Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 4th September 2020

VAC Weekly Newsletter
4th September 2020

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources


Voluntary Action Forum; IT Support Needs Survey; New #BuildBackBetter resources; Youth Volunteering on Hampstead Heath; Help Finding Work from Working Men’s College; Become a Governor of UCLH;  + news + Resources + funding + jobs + volunteers and more


Voluntary Action Forum

Wednesday 9th September 11am.
We’re back after a break over August.  For many organisations their response to the pandemic is changing as buildings gradually re-open and out-door activities and socialising gradually increase. This forum is an opportunity to share your update and find out what other organisations are doing.  We will also be listening to your issues around opening buildings ahead of the locality workshop on 23rd September.  Book on Eventbrite.



IT and Digital Support Needs Survey for Camden and Islington Groups

Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) is working in partnership with Voluntary Action Islington (VAI) and the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (WCIT) to help shape a programme of IT and digital support across the two boroughs. Please spend a few minutes completing our survey to help us understand what challenges you have with IT and digital and how we can best support you.

Funding Update

Camden Covid-19 Charity Fund (Round 3) Pathways into Employment Fund opens 9th September. New funds include VCSE Health & Wellbeing Fund 2020-21: Starting Well and LGBT+ Futures Fund.  Full details in Funding below.

#BuildBackBetter Resources

We’ve added more resources to our #BuildBackBetter/ Planning for the Future pages including Camden specific guides, risk assessment templates and downloadable signs. The latest addition is guidance from ACAS on returning to the workplace here and here.   Find it all on the VAC website.  Look out for the follow up to the Locality Re-Opening Buildings Workshop on 23rd September.

Youth Volunteering and Activites on Hampstead Heath

This month, we are restarting our youth volunteering programme on Hampstead Heath. There will be after school and weekend sessions. Everyone is welcome – come and learn new skills, spend time outdoors, find out about nature and wildlife on your doorstep! We are particularly keen to encourage young people who might not otherwise take part in these sorts of activities. We are also happy to run free nature activities or outings for existing youth clubs. More information here: or get in touch at info@heath-hands.org.uk.

Looking to improve your chances of finding work?

This September Working Men’s College is offering 4 free courses plus additional advice and guidance to help you get that job.
~ Find a job and build your career network- Sept 14& 21 & Oct 5
~ Write a Great CV! – Sept 15 & 23 & Oct 7
~ Filling in Application Forms Confidently – Sept 16 & 28
~ Improve your interview skills – Sept 17 & 30
Click here for more information and enrolment

Interested in becoming a Governor at UCLH?

Ten enthusiastic and dynamic people needed to join our Council of Governors.
Governors play an important role at UCLH and are involved in everything from improving patient experience to appointing the Chair.
You do not need any particular qualifications; however, enthusiasm, motivation and commitment are desirable qualities for a Governor. The most important requirement is an interest in UCLH and a passion for improving the quality of healthcare for patients and the local community.
It’s a simple self-nomination process which can be completed online here: www.cesvotes.com/uclh2020 and will close at 5pm on Friday 18 September.
For further information, please contact uclh.members@nhs.net or leave your contact details on the voicemail of 020 3447 9290.

Activities and Services in your community

All Ways Network
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
Camden Disability Action
West Euston Partnership (WEP)


See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.

Camden Covid-19 Charity Fund (Round 3) Pathways into Employment Fund

Funding for:
~ helping people access netowrks and connections for ecomonic prosperity.
~ wellbeing projects that focus on supportng peole looking for work
~ providing skills and training that help people access jobs
Up to £10,000.  Opens 9th September.  www.camdengiving.org.uk

VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund 2020-21: Starting Well

Grants are available for VCSE organisations in England to run projects that improve outcomes for mothers and babies in deprived areas or from BAME backgrounds from preconception to up to 2-and-a-half years of age.
The aim of the Fund is to promote equality and reduce health inequalities by building the evidence base about good practice, sharing lessons and widening the adoption of interventions with a proven track record. The current funding round focusses on giving people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) or poorer backgrounds the best chance at a healthy start in life.
approximately 20 projects will be funded.  Full details here.
Organisations interested in applying are strongly advised to attend one of the webinars taking place on: 8 or 10 September 2020 (2pm – 3pm).
To register email startingwell@dhsc.gov.uk. Fund deadline 30 October.

LGBT+ Futures Fund

Grants are available for non-profit LGBT+ organisations across the UK to address the additional needs of LGBT+ people and communities most adversely impacted by the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.
Two levels of funding are available: Small grants of up to £5,000 and Main grants of between £5,001 and £15,000.
How to apply and full details here.

Funding Available to Make London Greener

Grants of between £5,000 and £50,000 for projects that will:
~ green the built environment,
~ create more opportunities for all Londoners to get outdoors
~ address the inequality in access to open space
~ support London’s diversity of environmental organisations & groups
Information webinars taking place on 8 September (3pm – 4:30pm), 10 September (11am – 12:30pm) or 14 September (5:30pm – 7pm). Further information here.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on 5 October 2020.

The Phoenix Fund

Racial justice is at the heart of COVID-19 pandemic response. The Phoenix Fund will support a network of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic charities and groups in England that are working in the heart of their communities, providing essential and emergency services, support, and education tailored to the BAME community.  There will be 4 rounds.  The Initiative aims to:
~ Offer core funding to BAME grassroots groups across England working with BAME communities
~ Raise awareness of the unique challenges facing BAME communities across England
~ Establish an effective, innovative partnership to improve and promote community-based organisations  Application deadline for Round 3: 16th Sept

Lloyds Bank Covid Recovery Fund

The Fund will provide unrestricted grants of £50,000 over 2 years. Charities who receive grants will be supported by a Development Partner to help them to identify and address any organisational challenges they are facing. The deadline for the submission of applications is 5pm on the 11th September.
At least 25% of awards will be to charities led by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.
In Camden the Fund is open to charities supporting asylum seekers and refugees, care leavers, young parents, people experiencing homelessness or who are vulnerably housed, people experiencing sexual abuse and exploitation, trafficking and modern slavery. Full details and how to apply on the website.

COVID Recovery Fund from Lloyds Bank foundation

Lloyds Bank foundation launched a £7.4 million fund to supporting charities to recover beyond the immediate crisis.
Organisations can apply for a two-year unrestricted grant of £50,000 and will get a Development Partner to help charities navigate a tumultuous future.

Power to Change

Power to Change, Locality, The Ubele Initiative and Social Investment Business on behalf of the National Lottery Community Fund Covid-19 Community-Led Organisations Recovery Scheme for community organisations in England who are facing difficulties caused by Covid-19. Up to £100k. More details here.

Ubele Fundraising Support for BAME Organisations

Every Thursday at 3:30pm Ubele host fundraising webinars on a variety grant funds that are available with techniques on writing better applications. These webinars are free of charge and the presentations/resources are uploaded on our website.  Registration for Fundraising Webinars here.

Lists of Emergency Funders


VAC Events

Voluntary Action Forums: (web page here)
9th Setpember: Updates, Covid-19 Directory, Issues for the 23rd
23rd September: Follow ups to the Opening Community Buildings
TBC: BAME disproportionality  follow up forum (date tbc)
SPLN (Social Prescribing Learning Network) Food poverty in Central Camden PCN area (invite only)
Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

Introduction to Microsoft 365 Video and Notes

The video of the workshop and notes from the session are available here.

Camden Voluntary Action Forum

The forum is open to all Camden voluntary and community  groups and organisation, community activists, social entrepreneurs, volunteers and anyone interested in local voluntary action.

Safeguarding Courses:

VAC is working with funders so that safeguarding courses can continue online.  Further details to come. There are some basic safeguarding videos on the home page and on the COVID19 Update page.
Tel: 020 7 284 6575 | Email: dogunyemi@vac.org.uk email (Mon – Wed)

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/

Free online bereavement awareness training

You may find that during the coronavirus pandemic you have more contact than usual with people who are grieving the death of a friend or family member.
Bereavement awareness training is designed to support you to feel confident to talk to bereaved people in a simple, empathetic way, to be able to find the right words, and to provide signposting to support where needed.
The training is delivered by Cruse, a specialist bereavement charity, and will provide tips and do’s and don’ts to guide conversations.
Thursday 10th September – Loss and Bereavement seminar 10:15am

Free Outdoor Gym training – 9th and 10th September

There are 9 outdoor gyms in Camden, now open to everyone (aged over 14) and are free to use with covid 19 guidance in place to keep yourself and others safe.
The Sport and Activity Team are offering free training to anyone with an existing instructor qualification to learn how to use this kit to support residents during the warmer weather.
Sessions must be booked in advance and rules to keep Covid-19 safe will apply.
Wednesday 9th September
Alf Barrett 10.00 – 10.30
Cumberland Market 11.30 – 12.00
Polygon Open Space 13.00 – 13.30
Cantelowe Gardens 15.00 – 15.30
Thursday 10th September
Limsore Circus 10.00 – 10.30
Swiss Cottage 11.00 – 11.30
Sidings / Maygrove Park 12.30 – 13.00
Kilburn Grange 14.00 – 14.30

The FSI London Online Training – 8th – 9th September

Choose from a wide range of full day interactive webinars covering the popular topics: Fundraising Strategy, Corporate Fundraising, Risk Management, Project Management, Community & Events Fundraising. Developing Your Earned Income, Supporting and Managing Volunteers, Major Donor Fundraising. Book here.

Camden Safeguarding Children’s Board Training

10 September 2020 — 9.30am-4.00pm
Designated Safeguarding Lead — New DSLs
18 September 2020 — 9.30am-1.00pm
Early Years and the Impact of Abuse
18 September 2020 — 9.30am-12.30pm
Designated Safeguarding Lead — Refresher Session
24 September 2020 — 10.00am-11.30am
Counter Extremism and WRAP
Full details and how to apply here


London Irish Centre seeks Advice Service Manager

Manager (interim, for three months, with possibility of extension)
Full time, salary up to £35k (depending on experience)
Exciting opportunity for a proven leader to develop a team and service, helping lift people out of poverty.
To apply, visit the website: https://www.londonirishcentre.org/workwithus

Food For All needs volunteers

Food For All are looking for volunteers to help produce and distribute thousands of meals to the vulnerable every day from our hub in Camden and in the surrounding boroughs. We are entirely voluntary led so our work depends heavily on help from the community. There are several ways to get involved as a volunteer for us: ·
~ Preparing & packing meals at our central London kitchen, near Holborn Viaduct
~ Delivering meals in your car, on your bike or even riding one of our rickshaws
~ Handing out meals at one of our food hubs around London
~ Helping with admin tasks at home on your computer
See more info here: https://foodforalluk.com/volunteer/

UCL Volunteering Service is recruiting

The UCL Volunteering Service is recruiting an administrator for our Student-Led Volunteering Programme.  Duties include the administration of key processes such as training and event registration, obtaining DBS checks and references for volunteers, processing expenses claims as well as supporting a caseload of student-led projects.  If anyone is interested, further details can be follow on the UCL Vacancies page.

Henna Asian Women’s Group seeks Digital and Information Technology worker

Responsible for the management of Hennas social media accounts and the development of digital and information technology to support the charity’s digital systems.
Salary: £10.75 per hour  Hours: 7 hours per week Term of Contract: 6 months
Henna Asian Women Group is looking for a dedicated employee who will manage Henna’’s social media accounts and develop digital and information resources to support the charity’s new database system.
If you are interested please contact Rafat on rafat@hennaorg.co.uk

Hopscotch Homecare urgently need Care Workers.

Hopscotch Homecare are a very caring,well-established and expanding care agency that has been providing care workers to clients in and around Camden for 20 years. We are looking for care workers who would like to help our clients to continue living safely and independently in their own homes.
Day/Night hours available and must be able to work at least two late shifts a week and alternate weekends  Contact:recruitment@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Paid work opportunities for people who have been laid off/ reduced income

Local Adult social care providers are still recruiting, and as they support the NHS to move vulnerable adults out of hospital to stay well at home, their need is growing. Contact Proud to Care.

A Chance to hear about your Experience of the Pandemic

Camden and Islington Public Health team would like to invite residents from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds; identify as LGBTQIA; carers; refugees; affected by disability; affected by mental health and/or other long terms conditions
… to take part in online group discussions so that we can learn more about how the pandemic is affecting you during this time.
We are holding online group sessions  If you decide to take part in a discussion you will be provided with a £10 shopping voucher.
Contact us on covid19survey@islington.gov.uk.

Camden Social Prescribing and Care Navigation update

Social Prescribing and Care Navigation delivered by Age UK Camden, Voluntary Action Camden and Wish+ is operational, and adapted, as a point of access to services and support during the COVID 19 emergency.
Referral form can be found here. Minimum requirements are contact details and permission to contact the person needing support.
Freephone: 0800 193 6067 (please leave a message if no answer)
Secure NHS email (referrals only): camccg.socialprescribingreferral@nhs.net
Community Links email (enquiries and referrals): communitylinks@vac.org.uk

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.  We have a comprehensive COVID-19 update page and a resources page.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to knunan@vac.org.uk or info@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

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Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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Our mailing address is:
Charlie Ratchford Centre, Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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