Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 29th September 2017

Camden Funders Fair for Local Community Organisations; General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); Ageing Better in Camden – Community Connectors Project; WEP 25th Anniversary Event; Opening Doors London Nominated for National Award; Crowdfunding Webinar; Going Cap in Hand: Charities in the Age of Austerity; Better Health For London Consultation; New Shared Assets Fund; Voluntary Action Camden, working in partnership with Mind in Camden, seeks Cultural Advocacy Community Liaison Worker + funding, jobs, volunteers, events, training, offers and resources.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – How Will it Affect You?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will increase privacy for individuals, give regulatory authorities greater powers and harmonise data protection across the EU single market..
Data protection law will change from 25 May 2018, when the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force, giving enhanced protection of individuals’ data. It will take over from the Data Protection Act 1998. Among other changes, the GDPR gives a much tighter definition of consent.
Experts agree that currently the official guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) lacks the level of clarity required. However, detailed guidance will follow. The first piece of detailed (ICO) guidance won’t be published until December 2017.
VAC will be producing a series of briefings, starting with an introduction and leading to practical guidance for local organisations followed by a seminar in late 2017. Visit our GDPR page for more information.


Last Chance to Book! Camden Funders Fair for Local Community Organisations
Monday 2nd October 10:00am-13.00pm
We have a great line up of funders coming on Monday. This is your opportunity to personally meet the funders, hear about their funding pots and book a twenty-minute spot to discuss your proposed project in greater detail. After the event VAC will be offering you 1-1 bid writing support. The event is for voluntary and community organisations with a focus on groups with a turnover of under £100,000.
This is a great opportunity to make new contacts and secure new sources of income. If you would like any further information, please do contact Simone at VAC on 020 7284 6555. Fax 020 7284 6551. Email. shensby@vac.org.uk
All places must be booked in advance. To book a place please follow this Eventbrite Link, Or Email acharles@vac.org.uk and let us know if you have any specific requirements. Venue: Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1

Ageing Better in Camden – Community Connectors Project ITT
Ageing Better in Camden is publishing the Invitation to Tender for the Community Connectors Project, £310k over two years from January 2018. It is a referral and connection service which aims to identify older people who are lonely or socially isolated or at risk of loneliness or social isolation and require support in order to connect to appropriate activities or services which meet their needs. The tender is published September 29th by 4pm on www.ageingbetterincamden.org.uk. Closing date 6th November.

Camden Carers Centre
Camden Carers Centre runs a full range of information and activities for carers in Camden;
1. Autumn events calendar – link
2. Information on events – link
3. Invitation to Camden Carers Voice –link
Find out more at www.camdencs.org.uk or contact info@camdencarers.org.uk

WEP 25th Anniversary Event, 5 October
West Euston Partnership will be holding an event on the Regents Place Plaza on Thursday 5 October 2017, 11.00 am – 3.00 pm, to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. This is a follow on event from the Cloud 9 Festival held on Saturday 16 September 2017. There will be free fun health checks on the day and an opportunity to find out more about WEP.

Opening Doors London Nominated for National Award
The nominees for the 5th Annual Pink News Awards have been released and Opening Doors London has been nominated for Community Group of the Year.
The Pink News Awards are held on 18th October – it celebrates the contributions of politicians, businesses, campaigners and community groups to improving LGBT* life in the UK and beyond.
You can vote for ODL here

Crowdfunding Webinar
Running a £100k+ campaign can seem overwhelming. This webinar aims to break down the steps required to plan and run a successful campaign, from the planning phase through to implementation and the post-campaign.
Delivered by VAC’s crowdfunding partner Hubbub, this webinar will take you through actionable steps non-profits can take to run a Major Crowdfunding Campaign. It will build on the advice from the accompanying Hubbub 35 page major crowdfunding guide.
Book your free place with Hubbub here.

Going Cap in Hand: Charities in the Age of Austerity
Sun 12 November 2017 9:30 – 17:30 London W1.
What impact have cuts had on the charity sector? And how can voluntary organisations chart new paths forward in an age of austerity?
We’re bringing together charities, activists and commentators to create new visions for the third sector in a challenging fundraising climate.
Keynote speakers:
Helena Kennedy QC (Civil Liberties and Human Rights Campaigner)
Zoe Williams (Guardian Columnist and Author)
Lord Victor Adebowale (Chief Executive, Turning Point)
John Nickson (Philanthropy Campaigner, Author of Our Common Good)
Panel participants:
David Babbs (38 Degrees); David Bell (Psychoanalyst); Dan Corry (New Philanthropy Trust); Ora Dresner (Psychoanalyst, CPU); Colin Leys (Author and Campaigner, The Centre for Health and the Public Interest); Julian Lousada (Psychoanalyst); Clare Thomas MBE (London Funders); Karl Wilding (NCVO). Book your place at Eventbrite.

Better Health For London Consultation
The Mayor is consulting on Better Health for London. You have until 30 November to have your say.
Our city has made great strides in recent years, but Londoners still face unacceptable differences in health and life expectancy. This strategy sets out the Mayor’s ambitions to tackle health inequalities and proposals for creating a fairer, healthier city. Full details on the london.gov.uk website.

Camden Health Kick
Find out about Camden Health Kick events on the calendar.

VAC, Fitzrovia Youth in Action, Bloomsbury Festival, Camden Disability Action/Healthwatch Camden, The Actors’ Children’s Trust, Homestart, SHAK, and Kings Cross Jobs are recruiting. See Jobs and Volunteers section below.

You can join in on Facebook. Like us if you like us.

Follow all the Camden Voluntary Sector news on OneCamden on Twitter.

The council’s Capacity Building Bulletin is available here.

You can read more about all of these stories on our news page at www.vac.org.uk/new

Give dormant assets to community charities
Sector infrastructure bodies have called on the chancellor to give community charities the £1bn or more expected to be raised from dormant assets, to generate £40m a year for the sector.
The proposals are included in a letter to the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, from Sir Stuart Etherington, chief executive of NCVO, Vicky Browning, chief executive of Acevo and Fabian French, chief executive of UKCF.
The letter has also called for a successor to the European Social Fund, which has previously offered EU grant funding to the sector. The fund has previously been estimated to be worth up to £500m over seven years. Full story at Civil Society.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Don’t Forget – Camden Funders Fair for Local Community Organisations, 2nd October
See main VAC Events below for full details.

New support for communities to own and manage land
Local Trust and Shared Assets announce partnership to support Big Local areas
Residents in Big Local areas in England will be supported in developing and sharing skills to manage land – such as parks, waterways, woodlands and green spaces – according to the needs and aspirations of local people, thanks to a new partnership between Local Trust and Shared Assets.
The partnership will provide advice, support and opportunities for knowledge-sharing to people from Big Local areas who want to transform land, that may be neglected or underused, into useful and productive spaces that support livelihoods and bring important benefits to the community.
NB in Camden the Big Local area is Somers Town Big Local.

BBC Children in Need Main Grants Programme – First 2018 Deadline
The BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme is accepting applications for large grants of over £10,000 to support projects for up to three years.
Not-for-profit organisations in the UK can apply if they are supporting children and young people of 18 years and under who are experiencing disadvantage through:
~ Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.
~ Any kind of disability.
~ Behavioural or psychological difficulties.
~ Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Organisations must be working to combat this disadvantage and make a real difference to children and young people’s lives.
The closing date for applications is 16 January 2018. Find out more here.

Masonic Charitable Foundation’s Community Support Grants
Grants are available to support registered charities working in areas of financial hardship, health and disability, education and employability and social exclusion and disadvantage.
Small Grants – up to £5,000 are available for core expenditures such as general running or overhead costs. Applications are welcomed before the third Friday of any given month.
For more information please click here.

Dunhill Medical Trust
Grants are available to community based organisation working with older people who need support every day. Three types of grant are available:
~ Projects – £5,000 – £40,000 for time-limited projects that can become self-sustaining within a planned period.
~ Building and Physical infrastructure – £5,000 – £100,000 to provide accommodation / improvements to the built environment, and or specific pieces of equipment or furnishings.
~ Capability – £100 – £5,000 to support the development of skills, knowledge and capabilities in community-based organisations.
The deadline for applications is Fri 29th September. For more information please click here.

Clarion Community Grants Programme
Open for applications until Monday 20th November 2017 to community, voluntary and charity groups.
Clarion was formed following the merger in 2016 of Affinity Sutton Group Limited and Circle Housing Group and is the largest housing group in the country. Through the Community Grants Programme – managed by Groundwork – it awards grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 to charities, community organisations and voluntary groups for projects which primarily benefit its residents.
To get updated information on how to apply and to see the criteria, please visit Clarion Community Grants Programme
If you do have any further queries about the grant please contact Katie McNie– Groundwork – Senior Programmes Manager – info@groundwork.org.uk

£1 million to make your area greener
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan wants community groups to apply for his £1 million Greener City Fund to help plant more trees and plants and create more green play areas in every neighbourhood in London.
Trees and plants play an essential part in reducing London’s dangerously polluted air and contribute to London’s biodiversity. The Mayor wants to protect London’s Green Belt and help make the capital the world’s first National Park City.
Groups can apply now for grants between £5,000 – £50,000. These grants can be used for a range of projects from lining walking routes to schools with air quality boosting trees, to creating mini play spaces, and community gardens in built up areas.


Last Chance to Book – Don’t Forget – Camden Funders Fair for Local Community Organisations, 2nd October
See main VAC Events above for full details.

Euston Area Environmental Justice Inquiry – Events for Local Residents and Community Groups- Impacts of HS2, Euston, Oct 4th 6:00pm
Evidence examined includes health, environmental and air quality studies, community research, community consultation responses, comments on planning applications, alternative development proposals, and your Witness Statements.
For each event you are invited to complete a Witness Statement. You can do this on the night or download the template.
You can find out more and book a place online or you can email acharles@vac.org.uk or call 02072 846550 and leave a message to book your place.
Hosted by Environmental Law Foundation, Somers Town Neighbourhood Forum, University College London and Voluntary Action Camden. Chaired by David Hart QC, Chair of the Environmental Law Foundation.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/


An Evening of Faith Recognition and Celebration
There are many inspiring projects in our local communities in London which bring people together. However, the good work being done by these projects is often overlooked, and often overwhelmed by negative media coverage.
On 27 November 2017, 3FF are holding an event to recognise the good work of faith communities building bridges, with the support of Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London’s Council on Faith. Contact with Jessica at councilonfaith@3ff.org.uk or call 020 3457 5324.

Camden Intergenerational Week
From 16th – 21st October 2017 we are shining a spotlight on the great multi-generational events and activities on offer in Camden. Check out our programme
If you would like your event listed here, please email Corinna Gray or call 020 7239 0400.

How to run intergenerational activities in the community
Monday 16th October 2017 10.30am – 1pm
at Age UK Camden, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square WC1H 9NA
This free event will include practical tips on and examples of multi-generational community work in action. There will also be the chance to network with others.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to ageingbetterincamden@ageukcamden.org.uk or phone 020 7239 0400 by Friday 6th October 2017. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Improving Londoners’ Health – a Health Network meeting, 18 October 2017
The London Plan states that the voluntary and community sector has an essential role in tackling health inequalities at the local level, particularly in promoting and supporting community involvement’.
The Mayor has launched a consultation on his health inequalities strategy which will provide an opportunity for the voluntary sector to outline their role in working collaboratively with the GLA to tackle inequalities in health. The new strategy aims to address inequalities and improve the health of health of Londoners in childhood, mental health, where they live, healthy communities and developing healthy habits.
This event is for voluntary and community sector organisations working with children and families, particularly those working with black and minority ethnic communities. Register at eventbrite

IT Courses at Maiden Lane Community Centre
Using tablets and smart phones – Tuesdays 1-3pm
Everyday computer skills – Tuesdays 10am – 12pm
To book come along to the first session on 19th September or call 020 7267 9586.

Cancer Support Group
1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Have you been affected by cancer?
Join our peer-led support group at West Hampstead Women Centre.
The group is open to all women who have been affected by cancer, their carers, friends and families.
As well as the emotional support provided by the group, you will have the chance to discuss all aspects of health and wellbeing.
26-30 Cotleigh Road, London NW6 2NP Tel:020 7328 7389 / info@whwc.org.uk / www.whwc.org.uk

Health Champion Course for Local Residents
SHAK (South Hampstead and Kilburn Partnership) is looking for residents from NW3, NW6 and NW8 to become health champions for their local area…
Free course ‘Healthy Eating and Running a Cookery Club’ (12 weeks) Open College Network Accredited Level 2
For more information or to book your place on the Health Champion Course please call Annie on 020 73727021. Or email: anniehooper@shakonline.co.uk

October Volunteer Managers’ Forum and Coffee Morning
Join VCC for the Volunteer Managers’ Forum and Coffee Morning on Tuesday 17th October, 10am-12pm in Camden to discuss all things volunteer management with volunteer managers in Camden, and beyond.
This event is open to volunteer managers everywhere. Sign up at Eventbrite.

Autumn 2017 Wellbeing Volunteering Fair
Book now to recruit volunteers at the VCC Volunteering Fair in Camden on Tuesday 10th October
Volunteering is good for mental wellbeing. With this in mind, we are inviting people who want to volunteer to kickstart their mental wellbeing by meeting you and finding the perfect volunteering role. This fair is open to all kinds of organisations, with all kinds of volunteering roles. Book at Eventbrite.

Business Disability Forum Courses
Disability in the workplace
9:30am – 11:30am on 11 October 2017 at Camden Town Hall
Mental health at work
9:30am – 11:30am on 25 October 2017 at Camden Town Hall
The sessions are for chief executives, directors, line managers and HR colleagues. Two places are available per organisation however we will increase this if capacity permits.
T: 020 7089 2404 emilyj@businessdisabilityforum.org.uk web: www.businessdisabilityforum.org.uk

Don’t forget that Camden TDS run a full programme of course which are subsidised or free for voluntary sector partner organisations. There is a link to a list of partner organisations on the home page.

Find more Training Opportunities at www.vac.org.uk


Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) seeks Counsellor/Psychotherapist (Portuguese Speaker)
Two days per week (14 hours per week) £28,050 (pro-rata) Fixed term ending March 2019
We are seeking a Portuguese speaking Counsellor/Psychotherapist for Anahi, LAWRS’ Counselling and Psychotherapy project which offers a women-centered and culturally specific service in Spanish and Portuguese for Latin American women survivors of violence against women and girls (VAWG).
This post is open to Latin American women only in accordance with the Equality Act 2010
If you are interested in this position, please download and return a completed application and Equal Opportunities monitoring form to Amanda Odelius, Administrator, either by post (Tindlemanor, 52-54 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT) or email (amanda@lawrs.org.uk)
Deadline: 15th October 2017. Interviews the week of 16th October 2017

Youth Employment Project
Westminster Kingsway College and City & Islington College have created a bespoke programme: Y.E.P to assist 18-24 year olds to find education, employment, traineeship or apprenticeships within their chosen sectors.Tel: 0207 700 9250 Email: esfenquiries@candi.ac.uk

Voluntary Action Camden, working in partnership with Mind in Camden, seeks
Cultural Advocacy Community Liaison Worker

SCP 22-25 £24,066 -£26,063 Pro rata 3 days per week
Camden Cultural Advocacy is about creating new ways of co-producing services and approaches with BME communities that address mental health issues. In the first year, the focus will be on Bangladeshi and Black African and Caribbean communities and will expand to include other ethnic communities in Camden over the lifetime of the project.
The Cultural Advocacy Community Liaison Worker will carry out an active outreach programme, engage and provide support to BME community groups as hosts and providers, and enable and co-facilitate peer support groups
The successful applicant will have experience of community development, working with BME communities and collaborative working. You will also have experience of peer mentoring and a knowledge of the current issues, policies and practices in mental health,
The post is initially funded for three years and will be based at VAC’s offices 29-31 Hampstead Road, London NW1 3JA. For an application pack www.vac.org.uk/community-liaison-worker/
Closing date 5pm on 12th October 2017. Interview date:
For further information contact acharles@vac.org.uk 020 7284 6553.

Fitzrovia Youth in Action seeks Peer Mentoring Manager (mental health)
Fitzrovia Youth in Action is looking for an innovative, passionate and organised project manager and facilitator to deliver an exciting new mental health peer support programme in Camden. If you are experienced in supporting youth led practice and young people’s mental health and wellbeing programmes we would love to hear from you!
Working in partnership with Mind in Camden and Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, you will develop and deliver a new peer mentoring project with schools, youth and community organisations in Camden. The project aims to support young people’s mental health by enabling young people to:
• Access support from their peers
• Achieve improved connectedness with individuals and community
• Improve their problem solving skills
Salary: £32,00 per annum
For further details, please click
Closing Date: Wednesday 11th October 2017. Interviews: Thursday 19th October 2017.

Bloomsbury Festival – a chance to volunteer
Bloomsbury Festival is an exciting arts and science festival with over 150 events in 45 spaces over 5 days all across Bloomsbury.
The festival is recruiting for a range of volunteer roles and this year is looking to diversify the pool of volunteers with a mixed range of ages, backgrounds to reflect the different parts of Camden.
Sign up for a range of volunteer roles in the following areas:
~ Artist Liason
~ Marketing and comms
~ Event Management
~ Box office and ticketing
~ Technical and Production
Opportunities to suit your interests and availability (could be a little as a 2 hour commitment)
Please sign up on our form here

Disabled Volunteers wanted for Camden Accessible Community Buildings Project
CDA want to find out how accessible Camden’s community centres are for local residents with disabilities – and we need your help!
We’re working with Healthwatch Camden and volunteers to visit local community centres and look at a set list of about 20 things that would help them be more accessible.
We hope this information will help the council to plan their services properly – to make sure disabled people actually have access to social and health activities – and that the centres may make improvements where they can. We are recruiting volunteers with disabilities to carry this out and full training will be given.
Contact Victoria at Victoria.armitage@healthwatchcamden.co.uk or call 020 7383 2402.

The Actors’ Children’s Trust seeks Head of Family Support
£45,000 full time. Bloomsbury Street WC1.
ACT funds and supports actor-parents and their children. You will work with eligible families to build a bespoke support package: grants, advice, advocacy and childcare funding. You will recruit, train and manage freelance family advisers across the UK to provide specialist input. Contact Robert Ashby robert@actorschildren.org 020 7636 7868

Volunteers are needed in GP practices
Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) are training volunteers to become Community Health Advocates in local GP practices.
• Would you like to support people in your community to improve their health and their access to services that will help them to maintain good health and wellbeing?
• Do you want to develop experience and skills in the field of public health?
• Can you commit at least 2 hours per week?
VAC is offering free Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) Level 1 training to those who want to volunteer to become Community Health Advocates.
After completing the training, VAC will support local teams of volunteers to act as links between community based services and GPs. In return for your commitment to the project for 2 hours a week we offer support, out of pocket expenses and other professional development opportunities.
For more information, please contact Mandira Manandhar, Health Advocate Volunteer Co-ordinator (Mon, Tues and Thurs) 020 7284 6550/07930669417 or email: mmanandhar@vac.org.uk
Peter Simonson on 020 7284 6550 or email: projectsupport@vac.org.uk

SHAK is recruiting Community Researchers
Local residents of NW3, NW6 and NW8 are invited to apply to be trained as community researchers. No experience necessary. All training is given starting in October.
For more information contact Annie, anniehooper@shakonline.co.uk Tel: 020 7372 7021.

Kings Cross Jobs
You can view a constantly changing range of job vacancies on the Kings Cross website. For the latest news on jobs sign up to job alerts.

Find Jobs and Volunteering opportunities at https://www.vac.org.uk/

For all things volunteering contact Volunteer Centre Camden. You can read the latest VCC news here.


NHS prescriptions Survey
Healthwatch are running a survey to find out Camden Resident’s views on government plans for NHS prescriptions.
The government recently announced plans to cut some prescriptions that it believes patients could simply go out and buy. This includes medicines like eczema cream, eye drops for dry eye or conjunctivitis, scabies treatment and nappy rash cream.
Patient groups have criticised the plans, saying that it would break with the guiding principle that the NHS should be free at the point of use. Likewise, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society raised concerns about how the move might affect the poorest families.
Healthwatch Camden wants to know what you think of these proposed plans so that they can tell the government and Camden Clinical commissioning group whether you agree with them or not. Take the survey here and let your voice be heard.

The new Camden Mental Health and Employment Support Service
The new Camden Mental Health and Employment Support Service which the London Borough of Camden and Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) put out to tender earlier this year.
The service will replace two successful pilots run in the Borough, in which the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model was trialled. Hillside Clubhouse was involved in the delivery of these pilots and has been selected as the sole provider of the new IPS service in Camden.
The following arrangements will apply in the interim period. If you are working with anyone with a mental health problem in Camden who is interested in finding work or requires support to sustain it:
– For those in receipt of IAPT services (North and South Camden) contact mpocknell@hillsideclubhouse.org.uk or 07908 191781
– For those in receipt of secondary care services we will be operating a waitlist during this phased implementation period. Please use the same contact as above.
– Hillside and Camden council will clarify processes for self-referrals, Jobcentre Plus and Team Around the Practice soon.

Local Councillor Surgeries for People with Learning Disabilities
Camden councillors have started holding surgeries for people with learning disabilities. There will be two surgeries each month on every second Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm and every second Tuesday from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. The surgeries will all be held at the Charlie Ratchford Centre and residents who wish to attend will need to book a twenty minute appointment slot.
Telephone Annabel Amofa to book an appointment 020 7974 3334

HR Support in Camden
VAC provides free HR advice and support to Camden voluntary organisations employing staff. Get in touch to discuss your HR consultancy needs, from recruitment to redundancy and everything in-between. VAC’s HR support aims to help trustees and managers understand employment law and to have robust HR procedures that reflect good practice so fewer workplace issues arise, and HR crises are averted or managed effectively. Call Kevin on 020 7284 6557 or email knunan@vac.org.uk

Camden Consultations
You can find all Camden consultation on the Wearecamden consultation hub.

FREE VAC Membership for Unfunded Groups: Voluntary Action Camden Small organisations with no paid staff and a turnover of less than £1,500 can now for FREE. To take advantage of this offer just fill in the membership on the online form here.

Camden Carers Service
Camden Carers Service (CCS) offers advice, support and activities for family and other unpaid carers across the borough. Tel 020 7428 8950 or email info@camdencarers.org.uk – read more about our services at www.camdencs.org.uk or www.facebook.com

