Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 27th May 2022



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
27th May 2022

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources

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VAC Membership

Become a VAC member and help us connect and amplify the voices of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden.
Membership is free, including our practical help, which can be accessed here.

Click on the link box above, join us today and add your voice to ours.


In this week’s newsletter we spotlight our questionanaire to members and stakeholders, which will help to inform our future planning, we have details of the next VAC VAF, the upcoming UCLH governor elections, the ‘State of London debate’ information and an exciting opportunity to work with VAC. We also have events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

NB: Please note that due to the Jubilee holidays there will be no VAC newsletter next week

VAC Questionnaire to Members and Stakeholders
VAC is in the process of developing a new strategy and we want to develop it with the input of our key stakeholders, including our members and strategic partners.

This will help us to set our priorities for the next three years and improve are offering to the Camden Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). All completed entries with contact information provided will be entered into our prize drawer for a chance to win £50 shopping vouchers.

Please help us by completing our short survey here

Voluntary Action Forum: New Integrated Care System (ICS) and more!
15th June: 11am – 12.30pm

At the next free, online Voluntary Action Forum, find out what the emerging Integrated Care System (ICS) is in North Central London, why it is important for the voluntary sector and how you can get connected!

VAC’s Forum on 15th June will be an opportunity improve your understanding of the ICS, hear the priorities for working with the voluntary sector, and connect your organisation!’

Sign up here

UCLH Council of Governors Elections 2022
Nominations close Tuesday 24 June: 5pm

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are seeking nine Trust members to join the Council of Governors, who are keen to represent the interests of our public and patient communities. Elections will be held in the following seats and members aged 18 and over can nominate themselves to stand:
•    1 public governor
•    4 London-based patient governors
•    1 out of London based patient
•    3 staff members (1 other Clinical and 2 non-Clinical)

Self-nomination can be completed online from Monday 6 June here
If you would like any more details, please contact uclh.governors@nhs.net or call 020 3447 9290.

* You must be a member of UCLH to stand for governor. Find out more about becoming a member and apply for membership on the website here

State of London Debate
28th June: 7.30 – 9pm
At indigo at The O2, Peninsula Square

Ask the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan and Deputy Mayors about issues that matter – from cycling to jobs, the environment to housing and more – at the annual State of London Debate 2022.

To find out more please click here

Art Club:Camden – Weekly and holiday meet-up club
This is for young people aged 11-18yrs and, whenever possible, will be held outdoors

This weekly and holiday meet-up art club is organised by CSKX Studios. Art Club:Camden. It aims to support young people’s (11-18 yrs old) creativity through free art workshops, encouraging individual interests, introducing ways of working, supplying art materials, visiting museums and galleries, introducing different artists and working outdoors whenever possible to explore local spaces and available resources.

For further information, click here
Or, contact us via email at info@cskx.org or by calling Leo on 020 8001 5357

Sadler’s Wells Theatre £9 Tickets Offer for Machine de Cirque
Sadler’s Wells Theatre are offering discounted tickets to watch the acclaimed Canadian circus company, Machine de Cirque.

The tickets are £9 and are for performances from Wed 1 to Sat 11 June at 7.30pm.

To access the offer, please click here and enter the promocode BIDMDC9

VAC Vacancy: Community Liaison Worker
Closing date 15 June 2022: 23:59

We are looking for a part time Community Liaison Worker (2 days per week) to work with the the Cultural Advocacy Team to develop and deliver a community outreach programme to BME communities.

Find out more about working with us and apply here

Latin American House vacancy: Early Years Practitioner
Latin American House is looking for an Early Years Practitioner, to join the team at Menchú Bilingual Nursery.
The post holder must possess CACHE or NVQ Level 2 or above qualification in Childcare Education. It will not be necessary to speak Spanish, although it is desirable.

To apply or get more information, please click here

Please note
Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

A Letter from the Leader of the Council
“The past two years have been difficult for all of us and I want to thank you for the sacrifices you have made to help keep our community safe. We are still feeling the impact of COVID-19, and I know that many of you are struggling with the rising cost of living. We are helping Camden to recover by supporting the NHS with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, helping residents access food, providing free activities for families and supporting local businesses.”

Read more about the council plans and the resources available to residents here

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up)
Charity Tax Group
Dragon Hall Newsletter

VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk

Launch of Government’s VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund 2022-25
Application Deadline 5 August 2022: 9am

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI), the system partners, are seeking applications from VCSE sector organisations for the next round of the Health and Wellbeing Fund.
The system partners value the significant contribution that the VCSE sector makes towards improving health and care. The VCSE sector is a key partner in delivering strategic priorities and improving health and wellbeing across England.

To support this, the system partners are jointly releasing the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund 2022 to 2025 to support projects and programmes led by VCSE organisations.
The theme of the 2022 to 2025 fund is women’s reproductive wellbeing in the workplace.

For more details, please click here

Trust for London Local Action Poverty Fund
“Trust for London has once again teamed up with Crowdfunder to launch the Local Action Poverty Fund.
Using the power of the crowd, we’ll be helping projects to find the funding and support they need to turn their ideas into a reality.”

Learn more here

UK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
For more details please click here.

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Camden Giving Equality Fund: Open for expressions of interest
The Camden Giving Equality Fund 2022 will provide flexible funding to small charities and social enterprises who are actively bringing together people from different backgrounds to create communities. A panel of 12 Camden residents will award 2 year grants of £30,000 in June 2022 and welcome your expression of interest.

Please also see the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact VAC for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk

NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Other available funders include:

Hampstead Heath Community Fun Day
Sunday 12th June: 12-5pm.

Come to the Parliament Hill Bandstand for a community fun day next month, including Seethrough Theatre’s Carnivall parade, music from Young Music Makers, free nature and art activities and much more.
Please get in touch if you would like to get involved or have any questions

For more information on this and other events on the Heath, please click here

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week
23–29 May 2022.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week is a joint campaign from NHS England and Diabetes UK. The campaign aims to raise awareness of Type 2 diabetes, how to prevent it, and at-risk groups, and encourages the public to check their risk via the Diabetes UK ‘Know Your Risk’ tool.

Type 2 diabetes is two – four times more likely in people of South Asian descent and Black Caribbean or Black African descent. That’s why it’s really important that you find out if you are at risk. To do so, please click here

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Programme Performance and Resource Manager vacancy
Closing date: Sunday 29th May 2022 at 23:59

Through Good Work Camden, Camden are designing and delivering Job Hubs that provide accessible and relational employment support, testing innovative approaches to supporting residents, investing in our employment and skills partners and giving businesses the support they need to enhance their recruitment practices.
In this role you will develop, improve and coordinate performance and programme management systems and tools across Inclusive Economy work streams to ensure the effective tracking and measurement of activity and impact.

Learn more here

Maiden Lane Community Centre volunteer opportunity
Maiden Lane Community Centre are looking for someone to join our play/youth team working with young people aged 5-9 years 10-13 years and 13-19 years old. Training will be provided. This is a great opportunity for someone who would like to work with young people.

For further details, please click here

Elfrida Rathbone Camden vacancy: Community Champions Project Co-ordinator
Closing date: Sunday 29 May. Full time position

The Community Champions Project Coordinator will work to engage and support vulnerable individuals, families and groups in the Kentish town area, by recruiting local people to volunteer as Community Champions. For more details and how to apply, please click here

Umoja Health Forum looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers
Umoja Health Forum is a voluntary organisation which leads thirteen small African organisations from Sub – Saharan Africa, providing health and social care, addressing both physical and mental health.
We are looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers for different projects, which involve planning a variety of weekly activities for local residents.
These include promoting and delivering projects, recruiting local residents, general managing, monitoring and reporting on project work.
All volunteer travel and expenses paid.
Interested candidates should email Umoja at: umojahealthforum54@gmail.com or call Chikwaba Oduka on 07970418893, to express their interest or find out more.

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here

VCS Ukraine Support Survey
In conjunction with Camden Council, Voluntary Action Camden are in the process of collecting as much information as possible on the capacity of local independent services that can support Ukrainian nationals settling in Camden.
This includes support for urgent and immediate needs, such as links to language communities or counselling support.
If you and your organisation is in a position to support this work, please fill in this short online survey.

VAC Community Directories
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks.

Civic Futures 2022: Open for applications and nominations
Civic Futures 2022 is open for nominations and applications and welcome you to apply or nominate someone you think would make a great addition to this year’s programme.
Civic Futures is a Fellowship Programme facilitated by Koreo, Dark Matter Labs and The Young Foundation, in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA)

After two successful years, we’re now looking to convene our third group, of 30 people from across London’s civil society, local government and activist spaces to facilitate a collective learning and discovery experience.  Running from September 2022-December 2023, the programme will focus on peer connection, exploration and inquiry, systems thinking, and collaboration, in order to deepen connections across the civic system, and create spaces to explore alternative and emerging futures together.

If you want to take part in Civic Futures then you can express your interest here
Or to nominate someone else, please do so here

Physical Activity within Healthcare in London: Survey
Deadline: Today!

London Sport and our partners, the Greater London Authority, the Healthy London Partnership, London Plus, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – London and Transport for London, are keen to understand how we might further integrate physical activity within healthcare in London.

We are, therefore, seeking the views of those who provide, plan or commission both healthcare and physical activity (including, active travel, artistic, cultural, heritage, nature and sport based activity) services and opportunities within London. The collective experience and knowledge of colleagues will be crucial in helping us to determine the action and support necessary to progress this work.

Please complete this brief survey here

Funding Experience Survey
The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) is asking grant applicants to answer a survey to understand how 100 Open and Trusting grantmakers can improve your funding experience.
What changes could funders make, and which of these matters most? The survey takes 10-15 minutes, and you’ll have the chance to win one of 10 prizes of £100 for your organisation.

To take part, please click here

Help with the cost of living
The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, as a result of spiralling inflation, increases in National Insurance and Council Tax, and the lifting of the energy price cap. The hub helps Londoners access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Enter Camden’s Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition
Camden’s next Youth Safety Fortnight will be held this summer. Children and young people are invited to get involved by entering the 2022 Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition – in partnership with their youth centre, community centre or school.
The overall winner will receive a main prize of £500 for their youth or play organisation, community centre or school, plus vouchers for the young people participating.
The theme of Youth Safety Fortnight 2022 will be ‘Keeping Children and Young People in Camden Safe’. The focus this year will be on the following:
The Safety of Young Women and Girls and Youth Exploitation.

Entries should be emailed to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk by 5pm, Monday 6 June.
For more details on the criteria for entries, please click here.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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