Voluntary Action Camden

voluntary action camden e-bulletin – 14th Jan 2022

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
14th January 2022
News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources
This week’s newsletter includes:
VAC January events, NHS winter survey, R Space Forum, Camden autism and race equality survey, new project from Age UK Camden, details on Camden university scholarships, UCL Voluntary Sector resources, local food co-op support, GLA London Plan consultation, Elizabeth House Community Centre Winter Wellness Project, the next Thriving Communities Webinar + a lot of new jobs and volunteer opportunities for the new year + available courses + Newsletters + Resources + funding & more
The first Voluntary Action Forum of the year
11am on Wednesday 19th January
The first Voluntary Action Forum for the new year will be an opportunity to share your upcoming work and news for 2022, and hear about some new developments, events, and important consultations in the borough! Updates will include discussion on the Mayor of London’s draft Police and Crime Plan for the capital for 2021-25, which will ask ‘Has the Mayor got his priorities right?’ and ‘Are there any specific issues and/or areas he should give more attention to?’ To pre-access the plan, click here.
Please join us.
Click here to register

VAC Social Prescribing Learning Network: Online networking event
10-11.30, Thursday 20th January 2022
VAC Social Prescribing Learning Network are hosting a networking event for arts and cultural organisations and local social prescribers (Social Prescribing Link Workers, Care Navigators etc).
This is an opportunity to meet Elijah Kellman, a new link worker working on an arts and culture pilot at University College London Hospital, other social prescribers in Camden, and hear from some arts organisations who are receiving social prescribing referrals and / or offer activities and opportunities that support good health.
Register here 

NHS services in North Central London this winter
Please take some time to contribute to this important study to help the local NHS understand your experiences with accessing local NHS services when you feel unwell, when a family member is unwell, and other health-related decisions you have made to keep you healthy this winter.
Access to services within the NHS has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and winter is usually a time when the demand on services increases. Accessing services at the right place and time is vital for providing high quality health and care to support local people
To take part click here 

R Space Forum: Improve Camden’s Drug and Alcohol services
26th January 2022 – 12-1pm
A chance to share your views and suggestions to help improve local drug and alcohol services
Zoom meeting ID: 943 2943 7069
Passcode: 952520
Contact Elithiah for more information at camdenserviceuser@shp.org.uk 

Camden autism and race equality project survey
open until 21st January 2022
Camden autism and race equality project are inviting autistic adults from an African, Asian, Caribbean or minority ethnic background to help develop an action plan.
If you live in Camden, we’d like to know what support you receive and what would help you live your life better. Please take part in this short survey here
Contact Tracey Bignall to find out more about the Camden Race Equality Project: tracey@racefound.org.uk or call 07793 239567 

Age UK Camden Information & Advice Team launch a new Project
This Age UK Camden project plans to raise awareness of Scams Prevention and Support.
The project will operate on two levels:
Firstly, we will be able to provide one-to-one support for any Camden resident aged 50+  who have concerns about scams, who have been victim of a scam or they would just like more information and tips of how to avoid scams
Secondly, we will be offering and delivering group talks and presentations across the Borough of Camden.  We will focus on organisations that support older people, community groups, social groups, sheltered housing schemes etc.
If you or your organisation would like to organise support or would like more information please contact ann-marie.carrol@ageukcamden.org.uk or paul.webley@ageukcamden.org.uk

Fully-funded university places for 2022 with Camden Scholarships
The course starts in September 2022 and the deadline to apply is midnight on 20 May 2022
The Council is working with Hult International Business School to help Camden residents of all ages to realise their potential through life-changing scholarship opportunities – with fully-funded courses starting in September.
Hult is also offering a fully-funded one-year intensive postgraduate Master of International Business degree – including practical experience with a social enterprise or small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). .
Find out more and apply here 

New UCL resource for voluntary sector:
The Community Research Initiative’s newest service for the voluntary sector – the Community Noticeboard! We’re aiming to offer an open, easy-to-use way for charities, community organisations, and local authorities to benefit from UCL!
Organisations that are registered with us can post ideas for research; these don’t need to be super developed and I can help with this part. The ideas are then posted on the Noticeboard for master’s students to browse. We will connect students and organisations with similar interests to Co-design the posted ideas and hopefully get a project up and running over the summer.
For more information please contact a.laybourne@ucl.ac.uk 

From Mutual Aid to Food Co-ops
Free online event: 21st January 2022: 11:00 – 12:30
A practical step-by-step guide to setting up a community-led food co-op for Camden groups and organisations.
In 2021 Cooperation Town secured funding from Camden Council and the National Lottery Fund to develop a local network of food co-ops across the borough, supported by a local food hub.
We invite local groups and organisations to find out about the Cooperation Town model, learn about the local project and discuss how they could help set up a neighbourhood food co-op as part of their community offer.
Sign up or learn more here  

GLA Consultation – evidence base for the NEXT London Plan
The deadline for submissions is the 31 January 2022
This is an open consultation about what evidence people think should be considered when developing the NEXT London Plan (which has to be done every five years and takes several years to develop).
This is the chance for groups to engage on their own terms with the process. The GLA are especially keen to hear from those who are under-represented in the planning consultation world.
Learn more here 

Elizabeth House Community Centre: Winter Wellness Project
January – April 2022
The project is for people aged 65 and over in Camden and Islington and aims to help with issues such as welfare and benefits advice, housing repairs, lowering energy bills, health services, making homes warmer etc.
If you are interested in this Winter Wellness service, please ring 07515 410 139 / 0207 690 1300 or email community@elizabeth-house.org.uk  

Thriving Communities webinar: Physical Activity and Social Prescribing
25 January 2022, 3-4pm
‘We Are Undefeatable’ – overcoming barriers to physical activity and how social prescribing can be part of the solution
Sign up or learn more here

Please note
As you will probably know Kevin Nunan has retired as the VAC CEO. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to jnellis@vac.org.uk or social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up) 
Charity Tax Group 
Dragon Hall Newsletter



See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here.

Tackling Food Inaccessibility Fund:
This fund is open for applications until 28th January 2022
Camden citizens are working with the Camden Giving, Camden Food Poverty Alliance and Camden Council to provide funds to organisations involved in tackling food inaccessibility.
Charities, community interest companies, TRA’s, schools, charitable incorporated organisations and community benefit societies are all welcome to apply.
Grants of up to £7,500 are available for organisations providing food access to Camden residents and/or services that help people affected by food inaccessibility.
For more information and to apply visit here.
Hubbub have opened their Community Fridge Fund
Applications open until 1st February 2022
The fund offers funding of up to £4000 to set up a fridge and join Hubbub’s Community Fridge Network.
Please visit here for more information and to apply.

Funding Opportunities for Camden’s Childrens Charities
The Childhood Trust is London’s Child Poverty charity, dedicated to alleviating the impact of poverty on children and young people living in the capital. The Childhood Trust offers financial support to children’s charities through matching funding campaigns. For more information email campaigns@childhoodtrust.org.uk  

NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders


VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

15th December Voluntary Action Forum: Manifesto Update and Meet our new CEO
At our last Voluntary Action Forum we followed up our May forum where we first looked at creating a Manifesto for the VCS. We gathered ideas and put them on an online wall (which you can view here).
Click here to view the recording

VAC Autumn Update
Click here to view the VAC Autumn update to Members and Subscribers

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

Safeguarding Courses:

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/

Support to Camden residents who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Are you working with a Camden resident who is homeless or at risk? Beam can support them into a new job.
Residents can use Beam’s platform to raise funds for training, technology (e.g. laptops and smartphones), childcare, travel to work and work attire. Beam’s caseworkers provide 1-1 support with CVs, applications and interview skills. Through Beam, residents also get priority access to local jobs with 90+ employer partners.
To refer clients, visit beam.org/refer or contact referrals@beam.org 

Arts 4 Dementia programme: Current Workshops
Art School with Central Saint Martins
Fridays, 3pm-5pm, 11 Feb – 1 April
BA fine Art students from Central Saint Martins will act as facilitators, guiding participants through a variety of artistic practices from traditional to digital art forms. The participants will receive a tote bag with all the art materials required for the course. No previous art experience is required.
The course will start on Zoom due to potential University closures in the new year with the hopes of holding some of the sessions at the Central Saint Martins campus in Granary Square, Kings Cross.
Art Wednesdays
Wednesdays 2pm – 3pm, Ongoing
A weekly virtual opportunity for people with early-stage dementia and carers to socialise, engage creatively, share experiences and ideas – and enjoy a laugh – in an online video group chat via Zoom.
Places are limited so please get in touch to secure a place. You can email emily@arts4dementia.org.uk or call 020 3633 9954
To learn more, click here 

Funding Webinar
12.30-1pm, 1st February 2022, via Zoom
Easyfundraising are running a free online funding webinar to explain how easyfundraising works for community groups and voluntary sector organisations, how to get started and how to make the most of their services.
Register here
Learn more about easyfundraising here 

LIFT employability courses

LIFT is a partnership between 4 boroughs (Islington, Camden, Hackney and Tower Hamlets) and seeks to inspire diverse residents with a career in the knowledge economy  (tech, creative production or life sciences), thus addressing under representation in this growing sector and creating a more inclusive economy. Camden council is rolling out this support to service users across the borough, especially focusing on Euston, King’s Cross and Somers town. LIFT can also offer individual support for service users to help them get onto relevant training courses or access jobs, apprenticeships and paid internships.
LIFT is looking especially to reach out to service users facing multiple barriers to employment through ethnicity, disability or limited educational attainment.
Get in touch with cina.aissa@islington.gov.uk who is the LIFT Community engagement officer for Camden, or visit www.liftfutures.london to find out more. 

Free NCFE Level 2 courses in Camden from New Challenge
IT User Skills – teaching vital skills for Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Information, Advice and Guidance – providing learners with knowledge and best practice in signposting and referring clients to appropriate services to meet their needs
Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace – This qualification is designed for any learner that wants to raise their awareness of mental health and the problems that can cause mental ill health
Learn more here

Fun, Fitness & Socialising with Silverfit
Talacre Community Sports Centre NW5 3AF: Fridays at 11:45.
Looking for a new way to get active and meet friends too?
Silverfit Charity has just started indoor fitness classes in Camden and would love for you to come along and join them.
Classes are fun, help burn fat, increase core strength and are suitable for all abilities!
Sessions are FREE and open to anyone 45+. Try them out on Friday
Find out more and to book here, contact pete@silverfit.org.uk or ring  07901 504903


Kentish Town Community Centre is looking for part-time youth workers.
Applications close at 12pm Wednesday 19th January
Back in 2020, Kentish Town, Castlehaven and Highgate Newtown Community Associations began collaborating on a youth service, ‘Youth Hub’, to empower and connect young people in the local area.
Youth Hub now needs new part-time youth workers to engage and create innovative sessions for young people aged 11-18. For more information about the role click here 

Opening Doors London: Trans and Non-Binary+ Engagement Office

Application deadline: 5pm 2nd February 2022
14 hours per month (flexible)
As Opening Doors’ Trans and Non-Binary+ Engagement Officer, you will review current services to help shape future direction, help develop events and groups that are accessible and safe for people from these communities and promote and strengthen the relationship between OD and trans and non-binary+ people. This role will also involve working alongside the OD team and volunteers to develop new initiatives to meet the needs of trans and non-binary+ people in reducing social isolation, loneliness and improving health and wellbeing.
To apply or for more information, click here 

Opening Doors London: BAME/PoC Engagement Officer
Application deadline: 5pm, 2nd February 2022
14 hours per month (flexible)
As Opening Doors’ BAME/PoC Engagement Officer you will review current services to help shape future direction, help develop events and groups that are accessible and safe for people from these communities and promote and strengthen the relationship between OD and BAME/PoC communities. This role will also involve working alongside the OD team and volunteers to develop new initiatives to meet the needs of these communities in reducing social isolation, loneliness and improving health and wellbeing.
To apply or for more information, click here 

Age UK Camden: Current Vacancies

Clinical Lead Counsellor (ageuk.org.uk)
Closing date: Monday 31st January 2022
21 hours. Permanent
We are looking for an experienced Counsellor/Psychotherapist with organisational skills to take the clinical lead position in our highly regarded Counselling and Psychotherapy service for adults aged 55 and over in the borough of Camden.
For more information, click here
Social Prescribing Link Worker (ageuk.org.uk)
Closing date: Monday 31st January 2022
35hrs/ week: 12 months Fixed term contract
The Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing service is looking to recruit a Social Prescribing Link Worker to join this vibrant team. Their work is supporting Camden adults, operating as a door to services and opportunities, matching people with appropriate support to manage their health and wellbeing.
For more information, click here
Care Navigator role with Age UK Camden
Closing date:   5pm, 31st January 2022
35hrs/ week: Permanent
The Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing service is looking to recruit a Care Navigator to join this vibrant team. Their work is supporting Camden adults, operating as a door to services and opportunities, matching people with appropriate support to manage their health and wellbeing.
For more information, click here
Director – Silverfit (ageuk.org.uk)
Closing date: 9am, Friday 21st, January, 2022
20 Hours per week: Fixed Term contract until January 2023
Silverfit is a London based charity working with people aged 45+ to improve physical and mental health through exercise and social gathering.  We do this by running fitness sessions at venues across ten London Boroughs. This role is ideal for an ambitious manager looking to develop into a Senior Leadership role.
For more information, click here 

Lifting Limits: Programme Manager
Closing date: 6th February
Lifting Limits are looking for someone who can bring fantastic organisational and people skills as we increase our capacity to reach growing numbers of schools with our gender equality programme.  
For more details and how to apply, click here 

Lauderdale House is looking for 2 roles:
Marketing and Communications Manager.
Closes: Monday 17th January 2022 at 9am
An opportunity to take on a broad ranging marketing role in a busy arts and heritage venue.
To apply or for more information, click here
Education and Outreach Officer (Heritage and Arts)
Closes: Monday 24th January 2022 at 9am
The chance to work across a broad range of formal and informal educational settings using heritage and arts to make a difference to young people.
To apply or for more information, click here

Personalisation Support in Camden (PSiC): Direct Payment Support Worker x2
35 Hours per week (Full time)
Personalisation Support in Camden (PSiC) provide support for all service users who receive Direct Payments from Camden Social Services or who receive Personal Health Budgets from the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Services include doing the start-up paperwork, organising the payroll and recruitment where the service user is going to employ their own Personal Assistants.
As a Direct Payment Support worker, you will provide advice and information to people living with disabilities and or carers considering joining the scheme, via telephone, home visits and written information. In addition, you will assist said people in the recruitment and employment of their personal assistants.
To apply or for more information, click here 

Paid work placement opportunity on Hampstead Heath
Deadline 20th January
Heath Hands are recruiting for a part-time communications assistant. This is a paid part-time work placement with priority given to those underrepresented in the environmental sector. Come and join a friendly team on Hampstead Heath and get involved in social media content, newsletter writing, liaising with volunteers and more! .
For more information and to apply, click here 

Home-Start Camden & Islington: looking for volunteers
Home-Start Camden & Islington are a Charity who provide regular support, friendship, and practical help to families with at least one child under the age of 5, who are under stress or experiencing difficulties
If you live in the borough of Camden or Islington and are either a parent, grandparent, carer or have other parenting experience, then you could be the right person for us.
If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please click here or email info@homestartcamden.org 

Camden Carers: Support & Wellbeing Worker (Learning Disability Lead) – Maternity Cover.
Deadline for applications: By 11.59pm on 28th January 2022
An exciting opportunity to join our dynamic team at Camden Carers and make a difference to the lives of people and families in Camden. For more information, click here

Volunteering Opportunity: The Kids Network
The Kids Network are looking for committed, fun and passionate volunteers who live or work in Camden to make a real difference to the children of London. This year long mentoring programme supports children with their social and emotional development before they transition into secondary school.
For more information and to apply click here 

Camden & Islington NHS Trust: Healthcare Assistant Apprentice
Programme Dates: Monday 17th – Friday 28th January
Princes’s Trust are running a programme to help get 18-30-year-olds jobs as Healthcare Assistant Apprentices with the NHS in Camden and Islington.
Healthcare Assistant Apprentices are the entry-level position to becoming a nurse. You’ll be helping look after patients in the hospital, covering everything from health monitoring to supporting their mental wellbeing. The role involves a combination of working and study for a 15 months.
To register or for more information, click here 

Kentish Town City Farm: Part Time Administrator (16 hours per week)
Closing date: 5pm, 27th January 2022
salary £10,000 (£25,000 pro rata)
Kentish Town City Farm is a local charity that helps people living in the city connect with animals, nature and the environment. They are looking for an excellent administrator to help our small, dedicated team get our booking systems and data collection up to date and integrated into our activities. The right person will be comfortable using a wide range of IT systems including web-based platforms so they can establish and maintain central systems and processes. They will be a great communicator, giving support and anchoring the team to create extra capacity, allowing everyone to excel in their roles
To apply please send CV and covering letter to info@ktcityfarm.org.uk  
For full details, please click here 

Young Barnet Foundation: New job vacancies
Young Barnet Foundation is currently seeking new staff who are excited to improve the lives of children and young people across Barnet by joining their expanding team.
Current roles include: An Impact and Data Officer, closing 16th January 2022 and a Communication Assistant (Kickstarter role)
To find out more about any of these roles, click here

Action Youth Boxing Intervention (AYBI): Senior Safeguarding Officer Role
Two days per calendar month on a voluntary basis to start (expenses paid / all work resources provided)
Closing Friday 28th January 2022
The mission of Action Youth Boxing Interventions is to break the cycle of offending behaviours and violence in young and vulnerable people, with the purpose of improving lifestyle choices, belief and chances for the future.
The role will have a legal responsibility for dealing with all safeguarding issues for the organisation and provide advice, training and support to all staff, coaches and volunteers.
The Senior Safeguarding Officer will liaise with Camden Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and other agencies to ensure safeguarding culture is embedded within the culture of the organisation
Please submit an updated CV & cover email, explaining your suitability for this role to: manager@aybi.org 

Latin American House is looking for 2 roles:
Communities and Culture Coordinator.
Closes: Monday 17th January 2022
The post holder will lead a diverse and sustainable programme of community and cultural activities and events.
To apply or for more information, click here
Children and Young People Coordinator.
Closes: Tuesday 25th January 2022
The post holder will be responsible for coordinating, delivering and developing a comprehensive, diverse and inclusive programme of activities, classes and events throughout the year.
To apply or for more information, click here

LMK is recruiting its first Youth Advisory Board!

LMK is an education charity who run workshops that educate young people about healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviours, so that they can avoid abuse and thrive in their relationships – a prevention programme against domestic violence and relationship abuse.
They are looking for 15 young people, aged 16-19, to become part of the Youth Advisory Board and to use their skills to make a difference in the lives of other young Londoners.
To find out more about LMK, take a look at the website: www.justletmeknow.org or email youthboard@justletmeknow.org with any questions. 

Henna Asian Women’s Group is recruiting Volunteers
Henna is looking for active, friendly and caring volunteers to join the team. As a volunteer you will help Henna to grow and support our members by offering a befriending service, assist on outings and be actively involved in Henna projects and day to day activities
Please contact Aysha on 07752 681828 or aysha@hennaorg.co.uk or info@hennaorg.co.uk or visit the website for more information

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange trustees seek to appoint a new Chair

Kilburn Older Voices Exchange (KOVE) is an established charity in north-west London (primarily Camden & Brent). We want to appoint a new Chair and trustee to help manage our small staff team and support the Trustees and Steering Group to plan and prioritise our support and development work.
A commitment to the full citizenship of all older people will be essential, alongside experience of managing staff or of using small budgets to maximum effect.
If you share KOVE’s ambitions, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.
Contact: melwillwright@gmail.com 

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here


Afghan Refugee Crisis

The Council and VCS continue to work together to help meet the needs of the Afghan Refugees in Camden.  A steering group (led by Hopscotch) meets weekly and there is a database of offers and needs held by the council.  You can donate to the Hopscotch appeal here.  Keep up to date at the council website here.

Hopscotch’s Afghan Crisis Appeal 

Hopscotch is working as one of the leads with Camden Council and other major charities.
We have, on standby, four Afghan Family Advocates who are professional leads to deliver:-
Essential Cultural Orientation Training for council staff, charities and volunteers so everyone is interacting appropriately and effectively
To act as referral specialists with refugees in a trauma-informed way
Click here to donate.  

Barnardo’s Boloh Helpline
Barnardo’s Boloh Helpline announces the expansion of the service to support the mental health and wellbeing of adult asylum seekers across the UK. This project is funded by the Home Office and is in addition to the current service that offers support to children, young people and their parents.
The Helpline will offer advice, signposting, emotional support and 8 free sessions of therapy by qualified Barnardo’s therapists. These sessions can take place remotely via telephone or online. Barnardo’s has a large pool of culturally informed therapists who speak a range of languages.
Referrals are welcome from professionals via our referral form, as well as direct contact from asylum seekers by telephone, email or online chat.
The Helpline – 0800 151 2605 – is open Monday – Friday (10am-8pm) and Saturday (10-3pm) via phone, webchat and email
You can make a referral to the Helpline here.  
Or to learn more, click here 

Talk for Health: Upcoming events
“Join a community and get free, effective, long lasting peer counselling which is as effective as therapy”
Free for all Islington and Camden residents
Talk for Health have a range of upcoming events, including Taster sessions to learn more.
For their full list of events and how to register, click here 

Space rental at Latin America House, Kilburn
A range of space available for events, classes and more.
Find out more here

Central YMCA has launched a survey for 16-25 year olds

Central YMCA are carrying out a survey to better understand the issues that affect young people today and the barriers that prevent them from overcoming these issues.
The results of the survey will help organisations to understand how they can better focus efforts to support young people where they really need it. There is an incentive, as one of the respondents will win a £300 voucher.
To answer the survey: www.ymca.co.uk/survey
If you have any questions please email julia.harvey@ymca.co.uk

Growing your business through sustainability

Learn how to make your organisation more sustainable and help grow your business. In this training you will learn the importance of Sustainability not only for your business but in the context of the wider world, understanding  your current carbon footprint, simple yet, impactful changes that can immediately be actioned and how to embed them within your marketing strategy.
In this workshop you will learn:
~ Why sustainability is good for business
~ How to start your journey
~ Where to use sustainability measures to engage employees and customers
This session is run using YouTube and is 60 minutes long. The course assumes no prior knowledge or experience. There will be the opportunity to ask questions during the session. 

Supporting People with Long-Covid in Camden

The Camden team support people with signs & symptoms lasting for longer than 12 weeks (NICE) to be diagnosed as Long-Covid. They may occur in conjunction with other conditions.  Referrals need to come from GP’s or the Post-Covid clinic at UCLH. They should be sent to, camdenreferrals.cnwl@nhs.net
The Long-Covid team consists of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy with a Rehab Assistant to support and  access to psychology if required.
Contact Rob Clarke on rob.clarke6@nhs.net for any information or enquiries.

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden

Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.


Got an item for the e-bulletin?
Send your item to jnellis@vac.org.uk or social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.
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Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.
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