Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 30th April 2021

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
30th April 2021

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VAC Vaccine Podcast; Cool Space Register; Vaccine Event for Autistic Adults; Covid Vaccine Bus; Healthwatch Camden Vaccination Report; Speakeasy Jazzmen; London Poverty Profile; Fitzrovia Community Centre Discounts;  Startup School for Seniors; Supporting Staff During Covid; Volunteering Survey; Central YMCA Offers; We Make Camden; Resident Wellbeing Flyer + Newsletters + Resources + funding + jobs + volunteers & more


VAC Vaccine Podcast

As part of our Health Inequalities Network’s partnership with Camden Healthwatch and NHS GP Services, Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi talks to Dr Daniel Beck; GP Partner from Swiss Cottage Surgery and Chair of the CHE GP Federation. Watch here.
Together they discuss some of the current concerns around vaccine hesitancy, the importance of speaking to your GP if you need advice or further information and some of the new initiatives being used in Camden to reach communities, like the Covid vaccination bus.
If you have any questions or concerns about the vaccine or would like more information, please email Dianne at dogunyemi@vac.org.uk who can pass all queries onto one of Dr Becks Team at Swiss Cottage Surgery.



Cool Space Register

The GLA’s Cool Spaces Initiative seeks to establish a network of cool spaces across the city that is accessible to all Londoners and are open and free of charge to the public to provide temporary respite from high temperatures.

Community Vaccine Event for Autistic Adults

Webinar on the vaccination programme and vaccine passports for autistic adults, in partnership with the Asperger London Area Group and Autism Hub Islington. 11 May 2021 from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. Book here

Covid Vaccination Bus Information

The bus will be available on:
• Friday 30 April, 3pm – 7pm, Cumberland Market (opposite Hpod), NW1 3RH
• Saturday 1 May, 10am – 2pm, Cumberland Market (opposite Hpod), NW1 3RH
It offers free vaccinations for anyone who is in one of these groups
• Aged 45 and over
• Clinically vulnerable to coronavirus or with a learning disability
• A health and social care worker, including care home workers
• You’re the main carer for someone at high risk from coronavirus
To book please email West Euston Partnership on info@westeuston.org, call them on 07904611477  or call Camden Council on 020 7974 4444 (option 9).

Healthwatch Camden Vaccination Report

Healthwatch Camden worked with local community organisations to survey 223 people from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds on their views on the Covid-19 vaccine. View the report here. Key findings:
1. The more knowledge someone felt they had about the vaccine, the greater the likelihood of them wanting to be vaccinated.
2. The most popular sources of information about the Covid-19 vaccine were TV and Social Media.
3. There were subtle differences in the most common concerns that different age groups have about Covid-19 vaccination.
4. Almost 1/3 of those that were reluctant to get the vaccine indicated that they would reconsider their decision if they had more information.
5. General Practices were the most popular location to get the vaccine
With this insight, Healthwatch Camden held an online ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Q&A Session’ where local GPs and Public Health professionals addressed the key questions identified in the survey. View it here.

May Day Camden Jazz Live Stream

Speakeasy Jazzmen Saturday 1 May 2021 at 5.30 to 7.30pm
Virtual Live Stream Performance. Book at Eventbrite in advance for Zoom link.

London’s Poverty Profile 2021 – COVID-19 and poverty in London

Trust for London has launched London’s Poverty Profile 2021 which explores the impact of COVID-19 on poverty and inequality in the Capital.
It shows that London has been hit particularly hard, both in terms of citizens’ health and its economy, compared to other parts of England. It also reveals that those living on the lowest incomes in the Capital have been disproportionally affected.

Covid-secure meeting space available – 50% off

During the current Covid-19 restrictions, Fitzrovia Community Centre is offering a heavily discounted rate of 50% on room hire—starting from £18.50 per hour. Our rooms are spacious and well-ventilated and can be hired for one-to-one or small group sessions of up to 6 people (plus facilitator) between 9am and 5pm, Mon-Fri. Visit http://www.fitzroviacentre.org/ for a virtual tour of the building and book now at bookings@fitzroviacentre.org or 020 7580 8680.

Startup School for Seniors

An 8 week eLearning programme funded by London Community Response to support over 50s that have been made redundant or unemployed, this is an area of which I’m extremely familiar.
The next unfunded cohort starts on 27th May. Referr participants who would benefit from being part of a community of older soon-to-be business owners.

Looking after your staff during COVID webinar 13th May

For Mental Health Awareness Week, Camden & Islington Public Health have organised a webinar with Mental Health UK  to share information on how you can support yourself and your staff during the pandemic. Sign-up at Eventbrite  If you have experiences to share contact PHComms@islington.gov.uk.

Volunteering Survey

Please help Volunteer Centre Camden by filling in a very short survey on volunteering in Camden in the time of COVID-19.
It will only take just a few short minutes of your time and will help identify the needs of local organisations that work with volunteers.

Central YMCA Offers

Central YMCA offer a number of courses and activities that may be of interest to you and your members.
Free one day gym pass to the Club to encourage people to get active.
A series of short courses on ceramics, life drawing, choir and Spanish.
Holiday playschemes for children and currently still have spaces left for June.
Older Adults programme which is very popular

We Make Camden

Nominate a Camden organisation, group of residents, business or team within the NHS or other public service to be recognised for their amazing efforts since the pandemic began. Email camdentalking@camden.gov.uk

Camden residents wellbeing flyer

Public Health have put together a wellbeing flyer for Camden residents which includes a range of things residents can do to look after themselves, and support that’s available right now.
Contact Tanvi Barreto Tanvi.barreto@islington.gov.uk; if you have any queries.


Camden Disability Action – employment stories
Small Green Shoots

Camden Active Newsletter sign-up
Young Camden Foundation
Healthwatch Camden
All Ways Network
West Euston Partnership


‘We are increasingly concerned by views of a vocal minority of MPs,’ ACEVO tells ministers

“ACEVO is growing increasingly concerned by the views of a vocal minority of MPs who are repeatedly calling into question the legitimacy of public facing work that charities are undertaking in pursuit of their charitable objectives, especially when that work is related to equality.”
“This includes writing to the Charity Commission to complain about work undertaken to raise awareness about inequality or to educate others about it.”
Earlier the umbrella body co-ordinated a statement supporting the Runnymede Trust, which was the latest charity to be criticised in parliament.
The chief executive of the Charity Commission has publicly affirmed the right for charities to campaign, even on unpopular or contested causes and Acevo is calling for ministers to do the same. Full story in Civil Society.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here.

Lloyds Bank Foundation Racial Equity funding

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales is to launch its Racial Equity funding for small and local charities that are led by and that support Black, Asian, and ethnic minority communities. This funding strand will open on 20th April, when charities can apply for two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000 alongside development support.  Full details here.

How to Become More Fundable

AWN’s tailor-made sessions as part of the ‘How to become more fundable’ series could help your organisation.
All Ways Network supports and empowers small not-for-profit organisations working with and for the Muslim community living in the UK with an annual income of £1 million or less. The team consists of Grant Officers and those in the charity sector to help you move forward.
Register your interest visit the BAME Funding Support page on the VAC website and complete the survey, providing as much detail as possible about the funding support your organisation requires.

Empowering Women Fund (previously tampon tax fund)

A national funding programme for small women’s groups and organisations to support the development of innovative ways of empowering women in their local area, and to build organisations’ capacity.
~ Seed Funding grants of £500 to £1,000 are available to small women’s groups to establish and run micro women’s empowerment projects.
~ Women’s Sector grants of £1,000 to £25,000 are available for women’s groups and organisations to develop capacity to respond to changing needs in their communities.  Full details here.  Closes 28 May 2021.

Windrush Community Fund Phase 2

Grants of between £2,500 and £25,000 are available to:
~ Increase awareness and understanding of the Windrush Scheme and Windrush Compensation Scheme or both.
~ Reach more communities and those individuals who may have been affected because they could not prove their lawful status in the UK.
~ Ensure that individuals and communities know how to apply.
~ Build capacity at a community and grassroots level to support those affected to access the schemes.  Full details here.  Closes 30 June.

BAME Organisations Fundraising Support

A new fundraising support initiative for BAME organisations in Camden with partners Ubele and All Ways Network (funded by Camden Council).  The project aims to support small BAME organisations in Camden with advice, support and networking. The project is part of a wider project to network BAME organisations to help tackle inequality including a health inequalities network.  To find out more and register your interest please click here or email Dianne Carlton Ogunyemi  DOgunyemi@vac.org.uk

Lists of Emergency Funders


VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

Camden Voluntary Action Forum

The forum is open to all Camden voluntary and community  groups and organisations, community activists, social entrepreneurs, volunteers and anyone interested in local voluntary action. The Forum currently meets monthly online on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11am.
Next Forum is on Wednesday 19th May at 11am. Details next week.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

Safeguarding Courses:

Check back for details of upcoming courses

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/

Workshop on improving communication skills

Online workshop together with SkillsMe on how to improve on your communication skills.
In this workshop you will learn about the power of storytelling and how you can develop communication skills to achieve more out of life and reach your goals. Perfect for people who want to be better at pitching an idea or passing a job interview or just simply looking to improve their every day communication skills.

C&I Recovery College Summer term course guide

Recovery College runs until 16 July.  Courses will be online using Microsoft Teams, with some courses also available as Youtube videos. Full details here.

Winvisible Workshop

Disabled mums and our children – our rights to support not separation
Wednesday 19 May 1.30pm-3pm
Full details and booking at the Winvisible website.

Camden Spark Connected: Cultural Sector Summer Session 1

Wednesday, 5 May 11:00 – 12:00
Informal online meetups for Camden’s cultural sector educators, hosted by Camden Spark (Camden’s Cultural Education Partnership.  Book at Eventbrite.

Making connections with older people isolated by Covid-19: the Outreach Team approach

Online | 10.00 – 11.30am | Wednesday 5 May
Find out how the Ageing Better in Camden Outreach Team has continued to reach the older people who ‘no-one knows’.  Sign up here.

Art Therapy with Likewise

Sessions are for over 18s and are free and are currently being held online or over the phone. If you, or anyone you know, could benefit from a supportive space with a creative focus, please contact  learning@likewise.org.uk / 020 7278 4437 for more information. Or referrals can be made online.

Thriving Communities: Loneliness and Social Prescribing

Tuesday 11th May 3-4pm
The next Thriving Communities webinar will explore how social prescribing can help tackle loneliness ahead of Loneliness Awareness Week 14-18 June. The webinar series brings together individuals and organisations committed to using social prescribing through the arts, health, sports, leisure, and the natural environment, alongside other aspects of our lives, to promote health and wellbeing at a national and local level.  Register here.

IKWRO True Honour Awards

5th May 5.00 – 6.00pm
Iranian & Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation event commemorating those whose lives have been stolen by “honour” based abuse.
Celebrating individuals and organisations who take a stand and inspiring others to act. book here.

The Role and Purpose of Local Resilience Forums (LRFs)

This past year has seen an extraordinary amount of activity by public sector agencies responsible for crisis response, supported by a huge commitment and endeavour by the voluntary sector. Much of the public sector response has been organised through Local Resilience Forums (LRF).
VCSEP are running two sessions shining a light on the role of LRFs.
Register for 6 May (2-4pm) here or 12 May (12 – 2pm) here.

How to Write a Property Plan for Your Charity

Wednesday 5th May 2021
In this webinar run by experienced surveyors and property advisers, you will learn how to write a simple, well thought out property plan to secure the future of your organisation in a Covid world. You will receive an information pack with the opportunity to obtain free follow-up expert advice.
Ethical Property Foundation and VAI.  Open to Camden groups.  Sign up here.

EBB 2021 Youth Summit

Book your tickets for the upcoming Youth Summit 29 May 2021 – 12 June 2021 on EventBrite .  Keynote speaker Dr Khan, 4th Chairman of the International Human Rights Commission.

Community Journalism Training

Camden Disability Action has launched an exciting new Community Journalism training programme for Disabled people in Camden. The aim of the programme is to help Disabled people tell our stories, get our voices heard and press for change.  Find out more.  There is a budget to support deaf people to attend.
Contact Tom McDonough: tom@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk 07908746927

Training and Reflective Practice Groups

Mind in Camden is working with community organisations across Camden to provide training and reflective practice groups to support the wellbeing, skills and knowledge of teams working the public in these particularly challenging times.
Mind can offer 12 sessions for small groups of frontline staff working in community organisations in Camden.
To find out more contact Joanna Fleck: jfleck@mindincamden.org.uk

Sheba – Laamiga Mentoring Programme,

Laamiga, a registered community-based charity run by women for women from migrant and minority backgrounds, is launching its new mentoring project, Sheba. The project will support women to identify their goals, overcome emotional and practical barriers in their career aspirations, and take steps towards employment, self-employment or further training.
For further information check out the flyer or contact Laaamiga’s Coordinator at info@laamiga.org or on 0208 257 7317.  Accepting referrals from professionals and Voluntary and Community organisations as well.

The Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership

Virtual safeguarding training programme for Summer Term 2021 including Engaging Fathers in Safeguarding; Understanding Early Help in Camden; Contributing to Child Protection Case Conferences; Child Exploitation and many more. Full programme here.

Introduction to domestic violence and abuse e-learning

This e-learning can be accessed by VCS organisations that solely support Camden residents. It is for those that would like to gain an awareness on domestic violence and abuse. It will provide you with an introduction to what the types and signs of abuse are, how to respond and what actions to take.
Access the e-learning via the L&D Hub if you already have an account. If you are from a VCS organisation without an account for the L&D Hub please find details here  on how to sign-up.

Responding to domestic violence and abuse online workshop

This two-hour online workshop can be accessed by VCS organisations that solely support Camden residents. It will help you become more aware of the indicators of domestic violence and abuse and what to do in these instances. The workshop will explore the dynamics of a domestic abuse situation and what the barriers are for the victim/survivor seeking help. You’ll also be provided with information where help is available for the victim/survivor.
Please book via the L&D Hub if you already have an account. If you are from a VCS organisation without an account for the L&D Hub please find details here  on how to sign-up.

Get Fit, Get Active, Get Gardening

Do you love the great outdoors, gardening and green spaces? Castlehaven Community Association need volunteers every Wednesday from 10:30 am – 2:30 pm to help maintain Castlehaven’s community parks in the heart of Camden Town.
All sessions are led by fully trained staff, and we’ll provide all the training, tools and equipment you’ll need. Email nichola@castlehaven.org.uk to get involved.

Job Vacancies at Henna Asian Women’s Group:

Fundraiser – 1 day a week
Salary £35, 353 per annum pro rata
Closing date for the posts is 10th May 2021 at 5pm. Interviews on w/c Monday 17th May 2021.
To register an interest and for further details, please contact Momota Khatoon via  Momota@hennaorg.co.uk

COVID-19 Health Champions

Join the COVID-19 Health Champion movement to get the latest advice and guidance about COVID-19 so that you can help and share the information with your community, and let us know what is and isn’t working. You can access trusted information through regular updates and weekly online drop-in sessions about the vaccine, testing and more.
If you work, live or volunteer in Camden, simply complete the form here to sign up! If you’ve got questions, email CHC@islington.gov.uk.

Educating Beyond Borders

Now recruiting for up to 5 volunteers to help us with the email admin for the IWD online awards and our upcoming Youth Summit June 2021.
We need a volunteer to help with preparing and running the IWD online awards
Find out more and apply here.
Also wanted – Youth Summit 2021 volunteers to  send out invitations to youth groups by email and follow up with telephone calls to the youth groups to confirm a representative will join us online
Register interest and more info contact EBB hello@educatingbeyondborders.com

Hopscotch Homecare urgently need Care Workers.

Hopscotch Homecare are a very caring,well-established and expanding care agency that has been providing care workers to clients in and around Camden for 20 years. We are looking for care workers who would like to help our clients to continue living safely and independently in their own homes.
Day/Night hours available and must be able to work at least two late shifts a week and alternate weekends  Contact:recruitment@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Paid work opportunities for people who have been laid off/ reduced income

Local Adult social care providers are still recruiting, and as they support the NHS to move vulnerable adults out of hospital to stay well at home, their need is growing. Contact Proud to Care.

Camden Insight

Camden Council data team has developed an online data dashboard. This dashboard has been developed to help Voluntary and Community Sector Partners and the wider Camden audience gain insight into relative levels of resident need across the London Borough of Camden.
This work is still developing and the Camden data team is asking for your support to help develop this dashboard further so you can make the most of it. Give your feedback to the Data team here.

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

Nominations for 2022 are now open.  Find out more here.

Food Support

Find your local food bank or community organisation providing food at findfood.camden.gov.uk.
If you don’t have internet access, please call Camden Council on 020 7974 4444 and select option 9
You can also donate at findfood.camden.gov.uk/donate

Keeping The Community Directory Up-to-date

As we enter Autumn lots is changing.  Buildings are starting to re-open, some activities are moving back into the real world, some food parcel deliveries have ended, while other food projects continue.  Help us to keep the directory up-to-date by updating your details as they change.
If you would like to make a new entry in the directory use this link.   If you would like to update an existing entry look out for an email from us early next week with a unique link for you to update.
View the Directory here.  View the map here.

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden

Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.  We have a comprehensive COVID-19 update page and a resources page.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to knunan@vac.org.uk or info@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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Our mailing address is:
Charlie Ratchford Centre, Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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