Voluntary Action Camden

Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 20th May 2022



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
20th May 2022

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources

Become a Member

                                                    VAC Membership
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.


In this week’s newsletter we spotlight VAC’s contact details to help faciliate the exchange of useful information and resources in these difficult times. We also have a VAC survey which will help inform our future strategy, plus local information and much more about events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

Contact us
Alongside much of the country, Camden residents are experiencing a time of increasing difficulties. The COVID 19 pandemic is still with us and the increasing cost of living is adding additional pressure to household incomes.

The community and volunteer sector continues to strive to help and serve local residents here in Camden, and VAC is dedicated to facilitating conversation and building bridges between the sector and public bodies to ensure funding streams, advice and resource go where they are needed.

Please get in touch with VAC if you would like to get involved, share learning and resources, and connect to  groups in the area who are committed to doing everything possible to help our community.

We can be contacted here

VAC Questionnaire to Members and Stakeholders
VAC is in the process of developing a new strategy and we want to develop it with the input of our key stakeholders including our members and strategic partners. This will help us to set our priorities for the next three years and improve are offering to the Camden Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). All completed entries with contact information provided will be entered into our prize drawer for a chance to win £50 shopping vouchers.

Please help us by completing our short survey here

A Letter from the Leader of the Council
“The past two years have been difficult for all of us and I want to thank you for the sacrifices you have made to help keep our community safe. We are still feeling the impact of COVID-19, and I know that many of you are struggling with the rising cost of living. We are helping Camden to recover by supporting the NHS with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, helping residents access food, providing free activities for families and supporting local businesses.”

Read more about the council plans and the resources available to residents here

Trust for London Local Action Poverty Fund
“Trust for London has once again teamed up with Crowdfunder to launch the Local Action Poverty Fund.
Using the power of the crowd, we’ll be helping projects to find the funding and support they need to turn their ideas into a reality.”

Learn more here

Civic Futures 2022: Open for applications and nominations
Civic Futures 2022 is open for nominations and applications and welcome you to apply or nominate someone you think would make a great addition to this year’s programme.
Civic Futures is a Fellowship Programme facilitated by Koreo, Dark Matter Labs and The Young Foundation, in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA)

After two successful years, we’re now looking to convene our third group, of 30 people from across London’s civil society, local government and activist spaces to facilitate a collective learning and discovery experience.  Running from September 2022-December 2023, the programme will focus on peer connection, exploration and inquiry, systems thinking, and collaboration, in order to deepen connections across the civic system, and create spaces to explore alternative and emerging futures together.

If you want to take part in Civic Futures then you can express your interest here
Or to nominate someone else, please do so here

Physical Activity within Healthcare in London: Survey
Deadline: 27th May

London Sport and our partners, the Greater London Authority, the Healthy London Partnership, London Plus, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – London and Transport for London, are keen to understand how we might further integrate physical activity within healthcare in London.

We are, therefore, seeking the views of those who provide, plan or commission both healthcare and physical activity (including, active travel, artistic, cultural, heritage, nature and sport based activity) services and opportunities within London. The collective experience and knowledge of colleagues will be crucial in helping us to determine the action and support necessary to progress this work.

Please complete this brief survey here

Building Compliance and the Law Seminar
Thursday 26th May: 12-2pm

The Ethical Property Foundation will be running a lunchtime seminar on Building Compliance and the Law on Thursday the 26th of May.
This is aimed at community groups who run from, or hire out, community space. Voluntary and community groups will get an introduction to all statutory and non-statutory building compliance, who needs to do what in an organisation and defending health and safety practices.

You can expect fire, asbestos, legionella, gas and electrical safety to be covered, and the importance of non-statutory compliance. You will find out who is legally responsible for what and how good records can prevent regulatory enforcement. There will also be an introduction to Camden’s Facilities Management service who will give an overview of how they can help you manage your building. The course is free and put on by Camden Council.

If you manage a space and want to attend please register for your Zoom link here

Hampstead Heath Community Fun Day
Sunday 12th June: 12-5pm.

Come to the Parliament Hill Bandstand for a community fun day next month, including Seethrough Theatre’s Carnivall parade, music from Young Music Makers, free nature and art activities and much more.
Please get in touch if you would like to get involved or have any questions

For more information on this and other events on the Heath, please click here

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week
23–29 May 2022.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week is a joint campaign from NHS England and Diabetes UK. The campaign aims to raise awareness of Type 2 diabetes, how to prevent it, and at-risk groups, and encourages the public to check their risk via the Diabetes UK ‘Know Your Risk’ tool.

Type 2 diabetes is two – four times more likely in people of South Asian descent and Black Caribbean or Black African descent. That’s why it’s really important that you find out if you are at risk. To do so, please click here

Funding webinar
Wednesday 25th May: 12.30pm

Need funding for your voluntary organisation or group?
Fundraising website easyfundraising are running an online session where you can find out how you can use the platform to benefit from free donations from leading online retailers. Trusted by 180,000 good causes around the UK and established for over 10 years, easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping site.

Suitable for all non-profit organisations come along to find out how it works and how to get set up. This is a friendly, informal session where you can ask questions and meet other fundraisers.

Spaces are limited so please register to attend in advance here

Programme Performance and Resource Manager vacancy
Closing date: Sunday 29th May 2022 at 23:59

Through Good Work Camden, Camden are designing and delivering Job Hubs that provide accessible and relational employment support, testing innovative approaches to supporting residents, investing in our employment and skills partners and giving businesses the support they need to enhance their recruitment practices.
In this role you will develop, improve and coordinate performance and programme management systems and tools across Inclusive Economy work streams to ensure the effective tracking and measurement of activity and impact.

Learn more here

Maiden Lane Community Centre volunteer opportunity
Maiden Lane Community Centre are looking for someone to join our play/youth team working with young people aged 5-9 years 10-13 years and 13-19 years old. Training will be provided. This is a great opportunity for someone who would like to work with young people.

For further details, please click here

Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up)
Charity Tax Group
Dragon Hall Newsletter



VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk

The Philological Foundation grants for individual students and state-funded schools
The Philological Foundation is a charity that has been making grants to individual students and state-funded schools in the London Borough of Camden and the City of Westminster since 1982.
Our aim is to help schools and young people whose families cannot provide them with financial support so that they can pursue educational and training opportunities.
To check eligibility and to apply, please click here

UK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
For more details please click here.

We Will Social Action Grant Fund
The Ormiston Trust is a grant giving trust that primarily supports schools and organisations that provide direct assistance to children, young people, and families across England. As a match funder awarding grants on the behalf of the #iwill Fund, the Ormiston Trust is offering open grants of up to £5,000 over a 9 to 12-month period to support the embedding of sustainable youth social action in schools.
Learn more and apply here

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Funding to Improve Temporary Accommodation Standards in London
Application Deadline: Tuesday 17 May 2022
Better Temporary Accommodation for Londoners is a strategic initiative funded by Trust for London and Oak Foundation that aims to strengthen the voice, connections and influence of people in Temporary Accommodation (TA) and ultimately to improve people’s experience of TA. The programme will run from 2022-25, with the first grants awarded in June 2022.
For more information, please click here

Clarion Futures Digital Grants Programme
Application deadline: 12 noon, Wednesday 18 May 2022
Round 10 of the Clarion Futures Digital Grants Programme is now open for applications.
Grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 will be available to organisations seeking to deliver innovative, well designed projects that support Clarion residents and the wider community to address digital exclusion.
For Round 10, applications must be submitted by 12 noon Wednesday 18 May 2022 via our dedicated Grants Portal FlexiGrant.
Please email grants@clarionhg.com with any questions.

Camden Giving Equality Fund: Open for expressions of interest
The Camden Giving Equality Fund 2022 will provide flexible funding to small charities and social enterprises who are actively bringing together people from different backgrounds to create communities. A panel of 12 Camden residents will award 2 year grants of £30,000 in June 2022 and welcome your expression of interest.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here

NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

VCS Ukraine Support Survey
In conjunction with Camden Council, Voluntary Action Camden are in the process of collecting as much information as possible on the capacity of local independent services that can support Ukrainian nationals settling in Camden.
This includes support for urgent and immediate needs, such as links to language communities or counselling support.
If you and your organisation is in a position to support this work, please fill in this short online survey.

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks.

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/

Invitation: London’s Digital Inclusion Conference
23 June: 9.30 am – 4pm
LOTI and the GLA warmly invite you to join them in celebrating digital inclusion in London.

This in-person event will bring together practitioners from the public, private and third sectors to share their progress in tackling digital exclusion, and discuss how they can collaborate more closely in future.
There is an exciting agenda that includes expert speakers, presentations on innovative digital inclusion initiatives and opportunities for networking.
There is also the opportunity for your organisation to have a visible presence at this event. If you have a project you would like to showcase, and it falls within the themes of devices, connectivity, digital skills and / or support, then please get in touch with Polly.Kwok@loti.london to find out how you can be a part of the event exhibition.
If you are able to join, please register and they will be back in touch with more information and the confirmed London venue closer to the event.

To register, please click here

“Zen in Mind” A celebration of Wellbeing
Thursday 26th May: 1pm-6pm

This is a free Community Festival at the Old Diorama Theatre. In association with Fitzrovia Youth Action, The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you the first of a series of monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community.
Open to all, and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more.
Climb on board our big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety.
We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up.

For more information, please click here

Camden Jobs and Skills Event
Thursday 19 May 2022, 10:00am – 4:00pm

Are you interested in changing careers, finding a new role, or upskilling to access high-growth sectors?
If so, don’t miss out on the opportunity to network, meet local and inclusive employers and get the latest tips to give you the edge in the labour market
The event is being held at Camden House LABS Triangle, Camden Lock Place, Chalk Farm Road, NW1 8AB

To register, please click here

Community Health Event
Saturday 21 May 2022, 12pm-4pm
Location: Kilburn Grange Park, Kilburn, NW6 2JL
As part of our long-term health inequalities work, which includes a Mobile Community Health bus, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event on Saturday 21st May at Kilburn Grange Park, 12pm-4pm.
This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, sexual health testing, dietician advice and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing, something that has become even more important since the Covid19 pandemic.”

The London Irish Centre Vacancies
The London Irish Centre is the Irish Heart of London. Our Mission is to empower and enrich lives through Irish community and culture. Please see our current vacancies:

Head of Services (Community Development)
Closing date: 9am Monday 16th May

Event Manager
Closing date: 9am Monday 16th May

Operations Administration Assistant
Ongoing recruitment

For more information and to apply, please visit our website

Elfrida Rathbone Camden vacancy: Community Champions Project Co-ordinator
Closing date: Sunday 29 May. Full time position
The Community Champions Project Coordinator will work to engage and support vulnerable individuals, families and groups in the Kentish town area, by recruiting local people to volunteer as Community Champions. For more details and how to apply, please click here

Training Link vacancy: Operations Manager
Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 16 May 2022
Part-time (7 hours per week)
Training Link is a local charity providing basic skills training to help people find work. We are based in Somers Town near the British Library.
We are looking for a part-time Operations Manager to help develop our courses through outreach work and look at new opportunities. The postholder will also support our small staff team and follow up with learners who have completed courses.
For a full-job description, person specification and application form please email director@traininglink.org.uk
For an informal discussion about the post please phone Peter Lush on 07973-845285.

The Kids Network: Volunteering Opportunity
The Kids Network are looking for committed, fun and passionate volunteers who live or work in Camden to make a real difference to the children of London. Their year long mentoring programme supports children with their social and emotional development before they transition into secondary school.
As a mentor, through weekly 1-3 hour sessions, you would:
Help build confidence, resilience and curiosity through child centred, activity-based mentoring.
Experience London through the eyes of a child and make a real impact in your local area.
Build a peer network with fellow mentors, who come from all walks of life, to share your experiences and learn from one another.
Apply here
If you know a child that would benefit from having a mentor, please e-mail Flick f.tennant@thekidsnetwork.org.uk

Umoja Health Forum looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers
Umoja Health Forum is a voluntary organisation which leads thirteen small African organisations from Sub – Saharan Africa, providing health and social care, addressing both physical and mental health.
We are looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers for different projects, which involve planning a variety of weekly activities for local residents.
These include promoting and delivering projects, recruiting local residents, general managing, monitoring and reporting on project work.
All volunteer travel and expenses paid.
Interested candidates should email Umoja at: umojahealthforum54@gmail.com or call Chikwaba Oduka on 07970418893, to express their interest or find out more.

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here

Free CPD Accredited Training on Gambling and Related Harms
Tuesday 24th May: 10.30am – 1pm

Currently over 0.5% of our population are considered problem gamblers and 7% of the population of the UK are negatively affected by gambling, which is one in 12 people either directly or indirectly affected by gambling-related harms.
If you would like to know about the subject of gambling and its associated harms, please join this free CPD accredited webinar. If you would like more details, please email Priya.shah@gamcare.org.uk

To register, please click here

Charity Digital Skills survey
Closes Friday 20th May

If you work for a charity or a non-profit organisation, social sector organisation or a funder, based in the UK, Charity Digital and Partners would love to hear your views about your overall organisational priorities, barriers and funding needs, as well as specific digital skills and challenges.

To learn more and to take part, please click here

Funding Experience Survey
The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) is asking grant applicants to answer a survey to understand how 100 Open and Trusting grantmakers can improve your funding experience.
What changes could funders make, and which of these matters most? The survey takes 10-15 minutes, and you’ll have the chance to win one of 10 prizes of £100 for your organisation.

To take part, please click here

Datawise London data and digital training
Datawise London offers data and digital skills training tailored for small charities and have just renewed their programme for another three years. The training offers a pathway through topics, from beginner to advanced levels.

To find out more, please click here

Free NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace.
This course is for anyone who wants to raise their professional understanding of Mental Health First Aid and its associated care. It is ideal for any public facing role where you are interacting, advising and guiding clients.  You will learn how to identify, understand and support colleagues or clients who are experiencing a mental health issue.

To learn more please contact New Challenge (Main number) – 020 8795 3999 or Email: courses@newchallenge.org

Link UP London
Link UP London provides access to Skilled Support to charities, social enterprises and community groups for free on a project-by-project basis.
We’re a small friendly organisation with ambitions to help communities across London by matching professionals to free skilled Volunteering roles with local charities and social good organisations.
Volunteers are all experts in their fields and have industry specific knowledge in areas of crucial importance to any charitable organisation’s development such as finance, legal, human resources, marketing, communications, data analysis, social media, and much more.
If you’re looking for bespoke Skilled Support to grow your organisations, we’d love to hear from you! You can book to chat here.
You can also learn more about Link UP and the work we’ve been doing through our website.

Help with the cost of living
The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, as a result of spiralling inflation, increases in National Insurance and Council Tax, and the lifting of the energy price cap. The hub helps Londoners access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Enter Camden’s Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition
Camden’s next Youth Safety Fortnight will be held this summer. Children and young people are invited to get involved by entering the 2022 Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition – in partnership with their youth centre, community centre or school.
The overall winner will receive a main prize of £500 for their youth or play organisation, community centre or school, plus vouchers for the young people participating.
The overall theme of Youth Safety Fortnight 2022 will be ‘Keeping Children and Young People in Camden Safe’. The focus this year will be on the following:
The Safety of Young Women and Girls. This includes staying and feeling safe in the home, in the community, and whilst travelling. It is important to consider the views and perspectives of all young people, regardless of gender identity, to widen conversations and understanding.
Youth Exploitation. What keeps young people safe from exploitation? How can young people steer away from crime and get involved in positive activities? What are the consequences of getting involved in crime and youth violence?
The purpose of the Multi-Media Competition, which is open to young people aged 10 to 18, is to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden and promote conversation. The competition is designed to encourage young people to come together and think about their concerns, aspirations and hopes for the future. Your project should focus on one or more of the elements mentioned in the themes above.
Entries should be emailed to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk by 5pm, Monday 6 June. For more details on the criteria for entries, please click here.

Culturally specific cookbook for Camden residents
Camden council, in partnership with our NHS colleagues are working on a culturally specific cookbook for residents of African and Caribbean heritage, who are at increasing risk of overweight and diabetes.
We recognise that literature around this very important and are keen to get your views to make sure the book is as relevant as possible.
Please complete the questionnaire which will take no longer than 3 minutes to complete. Your answers will be invaluable in helping prepare the cookbook.
To take part, please click here

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Website Website

Become a Member

Watch a short video about our work!


Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 17th May 2022



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
13th May 2022

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources

Become a Member

                                                    VAC Membership
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.


In this week’s newsletter we again spotlight the important new Camden Community Vaccine Champion Project, Mental Health Awareness Week resources and have much more about events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

                                         VAC services spotlight

Camden Community Vaccine Champion Project
VAC, in partnership with London Borough of Camden, Healthwatch Camden and C4, is pleased to announce the launch of a new fund to help tackle vaccine misinformation and encourage vaccine take up in Camden.

We are inviting individuals, organisations, and groups, including unincorporated associations from Camden, to design new and expand existing initiatives to encourage vaccine take up in the borough. This includes projects and events that seek to tackle misinformation and encourage vaccine take-up.

Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk

The Philological Foundation grants for individual students and state-funded schools
The Philological Foundation is a charity that has been making grants to individual students and state-funded schools in the London Borough of Camden and the City of Westminster since 1982.
Our aim is to help schools and young people whose families cannot provide them with financial support so that they can pursue educational and training opportunities.
To check eligibility and to apply, please click here

UK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
For more details please click here.

We Will Social Action Grant Fund
The Ormiston Trust is a grant giving trust that primarily supports schools and organisations that provide direct assistance to children, young people, and families across England. As a match funder awarding grants on the behalf of the #iwill Fund, the Ormiston Trust is offering open grants of up to £5,000 over a 9 to 12-month period to support the embedding of sustainable youth social action in schools.
Learn more and apply here

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Funding to Improve Temporary Accommodation Standards in London
Application Deadline: Tuesday 17 May 2022
Better Temporary Accommodation for Londoners is a strategic initiative funded by Trust for London and Oak Foundation that aims to strengthen the voice, connections and influence of people in Temporary Accommodation (TA) and ultimately to improve people’s experience of TA. The programme will run from 2022-25, with the first grants awarded in June 2022.
For more information, please click here

Clarion Futures Digital Grants Programme
Application deadline: 12 noon, Wednesday 18 May 2022
Round 10 of the Clarion Futures Digital Grants Programme is now open for applications.
Grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 will be available to organisations seeking to deliver innovative, well designed projects that support Clarion residents and the wider community to address digital exclusion.
For Round 10, applications must be submitted by 12 noon Wednesday 18 May 2022 via our dedicated Grants Portal FlexiGrant.
Please email grants@clarionhg.com with any questions.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here

NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

Loneliness and Mental Health Awareness Week: 9th-15th May
This year, with Mental Health Awareness Week the Mental, Health Foundation are raising awareness of the link between loneliness and mental health issues. They are exploring the effect of inequalities on loneliness, sharing help and advice, while also calling for policy change.

To access more information on the campaign, please click here

Invitation: London’s Digital Inclusion Conference
23 June: 9.30 am – 4pm
LOTI and the GLA warmly invite you to join them in celebrating digital inclusion in London.

This in-person event will bring together practitioners from the public, private and third sectors to share their progress in tackling digital exclusion, and discuss how they can collaborate more closely in future.
There is an exciting agenda that includes expert speakers, presentations on innovative digital inclusion initiatives and opportunities for networking.
There is also the opportunity for your organisation to have a visible presence at this event. If you have a project you would like to showcase, and it falls within the themes of devices, connectivity, digital skills and / or support, then please get in touch with Polly.Kwok@loti.london to find out how you can be a part of the event exhibition.
If you are able to join, please register and they will be back in touch with more information and the confirmed London venue closer to the event.

To register, please click here

Free CPD Accredited Training on Gambling and Related Harms
Tuesday 24th May: 10.30am – 1pm

Currently over 0.5% of our population are considered problem gamblers and 7% of the population of the UK are negatively affected by gambling, which is one in 12 people either directly or indirectly affected by gambling-related harms.
If you would like to know about the subject of gambling and its associated harms, please join this free CPD accredited webinar. If you would like more details, please email Priya.shah@gamcare.org.uk

To register, please click here

Charity Digital Skills survey
Closes Friday 20th May

If you work for a charity or a non-profit organisation, social sector organisation or a funder, based in the UK, Charity Digital and Partners would love to hear your views about your overall organisational priorities, barriers and funding needs, as well as specific digital skills and challenges.

To learn more and to take part, please click here

Funding Experience Survey
The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) is asking grant applicants to answer a survey to understand how 100 Open and Trusting grantmakers can improve your funding experience.
What changes could funders make, and which of these matters most? The survey takes 10-15 minutes, and you’ll have the chance to win one of 10 prizes of £100 for your organisation.

To take part, please click here

Camden Jobs and Skills Event
Thursday 19 May 2022, 10:00am – 4:00pm

Are you interested in changing careers, finding a new role, or upskilling to access high-growth sectors?
If so, don’t miss out on the opportunity to network, meet local and inclusive employers and get the latest tips to give you the edge in the labour market
The event is being held at Camden House LABS Triangle, Camden Lock Place, Chalk Farm Road, NW1 8AB

To register, please click here

Datawise London data and digital training
Datawise London offers data and digital skills training tailored for small charities and have just renewed their programme for another three years. The training offers a pathway through topics, from beginner to advanced levels.

To find out more, please click here

Free NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace.
This course is for anyone who wants to raise their professional understanding of Mental Health First Aid and its associated care. It is ideal for any public facing role where you are interacting, advising and guiding clients.  You will learn how to identify, understand and support colleagues or clients who are experiencing a mental health issue.

To learn more please contact New Challenge (Main number) – 020 8795 3999 or Email: courses@newchallenge.org

“Zen in Mind” A celebration of Wellbeing
Thursday 26th May: 1pm-6pm

This is a free Community Festival at the Old Diorama Theatre. In association with Fitzrovia Youth Action, The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you the first of a series of monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community.
Open to all, and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more.
Climb on board our big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety.
We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up.

For more information, please click here

The London Irish Centre Vacancies
The London Irish Centre is the Irish Heart of London. Our Mission is to empower and enrich lives through Irish community and culture. Please see our current vacancies:

Head of Services (Community Development)
Closing date: 9am Monday 16th May

Event Manager
Closing date: 9am Monday 16th May

Operations Administration Assistant
Ongoing recruitment

For more information and to apply, please visit our website

Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up)
Charity Tax Group
Dragon Hall Newsletter



VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

VCS Ukraine Support Survey
In conjunction with Camden Council, Voluntary Action Camden are in the process of collecting as much information as possible on the capacity of local independent services that can support Ukrainian nationals settling in Camden.
This includes support for urgent and immediate needs, such as links to language communities or counselling support.
If you and your organisation is in a position to support this work, please fill in this short online survey.

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks.

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/

Community Health Event
Saturday 21 May 2022, 12pm-4pm
Location: Kilburn Grange Park, Kilburn, NW6 2JL
As part of our long-term health inequalities work, which includes a Mobile Community Health bus, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event on Saturday 21st May at Kilburn Grange Park, 12pm-4pm.
This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, sexual health testing, dietician advice and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing, something that has become even more important since the Covid19 pandemic.”

Elfrida Rathbone Camden vacancy: Community Champions Project Co-ordinator
Closing date: Sunday 29 May. Full time position
The Community Champions Project Coordinator will work to engage and support vulnerable individuals, families and groups in the Kentish town area, by recruiting local people to volunteer as Community Champions. For more details and how to apply, please click here

Training Link vacancy: Operations Manager
Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 16 May 2022
Part-time (7 hours per week)
Training Link is a local charity providing basic skills training to help people find work. We are based in Somers Town near the British Library.
We are looking for a part-time Operations Manager to help develop our courses through outreach work and look at new opportunities. The postholder will also support our small staff team and follow up with learners who have completed courses.
For a full-job description, person specification and application form please email director@traininglink.org.uk
For an informal discussion about the post please phone Peter Lush on 07973-845285.

The Kids Network: Volunteering Opportunity
The Kids Network are looking for committed, fun and passionate volunteers who live or work in Camden to make a real difference to the children of London. Their year long mentoring programme supports children with their social and emotional development before they transition into secondary school.
As a mentor, through weekly 1-3 hour sessions, you would:
Help build confidence, resilience and curiosity through child centred, activity-based mentoring.
Experience London through the eyes of a child and make a real impact in your local area.
Build a peer network with fellow mentors, who come from all walks of life, to share your experiences and learn from one another.
Apply here
If you know a child that would benefit from having a mentor, please e-mail Flick f.tennant@thekidsnetwork.org.uk

Street Storage Volunteer Vacancy: Marketing Volunteer
Street Storage – the only UK charity providing storage for people experiencing homelessness – is growing fast and looking for a Marketing Volunteer. This role can be done remotely or at our Hackney offices and will be approx. 2-4 hours a week. It will focus mainly on website improvement, creating and managing social media content and general branding development.
We have a more detailed role description and are keen to hear from anyone with the relevant skills and time! For more information please email rachel.woolf@streetstorage.org

Umoja Health Forum looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers
Umoja Health Forum is a voluntary organisation which leads thirteen small African organisations from Sub – Saharan Africa, providing health and social care, addressing both physical and mental health.
We are looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers for different projects, which involve planning a variety of weekly activities for local residents.
These include promoting and delivering projects, recruiting local residents, general managing, monitoring and reporting on project work.
All volunteer travel and expenses paid.
Interested candidates should email Umoja at: umojahealthforum54@gmail.com or call Chikwaba Oduka on 07970418893, to express their interest or find out more.

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here

Link UP London
Link UP London provides access to Skilled Support to charities, social enterprises and community groups for free on a project-by-project basis.
We’re a small friendly organisation with ambitions to help communities across London by matching professionals to free skilled Volunteering roles with local charities and social good organisations.
Volunteers are all experts in their fields and have industry specific knowledge in areas of crucial importance to any charitable organisation’s development such as finance, legal, human resources, marketing, communications, data analysis, social media, and much more.
If you’re looking for bespoke Skilled Support to grow your organisations, we’d love to hear from you! You can book to chat here.
You can also learn more about Link UP and the work we’ve been doing through our website.

Help with the cost of living
The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, as a result of spiralling inflation, increases in National Insurance and Council Tax, and the lifting of the energy price cap. The hub helps Londoners access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Enter Camden’s Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition
Camden’s next Youth Safety Fortnight will be held this summer. Children and young people are invited to get involved by entering the 2022 Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition – in partnership with their youth centre, community centre or school.
The overall winner will receive a main prize of £500 for their youth or play organisation, community centre or school, plus vouchers for the young people participating.
The overall theme of Youth Safety Fortnight 2022 will be ‘Keeping Children and Young People in Camden Safe’. The focus this year will be on the following:
The Safety of Young Women and Girls. This includes staying and feeling safe in the home, in the community, and whilst travelling. It is important to consider the views and perspectives of all young people, regardless of gender identity, to widen conversations and understanding.
Youth Exploitation. What keeps young people safe from exploitation? How can young people steer away from crime and get involved in positive activities? What are the consequences of getting involved in crime and youth violence?
The purpose of the Multi-Media Competition, which is open to young people aged 10 to 18, is to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden and promote conversation. The competition is designed to encourage young people to come together and think about their concerns, aspirations and hopes for the future. Your project should focus on one or more of the elements mentioned in the themes above.
Entries should be emailed to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk by 5pm, Monday 6 June. For more details on the criteria for entries, please click here.

Culturally specific cookbook for Camden residents
Camden council, in partnership with our NHS colleagues are working on a culturally specific cookbook for residents of African and Caribbean heritage, who are at increasing risk of overweight and diabetes.
We recognise that literature around this very important and are keen to get your views to make sure the book is as relevant as possible.
Please complete the questionnaire which will take no longer than 3 minutes to complete. Your answers will be invaluable in helping prepare the cookbook.
To take part, please click here

Camden Giving Equality Fund: Open for expressions of interest
The Camden Giving Equality Fund 2022 will provide flexible funding to small charities and social enterprises who are actively bringing together people from different backgrounds to create communities. A panel of 12 Camden residents will award 2 year grants of £30,000 in June 2022 and welcome your expression of interest.

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden
Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Facebook Facebook

Twitter Twitter

Website Website

Become a Member

Watch a short video about our work!


Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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VAC Quarterly Update to Members and Subscribers (May 2022)


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Quarterly Update to Members and Subscribers

6th May 2022

CEO Spotlight

Keith Morgan, Chief Executive Officer

I thought I would introduce this quarterly update with an insight into my first few months as the new CEO of VAC. We will see how this goes and if I avoid being flooded with letters of dissatisfaction, I just might make it a mainstay.
Some of you may know me from my time as CEO of Young Camden Foundation. For those that do and have wished me the best of luck in this new venture, thank you. For those that don’t (know me that is) I look forward to meeting you and over the coming months I will be extending an invitation for a coffee and chat.

Baptism of fire

On my first day at VAC, I attended a Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) Integrated Care System (ICS) meeting. It was somewhat a baptism of fire and allayed any misguided thoughts I had about easing myself into the role. We spent the first part of the meeting reflecting on the important role the VCSE played during the pandemic to support those in our local community who faced the highest health inequalities. We also talked about the importance of North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group working in partnership with local communities and VCSE. This first meeting was extremely insightful and helped me to acknowledge and understand the importance of VCSE as a strategic partner of the ICS and recognise the unique contribution the sector makes to tackling health inequality in the borough.
VAC is a member of the Integrated Care Partnerships and works with health, social care and related VCS organisations to ensure Camden is the best place to grow, live and age well. On 15 June, 11am – 12pm we will be hosting a forum on the Integrated Care System.  Please join us to hear more about what is happening at a neighbourhood level and how you can get involved. You can RSVP here.

Responding to the needs of our members

Throughout the pandemic VAC hosted forums focused on emerging challenges facing the sector. The forums provided an opportunity for local voluntary and community organisations and groups to continue to meet, collaborate and share. We have maintained these forums and I have been working with the VAC team to develop mechanisms to improve the way we consult with members.
We currently have two grant programmes open (Room Hire and Community Champions grant) that we think address some of the challenges community organisations and residents are facing. Please click on the links to find out more.

Emerging challenges

Like many others I’m concerned about the cost-of-living crisis and the impact it will have on Camden residents. As we did during the pandemic, VAC is watching the situation closely and stands ready to support the local community during this difficult period. I recently attended a briefing on the issue hosted by Greater London Authority and heard how London-based charities and community organisations were stepping up their advice and support to tackle the crisis head-on. The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, as a result of spiralling inflation, increases in National Insurance and Council Tax, and the lifting of the energy price cap. The hub helps Londoners access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support.
The situation in Ukraine is also very concerning. Camden has a long history of providing sanctuary to people fleeing conflict from across the world, and the outpouring of compassion shown by the large number of Camden residents signing up to the Homes for Ukraine scheme is heart-warming. In partnership with London Borough of Camden, VAC is establishing a sense of the responses planned by the local community to the Ukraine Refugee crisis. We have hosted a discussion on the community response and will continue to provide a space for community organisations to hear and discuss what is happening at a statutory and community level. Click here to find out more.
We are also keen to hear about the ideas you and others might have, and how best to coordinate the responses. If you haven’t already please click the link here to complete a short survey about Ukrainian refugee response.

Renewing VAC Strategy

We are in the process of developing a new strategy and we want to develop it with the input of our key stakeholders including our members and strategic partners. As a CVS, there are elements to what VAC sets out to do, and how, that are non-negotiable. However, after coming out of what has been an exceptional period, and facing a mercurial future, it seems imperative that our strategic plan is informed by our key stakeholders. Over the coming weeks we will be asking our members and strategic partners to help us with:

  • Reflecting on what we have achieved and failed to achieve during the last three years
  • Understanding the impact of external factors on the context of our work
  • Reviewing how we frame the language around what we do and what we’ve achieved
  • Setting out our ambition and priorities for the next three years, and agreeing the values and behaviours needed to achieve them.

Please look out for an invitation from us to complete a short survey.
I hope you enjoyed reading my update as much as I enjoyed reflecting on my first few months. I look forward to sharing more about the work that VAC is doing in the next quarterly update.

Team Updates

Communications and Marketing

John Nellis, Communications Worker

I joined VAC as a part-time Communications Worker in September 2021 to help grow the VAC communications profile and implement our communications strategy. I’ve since taken over writing the weekly VAC newsletter upon the retirement of the CEO, Kevin Nunan, and have begun to use social media to promote VAC’s resources to the VCS community in Camden. We have been steadily growing our audience and are looking to increase the VAC membership. As my role becomes more embedded in the organisation, we hope to increase our abilities further with links to communications professionals within the VCS, increasing our capacity to support groups with communications and signposting to local events and opportunities, as well as promoting the successes of both VAC and our members,  our partners and wider Camden VCS.

If you are looking for some support in developing you communications, get in touch with VAC to see how we can help, or email me directly at social@vac.org.uk

Digital and IT

Alex Charles, IT and Digital Manager

The main focus of the last few months has been  a redesign of VAC’s Community Directories to improve overall the look and feel, whilst making it easier for groups to promote their services, and for service-users to search and connect with community-based services in Camden. We were delighted to launch our new Directory in January 2022, including a new Green Social Prescribing Directory to help residents and social prescribers connect with green activities in the borough. It’s been really interesting learning from the analytics about the types of services and activities users are searching for and how, using data, we can further develop and improve the Directories to meet the needs of our users.
We are applying a similar, iterative approach to our website, and using tools like Google Analytics and HotJar to understand how users are interacting with our website content. Our funding pages are particularly popular, enabling groups to search for the latest funding opportunities. We are also beginning to notice how our increased efforts around communications have started driving better engagement to our website and take up of our services. None of this would be possible without support from our excellent Website and Data Entry volunteer, Hasel Hooshiar.

If you are looking for support or advice on undertaking digital development or use of digital tools to support your work, get in touch with VAC to see how we can help, or email me directly at alexcharles@vac.org.uk

Keeping VAC information up to date

Hasel Hooshiar, Website and Data Entry Volunteer

Over the last quarter I’ve been adding the latest funding opportunities to VAC’s website, ensuring they have the correct tags and deadlines so that people can search for what they need accurately.  I’ve also spent my time helping to keep the details of organisations on VAC’s database and Community Directories up-to-date.  I’ve also been helping the staff to record their work on our internal Salesforce database so we have accurate stats to help monitor our work. My key focus over the next few months is ensuring the Directory and the funds are as useful as possible for Camden residents and organisations.

If you need any help adding or updating your details on our Directory, please get in touch with me at volunteer2@vac.org.uk.

Health Inequalities

Community Links Team: Donna Turnbull, Nasrin Rashid and Mandira Manandhar

Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service

During 2021/22 the Community Links team at VAC has increased the Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service offer to include a dedicated Green Social Prescribing offer via our new Directory, increased support from volunteers to encourage high intensity users of social prescribing to move into social and community activities, and a focus on exploring the type of activities that might benefit residents affected by Long Covid. Community Links still works closely with our emergency response collaborators Good Gym, Time to Spare and Volunteer Centre Camden who provide task-based volunteering support to residents. This includes shopping and chaperoning to health appointments.

The data and insights from social prescribing and health inequalities collaborations are shared with other VCSEs to develop activities through VAC’s core work. VAC is using the learning from all this work to develop a VCSE perspective in the emerging Integrated Care Partnership and System for Camden and North Central London (NCL).

Winter Resilience Programme
This can be seen in a recent project, delivered in partnership with Healthwatch Camden, Umoja and Life After Humus has illustrated the equalities issues for residents accessing health services, but also points to solutions that we have proposed to explore in a workshop with NCL commissioners. VAC is working with Camden neighbourhoods and with counterparts in the other 4 NCL boroughs to embed the voluntary sector in development and decision making in the health and care system. In parallel we are working with London Plus and National Academy for Social Prescribing to influence regional and national development of social prescribing and addressing health inequalities.

Long Covid
The Community Links Team have also been working on an 8-week pilot project with the UCLH long covid clinic. Referrals are directly from multiple disciplinary teams, and we have been assisting patients across Camden and neighbouring boroughs access social prescribing as a suitable intervention, to support with their recuperation from the effects of long covid. Community Links volunteers have been an integral part in the process, with helping identify as well as motivate with potential opportunities open to individuals in their local community.  Over the next few weeks, using data from referrals, we plan to start building a detailed picture of the impact of long Covid on Camden residents, and how the VCS is a vital player in supporting residents in Camden improve their health and well-being.

If you would like to find out more about VAC’s work on Health Inequalities and related projects, get in touch with either Donna Turnbull, Mandira Manandhar or Nasrin Rashid

Cultural Advocacy Project

Mandira Manandhar, Community Links Volunteer Coordinator and CAP Project Manager

You may not know already, but VAC runs a Cultural Advocacy Project (CAP), in partnership with Mind in Camden. The CAP supports and develops mental health projects with BME communities and groups to promote good mental health and well-being across communities. We were delighted to hear recently that we have secured funding for the project to continue for another year.

The project supports weekly peer support groups, individual support, workshops and wellbeing events to support people’s individual mental wellbeing. It provides practical help and support as well as opportunities to engage and connect with local activities/services to reduce isolation.
I deliver a peer support group and provide individual support to the members of Henna Women’s centre. Since our colleague, Zubair, left in February, a new well-being group in Rhyls School has been launched and the group is starting every week on Tuesday from next week.

We are currently working with Mind to plan out the key project deliverables for this coming year.

For more information on the CAP, or for advice and guidance on embedding health and well-being initiatives in your work,  get in touch with VAC to see how we can help, or email me directly at mmanandhar@vac.org.uk.

Fundraising Support to Groups

Ricky Singh, Building and Finance Administrator

Over the last few months I have been busy administrating the Google Grants scheme. This is a pot of funding to help community groups pay for premises or space to meet or deliver their activities. The grant enables small groups that do not have the funding to pay for the venue and would otherwise not be able to hold their event. This grant not only helps the groups,  but aims to help raise income for community based venues that have seen their booking income fall dramatically due to people working from home and less face-to-to face service delivery.
Currently we have supported 6 groups and 4 venues with pay-outs totalling nearly £2000, but we are looking to fund so much more so do check out the scheme on our website to see if we can assist. Whilst you’re there, check out our Community Champions grant to see if you can apply, or check our funding pages for other opportunities.

Other than the Google Grants scheme I have been supporting groups to search for funding opportunities using our Grantfinder Tool, as well as helping to keep the office and VAC finances in good shape.

For more information on fundraising or other capacity building support,  get in touch with VAC to see how we can help, or contact me directly at rsingh@vac.org.uk.

Safeguarding: Community Safeguarding Partnership Service (CSPS)

Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, Community Partnership Lead

Funded by the London Borough of Camden since 2006, the Community Safeguarding Partnership Service (CSPS) continues its work to support, encourage, and assist all voluntary, supplementary schools and faith groups, to deliver safe and effective services for children and young people in the borough.
My name is Dianne and since taking over the project’s delivery in April 2018, my work has evolved to include an extensive training portfolio for volunteers, paid workers, senior staff and trustees, a safeguarding podcast at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and delivery of both virtual and face-to-face sessions.
Unlike standard accredited safeguarding programmes, the project offers training tailored to the child protective needs of individual communities. Over the past six months sessions delivered have raised awareness of issues such as on domestic violence, abuse linked to faith, radicalisation and private fostering arrangements.
If you are an organisation, group or supplementary school delivering services to under 18’s from marginalised, black, Asian, micro ethnic, refugee or disadvantaged communities in Camden, the project is here for you. Look out for our upcoming virtual sessions in May and June on women and girls’ personal safety, safer recruitment for voluntary organisations and groups and an introduction to safeguarding for new volunteers.

For more information on any of the above please contact Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi at dogunyemi@vac.org.uk Monday – Wednesday.

Keeping our Finances on Track

Manuella Bunketi, Finance Manager

For the last quarter, I have been dealing with the day-to-day financial transactions; sending invoices to the funders, paying our suppliers, processing salaries for staff and dealing with finance matters. I have prepared the management accounts for the year that has just ended for the Board of Trustees and have started gathering information for 22-23 budget and CF Forecast
For the next few months, I am looking forward to finalising the budget and Cash flow forecast for the new financial year 22-23, preparing the financial statements for the year ended March 21-22, in relation with the Independent Examiner for the Companies House and Charity Commission, and looking after the everyday financial transactions and reports.

…and finally

We hope you’ve enjoyed our quarterly update from the Team at VAC. Stay tuned for our next quarterly update in a few months. In the meantime, our normal weekly bulletin will resume on the 13th May. If you have any items for the newsletter, please email social@vac.org.uk and take a look at the publishing criteria on our website.
You can also check our website for our latest training and events, as well as more details on our projects and services, including the latest grants for Room Hire and Community Champions Initiative.

We wish you all the best, from Keith & the VAC team: Alex, Dianne, Donna, Hasel, John, Mandira, Manuella, Nasrin and Ricky  and all the Trustees and Volunteers.

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 29th April 2022



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VAC Weekly Newsletter
29th April 2022

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources

Become a Member

                                                    VAC Membership
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.


In this week’s newsletter we spotlight the new Camden Community Vaccine Champion Project and a vacancy with VAC to manage the project. There is also a lot more about events and opportunities from around the Camden area.

                                         VAC services spotlight

Camden Community Vaccine Champion Project: VAC, in partnership with London Borough of Camden, Healthwatch Camden and C4, is pleased to announce the launch of a new fund to help tackle vaccine misinformation and encourage vaccine take up in Camden.

We are inviting individuals, organisations, and groups, including unincorporated associations from Camden, to design new and expand existing initiatives to encourage vaccine take up in the borough. This includes projects and events that seek to tackle misinformation and encourage vaccine take-up.

Learn more here

VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk

The Philological Foundation grants for individual students and state-funded schools
The Philological Foundation is a charity that has been making grants to individual students and state-funded schools in the London Borough of Camden and the City of Westminster since 1982.
Our aim is to help schools and young people whose families cannot provide them with financial support so that they can pursue educational and training opportunities.
To check eligibility and to apply, please click here

UK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
For more details please click here.

We Will Social Action Grant Fund
The Ormiston Trust is a grant giving trust that primarily supports schools and organisations that provide direct assistance to children, young people, and families across England. As a match funder awarding grants on the behalf of the #iwill Fund, the Ormiston Trust is offering open grants of up to £5,000 over a 9 to 12-month period to support the embedding of sustainable youth social action in schools.
Learn more and apply here

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Funding to Improve Temporary Accommodation Standards in London
Application Deadline: Tuesday 17 May 2022
Better Temporary Accommodation for Londoners is a strategic initiative funded by Trust for London and Oak Foundation that aims to strengthen the voice, connections and influence of people in Temporary Accommodation (TA) and ultimately to improve people’s experience of TA. The programme will run from 2022-25, with the first grants awarded in June 2022.
For more information, please click here

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here

NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

VAC Vacancy: Grants Manager (Community Champions Project)
Deadline for applications: 11 May 2022 at 23:59
Part time: 22.5hours
The Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) have awarded Camden with funding to reduce inequalities in the uptake of COVID vaccination in our communities. To achieve this objective VAC is partnering with London Borough of Camden, C4, and Healthwatch Camden to design and deliver a new Community Chest Grant programme worth £160,000. The Grants Manager will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of this new grants programme.
Apply here

Open call for proposals for free meanwhile premises in Kilburn
Deadline for proposals extended to 6th May
Camden Council and Transport for London are inviting proposals from organisations, social enterprises, start-ups, and others that have ideas to bring a vacant premises in Kilburn to life to the benefit of the neighbourhood.
More information can be found here

The Winch Annual General Meeting
Thursday 28th April: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Join us for an evening of reflection, celebration and community at the beautiful Belsize Community Library.
Hear from our community, our Board of Trustees and from neighbours and friends, as we reflect on our progress and plan for our future.
Sign up here

Link UP London
Link UP London provides access to Skilled Support to charities, social enterprises and community groups for free on a project-by-project basis.
We’re a small friendly organisation with ambitions to help communities across London by matching professionals to free skilled Volunteering roles with local charities and social good organisations.
Volunteers are all experts in their fields and have industry specific knowledge in areas of crucial importance to any charitable organisation’s development such as finance, legal, human resources, marketing, communications, data analysis, social media, and much more.
If you’re looking for bespoke Skilled Support to grow your organisations, we’d love to hear from you! You can book to chat here.
You can also learn more about Link UP and the work we’ve been doing through our website.

Community Health Event
Saturday 21 May 2022, 12pm-4pm
Location: Kilburn Grange Park, Kilburn, NW6 2JL
As part of our long-term health inequalities work, which includes a Mobile Community Health bus, Camden Council, in partnership with NHS colleagues from Brondesbury Medical Centre, are holding a Community Health event on Saturday 21st May at Kilburn Grange Park, 12pm-4pm.
This event will bring together and highlight all aspects of health which will include education, physical activity, NHS health checks, sexual health testing, dietician advice and many more to be confirmed.
It is an opportunity to bring people together to open up the conversation of health and wellbeing, something that has become even more important since the Covid19 pandemic.”

Clarion Futures Digital Grants Programme
Application deadline: 12 noon, Wednesday 18 May 2022
Round 10 of the Clarion Futures Digital Grants Programme is now open for applications.
Grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 will be available to organisations seeking to deliver innovative, well designed projects that support Clarion residents and the wider community to address digital exclusion.
For Round 10, applications must be submitted by 12 noon Wednesday 18 May 2022 via our dedicated Grants Portal FlexiGrant.
Please email grants@clarionhg.com with any questions.

Enter Camden’s Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition
Camden’s next Youth Safety Fortnight will be held this summer. Children and young people are invited to get involved by entering the 2022 Youth Safety Multi-Media Competition – in partnership with their youth centre, community centre or school.
The overall winner will receive a main prize of £500 for their youth or play organisation, community centre or school, plus vouchers for the young people participating.
The overall theme of Youth Safety Fortnight 2022 will be ‘Keeping Children and Young People in Camden Safe’. The focus this year will be on the following:
The Safety of Young Women and Girls. This includes staying and feeling safe in the home, in the community, and whilst travelling. It is important to consider the views and perspectives of all young people, regardless of gender identity, to widen conversations and understanding.
Youth Exploitation. What keeps young people safe from exploitation? How can young people steer away from crime and get involved in positive activities? What are the consequences of getting involved in crime and youth violence?
The purpose of the Multi-Media Competition, which is open to young people aged 10 to 18, is to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden and promote conversation. The competition is designed to encourage young people to come together and think about their concerns, aspirations and hopes for the future. Your project should focus on one or more of the elements mentioned in the themes above.
Entries should be emailed to youthsafety@camden.gov.uk by 5pm, Monday 6 June. For more details on the criteria for entries, please click here.

Google Community NGO Training Session
13 May 2022: 12:00 – 15:30
You are invited to the next Google Community NGO Training Session for local NGO community partners at the Kings Cross Office – Six Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG.
This is a Face to Face session, with an option to join virtually
Please reserve your space here

Culturally specific cookbook for Camden residents
Camden council, in partnership with our NHS colleagues are working on a culturally specific cookbook for residents of African and Caribbean heritage, who are at increasing risk of overweight and diabetes.
We recognise that literature around this very important and are keen to get your views to make sure the book is as relevant as possible.
Please complete the questionnaire which will take no longer than 3 minutes to complete. Your answers will be invaluable in helping prepare the cookbook.
To take part, please click here

Sadler’s Wells Ticket offer
Sadler’s Wells are offering £5 tickets for their double bill, Shades of Blue /Warrior Queens
The £5 tickets are for performances on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th May at 7.30pm.
To access the £5 tickets, book here and use the promocode WSBID5

Elfrida Rathbone Camden vacancy: Community Champions Project Co-ordinator
Closing date: Sunday 29 May. Full time position
The Community Champions Project Coordinator will work to engage and support vulnerable individuals, families and groups in the Kentish town area, by recruiting local people to volunteer as Community Champions. For more details and how to apply, please click here

SHP looking for Peer Mentor Volunteers
Applications deadline: 5pm, Friday 6th May
SHP is looking for Peer Mentor Volunteers to join our growing team!
SHP Peer Mentors use their lived experiences of substance use recovery, mental health problems, homelessness, or the criminal justice system to inspire, motivate and support others to make positive changes in their lives.
You can watch a series of short videos by Peer Mentor Sarah talking about her volunteering experience.
For full details of the training and volunteering opportunities please email peermentoring@shp.org.uk to request an application pack

Training Link vacancy: Operations Manager
Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 16 May 2022
Part-time (7 hours per week)
Training Link is a local charity providing basic skills training to help people find work. We are based in Somers Town near the British Library.
We are looking for a part-time Operations Manager to help develop our courses through outreach work and look at new opportunities. The postholder will also support our small staff team and follow up with learners who have completed courses.
For a full-job description, person specification and application form please email director@traininglink.org.uk
For an informal discussion about the post please phone Peter Lush on 07973-845285.

The Kids Network: Volunteering Opportunity
The Kids Network are looking for committed, fun and passionate volunteers who live or work in Camden to make a real difference to the children of London. Their year long mentoring programme supports children with their social and emotional development before they transition into secondary school.
As a mentor, through weekly 1-3 hour sessions, you would:
Help build confidence, resilience and curiosity through child centred, activity-based mentoring.
Experience London through the eyes of a child and make a real impact in your local area.
Build a peer network with fellow mentors, who come from all walks of life, to share your experiences and learn from one another.
Apply here
If you know a child that would benefit from having a mentor, please e-mail Flick f.tennant@thekidsnetwork.org.uk

Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up)
Charity Tax Group
Dragon Hall Newsletter



VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

VCS Ukraine Support Survey
In conjunction with Camden Council, Voluntary Action Camden are in the process of collecting as much information as possible on the capacity of local independent services that can support Ukrainian nationals settling in Camden.
This includes support for urgent and immediate needs, such as links to language communities or counselling support.
If you and your organisation is in a position to support this work, please fill in this short online survey.

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks.

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/

London Health Creation Spring Festival
Thursday 5th May 9:00-1:00pm
London Health Creation Spring Festival is a virtual festival, led by NE London, and open to everyone working in health and social care across London, with speakers and discussion coming live from the Bromley by Bow Centre
Influence the future as we come through the pandemic:
The programme includes discussion on: fairer systems and healthier places; restoring trust; moving from trauma to healing; kindness; gratitude; relational leadership; commissioning compassionate care; overcoming racism and exclusion; losing the primary/secondary care interface; inclusion health; prescribing clean air and examples of health creation in action!
Regenerating ourselves, our systems, our world.
For easy access and registration, please click here

NHS Big Conversation for Improvement
The NHS Big Conversation for Improvement is taking place on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May 2022. It is a fully virtual (online) space and is open to everyone at no cost to join. You simply need to register in advance.
The Big Conversation will bring people together for a range of interactive discussions, workshops and presentations, giving a space for people to talk through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, explore continuous improvement opportunities and share fresh insights and ideas on how to promote the improvement of health and care for the benefit of everyone, those who experience services and those who provide them.

Euston Community Engagement Advisor role at Euston with Lendlease.
Application deadline: 2nd May
The candidate would work directly with the Euston Project’s Socio-Economic Development Manager and they welcome applicants from the local community.
For more information, please click here

Street Storage Volunteer Vacancy: Marketing Volunteer
Street Storage – the only UK charity providing storage for people experiencing homelessness – is growing fast and looking for a Marketing Volunteer. This role can be done remotely or at our Hackney offices and will be approx. 2-4 hours a week. It will focus mainly on website improvement, creating and managing social media content and general branding development.
We have a more detailed role description and are keen to hear from anyone with the relevant skills and time! For more information please email rachel.woolf@streetstorage.org

Umoja Health Forum looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers
Umoja Health Forum is a voluntary organisation which leads thirteen small African organisations from Sub – Saharan Africa, providing health and social care, addressing both physical and mental health.
We are looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers for different projects, which involve planning a variety of weekly activities for local residents.
These include promoting and delivering projects, recruiting local residents, general managing, monitoring and reporting on project work.
All volunteer travel and expenses paid.
Interested candidates should email Umoja at: umojahealthforum54@gmail.com or call Chikwaba Oduka on 07970418893, to express their interest or find out more.

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here

Chancellor’s Spring Statement impact on charity sector
Following the Spring Statement from the Chancellor, Pro Bono Economics has released its same-day analysis, looking at the challenges that lie ahead for households accessing charities’ services, estimating the impact on charity finances and the sector’s ability to meet increasing need.
To read the full analysis, please click here

Food insecurity blog series from London Plus: The cost of living & food banks
This blog series from London Plus explores the current cost of living crisis, why this has led to an increase in food bank usage, and the role & capacity of food banks to support Londoners.
Read more here

Google Analytics Update: What this means for charities and other voluntary and community groups
Google has announced that they’re turning off their Universal Analytics Platform next year, replacing it with Google Analytics 4. VOSCUR have written a great blog on what this means for charities and other voluntary and community groups. Read more here.

Have your say in improving stop smoking services in Camden
Camden and Islington Public Health have launched an easy-read survey to hear from residents and service users on current stop smoking services and future needs.
We would like to hear from people who smoke or used to smoke about what support they might want or need to help them stop smoking and what worked for them in the past.
Participants will be entered in a prize draw to win a £50 shopping voucher. The survey will close on Friday 29 April.
Please complete the survey here and/or share with relevant contacts.

Help with the cost of living
The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, as a result of spiralling inflation, increases in National Insurance and Council Tax, and the lifting of the energy price cap. The hub helps Londoners access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support.
To learn more and apply, please click here

Camden Giving Equality Fund: Open for expressions of interest
The Camden Giving Equality Fund 2022 will provide flexible funding to small charities and social enterprises who are actively bringing together people from different backgrounds to create communities. A panel of 12 Camden residents will award 2 year grants of £30,000 in June 2022 and welcome your expression of interest.

Volunteer Centre Camden update
Since 2019 Volunteer Centre Camden is encouraging people who live and work in Camden to be Participactive, through carrying out acts of participation, volunteering or social action to support the community.
Looking to recruit volunteers?
It’s quick and easy to advertise a volunteering role. Simply add it to our online database Simply Connect which is free to use, completely self-service and quick & easy to get started.
Looking to volunteer in Camden?
You can search for a volunteering role 24/7 via Simply Connect on our website, which is entirely self serve and gives you direct contact with the organisations recruiting volunteers.
Alternatively, find out when you can come and see us by checking out the Events page on our website.
DBS Workshop for Volunteer Managers:
Got questions about DBS checks for volunteers? Join us on Tuesday 10th May, 2-3pm for a free online workshop with Kiran Rehal (DBS Regional Outreach Advisor for Greater London). She will explain the purpose of the DBS and how it plays a part in safer recruitment. Book your free place here

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden
Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Twitter Twitter

Website Website

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Watch a short video about our work!


Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin – 15th April 2022


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VAC Weekly Newsletter
15th April 2022

News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources

Become a Member

                                                    VAC Membership
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.


In this week’s newsletter we spotlight our new Ukraine Response resource page on the VAC website, plus information on the impact of the Chancellor’s Spring Statement on the sector, the London Health Creation Spring Festival and much more from the local area.

Please note that we will be unable to send out a newsletter next week

                                         VAC services spotlight

Camden Ukraine Response: We have complied a list of resources on our website for all Camden residents and voluntary and community groups would would like to assist with the Ukraine Crisis and response efforts.

Click here for the latest updates.

VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.ukThe Philological Foundation grants for individual students and state-funded schools
The Philological Foundation is a charity that has been making grants to individual students and state-funded schools in the London Borough of Camden and the City of Westminster since 1982.
Our aim is to help schools and young people whose families cannot provide them with financial support so that they can pursue educational and training opportunities.
To check eligibility and to apply, please click hereUK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
For more details please click here.

We Will Social Action Grant Fund
The Ormiston Trust is a grant giving trust that primarily supports schools and organisations that provide direct assistance to children, young people, and families across England. As a match funder awarding grants on the behalf of the #iwill Fund, the Ormiston Trust is offering open grants of up to £5,000 over a 9 to 12-month period to support the embedding of sustainable youth social action in schools.
Learn more and apply here

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

National Lottery Community Fund Invites Dialogue on Future Community Support
Rolling deadline
The Bringing People Together funding can support projects that will build stronger connections across communities, and improve the infrastructure and conditions that are needed to strengthen these connections.
For more details please click here.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here

NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

VCS Ukraine Support Survey
In conjunction with Camden Council, Voluntary Action Camden are in the process of collecting as much information as possible on the capacity of local independent services that can support Ukrainian nationals settling in Camden.
This includes support for urgent and immediate needs, such as links to language communities or counselling support.
If you and your organisation is in a position to support this work, please fill in this short online survey.Chancellor’s Spring Statement impact on charity sector
Following the Spring Statement from the Chancellor, Pro Bono Economics has released its same-day analysis, looking at the challenges that lie ahead for households accessing charities’ services, estimating the impact on charity finances and the sector’s ability to meet increasing need.
To read the full analysis, please click hereLondon Health Creation Spring Festival
Thursday 5th May 9:00-1:00pm
London Health Creation Spring Festival is a virtual festival, led by NE London, and open to everyone working in health and social care across London, with speakers and discussion coming live from the Bromley by Bow Centre
Influence the future as we come through the pandemic:
The programme includes discussion on: fairer systems and healthier places; restoring trust; moving from trauma to healing; kindness; gratitude; relational leadership; commissioning compassionate care; overcoming racism and exclusion; losing the primary/secondary care interface; inclusion health; prescribing clean air and examples of health creation in action!
Regenerating ourselves, our systems, our world.
For easy access and registration, please click here

Food insecurity blog series from London Plus: The cost of living & food banks
This blog series from London Plus explores the current cost of living crisis, why this has led to an increase in food bank usage, and the role & capacity of food banks to support Londoners.
Read more here

Google Analytics Update: What this means for charities and other voluntary and community groups
Google has announced that they’re turning off their Universal Analytics Platform next year, replacing it with Google Analytics 4. VOSCUR have written a great blog on what this means for charities and other voluntary and community groups. Read more here.

Have your say in improving stop smoking services in Camden
Camden and Islington Public Health have launched an easy-read survey to hear from residents and service users on current stop smoking services and future needs.
We would like to hear from people who smoke or used to smoke about what support they might want or need to help them stop smoking and what worked for them in the past.
Participants will be entered in a prize draw to win a £50 shopping voucher. The survey will close on Friday 29 April.
Please complete the survey here and/or share with relevant contacts.

Camden Coproduction Network Meeting
10-11am on Thursday 28 April 2022
Fulfilling Lives Islington and Camden (FLIC) Co-Production + Multiple Disadvantage:
FLIC is an 8 Year Lottery funded programme ending May 2022. FLIC supports people experiencing multiple disadvantages to affect system change and improve the experience and outcomes for people accessing services.
Learn more and register here
If you have any questions, please email Michael at Camden’s Participation Team  Participation@Camden.gov.uk or Bex (FLIC Co-Production Lead + co-facilitator) boldham@shp.org.uk

Ticket offer from The Kiln Theatre
The Kiln Theatre have allocated some £10 and £15 tickets for their 5 Star rated Black Love.
These £10 and £15 tickets are available for all 2.30pm and 7.30pm performances until Saturday 23 April.
To book please call the Box Office on 020 7328 1000 or go online and use the promocode BID.

Euston Community Engagement Advisor role at Euston with Lendlease.
Application deadline: 2nd May
The candidate would work directly with the Euston Project’s Socio-Economic Development Manager and they welcome applicants from the local community.
For more information, please click here

QCCA Vacancy: Youth Services Manager
Applicaton deadline: Tuesday 19th April at 23.59.
QCCA is recruiting for a new youth services manager. It’s a great opportunity to run one of Camden’s largest youth services and have a voice as part of the charity’s senior management team.
Interviews will take place between 9am-6pm on 21st and 22nd April.
Read a full job description here, or email abdul@qcca.org.uk

Street Storage Volunteer Vacancy: Marketing Volunteer
Street Storage – the only UK charity providing storage for people experiencing homelessness – is growing fast and looking for a Marketing Volunteer. This role can be done remotely or at our Hackney offices and will be approx. 2-4 hours a week. It will focus mainly on website improvement, creating and managing social media content and general branding development.
We have a more detailed role description and are keen to hear from anyone with the relevant skills and time! For more information please email rachel.woolf@streetstorage.org

Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up)
Charity Tax Group
Dragon Hall Newsletter


VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info.

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks.

Voluntary Action Forum 16th March: Community Vaccine Champions Project and Benchmarking Community Building Services
VAC’s most recent forum took place on 16th March where we discussed a new local project sponsored by the Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) to reduce inequalities in the uptake of COVID vaccination in Camden.
Hear about the various different activities planned as part of this project, including a new grant programme for organisations, unregistered groups, and local residents. This session was recorded, find out more here

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/

Community Buildings and the Law
If you have responsibility for safety, and you manage a building which is used by members of the pubic, you will be welcome to attend a lunchtime seminar on the essential safety standards in community buildings on the 28th April 12-2pm. This will cover essential regulations you need to know and comply with, roles and responsibilities in delegating safety, record keeping and evidence.
Please can you sign up to the course here, to receive the Zoom link, and please say a bit about who will be coming.
This is an introductory course – if follow up is required please say at the meeting. Course is delivered by the Ethical Property Foundation for Camden Council. Further courses are coming up soon, please use the same link to book on to them too.Locality Workshops
Locality would like to invite you to a series of impact workshops and mini clinics over the next two months. Each will feature different perspectives on measuring the social impact of your work with an interactive workshop.
Mental Health & Wellbeing / Healthy Place, Healthy weight
21 April 2pm – 3.30pm
Book now
New Deal for Young People
5 May 2pm – 3.30pm
Book now
Good work for all Londoners
25 May 2pm – 3:30pm
Book now
The events are free of charge – funded by City Bridge Trust.
We have a limited number of places for 1-1 mini clinics available. Please contact us if you are interested.
You can sign-up to our Spotlight mailing list here.Castlehaven Community Association upcoming activities
Free Easter Holiday Activities for 8-13 year-olds
Castlehaven Community Association has designed a fantastic programme of activities to engage 8-13 yr olds and beat the holiday boredom.
We’ve got activities for every child to enjoy, from gardening to cooking, martial arts to football, drama to chess. Find out more here and email selina@castlehaven.org.uk to sign-up

Camden4Community GrantFinder Update events
Camden 4 Community funding kit is a database of local, regional, national and international funding opportunities portal. You can register for access to the fully searchable database and to set up a regular bulletin, personalised to relevant search criteria.  This event will provide knowledge on what’s new on the portal and how to customise it to receive relevant funding opportunities to your mailbox.
If you already use Camden 4 Community portal, this session will show you what’s new as the user interface is changing soon.
If you never used Camden 4 Community, this session will show you how to register and use the portal.
We are running two one-hour session on the 21st April, please let us know which one you would prefer to attend. To register, please click on your preferred link below.
10am -21st April
2pm – 21st April

NHS Big Conversation for Improvement
The NHS Big Conversation for Improvement is taking place on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May 2022. It is a fully virtual (online) space and is open to everyone at no cost to join. You simply need to register in advance.
The Big Conversation will bring people together for a range of interactive discussions, workshops and presentations, giving a space for people to talk through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, explore continuous improvement opportunities and share fresh insights and ideas on how to promote the improvement of health and care for the benefit of everyone, those who experience services and those who provide them.

Google Careers Training Event for Youth Orgs
21st April 2022, 12:30 – 16:00
Google is hosting a careers workshop for young people (Recommended age: 15+ years ) at their offices in Tottenham Court Road (1 – 13 St Giles High St, London WC2H 8AG). The first session will be with a Google trainer, who will help young people develop essential soft skills needed in work today, followed by a Q&A with Google staffers from across the business – from social media to business analysts. For more information, email riqbal@google.com.
Please note: To join the session, youth organisations will need to send supervising adults to accompany the young people attending. Please fill in this form as spaces are limited.

Volunteering Partnerships Coordinator job at UCL
Deadline 18/04/2022 at 11.59
We’re on the lookout for a full-time Volunteering Partnerships Coordinator (starting salary £29,802 per annum) to join our well-established Partnerships team in the Volunteering Service. The Volunteering Partnerships Coordinator is responsible for supporting our internal and external partnerships with colleagues across Students’ Union UCL, UCL and the Third Sector.
We’re looking for candidates who’d be able to coordinate our service’s marketing and comms activities, maintain and develop relationships with our stakeholders and oversee our flagship service events.
You’ll be joining a close-knit team of professionals on a permanent basis – with an excellent benefits package and good career development opportunities.
To apply please click hereNorth London Cares Vacancy: Part Time Outreach Officer (0.5)
Application deadline: 5pm on Tuesday 19th April 2022
We’re excited to be looking for a new Outreach and Engagement Officer to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will work closely with our Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator and our Social Clubs and Love Your Neighbour teams to support older neighbours to join and remain active in our programmes.
For more information and apply, please click hereLatin American House vacancy: Finance Officer OR Finance Manager (depending on experience and qualifications).
Deadline for Applications: Sunday 24th April 2022 at 23:59
The ideal candidate will be responsible for all financial matters at the organisation, including (but not limited to): financial planning and management, accounting, payroll, and fundraising.
To apply or get more information please click here

forum+ is hiring
Local LGBT+ charity forum+ is seeking a Community Engagement Officer. This exciting and highly rewarding new role will be an opportunity to support LGBT residents across Camden and Islington. Community conversations and consultations inform the work of forum+ and the charity are seeking someone who will actively pursue tasks, research and create workshops that will generate community insights and understanding of community expectations, needs and interests.
If you are interested in joining the forum+ team, please email info@forumplus.org.uk. For more information please click here

Umoja Health Forum looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers
Umoja Health Forum is a voluntary organisation which leads thirteen small African organisations from Sub – Saharan Africa, providing health and social care, addressing both physical and mental health.
We are looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers for different projects, which involve planning a variety of weekly activities for local residents.
These include promoting and delivering projects, recruiting local residents, general managing, monitoring and reporting on project work.
All volunteer travel and expenses paid.
Interested candidates should email Umoja at: umojahealthforum54@gmail.com or call Chikwaba Oduka on 07970418893, to express their interest or find out more.

Clean Break Theatre recruiting for female volunteers
Clean Break Theatre, based in Kentish Town, is currently recruiting for female volunteers. These include:
Female Catering one day a week either on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday 10-2.30pmFemale Gardeners Flexible, part-time.  Hours are on a flexible basis but would be approximately 6-8 hours a month
For further information please contact:

Love your Neighbour full time Programme Coordinator
Application deadline:  5pm Monday 18th April
North London Cares started in 2011 and currently supports a community network of over 1800 older (65+) and younger neighbours (18+) in Camden and Islington, through our Social Clubs and our friendship matching programme: Love your Neighbour. The role is office based with some remote working, visits will take place across Islington. There are flexible working hours and a Staff counselling service
For more Information please click here or contact hello@northlondoncares.org.uk

Henna Asian Women’s group recruiting x2 Project Support Workers.
Deadline Monday 22nd April 2022, by 5pm.
12 months contract with possibility of extension, depending on funding.
Henna Asian Women’s Group is looking for Individuals, who are quick learners and can take their own initiative. The right candidates will have the admin skills to support the manager to provide an excellent service to women, especially to older women. This role will require you to be supportive and understanding and be able to deal with any issues that may arise confidently.
For more information and an application form please email info@hennaorg.co.uk

Latin American House vacancy
Early Years Practitioner to join the team at Menchú Bilingual Nursery.
Deadline for applications: Saturday 30th April 2022
The post holder must possess CACHE or NVQ Level 2 or above
qualification in Childcare Education. It will not be necessary to speak Spanish, although it is desirable.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here

Help with the cost of living
The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, as a result of spiralling inflation, increases in National Insurance and Council Tax, and the lifting of the energy price cap. The hub helps Londoners access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support.
To learn more and apply, please click hereOpen call for premises proposals
Camden Council and Transport for London are inviting proposals from organisations, social enterprises, start-ups, and others that have ideas to bring a vacant premises in Kilburn to life to the benefit of the neighbourhood.
Interested people are asked write a proposal that responds to the project criteria and Camden Council’s Future High Streets Prospectus.
Find out more and submit a proposal via the Camden Council website.
The deadline for proposals is 29th April 2022.Ticket offer from Sadler’s Wells
For their Family Weekend show The Lost Family Ending by balletLORIENT
The £9 tickets are for performances on:
Fri 15 April: 3pm
Sat 16 April: 11am
Sat 16 April: 3pm
To book your £9 tickets click here and use the promocode TLHE9.

Camden Giving Equality Fund: Open for expressions of interest
The Camden Giving Equality Fund 2022 will provide flexible funding to small charities and social enterprises who are actively bringing together people from different backgrounds to create communities. A panel of 12 Camden residents will award 2 year grants of £30,000 in June 2022 and welcome your expression of interest.

Volunteer Centre Camden update
Since 2019 Volunteer Centre Camden is encouraging people who live and work in Camden to be Participactive, through carrying out acts of participation, volunteering or social action to support the community.
Looking to recruit volunteers?
It’s quick and easy to advertise a volunteering role. Simply add it to our online database Simply Connect which is free to use, completely self-service and quick & easy to get started.
Looking to volunteer in Camden?
You can search for a volunteering role 24/7 via Simply Connect on our website, which is entirely self serve and gives you direct contact with the organisations recruiting volunteers.
Alternatively, find out when you can come and see us by checking out the Events page on our website.
DBS Workshop for Volunteer Managers:
Got questions about DBS checks for volunteers? Join us on Tuesday 10th May, 2-3pm for a free online workshop with Kiran Rehal (DBS Regional Outreach Advisor for Greater London). She will explain the purpose of the DBS and how it plays a part in safer recruitment. Book your free place here

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden
Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.

Got an item for the e-bulletin?

Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.

Ways to Get Involved

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Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.

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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB

Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 8th April 22

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
8th April 2022
News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources
Become a Member
                                                    VAC Membership
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.
In this week’s newsletter look out for more information on Camden’s continued Ukraine response, including a reminder to fill in the VCS support survey. There is also information on a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, and more.
                                         VAC services spotlight
Social Prescribing: VAC works in partnership with the North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group to develop social prescribing approaches in Camden.

If you are aged 18 or over and live in Camden and are in need of support, we can help connect you to activities, services and other opportunities to help improve your health and wellbeing. 

The Care Navigation and Social Prescribing Service aims to prevent ill health, improve health and wellbeing, and improve how your care is coordinated to help you remain independent, particularly if you are living with a long-term health condition.

Learn more here
VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.  
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk 

UK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
Please click here for more details.

We Will Social Action Grant Fund
The Ormiston Trust is a grant giving trust that primarily supports schools and organisations that provide direct assistance to children, young people, and families across England. As a match funder awarding grants on the behalf of the #iwill Fund, the Ormiston Trust is offering open grants of up to £5,000 over a 9 to 12-month period to support the embedding of sustainable youth social action in schools. 
Learn more and apply here

Arnold Clark Community Fund Reopens for Spring 2022 Round
The Arnold Clark Community Fund is open to all UK-registered charities and local community groups who fall into the eligibility criteria. The fund is also open to community interest companies, charitable incorporated organisations and social enterprises.
Successful applicants will receive up to £1,000 in financial aid.
Please click here for more details

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Funding to Equip Disadvantaged People with Communication Skills for Employment
Application Deadline: 2nd May 2022
Grants of up to £5,000 will support a project or running costs for a charity that equips disadvantaged people (aged 18 and over) with the communication skills ready for employment.
To learn more, please click here

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here


NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

Camden Council’s Community Partnerships Team Ukraine Response update
Since the Ukrainian Resettlement Community Response Meeting, held on 15th March, The Community Partnerships Team have been working with a range of partners to develop Camden’s response – below are the outlines of some key follow-up initiatives.
Arrival Reception and Rest Centre:
An arrival reception and rest centre for people arriving into the UK via St Pancras Station has now been set up. The response included support from Little Village (who provided immediate provisions for households with babies and young children), Urban Community Projects (who provided snacks and refreshments for onward travel) and volunteers who have been providing Ukrainian and Russian language support. There are ongoing meetings with a core group of VCS organisations working in and around St Pancras to develop and refine the support offered.
Ukrainian Nationals Arriving and Settling into Camden
Details on the Homes for Ukraine scheme and matching process are still being developed by central government. Camden Council will have a role in undertaking safeguarding checks and home visits to assess the appropriateness of accommodation, and an ongoing responsibility in terms of the provision of statutory services for those who settle in Camden.  
We are working to develop a welcome pack and information pack for Ukrainian nationals settling in the borough and their hosts. This guidance will include information about the immediate steps that people will need to take on arrival into the UK, it will also include information about Camden’s wider community offer.  
VCS Support Survey
We’d like this guide to include information about local independent services that can support Ukrainian nationals settling in Camden with urgent and immediate needs such as links to language communities or counselling support. We’re working with Voluntary Action Camden to ask you to provide some information in this short online survey.
Some of our key local issues are to encourage groups and individuals to sign up for the Homes for Ukraine campaign, to support and promote public giving locally – such as the Equality Fund for Refugees from Camden Giving, and internationally – such as the Disasters Emergency Committee campaign.
We also need to promote the donation of medical and humanitarian items which are being collected at points across London, and encourage Ukrainian and Russian speakers to support the welcome team at the arrival points. Fluent speakers wishing to register interest can do so at ‘Help support new arrivals from Ukraine’ here 

Help with the cost of living
The Mayor of London has launched a new Cost of Living Hub for Londoners facing financial hardship, as a result of spiralling inflation, increases in National Insurance and Council Tax, and the lifting of the energy price cap. The hub helps Londoners access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support.
To learn more and apply, please click here 

Open call for premises proposals
Camden Council and Transport for London are inviting proposals from organisations, social enterprises, start-ups, and others that have ideas to bring a vacant premises in Kilburn to life to the benefit of the neighbourhood.
Interested people are asked write a proposal that responds to the project criteria and Camden Council’s Future High Streets Prospectus.
Find out more and submit a proposal via the Camden Council website.
The deadline for proposals is 29th April 2022.

Community Buildings and the Law
If you have responsibility for safety, and you manage a building which is used by members of the pubic, you will be welcome to attend a lunchtime seminar on the essential safety standards in community buildings on the 28th April 12-2pm. This will cover essential regulations you need to know and comply with, roles and responsibilities in delegating safety, record keeping and evidence.
Please can you sign up to the course here, to receive the Zoom link, and please say a bit about who will be coming.
This is an introductory course – if follow up is required please say at the meeting. Course is delivered by the Ethical Property Foundation for Camden Council. Further courses are coming up soon, please use the same link to book on to them too.

Locality Workshops
Locality would like to invite you to a series of impact workshops and mini clinics over the next two months. Each will feature different perspectives on measuring the social impact of your work with an interactive workshop.
Mental Health & Wellbeing / Healthy Place, Healthy weight
21 April 2pm – 3.30pm
Book now
New Deal for Young People
5 May 2pm – 3.30pm
Book now
Good work for all Londoners
25 May 2pm – 3:30pm
Book now
The events are free of charge – funded by City Bridge Trust.
We have a limited number of places for 1-1 mini clinics available. Please contact us if you are interested.
You can sign-up to our Spotlight mailing list here.

Castlehaven Community Association upcoming activities
Free Easter Holiday Activities for 8-13 year-olds
Castlehaven Community Association has designed a fantastic programme of activities to engage 8-13 yr olds and beat the holiday boredom.
We’ve got activities for every child to enjoy, from gardening to cooking, martial arts to football, drama to chess. Find out more here and email selina@castlehaven.org.uk to sign-up
Zen in mind: a day-long celebration of wellbeing
In honour of Stress Awareness Month, Mind in Camden will be running a day-long wellbeing celebration outside the Castlehaven Community Centre. Drop-in from 11am on the 14th of April to relax, unwind & enjoy free guided meditation, breathwork and sound healing in The Zen Project’s bus. For more information, please click here

Ticket offer from Sadler’s Wells
For their Family Weekend show The Lost Family Ending by balletLORIENT
The £9 tickets are for performances on:
Fri 15 April: 3pm
Sat 16 April: 11am
Sat 16 April: 3pm
To book your £9 tickets click here and use the promocode TLHE9.

Volunteering Partnerships Coordinator job at UCL
Deadline 18/04/2022 at 11.59
We’re on the lookout for a full-time Volunteering Partnerships Coordinator (starting salary £29,802 per annum) to join our well-established Partnerships team in the Volunteering Service. The Volunteering Partnerships Coordinator is responsible for supporting our internal and external partnerships with colleagues across Students’ Union UCL, UCL and the Third Sector. 
We’re looking for candidates who’d be able to coordinate our service’s marketing and comms activities, maintain and develop relationships with our stakeholders and oversee our flagship service events.
You’ll be joining a close-knit team of professionals on a permanent basis – with an excellent benefits package and good career development opportunities.
To apply please click here

North London Cares Vacancy: Part Time Outreach Officer (0.5)
Application deadline: 5pm on Tuesday 19th April 2022
We’re excited to be looking for a new Outreach and Engagement Officer to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will work closely with our Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator and our Social Clubs and Love Your Neighbour teams to support older neighbours to join and remain active in our programmes.
For more information and apply, please click here

Latin American House vacancy: Finance Officer OR Finance Manager (depending on experience and qualifications).
Deadline for Applications: Sunday 24th April 2022 at 23:59
The ideal candidate will be responsible for all financial matters at the organisation, including (but not limited to): financial planning and management, accounting, payroll, and fundraising. 
To apply or get more information please click here

forum+ is hiring
Local LGBT+ charity forum+ is seeking a Community Engagement Officer. This exciting and highly rewarding new role will be an opportunity to support LGBT residents across Camden and Islington. Community conversations and consultations inform the work of forum+ and the charity are seeking someone who will actively pursue tasks, research and create workshops that will generate community insights and understanding of community expectations, needs and interests.
If you are interested in joining the forum+ team, please email info@forumplus.org.uk. For more information please click here
Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up) 
Charity Tax Group 
Dragon Hall Newsletter



VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info. 

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks

Voluntary Action Forum 16th March: Community Vaccine Champions Project and Benchmarking Community Building Services
VAC’s most recent forum took place on 16th March where we discussed a new local project sponsored by the Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) to reduce inequalities in the uptake of COVID vaccination in Camden.
Hear about the various different activities planned as part of this project, including a new grant programme for organisations, unregistered groups, and local residents. This session was recorded, find out more here 

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/
WEP Is Closing
It is with huge regret that we have to announce that West Euston Project (formerly West Euston Partnership) has closed. Our organisation was established in 1992. We are very proud of the services that we offered to Camden residents since our inception. Sadly, we have been unable to survive in these financially challenging times.  We would like to send our heartfelt thanks everyone that has engaged with our organisation over the last three decades.

Camden4Community GrantFinder Update events
Camden 4 Community funding kit is a database of local, regional, national and international funding opportunities portal. You can register for access to the fully searchable database and to set up a regular bulletin, personalised to relevant search criteria.  This event will provide knowledge on what’s new on the portal and how to customise it to receive relevant funding opportunities to your mailbox.
If you already use Camden 4 Community portal, this session will show you what’s new as the user interface is changing soon.
If you never used Camden 4 Community, this session will show you how to register and use the portal.
We are running two one-hour session on the 21st April, please let us know which one you would prefer to attend. To register, please click on your preferred link below.
10am -21st April
2pm – 21st April

NHS Big Conversation for Improvement
The NHS Big Conversation for Improvement is taking place on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May 2022. It is a fully virtual (online) space and is open to everyone at no cost to join. You simply need to register in advance.
The Big Conversation will bring people together for a range of interactive discussions, workshops and presentations, giving a space for people to talk through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, explore continuous improvement opportunities and share fresh insights and ideas on how to promote the improvement of health and care for the benefit of everyone, those who experience services and those who provide them.

Google Careers Training Event for Youth Orgs
21st April 2022, 12:30 – 16:00
Google is hosting a careers workshop for young people (Recommended age: 15+ years ) at their offices in Tottenham Court Road (1 – 13 St Giles High St, London WC2H 8AG). The first session will be with a Google trainer, who will help young people develop essential soft skills needed in work today, followed by a Q&A with Google staffers from across the business – from social media to business analysts. For more information, email riqbal@google.com.
Please note: To join the session, youth organisations will need to send supervising adults to accompany the young people attending. Please fill in this form as spaces are limited.

The Zen Project and Mind in Camden present the launch of monthly mental health festivals in Camden.
Thursday April 14th, 11-4pm – Castlehaven Community centre.
The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you the first of a series of monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. Open to all and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more. Climb on board our big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety. We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up. More information here.

Cervical screening campaign
In April, the NHS will have teams of healthcare professionals and volunteers sharing information with women and people with a cervix about how, where and why to get a cervical screening – a free test that helps to prevent cervical cancer.
If you’d like a healthcare professional to come along and talk about cervical screenings at events happening in April, please contact Patricia Macauley, Director of MMC (Multi Cultural Marketing Consultancy), who is working with the NHS. Email Patricia at patricia@mmc-uk.co.uk or call 07932709312.

London Funders webinars
In March & April, London Funders are hosting 3 webinars to mark 2 years since lockdown 1 began.
For more details on session 2 please click here

Umoja Health Forum looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers
Umoja Health Forum is a voluntary organisation which leads thirteen small African organisations from Sub – Saharan Africa, providing health and social care, addressing both physical and mental health.
We are looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers for different projects, which involve planning a variety of weekly activities for local residents.
These include promoting and delivering projects, recruiting local residents, general managing, monitoring and reporting on project work.
All volunteer travel and expenses paid.
Interested candidates should email Umoja at: umojahealthforum54@gmail.com or call Chikwaba Oduka on 07970418893, to express their interest or find out more.

Clean Break Theatre recruiting for female volunteers
Clean Break Theatre, based in Kentish Town, is currently recruiting for female volunteers. These include:
Female Catering one day a week either on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday 10-2.30pmFemale Gardeners Flexible, part-time.  Hours are on a flexible basis but would be approximately 6-8 hours a month
For further information please contact:

Love your Neighbour full time Programme Coordinator
Application deadline:  5pm Monday 18th April
North London Cares started in 2011 and currently supports a community network of over 1800 older (65+) and younger neighbours (18+) in Camden and Islington, through our Social Clubs and our friendship matching programme: Love your Neighbour. The role is office based with some remote working, visits will take place across Islington. There are flexible working hours and a Staff counselling service
For more Information please click here or contact hello@northlondoncares.org.uk

Henna Asian Women’s group recruiting x2 Project Support Workers.
Deadline Monday 22nd April 2022, by 5pm.
12 months contract with possibility of extension, depending on funding.
Henna Asian Women’s Group is looking for Individuals, who are quick learners and can take their own initiative. The right candidates will have the admin skills to support the manager to provide an excellent service to women, especially to older women. This role will require you to be supportive and understanding and be able to deal with any issues that may arise confidently.
For more information and an application form please email info@hennaorg.co.uk

Coram’s Fields OSC vacancies
Hours: 20hrs p/w term-time / 35hrs p/w during school holiday periods
The Play Worker role is an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing high quality childcare within our established weekly Out of School Club (OSC) provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April
Coram’s Fields OSC Sessional Playworker
Hours: Varied, anticipated up to 35 hours during school holidays and as and when required during term time.
This role will form an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing flexible support to our established weekly OSC provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April

Age UK Camden vacancy: Finance Director – Interim Cover
Part-time (28 hours per week)
Age UK Camden are recruiting to this post on a permanent basis, we are also looking for an interim cover with immediate availability. (Please specify which contract type you are applying for)
This vital role has overall responsibility for the effective financial management of the Age UK Camden Group (Age UK Camden and its subsidiaries). You will contribute to the overall development of the organisation’s growth and development and be key in the risk management and mitigation.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Latin American House vacancy
Early Years Practitioner to join the team at Menchú Bilingual Nursery.
Deadline for applications: Saturday 30th April 2022
The post holder must possess CACHE or NVQ Level 2 or above
qualification in Childcare Education. It will not be necessary to speak Spanish, although it is desirable.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here
Camden Giving Equality Fund: Open for expressions of interest
The Camden Giving Equality Fund 2022 will provide flexible funding to small charities and social enterprises who are actively bringing together people from different backgrounds to create communities. A panel of 12 Camden residents will award 2 year grants of £30,000 in June 2022 and welcome your expression of interest.

Volunteer Centre Camden update
Since 2019 Volunteer Centre Camden is encouraging people who live and work in Camden to be Participactive, through carrying out acts of participation, volunteering or social action to support the community.
Looking to recruit volunteers?
It’s quick and easy to advertise a volunteering role. Simply add it to our online database Simply Connect which is free to use, completely self-service and quick & easy to get started.
Looking to volunteer in Camden?
You can search for a volunteering role 24/7 via Simply Connect on our website, which is entirely self serve and gives you direct contact with the organisations recruiting volunteers.
Alternatively, find out when you can come and see us by checking out the Events page on our website.
Camden & Islington Volunteering Fair:
Want to volunteer in Camden and Islington? Book your free place for Volunteer Centre Camden and Volunteer Centre Islington’s online volunteering fair on Thursday 7th April at 12.30pm and meet organisations recruiting volunteers now. Organisations will ‘pitch’ their volunteering roles in a Dragon’s Den style. Register here
DBS Workshop for Volunteer Managers:
Got questions about DBS checks for volunteers? Join us on Tuesday 10th May, 2-3pm for a free online workshop with Kiran Rehal (DBS Regional Outreach Advisor for Greater London). She will explain the purpose of the DBS and how it plays a part in safer recruitment. Book your free place here

NCS Seek Venue in Camden
Groundwork London are funded to run 1 summer programme in Camden. They are interested in finding a large venue in the borough to host the NCS.
The ideal requirements would include: one large hall for up to 100 people, 1-2 breakaway rooms or spaces, access to a prayer room or an separate space which could be used as a prayer room. Plus WiFi, access to drinking water, car park spaces, a lockable storage space and wheelchair accessibility throughout.
Access would be need predominately between 9:00-17:00. Please contact NCSvenues@groundwork.org.uk if you are able to host such an event or to make further enquiries.

Call for VCS organisations that can deliver cooking sessions in and around Holborn Area.
Organisations in/around Holborn with access to a kitchen are needed to facilitate community cooking sessions for Afghan Refugees who are currently in bridging hotels.
Interested organisations will need to complete a trauma informed training and cultural awareness session which are being delivered by Hopscotch Women’s Centre (2 hours).
Organisations must be able to supply their own tutor and run classes for up to 10-12 people. Ideally, organisations will also need to provide children activities/a creche worker as adults tend to have children with them that they can’t leave alone.
Small grants of up to £3k are available for organisations that are interested in doing this work. For more information, please contact: vcs@camden.gov.uk.

Purpose built Community Centre available September 2022
Camden Council are looking for charities and voluntary organisations to express their interest to run a brand new community centre in Maitland Park.
This new community space is over 3,500 square foot and features:
    •    a café-style dining area with a domestic type kitchenette and office/reception space with storage
    •    a large hall (1180sf) that can be divided into 2 studio spaces
    •    meeting rooms: 1 large room with a kitchenette, 1 small meeting room and a toilet
    •    central hallway/corridor space with 4 toilets
    •    a community garden
Camden Council are seeking an organisation/ group who will use the space in collaboration with the local community, managing the use and letting of the hall and meetings rooms for local community benefit alongside your own business.  
Further information, including floor-plans, particulars and application process can be found here. For any further questions regarding this space please email maitlandparkspace@camden.gov.uk

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden
Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.


Got an item for the e-bulletin?
Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.
Ways to Get Involved
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Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.
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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 1st April 22

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
1st April 2022
News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources
Become a Member
                                                    VAC Membership
                       Help us build the strongest possible community voice
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.
In this week’s newsletter look out for more information on Camden’s Ukraine response, including a survey into the what the VCS is looking to do in response to the crisis. We also have a spotlight on VAC practical help and a whole lot more.
                                         VAC services spotlight
VAC is here to offer practical help to local groups to effectively meet their challenges, to help build connections and so much more.

You are able to contact us directly with any questions you may have, from initial setup to governance, recruitment or funding advice – anything your Voluntary or Community organisation might require, we are here to help.

You can learn more here
VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.  
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk 

UK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
Please click here for more details.

Arnold Clark Community Fund Reopens for Spring 2022 Round
The Arnold Clark Community Fund is open to all UK-registered charities and local community groups who fall into the eligibility criteria. The fund is also open to community interest companies, charitable incorporated organisations and social enterprises.
Successful applicants will receive up to £1,000 in financial aid.
Please click here for more details

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Funding to Equip Disadvantaged People with Communication Skills for Employment
Application Deadline: 2nd May 2022
Grants of up to £5,000 will support a project or running costs for a charity that equips disadvantaged people (aged 18 and over) with the communication skills ready for employment.
To learn more, please click here 

City Bridge Trust Announces Funding for London Place-based Giving Schemes
Place-Based Giving Schemes (PBGSs) bring together people from different sectors (voluntary and community; public; private) to build stronger communities and leverage their community assets.  Applications should build on our work through London’s Giving and enable place-based giving schemes to develop and become more sustainable.
Funding is available for eligible organisations for up to two years.
Please click here for more details.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here


NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

Camden’s Ukraine response.
Central government has established the Homes for Ukraine Campaign, encouraging households and organisations to register interest in hosting Ukrainian nationals. We understand that work is underway to establish a ‘matching’ process through this scheme.
Camden Council will have a role in undertaking safeguarding checks and home visits to assess the appropriateness of accommodation, and they will have an ongoing responsibility for the provision of statutory services for those who settle in Camden.
Some of our key local issues are to encourage groups and individuals to sign up for the Homes for Ukraine campaign, to support and promote public giving locally – such as the Equality Fund for Refugees from Camden Giving, and internationally – such as the Disasters Emergency Committee campaign.
We also need to promote the donation of medical and humanitarian items which are being collected at points across London, and encourage Ukrainian and Russian speakers to support the welcome team at the arrival points. Fluent speakers wishing to register interest can do so at ‘Help support new arrivals from Ukraine’ here
We are in the process of considering what additional guidance and support will be required for both incoming refugees and their hosts.
This guidance will include information on the steps that people will need to take on arrival into the UK, including registering for schools, health care and access to welfare. 
We’d also like this to include information about local independent services that can support people with immediate needs upon arrival, and if they resettle in Camden.
If you or your organisation is able to provide support, please fill in this survey so we may understand the wider picture of Camden’s VCS response.
We’ll be scheduling a follow up meeting to ensure that there are clear lines of communication across Camden as things develop and to ensure that you are fully briefed on the borough’s response. Details of this to follow.


Camden Giving Equality Fund: Open for expressions of interest
The Camden Giving Equality Fund 2022 will provide flexible funding to small charities and social enterprises who are actively bringing together people from different backgrounds to create communities. A panel of 12 Camden residents will award 2 year grants of £30,000 in June 2022 and welcome your expression of interest.

Camden4Community GrantFinder Update events
Camden 4 Community funding kit is a database of local, regional, national and international funding opportunities portal. You can register for access to the fully searchable database and to set up a regular bulletin, personalised to relevant search criteria.  This event will provide knowledge on what’s new on the portal and how to customise it to receive relevant funding opportunities to your mailbox.
If you already use Camden 4 Community portal, this session will show you what’s new as the user interface is changing soon.
If you never used Camden 4 Community, this session will show you how to register and use the portal.
We are running two one-hour session on the 21st April, please let us know which one you would prefer to attend. To register, please click on your preferred link below.
10am -21st April
2pm – 21st April

NHS Big Conversation for Improvement
The NHS Big Conversation for Improvement is taking place on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May 2022. It is a fully virtual (online) space and is open to everyone at no cost to join. You simply need to register in advance.
The Big Conversation will bring people together for a range of interactive discussions, workshops and presentations, giving a space for people to talk through the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, explore continuous improvement opportunities and share fresh insights and ideas on how to promote the improvement of health and care for the benefit of everyone, those who experience services and those who provide them.

Google Careers Training Event for Youth Orgs
21st April 2022, 12:30 – 16:00
Google is hosting a careers workshop for young people (Recommended age: 15+ years ) at their offices in Tottenham Court Road (1 – 13 St Giles High St, London WC2H 8AG). The first session will be with a Google trainer, who will help young people develop essential soft skills needed in work today, followed by a Q&A with Google staffers from across the business – from social media to business analysts. For more information, email riqbal@google.com.
Please note: To join the session, youth organisations will need to send supervising adults to accompany the young people attending. Please fill in this form as spaces are limited.

WEP Is Closing
It is with huge regret that we have to announce that West Euston Project (formerly West Euston Partnership) has closed.  Our organisation was established in 1992. We are very proud of the services that we offered to Camden residents since our inception.  Sadly, we have been unable to survive in these financially challenging times.  We would like to send our heartfelt thanks everyone that has engaged with our organisation over the last three decades.

Holborn Community Association (HCA) Open Days
5th and 6th April
Over two days in Easter, you can try out creative and movement activities for under 5s, children, young people and adults.
Tuesday 5th April – All Taster Activities: Book Here
Wednesday 6th April – All Taster Activities: Book Here
HCA activities for children and young people
‘Body Vessle Clay’ exhibition trip and clay workshop (ages 13-24)
Tuesday 12 April, 10am-1pm
Join us to see the exhibition ‘Body Vessle Clay’ at Two Temple Place, a new exhibition with experimental works by Black women working with clay today, and then take part in a clay workshop with one of the exhibiting artists.
More info and book here
Youth Arts for Wellbeing – Clay Project (ages 13-24)
Thursdays 6-8pm – starts 21st April
On this 12-week project, explore what mental health means to you, and learn skills from professional artists to produce clay artworks for your own public Art Trail in the local area. The project will be run in partnership with the charity Mind and their Voice Collective Project and offers a relaxing space to express yourself, find ways to respond to and manage emotions, and make new friends.
More info and book here
Digital Arts Club (ages 8-12)
Wednesdays 4.30-6pm starts 20th April
Join professional multi-media artist Paola Estrella for a 12 week project to create your own digital artwork! Learn skills using iPads and explore a range of digital arts techniques, such as virtual reality, digital graphics and illustration.
More info and book here

The Zen Project and Mind in Camden present the launch of monthly mental health festivals in Camden.
Thursday April 14th, 11-4pm – Castlehaven Community centre.
The Zen Project and Mind in Camden bring to you the first of a series of monthly festivals to celebrate mental health and support the local Camden community. Open to all and all activities are free. Free food, massage, mindfulness sessions and more. Climb on board our big yellow American school bus and take part in one of our activities to help create some calm and ease anxiety. We have something for everyone. No need to book – just turn up. More information here.

Volunteer Centre Camden update
Since 2019 Volunteer Centre Camden is encouraging people who live and work in Camden to be Participactive, through carrying out acts of participation, volunteering or social action to support the community.
Looking to recruit volunteers?
It’s quick and easy to advertise a volunteering role. Simply add it to our online database Simply Connect which is free to use, completely self-service and quick & easy to get started.
Looking to volunteer in Camden?
You can search for a volunteering role 24/7 via Simply Connect on our website, which is entirely self serve and gives you direct contact with the organisations recruiting volunteers.
Alternatively, find out when you can come and see us by checking out the Events page on our website.
Camden & Islington Volunteering Fair:
Want to volunteer in Camden and Islington? Book your free place for Volunteer Centre Camden and Volunteer Centre Islington’s online volunteering fair on Thursday 7th April at 12.30pm and meet organisations recruiting volunteers now. Organisations will ‘pitch’ their volunteering roles in a Dragon’s Den style. Register here
DBS Workshop for Volunteer Managers:
Got questions about DBS checks for volunteers? Join us on Tuesday 10th May, 2-3pm for a free online workshop with Kiran Rehal (DBS Regional Outreach Advisor for Greater London). She will explain the purpose of the DBS and how it plays a part in safer recruitment. Book your free place here

Umoja Health Forum looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers
Umoja Health Forum is a voluntary organisation which leads thirteen small African organisations from Sub – Saharan Africa, providing health and social care, addressing both physical and mental health.
We are looking to recruit Volunteer Organisers for different projects, which involve planning a variety of weekly activities for local residents.
These include promoting and delivering projects, recruiting local residents, general managing, monitoring and reporting on project work.
All volunteer travel and expenses paid.
Interested candidates should email Umoja at: umojahealthforum54@gmail.com or call Chikwaba Oduka on 07970418893, to express their interest or find out more.

Clean Break Theatre recruiting for female volunteers
Clean Break Theatre, based in Kentish Town, is currently recruiting for female volunteers. These include:
Female Catering one day a week either on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday 10-2.30pmFemale Gardeners Flexible, part-time.  Hours are on a flexible basis but would be approximately 6-8 hours a month
For further information please contact:

Love your Neighbour full time Programme Coordinator
Application deadline:  5pm Monday 18th April
North London Cares started in 2011 and currently supports a community network of over 1800 older (65+) and younger neighbours (18+) in Camden and Islington, through our Social Clubs and our friendship matching programme: Love your Neighbour. The role is office based with some remote working, visits will take place across Islington. There are flexible working hours and a Staff counselling service
For more Information please click here or contact hello@northlondoncares.org.uk

Part Time Youth Worker at Sidings CC
Closing date: Friday 8th April 2022.
We are looking for a Part-time Youth Worker for 6 hours per week (term-time) with special responsibilities for offering mentoring support to young men aged 11-19 yrs. This is a temporary post from April 2022 to March 2023
Worker must have excellent interpersonal skills and proven experience of working with young people aged 11-19 years, within a youth service setting. Person appointed must have previous experience and skills in offering advice, support and mentoring to help build trusted relationships enabling young people, in particular young men, to develop positive identity and self-resilience.
To apply, please email office@sidings.org.uk for Job Description and Application form.
Sidings Community Centre is based at 150 Brassey Rd, London NW6 2BA.
For more information, please click here

Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up) 
Charity Tax Group 
Dragon Hall Newsletter



VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info. 

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks

Voluntary Action Forum 16th March: Community Vaccine Champions Project and Benchmarking Community Building Services
VAC’s most recent forum took place on 16th March where we discussed a new local project sponsored by the Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) to reduce inequalities in the uptake of COVID vaccination in Camden.
Hear about the various different activities planned as part of this project, including a new grant programme for organisations, unregistered groups, and local residents. This session was recorded, find out more here 

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/
Cervical screening campaign
In April, the NHS will have teams of healthcare professionals and volunteers sharing information with women and people with a cervix about how, where and why to get a cervical screening – a free test that helps to prevent cervical cancer.
If you’d like a healthcare professional to come along and talk about cervical screenings at events happening in April, please contact Patricia Macauley, Director of MMC (Multi Cultural Marketing Consultancy), who is working with the NHS. Email Patricia at patricia@mmc-uk.co.uk or call 07932709312.

Free Arthritis Open Clinic at YMCA Club
4th April
Central YMCA and Arthritis Action have partnered to offer a free Open Clinic for people with Arthritis. These sessions will give practical help to reduce the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle advice.
To find out more and book a free 10 minute session please click here 

London Funders webinars
In March & April, London Funders are hosting 3 webinars to mark 2 years since lockdown 1 began.
For more details on session 2 please click here 

North Central London Cancer Alliance workshop
North Central London Cancer Alliance are planning a free online workshop to help develop an information resource to support people through the pathway for cancer diagnosis (or not), treatment, and follow up care.
The next workshop will be on 5th April.
To register, please click here

Call for VCS organisations that can deliver cooking sessions in and around Holborn Area.
Organisations in/around Holborn with access to a kitchen are needed to facilitate community cooking sessions for Afghan Refugees who are currently in bridging hotels.
Interested organisations will need to complete a trauma informed training and cultural awareness session which are being delivered by Hopscotch Women’s Centre (2 hours).
Organisations must be able to supply their own tutor and run classes for up to 10-12 people. Ideally, organisations will also need to provide children activities/a creche worker as adults tend to have children with them that they can’t leave alone.
Small grants of up to £3k are available for organisations that are interested in doing this work. For more information, please contact: vcs@camden.gov.uk.
Data Entry Volunteer Role with VAC:
Do you have some experience using databases? The VAC Community Links Team is looking for a Data Entry volunteer. As a volunteer you will support the team entering data into our Salesforce database. Training and support available for successful volunteers.
For role description and more information, please contact Mandira Manandhar on 020 7284 6573 or email mmanandhar@vac.org.uk  

Henna Asian Women’s group recruiting x2 Project Support Workers.
Deadline Monday 22nd April 2022, by 5pm.
12 months contract with possibility of extension, depending on funding.
Henna Asian Women’s Group is looking for Individuals, who are quick learners and can take their own initiative. The right candidates will have the admin skills to support the manager to provide an excellent service to women, especially to older women. This role will require you to be supportive and understanding and be able to deal with any issues that may arise confidently.
For more information and an application form please email info@hennaorg.co.uk

Coram’s Fields OSC vacancies
Hours: 20hrs p/w term-time / 35hrs p/w during school holiday periods
The Play Worker role is an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing high quality childcare within our established weekly Out of School Club (OSC) provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April
Coram’s Fields OSC Sessional Playworker
Hours: Varied, anticipated up to 35 hours during school holidays and as and when required during term time.
This role will form an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing flexible support to our established weekly OSC provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April

Age UK Camden vacancy: Finance Director – Interim Cover
Part-time (28 hours per week)
Age UK Camden are recruiting to this post on a permanent basis, we are also looking for an interim cover with immediate availability. (Please specify which contract type you are applying for)
This vital role has overall responsibility for the effective financial management of the Age UK Camden Group (Age UK Camden and its subsidiaries). You will contribute to the overall development of the organisation’s growth and development and be key in the risk management and mitigation.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Latin American House vacancy
Early Years Practitioner to join the team at Menchú Bilingual Nursery.
Deadline for applications: Saturday 30th April 2022
The post holder must possess CACHE or NVQ Level 2 or above
qualification in Childcare Education. It will not be necessary to speak Spanish, although it is desirable.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here
Afghan Refugee Crisis
The Council and VCS continue to work together to help meet the needs of the Afghan Refugees in Camden.  A steering group (led by Hopscotch) meets weekly and there is a database of offers and needs held by the council.  You can donate to the Hopscotch appeal here.  Keep up to date at the council website here.  

NCS Seek Venue in Camden
Groundwork London are funded to run 1 summer programme in Camden. They are interested in finding a large venue in the borough to host the NCS.
The ideal requirements would include: one large hall for up to 100 people, 1-2 breakaway rooms or spaces, access to a prayer room or an separate space which could be used as a prayer room. Plus WiFi, access to drinking water, car park spaces, a lockable storage space and wheelchair accessibility throughout.
Access would be need predominately between 9:00-17:00. Please contact NCSvenues@groundwork.org.uk if you are able to host such an event or to make further enquiries.

Purpose built Community Centre available September 2022
Camden Council are looking for charities and voluntary organisations to express their interest to run a brand new community centre in Maitland Park.
This new community space is over 3,500 square foot and features:
    •    a café-style dining area with a domestic type kitchenette and office/reception space with storage
    •    a large hall (1180sf) that can be divided into 2 studio spaces
    •    meeting rooms: 1 large room with a kitchenette, 1 small meeting room and a toilet
    •    central hallway/corridor space with 4 toilets
    •    a community garden
Camden Council are seeking an organisation/ group who will use the space in collaboration with the local community, managing the use and letting of the hall and meetings rooms for local community benefit alongside your own business.  
Further information, including floor-plans, particulars and application process can be found here. For any further questions regarding this space please email maitlandparkspace@camden.gov.uk 

Free ‘bite sized’ surgery sessions for community organisations in London
As part of their City Bridge Trust funded London Spotlight programme, Locality are offering free bite sized ‘surgery’ sessions with their consultancy team.
You can get valuable ‘take aways’ on topics including:  Funding, Local Data, Social Impact and Organisational Health.
For more details and to book your Spotlight session, please click here.
Locality are also running an impact workshop and some mini clinics at the end of March. These will be aimed at community organisation who are supporting young people.
Please contact liba.ravindran@locality.org.uk if you want to attend either event and you will be sent more information about how to register and join:
Online mini clinic – 29th March, 12-1.30pm or 3.30-5pm
Online Workshop – 30th March, 2-3.30pm
£5 tickets offer from Sadler’s Wells for 40 Years of Phoenix Dance
The tickets are available for performances on Tue 29 and Wed 30 Mar at 7.30pm.
Please note that these £5 tickets can only be booked online.
When booking please use the promocode BIDPHOENIX
To book and find out more about the show, please click here

FREE NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology
Improve your Information Technology (IT) skills and knowledge, specifically using Word, Excel and PowerPoint software.
This qualification is suitable for learners who are using IT in their job or plan to pursue a career requiring IT skills. This opportunity will help to develop your knowledge, whilst gaining a nationally recognised, professional qualification.
For more information, please contact New Challenge on: (Main number) – 020 8795 3999 or email: courses@newchallenge.org

Support for British-Ukrainian Aid
Funding platform easyfundraising has pledged to StandWithUkraine and double every donation raised through their site for British-Ukrainian Aid for the next 6 months.
The charity supports people suffering due to the war and humanitarian crisis.
Shoppers using the easyfundraising website or app can raise donations for British-Ukrainian Aid simply by doing their normal shopping with thousands of online retailers.
Click here for more information

£10 Tickets Offer To See BLACK LOVE at Kiln Theatre
The Kiln Theatre are offering an allocation of £10 tickets for their new production Black Love
The £10 tickets (usually £32) are for performances from:
Mon 28th Mar to Sat 9th April at 7.30pm and 2.30pm.
To book please call the Box Office on 020 7328 1000 or click here and use the promocode BID

Free support programme for social enterprises in London

Civil Society Consulting are delivering a free support programme for social enterprises in London.
Funded by the GLA and the Dept for Business Energy and Infrastructure, this ‘Peer Networks’ programme aims to develop social enterprises, equip them with new skills, and connect them to others in a peer support network.
For more information contact: Natasha Ereira-Guyer natasha@civilsocietyconsulting.co.uk

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden
Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.


Got an item for the e-bulletin?
Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.
Ways to Get Involved
Join us on social media
Facebook Facebook
Twitter Twitter
Website Website
Become a Member
Watch a short video about our work!
Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.
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Our mailing address is:
Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB
Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Voluntary Action Camden e-Bulletin 25th March 2022

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
25th March 2022
News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources
Become a Member
                                                    VAC Membership
                       Help us build the strongest possible community voice
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.
In this week’s newsletter look out for more information, resources, funding and donation opportunities for helping Ukrainian refugees, healthcare opportunities and more from around the Camden area
VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.  
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk 

UK Government Announces ‘Homes for Ukrainian’ Refugees Scheme with ‘Thank You’ Payment to Sponsors
A small monthly payment will be available for UK host families who volunteer to house Ukrainians fleeing their homeland due to the Russian invasion.
Please click here for more details.

Arnold Clark Community Fund Reopens for Spring 2022 Round
The Arnold Clark Community Fund is open to all UK-registered charities and local community groups who fall into the eligibility criteria. The fund is also open to community interest companies, charitable incorporated organisations and social enterprises.
Successful applicants will receive up to £1,000 in financial aid.
Please click here for more details

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Funding to Equip Disadvantaged People with Communication Skills for Employment
Application Deadline: 2nd May 2022
Grants of up to £5,000 will support a project or running costs for a charity that equips disadvantaged people (aged 18 and over) with the communication skills ready for employment.
To learn more, please click here 

City Bridge Trust Announces Funding for London Place-based Giving Schemes
Place-Based Giving Schemes (PBGSs) bring together people from different sectors (voluntary and community; public; private) to build stronger communities and leverage their community assets.  Applications should build on our work through London’s Giving and enable place-based giving schemes to develop and become more sustainable.
Funding is available for eligible organisations for up to two years.
Please click here for more details.

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here


NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

Camden Council prepares to welcome refugees from Ukraine
“Teams across the council’s services, working alongside the voluntary sector and community organisations, are putting in place the wrap around arrangements to ensure that anyone who arrives in Camden – either to base themselves here or to travel on via St Pancras to other parts of the country – gets the initial and ongoing support they need.”
Read more about the local response plans and expectations here.
For those wondering what they can do right now, please donate to DEC’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal if you can
For information on other ways to help, visit Ukrainian Institute London’s website here or NCVO where a range of support options are listed

Cervical screening campaign
In April, the NHS will have teams of healthcare professionals and volunteers sharing information with women and people with a cervix about how, where and why to get a cervical screening – a free test that helps to prevent cervical cancer.
If you’d like a healthcare professional to come along and talk about cervical screenings at events happening in April, please contact Patricia Macauley, Director of MMC (Multi Cultural Marketing Consultancy), who is working with the NHS. Email Patricia at patricia@mmc-uk.co.uk or call 07932709312.

Free Arthritis Open Clinic at YMCA Club
4th April
Central YMCA and Arthritis Action have partnered to offer a free Open Clinic for people with Arthritis. These sessions will give practical help to reduce the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle advice.
To find out more and book a free 10 minute session please click here 

NCS Seek Venue in Camden
Groundwork London are funded to run 1 summer programme in Camden. They are interested in finding a large venue in the borough to host the NCS.
The ideal requirements would include: one large hall for up to 100 people, 1-2 breakaway rooms or spaces, access to a prayer room or an separate space which could be used as a prayer room. Plus WiFi, access to drinking water, car park spaces, a lockable storage space and wheelchair accessibility throughout.
Access would be need predominately between 9:00-17:00. Please contact NCSvenues@groundwork.org.uk if you are able to host such an event or to make further enquiries.

Purpose built Community Centre available September 2022
Camden Council are looking for charities and voluntary organisations to express their interest to run a brand new community centre in Maitland Park.
This new community space is over 3,500 square foot and features:
    •    a café-style dining area with a domestic type kitchenette and office/reception space with storage
    •    a large hall (1180sf) that can be divided into 2 studio spaces
    •    meeting rooms: 1 large room with a kitchenette, 1 small meeting room and a toilet
    •    central hallway/corridor space with 4 toilets
    •    a community garden
Camden Council are seeking an organisation/ group who will use the space in collaboration with the local community, managing the use and letting of the hall and meetings rooms for local community benefit alongside your own business.  
Further information, including floor-plans, particulars and application process can be found here. For any further questions regarding this space please email maitlandparkspace@camden.gov.uk 

Free ‘bite sized’ surgery sessions for community organisations in London
As part of their City Bridge Trust funded London Spotlight programme, Locality are offering free bite sized ‘surgery’ sessions with their consultancy team.
You can get valuable ‘take aways’ on topics including:  Funding, Local Data, Social Impact and Organisational Health.
For more details and to book your Spotlight session, please click here.
Locality are also running an impact workshop and some mini clinics at the end of March. These will be aimed at community organisation who are supporting young people.
Please contact liba.ravindran@locality.org.uk if you want to attend either event and you will be sent more information about how to register and join:
Online mini clinic – 29th March, 12-1.30pm or 3.30-5pm
Online Workshop – 30th March, 2-3.30pm
£5 tickets offer from Sadler’s Wells for 40 Years of Phoenix Dance
The tickets are available for performances on Tue 29 and Wed 30 Mar at 7.30pm.
Please note that these £5 tickets can only be booked online.
When booking please use the promocode BIDPHOENIX
To book and find out more about the show, please click here

FREE NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology
Improve your Information Technology (IT) skills and knowledge, specifically using Word, Excel and PowerPoint software.
This qualification is suitable for learners who are using IT in their job or plan to pursue a career requiring IT skills. This opportunity will help to develop your knowledge, whilst gaining a nationally recognised, professional qualification.
For more information, please contact New Challenge on: (Main number) – 020 8795 3999 or email: courses@newchallenge.org

Henna Asian Women’s group recruiting x2 Project Support Workers.
Deadline Monday 22nd April 2022, by 5pm.
12 months contract with possibility of extension, depending on funding.
Henna Asian Women’s Group is looking for Individuals, who are quick learners and can take their own initiative. The right candidates will have the admin skills to support the manager to provide an excellent service to women, especially to older women. This role will require you to be supportive and understanding and be able to deal with any issues that may arise confidently.
For more information and an application form please email info@hennaorg.co.uk

Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up) 
Charity Tax Group 
Dragon Hall Newsletter



VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info. 

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks

Voluntary Action Forum 16th March: Community Vaccine Champions Project and Benchmarking Community Building Services
VAC’s most recent forum took place on 16th March where we discussed a new local project sponsored by the Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) to reduce inequalities in the uptake of COVID vaccination in Camden.
Hear about the various different activities planned as part of this project, including a new grant programme for organisations, unregistered groups, and local residents. This session was recorded, find out more here 

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/
London Funders webinars
In March & April, London Funders are hosting 3 webinars to mark 2 years since lockdown 1 began. The 1st session will include some of the Reports Reloaded contributors to discuss how we build on lessons from past crises to inform the future of funding. Speakers will include VAC CEO Keith Morgan.
For more details please click here 

Thriving Communities Webinar
The next Thriving Communities webinar will be on:
Co-production and Social Prescribing
Tuesday 29 March, 9.30-10.30am.
Please click here for more details and how to sign up.
You can find more details about the webinar series, and how to catch up with previous webinars on the website.
Please note all these webinars have closed captions and live BSL interpretation as standard.

Women + Health fundraising Firewalk challenge
On 30th March from 18.30 to 21.30, Women + Health are planning to light up Russell Square as supporters brave hot coals for a fundraising Firewalk challenge!
The Firewalk will be an energising and empowering experience for all. ·
Participate!: here
Donate: here
Or contact us: connect@women-and-health.org or call 020 7482 2786
Women + Health is a local charity which provides low-cost holistic body and mental health therapies and counselling for Camden residents and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence. For more information, please click here

North Central London Cancer Alliance workshop
North Central London Cancer Alliance are planning a free online workshop to help develop an information resource to support people through the pathway for cancer diagnosis (or not), treatment, and follow up care.
The workshop will be repeated on two dates – 31st March and 5th April.
To register, please click here

Camden Council Procurement Exchange meeting
At the request of some community buildings managers Camden Council is inviting people who are involved in purchasing services to meet for a Procurement Exchange.
If there is sufficient interest they will be hosting an lunchtime meeting Wed 30th March 12:30-13:30 on Zoom.
This is a participatory meeting to enable anyone responsible for building management to meet up and discuss costs associated with running a community building.
To express an interest, or find out more please complete the online survey to prioritise efforts here
For any other questions or queries please get in touch at Sam.Rowe2@camden.gov.uk.
Complete the survey with your details to get the Zoom link. Please can you complete the survey by Monday 28th March

Learning Together sessions
London Plus are collaborating with Inside Out Wellbeing to host the next Learning Together session, focusing on Social prescribing, Intersectionality and Mental Health
Wednesday 30th March: 1pm – 2:30pm
This workshop will explore: Social prescribing & intersectionality, culturally-informed support, case study discussion and how to incorporate mental health support
Please click here to register to attend

Call for VCS organisations that can deliver cooking sessions in and around Holborn Area.
Organisations in/around Holborn with access to a kitchen are needed to facilitate community cooking sessions for Afghan Refugees who are currently in bridging hotels.
Interested organisations will need to complete a trauma informed training and cultural awareness session which are being delivered by Hopscotch Women’s Centre (2 hours).
Organisations must be able to supply their own tutor and run classes for up to 10-12 people. Ideally, organisations will also need to provide children activities/a creche worker as adults tend to have children with them that they can’t leave alone.
Small grants of up to £3k are available for organisations that are interested in doing this work. For more information, please contact: vcs@camden.gov.uk.

Locality London surgery sessions for community organisations
As part of their City Bridge Trust funded London Spotlight programme, Locality are offering free bite sized ‘surgery’ sessions with their consultancy team.
You can get some valuable insight into topics including: Funding, Local Data, Social Impact and Organisational Health.
For more details and to book your Spotlight session please click here or contact liba.ravindran@locality.org.uk 

NCVO announce new CEO
NCVO has announced that the board of trustees have appointed Sarah Vibert as Chief Executive Officer. Sarah will take up the role with immediate effect.
Sarah has been interim CEO at NCVO since January 2021, a role she has undertaken with openness, humility, and courage, earning our respect and admiration and that of our sector.
Sarah originally joined NCVO as Director of Public Policy and Volunteering, arriving just before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in January 2020. Before joining us, Sarah gained a wealth of experience as CEO of The Neurological Alliance and held senior roles in other organisations including, the Epilepsy Society, The Prince’s Charities, and the Greater London Authority. Sarah also volunteers regularly, including as a trustee of the Brain and Spine Foundation.
Data Entry Volunteer Role with VAC:
Do you have some experience using databases? The VAC Community Links Team is looking for a Data Entry volunteer. As a volunteer you will support the team entering data into our Salesforce database. Training and support available for successful volunteers.
For role description and more information, please contact Mandira Manandhar on 020 7284 6573 or email mmanandhar@vac.org.uk  

Coram’s Fields OSC vacancies
Hours: 20hrs p/w term-time / 35hrs p/w during school holiday periods
The Play Worker role is an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing high quality childcare within our established weekly Out of School Club (OSC) provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April
Coram’s Fields OSC Sessional Playworker
Hours: Varied, anticipated up to 35 hours during school holidays and as and when required during term time.
This role will form an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing flexible support to our established weekly OSC provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April

Age UK Camden vacancy: Social Prescribing Link Worker
Closing date: 27th March 2022 (5pm)
35 hours per week, 12 months fixed term contract
The Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing service is looking to recruit a Social Prescribing Link Worker to join this vibrant team. Their work is supporting Camden adults, operating as a door to services and opportunities, matching people with appropriate support to manage their health and wellbeing.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Age UK Camden vacancy: Finance Director – Interim Cover
Part-time (28 hours per week)
Age UK Camden are recruiting to this post on a permanent basis, we are also looking for an interim cover with immediate availability. (Please specify which contract type you are applying for)
This vital role has overall responsibility for the effective financial management of the Age UK Camden Group (Age UK Camden and its subsidiaries). You will contribute to the overall development of the organisation’s growth and development and be key in the risk management and mitigation.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Latin American House vacancies x2:
Children and Young People Coordinator.
Deadline for applications: Thursday, 31st March 2022
The post holder will be responsible for coordinating, delivering and developing a comprehensive, diverse and inclusive programme of activities, classes and events throughout the year, for children aged 5-16.
For more information and to apply, please click here
Early Years Practitioner to join the team at Menchú Bilingual Nursery.
Deadline for applications: Saturday 30th April 2022
The post holder must possess CACHE or NVQ Level 2 or above
qualification in Childcare Education. It will not be necessary to speak Spanish, although it is desirable.
For more information and to apply, please click here 

Coram’s Fields Nursery Vacancies x2:
Early Year’s Practitioner (Level 2)
Deadline: Monday 28th March
37.5hrs per week:  full-time, part-time, and term-time-only working options.
The Early Years practitioner role is an integral part of Coram’s Fields Nursery providing high quality childcare within our setting, playing an important role in the continuing growth and development of the nursery.
Please visit our website here to download an application form or find out more.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: recruitment@coramsfields.org.uk
Senior Early Year’s Practitioner (Level 3)
Deadline: Monday 28th March
37.5hrs per week:  full-time, part-time, and term-time-only working options.
The Senior Early Years Practitioner (Room Leader) is one of two qualified childcare professionals, responsible for working alongside our Head of Early Years, to ensure the smooth day to day running of Coram’s Fields Nursery. They are the principal link between the Head of Early Years and our talented team of practitioners, coordinating and supervising the work of the team on the ground to create a high quality, stimulating learning environment for all our children.
Please visit our website here to download an application form or find out more.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: recruitment@coramsfields.org.uk 

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here
Afghan Refugee Crisis
The Council and VCS continue to work together to help meet the needs of the Afghan Refugees in Camden.  A steering group (led by Hopscotch) meets weekly and there is a database of offers and needs held by the council.  You can donate to the Hopscotch appeal here.  Keep up to date at the council website here.  

Support for British-Ukrainian Aid
Funding platform easyfundraising has pledged to StandWithUkraine and double every donation raised through their site for British-Ukrainian Aid for the next 6 months.
The charity supports people suffering due to the war and humanitarian crisis.
Shoppers using the easyfundraising website or app can raise donations for British-Ukrainian Aid simply by doing their normal shopping with thousands of online retailers.
Click here for more information

Law for Life six-week housing-rights course
Law for Life are looking for participants for an upcoming course on housing rights for BAME communities, kindly funded by Trust for London. The six-session long course is free of charge and is an introduction to various aspects of housing law and how to use it in practice.
For this programme, they are particularly keen to invite organisations/initiatives working with Black African, Black Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities as the existing research shows they have been particularly affected by both the housing crisis and the pandemic. However, we also welcome participants from organisations working with other similarly affected groups and individuals.
Please register your interest in attending the course and find more info here
This call for participants is open until Monday 28th March.

£10 Tickets Offer To See BLACK LOVE at Kiln Theatre
The Kiln Theatre are offering an allocation of £10 tickets for their new production Black Love
The £10 tickets (usually £32) are for performances from:
Mon 28th Mar to Sat 9th April at 7.30pm and 2.30pm.
To book please call the Box Office on 020 7328 1000 or click here and use the promocode BID

Free support programme for social enterprises in London

Civil Society Consulting are delivering a free support programme for social enterprises in London.
Funded by the GLA and the Dept for Business Energy and Infrastructure, this ‘Peer Networks’ programme aims to develop social enterprises, equip them with new skills, and connect them to others in a peer support network.
For more information contact: Natasha Ereira-Guyer natasha@civilsocietyconsulting.co.uk

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden
Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.


Got an item for the e-bulletin?
Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.
Ways to Get Involved
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Watch a short video about our work!
Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.
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Voluntary Action Camden e-bulletin 18th March 22

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VAC Weekly Newsletter
18th March 2022
News  |  Funding  |  VAC Events  |  Other Events  |  Jobs & Volunteers  |  Offers & Resources
Become a Member
                                                    VAC Membership
                       Help us build the strongest possible community voice
Membership is free to local organisations and groups interested in contributing to a stronger Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden. As a member you will have access to high quality advice and guidance, local networks and support to grow and develop your organisation. Click the link above to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member and join us.
In this week’s newsletter look out for information on Camden Council’s statement regarding refugees from Ukraine, where to donate to help those in need, plus a range of webinars, workshops and recordings on various aspects of local life, information on a Women + Health firewalk challenge and more from around the Camden area
VAC administered Google Grants
VAC has been funded by Google to help small organisations get back into the “real world” training / meeting environment.  
The intention is to help very small voluntary and community organisations get back into buildings by helping them afford the hire fee, and also assist them with technical advice if they want to run ‘blended’ events and meetings.
Groups can book space for a single event or block book a series of dates for future meetings and events worth up £300 per quarter.
VAC is administering the scheme. Our intention is to keep the process as simple as possible to minimise any administrative burden on the groups, VAC and of course the organisations providing space.
Not all venues are part of the scheme so please do check out our room hire directory here
For more information and to see if your group is eligible visit our website here or contact Ricky at rsingh@vac.org.uk 

Camden Council Green Homes Grants
Keeping homes warm over the winter months can be difficult, especially with rising energy bills. The Green Homes Grant may be able to assist by providing funding of up to £10k for homeowners and £5k for landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The improvements could help save up to £600 a year on energy bills and make homes warmer and more comfortable.
Find out more here

Camden Giving: We Make Camden Kit
In partnership with Camden citizens and Camden Council, Camden Giving are funding great ideas that will make Camden a better place.
The ‘We Make Camden Kit’ gives money and support to Camden residents and community groups who have great ideas for their communities. Residents and community groups can apply via Camden Giving’s website to receive up to £1,500 to deliver ideas that make a difference for the community. Residents can also receive support with insurance, safeguarding and connections to make their ideas a success.
For more information and to apply click here

Funding to Equip Disadvantaged People with Communication Skills for Employment
Application Deadline: 2nd May 2022
Grants of up to £5,000 will support a project or running costs for a charity that equips disadvantaged people (aged 18 and over) with the communication skills ready for employment.
To learn more, please click here 

National Lottery Heritage Fund Launches Dynamic Collections Campaign
There are no specific deadlines – you can apply as part of the campaign until Friday 31 March 2023
This campaign supports collecting organisations across the UK to become more inclusive and resilient, with a focus on engagement, re-interpretation and collections management.
The Heritage Fund want to support museums, libraries, archives and other organisations to make the most of their collections and to help to bring to life the many stories of people and communities across the UK
To learn more, please click here 

City Bridge Trust Announces Funding for London Place-based Giving Schemes
Place-Based Giving Schemes (PBGSs) bring together people from different sectors (voluntary and community; public; private) to build stronger communities and leverage their community assets.  Applications should build on our work through London’s Giving and enable place-based giving schemes to develop and become more sustainable.
Funding is available for eligible organisations for up to two years.
Please click here for more details.

Camden Future High Streets Crowdfund
Camden Council in partnership with Spacehive are launching the Spring funding round of the Camden Future High Streets Crowdfund.
The Council are seeking proposals from local groups and organisations that provide clear benefits to Camden’s high streets, businesses and the residents they serve. As part of this crowdfunding programme, as well as attracting pledges from people and organisations with an interest in your project, you can also receive a pledge of up to £35,000 (covering a maximum of 50% of project costs) from the council.
Application deadline 22nd April 2022 – register here
For more information see here

See the Funding pages on VAC’s website for all the latest information.
Alternatively, Camden Voluntary and Community groups can contact us for Grant Finder help, please email rsingh@vac.org.uk
Access the Idox Camden 4 Community grant search here


NAVCA Funders List

A useful list of small trusts and foundations most useful to small charities.

Lists of Emergency Funders

Camden preparing to welcome refugees from Ukraine
“Over 2 million people have left Ukraine in the past fortnight. These are mainly women and children fleeing for their lives, leaving their homes and almost all their worldly possessions behind.”
“Camden has always been a place that meets people fleeing conflict with its arms open and a warm welcome. In the last decade we have responded to the wars in Syria and Afghanistan, by committing to house refugees. “
Click here to read the full statement from Camden Council including plans to consider what the support offer could be to Ukrainian refugee in conjunction with voluntary organisations and community leaders in Camden.
For those wondering what they can do right now, please donate to DEC’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal if you can

Voluntary Action Forum 16th March: Community Vaccine Champions Project and Benchmarking Community Building Services
VAC’s most recent forum took place on 16th March where we discussed a new local project sponsored by the Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) to reduce inequalities in the uptake of COVID vaccination in Camden.
Hear about the various different activities planned as part of this project, including a new grant programme for organisations, unregistered groups, and local residents. This session was recorded, find out more here 

London Funders webinars
In March & April, London Funders are hosting 3 webinars to mark 2 years since lockdown 1 began. The 1st session will include some of the Reports Reloaded contributors to discuss how we build on lessons from past crises to inform the future of funding. Speakers will include VAC CEO Keith Morgan.
For more details please click here

Women + Health fundraising Firewalk challenge
On 30th March from 18.30 to 21.30, Women + Health are planning to light up Russell Square as supporters brave hot coals for a fundraising Firewalk challenge!
The Firewalk will be an energising and empowering experience for all. ·
Participate!: here
Donate: here
Or contact us: connect@women-and-health.org or call 020 7482 2786
Women + Health is a local charity which provides low-cost holistic body and mental health therapies and counselling for Camden residents and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence. For more information, please click here

North Central London Cancer Alliance workshop
North Central London Cancer Alliance are planning a free online workshop to help develop an information resource to support people through the pathway for cancer diagnosis (or not), treatment, and follow up care.
The workshop will be repeated on two dates – 31 March or 5 April.
To register, please click here

Camden Council Procurement Exchange meeting
At the request of some community buildings managers Camden Council is inviting people who are involved in purchasing services to meet for a Procurement Exchange.
If there is sufficient interest they will be hosting an lunchtime meeting Wed 30th March 12:30-13:30 on Zoom.
This is a participatory meeting to enable anyone responsible for building management to meet up and discuss costs associated with running a community building.
To express an interest, or find out more please complete the online survey to prioritise efforts here
For any other questions or queries please get in touch at Sam.Rowe2@camden.gov.uk.
Complete the survey with your details to get the Zoom link. Please can you complete the survey by Monday 28th March

Thriving Communities Webinars
The next Thriving Communities webinars will be on:
Addiction and Social Prescribing on Tuesday 22nd March, 3-4pm
Please click here for more details and how to sign up.
Co-production and Social Prescribing on Tuesday 29 March, 9.30-10.30am.
Please click here for more details and how to sign up.
You can find more details about the webinar series, and how to catch up with previous webinars on the website.
Please note all these webinars have closed captions and live BSL interpretation as standard.

Support for British-Ukrainian Aid
Funding platform easyfundraising has pledged to StandWithUkraine and double every donation raised through their site for British-Ukrainian Aid for the next 6 months.
The charity supports people suffering due to the war and humanitarian crisis.
Shoppers using the easyfundraising website or app can raise donations for British-Ukrainian Aid simply by doing their normal shopping with thousands of online retailers.
Click here for more information

NCVO announce new CEO
NCVO has announced that the board of trustees have appointed Sarah Vibert as Chief Executive Officer. Sarah will take up the role with immediate effect.
Sarah has been interim CEO at NCVO since January 2021, a role she has undertaken with openness, humility, and courage, earning our respect and admiration and that of our sector.
Sarah originally joined NCVO as Director of Public Policy and Volunteering, arriving just before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in January 2020. Before joining us, Sarah gained a wealth of experience as CEO of The Neurological Alliance and held senior roles in other organisations including, the Epilepsy Society, The Prince’s Charities, and the Greater London Authority. Sarah also volunteers regularly, including as a trustee of the Brain and Spine Foundation.

Law for Life six-week housing-rights course
Law for Life are looking for participants for an upcoming course on housing rights for BAME communities, kindly funded by Trust for London. The six-session long course is free of charge and is an introduction to various aspects of housing law and how to use it in practice.
For this programme, they are particularly keen to invite organisations/initiatives working with Black African, Black Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities as the existing research shows they have been particularly affected by both the housing crisis and the pandemic. However, we also welcome participants from organisations working with other similarly affected groups and individuals.
Please register your interest in attending the course and find more info here
This call for participants is open until Monday 28th March.

Coram’s Fields OSC vacancies
Hours: 20hrs p/w term-time / 35hrs p/w during school holiday periods
The Play Worker role is an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing high quality childcare within our established weekly Out of School Club (OSC) provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April
Coram’s Fields OSC Sessional Playworker
Hours: Varied, anticipated up to 35 hours during school holidays and as and when required during term time.
This role will form an integral part of Coram’s Fields Play Service team, providing flexible support to our established weekly OSC provision and Holiday Schemes.
How to Apply: Please visit our website to download an application form.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: ed.may@coramsfields.org.uk by Monday 11th April

Please note
Our newsletter content email address has changed. Please send any information that you would like included in our weekly newsletter to social@vac.org.uk

Local Newsletters:

Latin American House
Creative Lives
Healthwatch Camden
Young Camden Foundation
West Euston Project (WEP)
London S
port (sign up) 
Charity Tax Group 
Dragon Hall Newsletter



VAC Events

Keep in eye on our Events Calendar to book and for more info. 

VAC new Community Directory
VAC is pleased to announce the launch of our new Community Directory services for Camden groups.
Our online directories provide a space for voluntary and community groups in Camden to promote their services and activities. Searching the directory then allows residents and other stakeholders in Camden to easily connect with groups and access services and valuable support.
You can search our Directories to find and connect with groups, find community space to rent or hire and find healthy activities and social opportunities in Camden’s green spaces and parks.

GDPR Training Resources

The video, slides and comprehensive notes from the two recent VAC online training sessions on GDPR are now available on the website. These will help you understand the theory and legal framework of the GDPR with practical steps on how to remain compliant.

Past Voluntary Action Forums: Resources

You can find presentations, recordings and resources from past forums here.

More details on the VAC website: https://vac.org.uk/

Learning Together sessions
London Plus are collaborating with Inside Out Wellbeing to host the next Learning Together session, focusing on Social prescribing, Intersectionality and Mental Health
Wednesday 30th March: 1pm – 2:30pm
This workshop will explore: Social prescribing & intersectionality, culturally-informed support, case study discussion and how to incorporate mental health support
Please click here to register to attend

Call for VCS organisations that can deliver cooking sessions in and around Holborn Area.
Organisations in/around Holborn with access to a kitchen are needed to facilitate community cooking sessions for Afghan Refugees who are currently in bridging hotels.
Interested organisations will need to complete a trauma informed training and cultural awareness session which are being delivered by Hopscotch Women’s Centre (2 hours).
Organisations must be able to supply their own tutor and run classes for up to 10-12 people. Ideally, organisations will also need to provide children activities/a creche worker as adults tend to have children with them that they can’t leave alone.
Small grants of up to £3k are available for organisations that are interested in doing this work. For more information, please contact: vcs@camden.gov.uk.

Locality London surgery sessions for community organisations
As part of their City Bridge Trust funded London Spotlight programme, Locality are offering free bite sized ‘surgery’ sessions with their consultancy team.
You can get some valuable insight into topics including: Funding, Local Data, Social Impact and Organisational Health.
For more details and to book your Spotlight session please click here or contact liba.ravindran@locality.org.uk 

Data Entry Volunteer Role with VAC:
Do you have some experience using databases? The VAC Community Links Team is looking for a Data Entry volunteer. As a volunteer you will support the team entering data into our Salesforce database. Training and support available for successful volunteers.
For role description and more information, please contact Mandira Manandhar on 020 7284 6573 or email mmanandhar@vac.org.uk  

VoiceAbility Camden Peer Mentoring Service looking for volunteer peer mentors
Camden Peer Mentoring Service are looking for volunteer peer mentors with personal experience of living with mental health conditions.
Peer mentors use their experiences to support others to achieve positive changes in their lives.
If you’re, a good listener and could spare approx. 6 hours a month, please apply to join our upcoming 4-day training course, on 31st March, 1st, 7th and 8th April 2022 by calling Lucy on 07776 769315 or emailing camden.peermentoring@voiceability.org

Age UK Camden vacancy: Social Prescribing Link Worker
Closing date: 27th March 2022 (5pm)
35 hours per week, 12 months fixed term contract
The Camden Care Navigation and Social Prescribing service is looking to recruit a Social Prescribing Link Worker to join this vibrant team. Their work is supporting Camden adults, operating as a door to services and opportunities, matching people with appropriate support to manage their health and wellbeing.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Age UK Camden vacancy: Finance Director – Interim Cover
Part-time (28 hours per week)
Age UK Camden are recruiting to this post on a permanent basis, we are also looking for an interim cover with immediate availability. (Please specify which contract type you are applying for)
This vital role has overall responsibility for the effective financial management of the Age UK Camden Group (Age UK Camden and its subsidiaries). You will contribute to the overall development of the organisation’s growth and development and be key in the risk management and mitigation.
For more information and to apply, please click here

Latin American House vacancies x2:
Children and Young People Coordinator.
Deadline for applications: Thursday, 31st March 2022
The post holder will be responsible for coordinating, delivering and developing a comprehensive, diverse and inclusive programme of activities, classes and events throughout the year, for children aged 5-16.
For more information and to apply, please click here
Early Years Practitioner to join the team at Menchú Bilingual Nursery.
Deadline for applications: Saturday 30th April 2022
The post holder must possess CACHE or NVQ Level 2 or above
qualification in Childcare Education. It will not be necessary to speak Spanish, although it is desirable.
For more information and to apply, please click here 

Coram’s Fields Nursery Vacancies x2:
Early Year’s Practitioner (Level 2)
Deadline: Monday 28th March
37.5hrs per week:  full-time, part-time, and term-time-only working options.
The Early Years practitioner role is an integral part of Coram’s Fields Nursery providing high quality childcare within our setting, playing an important role in the continuing growth and development of the nursery.
Please visit our website here to download an application form or find out more.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: recruitment@coramsfields.org.uk
Senior Early Year’s Practitioner (Level 3)
Deadline: Monday 28th March
37.5hrs per week:  full-time, part-time, and term-time-only working options.
The Senior Early Years Practitioner (Room Leader) is one of two qualified childcare professionals, responsible for working alongside our Head of Early Years, to ensure the smooth day to day running of Coram’s Fields Nursery. They are the principal link between the Head of Early Years and our talented team of practitioners, coordinating and supervising the work of the team on the ground to create a high quality, stimulating learning environment for all our children.
Please visit our website here to download an application form or find out more.
Applications should be emailed to Ed May: recruitment@coramsfields.org.uk 

Unity Works Vacancy: Adult Community Learning Tutors
Unity Works is a London based charity that supports people with a learning disability gain skills, qualifications and jobs. We are seeking a qualified tutor to support individuals to develop their independence and employability skills.
Tutors will be responsible for setting up and delivering innovative workshop style courses in Camden in an array of subjects including Employability, Health & Wellbeing and IT.
For more information, please click here

Elfrida Rathbone Camden – Trustees Needed
Elfrida Rathbone Camden works to achieve independence, empowerment and personal development for disabled young people, parents and families.  We would love to talk to anyone who can add to the knowledge on our Board especially if you have a connection with the Camden area, experience in the areas of education, HR, safeguarding, special educational needs and disabilities, or use social care services yourself.
We welcome applications from everyone with the relevant skills and/or experience, and will train and support you in the role.
For more information, please click here 

Holborn Community Association vacancies
Holborn Community Association are looking for applications for the following roles:
Digital Arts Workshop Leader (for 8-12 years)
Gymnastics Coaches
More info and to apply please click here 

Volunteering during the pandemic
The latest guidance for Enabling safe and effective volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) is available here
Afghan Refugee Crisis
The Council and VCS continue to work together to help meet the needs of the Afghan Refugees in Camden.  A steering group (led by Hopscotch) meets weekly and there is a database of offers and needs held by the council.  You can donate to the Hopscotch appeal here.  Keep up to date at the council website here.  

£10 Tickets Offer To See BLACK LOVE at Kiln Theatre
The Kiln Theatre are offering an allocation of £10 tickets for their new production Black Love
The £10 tickets (usually £32) are for performances from:
Mon 28th Mar to Sat 9th April at 7.30pm and 2.30pm.
To book please call the Box Office on 020 7328 1000 or click here and use the promocode BID

Free support programme for social enterprises in London

Civil Society Consulting are delivering a free support programme for social enterprises in London.
Funded by the GLA and the Dept for Business Energy and Infrastructure, this ‘Peer Networks’ programme aims to develop social enterprises, equip them with new skills, and connect them to others in a peer support network.
For more information contact: Natasha Ereira-Guyer natasha@civilsocietyconsulting.co.uk

How to Volunteer and How to Recruit Volunteers in Camden
Volunteer in Camden at Time to Spare.
Volunteer for the NHS at GoodSAM.
Join a neighbourhood Mutual Aid group.
Organisations that are signed up to Time to Spare can now request volunteers through a brokerage team making it much easier to access the volunteers. The brokers can help match volunteers with voluntary and community organisations who have a need for verified/ vetted volunteers. The service will also help to verify or carry out new DBS check with volunteers.
Get support and resources from Volunteer Centre Camden
The council has a  page of resources to help community organisations
UCL are looking for new volunteering opportunities to promote to their students.  Visit their info for recruiters page to find out more.

Keep in touch and up-to-date via the e-bulletin and @onecamden twitter.


Got an item for the e-bulletin?
Send your item to social@vac.org.uk by noon on Thursday for publication in the following day’s edition.  The e-bulletin comes out every Friday. Submissions should be 50 – 75 words.  Please send plain text or a format that can be copied (ie not embedded in an image). Send links to documents rather than attachments. Make sure to include contact details.
Ways to Get Involved
Join us on social media
Facebook Facebook
Twitter Twitter
Website Website
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Watch a short video about our work!
Find out more about our work supporting the community and community groups with this short video.
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Greenwood Centre, Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB
Registered Charity Number 880216. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No: 2388150. Registered Office: Belmont Street, London, NW1 8HF

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Ukrainian Response Meeting – Tuesday 15th March, 5pm, via ZOOM

Camden Council would like to invite you to an urgent community meeting to discuss how Camden can support the resettlement of Ukrainian refugees and the wider humanitarian response.

We have all been following the events in Ukraine and devastating humanitarian impact with deep sadness. We know that a large number of people have already been displaced and current intelligence suggests that between 1 million and 5 million Ukrainians could be displaced, although the situation is evolving quickly.

Guidance on the various routes available for Visa support are outlined here. A new ‘Local Sponsorship Scheme’ has been established, which will match people, charities, businesses and community groups to Ukrainians who do not have established families in the country, so they are able to come the UK. Details of the scheme can be found here.

We’d like to hear your views on how Camden might respond to the local sponsorship scheme and about the role you’re able to play in this, and in engaging support for the wider humanitarian response.

We hope that you will be able to attend to provide your valuable insights and input.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 15th March at 5pm. The meeting can be accessed through this Zoom link.

Best wishes,


Cllr Georgia Gould

Leader of Camden Council
