Voluntary Action Camden

24th February Voluntary Action Camden Forum: New Health Inequalities Network & Funding for BAME Orgs

Participants list for this session here
Voluntary Action Camden Forum Presentation

At this forum we spoke about a new fundraising support with BAME organisations in Camden and a new Health Inequalities Network

We also broke up to small groups and discussed 3 question, below are some of the answers that were given:

1. What do you think the priorities of the HI Network should be going forward?

· Small groups struggling – support for these to have a voice
· Organisational Development needed to make a difference.
· Access to funding difficult, so this project is timely
· Organisations just want to exist / continue to exist – many have disappeared in the last 10 years.
· Dispel the idea / current narrative, that smaller community groups are not sustainable because of lack of support

2. What do you want to get from the HIN for your organisation/community?

· Training for volunteers – lots of people in the community with free time who want to help but can’t get access to training.
· Safer recruitment of volunteers – standard and quality of work that’s involved, not any and every one can / should volunteer.
· Technology / digital tech training – most don’t know how to use Zoom / smart devices / have assess / basic web design – pages they can share information.
· Volunteers are another way of getting information out to the community so this needs to be utilised.
· Better connectivity on what’s working / not working with NHS – empty sessions / better promotion of services from GP’s.
· What NHS / Public services are doing currently – a place to get updates and feedback our comments.

3. How do you want to engage with HIN? Type of communications, frequency of meetings etc

· Pandemic highlighted new ways of working, but we still need to meet when we can safely / reconnect.
· Current Zoom meetings days / times / duration not easy for all to engage and we need to find the right balance.
· Virtual meeting fatigue – adding to the problem of mental health.
· People sitting in meeting after meeting talking and nothing gets done.
· Work more in partnership; bigger organisations making bids with smaller, as this is how many have been sustained throughout the pandemic.
· An email hub where we can connect and share / create fundraising ideas / links.
· Trust: faith / cultural leaders connecting in and disseminating information to communities better.

Private Fostering Podcast Jan 2021

Private fostering is an arrangement where a child or young person under the age of 16 is looked after full time for more than 27 days by an adult who is not their parent, step-parent, grandparent or legal guardian.

As part of our Protecting Children in the Community Podcast series, VAC’s Safeguarding Lead Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi talks to Zinah Parekh, Lead Officer in Camden’s Private Fostering Team; about how making arrangements for children to be cared for by someone who is not a close relative, may be a safeguarding concern.

Please see Zinah’s presentation, recourses and booklet for professionals and safeguarding leads:

Private Fostering Presentation 
Private Fostering Professionals Information
Private Fostering Leaflet

For more information about private fostering, to simply get advice or to make a referral, please contact Zinah Parekh directly at Zinah.Parekh@camden.gov.uk

If you are worried a child or young person is at risk or has suffered significant harm, please contact the Children and Families Contact service on: 020 7974 3317 or Email: LBCMASHadmin@camden.gov.uk

Out of office hours (after 5pm, weekends and bank holidays): 020 7974 4444

In cases of an emergency and immediate response, always contact the police on 999

20th January Voluntary Action Camden Forum: General VCS Updates and Latest Funding Opportunities

Happy New Year! 

Participants list for this session here

Voluntary Action Camden Upcoming grants Powerpoint

This forum was an opportunity to update the forum on your all doing as well as a briefing on a selection of the new funds that have launched in the new year as well as an update on the Thriving Communities initiative.

Useful links / Information from the chat:

Kentish Town City Farm – For protected visits, please email simone@ktcityfarm.org.uk

Skills Exchange Project – www.seproject.co.uk

Unity Works – quick update on our services. We support people with a learning disability through Camden and also other parts of London. We have been doing face to face sessions under community, health and wellbeing – though have now taken a three week pause since 6th Jan. Employment support remains through online/calls and we have a full weekly timetable on zoom for people to access plus social media groups.

Citizens Advice Camden – to refer vulnerable Camden residents to Citizens Advice Camden please email contact@camdencabservice.org.uk

West Euston Partnership – link to the WEP Newsletter https://www.westeustonpartnership.org/about-us-2/newsletters/

Likewise – a small creative project, a chance for people to reflect on their experiences of 2020. Please feel free to pass on to people you work with! https://likewise.org.uk/community-projects/different-boats-postcard-project/

Bengali Workers Association – We have a Elderly outreach project for 50+ Bangladeshi residence in Camden running from last year Nov 2020 to refer or more information please contact me, Minara@bwa-surma.org . Also we need support of volunteers so please if anyone can support will be great. We are also going to launch soon another food parcel-programme for families in need due to covid as a result, loss of income and other from South Asian background. Can have referrals and support up to 50 families for more information please do get in contact with me. Would love to work together and see where there are gaps.

Camden Carers Service – If you are in contact with any unpaid carers; family of friends please refer them to us info@camdencarers.org.uk. We have lots of services to support all unpaid carers aged 18+ Many people are finding themselves new to the caring role as a result of family/friends contacting COVID /long term COVID

POHWER – details are: www.pohwer.net contact details are: 0300456 2370 or pohwer@pohwer.net

Working Men’s College providing Free employability, arts and crafts, cookery, ESOL classes. Interested in making partnerships to offer these services to community centres/charities etc. Particularly interested in hearing from other organisations who would like to ‘progress’ their clients onto accredited employability longer courses. Please email: patriciat@wmcollege.ac.uk

Community Champions Kentish Town – is a volunteer led health and wellbeing project and we are hosting our first welcome and training session on Feb 3rd online. All volunteers will be supported and make a difference in their local community – all will receive their own tailored development plan and other benefits. Please get in touch if you know anybody local to Kentish Town who would benefit from volunteering and are passionate about their community. james@elfridacamden.org.uk (sister projects happening in Kilburn and Regent’s Park estate – I can forward all referrals for these areas)

Lifeafterhummus Community Benefit Society –  Providing weekly food parcels to circa 75 homes a week. We are taking on board another 25 homes. We are focusing on homes that have been hit financially by the pandemic. Referrals can be done on www.lifeafterhummus.com , my email is Farrah@lifeafterhummus.com – We currently have 50+ local volunteers who help us to collect surplus from 45 stores locally, saving us £450 a week. Happy to share how we do this, contact us for a chat with our Food Surplus Logistics Coordinator. We are particularly keen on connecting on employability.

COVID-19 Recovery Loan Reopens for England’s Cultural Organisations

About the Fund

Grants between £25,000 and £3 million to help cultural organisations transition back to a viable and sustainable operating model during April-June 2021.

Loans of £1 million or over to support costs that are part of a plan to achieve financial sustainability and/or increase organisational resilience. Funding can only cover the period up to 31 March 2022.

More Details

Please click here for more details.

Thriving Communities

About the Fund

The Thriving Communities Fund will support local voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise projects that bring together place-based partnerships to improve and increase the range and reach of available social prescribing community activities – especially for those people most impacted by COVID 19 and health inequalities.

More Details

Please click here for more details.


They are expected to commence on 15 March 2021, and end on 31 March 2022.

16th December Voluntary Action Camden Forum: Why Neighbourhoods Matter

Participants list for this session here

Aim: To look at the purpose of the neighbourhoods agenda and build the knowledge of the VCS

Powerpoint 1 VAC Forum Powerpoint
Powerpoint 2  Community Connectedness
Powerpoint 3 Camden ICP Presentation
Powerpoint 4 Social Care Neighbourhoods

Useful Links :

NHS Strategy – Integrating care: Next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England
LB Camden ASC Strategy: Supporting people, connecting communities
Notes of the VCS Partners Meeting Neighbourhoods discussion
Kingsfund Guide to Integrated Care Systems

3 questions made during a break out room discussion:

Q1. What are the opportunities for health/social care/VCS to connect people with activities/services?

Brendan – CDA – Focus a lot on people who are already unwell. Prevention is a big part and many people are going about their normal lives so are not linked up with health/care/VCS orgs

Lots of people who do not know about VCS orgs or are not confident about using a VCS organisation. This can be a barrier.

Maddie – Question the Winch are asking!! Who are the first person they go to when they need help? Not health and care organisations (or VCS), but relatives. How do we changes this mindset?

Beneficiaries can become attached to one organisation rather than going to new support organisations. Often VCS have to help people make those connections. Can there be greater collaboration.

Camden is a big borough. Can be a challenge to understand the lay of the land.

People have their definition of where they belong and do not know what we mean by neighbourhoods or community.

Person-Centeredness – Often the first part, about engaging with someone about what they want for their health and care/support. But it does not always get carried through or the system does not manage a person’s expectation about what is actually possible.

VCS spend a lot of time with people and have a lot time to understand what people are saying and want. This can be lost when people are having short/one-off conversations with other colleagues (health and social care).

VCS engagement with this agenda is likely to be at neighbourhood level and practical. ‘Who do I talk to?’ e.g. having key contacts in e.g. social care, health etc would be of useful.

Communications are key: favoured central channels which can be cascaded.
Mentioned Greenwich CCG setting up a what’s app broadcast group for messages to be shared.
Other suggestions were a periodic newsletter
Larger organisations are key to helping share information with smaller organisations.
Can’t forget the voice of the resident
Need engagement at PCN level.
Focus on real people, they don’t understand how this fits together – how can we better facilitate this? People need to develop the priorities, both neighbourhood and strategic.
Developing peer support
Remember to include everyone in engagement including young people.
Commissioning at a local level need to ensure this happens through ICS/ICP.
How can help people move between opportunities, accepting DBS checks done by other organisations.
Opportunities to engage more because on Zoom etc. Although mindful of digital divide.
Shared training, DBS checks, help people with setting projects up (templates, documents etc).
How do we include people who are not placed based: students, homeless, people who move frequently. Opportunities for virtual groups.

Q2. Other things VCS should do to engage with this agenda? – Council routes? NHS routes?

What is the expectation on VCS organisations to get them together and engage. Lots of VCS organisations do not have the funding/resources to bring people together. This can mean that those that do have resource are the organisations that have their voices heard.

No Disabled persons organisations, community centres, young people’s voices on ICP.

Voluntary organisations have a lot of knowledge and valuable information to be fed into the strategy

Commissioning doesn’t currently fit a sa way of resourcing VCS support – not straightforward service / activity delivery, lots of additional aspects. More holistic / lifestyle change culture. Commissioners need to understand VCS offer and value.

Comes down to communication again. Perhaps a separate newsletter.
Sharing models of good practice.
Need to be mindful of targeting engagement – numerous interdependencies in ICP, want to join up on approaches to VCS and residents so less impact on time.
Issues around co-production. Can’t be just a tick box exercise.
How does NCL work together – models of care/examples of what worked – build on this best practice.
Importance of trust.
Mapping what VCS offer including knowledge, skills and training. Capturing these skills. City and Hackney paper? Example of how this has been done.
Who is responsible for integrating and co-ordinating this work? Communicating that the Terms of Reference for the Health and Wellbeing has changed. How are voluntary representatives chosen? Who is accountable and how do they work with everyone?

Q3. Things that VAC could do to help that engagement?

Kate – Do organisations know who each other are?

Can VAC do more to provide a way to inform VCS organisations of each other and their offer.

Joint directories of service

Maybe most important aspect is how VAC facilitate the capturing of residents voices, who are, ultimately the beneficiary of the services and support.

VAC needs more support from statutory bodies, council CCG in representing the sector.

Data – better sharing, funding it, structuring it and telling the stories around it. VAC could hold a session on this and share experience e.g. what works to engage and influence in this environment.
Messages need to be practical, simple, welcoming, transparent, inclusive. Role for VAC in this.
Understanding that these things will mean different things to do different people.
Using other partners when VAC can’t attend meetings.

National Lottery Grants for Heritage Opens for Phase 1 Applications

About the Fund

As part of our continued response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, we are reopening our National Lottery Grants for Heritage to support organisations working with heritage to adapt and respond to the changing environment they are now operating in.

More Details

Please click here for more details.

Introduction to Google Workspace Workshop Video and Notes

Following on from the session we ran on using Office 365 earlier this year, we will now turn to the other key player in the market place – Google Workspace.

This workshop will introduce you to Google Workplace (also known as GCloud, Suite) and some of the key applications that facilitate remote working and collaboration. Using a live demo, we will show you what Google Workspace is and what it does, with a deep dive into some of its main applications, including:

We will cover:

  • What is google (company, browser, search engine, workspace)
  • Components of workspace and what you can do with it
  • The costs and deals for not-for profits
  • Roundup of other google things (that they probably already use)

Workshop Resources

Introduction to SharePoint Workshop Video and Notes

Following on from the session we ran on using Office 365 earlier this year, this one-hour session will take a look at using SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams as an online space for storing and accessing your documents remotely.
What we will cover:
  • Benefits of moving your files online.
  • An introduction to OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams
  • Different approaches to file storage within the Office 365 platform.
  • Setting up your online file space.

This workshop is delivered in partnership with Voluntary Action Camden, Voluntary Action Islington and the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists . Data about your booking will be shared between Voluntary Action Camden and Voluntary Action Islington for monitoring purposes only.

Additional Resources

Workshop Notes

Out of School Setting Podcast


Podcast Link between VAC’s Safeguarding lead Dianne Carlton-Ogunyemi, Suzie Yassin and Jane Murphy from Camden here:

The National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE) is a strategic and support organisation for community-led supplementary schools and the wider community education sector across England. We are a national champion for excellence, innovation and partnership in out-of-school settings.

To access support and training you can subscribe through the NRCSE website


The National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE) in Partnership with John Lyon’s Charity and Young People’s Foundations, is launching a webinar series entitled ‘London’s Out of School Settings Rise to the Challenge’. Presented by and for London’s diverse out-of-school settings offering educational opportunities to children and young people in the capital, these webinars will be of interest to all those working with community organisations to supplement children’s education.

This three-part webinar series is an opportunity to hear from invited speakers and out-of-school settings about how to meet the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic and adapt to new ways of working. Each webinar will offer practical ideas, advice and best practice with a chance to ask questions. (add poster)

OOSS Webinar One: Adapting to Lockdown and Restrictions

Wednesday 2nd December 2020

11:00 – 12:00

Register FREE: https://oosswebinarone.eventbrite.co.uk

OOSS Webinar Two: Safe and Effective Delivery

Thursday 3rd December 2020

11:00 – 12:00

Register FREE: https://oosswebinartwo.eventbrite.co.uk

OOSS Webinar Three: ‘Looking to the Future’ and Funding

Thursday 10th December 2020

11:00 – 12:00

Register FREE: https://oosswebinarthree.eventbrite.co.uk


Out-of-school settings, like other parts of the sector, should be following Government’s updated “Protective measures for after-school clubs and other out-of-school settings” and encouraging others, such as parents with children that would usually attend their settings, to do the same.

To find out how the current National restrictions are affecting out-of-school settings . Click on this link
The Department for Education (DfE) has published a new safeguarding code of practice to help providers of clubs, tuition and activities for children understand their safeguarding responsibilities, based on current legal requirements and what is considered to be good safeguarding practice.

The guidance encourages providers to review their practices under 4 sections:

health and safety
child protection and safeguarding
suitability of staff and volunteers
In addition, the DfE has published guidance for parents and carers to help them choose a safer setting for their child. Providers are encouraged to proactively speak to parents about safeguarding and support them in answering any questions they may have about their policies.


Camden Learning supports out-of-school settings through the Camden Supplementary Schools Forum which meets termly (currently via Zoom). To register for upcoming forums or for further support, email suzie.yassin@camden.gov.uk or jane.murphy@camden.gov.uk
