and suicide by listening, understanding, talking, and working with a team to provide support needed to help them.
If you are interested in finding out more, express your interest here

Clean Break seeks Female Catering Chef Volunteers  

Clean Break Theatre is based in Kentish Town is currently recruiting for Female Catering Chef Volunteers for one day a week either on Monday or Wednesday 10-2.30pm. For further information please contact volunteering@cleanbreak.org.uk or go to our website to download the role description About Us | Clean Break

Social Media volunteer for Further Than The Edge             
We are a theatre production and performance group Further Than The Edge. We’re looking for a Social Media volunteer for our production The Morphea in October at the Bloomsbury Festival. A good opportunity if you want to get involved in the arts sector. We’re a small, friendly team and can provide references. Interested? Contact Rowenna at: artists@furtherthantheedge.com

Touch Project vacancy: Administrator
Touch Project is looking for an administrator, initially for 3-4 hours per week with the potential for more as the organisation expands in social prescribing for BEH & C&I NHS Foundation Trust. We would prefer a volunteer, but we are willing to pay a London living wage to the right applicant.
The role would involve data entry, a monthly news email and other administrative duties. To learn more about Touch Project, please click here
and apply for the role by contacting our founder Kathy on 07923737813.
Kathy is dyslexic and would prefer text messages, voice notes or phone calls


Mill Lane Garden Centre Vacancy: Seasonal Staff
Mill Lane Garden Centre is a West Hampstead based social enterprise garden centre, providing training and learning to people with a learning disability.
We’re looking for friendly and outgoing people to work at our garden centre from the end of November until just before Christmas. This position involves supporting with Christmas tree deliveries, moving, and packing Christmas trees all whilst providing excellent customer service to the local community.
For more information, please click here

Age UK Camden and VAC Social Prescribers Innovators Programme 
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs
Castlehaven Community Association (sign up)
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Voluntary Action Camden – eBulletin 29th September 2023


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
29th September 2023

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box below and join us today

Become a Member

This week we spotlight:

  • VAC and VCC Trustee Network
  • VAC CEO Network
  • New peer-peer support group for people setting up new community groups and charities in Camden.
  • VAC Training for Members
  • We also have our usual information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

Camden Trustee Network
VAC and VCC have launched the Camden Trustee Network which brings together trustees from different Camden VCSE organisations to share experience, good practice, ideas and offer peer support. If you are a trustee in Camden, this group is for you! Find out more on our website: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/forums-and-networks/camden-trustee-network/. We encourage all trustee’s in Camden to sign up to our trustee community of practice group, a private online space to connect with other trustees and access dedicated resources for trustees

Camden CEO Network
Similar to the trustee network, the CEO Network is for leaders of local voluntary sector organisations in Camden to discuss issues and ideas for the mutual benefit of the VCSE. The Network is there to encourage, guide, support and develop voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector leaders. Find out more on our website: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/forums-and-networks/camden-ceo-network/. You can also join our dedicated CEO Community of Practice group for access to a dedicated email group to share information, best practice and insights, including access to a quarterly round up of relevant news and guidance and resources for current and aspiring CEO’s.

Camden New Groups Network
We know the importance of having someone to talk to when you are just starting out, so whether you have recently registered your organisation; are drafting your Articles of Association; or developing a fundraising strategy, this group is for you. This is a closed group to anyone who we have supported over the past year. Please email vguetova@vac.org.uk today to join the Camden New Group Network and participate in its inaugural meeting coming soon.         

VAC Training for Members

  • Safeguarding Advanced: Developing Knowledge and Understanding: Thursday 5th of October 10:00 – 15:00
  • Thinking of setting up a CIC: Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm   

See details and book a place in our Events and Training section

Flexible, affordable meeting spaces for hire 

Located just around the corner from King’s Cross Station, our eco-friendly conference suite is easy to find and offers great value for money for charities and other organisations. Book an NCVO meeting room. 

NAVCA: How collaboration in social prescribing helps our communities

We know that the wellbeing of our local communities can be improved when NAVCA members work in partnership with health systems. That’s why we have recently published a set of new social prescribing resources, which aim to help facilitate better conversations and collaborations between local infrastructure organisations and Primary Care Networks. On our blog, we explore the importance of partnership working, and share our new resources  Social Prescribing | NAVCA .

Read more here.

Choose the right NHS service for you and your family

NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board  are urging people to take extra care and to access NHS services wisely during the upcoming industrial action by both senior and junior doctors taking place from 7:00am on Monday 2 October to 7:00am on Thursday 5 October.

The strikes are likely to have an impact on some NHS services and see some appointments disrupted.

However, please attend your booked GP or hospital appointments unless you are told otherwise.

Click here for more advice on how to access NHS services if you need medical help during the strikes.

The Royal Parks – Be mindful in nature…

Join us on a series of free accessible guided ecotherapy sessions to disconnect from the day and reconnect with yourself and nature. With a wide range of experience working with people with a variety of conditions ecotherapist Mimi, will lead you through practicing mindfulness in a peaceful pocket of The Regent’s Park.

For more information and to book a place visit https://royalparks.org.uk/whats-on/accessible-guided-ecotherapy-01102023                                                           Accessible Guided Ecotherapy | The Royal Parks


Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Friday newsletter. 

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board
The Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board (CSNB) is made up of community organisations who would like to help make Camden a safer place to live, work and visit.  The Board organises events and projects related to this and works with the Police and Council.  The pandemic interrupted many of these activities and we would like to renew our connection with you all.  Please register to join (its free) at https://tinyurl.com/CSNB101.  More information is in our newsletter which can be seen here.

Opportunity to make a difference to health and care services in north central London
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) are promoting opportunities for residents across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to apply for Community Participant Volunteer Roles.
These roles means that residents will be able to sit on internal committees / groups as an independent voice. Please note that NCL ICB will be providing reimbursement for the role.
View background information here and to view the application form click here. The closing date for applications is Monday 2 October.

London’s Lifelines & Christmas Food Aid
Christmas is crucial for food aid organisations – they need people to help provide for hungry Londoners and prevent surplus food going to waste. In the coming months, London’s Lifelines will be promoting food aid volunteering in London to help get enough volunteers for the busy festive period, and are looking for content to share. See this thread for more details, and follow their account for updates.

State of the Sector
The voluntary and community social enterprise sector barometer survey is back. From Pro Bono Economics and Nottingham Trent University, this survey seeks to understand the current state of the voluntary sector in the UK. The results of these surveys are always insightful, so please fill it out if you can.

Whitehouse Communications is offering support to charities that are looking for guidance with campaigning, policy or influencing work. Apply today, for three months pro bono support. Closing date is 6 October 2023. 

Every week VAC checks various sources for the latest funding opportunities relevant for Camden groups.
You can visit our website for a round up of the latest opportunities added this week:  https://vac.org.uk/our-services/fundraising/current-funding-opportunities/

If you need help sourcing or applying for funds, get in touch with our consultancy service, free for all Camden groups!

Here’s a quick snapshot of funds added to our website this week:

The Greater London Authority
is seeking organisations to apply for a share of £11m in UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to support young Londoners across three strands of activity focusing on NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training).

Application Deadline

5pm on Wednesday 18th October 2023

Please click here for more details.

Pathways Fund

This fund is for youth-led groups that are working to change unjust laws, policies, practices, and cultures that have directly affected their lives and the communities of those they share these experiences with.

Application Deadline: Applicants are encouraged to submit applications before mid-October. 

Please click here for more details.

DHSC’s Community Automated External Defibrillators Fund Opens for Applications

Organisations across England are being invited to bid for a share of £1 million of government funding to buy life-saving defibrillators for community spaces like town halls, local parks or post offices. The DHSC Community Automated External Defibrillator (CAED) Fund will support provision of 2000 AEDs. These will be distributed across England during 2023-2024, supporting any organisation based in England that is not eligible for the current Department of Education AED programme.

Application Deadline: 21 September 2024, 11:59pm

Please click here for more details.

McCarthy Stone Foundation Offers Christmas Connections Grants

Our Christmas Connections programme is all about connecting older adults over the Christmas period. Grants of up to £1,000 will be available to support organisations running activities for people over 65 in their community over the festive period.

Funding will only be open to organisations with an annual income of LESS than £250,000.

Registered Charities, Community Groups and Community Interest Companies are eligible to apply.

Application Deadline: Activities must take place between 1st December, 2023 and 2nd January, 2024.

More Detail

Please click here for more details.

Open to VAC Members only
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Safeguarding Advanced: Developing Knowledge and Understanding
Thursday 5th October: 10am – 3pm (Light lunch and refreshments provided);             Location: Conference Room, Crowndale Centre, Third Floor, 218 Eversholt St, London NW1 1BD
This face-to-face training session is free and designed to develop existing knowledge and understanding of safeguarding processes; Guest speaker in the afternoon: Camden Prevent – Understanding radicalisation, extremism and terrorism.
To book a place follow the link below:


Thinking of setting up a CIC                                                         Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm
CIC (Community Interest Company) is the often the first organisational structure community groups decide upon.
In this workshop, participants can expect to hear from a local CIC about the journey to registration, discuss the pros and cons, ask questions, and help one another decide if this is an option for your group.
To book a place follow the link:

The NSPCC Hub for London and South East -Signposting and Safeguarding Support in Camden  – Virtual Workshop
Thursday 12th October: 1pm – 2pm

The NSPCC Hub for London and South East is based in Camden, and through the hub model, they deliver campaigns, school services and direct services, in collaboration with families, partners, schools, social services, the local community and other organisations.

Amy Campo McEvoy – NSPCC’S Relationship Manager, will explain how the national charity aims to work with more people, reach more children and make the biggest impact they can to stop child abuse and neglect, and how organisations in Camden can work with NSPCC.   
To Book:                                                                          https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/signposting-and-safeguarding-support-in-camden-tickets-726816657187?aff=oddtdtcreator


Looking at sharpening your skills in Regulation Financial Planning? The Verve Foundation is running a new cohort, and it’s free for candidates. Find out more on their website

Youth programmes on Hampstead Heath
Heath Hands’ term-time youth programmes have restarted on Hampstead Heath – these include youth volunteering on Saturday mornings (10am-12pm) and our youth wellbeing programme for young people struggling with school attendance (Friday mornings 10am-12pm). We also run free nature outings for youth groups. Find out more about all of these here.

Hedgehog Friendly Heath
Heath Hands has a new project working with local residents, community groups and schools to improve wildlife connectivity around Hampstead Heath for hedgehogs (and other species). Have you seen a hedgehog in the area recently? Would you like advice on how to make your garden or local green space more wildlife-friendly?  Find out more about our project and get involved here.
You can also support Heath Hands’ hedgehog crowdfunder to help support this work protecting North London’s key population of hedgehogs and the area a more wildlife-friendly space – for every £1 donated, Aviva donates £2 as part of the Save our Wild Isles community fund.

Rooms for hire at Holborn House, Holborn Community Association
Two spaces suitable for team away days, workshops or short-term office rental. The Green room for up to 10 people, £25 an hour, discount for smaller charities. The workspace for up to 4 people, £20 an hour. We are fully accessible with lift. Wi-Fi and refreshments available. Both rooms have flexible spaces with natural daylight. Enquires to Admin@holborncommunity.co.uk


Further Than The Edge are offering FREE theatre tickets to see The Morphea at the Bloomsbury Festival thanks to support from CamdenGiving.

Sat 14th and Sun 15th October at 5pm at  Studio Theatre, RADA, WC1E 7EX

If you’re a group or organisation, or a member of one, that works with Camden communities and would like to be part of this initiative, get in touch with us asap! contact@furtherthantheedge.com 

Free adult community learning courses – enrolling now
Do you want to:

  • Gain a qualification and improve your digital skills to find work?
  • Improve your reading, writing and English speaking?
  • Support your child with their schoolwork?
  • Gain a childcare qualification?
  • Learn more about your wellbeing and local area                                                        Check out free adult community learning courses in Camden – enrolling now

Young Camden Foundation events

Autism & SEND Training 

Join Young Camden Foundation for a comprehensive training session led by the Autism Hub, focused on Autism and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This workshop is perfect for youth workers, educators, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how to support young people with Autism. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and make a positive impact on the lives of young people in our community.

Speed Networking Event

Our Speed-Networking event is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and explore potential collaborations within the youth work field. There will be refreshments provided. Our last speed-networking event completely sold out, so make sure to come along! 

Participation People
Live, study, or work in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, or Islington? Aged 14-20? Exciting news! Join our Youth Champions program to shape healthcare for your community. Collaborate with leaders, develop skills, and make friends. Fun, creativity, and pizza await! First event: Sept 30, 11 AM – 3 PM, London W1T 6AQ. Contact Temi at 07734 387 365 or . Be part of change and enjoy the journey. Don’t miss out! Join us today!

ScotsCare offers free monthly lunch
ScotsCare is a London charity offering support to Scots in London including a free monthly lunch near Euston. Scots over 50 ( first or second generation) are welcome – to register with ScotsCare , call 0800 652 2989. Other free services include a choir, advocacy, counselling and grants.

Remix Dance – free street dance classes
Old Diorama Arts Centre, in Regent’s Place NW1, is seeking participants for their boys-only and older group classes (ages 11 and above).Their dance teacher, Boogie, is an original member of the renowned street dance group, Flawless. The Remix Dance classes will be working on a showcase that will be performed at The Place dance venue in King’s Cross in November.
For more information, please contact Participation Manager, Mariam Hassan – mariam@olddiorama.com, 020 3951 8983, or 07361 862 104.

Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 6pm

The Mercenary River
London’s Water History and the Hampstead Waterworks – an illustrated historical talk by Nick Higham at the Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2nd Floor, Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA

Admission Free

UCL SOCIAL HACKATHON     Applications are open
We’ve just opened our applications for our Social Hackathons taking place between the 6th and the 10th of November, from 10am-4pm.
These are one-day events in which the successful organisations get a group of UCL student volunteers to come up with practical solutions to a community/business need or problem. If you’re successful in your application, you’ll also get £500 from us to help turn the volunteers’ ideas from the hackathon day into a reality!
Please make sure to read our Info for Organisations page for more details.
If you want to apply to take part in our Social Hackathons, please do so here by Sunday the 8th of October.  
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time before the deadline-
Volunteering Service

Charity Bank to host Free Events on Navigating Change and the Role of Sustainable Finance
Charity Bank is inviting trustees, directors, CEOs and managers of charities, social enterprises and community organisations to attend a series of free regional events in September and October. Held in collaboration with local and national sector partners, the events will explore the critical role of sustainable finance in driving positive change and fostering thriving communities. Speakers will include national and regional experts.
Secure your free place today!
Date: Tuesday 3rd October
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Location: Museum of Brands, London

World Mental Health Day
Is on the 10th October, and Camden Council is providing a free mental health trainings to staff and residents.

Camden Council have two trainings coming up across October and November, but places go quickly so click the links to book your spot!

  • Managing Stress: Understand the impact of stress on our wellbeing and how to manage it.
  • Mental Health for Managers: Learn about mental ill-health in the context of the workplace and how to support an employee.

Not Just A Conference- Embrace the unique brain injury way of life
#embracethechaos’ is a unique insight into the complexities of brain injury, led by experts with lived experience alongside specialists within the field.
Not Just a Conference is open to professionals who work with people living with brain injury, to feel empowered and curious.
Thursday, 19th October
£30 / £10 – concession
Sign up by following: Not Just a Conference – Headway East London

British Somali Community are seeking a dynamic, proactive, part-time Development and Operations Manager
British Somali Community is a refugee women-led charity with a 30-year history of delivering much needed services in education, family support, advocacy, and health programmes to the community.

We are seeking a dynamic, proactive, part-time Development and Operations Manager to oversee, grow and develop our organisation to continue to serve our community as we deal with an increase in demand for our services post pandemic and with the rise in the Cost-of-Living crisis.

Deadline: 9/10/2023

 Find our more: https://uk.indeed.com/job/development-and-operations-manager-46e746c07dbee0a3                                          

Hampstead Wells and Camden Trust recruiting new Board Chair
The local grant-making charity for NW Camden (NW3, NW6 and Camden parts of NW2 and NW8), focused on alleviating poverty and tackling homelessness and health inequalities. We are seeking our next chair and want an enthusiastic, engaged, collaborative individual to contribute to our continued development. Voluntary role, travel costs, etc covered.  For more details on the role and how to apply visit https://hwct.org.uk/trustees/  Deadline 3 October 2023.

NCVO are looking for a successor for the outgoing chair of the NCVO finance and commercial committee The NCVO Treasurer will step away in Autumn 2024. Find out more about the role and apply. 

FEAST With Us Vacancies: Camden Food Partnership (CFP) Coordinator & Volunteer Admin 
Closing date 30 Sept 23 

FEAST use surplus food to provide nutritious community meals to vulnerable people in North London. Vacancies

  • CFP Coordinator – lead the existing network of c40 VCS and other food organisations in Camden Borough, in partnership with Camden Council. 
  • Volunteer Administrator – help manage the c300 volunteers who support them with their meal services in Camden and north London. 

Fitzrovia Youth in Action is looking for a new Chairperson to lead the charity  
We are looking for people who reflect the community in which we work and who have a range of skills and experiences. We would love to hear from Camden residents or people who work in Camden, although this is not an essential requirement.  To find out more, please visit http://www.fya.org.uk/fya-chair-person-recruitment/. If you have any questions, or would like to talk about the role, please contact our current Chair Natalie Speranza on natalie.speranza@gmail.com.
Please submit a CV, including an email explaining why you are interested in the role to info@fya.org.uk. The closing date for applications is Sunday 8th October 202

The People’s Museum Somers Town is looking for volunteers
The People’s Museum Somers Town has made a space for the ‘Radical Reformer Uncommon People’s histories of an area at risk from development, recording change now, as well as saving working class heritage. We are looking for volunteers for the role of  Refill & Reuse Educator – Save the planet and get others to refill glasses and bottles so we don’t keep using plastics! Flexible hours at weekends/ Fridays. Expenses paid and commission on sales. Location: Outdoor King’s Cross market.                                              Email: diana@aspaceforus.club                            www.aspaceforus.club

Single Homeless Project
SHP is open to recruit new peer mentor volunteers.
If you have lived experience of substance use, mental health, homelessness and the criminal justice system and are now in a stable place in your recovery and would like to give back through volunteering, please contact peermentoring@shp.org.uk for an application pack.

Ascension Trust – Bridge Watch – Suicide Prevention Programme
A new programme is being delivered by the Ascension Trust in partnership with a range of stakeholders including the RNLI, Police, Port of London Authority, and the NHS, and working across several mental health charities.
The project aims to train and develop volunteers to act as a ‘physical presence’ around the bridges of the Thames, to identify and support those who are at risk of self-harm and suicide by listening, understanding, talking, and working with a team to provide support needed to help them.
If you are interested in finding out more, express your interest here

Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) vacancy: Senior Researcher x2         
IVAR are looking for two experienced researchers or project managers to join our dynamic team. The role encompasses leading evaluations, research and facilitation. Projects will include work with individual organisations, multi-stakeholder programmes and sector-wide projects that build dialogue between charities and funders. We are looking for people who will thrive on this mix and are comfortable with the wide-ranging responsibilities that come with working in a small organisation.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Clean Break seeks Female Catering Chef Volunteers  

Clean Break Theatre is based in Kentish Town is currently recruiting for Female Catering Chef Volunteers for one day a week either on Monday or Wednesday 10-2.30pm. For further information please contact volunteering@cleanbreak.org.uk or go to our website to download the role description About Us | Clean Break

Social Media volunteer for Further Than The Edge             
We are a theatre production and performance group Further Than The Edge. We’re looking for a Social Media volunteer for our production The Morphea in October at the Bloomsbury Festival. A good opportunity if you want to get involved in the arts sector. We’re a small, friendly team and can provide references. Interested? Contact Rowenna at: artists@furtherthantheedge.com

Touch Project vacancy: Administrator
Touch Project is looking for an administrator, initially for 3-4 hours per week with the potential for more as the organisation expands in social prescribing for BEH & C&I NHS Foundation Trust. We would prefer a volunteer, but we are willing to pay a London living wage to the right applicant.
The role would work with our founder Kathy and would involve data entry, a monthly news email and other administrative duties. To learn more about Touch Project, please click here
and apply for the role by contacting Kathy on 07923737813.
Kathy is dyslexic and would prefer text messages, voice notes or phone calls

St Pancras Community Association Facilities & Admin Manager, part time
The role includes overseeing daily office operations, managing supplies and equipment, liaising with vendors and providing administrative support to the team. In addition, the role includes undertaking all of the Centre’s Health and Safety requirements, as well as taking responsibility for our Hall Hire business, nurturing relationships with clients to encourage repeat business.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)                             
Closing date: 4 October 2023.
SPCA Marketing and Communications Executive, part time
Play a crucial role in raising SPCA’s brand in the community. You will be responsible for our marketing and communications strategy and content; manage key communications channels including our website, newsletters, and social media; and coordinate with colleagues to generate content across the organisation.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

Closing date: 4 October 2023

Mill Lane Garden Centre Vacancy: Seasonal Staff
Mill Lane Garden Centre is a West Hampstead based social enterprise garden centre, providing training and learning to people with a learning disability.
We’re looking for friendly and outgoing people to work at our garden centre from the end of November until just before Christmas. This position involves supporting with Christmas tree deliveries, moving, and packing Christmas trees all whilst providing excellent customer service to the local community.
For more information, please click here

Age UK Camden and VAC Social Prescribers Innovators Programme 
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs
Castlehaven Community Association (sign up)
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 22nd September 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
22nd September 2023

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box below and join us today

Become a Member

This week we spotlight:

  • VAC upcoming training
  • Theatre production at the Bloomsbury Festival – free tickets courtesy of one of our members –  Further Than The Edge and Camden Giving
  • Volunteering at London Zoo
  • New peer-peer support group for people setting up new community groups and charities in Camden.
  • We also have our usual information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

UPCOMING TRAINING FOR VAC MEMBERS (Scroll down to events section for more info)

  • Managing and Supporting Volunteers: Thursday 28th September  13:00 – 14:30
  • Safeguarding Advanced: Veloping Knowledge and Understanding: Thursday 5th of October 10:00 – 15:00
  • Thinking of setting up a CIC: Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm   

SEE DETAILS AND BOOK A PLACE  in our Events and Training section


Further Than The Edge are offering FREE theatre tickets to see The Morphea at the Bloomsbury Festival thanks to support from CamdenGiving.

Sat 14th and Sun 15th October at 5pm at  Studio Theatre, RADA, WC1E 7EX

If you’re a group or organisation, or a member of one, that works with Camden communities and would like to be part of this initiative, get in touch with us asap! contact@furtherthantheedge.com 

Visitor Welcome Volunteers – London Zoo
Are you passionate about wildlife conservation and animals? Would you like to help the Zoological Society London and join us at the London Zoo? You can apply online and become one of our dedicated volunteers:

Deadline: 25th of September 2023

CAMDEN NEW VAC MEMBERS SUPPORT GROUP                                       

We know the importance of having someone to talk to when you are just starting out, so whether you have recently registered your organisation; are drafting your Articles of Association; or developing a fundraising strategy, this group is for you. This is a closed group to anyone who we have supported over the past year. Please email vguetova@vac.org.uk today to join the Camden New Group Network and participate in its inaugural meeting coming soon.

Advice Event at Greenwood Centre 
Get help with money, energy bills, rent and more, join us on Wednesday 27th September 1-3pm to see what help is available. The event is open to all Camden residents.
Come and speak to the council advice services, Citizens Advice Camden , Mary Ward, Home energy support and Camden Disability Action Advice service.
Location: The conference hall here at the Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, NW5 1LB.

Rooms for hire at Holborn House, Holborn Community Association
Two spaces suitable for team away days, workshops or short-term office rental. The Green room for up to 10 people, £25 an hour, discount for smaller charities. The workspace for up to 4 people, £20 an hour. We are fully accessible with lift. Wi-Fi and refreshments available. Both rooms have flexible spaces with natural daylight. Enquires to Admin@holborncommunity.co.uk

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board
The Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board (CSNB) is made up of community organisations who would like to help make Camden a safer place to live, work and visit.  The Board organises events and projects related to this and works with the Police and Council.  The pandemic interrupted many of these activities and we would like to renew our connection with you all.  Please register to join (its free) at https://tinyurl.com/CSNB101.  More information is in our newsletter which can be seen here.

Youth programmes on Hampstead Heath
Heath Hands’ term-time youth programmes have restarted on Hampstead Heath – these include youth volunteering on Saturday mornings (10am-12pm) and our youth wellbeing programme for young people struggling with school attendance (Friday mornings 10am-12pm). We also run free nature outings for youth groups. Find out more about all of these here. 

Hedgehog Friendly Heath
Heath Hands has a new project working with local residents, community groups and schools to improve wildlife connectivity around Hampstead Heath for hedgehogs (and other species). Have you seen a hedgehog in the area recently? Would you like advice on how to make your garden or local green space more wildlife-friendly?  Find out more about our project and get involved here.
You can also support Heath Hands’ hedgehog crowdfunder to help support this work protecting North London’s key population of hedgehogs and the area a more wildlife-friendly space – for every £1 donated, Aviva donates £2 as part of the Save our Wild Isles community fund. 

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Friday newsletter. 

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more

Opportunity to make a difference to health and care services in north central London

NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) are promoting opportunities for residents across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to apply for Community Participant Volunteer Roles.

These roles means that residents will be able to sit on internal committees / groups as an independent voice. Please note that NCL ICB will be providing reimbursement for the role.

View background information here and to view the application form click here. The closing date for applications is Monday 2 October.

London’s Lifelines & Christmas Food Aid
Christmas is crucial for food aid organisations – they need people to help provide for hungry Londoners and prevent surplus food going to waste. In the coming months, London’s Lifelines will be promoting food aid volunteering in London to help get enough volunteers for the busy festive period, and are looking for content to share. See this thread for more details, and follow their account for updates.

State of the Sector
The voluntary and community social enterprise sector barometer survey is back. From Pro Bono Economics and Nottingham Trent University, this survey seeks to understand the current state of the voluntary sector in the UK. The results of these surveys are always insightful, so please fill it out if you can.

Charity Commission Publishes new Guidance on Social Media
The intention is to help charities better understand how legal duties are relevant to the charity’s use of social media. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/charities-and-social-media

New Energy Performance Regulations

New regulations are going to be introduced to improve the energy performance of buildings. This could have an impact on both charity landlords and tenants. The National Council for Voluntary Services (NCVO) welcomes measures to improve building efficiency. This is an important step to address climate change and help manage energy bills. However, it’s important  for us to know if charities need support. Contact us if:

  • you’re a charity renting out non-domestic space for over 6 months. What are the barriers stopping you from improving your energy rating?
  • you’re renting. Have you experienced rent rises because of your landlord making improvements?

Email us at policy@ncvo.org.uk.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund

NVCO is working closely with ERSA and a coalition of over 35 employment and skills organisations to influence the delivery and future of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF).

The SPF was intended to replace EU structural funding but has left significant gaps in services. This is due to delayed introduction, much shorter timescales, and much lower levels of funding.

If your organisation has experience delivering EU-funded or SPF-funded services, we want to hear from you. Email us at policy@ncvo.org.uk.

NCVO takes over FSI’s assets following its closure

NCVO has announced it will be taking over the key small charity assets of the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) after it closed this week due to funding issues.

The company ceased operations on 2 May and transferred the running of Small Charity Week to NCVO, which it had already planned to partner with on the project. 

Longer-term management of FSI’s assets will be determined after NCVO works with others across the sector, it said. The membership body said it will announce more information in future. 

Low pay ‘all too common’ in charity sector, says union as RSA staff strike
A union representing staff at the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) has said exploitation of workers is “all too common” in the charity sector as its members voted to strike for the first time in the charity’s 270-year history. “RSA workers are fighting for fair pay, but their campaign is situated within a wider struggle in the charity sector against issues of low pay, overwork and temporary insecure contracts often with no opportunity of renewal, justified by a culture and expectation of self-sacrifice.”

The National Lottery Community Fund – £22m Million Hours Fund applications reopen next week

Does your project support young people and provide positive experiences to help them thrive? We’ve partnered with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to invest in vital youth projects that improve the lives of young people across England. This joint funding programme will create extra hours of youth work and additional activities to give young people more places to go and interesting things to do. Our funding page will go live on 26th September when we reopen for applications.

London Borough of Camden
Healthy Start – help to buy healthy food 

Parents and carers who are on low income and pregnant, or who have at least one child under the age of four, can get financial help to buy fruit, vegetables, pulses, milk, and infant formula. They could receive around £440 over a year while their child is under one, £220 a year for each child aged one to three (under four), and about £140 while more than 10 weeks pregnant.

To find out more and to apply, visit findfood.camden.gov.uk/healthy-start
For help in applying, you may call freephone 0800 731 0232 or 0800 389 5789 or visit your local Children’s Centre.

Camden Holiday Activity and Food Programme, Winter 2023 Grant application form
The deadline for applications is noon on 6th October 2023
The Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) is a nationwide initiative that supports children and Young people aged 5-16 who quality for Free School Meals during the Easter, Summer, and Winter school holidays.
The programme offers free access to physical and enriching activities, nutritional education, and a healthy hot meal. In Camden, the Young Camden Foundation manage and coordinate the HAF programme in partnership with Camden Council.

If you are interested in becoming a delivery partner for Camden HAF or would like more information, please email: wathsala@youngcamdenfoundation.org.uk

Further resources:

Cost of Living Fund launched
Applications close on 16th October
The £76M Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund launched on the 24th July.
The fund is designed to support organisations across England to maintain or expand critical cost of living services.
Funds of between £10,000 and £75,000 are available to frontline organisations delivering the following services:

•    food and emergency supplies – food and other ‘banks’
•    emergency shelter – homelessness services
•    safe spaces – domestic abuse services and youth services
•    warmth – warm spaces / hubs
•    financial and housing advice.

The fund is part of the £100M for charities announced in the Spring Budget. It will be administered by the National Lottery Community Fund.
For more information, please click here

‘Strengthening Communities’ grants from the Henry Smith Charity
The Henry Smith Charity’s ‘Strengthening Communities’ programme offers grants of £20,000 – £60,000 per year for up to three years to small not-for-profit organisations delivering activities that promote connection and wellbeing in, or immediately next to, neighbourhoods that are among the 10% most deprived in the UK.
For more information, please click here

Suicide Prevention Funding
The government is due to make available a £10 million grant fund for suicide prevention VCSE organisations in England across 2023-24 to 2024-25.

The broad purpose of the fund will be two-fold. Firstly, to support the VCSE sector to meet the increased demand, in part brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Cost of Living crisis. Secondly, to support development of innovative preventative activities/services aimed at people at elevated risk of suicide.
The aim is to launch the fund in the coming months.
If you are interested, please sign up to the “Find a Grant” portal, so that you receive notifications once it is launched. You can do so here

Sport England Small Grants Programme
We want to support projects that bring communities together and provide sport and physical activities for people who may be less physically active.
Our Small Grants Programme seeks to develop opportunities for communities to get more people physically active and we’ll support new projects through providing National Lottery funding of between £300 and £15,000. Applications are now open until 31st March 2024


Camden Giving have launched:
Equality Fund:

  • An unrestricted two year grant of £30,000 (£15k per year).
  • Restricted to Camden based organisations with a maximum annual income of £300,000.
  • Aimed at addressing inequalities experienced by Camden residents due to race and/or disability.
  • Closing date: Friday 29th September

We Make Camden Kit:

  • £2000 grants
  • Available to Camden based schools, organisations, TRAs or residents applying for community projects
  • Focused on the core missions of: Access to food for all, opportunities for children and young people, representative communities, eco-friendly neighbourhoods and stronger communities
  • No closing date, applications are renewed fortnightly

Decisions will be made by panels of Camden residents using a participatory grant making model.

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here


Other available funders include:

Open to VAC Members only
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Managing & Supporting Volunteers: Recruit, Engage and Retain
Thursday, 28 Sept 2023, 13:00 – 14:30 The management of volunteers is an important element for running any group or organisation, requiring careful planning. To book a place follow the link below:

Safeguarding Advanced: Developing Knowledge and Understanding
Thursday 5th October: 10am – 3pm (Light lunch and refreshments provided);             Location: Conference Room, Crowndale Centre, Third Floor, 218 Eversholt St, London NW1 1BD
This face-to-face training session is free and designed to develop existing knowledge and understanding of safeguarding processes; Guest speaker in the afternoon: Camden Prevent – Understanding radicalisation, extremism and terrorism.
To book a place follow the link below:


Thinking of setting up a CIC                                                         Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm
CIC (Community Interest Company) is the often the first organisational structure community groups decide upon.
In this workshop, participants can expect to hear from a local CIC about the journey to registration, discuss the pros and cons, ask questions, and help one another decide if this is an option for your group.
To book a place follow the link:

Free adult community learning courses – enrolling now

Do you want to:

  • Gain a qualification and improve your digital skills to find work?
  • Improve your reading, writing and English speaking?
  • Support your child with their schoolwork?
  • Gain a childcare qualification?
  • Learn more about your wellbeing and local area                                                        Check out free adult community learning courses in Camden – enrolling now

Young Camden Foundation events

Autism & SEND Training 

Join Young Camden Foundation for a comprehensive training session led by the Autism Hub, focused on Autism and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This workshop is perfect for youth workers, educators, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how to support young people with Autism. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and make a positive impact on the lives of young people in our community.

Speed Networking Event

Our Speed-Networking event is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and explore potential collaborations within the youth work field. There will be refreshments provided. Our last speed-networking event completely sold out, so make sure to come along! 

Participation People
Live, study, or work in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, or Islington? Aged 14-20? Exciting news! Join our Youth Champions program to shape healthcare for your community. Collaborate with leaders, develop skills, and make friends. Fun, creativity, and pizza await! First event: Sept 30, 11 AM – 3 PM, London W1T 6AQ. Contact Temi at 07734 387 365 or . Be part of change and enjoy the journey. Don’t miss out! Join us today!

Remix Dance – free street dance classes
Old Diorama Arts Centre, in Regent’s Place NW1, is seeking participants for their boys-only and older group classes (ages 11 and above).Their dance teacher, Boogie, is an original member of the renowned street dance group, Flawless. The Remix Dance classes will be working on a showcase that will be performed at The Place dance venue in King’s Cross in November.
For more information, please contact Participation Manager, Mariam Hassan – mariam@olddiorama.com, 020 3951 8983, or 07361 862 104.

Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 6pm

The Mercenary River
London’s Water History and the Hampstead Waterworks – an illustrated historical talk by Nick Higham at the Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2nd Floor, Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA

Admission Free

UCL SOCIAL HACKATHON     Applications are open
We’ve just opened our applications for our Social Hackathons taking place between the 6th and the 10th of November, from 10am-4pm.
These are one-day events in which the successful organisations get a group of UCL student volunteers to come up with practical solutions to a community/business need or problem. If you’re successful in your application, you’ll also get £500 from us to help turn the volunteers’ ideas from the hackathon day into a reality!
Please make sure to read our Info for Organisations page for more details.
If you want to apply to take part in our Social Hackathons, please do so here by Sunday the 8th of October.  
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time before the deadline-
Volunteering Service

Charity Bank to host Free Events on Navigating Change and the Role of Sustainable Finance
Charity Bank is inviting trustees, directors, CEOs and managers of charities, social enterprises and community organisations to attend a series of free regional events in September and October. Held in collaboration with local and national sector partners, the events will explore the critical role of sustainable finance in driving positive change and fostering thriving communities. Speakers will include national and regional experts.
Secure your free place today!
Date: Tuesday 3rd October
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Location: Museum of Brands, London

World Mental Health Day
Is on the 10th October, and Camden Council is providing a free mental health trainings to staff and residents.

Camden Council have two trainings coming up across October and November, but places go quickly so click the links to book your spot!

  • Managing Stress: Understand the impact of stress on our wellbeing and how to manage it.
  • Mental Health for Managers: Learn about mental ill-health in the context of the workplace and how to support an employee.

Not Just A Conference- Embrace the unique brain injury way of life
#embracethechaos’ is a unique insight into the complexities of brain injury, led by experts with lived experience alongside specialists within the field.
Not Just a Conference is open to professionals who work with people living with brain injury, to feel empowered and curious.
Thursday, 19th October
£30 / £10 – concession
Sign up by following: Not Just a Conference – Headway East London

Hampstead Wells and Camden Trust recruiting new Board Chair
The local grant-making charity for NW Camden (NW3, NW6 and Camden parts of NW2 and NW8), focused on alleviating poverty and tackling homelessness and health inequalities. We are seeking our next chair and want an enthusiastic, engaged, collaborative individual to contribute to our continued development. Voluntary role, travel costs, etc covered.  For more details on the role and how to apply visit https://hwct.org.uk/trustees/  Deadline 3 October 2023.

FEAST With Us Vacancies: Camden Food Partnership (CFP) Coordinator & Volunteer Admin 
Closing date 30 Sept 23 

FEAST use surplus food to provide nutritious community meals to vulnerable people in North London. Vacancies

  • CFP Coordinator – lead the existing network of c40 VCS and other food organisations in Camden Borough, in partnership with Camden Council. 
  • Volunteer Administrator – help manage the c300 volunteers who support them with their meal services in Camden and north London. 

Fitzrovia Youth in Action is looking for a new Chairperson to lead the charity  
We are looking for people who reflect the community in which we work and who have a range of skills and experiences. We would love to hear from Camden residents or people who work in Camden, although this is not an essential requirement.  To find out more, please visit http://www.fya.org.uk/fya-chair-person-recruitment/. If you have any questions, or would like to talk about the role, please contact our current Chair Natalie Speranza on natalie.speranza@gmail.com.
Please submit a CV, including an email explaining why you are interested in the role to info@fya.org.uk. The closing date for applications is Sunday 8th October 202

The People’s Museum Somers Town is looking for volunteers
The People’s Museum Somers Town has made a space for the ‘Radical Reformer Uncommon People’s histories of an area at risk from development, recording change now, as well as saving working class heritage. We are looking for volunteers for the role of  Refill & Reuse Educator – Save the planet and get others to refill glasses and bottles so we don’t keep using plastics! Flexible hours at weekends/ Fridays. Expenses paid and commission on sales. Location: Outdoor King’s Cross market.                                              Email: diana@aspaceforus.club                            www.aspaceforus.club

Single Homeless Project
SHP is open to recruit new peer mentor volunteers.
If you have lived experience of substance use, mental health, homelessness and the criminal justice system and are now in a stable place in your recovery and would like to give back through volunteering, please contact peermentoring@shp.org.uk for an application pack.

Ascension Trust – Bridge Watch – Suicide Prevention Programme
A new programme is being delivered by the Ascension Trust in partnership with a range of stakeholders including the RNLI, Police, Port of London Authority, and the NHS, and working across several mental health charities.
The project aims to train and develop volunteers to act as a ‘physical presence’ around the bridges of the Thames, to identify and support those who are at risk of self-harm and suicide by listening, understanding, talking, and working with a team to provide support needed to help them.
If you are interested in finding out more, express your interest here

Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) vacancy: Senior Researcher x2         
IVAR are looking for two experienced researchers or project managers to join our dynamic team. The role encompasses leading evaluations, research and facilitation. Projects will include work with individual organisations, multi-stakeholder programmes and sector-wide projects that build dialogue between charities and funders. We are looking for people who will thrive on this mix and are comfortable with the wide-ranging responsibilities that come with working in a small organisation.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Clean Break seeks Female Health and Wellbeing Volunteer  This volunteer will support the group coordinator in running a health and wellbeing group for women participating in our programme. To learn more and download an application pack, please click here (and scroll to the bottom of the page)

Social Media volunteer for Further Than The Edge               
We are a theatre production and performance group Further Than The Edge. We’re looking for a Social Media volunteer for our production The Morphea in October at the Bloomsbury Festival. A good opportunity if you want to get involved in the arts sector. We’re a small, friendly team and can provide references. Interested? Contact Rowenna at: artists@furtherthantheedge.com

Touch Project vacancy: Administrator
Touch Project is looking for an administrator, initially for 3-4 hours per week with the potential for more as the organisation expands in social prescribing for BEH & C&I NHS Foundation Trust. We would prefer a volunteer, but we are willing to pay a London living wage to the right applicant.
The role would work with our founder Kathy and would involve data entry, a monthly news email and other administrative duties. To learn more about Touch Project, please click here
and apply for the role by contacting Kathy on 07923737813.
Kathy is dyslexic and would prefer text messages, voice notes or phone calls

Mind in Camden vacancy –
Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker
Salary: £25,732 incl. ILWA ; Contract: fixed till end of March 2026; Hours: 35; Details:        Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker – Mind In Camden
Closing date:  13.00 on Monday 25th September 2023
Interviews (a two-round process): Tuesday 3rd October and Tuesday 10th October 2023

Volunteers needed to support ESOL classes
Deadline for submission of interest in volunteering is 29th September 2023
Camden Adult Community Learning service (ACL) is looking for volunteers to support tutors who deliver ESOL classes in various Community Centre locations.
We are looking to offer volunteer placements by the end of October 2023.
If you are interested in volunteering with the ACL, please send your CV and a cover letter outlining the reason for your interest in volunteering to Joanna.Basinga@camden.gov.uk, as well as any questions you may have.

St Pancras Community Association Facilities & Admin Manager, part time
The role includes overseeing daily office operations, managing supplies and equipment, liaising with vendors and providing administrative support to the team. In addition, the role includes undertaking all of the Centre’s Health and Safety requirements, as well as taking responsibility for our Hall Hire business, nurturing relationships with clients to encourage repeat business.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)                             
Closing date: 4 October 2023.

SPCA Caretaker/Cleaner, part time
Work in a lively community centre, you will need to be good with people and physically fit.  You should be available on weekends and at least two evenings per week.  You’ll ensure that our Community Centre is a safe, secure and happy place.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

Closing date: 30 September 2023.
SPCA Marketing and Communications Executive, part time
Play a crucial role in raising SPCA’s brand in the community. You will be responsible for our marketing and communications strategy and content; manage key communications channels including our website, newsletters, and social media; and coordinate with colleagues to generate content across the organisation.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

Closing date: 4 October 2023

Mill Lane Garden Centre Vacancy: Seasonal Staff
Mill Lane Garden Centre is a West Hampstead based social enterprise garden centre, providing training and learning to people with a learning disability.
We’re looking for friendly and outgoing people to work at our garden centre from the end of November until just before Christmas. This position involves supporting with Christmas tree deliveries, moving, and packing Christmas trees all whilst providing excellent customer service to the local community.
For more information, please click here

Age UK Camden and VAC Social Prescribers Innovators Programme 
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs
Castlehaven Community Association (sign up)
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Become a Member
Opt in to receive VAC e-newsletter direct to your inbox



Google Grant for Room Hire Ends

Following the successful uptake of the Google grant by small Camden community groups to pay for the cost of community room and meeting space hire, the available funds have now been distributed to groups and the funding programme has ended.


VAC wishes to extend a huge thanks to Google for making this possible and facilitating the ability for groups to start meeting in-person again after the restrictions imposed during covid were lifted.


If you are looking for rooms to hire at affordable rates, please check out our room hire directory.


If you need help with funding,  please get in touch for some support from VAC.

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 15th September 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
15th September 2023

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needs

Membership is free, click on the link box below and join us today

Become a Member

This week we spotlight our VAC Camden New Groups Network
and the VAC upcoming training.

We also have our usual information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

NEW VAC MEMBERS SUPPORT GROUP                                         

We know the importance of having someone to talk to when you are just starting out, so whether you have recently registered your organisation; are drafting your Articles of Association; or developing a fundraising strategy, this group is for you. This is a closed group to anyone who we have supported over the past year. Please email vguetova@vac.org.uk today to join the Camden New Group.

UPCOMING TRAINING FOR VAC MEMBERS (Scroll down to events section for more info)

  • Understanding the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), Tuesday 19th September: 2pm – 3pm
  • Safer Recruitment for small orgs and community groups, Thursday 21st September 2023 10:00am to 11:30am
  • Thinking of setting up a CICThursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm

Rooms for hire at Holborn House, Holborn Community Association

Two spaces suitable for team away days, workshops or short-term office rental. The Green room for up to 10 people, £25 an hour, discount for smaller charities. The workspace for up to 4 people, £20 an hour. We are fully accessible with lift. Wi-Fi and refreshments available. Both rooms have flexible spaces with natural daylight. Enquires to Admin@holborncommunity.co.uk

Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board

The Camden Safer Neighbourhood Board (CSNB) is made up of community organisations who would like to help make Camden a safer place to live, work and visit.  The Board organises events and projects related to this and works with the Police and Council.  The pandemic interrupted many of these activities and we would like to renew our connection with you all.  Please register to join (its free) at https://tinyurl.com/CSNB101.  More information is in our newsletter which can be seen here.

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Friday newsletter. 

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

UK charity foundation to abolish itself and give away £130m

Lankelly Chase, which gives out about £13m a year in grants to hundreds of charities operating in areas such as social, racial and climate justice, said it wanted to find bold new alternatives to what it called philanthropy’s “cult of benevolence”.

The 60-year-old institution said it would spend the next five years giving away its assets to organisations and networks which are doing “life-affirming social justice work” in communities around the UK.

It is understood Lankelly Chase’s trustee board had become increasingly unable to reconcile its charitable mission to tackle racism, injustice and inequality with its position as a major investor in global capital markets it considers to be rooted in racial and colonial exploitation.

Measles Campaign – Please Share
In response to the increase in measles cases in London, the Council has launched a communications campaign to encourage measles vaccinations in Camden. In particular we want to reach parents of children in primary schools and 19-25 year olds, who are less likely to have been vaccinated as children. Please share the materials and messaging in the attached:


Recycling, rubbish and street cleaning services survey

Take part in Camden’s survey about your experience of recycling, rubbish and street cleaning services, how they can be improved and how we can work together as a community to make sure Camden is a green, clean and sustainable place. Camden will work with their waste partner Veolia to introduce changes and keep survey respondents updated.

Find out more and complete the survey by Sunday 24 September. Pick up a paper copy of the survey in our libraries, or request a paper copy of the survey in another format, such as large print or translated into another language – call 020 7974 4444 or email street.environment@camden.gov.uk  


Camden Community Partner Fund 2024 to 2031 – DEADLINE APPROACHING
The deadline to submit a completed Expression of Interest form is 12 noon on Wednesday 20th September
The Fund is for Camden organisations who are deeply rooted in their communities and will provide unrestricted funding for seven years from April 2024 to March 2031.
More details about the fund including guidance notes and the application form can be found here
The Community Partnership Team will be hosting an online information session on Tuesday 5th September so organisations can find out more about the fund.
To register, please click here
You can also watch a recording of one of the online sessions here
If you have any further questions, please email vcs@camden.gov.uk

London Borough of Camden
Healthy Start – help to buy healthy food 

Parents and carers who are on low income and pregnant, or who have at least one child under the age of four, can get financial help to buy fruit, vegetables, pulses, milk, and infant formula. They could receive around £440 over a year while their child is under one, £220 a year for each child aged one to three (under four), and about £140 while more than 10 weeks pregnant.

To find out more and to apply, visit findfood.camden.gov.uk/healthy-start
For help in applying, you may call freephone 0800 731 0232 or 0800 389 5789 or visit your local Children’s Centre.

Camden Holiday Activity and Food Programme, Winter 2023 Grant application form
The deadline for applications is noon on 6th October 2023
The Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) is a nationwide initiative that supports children and Young people aged 5-16 who quality for Free School Meals during the Easter, Summer, and Winter school holidays.
The programme offers free access to physical and enriching activities, nutritional education, and a healthy hot meal. In Camden, the Young Camden Foundation manage and coordinate the HAF programme in partnership with Camden Council.

If you are interested in becoming a delivery partner for Camden HAF or would like more information, please email: wathsala@youngcamdenfoundation.org.uk

Further resources:

Cost of Living Fund launched
Applications close on 16th October
The £76M Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund launched on the 24th July.
The fund is designed to support organisations across England to maintain or expand critical cost of living services.
Funds of between £10,000 and £75,000 are available to frontline organisations delivering the following services:

•    food and emergency supplies – food and other ‘banks’
•    emergency shelter – homelessness services
•    safe spaces – domestic abuse services and youth services
•    warmth – warm spaces / hubs
•    financial and housing advice.

The fund is part of the £100M for charities announced in the Spring Budget. It will be administered by the National Lottery Community Fund.
For more information, please click here

‘Strengthening Communities’ grants from the Henry Smith Charity
The Henry Smith Charity’s ‘Strengthening Communities’ programme offers grants of £20,000 – £60,000 per year for up to three years to small not-for-profit organisations delivering activities that promote connection and wellbeing in, or immediately next to, neighbourhoods that are among the 10% most deprived in the UK.
For more information, please click here

Suicide Prevention Funding
The government is due to make available a £10 million grant fund for suicide prevention VCSE organisations in England across 2023-24 to 2024-25.

The broad purpose of the fund will be two-fold. Firstly, to support the VCSE sector to meet the increased demand, in part brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Cost of Living crisis. Secondly, to support development of innovative preventative activities/services aimed at people at elevated risk of suicide.
The aim is to launch the fund in the coming months.
If you are interested, please sign up to the “Find a Grant” portal, so that you receive notifications once it is launched. You can do so here

Sport England Small Grants Programme
We want to support projects that bring communities together and provide sport and physical activities for people who may be less physically active.
Our Small Grants Programme seeks to develop opportunities for communities to get more people physically active and we’ll support new projects through providing National Lottery funding of between £300 and £15,000. Applications are now open until 31st March 2024


Camden Giving have launched:
Equality Fund:

  • An unrestricted two year grant of £30,000 (£15k per year).
  • Restricted to Camden based organisations with a maximum annual income of £300,000.
  • Aimed at addressing inequalities experienced by Camden residents due to race and/or disability.
  • Closing date: Friday 29th September

We Make Camden Kit:

  • £2000 grants
  • Available to Camden based schools, organisations, TRAs or residents applying for community projects
  • Focused on the core missions of: Access to food for all, opportunities for children and young people, representative communities, eco-friendly neighbourhoods and stronger communities
  • No closing date, applications are renewed fortnightly

Decisions will be made by panels of Camden residents using a participatory grant making model.

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here


Other available funders include:


Understanding the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
VAC Virtual Event – Tuesday 19th September: 2pm – 3pm
Kiran Rehal is the DBS Regional Outreach Adviser for Greater London and a point of contact for any enquiries about DBS.       
To register a place please click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/understanding-the-disclosure-and-barring-service-dbs-tickets-694817015397?aff=oddtdtcreator
Open to VAC Members only.
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Safer Recruitment for small orgs and community groups
Thursday 21st September 2023 10:00am to 11:30am
Safer recruitment procedures are an essential part of safeguarding in any voluntary organisation or community group. Such practices help to ensure your staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children and young people and are a vital part of creating a positive environment to keep children safe from harm.
To register a place please click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/safer-recruitment-for-small-orgs-and-community-groups-tickets-699564776077?aff=oddtdtcreator
For more information please contact: Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, our Community Partnership Lead to find out more.
Open to VAC Members only.

Thinking of setting up a CIC              Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm
CIC (Community Interest Company) is the often the first organisational structure community groups decide upon.
In this workshop, participants can expect to hear from a local CIC about the journey to registration, discuss the pros and cons, ask questions, and help one another decide if this is an option for your group.
To register a place please click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/thinking-of-setting-up-a-cic-tickets-680753781887?aff=oddtdtcreator
Open to VAC Members only.


Free adult community learning courses – enrolling now

Do you want to:

  • Gain a qualification and improve your digital skills to find work?
  • Improve your reading, writing and English speaking?
  • Support your child with their schoolwork?
  • Gain a childcare qualification?
  • Learn more about your wellbeing and local area

Check out free adult community learning courses in Camden – enrolling now

Regent’s Park Estate – Invitation to Re-Imagine Your Streets Workshop -Thursday 21st September

We’d be delighted if you are able to join us on Thursday 21st September  for the Safe & Healthy Streets Co-Design Workshop at Old Diorama Arts Centre. The workshop and drop in sessions are encouraging residents of Regent’s Park Estate to design and improve their local area.  It would be wonderful to get a broad range of people from across the estate. The brief details are:

  • Re-Imagine Your Streets Co-Design Workshop, Drop-in sessions and display at Old Diorama Arts Centre, 201 Drummond Street, NW1 3FE
  • Thursday 21st September – Workshop 5pm – 6pm – Drop-in sessions from 4pm-5pm & 6pm-7.30pm

With an opportunity for residents to add their ideas and feedback to the project.https://olddiorama.com/stories-rpThere will also be display in the Foyer of some of the sites for the Story Trail Art Project: 

Remix Dance – free street dance classes
Old Diorama Arts Centre, in Regent’s Place NW1, is seeking participants for their boys-only and older group classes (ages 11 and above).Their dance teacher, Boogie, is an original member of the renowned street dance group, Flawless. The Remix Dance classes will be working on a showcase that will be performed at The Place dance venue in King’s Cross in November.
For more information, please contact Participation Manager, Mariam Hassan – mariam@olddiorama.com, 020 3951 8983, or 07361 862 104.

Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre
Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 6pm

The Mercenary River
London’s Water History and the Hampstead Waterworks – an illustrated historical talk by Nick Higham                                                                                                                       

Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre,

2nd Floor, Holborn Library,

32-38 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8PA

Admission Free

The Zen Project and Mind in Camden Free Community Festival
Thursday, September 21st, 12pm-4pm, at the Surma Community Centre (1 Robert Street, NW1 3JU)

– “Zen in Mind” – The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you another of their monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. Open to all and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more. Climb on board our big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety. We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up. More information here.

Camley Street Festival 2023                       
Join us with your communities on Sunday 17th September (11am-3pm) for a jam-packed day of fun at the Camley Street Festival! 

We’re back for the 3rd year running – bigger and better than before. From artists to local businesses, community organisations and teams from across the council, our stallholders are coming out to showcase and celebrate all the work that is happening in the local area. We are working hard to create opportunities at the Festival that will support local people and your networks, alongside the chance to chat with us about the future of Camley Street. 

Find out more here.

UCL SOCIAL HACKATHON     Applications are open
We’ve just opened our applications for our Social Hackathons taking place between the 6th and the 10th of November, from 10am-4pm.
These are one-day events in which the successful organisations get a group of UCL student volunteers to come up with practical solutions to a community/business need or problem. If you’re successful in your application, you’ll also get £500 from us to help turn the volunteers’ ideas from the hackathon day into a reality!
Please make sure to read our Info for Organisations page for more details.
If you want to apply to take part in our Social Hackathons, please do so here by Sunday the 8th of October.  
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time before the deadline-
Volunteering Service

Charity Bank to host Free Events on Navigating Change and the Role of Sustainable Finance
Charity Bank is inviting trustees, directors, CEOs and managers of charities, social enterprises and community organisations to attend a series of free regional events in September and October. Held in collaboration with local and national sector partners, the events will explore the critical role of sustainable finance in driving positive change and fostering thriving communities. Speakers will include national and regional experts.
Secure your free place today!
Date: Tuesday 3rd October
Time: 9:30am – 12:30pm
Location: Museum of Brands, London

Q3 Community Training
Just under two weeks to go till Google’s Community Training on 22 September 2023.
RSVP here to secure your seat! 
We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Fill in this form if you’d like to give a short Community Update.
If you have any questions or suggestions on future content, please reach out to communityengagementuk@google.com.
A reminder of the details:
Friday 22 September, 12 – 3 PM
Google UK,  6 Pancras Sq., London N1C 4AG

‘Women in Social Housing & architecture’ Panel Event
Saturday 16th September @ 17:00h 
The incredible women of the innovative St Pancras Housing
People’s Museum Somers Town & the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain.
Book ticketshttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/panel-discussion-women-in-social-housing-architecture-st-pancras-tickets-689431487137?aff=erelexpmlt.
Some free tickets for Origin residents. 

World Mental Health Day
Is on the 10th October, and Camden Council is providing a free mental health trainings to staff and residents.

Camden Council have two trainings coming up across October and November, but places go quickly so click the links to book your spot!

  • Managing Stress: Understand the impact of stress on our wellbeing and how to manage it.
  • Mental Health for Managers: Learn about mental ill-health in the context of the workplace and how to support an employee.

Not Just A Conference- Embrace the unique brain injury way of life
#embracethechaos’ is a unique insight into the complexities of brain injury, led by experts with lived experience alongside specialists within the field.

Not Just a Conference is open to professionals who work with people living with brain injury, to feel empowered and curious.

When? 19th October
Cost? £30 / £10 – concession

Sign up by following: Not Just a Conference – Headway East London

Camden Council Apprenticeship opportunities:Vacancy: Camden Council IYSS Case Co-ordinator (Apprenticeship) 

Form of employment: Full Time    Salary / Rate: £22,432.00    Hours: 36Closing date: 19/09/2023Important note – role may close early if we get enough suitable applications, those interested in the role are encouraged to apply ASAP.
Qualification: Level 3 Business Administration
Contract Length: 18 months
For more information visit here             

Vacancy: Camden Council Business Analyst (Apprenticeship)
Form of employment: Full time
Salary / Rate:  £22,432 – up to £29,588 Hours: 36Closing date: 21/09/23  Important note – role may close early if we get enough suitable applications, those interested in the role are encouraged to apply ASAP.
Qualification: Level 4 Business AnalystContract Length: 24 months
For more information visit here

Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust recruiting new Board Chair
The local grant-making charity for NW Camden (NW3, NW6 and Camden parts of NW2 and NW8), focused on alleviating poverty and tackling homelessness and health inequalities. We are seeking our next chair and want an enthusiastic, engaged, collaborative individual to contribute to our continued development. Voluntary role, travel costs, etc covered.  For more details on the role and how to apply visit https://hwct.org.uk/trustees/  Deadline 3 October 2023.

FEAST With Us Vacancies: Camden Food Partnership (CFP) Coordinator & Volunteer Admin 
Closing date 30 Sept 23 

FEAST use surplus food to provide nutritious community meals to vulnerable people in North London. Vacancies

  • CFP Coordinator – lead the existing network of c40 VCS and other food organisations in Camden Borough, in partnership with Camden Council. 
  • Volunteer Administrator – help manage the c300 volunteers who support them with their meal services in Camden and north London. 

Fitzrovia Youth in Action is looking for a new Chairperson to lead the charity  
We are looking for people who reflect the community in which we work and who have a range of skills and experiences. We would love to hear from Camden residents or people who work in Camden, although this is not an essential requirement.  To find out more, please visit http://www.fya.org.uk/fya-chair-person-recruitment/. If you have any questions, or would like to talk about the role, please contact our current Chair Natalie Speranza on natalie.speranza@gmail.com.

We are asking applicants to submit a CV, including an email explaining why you are interested in the role to info@fya.org.uk. The closing date for applications is Sunday 8th October 202

The People’s Museum Somers Town is looking for volunteers
The People’s Museum Somers Town has made a space for the ‘Radical Reformer Uncommon People’s histories of an area at risk from development, recording change now, as well as saving working class heritage. We are looking for volunteers for the role of  Refill & Reuse Educator – Save the planet and get others to refill glasses and bottles so we don’t keep using plastics! Opportunity with flexible hours at weekends/ Fridays. Expenses paid and commision on sales.  Outdoor King’s Cross market              Email: diana@aspaceforus.club                            www.aspaceforus.club

Single Homeless Project
SHP is open to recruit new peer mentor volunteers.
If you have lived experience of substance use, mental health, homelessness and the criminal justice system and are now in a stable place in your recovery and would like to give back through volunteering, please contact peermentoring@shp.org.uk for an application pack.

Ascension Trust – Bridge Watch – Suicide Prevention Programme
A new programme is being delivered by the Ascension Trust in partnership with a range of stakeholders including the RNLI, Police, Port of London Authority, and the NHS, and working across several mental health charities.
The project aims to train and develop volunteers to act as a ‘physical presence’ around the bridges of the Thames, to identify and support those who are at risk of self-harm and suicide by listening, understanding, talking, and working with a team to provide support needed to help them.
If you are interested in finding out more, express your interest here

Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) vacancy: Senior Researcher x2         
IVAR are looking for two experienced researchers or project managers to join our dynamic team. The role encompasses leading evaluations, research and facilitation. Projects will include work with individual organisations, multi-stakeholder programmes and sector-wide projects that build dialogue between charities and funders. We are looking for people who will thrive on this mix and are comfortable with the wide-ranging responsibilities that come with working in a small organisation.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Clean Break seeks Female Health and Wellbeing Volunteer                    This volunteer will support the group coordinator in running a health and wellbeing group for women participating in our programme. To learn more and download an application pack, please click here (and scroll to the bottom of the page)

Social Media volunteer for Further Than The Edge               
We are a theatre production and performance group Further Than The Edge. We’re looking for a Social Media volunteer for our production The Morphea in October at the Bloomsbury Festival. A good opportunity if you want to get involved in the arts sector. We’re a small, friendly team and can provide references. Interested? Contact Rowenna: artists@furtherthantheedge.com

Touch Project vacancy: Administrator
Touch Project is looking for an administrator, initially for 3-4 hours per week with the potential for more as the organisation expands in social prescribing for BEH & C&I NHS Foundation Trust.Ideally, we would prefer a volunteer, but we are willing to pay a London living wage to the right applicant.
The role would work with our founder Kathy and would involve data entry, a monthly news email and other administrative duties.
To learn more about Touch Project, please click here
To learn more and apply for the role, please contact Kathy on 07923737813.
Kathy is dyslexic and would prefer text messages, voice notes or phone calls

Castlehaven Community Association  Events and Facilities Manager
Closing date: 22nd September
CCA is seeking an organised and experienced Events and Facilities Manager to join their team.
The role involves working with internal and external stakeholders to develop high-quality events, generate revenue, and market Castlehaven’s facilities.
To find out more about the role and how to apply, please click here

Mind in Camden vacancy –
Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker
Salary: £25,732 incl. ILWA ; Contract: fixed till end of March 2026; Hours: 35; Full details here:  Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker – Mind In Camden
Closing date:  13.00 on Monday 25th September 2023
Interviews (a two-round process): Tuesday 3rd October and Tuesday 10th October 2023

Volunteers needed to support ESOL classes
Deadline for submission of interest in volunteering is 29th September 2023
Camden Adult Community Learning service (ACL) is looking for volunteers to support tutors who deliver ESOL classes in various Community Centre locations.
We are looking to offer volunteer placements by the end of October 2023.
If you are interested in volunteering with the ACL, please send your CV and a cover letter outlining the reason for your interest in volunteering to Joanna.Basinga@camden.gov.uk, as well as any questions you may have.

St Pancras Community Association Facilities & Admin Manager, part time
The role includes overseeing daily office operations, managing supplies and equipment, liaising with vendors and providing administrative support to the team. In addition, the role includes undertaking all of the Centre’s Health and Safety requirements, as well as taking responsibility for our Hall Hire business, nurturing relationships with clients to encourage repeat business.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

SPCA Caretaker/Cleaner, part time
Work in a lively community centre, you will need to be good with people and physically fit.  You should be available on weekends and at least two evenings per week.  You’ll ensure that our Community Centre is a safe, secure and happy place.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

SPCA Marketing and Communications Executive, part time
Play a crucial role in raising SPCA’s brand in the community. You will be responsible for our marketing and communications strategy and content; manage key communications channels including our website, newsletters, and social media; and coordinate with colleagues to generate content across the organisation.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

Mill Lane Garden Centre Vacancy: Seasonal Staff
Mill Lane Garden Centre is a West Hampstead based social enterprise garden centre, providing training and learning to people with a learning disability.
We’re looking for friendly and outgoing people to work at our garden centre from the end of November until just before Christmas. This position involves supporting with Christmas tree deliveries, moving, and packing Christmas trees all whilst providing excellent customer service to the local community.
For more information, please click here

Age UK Camden and VAC Social Prescribers Innovators Programme 
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs
Castlehaven Community Association (sign up)
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 8th September 2023



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
8th September 2023

VAC Membership
VAC represents local organisations in conversations with local government and funders, we advise on local issues and we inform, support and train local charities depending on their needsMembership is free, click on the link box below and join us today

Become a Member

This week we spotlight our new VAC communications role and our VAC Camden New Groups Network.We also have our usual information on events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

VAC is hiring!
Do you want to be our next Communications Officer?

Closing date: 5pm on 19th SeptemberThe primary purpose of this role is to develop and implement the marketing & communications strategy for VAC by leading our communications work. This includes curating our high-profile weekly newsletter, running our social media channels and creating web content. You will be working with all our staff as well as a range of external stakeholders and partners.
You will be responsible for building awareness of VAC’s work and impact, as well as the wider voluntary and community sector in Camden, to a range of different audiences.

To learn more and apply, please click here

NEW VAC MEMBERS SUPPORT GROUP                                         

We know the importance of having someone to talk to when you are just starting out, so whether you have recently registered your organisation; are drafting your Articles of Association; or developing a fundraising strategy, this group is for you. This is a closed group to anyone who we have supported over the past year. Please email vguetova@vac.org.uk today to join the Camden New Group.

Newsletter Submissions
Please send any information (approximately 50-75 words long) that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Friday newsletter.

VAC Consultancy Service
Contact us today if you need advice or support to develop any aspect of your established or aspiring Camden voluntary and community sector organisation.
Learn more here

Disability Action Plan
The government has proposed a disability action plan for 2023-2024. This is an open consultation to which both organisations and individuals can respond.
Deadline: Friday 6th October

Inheritance Tax
Potential plans from the government to abolish inheritance tax could cause charities to lose out on legacy funding. Note that you may need to create an account to read this article from Third Sector.

Charity Commission updates Investment Guidance
The Charity Commission have updated their investment guidance ensure your trustees are up to date by checking out NCVO’s Governance round up

Receive a free utility bill audit from Utility Aid

Utility Aid have retrieved a whopping £6 million for the sector from overspending on their bills. There could be a variety of reasons you’ve been charged incorrectly including consecutive estimates, incorrect VAT and Tariffs

Free energy audit

Camden Community Partner Fund 2024 to 2031 – DEADLINE APPROACHING
The deadline to submit a completed Expression of Interest form is 12 noon on Wednesday 20th September
The Fund is for Camden organisations who are deeply rooted in their communities and will provide unrestricted funding for seven years from April 2024 to March 2031.
More details about the fund including guidance notes and the application form can be found here
The Community Partnership Team will be hosting an online information session on Tuesday 5th September so organisations can find out more about the fund.
To register, please click here
You can also watch a recording of one of the online sessions here
If you have any further questions, please email vcs@camden.gov.uk

London Borough of Camden
Healthy Start – help to buy healthy food 

Parents and carers who are on low income and pregnant, or who have at least one child under the age of four, can get financial help to buy fruit, vegetables, pulses, milk, and infant formula. They could receive around £440 over a year while their child is under one, £220 a year for each child aged one to three (under four), and about £140 while more than 10 weeks pregnant.

To find out more and to apply, visit findfood.camden.gov.uk/healthy-start
For help in applying, you may call freephone 0800 731 0232 or 0800 389 5789 or visit your local Children’s Centre.

Cost of Living Fund launched
Applications close on 16th October
The £76M Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund launched on the 24th July.
The fund is designed to support organisations across England to maintain or expand critical cost of living services.
Funds of between £10,000 and £75,000 are available to frontline organisations delivering the following services:

•    food and emergency supplies – food and other ‘banks’
•    emergency shelter – homelessness services
•    safe spaces – domestic abuse services and youth services
•    warmth – warm spaces / hubs
•    financial and housing advice.

The fund is part of the £100M for charities announced in the Spring Budget. It will be administered by the National Lottery Community Fund.
For more information, please click here

‘Strengthening Communities’ grants from the Henry Smith Charity
The Henry Smith Charity’s ‘Strengthening Communities’ programme offers grants of £20,000 – £60,000 per year for up to three years to small not-for-profit organisations delivering activities that promote connection and wellbeing in, or immediately next to, neighbourhoods that are among the 10% most deprived in the UK.
For more information, please click here

Suicide Prevention Funding
The government is due to make available a £10 million grant fund for suicide prevention VCSE organisations in England across 2023-24 to 2024-25.

The broad purpose of the fund will be two-fold. Firstly, to support the VCSE sector to meet the increased demand, in part brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Cost of Living crisis. Secondly, to support development of innovative preventative activities/services aimed at people at elevated risk of suicide.
The aim is to launch the fund in the coming months.
If you are interested, please sign up to the “Find a Grant” portal, so that you receive notifications once it is launched. You can do so here

Community Justice Fund Launches New £30m Improving Lives Through Advice Grants Programme
The Expressions of Interest (EOI) close on 15th September at 4pm.

Improving Lives Through Advice (ILTA) is a new five-year funding programme delivered by the Access to Justice Foundation with support from the Community Justice Fund. It is designed to support the delivery of free legal advice to marginalised people and communities across England. The programme will open in 2023 with two funding rounds and grants launching in 2024.
To learn more, please click here

Camden Giving have launched
Equality Fund:

  • An unrestricted two year grant of £30,000 (£15k per year).
  • Restricted to Camden based organisations with a maximum annual income of £300,000.
  • Aimed at addressing inequalities experienced by Camden residents due to race and/or disability.
  • Closing date: Friday 29th September

We Make Camden Kit:

  • £2000 grants
  • Available to Camden based schools, organisations, TRAs or residents applying for community projects
  • Focused on the core missions of: Access to food for all, opportunities for children and young people, representative communities, eco-friendly neighbourhoods and stronger communities
  • No closing date, applications are renewed fortnightly

Decisions will be made by panels of Camden residents using a participatory grant making model.

To re-discover funding removed from this list, please see our newsletter archive here


Other available funders include:


Understanding the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
VAC Virtual Event – Tuesday 19th September: 2pm – 3pm
Kiran Rehal is the DBS Regional Outreach Adviser for Greater London and a point of contact for any enquiries about DBS.       
To register a place please click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/understanding-the-disclosure-and-barring-service-dbs-tickets-694817015397?aff=oddtdtcreator
Open to VAC Members only.
If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

Thinking of setting up a CIC              Thursday 19th October 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm
CIC (Community Interest Company) is the often the first organisational structure community groups decide upon.
In this workshop, participants can expect to hear from a local CIC about the journey to registration, discuss the pros and cons, ask questions, and help one another decide if this is an option for your group.
To register a place please click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/thinking-of-setting-up-a-cic-tickets-680753781887?aff=oddtdtcreator
Open to VAC Members only.

Safer Recruitment for small orgs and community groups
Thursday 21st September 2023 10:00am to 11:30am
Safer recruitment procedures are an essential part of safeguarding in any voluntary organisation or community group. Such practices help to ensure your staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children and young people and are a vital part of creating a positive environment to keep children safe from harm.
To register a place please click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/safer-recruitment-for-small-orgs-and-community-groups-tickets-699564776077?aff=oddtdtcreator
For more information please contact: Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, our Community Partnership Lead to find out more.
Open to VAC Members only.


UCL Volunteering CRIS Community Research Initiative Dissertation Showcase                                                           15 September 2023 10:00-13:30!
Celebrate this year’s exciting collaboration projects between UCL master’s students and our local Voluntary & Community Sectors. Get inspired for ways to get your organisation involved for 2023-24!
Register at our Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/student-dissertation-showcase-tickets-678009583917
Contact CRIS@ucl.ac.uk for any questions.

“Zen in Mind” – The Zen Project and Mind in Camden
Thursday September 21st, 12pm-4pm, Free Community Festival at the Surma Community Centre (1 Robert Street, NW1 3JU) – “Zen in Mind” – The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you another of their monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. Open to all and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more. Climb on board our big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety. We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up. More information here.

Camley Street Festival 2023 

Join us with your communities on Sunday 17th September (11am-3pm) for a jam-packed day of fun at the Camley Street Festival! 

We’re back for the 3rd year running – bigger and better than before. From artists to local businesses, community organisations and teams from across the council, our stallholders are coming out to showcase and celebrate all the work that is happening in the local area. We are working hard to create opportunities at the Festival that will support local people and your networks, alongside the chance to chat with us about the future of Camley Street.

Find out more here.

The Roundhouse opportunities for young freelancers and entrepreneurs this summer
Self Made: Creative Facilitation Course (Course)
Ages: 18-30 | Apply by: Sunday 10th September at 11pm | £15, free to apply
To learn more and apply, please click here

Head of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (Camden Health Partners Ltd)  – The closing date is 10 September 2023
Applications will be accepted from employees of London Borough of Camden, Camden and Islington NHS Trust, CNWL NHS Trust and GP Practices in Camden and other organisations who are members of the Camden Partnership. The Head of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (Camden) is a fixed term secondment opportunity to develop the operating model and ways of working of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) in Camden.
Ascension Trust – Bridge Watch – Suicide Prevention Programme
A new programme is being delivered by the Ascension Trust in partnership with a range of stakeholders including the RNLI, Police, Port of London Authority, and the NHS, and working across several mental health charities.
The project aims to train and develop volunteers to act as a ‘physical presence’ around the bridges of the Thames, to identify and support those who are at risk of self-harm and suicide by listening, understanding, talking, and working with a team to provide the necessary support needed to help them.
If you are interested in finding out more, express your interest here

Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) vacancy: Senior Researcher x2                                                            IVAR are looking for two experienced researchers or project managers to join our dynamic team.
The role encompasses leading evaluations, research and facilitation. Projects will include work with individual organisations, multi-stakeholder programmes and sector-wide projects that build dialogue between charities and funders. We are looking for people who will thrive on this mix and are comfortable with the wide-ranging responsibilities that come with working in a small organisation.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Learning Disability Network London vacancies: Learning and Development Business Partner x2
Full Time, based in Westminster or Camden
Closing date: Today!
The  Learning Disability Network have a fantastic opportunity for 2 experienced Learning and Development Business Partners to join our friendly team. If you’re someone who is focused, innovative and drives staff learning and development, then LDN London would like to hear from you!
To learn more and apply, please click here

Clean Break seeks Female Health and Wellbeing Volunteer                            This volunteer will support the group coordinator in running a health and wellbeing group for women participating in our programme. To learn more and download an application pack, please click here (and scroll to the bottom of the page)

Social Media volunteer                                We are a theatre production and performance group Further Than The Edge. We’re looking for a Social Media volunteer for our production The Morphea in October at the Bloomsbury Festival. A good opportunity if you want to get involved in the arts sector. We’re a small, friendly team and can provide references. Interested? Contact Rowenna: artists@furtherthantheedge.com

Touch Project vacancy: Administrator Touch Project is looking for an administrator, initially for 3-4 hours per week with the potential for more as the organisation expands in social prescribing for BEH & C&I NHS Foundation Trust.
Ideally, we would prefer a volunteer, but we are willing to pay a London living wage to the right applicant.
The role would work with our founder Kathy and would involve data entry, a monthly news email and other administrative duties.
To learn more about Touch Project, please click here
To learn more and apply for the role, please contact Kathy on 07923737813.
Kathy is dyslexic and would prefer text messages, voice notes or phone calls

Castlehaven Community Association vacancy: Events and Facilities Manager
Closing date: 22nd September
CCA is seeking an organised and experienced Events and Facilities Manager to join their team.
The role involves working with internal and external stakeholders to develop high-quality events, generate revenue, and market Castlehaven’s facilities.
To find out more about the role and how to apply, please click here

Mind in Camden vacancy – Community Services Manager
28 hours per week
Closing Date: 11th September at 13.00

This is an excellent opportunity to oversee our two onsite services based in the heart of Camden Town.
You will be supported by three staff and a team of volunteers and sessional workers. You’ll be responsible for redesigning the services so they are more accessible and responsive to people’s needs.
We are looking for a manager who is keen to embrace change and who has a strong commitment to community empowerment, reducing stigma, promoting anti-discriminatory practice, and building services that are accessible to all.
To learn more and apply, please click here, or phone 020 7911 0822 (24hrs), or email recruitment@mindincamden.org.uk

Mind in Camden vacancy –
Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker
Salary: £25,732 incl. ILWA ; Contract: fixed till end of March 2026; Hours: 35; Full details here:  Community Mental Health Recovery Support Worker – Mind In Camden
Closing date:  13.00 on Monday 25th September 2023
Interviews (a two-round process): Tuesday 3rd October and Tuesday 10th October 2023

SHAK vacancy: Community Engagement Coordinator
Closing date: 10th September
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership) are seeking an energetic and talented “Community Engagement Coordinator” to lead on 2 exciting local initiatives.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Volunteers needed to support ESOL classes
Deadline for submission of interest in volunteering is 29th September
Camden Adult Community Learning service (ACL) is looking for volunteers to support tutors who deliver ESOL classes in various Community Centre locations.
We are looking to offer volunteer placements by the end of October 2023.
If you are interested in volunteering with the ACL, please send your CV and a cover letter outlining the reason for your interest in volunteering to Joanna.Basinga@camden.gov.uk, as well as any questions you may have.

St Pancras Community Association is hiring:
Facilities & Admin Manager Part time

The role includes overseeing daily office operations, managing supplies and equipment, liaising with vendors and providing administrative support to the team. In addition, the role includes undertaking all of the Centre’s Health and Safety requirements, as well as taking responsibility for our Hall Hire business, nurturing relationships with clients to encourage repeat business.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

SPCA Caretaker/Cleaner part time
Work in a lively community centre, you will need to be good with people and physically fit.  You should be available on weekends and at least two evenings per week.  You’ll ensure that our Community Centre is a safe, secure and happy place.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

SPCA Marketing and Communications Executive part time
Play a crucial role in raising SPCA’s brand in the community. You will be responsible for our marketing and communications strategy and content; manage key communications channels including our website, newsletters, and social media; and coordinate with colleagues to generate content across the organisation.
See the full description and apply online.  (https://spca.org.uk/jobs/#jobs)

Mill Lane Garden Centre Vacancy: Seasonal Staff
Mill Lane Garden Centre is a West Hampstead based social enterprise garden centre, providing training and learning to people with a learning disability.
We’re looking for friendly and outgoing people to work at our garden centre from the end of November until just before Christmas. This position involves supporting with Christmas tree deliveries, moving, and packing Christmas trees all whilst providing excellent customer service to the local community.
For more information, please click here

Age UK Camden and VAC Social Prescribers Innovators Programme 
A new initiative is being delivered by the Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service, hosted by Age UK Camden (AUC) and Voluntary Action Camden.
The project aims to develop volunteering within the service as a way to help retain existing social prescribers and to support successful recruitment to new social prescriber roles.
Contact Mandira at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk if you are interested in volunteering on this new venture.

Local VCS Newsletters:

Young Camden Foundation (Funding Newsletter)
Young Camden Foundation (Events and Training Newsletter)
AWN (sign up)
Fitzrovia Community Centre
Coram’s Field Community Newsletter (sign up)
CAWH Newsletter
St Pancras Community Association (sign up)
Castlehaven in Bloom (sign up)
UCL Volunteering Service Newsletter (sign up)
Latin American House
London Irish Centre
North London Cares: Upcoming Clubs
Castlehaven Community Association (sign up)
Heath Hands

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

Find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Quarterly Update to Members and Subscribers – Summer 2023


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Quarterly Update to Members and Subscribers

1st September 2023

It’s hard to believe today is the 1st of September already! Where did the summer go? We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer so far.  Here at VAC we’ve been as busy as ever. Keep on reading to hear about some of our key achievements and future plans coming into Autumn.

Photo of some of the VAC Team at our AGM

Reasons to be optimistic about the future of Camden VCS

In July, VAC held its 33rd AGM. The AGM was our opportunity to inform members about the management of the organisation, but also to celebrate and recognise the progress we have made during an unprecedented period of change and uncertainty. We’re not alone in our experience of this period and wanted our AGM to recognise everyone in the VCS who has continually demonstrated, with limited resources, the important role it plays in keeping people connected and healthy.

Our AGM theme ‘Future of Camden VCS’ was unapologetically optimistic. We know that this is probably the sectors toughest period, but despite the mercurial backdrop, there are new opportunities emerging for sector leaders to help shape the recovery landscape, to start new conversations, and to build new and stronger cross-sector relationships.

Things are looking up

To substantiate the feeling of optimism, we heard from Sam Mercadante, Policy & Insight Manager, NCVO who shared positive news and stats about the national picture for the sector:

“More than half of charities of all sizes expect to be able to meet demand for their support over the next three months.”

“HMRC estimate that around £500m in Gift Aid goes unclaimed each year, and charities can still benefit from business rate reduction, Climate Change Levy exemption, and VAT exemptions”.

Looking to the future Sam emphasised the importance of evidencing our social impact and nurturing key stakeholder relationships especially with an impending political shift.

Camden future funding programme 2024-2031 

Following on from NCVO’s national update, we were joined by John Muir and Jessica Farrand from Camden Council’s Community Partnership Team who set out the vision for a new VCS investment programme. Central to the vision was their commitment to invest in the VCS and ensure a strong, resilient and vibrant sector that responds to resident need and supports the development of resilient, thriving and connected communities across Camden:

“This VCS funding programme will help to achieve We Make Camden. Especially to tackle injustice and inequality; create safe, strong, and open communities where everyone can contribute; and support good health, wellbeing, and connection for everyone so that they can start well, live well, and age well.”

Many of you would have participated in the information sessions and workshops that VAC and Camden Council held in the Spring about the investment programme. For some of you this will be the first time you have applied for VCS funding from the council. As such, we have organised a series of fundraising workshops in partnership with All Ways Network (AWN) – see here for more details of our next event https://vac.org.uk/event/writing-successful-proposals-workshops-sep-6th

 (this is not specifically for the council’s VCS funding programme but will cover all essential aspect of writing a winning application).

Camden is a place where everyone can get involved in driving positive change 

VAC has a long and proud history of representing the voice and heart of the voluntary sector in Camden. We are excited to share our new strategy which sets out how we will work with residents, community groups and VCS organisations to develop and support a vibrant civil society that underpins a high quality of life in Camden.  Our vision is focused on:

  • Creating a fairer Camden – providing equitable access to support, funding, participation and knowledge.
  • Safeguarding the VCS – leveraging more support to ensure Camden’s VCS is robust, cohesive, and well-resourced.
  • Amplifying the voice of the sector – speaking to everyone in the sector and representing the range of diverse views accurately.

Through our Theory of Change lovingly referred to as ‘The Fish’ we will create the conditions for Camden to be a place where everyone can get involved in driving positive change. You can find ‘the Fish’ here – Voluntary-Action-Camden-Strategy-2026.pdf (vac.org.uk)

Other things to look forward to:

New Membership Development Officer

We are pleased to introduce you to Vania (vguetova@vac.org.uk ), our new Membership Development Officer, who will be enhancing our membership offer with a particular focus on help the local community sector grow and develop. Vania will be in touch over the coming months to say hello and hear about your organisation and how we might support you to achieve your ambitions.

Launch of new Camden CEO and Trustee Network

Over the last few months we have launched a CEO Network and in partnership with Volunteer Centre Camden a Trustees Network – forums to discuss the big strategic issues facing your organisation; a place to share your leadership experiences with others and seek the advice and support of your peers.

Refreshed Consultancy Offering
Our refreshed consultancy service is providing practical support for voluntary and community groups. We will be launching a new peer-to-peer support group for Camden residents and groups we have been supporting through our consultancy service to turn their ideas into social enterprises and charities.

New Training Programme Launch
We have launched our new community training package for VAC members which will include, child safeguarding, fundraising, GDPR, volunteer management, fire safety and building compliance, and much more! See here for more details https://vac.org.uk/news-and-events/events/

Launch of ‘New Camden Groups’ Network

We know the importance of having someone to talk to when you are just starting out, so whether you have recently registered your organisation; are drafting your Articles of Association; or developing a fundraising strategy you are most welcome to join our New members Support Group. This is a closed group to anyone who we have supported over the past year. By joining the group, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Connect – meet other likeminded people who have either just registered their organisation/group, or are in process
  • Share – hear from others about their experience, and share yours
  • Learn – discover best practice and explore different approaches

Please email vguetova@vac.org.uk today to join the group and receive details of our first event.

And finally…..
We wish farewell to our colleague, John, who has been driving VAC’s communication work forward since he joined us in the pandemic. John has been a fantastic colleague and a valued member of the VAC team. He’s off to a new role supporting a local charity in his home town with their communications. We wish him all the best and thank him for all his hard work supporting VAC.

We are now recruiting for a new communications officer. You can find out more about the role on our website if you are interested in applying. Until then, please bear with us whilst we manage our communications with reduced capacity.

The usual newsletter format returns next Friday 8th September. We also want to let you know about a slight change to the submission schedule meaning items for the newsletter will need to be sent to social@vac.org.uk by no later than 12pm on Wednesday.

Thanks from all at Team VAC!
Have a great weekend.

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Good Governance in Difficult Times: Camden’s new Trustee Network begins! 

On Tuesday 18th July Voluntary Action Camden and Volunteer Centre Camden hosted the first meeting of our new Trustee Network. It was held online and included a talk and subsequent discussion on ‘Good Governance in Difficult Times’. 


These ‘difficult times’ appear to be the norm right now and there was a good attendance of Camden Trustees with the desire to share and learn from one another.  


This network, which reflects a need in the VCSE sector and expressly asked for by our members, is designed as a space where ideas, hopes and concerns are discussed freely. It is a space where, with the help of others, troubles can be overcome and successes shared. 


During our inaugural meeting the speaker, Hilary Barnard from HBMC / HBRL Consulting, who also has many years of experience as a Trustee, considered some issues that many Trustees share. These included finance, board recruitment and skills, steering, and other matters of good governance. This was followed by a Q&A where individuals were able to dive deeper into their own practical cases.  


The second half of the meeting consisted of breakout sessions that allowed the attendees complete freedom to share and connect. 


As a whole, it is estimated that the knowledge and experience of Trustees in Camden adds £145 million to the sector. Such enormous value can only be enhanced by the connections this network will inevitably build. 

All Camden VCSE Trustees are welcome to attend our events.


If you are a Camden VSCE Trustee and would like to find out more about the Network, please check out our webpage.


Camden Trustee Network Community of Practice

In addition to the Camden Trustee Network, we have also established a Camden Trustee Network  Community of Practice. This is a closed group (open only to Camden trustees) to allow us to maximise the benefits of free and honest discussion. Member’s of the Community of Practice gain access to:

  • Private Trustee Hub for accessing resources developed by and for the group (Microsoft SharePoint site)
  • Private Community of Practice (email group on Microsoft 365)

If you are interested in joining this group, please complete our online form.

