Voluntary Action Camden

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VAC E-Bulletin 18th October 2024


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Digital Inclusion Week

This week’s newsletter revolves around the theme of digital inclusion. You’ll find a collection of events, resources and information all centred on getting people involved and upskilled with regards to digital inclusion. To find local digital support, have a look at Camden’s Digital Inclusion hub, including a Map which you can use to find a range of services in the borough and other resources. Jump to our events, funding and opportunities sections to see more content related to digital inclusion. 


Upcoming Training & Events


Open to VAC Members only

If you are a voluntary service or group delivering services in Camden and are not a member of VAC, please join here: https://vac.org.uk/get-involved/membership

86% of charities report rise in demand for services

A recent survey of sector leaders by Charities Aid Foundation has seen a large rise in demand. 86% of those surveyed said they had experienced increased demand, compared to 46% in 2023. Organisations most likely to report increased demand were those involved in poverty-relief services, followed by human rights/equality and diversity charities. Insecurity about future funding was also a common theme among respondents. 

Philanthropy failing to address root causes

BBC Children in Need director Fozia Irfan has spoken at the Charity Law Association annual conference about how charitable institutions in the UK must evolve to better benefit the public. The speech referred to the biggest social change movements of the last 5 years and how they grew from grassroots levels, rather than charities themselves. Irfan stressed that philanthropy must adjust to address the root causes of social problems. 

Every week VAC checks various sources for the latest funding opportunities relevant for Camden groups.

You can visit our website for a round up of the latest opportunities added this week: Search for Funding – Voluntary Action Camden (vac.org.uk).

We’ve included a selection of the latest funds below but check out our new funding portal for many more opportunities.

If you need help sourcing or applying for funds, get in touch with our consultancy service, free for all Camden groups!


  • 200 fully funded Digital Learning Grants from JustGiving and Fundraising are available for charities struggling to progress digitally. This free coaching programme is designed to boost fundraising professionals’ digital skills and confidence, with a carefully curated online learning hub, 1:1 coaching calls, free workshops and access to online events. 
  • The Young Camden Foundation Holiday Activities and Food Programme offers children and young people free access to a range of physical and creative activities, including some specialist SEND provisions
  • Camden Giving’s We Make Camden Kit gives grants of up to £2,000 to citizens, small organisations and schools who have great ideas to make Camden a fairer place to live and work.
  • St Giles in the Fields and St Georges provide relief from hardship through alms and educational grants.
  • The Weston Loan Programme with Art Fund has grants available to museums and galleries to borrow important works of arts and artefacts from national collections, encouraging the sharing of works more widely across the UK.
  • Linnean Society’s Our Local Nature Grants to deliver projects and activities that engage young people with local nature and natural spaces and improve their understanding of local biodiversity.

Black History Month at VAC

The Umoja Health Forum (October 17th), Djembe Drumming Workshop (October 25th), 5 Black Fathers – A documentary (October 30th)

Opportunities for Youth Representatives on Camley Street

The Council is building new homes and workspace on Camley Street – and they’re looking for “youth representatives” to join the Camley Street Steering Group meeting on 23rd October! You’ll enrich your CV by learning new skills, meet new people and see behind the scenes on a high-profile development project, and help the council respond more meaningfully to the needs of the area. If you’re between 16-25yrs old, live/work/study in Camden and enthusiastic about contributing to the future of your local area – email Rozita.leetham@camden.gov.uk.

GoodGym Camden Active Volunteering

GoodGym Camden are a local volunteering group, and they like to combine being active and doing good! Each week, they run, walk, or cycle to a local community organisation for some form of active volunteering – think cutting brambles, planting trees, or painting bike railings – and they’d like to welcome anyone wanting to join their friendly and inclusive group. They’re off to Kentish Town City Farm on Saturday 26th October – full details here. Alex from GoodGym can also be contacted at alexmurtough@goodgym.org if you have any questions. 

Brave Café : working together to address domestic abuse

Invitation to Camden residents, business and interested community partners: You are cordially invited to the second Brave Cafe in Camden on 6th November at the Crowndale Centre, 218 Everhort street, NW1 1BD. The session will be addressing the crucial issue of domestic abuse. This exclusive event is designed for Camden residents and community partners who are eager to engage in an open and safe dialogue. RSVP to equalities@camden.gov.uk to express your interest in attending. 

Free Community Festival “Zen in Mind”

The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you one of a series of monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. Open to all and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more. Join to take part in one of the activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety, with something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up. More information here.
24th October, 9-15 Camden Road, NW1 9LQ 

Kurdish Community meeting

After 13 years of great Kurdish Community meetings at Haverstock School, meetings are moving to the iconic British Library. This month’s meeting is on 26th October at the Last Word Cafe in the plaza of the British Library. The meetings are run on a monthly basis by Kurdish volunteers in order to help the community get together, celebrate ethnic identity, share knowledge in a sociable, cultural, educational and family friendly setting. All are welcome. 

Free Community Leadership Workshops for Camden Residents

Taught by tutors from Birkbeck who have run Community Development and Leadership courses in London for over 10 years, these workshops aim to help participants gain skills, knowledge and confidence. Networking and sharing knowledge and experiences is also encouraged. 5 in-person sessions from the 6th November:

1. Community Engagement. 2. Project Development. 3. Community Leadership. 4. Health, Wellbeing and Resilience. 5. Project Evaluation & Next Steps 

Pathways at Birkbeck

Want support with deciding your next steps? Have a career in mind but unsure how to achieve it? Join Pathways for free advice and training. FREE LUNCH INCLUDED. Pathways gives you a space to reflect on life and your goals. Leave with a clear plan and local signposting, supported by 121 advice from a qualified coach.
20th November, Clean Break, NW5 2LB. 

Real Talk debate for young people aged 16-21

The Real Talk debate for 16 to 21-year-olds in Camden aims to create a safe space for young people to express their opinions and challenge pre-conceived notions on topics that matter most to them, as well as empower local youth to shape the design and development of services in their community. This year’s Real Talk event is taking place at Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, King’s Cross, on Wednesday 23 October. Food and refreshments will be provided along with a thank you voucher for participating young people, who can book their free ticket on Eventbrite.

Deputy Play Manager at The Winch


Take the lead in supporting children to thrive. The Winch are looking for a hands-on Deputy Play Manager to help deliver dynamic after-school and holiday playschemes. You’ll lead a team in creating a vibrant space filled with arts, sports, and exciting projects. We provide a nurturing environment where children flourish, and families receive the support they need. If you’re passionate about play apply now.
Closing Date: 3rd November

After School Club and Holiday Play Scheme: Play Worker

Not a morning person?! Are you looking for work after school and during school holidays? Do you have experience of supporting primary aged children? The Winch are looking for Play Workers and would love to hear from you! Working from our facilities in Swiss Cottage, Camden, you will join a supportive and experienced team of play workers providing daily after-school and holiday activities.

Volunteer for Home-Start Camden & Islington


Home-Start’s volunteers are trained and supported to give free, confidential help and practical assistance to local parents of children under 5 who are struggling. Interested? If you have parenting or childcare experience, they invite you to join their next training course in November. Please contact eleni@homestartcamden.org.

Nursery Practitioner at SPCA


This role with Saint Pancras Community Association’s is for a Nursery Practitioner, who will report to the Nursery Manager. The role is 20 hours per week, including 15 hours contact time with children when the Nursery is open. Be part of SPCA’s team delivering high-quality community work, that benefits people living in the Borough of Camden and the Saint Pancras and Somers town area. Concentrate on the creation and development of a caring, stimulating and accessible service for children from the age of 2-5. This includes transition into school, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework or other frameworks which succeed it.
Closing Date: 20th October 

Fundraiser at Gospel Oak Action Link Youth Club


GOALYC is a Camden based Charity providing at no cost to users, a rich variety of sports, music, education and other activities to mostly disadvantaged young people in the Gospel Oak area. They are looking for a fundraiser to play a vital role in securing funding and help the charity’s direction, upkeep, and policies, that create a positive difference to our youth. The role is a self-employed Fundraising Officer, reporting to the GOALYC Board of Trustees. If you’re intertested, send your CV and cover letter to Mei@qcca.org.uk.
Deadline: 30th October 

Time to Shine Volunteer Coordinator (Camden Carers)


Camden Carers are looking for a hardworking, enthusiastic and flexible team member to join their dynamic team at Camden Carers and make a difference to the lives of people and families in Camden. This role will work closely with carers, colleagues, Trustees and volunteers to create a volunteer Strategy for the Organisation.
Deadline: 1st November 

Positively UK recruiting new chair + trustees

Positively UK is a charity supporting people living with HIV. They are looking for a new Chair of the Board of Trustees, and three new trustees to join their board.

CAWH seeking Trustees

Community Association of West Hampstead are looking for individuals with an interest in the local community and/or experience in event organisation, social media, finance, web-sites, and children and young people’s activities, to join their Board and become a trustee. This is a great opportunity to contribute to a local organisation that is making a difference to people in the local area. For more information, please phone 020 7794 3729, or email manager@cawh.org.uk.

Become a SHAK trustee

SHAK is seeking 2-3 new trustees with skills and time to commit to fundraising.  They are particularly interested in recruiting people who live locally and increasing representation at board level from minority communities. You would be joining at an exciting time when SHAK are undertaking a strategic review and setting in place a new plan forward.
If you are interested in applying please click here.

Volunteer Trustees including Chair of Trustees at GOALYC

Gospel Oak Action Link Youth Club (GOALYC) is a Camden based Charity providing at no cost to users, a rich variety of sports, music, education and other activities to mostly disadvantaged young people in the Gospel Oak area. They are looking for Volunteer Trustees who will guide the charity’s direction, upkeep, and policies, making key decisions that create a positive difference to our youth. If you are interested in becoming a GOALYC trustee, you can find out more by emailing mei@qcca.org.uk.

Konet Group’s Digital Transformation Guide

Konekt Group have produced this free guide for charities to provide clear, actionable strategies for improving digital presence, streamlining operations, and maximising donor engagement. They are also running a webinar on 7th November with a break down of practical steps from the guide.

Look after YOU – helping young people access health care

Camden Council’s Look After YOU campaign aims to help more young people in Camden get the health care they need, when they need it – including information on sexual health, mental health, drugs and alcohol, and help to register for a GP.  

Take part in Vulnerabilities Research

Camden Council would like to hear from partners working with residents who may have experienced barriers to accessing Housing services. The aim is to help decide and define how to tailor services to needs. You can help in one of two ways:

Have you considered running an activity in your local Camden green space?

If you are looking to improve the mental and physical health of your clients, running a session outside can have a real benefit. With over 76 parks and 300 green spaces Camden is a green oasis, perfect for every outdoor activity. To find your nearest one, check the borough wide map. It can be hard to know where to begin with planning and delivering an activity in an outdoor green space. Camden’s Green Space team can make it easy. Contact parks@camden.gov.uk to find out more. 

Local VCS Newsletters

If you would like your Camden VCS newsletter added to this list, please email social@vac.org.uk

Looking for a previous newsletter entry? Find it in our archive here

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Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Wednesday for publication in the following Friday’s edition. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words. Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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