Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 26th March 2021

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
26th March 2021

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Ubele Surgeries; VAC AGM; Camden Works; Reflective Practice Groups; Government Call for Evidence on Women’s Health; Race Equality Foundation webinars; UCL Evaluation Exchange project; AWN Find a Funder event; CDA Community Journalism Training; Early Help Friends Workshop; Hospital Discharge Meeting; Laamiga Mentoring Programme; Kilburn Community Conversation  + Resources + funding + jobs + volunteers and more


BAME Fundraising Support Ubele Surgeries

Tuesday, 30 March, 3.00 – 5.00pm
Due to the high interest in our BAME Fundraising Support Programme, we have been listening to your questions and would like to give organisations the opportunity to delve deeper into their particular area of challenge. Please see the link below for Ubele’s Capacity Support session for Micro and Small BAME-Led Community and Voluntary Organisations in Camden.
The surgeries will be hosted by specialist consultants covering the different areas of expertise.
Full details and sign up at Eventbrite
If you have any questions contact Dianne DOgunyemi@vac.org.uk




The VAC AGM is on Tuesday 20th April 5.00 – 6.30pm on zoom.  There will be speakers, discussion, a chance to meet other members and share plans.  Contact Ricky rsingh@vac.org.uk to attend.

Camden Works

Practical help with all aspects of employment for people with a learning disability and/or autism
If you have a learning disability and/ or autism and live in the London Borough of Camden and you are looking for work, get in touch.
Laura Murphy,   T: 07814 875 544 E: Laura.murphy@unityworks.org.uk

Training and Reflective Practice Groups

Mind in Camden is working with community organisations across Camden to provide training and reflective practice groups to support the wellbeing, skills and knowledge of teams working the public in these particularly challenging times.
We can offer 12 sessions for small groups of frontline staff working in community organisations in Camden.
To find out more contact Joanna Fleck: jfleck@mindincamden.org.uk

Government launches call for evidence to improve health and wellbeing of women in England

Women are being encouraged to share their experiences of the health and care system via a call for evidence aimed at improving healthcare for women.
the government is launching a 12-week call for evidence to better understand women’s experiences of the health and care system
All women are urged to share their experiences to form the basis of a new Women’s Health Strategy.  Full details here.

Race Equality Foundation Webinars

Racial inequity in Covid-19 recovery and children and families
How will the inequality that has been experienced by so many, especially black and minority ethnic communities, be addressed?
Focused discussion on 13 April 2021 to work towards developing a solution to influence the Covid-recovery plans for children and families.
Register on Eventbrite. Further information  on the webpage
Racial inequity in Covid-19 recovery and employment
How will the inequality that has been experienced by so many, especially black and minority ethnic communities, be addressed?
Focused discussion on 16 April 2021 to work towards influencing the Covid-recovery plans on employment to ensure they address race inequality.
Register  on Eventbrite. Further information on the webpage

Are you struggling to evaluate your work? Could UCL researchers help?

The Evaluation Exchange matches voluntary and community organisations with small teams of UCL researchers to help tackle their evaluation challenges.
Join our event The Evaluation Exchange: Connecting ‘know how’ to the ‘how to’, to:
• Learn more about The Evaluation Exchange and if it is for you
• Discuss your evaluation challenges and think about ways to solve them
• Meet and work collaboratively with others from the sector
Thursday 29 April 11:30am – 1pm  Register via Eventbrite
For info contact Ruth, The Evaluation Exchange r.unstead-joss@ucl.ac.uk

All Ways Network – Find a Funder

All Ways Network in partnership with Charity Excellence bring you a 45 minute webinar to on how to search the portal for the right funder for you.
~ Looking for a funder to support your organisational needs?
~ Not sure where to begin and want assistance to where to start?
~ Is your organisation working with the Muslim community living in the UK?
Full details and sign up at Eventbrite

Community Journalism Training

Camden Disability Action has launched an exciting new Community Journalism training programme for Disabled people in Camden. The aim of the programme is to help Disabled people tell our stories, get our voices heard and press for change.  Find out more.  There is a budget to support deaf people to attend.
Contact Tom McDonough: tom@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk 07908746927

Camden early help friends workshop (online)

Tuesday, 30th March 2021, 13:30 – 15:00, (MS Teams)
If you want to understand what family early help is and how Camden’s early help service works please book on this online workshop by emailing learning@camden.gov.uk
The workshop will be delivered by Becca Dove, Head of Family Support and Complex Families. It will cover who family early help is for, what it does, how to get it, and the role we all play in helping families to get the help they need as early as possible.

Talk about your experiences after leaving Hospital

Tell CDA about your experiences, and your ideas for how things could be better for people using hospitals in the future. Did you have any support in hospital, or after you left, either through the NHS or social services? Did you have any choice over what that support you might get? Were any of your pre-existing medical conditions taken into account? We would like to hear from Disabled Camden residents who have had some experience of hospital treatment, either before or since the COVID pandemic.
Thursday 29th of April from 2.30-4pm on Zoom.
Email leadership@camdendisabilityaction.org.uk to attend.

Sheba – Laamiga Mentoring Programme,

Laamiga, a registered community-based charity run by women for women from migrant and minority backgrounds, is launching its new mentoring project, Sheba. The project will support women to identify their goals, overcome emotional and practical barriers in their career aspirations, and take steps towards employment, self-employment or further training.
For further information about Sheba and how you can refer potential beneficiaries, please check out the flyer and don’t hesitate to get in touch with Laaamiga’s Coordinator at info@laamiga.org or on 0208 257 7317

Kilburn Community Conversation

Coming out of lockdown. 6.30-8pm | Thursday 8 April | Zoom
Hosted by the South Hampstead and Kilburn Community Partnership
Join to find out more about testing, vaccines and keeping yourself, your loved ones, friends, neighbours and community safe and well
Register here https://forms.gle/BYpC7k1vmFcKSq1E7  Alternatively, please email info@shakonline.co.uk


UCL Student Volunteer Partners
Young Camden Foundation
Healthwatch Camden
All Ways Network
West Euston Partnership


Community journalism project giving disabled people in Camden a voice

Camden Disability Action (CDA), based in Kentish Town, has been busy over the last several months of the pandemic, working with an organisation more used to tackling slavery in Togo and climate change in Bangladesh than street access or employment rights for disabled people in north London.
Working in partnership with On Our Radar, CDA has launched a community journalism project to capture disabled people’s stories as they play out on the streets, homes and offices of Camden. More at the Ham and High.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here.

Catherine Capaldi Awards – Awards ceremony

Online via Zoom on Tuesday 30 March 5pm to 6pm
Do come and join us in this celebration of the achievements of disabled people and of Catherine’s memory – to register for this event, please email catherine@elfridacamden.org.uk

The Inclusive Community Fund Launching on 1st April

In 2019, Camden Giving created the Inclusive Community Fund in partnership with Camden Disability Action, funded by the London Borough of Camden’s Community Impacts programme. The programme put disabled people at the heart of the funding decisions, empowering them to make informed choices on which projects to fund based on their own experiences.
The call for applications to the Inclusive Community Fund launches on the 1st April with a deadline of the 22nd April 2021. Full details here.

BAME Organisations Fundraising Support

A new fundraising support initiative for BAME organisations in Camden with partners Ubele and All Ways Network (funded by Camden Council).  The project aims to support small BAME organisations in Camden with advice, support and networking. The project is part of a wider project to network BAME organisations to help tackle inequality including a health inequalities network.  To find out more and register your interest please click here or email Dianne Carlton Ogunyemi  DOgunyemi@vac.org.uk (see Feature article today above)

Julia & Hans Rausing Trust – Youth Centre Recovery Fund

Grants are available to registered charities in England who are running youth centres, to help them survive and recover from the impact of COVID-19.
Request the amount needed to cover eligible costs for the period 1 April to 30 September 2021, where this is not met by other confirmed funding. The grant amount will be determined by how well the assessment criteria have been met and the relative financial need across successful applications. Details here.
Deadline for applications is 31 March 2021 (4pm).  admin@jhrtrust.com

Return of Grassroots Football in England

A national fund is providing support to Clubs and community organisations who deliver football activity to restart or create new activity following the period of COVID-19 restrictions. Details here.
£500 – £2500. Deadline for applications is 28 March 2021. Email: returntofootball@footballfoundation.org.uk

Black Community Commitment London

Nike UK – in cooperation with King Baudouin Foundation – is launching the Black Community Commitment London. The Black Community Commitment London will provide support to those organisations that are dedicated to creating lasting change for the Black community in London.
Grants from £5,000 to £20,000 are available for non-profit organisations.  Find out more at the King Baudouin Foundation website.

Lloyds Bank Foundation Fund for small local charities

Small and local charities helping people overcome complex social issues can now apply for two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000 from Lloyds Bank Foundation. At least 25% of all funding this year will be allocated to charities led by and for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, building on the Foundation’s commitment to racial equity as outlined in its strategy.
visit the website for further information on the 2021 funding round. A Q&A webinar with the members of the grants team will be held on 30th March between 2pm – 3.30pm. Register for the webinar here.

Magic Little Grants 2021

Six funding trusts from the People’s Postcode Lottery and Localgiving will be working together to award more than £1 million in small grants to some 2,000 charitable organisations in England, Scotland and Wales over the next six months.  Find out more at the website.

Lists of Emergency Funders


VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

Camden Voluntary Action Forum

The forum is open to all Camden voluntary and community  groups and organisations, community activists, social entrepreneurs, volunteers and anyone interested in local voluntary action. The Forum currently meets monthly online on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11am.
The recording, links, presentations and delegate list from the Wed 24th March Forum is here 

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

Safeguarding Courses:

Check back for details of upcoming courses

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/events/

Winvisible Workshop

Campaigning together for independent living and to restore the rights the Coronavirus Act suspended
Wednesday 21 April 1.30pm-3pm
Disabled mums and our children – our rights to support not separation
Wednesday 19 May 1.30pm-3pm
Full details and booking at the Winvisible website.

Culturally Competent Practice

Wednesday 31st March, 13:30-14:30
Webinar focusing on the topic of cultural competence in social prescribing practice. Hear more about what cultural competence is and why it is crucial for social prescribing link workers to adapt their practice to meet diverse social, cultural and linguistic needs. This webinar is suitable for all link workers.
Please register to attend here.

How to Write a Property Plan for Your Charity

Wednesday 5th May 2021
In this enjoyable webinar run by experienced surveyors and property advisers, you will learn how to write a simple, well thought out property plan to secure the future of your organisation in a Covid world. You will receive an information pack with the opportunity to obtain free follow-up expert advice.
Ethical Property Foundation and VAI.  Open to Camden groups.  Sign up here.

The Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership

Virtual safeguarding training programme for Summer Term 2021 including Engaging Fathers in Safeguarding; Understanding Early Help in Camden; Contributing to Child Protection Case Conferences; Child Exploitation and many more. Full programme here.

Understanding Islamophobia and Antisemitism Training

(with particular reference to Israel and Palestine)
30th March 10.30 – 12pm – Zoom Register in advance for this meeting:
The Israel Palestine conflict and the strong feelings it arouses, is a major driver in Islamophobia and Antisemitism. Sadly we see many incidents of this, in our borough. We also know that some extremists groups try to divide us by encouraging thinking which targets Muslims and Jews. If we have a better understanding of these issues we can be part of the solution. This session is funded through Prevent.
Join Solutions Not Sides’ Executive Director, Sharon Booth, for a special training session for Camden staff, schools and community groups working with children. The session will cover:
Solutions Not Sides is a Camden based organisation who have been has been operating educational workshops on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the UK for over 10 years, providing young people and communities with humanising encounters and critical-thinking skills. They are specialists in addressing Antisemitism and Islamophobia in relation to Israel-Palestine and educating on diverse narratives.
Contact Jane.Murphy@Camden.Gov.UK for more info.

Henna Activities

Henna has a full programme of activities – 3 or 4 a day, 5 days a week.  From Exercise to art, mediation to therapy.
Abbey Community Centre, 222c Belsize Road,LondonNW6 4DJ    Hennainfo@hennaorg.co.uk  Web: www.henna.org.uk Tel: +447752681828 (for Arabic) /+447538127988 (for Bangla,Urdu,Hindi)

Loss and Bereavement Awareness Webinars

Bereavement awareness training is designed to support you to feel confident to talk to bereaved people in a simple, empathetic way, to be able to find the right words, and to provide signposting to support where needed.
Sessions are on-line, use Zoom as the delivery platform and are 75 mins long.
Apr 14, 2021 11:15 am– sign up here
May 18, 2021 01:15 pm- sign up here
Find out more at the website.

Introduction to domestic violence and abuse e-learning

This e-learning can be accessed by VCS organisations that solely support Camden residents. It is for those that would like to gain an awareness on domestic violence and abuse. It will provide you with an introduction to what the types and signs of abuse are, how to respond and what actions to take.
Access the e-learning via the L&D Hub if you already have an account. If you are from a VCS organisation without an account for the L&D Hub please find details here  on how to sign-up.

Responding to domestic violence and abuse online workshop

This two-hour online workshop can be accessed by VCS organisations that solely support Camden residents. It will help you become more aware of the indicators of domestic violence and abuse and what to do in these instances. The workshop will explore the dynamics of a domestic abuse situation and what the barriers are for the victim/survivor seeking help. You’ll also be provided with information where help is available for the victim/survivor.
Please book via the L&D Hub if you already have an account. If you are from a VCS organisation without an account for the L&D Hub please find details here  on how to sign-up.

Henna is recruiting trustees.

Henna Asian Women’s Group is looking for people to fill the following vacancies on the committee:
Chair person and Member of trustees with HR, law and finance background/knowledge.
The deadline to apply is 31st of March 2021.
For further information please put contact Momota Khatoon Momota@hennaorg.co.uk Tel: 07538127988.

The Director – Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust

£50,000 pro rata.  P/T
HWCT is a £16mn grant making charity with its principal objects being the alleviation of poverty and the advancement of health within a specified geographical area based on Hampstead, North West London.
The retirement of the current Director provides an outstanding opportunity for an individual to help steer the future of HWCT and create a sustainable charity worthy of its origins in 1698.
Full details here. Contact: geoffberridge@aol.com Deadline: 30th April 2021

It’s not too late to apply to become a Trustee at CDA

The closing date for your application is 10am Tuesday 30th March 2021

Director of Individual Placement and Support and Employment Services

£42602  – London N7
Hillside Clubhouse is a dynamic resource for people with mental health problems that makes social inclusion and participation in everyday life a reality. Getting a paid job, having a social life and going to college are the norm for many of our members. We now seek a senior member of staff to develop our employment services further.
Our diversity is our strength –  and we welcome applications from all sections of the community.  You can apply via www.charityjob.co.uk  Deadline: Monday 12 April.

Women + Health Clinical Lead – Maternity Cover

£32,640 pro rata for 3 days/ 21 hours a week £19,584 per annum. Open to job share.
Our small health charity in Camden Town, London has an exciting opportunity for an exceptional Clinical Lead to join our talking therapies service on a maternity cover basis.
The successful candidate will have significant experience of co-ordinating or managing a counselling project, supporting trainee counsellors, working with external stakeholders such as the NHS, and measuring clinical outcomes.  Closing Date 6th April.  Full details and apply here.

Global Generation are Recruiting

Two jobs and volunteering vacancies and how to apply at the Global Generation website.

LAWRS seeks Community Organising Officer

Seeking a committed and motivated Latin American woman to join the team.
Job description, application and equal opportunities forms at CharityJobs
Deadline: Sunday 11th of April.

Educating Beyond Borders

Now recruiting for up to 5 volunteers to help us with the email admin for the IWD online awards and our upcoming Youth Summit June 2021.
We need a volunteer to help with preparing and running the IWD online awards
Find out more and apply here.
Also wanted – Youth Summit 2021 volunteers to  send out invitations to youth groups by email and follow up with telephone calls to the youth groups to confirm a representative will join us online
Register interest and more info contact EBB hello@educatingbeyondborders.com

Two Leighton College Jobs

Interim Course Leader – Leighton College
Elfrida Rathbone Camden is seeking to appoint an interim Course Leader to work with learners attending their OFSTED registered Leighton College, an FE provision for 20 young people with a learning disability aged 16-25 years of age. The Course Leader will support the Education Manager in the planning, delivery and co-ordination of their Personal Development and Employability programmes. The postholder will also be the first port of call for Leighton College staff regarding student issues including behaviour, attendance, health and safety and safeguarding.
Leighton College Mathematics Tutor Maternity Cover: April – September 2021
The tutor will be responsible for delivering Mathematics sessions to 16-25-year-olds with mild to moderate learning disabilities. The course focus is on independent living skills to bridge the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
To apply please complete the forms available on the website  and return to info@elfridacamden.org.uk with the subject title Mathematics Tutor
For any questions about the role please contact Samantha Childs, Education and Participation Manager on 07917 193885 – samantha@elfridacamden.org.uk   Closing date: interviews on a rolling basis.

Befriending Scheme Assistant

Abbey Community Centre is recruiting a new part time befriending scheme assistant. 10 hours per week with extra 2-3 hours one Saturday per month. Actual gross salary:  £7,887 (£23,000 gross f.t.e). Application deadline: 10am Wednesday 31st March 2021. Details at Charity Jobs.

CDA are recruiting 6 new Disabled trustees to join the CDA Board.

CDA Trustees help shape the work and plan for our future. CDA is run by Disabled for Disabled people and it is essential that at least 75% of the Board is made up of Disabled people.
CDA are particularly keen to get more Disabled Women on our Board and more Disabled people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
When we say Disabled people, we mean the full spectrum of health, impairment, and difference. This includes people with mental illness, those with learning difficulties, people with physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments, including those who experience Disability through the effects of ageing.  It is important to stress that we welcome those who are D/deaf and people on the autistic spectrum or anyone else who may not identify as a Disabled person.
The closing date for your application is 10am Tuesday 30th March 2021

COVID-19 Health Champions

Join the COVID-19 Health Champion movement to get the latest advice and guidance about COVID-19 so that you can help and share the information with your community, and let us know what is and isn’t working. You can access trusted information through regular updates and weekly online drop-in sessions about the vaccine, testing and more.
If you work, live or volunteer in Camden, simply complete the form here to sign up! If you’ve got questions, email CHC@islington.gov.uk.

Hopscotch Homecare urgently need Care Workers.

Hopscotch Homecare are a very caring,well-established and expanding care agency that has been providing care workers to clients in and around Camden for 20 years. We are looking for care workers who would like to help our clients to continue living safely and independently in their own homes.
Day/Night hours available and must be able to work at least two late shifts a week and alternate weekends  Contact:recruitment@hopscotchawc.org.uk

Paid work opportunities for people who have been laid off/ reduced income

Local Adult social care providers are still recruiting, and as they support the NHS to move vulnerable adults out of hospital to stay well at home, their need is growing. Contact Proud to Care.

Social Prescribing Day 2021

Thursday 18th was #SocialPrescribingDay and VAC shared some stories and infographics about the Care Navigation and Social Prescribing work that happens in Camden involving the local VCS.  View the story here.

VCS and Vaccinations

Many people who work in frontline roles in the social care sector, including in voluntary or community organisations, are currently eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination. You may be eligible if you provide direct care and support to an adult who is clinically vulnerable to COVID-19, or to a child who is clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 – in line with national government criteria.
If you think that you, or someone you know or work with, may be eligible for the vaccine please visit this page for more information.  Relevant staff need to fill out this form.
Adult Social Care ran a Q&A session on Tuesday.  View the recording here.
ASC have also provided some useful FAQs
Some slides from a recent national webinar  – slides 5-7 provide some examples of types of roles and work and eligibility under this priority group.
Direct any enquiries to: socialcarevaccinationinfo@camden.gov.uk
At the PPG meeting this week an informative presentation included a useful update on the vaccine roll out on pages 22 – 28 from the health perspective.

Lateral Flow Testing (quick test) for VCS frontline staff and volunteers

‘Lateral flow’ COVID-19 tests are available for all in frontline roles who have regular face-to-face contact with communities, and who do not have any coronavirus symptoms.
Appointments are available at two test sites (Crowndale Library and Swiss Cottage Library) every weekday from 9am to 5pm. Book here.  If your organisation is not on the system, add the name in the notes’ box.

Volunteers to support vaccination rollout

There is an ongoing need for volunteers to support the smooth roll out of the vaccination programme in north central London (NCL),  local residents can sign up to help. Find out how here.

Food Support

Find your local food bank or community organisation providing food at findfood.camden.gov.uk.
If you don’t have internet access, please call Camden Council on 020 7974 4444 and select option 9
You can also donate at findfood.camden.gov.uk/donate

Keeping The Community Directory Up-to-date

As we enter Autumn lots is changing.  Buildings are starting to re-open, some activities are moving back into the real world, some food parcel deliveries have ended, while other food projects continue.  Help us to keep the directory up-to-date by updating your details as they change.
If you would like to make a new entry in the directory use this link.   If you would like to update an existing entry look out for an email from us early next week with a unique link for you to update.
View the Directory here.  View the map here.

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden

Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.  We have a comprehensive COVID-19 update page and a resources page.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to knunan@vac.org.uk or info@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Charlie Ratchford Centre, Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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